#greta griffon
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felassan · 6 months ago
Just some info I noted down from today's video in text form, under a cut due to what some peeps may consider spoilers, and length.
This video took place well into the game, meaning the beats in it are later in the storyline.
At least part of Davrin’s personal arc involves rescuing the griffons. In an earlier part of his arc you are introduced to his nemesis, the Gloom Howler, a creature that has been hunting and stalking Wardens for quite some time. It has kidnapped a bunch of non-Assan griffons and Davrin has been trying to track it down. In the quest shown in the video, he has found a lead and wants to go and track it down and get the griffons back from the Cauldron (a secret Grey Warden redoubt that was attacked). Davrin wonders what the Wardens were hiding inside the Cauldron, as he has no idea. When the party reaches the Cauldron, they find that something large tore down the gate. The party needs to find a way inside and help Davrin investigate.
Davrin prefers a Direct approach in dialogue. Tough dialogue choices can gain approval from him
The bond between a griffon and a Warden moving as one and having unity between them is called “turlum”. Davrin and Assan don’t yet have this
Grey Wardens: Lancit, Remi, Landon, Quincy, Miriel, Fisher, Greta, Beckett, Flynn (an apprentice physician, whose mentor is called Oskar). I think Flynn’s pronouns are they/them. We will do quests with Flynn including A Cabin in the Blight. They were treating patients and became low on medical supplies. Their mentor Oskar has some and lives in a cabin outside the village. Flynn asks Rook to tell Oskar they could use his help if Rook sees him when they are out there. Flynn is local to Lavendel and saw the Blight surge through their home.
A Grey Warden merchant / quartermaster is called Holden. The little girl seen with Davrin in the release date trailer is called Mila.
If you do content in an area it helps you discover more shortcuts, giving you more flexibility in how you navigate between different remaining missions and quests
Each exploration space has its own story to tell. The quests and sidequests there are narratively relevant and also contribute to a meta story/meta narrative about that space. In Hossberg / Lavendel the aim is to get to the center of the Blighty stuff that has been going on there
Another Warden sidequest called Lives Spared seems to involve some missing Wardens who haven’t checked in in a while
Rook inherits the Lighthouse willingly or unwillingly from Solas. It’s located in the Fade and is where Solas was able to start planning his rebellion against the elven gods millennia ago
The Lighthouse shapes itself around your personality. Companions’ rooms there shape themselves around the companions as they live there and go through their arcs. A glowing light above the entrance to a companion’s room indicates that they are ready to talk to us
Hossberg is a later game area. Hossberg Wetlands are dark swamps and the area has almost completely been consumed by the Blight, making it a lot more dangerous than before. As a zone it’s quite contiguous and has lots of branching paths and different areas to explore. The Grey Wardens set up shop in an outpost/fortress (this is only one of their bases) there called Grey Hold in the small town of Lavendel, which used to be a beautiful place full of life and flowers. The Blight has had a serious effect on Lavendel, but the residents are still there and trying to make the most of it. There are plenty of opportunities to help the residents.
The Wardens have noticed that something strange is going on; the Blight is not behaving as it should or as they would expect, or like it has done historically. A codex entry pops up called “An Improved Blight”. (basically we are getting Blight dialled up to eleven) Rook is there to work with the Wardens, help them out, and help them find the answer to their question about the Blight. In their outpost the Wardens have built up a small fighting force to hold off the darkspawn. They understand the stakes of the gods being released and want to help you but they have other priorities, so increasing their power allows them to contribute more meaningfully to your fight against the elven gods. The Blight has changed. It’s become a lot more organic, a lot more alive. Once a slow-moving wall, it now has almost-sentience and almost-thought behind it. This has something to do with the released Blighted elven gods.
Something bad happened to a place called D’Meta’s Crossing, it’s no longer standing.
It sounds like Weisshaupt has fallen.
Merchant shops can be upgraded, doing so unlocks new items.
The Crossroads is a location in the Fade that contains a number of eluvians, allowing you to travel across Thedas in a matter of minutes. At the point the video takes place, the Crossroads are under assault by the elven gods. It’s now a dangerous place.
The big eluvian in the Lighthouse is called the Vir Revas. (that could translate as Way/Path of Freedom). It’s the central focus point of the Lighthouse and it takes you to Solas’ pocket area of the Crossroads, which looks different to what we’ve seen in Trespasser. “A path has emerged from the mists of the Fade that leads to a gathering point where all eluvians meet – the Crossroads”. We will spend a lot of time travelling through the Crossroads as we go from area to area. At one point, it was also a space that served as Solas’ main base of operations and training ground for his rebellion against the elven gods. As we go through it we will find fragments of the past, things that Solas did previously that will give us insight into him as a character, and also into the elven gods and their motivations. If you go exploring in the Crossroads there are opportunities to relive some of the memories Solas had during his rebellion. We will actually get to take part in this ancient rebellion.
