#griffin kane
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thena0315 · 1 year ago
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Darden Boys (2012 - 2024)
*they had a stand in actor for Ben at the wedding
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bellamyblake · 5 months ago
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Bellamy Blake in 4x01 'Echoes'
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forbescaroline · 3 days ago
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dynamics i've been wanting to gif: kane & abby - the 100 You saved me. And I don't mean just by opening the door.
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druidberries · 1 month ago
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baby damien was born AND it's lucien and raven's birthday! damien was born a cautious infant 👶
previous // next
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he was born with green skin and i was SO tempted to keep it and have another baby elowen but for the ✨lore✨ we're only supposed to have one monster kid 💔 although he IS a monster kid just in a different way
also he spawned in sebastians vampire den 😭
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melwsnt · 2 months ago
summary: you’re waiting for Bellamy to come back from what could be a life saving mission. When he comes back- you learn that things didn’t go as planned. Chaos erupts when black rain starts to fall.
—lowkey protective Bellamy, established relationship, second person pov, mention of y/n.
wc: 2056
Please feel free to request for more Bellamy fics x
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The news had been hard to hear, hard to process. Having to mourn your own death alongside the people you love, months before it even happens, it made you work harder in hopes that maybe the plan would work. You would still lose people. But at least you’d be safe with the ones you loved the most. It had always been about sacrifice anyway, you were used to it.
Waiting for Bellamy to come back was torture. You knew he’d be okay- he always was. Didn’t matter how big the fight was you knew he’d always end up coming back in one piece.
He’d been a part of your life for what felt like eternity already- it didn’t matter much if you survived or not. You spent every second you could with him. So that just in case you did die- you’d made the most of the little time you had together.
Though you hated sending him on missions without much backup, the moment you heard the roar of the Rover, your heart jumped and your legs ran before your brain could even realize. You knew he was early- he wasn’t supposed to be back until the next morning.
You and Kane- your dad, were the only ones waiting for them to park and get out of the car. Something was wrong. Call it a gut feeling, but when you say Bellamy’s face emerge from the driver’s seat, your heart sunk.
Bellamy had just gone through a bad couple of months. With everything that went down with Pike, then Ally, and obviously knowing the end of the world was close, he hated feeling this way. He knew he’d brought it upon himself. He was the one who decided to stick with Pike. And it took a hit on you too. Bellamy wasn’t the person you loved anymore. He did anything possible to make you forgive him. You knew he hated everything he’d become. So you stood by him, rebuilt the relationship he’d tainted, and you were so glad.
Being in his arms was more important than knowing what went wrong in that moment. You could tell he just needed you- your touch. He was visibly upset, and your dad knew better than to interrupt whatever was about to happen.
As Bellamy emerged from the car, he smiled tiredly as he saw you. He walked towards you and immediately engulfed you in a hug.
‘Hi’ he said, his chin on top of your head, his hands locked on the back of your hair. You both relaxed at the touch. It felt good. His worries all went away for what seemed like enough time for him to compose himself, and break the hug. His hand on your arm.
‘What happened out there? You’re early.’ My father demanded, seeing as Bellamy was back to being upset.
‘We were attacked by grounders.’ He stopped for a second to look at you, and took your hand in his. You squeezed it assuring him to keep going. ‘One of them shot an arrow into a barrel of hydrazine. We lost one.’ He stopped to look back at Kane.
‘We’ll figure something out. We always do. Right?’ You chimed in, and Bellamy smiled at you. He loved your enthusiasm. You’d always been the positive one of the group. Some people found it annoying. Some didn’t. You always ended up being right most times anyway. Positivity doesn’t hurt, clearly.
‘Welcome back.’ Kane huffed quickly as his eyes started scanning the sky.
It’d turn a weird shade of grey. You’d had thunder before. Rain, storms, but it never quite looked that way. All three of you stayed silent waiting for something to happen until a droplet of rain fell on your hand that wasn’t holding Bellamy’s.
You quickly backed away as you hissed. ‘Shit.’
Bellamy looked at you, concerned. He felt you back away. Then he heard you curse. That’s when he noticed the visible blister on your hand, he panicked.
‘Black rain. Sound the damn alarm!’ He yelled to Kane as you all realized you were fucked.
‘Black rain! Get cover! Everyone get inside, leave your things!’
