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#-e=m/c2#neemdbss#greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel international#greyeyegabriel publishing#science#physics#speed of light#light#cern#lhc#travel
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Work so hard forgot how to vacation, they ain’t never had the dedication...
#dj greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel international#greyeyesgabriel publishing#music#videos#Post malone#Congratulations#Rap#hip hop#rapper#singer
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Sand Crane Crossing
#greyeyesgabriel art studio#greyeyesgabriel international#greyeyesgabriel#by greyeyesgabriel#photography#digital photography#Nikon#lake palestine#Chandler Texas#sunset
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The American Idiot
This morning was just like any other morning, I was waiting for my coffee to finish brewing and scrolling through my Facebook News Feed (I really should wait until I have some coffee first) mostly liking memes, thoughts, expressions, and mostly looking for interesting articles to read & share (which seem to come mostly from sponsored advertisements which have been “boosted” by Page moderators); as usual, I had to sift through political propaganda from the “two parties” opposing some political position of their opposing party members, validating what they believe to be truth with half truth and manipulation or outright lies. Mostly I would shake my head (smh), laugh out loud (lol), or make some kind of “reaction” other than just liking the post without explanation for my reaction; I try to avoid political debates on social media, most people are just looking to validate what they believe and will not change their opinions regardless of evidence contrary to their beliefs, it is a huge waste of time that devolves into childish behaviors. Typically if I express my views on a liberally slanted article, meme, or ideal, I become accused of being a conservative; ironically, if comment on a conservatively slanted article, meme, or ideal then I get accused of being a liberal; go figure, try critical thinker. Every now and then, however, I will place a truthful statement, a challenging remark, a seed of logic and walk away; sometimes arguments (which are nothing more than denials and ignoring what disturbs them) will go on for days without me ever saying another word; sometimes I wonder if they know they are merely arguing with themselves, seeking confirmation bias in a group think. There are actually people that believe the Earth is flat in this day and age, they believe it so much that they get angry and demonize you for being fulled by the grand and worldwide conspiracy and cover up of this flat earth; or people that claim United States astronauts never went to the moon (explain the mirrors, you can check them yourselves and measure the distance between the Earth and moon using the Theory of Special Relativity), I am seriously not making this up. But what disturbs me more than anything about the ignorant American Idiot that knows more about American Idol than they do about global politics, is that they pretend to know about American politics based upon the propaganda of their party affiliations; they don’t seem to realize the game of divide and conquer being purported on them, in which they are willing and active participants. Go ahead, just ask an American Idiot for their opinion on a political topic (religion is politics too) and what you will get is a parroting of something they heard or read or somewhere, something which was incorrect but confirmed what they already believe based upon their core beliefs and values; having them “share” or reveal their sources will demonstrate this fact of behavior, proving that they are incapable of independent thought, they need to be told what to think, what to wear, how to behave, and how to not harm themselves. They are adult children being ruled by a Nanny State of consciousness, they are so blinded by their beliefs that they refuse to see the faults of their affiliations, they perceive the “other side” as their enemies instead of their kinfolk; they are both manipulated to achieve a means, as both parties work against the people who complain and argue, but do absolutely nothing to make any kind of a change in their society or government. It seems Americans want to roll back time to the civil distress of the 1960′s, or even the 1800′s, or they want to be so “progressive” that even criminals that infringe upon their victims’ rights deserve protection and love, or that equality is the same thing as justice and liberty; they certainly aren’t willing to make the personal changes and sacrifices to make the positive changes which would take the power away from greedy corporations which are now their government, with their CEO in charge of the USA Inc. What I can’t comprehend is how they can’t see how they are all being played by both sides, you had a president who relieved government relegation enforcement on things like immigration and prohibition of marijuana (cannabis), and what was the results; they now have documented illegal