The Crossroads as a realm reflects the waking world. It’s a mix/ amalgamation of all the real world spaces that are tied to it, in this case for example Hossberg and other mountainous regions that exist in the game. The architecture around the eluvians here very clearly reflects where they lead. The first time you go to any of the new regions in the world you traverse the Crossroads to get there. After that you can fast travel if you want. But exploring the Crossroads is recommended because some of the deepest secrets lie within
There is a mysterious spirit in the Crossroads called The Caretaker who was there before Solas was. They started to help Solas with his rebellion and also to turn the area into a safe haven for spirits, as Solas loves spirits. In the video we see them piloting a boat through the air to transport Rook somewhere. Because the gods are assaulting the Crossroads, it’s no longer the safe haven it once was. Rook works with the Caretaker through a lot of ancillary content to rebuild it into a safe home for spirits.
There is an area in the Crossroads called Beacon Island
The darkspawns’ different looks is very intentional. Their new look is in part because Ghilan’nain, described here as "the god of monsters", has always been focused on using the Blight essentially as a crafting material, a way to alter life itself. she’s been enhancing and changing the darkspawn as part of her army. She uses Blight like a medium to sculpt and warp the darkspawn to do her bidding and suit her purposes. The idea is that the Blight and the darkspawn are an organic weapon. Instead of making swords and armor, the darkspawn use the Blight to augment themselves, effectively defeat you and give the gods the world that they desire. The darkspawn aren’t just coming out of nowhere. They emerge from Blight pools, like the Blight is spawning them. Part of Ghil’s attempts to turn this into an army for the gods is to use them for overwhelming force. Hurlock Blighters have disgusting growths on their backs that they throw, making them function like grenadiers as they rip off these pieces of themselves and throw them at you - these then explode as Blight – this kind of enemy design for the darkspawn is supposed to lean into the idea that the Blight is organic and disgusting. In places there are Blight boils throughout the area, and if Rook doesn’t destroy them during combat ghouls will continue to emerge from them.
It sounds like in terms of ‘factions of enemies’ and their designs, we have the darkspawn which use overwhelming force tactics, the Venatori which focus on magical power, and the Antaam which focus on physical strength
Zipline traversal is in
Each mage’s (Neve, Bellara, Emmrich) healing ability is thematically appropriate to them
I think Davrin’s special exploration ability, or one of them, is called Blight Hunter. (one of the ones Rook can channel through the dagger when that companion isn’t there). This summons Assan from above to destroy Blight Abscesses. He seems to have another as well that Rook can also use via the dagger called Griffon Strike. In the video Rook uses this one to destroy a mechanism that was keeping a load of wood suspended in the air from a beam.
We see Rook also using the dagger to "charge beam" and destroy what looked like a thick tendril of organic Blight across the ground, and to destroy a ‘wall’ of blight abscesses that was blocking the way. At one point in the video Rook comments that the dagger is vibrating, "like a song in a wine glass"
When companions go ahead to meet you at quests they’re invested in, they won’t complete them without you, but they do get things ready. If you start doing those quests and don’t have them in your party, they will move ahead of you and wait for you at the next point.
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awardenandacrow · 3 months ago
[After Weisshaupt, and the fight at the table, Rook goes to her room and absolutely falls apart, thinking she has some time alone, and needing to get it out before attempting to talk to Solas. She doesn’t expect any visitors, especially not from a certain Crow…]
CW/TW: discussion of death/dead bodies, strong language
Naimeryn shut the door and leaned heavily against it for a moment. She took a rattling breath, her eyes falling to the toy griffon. Absentmindedly, she crossed to it, tapping it to set it rocking. That usually calmed her, but the sound set her teeth on edge now. She grabbed it forcibly to still it. She thought of throwing it into the aquarium window, but thought better of it and turned away. Her eyes travelled up, to the tapestry she’d hung so recently. A beautiful piece, depicting the Joining. Such a great find, she’d thought. Greta, Hamish… Amara. Were any of them alive? Had any of them made it? Her breath quickening, she grabbed the bottom of the tapestry and ripped downward with all her strength, tearing it from the wall. Her vision blurred as she spun away from it, her magical experiment humming chaotically. Lucienne, the mage Warden who had allowed her to stay in Weisshaupt, tutoring her personally instead of sending her away to a Tower when they discovered her magic… Naimeryn had seen her body, on the way to the library. She hadn’t had time to process it, but now she could. A sob tore itself from her throat, and the tears fell freely.
