#gtg now i have finals to study for
Thinking about Desmond and the gang in a modern au😋
Desmond successfully secured a job at a local coffee shop in town, it has relatively nice pay, easy to do, and he needed a distraction between his classes. Yet besides the rush hour or lunch, he has nothing to do, really. Luckily today was the day the supervisor watched the work in the shop (he despises these days), so he has to run around acting like he's actually getting work done for three hours.
He swept the floor three times, mopped twice, and reorganized the already organized creamers and sugars. Every time he finished a task, the supervisor would nod to him with a smile and walk off to hover he other co-workers. Finally it was his break, he pulled out a sandwich and sat at a table in the back near the far window, while eating his very dry turkey and cheese (he didn't add mayo because he forgot to buy some more) he got a text.
Group of idiots
*Becca* 10:00
>what time are u guys done with classes today????
>let's get food!😋
*Lulu* 10:01
>well I don't get out of class until 11, and I really need to catch up on work Bec.
*Stickintheass* 10:03
>rebecca, unlike you, some people have work to do. I have to finish my paper tonight.
*Becca* 10:05
>booooo, u guys are no fun. Des?🙏🏽
>don't leave me hanging😢
Desmond let out a chuckle before replying
*Dessyboy* 10:07
>I wish, but I'm stuck at work till 12😔
*Becca* 10:08
>UGHHHH I can't believe u guys😩
>wait I got an idea
>what about a study date kinda thing?
*Stickintheass* 10:08
>Absolutely not. Every time we do a "study date," you always end up distracting me and I get no work done. Plus you don't even study.
*Becca* 10:09
>I swear I'll do work the time, pinky promiseeeeee.
*Stickintheass* 10:10
*Becca* 10:11
>So is that a yessss?????
*Stickintheass* 10:12
>fine. I'll go.
*Becca* 10:12
>Lu we'll meet up with u at 11 and then we'll go to des's job to mess with him until he's off work.
*Lulu* 10:14
>I gtg, talk later
*Dessyboy* 10:15
>hey I didn't agree yet
*Shaun* 10:16
>you don't have too, you're going. If I have to suffer, you have to too. Plus, I don't think Rebecca will let you off the hook.
*Dessyboy* 10:16
Sighing, he threw away his trash and got back to doing the same thing over and over again until his friends arrived. While fake sweeping for what felt like the 50th time, the bell above the door jingled, and in walked Shaun, Rebecca, and Lucy. Rebecca waved with much enthusiasm while Shaun rolled his eyes. Lucy chuckled and shook her head at the two, they always irritate eachother, despite living together and studying the same field.
They sit at a booth and talk amongst themselves quietly as Desmond walks over.
"Hey guys, how's your life besides mine?"
Rebecca chuckled "yo des, im great actually, why do you make it seem like you're in hell right now?"
"Because I am. I've been repeating the same tasks for 3 hours trying to make it seem like I'm actually doing something."
"Well dont worry, you'll be off soon. It's only 30 more minutes." Shaun states.
And like Shaun said, the 30 minutes seemed to fly by. He was soon hanging his apron in his locker, grabbing his bag, and leaving the employees' only room.
"Finally free from hell guys, so where are we going?" He adjusts him backpack straps.
"Ummmm we haven't actually established that yet. What about the little Ceasars a few blocks down?"
Shaun groaned "Rebecca we ate there last week."
"It won't hurt to eat there again. It's pizza of course. Oh and let's walk, the fall weather is nice at this time."
The group left the coffee shop and started the walk to the local little Cesars they eat at every other week. None of them actually want to eat there, but it's cheap, and they haven't done any grocery shopping yet. Upon walking in, the group gets hit with the smell of fresh pizza. Desmonds stomach growls as a reaction, all he had was that dry turkey sandwich way earlier in his shift, so he was practically starving.
Once more, they pick a booth big enough to fit them all. Ordering a large pepperoni, they chow down on it while "studying" (writing down things and forgetting about it).
"Sooooo how's classes going for you guys?" Lucy questions to break the silence of them stuffing pizza in their faces.
Desmond is quick to complain, "Ugh, don't even get me started on my professor, biggest asshole on the planet. On top of that, I have a final due soon."
"Sucks to be you, my friend. Me on the other, I completed my final yesterday so I am free from the pain and suffering of work and worries." Rebecca laughs
Shaun glances down at his watch, sighing upon seeing the time. "I'll have to make my leave soon. After noon classes."
"Seriously? But we just got here!"
"Rebecca, it's been two hours. Plus, you weren't studying anyway, and we have the same class to attend idiot."
"Ah. Right," she rubs the back of her neck sheepishly.
"I'll leave with you guys," Lucy quips. "I to have afternoon classes."
Desmond sighs at this, giving all his friends a hug before they are off to class again, leaving him bored.
"Bye guys...."
"Desmond, stop making that face, we're literally all roommates. We'll see you later tonight." Rebecca pinches his cheek and runs after Shaun and Lucy, who are already in the car.
Group of idiots
*Dessyboy* 2:03
>it was fun being able to hang out again😿
*Stickintheass* 2:04
>God stop with the dramatics, we'll see you later.
*Dessyboy* 2:04
>but still, I'm bored now
*Lulu* 2:05
>des, there is plenty to do around here. And why are you texting us already, we just left.
*Dessyboy* 2:05
*Becca* 2:06
>all love dessy😚
*Dessyboy* 2:07
>love you guys too
>oh by the way, can someone please go to the store later and pick up some mayo?
>Lu? Becca? Shaun?
>guys please I'm tired of eating a dry turkey and cheese for lunch 😭
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taumoeba · 3 years
anyways all this to say that i find it so funny/wholesome that different states/areas/groups within the same area can all have different vocabularies just depending on who they spend their time around. i have been saying "ldoc" (el-doc) in place of "last day of class" since i was 16 and its crazy to me that other people literally dont know what im talking about when i bring it up
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hydrangeadragon · 3 years
.lil life update
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: TOO META, m*sturbation, mentions of s*x
Requested: nope
Summary: I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me... Y/N Y/L/N writes Marvel fanfictions. One day, Sebastian stumbles upon her account and, unable to help himself, reads all the stuff she has written about him. He didn't mean to fall so hard for her but he does. How can he not? She has shown him parts of himself that he never even knew existed.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! Okay so a few weeks ago I read a similar (but dark) fanfic and I really wanted to write a softer version of it... Enjoy!
Same old, boring routine.
Y/N hit post and slumped against the headrest of her bed, sighing. She waited; a minute, then two passed and she noticed that someone had liked her post. She smiled to herself as she kept her phone away. Though boring, she wouldn't trade her life for the world. Y/N… well, she was a university student first and foremost but she was also a writer.
Being a big fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she had started writing fanfictions a few years ago. She posted them on Tumblr, where her blog, though not very well-known, stood out enough for her posts to get around 800-1000 likes per post. She loved it; she loved writing, she loved posting her stories and especially, she loved the feedback.
Sometimes people were rude, but most times, the reviews she got were fantastic. She read each and every one of them, smiling goofily as people freaked out over her fanfictions. It warmed her heart. A smile automatically blooming on her face, Y/N lay down on the bed and decided to go to sleep, it being almost 3 am.
Unbeknownst to her, someone else was up at the same time, tossing and turning in his bed, restless.
Sebastian sighed as he sat up, running a hand through his hair. He drank some water and lay down again, closing his eyes but it was like sleep was mad at him. Refused to be anywhere near him. He groaned to himself and picked up his phone from the nightstand, deciding to go through Instagram, hoping he'd finally fall asleep to the glare of the screen.
As he logged into his account, he skipped the activity page and went straight to the explore page. Bored, he continued scrolling until his eyes landed on a specific photo. And the breath escaped his lungs when he clicked on it; the woman in the picture was absolutely gorgeous. He just couldn't resist going to her page, smiling widely when he read her bio.
It gave him her basic information; her name, her age, the university she attended. But what caught his eye was the link below the bio. My Marvel Fanfictions Master List. Marvel fanfictions? She was a writer? Smirking, he clicked on the link and it took him to Tumblr. Of course, he'd heard of the site, but didn't have an account on there. At 3 am, his mind sure wasn't working right.
A post popped up on the screen, the same master list she had mentioned earlier. And his eyes bulged out of their sockets; damn, those are a lot of fanfictions. He went through the whole thing, smirking again when he noticed that she had written the most fanfictions about him. Not Bucky Barnes, no, Sebastian Stan.
He clicked on the first one. The date of posting was way back, in 2019. He started reading; nothing about it felt weird to him; he was intrigued, if anything. And as he continued reading, he couldn't help but imagine her being in the stead of the female protagonist. Her, the writer. The woman whose picture had made him end up reading in the first place.
When he finished the story, his heart thudded wildly in his chest. Wow, she really has a way with words. And he had also noticed how in the author's note, she used a lot of slang but reading the story had made him realize that she had an amazing, extensive vocabulary. He went back to the master list and clicked on the latest post under his name.
Posted: 15 minutes ago.
His breath hitched in his throat when he read the warnings: there was going to be sexual intercourse in this one. For one moment, he hesitated; did he really want to read this? "Oh fuck it," he huffed and scrolled, starting to read. The more he read, the more his shaft twitched in his pants. He wasn't really like that during… but oh damn, he wasn't complaining.
"Oh, Seb…"
His hand slid down and he rubbed himself through his boxers, unable to take his eyes off the text in front of him. His strokes got harder and faster as the sex got steamier. "Ungh, I'm gonna cum—" And he suddenly came in his boxers, groaning. Slumping down on the bed, he quickly finished reading the rest of it, going back to the master list.
He took a screenshot with the account's name in it and then went back to her Instagram account to take another screenshot. Keeping his phone away, he slipped out of his boxers, cleaned himself and pulled the covers on top of him, finally feeling tired enough to fall asleep.
Y/N was walking across the campus of her university, going to the cafeteria when her phone buzzed in her pocket. Taking it out, she opened Tumblr to read the message someone had sent her just then.
his-username: Hi there! I was binging your account last night, you write really well
your-username: Omg thank you!!!! I really appreciate it, I love getting feedback! 🥺❤
his-username: You're welcome! Especially your latest post, that was really good ;)
your-username: hehe 😈 glad you liked it!
Smiling widely, she kept her phone away and continued walking, not knowing that the person who had texted her was the same man she had written about. Sebastian smiled to himself when he read her text. After getting up in the morning, the first thing he had done was install Tumblr on his phone. Then he made an account for himself.
Figuring out the app was easy; he found out that there was an option to keep your liked posts and the accounts you followed hidden, and selected it immediately. No one needed to know what he did on the app. Then he went back to her account, pressed the follow button and started binge-reading her fanfictions again. Last night had he read only two, and that had left him wanting more.
Funny how much things can change in a night. He liked and reblogged all her posts without a second thought; he even read all her Bucky Barnes posts. She understood his character so well, put him on what he thought was an undeserved pedestal while writing about him. Some of the stories were AUs, which he found out stood for Alternate Universes. Mostly mobster or mafia stuff.
He had the day off, and he spent the entire time cooped up in his apartment, on his bed, reading. The more he read, the more he started fawning over her, over the version of him that she put out to the world. Dominating, suave and just perfect. He loved it. At the end of the day, he decided to text her again, hoping she wouldn't think he was weird or find out the truth.
his-username: do you wanna be friends, maybe? I'm new to the app, don't really have any friends here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That was a lie, he knew Mark Ruffalo had an active Tumblr account. But it's not like he could tell him.
your-username: Yes sure!!!! I was also thinking of making some friends on this app lol
his-username: You don't have any on here? But you've been here for years, haven't you?
your-username: haha yeah, but I don't really reach out to people much. Sometimes people leave their feedbacks on my posts, text me but that's that
his-username: Ohhh
his-username: well, let's start with names. Mine's Sebastian
your-username: Really?????? omg that's so cool lmaooooooo (didn't think you were a boy but 😳👀)
his-username: Not a boy, I'm a man 😤😂
your-username: 🤣 im y/n, btw
his-username: Y/N, that's a nice name
your-username: thank you!!!! So, what do you do?
his-username: nothing really that interesting, I'm in theatre
your-username: theatre is nice! I'm studying at [university] in New York lmao
his-username: Wait you're in New York? So am I!
your-username: ASDFHKSHKGF that's awesome!!! also I noticed that you've been going through my account the whole day 😏 notifications upon notifications keeping my phone busy
his-username: Oopsie?
your-username: 😂😂 I really don't mind, it was great! Despite the amount of likes on my posts, I only have a few loyal followers lmao gaining one more felt nice
your-username: You a big fan of Sebastian Stan? Cuz I noticed that you were only reading his and Bucky's fics 👀
Sebastian's face heated up.
his-username: kinda yeah 🤷🏻‍♂️😁
your-username: Cool cool cool, I'm a big fan of his too!!!! also got a crush on him but whatever 😳
Sebastian smirked at his phone. A crush on him, huh? That… was acceptable. He suddenly felt his cocky side coming out; the one she described in nearly all her fanfictions.
his-username: wouldn't blame ya, I mean, look at him. You have also written the most fics about him and Bucky
your-username: right????? damn that man has raised my standards. Anyway, I gtg now, I have to finish a paper before midnight. ttyl!
his-username: Bye! 👋🏻
He kept his phone away and took in a deep breath. This was the most fun he had had in years, and he was not letting her go so easy. He realized he was quickly falling for her; rather unhealthy, but he couldn't help it. Look at her. She looks like a goddamn angel, writes like one, makes him feel like one, do you really expect him not to fall for her? That's insane.
Months passed by like a breeze. Y/N and Sebastian had become very good friends, and he knew his way around words just enough to keep her from finding out his identity while not lying to her. Y/N also appreciated his friendship, because he was the one to whom she could rant about her most favorite man in the world— Sebastian Stan.
Sometimes, she thought about how weird of a coincidence it was that her new friend and the actor shared the same names, but then she used to brush it off; that was a common name, right? They talked for hours on end; Sebastian (her friend, not the actor) was extremely witty, smart and fun to talk to, she had to admit. Sebastian felt the same way.
His feelings had worsened. Y/N entirely owned his heart now. Somedays, he'd just go on Instagram, go to her account— her username memorized by him— and stare at her photos until he grew tired; he'd never get tired of looking at her beautiful face but his stiff body afterwards begged to differ. She was just so Elysian. He longed for the moment when he could meet her in real life.
His personality had also changed majorly, and people had caught on. Especially his Marvel co-stars, who knew him to be introverted, shy and, in Anthony Mackie's words, "boring". They were surprised at his sudden change in attitude; he knew his worth and Y/N had helped tremendously in finding it. Now, all those adjectives that she used in her fanfictions fit him perfectly.
Sebastian was never tempted to read fanfictions about himself from authors other than Y/N. No, he only loved her work. He was sure no one else could write as beautifully as she did, he was her #1 fan. Y/N even sent him funny Marvel memes she found on the app and he used to enjoy them heartily; God, the others have no idea what they're missing out on. Our fans are awesome.
Everything was going well.
Until one day.
Sebastian was getting bored at home, so he decided to go to the nearby library to clear his mind. He had read not one book in the past few months, hung up on Y/N's fanfictions. At this point, he was obsessed with her and he knew it. It was nothing dark, per se, it was— it was similar to how Y/N was attracted to Sebastian. How she was a fan of his work.
Just the same. He was a fan of her work in the same way. Just how she was attracted to him, he was attracted to her. Walking into the library that he visited often, he gave the librarian a smile and ventured further into the dark place. He checked his watch; the library closed at 12 am, it was currently 9:30 pm.
Not many people were around, heck, nobody was around. He thought himself to be all alone until he heard it. A sigh, coming from a few aisles away. He walked in that direction and peeked around the corner, freezing when he saw the other person. Y/N? Her books were strewn all across the table as she sat alone at the booth, rubbing her temples.
"You okay?"
She looked up and her breath caught in her throat. I'm dreaming. This is not real. Now I know for a fact that Sebastian Stan is not standing in front of me, asking me if I'm— "Hello?" He snapped his fingers in front of her face, pulling her out of her thoughts. "I, uh— I'm— h-hi," she stammered and he almost chuckled. "Hi." She gulped visibly and blinked at the table, not meeting his eyes.
"Can I have a seat?" He wants to sit with me?! "Y-Yes, sure, sir," she blurted out and he easily slid into the booth next to her. "Hey, please, call me Sebastian. What's your name?" He gave her a friendly smile, even though all he wanted to do was push her back into the booth and kiss her wildly. His shaft twitched just by thinking about it; Y/N was a thousand times more beautiful in person.
"I'm Y/N, it's very nice to meet you, I'm… I'm a fan," she admitted, playing with the ring she wore on her left thumb. I'm your fan too, sweetheart, the biggest one. "Y/N, nice name. You come here often? I haven't really seen you around." She shook her head. "Oh no no, I moved to this part of the city just a week ago, this is my first time here. The library is cozy," she shrugged, easing out of her tense position.
Sebastian nodded. "Yes, I know, this place is awesome. Got all my favorite books here," he chuckled and she smiled at him. "What's all this?" A groan left her lips. "Ugh, stupid university work. I have to write a book report but I don't even know what to write about." He smiled gently. "Well, I have a few favorite books, would you like some suggestions?"
"Oh, please! Tell me!"
He started listing some of his favorite works and Y/N noted the names down until he said the last name. At that, she froze. That's the name of my latest— She looked up but he had a smile on his face. "Oh, and the last one is by my favorite author." He took a pause. "Y/N Y/L/N." She froze completely, staring at the man with her jaw dropped.
Sebastian grinned. "We finally meet, Y/N, I've been waiting for months." Her mouth opened and closed several times as she recalled every interaction she had had with her online best friend— scratch that— her celebrity crush. All the times she had confessed her love for Sebastian Stan, all the dirty and inappropriate memes that she'd sent him…
Embarrassment flooded her entire body as she exhaled shakily. "It was you," she croaked out, "On Tumblr, the account— I'm so sorry—" Sebastian frowned in confusion when she blinked back sudden tears, a few still rolling down her cheeks as shame replaced embarrassment. "Y/N, please don't cry…" She looked up at him, his figure blurry due to her tears.
"You've read everything, haven't you? I just— I'm sorry, I don't want to make you uncomfortable—" He pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. Y/N couldn't hug back, though she appreciated the hug especially since it came from him. "You don't know how much you mean to me, doll," he mumbled into her shoulder, using the nickname she often used in the stories she wrote about him. He grew accustomed to it easily.
He pulled away to wipe her tears. "It was an accident," he admitted, "But I stumbled onto your Instagram account from my explore page. Then I clicked on your account, saw that you wrote Marvel fanfictions and I just couldn't resist the urge to read what you had written. Blame it on 3 am me, to be honest. You're a great writer, and I was immediately drawn to your works. They're awesome.
"They've helped me so much in the past few months. You see this changed attitude that everyone's been talking about lately? All because of you, sweetheart. I'm sorry for keeping my identity secret, but after reading your works, I knew I had to get closer to you. I made the Tumblr account just for you, just so I could talk to you. I'm sorry for lying, but thank you."
Y/N dumbfoundedly stared at him for a few moments, her heart beat getting steady with each thump. Here was a man she admired, loved more than anyone else in the world, telling her that he harbored the same feelings for her. How crazy was that?! Not trusting her words, she simply pulled him into another hug. Sebastian wrapped his arms tight around her, pulling her flush against him.
"Can I kiss you, doll?"
She slowly pulled away from him and nodded, shyly biting her lip. Grinning at the endearing gesture, Sebastian cupped her face and leaned in, gently pressing his lips to hers. The kiss grew hungry in a matter of seconds, and Y/N responded just as eagerly. His hands slid down to her waist and tugged on it, pulling her on his lap. She straddled his thighs as they continued kissing.
"Fuck," he groaned when they finally pulled away from each other, out of breath and panting. "You see what you do to me, doll?" Sebastian spoke huskily as he took her hand, placing it right on top of the tent that was forming in his pants. "Oh," Y/N whimpered when she felt him, the sound going straight to his shaft. "How about I take you home and we recreate some of the scenes from your stories, hm?"
"Good girl."
A/N: What a meta experience 🤡 Leave a like if you enjoyed, thanks for reading!
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noyasboxdye · 3 years
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Character: Kenma K. Header creds: @leekn6w​ Song: I’m loving your vibe by Xavier Goodman !!WARNINGS!!: College/University AU, Smoking/Drug Usage, Male! Reader Title: Cute Party boy
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You had been sitting in the corner of someone's house deciding to finally give up on finding your friends knowing that they had probably already found some random guy to hook up with. Looking around and watching the drunk young adults grind, sing, dance, scream and drink the night away you finally had enough of sitting there, you stood up from your seat walking into the kitchen and looking at the several different arrangements of drinks noticing they had fireball, whiskey, tequila, gin, brandy, and several other things in one section then having the beer in another.
Not wanting anything to hard and hating beer you went for the fruit punch pouring your cup 3/4 of the way and walking up the stairs making the decision not to open any closed doors knowing that one or several of your friends could be in that room doing things you didn't want to vision your friends doing right now. Noticing a slightly open door, seeing smoke continuously flowing out of the room as people go in and out some alone some with friends or partners.
Finally concluding that you didn't have anything to do and you were tired of being so sober you walked into the room the aroma of weed and what you think is vanilla and strawberry flavored juul pods. Sitting down on the couch near a window, trying to stay your farthest from the two men you were on the couch next to.
Pulling out your pod and taking a longer hit then you would usually and exhaling taking note to the pudding head and black haired male next to him who had been taking glances and staring on and off for about 20 minutes now. Taking your phone out trying to figure out why your phone had been vibrating in your back pocket continuously for a few minutes now. Rolling your eye seeing that your mother had been calling you and texting you nonstop making sure you were studying for your tests that weren't happening till like 3 months.
Texting your mother and telling her that you've been studying all week and its 10pm on a Saturday and you had been cramming for the past week and a half with barely any breaks. Turning your phone off whilst rolling your eyes. Noticing that the two boys across from you were still continuing to stare at you, you stared back at the two hoping that it would make them stop.
Them finally stopping you go on your phone texting your friends once more as an attempt to check on them even though you knew that at least two of them were together. "Hey..." the bed head said. "Uhm- hi." you said not really in the mood to talk to anyone right now. "I know we've been staring at you for a while now and sorry for that, but my friend said your beautiful/handsome and he would love it if you gave him his number." he said with a slight smirk on his face. "Well I mean sure but only if he comes over and asks himself." you say looking at the bi haired colored boy.
"Okay- wait sorry hold on." hurriedly getting up from the old beaten up couch with a smile on his face walking back over the his friend and whispering in his ear while pointing at you, the shorter boy blushes with a smile on his face getting up from his chair and awkwardly shuffling over to you. Sitting next to you and smiling the blush on his cheeks becoming more prominent.
"Hey... sorry about my friend. I told him to leave you alone, but he didn't listen." he said rubbing the back of his neck. "It's fine... so what's your name." you said as you took a hit from your juul "My names Kenma. What's yours?" he said finally starting to seem a little bit comfortable with you. "(M/N)" you said holding your hand out to shake his hand a warm smile coming across your face as you feel his skin contact yours.
"Your pretty to by the way." you say moving your phone out of your back pocket not liking the feeling of your mother blowing up your phone against your butt cheek. "What-?" Kenma said look up at you with wide eyes. "Your friend told me you thought I was pretty/handsome, so I said your pretty." You said smiling. "Oh ah- thanks." he said with a slight chuckle tucking some stray strands of hair behind his ear frowning slightly.
"You going to ask for my number or do I have to." you said smirking slightly in a more teasing/sensual tone, the smirk becoming wider and more prominent when that heavy blush that dusted his cheeks earlier dusted them once again. "You look like a strawberry again Kenma." you state teasing him once again and making his blush deeper. "So- uhm can I have your number... then." he says pointing at the phone on your thigh.
"Yeah sure give me your phone right quick" he says giggling a bit at how shy he was. "Yeah sure- here..." he says practically glowing and shaking a little from excitement. "Uh I called my number so your number should be in my phone now, and my contact name is my name. I didn't know what you wanted it as, so I put it as that." you said handing him his phone back and half way making sure he noticed. "Okay thanks I'll call you tonight to make sure you get home- if that's okay with you."
"Yeah it's fine with me. And I'll do the same if I leave before you." you said your voice lowering slightly as you start to become calmer and more comfortable around him. "Okay cool. You want a drink-" he says not knowing what to do now his mind creating an awkward atmosphere that wasn't even there. "Yeah sure. They didn't have anything good though which is why I got juice before." you said warning him that nothing good would be in the downstairs kitchen.
"Yeah I got mostly juice too. My friend wanted me to get a little tipsy so he wasn't drunk alone." he said you both walking down stairs as Kenma texts Kuroo letting him know where he was going so he would leave without him, it happened once and he'll never allow it to happen ever again. "Kool-Aid or Hawaiian punch?" you said as you chose something from the fridge. "Kool-Aid... duh." Kenma said laughing a bit.
"Which flavor?" you say. "Purple and red." answered checking his phone. "You like purple! I love purple too everyone I meet hates purple." you say a childlike grin on your face. (Yes, ur getting excited over Kool-Aid. The purple flavor deserves more hype!!) "Kenma!" the boy from earlier said hurriedly walking over to you both. "Yes kuroo." he said drinking out of his cup, you laughing a bit noticing he drinks like a 1st grader after they just got done playing outside.
"It's almost 3 we got to go. You have class at like 8 and my class is an hour before yours so let's go." Kuroo said ready to drag him away. "Well I have to go I have a pretty early class tomorrow, but I'll be sure to call you." he said making sure he had everything he originally came with in his pockets. "Yeah sure bye Kenma and..." pausing waiting for Kuroo to tell you his name again. "Oh! Kuroo my names Kuroo."
"And Kuroo. We'll talk later 'mkay?" you said smiling at Kuroo then going to look back at Kenma. "Yeah sure I'll probably text you first by the way." he said him and Kuroo grabbing each other's hands and saying bye. Checking the time, the realization finally settling in that your friends were still missing, and it was almost 3 in the morning.
'Jesus fucking christ where the hell are these fuckers' you think to yourself storming back up the steps your patients being thin to none. 'On my mommy if these hoes fucking somebody I'm leaving' putting your ear up to at least 4 different doors before you finally found them, seeing one friend passed out in the bathroom and the others scattered around the room.
"My god what did you guys get yourselves into" you said finally feeling the exhaustion that you were suppressing throughout the past two weeks. "Ty's sick and vomiting it's guts out in the bathroom, Isaiah's knocked he's been like that for about an hour now, and Alex was crying but ink's now under the desk over there... and I didn't drink a lot so I'm fine." your friend said you trying to find Alex.
"Ok well its... 5 minutes away from being 4 am.", "Okay..."
After taking everyone home and making sure they got in bed safely you and your friend Malik both shared an uber back to both of your houses. Finally reaching the comfort of your room you go to your connected bathroom and start getting ready for the night. Taking a shower, doing your skin care, getting a snack while putting on your show starting to finally calm down.
Finally finishing your food getting up to brush your teeth and going back to your room pressing play to your show again. Turing on your night light and finally laying down. Jumping slightly when you hear you phone go off completely forgetting about it. Turning over to your nightstand to get your phone. Confused when an unknown number shows up on your phone.
In your messages
Unknown: Hey this (M/N) right?
You: Who's this .-.
Unknown: It's Kenma we met at the party... remember?
You: Oh yeah, it's (M/N)
You: Hey Kenma
Cute party boy: Hey (M/N)
Cute party boy: hru?
You: I'm doing good hbu?
Cute party boy: I'm doing good :)
Cute party boy: srry for texting u so late btw I just wanted to do it now, so I didn't forget lol.
You: No worries you're fine :)
Cute party boy: Alr good.
Cute party boy: did you make it home ok or are you still at the party?
You: no I ended up finding my friends after you left so I'm home now.
You: hbu?
Cute party boy: yeah I made it home fine lol
Cute party boy: Did you want to hang out again?
You: yh sure when
Cute party boy: are you busy on Sundays?
You: no Sundays are usually free for me
Cute party boy: you wanna hang out tomorrow
You: yh tht works lol
Cute party boy: mk well i gtg im tired so goodnight :D
You: yh same goodnight sweet dreams and sleep well
Cute party boy: you too sweet dreams and sleep well
After saying your goodbyes to Kenma you put your phone back on the dresser watching a few episodes of your show, finally slipping off into peaceful sleep.
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maybeimamuppet · 3 years
city of love
hello friends! happy wednesday! this is a request fill for NoaAvrahami6 on Wattpad, who requested the art freaks going on a long vacation/ road trip, and there's a scene to fill a request from aster-alpine on Wattpad (@deadbreadrunning here) who requested them swimming with dolphins :)
also, quick note, I have done absolutely nothing they do in this story, so I apologize for any inaccuracies. I have definitely learned the lesson that is 'write what you know'. I did as much research as my brain could handle and now I know more than I ever wanted to about the Venus de milo.
quick tw for panic attacks, but otherwise, enjoy.
Janis is scheming.
Cady is a week away from completing her PhD in mathematics. All she has left to do is defend her dissertation and publish her work, and then she’ll find out if the last four years of work have been worth it. She deserves presents.
Janis has two ideas. The first, is a dog. They have a cat, which Cady had agreed to adopting as a get-well present when Janis had broken her arm several years ago. Elvira is well-loved and very spoiled, but Cady has been begging for a dog. No time like the present. Janis found a reliable rescue breeder who recently had a litter of golden retriever puppies, and would be taking Cady to pick one soon.
Her second idea is a trip. Cady loves to travel, but has been so busy for the last several years that they haven’t gotten an opportunity to go any further than their trips back home to Illinois since their honeymoon in Kenya. Janis has family on her father’s side in France, that she also hasn’t been able to see in several years.
