#gt nari
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guardiantales-fanblog · 2 years ago
For the celebration of Guardian Tales 3rd year anniversary, fans have made some fanart for a contest, here are some of them
The source of all of these images is here
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by "가테짱재밌음"
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by "공주님 최고에요"
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by "Flare"
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and the current winner of the contest, by "메추리알장조림"
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pugscoffee · 1 year ago
Whoops,i forgot to post my Knight drawings here too
Ourgh.... Knight my beloved 🥺💞🩷💞🩷💞🩷
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When i look at Ogerpon i always think that she would be Lana's starter Pokémon fr
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Silly 🥰💞🩷💞🩷💞🩷💞🩷
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Fun fact of the day!
-Male Knight has 2 JP VAs,one is Yuuki Ono who voiced Louis from Beastars! (Knight is dressing like him in this drawing),and the second one being Yuu Kobayashi (I love her voice for Knight SO MUCH),she is known for voicing Fire Emblem characters!
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rarastmblr · 2 years ago
GT tweets that are rotting in my gallery but it's just Garam, Nari, and the knight.
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And, yes, Nari was the rat btw.
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daisukoth · 3 years ago
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dzamie · 4 years ago
Me, a single fox loli on her own without her team, minding her open business in what appears to be the apocalypse: >:3
A higher level boss monster previously fought with 4 characters, enhanced with stronger attacks, that does 30% bonus damage and takes 30% less damage: WELCOME TO WORLD FUCKING TEN, IDIOT
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sevicia · 3 years ago
this is veeeery niche but in gt theres a character u only know as little princess (LP) and shes like. your daughter your little sibling your scrunkly ingame. and she looks to be about 10 to 12 ?and everyone shuts down FAST and attacks anyone who is weird towards her. but then u have Nari who is a fox girl and she looks at most 14 and theres somany ppl who have always made like fbi jokes about it and it makes me so uncomfortable like.....the difference between how decently u treat young girls is in how deeply u know them ? thats disgusting
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pokesception · 5 years ago
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Whelp, started playing pokemon sword.  Have complained quite a bit here about dexit & related issues, and honestly I would have skipped at least the initial versions of these games entirely, or at least held off on purchasing them until we could see just how egregious pokemon home will be.  But my brother got shield, and my problems with sword and shield are not so severe that I’m going to refuse to play a game with family.
Thoughts so far?  Setting dexit entirely aside it’s... another pokemon game, for better and worse.  Largely for the better.  The new monsters, at least those I’ve encountered so far, are fun and good.  Music is nice.  Tone is bright and cheerful.  I love my team, and my protagonist.  It’s been nice.
As expected going to a more powerful console, it looks better, but it’s not a huge jump from the 3ds games, not least because lot of the visuals of this game are ported over directly from those games, and the stuff that is new has been made so as to not clash aesthetically with the older stuff.  If you’ve seen mods of usum that display the games at higher res and without the black outlines, it’s very much like that.  Closer to that even than to the let’s go games in ways that I find difficult to articulate.  In and of itself that’s not a complaint, really, the game looks plenty good enough for a pokemon tame.  It’s just not a major leap forward in presentation like the leap from gen 5 to gen 6 was.
Gameplay is mostly what you might expect.  Tall grass battles are an interesting mix of pokemon you can see on the field and engage or avoid as you wish and random battles that appear in the grass.  The random fights appear as a rustling in the grass that again can be pursued or avoided, you just can’t tell what they’ll be before you bump into them.  Finding rarer pokemon in a route is often a matter of sneaking or dashing between the new pokemon to get to the random fight, then crossing your fingers and hoping for the pokemon you want.  I’m not sure if there’s deeper levels to it, like chaining or whatever.  At the surface level it’s engaging enough.
The new pokemon are great so far.  There’s a bunch early on that you won’t have seen if you avoided leaks, and that was really excited.  I went into gen 7 knowing every new pokemon and with a particular desired team all worked out in advance.  This time around I’ve avoided spoilers, and gamefreaks official previews have kept a lot more hidden, so it’s been really fun to meet a lot of cool new faces early on.
The game does let you skip some early tutorials, but still frustrates to no end by stopping you every three seconds for another unnecessary explanation or detour, so it’s still pokemon in that unfortunate regard.  Routes are, if anything, more linear than ever before, at least early on, with the exception of an early expedition through the wild area which... I’ll talk about later.
Experience share is always on and cannot be turned off.  It scales shared xp based on the level of the pokemon, with lower level pokemon getting a higher portion, but not by enough so it’s still a pain to keep everything in the same level range, and you’ll still probably be wildly over leveled from very early on with nary a challenge to be seen even if you try to avoid grinding.
You can access the box from anywhere, which can be used to help overcome both the maintaining-a-level-range and over leveling problems of the experience share, but it’s a hassle to do, and wouldn’t be necessary if you could just toggle off shared exp in the options menu.  And on another level it makes the game even easier, since attrition is much less of a problem when you can swap in fresh pokemon whenever you feel like.
The online functionality is... kind of bad.  Maybe it’s just my internet, but being online in the wild area causes all sorts of slowdown.  Worse, there’s no equivalent to the pss functionality from gen 6.  No way to just see which of your switch friends are online and directly offer to trade or battle with them.  No instead you have to contact them *outside of the game* to share a 4 digit password, and then hope that nobody else happens to be using the same password as you when you try to connect with each other.  Raid battles are neat, but infuriatingly use the same password hassle.  You can’t just have easy friend-only raids from within the game itself.
It’s marginally better then gen 7′s festival plaza, but it remains miles and miles behind gen 6′s pss system that was simple and intuitive, and just centuries ahead of anything that came before or after.
Apart from raid battles, the wild area is... interesting?  Not all that different from having just a really big route with subareas of various level ranges.  Not bad, but not as big a departure as I had made it out to be in my head.  An idea with some potential that future games might expand into something great but that, knowing this series, will just be dropped after a single generation instead.  I’m still pretty early in the game, so my opinion on it might change after returning to it later.
The biggest frustration of the wild area, and something that brings it down tremendously, is that while you can encounter, and with some effort defeat, pokemon there, you cannot catch them at all if they’re above an arbitrary level range set by your number of gym badges.  This runs so completely counter to everything almost good about the wild area that I basically swore the whole thing off until I get to the end of the game, and frankly they might as well have just made it a post game area at that rate.
It’s extra frustrating because the problem of a player getting access to a pokemon too strong for the game too early on is one that the pokemon games already solved infinitely more elegantly all the way back in gen 1!  Just make pokemon that you acquire at too high a level uncontrollable, exactly like traded pokemon, so you can catch that over leveled onyx or whatever, but can’t use it until you’ve progressed far enough in the game for it not to be over leveled anymore.  How hard is that?  And who cares if a player gets an over powered pokemon early and steam rolls the game?  If that’s how the player wants to play, why is it a problem?  It’s not like the main game is challenging to begin with, thanks to always on exp share its almost impossible not to have over leveled pokemon anyway, what does it matter if it’s because you caught them that way or because they just outleveled the game curve?  A better exp scaling system would fix all those problems anyway.