Chaos erupted within Arcadia. People being hit as the rain started falling harder, screaming and crying left and right.
Bellamy ushered you inside as he tried to shelter you both with his jacket. The rain still hitting both of you, your neck, your hands.. but it was packed up already. Barrels of water waiting for when the day would finally hit.
Crazy how it only took less than twenty second for the floor to turn to mud, the wind to pick up. It was impressive to see.
The moment you crossed the door you threw your shirt over your head. The only thing you wanted to feel in that moment was the relief of the water hitting the burns on your body. And once it did- you felt 10 times better.
You’d already half undressed as Bellamy closed the door and went through the same process.
And you couldn’t help staring. That was a horrible thing to do in such a moment- and yet you literally couldn’t peel your eyes away.
You’d seen Bellamy undressed more times than you could count- and yet you still acted like a 15 year old having a big stupid crush everytime you caught a glimpse of him. It was quite embarrassing.
You put your wild thoughts aside as you started helping others. You were better off doing that than whatever you were doing before.
You were helping Harper with her back when Bellamy asked you and Kane where Octavia was.
‘She left, Bell. Awhile ago. But it’s Octavia, I know for a fact she’s hiding in a cave somewhere waiting for it to pass. Don’t worry about her, I’m sure she’s fine.’ You answered as he walked towards you, his concern now going to you.
‘Are you okay? Are you hurt?’ His eyes scanned your body as Harper told you to go with him. Assuring that she was fine.
‘I’m okay, Bellamy. The water made it go away. Are you okay?’ It was your turn to scan his body. Not sexually this time.
‘Yeah. I’m okay.’
Before you could answer, someone was screaming outside. Not everyone has made it inside.
Before you could protest or even help Bellamy and Kane were already outside bringing the person in. They passed him to other people so that he could be taken to the infirmary as they once again treated themselves with the water from the barrel. The man’s injuries were way worst than yours since he’d been out there longer.
Bellamy eyed you, comforted that you were okay and not hurt. He didn’t know what he’d do if you were hurt. He could never even imagine losing you.
He went to retrieve both of your shirts from the ground as he gave you yours, and you thanked him.
What a shame he had to get dressed again.
He was about to say something sassy- you could tell. But before he could even get a word out, Kane’s radio echoed.
It was Mark Colton. His son, Peter was one of the hundred juveniles sent to the ground with you. They were stuck out there, asking for help. And the minute you saw Bellamy’s eyes twitch you knew he’d go out there. And you weren’t gonna let him go alone.
Before Bellamy could even process it, you were handing him one of the suit as yours was already halfway done on your body.
‘Why do you think you’re doing?’ He asked as he took the suit, your dad knowing well he couldn’t stop you even if he tried.
‘We’re going out there aren’t we? Peter and Mark need us. Get in the suit, Bell.’
‘No. It’s out of the question. I’m going out there, you’re staying here.’
‘Too late for that. I’m already suited up. If you think you’re doing this alone you’re out of your damn mind.’
‘And if you think I’m letting you go with me and risk your life you’re out of yours. You’re not coming, Y/n’
‘The hell i’m not! You’re not stopping me Bellamy. You once told me I was the most stubborn person you’ve ever met. Remember? Let me show you stubborn. I’m going out there whether you like it or not.’ You fought back. You were calm, mostly. But when you were pissed, no one was getting in your way. Especially not Bellamy. You were both more alike than any other pair in Arkadia. Possibly even on earth.
Bellamy let out a loud sigh. There was truly no stopping you, and he knew it. He looked at Kane for help, maybe he could knock some sense into you. But the man just nodded his head, giving some sort of permission. Nobody was stopping you.
‘You’re not gonna back down are you?’
‘You know I’m not. If we wanna have a chance to save them, we have to go. Now!’ You hurried him, both now waiting for Kane to open the door.
‘You run to the Rover and you don’t stop, you hear me? The suits aren’t made for Acid. I don’t think they’re gonna last very long.’ Bellamy said, his hand in yours. Waiting for your signal.
‘Okay. Let’s go.’
You nodded your head and you both took out running.
The bottles of water in your hands, your feet muddy, your breaths, panting, because the suits were in fact, not made for acid. Bellamy opened the back of the Rover , pushed you inside as he jumped in after you.