So, she’s booking a flight, also deciding to let Damian come as a surprise. He had recently landed the lead role in a revival of Little Shop of Horrors on Broadway, so he deserves a present too. He doesn’t start rehearsals for another few months, which gives Janis the perfect window of opportunity.
She finds a flight with a few seats available for the evening Cady will (hopefully) receive her degree; a miraculously non-stop flight to Marseille, where her family lives. Janis figures they’ll stop there for a few days, and then travel to Paris to see some of the more iconic sights.
Janis books the tickets, figuring it’ll either be a happy surprise or a consolation trip, and knowing it’s very likely to be the former. She clears her browser history after, in case Cady gets an urge to snoop. Then, she figures she should probably let Damian know to prepare for an international trip in a week.
danis: hey u wanna go to france??
jamian: What did you do
danis: booked us a trip to france
jamian: Janis
jamian: Why
danis: bc my wife becomes a doctor in a week and deserves a gift, and i want you to come. and also bc you got seymour and deserve a gift too
jamian: Oh
jamian: That’s actually really sweet, Jan
danis: it’s my yearly act of goodwill
jamian: I figured lmao
jamian: When are we leaving?
danis: flights on friday at 7, i’ll pick u up. i wanna surprise caddy at her school and then we’ll go right to the airport
jamian: Aww how cute
jamian: Do you need Aaron to watch Ellie?
danis: oh shit yeah i forgot about that
danis: tell him i’ll bring him back whatever he wants as a thank you and a sorry i can’t bring you with us
jamian: U really forgot your whole cat
danis: no!!! i just forgot we can’t bring her!!! i’m a good cat mom!!!!!
jamian: You give her potato chips
jamian: Like on the reg
danis: because she likes them
danis: and i don’t give her enough to hurt her
jamian: Press x to doubt
jamian: Aaron said he’ll cat sit for some chocolates from France and lots of photos
danis: tits i can do that
danis: oh shit caddy’s home i gtg love u
jamian: Love you too tell her I say hi
danis: 📷
“Hey, Peanut, how was your day?” Janis asks gently. Cady lets her exhausted glare answer. “That good, huh? Do you want snuggles?” Cady nods, but signs that she wants to take a shower first. Her day must have been rough if she won’t speak. “Of course, baby, go ahead. I’ll wait for you in the bedroom.”
Cady signs a thank you in return, pecking her gently in greeting and scratching Elvira before heading into the bathroom. Janis decides to go the extra mile today and lights a nice candle in the bedroom, and pulls out a book to read to her. Cady loves the sound of Janis’ voice, so whenever her day has been especially tough they have story time, squeezing in as much of Janis’ voice and good snuggles as they can.
Cady doesn’t return until nearly 45 minutes later, in a set of Janis’ pajamas and with her hair neatly braided over her shoulder. Janis reaches for her, pulling her into a tight cuddle and squeezing gently in case she’s also having a sensory overload.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” She murmurs softly, scratching Cady’s scalp gently in the way that always makes her practically melt in Janis’ lap.
Cady sighs, burying her face in Janis’ chest further. “Just... a lot, today. I have a lot to do, and a lot is riding on this week. I’m gonna be stressed until Friday. And maybe after that, if I don’t make it.”
“You’re gonna make it, baby. You’re a genius, you did two degrees in the time most people do one. And you’ve been working so hard and carefully, I know you’re going to do it. And if you don’t, everybody at that school is catching these hands,” Janis replies.
Cady chuckles at that, finally poking her face out. She grunts slightly as Elvira suddenly jumps onto her back, joining their cuddle puddle happily. “Thanks, Bluejay. You’re... you’ve been the best partner I could’ve asked for, through all of this. I wouldn’t have even made it this far without you.”
“Yes, you would have,” Janis says. “But I’m glad I could be here for you. I love you.”
Cady inches her way up to Janis’ face so as not to disturb the cat snoozing on her back, but makes it and leans in for a kiss. “I love you too. Are you gonna read to me?”
“Yeah, if you want,” Janis replies. “Figured it might cheer you up a bit.”
Cady nods happily, cuddling into her and resting her head on her shoulder. She’s sound asleep before Janis even reaches the third chapter, so Janis sets an alarm and joins her in an impromptu nap.
Cady barely speaks for the next few days, frantically studying, rehearsing, and proofreading everything. Janis is worried, but knows there’s not a lot she can do. She stays out of her way and brings her caffeinated teas and snacks from time to time.
The day before D-Day, Janis makes waffles for dinner, Cady’s favorite. Cady is still at the desk in their bedroom, where she’s been for nearly six days straight.
“Hey,” Janis says gently as she comes to drop off her plate. She usually eats her own dinner on the bed, spending time with Cady as she studies. But this time, Cady snatches her wrist once she sets the plate down and won’t let her leave. “You okay?”
Cady hasn’t looked at her yet, but doesn’t let go of her arm. She just stares at her massive book, clutching Janis’ wrist like a lifeline, like it’s the only thing holding her to Earth. Suddenly, she lets out a choked sob.
“Baby, hey,” Janis says softly. “What’s the matter?”
“I can’t do this, Janis,” Cady cries desperately. “I-I dont-I can’t-“
“Hey, shh,” Janis hushes. “Come here, get away from this for now.” She picks Cady up from her chair and carries her to the bed, letting Cady lock tight around her and sob into her shoulder. “What’s going on?”
“I can’t do it,” Cady wails. “It’s not good enough, and I’m- and I’m out of time, I can’t- I can’t do it!” She suddenly starts crying much harder, and is practically gasping for breath in between sobs.
“Baby, hey, look at me,” Janis insists, cupping her cheeks to look into her eyes. They’re wide and frantic, she looks terrified. She’s having an anxiety attack. Janis quickly tries to remember what she does for her own. The countdown strategy pops into her head, and she decides it’s worth a try. “Focus on me, okay? Tell me five things you can see.”
Cady chokes another sob and clings to her desperately, but manages to splutter out a reply. “Um-um... you-your face, and um-and... um... cat, and... the-and your p-painting, and the cl-the clock, and your tattoos.”
“Good, Butterfly,” Janis says gently. She holds Cady’s face again gently when she tries to look back to the desk. “No, hey, don’t look over there. Tell me four things you can hear.”
“There’s a-there’s a siren, outside,” Cady sobs. “And... and a bird, and... um... you talk-talking, and the-the cat. Chat-chattering.”
“You’re doing good, angel, breathe,” Janis says. “Three things you can feel.”
“Hold-holding me, you-you holding m-me,” Cady chokes. “And the-the bed. ‘S soft. And-and your hair. Tickles.”
“Another breath, baby. Two things you can smell,” Janis coaxes gently.
“Dinner,” Cady whimpers. “And you-your shampoo. Apples.”
“Almost done, baby, what’s something you can taste?” Janis asks, holding her tighter.
“Tea. From earlier,” Cady sniffles.
“Good job, Butterfly. Are you feeling any better?” Janis asks quietly, laying them down and squishing Cady on top of her. Cady nods slightly against her shoulder.
“A little,” she says quietly. She’s still crying, but sounds much less frantic. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, angel, you have nothing to be sorry for,” Janis says as she kisses her forehead. “Can you tell me what’s happening now?”
Cady takes a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. “I’m scared. I’ve had years to get this right, get it perfect. It’s not. I don’t... I’m scared to defend it, what if I mess up, or... stutter or stim too much and I don’t pass?”
“If you don’t pass for stuttering or stimming during your speech then everyone grading you is fucking ableist and I will fight all of them,” Janis growls protectively. “But we can figure something out later if it worries you. And I’m positive your dissertation and thesis are wonderful. You’ve been working so hard, non-stop, for years. It may not be perfect, but if you’ve been doing anything but your best work all these years I’ll be stunned. You’re going to pass, and you’ll be Doctor Heron, and then I have a surprise for you to celebrate.”
“A surprise?” Cady asks quietly with a sniffle. “What did you get?”
“It’s a surprise, Peanut,” Janis chuckles. “You’ll find out tomorrow. But I think you’ll like it.”
“Okay,” Cady says so sadly that Janis wants to spoil everything now. But she manages to resist, knowing her reaction tomorrow will be better. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, baby. Eat with me, you need a break,” Janis says as she grabs Cady’s plate from the desk. “Bed picnic.”
Cady reaches for her just barely warm waffles. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Janis says as she leans over for a kiss.
“Can I try to guess what you got?” Cady asks with a bit more energy.
“Sure,” Janis chuckles. “But even if you guess it I’m not gonna tell you.”
Cady groans. “I wanna knoooooow.”
“And you will know tomorrow,” Janis giggles. “Guess away, Butterfly.”
“A puppy?” Cady asks.
Yes, Janis thinks. “No.” She says.
Cady pouts. “Um... did you paint me something?”
“Nope,” Janis chuckles as she takes another bite of her waffles.
“Hm... a... can you give me a hint?” Cady pleads. Janis tries her hardest to resist the puppy eyes.
“Fine, one hint,” Janis groans. The puppy eyes still haven’t lost their magic. “Think bigger.”
“Bigger... um... two puppies?”
“No,” Janis laughs. “Just eat. You’ll find out in less than a day, you can live with not knowing for that long.”
“Fine,” Cady grumbles. She finishes her waffles quietly and cuddles back into Janis. “Can you stay? I need to proofread it again but I don’t want to be alone.”
“Sure, Kitkat. Let me wash the dishes and I’ll be right back,” Janis replies. She rushes through scrubbing their plates and everything clean, then grabs her easel and joins Cady in the bedroom. She paints away while Cady reads, both of them working in comfortable silence. Janis has always loved these moments, where the silence doesn’t need to be filled, and they’re both content to just be with each other.
Cady finishes several hours later, closing her book with a deep sigh. “Jay?”
“Mm?” Janis hums in reply.
“You said we could figure something out. To stop me stimming,” Cady says as she turns to face her.
“I never said I’d stop you stimming,” Janis says, stepping around her easel. “I just meant that we’d find a way to make it less obvious, if you’re so worried about it.”
Janis reaches for her. “Why are you so worried about it?”
Cady comes to nuzzle into her embrace quietly. “I dunno. It’s... it can be embarrassing, sometimes. I’ve done all this stuff, I’m hopefully about to get my PhD, but I still have to... curl my toes a certain way or flick my hands or fold myself up like a pretzel to get my brain to work like everyone else’s. And people stare, you can tell they think I’m childish.”
Janis hums sadly. “I get it, but it shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of. It doesn’t make you any less professional, or brilliant, it just helps you regulate, right?” Cady nods against her chest. “Yeah. You have all this knowledge in your brain now, it makes sense it needs a little wiggle to help kick it in gear and sort it all out.”
Cady chuckles. “Thanks, Jayjay.”
“And it feels good, remember when I tried all your favorites?” Janis says. “Satisfying.”
“Oh, yeah, it feels so good,” Cady laughs. “But what plan do you have?”
“Pick what you’re gonna wear tomorrow and make sure it has pockets,” Janis replies. “Big ones.”
“Where are you going?” Cady calls as she roots through her closet.
“Nowhere, hang on!” Janis calls back from the living room. She comes back with a necklace, a small cube, and a few other small stim toys she had ordered. Cady looks at them curiously as she pulls out a formal blue jumpsuit and blazer from the closet.
“What are those?” She asks as she rests it on their bed.
“Stim stuff. I made this one,” Janis says as she holds up the cube. “Julie sent me some of her old Legos, and then there’s a spring inside so it’s a little button. And it doesn’t make any noise or anything.”
Cady takes it curiously, pushing the button in the center a few times. “You made this? For me?”
“Yeah, of course. I made this too,” Janis says as she hands over the necklace. “I ordered the charm, it’s a chewy one, and then put the beads on so it’s not, like, obvious it’s a chewy necklace. I figured you could have it on if you wanted, it might help.”
Cady takes the necklace too, gnawing on the charm gently to test it out. Janis thought ahead, the chain is one she can handle. “Thank you, mpenzi.”
“And then I bought these. You can have them in your pocket and use them there, nobody would know if you didn’t want them to. They’d just think you were holding your hands in your pockets,” Janis says rapidly. “Oh, and you can borrow some of my shoes so you have room to move your feet inside, that won’t be noticeable either.”
Cady throws herself at Janis, knocking her backwards onto the bed and kissing her hard. “I love you so much. You’re perfect. Thank you.”
Janis kisses her back just as hard, tangling her hand in her hair and resting the other just above her bum. “You’re welcome, Butterfly. I love you too.”
Cady kisses her again gently, brushing their lips together a few times. “I’m sorry, by the way. I know I’ve been ignoring you this week, you don’t deserve that.”
“Babe, you’ve barely slept this week, and you only eat when I bring you food, I’m more worried about that,” Janis chuckles. “I get the rest of my life with you, wifey. I can handle a week for you to work every now and again. After tomorrow we get to spend more time together again anyway.”
Cady smiles at her. “We’ll do something special. I’m gonna shower, but I wanna cuddle you all night tonight. You’re right, I need more sleep anyway.”
“Okay, Kitkat. Have fun,” Janis says as she pushes her wife towards the en-suite. “I’ll be here.”
Janis remembers she forgot to feed Elvira her own dinner when she comes to plop onto her lap.
“Sorry, Ellie, I forgot to feed you,” Janis chuckles as she scratches her ear. “Let’s go.”
Elvira trots off to the kitchen, Janis following quickly behind her. Ellie meows at her when they finally reach the fridge, stretching up to peek in as Janis opens it.
“Hold on, you get a new can tonight,” Janis says in response to Elvira’s questioning chirp. She heads to the closet to grab one, noticing the air mattress on the top shelf they had bought for a camping trip. “Hm.”
Janis scoops out some of her food into her bowl and puts the can in the fridge, then grabs the air mattress from the shelf along with the pump for it.
“God, why is this thing so loud? Some of us have mattresses to blow up in secret,” Janis hisses. Once it’s done, she realizes she probably should have done it outside as she tries to shove it through the door. She grabs some sheets from the closet and the blankets from their bed, making a lovely little nest on their balcony.
Cady comes out of the shower as she’s fluffing the pillows, calling for her as she brushes her hair out.
“Jay? Are you okay? I heard noises,” she says as she comes out wrapped in her bathrobe. “What happened to our bed?”
“I’m fine, put on something warm and come here,” Janis calls from the other room.
“Okay,” Cady says nervously. “What are you up to?”
“God, you set a bunch of chickens loose in a school one time and suddenly you can’t surprise anyone anymore,” Janis jokes. “Just come here, you’re gonna like it.”
“I like your surprises, but you can be a little extra sometimes,” Cady teases. “Oh my god.”
“You like it?” Janis says. “We haven’t been able to do this for a whi-ack!” She grunts slightly as Cady leaps into her embrace, smooching all over her face.
“I love it, and I love you,” Cady says. “So much.”
“I love you more,” Janis teases as she carries her outside.
“No, I love you more,” Cady responds as she’s laid down gently. “I love you most.”
“Mm, you can’t win this fight, Peanut,” Janis hums, getting cut off as Cady pulls her down to kiss her hungrily.
“Then let me show you.”
The next morning, Janis wakes up with Cady (very early) and makes a special breakfast with lots of fruit and protein. Cady eats happily but silently, once again giving a last proofread of all her materials.
Janis gives her a big hug and sweet kiss before she sends her out the door, Cady dressed in her fancy outfit, Janis’ shoes, and with her pockets full of stim toys.
Janis has to pack quickly once she’s gone, carefully but hastily packing their suitcase and carry on bags based on a list she’s incredibly thankful she had the foresight to make.
In the late afternoon, Janis picks Damian up in their Uber to Cady’s school to surprise her. He puts his suitcase in the trunk along with what looks to be a poster.
He shakes with excitement as he climbs in next to her, and they both chat excitedly about their plans for France. Before they know it, they’re at Cady’s university and ready to surprise her.
“Aww, you made her a sign?” Janis asks as she finally hugs him.
“Yeah, duh,” Damian says, showing off his ‘Congrats Doctor Heron!’ poster. “And it’s reversible in case of disaster.” He flips it around and shows it says ‘Good job anyway!’ on the other side.
“She’ll love it,” Janis says as she starts bouncing anxiously. “She’ll be happy to see you, too, she doesn’t even know we’re here.”
“Aww. I’m excited to see her reaction, do you remember when you threw that picnic before we graduated high school? That was nothing compared to this and she was so fucking excited,” Damian says.
“Yeah. She’s so cute,” Janis says. Her phone starts ringing suddenly. “Oh, it’s her, this is it.”
Damian squeals as she picks up and switches to speakerphone.
“Jay, I did it!” Cady calls loudly through the speakers. “I did it! I got it, I’m a doctor!”
Janis and Damian both start jumping up at down at the same time. “Congratulations, baby! I’m so proud of you!” Janis says. Damian stays quiet but is visibly trying to hold back his own comments. They see her come bursting out the doors then, running down the steps. “Hey, look to your right. No, other right.”
Cady looks to see her wife and best friend waiting for her and bouncing to get her attention. She runs towards them, laughing happily. “What are you doing here?! Oh my god, you made a sign and everything!”
“This is your surprise!” Janis laughs as her wife jumps into her arms. She spins her around a few times before Cady reaches out for Damian, so he pulls her into another tight hug to congratulate her.
“My best friend is a doctor!” Damian calls loudly as he also spins her around before wrapping her up protectively.
“Why do you guys have suitcases?” Cady asks confusedly, slightly muffled as her face is squished against Damian.
“Because we’re going on a trip!” Janis answers. “I told you to think bigger yesterday, this is it! Our flight is in a few hours, we have to go to the airport.”
“A trip?” Cady squeals happily. “Where are we going?!”
“France,” Janis tries to answer, barely getting the word out before she’s cut off by the most adorable squeal she’s ever heard and her wife leaping into her arms again. “Are you excited?”
“Yes! Of course I’m excited, oh my god!” Cady shrieks. “This is the best day ever!”
“Good! I packed a comfy outfit in your carry on, you can change at the airport,” Janis laughs happily as Cady kisses her over and over.
“Okay, come on! Let’s go, let’s go let’s go! I wanna go to France!” Cady calls, lugging them both towards the parking lot.
Janis and Damian both laugh as they’re dragged away. “Peanut, slow down, we have time.”
“Oh. Oops,” Cady says sheepishly. “But come on, I’m excited, let’s go!”
“We can tell, Cads, just slow down,” Damian pants. “Be excited at a reasonable speed.”
Cady’s bouncing now that they’ve stopped walking, having to get her excitement out somehow. “Janis, carry me, I can’t slow down.”
“Okay, come here,” Janis laughs, carrying Cady piggyback to their next Uber.
Cady heads into the bathroom once they’ve passed security to change out of her formal outfit, but she leaves the necklace on and has the stim toy Janis made for her in her hand. She’s trying to gently stuff her poster in her bag as she walks back. She insisted on keeping it, even though Damian said she didn’t have to. Miraculously, she manages to make it fit without too much damage.
She tugs her carry on backpack back on as she approaches Janis and Damian again. “Where are we going in France?” She asks once they’re back together. Damian also looks at Janis curiously, she hasn’t told him either.
“Marseille, first. My family said we can stay with them for a few days, they have a huge house with tons of rooms. Then we’ll go to Paris and look around there,” Janis says. Cady gives yet another excited squeal and hugs her again. “Do you want Cinnabon’s? They’re right over there.”
“Oh, can we? I haven’t eaten since breakfast, I’m starving,” Cady says. She’s still bouncing and her hands are flapping happily, but she’s calmed down just a touch.
“How-wha-how do you have that much energy on just breakfast?” Damian asks with something akin to awe.
“I’m excited!” Cady almost yells, prompting several glares from those around them. She shrinks into herself slightly in embarrassment. “Oops.”
Damian chuckles. “Let’s go, my treat.” Cady perks up a bit and tugs her wife after them. She happily scarfs down her cinnamon roll and chatters excitedly about France.
They head to their gate to wait for their flight for a while, when Cady suddenly realizes something and scrambles for her phone. “I forgot to tell my parents! What time is it?”
“Almost exactly six,” Janis says. “So five for them.”
“Okay, they should both be home by now,” Cady says with relief. She dials her dad’s number, and he picks up on the first ring. “Hi Dad! Is Mom with you?”
“Hi Cady, she’s in the other room. What’s up?” Her dad replies.
“Get Mom, I wanna tell you together,” Cady insists.
“Okay,” her dad says, slightly confused. “Honey, it’s Cady, she says she has something to tell us.”
“Hello Cady,” her mom calls loudly through the speaker. “How are you, dear?”
“I’m good Mom! How are you?” Cady chuckles. For tech savvy people, they never quite got the hang of speakerphone.
“Good, hon. What’s this news you have?” Her mom replies.
“I got my PhD today! I’m officially a doctor!” Cady says, and quickly has to block the phone speaker with her arm to muffle the volume of their cheers and congratulations. Once it stops vibrating quite so much, she pulls it back to continue talking. “Thanks! Oh, and I won’t be able to call you for a little while. Janis surprised me with a trip to France, we’re going to see her family. And Paris.”
“Oh, that sounds lovely,” her mom sighs. “Take lots of photos for us.”
“I will. I love you guys, bye!” Cady calls, and hangs up before either of them can get off on a tangent and keep her there for an hour. “There.”
“Everything handled?” Damian jokes.
“Yep. Oh, that reminds me, Janis, can you... give me a rundown of your family again? I haven’t quite gotten everyone down,” Cady says shyly. To be fair, Janis has a lot of relatives and their names sound quite similar in a lot of cases.
“Yeah,” Janis chuckles. She knows Damian probably needs a refresher too, the last time he got to come visit everyone was in high school. “My homophobic great-grandma finally died when I was in college so we don’t have to worry about her anymore.”
“Jay! Be nice,” Cady scolds. She’d heard bad stories about the woman, but speaking ill of the dead still doesn’t sit right with her.
“I’m just saying. Anyway, Nana Annette is her daughter, my grandma. She’s, like, eighty-five, but she’s chill. She might say some offensive stuff because she’s either senile or just old, but she means well most of the time. Her husband died when I was a baby, I barely remember him, so hopefully he won’t be around. Then there’s the aunts and uncles.”
Cady pulls out her phone to take notes, this is where things get dicey.
“Jean-Luc is the oldest, he’s the funny one. His wife is Béatrice, she’s... tense, but nice. The next one is Charlotte, she’s the single one who I’m convinced is a closet lesbian, you remember? She’s hella rich and just shows up sometimes with presents. Anyway. Next is Gabrielle, and her husband Charles, he’s the English guy. My dad was next, then Phillipe is the youngest, and his wife is Jeanne.”
Cady blinks, already terrified. “And your cousins?”
“They’ll understand if you don’t remember them all, don’t worry,” Janis chuckles. “Jean-Luc and Béatrice have Josephine and Jacques, they’re twins. Then they had Annalise, and then Luca, they named him after my dad. Gabrielle and Charles have Bella, Celeste, and Clara, Celeste is a bitch but the other two are nice. Jeanne and Phillipe have Emile and Sylvie.”
“Jesus Christ,” Cady groans, trying to keep everyone under wraps.
“Some of my cousins have babies too now, do you want their names?” Janis teases. “Don’t worry about it, guys. They’ll understand and I’ll make sure you learn everyone’s names. And we probably won’t see all of them, either.”
“Oh, babies? Yay,” Cady says. “I might as well learn them too.”
“Yeah, there’s a few that are still actual babies. Josephine and her husband just had Hugo a few months ago, and then she has Anabelle and Charlise, they’re like... four,” Janis says. “And then Bella has Benjamin, he’s a year old or so.”
“Aww. Okay. I’ll have to study on the plane,” Cady says, sending her list to Damian and shutting her phone off.
“Little Slice, no, I’ll study for us and fill you in,” Damian says. “You’ve studied too much in your life. Doctor.”
Cady smiles at the reminder of her new title. “Fine. Oh, is that us?”
Janis listens to the voice ringing out over the PA system. “Yeah. They’re not boarding us quite yet, but we should be ready.”
“Oh, yay!” Cady says happily.
Once they finally board, Cady begs to have the window seat. Janis and Damian are both afraid of heights and let her have it willingly.
Cady wiggles happily as the light comes on to fasten their belts, looking happily out the window as they prepare to take off. Janis pops some gum in her mouth, and offers a piece to both her travel buddies. Cady takes hers and then takes Janis’ hand, squeezing it to comfort her. Janis squeezes back thankfully.
Cady offers her one ear of the headphones she has so they can watch a movie together. Janis takes it and rests her head on Cady’s shoulder, flipping up the arm rest and cuddling into her wife. Damian flips up his own and lies down over both of them, his head ending up in Cady’s lap as he does his own thing on his phone. Cady just laughs and plays with his curly hair.
After three movies, Cady falls asleep with her head on Janis’ shoulder. They’re about four and a half hours into their seven hour flight, and it is now around Cady’s bedtime. Janis finds Damian also asleep on their legs, and decides to let him stay even though hers are going a bit numb.
She turns her head slightly to kiss Cady’s hair, thinking about the events of the day. Twenty-four hours ago she had fallen asleep on an air mattress on their balcony after a wild night, held securely in the arms of her favorite redhead. Now, she’s several thousand feet in the air, cuddled up with two of her favorite people on their way to another country. Life is a hell of a thing.
Janis is startled awake by the announcement that they’re about to land, and wakes Damian and Cady so they can fasten their seatbelts again. It’s about two in the morning according to their body clocks, so they all blink groggily and rub at their eyes.
“Janis?” Cady asks suddenly as they start to descend.
“Hmm?” Janis hums exhaustedly.
“Who’s watching Elvira?”
“Aaron,” Janis yawns. “He just wants chocolate as payment.”
“Mmkay,” Cady hums. The plane finally touches down and she gives an exhausted “Yay.”
Janis chuckles. “Come on, my cousin is picking us up and then we can sleep in a real bed for a while.”
“Which one?” Damian yawns.
“Annalise,” Janis replies. “She’s a morning person, she’s the only one they trusted to come get us.”
They trudge through baggage claim and out of the airport, down a long line of cars waiting to pick people up. Suddenly, a clear “Janis!” rings out with a brisk French accent.
Janis greets her cousin, who laughs at their exhausted faces. “Bonjour, Anna.”
They have a quick catch up in French as they load all their bags into the car, and Damian’s eyes suddenly go wide.
“What happened?” Cady asks in concern.
“Nothing,” Damian says hastily. “I... forgot they’d actually speak, like, French here. I thought I was just too tired to understand them for a second.”
They both laugh as they climb in, Cady squished in the middle since she’s the smallest. She’s not complaining, this way her head will land on someone’s shoulder when she inevitably falls asleep again.
She wakes up several hours later in a soft bed in a room she doesn’t recognize, spooning Janis. She checks the adjusted time on her phone and finds it to be about one in the afternoon, which isn’t terrible. They have a few hours left in the day to get things settled.
She leans down to kiss behind Janis’ ear as lightly as she can, murmuring a quiet “J’taime tellement,” into her ear before cuddling back into her wife. Apparently she wasn’t quite gentle enough, because Janis stirs and turns to face her with a grin.
“J’taime aussi, mon papillon,” Janis hums as she leans in for a kiss. “How did you sleep?”
“Pretty well, I don’t even remember getting here,” Cady replies.
“I carried you in, you looked exhausted,” Janis says. “What time is it?”
“Just after one,” Cady says as she strokes through Janis’ short hair. “I still love this haircut.”
“I can tell,” Janis chuckles as she cuddles in closer. “You don’t miss the blonde, though?”
“I do,” Cady hums thoughtfully. “But this length is so satisfying to play with. And your shave is in an easier place to reach now.”
Janis had continued sporting the side shave, and stretched it to an undercut at the back of her head as well when she cut the blonde off. Cady loves running her fingers over the buzzed areas, and Janis certainly doesn’t complain.
“Guess I’ll keep it like this then. Should we go get Damian?” Janis says as she leans in for another sweet kiss. “Can’t let him sleep too much longer.”
“Yeah. Are we doing anything today?” Cady asks as she follows Janis out of bed.
“I don’t really have anything planned from this point, I just figured we’d walk around and if you find something you want to do, we’ll do it. But maybe we should start tomorrow,” Janis replies. “Nana’s definitely gonna throw some family reunion type thing tonight and make a shit ton of food, we should save our energy for that.”
“Aww. That sounds fun,” Cady says. “But also tiring, you’re right.”
“They are usually pretty fun,” Janis hums. “And Charlotte is coming, she tells good stories, you’ll like those.”
“Is she the one who told that story about the time you fell into that lake and came back to a picnic totally drenched and told me to watch you around water at our wedding?” Cady asks.
“Yeah,” Janis mumbles sheepishly. “I can show you that lake, if you want. It’s nearby.”
Cady nods excitedly. “Of course. Oh, and hey, guess what?”
Janis turns from the door she’s approaching to leave their little room. “What?”
“I love you,” Cady says, pulling her down for a kiss. Janis has to fight a squeal.
“I love you too,” she replies after a second. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you,” Cady whispers against her lips. “I don’t say it enough, but I’m proud of you too. I want this trip to celebrate all of us. Not just me and Damian. You deserve this too.”
“Okay,” Janis whispers back. “Thanks.”
Cady chuckles. “You promise you’ll tell me if you see something you want to do, too?”
Janis kisses her soundly one more time. “I promise.”
“Good. Let’s go get D,” Cady says with a final peck.
“Damian!” Janis calls as she leaps onto his bed.
“Cheese and crackers!” Damian yelps, throwing himself to the ground. “Janis!”
“Jay, I swear to god,” Cady groans from the doorway. “That is not what I meant by ‘wake him up’.”
“It worked though,” Janis says as she helps him up. “Morning!”
Damian glares at her. “Hello, Jan. Is it actually morning?”