Pokemon games not only failing to progress and solve problems that return game after game, but also repeatedly forgetting solutions that the series has already implemented is the longest running and most frustrating and most justified complaint to level at the entire series.  Of course, in the past pokemon as a series always had one core feature that none of the other - often more innovative - monster hunting games that sprang up in its shadow could replicate.  Backwards compatibility, the ability to maintain your collection in full going forward from generation to generation in a chain unbroken since gen 3 on game boy advance.  And that’s where dexit puts a sour note on the whole business.
The last several pokemon generations have failed to significantly improve on the core gameplay of a nearly two decade old franchise, but for many that has been largely forgiven because each new generation could easily be viewed not as stand alone games but rather as major expansions to the same existing game.  Dexit breaks from that, and forces the new games to be viewed as stand alone games and... well they aren’t pad at all.  They’re still cute.  I’m having fun so far.  Sword and Shield is no Anthem, no Fallout 76, no singular disaster to turn an otherwise largely positive track record on its head, and the extreme negativity directed against the game has been way overstated, even probably by myself.  In particular any vitriol directed at the devs is almost certainly unwarranted, the problems that have been growing in the pokemon series generation after generation almost certainly come down to corporate decisionmaking way above the heads of anyone who actually *worked* on the game.
Still, now that gamefreak’s pattern of cutting progressively more and more corners has reached the point of cutting actual pokemon, it’s shouldn’t be surprising that a lot of people who had been giving all those issues a pass suddenly aren’t anymore.
And while pokemon sword and shield isn’t a bad game, it’s hard to compare it to something like oras or usum and say it’s worth 50% more up front cost AND an added monthly subscription to access features like GTS that used to be just part of the game to begin with.
The dex cuts would have been more forgivable if the games had been a major leap forward, whether in graphics or gameplay.  Monster Hunter World, for instance, had /dramatically/ less content in terms of sheer quantity than the games that came right before it, but it also completely overhauled the visuals, heavily revised and updated the core gameplay, and completely changed how the area maps worked.
Alternatively, I think all the people currently complaining about models and trees and balance would have been fine with ‘just another pokemon game’ if it had maintained the backwards compatibility, just as they’ve been alright with ‘just another pokemon game’ for game after game after game until now.  Imagine if gamefreak had announced sword and shield as the last main line games to maintain all previous pokemon instead of the first games not to.  Then at least everybody’s personal faves would have had the chance to see play on a home system, and sword and shield could advertise themselves as the biggest pokemon games ever and actually mean it, and players would have time to adjust to what was coming.
I’m reminded of a scene from the Gravity Falls Halloween episode in season one.  Mabel & Dipper had always trick or treated together, but this year dipper decided to ditch mabel to try and go to a teen party, arguing that they were getting too old for trick or treating.  To which Mabel says something along the lines of “I knew some Halloween would be our last, but I didn’t realize it had already happened.”
And that’s the feeling I have with pokemon right now, the wet blanket draped over all the bright colors and fun new characters and monsters in sword and shield.  I knew eventually pokemon games wouldn’t be able to keep supporting all the pokemon, I knew eventually my collection would be left behind.  But I didn’t think it had already happened.  And to find out that gen 7 of all games was the last ‘complete’ pokemon?  That’s just kind of sad to realize.  And while I am on balance enjoying sword and shield, it’s a realization that keeps coming back uninvited to sour the experience.
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cocotangaje · 5 years ago
Liburan semester ini beda jauh dengan liburan 2 semester yang lalu. Waktu gue awal kuliah dan baru masuk. Waktu pertama kalinya gue ngerasain libur. 
Waktu itu hampir tiap hari gue cerita. Karena seharian lebih sering mendep di kamar. Ga kemana-mana. Kebetulan lagi musim hujan juga. Ga punya uang. Temen SMA pada sibuk sama urusannya yang udah beda-beda lagi prioritasnya. Gue juga belom mulai terjun ke dunia gambar setelah sebelumnya melewati fase mempelajari banyak hal tentang per doodle an. Juga kondisi keuangan yang belom terlalu sering gue pikirkan kayak sekarang. Mungkin waktu itu gue mikirnya ah toh waktu gue kuliah aja masih lama dan panjang. Masih bukan waktunya juga bagi gue buat cari uang. Meskipun ga berarti juga gue foya-foya.
Emang sih, waktu itu impian gue buat jadi penulis masih mengebu-ngebu dan semangat banget. Nggak kayak sekarang yang udah nggak berani mikir kesana lagi. Gue udah berambisi pengen bikin buku, punya novel, nyampe bikin alur cerita meskipun pada akhirnya berhenti di tengah jalan terus. Saat ini gue udah capek untuk mikir dan berekspektasi kayak dulu. Mau ngalir aja sebagaimana seharusnya gitu. Nulis ya nulis aja. Nggak mau banyak mikir. Justru gue rasa, dengan banyak mikir dan kebanyakan beban di awal-lah yang membuat tulisan gue pada akhirnya ga jadi-jadi terus.
Selain itu, gue… nggak tau sih rasanya udah nggak sesemangat waktu itu dalam nulistuh. Gambar juga sama. Gue kayak hampa aja. Kalo dibilang lagi krisis identitas ya enggak juga. Mungkin kayaknya gue hampa karena selama ini melakukan semua hal-hal yang gue sukai ini tanpa support atau dukungan nyata dari orang terdekat sama sekitar aja kali ya.
Soalnya ya orangtua gue dua-duanya ga support tapi ga larang juga. Gue paham sih, kalo ibarat buah, gue ini merupakan buah yang jatuh dari pohon, terus kemudian menggelinding jauh ke tempat yang baru dan tumbuh sebagai bibit baru yang berbeda dengan indukan pohonnya. Gue ngerasa segala hal yang gue sukai dan gue tekuni sekarang itu merupakan hal-hal yang gue temukan sendiri. Yang bahkan nggak pernah kedua orangtua gue kenalin ke gue.
Kalo ga salah gue pernah nulis disini bahwa waktu SD sejak gue kenal sama SNSD, gue pengen jadi idol dan pengen ikutan kursus dance. Tapi nyanyinya enggak. Waktu itu gue cuma mikir gue suka nari dan gue pengen melakukan hal itu saat gue gede nanti. Gue pengen satu panggung sama SNSD dan bilang makasih.