immigrants, documented cannabis patients, and got everyone comfortable with coming out of hiding. So then we go from one extreme to the other, a racist black president going out, a white racist president coming into office; the former reversing everything the one before just did, and “cracking down” on all of these “criminals” breaking the laws that the former did nothing to actually change. Ironically, this allows the state prisons for profits programs to meet their quotas of at least 80% capacity to create prison labor camp sweat shops; slavery and manufacturing are very much alive in American society, they are just in lower global labor markets and this is how they do things in those communist dictatorships. Each appointed American Dictator in the fascist oligarchy which is all documented through the Supreme Court, Congressional Laws, as well as Executive Orders and Presidential Directives, have spoken about the advancement of the New World Order; ever since John F. Kennedy spoke about the Secret Societies attempting to infiltrate the American government, which got him assassinated by the CIA, which had already been infiltrated, the American “leaders” of the “free (yet heavily regulated and taxed) world” have spoken about the need to advance the corporate globalist agenda for and validate the need for a New World Order or New World Economic Order. Americans have watched as world trade has skyrocketed since 9/11 and two asbestos filled buildings were recklessly demolished and played like a terror attack on the citizens of New York City, as one of the biggest terror attacks a nation could pull on its citizens; they have watched as the majority of the American wealth is spent on large military contracts with select members of the corporate monopoly and military industrial complex. They have watched as the police of the world have been militarized and trained to be military combatants in a war zone, they even support a “border wall” to create their own open air prison, just like the Israel wall project to imprison Palestinians; or the fences of the Native American Reservations, nothing like being held captive on your own lands for hundreds of years, watching the genocide of your people, of your kinfolk. The American people are waking up to the horrors and reality of the world they have created by funding this machine, this empire; they are reaping the same results from their inaction that the majority of undeveloped nations in the world have felt under the false pretense of capitalist exploitation, they are losing their game of monopoly because they are playing with cheaters. Not only do they continue to play in a rigged game, they expect the cheaters to suddenly start playing fair and by the rules; but the cheaters have already changed the rules to their advantage, so they have no problem with that either. It’s that old Roman Empire philosophy, divided and conquer, bread & circus, incorporate all history into your own history, evolve history to reflect you as the greatest, convince people the invasion was a voluntary necessity which they desired, utilizing the greatest weapon of mass mind control ever conceived in the Holy Bible and the false religion of Christianity which is actually a hypocrisy unto itself because of the adoption of Christian teachings and philosophy; as a large majority of Americans choose to identify America as a “Christian Nation” which also contradicts their constitutional beliefs as the Constitution states that there is no official religion and all religions (including the Church of Satan) get equal protections, and yet they refuse to see things from this perspective. They refuse to see how their silence, their inaction, their allowance of their “representatives” to engage in such crimes against humanity is consent; supporting the troops abroad is support of the expansion of the globalist empire which has left you living in or near poverty and dependent upon a broken, dirty, corrupt, system of mafia domination. You think it’s bad, I live with these people daily; what I find kind of sad is that I see it spreading to the world, this sickness of ignorance and submission. Those who know that the evil empire is not the savior, police, or hero of the world, bringing freedom, democracy, and peace through superior firepower and mass destruction, while stealing the wealth and resources of every conquered nation; being the world’s leader in illegal gun and drug smuggling and manufacturing, while promoting an anti-drug and anti-gun agenda to create a lucrative black market. You don’t beat the system by becoming the system, you beat the system by exiting the matrix of delusional thinking, by admitting that your cognitive dissonance is caused by the truth in what is challenging your core concepts and beliefs; by learning how to discern truth from fantasy and fiction, by recognizing propaganda and programming for what it is, to understand that a practice of medicine is what keeps you ill, by changing your perspective. Instead of being unquestioning conforming slaves, you should be an independent thinker of critical thought process and logical, rational comprehension; this would be applied “common sense” to things that really don’t make sense, such as the concept that the sun has nothing to do with weather, climate change, global warming, or global cooling; the sheer arrogance to believe man is more powerful than the sun, all based upon beliefs rather than truth and knowledge. What does all of this complaining on social media accomplish, what is all of this awareness bringing, are you noticing change; if American’s think they are the heroes then who are they waiting for to come save them from the tyranny, overreach, oversight, and downright criminality of their own government? How much longer will they continue to fall for these Nazi campaign slogans of Hope, Change, Make (insert country here) Great Again, and the exact same political & technological ploys utilized by the Nazis to gain power in the first place, much less maintain power; how much longer will they continue to be divided by such insignificant distractions from the important things in their society and lives, how much longer will they continue their same rhetoric, expecting change without making any changes to themselves or their hypocritical thought process of self righteous entitlement of ignorant denial? In order to make a change you must be the change, no amount of government enforcement or public protest made any changes in American policy, the attitudes of the people change and that is what creates change; what is the point of complaint without solutions, I have plenty of solutions that most don’t want to even hear much less entertain. I could go into detail about my solutions here, but in a way this is a solution as well, especially if it gets some Americans to see themselves and make an aware change in themselves; if I did delve into solutions this article would more than double in size, we can sit and discuss problems all day long, but what would that accomplish in the world? All positive changes begin within and erupt from destruction of the old, in order for a plant to grow it must first be under stress and heat as a seed before it will explode out of its shell to grow and blossom, providing beauty and sustenance; plants also provide the oxygen that humans require to remain alive and breathing, while humans and animals provide the nutrients and gasses that the plants need to grow and produce the oxygen, it’s a symbiotic relationship, as is all life. Why do humans have this great desire to kill, they desire to kill bacteria and viruses whether beneficial to human longevity or not, plants, animals, and even each other; they desire to kill the earth with man made pollutants and chemical combinations, they kill insects because they find them dangerous or annoying, they even desire to kill themselves, whether slowly or quickly. What happened to the love, it seems to have been replaced with fear and rage against knowledge and understanding; it has been replaced with insult, offense, and self righteous indignation, with jealousy and envy, greed and gluttony. Love has been demonized, made filthy, dirty, something unclean; people no longer trust in love, instincts, or even knowledge, they only trust in themselves and their physical desires. What do people in America fear the most daily? Losing their cellphone, being without their cellphone, their cellphone losing its charge, is probably the greatest concern facing the general public of America; what would they do without their daily, willful participation, validation, and justification? How could they handle not knowing what to be outraged about next, what to voice their opinions about, how can they know how to identify themselves without someone telling them who they are, how will they know which products to consume and what is cool; how will they make fun of their children, or at least the children of parents grieving the loss of their children, how will they ever prove their holiness by talking shit about their neighbors? These things are important to Americans, these things define them, and they are proud to be like this, they are special in the world, unique, and they desire everyone to be just like them; no matter what their beliefs, since they refuse control themselves, they desire to control everyone else; or at least that is the way I see it.
#TheWayISeeIt...#greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel international#greyeyesgabriel publishing#by greyeyesgabriel#article#The American Idiot#2018#ignorance#denial#stupidity#cognitive dissonance#confirmation bias#confimation#refuse#refusal#blind#justice#equality#parties#party#politics#political#opinions#opinion#opinionated#personal opinion#blogs#blog#United States
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The Hunt
To chase in the hunt of noble deed, into forest dense of brambles and briars; away, galloping upon earnest steed, and as so, our hero triumphantly aspires.
Wherever tracks may go, he follows, longing for that perfect, final, fatal shot; for with the flesh, the soul, he swallows, finding sustenance as well as pleasure sought.
Becoming what we eat as we speak, hunter eats hunted, as each in kind; hunter becomes hunted, as we seek, as we hunt the hunted, hoping to find.