You could only hear your breaths and groans as you both took your suits off at the same time. They were off in a matter of seconds and the waters hitting your bodies made you both sigh in relief, again.
‘Are you okay?’ You asked him as your legs were laid out and your back was touching the bench of the rover.
Bellamy, still panting, answered. ‘Yeah. How are you feeling?’
‘Like shit.’ You stiffed a laugh as he smiled at you. Your jokes always made him feel better. The pain and stress was gone. And now you had to rescue Mark and Peter.
You both made your way to the front of the car. Bellamy in the driver’s seat and you in the passenger seat.
‘Bellamy, come in! Are you both okay?’ Your father’s voice resonated in the Rover through Bellamy’s radio.
‘Yeah, we’re fine.’ He reassured the man.
‘Bellamy it’s Mark. Are you there?’
‘I’m here.’ Bellamy answered, visibly uncomfortable. They didn’t have long.
‘I can’t breathe, Bellamy. Hurry, please.’ Mark was coughing.
‘Are you on the move yet? Peter doesn’t look good.’ He finished.
‘He’s been through worse. He’ll get through this too. We’re on our way.’
‘Copy that, Bellamy. Thanks.’ The man was barely audible through the coughs he let out.
‘Bellamy, Y/n, go to the private channel.’ Kane’s voice resonated once again.
Bellamy obliged.
‘Bellamy, you guys don’t have much time. You have to hurry. You keep my daughter safe and don’t take risks. This is big enough.’
Before Bellamy could answer, Kane spoke again.
‘You heard the part where I said keep my daughter safe, right? She gets hurt we’ll have problems.’
You rolled your eyes with a hint of a smile as Bellamy pressed the radio.
‘Yes sir. Loud a clear. She’s safe with me. Don’t worry.’
He looked at you as he said that. And your heart melted.
‘I mean it. I won’t ever let anything happen to you. This was already risky. You need to stop wanting to sprint towards danger. I can’t lose you.’ He came closer.
‘Hey, I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.’ You put your hands on both sides of his face before continuing.
‘We’re in this together, right? We keep each other safe. We’ve been doing that since we came down and it’s been working so far. I don’t plan on dying anytime soon. So you better not either.’
‘Definitely not planning on dying. I go where you go. Remember? You’re not getting rid of me that easily.’ He smiled, his hands finding your waist.
‘Good. Now, kiss me before we go. I’ve always wanted to kiss a hot guy sitting in the passenger seat.’ You teased and he didn’t need to be told twice. His mouth was on yours in seconds in a hot and fiery kiss. It didn’t last long- because you had to go on another live saving mission. But you were together- and that’s all that mattered.
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countrymusiclover · 5 months ago
3 - Hunting Party
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Part 4
Star Crossed Enemies
Three knocks were heard on the outside of my apartment door that was shut. Getting up from my bed I crossed the room barely opening the door seeing my father Jake standing in the hallway. “Dad! Hurry, get inside. Did anyone see you? Mom?”
“Nobody saw me, sweetheart. Your mother is still at work. But I do hope you have thought about my offer to let Marcus Kane pose as your father.” He stepped inside, wrapping me in a hug and I pressed my face against the fabric of his shirt.
Lifting my head up slightly I had to ask knowing the kind of man he called his friend. “You mean the man that enforces harsher than the current Chancellor does. I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.”
“Please just consider it, Cassie. I want someone else looking out for you when I can’t.” My father declares with some tears welling up in his eyes.
Lowering my gaze to the floor I wouldn’t realize what his words meant until after he was gone. Sighing heavily I nodded agreeing with his plan. “Okay, dad. I’ll talk with Kane but change my last name to Rhodes.”
Suddenly the door opened and closed quickly showing my mother Abby standing in front of it as she shut it by pressing her back against it. “Mom!”
“Abby! How did you know I was here?” Dad questioned her under his breath.
She stomped up pushing the two of us apart from one another glaring sparingly at each one of us individually. “The whole reason that I told you to get your own place at sixteen was to make sure that the three of us weren’t seen together too much to draw suspicion. And you can’t even follow that simple order.”
“Abby, don’t be hard on her. I came to see her. She didn’t know I was coming today so be angry at me.” My father attempted to calm down his wife but it was no use.
She snapped back at her husband. “She clearly doesn’t understand how serious this is for us. For me, you and Clarke.”