Iya. Gue kalo ngefans sama sesuatu pasti bawaannya pengen ngucapin makasih ke idolnya secara langsung. Gue tau makasih mungkin ga begitu berarti apa-apa. Apalagi bagi idol gede yang fansnya ada di seluruh dunia dan jumlahnya banyak. Tapi gue pengen aja. Gue ngerasa ketulusan bakalan nyampe ke siapapun yang menerimanya. Naif banget si bangsat ini emang.
Tentu jelas orangtua gue melarang. Makanya SMP gue dimasukin ke pesantren. Karena pembullyan, jadi sendirian meski nggak kesepian, karena gue merasa di fase ini gue berasa dituntun langsung sama Tuhan, gue akhirnya melupakan dunia kpop dan mengubur jauh-jauh impian dance gue itu. Gue terlalu sibuk sama ngafalin surat-surat quran karena semua orang di sekeliling gue pada saat itu melakukannya. Tapi tetep aja, Tuhan ngenalin gue ke kakak kelas yang sama-sama nggak punya temen juga yang ternyata dia juga penyuka korea.
Dia ngajarin gue tulisan hangeul dan gimana cara nulisnya dengan benar. Tata bahasa korea gue cukup bagus waktu itu. Tiap ashar pulang sekolah, di mesjid selesai sholat ashar jamaah, gue belajar bahasa korea sama inggris sama dia. Improve, lumayan. Seenggaknya pada saat itu, gue tau gue yang paling jago bahasa inggris di angkatan gue. Dan gue juga menguasai tulisan hangeul yang cukup baik waktu itu.
SMA gue pindah haluan ke game dan jejepangan. Gue mulai suka anime. Tapi entah kenapa belajar hiragana dan katakana nggak semudah waktu gue mempelajari hangeul dulu. Mungkin karena gue belajar sendirian, gue nggak tau.
Mimpi gue bergeser. Kalo dulu pengen jadi idol, sekarang seenggaknya gue pengen ke jepang atau korea. Atau ya ke asia manapun asal negara yang punya 4 musim disana. Gue pengen sekolah di luar. Liat hal yang nggak pernah gue liat. Ngerasain salju sama pake winter outfit yang kece-kece gitu. Tapi gue udah cukup gede buat tau dan ngerti bahwa kalo cuma sekadar liburan, gue pasti susah buat mengantongi izin. Gue pasti bakal banyak ditanya ngapain kesana, buat apa, kepentingannya apa, sama siapa, dan bahkan mungkin bakalan disuruh bersyukur ajalah udah stay di negara sendiri, jangan aneh-aneh atau neko-neko hidupmah.
Gue nyari jurusan dan akhirnya nemulah hubungan internasionalnya. Karena kata hubungan dan internasional, gue mikir pasti melibatkan banyak negara di dalamnya. Gue bisa bikin alesan keperluan akademik atau pendidikan meskipun ya emang iya sih, bukan ngadi-ngadi alasan juga. Tapi seenggaknya di samping ini, gue masih mau buat tetep melakukan apa yang gue mau.
Disamping pergeseran topik karena flashback barusan, gue bilang gue menggelinding jauh dari pohon induknya dan tumbuh jadi bibit baru di tempat yang berbeda; karena gue emang merasa begitu adanya. Sekeluarga gue kuat banget sama agamanya. Papap sama mamah tipe yang konservatif dan cukup fanatik sama agama. Gue udah gak aneh kalo gue lagi di kamar tiba-tiba gue denger papap ngeanjing-anjingin tv karena jokowi lagi muncul di berita. Tipe yang enteng mulutnya buat ngekafirin orang, yang masih menganggap segala hal diluar akademik merupakan suatu hal yang ga penting dan ga seharusnya dibanggakan.
Beda jauh dengan hal-hal yang gue punya. Gue suka seni, apapun itu jenis dan bentuknya. Gue mendengarkan banyak genre musik dan sempet pernah pengen nabung dan kemudian beli gitar tapi pada akhirnya celengan gue dilempar dan dibilang orang yang ngegitar itu temennya setan dan cuma buang-buang uang sama waktu aja. Gue suka gambar, gue suka melukis, gue suka ngedance, nari, gue suka seni karena cuma ketika gue melakukan kegiatan seni itulah gue bisa bebas dari tekanan dan aturan yang selama ini mengikat gue dari kecil. Gue bisa bikin gambaran dengan banyak tulisan kontol atau setan tanpa perlu mikir gimana-gimana. Karena katanya dalam seni itu nggak ada kata jelek atau bagus. Ga ada kata hina atau mulia. Semuanya kembali lagi ke selera dan kuasa manusia dalam mengartikannya.
Saat ini gue mulai berani. Gue tau ini durhaka, tapi gue lebih memilih untuk mengutarakan pendapat gue sebagai manusia perihal segala hal yang gue suka. Contohnya saat kemaren gue abis beli cat dan alat lukis hampir 200 ribuan. Saat mamah menatap aneh sambil bilang “Ey nanahaonan kabeak-beak duit eweh gawe” gue bales menjawab “wios eweh gawe ge nu pentingmah henteu ngarugikeun jeung nganyenyeri ka batur.”
Dah gt sj
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dramavie-blog · 6 years ago
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Jadi ceritanya beberapa jam yang lalu, oppa upload foto kalau doi jadi model mv band DickPunks (kok gak enk ya nama bandnya 😂)
Bertebaran lah langsung di Instagram, dan serius kaget saya doi manis sekali di foto ini 👇👇👇
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See? kayak masih kuliah, eh sumpah yang motoin bagus sekali 😘, kalau mau liat mv nya, di menit-menit terakhir doi nari-nari manjahh gt (apaan 😬).