~greyeyesgabriel 2016
#greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel international#greyeyesgabriel poetry#greyeyesgabriel publishing#The Hunt#poetry#poet#author
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Beggars Choosing
Beggars can't be choosers. I have heard this phrase spoken by so many people in my life, I've used it myself; it has a ring of truth to it, after all, the point of begging is to receive whatever gift someone is willing to offer from their heart. You might be surprised by just how much gratitude a beggar will have for the smallest of things that others take for granted, that smile that you see on their face when you give them something is genuine; whether it's something as meaningless as money or as priceless as your time, a beggar will appreciate whatever you give to them. However, it is not an entirely true statement as the beggar can be a chooser, the beggar always has the choice of accepting the gift or rejecting the gift; since the gift comes from the heart or the emotional center, the gift speaks to the character of the giver. If the giver chooses to give generously from their heart and gives abundantly, then certainly the beggar would choose to accept graciously; if the giver chooses to share what little they have with the beggar, then of course the beggar will accept joyously; if the giver chooses to arrange a business arrangement with the beggar, then the beggar may accept or decline humbly; if the giver chooses to give trouble, then the beggar may choose to defend himself or flee. If our hearts are evil then it is evil which we will give, if our hearts are good then it is good which we will give; those whose hearts are divine give divinity, for those hearts do the will of God. The beggar is always just as free to choose as the giver is free to choose, it does not make the beggar evil to reject evil; it does not make the beggar wrong to choose, it makes the beggar equal. The choice is the key, for the choices which effect others the most are the choices which will affect you the most; what happens to the beggars when there are no givers left, then only the takers will be left to kill one another over pieces of the ground. Slaves are given all they need to keep them laboring, day and night they work keeping the machine going; while the masters reap the profits and spoils, managing the slaves with false hope. Slaves are grateful for all the master gives them, their purpose is to serve their master; but that hope feeds a desire for more, for all men desire to be master rather than equal. The ability to choose is the equalizer, all are equal in the right to choose their path; when the condition of the heart is honest, then truth becomes known, motives become pure, and grace becomes faith, manifesting peace within. Freedom begins within the mind, you cannot break the bonds until you see the chains; then it becomes easy to break the bonds, as others break their chains the free grows stronger. It is within the mind which battles are waged, internal conflicts become external problems; show me someone without problems and I'll show you someone without a heart, nothing but a logical brain. The beggar, the giver, the slave, the master, and all are equal in the ability to choose our own path; whether it may lead to the last taker left, or an abundant society of givers with no beggars.
#infidel gentile#greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel international#Gabriel B McBride#greyeyesgabriel publishing#Beggars Choosing#beggars#givers#takers#evil#good#charity#truth#honesty#freedom#free#slaves#master#god#heart#mind#will#free will#choosers#choice#decision#decide#think#choices#decisions
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Cypress Hill - Hits from the Bong [HQ] Time to sit back, chill, and rip a few hits from the bong...
#The Front Porch Committee#greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel international#greyeyesgabriel publishing#hits from the bong#Cypress Hill#fire it up#music#music videos#rap#Dj greyeyresgabriel#cannabis
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Isolated Heart from the Idiosyncrasy collection is now available, including poems from 2010 Begin Again...
#greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel international#greyeyesgabriel poetry#greyeyesgabriel publishing#poetry#love#broken heart#poet#poems#Gabriel B. McBride#author#Isolated Heart#The Red Book
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#bible#bible found in tornado#james 1 2-8#tornado#greyeyesgabriel#TheWalkingChurch#TheWalkingSpirit#The Walking Church#The Walking Spirit#God#Christ#Christian#Christianity#Van#Texas#Van Texas#greyeyesgabriel international#Reverend Gabriel B. McBride
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Changes & Updates
You may notice some changes on this blog soon, I have been updating and changing the designs of some of the greyeyesgabriel brands, this is one of the websites slated for design change to better compliment to the new format. Thank you for your patience during this remodel, it should be worth any hassles and provide a better user experience, along with more to offer than ever before.
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Right around ET where I stay... Bubba aka Big Guero ft. Skewl "HomeTown"
#Dj greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel international#Bubba aka Big Guero#Skewl#Home Town#Rose City#Tyler#Texas#903#rap#music#music videos
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#-e=m/c2#neemdbss#greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel international#greyeyesgabriel publishing#science#parallel universe
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Could it be, it feels like we’ve been waiting 10,000 years for a new album...
#dj greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel international#greyeyesgabriel publishing#music video#metal#rock#Tool#new album#2018#livewire#interview#Danny Carey#Legend of the Seagullmen
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How To Be Stupid
Denial without explanation, ignorance without investigation, is not the same thing as proving someone wrong; if you want to "discuss" something then you have to provide evidence, not speculative circumstantial reasoning or illogical assumptions, factual evidence to dispute what you deny and choose to ignore. If you are not willing to provide anything other than denial and ignorance without explaining why you believe what you believe, then perhaps you do not understand why you believe what you believe, you just believe it because you do; and you are not looking to understand, rather you are seeking to misunderstand and misinterpret in an attempt to confuse the conversation with circular logic and reasoning, distraction, or insult in order to achieve a confirmation bias in order to satisfy your cognitive dissonance to ease the discomfort of your core beliefs being challenged. Merely seeking out whatever justifies and supports your beliefs, whether half truth or straight up lie, as long as it is in agreement and alignment with your beliefs you accept it; anything else can be denied without investigation because you have already confirmed your opinion is the right one to have, then it doesn't matter how many times or who shows you truth or how your bias may be wrong, you will not accept what you do not believe.