Pure hurt came over me at her words not hearing even utter my name once. I shoved her away from me where she stumbled into my father’s chest completely taken back by my actions. “So that’s how it is huh, mom. You’ve just cut me out of the family completely!”
“Sweetheart, you know I meant you to-“ She started to say but I slapped her hand away that tried to touch me.
“No you knew what you said the minute the words came out of your lying mouth!” Pushing past them I fling the door opened pointing with my index finger for them to leave. “You know just leave me alone. Just get out of my face right now!”
“Cassiopeia.” She spoke simply.
“Get out!” I screamed through heavy tears falling down my face. My mother scrambled out quickly but my father lingered sending me a silent apologetic look before leaving, allowing me the opportunity to shut the door and just sobbed on the cold floor.
“Wake up, grounder girl.” I felt someone kicking me with their boot in the middle of my back waking me from the sleep I had managed to accomplish on the harsh cold floor of their dropship.
Rolling over onto my back I groaned, spreading my hands over my face. “Uhhh…what do you want?”
“Get up. I’m taking you hunting with me.” Bellamy declared resting one hand on his hip that had a metal ax attached to his belt loops.
Peeking through my fingers I glared up at the older man standing over me. “Hunting hmm. Are you needing pointers on how to kill animals since you lived in space all your life.” I teased him by turning over to lay on my side and attempt to fall back to sleep.
The sky boy stepped around my legs and lowered himself down in a squatting position giving him the ability to grab my chin forcing me to look him in the eye. “It wasn’t a question. You’re my prisoner, not a guest.”
“Fine. But I get to have my weapons pack back. I refuse to leave this camp without having my own form of protection.”
Bellamy didn’t say anything for a minute before giving me a simple head nod. “If you try to kill me I will fight you.”
“You kill me.” I laughed at how cocky and confident he seemed. “That’s adorable.”
He stared down at me for a few minutes before he nudged me with the tip of his boot a second time, walking over to the ladder and climbing down. Sitting upright I ran my fingers through my hair undoing the one braid that I had in my hair allowing it all to be loose. Climbing down the ladder I didn’t fall even with having my hands handcuffed. “So if you want me to go hunting with you you’re gonna have to take these off first.” Holding up my handcuffed wrists I stood on the edge of the dropship ramp.
All around me everyone was working on some portion of their camp. They had constructed a wall around the whole dropship and a meat house. Plus many tents so they didn’t all have to sleep in the metal box. The only thing I could see they were missing was proper weapons.
Bellamy takes one long stride forward snagging my right wrist in his grasp cutting the ties with a small knife he had on his belt. “When we get back here these are going back on.”
“Do you really assume I’m so dangerous? I could be the weakest fighter you’ve ever seen.”
He raised his brows knowing I was being very sarcastic. “Nice try, Cassio. You took out three of my guys with a dart gun and held a knife to my throat.”
“So you did learn something from that day. Good I was beginning to worry I didn't scare you well enough.” I glared up at him, shifting my gaze to his deep chocolate eyes focused on me. We remained standing for about ten minutes until someone came over to us.
“Bellamy! Are we going to go kill something or not?” A guy with dark brown hair carrying a metal knife walked up. “What is she doing outside the dropship?”
Bellamy quickly separated himself from me. He handed me my weapon pack before turning his attention to the guy. “We're taking her with us, Murphy.”
“Why don't we just kill the grounder girl. We already have one chained up in the dropship and how are we supposed to know that she won't try and kill us the second we step outside of camp.” Murphy questions his leader.
The older man nodded his head to his right hand man, snagging my wrist leading me outside the camp walls with Murphy and a few other guys following behind us. “We're not going to kill her. And don't worry about her. I'll keep an eye on her.”
Our group trekked through the woods in silence looking for any animals that we could kill for dinner tonight. I wasn’t that familiar with this area. Living in Polis meant that we had hunting parties go out and return with food. I typically only tagged along with them in that specific area. Walking up the side of the hill I paused bending down on my knees I saw a deer standing a few feet in front of me eating some grass. Turning my head slightly around I saw Bellamy walking past me with an ax raised in his right hand till I jumped up snagging his wrist before he could swing it. “Hang on. You can’t do that.”
“I know how to kill something, grounder girl.” Bellamy grunted trying to fight against my type grip that my fingernails had on his wrist.