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guardiantales-fanblog · 2 years ago
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Happy Farm Life finished piece
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nailaz · 3 years ago
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jadi aku dsini mau nyeritain sedikit pengalaman aku semasa ikutin lomba di SMP ini klo ditanya senang apa ngga pasti seneng dong apalagi hasilnya memuaskan tambah seneng karna bisa membawa nama baik sekolah,dann ya aku mau ceritain ini jadi ini tuh kita lomba nari dongg udh bisa di liat dr gambarmya jg hihi nmanya lomba kan pasti ada latihan dong nah kita juga latihan dan bisa terhitung lamaa hampr 2 bulnn knpp bisa gtu jadi gini kan awal dikasih tau itu kita ktanya hari lomba itu deket lagi harinya ktanya dan ya guru nyari org buat lomba 5 anggota nah kepilih tuh aku slh satunya alhamdulillah nah itu udh nemu 5 org itu stlh semingguan bisa disebut seleksi lah yaa,trus kita mulai latihan buat lombanya dan udh dikasi tau lombanya udh ga jauh lg harinya kita memutuskan lat trus tuh nahh pas mau udh bbrp hari lagi lomba dikabarin di undur gaizz ya wktu itu lgi ada berita covid tinggi"nya nah yaudhh itu kita udh mulai santai tuh tp ttp lat gaiss nahh trus udh tuh lat lat lat trus yah nah pass besok mau (oh ya ini kan posisi lg keadaan gini ya jd lomba kita itu virtual/take vid)take vid kita udh pripere kya kostum nah kita dsruh kmpul bsk jam 7 pagi hrs udh ada di skull nah kita kesana tuh bsk pagi" dstu udh nyiapin kostum gituan nah kita dstu tb tb dikbarin gajadi take vidny kita dstu lat lagii cumn kita acak gerakan gais jd ga terlalu sama kya yg kita latin slama ini gatauu knp tpi dsruh we gtulah nahh lat tuh ya smpe ada jam 4an nah itu udh prepare segala macem buat besok kya kamera musik gituann nah jam 5an kita balik rumh kita istirahat buat bngun besok pagi(sbnrnya kita dr pagi udh gempor gaisss huhuu tp gpp,itu jg gatau besok kya gimn krana kek udh bnr bnr yasudlhh pasrah krna gerakan gaterlalu inget bgt)nah udh tuh kita jam 5 pagi ke skul buat nyiapin ini itu kita mulai take vid jam 8 nah udh segala dilewatin ber take take dan jam 5 bruu beresss trs stlh beres kita ovt woiii gila krna kita blm terlalu puas dgn hasil take vidnyaa tp gpp ah pasrah dan ya..alhamdulillah dpt kabar kita msuk provinsi gais dstu aduh ank" ade yg nangis wakakak campur aduk prasaannya nah kita dikabarin itu an jg dikabarin kita bkla take vid lagi buat provinsi mah stlh dikabarin bgtu kita lat lagi dong buat siapin iri cumn ga sesering yg sblmnya nah hari h take sma aja gt dr pagii nah tp kita itu magribh tu blm beres istilahnyama blm puas gt sm hasilnyaa ya nah mau lanjut tp kondisi sudh tdk memungkin kan ea nah jd kita mutusin buat take ulg besok mah sm tuh kita bsk bgun pagi lagii prepare segala mcem dann ya jam set 6 kita beress semuanyaa gais legaaaa lega bgttt stlh itu kita mkan brengg nah beres isya lah kali ya pkonya jam sgtuan deh trs lita pda pulng deh udhh nah sgtu aja sih crtanya campur aduk gais seneng sedihnya adaa,hahaha udh segini aja deh dri aku dadaa tunggu blog selanjutnya
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sevicia · 4 years ago
ok so in gt u have chapters with stages, sub stages n passages between main stages. i am on world 11 passage 1 which is one of the hardest because not only are the maps made by the devil himself BUT u only get one revive that u buy with 30 gems. n i got to the final fight without using it and i was like 😇 teehee if i die now i can use it! But Guess Who Ran Out Of Gems after pulling for nari AND GETTING ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING
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diaryt · 4 years ago
Hai, gue tasya. Gue mau cerita tentang bagaimana gue tumbuh hingga sekarang. Mungkin tulisan ini akan jadi berjuta-juta part. And here we go.
Masa sd gue super duper seru bgt!! Gue beneran sekelas nyatu banget. Gaada namanya geng-gengan. Temenan dari mulai yang absurd sampe pageant queen pun ada. Kalo istirahat yang cewe ngumpul buat ngerumpi. Yak tasya amelia memang udah ngerumpi dari sd. Ck. Habit. Sohib gue itu nisa. Kita sebangku mulai kelas 4-6 sd. Pertemanan di sd beneran ngalir aja gitu. Sd gue namanya sds taman rezeki. Coba dicari aja ya di google maps. Nisa itu tomboy bgt. Nah karena itu mungkin gue jadi tomboy jg. Ya gatau knp si gue ga merasa cocok buat gemes gemes manis cewe gitu. Gue sama nisa pernah malakin cowo di kelas kita and then apa coba. Kita beneran dikasih uang. Gue gatau apa temen gue ini takut sama kita atau uangnya emang kebanyakan. Tapi, ni cowo emang ga berasa masalah uangnya dipalakin. Haha.
Terus waktu kelas 1 sd gue inget bgt pernah berantem sama devi (teman sebangku, tetangga, dan temenku yg baik bgt dari tk sampe sd) gara-gara devi ngeliat jawaban gue pas ulangan. Berantem nya bukan adu mulut, tapi nangis bareng. Trs gue mikir knp si gue dulu lebay bgt, padahal kalo sekarang mah sharing jawaban gasi guys pas ujian HAHAHA.
Terus pas kelas 2 gue sebangku sama siapa coba tebak. Andika sri hahahaha. Udh kemana ya itu orang. Sumpah. Kalo dia baca tulisan ini gmn ya. Hm. Andika sri tuh kocak, karena dia suka dikatain "teh sisri "sama "baso lu baso" karena dia anak yang punya resto baso gitu. Trs dia pernah pup di celana dan pup nya jatuh di kelas. BANYANGIN GUYS GUE WAKTU ITU SEBANGKU NYA HAYO.MAU LEWAT JIJIK TAPI KALO GAK LEWAT MATI KEHABISAN NAFAS. Trs andika sri sama gue juga suka berantem. Dulu gue merasa jagoan bgt si pas sd. Tapi sekali lagi guys tenaga andika sri gede bgt. Gue dicubit sampe biru huhu. Bener2 lebam guys. Trs gatau knp dulu waktu sd gue pengaduan bgt ke ortu. Jadilah andika sri diomelin ibu gue. HAHA. Skrng gue gak suka ngadu lagi kok guys. Trs kalo istirahat suka ke kantin makan nasi goreng. Itu nasi goreng bude siapa ya lupa namanya. Enak bgt. Sehat-sehat ya bude. Aamiin.
