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tommy-kitty · 7 years ago
Sportarobbie 3B please
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virfujiwara · 8 years ago
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“And I don't care what you think of me Greed - money greedy Gold - dirty money Feel no shame, you take the blame No means nothing to me” @guacamolefluff
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gayzytown · 8 years ago
Your dog is so cute!!! May I request Robbie and Sugarpie napping together? :-D
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ty !!!! c: here are some boys snoozin for you !! c: this was a lot of fun 2 draw ty !!
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robbiewithhisrottenplan · 8 years ago
send me a “hey” and i will put my itunes on shuffle and give you a 10 song playlist
1. Kiss the Girl - The Little Mermaid
2. Achy Breaky Heart - Billy Ray Cyrus
3. Getting to Know You - Bing Crosby
4. Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now - Cats Can’t Dance
5. Boogie Fever - The Sylvers
6. When I’m Sixty Four - The Beatles
7. If You’re Going Through Hell - Rodney Atkins
8. Hit Me With Your Best Shot - Pat Benatar
9. A Day for the Cat in the Hat - Seussical the Musical
10. Chattahoochee - Alan Jackson 
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poploppege · 7 years ago
Secret Friend Day  2.0 List
Please read the entire thing before asking questions or addressing concerns!
you could be looking at this post for one of 4 reasons.
1. You were tagged in it
2. I sent it to you 
3. You are interested in the going ons on secret friend day 2.0
4. You follow me and this was on your dash
If you are only in category 4, go ahead and keep on scrolling, this is of no interest to you
If you are in catagory 3, please make sure your name is on the list under the read more if you wanted to participate (if it is not there, please contact me and let me know) (information here) ,  if you don’t want to participate, keep reading if you want, although this will be mostly information for people who are.
If you are in catagories 1 and/or 2, keep reading. you are the participants of Secret Friend Day 2.0.
If i have made a mistake and you do not want to participate, again, please contact me and let me know.
If i was correct, and you do want to do this, reply or reblog to this post with a single emoji of your choice or a ‘~’. this is so i can make sure everyone is on board and that i don’t send out names of people who don’t want to participate. I will not start the event until everyone has done so.
The following is directed only at the participants
secondly, please open your asks to anons so that your secret friend can asks questions.
finally, i am going to give 10 days as a starting point for discussion on how long we should give our secret friends to make their gifts. if you believe this is too short or long of a time frame, feel free to reply or reblog here  (not this post!) with your concerns to that we can find an amount of time that’s good for everyone. also, please note that if anyone needs it, we can unexpectedly extend the deadline one or two days. please wait until I’ve made an “all clear” post to make the post with your secret friend’s gift in it.
if you have any questions or concerns please contact me directly or make a separate post (AKA just don’t reblog or reply to this post with them_
under the read more is the list of people participating, if you’re interested.
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spoilerostingy · 8 years ago
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@guacamolefluff your sinister au is coolio
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comrade-rat · 7 years ago
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I worked so hard and I’m so happy with the result, I hope that my secret friend likes it just as much! Here you are! @guacamolefluff
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kirionic · 8 years ago
I be tagged :0
Taggy by @psycho-moose-sammy Go to this place! (www.random.org/lists/)
Type in 15 characters from whatever fandom or other things you like and click that randomize button!! Write down that order, then comes the fun part
Tag 5 or more peeps so they can do this too!! Mom/Dad: Kirby (HAHAHAHAHA) Sibling: Ellie Williams (!!!!!!!) Grandparent: Sportacus (i have a sportself as a grandparent omg-) Haunts You: Rodea the Sky Soldier (i mean. if it’s the game I’m talking about then it is true, being stuck on the final boss haunts me ;U;) Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Natsu Dragneel (i do feel bad for Lucy, but Gray?! Poor Gray :’( ) Ex: Clementine, (it’s ok she’s with Gabe) Best Friend: Robbie Rotten (JDKFLSJLFPN) Proposed to you: Bendy (oh my cod why) Boss: Luigi (???
i’m cool with it) Random person you met at a bar: Lee Everett (seems legit) Rival: Toon Link (fITE ME-) First Kiss: Metal Sonic (ok….ok ok
if this was gr 5 all over again i’d be fangirling so hard) Drunk and singing karaoke with: Shizuo Heiwajima (TRUE) Play 7 Minutes in Heaven with: Izaya Orihara (never heard of this song but it sounds like listening to this with Izaya is just) Gave your favorite dessert to you: Marie from Squid Sisters (either that or she took it all for herself) ¿i tag? @guacamolefluff @vianix @caramelcakepops @shoelace-and-friends @spobforpresident @sportscandysupervisor @robbielosthiscake @robbierottenwiki @scrungass @deweyart @cute-wolfgirl154 @moku-chan018 @senshiofthewild @melilossa @sportaflips @iwasntscared @sportacusisgay @seantribbiani @morgan-animations @xxdoodisxx @tylermcnamer @demoberryjpn @gamerfan64 @woomyhitsu @statyski @musical-apples @brittoodles
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multishipper-baby · 6 years ago
Just so you know, the kid in my drawing you reblogged is called Turtz. He's actually an official fusion of Turles and Raditz :D
Yeah, I've heard about him being in that one fusion game whose name I've forgotten... If this about me tagging his as a fankid then don't worry, I did it for organization purposes, not bc I thought he was actually an OC XD
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tommy-kitty · 7 years ago
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You ever feel like something ain’t right in LazyTown... and the walls are starting to stretch downwards... be careful. And check your pockets~
Inspiration from @guacamolefluff‘s LazyTown Au of Stingy Sinister
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virfujiwara · 5 years ago
The other year: *Listens to the penny dreadful soundtrack* ah yes fuel for @guacamolefluff 's future AU
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poploppege · 7 years ago
Time to post your gifts!
Make a post (do not submit it to me) with your content that you made for your secret friend and tag them in it. Don’t forget to put ‘secret friend day 2.0′ in the tags so we can all look through and enjoy!
(Below the cut is everyone being tagged)
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spoilerostingy · 7 years ago
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@guacamolefluff this is so sweet! and i’d love to make a speedpaint sometime if enough people are interested :D 
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virfujiwara · 7 years ago
Buddy buds and ppl all around! I wanna make a viewing party of JE, when are you guys free? @ghostofanonpast @robbielosthiscake @lowkey-vrbada @midnight-shriek @indigowallbreaker @regards-ohshean @sportacuzz @guacamolefluff 
Especially the succs in general, always
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virfujiwara · 6 years ago
I miss @guacamolefluff so much! If you come back at some point and see this I just wanna say I adore you buddy!
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virfujiwara · 7 years ago
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“I'm not, not gonna lie I think, think I could die happy, happy, happy in his eyes” I keep thinking that the one person who would backstab him would be her, I don’t think she thinks she’s made to be a #2, but I guess she doesn’t do it cuz they take care of each other Future AU belongs to @guacamolefluff
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