Murphy pointed his index finger at me in frustration. “I told you we shouldn’t have brought her with us!”
“I can handle her, Murphy.” The older leader intensely stared down at me. “Let go of me. You’re gonna scare off our dinner.”
Digging my fingernails deeper into his wrists that I was holding I pressed my nose against his. He needed to understand that I was trying to help him, even if he didn’t understand it yet. I certainly could just let him miss the deer and simply laugh in his face afterwards. “Shut up and listen to me, Blake. The way you’re currently holding that ax wouldn’t kill the deer. So if you want to bring food back to camp you better start listening to me!”
“You’re lying.” He shakes his head still not believing me.
With my freehand I snatched the weapon from his hand, stomping quickly around him before he could grab me and stop me from what I was about to do. Raising the ax above my hand with both my hands wrapped, the handle as I took a deep breath releasing it only after I launched the weapon forward. The ax went flying into the lower stomach of the deer before it slowly fell down dead on the forest floor. Proudly spinning around on my boots I smirked with my hands clasped behind my back. “Next time you refuse my help keep in mind I won’t be helping you.”
“I’ll be damned.” Bellamy cursed under his breath before the sky began slowly turning a dark yellow meaning the acid fog was coming from the mountain.
“Bellamy.” I shouted back at him.
He finally noticed the sky breaking in a sprint forward grabbing the back of my jacket and the others broke off into another direction for shelter. “There are caves this way!”
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dakotaawolven · 5 months ago
Part 2 of my The 100 phone wallpapers!
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welcome home
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phantomstatistician · 11 months ago
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Fandom: The 100
Sample Size: 38,844 stories
Source: AO3
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freikdreinaslaw · 1 year ago
Clarke : Kane control your children
Kane: I can do one of two things. I can be ambassador of skaikru or I can control the Blake siblings. I can’t possibly do both
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sapphicxg · 2 months ago
Are there still The 100 fans out there? I just discovered it and I need to discuss these two before I die.
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gif found here
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okmcintyre · 2 years ago
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5x04 | "We have a chance to do something better here. We're throwing it away"
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hd-junglebook · 1 year ago
Neutral 8
This part may suck BUT I am slowly trying to get back into the story so skim through this and don't be mean.
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You stared up at the endless blue sky, watching the clouds slowly drift by as the earth continued its endless orbit. The faint smell of burning metal filled your nose as a gentle breeze ruffled your hair. ‘I wonder if they'll ever find us down here,’ you thought, your hopes fading with each passing minute.
Around you, the search party members shouted to one another, their voices echoing off the mountainsides as they frantically pushed aside debris.
‘She can’t be dead. She hated me but she would never leave me like this. Why did I have to try to prove myself? Please come back...please,’ you silently pleaded, even as your weary body begged for rest.
Clarke mirrored your determined attitude, the dark circles on her face were more prominent in the bright sun while she meticulously scoured the debris strewn across the mountain.
Every step brought you closer to Clarke, her gaze fixed on some viscous liquid oozing from a ruptured container amidst the rubble.  
"Clarke," you called out softly, she turned to face you reluctantly meeting your gaze. "What’s wrong?" you asked, your curiosity piqued by the sight before you.
Without a word, Clarke gestured toward the oozing liquid, her expression troubled. You followed her gaze, crouching down as you took in the scene before you. The pink liquid dripping to the ground, its pungent odor assaulted your senses, causing you to recoil instinctively.
Suddenly, Clarke's voice shattered the tense silence, her cry of "Oh!" echoing through the desolate landscape.  Raven reacted swiftly, sprinting up the slope to join you both.
Her eyes were wide with concern as she assessed the situation, her sharp mind already racing to decipher the cause of Clarke's distress.
"Y/n, stop! Get away from there" Raven shouted as she reached your side. You both turned to Raven, her expression a mix of shock and disbelief. "Rocket fuel?" Clarke questioned.
Raven nodded grimly, her features drawn tight with concern. "Hydrazine... Highly unstable in its non-solid form. If this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist."
“Suddenly I don’t think that would be too bad.” You started, recovering from your crouched position beside Clarke. She shot you a sideways glance. "Are you serious?" Raven huffed with disbelief as she struggled to comprehend your words.
"Watch this," Raven declared as she reached for a nearby object. “Fire in the hole!” You and Clarke ducked for cover as Raven hurled it toward the pink liquid with a swift toss, the impact causing a small explosion that sent debris flying in all directions.