Kelas 3, gue makin bandel. Gue duduk sama gita. Gue bareng nisa gita pernah sleep over di rumah gita. Kita ke toko rental film buat nyewa film-film di tonton di rumah gita. Malem-malem nunggu fear factor. Coba dicari fear factor itu acara tv yang seperti apa. Trs pas di rumah gita juga kita sekalian mampir ke rumah albert. Hai albert apa kabar? Sekarang albert udh jadi dancer hebat ya. Gue sama gita pernah jahat bgt dulu sama husni, cowo freak di kelas kita. Kita berdua ngumpulin sampah-sampah di kelas buat dimasukin ke tas husni pas doi ke kamar mandi. Gilak jahat bgt gue. Aduh gue liat bgt waktu itu si husni sedih. Tapi, gue sama gita malah ketawa-ketawa. Sumpah husni, kalo gue bisa ketemu sama lo skrng, gue mau minta maaf. Trs gue pernah nyoba nyontek dari lks. Dengan lks nya di taro di bawah sepatu gue. Dan kalo guru dateng, lks nya gue tutupin pake sepatu. Tau gak ada karma nya. Datengnya cepet bgt. Buku lks bangsat ini malah ketinggalan. Mampus gak tuh. Terus lks ini diambilin sama si mang lukman. Orang yang kerja di rumah gue. Doi ke sekolah buat ambil lks doang. Dan tebak besok nya bu tia bilang gini "kamu nyontek ya...?" Denga smirk gitu. Anjir gue cuma jawab dengan haa haa kaget gitu karena bingung mau jawab apa. Terus waktu kelas 3 gue pernah dipanggil ke ruang guru karena ketauan salah ngasih info tentang seorang guru (guru yang gue omongin itu gapernah masuk, beritanya doi cabut dari sekolah. Tapi kayanya sakit apa izin gitu. Ngakak gasi. Nah berita yang gue omongin ini sama temen-temen nyampe ke guru, gara-gara info ini gua sebar ke kaka gue yang sekolah disitu jg. Kakak gue mulutnya ga lemes, tapi emang dia juga lagi ngerumpi gitu sama temen-temen terus isi rumpiannya gatau gmn nyampe ke guru). Jadinya, gue sama kaka gue di kirim ke ruang guru buat dimarahin. DEG DEGAN BGT WAKTU ITU. Tapi kalo diinget sekarang gue mau ketawa, knp dulu gue bisa nyebarin info begitu.
Kelas 4, gue duduk sama nisa. Asik bgt ini, kita mulai ke amazone bareng, ngumpulin tiket. Tiket gue sampe bisa buat nebus monopoly dan diary berkode gitu. Keren bgt gasi ini jaman dulu. HAHA. Terus mulai lah disitu malakin teman, yang gue ceritain di atas. Gue ikut lomba gambar 2 kali men dikirim sama sekolah gue. TAPI GA PERNAH MENANG HAHAHAHA. Ikut tryout GO juga ga pernah tembus juara. Kelas 4 gue mulai ada pelajaran tari di sekolah. Nari apa guys? Nari pendet. Demi allah gua gabisa sama sekali. Nilai gue 7 doang. Dan remedial. Gua bnr2 kaku bgt. Bawa2 bokor. Kalian yang baca hrs cari bokor di inet, itu tuh semacam mangkok gitu genks yang buat nari pendet.
Kelas 5, absurd bgt si. Gue pernah pup di celana men. Dan sampe sekarang gaada yang tau. Cuma waktu johanna duduk deket gue, dia bilang "kok bau ta*i" dan disitu gue duduk di kelas diem aja. Terus pas johanna pergi, gue sendirian ke kamar mandi. Karena geli pup nya nempel, akhirnya celana nya sekalian gue buang ke tempat sampah hahaha. Jadi gue pake rok sama short aja tanpa celana da*lem. Maaf ya jadi senonoh gini. Terus gue juga berantem sama excel kohar. Dia ini anak cowo pindahan mulai dari kelas 3. Gue bener-bener tiap saat berantem mulu sama dia. Dia ngejek gue mulu. Ngejek nama ortu. Tau gaksi yang dulu pas sd, kalo nama ortu kita suka diplesetin buat dikatain. Gue pernah berantem yang gede banget sama kohar sampe di depan kelas, gue ngeludah. "Gue jiji sama lo, cuih" begitu gais, silakan dibayangkan reka adegan yang seperti itu. Dan kalo kita berantem tuh di tontonin skelas, sampe di lerai sama wali kelas alias pak edi. Kaget kali ya pak edi sama murid kayak gue. Terus waktu johanna berantem sama kohar, gue mau coba jadi super hero, gue mau coba lerai mereka gais, eh malah gak sengaja gue membuat lengan kohar kebaret2 berdarah gara-gara kuku gue. Niat gue kan baik ya guys. TERUS GUYS WAKTU ISTIRAHAT MAMA NYA KOHAR DATENG. KIRAIN HATI INI, MAMA KOHAR AKAN MARAHIN JOHANNA. EH DOI MALAH MAMPIR KE TEMPAT DUDUK GUE. Doi marahin gue, karena gue buat tangan anaknya berdarah. Tau gaksi mamanya sampe nunjuk-nunjuk muka gue. Gue bener-bener sedih dan malu banget. Terus temen-temen sialan (temen sekelas semuanya ngerubungin gue). Anjir ini khas anak sd banget gasi. Ada temennya yang dimarahin smaa ortu lain, malah di kerubungin dan di tontonin. EMANG TEMAN-TEMAN BANGSHAAT. TAPI GUE KANGENNN. Udah deh mulai dari situ, gue jaga jarak sama kohar tapi tetap berteman yah guys. Kelas 5 gue jg nari, nari merak. Demi apapun, gua benci sama pelajaran nari, gatau knp gua kaku bgt. Trs anak kelas 5 tuh mulai disuruh jadi instruktur senam pagi kalo jumat. Dan lu tau ga gua pernah dibilang sama guru gue "kok kamu kurus banget si, kaya orng2 an sawah" demi apapun jleb bgt dibilang kyk gitu.
Kelas 6 masanya gue belajar, les sampe sore, ttp main sama temen, selesai UN, gue main ke rumah johanna bareng nisa, gita, alen, devi, dhea. Asik si, marathon movie, makan bareng, ngobrol, main. Film apa coba yang ditonton. Yap horror. Karena temen-temen gue semua suka horror, kebawa deh sampe sekarang. Smp kita beda semua, gue lost contact sama mereka. Terus hamdalah, gue keterima di smpn 1 depok. Terus pas perpisahan sd, dengan sok ngide oleh mama2 kita, kita nari dong guys. Nari apa ya gue lupa demi allah (tapi kaya tari saman di modif gt) kita semua (johana alen nisa dea devi gita gue) bener2 setiap minggu latihan di rumah dea. Hhhh kangen bgt sama mereka semua.
0 notes
our-mrs-saku-love · 5 years ago
First Drive: The Aston Martin DBS Superleggera Volante Is a Scorching-Fast Drop-Top Dream
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Absolute beauty, absolute torque, absolutely buy one.
One of the most crucial things you learn after cycling through a veritable legion of different cars is that numbers—those cold, hard, irrefutable statistics pooled at the base of so many published automotive tests—don't tell the whole story. This is common sense, but no one prepares you for the inevitable perspective rot that sets in sometime between your first afternoon with a 220-horsepower hot hatch and the third time you pin the throttle in something with more 500 hp; it eats away at your internal goalposts to the point where your first impressions of statistics are now gangrenous and foul. "$50,000, 600 hp, and zero-to-sixty in 3.7," you read. "No dual-clutch? Might as well turn the whole lot of them into an artificial reef." No, not really, but this is where the 715-hp, 211-mph 2020 Aston Martin DBS Superleggera Volante comes in.
