#grew up in the south
alovember · 5 months
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Siblings!! the epitome of "ur the most irritating person I know and I'd reluctantly do anything for you"
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versasfanficwastedump · 5 months
i don’t care what you tell me. i don’t care what canon you cite: jason is a responsible gun owner.
his safes are always locked, and he’s got his guns and ammo stored separately. his guns never just sit around loaded except the one he uses for home security and it’s still locked up in a safe by his bed. he doesn’t point it at anyone he isn’t prepared to fatally shoot.
jason uses guns but he’s not an idiot.
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housecow · 19 days
Who says you have to be one or the other? I think you could have lots of fun transitioning between a housebound cow on oxygen and the fattest soccer mom possible. Maybe it’s all in the timing, maybe start out as a housebound cow and shift into soccer mom mode later.
okay, this is hot as fuck. getting to experience the limits of what my body can handle and then losing a portion of the weight—not too much, just enough to be easily mobile again, managing my health as well. but i’m still, what, 350-400lbs?
the whispers i’d hear from the other parents… “she’s such a fucking cow,” “how much do you think she weighs?” “there’s just so much… flab!”
and little do they know this is my lightest from the last few years. that i’d been 600lbs at some point, needing help up from bed and from anywhere i’d plopped down to feast. that my husband had plumped me up to obscene numbers, reveling in the fact i was dependent on him for almost everything.
my present soft, full, wobbling figure is the result of hard work. not only to get active, but in denying both myself and my spouse. we know what we want, but it’s for the kids now! they need a mom that can keep up with them. sure, i get winded easily, can’t see my feet or even past my tits, but this is an improvement!!
others just see my huffing and puffing as a failure, when it’s the opposite. it takes dedication. the extra wide folding chair i pull out at every soccer game was bought with pride, and the way my husband squeezes that back roll he gifted me is comforting.
sure, it still takes a lot of food to keep up with being 400lbs… i still eat like a pig. sonic shakes at every game and countless fast food runs before 3:30pm school pickup. i RSVP to neighborhood/school bbqs and they have to spend double the amount on food (we chip in!) but it’s all a labor of love!
plus, when it’s just my feeder and i, he gets to tease me about it all. talks about how hot it was when i needed the walker. how much of a shut in i was compared to now—“remember when you couldn’t even drive because your belly was in the way?”
he’d lay a hand on my still-formidabile tummy, stretched out from the hundreds of lbs and a few of his kids. i know he wants so badly to get me back there, i can tell what he’s thinking. and if he started that process—funneling every night, telling me what to eat and when—i wouldn’t be able to stop him. but we’re responsible :3
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mccromy · 25 days
Mu Qing is currently listening to a backlog of prayers one of his deputy officials tossed aside as unimportant, just in case Xie Lian prayed to him these past few centuries and he missed it. Until now, all of them are asinine, but he keeps going, though he's starting to zone out until he hears a child's voice:
"Xuan Zhen, Shixiong said I can ask you stuff. I want tea eggs for dinner."
Mu Qing blinks. It's not the first time a child asks him for something inane, but this prayer came from a very prestigious temple, only visited by serious cultivators, so it's odd. Perhaps the boy snook in, and it's unlikely he'll hear him again since it's likely he was caught after this.
Mu Qing keeps listening,
"Xuan Zhen, kill Jian Yu."
So he wasn't caught.
"Xuan Zhen, where's Shixiong, he said he'd be back by now."
"Xuan Zhen, why is Jian Yu so ugly?"
Mu Qing is quickly losing his patience, how come nobody has caught the child yet?
Then he hears a young man's voice.
"O' General Xuan Zhen, the strongest of the Southern Generals, can you kill this brat? Can you make him explode? Who's ugly, huh? Please."
Then, the child's voice again
"Xuan Zhen, steal Jian Yu's teeth."
"O' General Xuan Zhen, the worthiest of the Southern Generals, this believer begs you to yeet this brat into a volcano, pretty please and thanks."
"Xuan Zhen why does Shixiong smell so good? Can you make us change rooms so I share with him."
"O' General Xuan Zhen, the wisest of the Southern Generals, that little shit took a piss on my shoes. Please, please can you make the bitch that birthed him come pick him up and take him AWAY. Thanks."
"Xuan Zhen, I want Shixiong to stop being angry at me for pissing on Jian Yu's shoes. Also, kill Jian Yu. Also, can you make it so Shixiong has more time to spar with me?"
"O' General Xuan Zhen, the ONLY God of the South as far as I'm concerned, you know? Fuck that other guy, what was his name? Dickneral? Haha. ANYWAYS. Can you just kill this kid? Kill him a little? Nobody has to know, please just make him LEAVE."
"Xuan Zhen, for my birthday I want a Shixiong Hug, and a nice belt that matches my Shixiong's. And That Shixiong keeps being angry forever at Jian Yu for burning my blankets! And that Jian Yu eats shit and dies."
Mu Qing is about to lose it. He cannot be wasting his time with this.
