#grooming in the witch community
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unreachableniy · 1 month ago
Kitty’s Valentine Day Astro Game
Hello Lovelies , ASTRO GAME TIME💋
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Status:Closed feb 14-16
Meowew! Rules:
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In my ask box :Send your groom persona chart! + a picture of how you think my Future spouse will look/Dress based off his groom pc big three: Virgo sun 9°,Sag moon 0°, Cap rising 7°!
Double check if you followed the rules!(those who do not, I will not answer)
And I will make a 4 picture moodboard based off what I think your future spouse will be like! + A song that symbolizes them
Looking forward to it~ mwah!🐾
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swagging-back-to · 1 month ago
no one; ...
lilsimsie after slipping up and mentioning harry potter one time; ''not that i want to even mention that womans name or talk about her at all. jk rowling is such a bad person---''
#went from obsessively watching her this week to full on having her blocked on youtube#get gone byeeeee#oh nooooo a woman who cares about other women? what a crime!#a billionaire who has donated so much to charity she is not longer a billionaire? how heinous!#a woman who doesnt want kids groomed and taken advantage of by money hungry doctors? hang the witch!#seriously anyone who acts like this about jk rowling is boycotted from my life.#it's so pathetic.#even when i was a tra i didnt care about her and i certainly didnt hate her.#i hated and still hate harry potter but it had noting to do with jk rowling#again. even as an AGGRESSIVE tra i never spoke ill of jk rowling or acted like her name was forbidden#like unus annus? cant even name how many times they censored any and all references to her and harry potter#it's lame. it's pathetic. it's beyond childish. it's misogynistic.#grow the fuck up#honestly lilsimsie has been getting on my nerves lately anyway bc shes annoying as fuck and honestly overrated in the sims community#her builds arent that great. in fact i find most of them are actually BAD.#and have you ever watched her play? it's migraine inducing. she'll set a sim up to die while saying ''omg wouldn't it be so funny if tey#died'' while doing a challenge#and then she'll start screaming and acting like an idiot when the sim inevitably dies.#'oh my god i cant believe this!!! nooo no no no no no!!'' I've seen actual children behave less annoying and that's crazy to say bc i#unironically hate children.#and work with them.#so i have LOTS of experience#but no#this is why i stan caryn and connie#at least if one of their builds is ugly they arent being annoying while they do it#and theyve never even once brought up gender bullshit in their videos#bc theyre builders and dont even look at cas at all.
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serpentface · 8 months ago
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Depiction of a dragon in regional animal-style (simplified visual motifs that impart and communicate key attributes of animals), as used in decoration or tattooing.
The term ‘spirit’ in the Hill Tribes cultural sphere is a very broad category that includes souls of the dead, supernatural entities, and some legendary creatures, but does not include gods (entities that were involved in the act of creation). The boundaries between spirits and gods can be ambiguous sometimes- a select few spirits are venerated in similar capacities to gods and/or are reckoned as similarly powerful, and some gods are instead considered spirits in certain traditions. The commonalities among all are that they are ascribed sapience and some degree of magical ability, and/or are souls of the dead.
Spirits are understood to be a material aspect of reality, mostly existing in physical bodies (though some are disembodied). The notion of a ‘spirit world’ and a ‘human world’ is usually differentiated, but not in the sense that they are physically discrete planes of existence, rather that they are separate modes of living and different parts of the same landscape- the human world exists in the villages, farmland, and well-established roads, and the spirit world exists in 'wilderness', and in places that are wholly inaccessible (the sky, mountaintops, deep underwater etc). People enter the spirit world as part of routine movements of life (herders moving up to high summer pastures are within the spirit world) but it is regarded as unfit for permanent occupation.
Spirits are loosely differentiated into the categories of granul ('wild spirits', entities that live in wilderness) and daigh (souls of dead humans and animals). An additional subset of granul are '-folk', regarded as a type of person in similar capacities to qilik being 'birdfolk' and elowey being 'dogfolk', but living specifically as magical aspects of nature.
All spirits are regarded as individuals and many are known by name (either as key folkloric figures, or with the names of local spirits discerned through the divination of witches). Their natures range from benevolent to mischievous to malevolent to deadly, with some having the capacity for all these at once. The vast majority are not venerated (only ancestors receive this treatment in full), just accepted as aspects of reality that one must know how to engage with.
Spirits are assumed to exist throughout the world in great number and variety, it is just those of the Highlands who are best known and most important to the Hill Tribes. Most people will very readily adopt other spirits (and some foreign gods) into their worldview without this being an act of religious conversion or other such cultural paradigm shift, instead simply assuming these entities to be the unfamiliar local spirits of foreign places.
Wildfolk: Humanlike spirits of the forests and mountains, associated with deer. These are tricky, sometimes malicious, and easily offended entities that must be dealt with respect and care. They mostly take the form of deer during the day and shapeshift into small, pale, long-bearded and wild-haired humans at night. They exist in a parallel society as deer herders, and are led by very powerful witches who can physically shapeshift into birds. The wildfolk witch Bernike is the most famous and has a prominent place as a major character in folklore, regularly interacting with gods and heroes and regarded as a (somewhat capricious) protective spirit of the Highlands.
Riverfolk: Humanlike river spirits, generally not as dangerous as wildfolk. They travel along rivers in canoes and will often rest and sunbathe along the shore, but are often very shy of people and will usually take the forms of trout to flee when spotted. They sometimes appear in folktales as seducers, or as brides/grooms (after being caught by fishermen in trout form). Said to once have had entire kingdoms to the southwest of the Highlands, but these were conquered by the Burri. (This aspect is partly a cultural memory of early Wardi tribes that lived in the lands now called Ephennos, most likely the eponymous Ephenni or a related group absorbed by them).
Seafolk: Humanlike sea spirits. The Highlands are fully landlocked (the far north of the region is fairly close to the coast of the Viper, but not enough for people to venture that far on any regular basis) and these mostly are just assumed to exist without being regularly encountered. They appear in myths in the migration and settlement cycles, described as being encountered by the ancestors of the Hill Tribes as they crossed the sea. They are described as akin to riverfolk, but more aggressive.