How could this have happened?
How could she have *let* this happen?
“Rook, I wanted to talk to — *mierda*.”
“Lucanis!” She choked, spinning around. “I — I’m sorry —“
She pressed her forearm against her eyes and her fist into her thigh as she tried to get it back under control. “I’m so - so- sorry I, I just-“
She heard him take an uncertain step forward, then stop. She tried to suck in a steadying breath, but it only made her cry harder.
“I’m so sorry. This is my fault. I missed.”
“Lucanis, Ghilan’nain was a face in the clouds!” She sobbed. “I asked you to stab a fucking *cloud*.”
“And I missed the damn cloud!” He all but shouted back, taking another step forward.
“My point is, I asked you to do something impossible!” She pulled her arm down so she could look at him, even through her tears. “And you almost did it! That’s not small!”
“Don’t — don’t do that. You don’t have to go easy on me,” he suddenly looked very uncomfortable, and was standing much closer to her than she’d realized he’d moved. The tapestry lay crumpled under his boots.
“I’m not,” she whispered thickly.
“I’m a professional,” he said hotly.
“Yes,” she sniffled.
“I should have —“
“I’m really sorry.”
“For wha—? Rook???”
Naimeryn fell face first into his chest and hugged him. He stood stock-still, not touching her, for a full minute. He barely seemed to breathe. She cried softly, shaking, embarrassed and relieved that someone was there to witness this. But did it have to be *him*?
“I’m really sorry,” she said again. “This is NOT professional. I just…”
Abruptly, she realized what she was doing, and rightened herself.
“I’m *so* sorry,” she said again, wiping her eyes hastily. “You came in here because you needed something and I — I’m sorry. Um. What did you need?”
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valen-dreth · 1 year ago
select picks of my fallout 3 era sketchbook recovered this day:
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@chr0nica 's lw eleanor and courier holden 🩵
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big griffon hells aquacura
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STUNNING rare charon sighting
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oswald.... nuka world had only just come out
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mole rat au tulip (i believe this was assisted by @tisthegrimreaper )
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chaosintheavenue · 2 years ago
Ghoul Survey Results!
The Ghoul Survey managed to collect 110 responses (thank you all!). The nature of the data means that pie charts aren't working very well to display it coherently, so I'm just going to present the numbers as they are.
Without further ado...
Favourite companion:
Raul: 35 Hancock: 31 Charon: 24 Dean Domino: 9 Lenny: 4 Otto Steed (VB): 4 Herbert: 3 Billy-Bob: 3 Measles (VB): 2 Chris the Ghoulrilla: 2
Favourite non-companion character:
Gob: 20 Kent Connolly: 9 Jason Bright: 8 Beatrix Russell: 8 Daisy: 7 Carol: 5 Harold (proclaimed by one respondent as an 'honorary ghoul'): 5 Desmond Lockheart: 3 Arlen Glass: 3 Rotface: 3 Oswald the Outrageous: 3 Eddie Winter: 2 Tulip: 2 Calamity: 2 Wiseman: 2 Dr Sebastian (VB): 2 Harland: 2 Ghoulrillas generally: 2 Ghoul NCR soldiers generally: 2
And as always, a list of those with one vote: Tommy Ten-Toes, Bessie Lynn, Hadrian, Keely, Typhon, Snowflake, Talius, Skeeter, Set, Bobbi No-Nose, Vault-Tec Rep, Griffon, T-Minus, Betty Hill, Zhao, Ghoulified!Moira Brown, Sun of Atom, Greta, Argyle, Eugenie, Billy Peabody, and Bert Gunnarsson
Favourite settlement/faction:
Underworld: 49 Necropolis: 21 The Bright Brotherhood: 14 The Slog: 13 Gecko: 4 Kiddie Kingdom: 3 Kansas City/Gravestone: 2 The Reservation (VB): 1 Camp Searchlight: 1 Eugenie's ghoul settlement: 1 Broken Hills: 1
Do all ghouls eventually turn feral?
No: 97 Yes: 12
What causes ghouls to turn feral?