As tested, this metallic orange, color-shifting shard of crystalized speed will liberate $388,000 from your offshore accounts if you replicate its build. If we're comparing caviar to caviar, that's $200,000 dearer than a loaded BMW M8 Competition Convertible and $32,000 more than a base Rolls-Royce Dawn. Heck, for that kind of cash, you've got a stripper fixed-roof Ferrari 812 Superfast and a spare $53,000 in options to play with. Leave all of the extras on the shelf, and you're still going to pony up roughly $330,000 for the privilege of owning the 2020 Aston Martin DBS Superleggera Volante.
Plenty Of Power For this kind of financial sucker punch, more than a few of you are sneering at the 715-hp figure. After all, the aforementioned Ferrari 812 manages 789 hp without the help of forced induction, which is itself a smidge down from the blue-collar Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye with its concrete-crackin' 797 hp. Keep reading, and it becomes statistically more upsetting; in place of the supercar-standard dual-clutch transmission, the 2020 Aston Martin DBS Superleggera Volante makes use of a traditional ZF-sourced eight-speed automatic, returning a zero-to-60-mph pull of a feet-dragging 3.5 seconds. Can you imagine admitting that middling time down at the athletic club? Careful you don't mention that in front of Alistair—I heard he's been mighty proud of his new 911 Turbo S and its 2.6-second sprint.
Enough snark. Untethered by comparisons, spec charts, instrumented testing, and Instagram comments, 715 hp is borderline unfathomable in a road-legal car, let alone something that was designed as a semi-cushy riviera mile-muncher. Significantly, aside from the monumental power, the DBS' 5.2-liter twin-turbo V-12 chugs out 664 lb-ft of torque. If you absolutely have to keep score, that's more twist than anything with an internal combustion engine on the present production roster at Ferrari, McLaren, Porsche, and Lamborghini.
Spleen Scrambling Speed There's so much torque, in fact, the transmission restricts the output in first through third gears, only giving up the full goods once you shift into fourth. From a dig, there's a mad scramble from the rear as the Pirelli P Zeros hop, skip, and slide trying to hold on. Once it hooks—somewhere around the 50-mph mark—you gather speed like a hiker chucked off a cliff by Bigfoot. There's no discernable drop-off in power, even as things get a bit blurry, breathless, and lose-your-license stupid; drinking deep from that twin-turbo V-12 gives off the sneaking suspicion the invisible hand of acceleration's been hitting the trenbolone rather aggressively. Not since the Porsche GT2 RS  and the McLaren 720S have I experienced a car that feels so capable of a million-miles-per-hour—and those aforementioned Automobile All-Stars did so with a piddling torque figure well shy of the 600 lb-ft mark. If one of your qualifiers for being a true "GT" car is the capability to effortlessly shuttle occupants at high-speeds for long distances, the 2020 Aston Martin DBS Superleggera Volante passes with flying colors.
Looks To Die (Another Day) For That's to say nothing of the visual and aural drama that accompany this railgun launch. With or without the soft-top, the DBS Superleggera is arguably the most stylistically evocative Aston Martin we've seen in quite some time. If you weren't a fan of the catfish-style grille Aston cultivated since the 1950s, you're not going to like the DBS' maw, but it synergizes well with the DBS' unavoidably hulking footprint. Those flowing, windswept lines are devastatingly beautiful; it looks as if, were you to spatter a parked DBS' clamshell hood with water, the droplets would streak over the bodywork and dissipate off of the rear lip within seconds.
There isn't the same level of aesthetic theater inside, but mostly divine materials and thoroughly modern design permeate the cabin. Stitching and leather is top-notch, as is the infotainment infrastructure sourced from technical partner Mercedes-Benz. Some fasteners and mounting points are plastic, but you have to hunt for anything not leather-wrapped or carbon-clad. For the intended purpose of long-distance cruising or coddling on your daily commute, it feels mostly worthy of the $330,000 payout.
I'm not the only one who digs the DBS. Wherever you drive, cruise, park, fill up, or idle, phones come out, kids cheer, and takes are tripled. Parking the Volante in front of a nearby house where a car-hungry kid lives drew surrounding neighbors out like free ice cream, requesting photos, info, and an earful of that 12-cylinder music.
The Sound And The Fury What a sound it is, too. V-12s are understandably endangered these days, and two out of the six existing V-12 automakers don't even put their's on performance duty. Mercedes' AMG-ified V-12s are gruff torque monsters with an industrial-age soundtrack to match, so it falls to Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Aston to harmonize. The DBS' 12 isn't as sonorous as the vaguely Duratec-based Aston V-12s from the past two decades, but it's smoother and less gargle-prone than those free-breathing monsters.
However, just like those prior Aston V-12s, the DBS sounds objectively phenomenal, but somehow it manages to be somewhat clinical—almost like a V-8 tuned to sound like a V-12. Distant highway rips in a big Ferrari or Lambo are easily identifiable, but the DBS' 5.2-liter is almost characterless in tonality, similar to the crackly noise emitted by Jaguar's ubiquitous 5.0-liter supercharged V-8.
Superleggera Does Not Necessarily Mean Super Light Escape the looky-loos and charge into the hills, and the story gets even sweeter. The 2020 Aston Martin DBS Superleggera Volante is a big car, so leave the tighter, narrower stuff to the Boxsters and BMW M2s, and head for an area with wide sweepers. Sawzalling the roof off the DBS coupe added an additional 220 pounds to the already hefty car, now weighing in at a total of 4,107 pounds. All of that extra mass went into both the folding canvas roof and the requisite structural bracing to compensate for the aire libre configuration. To offset this added bulk, Aston rejiggered the rear suspension by increasing the spring rates by 13 percent, alongside a 30-percent higher compression-rate and a 25-percent greater rebound rate.
Without having driven the coupe back-to-back with the drop-top, I can't say how big of a difference it makes, but I'd reckon with the Volante-specific changes, differences are minor. Charging over curvier tarmac, the excellent multilink suspension setup, wide track, and 50:50 weight distribution belies the bulk, returning composed handling that suits the car's multi-purpose, long-legged character. Compared to the sharper-edged Vantage, the DBS eschews the smaller car's Track suspension setting, instead offering three stiffness tiers ranging between GT, Sport, and Sport Plus. Most seat time was spent toggled between comfort-oriented GT and edgier sport, leaving Sport Plus only for truly pristine pavement.
Dynamically, there are only two gripes: The steering isn't as sharp or tactile as I'd hoped, and when paired with the DBS' particularly touchy throttle, the ZF-sourced eight-speed transmission was either overeager or reluctant to downshift, depending on the toggled drive mode. However, during regular day-to-day driving, neither the steering, throttle, nor transmission intruded enough to warrant further complaint.