Dainhrudinnas: Spirits with the bodies of humans and the heads of dogs, who are excellent swimmers and are the spirits of lakes (dainhrudinnas having meaning akin to 'lake dogs', with the word for 'lake' translating dead literally as 'great river valley'). These are said to only live in far away places (usually regarded as being across the sea to the north, or somewhere vaguely 'east' or 'south' inland), but make semi frequent appearances in stories about distant lands. They may be partly rooted in cultural memories of various elowey peoples that were encountered by the pre-migratory ancestors of the Hill Tribes, and/or a loose conceptualization of the Jazait people based in secondhand knowledge. They are regarded as akin to elowey but not the same thing (in a similar capacity to wildfolk, riverfolk, and oceanfolk being akin to humans).
Kulsigranul: Minor wild spirits, mostly associated with barley. They are usually described as tiny (1 ft tall) humans who usually live alone in the wild, but convene in barley fields on nights of the full moon to engage in drunken revelry. They are also known to steal milk from the teats of cattle and horses, which is regarded as an intoxicant for them. Their presence is beneficial to the crops (though not to livestock), and cups of milk can be left out to attract them into fields. They hate being seen by humans and can cause bad luck or the withering of crops if their festivities are interrupted. On full moons, one should generally avoid entering barley fields and never follow sounds of distant music.
Virgranul: a malicious spirit with no body of its own, perpetually seeking to inhabit human flesh. It can enter the body only at moments of transition- during conception, or at the very moment of death. Virgranul possession at birth causes a person to become a witch, virganul possession at death results in the corpse wandering off and living as undead until it becomes too rotten to hold its shape (a dangerous situation for the original soul, given it is still partly attached to the body). Particularly experienced virgranul will mummify their corpse bodies to preserve them indefinitely, and some isolated places are known to be haunted by such undead.
Tírgranul: Minor malicious spirits who take pleasure in frightening those alone (especially at night) and spooking cattle. They are usually encountered as a human silhouette peering out from behind a tree or bolder, shadows darting out the corner of the eye, and the sound of footsteps that halt just after one stops moving to listen. Sudden and unexplained stampedes among cattle are attributed to their presence. It is often said that their faces are so horrifying that merely looking upon them can kill, but these spirits are very shy and will avoid directly being seen. One should never whistle at night, it attracts them.
Dulakgranul: Minor, benevolent wild spirits who live among rocks. Herders and travelers will build small cairns out of rocks along their routes, which will invite these spirits, who in turn displace less savory ones. They will grant boons to travelers who leave small gifts of food and drink at their cairns.
Dragons: legendary beasts, younger offspring of the goddess Ariakh and the King of Eagles, and associated with thunderstorms. They are massive birds with the bodies and wings of eagles, legs of pheasants, wrinkled bare faces and necks of vultures, and the heads and tails of snakes. They roost in eyries on mountaintops, and only emerge to hunt during storms. Horses and cattle are their favorite meals, but they will settle for humans given the chance. They are regarded as vain and egotistical, jealous of their bigger, older brothers (the Winds), and highly competitive amongst themselves (forming a hierarchy system in their level of venomousness). They are often defeated in folktales by manipulation of their competitiveness and vanity to turn them against one another.
As is very common worldwide, the depictions of dragons in this sphere are influenced by distant cultural memories (or culturally transmitted accounts) of giant azhdarchid pterosauroids, with mythological dragons in this world being far more ubiquitously described as a mixture of bird and reptile and almost always identified as winged, flying creatures. Eastern dragons such as these tend to have the feathered wings of birds (largely due to greater temporal space from encounters with these pterosauroids, whose last remnant populations were thousands of miles away in the far northwestern plains).
Fuldaigh: Malicious spirits of unburied/unburned (depending on tradition) dead, or those dead by suicide, who wander without rest. Fuldaigh are twisted by their suffering and aggressive and harmful towards the living. Their spirits can usually be freed by their remains being found and properly laid to rest.
Pylidaigh: Very dangerous, very malicious spirits who emerge during snowstorms, known to kill humans via a crushing hug and drink their blood to warm their own eternally cold bodies (in most traditions, they are a variant of fuldaigh, specifically ghosts of unburied dead who died in snow or of hypothermia). They exist as pale, naked humans with very long arms, which they use to wrap around and suffocate their prey in a close embrace. They are only capable of traveling over snow; doorways and windows should always be kept clear of snowfall so they cannot get close enough to reach their freakish arms into your house.
Duirdaigh: A little-understood type of spirit known to haunt the remains of ancient, overgrown burial cairns that can be found scattered throughout the Highlands. The builders of these cairns were already long gone at the time of settlement by the first Hill Tribes, and their exact nature is regarded as a great mystery. The spirits keep to their mounds and are thus generally harmless, but are regarded as ones to wholly avoid. It's said that people who walk over the cairns will often disappear, never to be seen again. This is attributed to duirdaigh, who drag them beneath the cairns to an ambiguous but certainly horrifying doom.
Ancestor spirits: This is what the honored dead become upon reaching the afterlife in the Celestial Fields, a great landscape hidden behind the stars. They will continue to watch over their descendants and can temporarily return to the land of the living as guides. Depending on tradition, they either come to land as invisible spirits, or physically manifest as birds and use this form to fly from and to the Fields. In either case, the flight and behavior of birds can be read and interpreted into messages and omens from one’s ancestors (with some care, both given that birdsign messages can be subtle, and that wildfolk witches can become birds too and use this for the sake of trickery). Ancestor spirits go through their afterlives much in the same way as the living, farming, herding, eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. Their basic physical needs are sustained by the Fields (they are fed on the milk of heavenly cattle and will never starve or thirst), but they still must labor if they want additional foods and goods, or receive them as offerings from living descendants.
While respected and generally assumed good-natured, ancestor spirits inflict punishments against lawbreakers and oathbreakers, and may also punish descendants who do not rightly honor them, or if they are merely insulted. A testy and contemptuous relative in life will likely remain so in death, and one should take care to keep them appeased. Naming and honoring one's ancestors and practicing routine offerings is the foremost form of spiritual protection, and will ultimately allow you to reach the afterlife. The veneration of and guidance from deceased ancestors is central to cultural practice, these are by far the most important spirits in day to day life (generally outstripping gods in importance as well).
Heavenly cattle: The cattle that inhabit the Celestial Fields. Traditions usually accept these as the ghosts of dead cattle, but some tales imply that they are separate entities created specifically for the afterlife (or a combination of the two, as they are known to breed). Their existence is credited to the agricultural goddess Od, who first brought them to the heavens to ensure the people remained fed in the afterlife. Ancestor spirits are sustained for perpetuity on their milk.
