#grian's basically a fallen angel!
pinkflames · 2 years
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My nerdass can't handle this
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Just a bunch of species headcanons for the hermits! Also they are all either gods/immortal for fun :)
Xisuma (he/void): Voidwalker prince. Knows he's immortal. One of the oldest immortals
Grian (he/parrot/chirp/they): Parrot hybrid, Head/First Watcher. Minor god of chaos. Has lived a thousand lives. Treats YHS as a joke because why not?
Mumbo (he/him): Half Watcher, minor blood god. Does not know he's a god. Eats redstone for fun, scares his friends because of it.
Scar (he/it/vex): Vexling elf (Vex with allay magic). Does not know he's a god. Was born in Riverdale, kidnapped at a young age.
Pearl (she/her): Half-Watcher/moth hybrid. Also knows she's a god, actually likes the Watchers.
Impulse (he/they/yellow): Demon. Very much knows he's immortal, wishing that he isn't because he doesn't want to watch his brothers die. One of the oldest hermits
Tango (he/magma/they): Netherborn avian, Listener hybrid. Party knows he's a god. His Listener traits aren't visible and more of a development from the experience that was his high school to keep him fucking alive
Zed (he/void/wool): Harbinger of the Nether. Knows he's immortal. Looks like a basic sheep hybrid but also has demon wings and black blood!
Gem (she/her): Faun. Thinks she might be a god but it would mean her brothers aren't. Also has magic and can world-hop!
Etho (whatever vibes work for you): Voidling (Voidborn changeling), Watcher. Knows he's a god, could care less. First player turned Watcher. One of the first players
Iskall (they/he/she + some neos): Cyborg (also something else. I don't fucking know anymore). Doesn't care about gods, marked by the God of the Hunt.
Doc (he/it/blast): Creeper/goat/cyborg. Can and will fight the gods, Xisuma hopes that he doesn't find out he is immortal (he knows).
Ren (he/pup/they): Wolf-shifter. Knows he's the god of the Hunt. Idk this dude is cool
Bdubs (he/sun/sky): Glare/phantom hybrid, also has a connection to plants. God of the sun and flaunts it. Also is a full blooded Listener
Stress (she/leaf/spring): Nature spirt. Knows that she's immortal. Looks like a cinnamon roll, would kill you.
False (she/wing/they): Avian, with golden eagle wings. Does know she's a god, could care less.
Cleo (she/they/rot): Zombie hybrid. Knows she's immortal. Spites her old friends by getting attached to Joe. Also one of the oldest players
Joe (any pronouns): Angel of life. Known immortal. Just vibing with the soul he was meant to harvest.
Jevin (he/it/slime): Slime hybrid. Doesn't know he's immortal. Honestly idk much about him
Cub (he/it): Allayling (allay with vex magic.). Doesn't know he's a minor god. Claims to be a vex for fun.
TFC (he/ender): Ender dragon hybrid. Knows he's a god. Brothers with Notch and Herobrine.
Beef (he/they/it): Cow hybrid. Doesn't know he's immortal. He is basically just existing. Gotta love it.
Keralis (they/he/black/empty): Watcher!. Knows he's immortal. I also know next to nothing about this dude
Xb (he/river/fish/they/it): Guardian hybrid. Doesn't know he's a god. Idk fish
Hypno (he/they): Fire sprit. Could care less about being immortal.
Wels (he/him): Angel hybrid. Knows he's immortal. Hates being an angel because they are a bunch of stuck up beings.
Bonus (5) Helsmits:
Ex (he/they/void/end): Voidwalker prince, 2/3 Watcher. Yeah knows their immortal
Hels (they/it/he/fire/blaze/hell): Fallen angel/Watcher. Same as Wels tbh. But 10x worse because Wels escaped and Hels suffered.
Badtimes (he/blue/xe/they): Allayling! Also a Listener! Just vibing :D
Xornoth (they/it/red/dark/vine/he): Demonic elf! Demigod and just out there living vines life
Grain/Ariana Griande (she/it/chirp): Watcher! She knows it's immortal! (trans mtf not important to the hybrid sheet but important to me <3)
I went nuts with pronouns the rest of the helsmits have so much more I'm holding myself back bc I'm being forced to bed :( - 🔮🍄
(also i’m so sorry this is from jan 2023)
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So...I've reached 100 followers now (wowie, thanks guys <3) so I've decided to do a little poll to figure out what AU I work on next!
