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bitchy-peachy · 1 month ago
I had the weirdest dream ever. It was one of my hyper realistic ones that keep running like an energetic hamster in their exercise wheel. I won't forget it unless I write and paraphrase parts of the dream conversations cos shit made me wake up wanting to fight.
I went full bitch mode on an influencer harassing the locals in my town like she owned recording rights on public property.
I was going to an appointment and bitch was in my way and she rolled her eyes at me cos I really needed to go down that hall.
She was like, "Do you mind waiting 5 minutes? I asked for permission and this is the only hallway like this. 🙄 💁🏼‍♀️👸🏼."
I thought, 'Is this bitch monopolizing the only hallway that goes directly to infusions when I'm on schedule?'
Then other people started showing up and the dumb bitch seemed to get nervous and repeating that she got permission to record herself there.
Some old lady behind me said that was the only hall for infusions and there was no way in hell she was going out in the rain to use the emergency exit outside.
The dumb influencer rolled her eyes again and said, "Well I asked for permission so... 💅🏼"
That's when my massive mega bitch full of percs, fentanyl and dexamethasone popped off on this moron.
"Bitch, stop being fucking stupid and blocking our way to infusions for your dumbass video. You don't own shit in here and whoever gave you 'permission' to block this hallway with an attitude needs my cane up their ass."
She stared at me like she didn't expect someone to go off on her. Real sheltered moron crap. I've been known to give a lot of people traumatic public experiences so this shit is normal to me when I see people doing stupid stuff... Like blocking people from their damned life saving medical care the way she was.
She took her phone off her tripod and started recording me in English (I'm currently in PR) saying that I threatened her and that Puerto Ricans were known for violence towards women.
I got mad again and said in English, "Stupid ass gringa is blocking the only entry way to the infusion room and wants the elderly to go out in the freezing rain to use the damned emergency exit. You don't come to our fucking island and think you own the place. Entitled broken-Spanish speaking hallway colonizing ass."
Then she started bitching at me for being racist against white people.
"No, I'm only 'racist' against rich people and colonizing bitches that act like everything they see is theirs to use and fuck everybody else. Yes, I see you as entitled gringa and being gringa doesn't mean just white so it isn't a 'race thing' but you being foreign and being a twat to elderly sick folks and pissing me the fuck off."
(And gringo(a) can change from slur to even just a label or even affectionate term depending the context you use it in. In here I'm definitely using it as a slur. Gringos who live long enough around us understand this context rule and even jokingly call themselves gringos but meh not going to get too into it. I've also used the term affectionately with friends who call themselves that as well as call them Honorary Boricuas when they're respectful and have assimilated to our culture etc)
She stopped recording and said she was going to put it online to cancel me and I said, "Yeah, whatever. Go fuck yourself while at it. 💁🏽‍♀️"
I went on about my day and did my shit.
Days later I went shopping with my family and some people were pointing at me and then going up to me to say "hi" and I was like, 'Guess people are feeling friendly af today.'
Later I got a msg from some random right-wing (now the dream turned into a nightmare) podcaster wanting me in his shitty incel show to talk about how I triggered a problematic as shit bimbo influencer that kept causing problems in gyms, hospitals, museums and even schools *apparently she loves using public spaces and acted like a total cunt if people interrupted her.*
He said I was the second person to have gone off on her on camera cos the first one was another woman that kicked her unknown ass from her father's funeral cos she wanted to record her stupid shit at a funeral.
(She didn't even know these people and was doing her weird modeling shit at the funeral. My jaw dropped at the audacity)
She apparently likes doing a lot of posing to show her fake implanted ass cheeks in her fits while walking in public areas and recording herself in various angles to show her exaggerated gross jiggle mechanics. She had at least 130k followers for this goofy cringe shit.
He also said he saw my video and did a response video on her, dragging her for the constant bullshit and how she tried to get a gym shut down claiming sexual harassment cos a guy told her to wear decent pants instead of tights showing her kamel toe since she was splaying it while recording herself.
This bitch was a menace and while dumb simps were on her side others were like, 'Nah. This bitch is a piece of shit and needs to get off the internet.'