Queen of Spiders: a mostly benevolent entity, the first spider and mother of all other spiders. The hero Kulyos received her boon, and now her children feed on nasty biting flies and mosquitoes and trap malicious spirits in their webs, and are thus readily welcomed into the home. If you kill a spider, you should say an apology to the Queen of Spiders. Otherwise, she will punish you by not sending more spiders into your house.
King of Eagles: Created by and the husband of the storm goddess Ariakh, father of the Winds and dragons, the first eagle and chief of all birds. He is the one who brought fire to humanity, stealing it from the sun god Hraighne. He is elevated to the status of a god in some traditions (which describe him as the creator of birds, rather than simply the first), and is one of very few non-ancestor spirits to commonly receive veneration.
Animal masters: Spirits associated with each and every type of animal, being the first of each kind that was created. Most animal masters play little to no role in cultural practice and are merely acknowledged as an aspect of reality- there had to have been a first of every animal, so this is it. (This may have elements of syncretism with animistic practices ancient Wardi/Wogan tribes, accepting the notion that each kind of animal has a spirit, but not adopting additional levels of significance). Animal masters mostly appear as characters in folktales told for pure entertainment, with the biggest exceptions being the Queen of Spiders and King of Eagles listed above (having greater cultural significance). A few individual tribes place significance on additional animal masters (or interpret certain gods as also having been such), but no other animal masters have this degree of ubiquitous cultural status.
The Winds: spirits of the wind, the eldest sons of the storm goddess Ariakh and the King of Eagles. They are regarded as giant dragons, but will sometimes take the form of humans or hawks. They herd their mother's cattle in the clouds.
Mak-Urudain: A gigantic dírgrahdain dog with fiery fur and eyes like stars, who watches over the Celestial Fields as its guardian. He allows the honored dead to enter, ancestors to come and go, and prevents evil spirits or dishonored dead from passing into the Fields. He also guards the heavenly cattle that are grazed there, fiercely protecting them from mere wild spirits and powerful gods alike. The goddess Ariakh is the only one who has ever succeeded in stealing cattle from him. He is sometimes considered to be the dog animal-master, though usually just accepted as a very unique dog. Represented by the dog constellation.
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lilacgaby · 6 months ago
01 | Mᴀʀʀʏ ᴍᴇ
chapter select!
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the kingdom of todoroki ruled with an iron fist.
lands around were conquered easily, any resistance killed off instantly without regret. through their destructive forceful tendencies, they garnered a reputation across the many nations of the land for their brutality that rivaled even the nation of barbarians.
their harsh punishment to innocents came twice as hard if there was even a chance that the victims happened to be witches.
the tale as old as time went as followed: a witch had resisted the cruel king's orders face to face, which led to confrontation. what were these orders? that was lost to time, but the hatred for witches wasn't.
more specifically, the hatred that had arose from a fight that had left the king's face permanently scared across his eye.
since then, witches have been hunted down and executed in mere seconds, with the only witches allowed to live being ones who served the king himself. the todoroki who had set it into place, and enji who now ruled, all vowed for the same thing.
the murder of all witches who weren't 'serving' the kingdom.
this didn't stop born witch prodigy, [name], from embracing her powers.
even with the amount of books burned, the brooms and wands used as firewood, the king could not stop the generational knowledge that passed down through the witch bloodline. that very bloodline which coursed through her veins.
since childhood, she'd practice these powers. it had been awakened on a full moon when she suddenly found she had the power of ice, she froze over an entire lake just to go ice skating in the summer. feeling guilty, she felt she had to unfreeze the lake and save the now dormant fishes in it, which led to her discovering her fire.
each element of her magic was discovered through experimentation and coincidence, just like the first generations of witches.
because of her strength, personality, and kindness, she was well-known and protected throughout her town's very own taverns and cottages. the villagers would warn her of soldiers passing through, and would even give her space to practice in their yards. she would heal the townsfolk for cheap, start fires, and found other useful ways to apply her elemental magic through her assistance in the town.
in particular: shinsou, a worker at the tavern, toga, a knight, and midoriya, the town's intellect all worked to keep her safe.
everyday, after a hard days of work for them all, they'd sit in the tavern, drink, and chat. midoriya, who couldn't seem to keep his nose out of a book before too long. shinsou, who was eternally tired. and toga, always passionate. they were home to [name], and she was just as important to them as they were to her.
the town, which was abandoned from any form of assistance from the royals, had lost their main form of income which was magic long ago. but, the happiness and community that had been built from the tragedy of the loss was something that couldn't be robbed from them.
as such, this arrangement worked for years, where not a single incident where [name] was ever suspected as a witch had ever come to light. royal checkpoints, random searches, and even interrogations were never fruitful.
until a faithful day where [name] strayed out far too far for far too long.
it had been a necessary risk she neeeded to take. she ran out of frog mucus and birds tongue, which were huge parts of her healing brews.
colds and flus were abundant this time of year, the transition between summer and winter hitting harder for some more than most.
she had just gotten out of the swamp, when from behind she was approached by a man. he was dressed head to toe in expensive garments, hell even his horse was groomed head to toe.
"hello." the strange man said, a fancy air about him. his halfed red-white hair stood out from the rest of his outfit, which was all a royal blue. his heterochromic eyes watching her as she finished stuffing her small basket full of items.
"oh, hello. may i help you with something?" she tried not to show it, but she felt tense. not at the man himself, but because of the red-haired knightsguard member who was staring bullets into her, threateningly.
"yes, actually. i was hoping if you'd know of any healing remedies for my mother. the medics in my home are unable to help her, and you look like you know what you're doing."
she seemed shocked at his request. if royal medics couldn't help how could she? but she decided to indulge him anyways. "oh, of course. i'm not sure if what i can give you would be any stronger or different but, if you follow me to my town i can give you a remedy."
"that sounds perfect, i planned to head into town regardless. thank you..?"
he stuck out his hand, as he introduced himself back. "shoto todoroki."
she almost drops her basket at the revelation, but snaps out of it quickly enough to take his hand. this guy was the heir to the todoroki empire? and even the royal medics couldn't heal his mother? what was going on? why wasn't this headlines everywhere?
"oh, well, todoroki, you can follow me back to the village. it isn't far now."
"alright then, lead the way."
as she led him, his horse, and that red-haired knight to the village, she was deciding whether or not it was safe for him to head into town. he was a prince for godsake! or more accurately, whether it'd be safe for her to enter with him into town.