I'm working on a fic for the tiny apartment AU at the moment, but I'm close to finishing it. My plan was to take a little break from that AU once the fic is posted and work on something else (pizza AU?) but I've decided instead that I'll let my followers decide what they want to see from me!
I have...a lot of options. Including tiny apartment AU, since I'm certainly not opposed to working more on it! I've just been kinda focused on it a lot lately, and I have other AUs. But if enough people want me to keep working on it, well...I won't say no.
I have...a lot of options. I'll give brief summaries of each one to help you decide what you want the most! Some also have more written for them than others, while others still are much longer than others (one AU I have dubbed the "longfic" since...well, it's going to be long).
Below the poll is a summary of the AUs, in the order that they appear in the poll.
Pizza AU
The AU in which Grian works at a pizza place and Scar comes in every week at a ridiculous hour to get a pizza. Found here. This fic is fully outlined, though I've not written much for chapter 2.
Tiny Apartment AU
The one you all know and love. No? Just me? Oh well. I still have a LOT planned for this AU. So many WIPs I've started and still other fics for the series I have planned but haven't actually started. If this wins, I might do another poll with some of the WIPs and let y'all decide which one to work on from there. Maybe.
Lifeguard AU
This one's a fun one! Scar works as a lifeguard. Pearl does, too, and one day she drags her brother (Grian) out of the house and convinces (bribes) him to go with her. He complains the whole way there...until he gets a look at Scar. And when Scar's shift ends and he goes to talk to Grian, he decides that maybe going out of the house to the pool isn't the worst idea. I don't have much for this AU yet. I've started it, but it's not a lot, and I only have some ideas for some scenes. This one also has t4t scarian. just 'cause. Both are transmasc
Called such because...well, it's gonna be long. It's currently at about 7k words. Technically it's the long series - it'll be a series of fics that span over the entirety of the life series. Each fic is a season, and it also features some stuff back on Hermitcraft in between each. For now, I'll just work on 3rd life. Oh, also, it's mainly from Scar's POV (though there will likely also be a fic with some scenes from Grian's POV). Basically a deep dive into 3rd life, with canon scenes and some of the...in between.
Royalty AU
Scar is a prince, and Grian the knight assigned to be his bodyguard. Except it's really more to keep him in line, because Scar has the tendency to go off and do his own thing, so his parents assign Grian -someone known to take no shit and takes his duty very seriously - as his bodyguard. At the start, they don't really like each other that much. Over time, though, they get closer. Much closer.
Fallen Watcher AU
You guys remember that guardian angel AU? This is that but I've reworked it a bit. Rather than being a guardian angel, Grian is a Watcher. He's put in charge of Watching Scar. The Watchers have some sort of plan I haven't quite figured out yet, but it involves Scar dying. But Grian...has grown attached to him. He doesn't want Scar to die. But as a Watcher, he's not allowed to do more than just Watch. But he interferes anyway, saving Scar's life, and the Watchers are furious so they cast him out. So now he has to deal with being mortal all while the guy he saved the life of keeps flirting with him.
Ranchers fic
Something that's...not scarian! Wow. Nobody tell them but this is mainly for Grace. It's a double life ranchers fic with (poorly) hidden injury. Since...well, kind of hard to hide an injury when the other can feel your pain.
So...yeah! There's the AUs for this poll. I have more, of course, but these are sorta the main ones. Whichever wins I'll work on after I finish a tiny apartment AU fic. Depending on which AU wins, I may also work on the second place winner alongside it. We'll see.
You're also free to reblog to try and rig it! Bribe people. Try to convince others to vote. do whatever idc have fun
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zzzaru · 1 year
MCYT angels and devils au, clingyduo edition!
(cw bright colors)
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- scars from [fallen angels], happened when he was only 10
- best friends with tommy and ranboo
- basically dsmp! tubbo but a little less traumatized lmao (even with the scars)
- 17 y/o
- scar and grian adopted him
- devil
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- tango and jimmy look after him
- looking for his mother, clara
- 16 y/o
- dsmp! tommy basically cept without much trauma
- best friends with tubbo and ranboo (ranboo reluctantly)
- devil
will be posting more character stuff later in the week!
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francis-writes · 1 year
CW: Death mentioned.