General level of radiation exposure post-ghoulification: 25 Social isolation: 22 The circumstances of how they ghoulified in the first place: 11 Reliance on radiation instead of food as an energy source: 10 Genetics: 9 Other: 23
Within the Other category, most said a combination of some or all of the above factors, or pure random chance. Other theories included…
Level of FEV exposure
The person's personality and morality pre-ghoulification
Infections and how well the ghoul cares for their wounds
A form of dementia
Psychic/supernatural phenomena
Brain chemistry pre-ghoulification
Level of mental duress post-ghoulification
Their level of internal connection to their own humanity
Ghouls cannot physically starve, but do feel hunger. If they don't eat for too long, they get a severe case of 'hangry' and turn feral
(Looking through the theories on this question caused me to suddenly and violently remember the glaringly absent 'What causes ghoulification in the first place?' question I'd planned to include… I guess that leaves room for Ghoul Survey 2: Electric Boogaloo?)
Do ghouls still physically need to eat, drink, sleep, all the basics?
Yes, to survive: 71 Yes, to avoid turning feral: 30 No: 9
If a child became ghoulified, would they remain child-sized, or grow?
Remain child-sized: 53 Grow to adult size as a human would: 39 Other: 18
The contents of the Other category, in loose order of how common each theory was:
They would grow to an extent, but not to what their human height would have been, and will likely have a unique appearance generally
They would eventually grow to an adult size, but over an extremely long time frame
The ghoulification process is so unique to each individual that it's impossible to predict what would happen, especially in an exceptional case like this
Children are so unlikely to survive ghoulification in the first place that asking this question is essentially irrelevant
Feral ghoul children would grow, others would not
And now we come to the final question, the blank text box. I'll add a handpicked selection of the original comments and a brief ship count under the cut for brevity's sake:
I have 3 ghoul OCs that came to life because of a joke me and my friend had. They're a group of prewar cheerleaders turned borderline raider gang. They're like 17/18 year old girls. […] So all in all while all the rest of my OCs are dying and barely getting by they're sunbathing by a murky, algae filled pool with silly sunglasses and crappy cocktails. Oh and yeah,they kept their uniforms and wear them all the time.
Ghouls have one of the most heart breaking stories. Especially the Pre-War ones. They watched many (if not all) of their friends and family die in one way or another. The best in universe example of how mentally draining being a Pre-War ghoul was is in Oswalds terminals around the Kiddy Kingdom in Nuka World. You get a real sense of the fear and loss of seeing these people you've been forced to get close with slowly stop mentally existing even if their still physically there. Oswalds hope that a cure can be found is heartbreaking because we know (as far as I'm aware) of no existing cure for Ghoulism and especially for feral ghouls.
Ghoulification isn't a condition or a sickness or a consequence of making poor choices, its an adaptation for life in the wasteland and a useful one at that.
I love all the ghoul characters and chose Lenny as my favourite because A. I think he’s underappreciated and B. Second only to Charon, he has the most potential for a really cool backstory that they never addressed. Dude is a doctor in Necropolis, he would have been treating the other vault dwellers for radiation sickness. Imagine the trauma! The angst! It included his father who’s to say there wasn’t more of his family in that vault that he tried to help and failed? How did he survive the super mutant attack on necropolis? Was he below the city or above it (was he angry at humans and got over it or just trying to live peacefully?)
I think 90% of the veteran rangers are all ghouls. I like to think there's large ghoul settlements all over. I like to think there's ghouls who look completely human. Chris Haversam is ghoulifing on the inside but he still looks human. The Human Companions in Fallout 4 who are all immune to radiation are that way due to that process.
It makes sense ghouls would think their immune to radiation, but really, it just takes longer. their resistant, not immune. places like the glowing sea would make amazing homes for ghouls to the average eye, but once you see how many feral ghouls are around you start to think about how many came there feral to begin with.
I have this hc about Jason Bright where he is a pskyer and the reason why his voice echos is because one of the voices you're hearing physically with your ears and the other he is unintentionally projecting into your mind with telepathy.
I imagine there's many Vaults that are full of just ghouls.
I got a headcannon that ghouls are naturally warmer, due of radiation. the 'younger' the ghoul, the warmer. pre war ghouls arent that warm as the ones who turned years ago.
Headcanon: if a ghoul works to maintain their voice (i.e. general vocal care like how opera singers do), they can keep their voice from getting as scraggly as most. My 76 OC was a Broadway actress before the war and continued to maintain her voice despite aging and eventual ghoulification, which allowed her to keep it (mostly) in tact.
I think Oswald was the reason his friends turned feral. He kept exposing them to radiation and every time he healed them with radiation or brought them back from the dead makes things harder. But ultimately it's a super rare gene that keeps non feral glowing ones.