The explosion was deafening, and the heat was intense, but you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as the rocket fuel burned away.
Bellamy's commanding voice reached your ears, “We move in formation, no straggling, weapons hot. We've got to get back before dark," he bellowed like a clarion call to action.
Without hesitation, the group began to fall in line, their movements synchronized and purposeful as they prepared to venture back into the woods. You remained rooted to the spot for a moment longer, your eyes scanning the debris-strewn landscape one final time.
As you lingered amidst the wreckage, lost in thought, you felt a presence at your side. Bellamy had come up beside you, "that means you too, Hestia," he remarked, his voice softer now, laced with a hint of affection.
You couldn't help but smile at the nickname. "Just taking one last look," you replied, turning to face him. His soft eyes met yours, filled with warmth.
"We'll find her," he said, squeezing your shoulder reassuringly. "But not if you work yourself to exhaustion. Come on, let's head back." You nodded, allowing him to guide you away from the wreckage.
His hand dropped to the small of your back. He was right - you had been pushing yourself too hard. But you wouldn't stop looking until your mother was found.
Glancing back over your shoulder, you silently made that promise once more. Bellamy's hand pressed more firmly against you, as if he had heard your unspoken words.
Your heart pounded against your ribcage as you pushed your way through the throng of people. The air hung heavy with the oppressive heat of the sun, the stench of sweat and dirt permeating your nostrils. Bellamy walked ahead of the group, shoulders tense and his head held high while the rest of the group trailed behind.
 As you approached the gate, the commotion grew louder, the voices rising in pitch with each step you took. The gate creaked open with a deafening squeal, and Octavia emerged, her eyes wide with fear.
She swallowed thickly before rushing forward, “Bellamy...” she gasped, her voice barely a whisper.
You pushed your way towards the front where Clarke and Bellamy stood, “Octavia whats wrong?” you demanded. The three of you shared a look as everyone waited for her to speak. “We found something bell. Its in the dropship.”  
With that, Octavia turned and headed back inside, guiding the three of you into the ship. The camp's stragglers dispersed around the perimeter, their voices fading into the distance. You followed closely behind Octavia as she ascended the metal ramp, the sound of her heavy footsteps echoing through the cavernous interior.
Once you reached the top, Octavia pushed back the plastic tarp covering the entrance, your breath caught in your throat at the sight that met your eyes.
John Murphy lay slumped against a wall, his once-blond hair matted with dried blood. His eyes were closed, his face covered in an excessive amount of cuts and dirt.
You and Octavia exchanged a grim look. Murphy had always been a thorn in everyone's side, but he didn't deserve this. “Everyone but Connor and Derek out... Now!" Bellamy emphasized
"We caught him trying to sneak back into camp," Connor stated, his voice low but firm, eyes narrowed as he assessed Murphy's reaction.
Murphy's jaw clenched, his gaze flickering briefly towards Bellamy before returning to Connor. "I wasn't sneaking," he retorted, his tone sharp with frustration. "I was running from the Grounders."
Bellamy, arms crossed over his chest, stepped forward, his expression unreadable in the dim light. "Anyone see Grounders?" he questioned, his voice a blend of skepticism and curiosity.
Connor shook his head, his eyes darting around the cramped space of the dropship as if searching for any sign of the elusive enemy.
"Well, in that case--" Bellamy began, lifting his rifle at Murphy before you began to panic, placing yourself between Bellamy and Murphy.
Your gaze flickered nervously between the two men, uncertainty clouding your features as you struggled to find the words to intervene.
Murphy's fate hung in the balance, and though you knew his actions had been reckless and foolish, there was a nagging voice in the back of your mind urging you to spare him.
"Wait," you interjected, your hands trembled at your sides, fingers curling into fists as you searched desperately for a reason, any reason, to convince Bellamy to show mercy. Bellamy's gaze softened slightly; his expression thoughtful as he considered your words.
"We were clear what would happen if he came back," Bellamy reiterated, his tone firm, uncompromising.
You took a shaky breath, summoning all your courage as you spoke, your voice steadier now, but still laced with uncertainty. "We... we don't know the full story," you ventured, your words hesitant but earnest. "Maybe... maybe there's more to it than we realize."