Endurance Superstar Surprise, surprise—sublime, semi-relaxed grand touring is the 2020 Aston Martin DBS Superleggera Volante's party piece. Like the big Astons that came before it, the DBS gobbles up hundreds of miles at an alarming pace, with nary a care given to broken pavement nor speed limits. Meanwhile, paralyzing beauty and roaring vocal cords alone are nearly worth the cost of entry. The 2020 Aston Martin DBS Superleggera Volante is not a numbers car; call it a sensation car, as corny as that may be.
Next time the members down at the polo grounds get high-and-mighty with their Bentleys and Maybachs, take 'em out for lunch in the DBS—just make sure you take the long, straight-and-then-sweepy way.
2020 Aston Martin DBS Superleggera Volante Highlights: Brain-bending good looks Enough torque to move an oil tanker Feels absolutely capable of its claimed 211-mph top speed Expensive—and worth it เดิมพันบาคาร่า
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years ago
2020 Lotus Evora GT Review: A thrilling, analog weekend racer
Why’s this on TechCrunch? We hear that occasionally when posting things outside of our general programming. Generally, there’s a tech hook; there isn’t here with this $100,000 2020 Lotus Evora GT.
The Lotus Evora GT is supersized go-kart with nary an advanced technical feature. And I love it. While most cars are coming equipped with supercomputers, the lack of technical wizardry makes the 2020 Evora GT interesting, and that’s why it’s on TechCrunch.
A modest v6 rests behind the driver. The stats are hardly notable. 416 BHP and 317 lb-ft. It’s supercharged with an Edelbrock screw providing 8.7 psi of boost. In all, it’s not much considering rivals often sport twice the power and torque. The Lotus Evora GT doesn’t care. The engine provides intense thrills and driving dynamics. This car proves that even today, when 1,000 hp is obtainable and F1-inspired hybrid systems are hitting cars, over-the-top horsepower and exotic power plants are not needed. Not really, at least.
This Lotus follows a timeless analog formula. Throw a good engine in a little car, give the driver control over the transmission, and fun ensues.
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I never turned on the radio. The howl of the engine was enough for me as I took this Lotus around Michigan’s deserted backroads.
The engine wails with power. A distinct whine is caused by the supercharger that’s quickly followed up by a roar from the exhaust. The combination creates a harmony missing in most modern sports cars. Now in days, automakers take grain pain in isolating drivers from the violent explosions powering their vehicles, and in a vehicle the size of this Lotus, that’s not possible.
The Lotus Evora GT is small. This isn’t a car for commuting. The creature comforts of power seats, and cup holders are missing. There’s no room for golf clubs. The tiny storage compartment between the rear-mounted engine and the bumper has a warning not to exceed 50kg. There’s a back seat, but don’t expect anyone to sit in it; it’s too small for even a child. This is a car for whipping around a track or empty roads and enjoying every second of it.
Power is instructed through a six-speed manual transmission. The throws are lovely and spaced perfectly. It’s the Goldilocks of standards. Not too long, not too short. Not too hard, not too soft. Just right. This transmission is part of the Lotus Evora GT’s appeal.
In most modern sports cars, the driver is often a conductor, sending instructions to various orchestra members. The result is beautiful music, and the crowd cheers as the conductor take a bow. But he didn’t do anything. He just told the musicians what to do.
In cars like this Lotus, the driver is more akin to a one-person band. Sure, the music or driving might not be as technically beautiful as an orchestra, but that one man, controlling and playing all the instruments, simultaneously produced magic.
Save the manuals.
With immense power to weight ratio, the Lotus is primed for excitement. In traffic, it’s like driving a Hot Wheels toy car next to a giant Tonka Truck. Wide Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 XLs seem to provide enough grip to allow the Evora GT to climb a wall. I had a smile every time there was a sharp highway ramp.
There are a handful of competitors around the Evora GT’s $100,000 price tag. For perspective buyers, they should be considered. For nearly the same price, one can opt for the stellar Porsche 718 Cayman GT4, which offers similar driving characteristics with a lot more creature comforts. Likewise, the base model Porsche 911 starts at $100,000 and can be configured for weekend fun and daily commuting.
Due to the COVID-19 lockdown, I’m unable to provide a report from a track. Everything is closed here in late May as the country struggles to reopen.
This Lotus Evora GT is a quarantine buster. I live outside of a small city in the middle of Michigan. Make a right when leaving my house to go to town. Take a left, and I have access to endless roads lined with cornfields. That’s where I spent most of my time with this Lotus.
It’s a thrilling ride, racing through country roads. Uphills and down. Around meandering country lines and fields and animal pastures. I’ve taken many cars through this area, and the open stretches of the road never get old. This Lotus feels at home on these back roads.
Cars like the Evora GT are a dying example of motoring. Electric sports cars can provide more thrills, and yet they lack the mechanical wonder caused by gas-powered cars. The Lotus Evora GT is a new car with an old soul. It doesn’t want to live a life of commuting. It wants to drive for the hell of it.
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wigmar · 7 years ago
Nah, setelah kita foto2 di hall of fame, akhirnya kita duduk. Duduk di paling depan di bagian Pink A.
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Seneng banget depan banget gitu, kita udah siap2 lari dan udah nanya ke bira juga. Katanya nanti ada beberapa pintu yg dibuka gituu antara banyak pintu warna abu2 itu.
Laah kok semakin lama semakin banyak yg duduk di depan kita.........
Trus jam 5 an mulai masuk. Trus kita menyadari sesuatu. Masuknya berurutan dari barisan paling belakang. Anjeeerr beda mekanisme cooyyy. Kita like baris ke5 dari belakang!!!!! Ughhhh langsung deh bete karrna kemungkinan nemplok pager sangat minim. Mecimapro sudah belajar dari konser yg sebelumsebelumnya nih. Bagus sih, jadi gak ricuh dan sangat terkoordinasi. Mana securitynya ketat lagi pas baris literally diliatin gt "pastikan ada jarak!! (setiap barisnya.red)" dia teriak gt terus mungkin biar ga ada yg nyerobit ke barisan lain he.
Bener aja, pas masuk, yg awalnya kita mikir banget mau ke arah main stage atau extended stage, jadi speechless parah. Udah banyak bgt orangnya. Aku sempet diem stress gt soalnya pas dijtung, aku ada di baris ke 8. Gak terlalu jauh sih sama entended stagenya, tp tetep aja buat mata aku yg rabun jauh ini, walaupun pake kacamata, tetep jauh. Mana dari main stage juga udah jauh banget lagi. Jd kesempatan cyma deketin main stage doang.