“No, it’s almost two in the afternoon,” Cady replies. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Damian says as he brushes himself off.
“Good. Janis says there’s gonna be some sort of big dinner thing, can you help me study everyone?” Cady asks.
“Yeah,” Damian answers.
“Oh, hold on a second,” Janis says, running from the room. She returns with a framed photo of her whole family from a few years ago. “Here. It’s old, but everyone looks pretty much the same.”
Janis sits in between them and points everyone out so they can match names to faces. Cady looks a bit overwhelmed, but eventually can point everyone out.
“I’m gonna go shower, if you stay here nobody will bother you guys,” she says once her part is done. “Have fun.”
By the time Janis is put together enough for a family gathering, Cady and Damian know all her relatives by name and how they relate to one another. Janis is kind of touched that they both put so much effort into learning everyone in her family.
She hadn’t quite been expecting every member of her family to show up, but they all make an appearance at some point. Cady isn’t big on crowds and Damian hasn’t spoken French since high school, so they both stick around her throughout the meal.
Her aunt Charlotte shows up fashionably late as always, with gifts for the three of them. She greets Janis with a hug and hands her a set of incredibly expensive oil paints, and then looks around for Cady.
“Where is the doctor one?” She asks in fluent but heavily accented English. Cady peeks up from where she’s crowded by all of the younger cousins, coming over to say hello.
“Bonjour,” she says shyly. Charlotte greets her and hands over her gift, which looks to be a tasteful diamond bracelet. Cady frantically leans in to whisper to Janis. “I can’t take this, this had to have cost at least a thousand euro.”
Charlotte, evidently, hears her whispers and laughs. “Nonsense, Cady darling. You are smarter than anyone here, you deserve my money even more than my dear Janis. I am glad she is spoiling you.”
Cady blinks a few times, before begrudgingly accepting her beautiful gift. “Thank you, it really is beautiful.”
“But of course. Now where is darling Damian?” Charlotte responds. Damian comes over from the kitchen to say hello as well, and gets a very soft cashmere sweater.
Janis struggles to guide her wife and friend through a family dinner, and Cady collapses on their bed by the time they’re excused.
“Did your dad actually punch your great-aunt in the stomach?” She asks with a slight chuckle. “Just, like, no warning, full force?”
“I’ve heard that story from a minimum of five relatives, so I think it’s probably true,” Janis responds. “But he was only about five. And I think the stories explain a lot.”
“Do you miss him?” Cady asks quietly. “Your dad?”
“Yeah,” Janis says. “But I don’t think I miss him in the same way you miss your brother. Like, I wish I had gotten to know my dad, and I wish I had grown up with a decent father figure. But I didn’t really get to know him well enough to miss him as a person.”
Cady hums empathetically. “From what I’ve heard, you’re a lot like him anyway. But I wish those things too.”
“Thanks,” Janis mumbles. “I’ll take you around town tomorrow, we can see all the places from the stories.”
“Okay,” Cady grins. “J’taime.”
Janis smiles back as she cuddles into her wife. “J’taime aussi. Bonsoir.”
The next morning, they both wake around eleven, starting to adjust to the time difference. Janis takes both Cady and Damian on a walk around the nearby area.
Cady laughs happily as Janis explains stories and where they happened, pointing out the shop where her mother met her father, the lake she had fallen into as a child, the tree her aunt had carved every family member’s initials into.
Cady stays behind for just a second at the shop, brushing a hand over the wall to thank it for sparking the events that gave her her beloved. She can almost feel the history inside.
For the time of year, it’s a remarkably cool day, and once they’ve stopped for a quick break Cady and Damian both ask to keep going. They go a bit farther than they had anticipated, into a larger area of the city.
Damian wanders off for a second, having spotted a sign on a building nearby. “Cads, come here, you read French better than me.”
Cady approaches, leaving Janis behind for a moment to join him. “Swim with... I don’t remember this word.”
“Dolphins,” Janis says suddenly from behind them, making them both jump.
“Swim with dolphins?” Cady asks. “Oh, that sounds fun! Can we, Jayjay? Pleeeeease please please?”
“Of course, Butterfly,” Janis says with a grin. “I’ll see what they have for tomorrow.”
“Oh, yay!” Cady squeals, hugging Janis tightly. Damian just cocks an eyebrow at them and joins the hug.
Janis has to pin Cady to the bed to get her to sleep that night. But somehow by morning, their positions are reversed. Janis wakes up to her wife happily straddling her back, drumming her hands against her cheeks to wake her up.
“Caddy. What are you doing?” Janis groans sleepily.
“It’s dolphin day! I’m waking you up,” Cady responds far too brightly for eight in the morning. Janis grabs and pulls her back to cuddle.
“Go back to sleep,” Janis grumbles. “G’night.”
“Fine,” Cady chuckles. She should’ve known better, Janis never would’ve woken up this early anyway. She’s too excited to go back to sleep herself, so she rolls onto her side and watches Janis sleep. It’s rare that she’s awake when Janis isn’t, so she tries to memorize the way Janis looks while she sleeps whenever she gets the chance.
Janis finally stirs about two hours later, smiling as she sees her wife looking at her. She kisses her gently before she stretches. “Did you go back to sleep?”
“No,” Cady says. “I’m too excited.”
“You’re too cute,” Janis says, voice still rough with sleep. “It’s not ‘til three, babe.”
“Ugh,” Cady groans. She rolls on top of Janis again, straddling her front this time. She leans down to squish her face against Janis’ neck. Janis feels more than hears the words, “I wanna see them. Dolphins are so cute.”
Damian comes in then to get them up for breakfast. “Y’all-whoa! Okay bye.”
“Dame, come back! We’re not doing anything,” Janis calls. “I’m not that stupid.”
“I wouldn’t put it past you,” Damian grumbles. “Breakfast is ready, your grandma made crepes.”
“Ooh!” Cady squeals, flying out of bed to get ready. Janis follows quickly, pushing Damian out the door so they can get dressed.
Cady eats more happily this time, now that she’s not surrounded by quite so many people. But now Janis has to keep her occupied until they get to go to the dolphins.
Cady is chattering excitedly, and poor Damian still looks exhausted. Janis knows he’s excited too, dolphins are his favorite animal, but he’s very much not a morning person. Janis isn’t quite awake herself. Time for some drastic measures.
“Peanut, do you want to look at some old pictures? I know Nana has some around here somewhere,” she says, griping internally.
“Like baby pictures?” Cady says excitedly. “Lemme at ‘em.”
“Stay here. I’ll be back,” Janis grumbles. She returns a few minutes later with a photo album. “This is from just before we moved to America, I think.”
Cady makes grabby hands for the book and flips excitedly to the first page. Damian perks up a little and sits on her other side. Cady coos when baby Janis makes an appearance.
“Your little cheeks! Oh my god,” Cady squeals.
“Have you not seen any old pictures of Janis before?” Damian asks in confusion.
“Not this little, the only ones she’s let me see are from five and up,” Cady says as she turns to the next page. This one features baby Janis chewing on one of her feet. “Oh my god, look at you.”
“I’ve seen them, Cads, I’m good,” Janis chuckles. Cady flips the page again to one of her dad holding her.
“Is this your dad?” Cady asks quietly. Janis nods with a grin.
“Yeah,” she says. Cady looks back and forth between the photo and her wife.
“You look like him,” Cady says after a moment. “Dame, look at their jawlines. And-oh, Jay, smile. See? Exactly the same.”
“Shit, yeah,” Damian says, looking back and forth. “And the... is it their noses?”
“Yes! That’s what it is,” Cady says. Janis is confused, but happy that there’s such a strong resemblance. “My god, you were so cute!”
“Were?” Janis jokes.
“Oh, shush. You’re always on my case for calling you cute,” Cady says, gently flicking her ear.
“Yeah, yeah. I need to go shower, y’all can keep looking if you want,” Janis says, gesturing to Damian behind Cady’s back to keep her busy. He nods.
By the time they’re outside the dolphin place, Cady and Damian are holding hands and bouncing up and down in excitement.
“Come on, dorks, let’s see some dolphins,” Janis says as she leads them into the massive building. It spans the area of several blocks, and a vast majority of it are large tanks and pools.
A lady welcomes them at the main desk and introduces herself as Bernadette, handing over their life jackets and taking them on a short tour. Upon seeing the slight confusion on Damian’s face, she switches to English and explains how they take care of the dolphins.
Cady looks relieved when she explains that the only dolphins here are ones that wouldn’t survive in the wild, and that they do rescues to help injured ones to eventually release back into the ocean. The tanks are absolutely massive with plenty of room to swim, and the water is kept at the perfect temperature.
Finally, they’re lead outside to one of the massive pools, and Cady gives a quiet squeal when she sees the dolphins swimming around happily. Damian follows Bernadette into the water first, yelping at the cold temperature.
“Ooh, it’s cold!” Cady squeals, walking around on her tippy toes until she gets used to it. The three dolphins suddenly swim over, sort of circling around her curiously. “Oh, hello.”
Janis follows after Cady, but the dolphins won’t leave her wife to greet anyone else.
“They seem to like you,” Bernadette chuckles. She swims over to introduce them. “This is Poséidon, and Daphné, and this here is Corail.”
She gives a command and one by one, the dolphins pop up on their tails and wave to them. Cady squeals when she gets splashed as they go back down, but claps for them at their impressive trick.
Bernadette guides them over to Damian with a bit of effort, and gives another command for Corail to pop up and kiss his cheek. He gasps in surprise since the command was in French, but chuckles at the sensation. “Aww! Bonjour, Corail!”
“Is that the first girl you’ve kissed, D?” Janis jokes.
“Actually, yeah,” Damian says. “Except you.”
“Whoa whoa whoa, what?” Cady insists. “When did that happen?”
“We were like, eleven, and trying to work out if we were actually gay so we kissed one time,” Janis explains quietly. “And we agreed not to talk about it again, Damian.”
Cady is laughing so hard she’s only held up by the life jacket, forgetting to tread water to keep herself afloat. “That’s so cute. Oh, bonjour!” She says when the dolphins return to her side.
“You may pet them if you like,” Bernadette says, pretending she didn’t hear the story. “All of you can.”
Cady happily reaches out to brush a hand over their smooth backs, in awe at the sensation. “Ooh! They’re so smooth! That’s so cool. Guys, come feel them!”
Janis and Damian swim over to pet them too, and Janis yelps a little when she first makes contact. “Oh, that’s weird!”
“They’re so cute,” Damian coos. “It’s a really nice feeling.”
“Their skin regenerates almost every two hours to help maintain the texture,” Bernadette explains. “Much faster than humans, to say the least.”
“They feel like wet rubber,” Janis says. “They are cute though.”
“Many people say that, that is a good way to describe it,” Bernadette laughs. She gives another command and Poséidon pops up and kisses Janis on the cheek. Janis yelps slightly and jumps back, but swims close again when Cady reaches for her. “Oh, I should have warned you, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Janis chuckles. “Bonjour, Poséidon.”
He pops up again, seemingly waiting for something. Bernadette laughs. “He wants you to kiss him back.”
“Little man-whore,” Janis grumbles, but leans in to smooch his beak. Cady leans in on the other side too, prompting an excited chirp as he swims a happy lap around the pool.
Corail and Daphné seem jealous and also pop up for kisses from Cady, who obliges with a delighted laugh. They chirp happily and kiss Cady’s cheek in return.
“Aww, you have competition, Jay,” Cady coos.
“You’re gonna leave me for a fish?” Janis calls.
Cady gasps indignantly. “They are mammals.”
“Whatever, they live in water and don’t have legs, they’re close enough. You’re gonna leave me for a water-dwelling mammal?” Janis pouts.
“Of course not,” Cady says. “Come back, they’re sorry.”
Janis swims her way back over for a kiss from her wife. “You taste like dolphin.”
Cady laughs. “So do you, fish face. What happens now?”
“They can tow you around the pool by their fins, if you’re interested,” Bernadette offers.
“Does it hurt them?” Cady asks worriedly.
“Not at all, they actually seem to rather enjoy it,” Bernadette responds. “You only add a touch more pressure to the fin, if you don’t grab it too hard.”
“Oh. Yeah, that sounds fun!” Cady cheers. Bernadette shows them all how to gently hold the fins, each of them getting their own dolphin. Damian gets Poséidon, Cady gets Corail, and Janis gets Daphné. Once they’re all securely but carefully holding on, Bernadette gives a cue and the three of them set off. They go slower than Janis had thought they would, but she’s grateful that she’s not getting splashed or lugged underwater.
“Ooh. This is nice,” Damian says, cuddling into Poséidon a little closer. “Relaxing.”
Janis paid a fair sum for this experience, but she thinks it’s worth it for the tow. It is quite relaxing, and Cady is laughing brightly the whole way.
“That was so fun!” Cady calls when they’re done.
“I’m glad! If you would bid the dolphins a quick adieu, we can now move on to the shore activities,” Bernadette replies. She leads them out of the tank and offers them each a towel, and they return their life jackets as they dry off.
Once they’re not dripping anymore they follow Bernadette inside to a kitchen area, and are immediately confronted with the smell of fish. Damian has to tap out and waits for the girls outside. Bernadette greets and has a quick chat with her co-worker in French before grabbing a couple buckets of prepared fish and heading back out of the room.
“My apologies for the smell, but you get used to it after a while,” Bernadette says to Damian. He nods shakily and follows them back to the dolphins. They all rush up when they spy the buckets, almost begging like little dogs for a treat.
“Aww,” Cady coos. “Water puppies.”
Janis links their fingers together and leads them to the edge. Bernadette explains that she’ll have them do tricks, and then if they want to, the three of them will get to feed them the fish as a reward. Damian sits far away from the smelly buckets, opting to just watch.
Bernadette gives the first command and the three of them all hop up and wave their fins, and they wave back happily. Cady and Janis toss each of them a few of the small fish. She gives another cue and they turn away, facing lengthwise down. They pick some speed up and suddenly leap into the air, diving a couple times.
“Holy shit!” Janis yelps at the height they can get. “That’s impressive.” Cady and Janis toss them more fish.
Bernadette continues giving cues, prompting the dolphins to dance, come up for pets, shake hands, give more kisses, and even hop up next to them on the shore for a split second. Cady even gets to play fetch with Poséidon for a while with a small ball.
Once they’re down to about a quarter of the last bucket of fish, Bernadette stops giving the dolphins commands. They swim around the area contently, calming down after the exercise.
“Now, I understand you are an artist, Janis?” Bernadette asks, heading to a nearby cart.
“Um... yeah,” Janis says anxiously. “Kind of.”
“Nonsense,” Bernadette chuckles. “Your wife tells me you are very good.”
Janis looks at Cady in confusion. “Does she?”
“You are! You teach art to kids, for the love of god,” Cady says. “Just wait, this is awesome. You’re gonna love it.”
Bernadette chuckles and heads to a nearby cart of supplies, returning with several pieces of paper, brushes, and a few colors of non-toxic paint.
“Our friends here enjoy art as well, you all get to help them create their next masterpiece,” Bernadette says. Janis looks very excited. She got to paint with elephants in Kenya, so she’s excited to do art with another animal.
Bernadette places the brushes into a sort of hoop shaped thing, and instructs them to pick what colors they want for the paintings. Janis picks purple, blue, and grey; Cady picks yellow, pink, and green; and Damian picks black, pink, and orange.
The colors are squeezed into pallets, and they dip the brushes into the paint. Then, the hoop attachments are slipped gently over the beak of the dolphins, and they’re instructed to hold the canvas over the dolphins’ heads. All three wag the brushes back and forth, making bright streaks on the canvas.
The process is continued until all three colors are used up and the canvases are mostly covered, then they turn to see the beautiful works of art the creatures have made for them. It’s rather abstract, obviously, but they are very beautiful.
Unfortunately they now have to say goodbye to the dolphins. They kiss and pet each one before they have to go, waving goodbye sadly. Janis buys all of the photos taken of their experience, and also buys each of them a commemorative shirt and a stuffed dolphin from the gift shop.
Cady and Damian are both still shaking with adrenaline as they head home, chatting excitedly about their favorite parts. Once they get there, though, they start to crash. Cady’s almost totally asleep by the time they make it through the door.
Janis carries her up the stairs, Damian following closely behind them. He slugs his way to his own room, all of them deciding to take a nap before dinner. Janis has to wake Cady to get her out of her swimsuit, and Cady just tugs on Janis’ dolphin t-shirt and flops into bed, crawling under the covers and cuddling her stuffed dolphin.
Janis changes into other comfortable clothes since her shirt was stolen and crawls in after her, spooning her wife gently. She’s not quite tired enough to sleep, so she contents herself with holding her girl and remembering all the fun they had.
A few days later, they head to Paris. Janis’ grandmother threw yet another dinner for them to celebrate, and insisted they come back for another visit soon. Cady promises they will, and Janis agrees.
Janis’ cousin takes them to the train station to see them off that afternoon. It’s about a six hour trip, so they’ll be at their hotel at around seven in the evening. Cady looks out the window the whole way, and Damian looks a bit green. He’s never been great with motion.
“So what do you want to see in Paris, Bluejay?” Cady asks, munching happily on the croissant she had gotten off the cart.
“The Louvre,” Janis replies instantly. “More than anything. And the Eiffel tower, I guess.”
“Oh, I would love to go to the Louvre,” Cady says happily. She’s interested in the art there, of course, but she loves seeing Janis in her element. “I’m excited to eat.”
“You’ll get plenty of opportunities,” Janis chuckles. “What about you, what do you want to see, Peanut?”
“I want to see the historical stuff. Like the Palace of Versailles and the Arc de Triomphe and stuff,” Cady replies. “Dame? You okay?”
“Mmhmm,” Damian hums. He’s looking better now that he’s eaten. “I just want to go to Disneyland.” Cady suddenly looks very excited.
“I forgot about Disneyland! That would be so fun,” she squeals. They’ve managed to get Cady caught up on Disney movies and shows, but haven’t had a chance to take her to any of the parks yet. Now they have to go.
Finally, a lady’s voice announces their stop, so they all hop up and grab their bags. Once they’re above ground again, Janis barely manages to get them a cab to their hotel. Cady gets stuck in the middle again, but keeps leaning over them so she can see out the windows.
“It’s so pretty,” she sighs happily. She spins around as they’re dropped outside their hotel, staring up at the sky. It is rather beautiful, with the city bathed in the light from the setting sun.
Janis leads them in and checks them in to their rooms. She’d booked Damian one on a different floor, for his own sake. They are in the city of love, after all. Janis plans to make full use of it.
Cady enters the room first, immediately rushing over to the window. “Jay, come here.”
Janis comes up behind her, kissing her cheek and hugging her from behind. “It’s beautiful. That’s the top of the Eiffel tower over there.”
Cady turns in her embrace. “It is beautiful. But not as beautiful as you.” She giggles as Janis blushes. “I love you so much. Thank you for bringing us here.”
“I love you too, Butterfly. I’m glad I could. What did you think of Marseille?” Janis asks, pulling Cady next to her on the large bed.
“It was beautiful,” Cady replies. “And your family is... so lovely. I loved hearing all the stories and seeing the places that are important to your family. It was wonderful.”
“Good,” Janis grins as Cady leans up to kiss her. “Should we get D and find somewhere for dinner?”
“Oh, yes! Can we walk? It’s so nice out,” Cady replies, dragging Janis up by the hand and towards the door.
“We should change first, but sure, baby,” Janis says. “Come on.” They put on fancier clothes and Janis switches their positions, running down the long hallway towards the elevator and hauling her laughing wife behind her. The doors close behind them as they both try to catch their breath. Janis brushes her hands through Cady’s curls to smooth them back down. “Have you ever had escargot?”
Cady pulls a slightly concerned face. “No. Those are snails, right?”
“Yeah. They’re not bad, though, I think you’ll like them,” Janis replies. The doors open when they reach Damian’s floor. Janis leads them to his door and knocks. “D, we’re gonna go get dinner, do you want to come?”
He answers the door already wearing the hotel robe and with a sheet mask on. “Can I have a second?”
Both girls laugh and nod. Janis sighs when the door closes again. “We’ve been here for ten minutes.”
“It’s Damian,” Cady giggles in reply. “And skincare is important.” Damian comes back fully dressed and sans mask. Cady grabs his hand as well and leads them both back to the elevator.
Janis finds a restaurant within walking distance that has very highly rated escargot. She knows Damian hasn’t had it either, and wants to know what they’ll think of it.
They get to the place right as dinner service is beginning, and are led over to a table.
“They’re all so close together,” Cady says, having to wiggle her way in.
“They have a lot of people to fit in,” Janis replies. “Just how it happens here.”
“I’m glad we changed. Everyone here is so fancy,” Damian mumbles.
They continue making light conversation as they wait for the food Janis ordered to arrive. Finally it arrives, and Cady and Damian look more than a little concerned.
Janis pops some of the snails out of their shells, eating one herself and offering the others to Damian and Cady. They take them, looking to each other for confidence and eating them.
“Oh!” Cady says. “Thats way better than I thought, that’s so good! Way better than snake meat.”
“I told you,” Janis laughs.
“It’s like ravioli,” Damian says as he reaches for another. “But... snails.”
“Yeah, that’s a good way to put it,” Cady giggles. “How do you get them out?” Janis shows her how to use the fork to pop them out, and Cady follows suit once she knows how.
Many hours later, Cady cuddles up to Janis in bed, finally ready for sleep. “How long are we here, Jay?”
“We’re in Paris for a week,” Janis replies.
“A week?!” Cady says in shock.
“I wanted to make sure we had time to see everything you both wanted to,” Janis says. “And I have another surprise when we get home. But that’s kind of for both of us.”
“Jay, you’re spoiling me,” Cady whines. “Can I know the other surprise?”
“Nope,” Janis hums. “But I’ll tell you right once we’re back in America. And you deserve to be spoiled, Peanut. You’re a doctor, you’ve worked so hard.”
Cady grins at her. “Fine. Will you tell me what we’re doing tomorrow?”
“I don’t have anything planned,” Janis says. “What do you want to do?”
“The Louvre,” Cady replies with a smile. “I want you to tell me all about everything. I won’t even need a tour guide.”
Janis smiles back, leaning down for a kiss. “Sounds like a plan.”
Cady cuddles in close, nuzzling into her chest. “I love you, darling.”
“I love you too, Butterfly. Sweet dreams,” Janis replies, holding her closer.
Janis wound up being the one with trouble sleeping that night, struggling to fall asleep and waking up early. She decides to return the favor Cady pulled on the dolphin day.
Cady, as always, is asleep on her belly, so Janis rolls to straddle her back at her waist and drums on her shoulders. Cady gives a sleepy groan and pops an eye open to look at her.
“Jay.” She grumbles crankily. “Wha’ you doin’.” Janis leans down to kiss her cheek and around her ear.
“Good morniiiiiing,” she hums. “It’s Louvre day, I’m waking you up!”
Cady groans into her pillow. “Go back ‘sleep.”
“No, I’m too excited!” Janis says. “Come on, don’t you at least want breakfast?”
“Wan’ sleep more,” Cady moans. She shifts and Janis falls off her with a yelp, thudding to the ground.
“Hmph. I see how it is,” Janis grumbles. “Fine, you can sleep in, cranky pants.”
“Thank youuuu,” Cady calls into her pillow, and is snoring gently again within minutes.  Janis giggles and slides back into bed, stroking a curl away from Cady’s face and watching her sleep. She is actually too excited to go back to sleep, so she decides to make slightly better use of her time.
She heads to her carry on bag and pulls out the sketchbook and pencils she had brought along, before opening the window to sketch their view. She flips past the ones she did of Marseille to a blank page. The rooftops seem to stretch for miles, and she can just spy the top of the famous tower a ways away.
Cady groans sleepily behind her as she’s finishing shading in the skyline, rolling over onto her back and throwing her arms over her head. Janis decides she needs to work on sketching people more. She perches herself on top of the wardrobe and sketches her life, smiling lovingly at the little snuffling noises she makes every now and again.
“G’morning,” Cady groans as she finally wakes up, stretching and yawning before rubbing her eyes.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” Janis chuckles, hopping down as Cady reaches for her. “How did you sleep?”
“Good, until someone sat on me,” Cady says, glaring at Janis.
“Just returning the favor,” Janis chuckles. “Let’s go get breakfast.”
“No way. You haven’t kissed or cuddled me yet, you’re not going anywhere,” Cady demands, pulling her back.
Janis laughs and cups her face, leaning in to press their lips together. “Can that hold you over until we eat?” Cady leans in for one more sweet kiss.
“I suppose.”
Janis takes Cady and Damian to a nearby bakery for some breakfast croissants. All of them eat outside, enjoying the way the whole street seems to smell like fresh bread and baking sweets.
Cady asks to walk again, wanting to see as much of the city as she can. Surprisingly, Damian agrees, even though he’s never been one for much physical activity. The Louvre isn’t particularly close by, but Janis also agrees to a walk. Saves having to pay for a cab.
“Shit,” Janis murmurs in awe when they finally reach their destination. “It’s big.”
“It says here it’s seventy-three thousand square meters,” Cady says, holding up her phone. “So yes, it is very big.”
“Very astute observation there, Janjan,” Damian teases. “Let’s go in, come on.”
“They have tours, should we do that?” Janis asks, pointing to a sign.
“We don’t need to,” Cady says, lacing their fingers together. “We have you.”
Once they’re past the impossibly long line to get in, Janis instantly heads off, hauling Cady and Damian behind her. She follows the signs to the area with the Mona Lisa first, knowing there’s going to be a large crowd for them to work through to see it up close.
“Wow,” Damian says when they make it in. There is a massive crowd in front of it, but they can still just barely see. Except Cady.
“Hang on,” Cady grumbles, grabbing their hands and somehow weaseling her way through all the people until they’re at the front. “There. Short people tricks.”
“Nice, babe,” Janis says, staring in awe at the famous painting in front of her. She rattles off all the facts about it she can remember from her years of study, before they move on to look at other things.
“Oh, that’s in Animal Crossing!” Cady says happily, pointing to a painting nearby. “What is this, lovey?”
Janis laughs at her excitement over finding the real versions of something from her favorite game. “That’s called The Summer. This guy did a few like that, with the faces made out of fruit and stuff.”
“It’s... nice,” Damian says confusedly. “Why did he do that?”
“Hell if I know. Most of the people who did these paintings were probably on some drug or another,” Janis says in reply. “Neat though.”
Janis leads them from area to area, explaining and listing facts about whatever Damian or Cady point to. It works well enough for all of them. They get to see all the famous works, Janis gets to see everything she wants, and Damian and Cady get explanations and extra facts from Janis.
“Wow,” Cady says when she spies the Vénus de Milo. She breaks away from them and wanders over to get a closer look. Janis follows her and leads Damian after them, since Cady is small and easy to lose.
“That’s the Vénus de Milo,” she hums in Cady’s ear. “She’s supposed to be one of the Greek goddesses.”
“Which one?” Damian asks.
"Nobody really knows,” Janis replies. “Most people think Aphrodite. Venus was her Roman counterpart, so that’s where the name came from.”
“Her dress is falling off,” Cady mumbles distractedly, making Damian and Janis laugh. “What happened to her arms?”
“Fell off,” Janis shrugs. “There’s a lot of theories about that too. They probably were just too heavy and broke away at some point. Some people think it was a shipwreck or something, I can’t remember specifically.”
“Hm. That’s interesting,” Cady says. “Oh, her foot is gone too.”
“Yeah, she’s lost a lot of stuff over the years. She had jewelry and stuff originally,” Janis replies. “Just lost to time one way or another.”
Cady leans back against her and turns her head to kiss at Janis’ jaw. “You’re so smart. I love you, art freak.”
Janis grins. “I love you too, math nerd.”
“Okay, time to move on! Chop chop,” Damian insists, wanting to get as far away from their sappiness as he can.
“That was... really fun, Bluejay,” Cady yawns once they’re finally back in their hotel room, freshly showered and ready to sleep. “I love seeing you with art.”
“I’m glad you had fun,” Janis replies as her wife spoons her. “Go to sleep, Butterfly, we have to be up early tomorrow.”
“Why?” Cady yawns again.
“I’m not gonna tell you, or you’ll never sleep,” Janis says. “It’s nothing terribly exciting, but they open early. We should be there pretty soon after it does.”
“Oh. Mmkay. G’night, love.” Cady mumbles, seeming content with Janis’ surprises for once. Janis had toned it down slightly, they were going to Disneyland Paris tomorrow. She’d talked it over with Damian, and agreed that he got to pick what they do tomorrow.
“Goodnight, Princess,” Janis says, secretly giving a little hint.
She kisses Cady awake the next morning around eight. “Good morning, Butterfly.”
“Good morning,” Cady yawns. “Where are we going today?”
“I’ll tell you in a bit,” Janis replies. “I made sure we had cuddle time today.”
“Good,” Cady replies, pulling Janis down on top of her. “How did you sleep?”
“Good, actually,” Janis replies. “I think I’ve finally actually adjusted to the time shift. How did you sleep?”
“Good,” Cady says. “Nobody sat on me to wake me up today, I much prefer kisses.”
“Noted,” Janis chuckles. “For the record, so do I.” Cady gives a chuckle that says she already knows but has chosen to ignore that information.
“When do we get breakfast?” Cady asks after a long, peaceful moment.
“On the train,” Janis replies. “My cuddles not enough for you?”
Cady flicks her nose gently. “Yes, they are, but unfortunately I can’t live on cuddles alone. The train. That means somewhere pretty far away.”
Janis checks the time, it’s been about a half hour since they woke up. They should probably get ready now. She sits up, and rolls off of Cady so she isn’t thrown to the ground again.
“Dame and I decided we’re going to Disneyland today,” she says gently. As she expected, Cady flies out of bed with a delighted squeal and starts dancing around the room. Janis just watches her with a smile, until Cady leaps on her from above and kisses everywhere she can reach.