"todoroki.. if you don't mind me asking, why did you come all this way yourself? isn't it dangerous?"
"well, i suppose. but i have my knight with me here as insurance, and i can handle myself just fine."
"oh, okay. well, we're here. i'll just be a second." she ran inside a shop, and moments later came out with two vials of a pink liquid.
"these should help at least relieve some of the pain felt. while they're not a full solution since i don't know what exactly she's facing, they're a pain suppressive that will help her feel better."
todoroki looked them over, seemingly impressed.
"you have pretty potent remedies for a civilian. thank you for your assistance [name]."
"ah! well, you know, practice gets me pretty good at them!"
"don't mind my asking but, are you a witch?"
she nervously started laughing and denying the allegations. "what? a witch? you're crazy, what would ever give you that idea?"
"i went into another town before this on accident. a woman who claimed to be a witch gave me a remedy, yet called it a potion. and even so, it didn't feel half as powerful as yours [name]. just from touching yours, i feel a strong aura."
"well.. maybe she was just a liar?"
"no, [name]. i think i'm smart enough to know a witch when i see one, especially since my castle medics are witches."
[name] sighed, knowing she had been caught. "okay, fine, i'm a witch."
instead of slicing her head off right there, he just took on a thoughtful expression as he looked up at the sky.
he suddenly brought his eyes back down to her. "[name], i'm going to ask you something quite forward. i hope you can forgive me."
"i know this is sudden but,
would you marry me?"
she now dropped her basket to the ground, her jaw dropping along with it. was this man insane? he certainly didn't look it, he was actually quite handsome so.
why was he so crazy?
"i- i just met you? where did that come from?!"
"well you see, i really..
want my father off the throne."
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r4wnz · 3 months ago
Radqueers trying to paint a picture of being comorbid with profic beliefs is SO dangerous to proshippers.
I'll never understand how these things got roped together but I suppose the radqueer community is already quite infamous for using false equivalence for acceptance. (Their tendency of comparing homophobia, slavery and ableism to anti paras) Literally an antishipper mindset to think your fictional beliefs reflect your real ones. Sure, every radqueer should be proship, but not every proship will be radqueer—very few of us are, I find.
Yeah someone who's apart of a community that largely grooms children is going to be okay with seeing those tropes in fiction because... if they are okay with it in reality why wouldn't they be okay with it in fiction??? That would be unbelievably stupid.
But proship beliefs say absolutely NOTHING about queer identities it's literally just anti harassment/censorship belief.
Insinuating proship is comorbid with radqueer beliefs is going to result in even more harassment of us. If anti-shipper think we are pedophiles over FICTION, seeing people who ACTUALLY encourage real pedophilia they're going to tear Us apart even though we have nothing to do with that community.
If we receive death/rape/torture threats, doxxing, and witch hunting over emotional speculation what do you think will happen to us when pro contact paraphiles represent our community???
(originally this post was expressing confusion on smth regarding radqueer beliefs however I've been informed that what I was thinking of was radinclus! but I still agree heavily with the other part of my post so I decided to edit rather than delete as I think it's important to talk about!! apologies for issues in text- I've been fighting with Tumblrs post editor it's been majorly laggy)
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marshemillow · 2 months ago
I know I'm just preaching to the choir at this point, but I absolutely HATE how cancel culture has completely spiraled out of control.
Sorry to fucking break it to you, but nobody takes your callout posts seriously anymore because you've collectively decided that;
"This person is against harassment" "This person ships gross ships" "This person said something off-color on twitter when they were 13" and "This person is a current threat to real children"
Are all on the same level of bad. You really think anyone is going to care about your opinion on the "pedophile" you found this week when your definition of "pedophile" is so broad it could include anyone at any time??
I'm also sick of hearing about all the real predators that flew under the radar harming real children for YEARS just because they said all the right key words and started the right harassment campaigns against the right people, basically clearing them of all suspicion, so shipping gross ships is actually punished way more harshly than being a real child rapist, not that anyone would think otherwise anyway with how many times a callout post goes on and on about how bad some person is because they ship gross ships and have a secret AO3 account where they write stories about abuse and old DeviantArt drawings of zadr from when they were 7, and then right at the end they tack on "oh and also they raped an 11-year-old" as if it's only barely relevant extra information and not what should be THE MAIN POINT OF THE GODDAMN POST!!! Like nobody's going to read that far to get to the real point so the post overall was meaningless!!!
These people clearly need to go back to grade school to read the boy who cried wolf, because it's clear that they think just slamming the PEDO button over and over and over again will always have the same reaction every time, and when it doesn't, they think it means everyone else must be a pedo or pedo-apologist when the callout posters actually just created a reason why they can't be trusted, and don't think I didn't notice how many of these people who are canceled are queer or jewish, trans people are targets I swear like 1/3rd of the time!!! Why are so many cancelled people trans when they make up less than 2% of the overall population?? If you think it's because trans people are predators, then you clearly have worse problems than whoever you're falsely accusing.
It's obviously just a tactic people use to be able to ruin the life of anyone they want as an act of petty revenge and NOT because they're interested in protecting anyone. These are often good innocent people who sometimes end up committing suicide because of how badly their reputation was ruined by allegations that weren't even true.
And that's not even the worst part; Which is that the more you falsely accuse people who are innocent, the less people who have real allegations are believed, the more abusers can get away with abusing.
And that's not even getting into people who are called transphobic because they talk about intersexism, trans men who are slammed for being men, bisexual people who are slammed for having "straight-passing privilage", asians who are victims of horrific racist harassment campaigns even by people who aren't white, and many many other examples, ending in entire communities that are easily groomed into extremist ideologies because they don't have the tools to see through their bullshit thanks to all the bad faith discourse saying shit that's actually nonsense but laiden with guilt, so you HAVE to agree if you don't want to be cancelled yourself, and in turn of course, that leads to even more people who will never admit when they're wrong because "admitting you're wrong" is the same thing as accepting whatever punishment the witch hunters have planned for you on top of losing your humanity because you have to be perfect all the time always and if you make one single mistake you're a monster who deserves to die.
It's so fucking horrific, and it needs to stop.
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sniksnak-sad-blog · 5 months ago
why not the most pressing topic
(be warned, armchair phycology inbound)
oh Pansear highlight of this community (past tense) they made amazing things, such as the kiss me kill me map, their comics period, and left an empty wasteland in their leave.