This is a very weird thought but I have been thinking about Watcher AU Claude Frollo.
So Watchers are essentially a demi-god like creature within Minecraft fan lore, more specifically Minecraft Youtuber fan lore, stemming from Grian. It’s also interesting that Watchers’ Biblical reference implies that Watcher!Frollo is a sort of fallen angel.
Watchers created a world in which people have three lives. (Yes this is a 3rd Life SMP series AU lol) When people are on their last life, they become bloodthirsty and hostile. Watchers created the world to prey on the anguish from all the betrayals and all the bloodshed. Watcher!Frollo, craving human connection, decided to go against Watchers’ code and joined the world himself (watchers are forbidden to interfere their own creation).
So in my little Minecraft YouTube series rip-off AU, Frollo met other Disney villains there. The villains have no magical powers other than anything Minecraft mechanics grant them (including Frollo, who was one of the creators of this cursed world). Frollo accidentally shot Jafar (on his 1st life) to death when Jafar was chased down by a pack of skeletons. He felt guilty over this, deciding to “serve his life” to Jafar until Frollo loses his first life as well.
……then Jafar accidentally jumped off an cliff and there goes his second life. Frollo is forced to become a mercenary of rampaging Jafar (last life curse), thinking to himself every day that creating this cursed world and joining it himself is the worst idea ever while doing all the killing, torturing, and burning with Jafar. The duo is chaotic and unstoppable despite Jafar foolishly threw his first two lives and Frollo is basically his reluctant sidekick and they secretly hate each other and it’s toxic relationship at it finest but they can’t leave each other.
When Frollo eventually lost his own first life with an arrow to his heart at a worldwide war, his first reaction is not “screw it, I finally lost my first life so by my own promise, I am FREE from Jafar”……NOPE he goes straight back to their base in the desert for another mayhem and more tnt minecarts.
Thank you again for my weird fan fic idea. I know your blog normally don’t do non-romantic ideas here, but still want to share with you.
Thanks for sharing! It's very interesting, even though I am not a specialist in terms on Minecraft (I'm more a sims person and recently I made Frollo a serial killer in my little sims world but nvm)
Also... Frollo and Jafar is literally my favourite duo. I have them both on my wallpaper. I don't know what do they have in common (old evil men?) but I always like to think about them working together... or just annoying each other
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elytrans · 3 years
okay so this is all just fanon but in the Watcher!Grian version of Last Life canon to Martyn's POV it is established that Grian is defying the Watchers by participating in the game. the Watchers are compared both in canon and fanon to angels. therefore one can reasonably compare Grian to a rebel angel. winged!Grian is a very popular fanon concept in both Hermitcraft and Last Life, but in Last Life if he has his wings he is unable to fly. while this is explained in-game by the lack of elytra, various reasons are given in fan content. so, i submit for your consideration: Grian is unable to fly in Last Life because he is basically a fallen angel, and either had his Watcher powers stripped from him or damaged his wings in the process of his rebellion against the will of the other Watchers.
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scp-10000 · 3 years
On Hermits and Hels Versions
Ever since Welsknight made the first episode with Helsknight, tumblr went wild making Hels versions of the other Hermits, and now it’s time for me to share my various Hels ideas.
Quick content warning for Biblically Accurate Angels, body horror, psychological horror, and general horror.
I’m starting out by saying I basically consider Hels creatures demons, and if I remember right, Wels partially based Hels off demons.  If I remember right Wels also stated Hels was just as strong as him, and has all the same skills and abilities(might wanna keep this in mind for later) barring one thing I’m adding.  I rewatched the first Helsknight video, and if I’m interpreting the data right, Hels existed in some form before he showed up as both the darkness and negative emotions buried deep inside Welsknight and in another dimension Wels may have never been before.  He just needed a flesh body to come and interact with the world Wels exists in.  
Before we continue, I wanna say my original plans were to send this all to @hermitcraftheadcanons, but it got waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay long, and I wanted to send some to @cooler-cactus-block back when they were asking for Hels Mumbos, but again it was long.  I’m just writing this all down on my blog and yeeting it out into Hermitblr and atting them in case they wanna see this.
Here’s where I play around with Hels Lore cause it’s fun.