“Disneyland! Let’s go, come on, we have to get ready!” Cady calls, lugging Janis out of bed to shower and get dressed. She’s almost as excited as she was when she found out they were coming to France in the first place.
“Baby,” Janis says lovingly. “Breathe. You have an hour long train ride to get through first, we can’t have you leaping out the window when we’re going several hundred miles per hour.”
Cady comes back down to Earth a bit then. “Oh.”
“Come on, let’s get ready, Peanut,” Janis coaxes, turning the shower on.
Half an hour later, both ladies are showered and dressed in loose clothing and good shoes, before they head down to meet Damian. Cady leaps on him before he can even open the door all the way.
“We’re going to Disneyland!” She squeals when he yelps in surprise as a small redheaded rocket suddenly barrels into him.
“Good morning, Caddy,” he chuckles affectionately. Janis grabs her wife back, picking her up to carry her to the elevator.
“Come on, Peanut, let’s go,” she tuts lovingly as Cady clings to her with a delighted giggle. “Gonna have to get a leash for you.”
“Kinky,” Cady teases. “I’ll calm down.”
“No you won’t,” Janis retaliates. She doesn’t really want Cady to calm down, anyway. “I know you, wifey.”
“Fine, you’re right,” Cady agrees. “But I won’t run away. I need you guys to show me around anyway.”
“Happily,” Janis says as she finally sets her down.
Cady is already spinning around in awe when they’re finally outside the gates. Janis links their fingers together as she buys their tickets, and Damian grabs Cady’s other hand before Cady tugs them forward.
Janis buys their way into the park and squeezes Cady’s hand. “Where first, babe?”
“Oh, I don’t know! There’s so much,” Cady says happily. “Oh, can we get ears?”
“Sure,” Janis says. “Well, you can.”
“You don’t want ears?” Cady pouts. “They have a bunch.”
“Under no circumstances am I wearing Mickey ears,” Janis replies. “But you pick some, they’ll be cute on you.”
Ten minutes later, Janis is wearing ears. Cady has some on that look like Simba’s, Damian has a pair designed to look like Mulan’s costume, and Janis has been coaxed by her wife into a Maleficent themed pair. Cady takes a selfie of all of them with their ears, making kissy faces at the camera, and one with their normal smiles.
“Yay! Okay, I wanna see the castle,” Cady cheers as she puts her phone away.
“There’s a dragon too,” Janis says.
“A dragon?” Cady asks. “In the castle?”
“No, underneath,” Janis says. “This way, come on.”
Sure enough, the shortcut Janis takes leads them to a very large animatronic dragon deep in the belly of the castle.
“That’s so cool,” Cady says as she watches it move. “Look, you can see it breathe.”
“The wings move too,” Damian says, pointing to one. “And its feet.”
“Wow,” Cady says. “Can we go in the castle?”
“I think so,” Janis replies. “Line might be a bit long, but we can if you want.”
“It’s so pretty,” Cady sighs happily. “The waterfalls.”
Damian leads them inside and up to the second floor, where there’s a series of large and beautiful stained glass windows depicting the story of Sleeping Beauty. Cady leads them around to peer through each.
“Oh, it’s so beautiful up here,” Cady says. “But let’s go ride stuff, we can come back here later.”
“I wanna go on the Ratatouille ride,” Damian says quickly. Cady nods rapidly, and Janis is also intrigued, so Damian takes their hands and leads them that way. “It’s super cool, they’re not on a track. It’s all computers.”
Cady looks more than a little apprehensive at that. “And they don’t crash into each other?”
“No, they all have programmed routes, every car is different. Don’t worry,” Damian replies.
“Oh. That sounds fun,” Cady cheers. The lines are usually decorated with some sort of theme to match, and Cady looks around excitedly. Janis contents herself with watching her wife until they’re led onto the ride.
Janis has to admit that it is more fun than she had anticipated, it actually makes you feel like a little rat running around. But the best part is still Cady and Damian’s laughter throughout the whole thing.
“Where do you want to go, Jayjay?” Cady asks once they finish, still giggling slightly.
“Hyperspace Mountain,” Janis says immediately. “I don’t know if you guys would like it though, it goes pretty fast.”
“I’ll try it,” Cady says.
Damian says, “Hard pass,” at the same time. “You guys go, I’ll just look around.” He holds their ears and bags as they go to wait in line.
“Cads, are you sure you want to come? It’s a roller coaster, you didn’t like them last time,” Janis asks once they’re in line.
“That was almost ten years ago, love. Maybe I’ll like this one,” Cady says. “I’ll try anything once. And anything for you.”
Janis grins and leans in for a chaste kiss. “If you’re sure. I love you.”
“I love you more,” Cady retaliates.
“No, we’ve been through this!” Janis insists.
“And we’ve never reached a conclusion, so what’s your point?” Cady says with a chuckle. “This could continue until the end of time.”
Janis kind of hopes it does. They continue bickering until they’re fastened in. Cady goes quiet when she realizes where she is. She’s excited, but still nervous. She doesn’t have a great track record with roller coasters so far. Janis takes her hand and kisses her knuckles to help calm her down just before they shoot forward.
Cady’s hair is entirely poofed out by the time they get off, and she’s shaking slightly.
“Did you like it?” Janis asks as they head back to Damian.
“Uhhuh,” Cady says shakily.
“Are you lying?” Janis asks, knowing her wife.
“Uhhuh,” Cady says again. Janis laughs, but hugs her gently once they’re out of the way.
“You don’t have to come with me on anything else, it’s okay,” Janis chuckles as her wife clings to her. She seems better this time, she’s not shaking quite so hard and doesn’t look near tears. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Cady replies. “Just... maybe shouldn’t go on anything for a little while. I’m a little overwhelmed.”
“That’s fine, baby,” Janis says. “I’m hungry anyway, let’s find something to eat.”
“Oh, yay!” Cady cheers, always excited to eat. “Oh, Damian has something.”
“Hey guys!” Damian says as they finally reach him. “I found crepes.” He hands each of them a Nutella crepe he had gotten off a cart. “Nice hair, Cads.”
“Thanks,” Cady says, knowing she resembles a lion. She grabs her Lion King ears back to complete the look, before she ties her hair back in a ponytail to make it more manageable. “Ooh, this is good!”
“Yeah, for Disney it’s not bad,” Janis agrees around a mouthful. “Where d’you want to go now?”
“There’s a little Alice in Wonderland maze thingy over that way, it looks cute,” Damian says as he finishes his own snack. “And would be a good way to recover from the coaster.”
“Yes, please, let’s go there,” Cady says, already setting off. Janis and Damian hurry after her towards the maze.
They decide to split up and see who makes it out first. Cady winds up winning, jumping up and down as her wife and friend come out after her. “I win!”
“Nice, Cads. Must be some Kenya left in you,” Damian congratulates, ruffling her hair. “Where now?”
“There’s a pirate thing over that way, I can’t remember if it’s Peter Pan or Pirates of the Caribbean,” Janis replies. “That’s pretty chill.”
“Oh, that sounds nice,” Cady says. Janis leads them over to it and hugs Cady tight as they wait in line.
“Are you having fun?” She asks quietly as Damian sings along to the music playing.
“Yeah, I really am,” Cady grins. “Are you?”
“Yeah,” Janis says back. “I am. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Cady replies.
By the time the sun is starting to go down, they’ve gone on everything they wanted to, eaten almost every food offered around the premises, and taken pictures with just about every character they could find.
They have enough time to stay and watch the fireworks before they have to catch the train back. Cady has exerted all of her energy, so Damian and Janis switch off carrying her piggyback around as they finish doing what they want to.
Janis has her as they watch the fireworks, bundled cozily in the matching Mickey Mouse hoodies they had bought when Cady got cold. Cady squishes their cheeks together as they both look up, their Mickey ears clacking together gently.
“I love you so much, Janis,” Cady says quietly as the last firework pops off in the sky. If Cady wasn’t so close Janis wouldn’t have heard. “More than words can say.”
“I love you too, Cady. More than any language can say,” Janis replies. Cady nuzzles into her neck and drifts off to sleep, so Janis just adjusts her grip and chats with Damian as they head out towards the gates.
A couple days later, they head out to see the Palace of Versailles. They’d taken a day to recover from Disneyland, just staying in their hotel and spending quiet time together.
Cady has read up on the history of the palace, and is rattling off facts about each area they visit. Janis is very interested in the beautiful murals on some of the walls and the gorgeous statues scattered about. Damian is more interested in hearing about the royals who built and used to live in the palace. Cady tells them about everything they want to know.
“What if we had a garden like this at home, Jay?” Cady asks as they stroll around the sprawling grounds. Damian had wandered off and got stuck on a tour, so they’re waiting for him to be released.
“We would be very tired trying to maintain it,” Janis responds. “It’s so big, I’m tired just looking at it.”
“True,” Cady giggles. “But I think if we were rich enough to have something this big we’d be able to pay someone else to take care of it. Just think of how much hide and seek we could play here. I’d never run out of hiding spots.”
Janis laughs. “That’s why you want such a massive place? Just to play hide and seek?”
“Why not? What else are you supposed to do with it?” Cady asks. “Just walking around it must get boring after a while.”
“I don’t know that it would, it’s so beautiful,” Janis hums. “You could take a different path every day.”
“You could paint a different part every day, too,” Cady says. “And it must look different in every season, you could do four for each part!”
“You want four paintings for each bit of this place?” Janis chuckles.
“I always want your paintings,” Cady says quietly. “They’re part of you.”
Janis is almost stunned silent. “Thanks, baby. That’s why I love everything you make.”
“Even that shitty plate I tried to make you?” Cady giggles.
“It works! It’s a plate,” Janis insists. “I can still use it. The lumps are good for holding salsa and stuff.”
“And you say you’re not cute,” Cady responds. “I wonder how much this has changed since people lived here. Like, someone from two or three hundred years ago could have walked this same path.”
“I don’t think it’s changed much,” Janis says. “Maybe we walked it before. Past life, or something.”
“Could be,” Cady hums pensively. “You think we were together in a past life?”
“I don’t see why we couldn’t have been,” Janis says. “I definitely feel like I’ve known you a lot longer than I actually have.”
“I feel that way too, I just thought it was a cheesy ‘our souls are connected’ thing,” Cady giggles. “Oh, there’s Damian. Poor thing, he looks so confused.”
“I don’t think that tour he got stuck on was in English,” Janis laughs as they wave him over. “I told him he should keep studying French, but no.”
“How was it, Dame?” Cady asks as Damian finally makes his way to them.
“The bits I could understand were quite interesting,” Damian replies. “Lot of walking though, this place is big.”
“It’s massive! And everything is so detailed, I think I could walk around here every day for ten years and still miss something,” Cady says happily.
“Right? I almost plowed some people down because I kept staring at the ceilings,” Damian chuckles. “Anyway, have you ladies seen what you want to see? I’m hungry.”
“When are you not?” Janis jokes, earning her a whack from her wife. “Ow!”
“Be nice,” Cady scolds. “I’m ready to go, I’m hungry too.”
“I’m nice! This is just how we treat each other,” Janis insists. “You’ve known us for ten years, come on!”
“Yes, and I’ve been constantly exasperated with you two ever since,” Cady sighs lovingly. “Now come on.”
They head to a chocolate shop on their second-to-last day in Paris, so Aaron can get the freshest sweets possible. Janis is slightly worried that they won’t be able to bring them on the plane, but she decides to cross that bridge once they get there.
“So what kinds of chocolate does your boy toy like, Dame?” Janis asks, looking at a small bag of truffles that she’s very interested in for herself.
“Anything, really, he loves candy,” Damian says. “Where did Caddy go?”
“I dunno, she said she wanted to see something,” Janis replies. “She went that way.”
“Hm. Okay,” Damian says suspiciously. “God, everything smells so good.”
“Fresh chocolate,” Janis responds. Familiar arms suddenly wrap around her waist from behind. “Hi, Peanut. What have you been up to?”
“Nothing,” Cady hums in a tone that says she’s definitely been up to something. “Did you pick something?”
“Damn, why is this so expensive?” Damian asks suddenly, holding a case of chocolates of varying flavors. “All of the stuff here is.”
“Because it’s handmade,” Janis says. “They make new stuff every day.”
“Jesus,” Damian sighs. “He’d like this, though.”
“Done,” Janis says as she takes it, working her way over to buy them with her wife still clinging to her. “Now, what did you really get up to, Butterfly?”
“I might have signed us up for an eclair making class,” Cady mumbles. “They said we get to eat the rejects, I couldn’t resist!”
Janis laughs. “That sounds fun, babe, it’s okay. When is it?”
“Now,” Cady says shyly as a man suddenly emerges from the back and greets them. They’re led to wash their hands and put on gloves and hairnets.
The chef gives the instructions in French, so Janis translates as quickly as she can. “Oh, shit.”
“What? We haven’t even done anything yet, what could’ve happened already?” Damian asks frantically.
“He says if ours are good enough they’ll sell them in the shop,” Janis explains. “Or at least use them as a display.”
“Ooh,” Cady says excitedly, paying even closer attention.
“Why is a little bread thing so complicated?” Janis asks in slight fear, as the chef adds flour to a milk mixture and cooks it out.
“But they’re so good,” Cady says, restraining herself from eating all the caramel ingredients and tasty chocolate within her reach. “It’s worth it!”
The chef instructs them through the process of making a sort of caramel custard while the eclairs bake. Damian has started taking notes on his phone.
They’re set loose then, to replicate what the chef has taught them from scratch. Cady starts what she remembers from making the pastry, adding milk and a few other things to a pan. “This already doesn’t look right.”
“Shh, no, it’s fine,” Janis says quickly. “Just keep going, it’ll be fine.” Miraculously, she’s half-right, by the time everything else has been added and combined it almost looks like the one done by a professional.
Damian helps Janis load the dough into the piping bag, Cady watching anxiously off to the side. Janis gets to pipe them out on the bakeware, trying to remember how the chef did it.
She butchers the first one. It turns out sort of lumpy and misshapen, but for her first try it’s not terrible. Unfortunately, the improvement for the others is rather minimal.
“What are you doing? The fuck is that?” Damian calls as she pipes one and twists the end the wrong way.
“My best! I’m doing my best,” Janis calls back. “Look, we can fix it, it’s fine!”
“It’s not fine, oh my god,” Damian says. Janis suddenly hits an air bubble, making one of the eclairs much shorter than it was supposed to be.
“And you’re not helping!” Janis says, piping a little more out. Cady is bent over double laughing at their interaction. “Get the egg wash ready, dork.”
Damian helps Cady get the wash ready, brushing it over the piped pastry and shaping them back to something approaching decent.
“There,” Cady says as she brushes tears of laughter from her eyes. “Good job, guys.”
Janis huffs as she rests the piping bag down and glares at Damian. “Thank you. I tried very hard.”
“I never said they were bad,” Damian defends as the chef helps them clean up to prepare to make the filling. He’s also laughing, apparently having understood most of the recent conversation. “I just criticized your every move.”
“And I appreciate that so much,” Janis says sarcastically. “You fixed them, they’ll be fine.”
Cady gets to make most of the filling, with the chef watching protectively nearby in case of disaster. For her first time making caramel, she does remarkably well. She yelps a little when it puffs up as they add the cream to make it a custard, but recovers quickly and keeps going.
“There, see? Much easier,” Cady says, looking meaningfully at her wife and friend. The caramel is only slightly burnt, but the chef tasted it and said she could get away with it. That was her goal all along.
The eclairs come out of the oven looking remarkably good, and Cady helps Janis prepare the piping bag for the filling. The chef watches them in amusement, and Cady suddenly realizes they’ve made a terrible error.
“Jay?” She asks as Janis fills the bag, blissfully unaware.
“What?” Janis asks.
“We’ve made a mistake,” Cady mumbles, trying to hold back laughter.
“What? What did we do wrong?” Janis asks sadly.
Cady giggles hysterically. “When is the tip supposed to go in?”
Janis’ eyes go wide, and Damian bursts out laughing.
“Shit. Um... how do... what do we do?” Janis asks.
“Take the filling back out so we can put it in?” Cady suggests. Janis takes the bag and scrapes the caramel custard back into the bowl frantically while Cady hunts for the piping tip. “There, problem solved.”
“How are we so bad at this?” Janis mumbles as Cady puts the tip in and holds it for Janis to refill.
“We’re American,” Damian answers. “And eclairs are, like, famously tough to make.”
Once the filling bag is properly constructed, Cady hands the bag to Damian so he can pipe the eclairs full.
“You’re doing it wrong,” Janis teases to get him back. “Look, you have to fill them more! What are you doing?”
“Okay, point proven,” Damian grumbles as he pipes in more on the other side. Cady covers them with the same custard once they’re all full, and then a piece of chocolate is rested on as decoration.
“Yay, we didn’t do that bad!” Cady cheers. “They don’t look that different from his.”
“Yeah, but how do they taste?” Janis asks. She grabs what is clearly the worst looking one and takes a bite, and her eyes go wide when it’s actually quite good. “Oh, shit. Guys, try it.” Cady takes a bite too, and she dances happily at the taste. Damian goes next, giving a surprised hum.
The chef tries one of his own, hiding his surprise well. He informs them that they’re not quite good enough to sell, but they look good enough that they can pick one to put in the window. They pick the best looking one, and get to take the rest home.
“Well that was certainly an experience,” Damian chuckles. “Nice pick, Cads.”
“Thanks! That was fun,” Cady says happily. “And we get eclairs!”
Janis chuckles at how cute her wife is. “Let’s go eat them all.”
On their last full day in Paris, they finally get to go up the Eiffel tower. Damian and Janis are more than a little anxious, since it’s so high, but Cady promises to keep them both safe.
The sun went down a few hours ago, and the stars are out in full force. Cady leans up against the railing and looks out over the rooftops of Paris, thinking back on all the experiences she’s gotten to have over the last week and a half or so.
Janis comes up to hug her from behind as she spies Notre Dame, making her jump. They were warned about pickpockets, so they gave everything important to Janis to keep in her inner jacket pockets. Cady still gets startled.
“Sorry,” Janis says quietly. “Just me.”
Cady leans back against her and turns to smile up at her. “Just my favorite person in the world.”
Janis chuckles. “You’re pretty high on my list, too.”
“Good, nice to know,” Cady giggles in reply.
“Was this a good trip?” Janis asks, kissing her cheek and looking out. She can see the candy shop they got Aaron’s thank you present from the day before, and their hotel. It’s all lit up, and very beautiful.
“A great trip. I loved every minute,” Cady replies. “I don’t want to go home.”
“I don’t either,” Janis says. “We’ll come back soon.”
“We better. We can actually go places now that I’m not in school anymore,” Cady replies. “Thanks for bringing us here.”
“Of course. Dame, come here,” Janis says, reaching for him. He comes to join the cuddle, forming a group hug.
“I love you guys,” he says quietly. “Thanks for the trip, Janjan.”
Janis sniffs, crying slightly. “Both of you stop it, this is too mushy.”
“Aww, Jellybean,” Cady coos. “Come here.” She pulls Janis and Damian in tighter, both of them bending down slightly to cuddle into her shoulders. “I love both of you so much.”
“I said stop,” Janis whines. “God, I love you guys so much.”
“We are in the city of love, Jan, you can’t stop it,” Damian chuckles. “I don’t even want to think about what you two did in that room.”
“Damian Hubbard!” Cady scolds. “Behave.”
“Sorry,” Damian says sheepishly. “I’ll give you guys a moment.” He heads to the other side then, looking out over a different part of the city.
Janis pulls back from her wife and wipes her eyes gently, Cady cupping her face and running her thumbs over her cheeks.
“J’taime tellement,” Cady whispers, leaning up to press their lips together. Another thing to check off their bucket lists, making out on top of the Eiffel tower.
“J’taime aussi,” Janis replies between kisses. “Tellement.”
“We’ll come back someday,” Cady murmurs gently, ghosting the words against Janis’ lips. “We do have to go home.”
“Do you want to know your other surprise?” Janis asks. “Make going home a little easier?”
“Yeah,” Cady says excitedly. Janis grins.
“Remember how when you were trying to guess what I got you in the first place, you asked if we were getting a puppy? And I said no?” Janis asks. Cady nods. “I lied.”
“Really?” Cady squeals. “You’re serious?”
“I don’t kid around about puppies. I found a breeder who just had a litter of golden retrievers a while ago, once we get settled back home we’ll go choose one,” Janis replies, giggling as Cady kisses her passionately again.
“Oh, golden retriever puppies are so cute, yay,” Cady says, bouncing happily. “Elvira gets a sibling.”
“Oh, she’s gonna hate that,” Janis chuckles.
“She’s still young, she’ll learn to like them,” Cady says. “She’s only two.”
“Yeah, that’s, like, a lot of cat years,” Janis says. “She’s a moody teenager.”
“God, yeah,” Cady chuckles. “Sleeps all day too. Oh well, we’ll pick a puppy with a similar personality.”
“I think you’re right, though. They’ll get used to each other eventually,” Janis says.
“We’ll work on it,” Cady replies. “Good job, love, now I almost want to go home.”
“Good,” Janis laughs. “But for now, kiss me again.”
“Gladly,” Cady purrs, popping up on her tippy toes again.
A week later, they’re back in New York and almost adjusted once again to the time change. Time for a puppy.
They’d gotten all the supplies they would need the day before and set up the living room, deciding to keep Elvira in the bedroom until they were ready to be introduced face to face.
Cady shakes with excitement almost the whole way, frantically fiddling with a few of the stim toys she’s recently added to her collection.
When they enter the shelter, they’re immediately swarmed by a flock of puppies, wagging their tails happily and sniffing their shoes. One hops up on its hind legs to sniff Cady better.
“Oh my god,” Cady squeals, in a higher pitch than Janis has ever heard from her. “Oh, you’re all so cute, how am I supposed to pick?”
Janis sits down and laughs as several clamber onto her lap, trying to kiss her face. Cady follows suit, shrieking in surprise as about seven suddenly swarm in and knock her onto her back. One makes it to her face first, sniffing curiously at her nose before settling in on her chest for a nap.
“Oh. Who’s this one?” Cady asks, waving the others away from her face and cradling the one resting.
“That’s Salt. You can change her name if you want,” the breeder replies. “She’s the smallest, and pretty lazy, but she’s very gentle.”
Janis comes over carrying three others in her arms, trying to keep them off her lap. She extends a hand for Salt to sniff and chuckles when she chomps gently on her fingers.
“What do you think, baby?” Janis asks, looking at her wife.
“I love her,” Cady says happily. “Look at that face! We have to go now or I’ll take all of them, get me out of here. I want this one.”
“Sounds good, Butterfly,” Janis laughs. “Come on, let’s go get everything sorted.”
“Okay,” Cady says, scooping up her puppy and following them. “Bye guys! Oh, god, all of you are so sweet.”
“Okay, Salt here is already spayed and microchipped, mostly housebroken, but she’s not trained in any other way. She’s also had all her vaccinations to date, and here’s a recommendation for a vet,” the breeder says. “We notify on our social media whenever one gets adopted, so if you’d ever like to meet up with any of her siblings you can get in touch with their families that way.”
“Aww, that’s great, you’ll get to see your brothers and sisters again,” Cady coos. “Now we get to take you home!”
Janis manages to wiggle the puppy into her new harness and clip the leash on, leading her wife and new addition out once the puppy has said her goodbyes.
“What should we name her, Cads?” Janis asks as the puppy sniffs at a tree.
“What was the name of that shop? From Marseille, where your parents met?” Cady asks.
“La Jonquille,” Janis replies.
“What does that mean? I forgot,” Cady says with a chuckle as Salt runs out of leash and falls down.
“The Daffodil,” Janis says.
“Aww! What about Daffodil? That’s cute,” Cady squeals. “And we could call her Daffy.”
“I like it,” Janis replies. “Come here, Daffy! Come here!” Daffodil comes running over and bumps into Cady’s legs. “Aww, she likes it too, she responded to it.”
“Yay,” Cady says, picking her up and laughing as Daffy licks her face happily. “Oh, goodness, we love you too.”
“Okay, you ready to go home?” Janis asks, scratching behind Daffodil’s little ears.
“Yeah,” Cady grins, taking the leash and holding hands with her wife with her other hand.
But I’m always home with you.
does one of the characters in this have my real name because I am just that lazy? yes. this work was a challenge for me, but so much fun to write. hope you enjoyed!
our status for requests is the same as it was in the previous work. I am still taking them, but be aware that it will be July until your work is released.
thanks for reading!
lots of love,
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1-800-seo · 4 years
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1-800-𝗦𝗘𝖮'𝘀 𖣘 "𝗬𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝘆 (𝗨𝗻𝗶)𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲"
- 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝖩𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗄𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝗑 𝖸/𝖭
- 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿/𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝖼𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗄/𝖻𝗎𝗅𝗅𝖾𝗍𝖾𝖽/𝖾2𝗅/𝖼𝗈𝗅𝗅𝖾𝗀𝖾 𝖠𝖴
- 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 (𝖺 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗉𝗅𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝗄𝗂𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗌), 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗁𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗌 𝗅𝖺𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝗒, 𝖽𝗈𝗆!𝗃𝗄 𝗂𝖿 𝗎 𝗌𝗊𝗎𝗂𝗇𝗍, 𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗆𝗂𝖾𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌
- 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀: 2984
- 𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: 𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗅𝖺𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝗒 𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗌 𝗆𝗂𝗑𝖾𝖽 𝗎𝗉 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖺 𝖼𝖾𝗋𝗍𝖺𝗂𝗇 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗈𝗇𝖾'𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗈𝖿 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝗍𝖾'𝗌 𝗀𝗈 𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗄, 𝖺 𝗀𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗀𝖾 𝗉𝗅𝗈𝗍 𝖾𝗇𝗌𝗎𝖾𝗌, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖿 𝖾𝗇𝖺𝗆𝗈𝗎𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖽𝗈𝗋𝗄.
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doing laundry is absolutely one of your least favourite things in the world beside soggy socks
so you’re in a bad mood as soon as you walk into the campus launderette to say the least
the launderette is empty bar one dude you’d seen around the global technics centre
if you remember rightly he’s a European studies major
odd choice but you do you and all that
now you’re not weird or anything but you have a preference on what type of washing machine you use
I know I know kind of unorthodox
but the old washing machines take 30 mins longer so you’d prefer a newer one
unfortunately the only one left is directly next to this familiar-faced stranger and his laundry
your better judgement is telling you no but your impatience is telling you yes
and so you dump your laundry onto the floor next to the stranger and his and start sorting through for all your whites
your piles mingle a tad as they overlap beside each other like Venn diagrams of assorted underwear and other garments
his consisting of only whites
yours a jumbled mess since you had to wash all of your stuff
in sync you both pick up your washing and put it into the machine
you catch his dark wide eyes as you both straighten up and he lets out an awkward low-voiced giggle
your cheeks immediately flush pink and a bashful smile creeps up to your lips
“you’re from the global centre, right?”
you ask testing the waters
“I am, I’m a European studies major, my name’s Jungkook. I recognise you, you’re in linguistics class right?”
“Yeah, I’m a linguistics major so you’ll mostly see me there, it’s nice to meet you Jungkook”
you say with a smile as your hands fidget with the door handle of the washing machine
“It’s nice to meet you too, I thought I recognised you from somewhere, but it’s because I see you sometimes when I have to do extra credit European language projects. What’s your name?”
he says tilting his head like a curious puppy
“its ______”
you say as you bow to him politely
“Can I ask you something? I have to do a project on European languages and their similarities to others. The professor wants us to speak to outsiders for references so would I be able to collab on a project with you sometime in the future, if it’s not too much to ask?”
he averts his eyes from yours and blushes lightly
“Oh yeah sure, that’s no issue! It’ll be beneficial to me too because the linguistics portion of the course is coming up soon, so it’s a great idea.”
you beam at him
“Could I get your number?”
their is a pause that feels like an eternity between your next words and his last
the cause of this is your mind being far too focused on his wavy dark hair and his clear doe eyes
you snap out of your daze
“yeah totally, one sec”
you pull out your phone from your backpack on top of the washing machine and input his contact name and number as he reads it out
“Thanks for that, it’ll be a big help, let me know when you want to link up” he replies
and with that you had his number and continued on with your washing
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21/10 18:32
Jungkook ༄ : not to be accusatory but do you happen to own a pair of RED socks?
You: yes, why do you ask??
Jungkook ༄ : well ALL of my washing seems to be PINK!!
You: just because I own a pair of red socks doesn’t mean it was me 😠
Jungkook ༄ : yes but you were the only one in the launderette when I was there,,
Jungkook ༄ : smh gonna be turning up to class in pink tshirts and and socks, everyone be thinking ive made a new fashion choices when it’s really just because SOMEONE can’t keep their clothes separate from others B/
You: 1) it’s not my fault that my socks decided to migrate to new lands
You: 2) why, are you scared of pink or something? your ego too fragile to wear a ‘woman’s colour’?
You: 3) did you really use a sunglasses sad face emoticon lol
Jungkook ༄ : girl u owe me big time for all these clothes you ruined 😩
Jungkook ༄ : also im not scared of pink I just dont want to be wearing pink shirts to all of my formal events for the next ten years
Jungkook ༄ : and yes im sWaG so my emoticons are sWaG duh
You : ruined? ruINED? RUINED? I did not ruin anything, I simply spiced up your wardrobe boo x
You : oh no he’s a 2012 hype beast 🤦🏻‍♀️
Jungkook ༄ : how dare you call me something so sacreligious as a hypebeast!!