God what a fucking mess, they closed off there final message, leaving the rumors to run rampant only for the source to let the blame fall a step down the chain.
I dont blame Azriel, i find it hard to do that, they are just a minor, just like me. They take just as much responsibility as us, the spread it without fact checking, you know who else did that? And they had an excuse, mental health and a particular distain for our long gone friend. (Witch mind you in fact is totally justified, they where the one wronged by Pansear, its up to morals for us to forgive Pan, but Azriel is under no such obligation.) And hey, look at that, the internet beat the shit out of them, doing exactly as I expected and not thinking a single intelligent thought.
Speaking of which I need to real quick give some sympathy to those poor bastards I just insulted. excuse me if this might get long, but I find it eager to attempt an understanding for each party in this shit show:
You, a young teen, have looked up to a famous artist for making works that you personally relate to. You follow them religiously watch there every step and treat them like a king, their word is law. You have had their work lift you, help you though the days where it just doesn't feel like you can make it. You might even find someone who kept fighting on because of that work, it might have saved someone's life.
one day you wake up to find a post, something about how pansear is a pedophile, about how they support grooming, about how they are a bitch and deserve to rot in hell. Well, you might have seen that last part, I'm sure it was out there some where. Needless to say you were devastated, it was now dangerous to even support this person you loved, and had helped you though maybe even your darkest times.
It's a hit, but you survive, Pansear assures you of that. They continue to post, they seem pretty down, and you feel very down, the whole situation tugs on your mind, not all the time, but in the late hours of the night, where instead of sleeping, you think, you think about how it all could have gone better.
then tragedy strikes again, something far more conclusive, the claims previously put out now spread like open flame, lit by the gasoline of 4 screenshots.
it hurts, it hurts a fucking lot, you cry, you cry a fucking lot. Worse, Pansear isn't here to defend them self, they left, Pansear left. If it was harder to ignore, now its impossible, you cant focus, you cant even talk about it, then you would be "defending Pansear."
that would hurt, that would hurt a fucking lot. And you have not choice but to let this rage simmer for about 2 weeks, and after that time.
you find reason to let it boil over. Who could blame you, no where to put this stress, no where to put this anger, you go to whoever you can, and (for lack of a better term) beat the shit out of them.
excuse my writing, i got a habit of that. but i should clarify, i was not there, this is a prediction of how i would have reacted if i where a bit farther down the rabbit whole. I know Pansear was popular, it gives me reason to believe that this might be a common experience. Or perhaps it was different. Perhaps for some they had a server, a place to talk about there feelings without judgement, where they could prosses loss. (i know by way of my self that this might have been the first time someone truly lost someone else)
So take that story with a grain of salt, but i do find it rather important to ask you, why? Why did we have to be so cruel to each other, could we not have taken a step back and realize that name calling and death threats only made things worse.
There is a reason, even for the most extreme situations, that someone says "do not harass anyone." When did we forget that?
I should clarify, I'm not sure how the fandom as a whole responded, I'm not on twitter (GTFO of there if you are) and where I am on tumblr, it was not common mention. I've reason to believe that the story is not entirely of my mind alone, simply because with size it becomes harder and harder to not have one of each person.
i think this will be my first rant, i have only spoken on one of the things i want to talk about i have thought a lot about this, in the dead of night. i dont think ill forget this, but i will chose to remember this as something positive, what ever positivity i can get out of it.
to anyone out there reading this i think its important to let you know what i believe is the final message sent in Pansear's discord server, not the emote ones but the forest.
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to anyone struggling out there, remember, Pansear believed in you. i take solace in this message, you should too.
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katyspersonal · 3 days ago
Also for people that didn't know me for that much of a long time; I know I semi-consistently make it sound like I was practically "trapped" with some raging bigot and couldn't escape because Abusive Relationship Moment and never elaborate, but I was not. It is a long story but if anything, I knew exactly what I've gotten myself into, and why I did. I saw what he was like and what he was saying, and I chose to jump in. I don't deserve compassion, only pity for being short-sighted and picking a responsibility I was no match for, but there was a guy who triggered a lot of stuff, and we were both victims. Of each other, and of the world.
I often call him 'basically a Morgott' and this is what he was: a person jealously and fanatically guarding a ruined, corrupt system he himself was and is oppressed by. He didn't deserve to experience a single traumatising event that guaranteed that he ended up being like that. At some point certain people came to lynch him for the shit he didn't fucking do, and it was beginning of the end. And when I insisted on being loud and proud about our bond, certain people came to lynch me for the shit I didn't do. I guess despite everything, I've found a lot of romance and value in knowing that he sort of passed his "curse" onto me, although not intentionally. Just like him after he survived witch-hunt, I, too, went to lick my wounds and seethe in the company of very questionable people. I walked back when I saw the bunch that promised me safety was just as rotten, and I sure hope he walked back from his weird bunch too. I had a chance to learn about his life updates, but I didn't.
All this is to say, not he was ever an actual villain of this fucking mess. It were always the witch-hunter people. He would hate me for speaking like this, I guess. Because he is up against "woke NPCs" and meanwhile God will forsaken me for choosing "degeneracy" or whatever... 🙄 Still, I saw enough to know that any group who separates people on worthy or unworthy is inherently bad, regardless of their ideals and goals. None of this shit would've happen if witch-hunters stopped doing their darnest to kick anyone they deem "heretic" out of society in the beyond, where members of other cults can swipe them up and ideologically groom them. People should do their hardest to preserve members of their community regardless of inconveniences of suspicions, and my enemies will always be those who refuse to do it. People like him or me are just symptoms of what you can diagnose humanity with, and the only reason I was able to recover my compassion, faith and willingness to support was because I've found true friends and he struggled with that. I could've been a good friend to him too, but I've failed. I took too many things too personally when they were obviously expressions of insecurity, distrust and past trauma... I should not speak ill of those who act cruel to "bad victims" as much as I do when I didn't practice what I preach when it mattered, though I hope I will become better.
In any case, humans can't exist without humans. Nobody is safe from becoming a hateful bigot if it is only other hateful bigots who give them community after their previous one discarded them. I was ever so close to "everyone is an NPC except for us" mindset and only persisted because genuinely good and innocent people chose to keep pulling me out of bad place over and over and I was always given second chances. I don't hate someone who never got enough help and safety, and I sure don't hate someone for failing to meet their emotional needs. I hate witch-hunters tho, they are the problem. They, and their opposition that always picks up what they've thrown away.