Then a new voice, another young man, prays calmly:
"General Xuan Zhen, this one apologizes my Shidis keep shouting their prayers out loud in your temples, I've taken care of it, please don't strike them dead. I'll light ten incense sticks in your honor, thank you."
Then, the prayers coming from that temple change to the usual stream of begging for protection and guidance cultivating.
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all-that-jazz-93 · 1 month
Okay confession time I guess, but...I like Frank.
I know we're not supposed to like him. I know he represents everything reprehensible about the war and America and blind fervid patriotism. I know at worst we're supposed to hate him, and at best we're supposed to feel sorry for him (and I do), but like...I actually like him?
I can't help it. He's just so deeply vulnerable and broken and lonely and I just...
I want to help him. I want to fix him. I want to take him by the hand and gently show him that he doesn't have to be this way, that his parents are never going to love him no matter how much he tries to parrot the toxic ideals they drilled into him, and he would be so much better off just leaving all of that behind and following his own path.
Frank Burns had so much potential, and I'm sad we never got to see it realized.
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buttfrovski · 11 months
stan being a pussy about snakes
also cartman to the.. "rescue"?
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primeduo · 1 year
i love how dream is so open about his interests no matter if it’s seen as feminine or masculine like i’m so proud of him for being able to reach this point where he feels free enough to do so. he openly does things typically seen as “feminine” or just socially “not masculine.” like using bath bombs and wearing colorful jewelry such as his rainbow bracelet and getting an ear piecing and being openly affectionate with his male friends (not just as a joke, but because he can) and kissing them on the cheek and through a mask and wearing a pink shirt that says “Sorry Ladies I Suck Dick” and using makeup and taking baths with scented candles and wearing pride shoes and pretty multicolored cat beanies and talking about the idea of painting his nails and kissing men. all of these things might not seem like a lot but seeing a guy with a conservative background who was homeschooled for a few years in a vermillion red state do these things loudly and proudly without it being a joke brings a tear to my eye
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fallstaticexit · 24 days
Im absolutely loving your new Nancy Langraab story!! Hell yes for making boring townies interesting via a new backstory!! (I never found Nancy and Geoffrey much to my taste because ts4 just presents them as another boring rich couple who are probably shitty parents. But this backstory adds so much more interest and layers to her!) I can’t wait to see everything fall apart for her… (Angst is my favorite part of storytelling, hahahaha) Also, I just have to say that the fact that Cassie’s friends are playing D&D at a Catholic school in what would have been close to the height of the satanic panic, which very heavily targeted D&D as a horrible anti-Christian thing is very funny to me. (Not saying this to be rude, I genuinely find it amusing.)
Thank you so very much ✨😭 I too love some good ole fashioned angst. It’s my coffee in the morning.
I did do a super quick google search prior to writing the scene and saw a few discussions about D&D and the church ( here and here and here ) because it did dawn on me that the school would have likely had an issues with it during that time period but decided to write it in anyway, as a nod to the late 80s and early 90s and as a stereotypical “geeky” thing that Geoffrey and his friends did together. 😭🙏🏾
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heavencasteel420 · 4 months
Here is something mildly controversial that I truly believe: Steve doesn’t remember that he said something homophobic to Jonathan during their S1 fight. It’s such a casual, indirect comment, compared to the rest of what he says in the fight, and he’s a conventional teen boy in the 1980s so he probably said worse homophobic shit than that all the time without giving it a thought. He probably feels bad about thinking poorly of gay people now that he’s best friends with a lesbian, but, if that remark stands out to him, it’s only because he also said way worse stuff to Jonathan during the fight.
Furthermore: I think Jonathan does assume that Steve’s still homophobic, but not particularly because he made that remark. It’s because it’s 1986 and he has a gay little brother. Homophobia is the default and it’s at a fever pitch because of AIDS. If I were him, I’d be like “Mom’s probably cool.”
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suchawrathfullamb · 2 months
I thought I was fluent in English but then I found out that English is not Aurora's (the author of Herringbone) first language and WHAT HOW
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menaceadored · 1 year
idk if any real thought was put into who could believably be related when casting eddie and wayne munson, but either way, i can sorta see it
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they have similar noses
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atlasdoe · 6 months
For Remus' birthday my wish is that The Marauders fandom would stop confusing Wales to Birmingham😭
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floralcrematorium · 1 year
i think alfred can very much be a pizza snob considering the regional battle for pizza superiority (new jersey/new york style pizza cough), but i think he ruins it by dousing it in ranch dressing
lovino looks on in horror
questioning everything he thought he knew and loved about this man when alfred breaks out the hidden valley ranch
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littlemissmoodswings · 4 months
will graham probably loves hot tamales (the candy) and hannibal probably thinks it is the most disgusting thing about that scrungly man
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starabxlla · 11 months
midwestern gothic
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If reincarnation exists then Carlos Oliveira was a golden retriever in a past life and I refuse to hear otherwise.
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