Jungkook ༄ : I am gucci not channel thank you very much
Jungkook ༄ : anyways I gtg write a report, speak soon red socks
Seen ✓
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Jungkook was in fact not writing a report
he was planning revenge dun dun dun~~~
his plan was to do the exact same thing you had done to him
but he had to be cunning about it
and so the week went on
he was scrolling through twt when he received a new follower
it was the one and only @_______
and lo and behold their last tweet was “tysm Seokjin oppa for buying me a personal washing machine,, now I can do my most hated thing but at home!!”
an idea sprung into kookie’s head
he didn’t have to try and spike your washing at the launderette
he could do it in a place you’d never suspect,, your home
now he only had to find out where you lived
just stalkerish tingz
he had to be lowkey about this
so he decided to ask his best mate and social butterfly of a friend Taehyung whether he knew you
and of course he did lol
“Hell yeah I know where she lives, she had the best party of the whole term, Jimin was so drunk he started chatting himself up in the mirror”
“Damn that sounds like a good time, probs should start going to these parties you invite me to”
“defo should, anyways I’ll tell u as long as you promise not to spread the information or use it for pervy or questionable reasons”
“I promise not to spread it or use it for pervy or questionable reasons”
he replies in monotone voice and his hand on his chest like an oath
and so that was how he acquired your address
simple enough really
and so that’s the events that lead him to be crawling through your dorm window however paused like a deer in headlights at the questionable sounds coming from the room across
he was squatted on the window ledge like spider man, red sock in hand and hood up
it was 9:00pm and your university apartment was supposed to be empty at this time
you had your class on now but he hadn’t accounted for your roommate
hence why he had frozen at the unsavoury sounds echoing round the apartment
low moans and grunts emanated from the room across
he had to get to the kitchen without alerting the dusk time love makers
he could do it if the floor plan was the same as his apartment block and he bet his reputation on that
if he got caught he’d never hear the end of it from his mates and your roommate might even call the campus police if they were spooked enough
and so he clambered through your bedroom window and onto your bed underneath
unmade bed might he add but what did he expect from a uni student
with wide eyes he listened for any noise of suspecting roommates and examined your room
the desk was littered with papers and an oversized lava lamp stood stout in the corner of the room
a lacy bra was hung over your wardrobe handle
he shoved away the idea of you wearing it and continued with his night time plot
slowly and stealthily he crept through the halls of the apartment and out to the kitchen
on the maiden was already a neatly hung load of whites
he’d have to assume it was yours otherwise he’d have to go back to your room to get laundry
he bundled up the clothes and shoved them in the washing machine with the incriminating red sock he’d brought and set it to economy spin
round and round it spun, getting progressively louder as it went
he had to get out of there asap
tip-toeing as he went past the questionable lewd noises, he finally made it to your bedroom
he made one last check to see if he’d left any damage in your room
his eyes fell upon that same bra
damn his manhood making him think predictably
he shoved the thought away and departed
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25/10 22:08
You: what in the hell did you do to my washing!!!?!!!
You: unless it was a ghost it HAD TO BE YOU JEON 🤬
Jungkook ༄ : wym I don’t even know where you live 😑
Jungkook ༄ : what’ve you done now?
Jungkook ༄ : how would i do that?? I don’t have like magic clothes dyeing skills boo
You: I SWEAR it was you!!
You: what do you want to bet it was u
Jungkook ༄ : I won’t bet anything I’m poor
You: that means you did it!
Jungkook ༄ : if you come with me to Taehyung’s party tomorrow I’ll tell u everything
Jungkook ༄ : but only if you go, that’s the terms of agreement
You: that’s all the incriminating evidence I need!! you basically just admitted to it you know?
You: however for reasons sake I will attend 👀
Jungkook ༄ : see you then red socks x
You: I suppose u will x
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time passed quickly and soon it was Taehyung’s party
You’d known Taehyung since middle school however since starting college you hadn’t seen much of him
schedules clashed often so the only time you got to see him was at a good party
nothing wrong with that, you just probably haven’t had a completely sober conversation with him in 2 years
he’s good fun, Taehyung, so you hoped Jungkook wasn’t as much as a killjoy as he’d been this week
his little antics (that you’d yet to figure out) had caused your work uniform to turn bright pink
and thus the ‘pink princess’ nickname at work began
you felt like sharpay, everyone in white, but you pink
you’d quite like to knock Jungkook down a peg after that
and so you made your way to the infamous Taehyung’s party
he welcomed you as you entered the large door of his fraternity house
behind his head of black curls you could see the mess that is a raging college party
young people, at assumably different levels of intoxication, were everywhere
some were stood all the way up the expanse of the stairs even
you looked around and spotted a familiar brunette in the kitchen sat on the large marble counter tops
he’s chatting to some pink haired girl beside him
you stalk up to him like a woman on a mission and jokingly (a little too hard for jokingly) push his shoulders with both hands
he immediately snaps his head round to face you and his eyes widen with shock
“I have a bone to pick with you.” you say as stern as you can
you grab hold a fistful of his black T-shirt and drag him into a side room
once you enter only then do you realise it’s a laundry room
how fitting 👀
you say “Come on, tell me how you did it.” as you cross your arms and glare at him
“Did what?”
“you know what I mean, don’t play dumb with me, how did you turn all of my washing pink, and might I add, my work uniform too!”
“Ohhh that, it was far too easy. You really should keep your windows locked when you’re out.” he says as he laughs, like the whole thing is amusing
“So you’re telling me you broke into my apartment?! How did u know where I live??”
at this point you’re pacing around the room, arms flailing wide at the sudden discovery
“Well, I may or may not have asked Taehyung, and he told me, and then I entered, I did not break into your apartment. Anyway, I didn’t touch anything but the washing machine and I had the lovely experience of being serenaded by your roommate’s sex symphony.”
he made a step forward towards you, almost in a challenging way
“Oh I’ll be having harsh words with him later...” you say as you uncross your arms and put them on your hips.
you stand thinking for a second before it sinks in
“Wait.. what did you hear? You said sex symphony, right?”
“Uh yeah, your roommate was proper going at it with someone. At least he had the decency to do it whilst you were out, I guess.” He chuckled
“Oh my days, that means Hobi must’ve had Hyerim round! Go him I guess, but also ewww”
“Anyways we’ve bounced around the issue enough here, you ruined my clothes and broke into my apartment!” you exclaim backing up against the wall
Jungkook starts to close the gap between you two
“So? What’re you going to do about?”
your back pressed flush with the wall, you start to realise how close he really is
you can see the small freckles that dot the bridge of his nose, the thick eyelashes that frame his eyelids, the totally sinful look in his eyes
like this you start to realise how shockingly handsome he is
no wonder he has a slight reputation in class
you had no idea why he was looking at you this way
“I-I’ll call campus security..” You begin
“Will you really now?” he retorts as he slams his hand into the wall behind you, caging you in
“I w-will” a whisper that falls on deaf ears
before you even register, his lips have attached themselves to yours and you feel his thumb under your jaw
he works his lips against yours and you feel your legs start to tremble
he tastes sweet and robust, like syrup on your tastebuds
you mould into his kiss and then break away, panting for air, wanting more
everything felt so wrong, yet so right at the same time
it was as if your current issue had melted away and the only thing you could focus on was the way he looked at you and how his soft lips felt against yours
“J-Jungkook? What’re we doing?” you asked, a giggle leaving you
you rest your head against chest, clasping at his tshirt
“I couldn’t resist, you’re so hot when you’re angry”
he places a firm kiss against your cheek, takes your hand in his, and leads you back to the party
you couldn’t believe you’d just done that, let him kiss you so easily
but once you let him, it felt so right, like it was supposed to be that way, him lapping you up like a parched man to water
it felt so natural to have his arm round your waist like it was now
the pair of you approached Taehyung, still clutched together
“What happened to you two? I heard _____ went off on one and then you both were missing for ages. And now you both show up all over each other... what went down 👀”
“Well you know, hate and love are both forms of passion.” Jungkook says with a smirk
“excuse me? Assuming I love you? I let you kiss me once and you say it’s love? I’ll show you love” you retort
“Oooh she’s feisty; so you kissed? Damn, things’re moving quickly for you two, one minute Jungkook’s asking me for your address, the next you’re sucking each other’s faces off. I’m one of hell of a wing man, if I do say so myself.”
Taehyung flips an imaginary lock of hair out of his way like a sassy high school cheerleader
You both just laugh, at Taehyung, and because of how crazy it is,
It’s almost like you didn’t know you liked him like that until it smacked you in the face
“Do you want a drink? A beer?” Jungkook asks pouring himself a glass of punch
“That’d be great, thank you” you reply as you realise how much more time you want to spend with this annoying but totally handsome dork of a boy
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༄ 𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗈 𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀! ༄
This was just a little fic I wrote a while ago which had formatting errors so I fixed it for y’alI, Hope you enjoyed it ☺️ Let me know what you thought of it and feel free to like and reblog <3
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oh-katsuki · 3 years
currently running on a total of 5 hours of sleep in total in the past 50 hours because finals are completely draining me
anyways im so so so sorry for not being here in a while, ive been studying a lot cause my finals start this week and its the end of the school year and what not
a few hours ago kai was trying to comfort me while i was crying over math equations because i got so mad at a question that i literally couldn't hold in my tears
yesterday i stayed up binge watching mha so i decided that i needed to study today
i think ive done enough for today so im gonna take tomorrow as another off day
wait hold on im gonna check my finals schedule
what the fuck my finals dont even start until friday
im gonna fucking scream oh my god i literally spent the whole day studying when i didnt have to
im also very sex deprived and kai wont even let me look at his dick because apparently i need to sleep first
am i gonna sleep? yeah 🙄
currently waiting for the melatonin i took to kick in
i cant wait until summer, school's been taking away my opportunities to do anything interesting
a bunch of tiktok kids are on my ass because i said that 14 year old boys shouldn't be saying weird sexual shit and calling random girls mommy
i saw a post that was like "stop playing before i put you in doggy style gripping your hair telling you to shut up and take it"
went on this mfs page and his bio said "14"
bro go do your algebra 1 homework 😕
im getting tired now but ill come back tomorrow
also i hope youre doing okay!
anyways i gtg before i fall asleep and accidentally delete this whole thing
- roadtrip anon <3
awwwwww, im sorry bub, final exams really suck ;( i’m sure you’re gonna do amazing though, esp since you’re working that hard. 
I love how you checked mid message when ur finals were that was kinda cute LMFAO 
also don’t worry bubs! I was actually just wondering today about where you’d gone n what you were up to. 
hopefully you get a good night’s rest so kai (glorious and respectful kai) will give you one single iota of cock. good luck, bae, sleep well <3 
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
Fear and Dumplings: Chapter Fifteen
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Confronting your fears for a final grade sounds unappealing but, with Yoongi as your partner, things might not be so bad.
Summary: You’re in your final semester at University when your Abnormal Psychology professor assigns you a partnered project surrounding your greatest fears. Lucky for you, your partner just so happens to be a cute boy named Min Yoongi.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Underground Rapper! Yoongi, Soft!!! Yoongi, Fluff!!!, College! Yoongi, Sub! Yoongi
Word Count: 10.1k ( this is unedited for now)
A/N: hello its 4am and, Im dead inside but, I love soft yoongi so much. I hope this makes you happy :)))) This chapter was really supposed to be about Jimin’s showcase but, there is a lil spice and a whole lot of Suga (ha, get it?) at the end. Please please please let me know what you think, it means the world.
Warnings for this Chapter: overwhelming tension as we wait for the winner of the showcase to be announced, language, alcohol use (stay safe kidz), like an insane amount of fluff and friendship, smut (18+ only plz).
Chapter 15: Park Fairy and Professions
So, you think you can make it out of Yoongi’s studio aka the place where you’ve realized you’re most definitely falling for the one and only Min Yoongi aka Agust D aka THE CUTEST MAN ALIVE???
You can!
Well, barely…
After the conclusion of yet another round of morning sex, you finally pry your greedy hands off of Yoongi’s body and, force yourself to head home to freshen up before Jimin’s show.
Yoongi hadn’t been very fond of the idea but, the logical side of him knew that the two of you couldn’t stay cocooned together forever.
(even though he would have been totally fine with that)
He walked you to your car, flipping Seijin off as he berated him from the front desk and, placed at least 5 shy kisses onto your mouth after opening your car door.
Home boy was thoroughly whipped…
But I mean…so we’re you.
Because, now that you’re sitting on your couch in nothing but your towel, you can’t help but allow a drunken smile to invade your mouth.
While you might have erred on the side of caution a month or two prior, you can’t help but, free fall into the mushy pit of emotion that’s currently taking over your brain.
It’s nothing you can avoid anymore. You’ve been trying for quite some time.
You’re hopelessly, recklessly, falling in-
Saved by the bell…
You giggle, your heart warming at Jungkook’s open display of (aggressive) affection.
He’s come along way.
BROS FOR LYFE: I’ll be there! Even though getting beheaded by Jungkook doesn’t sound like a bad way to go…
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): when he sends out death threats for you <333 I can’t wait to see you kookie, I miss you so much. Are you guys staying the night?
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): I’m definitely staying the night. I don’t know what Tae is doing.
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): and given that he ate my leftovers last night, I don’t care what he’s doing :D
BROS FOR LYFE: the ultimate sin
BROS FOR LYFE: tae, I’m surprised you survived through the night…
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): The leftovers were unmarked, aka they were fair game
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): also, yes we’re staying the night but, we have to leave early in the morning because we have finals to study for
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): kookie never said he missed me back so, he might not have a place to stay tonight -_-
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): we spent four hours on facetime last night (while Taehyung the Traitor was taking candy (my leftovers) from a baby (me) ) talking about how much we missed eachother
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): I can’t be gross in the main chat but, you know I miss you a lot
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): good point <333 I love u
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): Y/N is Yoongi coming tonight??? I really want to meet him
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): I love you more jagiya
BROS FOR LYFE: *cries in genuine love and happiness for two of my best friends finding that good ol fashion true love*
BROS FOR LYFE: He’s coming <333
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): is he? He’s a cool guy, I feel bad that I didn’t talk to him more but, I got distracted
BROS FOR LYFE: all of you were distracted that night smh but, yeah he’ll be there
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): forgive me; I was confessing my undying love for Jimin
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): and I was trying not to murder the group of co-eds for swarming my man like a bunch of fucking vultures ^-^
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): and I was uh…you know…getting laid
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): see Y/N, Tae has no excuse…
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): he’s just awful :-)
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): you were also getting laid??? At least I actually met Y/N’s new boyfriend
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): excuse you, I was making love…
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): Kookie (◕‿◕✿)
BROS FOR LYFE:  There’s no hard feelings, yoongi and I were unbothered
BROS FOR LYFE: we all got laid that night XD
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): did she just
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): I’m so proud :’’’)
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): we’re getting distracted though
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): tonight is about the one
BROS FOR LYFE: True that
BROS FOR LYFE: Park Fairy, we are so excited to see you dance tonight! I already know that you’re going to blow us away but, I am not prepared for how hard I’m going to cry.
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): I hope I make you guys proud, having you there means the world to me
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): hi, can you stop saying nice things? I’m in public and, I don’t need strangers seeing me cry
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): He’s cried twice already…once at the gas station and, once at mcdonalds
BROS FOR LYFE: Jimin, we’re already so proud of you…like? You’re literally so talented. We’ve been proud since you won the 7th grade talent show. WE WORE MATCHING T-SHIRTS
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): ahhh yes, how could I forget? You made Taemin cry lol
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): he was really good
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): I was just…you know…
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): isn’t he a pornstar now?
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): is he?!?!
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): can 100% confirm that he is a pornstar
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): how do you know?
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): well this was fun! Love you jagiyaaaa! We’re about to go through a very windy tunnel!
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): underground!
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK):  I can’t hear you *static sound*
BROS FOR LYFE: did he just
BROS FOR LYFE: type out…static sound?
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): I’m going to kill him  (◕‿◕✿)
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): lol Jungkook has left the chat. We do have to get back on the road though. We love you guys, see you soon : )
BROS FOR LYFE: Love you guys! Drive safe through all of those windy underground tunnels lol
As usual, a conversation with your best friend’s never ceases to leave a massive smile on your face.
Those three were good for the soul.
There were a few things you’ve been neglecting for the past two days. One of which was currently howling at your feet.
Marizpan is a fickle creature, as most cats are but, she’s exceedingly affectionate during times like these.
Times when she wants something
She rubs her tabby body against your legs to summon your attention and, immediately you oblige, picking her up and placing her on your lap.
“Hi…did you miss me? I was gone for one whole night and, I nearly died without you…” You lament, giggling as she offers a grumble in response, rubbing her head against your hand as you scratch gently behind your ears.
Another howl comes from Marzipan’s throat as she glances anxiously towards the kitchen:
She wants treats…
Of course.
“I can’t believe, after all of these years, that I actually believed you genuinely wanted affection…” You admonish her, smirking fondly as she grumbles again, eyes still trained on the kitchen.
“Fair enough, come on…” You giggle, patting her butt before the two of you stride towards the cupboard.
Marizpan’s insatiable hunger is satiated for now and, upon surveying your living room, you decide to tidy up a bit.
There was quite a bit of nervousness swirling around your stomach at how tonight would go. If Jimin wins his showcase, the odds of him being hired into his dance company of choice would literally skyrocket.
You know that’s his ultimate goal. It has been ever since you met him and, you wanted to see him succeed so badly. Watching Jimin evolve into the dancer he is today has been a truly incredible experience.
All of your friends have become amazing people and, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself at how lucky you are to have them in your life.
Yoongi meeting your friends was kind of a big deal and, you’re trying your best to downplay it. You wanted them to meet at Kappa’s party because, it would have been a less formal setting. In all honesty, you kind of knew that your friends would disappear and do their own thing so, it was a cop out to have them meet there in the first place.
Having them all formally meet on such an important night probably wasn’t the greatest idea but, given that it was Jimin’s suggestion, you figured he was more than ok with it.
There was a gnawing thought in the back of your brain that begins to remind you that the reason you care so much about Yoongi meeting your friends is because well…
You’re in-
Yoongi: Hey, what time should I be there tonight?
The abrupt buzzing on your thigh was a welcome distraction; your incoming texts seem to have impeccable timing.
You: Jungkook said to get there a half hour early so, maybe like 7?
Yikes, the butterflies are in full blown chaos mode and, all Yoongi has done is send you a text.
Yoongi: Ok sounds good.
A few seconds pass before another text comes through.
Yoongi: you left your bra here by the way
You: Ugh I knew I forgot something…
You: Would you mind setting it aside for me? I’ll get it the next time I come over.
The butterflies ricochet uncomfortably in your stomach as you respond with the assumption that you would be coming over again.
Yoongi: ok :-)
Yoongi: thank you for coming to the studio last night
Yoongi: I feel a lot better today
A small smile curves onto your mouth, his little smiley face with the nose are YOU KIDDING ME???
You: anytime <3
You: thank you for trusting me with your emotions; I know that shit isn’t easy.
Yoongi: idk, you make it pretty easy
Yoongi: I gotta keep working but, text me when you’re there so, I can meet up with you guys
Yoongi: have a good day <3
You: I will <3 you too!
Once again, Yoongi has a way of making you feel on top of the world but, saying only a few words. It’s always so genuine, which is why it strikes such a chord in you.
You never understood why people would want to spend all of their free time with one person until you met Yoongi. Obviously, keeping things realistic, you know that isn’t possible. But, you’re fully in that cupcake phase. If you had your way, you’d spend every day with him at this point.
It’s absolutely disgusting.
For Jimin’s showcase, your outfit choice was simple: just a patterned dress and, some boots. As Jungkook said, tonight is about the one and only PARK JIMIN.
But, you still wanted to look nice, as this night is so incredibly important.
Taehyung and Jungkook called you earlier in the day to let you know they had made it to Jimin’s apartment. Jimin, of course, had already left for the showcase to warm up and, get into his costume.
Yoongi had also texted you 10 minutes ago letting you know that he was leaving his house and, at that, your stomach had swirled once again with excitement.
As you’ve done so many times before, you bid Marzipan an enthusiastic farewell which, of course, isn’t reciprocated.
She’s kind of a rude girl.
But, anyway, off you go.
The ride to your university is longer than usual due to an unscheduled stop at a nearby station but, you make it to the center of campus in less than 20 minutes.
The school is swarming with students, which is obviously unusual for this time of day but, the annual showcase is one of the biggest events of the entire year. So big in fact, that there are several media outlets there to cover it.
You can’t be bothered with that kind of excitement because, you’re dealing with a very different kind of excitement that literally explodes in your gut the moment you see him.
Yoongi is standing by the fountain, dressed in a light blue button up, a chocolate brown pair of cuffed chinos, and dress shoes. His faded hair is combed neatly towards the front of his face and, you swear you’re literally going to melt right here, in the middle of campus.
There isn’t a need to feel shy anymore but, you don’t want to make a scene.
Not in public anyway…
“Hey I’m sorry to bother you but, you look so familiar. Do we have like…class together or something?” You inquire casually, resisting the urge to smile as his gummy smile immediately makes an appearance.
He saw you coming but, he chose not to look up from his phone, still holding on to some level of chill.
“Uh no sorry, I’ve never seen you in my life…” He replies, smiling but, not looking up from his phone, his cheeks flushing as he spots your dress out of the corner of his eye.
“So weird…” You muse before, hooking a finger underneath his chin to bring his gaze towards yours, “I feel like I just saw you this morning though…”
Yoongi thinks you look beautiful and, he kind of wants to proclaim it loudly to the entire quad but, of course, that isn’t his style. Instead, he keeps his smile intact: gums and all, and replies.
“Hm actually, now that I’m looking at you, you do look kind of familiar…”
He’s already itching to kiss you; emotions really are a sickness.
“Maybe this will jog your memory…” You murmur before leaning and pressing your lips against his, immediately wishing that there isn’t a crowd of people surrounding you.
Yoongi’s hands come out on instinct to rest on your hips, cursing himself for already missing the feeling of your lips.
“Do you remember me now?” You whisper, pulling away, one of your hands coming up to cover Yoongi’s.
He blushes, nodding wordlessly, still sort of lingering against your lips, “Y-Yeah…”
“WeEELLL hello there! Hi, yes we are here now so please stop being gross!”
You giggle, reluctantly pulling away from Yoongi’s mouth before turning towards the boisterous voice.  
Jungkook and Taehyung are approaching from the huge crowd of people and, you feel Yoongi tuck into your side obviously nervous. They draw attention from a group of girls also loitering by the fountain and, sometimes you forget how unbelievably attractive your best friends are. Taehyung is wearing a maroon button up that’s casually tucked into a pair of the tightest black pants you’ve ever seen and, Jungkook is dressed in all black (dress shirt and pants) along with a tie that LITERALLY HAS JIMIN’S FACE ON IT.
We love a supportive boyfriend.
“Uhmmmm hi??? Where did you get that tie and, why didn’t you bring any Jimin merch to share with the rest of the class?” You inquire, brows raised in expectation causing Taehyung to snicker and shake his head.
Jungkook scoffs, the two of them now standing right in front of you and Yoongi, “This is exclusive. Boyfriends only. Yoongi-ssi it’s good to see you again…” Jungkook bows his head slightly, shaking Yoongi’s hand and, Yoongi accepts it graciously, bowing his head as well.  
At this, you raise your brows, not expecting Jungkook to whip out the honorifics but, you can tell it pleases Yoongi by the small smile on his lips.  
“It’s good to see you again too, your tie is great.”  
Taehyung follows suit, shaking his hand and bowing before speaking, “Yoongi-ssi do you speak Korean?”  
Your ears perk up at the unfamiliar language and, immediately you see Yoongi smirk, “I do yes, it’s my first language.”
Jungkook snickers, “Interesting. So what I’m hearing is, we now have a way to communicate without Y/N knowing.”
Narrowing your brows, you nudge Yoongi, “What are they saying???”  
Yoongi smirks, turning quickly to press a kiss to your cheek, “Don’t worry about it…”
“Yeah Y/N, the adults are talking…” Taehyung chuckles and, you feel yourself roll your eyes in response.  
“Yah this is going to be fun…” Jungkook chuckles causing the other two men to join him.
With a roll of your eyes and, a groan at the back of your throat you, slide your hand down Yoongi’s forearm before interlocking your fingers with his, “You guys suck...”  
Yoongi thinks he’s going to melt due to the fact that you are now holding his hand but, he plays it off by snickering along with your friends.  
You don’t miss the way his thumb runs over the back of your knuckles whilst he still maintains the smirk on his face, “Did you not know that you’re best friends spoke Korean?”  
“Obviously I knew but, they only ever speak it at their parent’s house. I didn’t think they’d use it for mischief...” You grumble, nudging Jungkook as he wraps his arm around you, leading all of you towards the performance space.  
“How else do you expect us to intimidate your new boyfriend? If we said it in English, you’d know and ruin all the fun.” Kook explains, very matter of factly, still smirking as he keeps Yoongi and Taehyung entertained.  
“Excuse you, I don’t ruin the fun, now you’re just spreading lies...” You admonish, nudging Jungkook even harder, swaying slightly before leaning into Yoongi for support  
“You would ruin this specific type of fun.” Taehyung corrects, “we have to make sure Yoongi is a certified Bro...”  
“A certified Bro?” Yoongi inquires, brows furrowed in confusion.
Taehyung’s statement and Yoongi’s subsequent confusion make you giggle and, you nod to your cell phone in response, “We made a group chat on Discord like 7 years ago called Bros for Life and, we’ve kept the same name ever since so, that’s how we refer to each other…”
With a nod, Yoongi acknowledges your explanation, thinking it over before turning to Taehyung as the four of you walk closer and closer towards the entrance, “What are the qualifications to becoming a bro?”
Jungkook snickers as your face falls once again, “You’re off to a great start Yoongi-ssi, your willingness to annoy Y/N is impressive.”
Yoongi chuckles, nodding and, although your curiosity is eating you alive and, you want to smack Jungkook for enjoying it so much, you feel warmth blooming in your chest as you see Yoongi interact with your best friends.  
Also, hearing Yoongi speak Korean is…you know…hot.
“You speak in a dialect too, which makes you cooler, where are you from?” Taehyung fishes out his wallet, pulling four tickets out as you approach the beginning of the line.  
“Daegu, you sound like you’re from Gyeongsang too…”  
You recognize the word ‘Daegu’ from his otherwise mystery sentence and, you come to the conclusion that they are likely asking Yoongi where he’s from.  
Taehyung’s face goes wide with excitement, slapping Yoongi on the back a bit too hard, “Yahhh I am, I left when I was ten. Y/N your man is doing well so far, we’re from the same area back home.”
The end of Taehyung’s sentence reaches your ears and, you turn towards Yoongi to catch the blush on his cheeks.   
‘Your man’ Yoongi thinks, he likes the sound of that.
“Oh yeah that’s right Tae, I forgot you were from Daegu too...look at you guys, having things in common already…” You smile, averting your gaze towards the entrance to the auditorium.
It’s been awhile since you’ve seen Jimin dance. You’d gone to a smaller showcase earlier in the year and, although it was fucking fantastic, you have a feeling that whatever you’re about to experience is going to blow you away.
“Tickets?” A chipper voice draws your attention as the female student extends her hand towards your group.
Taehyung gives her a polite smile before handing over the tickets and, upon checking them out the girl’s face seems to light up.
“Sorry but, are you guys here for Park Jimin?”
You and Yoongi glance at eachother before Jungkook pipes up, “The one and only…he’s my boyfriend…”
Jungkook isn’t one for talking to strangers so, the fact that he is so willing to announce his relationship to this unsuspecting girl is kind of cute.
The girl smiles, her cheeks flushing a bit as she nods, “Oh well…congratulations um, I was just asking because, Mr. Park has a reserved seating area at the front of the auditorium. He also instructed me to tell you that he loves you very much and, if I see Jungkook, which I’m assuming you’re Jungkook…” She laughs and, gestures to Jungkook, “…to tell him that…” She pulls a piece of notebook paper from her pocket, reading intently, “ ‘ To my Kookie Monster, if you aren’t wearing anything with my face on it, I will probably die of a broken heart also, you look really hot, I can’t wait to let you hit it from the back later, lots of kisses, Love your little Mochi…”
The letter causes a great flush to come over Jungkook’s cheeks as  he desperately wishes Jimin had even an ounce of shame. You and Tae are in a full blown fit of laughter that Yoongi actually joins at some point but, not without blushing first.  
“Anyway…” The girl giggles, ripping off a portion of your tickets before gesturing to a tall man with a headset, “Soobin will take you to your seats, enjoy the show…”
“Oh he will…” You tease, your laughter still dying down as Jungkook audibly groans, trudging behind you like the angsty teen he really is.
“Shut uuuuuup.” He grumbles which only fuels the teasing more.
“Yah, Kookie Monster really? I thought you guys were Jeon-Z and Jimyonce?” Tae jests, pinching Jungkook’s arm.
He shrugs off Taehyung’s touch, a smile threatening his lips because, while yes it was pretty embarrassing, Jungkook secretly enjoys the attention.  
“We still are…” He affirms before, an uncharacteristic smirk comes over his lips, “…that’s just what he calls me in bed…”
At this, your brows go up but, Jungkook just keeps walking, pushing playfully past Tae who also sports your same astonish expression.
“Kookie monster is a weird sex name…” Taehyung murmurs in your ear whilst attempting to following Jungkook to your seats.
You giggle, shrugging your shoulders before subtly pulling Yoongi a little closer to you, knowing he gets nervous in larger crowds, “Don’t kink shame them, they are young and in love…”
“That’s no excuse.” Taehyung smirks, shaking his head as Jungkook proudly takes his seat front and center, frantically waving the rest of you over.
Still smiling fondly at your friend, you turn towards Yoongi, only to find that he’s already looking in your direction.
“Are you ok? I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about the crowd…”
Yoongi just smiles ( :] ), shaking his head, “No need to be sorry, I’m good…”
You raise his hand, pressing a kiss to the backs of his knuckles, which of course makes him want to keel over and die in the middle of the performance space.