Clarke's voice sliced through the tension that had settled over the group like a sharp blade. "No," she declared, Clarke stood tall, her stance resolute, her eyes locking with Bellamy's in a silent challenge. "Y/n is right."
The soft glow of the flickering firelight illuminated her features, casting a warm, golden hue across her determined expression.
Bellamy's jaw tensed, his gaze bore into hers, as he bristled at Clarke's assertion. "Like hell he is," he retorted, his tone laced with frustration. "Clarke, think about Charlotte."
You couldn't stay silent, not when the memory of Wells's death still lingered like a specter in the shadows of their minds. "We are thinking about Charlotte," you interjected, your voice cutting through the charged atmosphere with a bitter edge. "Or did you forget what she did to Wells?"
Clarke knelt down beside him, her fingers grasping Murphys hand, she flexed It back and forth. “He's not lying,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “His fingernails were torn off. They tortured him."
Bellamy hesitated, torn between his sense of duty and the gnawing doubt that tugged at his conscience. Finally, with a resigned sigh, he relented, his shoulders slumping in reluctant agreement.
"Fine," he conceded, his voice heavy with resignation. "But if this goes wrong, it's on you." His gaze flickered toward Murphy, lingering for a moment before shifting back to Clarke and you.
“You need to practice shooting, Y/n. After yesterday, we can’t take any more chances with these grounders,” Bellamy insisted.
“And what if I don’t want to?” you challenged, a hint of defiance in your voice.
“I wasn’t giving you a choice,” he replied back just as fast, his words leaving no room for argument. You hid your giddy smile behind your hand as you followed Bellamy and the group to the makeshift shooting practice area.
Miller and Monroe lined up the empty ration cans, preparing for the practice. Clarke strutted over to join the group, picking up a gun and readying herself for the competition.
Sensing the competitive energy in the air, you accepted the challenge without a thought.
"On the count of three, I want you guys to start," Bellamy announced, his voice cutting through the chatter. You nodded in reply, feeling the weight of the rifle against your shoulder as you lined up your shot.
“One, two... three,” Bellamy counted, and with precision, you fired at the first tin. It flew back off the log with a satisfying thud to the ground.
Swiftly, you moved on to the next target, hearing Clarke finish her second shot. You took aim at the third can, your senses heightened as adrenaline surged through your veins.
Two shots sounded in quick succession, echoing through the clearing. Both you and Clarke hit the targets with pristine accuracy. The group cheered in approval. “Who needs men when you have us?” You joked to Clarke, gaining a big smile from her for the first time today.
shouts and cries rang out from the perimeter. "Clarke! Where's Clarke?" Connor's voice, hoarse with desperation, his words punctuated by fits of coughing. The sound sent a shiver down your spine, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end.
Clarke's brow furrowed in concern as she moved towards his voice, "Connor?"
"It won't stop," Connor's voice drifted through the air, strained and ragged, each word punctuated by the gut-wrenching sound of his coughs.
"Clarke! What's happening?" Raven's voice joined the chorus of cries, her tone frantic with worry. Your breath caught in your throat as you witnessed the sight that greeted Clarke's eyes.
Horror washed over you like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf you in its icy grip. "Oh, my God, Clarke, your eyes," you gasped, the words tumbling from your lips in a hushed whisper.
You moved instinctively to approach her, to offer whatever comfort and support you could in the face of such a devastating revelation. But Clarke's hand shot out, a silent barrier that pushed you and Raven away with unexpected force.
Her eyes, once bright and vibrant, now held a haunted emptiness that sent a shiver down your spine. The color seemed to have drained from them, leaving behind only a dull, lifeless gaze that spoke volumes of the horrors she had witnessed.
Clarke's hurried footsteps echoed against the metal floor of the dropship as she entered, her senses on high alert, her eyes scanning the room with an intensity that made your heart race. You followed closely behind, the weight of worry pressing down on you like a leaden cloak.
Murphy's presence loomed in the corner of the room, his figure tense and apprehensive as he attempted to blend into the shadows, a futile effort to evade Clarke's keen gaze. The air crackled with tension as she approached him.
"Murphy, hey, look at me," Clarke's voice was soft yet firm, cutting through the silence like a knife. She reached out, her hand gently gripping his shoulder as she sought to anchor him in the midst of his mounting panic.