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blazehedgehog · 8 months ago
Thoughts on the whole Mr. Beast situation?
None at all and even googling it doesn't really spell it out very well. I guess someone in his network was accused of grooming? Not even he himself. Just someone he employs. And people were upset it took him so long to say or do anything about it.
Listen. If there is one person on this planet I do not care about, it's MrBeast. He is incredibly rich, getting richer, and he exists in a world entirely separated from all my interests. He is way too much of a general purpose Youtuber for me to care about. He is a content factory brand to me and I am deeply suspicious of him on every level, because he feels like a fake plastic human putting out fake plastic videos.
In my entire life, I have only seen half of one MrBeast video, ever, and it was fairly recently: I was pet sitting for a cousin last week, her son watches MrBeast, and their Samsung Smart TV auto loaded to the 24/7 MrBeast channel where he was doing some kind of isolation chamber challenge.
I was surprised how earnest and personable Jimmy himself actually was, but his entourage controlling the isolation chamber were like... they reminded me of Biff Tannen's goons from Back to the Future or something.
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That vibe of being like, some combination of Yes-men, nobodies, and D-list clowns. Most people probably don't even know Biff's cronies even have names (from left to right: Skinhead, 3D and Match). They are only here to crawl around in the star's shadow and laugh at all their jokes.
The dudes in that MrBeast video felt the same way. They felt like they were grown in a vat of Youtube Prank Channel parts.
So strike one: I do not care about MrBeast. Unless he gives me two million dollars. Then I'll watch every MrBeast video ever made until the day I die.
Two, I feel like pointing fingers and accusing someone of being a groomer is like, the most boy who cried wolf witch hunt of our era. I am rapidly reaching my tolerance level for finger pointing about intent because I feel like half the time I hear about it, it's nothing. Obviously it's different when it's DrDisrespect and multiple investigations have proven he was arranging a meetup with a minor and even the man himself has come right out and said "it's true but I never went through with it so technically by the strictest letter of the law I didn't do anything illegal!"
But I also feel like there are certain communities both on discord and on tumblr where accusations of grooming get thrown around a lot more casually by the younger crowd because it's an easy way to lash out at somebody you don't like.
From the perspective of a guy like MrBeast, I'm sure if he really put his ear to the ground he'd hear a hundred accusations of grooming going in all kinds of directions.
If he was a little slow launching an investigation? He's only human. His team is only human. And treating allegations like that seriously enough to do a real thorough investigation takes a lot of work. Again, if he jumped at every time somebody pointed a finger, he'd be wasting a lot of resources. I'm willing to give him slack here. It's terrible when it's real, but a lot of the time it probably isn't.
I know sometimes I say dumb things on this blog. I can think of at least two posts right now from the last year where it sometimes hits me that I said something really dumb. And that's not even counting all the stuff I'm sure some people just straight up misunderstand me about.
But this feels like busy-body stuff. The supposed groomer was already fired on the same day the investigation was started. They haven't even found anything for or against her yet. Beyond that, who cares.
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Korekiyo: backstory involves him getting groomed- and thats never acknowledged. Gets treated as a "sister guy" (he has romantic feelings for his groomer). Is "half possessed" by his sister which comes across as an alter and it's very very bad. Also all his memories are fake and the writers in story and in real life did not need to include the incestous grooming
Ironwood: Big bad of the series is an immortal witch who can control creatures of darkness that eat people. After the big bad takes out an entire kingdom, and severely lowers the potential of another to protect itself, he starts putting an embargo on resources, a curfew, and and increased security while also trying to get global communications back up and running. He entrusts the main heroes with his plans, offers them training, new equipment, and high ranking positions in his army. He's not aware the big bad is immortal. Two of the main heroes reveal his secret plans to a vigilante who has been stealing supplies and not using them to help the poor like she claims she is doing. They hide the fact that the immortal witch is in fact immortal. They hide the truth about why the big bad's magical ex-husband who used to be in charge of the destroyed kingdom's defenses isn't around anymore.
When the big bad shows up with a giant army of monsters when they're not prepared to fight her, he wants to do the sensible thing: leave with the magic mcguffins the big bad wants to a safe place, and regroup to fight another day. Sadly, this would result in a lot of people being left behind, but a majority of the kingdom were already evacuated to the giant floating city. The heroes end up ruining everything by has because he refuses to try and save EVERYONE despite THE BIG BAD BEING RIGHT THERE ON THEIR DOORSTEP MORE PREPARED THAN THEY ARE. Then the next season happens and they turn this thoughtful, hard working, caring man wanting to protect people, into a power hungry monster willing to shoot everyone standing in his way and willing to bomb civilians if he doesn't get his way. And the only reason he's written this way is because the writers notices a lot of fans were ACTUALLY SIDING WITH HIM DURING THE PREVIOUS SEASON. THEY ADMIT THIS IN THE DVD COMMENTARY THAT THE ONLY REASON HE'S WRITTEN THE WAY HE IS NOW IS BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T REALIZE THEY WROTE A SYMPATHETIC CHARACTER AND THAT WASN'T WHAT THEY INTENDED AT ALL. And by the end of it all, it's all for nothing. The big bad gets two of the four missing mcguffins she needs to destroy the world. Ironwood's kingdom is sun into the ocean, a good portion of the civilians and soldiers died and those that remain are dropped into a desert kingdom they have bad relations with. This kingdom was also the tech hub of the entire world so anyone who uses certain machines or needs prosthetics or medical equipment can't get them anymore. And we're supposed to be rooting for Team RWBY and their friends, and not Ironwood? He wasn't perfect, but he was far more competent and sympathetic than any other character in this show and the writers decided "let's make this multi-prosthetic, ptsd ridden warrior be the worst person alive since too many fans thought he was right to retreat in a terrible situation
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aziraphales-library · 1 year ago
Hi! I read an au fic involving a Tadfield community band or orchestra. It was called “friends of the lower tadfield community band” or something but I can’t get a close enough search to find it - could you help me find it again? Thank you! <3
I believe you're looking for...
The Greater Tadfield Friends Of Music Autumn Concert by CopperBeech (E)
Anthony Crowley, marketing consultant and competent amateur flautist, finds he can at least flee the smoke and congestion of London if not the golden handcuffs of his job. He’s got no personal life to leave behind; he likes things anonymous, and rough, and even a little dangerous, and far enough from home that he won’t have to deal with entanglements. So what’s he doing obsessing about a mannerly, daintily groomed, kindly man who he’s not even sure is gay? And how’s he going to cope with a hotbed of gossip, a lovelorn tubist serenading the witch next door, and an irascible music director with a Black Belt in baton-throwing?