“Ok good, let me know…” You assure him as the two of you sit down, the bustling of the room growing increasing louder as more and more people file in.  
Yoongi nods, still smiling fondly at you before, his dark eyes flit towards the stage. What you don’t notice is the quickening of his heart, which occurs every time you do anything remotely endearing.
This, unluckily for him, is very often.
As the room begins to settle, you see Jungkook pull out his camera, puttering around with the settings to make sure everything is ready for Jimin’s performance. The nerves bubbling in your stomach begin to grow, knowing full well that your best friend is backstage getting ready to put on the show of his life.  
You notice the various talent scouts around the space, stiff looking people nursing clipboards between their hands and, a panel of judges at the center of the room, looking just as pedantic.
“What number is he?” Taehyung leans over Jungkook to whisper to you but, Jungkook pipes up before you have the chance to speak.
“18. It’s his lucky number…” He nods with his response, his dark eyes eagerly scanning the stage.
You and Tae smile fondly at him before glancing knowingly at one another.  
Jungkook looked nervous, probably more nervous than you’ve ever seen Jimin. He’s likely spent many nights speaking with Jimin about the importance of this night and, Jungkook being the supportive, loving person he is, wants nothing more than to see his boyfriend succeed.  
“I think Jimin said there are 20 dancers in his category and, then a short deliberation period before they announce the winner.”  You affirm, patting Jungkook’s thigh, which has been bouncing up and down for the past few minutes, “Are you ok?”
He glances at you, nodding, his eyes holding a bit of apprehension, “Yeah, I’m just nervous for him. I know he’s going to be amazing but, I just want them to know that..” He nods to the panel of judges assigned with essentially sealing Jimin’s fate as a professional dancer, “He told me that he’s been promised so many things if he wins, like contracts and stuff, it’s just really important that he wins. I don’t know what would happen if he didn’t…I just want them to see how amazing he is…”
Jungkook’s concerns are mumbled in such a way that indicates he only wants you to hear them, not wanting to appear nervous to the rest of the crowd.  
“It would be impossible for them not to see how amazing he is. He’s going to light up the entire room, you know he will…” You smile, rubbing Jungkook’s thigh gently and, he leans into you, placing his head on yours momentarily before turning and placing a quick kiss on top of your head.
“I know, I know, thank you…he’s going to crush these amateurs….” He mutters into your hair, causing you to giggle at his brashness.  
“Into smithereens…”  
With a grin, Jungkook pulls away, trying to reign in all of his difficult emotions as the lights around the room begin to dim.  
The noise lingering around the room comes to a complete halt as the host for the evening meanders onto the stage. Dressed in a bright pink suit, you decide that he looks vaguely familiar but, you can’t quite place his face.
“Good evening ladies and gentleman, welcome to the 10th annual Crystal Cornucopia, the nation’s leading collegiate dance showcase. I’m your host for the evening, Kim Jong-in but, most of you probably know me as Kai. It’s pleasure to be back here on the 10th anniversary of this amazing event that launched my career not too long ago.” He smiles brilliantly at the crowd as applause erupts at the end of is statement.  
Ah yes, you remember now. Kai was an alumni of your university who subsequently actually lost to Jimin during Jimin’s freshman year showcase. However, things apparently worked out for him because, according to Jimin, Kai went on to join a very prestigious dance company after graduation. Knowing this gave you some comfort because, although Jimin losing the showcase was unlikely, it was still possible.  
“We have 50 incredible dancers tonight from three of my favorite styles.” Kai continues, adjusting the shiny lapels of his suit, “20 amazing contemporary performers, 20 hip-hop performers and, 5 stunning pairs of ballroom dancers.”
“Tonight, not only do we get to witness months of hard work and dedication but, we also get to witness the championing of the year’s best collegiate dancer.”  
At his words, the crowd cheers again, and you smile at the thought of your best friend twirling on stage to receive his much deserved trophy.
Kai continues his intro speech, giving the room a rundown on basic etiquette and, instructions for meeting with the dancers after the show.  
“First up is June Lee!”  
The hip hop category is first and with it, comes a lot of excitement and, older members of the crowd shooting disappointing glances at the stage.  
During a small set-up break between performers, you lean over to Yoongi, who seems to be enjoying himself, “Is Hoseok performing tonight?”
Yoongi smirks and shakes his head, “I told him when he transferred that he should sign up but he said, and I quote, ‘hyung dance competitions are way too mainstream and besides,  they would ban me immediately for being too sexy on stage.’ “
You laugh quietly, leaning into him as you do, “Fair enough, that’s why I didn’t join too, you know, cause it’s too mainstream or whatever…”
He raises his brows at that, “Oh yeah? That’s why you’re not in the competition?”
You attempt to get a straight face and a quiet voice as you reply, “Definitely yeah…I would have given Jimin a run for his money…”
Before Yoongi has a chance to return your banter, Jungkook casually turns to you and whispers, “Stop lying to your boyfriend Y/N, trust is the most important thing in a relationship.”
Whilst you gawk at him, Yoongi erupts in a quieter version of his rickety laughter and, you’re actually happy Jungkook is telling jokes, even if it’s at your expense. 
“Why would you expose me like that? I thought we were friends….” You lament, face full of mock offense as the two men continue chuckling.  
The chatter once again dies down as the next performer enters the stage.
Although you were thoroughly enjoying the performances as they were incredible, you were only there for one reason and, that reason was:
Park fucking Jimin.  
“Up next, we have three time national champion, Park Jimin, number 18!” Kai’s voice echoes throughout the room and, your stomach literally drops as the curtains are pulled open to reveal Jimin’s set.  
Several dancers had mini set-ups and, if you remembered correctly, they only had 30 seconds to put up and take down their props; Jimin had been stressing out over whether or not he’d be able to do it.
Of course, he pulled it off.
Your breath catches in your throat as soft periwinkle and yellow lights illuminate the stage revealing Jimin curled up inside a shiny looking bubble filled with flowers. His pink hair is ruffled playfully atop his head as his pearlescent lycra suit clings to his figure. Only, it’s not just the suit this time, he’s also sporting a diamond choker, paired with diamond earrings and, perhaps the most stunning addition of all, are the beautiful fairy wings adorning his back.
“Park Fairy…” You whisper, trying to control the massive smile that’s taking over your lips. Yoongi squeezes your hand encouragingly, knowing how emotional this moment is for you.
Jimin looks up at the top of the bubble as his song starts playing, it’s a song called Serendipity and, its one of Jimin’s favorites. As he touches the bubble, it seems to curl away and disappear around him, allowing him to move freely about the stage.  
And move freely he does, Jimin takes the stage gently and, then all at once. Twirling and twisting, hitting every single move perfectly, smiling brilliantly as he does, relishing in the attention the audience is giving him.  
“He’s so beautiful…”  
The unfamiliar words draw your attention for just a moment as you take in the sight of Jungkook crying beside you, adoration pouring out from his smoothed out expression. You don’t know what he said but, you lace your fingers with his anyway and, he obliges quickly without taking his eyes off of the stage. Taehyung isn’t doing much better but, he’s keeping it together for the sake of filming the performance for Jungkook.  
Your attention is pulled back to the stage as you catch Jimin leaping into the air before intentionally collapsing back to the ground, arching his back as he does. His movements, his expressions; everything about his performance is the epitome of beauty and elegance.  
Jimin’s dance seems to be about a fairy taking flight for the first time, given that he acted unsure in the beginning and, is now leaping and bounding across the stage. His expression grows softer and softer as he twirls to the bubble to grasp at a single pink rose.  
“Let me love, let me love you…”  
The song chimes behind him as he rushes to the front of the stage, his eyes glossy as he meets Jungkook’s loving gaze.
“Let me love, let me love you…”
Jimin mouths the words as he does his final move and, with the conclusion of his dance, he tosses the flower into Jungkook’s lap, which of course he catches with one hand, laughing lightly as he does, despite his tears not slowing.  
Jimin smiles softly, glancing between the three of you and, you can tell he’s reigning in his own emotions as he takes a deep bow for the audience.
The four of you stand up along with the rest of the room and, clap until your hands are sore. As you take your seats, Jungkook pulls you into a tight embrace, tucking his face into your neck.  
“He did so good, oh my god he did so good…” He whispers, still practically sobbing and, Tae sends another knowing smile your way, wiping his own tears with the back of his hand.
“Park fucking Jimin...” You affirm, smiling through your own tears as you rub a hand over Jungkook’s back, kissing the side of his head.
Sniffling, Jungkook pulls away, chuckling and shaking his head as he wipes his tears. His face is overcome with emotion, consumed with love for his boyfriend.  
“I feel bad for anyone who has to follow that...holy shit...” Tae chuckles, sniffling whilst placing a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder.
The two of you agree with him and its then you notice how quiet Yoongi is being, quickly turning towards him, wiping the last bit of tears lingering in your eyes.  
But of course, ever the collected one, Yoongi merely smiles, his thumb coming out to brush underneath your right eye, collecting another tear, “You’ve gone soft Y/L/N...”
You know he’s joking but, you snap your teeth at him anyway, a move that causes him to snicker and jerk his hand away, “Shut up.”
“Easy...easy...” He admonishes, but softness quickly returns to his eyes, “he was amazing. Definitely the best dancer I’ve ever seen.”
“Damn right he is.” Jungkook pipes up, still crying but, it’s much less intense and, his demeanor causes the three of you to chuckle fondly.  
“Be nice to me, I’m fragile...” You grumble, pouting your lips and, Yoongi, having never seen you really pout before, thinks that he’s going to explode.  
“C’mere...” Is all he says though because, you know, he’s gotta keep it low key but, he lifts his arm, encouraging you to huddle him next to him for the remainder of the show. “I’ll hold you until it’s over, since you’re so fragile.”
And of course, you oblige, smiling triumphantly as you snuggle up next to him.  
Tae and Jungkook smirk knowingly at eachother now and, while a large part of them really wants to tease you, they can’t exactly ignore how happy they are for you.  
You’ve never had anything like this before and, they know it.  
The rest of the show passes by fairly quickly but, the same couldn’t be said about the period of the judge’s deliberation...
“Oh my god are they done yet?????” Jungkook whines, slumping back against his seat.
Taehyung chuckles, patting his shoulder reassuringly, trying to deny his own nervous feelings, “Relax Kook, I’m sure they’re almost done, it's been awhile.”
“Awhile?” He bolsters, eyes widening as he gestures wildly to the backstage entrance, “It’s been a million years, are they trying to give me a heart attack?”
You’ve taken solace in Yoongi’s side, playing with his fingers, feeling soft as heck, the usual.
“I can’t imagine how Jimin must be feeling right now, he’s probably so nervous.” You murmur to Yoongi, not wanting to rile up Jungkook anymore.
Yoongi’s free hand rubs your shoulder tenderly, his chocolate eyes riddled with concern, “I know, I feel for him. It will be worth it when he wins the whole thing though.”
A smile pops onto your mouth, as you cuddle closer to him, selfishly wishing the two of you were curled up in bed together, instead of awkwardly on two theater seats.  
“I can’t wait to see the look on his face Yoongi...when he wins, he deserves it so much...” Your voice is even lower now, smiling gently at the thought of it, excitement stirring in your lower stomach.
“You’re a really good friend to him...” He muses, still rubbing your shoulder, “wait I think someone is coming out_”
You don’t have the time to react to Yoongi’s comment because, the lights are up and performers are flooding the stage. It only takes a second for you to spot the man of the hour: Park Fairy, IRL. After knowing Jimin for so long, you can tell he’s nervous; his plump is tucked between his teeth, the normally soft shape of his eyes are drawn tight with tension but, he still takes a moment to look towards the four of you to send a watery smile and, a small wave your way.
Jungkook tears up all over again mouthing ‘i love you’ in his direction, which causes Jimin’s thin smile to illuminate a little more as he mouth’s the same three words back to him.  
This was it.
Four years of work all leading up to this moment.  
You can feel your heartbeat berating the underside of your sternum as Kai takes his place at the center of the stage.  
“Hello everyone! Are we excited to hear who the winner will be?” He cheers, the audience reciprocating but, the tension in the room is clear. “The judges appreciate your patience as they had a lot of amazing performers to evaluate tonight but, they have just given me this golden envelope with their decision so without further ado...”
Kai opens the golden envelope, his eyes widening slightly as he sees the results and, at this point Jungkook has locked your hand in a vice grip, doing the same thing to Tae’s other hand, his body literally shaking with nerves.
“Ladies and gentleman, tonight you are witnessing history...” He begins, glancing towards the performers before finally revealing the winner, “because tonight, Park Jimin will become the ONLY collegiate dancer to win the Crystal Cornucopia FOUR YEARS IN A ROW.”
“LETS FUCKING GET IT!!!!” Jungkook bellows and, thankfully he is mostly drowned out by the crowd as you also jump to your feet.
You drag Yoongi up as the entire theater rises to their feet.  
The room is going wild.
And Jimin, well, he’s sporting the expression you hope he would. He’s beaming, he’s teary eyed and, shaky as he stumbles toward Kai, graciously accepting the trophy before bowing towards the crowd.  
He did it, he fucking did it.  
Park Fucking Jimin
You had never been more proud.
“My baby!!!”  
Jimin’s twinkling voice fills the lobby as he rushes out in his street clothes, his fairy wings sticking out of the duffel bag on his shoulder.
Jungkook immediately breaks out in a huge smile, running towards him to catch a leaping Jimin in his arms.  
They kiss for a moment, crying and smile into eachother’s mouths, as Jungkook bounces with his boyfriend in his arms.
“I’m so proud of you my love, I knew you’d do it, you’re so amazing yeah? You know that right? I love you so much...”  
Before you can ask the content of Jungkook’s proclamation, Yoongi’s raspy voice can be heard beside you:
“I’m so proud of you my love.”
“I knew you’d do it.”
“You’re so amazing yeah? You know that right?”
“I love you so much.”
You know he’s only translating for you but, at the last sentence you turn towards him, catching the softness in his eyes.
Well fuck, that definitely didn’t sound like a translation.
Yoongi smiles sheepishly but, Jimin is already bounding into you, pulling you into the kind of hug that only Jimin can give.  
Your attention is pulled towards him, squeezing your arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek over and over, “PARK FAIRY??? REALLY??? DO YOU HAVE NO REGARD FOR MY FEELINGS???”
He snickers, overjoyed by the events of the evening, hugging you just as tightly, “How else would I pay homage to my best friend hm? I did a theme for Tae last year and, I let Jungkook plow me anytime he wants so, how else would I repay you???”  
The ridiculousness of his statement thankfully doesn’t travel past your ear lest turning Jungkook into a pile of dust.
Sniffling, you pull back, cupping his beautiful face in your hands, “I’m so fucking proud of you...you did it Minnie, you won.”
Jimin tears up again, smiling at you whilst he nods, “I’m so happy I made you guys proud, it’s all I want...”
Taehyung approaches then, placing a fat kiss on Jimin’s cheek, “Good, then we don’t have to get you anything for Christmas then...”
His voice is paper thin though, you can tell he’s trying not to cry.
“TAE...” Jimin exclaims, turning to the side to jump at his other best friend.
Taehyung’s boxy smile makes an appearance then, wrapping Jimin in a bear hug.
“We’re so proud of you...”  
Fondness is the only thing flowing through your veins until Jungkook butts in, flustered by the lack of attention.
“Ok, I want him back now thank you, any other physical contact will cost you $60,000 an hour...” He grumbles, tucking Jimin back into his grasp.
Jimin accepts it though, relishing in the attention, “Yahh are you whoring me out now?”  
Jungkook smirks, kissing his cheek, “Mmm you’re right, I’d never share this body...”
Taehyung’s face turns up in disgust and, Yoongi shakes his head, chuckling to himself at the sight of you growing flustered for information.
“Trust me, you don’t want to know this one...”
Before Jimin and Jungkook fuck in the middle of the lobby, Jimin’s face lights up with realization, “Oh my god Yoongi, I’m so sorry.”
He rushes over, pulling Yoongi in for a hug, smiling sweetly at him, “It’s so nice to meet you, thank you for coming...”
Yoongi blushes of course but, he reciprocates the hug, “Thank you for having me, your performance was amazing and, uh, we’ve met before actually...”
Jimin’s face wrinkles in confusion as he pulls away, leaving his hands on Yoongi’s shoulders, “Really? When?”
The memory comes back to you too,  a newly crowned Agust D, Jimin hanging out of a taxi cab....
“Outside of Glacier, you might not remember though...you were um...”
“...hammered.” You giggle, finishing Yoongi’s sentenc.
“Ohhhh that’s right, shit I’m sorry Yoongi...” Jimin chuckles.
He waves him off, “No worries, we’ve all been there, it’s nice to meet you again. Congratulations on your win...”
Jungkook quickly pulls Jimin back towards him, carrying his duffle bag on his shoulder.
“Thank you Yoongi. It means a lot that you came.” He smiles, kissing Jungkook’s cheek before eagerly looking towards the door, “Let’s get out of here, the dancing queen needs to EAT!”
And with that, the rest of you chuckle, leaving the performance space feeling on top of the world
Jungkook had made reservations at a fancy KBBQ place downtown but, after several rounds of meat and Soju, Yoongi had insisted on paying.
The dinner went exceptionally well, Yoongi had continued to click with your friends, their inhibitions loosening up with a bit of alcohol. Jungkook and Jimin were hammered by the end of it but, Taehyung stayed sober enough to drive them home. Oddly enough though, Yoongi only had two shots of Soju. You know Yoongi doesn’t drink all the time but, according to him, he really enjoys drinking. However, you decide it really isn't that important so whilst waving goodbye to all of your amazing friends, you decide to drop it.
Yoongi’s long fingers lace with yours, pulling you close to him in an attempt to shield you from the cold, “Aren’t you freezing?”
You smile, graciously accepting his touch as you nuzzle into his chest, “Yeah I am, I should have checked the weather, or brought a jacket...”
“Mhm...you’re gonna get sick...” He scolds playfully, rubbing his hands up and down your arms to keep you warm, “were you gonna go home after this?”
A smirk is placed against Yoongi’s chest, “I don’t knowww...why?
He chuckles at your tone before, untucking your face from his chest, smoothing a thumb over your cheek, “Come sleep in my bed with me.”
The alcohol and meat has roughed up his voice a bit and, that paired with his slightly suggestive expression has you feeling some type a way.
“Is that code for something?”
Yoongi just smirks, leaning over to whisper in your ear, “It’s code for: I miss you in my bed...you can take that however you want...”
Forward Yoongi isn’t something you’re used to but, holy shit, you’re not complaining.  
A kiss is placed on Yoongi’s lips and, he surprises you by catching your lower lip between his teeth, his big hands sliding over your hips to rest at your lower back. He smirks into your mouth before releasing it, still lingering into the kiss. There is a catch in your breath but, Yoongi doesn’t comment on it-
He just lets it go straight to his dick.
“Are you good to drive?” You whisper against his chin before placing a kiss there, keeping your lips on his skin as he responds.
“Yeah, I’m good, I didn’t drink that much...”  
His voice has also dropped to a whisper, not able to ignore the way your lips make him feel.
“Will you...” You begin, slowly trailing your lips down over his neck, relishing in the way he shivers for you, “take me home with you then?
Neither one of you can pinpoint what has you so riled up, the only thing you know is that you’re thankful you’re in a deserted part of the parking structure.
Yoongi’s head leans back against the side of his car now, his teeth gnawing on his lower lip, “Don’t stop...”
“Don't stop?” You inquire teasingly, brushing your lips against the sensitive skin of his neck, placing fluttering kisses down over his Adams apple, “But Yoongi, we’re in public...”
His grip tightens on your hips, pulling you closer to him as his eyes flutter shut, “Y-yeah I know but, my car has tinted windows...”
Yoongi is full of surprises tonight and, although it’s a huge part of your character to wonder why, the night last few months have been the best of your life so, maybe it’s time to just go with the flow.
“I remember...” You smirk still, recalling the first time you and Yoongi were ever intimate.
With his eyes still closed and, your lips still on his neck, he smirks, his hands sliding down the length of your outer thighs before his fingertips barely brush the skin at the bottom of your dress, “I’d hope so, I’ve never gotten over the image of you coming all over my lap...”
The movements of your lips, halt as your breath catches in your throat, Yoongi’s wanton mouth and fingertips going straight to your core.  
“ ‘may I sit Min Yoongi?’ ‘May I ride you Min Yoongi?’ I almost came in my jeans for you, right then and there. But I’m so glad I didn’t.” He continues, his fingertips trailing up further and further, tickling at the tender skin of your bikini line, brushing over the bottom of your panties.
“I could have gotten you hard again...”  You offer, your breathing picking up slightly when his fingers brush the top of your pussy. Yoongi open his eyes now, catching your gaze in his dark one, lips still quirked in a smirk.
“It wouldn’t have been the same though...I wouldn’t have came so hard for you a second time,” He insists, leaning in towards your mouth, “and you deserve everything I’ve got don’t you? Deserve anything you want...”
It’s safe to say that Yoongi’s dirty talking is obliterating you slowly and painfully, his eager fingers and, slight boost in confidence turning you on more than you’d expect.
But, he still knows his place and, if he’s forgotten it, you have no issue reminding him...
Two can play at this game.
“Baby?” You practically coo, holding his gaze as long it takes for you to brush your lips against his, your legs spreading slightly to encourage his touch, “you’re making me wet...”
Yoongi feels his dick twitch inside of his pants at the tender tone of your voice and, that paired with the access to the soft skin of your inner thighs is enough to make him swell painfully against the seam.
“Y-yeah? Really?” He’s a little breathless himself, the bit of smugness he has is still lingering but, his desire for you, his desire to let you take control is growing stronger. With a finger curved underneath your chin, he brings your lips a little closer, “Can I make you wetter?”
He seals his request with a plush kiss against your mouth, his hands coming out from underneath your dress to hold onto your hips once again. You’re nodding as the two of you kiss at one another, not quite able to think of a witty response, not with Yoongi being this bold.  
Without breaking the kiss, Yoongi uses the sensor on his keys to unlock his car, which of course doesn’t work until after the 7th try.
“Piece of shit.” Yoongi chuckles and, you follow suit, leaning into him still even as he opens the door to his backseat, ushering you inside.
His car is freezing so, you’re thankful when he starts the engine and, gets the heater running. Although, you’re more thankful when he returns to the backseat and, places the warmth of his body over yours.
“I’m sorry it’s so cold, it will warm up in a second...” He regrets his split decision to bring you in here, not wanting you to be uncomfortable while he takes care of you.
“It’s ok, you’re warm.” You whisper, smiling and kissing him harder, your hands pulling his body completely over yours. Yoongi just grins, his hands resuming their place on your thighs, squeezing gently at the flesh there.
He takes his time, unwinding you slowly, kissing around the curve of your jaw, suckling and nibbling at your skin, wandering fingers slowly pushing your dress over your hips. He kisses down your throat now and, you feel him hesitate a moment before taking your flesh between his teeth, groaning lightly into your neck. The motion sends your hands out in front of you to brace against his shoulders and, it hurts but you have to admit, you like the pain.  
“So pretty for me...”  
Your lips part as you hear his native tongue tumble past his lips, the tone sultry and unmistakably Yoongi but, his accent makes him sound slightly unfamiliar.  
You don’t want him to stop talking.  
“I think about this all the time...” He’s careful to place a few soothing kisses over the mark he left, nuzzling against the base of your neck before continuing his descent down your body, “kissing you everywhere...from head to toe...tasting you, drowning in you...”
You feel hypnotized, completely captivated by the sound of Yoongi’s voice: raspy and sounding like the bottom of the ocean. The only thing you can do is keep your hands on him, touching over his body gently to insure him that you’re letting him take the lead.
Your dress has been pushed up for a moment but, Yoongi is just now taking the time to take in the sight of your panties: tart cherry red and made entirely of lace.  It’s safe to say, you’d hoped this moment would come when you slipped them on this afternoon and, by the pained look on Yoongi’s face, you feel you’ve made the right choice.
“You really don’t let a man breathe do you?” He’s back to English as he continues pushing your dress up your body until you’re able to lean up and, push it over your head, revealing the matching bra to go with your panties.  
“Not when my man likes getting choked so much...” You smirk, running your fingers through his hair and, tugging on it a little.
Yoongi melts at the sensation, groaning again before burying his face in your chest, nipping playfully at the skin there, “Oh she’s calling me her man now huh? Playing dirty...knowing that shit makes me weak...knowing that I’d give anything to be hers...”
He keeps his Korean to himself and, uses English to convey a much less intense response, “Your man?”
A rather coy smile takes it’s spot on your mouth but, despite your sudden nerves you nod anyway, rubbing a thumb over the apple of Yoongi’s cheek, “My man...”
Yoongi feels his heart threaten to explode in his chest at your genuine expression. Leaning down, he captures your lips once more before nudging your nose and, pulling away slightly, “I swear I could die happy right now, just looking at you, you have no idea what you do to me...”
“Is that ok?” You check, obviously unsure what he’s actually responding.
You’re definitely going to finish your Korean lessons, that’s for sure.
Yoongi is kissing back down your bottom again, paying special attention to the curves and dips of your body, his hands making their way to the sides of your underwear, “More than ok...”
He doesn’t trust an eloquent response right now because, he’s too focused on his main objective: making you wetter.
“You’re so handsome...” You muse, playing with the ends of his hair, encouraging him to continue exploring, “I swear there is no other guy out there that can make me wet just from looking at them but, here you are, my man, ruining my good panties...”
If you aren’t mistaken, you think you hear a low growl at the back of his throat but, there is no time to asses because, the next thing you know, you feel Yoongi pulling down your underwear, “Do you want me dead is that it? Do you want me to fall apart?” He spreads your legs, allowing the cool air of the car to hit your center, which is swollen and practically dripping. “Because I would...for you. I’d break into tiny little pieces but right now_” An almost mischievous glint takes over his eyes as he begins kissing down the middle of your stomach, letting his lips and soft breath replace your skin with goosebumps. He stops right over the lips of your pussy, the warmth of his breath fueling the throbbing of your neglected clit, “...its your turn to fall apart...” He kitten licks over your lips before smirking and, adding_ “on my fucking tongue...”
Using his fingers to spread your lips open, Yoongi begins placing teasing licks all over your clit, kissing and sucking and, teasing the fuck out of your aching cunt. He’s eating you out like he’s never tasted anything sweeter, like it’s only thing he’ll ever eat. It’s sending you into a shockwave of pleasure, your nipples hardening against your bra painfully but, Yoongi’s oral skills literally fuck with your ability to remove it yourself.  
He makes an ‘O’ with his lips, suckling gently at your clit, increasing the pressure over the next minute or so, one his fingers teasing at your dripping entrance.  
“Does it feel good baby? Am I eating it right?” He coos, sucking on your clit three harsh times in succession, each bit of suction causing your toes to curl.  
“Mhm...your mouth Yoongi...oh god_” You breathe, a moan catching at the end of your sentence, hands reaching down to find something to grab onto.
Yoongi notices, smirking into your cunt before his hand reaches up to place yours in his hair, “Hurt me...hurt me while I make you cum...”
You quickly oblige, tugging on his brown locks, the stinging pain causing him to whimper into your pussy and, when you see his eyes squeezing shut, you know he’s trying to hold off cumming in his pants.
“Yoongi...I want you...” You whisper, eyes threatening to roll back as he sucks at your clit again.  
Your statement gets to him as it’s not often that the roles between the two of you are switched but, he doesn’t think the power switch does anything for him. It’s more so that he gets to see you being vulnerable for once, it makes him feel like you trust him.
“I’m right here.” He coos, licking up the length of your pussy, savoring the flavor of you.
Tugging at his hair, you shake your head, pleading with him, “Please? Inside...inside of me...”
Yoongi can’t deny you anymore, his emotions starting to get the better of him as he pulls away from your aching center. You don’t waste anytime, sitting up quickly and peeling his shirt off, touching and kissing all over the expanse of his bare chest.
He really is the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen.  
Long fingers comb gently through your hair as he kisses any part of you he can reach: your shoulders, your chest, your cheeks, your ears. Every inch of you.
Unclipping your bra is the last step before Yoongi lays you down on the backseat, placing a kiss on your mouth, “This is the only way I can tell you right now because, I am terrified you don’t feel the same way but, I’ll show you and, you’ll know...” His voice is shaky and, you desperately wish you knew what he was saying, “I’ll fuck you like I love you because I do...I love you Y/N.”
With that, he slides into you, his dick arching perfectly against your g-spot which is already swollen and, sensitive. Your lips connect with Yoongi’s as you settle into the kind of rhythm that isn’t meant for lasting a very long time.  
Through a few moments of soft kisses and, gentle pants, Yoongi leans back, his eyes eagerly scanning over your figure as your first orgasm hits you. He tucks his face into your neck, fucking you through your release, trying to hold off on his own, “Do you know how beautiful you are? I swear I could cum just looking at you...so pretty and so perfect and, you have no fucking clue...”He’s almost whimpering at this point, his hips pumping into you with all he’s got. “That’s why I give it up to you jagiya because, you deserve it. You think I get on my knees for just anyone? Fuck no...just for you...because I love you...”The truth is, the night in the studio had changed him and, the truth is, the main reason he wanted between your thighs tonight was because he realized something: in the midst of all the chaos, seeing you with your friends had been the icing on the cake:
Yoongi is in love with you and, tonight, he wanted to make love to you.  
The pleasure between your second (yes, second) and, final orgasm is so intense that you don’t feel qualified to speak anything else other than Yoongi’s name which, thankfully only pushes him closer and closer to the edge until he’s nearly there.
“Y/N...baby...I’m really close.” He warns, still out of it and placing sloppy kisses all over your face and neck, barely hanging on by a thread.
And you plan on snipping that thread with the one thing you know will make him cum instantly, “Come for me angel...”