Let’s start with how Hels beings were created.  You see, when angels fell after their rebellion, parts split off of the fallen angels, and those parts became demons.  The main body of the angel, if they survive the fall, becomes a devil that can loosely control the demons, and I say loosely cause the best way to control those demons is to promise them chaos and violence.  If the angel doesn’t survive to devilhood, the body breaks up on impact become general fiends who just run around doing their own evil deeds.  And there is a fourth being born from the fall of these angels, the Hels, named after the dimension they were born in.  Hels are formed from the burning dust of the fallen angels as they split apart, and if you go off the Christian interpretation 1/3 of the angels fell there’d be a lot of dust, before eventually coalescing into the malevolent beings we know and love.  They stay as vague evil energy feeding off the negative emotions of players before one of them eventually jumps to the real world to torment the player they latched to for more negative emotions to feed off.  
Some more random facts.  The Hels are the only ones named after the dimension cause they’re the only fiends who don’t have any memory of formally being an angel, just a lot of evil energies; to them, Hels has always been their home, and they can’t think of anywhere else.  Funnily enough, Helsknight wasn’t the only one trying to latch onto Welsknight.  A few more wanted him, but after Hels latched, the others couldn’t, even after Helsknight dies.  Also, all but the devils are afraid of angels(and I don’t just mean the feathery winged pop culture ones, I’m also talking the ones who have to say “Be Not Afraid” before showing up.)  Final random fact, all the fiends of Hels, just like the angels they descend from, and eldritch beings are all immune to fae magic, and fae can’t have Hels counterparts.  Hels beings usually attack fae just like they would attack humans.
Now that we know how Hels beings were created, let’s talk about some Hels counterparts.  Warning before I go in, a lot of them may not have Hels counterparts, weather it be because they can’t, the counterparts died or if we don’t have any other clue.  Also, fair warning, I don’t consider characters like Worm Man, Zeddeath, Grim Dog, Ren Bob, or others Hels versions.  They’re more their own thing to me.
Grian, Hypno, Iskall, Keralis, Ren, Beef, xB- Hels Dragon, a dragon worse more brick shittingly terrifying than the normal ender dragon, was out hunting one day and found all of their Hels at a portal ready to jump out and bond with their Hermit, and while they were all distracted, it snuck up on them and ate them.  A lot of them did die, but a few snuck into the dragon's tissues alive, but unable to leave.  They float around in the dragon's body, and occasionally taking over the mind for short periods of time before the dragon takes back control.  There are theories that if a Hels binds with their Hermit while inside the dragon's body, they'll fully take over, kicking the dragon out of the mind and stealing its powers, or if all of them are in the mind and try to bind with their Hermits, they'll all argue instead of getting anything done, cause most of the Hels don't like each other, and the dragon will be stuck listening to them all argue and won't be able to do literally anything.  Like yes, let’s become flesh in already existing flesh.
Gem and Stress- Due to them being Fae, they don’t have Hels counterparts.
Cub and Scar- They also don’t have Hels counterparts, but they do have Allay counterparts, BadTimesWithScar and CardinalHater531.  Funnily enough, both have spent time in Hels, but that’s because Allay were captured by Hels fiends as labor and food, somehow having a shorter life expectancy and worse quality of life than the average Vex.
DocM77- He does have a counterpart, DarkM77 I know I’m so good at names/s.  He’s a buff cyborg creeper just like Doc, but he stands at 7′7 [insert Doc’s compensation joke from Season 6 here]  and has Warden horns.  He loves fucking up other people’s redstone especially if he can make it lethal.  
Bdubs- Baddouble001, or Baddubs for short I know,  I know, I can’t name characters is somehow shorter than Bdubs, but he gets just as angry if you bring it up.  He can also manipulate plants(both overworld and nether), and really likes binding people in vines and slapping with a cactus crop for calling him short.  He’s done it to Scar a few times.
Joe Hills- No one’s sure what Joe Hells is actually like.  Some say Herobrine is Joe’s Hels.  Some say Joe is Herobrine’s Hels.
TFC- Somehow, TFC outlived all the Hels that could have latched onto him.  That is until a new one is born 20 years ago.  Aluminum, or Alu, is the first new potential TFC Hels, and he became flesh and is now running around covering things in aluminium foil cause he has no idea what to do.
Mumbo- This is a weird section cause I already made an Evil Mumbo, but after some thinking, he may or may not fit with being a Hels based off what info I put in this post.