A pro-tip I've mentioned before, if you're searching for something where you have specific details from the title, summary, or author's notes of a fic, is to use the "search within results" box in the filter options. I put "friends tadfield" in there and only had two pages of results to check through to find this fic!
- Mod D
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proshipmahiru · 2 months ago
Learn more abt me under the cut <3
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I'm Mappi!! Not new to the proship community, 19, she/her, proship for both coping reasons + for funsies!! This intro post is subject to change for any reason ^_^
I write proship as a catch-all but I mainly identify with the label of "Dead dove: do not eat"! My ideologies lie with ship and let ship and I myself am a darkshipper!!
This is my only blog just for that problematic goodness <3
No DNI, I block freely (mainly THOSE antis and people who are pro irl)
I'm an aspiring psych student who is very hyperfixated on the concept of consuming problematic media and how the brain perceives it. As such, I'm always up for a good mature debate. Or feel free to put anything in my asks in general, I don't bite!
I'm currently hyperfixed on:
Project Moon, Milgram, Wuthering Waves, Witch's Heart + more!!
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Oops! All darkships!!
Genshin Impact - Any iteration of Hearthcest, Kaeya x Diluc, Diona x Diluc, Tartaglia x Bennett, Wriothesley x Sigewinne, Baizhu x Qiqi, Alhaitham x Nahida
Project Moon - Tiphereth A x Tiphereth B, Tiphereth A x Netzach, Yi Sang x Sang Yi, Don Quixote x Sancho, Sancho x La Mancha Quixote
Your Turn to Die - Sara x Shin, Sara x Sou, Shin x Kanna, Sou x Shin, Gin x Sara, Keiji x Sara, Sei x Kai
Misc - Fuuta x Amane (MILGRAM), Ashley x Andrew (The Coffin of Andy and Leyley), Ib x Garry (Ib game), Aubrey x Mari, Aubrey x Hero, Sunny x Mari (Omori), Zack x Rachel (Angels of Death), Sal x Wadanohara (WATGBS), Rin x Len (VOCALOID), Encore x Aalto (WuWa), Ame x KAngel (NSO), Asriel x Chara (UT), Saki x Tsukasa (Project Sekai) + SO MANY MORE
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♡ Age gaps | Incest (mainly siblings but anything goes) | Stockholm syndrome/corruption | Yandere/obsession | Teacher x student | Grooming ♡
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loonybun · 1 year ago
making a whumptroduction post because it seems appropriate to do for my first post :3
Blog/Whump Introduction
hello! my name is crep/loony and I use any pronouns!! i started this blog because i’ve been really interested in the whump community for some time (since like maybe October?). It pretty much has all my favorite elements of stuff all put into one genre loll. I don’t have any plans to start a long-term story as of now, but that could change in the future! I have a ton of characters, but I mainly just use them for roleplaying (if you are interested in roleplaying with me i’m totally down to try it out and see how we mesh together!!!)
some fun facts about me: my favorite color is pink, i’ve been roleplaying for around 7 years (online for closer to 5), i love coming up with new characters and intertwining them with other people’s characters!!! it’s really fun to see how they interact with each other for me. it’s like how you played w barbie’s as a kid but infinitely better. for roleplaying i can use tumblr dms or discord. i am audhd, and my primary special interest is Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll!!!
- Aisling CYOA story
BASICALLY ANYTHING IVE WRITTEN CAN BE FOUND UNDER #my writing!! working on a better organization system but i struggle with it lol
(more under cut)
Favorite whump tropes: kidnapping/captivity, doll whump, tiny whump, lab whump, medical whump, inhuman whumper, inhuman whumpee, immortal whumpee, fae whump, cult whump, religious theming, heavy/detailed gore, body modification, drugging, display whump, academia whump (so hard to find but so so good), carewhumpers, defiant whumpees.
Things I may interact with but will probably not post: generally suggestive stuff 👍
Squicks/things i will not interact with: almost all nsfwhump (i am a minor and do not feel comfortable reblogging smut on my page. no hate to yall it’s just a comfort thing), anything related to S/A, pedophelia, rape, or sexual grooming, pregnancy whump, and slave historical whump. If your blog is centered around any of those, I ask that you do not interact with my blog.
DNI conservatives, anti-lgbtq+, racists, antisemites, islamophobes, xenophobes, terfs, general bigotry, dark/proshippers (dunno which term to use but i mean this as in people who ship incest, rape, and pedophelia. while i believe that it’s okay to write about these things, a lot of pro/darkshippers seem to glorify/romanticize these dynamics and that’s what i have an issue with. i want to specify that while i personally feel uncomfortable with such, i do not agree with witch-hunting or harassing people. i just will not interact and i ask you to do the same.), straight up nsfw blogs whump or not, pro-zoophiles, pro-maps, etc…
thank you all for reading!!! looking forward to being a part of this community!!
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months ago
Murf's AMA: Mayfair Witches
@adamnablelittledevil you sent me such an incredibly lovely & thorough ask that I wanted to address every single point you made. So I'm breaking your PM up into separate AMA-style posts. Thank you SO much!
"And your comments on the stories really help! I don't know if I'll agree with you, but you're able to say something I can completely comprehend without spoilers and give me an idea of how they are, so thank you!"
Any time! Yes, my particular stance on AR's Mayfair books is largely based on my own personal fascination with different IRL conceptions of the afterlife, and how IRL witchcraft/magic/divination/necromancy all fits in wrt communing with the spirits of the dead/undead. So reading The Witching Hour completely rewired my brain--I owe AR a huge debt. Her ghost stories just give me everything I need.
"The way you described Lasher sounds terrifying. 👀 I wonder if it is as bad as Lestat's turning, the story of the twins or the Roman Coven killing the palazzo boys and torturing Armand because those were the darkest moments of TVC for me (I ignore what she pulled on TTOTBT). Is it just as heavy or worse?"
Hrm. It's complicated for me. Like, IMO Armand has hands down THE worst & most sympathetic backstory out of all the TVC characters (except Claudia). Kidnapped & gaslit & brainwashed by a satanic cult, and abandoned by the one person you trusted & loved the most when you failed to meet his ridiculously high standards/expectations.... IMO Armand is the strongest character to have withstood all that for so long and still come out the other side with his soul intact, omg.