With a tightening of his figure, Yoongi spills everything he has inside of you, continuing to kiss all over you as he does, whimpering your name against the rapid beat of your heart.
“I love you...” He whispers shakily before slumping over onto your body, clinging to you as he does.  
Through the heavy breathing and sweet nothings whispered at one another, you wait a beat or two before uttering the one Korean phrase you are whole-heartedly familiar with.
“I love you too”
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wychive · 4 years
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to the people who have made my 2020 bearable
welp here it is, my (possible) last post of 2020. i would like to thank all of you for all the support these past few months ! even though i've only started writing this year, some of you react like ive become a world renowned author. i love you all so so much, i really do. even though we do not talk to each other often, we may have interacted with each other, or just supported each other's works. thank you so much lovelies. and to the other content creators out there, you are amazing !!! thank you for making it easier for people to get through the year. just as you think that someone doesn't appreciate you, i do. cries im getting teary eyed so um i have to leave this here but thank you once again. i appreciate all of you.
love, a loser on the internet
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to @fairyoomi,
DUMB DUMB HIIII! first of all, i'd like to say that this will be short because by the time i've posted these i would already sent a message to our gc so so um yuhh bonus letter! this year has been hard, for you and me. and let's just say that we got through it together by each other's help. i really couldn't have done it without you, irda. i love you so so much, my (platonic) one and only. i gtg now bcs omi is rlly stealing you from me.
love, a friend.
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to @ursaurora,
hey babe <3 well we made it ! to the end of 2020. im so proud that you've made through the year with all these obstacles in your way. i know things on your end have been shitty lately - or maybe they've been resolved - but i know that you're so strong. so much stronger than hercules or any of the gods in that matter. in fact, you are my strength and my weaknesses. i truly fell for you (platonically). i hope 2021 would be the year that the gods in the clouds will finally look at you in awe. thank you so much, moonie.
love, your platonic wife.
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to @neo-shitty,
thea! it's been a while since we've talked. i hope life has treated you well. what do you think? of next year i mean,, with your studies and stuff. i hope accounting goes easy on you. truth to be told, i love maths but accounting just makes me wanna commit unalive LMAO SJSJ but frfr now, i do hope that your answers will come easy. you have officially became my favourite senior so skks i hope you don't mind that title. maybe i'll visit you sometime in the future. for now, let the wind of the south decide our fate.
love, an angst writer who looks up to you.
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to @closer-stars,
literally bye im talking to you as im writing this but hey ok so.. childe kinnie i would like to thank you so so so much for making these past few weeks so entertaining for me. your messages and our mishaps are stupid to the point i get clingy and start making fun of you a lot because that trope is !!! i have yet to read your works but i will do that sometime this new year as you are one of my comfort content creators. i dont say this a lot but i love you so so much, may i be your main dps?
love, the kaeya to your diluc.
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to @angelinanamoo,
HEI BAE! what goes on? i hope you are alright in this fine moment of life. i wanted to start off my saying, thank you for creating such tasty content for kpop stans AND harry potter stans… like only a deity can do that. you are so pog for this holy hell. thank you for making this year 'okay' because your content is truly entertaining literally i dont know how you do it. very amazing and pog. i wish that 2021 treats you so much better and to that i say, mischief managed.
love, the harry to your ron.
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to @/voiratz,
heyhey,, i know you aren't here anymore but im gonna write this anyways. im missing you sm these days and im not sure why, but maybe it's because you always give out that 'supportive big sister' vibe. i miss our little rants too,, but other than that, i hope that life is treating you better than before. you deserve every inch of happiness in 2021 and the years that come after. if you need me, i'll always be here. i love you so much. thank you, mon étoile.
love, venting buddy.
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to admins of @kpopficsnetwork, @atzinc, @starvhs and @kpopscape
hello there! we don't talk that often but i just would like to say thank you for all your hard work. the other members and i appreciate it very much from creating your own content to managing contents of others. every one of you have been so caring towards your members/affiliates and God, we couldn't ask for more. we all love you so very much, once again thank you. i hope that 2021 would be a good year for all of us <3
love, one of your members.
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thechosenburrito · 3 years
Intro to Love: 1.3-I Can See Right Through You
Word Count: 1,039
Xochi was already shaken from the day before when a terrifying news headline sends her into a panic.
Author’s Note:
I’m gonna go ahead put the warning here in the author’s note that the main character goes through an episode that is similar to a panic attack so proceed with caution.
Previous Chapter: 1.2-Clinic Crashers
(C): Soooo what you're saying is you fell and conveniently hurt your wrist so you can't work on the project
(X): no lol. I can still work on it I just can't type very fast
I pulled up the project on my laptop and changed the title to "Proof that I can Still type" before emailing it to him.
I reached for my phone and winced.
Other hand, genius.
(X): Ok I sent you the document
(C): Cool thanks
(C): Ok gtg I'll work on this later
(X): later
I stood up from my desk and peaked out my dorm window again.  I jogged over to the door and looked out the peephole, tripled checked the door was locked, and collapsed onto my bed.  I was starving, but couldn't fathom going out in this state.  
Guess I'm ordering delivery.
The pizza place a few streets down was having a special that made my thin wallet happy and placed an order.  A 30-minute wait was plenty of time to start a load of laundry.  It's not like I was doing anything productive anyway.
I dragged my dirty clothes to the laundry room.  Luckily, not that many people want to do laundry at 9 pm on a Saturday.  I started loading the washing machine while a small old TV in the corner droned on.  It only ever showed the local news, with University approved messages in place of all the commercials.
The Anne Johnson Library isn't just for studying!  Check out our website for the full list of clubs and groups the meet on the 3rd floor and expand your horizons!
I really need to check my pockets more often.  There was a whole ass dollar in my pocket.
Join the Honors College Celebration of Diversity on Wednesday the 4th at 5 pm in Amicus Hall and celebrate what makes us special!
Ok, regular wash...
Breaking news as we come on tonight.  A 22-year-old male was found dead just off North Juarez Street...
...warm cycle...and start.
Medical examiners have determined that the young man was struck by a vehicle and was pronounced dead at the scene.  Witnesses say they spotted an unmarked white van near the scene beforehand.  Medical examiners also have determined that the victim was in fact a Striker
I froze.  It couldn't be.  The unmarked van...and he was...no.  I'm overthinking it.  There's no way.
We go now to a message from the victim's family.
"He was worried someone was following him.  The last thing he said was when he 'mom I'm scared' and I said 'don't worry mijo you'll be ok' and now he's gone."
I wiped my eyes and turned to the TV to see a woman doing her best to speak through her anguished sobs.
"I want the Solita police department to find who did this to our son and bring them to justice.  Please! We need answers! We need peace!"
Held a picture of her son to the camera and my heart sank.  It was the guy from the clinic!
Tragic news indeed.  We'll keep you updated on this developing story.  We'll be right back.
I leaned on the washing machine and clutched at my aching chest.  I could barely control my breathing.  It can't be true.  It can't be true.  It can't be true.   Unless...
The University  Counseling Center is available to all students for free.  Remember: You are not alone!
... someone knows.
I've eaten many depressing meals in my life, but only being able to take a single bite of my favorite kind of pizza with a whole box right in front of me instantly earned the top spot.  It even earned bonus points for having the theme to go along with it.  Nothing says "I'm not okay" more than staring at my desk in a room lit only by a single desk lamp with drawn curtains and a chair wedging the door shut.
It took all my strength to not puke the single bite I took back up into the box.  Somehow the aching hunger couldn't overpower the churning fear in my stomach.  I let out a sigh and put the pizza in my fridge.  I'd have to eat eventually.  
My hands wouldn't stop trembling.  My fear...it felt the same as it did all that time ago.   They started to look funny and I quickly tucked them under my arms.  I couldn't even bear the sight.
I relived that day over and over in my head.  
If only I had put my phone in my pocket instead of leaving it in the bleachers.  If only I had asked a Band Mom to grab it for me.  Maybe if I'd realized sooner and I wouldn't've had to go back up there.  I wouldn't've been there when the lightning struck and-
No, I shouldn't have even gone, not that I had a good excuse to miss my last homecoming game.
If I had been even one second slower or faster, I wouldn't have to hide.  I wouldn't...
I could feel my knees starting to buckle.  I tried to grab onto my bed, but my hand passed right through.
I collapsed onto all fours before curling into a ball on the ground.  I couldn't hold the tears back anymore.
I should feel lucky.   Everyone else got chipped when they got struck.  If it weren't for neglectful Band Moms thinking a fall down 10 rows of bleachers only constituted a lukewarm ice pack, I would've ended up in the hospital.   They've would've seen something was wrong and the government would've descended on me like vultures to put a chip in me and treat me like some kind of lab rat.
I rubbed my shoulder.   It was always the right one in all the news stories.  I imagined what it would be like to feel a chip under my skin.  I finally found the strength to look at my hands.  I could see right through them to the ceiling, only barely being able to make out the silhouettes of my own hands. More tears began to flow.
I managed to slip through the cracks like I never existed, and when I still thought being Striker was cool, that's how I chose my nickname.
Next Chapter: 1.4-Thanks for Ghosting Me
Things are picking up the pace!  I’ll try to publish about 2-3 of these per day to try to catch up to my Wattpad so stay tuned!
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thepixiestargirl · 5 years
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I’m on Year 3 in my main farm in the game Stardew Valley. This is a Standard Farm map which I named “Stardust Farm.”
I currently have four save games in my SDV: this main farm which is the very first one I made, another single-player farm with a Forest Farm map, a co-op (multiplayer) shared money Four-Corners Farm map which I play with some people I met in SDV Discord server, and a co-op separate money Four-Corners Farm map which I played with three other members of Stardew Valley Philippines FB group (though this farm is really inactive now).
I really love game and I’ve been playing it for hours every day when I’m not working. I was finally able to upgrade my farmhouse up to the third upgrade: I now have a kitchen, a nursery, an empty room which I transformed into a library/study, and a cellar.
I decided to marry Leah into this save game, and you can see here that she has  her art room connected to the bedroom.
I actually want to marry Abigail because she’s the bachelorette I really like, however my friendship with her is not enough to ask her to marry my character. Leah is one of the eligible marriage candidates that I have the highest friendship with (Harvey is the other one). I decided to marry Leah rather than Harvey because when I checked the benefits of marriage with her, it was better for me than the benefits with Harvey (for one, Leah sometimes gives my character coffee).
Aside from that, I usually marry girl characters in my games (like in The Sims 4) because girls are cute and it’s way of living out my queerness even just in games.
Anyway, I’d probably divorce Leah so I can marry Abigail. Haha! I’m just waiting for the baby that Leah and I adopted. I currently have 8 hearts friendship with Abigail, and once that reaches to 10 hearts, I’ll marry Abigail.
I’m almost done with the Community Center! I have finished almost all the bundles, aside from the Fish Tank. I only lack the catfish in the River Fish Bundle, and the Tilapia in the Ocean Fish Bundle. Oh man.
It’s Fall in my farm right now. I’m finally envisioning what my farm would look like once it’s completed.
Oh well, this is supposed to be a short gaming update about my farmhouse, but I ended up rambling. GTG, I’m going farming again.
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whiskynottea · 6 years
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44,  Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47
@theministerskat , my Detroit airport and Ann Arbor specialist, thank you so much for your help!
Chapter 48. Closer
“Gimme a ticket for an airplane, I ain’t got time to take the fast train. Lonely days are gone – ”
“Lamb! Stop it!”
“What?” My uncle looked at me, with a most innocent face. “What’s wrong with The Box Tops? I’m trying to get you in the mood for your flight!”
“I am in the mood, I don’t need your singing to help me!” I huffed, looking out of the car window.
Will it be raining in Michigan, too?
Lamb was driving ridiculously slow, casually tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he sang, when all I could think of was reaching the airport and getting on the plane that would take me to Jamie.
Well, I wouldn’t get exactly on that plane.
The first plane would get me to London. Then a second one would whisk me across the Atlantic to Chicago. And finally, after a third flight from Chicago to Detroit, I would finally get to see my Scot. Really see him. Run my hands through his red hair. Smell the spices of his perfume. Tickle him until he would beg for mercy. Kiss him until there would be no breath left in his lungs.
In twenty-two hours I would be standing in front of him - if I could still stand. I would most likely crawl to him, unable to move after travelling for so many hours.
I didn’t care. I would be in Michigan.
Total flying time was almost twelve hours. Total time of the journey, twenty-two. Cheap flights. Not everyone can handle it - or so I was told by Lamb.
Scot: Have you arrived at the airport?
Sassenach: Almost. You know how Lamb drives.
Scot: Tomorrow you’ll be here, babe.
Sassenach: I wish I could just apparate.
Scot: You haven’t taken an Apparition Test.
Sassenach: Since when do Gryffindors care about rules?
Scot: It wouldn’t do to get you here splinched, wee Ravenclaw witch.
I choked back a laugh that made Lamb shoot me a questioning glance. “I haven’t seen you so happy since you got your letter from Oxford. Which was almost a month ago, if I remember correctly.”
“More than a month,” I murmured. In retrospect, it seemed even longer.
The first day or two, I had spent the majority of my time on Google maps, mentally strolling around  Oxford via computer screen. Then, I caught up with a few TV shows Jenny and Joe had been raving about. I read books that had nothing to do with human anatomy and physiology and enjoyed staying at home, a cup of tea and a hardcover in my lap, the rain pelting down on the living room windows.
Joe and Gail had left for New York, their semester starting when Jamie’s had. Jenny and Ian remained in Beauly after the summer had ended. They had both accepted their offers to the University of Edinburgh and they would come back in September, which was exactly when I would be leaving for Oxford. Jenny and I talked almost every day, but I missed having everyone in close proximity. It felt as though I had been left behind.
The flight to London was less than two hours and I had resolved myself to watching a movie, when the tiny lady sitting next to me started talking. I smiled politely and nodded more times than I could count, and kept making attempts to insert my headphones while I silently prayed that she would get the message. She didn’t. Her son was graduating and then getting married and “Oh ye can imagine, dearie, how many things remain to be done!” Even if I couldn’t imagine, I didn’t need to. By the end of our journey, she had listed and analyzed them all, pausing only once or twice. Most probably to breathe, I had thought. Her enthusiasm made me smile. Her nasal voice, however, made my head buzz by the time we arrived at Heathrow. Mrs Macallan - “Like the whisky, ye ken?” - was sweet and kind hearted, but I felt lucky to be getting away from her on my next flight.
After retrieving my oversized rucksack, and bidding her farewell, I walked around the airport, absentmindedly looking at window displays and testing several perfumes. Finally, bored and tired, I searched for a quiet place to sit.
Sassenach: Seven more hours in Heathrow.
Scot: In thirteen hours I will kiss the hell out of you.
Sassenach: Oh really?
Scot: Yes. I can’t stop thinking about it.
Sassenach: Me or the kissing?
Scot: Both.
Sassenach: Hmm where are you?
Scot: Just finished up at the pool. We’re going to a place called “Fraser’s Pub”!
Sassenach: So you’re already THAT famous there?
Scot: Aye, restaurants open in my honor. I can’t help it Sassenach.
Sassenach: Snob.
Scot: Oh, is that you Ms. ‘I’m studying at Oxford, you common peasants’?
Sassenach: Ass.
Sassenach: Twelve and forty-five minutes 😛
Scot: I love you, got to go, the guys have started making fun of me. Ttyl?
Sassenach: Okay. I’ll be right here.
A ridiculous picture followed right after that, with Jamie’s lips so close to the camera I could hardly recognize them. Then another one, with him and John smiling broadly, heads bent together. I sent him a picture of me cuddled up next to my huge grey and purple rucksack and then tried to get as comfortable as possible, determined to get some sleep.
It seemed I was one of those people who can sleep wherever and whenever they want, not allowing anything to disturb them. Not the endless amount of people passing by, not their phone ringing, not even announcements calling their name.
When I opened my eyes, my phone had fifteen unanswered calls, nineteen unread messages, and two missed alarms. The most terrifying of all, however, was the time.
I had ten minutes to be at my gate and I didn’t even know which gate I was supposed to be at.
I picked up my bag, hoisted it unceremoniously over my shoulder and started running.
I had struggled to sleep the last two nights, the excitement of visiting Jamie making dozing off an impossible task. And now that I had a plane to catch, I fell asleep in the airport, and slept for more than six hours!
Seriously, now?
I was the last person through the boarding gate and I was the only one who went through it gasping for breath. When I finally took my seat, I checked my phone. All the missed calls and messages were from Jamie, all saying pretty much the same thing.
Where are you?!
Sassenach: Just got on the plane. OMG THAT WAS SO CLOSE! I almost missed my flight. I can actually hear my heart beating inside my chest.
Jamie replied immediately.
Scot: You scared the shit out of me, do you know that? First, I was afraid that you’d miss the flight, then I was terrified that something happened to you.
Sassenach: I’m sorry. 😞
Scot: You better be.
Sassenach: I didn’t do it on purpose!
I quickly calculated the time in Ann Arbor.
Sassenach: Are you still out?
Scot: No.
Sassenach: You’re at home? Still awake?
Scot: Yes, guess why! Because my girlfriend is crazy, and she sleeps in airports like the dead!
I saw the three dots appear, then stop. My heart thumped inside my chest.
Scot: You just scared me, is all. It took all the nerve I had to stop pacing back and forth in the room, and that’s mostly because I woke John up at least three times. I couldn’t handle it if something happened to you.
Sassenach: I’m okay. I’m sorry I scared you so. I love you. gtg! Plane taking off. ❤️❤️
Scot: I will kill you when you arrive. Even before kissing you.
Sassenach: That will make a fool of you. You’ll miss my kissing you back.
I spent my time during the flight watching movies and sleeping. No one talked to me, apart from the stewardess with the impossibly perfect makeup, who came passing by every ten minutes with coffee or tea, food, more coffee or tea …
I only had an hour layover at O’Hare International Airport and I didn’t even stop to look around. One last flight - and a short one, at that.
One hour later I landed at Detroit Metro, murmuring continuously, “I’m here, oh my God, I’m here!”
My whole body ached from sitting for so long, and walking felt like an exotic exercise. I had been right in that I would be crawling once I got here.
But then, I wasn’t. I rushed off the plane and pushed my way to the tram, jumping into a car just before the doors closed. I followed the flow of the other passengers, feeling like herded cattle, and took the escalator down to the arrivals area.
The moment the escalator brought me low enough to see out across the great open space of baggage claim I saw him standing there, tall and beautiful, waiting for me. I felt a huge smile spread across my face and mentally urged the people in front of me to move faster. Finally, a kind of magic seeped into my muscles, pushing me forward, and the only thing I could do was run to him.
I dropped my bag just before I reached him and a moment later I was jumping into his arms, wrapping my legs around his body, relying on his strength to support my weight.
A crushing hug. And then we were kissing as if we were the only people in the whole terminal. Fierce and consuming, it was a kiss that tried to make up for all the lost ones, all those we had been sending to each other during the last month, vanishing somewhere in the space between us.
But this kiss was real and hot and powerful, filling our hearts with blood again, after more than a month when distance made their beating dull, normal.
“You’re here,” he whispered. “I can’t believe you’re finally here,” he added, echoing my thoughts. “I missed touching ye, Sassenach. My arms always feel so empty without ye in them.”
I looked at him for a long moment, my throat too tight to talk.
“Come,” he said, and bent to pick up my rucksack. “We’ve a bus to catch.”
His hand was warm when he took mine and we walked together towards the shuttle pickup area. It was silly, but even walking next to him felt different. As if I couldn’t discipline my feet and each step would be the first to start a dance.
We sat in the second to last row of the bus, desperate for some privacy. His hand perched on the inside of my thigh, drawing abstract lines that were driving me crazy. I leaned my head onto his shoulder, trying to be decent, but five minutes later I was biting and sucking his neck until I felt him shiver.
“What are the plans for today?” I asked, my voice low.
“Today we’re going back to my dorm and we’re not leaving the room at all.” He shot me a naughty glance, implying that I knew exactly what was going to happen in his room.
“What about John?” I asked, frowning.
“He won’t come back tonight.” Jamie’s owlish wink and the sly grin that followed suggested that he had taken care of everything.
“I’ve turned everything upside-down for him. Trust me to make a bad first impression.”
“Dinna fash, Sassenach. Ye’re doing John a favour,” Jamie said, his lip curling up as he looked out of the window.
“What do you mean?”
“Ye gave John the perfect excuse to stay over at another guy’s place. He’s on the team, too. And I think John was waiting for an opportunity to stay alone with Hector since the first time he saw him. He hasn’t admitted it yet, but I’ve seen the way he looks at him.”
“John is gay?” I asked when he finally finished. “You haven’t said anything!”
“What was I supposed to say, Sassenach? ‘Claire, let me introduce ye to my gay roommate?’”
“Well, no, but… Anyway. And how about Hector? Do you think that he returns John’s feelings?”
“He’ll be a fool if he doesna. John is amazing. It’d be like you giving me your number and I never calling you. Impossible.”
I laughed at that, shaking my head. My curls escaped from my unruly bun, but I didn’t care. Jamie liked them down. “Yeah, right. That being said by someone totally unbiased.”
He looked out at the winter landscape for a moment. Then, his eyes were back on me and he let out a long sigh. “I’m so happy ye’re here, mo chridhe.” He squeezed my hand and bent his head to kiss me.
I couldn’t get enough of his lips.
We got off of the bus and walked quickly towards his dorm, partly because we ached to be finally alone and partly because it was freezing cold outside.
“Why did you have to come here?” I asked, feeling my nose go Rudolf-red. “Hawaii is one of the States, too.”
“Oh, excuse me Sassenach for not getting a scholarship somewhere sunny!” Jamie smiled and pulled his beanie lower, to cover as much skin as possible.
“It would be a nice change to Edinburgh,” I murmured. He just squeezed me closer to his body.
As we walked, I was fascinated by how much of the campus was woven seamlessly into the city itself. Just off the main streets that were filled with restaurants and shops, were smaller homes all in a line, and then suddenly a university building would pop up with a distinctive blue and yellow sign out front.
We didn’t stop walking fast once we pushed through the entrance doors of Jamie’s dorm. He rushed me across the lobby to the elevators, only this time I was almost sure he was moving quickly as not to be stalled by any fellow Wolverines looking for greetings and introductions.
We reached his room unnoticed. Jamie tossed my rucksack into a corner and closed the door softly behind me. I stood still, looking at the room.
His place.
It wasn’t big, and the beds and two desks made it seem even smaller. But it was cozy and clean, and had something of him that made me feel comfortable. I turned to look at Jamie, and for the first time in a month, I felt like I was home.
“I missed you, you bloody Scot.” My whisper was more than a confession. It was the profession of the gift I had been bestowed. The gift of having him in my life. Of having a home.
“I missed ye too.” He smiled in his crooked way, the way I had fallen in love with. “More than ye’d ever imagine.”
And then his lips were on mine, tender and honest. The connection we had longed for, when all we could do was rely on a screen to see each other. Now, we could feel. Our love was tangible, filling the room as our breaths mingled, as our hands intertwined, as our hearts beat together, their own song.
It didn’t take long for our kiss to turn wild.
Jamie shed the outer layers of my clothing, murmuring that I was a wee onion or something. I smiled and helped him, taking off some of his own clothes as well. It was when his hand found its way underneath my sweater that I yelped.
“Cold! Freezing hands!” He looked at me with a pout that wasn’t nearly cute enough to make me relent. “Don’t even think about it!” I said, pushing against his chest with a pointed index finger.
Jamie laughed and swiftly took me off my feet, eliciting yet another yelp from me. He lay me carefully on his bed and took off my sweater.
“No hands,” he promised, raising them in the air as he bent to kiss my neck. His lips moved to my chest, teeth softly biting my nipples, and I slightly regretted keeping his hands off the game. I needed him to touch me.
I squirmed beneath him, making my intentions obvious.
“Oh, no,” Jamie said, sucking my breast in a way I was sure would leave a hickie. “I spent so much time this past month telling ye what I was planning to do to ye when I’d have ye close again. So much time, seeing ye touching yerself and wishing it would be my hand instead of yers. I mean to take my time, mo nighean donn.”
A soft bite and a wicked grin. His eyes burned in mine.
“I mean to lick ye, kiss ye, taunt ye, feel yer smooth skin against mine and leave my marks on ye. I mean to hear yer moans and whimpers fill the room. And then, Sassenach,” he paused for effect, and I ground myself against him. We were both ready. And all the talking during our video calls didn’t go to waste, after all. “Then, I mean to fuck ye and feel ye fucking me until we canna move our limbs anymore.”
Everything went according to the plan.
Chapter 49
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cottonblush · 6 years
model student | hrj
❧ word count: 2,568
❧ genre: fluff, humor
❧ notes: i really didn’t know what to title this but then i was like?? hey the reader is a model student bc they’re like a top student who tutors often and renjun is a literal model student so,,,, watch literally no one get my pun um we love that! also renjun is 500% visuals he could definitely be a model and if anyone disagrees they’re irrelevant:)
renjun really doesn’t want to take more time off of school since he’s already missed a lot
but he’s gaining more popularity in the model industry and doesn’t want to miss out on any opportunities
so after almost a month he’s done bunch of shoots and decides it’s time to go back to school
but when he gets back he’s kinda lost
ok maybe really lost
renjun likes to consider himself a pretty smart person but he’s having a hard time catching up
so his teacher says he’s assigning you as his tutor bc you’re one of the smartest students
and at first renjun is like,, no way josé i can handle this on my own
but then his chemistry teacher starts talking about the born-haber method and it’s at that moment he knows
he fucked up he desperately needs help
he’s supposed to meet you after school the next day and he’s lowkey nervous because,, what if you judge him or look down on him
but then he realizes he just doesn’t?? care what people think
so he gets to the library and at first he doesn’t see anyone so he’s like
gasp!! i’ve been played
but then he notices you sitting on a bean bag chair near a big window
you’re studying what seems to be calculus and you have earbuds in so you don’t hear him approach
just when renjun goes to tap your shoulder you take a sip of water
and end up spitting it out all over your textbook bc you really didn’t hear or see him coming
meanwhile renjun is just standing there wondering if he should apologize or like help clean up or something
and he’s about to ask if you need a napkin
when you jump up from your seat and turn to face him and
??? you smile at him
renjun is officially confused™
shouldn’t you be mad?? he made you ruin your textbook and those aren’t cheap
anyway you take your earbuds out and place your book on the floor and you say
“hi you must be renjun! i’m y/n!”
and renjun is like “ok but your book,, she dead”
you assure him that it’s totally fine it’s your own copy of the book anyway
so then yall sit down at a table after cleaning up the water
and then you clear your throat and ask what he needs help in
renjun tries to be nonchalant about it like “oh i mean i’ve kinda gone for a while but i’m sure i can catch up in no time”
but then his voice cracks in the middle of it and then he’s like!! oh shoot i look dumb
but you’re nice so you just don’t bring it up and decide to assure him
“ii think so too:))))) you seem like a rlly smart person”
renjun doesn’t know how but you seem to speak the language of smiles? and he’s mildly uncomfortable like how can you be this happy after a long day of school
anyway he decides to just explain his predicament and tell you about his modeling gigs and stuff
and once again you surprise him by not freaking out or acting different like most people do
you just nod and smile some more like you totally understand him
and the weird thing is?? it’s actually believable
like renjun really feels like you get him and he thinks to himself?? mayhaps yall could be friends
so you guys finally get to the studying part and you somehow manage to crack a joke every two seconds
even though they’re lame renjun laughs bc his grades sorta depend on you helping him
but once in a while you say something sorta funny and renjun loses it
and it’s weird bc you’re the first person he’s met that he feels comfortable around (other than his friends jeno, donghyuck, jaemin, chenle, and jisung)
anyway so you two cover a couple of subjects and before long the sky is dark and you’re like
oh shoot i gtg!!
and renjun is kinda worried you’ll be in trouble
but then you’re like
lol no it’s just that my cat likes to be fed at a certain time and if she doesn’t get her food she literally attacks me but it’s totally fine ahah living my best life
you and renjun decide to meet 3 times a week so that he can get caught up asap
and ofc renjun’s friends think he’s got a gf so one day they decide to stalk him and they follow him to a starbucks where you said you would meet
and they get out a newspaper and hats and sunglasses and everything
they really think they’re being super sneaky but
everyone is giving them weird looks
except you and renjun bc for once yall are?? actually studying? who would’ve guessed
anyway after about 2 minutes of staring at you two chenle gets bored and decides to confront you
so he gets up and he doesn’t even bother taking off the gigantic trench coat and sunglasses he’d been wearing
“dude are you just not gonna introduce me to your gf/bf i’m so offended,, i thought we were close i even binged the kung fu panda movies with you”
you and renjun look up and see this giant blob of a man(??) shaking his head disapprovingly and yall are just like,, whomstve?? do we know this chump?
and then chenle rolls his eyes and then takes off his disguise and renjun groans and rolls his eyes
“how did i not know it was you chenle,, first of all they’re not my gf/bf and second you’re the kung fu panda fan here are we just gonna ignore the fact that you collect all the figurines-”
ofc chenle ignores renjun and he turns to you and is like
“how do u even tolerate renjun ugh he can be so mean sometimes he’s basically my bully”
and you laugh and tell chenle that renjun isn’t that bad he’s actually kinda sweet sometimes
cue chenle going “oooooooooooooooooooh yall are totally dating”
renjun doesn’t even try to hide it when he kicks chenle in the shin
by now, the rest of renjun’s friends have given up on their disguises and are blatantly staring
and renjun notices them out of the corner of his eye
he drops his head in his textbook and just wants the earth to swallow him up
on the other hand you’re having a blast because renjun’s friends are a hoot!!