She lost almost 40k followers after the podcast dude dragged her for multiple incidents and told his followers to literally report her directly to the cops or managers or owners of such places to remove her (i unfortunately had to agree with his incel ass on this. She sounded more evil than me). She was a public disturbance that used being a pretty ditzy acting woman to get away with toxic shit.
Since I hate right wingers, I just ignored his message (wasn't gonna be mean cos him responding to her turned shit around for me) and rolled over in my bed and went back to sleep.
Then I woke up in the real world again, pissed off thinking it was all real but it was just another one of my weirdly hyper realistic semi lucid dreams (since I was in perfect control of my actions).
Now I'm finally writing it down to get it outta my system.
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gabiconfessed · 3 months ago
sometimes i really like telling people im brazilian because they just look so bewildered. there's always an "but are you sure????" "isn't one of your parents european????" "youre so white i would've never guessed!!" like thank you for outing yourself as someone who knows nothing about south america it makes me cackle so hard
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corrupcionenpr · 1 month ago
Una gringa quemó CUATRO negocios de comerciantes locales en Cabo Rojo y la Gobernadora quiere meter presa a otra por solo gritarle en una misa.
PRENDE EN FUEGO - POLICÍAS QUE NO ARRESTAN Y BOMBEROS SIN AGUA Pa Eliezer Molina aparecen cientos de policías, para una pirómana no llega nadie
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persephone-is-here-omg · 5 months ago
I love being told by stupid gringa fucks, who think that "smut" is a literary genre, that I need to learn grammar.
Babydoll, my English grammar may not be perfect, but that's just one of the grammar sets of rules stored inside my brain. You want to judge others for enjoying something that's part of many literary genres. Get fucked.
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hayinportugal · 6 months ago
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Às vezes, a vida nos leva por caminhos inesperados, mas são esses desvios que nos ensinam as lições mais valiosas e nos tornam mais fortes.
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the-last-hipopotamovolador · 8 months ago
Hey! Just letting you (people from the usa) know that gringo/gringa means "person from the usa/english-speaking europe country" but specially means people from the usa, and it applies to whites, blacks, asians and all types of persons from that places, dont matter the race. Also letting you know that in Latinoamerica most of us think very badly of you and your dick of a country (with totally justified reasons). Literally the only latinoamericanos i have ever seen having good opinions on usa and its society are rich and/or right winged. Just letting you know, you are not very appreciated around the world (justified). Do better, bye.
PS: if you still use america to talk about usa and american to talk about yourself (as a gringo) this goes for you: 🖕🏿🖕🏾🖕🏽🖕🏼🖕🏻
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pterodactylscreeches13 · 2 years ago
Me, a gringa, learning spanish as a second language trying to figure out what version to use 😭
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Are you trying to kill your mother? Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
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miltacos · 1 year ago
¿Una gringa es un taco?
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TACOS SANTO CAPRICHO, Av. Hidalgo 18, colonia Juárez, Ocoyoacac, Estado de México.
Tiene casi los mismos elementos que un taco al pastor, se puede comer casi de la misma forma que un taco, se prepara al mismo tiempo que los tacos, lo sirven las mismas personas que preparan y sirven tacos, pero las gringas no son tacos.
Además de la definición nominal -en el mismo nombre lleva una carga diferenciadora que evidencia su leve distancia del taco- la forma de consumo también permite tener elementos distintos porque al servirse casi siempre se consume con cubiertos para que cada comensal decida el tamaño del bocado; y de no usarse cubiertos también se divide previamente para después comerse en trozos más pequeños. Algo que claramente no sucede con la forma de consumo de los tacos.
La siguiente diferencia podría acusarse de endeble en argumentos pero sobrada de certeza. Los tacos al pastor están construidos sobre una tortilla de maíz (artesanal o comercial) de un tamaño que no excede los 10 centímetros de diámetro, mientras que las gringas son servidas en formato de empalme (dos tortillas que encierran un relleno diverso) en el que la carne al pastor se revuelve con queso fundible (tipo gouda o tipo manchego o tipo parmesano) hasta convertirlo en un relleno meloso, bien integrado y alto en grasa. En ese sentido podría concluirse que las gringas se parecen más a un empalme norestense de carne con frijoles o de frijoles refritos con queso, que a un taco al pastor.