Xisuma, and Evil Xisuma- No one’s sure weather EX is a ture Hels, and this was further complicated by Evil Evil Xisuma sending Evil Xisuma a letter saying “Hey stupid, I’m your Hels.”
False- She has True, but True is just False’s cousin, but neither of them can remember from which side.  False does sometimes borror her clothes and go into Hels Kitchen calling herself AllSymetry just to get some fire food and beat fiends at arm wrestling.  Sometimes Hels will taunt her about seeing her Hels at the kitchen, but sometimes, he talks about seeing her on days she didn’t go.
Etho- Hermits sometimes see his Hels as a blur rushing out of the corner of their eyes.  Sometimes some of someone’s stuff goes missing.  Sometimes it turns up in another Hermit’s base.  Sometimes Hermits fall victim to traps.  The Hermits notice this and blame the currently nameless Hels Etho.
Zedaph- If a Hels Zedaph ever pops up, fucking run.
Impulse- Impy actually comes from Hels, but isn’t considered a Hels, Fiend, Demon, or Devil.  You see, when the angels fell, a lot of their good and righteous nature burnt off and scattered into the atmosphere.  It floated around for a while convincing fiends to do some good deeds as it went.  While floating, it found places where positive vibes like joy and friendship slipped into Hels.  Eventually, the goodness found a large place that leaked a lot of good vibes, and it settled down and formed into Impulse.  Devils, Demons, and Fiends often attack on sight cause they sometime see the former angle they were in him, and Hels attack him cause they just hate how sweet and good he is.
Tango- Out of Team ZIT, Tango’s Hels was the only one to show up.  Salsa Dance, is a guy dressed in blue with the only spicy part of him being the fact he’s so intensely jealous of the fact Tango has both the ability to make good games and friends to play games with he wants to kidnap a few of them to play some of his shotty games and get some praise, and no, he will not take constructive criticism, Impulse; the game is perfectly fine; you just have too high standards cause you play with Tango.
Pearl- PearlescentMoon’s Hels counterpart PearlescentSun is a being who gains strength from daylight or bright light.  She’s the kind of monster who you try to defeat by turning on the lights only to realize you just made her more powerful.  She also doesn’t turn outsides upside down, only insides.
Jevin- Jevin is a weird case cause he does have Hels trying to latch to him, but none of the have so far do to him being a slime.  A few tried learning through magma cubes, but a Hels, even in energy form, can’t possess any nether mob.  A few were gonna try overworld slimes, but the EX event happened before they could, and now they have no idea what to do, but are pissed at EX.
Zombie Cleo- Cleo terrifies all the fiends of Hels on her own.  No demon loves destruction and carnage enough to summon Hels Cleo.  No random fiend thinks it’s worth it to summon her.  No devil is arrogant enough to control a Hels Cleo.  No Hels thinks she’d even be one of them.
And yet, a Hels that could become Hels Cleo is out there...waiting.
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thatoneao3writer · 2 years
Okay, so, we’re starting where we left off, which, as a reminder, is with Foolish and Herobrine in a cave with a body to bury and a newborn to take car of. Of these two things, the easiest to deal with is probably the dead body. Both of them have significantly more experience with corpses than with children. (They bury Lucia the same way they did in timeline a).
Now, in timeline a, Foolish and Herobrine got a lot closer after the whole “fighting off the Crimson” incident for three reasons. One, they spent a lot of time together while investigating and preparing.
Two, Herobrine got possessed. For Herobrine, the fact that he had somehow managed to break out of the Crimson’s control rather than kill Foolish really nailed down how important Foolish was to him. For Foolish, being in a situation where Herobrine was attacking him, where he could’ve easily justified killing him, but didn’t, because he didn’t want to managed to do the same thing for Foolish. The fact that both of them trusted each other enough that being forced to fight was so distressing kinda came as a shock to both of them.
Neither of the above two points change in timeline d. The third point, which is that they bonded over dealing with the fact that they had failed, doesn’t. Because while they didn’t succeed at rescuing Lucia, they at least managed to keep Saint away from the Crimson. Instead, they ended up bonding over suddenly having to take care of a baby together.