you guys have a lot in common and after 10 minutes you’ve already promised chenle see his figurine collection and you tell donghyuck that you’ll totally go sing karaoke with him
renjun is lowkey jealous so he reaches across the table and taps your hand and is like,, can we ditch uh-,, can we ditch
so then you tell the boys that you have to take care of your cat because it’s sick
and technically you’re not lying you do have to feed it
renjun stands up and is like,, dw i’ll walk u home so we can save ur cat!!
so you two grab your stuff and dash and it kinda has the boys suspicious but they’re dumb so they’re all thinking
omg i hope the cat is ok lets all go home and pray for it
anyway so now it’s just you and renjun walking down the street and watching the sun set
and renjun is mentally asking himself why he got jealous back at starbucks
he decides that he got to know you first so maybe he’s friend jealous?? yeah bc that’s totally a thing
and his mind also goes to this new offer he got from a photographer recently
he wasn’t going to take the job but now he figures when he gets back he’ll get to spend more time with you and for some reason that makes him rlly happy
so he tells you about it and is like
“you better be there to catch me up god knows i can’t count on the others”
and you laugh and say ofc you’ll help and you’re super excited for him bc it’s a shoot for a pretty well known brand
when renjun finishes his shoot he’s really excited bc he thinks it turned out amazing and he can’t wait to show you,, and of course the others too
so he gets home and he’s about to text you when he sees this notification for an article about him
it talks about how he’s just a generic teen who does the same poses over and over again and he doesn’t even look that good
and all of a sudden renjun just feels like he’s lost all confidence
it really isn’t like him he’s usually super confident and doesn’t care about what strangers think but
this review came from a famous fashion magazine and he really liked it but now?? not so much
he doesn’t reach out to anyone for a while
and after a couple days you know something’s up because you know he’s home from the shoot already
you go to visit him and you find out he locked himself in his room
and you knock and ask if you can come in but he doesn’t answer
so you just talk to him from outside and hope he’s listening
you start by saying you heard from his manager what happened and that he’s dumb for even caring about some random article
and then you rant about how he’s smart and funny and has pretty much everything going for him
and then last but not least you’re like
“you’re someone i and a lot of other people look up to a lot and i rlly want to see you smile again bc it’s lowkey gorgeous and you’re lowkey gorgeous but anyway”
you figure you’ve said enough so you skedaddle!! and uh usain bolt can step aside bc you’re pretty sure you’ve set a new world record
all this time you’re freaking out bc you have no idea where all of that ‘ur so gorgeous’ talk came from
probably out of your left buttcheek you’re literally so flustered
and renjun is just thinking about what you said and he doesn’t know why but,,, he can’t,, stop smiling
those negative thoughts? poof gone. insecurities? whomst.
ok so a few days pass by and renjun finally goes back to school
and it’s lunch time
and renjun is nervous to see you but he still doesn’t know why
and you’re nervous to see him bc you think you made yourself sound dumb the other day
so you try to distract yourself by talking to jaemin about some gossip you two heard
but then in your peripheral vision you see renjun enter the cafeteria and your heart!! stops
and you still don’t know why but your heart is like all tingly
as renjun approaches it hits you like a brick,,, you like renjun!!!!
snap crackle pop you rlly like this dude!
so you get up mid sentence and you run up to him and you just smile and say “you’re back i missed you:))”
and he says he missed you too and he missed your smiles
and then you’re like “haha that’s nice um wanna go on a date some time,, wow is that a bird in chenle’s hair i should go bye”
renjun is like “wait what did you say” but you’re already: gone
and he runs after you and makes it to the lunch table and you’re sitting there with your face in your hands bc you think you’ve just screwed it up
so he sits down next to you and gently takes your hands away and like just holds them in his and the size difference is so cute bc compared to his hands yours are so tiny!!
at this point the rest of the boys have gone quiet and are staring and chenle is about to interrupt and say something dumb but jeno shuts him up by shoving some ramen down his throat
and he senses the atmosphere (perhaps he’s been binge watching the bachelorette and love island in private so he knows what’s up) and somehow grabs all the other boys and drags them away
as he’s leaving jeno does like a salute in renjun’s direction bc he’s got his bro’s back but
renjun is too busy rn
trying to get you to look at him
also jeno is now pouting bc he really wanted it to be this whole cool scene where he and renjun saluted each other or did some like secret code but,, it’s totally fine:(
anyway so here you are face as red as the chilies in the popeye’s red stick chicken advertisement
you’re just like
why did i say that why did i say that wHY DID I SAY THAT
but then renjun is like
“hey y/n i’d really like to go on a date with you if you could maybe breath first tho”
and you’re like
“…………………………wait what”
“yeah i actually think you’re really cool and i’ve sorta had a crush on you for a while”
“…………………………wait wHAt”
“istg if you say that one more time i’m leaving”
“nono uh i mean are you sure you like me?? i’m not that special or anything”
renjun then hits you on the head and assures you that to him, you’re the most special and beautiful and perfect
and you’re like
“that’s cute aw so glad i have a recording of it”
and renjun stops and says “um recording?? whom-”
“sweetie it’s called acting now ii have something to blackmail you with if you’re ever rude to me”
and then you pull out your phone from your pocket and you stop the voice memo app and save the recording as
'bf’s confession uwu’
and then renjun chases you for the rest of lunch trying to delete the recording and you’re laughing rlly loud and disturbing everyone but
you guys don’t care bc you’re too happy
and tbh everyone thinks you’re a cute couple
like jealous classmates? no how about supportive ones who ship you and write fanfics for yall
it’s cute how renjun can get flustered by some of the stories that get written about you two
and he has to try and keep his 'idc’ façade up but it never works
anyway the point is yall are basically perfect for each other
catch you two on campus at the tuck shop buying snacks for each other
or walking home together
or finding cute lil restaurants to eat at
eventually your relationship goes public and like
at first you get a bit of hate bc some of renjun’s fans are protective
but then they realize you’re a literal squish and then all of renjun’s supporters turn on him and are like
“istg if you hurt y/n i’ll kill you idc how gorgeous you are”
and honestly you love it and you rub it in his face like all the time
“hah maybe i should be the famous one it seems like they like me more”
“shut up or i’ll make chenle do his dolphin laugh every time you try to sleep”
“lol nice try we’re kung fu panda buddies there’s no tearing us apart”
perhaps renjun hates you but at the end of the day he can’t see himself living without you
so it’s all good
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williamcheart · 6 years
- ̗̀ * ( bill skarsgard + cismale + he/him ) have you seen ( william ‘colt’ heart ii ) walking around campus ? they are a ( twenty-four ) year old, studying ( business + literature ). we hear they are in ( omicron tau xi ), and can be ( composed & detached ), maybe it’s because they are an ( aquarius ). they sort of remind us of ( chicken scratch handwriting, trembling hands, a coach’s whistle ), maybe we can find out more ! * ̖́- + literary magazine
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u were all wondering whomstve the bill skarsgard fc reserve was . . . . it was I and i have no mcfuckin’ regrets. we love. and stan. william colton heart the second
tw. cancer, death, substance abuse, car accident, mental illness.
gen info!
full name: william colton heart ii
nickname(s): will to his family, colton/just colt to p much everybody else. his full name is reserved for family and when he’s in troubule tbh
b.o.d. - feb. 19th he an aquarius bby
label(s): the fallen, the phoenix, the crestfallen, etc. etc.
height: tall but taller than benjy tall like we’re talking a whopping 6′4″ jfc
hometown: beaufort, south carolina !!
sexuality: b...i...?
bio info!
born n raised in beaufort, south carolina--william is the eldest heart sibling
was a really quiet kid, tbh, like he minded his business and stuck close to the people he knew
always, always wanted to impress his parents, so he always studied hard for school and kind of put all his focus into it ??
it was a pressure for him, really, bc he’d always been told that he’s gonna inherit the family business like how his dad did, etc. etc.
and like...sweetie never wants to disappoint anyone, ever.
he was never considered a nerd tho?? like he’s always been freakishly tall, and his quietness sort of made him intimidating to be around b/c it always felt like he was judging u bc he’d always have to look down at u
has always been super protective over his younger siblings, feels as if it’s his duty to be the put-together brother
he’s never had to fight anybody tho, and like, thank god for that b/c he’s definitely not a fighter, considers himself to be a pacifist for the most part
bc like...he can just stare u down and ur like uuuh gtg bye !!1!111!!!
anyways, grew up riding horses, finds it v v peaceful but he stopped when they moved to california
but track has always been his kinda thing regardless of where he’s at, tried out for track his freshmen yr of high school n was the star of the team tbh
he met a gal going by the name dinah during a track meet the middle of his freshmen yr
she was taking photos for the yearbook and stuttered over her words more often than not, even when she teased william
and like...tbh? william adored her immediately
it really wasn’t soon at all until they started dating, like, they were the high school couple
they complimented each other v v well and were prolly always together lbr
i’m hc’ing that his family also adored dinah like it’s law
dinah is the one who like...really encouraged him to pursue writing as something more serious than just for fun, because will had always enjoyed writing--esp poetry--but he didn’t want it to get in the way of his future w the stables ??
and like...fuck, they were so cute, guys. they were so mf cute.
dinah got diagnosed w/ lung cancer in the beginning of their junior year; she began online school halfway thru b/c she didn’t have the energy physically to go to class, went thru a looot of chemo
william was with her the entire time, y’know, if he wasn’t in school or at track he’d probably be with her the most, trying to cheer her up in the ways he could, helped her study for their SATs bc he knew it was rly important to her
by the summer she was in remission and they thought that was it--still super fucking careful, but they really genuinely thought that that was the end of it y’know ?? that she’d just be better ??
they got into a few months of senior year with her being healthy enough to go to school again, but the further time passed...dinah relapsed, rapidly, and the cancer had spread to other parts of her body
they spent their last valentine’s day in the hospital, and the next day she was gone
it...crushed william, just kind of changed his life, y’know? dinah was all he knew and he really didn’t know how to live w/o her
spent a lot of his time locked away in his room or never even home to begin with, just wandering about hopelessly or sleeping, or trying to sleep that is
poured his heart into his poetry, though--in dinah’s honor, he tried so mf hard to keep doing what he loved even though he was so hurt
it was because of his constant hard work, and dinah’s past encouragements, that william entered and won a poetry contest during his senior year. got a hella scholarship that made everybody proud of him, just b/c he was ~defying odds~
kinda put on this mask so that others wouldn’t see how bad he was doing ?? b/c he’s the level-headed brother, y’kno, the one who always had his shit together and knew what he was doing
dinah and william won cutest couple and even prom king n queen as a sort of tribute to dinah but will didn’t even go to prom tbh he got drunk and threw cans of beer off of a cliff
anyways, he graduated high school n attended ucla bc that was his dad’s school and gdi he’s tryn his best to follow in his footsteps
even got into his dad’s frat b/c he was that determined
he didn’t rly partake much in parties but he did indulge every once in a while, y’know, just to do it, was finally getting his shit back together and doing well for once y’know?? he joined track n took it p seriously
when angela heart died, all of that fell apart again
he took an entire year off of school b/c at that point his mental health had taken a really bad turn, depression was sort of controlling his life and he was spiraling so mf far down that he sometimes couldn’t recognize himself
during that time he published his first and second poetry book under w.c. heart; it’s super morbid, depressing, you can pretty much feel his depression as it manifests in the pages. it begins with poetry from his earlier years, of when he was with dinah and then afterwards, when she dies
the second poetry book is about healing, and then how sometimes you can fall back even when you’re doing good (i.e. around the time lil baby angel died)
when he finally did go back to school he had a much better mindset, seemed to be doing well--was one of the best on the track team--partied a little harder, did drugs more often than usual but nothing too extreme y’know ??
his junior year he got into a p bad car accident n derailed into a body of water after crashing his side of the car into another and losing control of his vehicle
like honestly thank god for the stranger who immediately stopped their car and went totally-hero on the situation, they got william out of the car before he could drown and essentially saved his life, before calling 911 and just. disappearing as soon as the sirens were audible
somehow his left leg got mc’fucked in the incident and it just so happened to ruin his track career
also gave william a fear of swimming/deep water + driving. like. he never wants to be in control of a car again. it really added onto his anxiety and was probably the root of his panic disorder tbh
he took another year off of school to recover from his injuries and to just fucking...put himself in some therapy, because he knows. when it’s time to take care of himself. is really still determined to b the best, he’s just trying to take his time now.
got addicted to painkillers b/c of the injury, sought them out after his prescription ran out; it varies between oxy, vicodin, n percocets and like...they mix really badly w/ his antidepressants tbh ??
that’s v v hush-hush bc he doesn’t want people to worry about him moreso than they already do after like...all these tragic mf events y’know.
he had moved out of his greek house to live on his own but after his second time coming back to ucla he moved back in b/c that way somebody could kick his ass if he fell down the rabbit hole again y’know
his antidepressant, lexapro, causes hallucinations and now he’s been seeing dinah everywhere, hearing her voice, etc. etc. he thinks he’s finally going insane and also keeps it v hush hush b/c he doesn’t want people to think he is
he looks worse for wear but he just. keeps on pretendin’.
he’s just ... really calm tbh?
he’s always been the (or one of the) least fussy child, hated starting conflicts
if anything he’s always been a mediator ?? the peacemaker, tries to resolve things before they get outta hand
he hates fighting, physical n verbal, refuses to partake in it
even when dinah n him would get into arguments he’d be really quiet during them
that being said he wasn’t like antisocial or anything just bc he was quiet y’know ??
he was the quiet cool dude who was always popular for some fucking reason (its the height im telling u) and offered rly good advice
he’s a big fucking softie lemme tell u . . . he cries at most movies tbh
v intelligent, still carries small dumbass energy b/c he doesn’t make the best choices as u can tell
v v good at his craft, has been working on his third poetry book but has a lil bit of writer’s block atm and it’s ? torturing him tbh ?
he’s got a sense of humor but it’s like . . . kind of morbid tbh like he deals w shit via locking up his emotions and using humor as a coping mechanism
he’s a sentimental piece of shit tho we love him. he has a bottle of dinah’s favorite perfume and sprays his bed w it before he goes to sleep
that being said he really...isn’t over her, still, y’know ??
he’s 100% sure that she was his soulmate and he doesn’t think she could ever be replaced
(silly boy u cant replace people ! u just. meet people who fit u in other ways.)
hates being babied b/c he’s the oldest goddammit, that’s his job
he has a lil bit of a limp but like . . . that’s just bc his leg hurty
did i mention he’s protective bc he 100% is like listen.
he can bully his siblings. u cannot. that’s the rule sorry
even when his siblings r bullying each other he like body-flops on top of them and is p much like fucking Stop
he’s in his last yr of college but he’s doing grad school right after b/c he rly. doesn’t wanna b a partner w his dad. he doesn’t wanna own the stables or breed horses. he’s troy bolton and writing is his singing, horsebreeding is his basketball.
okay he really wants to know who tf pulled him outta the water b/c he never got to say thank u and he’s just like ?? LET ME SAY THANK U GODDAMMIT
he’s lowkey in the party scene but he’s also a bit of a wallflower when it comes to them, he prefers to drink his alcohol n watch ppl b idiots or sit on a roof high off his ass with a pal
he’ll fuck u but he wont date u but like so will most of the guys so he’s not unique he’s just a hashtag tortured artist
like it’s so hard for him to connect w others in a potentially romantic way ?? bc he just doesn’t feel anything and u cant really blame him for it tbh
has panic attacks n insomnia but u aint hear it from me
ironically........has taken up smoking cigarettes, as well.......even tho his gf died from lung cancer.......will why?
oh right bc i commanded thee
wanted connections !!
WHO PULLED HIM OUTTA THAT MF CAR CRASH ?? - i wanna know mf !!
his siblings uwu - GIVE US THE LAST HEART. PLEASE.
roommate - !! they can b chill or hate each other tbh who knows
frat bros - please.
uuuh general friends i guess ??
will they wont they - they’re rly close but will is really dumb and straight refuses to acknowledge the fact that they’d b like . . . perfect together
general unrequited things - william is emotionally unavailable, lmao, let’s see how that works w others
current hookups - he’s a bit of a slut, let’s b real. we ain’t shaming him b/c we don’t do that in 2k19 but we also speaking truths
good influences - please...help him get better
confidantes - somebody he just can fuckin complain to w/o feeling shitty or guilty for it
bad influences - make him. worse. he’s doing bad but he’s not at his worst yet.
anything. else. u want. i will do. i can do. i am god. i have ultimate power. william is my pAWN.
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Dear Jungkook (Jungkook x You) // Chapter 2
Summary : (I suck in doing summary, so yeah)
Jungkook, Y/N and Jae Eun are the best of friends. While Y/N is in love with Jungkook ever since she can remember, Jungkook founds himself falling in love with her cousin, Jae Eun when Y/N introduces them a year later.When both Y/N and Jae Eun move to the States, Jungkook tried to keep in contact by emailing Jae Eun. As the emails grew constant, Jungkook is sure he’s falling more in love with the Jae Eun that he got to know through their emails.Little did he know that all these while, Y/N is the one who has been emailing him back.
Y/N and Jae Eun has been living in the States for almost seven years now. Jae Eun has successfully become the queen bee that she always wanted, with her own little clique who worships her. Y/N has grown into her looks and self confident, turning her into a beautiful young lady, no longer akward and reserved,  who is easily loved by everyone she meets. She's kind, friendly and intelligent. The two cousins might seem like a polar opposite but despite what people might think, they are the best of friends.
"Yah, Y/N, is this really Jungkook?" Jae Eun stormed into Y/N's room one day during one her lazy days spend in bed, shoving her iphone right in Y/N's face. Y/N squint her eyes and saw an article about Bangtan, the current hit idol group in K-pop, attached with a picture of Jungkook and the rest of his members right in the center of it. Y/N knows everything there is to know about this particular group. Jungkook had mention on more than several occssions about his group and his members antics in their still on going emails and online chats.
"Ye...yes," Y/N looked up to see Jae Eun smiling with glee. She can sense something bad is going to happen. Its been seven years since Jungkook's name even crossed Jae Eun's mind, why is she asking about him this time?
"You are still keeping in touch with him right? Still emailing him?" Y/N nodded and earn a chuckle from Jae Min as she plopped down beside her on the bed.
"I cant believe it has been seven years and you are still emailing him! How do you even find time for that?" Jae Min questioned and scoot in closer beside Y/N. "How come you didnt tell me that he has become this hot shot celebrity? And look at him, he is really  hot " Jae Eun tapped her fingers on Jungkook's smirking face on her phone. Y/N just keep her mouth shut, not knowing what to say. She looked at the photo, yes Jungkook is handsome. Very much so, but that is nothing compared to his mind and the way he thinks that Y/N adore so much. She look over at Jae Eun who is gawking at the photo, mentioning something about how cute the rest of the other members are too. Y/N didnt think Jae Eun even remember who Jungkook is anymore. "Anyway, since we are going back home soon, I might as well continue to email him, dont you think? It will be weird when we meet him again and I look lost," Jae Eun ponders, more to herself than directing the question to Y/N. "He still has the hots for me right?" Y/N nodded her head when Jae Eun looks straight to her face. Its true, despite being in an internationally famed idol grouo, Jungkook still seem to be very much in love with Jae Eun. At least it seems like it in the way he write the emails to Y/N. Sometimes it breaks Y/N's heart knowing that all his sweet words are meant for Jae Eun, and not for her, although she is the one who has been telling him things and sharing her own experiences all this while.  "You can stop helping me now. Thanks for your help though," Jae Min who was busy scrolling through her phone didnt even notice the change in Y/N's face. Y/N just sigh, knowing there's nothing she can do. After all, Jungkook thought he is emailing Jae Eun and he is in love with Jae Eun.
Y/N's father had mentioned that they will going back home in about a week's time for the summer. They will be spending the whole season back at home and later, both Y/N and Jae Eun can freely decide if they want to come back to the States continue to theur studies or just permanently stay home. Since the business deal that he had come there for went through, there will be a lot of back and forth trip to the States so he figured its fine if Jae Eun or Y/N decided to stay there instead of their hometown. Y/N's father is never one to forced anything onto his children and always gives them options to choose from. Y/N is both nervous and excited to come back to her beloved hometown to the point she cant get a goodnight sleep for about a week before they did. The place where she spend all her childhood and created amazing memories. The place where her mother is born and buried. Where her parents fell in love. The place where she herself fell in love.
Apparently, seven years did nothing to change her heart. Boys come and go during her years in the States, trying to win her heart, she even go out with a few of them, trying her best to move on but nothing ever worked out. No one ever succeed in taking Jungkook's place. Maybe keeping constant communication with someone you want to get over is not a good idea.
It's true that she is still emailing him even after seven years. Jungkook was so excited when she first responded, and since Jae Eun didnt show any interest to actually even open her email up to this very day, Y/N just kept on replying. And soon the lies has gotten too deep and to big for her to stop. Their friendship had gotten so real, its not possible for her to just cut him off anymore. As time goes by, her conversations with Jungkook turns more honest, and she become more of herself and less pretending to be Jae Eun. They even do more than just emailing,  chatting on the messenger when they both have the free time.
Her emails with Jungkook are the highlights of her day. Jungkook, thinking that its Jae Eun who he's having all this meaningful conversation with, shares everything. His struggles as a trainee, his first performance, concert, tour, his favorite band, his daily activities, everything. Jungkook has constantly asked for a video call, or maybe a photo, wanting to put a face to the person he's been talking to. Y/N, trying her best to dodge the truth, always send him a photo of both herself and Jae Eun together and decline every video call that he made, saying that she's too shy. She make a silent pact to herself that one day she will reveal herself to Jungkook. Y/N guess she will never get the chance to tell him who she really is now since Jae Eun already told her that she will be emailing him herself until they get home. Y/N sat in front of her laptop, take a deep breath and open her chat to see if Jungkook is online. Fortunately, he is. She poised her fingers on the keyboard, taking a deep  breath before she starts her chat with Jungkook, for one last time.
Y/N: Dear Jungkook,
JK: Hahaha. Why do you always start off your emails and chat that way? But its cute. I like it
Y/N: Hahaha. Fine. Hey!
JK: Heyyy! Why are you on9? Isnt it late out there?
Y/N: yeah... Y/N: cant sleep. Y/N: and since ur on9, i want to tell u sumting
JK: wat is it?
Y/N: tq for still keeping in touch with me all these years. Ur emails and stories always made my day Y/N: I enjoy everything that we talked about. And I enjoy getting to know more about you Y/N: I'm glad our friendship didnt wilt just bcs we are far away from each other
JK: .... JK: I had fun talking to you too Jae Eun. JK: U know u r the highlight of my day. No matter how busy I am, I always look 4ward 2 ur reply JK: but... JK: why does it sounds like u r saying goodbye?
Y/N: :) Y/N: i gtg now. Need some zzzz Y/N: gdnite jungkook
Y/N slammed her MacBook shut without waiting for Jungkook's reply. She can already feel tears forming in her eyes but remind herself that there's no point in crying. She's not losing anything. Jungkook was never hers to begin with. This is just a favor for Jae Eun. Seven years might be a long time. One would think its long enough for maybe even Jungkook to fall in love with her, but during all those seven years, Jungkook's heart had always been Jae Eun's. She already know this very fact seven years ago when she started this whole mess, and now that her heart has fallen more deeply in love with Jungkook, she knows there is no one to blame but herself.
After hours of flying, Y/N and Jae Eun finally landed back home. Jae Eun puts on her expensive sunglasses and let the assistants wheeled her numerous amounts of Louis Vuitton luggage while linking her arms with Y/N. Y/N just laugh at her cousin's antics and use her free hand to wheel her own single luggage. She only brought over the neccesities. Who needs a thousand pairs of heels? After all, this is home. She still has some things left in her old room, and knowing Jae Eun, she will probably dragged her for another shopping trip. Yet still, Jae Eun insisted to bring all the latest designer items that she owns, just in case she might need it.
"I'm a model, remember? I have to look good!" she reminded Y/N of the fact. The truth is, Jae Eun has only been doing some small scale modelling in the States and that is all there is, but to her, its a stepping stone to be the next Gigi Hadid. Y/N just chuckle at her bold statement. "And also, the future girlfriend of idol superstar Jeon Jungkook!"  Y/N's heart sank when Jae Eun mentioned his name. She had been restless during the whole flight. Will Jungkook be happy to see her? Does Jungkook think that she purposely stop keeping in touch with him? Will her heart be okay to see the boy she loves after seven whole years? Worse, can she take it when Jungkook dont even know he's been talking to her all this while?
It is a fact that Jungkook still very much likes Jae Eun. At least according to his emails, he still does. "I read some of the emails you guys exchanged. You know, to fill me in. But I skipped all the boring part! And boy, there were  a lot!" she laughs. "But it sure seems like he's still into me," Jae Eun turn to look at Y/N when she didnt answer. "Right Y/N?" Jae Eun knows she had asked this same question before but she needs to really make sure.
"Y..yeah. He does,"
"Oh well. I cant believe he actually think its really me who's replying all those boring emails,"
"Do you...do you even really like him Jae Eun?" Y/N finally finds the courage to ask. Sometimes its ridiculous how oblivious Jae Eun is to the rest of the world. She cant even see how much her own cousin, her best friend is in love with the boy she's planning to turn into her boyfriend
"Well, now that he's a famous celebrity, I sure do!" she said, not even a trace of guilt or shame in her voice. "Oh look we are here!"
Jungkook is puzzled by his last chat with Jae Eun. She sounded cold and she really sounded like she's saying goodbye. He waited a couple of days to see if she will be online again, but she didnt, so he decided to write another email.
Hey Jae Eun,
What happened during our last chat? Why do I feel like you are saying goodbye? Did anything happen? And why aren't you online for the last few days?
Miraculously, Jungkook didnt have to wait long as he received a reply the next morning.
Hey Kookie!
Nothing happen! Oh I have great news. I'm going to come back home in a few days time!
And my uncle is throwing a homecoming party for us, and of course, you are invited! Make sure to wear something nice you hottie. I wsnt to show off my handsome boyfriend to everyone *wink*
Love, Jae Eun
Jungkook is weirded out by the email. Kookie? Love? Wear something hot? Hottie?? Since when does Jae Eun ever say these kind of things. Plus, her emails always starts with Dear Jungkook, no matter how many times he tease her about it. And her boyfriend? Yes, Jungkook did hinted various of times that he wants ti be more than friends and all these while Jae Eun always dodge the question or laugh it off.  He doesnt mind really, he finds it cute and if Jae Eun is finally willing to call him her boyfriend, he is more than happy to be one. So he just shrugged it off, thinking maybe Jae Eun is just excited to come back home and start thinking about the party where he can see the love of his life again.
He made a promised to himself to finally make Jae Eun his the next time he see her again.
When he first met Jae Eun, he admitted that he's attracted to her by her beauty. He knows that Jae Eun never did give him the time of the day but his competitiveness makes him want to fight for Jae Eun's attention.  He spend less time with Y/N in order to achieve his mission, a fact that he knows but he always convinced himself that he will find the time for her later. But that time never comes and the next thing he knows, both Y/N and Jae Eun are leaving for the States. To ensure that he wont regret his decision of neglecting his best friend in order to pursue Jae Eun, he tried to keep contact by emailing her. It suprise him that she actually replied and as he slowly gets to know her better through their constant chats and emails, he finds himself falling more and more in love with the girl behind the screen. He is sure its for real this time, and not because of her beauty like he did years ago. Her thoughts on life, the way she thinks, every story that she tells him, it just makes him find her more interesting.
So he told himself that the next time he saw her, he will make sure she will belong to him. Jungkook did think about Y/N some times. He even told Jae Eun through his emails to ask Y/N to chat him up, he even emailed her once, but she never did respond. Jungkook grew angry at Y/N for disposing their friendship just like that and decide to just move on from her. If Y/N can easily forget about him, then he can definitely do the same to her.
As expected of the Jang Empire, the homecoming party is luxurious. Live band, free flow of champagne, guest dressed in their perfect outfits. Jungkook even saw some other idols and celebrities at the party. Jungkook feels glad that he brought Taehyung and Jimin with him, or else he would have been akward standing alone surrounded by all these guests that he finds to be very intimidating. He akwardly stand around the party, trying to find the face that he had longed to see. Jimin and Taehyung are already off on the dancefloor, doing silly dances with some girl they just met. Jungkook just waved them off when the two boys asked him to joined them on the dancefloor, too nervous and eyes too busy searching for Jae Eun. He can feel girls are checking hin out, especially with his two handsome hyungs by his side, but no one else matter other than Jae Eun. Seven years he had stayed loyal to the same girl, and he can finally see her, smell her, touch her, tonight.
About 30 minutes into the party, Jungkook finally spotted Jae Eun walking down the main stairs into the party. She looks absolutely gorgeous in her red dress and perfect hair. Jungkook felt his breath has been taken away and a large smile crept up his face. A sense of pride start to consume him at the thought that the beautiful girl everyone is looking at belongs to him.
"Woah, who's that?" Jungkook look to his hyung who is staring at the same spot he was looking earlier. Irritation crept into him as he assumed they are talking about Jae Eun. His Jae Eun.
"God, look at her. I've never seen anyone looked so good in such a simple dress before," Taehyung still have his mouth opened. Simple dress?  Jae Eun's dress is anything but simple with its deep red hue, slits on both sides and covered almost entirely in Swavorski diamonds. Then who are they talking about? Jungkook whipped his head up to where his hyung is looking at and is greeted with the sight of a girl behind Jae Eun. The girl is wearing a plain nude knee length coloured dress with the lightest makeup and her long black hair is styled in a messy updo. His hyungs were right, she is gorgeous. The moment she smile to someone in the crowd, Jungkook's heart starts to race crazily and a sense of familiarity hit him. Its the same smile that used to give him butterflies when he was eight, when she shoved him her extra pair of Converse and telling him not to cry anymore. The same smile that he didnt realize he had miss before tonight.
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