Si se soslayara la diferencia anterior que evidencia la diferencia entre origen y número de las tortillas, aún podría explorarse una diferencia notoria: que un taco al pastor que contiene queso deja de ser taco al pastor y se nombra como CARAMELO, o COSTRA DE PASTOR en la que el queso se cocina directo sobre la tortilla hasta formar una costra ligeramente dorada sobre la que se coloca la carne. Hay versiones que por funcionalidad o eficiencia en el servicio se mezclan carne y queso para después colocarse sobre la plancha y terminar en una mezcla ligeramente dorada y crujiente que se sirve sobre una tortilla de maíz. Entonces, los CARAMELOS o COSTRAS no son gringas.
Por último está el nombre, su etimología o intención nominativa. Las gringas surgen como una contestación simbólica a la existencia de los tacos al pastor por renunciar a la tortilla de maíz, colocar la de trigo y aumentar queso para hacer un bocado más goloso y reconociblemente estadounidense. Es decir, son una forma de adaptar un rasgo cultural más que representativo, jugar con los límites de la identidad propia y ajena, y ofrecer un opción gastronómica que es tan popular como el mismo taco. La gringa es una manera sutil y divertida de jugar con las caracterizaciones identitarias, los clichés culturales y los protocolos de respeto que supuestamente deben existir entre dos sociedades conectadísimas pero distintas.
Como dato curioso, en algunas taquerías populares del estado de Yucatán existen una nuevas versiones de tacos de carne asada o poc chuc a los que se denomina MESTIZAS, que no es otra cosa más que un taco en tortilla de maíz con carne asada a la que se puede agregar queso. Pareciera una contrarespuesta a las gringas, que a su vez son contestación del taco. En México la discusión a veces no parece tener fin.
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mueritos · 8 months ago
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happy pride to all queer children of immigrants
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crtter · 10 months ago
Incredibly amused by this one upcoming anime that has a foreign girl as one of its main characters and she looks like your average token anime foreigner (white, blond haired, blue eyed, you know the drill), except she’s Brazilian. First time I ever see a blue-eyed blonde Brazilian character in literally any piece of non-Brazilian made media. If my grandpa was still alive I’d give him a call to congratulate him on the representation win.
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theladydi · 13 days ago
this scene alone is worth all the emmys for comedy that the bear has
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dani-r · 4 months ago
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Loco, franja. Franja morada toma Derecho. Franja.morada.
- "como está todo con las universidades?" -'franja tomó una facultad".
-"y si sale bien?" -"franjamoradatomaderecho"
Se viene ese estudiantazo con todo, che. 🔥
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bluesourkiwi · 4 months ago
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Internet archive please come back alive i need to watch los simuladores with the subtitles
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achingroses · 11 months ago
Something that baffles me every single International Women's Day, is how different it seems to be in other countries.
I see joke posts on twitter and here, I see the way a lot of people take it lightly, it amazes me how different things are, how here in Mexico I don't see a single joke. I see angry women, brave women, tired women. I myself am all of those.
I'm so tired of not being able to live a normal life. On top of the everyday violence that occurs, I have to live with the fear of being killed for being a woman, for being femme presenting. I have to deal with men looking at me when I wear skirts or dresses, of men telling me to shut up, of men not trusting my knowledge, of men following me home, cat-calling me on the streets, following me all the way through different trains. I had to live through a manipulative and abusive relationship when I was just 15 years old. I have to live with an eating disorder due to societal expectations. I have to check my mirrors when I'm driving in case someone is following me. I have to tell my friends that I got home safe and I'm always waiting for them to text back. I have to deal with the impotence of being helpess when other women I know are going through similar stuff.
I'm tired of our government and authorities calling us hysterical, whores, telling us that we asked for it, that it was our fault for deciding to live a life. That it was out fault for being born in a country that doesn't have the minimum respect for our lives.
On this International Women's Day I'm angry, I'm furious and overall, I'm here if anyone feels the same way I do, know that I share your feelings and I will try my hardest to understand.
And for my final message, I just want to say:
¡Libertad para todas las morras de México hasta Palestina!
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latinotiktok · 8 months ago
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