Speaking of which. Neither of them actually know how to take care of a baby. Foolish maybe vaguely remembers helping take care of his younger siblings, but that was well over 3 millennia ago by this point, so he doesn’t actually remember it super well. Herobrine has never had to deal with children in his life. So uh. Needless to say, things are a bit rough at first. But they figure it out eventually.
d!Bad (I’m assuming he picked up that nickname at some point, and it just stuck, because I can’t think of an alternative other than Saint, and I doubt Foolish and Herobrine would call him that) had a fairly happy childhood, with two loving, if a bit chaotic, parents. The Eternal Duo timeline plays out mostly as normal up until 1945, except they ended up moving in together a lot earlier due to the whole “jointly adopting a child” thing. (Before officially moving in, Herobrine just spent all his time at Foolish’s. Foolish said he could take care of Bad alone if Herobrine wanted to leave, but Herobrine pointed out that Foolish definitely couldn’t, because babies are a lot of work, and Foolish’s sleep schedule is shit in the best of times. He didn’t want to admit that despite his… initial misgivings, he had gotten attached to Bad very quickly).
Other than that, the main difference in their lives is just that Bad is there for most of it. Even after he technically was an adult, he still kinda stuck around the same general area, at least.
When the plague hit, Bad was in his late teens (in demon years). He helped Herobrine in the plague hospitals and with the quarantine efforts. He probably got the plague at least once. He also helped Foolish with designing buildings and stuff. During the Renaissance, he hung around with a lot of the great inventors and artists and thinkers that Herobrine and Foolish were friends with.
Because Herobrine relies so much on demonic magic and spells, I can’t see him not teaching a lot of that to Bad, even if Bad, unlike him, has other very powerful abilities to fall back on. a!Bad knows a fair amount of demonic magic, but d!Bad knows significantly more. Additionally, because Herobrine is friends with Grian, Bad probably grew up with Grian as “the cool uncle who stops by occasionally.” The Crimson doesn’t know that Bad’s mom was a fallen angel, so in timeline a, neither does Bad (up until the reveal, anyway), but timeline d, Bad does. Grian probably taught him a fair amount of angelic magic.
Basically. d!Bad can use his powers a lot better than a!Bad, and also, due to the lack of trauma associated with them, he uses them a LOT more casually.
Side note: you may be wondering why the Crimson doesn’t just try to mind control Bad and/or Herobrine from the nether. We know that Grian knows a spell to keep demons (or angels, technically) from being mind controlled. (This was why Bad and Sapnap didn’t get taken over immediately in the Crimsonpocalypse.) So basically, Grian performed that spell on both Bad and Herobrine the first time he ran into them after the whole adoption thing happened in the first place.
Fencer I Love this timeline so far
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thatoneao3writer · 3 years
As the Official Note Taker, I can say with a reasonable degree of confidence that Tell’s idea that Grian was once an Orange Lantern would work timeline wise. It’s been established that Grian was already a Green Lantern by the time Herobrine arrived on Earth, which was shortly before human civilization became a thing that existed. So it would’ve definitely been a really long time ago.
But also, Herobrine’s arrival on Earth is the oldest semi-concrete date that I have on my timeline. Any older than that, and everything’s relative. It goes basically as follows:
Karl and Kristin, being ageless and eternal respectively, have, at least in theory, been around as long as the universe itself.
Some time after this Xisuma, being one of the original species that are the common ancestor for demons, angels, and most eldrich beings (such as in and othe), is born.
The barriers between end, Nether, and “overworld” dimensions finally reach the point where they are too difficult to cross, separating that original species into three populations, which would eventually evolve into angels, demons, and assorted eldrich entities respectively.
The Crimson is born
Lucia is born
Grian is born (but he would’ve gone by Xelqua back then)
Herobrine is born
(Keep in mind that those last three dates are a bit flexible and mostly just in that order because I needed an order to put them into).
Basically, since everything is relative, in many cases, thousands of millennia may have passed between the events described in the above points. So there is definitely time for Grian to have spent some a while as an Orange Lantern. Additionally, there are probably myths about it. Because myths.
It would probably make the most sense if Grian became an Orange Lantern either shortly before or shortly after his fall. I’m leaning towards the latter, because it provides a reason for him to have fallen in the first place. Maybe after he fell he had a bit of a crisis and joined became a Green Lantern, helping to found the Green Lantern Corps? We could use a bunch of the Evo people’s names as names for, like, random angels that pop up.
That's great to hear! I should really do a reread of the au because I am seriously losing track of everything but that's fine XD I'm just glad Fencer's taking notes lmfao truly the mvp of this au
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