Tp pas udah konser, aku like berusaha enjoy dan akhirnya enjoy juga, sambil berusa maju maju hehehehehhe. Abisnya orang2 tuh labil. Pas seventeen ke main stage mereka maju ke arah main stage gitu trs pas ke extended stage mereka ke arah extended. jd aku bisa lah nyerobot dikitdikit mendekatj extended atage pas seventeen lagi di main stage. Ya g alwalnya aku di baris 8, akhirnya aku ada di baris ke 3 wkwk itu udah lumayan deket bangt dan literally jelas banget muka seventeen pas jalan apalagi berdiri di bagian aku wk. Pokoknya yang paling ganteng parah menurut aku pas aku liat live itu jeonghan, seungcheol, vernon, josh.
Aku mau cerita satu-satu berurutan.
(1) Seungcheol
Bro. DIA GANTENG BANGET PARAH. Putih banget, ganteng bangeeeetttt. Ganteng badboy badboy vampir gimana gjtu ya allah pusi g banget padahal dia bukan bias aku tp like omgggggggg gila seganteng itu dengan rambut hitamnya!! Untungnya rambut dia udah item pas ke sini wkwkkw. Gila sangat mengesankan banget dia. Mana dia sering ke tempat aku kann, jd aku literally berkali2 liat dia dari deket gila bgtttt. Sayangnya aku cuma foto dia pas shining diamond doang dan itu dr samping. Pas dia ngadep ke aku aku ga foto. 내 마음 속에 저장 ajalah wkwk. Lagian dari senua foto, dia masih lebih gabteng dan lebih jelas di memori aku dari pada di foto2 itu wk. Gila sih. Segila itu dia. Trus dia sempet kan yv megang kamera going seventeen sama wonwoo trus disueuh aegyo sama wonwoo wkwk lucu bgt trus dia lari wakakakkaka aku literally ngeliat dia lari cepet banget dr extended ke main stage ngakak.
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(2) Jeonghan
Pertama kali dia lewat depan aku, aku diem speechless. Ya allah dia seganteng itu!!!!! Macem pangeran asliiii. Tp dia ga banyak ngomong di konser ini. Jadi jarang dishoot kamera, dan aku cuma liatnya pas dia lewat depan aku beberapa kali itu. Ganteengggggggg. Aku sempet foto tp burem he sangat tidak pro.
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(3) Joshua
YA ALLAH SUMPAH YA AKU TUH KL ADA DIA LGSG FOKUS KE DIA GITU LOOHH. Setiap dia nari di extended stage di depan aku, aku liatnya ke dia. Aku udah seneng banget liat dia deket dari samping. EHHHHH KOK PAS HEALING DIA JONGKOK DI DEPAN AKU WOOYYYY LIKE WOOYYYY
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Maap fotonya jele banget tp emg w se shaky itu trs w menyesal bgt udah nge on in ultra hd. Pdhl kl normal w bisa foto lebih jelas dan dapet foto lebih banyak pas dia gitu hhhhhhh tp gapapa!!! W udah liat dengan mata kepala w pas dia dadah dadah jongkok depan aku!!! Gila langsung mata w ngeblur pas itu karena sekaget itu. Pengen nangis. Tp sedih napa mata w hrs ngeblur pas itu. Tp w senaNg sekali dah liat dia dari deket live walauapun sangat sebentar!!!!
Aku seneng bgt karena udah liat kesampisan dia live wkkwkwk. Ada pas ment, dia disuruh seungkwan tiba2 buat nari, dan as he is, dia mau mau aja sama masang muka sampis ngebluff gitu wkwkwkwkwk ngakak abis w liat dari layar (abisnya dia di main stage, jauh ga keliatan kl langsung ketutupan hp hp orang kzl). Terus lagi pas ment terakhir dia mentnya sampis abis di teriakin hong jisoo hong jisoo dia kayak sok iye gitu wkkwkw walaupun emang iye sih
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Wakaka panjang bgt yg jisoo maklum main bias. Tp sedih bgt w anjir nyari goodies dia tuh susah banget!!!!! Mana yg bikin freebies jisoo sejarang itu, trs pas w nyari bando jg swbenernya susah nyari dia yg bagus!! Kzl banget sumpaahh. Cinta gua looh ituuuu. Maaf ni campur campur aku gua w gwa wk udah ga punya pendirian lagi ini sekarang.
Lanjut ke
(4) Jun
Sumpah ya, yg paling berkesan dari jun adalah, badannya bagus banget. Dia jarang banget ke tempat aku. Jadi paling aku liat dia langsung pas di extended stage gitu dia berdiri di tengah2 kalo ga cuma berdiri atau jalan, dia nari my i sama minghao heheh anjir bagus banget my i kusuka. W sempat sangat tergila gila ma jun pas boomboom pas rambutnya item like dia ganteng bgt. Tp kemaren dia rambutnya pirang gt. Tetep ganteng sih sebenernya wk. Tp aku ga sering liat dia live dari tempat aku gt he jd reviewnya dikit.
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(5) Hoshi
Ya ampun kyut banget sayang akj yg satu ini!!!! Dia hyper banget su.pah pas konser kemaren. Mulai dari awal pas orng2 pada neriakin 앙자님, trus dia teriak jam berapa sekaraaangg (asli w seneng bisa mendengar itu live wkwk), trus dia pas healing pas carats ngeluarin banner yg aku foto di part I pertama itu kan dia lg berdiri di tempat aku, dia kaya yang senyum ketawa gitu lucu bangett huhuhuhuhhuhuhuhuh mana dia terus terusan promosi seventeen project leader unit 25 september wkwkkwkw ngakak ih. Tfus yg paling berkesan tuh dia kan sering ya pas perform di paling pinggir bagian aku gt, aku liat dia dance live kaya yang..... Anjirrrrr bagus bgtttt huhuhuhuhuuu. Sayangnya aku ga ada foto dia pas deket wkkw cuma pas ment akhir aku ngefoto layar hehe
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(6) Wonwoo
oke jadi dia sering banget ke tempat aku tp pas perform. Tapi kaya yg fanservice time dia jarang banget ke tempat akuuu. Asli tp aku serong bgt liat dia dan oke, ganteng. Dan kurus banget wooy kayanya kaki dia 3/4nya kaki aku =( tp asli sih ganteng wkwkwk. Trus ada pas ment akhir kan ada audio problem dikit bgt gitu ka. Trs dia kaget mukanya lucu parah wkwkwkkw.
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(7) Woozi
Asli aku jarang banget liat dia langsung wkwk paling dari layar gitu tp dia tetap lucu hehe apalagi rambutnya dah warna gelap.
(8) Myungho
Hih sumpah ya dia tuh kurus banget parahhhh badannya kecil banget!!!!! Tp dia ganteng wkwk =( dia sering ke tempat aku dadah dadah!!!! Tp tidak kufoto hehehe
Lanjut ke part III you know why wkwk
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