Murphy's gaze flickered nervously, his muscles tensing beneath her touch as he met her unwavering stare. "I need you to tell me exactly how you escaped from the Grounders," Clarke continued, her voice steady despite the turmoil swirling within her. "What happened?"
Murphy swallowed hard, shifting his weight uneasily. "I don't know," he admitted, his words coming out in a rush as if he were desperate to convince her of his innocence. "I woke up, and they forgot to lock my cage. There was no one there, so I took off."
Clarke's brow furrowed in confusion, a hint of skepticism creeping into her expression as she processed Murphy's explanation. The pieces of the puzzle seemed to shift and blur before her eyes, leaving her grasping at fragments of truth in a sea of uncertainty.
"Bellamy, stay back," you urged, your voice tinged with urgency as you moved to position yourself between him and the infected. Bellamy's brow furrowed in confusion, his gaze flickering between you and Murphy as he struggled to make sense of the situation. "Did he do something to you?" he questioned, gripping the rifle tighter in his hands.
You shook your head. "What the hell is this?" Bellamy demanded, his tone edged with frustration as he glared at Clarke, searching for answers in the depths of her haunted gaze.
"Biological warfare," Clarke stated, wiping her hands down her face in distress. “You were waiting for the Grounders to retaliate for the bridge? This is it. Murphy is the weapon." Bellamy's eyes widened in disbelief, the realization seemed to hit him like a physical blow, his shoulders slumping in defeat.
Clarke's revelation settled over the dropship like a suffocating blanket, a heavy silence descended upon the room, punctuated only by the sound of their ragged breathing.
Suddenly, the world seemed to blur around you, the edges of your vision blurring as if obscured by a thick fog. Your senses swam in a dizzying whirlpool, the world tilting precariously on its axis as you struggled to maintain your balance.
A bead of sweat trickled down your forehead, tracing a path down your flushed cheeks as the heat of the moment pressed in upon you like a tangible force. Your breath came in ragged gasps, your chest rising and falling with each shaky inhale.
With trembling limbs, you moved away from the group, climbing the narrow ladder of the dropship's interior. Your breath came in ragged gasps, the air thin and suffocating as you ascended to the third floor. Finally reaching the top, you stumbled into the cramped space of the third floor, the dim light casting long shadows across the metal floor.
Alone at last, the tears flowing freely from your eyes as you collapsed to the floor. Your knees cracked uncomfortably beneath the weight of your body. The tears mingled with the blood that trickled from your eyes.
you let out a choked sob, the sound echoing in the empty space around you. The tears continued to fall, unchecked and unbidden, as you surrendered to the overwhelming despair that threatened to engulf you.
"Will you stop crying?" it scoffed, dripping with disdain. Your eyes snapped open, scanning the empty expanse of the room in search of the face behind the voice.
But there was nobody there, just the echo of the words hanging in the air like a ghostly whisper. Confusion clouded your thoughts as you shook your head, trying to dispel the illusion that had taken hold of your mind.
A sudden weight settled on your shoulder, causing you to gasp in surprise. A hand, firm yet comforting, pressed against your trembling form.
Slowly, you turned your head, your heart pounding in your chest as you prepared to face the unknown presence behind you. And there, standing before you, was Diana Sydney, your mother.
The sight of her sent a jolt of shock through your system. Her hair was no longer the blonde that you once envied, once a shimmering cascade of blonde, was now charred and matted, wisps of smoke still clinging to the strands.
And her skin, once flawless and porcelain, was marred by angry red burns accompanied by the smell of char.
“Mom.” you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper as you reached out tentatively, as if afraid she would vanish into thin air at the slightest touch. For a moment, you simply stared at each other, the silence between you heavy with unspoken emotions.
The sudden sharpness of the voice shattered the fragile moment like glass, snapping you back to reality. "Do you ever shut up, y/n?"
"No," you replied. "I don't."
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theafictionados · 1 year ago
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Every Afictionados Best Line Award (Sam)
The 100 Episode 208: Spacewalker by the Afictionados Podcast Network
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druidberries · 1 year ago
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back at the ranch, everyone helped out before dinner, but someone was missing...
previous // next
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starryaugust · 6 months ago
Abby and Marcus right before they go to earth in the last episode of the first season but it's Bruce and Selina, who even tho are not together anymore, and their relationship is complicated as hell, still deeply care for each other that it pains them to picture life without one another.
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