This is why the ignorant will not admit they are behaving in ignorance, the ignorant who choose ignore this post because it doesn't fit their confirmation bias, do so because it disturbs their cognitive dissonance; therefore it is easier to ignore it and justify it with something like, "He doesn't know what he's talking about," or "He doesn't even have a degree," or even "Who is he talking about, I know he didn't just call me ignorant." The ignorant who choose to comment won't even realize that by commenting in insulted disgust and offense they have admitted that they recognize themselves and identify with being an ignorant person, nor will they realize how frustrating and annoying their flat denial and ignorance really is unless their main goal is to aggravate you; to push your buttons and get you as emotional as they are, the online equivalent to repeatedly poking someone in the chest and then blaming them for punching you in the face. In this manner they are able to manipulate the experience in their favor to spin the role of the victim, to demonstrate your poor character and inability to have a "discussion" with them, to discredit your character since they cannot disprove your message; when people ask, "What is wrong with people these days?" this is the answer, simply put, they choose to be stupid because they are ignorant.
#greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel international#greyeyesgabriel publishing#by greyeyesgabriel#TheWayISeeIt...#opinions#opinion#logic#reason#ignorant#ignore#ignorance#stupid#stupidity#denial#cognitive dissonance#disassociation#classification#labels#lies#truth#rant#antagonize#instigators#fools#fool#idiots#idiot#dumb#sheeple
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End of an Age
Such an order to chaos, structure and mass, a dance of the ages, from eons before; motion and time mixed, duality of cosmic class, from lifetime to next, all of infinity to adore.
Out of sync, out of balance, and out of tune, no harmony, consuming, producing waste; don't listen to that man, he's a loon, lowering emotional vibration, making haste.
Energy within all, by infinity combined, memory of conscious light, vortex within; a curve sublime, as pi, not linear aligned, potential kinetic, time to begin again.
~greyeyesgabriel 2016
#greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel international#greyeyesgabriel poetry#greyeyesgabriel publishing#End of an Age#poetry#poet#author
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Lake Palestine, Texas
I live south of a small town called Chandler, Texas; the actual place I live is where three towns meet, Chandler, LaRue, and Coffee City. I have a Chandler address but I actually live on the west side of Lake Palestine, it’s a beautiful place to live; I take a lot of photographs, but that’s a different blog. There is a town called Palestine in East Texas, it is south of Lake Palestine but you cannot see it from the lake.
There are over 20,000 people living along this side of the lake south of Chandler and north of Coffee City, if there is a wrong side of the lake, this would be it. I have lived in this area for over 30 years, I grew up in these neighborhoods; although I have lived in other places, I have always returned, I consider it my home. It is very different than the birthplace of the Messiah, the country once known as Palestine but recognised as Israel in current history; we don’t have as many Arabs or Jews here, but there is still a very strong Roman influence over our society.
I am known to say that Texas is the promised land, I do like living in Texas even if it can be rather backwards at times, especially in East Texas; I would rather work towards making Texas a better place to live than moving to another state, in fact, if I can ever make enough money, then I have plans to develop the area where I live. I write my books from my classic trailer house which sits on top of a hill, I can’t see the lake from my house, but it is within walking distance and all downhill; I have a lot of memories in this place, I’ve gained a lot of inspiration, and there is much I have learned in this small town in East Texas. One day I hope to build the largest solar powered skatepark in Texas right here where I live now, a park worthy of hosting the X Games; I would be more than happy to move in order to build a hotel on this property, and people should be more than happy to relocate with above market value offers on their property.
#infidel gentile#greyeyesgabriel#greyeyesgabriel international#greyeyesgabriel publishing#Lake Palestine#east texas#location#Chandler Texas#Coffee City Texas#LaRue Texas#places
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