As for Lasher, it's the totality of his iron grip over the Mayfairs for 500+ years that makes me personally put his treatment of people on the same/similar level as the Children of Satan.
There's no one Mayfair I feel particularly sadder or better for; it's them as a collective whole. There's things Lasher does to some of the Mayfairs that is just...it's graphic. With Armand it's different, cuz of the heavily romanticized & disjointed way he often tells his story. The gothic horror comes from seeing the ways traumatized people reflect on the bad things that happened to them--Armand's memory is just as spotty as Louis' sometimes; and the way he talks about Marius alllll the way to Blood Communion makes the fandom divided on what we're supposed to do with them.
But with the Mayfairs, there's no sugar-coating the carnage or softening/obfuscating the blows at all--AR describes things viscerally & graphically & explicitly in a way that you CANNOT excuse Lasher for. Even at the end of Lasher, when they "Let the devil speak his story," the prophecy (AR's Word of God) has already decided that his pretty words & excuses & tragic backstory don't effing matter in the end--he WILL be killed. Cuz he is 100% a PREDATOR, NOT a problematic love interest with abusive/grooming tendencies (a la Lestat & Marius).
Like, the vast majority of the TVC/IWTV fandom laughs at incest wrt Lestat & Gabrielle, cuz Lestat romanticizes so much of his trauma that it's hard sometimes to take it seriously. But incest with the Mayfairs is no laughing matter. It's sheer horror that's supposed to make you darn near physically ill reading about how much Lasher's twisted & manipulated everything. He's a MONSTER, eff how much he cries.
Granted, I still think the Mayfairs were awful immoral people, in ways that I don't see Armand. Unlike a brainwashed cult member, the Mayfairs KNEW Lasher was evil and that everything he gave them was tainted by his evil deeds. They call him the Devil. Unlike the Twins, they didn't control spirits ethically, in order to help their community and work towards the betterment of their society--they controlled Lasher selfishly, in order to gain riches & power. They think they can outsmart him, and pay the price.
But because they're women, they're vulnerable by default, as they lived during the Middle Ages & Tudor period & all these other times when women were being systemically persecuted by the Church; and then domestically oppressed at home as their husbands had full legal control over their bodies AND their money. The Mayfair designees completely buck the system; they're entirely matriarchal, but their power STILL comes from a demonic patriarch. So I sympathize with the lengths they felt they needed to go to, to remain at the top of the social pyramid--even if they were slaves to their greedy desires, and slaves to Lasher, as he manipulated them into thinking it was the reverse. They're victims and villains, in the best & worst of ways that always makes AR's characters so dang complex & interesting.
I think what happens to them is beyond effed up, but sometimes certain witches (*cough* Margueritte, Julien, Rowan, etc) I feel kinda deserved it???? But not even, cuz there's so much incest & mental illness in their family too, which makes me go Dang! They're not right in the head, so is it even fair to even blame them for all this? And ofc a ghost is LITERALLY manipulating them. But at what point does personal responsibility & accountability come in, esp. for Rowan?
Like, even Carlotta's evil arse has a lot in common with Coven Master Armand's most extreme(ly bad) actions--someone I absolutely love. So why do I hate her? When really, she was right all along! Her extremist draconian methods SUCKED; but if she got The Witch Carlotta book the way we got TVA, would my opinion of her change? More than likely! (Unless it was more like Blood & Gold, in which case....bye Felicia. 🙄😒)
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So yeah, I see the Mayfairs as very similar to the Children of Satan, but flipped--they worship the Devil to get rich; NOT cuz they think they're inherently evil & deserve to suffer (a la Armand & the other vampires).
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ripk0l · 4 months ago
LISTEN. I have adored you and your muses since my first time starting to write Jackie in the tvd community. All the things with your witch baby. Obviously I’m going to follow you to any blog you make, but !!?!!? I am so utterly obsessed with your kol. Just expect to see your face claim at this point when watching the show. He is true to character while also being entirely yours.
You are also one of the sweetest people I’ve met on this hell site. Ilu.
Bonus that even if we were new in following each other. Id be obsessed. Especially with kol and Nausi. A proper wedding it demanded and Jackie wants invited 🔪
please tell me anonymously or not why you follow me. I could use some positive messages
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please, please, please, i love you okay????? i'm so glad that we follow each other on each of my blogs and just dlkjfls i can't help but love what we had on my multi. my little witch bennett being in a relationship with her little wolf. it was life. everyone should be glad to have you as a friend and as a muse to love on.
because i know how hard it is with women oc lately and just we are going to gush about you because jackie need to have a moment; your oc is just amazing okay? not only jackie but ophelia as well. we can see the effort you pour into them, the headcanons that we love to see floating around and just jackie. she is iconic and so a canon characters at this point and we will never leave her again, okay???? she is that important and as stiles ( @humanchewtoy ) and nausi ( @wickedslip ) and katherine ( @malka-lisitsa ) , she's important to kol's story and i would never change it any other way.
as for the faceclaim, i can't help but only see him now as kol. idk what happened to me that day, but when i brought him on my multi, i just couldn't use nb because gross and just people loving this face makes me so happy. i'm glad i can bring another version of kol and just people vibing with him.
don't worry for the wedding, i think she will be either witness of the groom or bride. we wouldn't want to marry each other if no one is here. haha. thinking about the wedding right now kdsjfksjlf i'm so soft and crying because dove and i just sdljflks thank you so much to give us chances. we so deserve it and we also love jackie in this house. / @lycancursed.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 3 months ago
Lemon Pepper Henry
by Swoonoveryou Alex’s second job as an Amazon driver has in him all kinds of areas. He stumbles upon a farm where he meets a well groomed Chicken who seems to be ordering packages as a form of communication Or Chicken Henry and the Amazon driver who saves him Words: 4031, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Magical Realism, Chickens, Amazon Driver Alex, Chicken Henry, bare with me please I beg, Witch Curses, Witch Nora, not explained, Cause I’m lazy, Eventual Romance, Alex Claremont-Diaz Loves Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, literally in any universe, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Loves Alex Claremont-Diaz, POV Alex Claremont-Diaz, Protective Alex Claremont-Diaz, Pining Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, but as a chicken, Based on True Events, Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, True Love, Crack, Fluff and Crack via https://ift.tt/KHDNxaT
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