I think the Eldritch Old Ones are the unofficial cause of the ghouls. The radiation is just an effect but the the Old Ones choose who to make feral, who to turn, and sometimes they'll turn without radiation at all.
Rn I’m working on a setting set in central MA, and one of the characters is a ghoul history teacher since he is a prewar ghoul. It’s been a fun concept to play with!
Bit of a headcanon- ghouls tend to have a heightened sense of smell, but are mostly nose blind to smells of burning and rot.
Glowing ones don't turn feral. Every feral glowing one was feral BEFORE they were glowing.
I hc that all ghouls are sensitive to light which is why most chill in dark places.
And last but certainly not least...
I want to marry Raul.
And so, that concludes that.
A huge thank you once again to everyone who took the survey and offered your thoughts, and I hope you found this results post interesting/insightful :D
Appendix: But Chaos, you promised us...
1 - Analysis of ghoul x ghoul ships!
So, upon an brief glance-through of the data whilst the survey was still running (I was trying not to 'spoil' the dataset for myself so I only peeked here and there), it seemed like a relatively large chunk of the recent respondents had mentioned ships, which is why I proposed adding a dedicated section for them in the results. However, in the final results we actually only have two ghoul x ghoul ships mentioned: Carol x Greta and Gob x Charon. A handful of other answers talked about shipping Charon and Gob with their LWs and Raul with their Couriers, but overall there just wasn't a whole lot of shipping discussion going on. Sorry to disappoint lol
2 - Born ghoul discussion!
Ah. Yes. That. Well, this is a similar situation again, actually. There are references to relevant characters within the dataset, but nothing went into anywhere near as much detail as I somehow convinced myself it had, and so I didn't have to leap in with the dreaded Born Ghouls 101 after all. I think my brain may have bluescreened prematurely upon seeing the slightest hinted mention of Van Buren's ghoul lore in there hgfdfgh
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Any headcanons for the student six during pride month? Not sure if equestria would have such a thing, as they seem a generally accepting sort, but seems fun to think about.
For the sake of this ask, I’m not gonna go into specifics as to what identities any of the students might have. I’ll leave that all up to your own headcanons.
Regardless of each students’ individual identity, it’s interesting to think about how their respective homelands might have regarded LGBTQ+.
I mean, I think we can all agree that dragons in general would probably not be the biggest supporters. From how they’re depicted in the show, dragons seem very conservative in how they portray themselves. This is how a dragon acts, if you don’t act this way, you’re a bad dragon. Not the best mindset for LGBTQ+.
So Smolder, once she sees just how open and accepting Equestria is about that kind of stuff…. Honestly, I don’t see the poor girl reacting great to it at first.
Smolder’s defining trial from the Tree of Harmony was addressing the seemingly conflicting aspects of her own self-image.
True, we only really got a surface level dive into that issue, coming to terms that she can be a rough and tough dragon while still enjoying traditionally feminine things and the contradictions between the two only exists in her mind, but that same mindset might get in the way of embracing her own identity after a lifetime of being told she has to be this one way.
It’s like Fluttershy learning to be assertive. It’s not a lesson you can learn just one time and suddenly change your entire thought-process.
So, once Smolder starts to realize she might be queer, I can see her having another crisis of self similar to the one from the Tree’s trial. That being said, just like the trial, I can see her coming to terms with it pretty quickly.
Smolder’s issues with self-image aside, she’s actually been shown as having a pretty good emotional maturity when it comes to reflecting on that image. It’s sort of why I consider her to be the Element of Acceptance in my whole headcanon about the students getting their own unique Elements.
The other species I can see not being all that great at accepting LGBTQ+ are the griffons. But unlike the dragons who actively suppress LGBTQ+ because they don’t fit the culturally accepted model with what a dragon should be, griffons are more just… painfully apathetic to the whole thing.
Like, they acknowledge that it’s a thing, they just don’t care to hear about it. I imagine griffon culture is very ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ about LGBTQ+ topics.
As far as Gallus is concerned, he probably didn’t realize he was queer until long after moving to Equestria. There was simply no-one to talk to about these sorts of things and he didn’t bother making enough of a connection with anygriff his age, boy or girl, to really have to address any actual feelings on the matter.
Once he does start to piece it together, I imagine he’d be a lot more chill about it than Smolder. Like, he’d be more embarrassed to be feeling things at all than who he was feeling things towards.
It helps that Gallus is already so disillusioned with griffons in general that, once he realized he was queer, he probably wouldn’t care about how griffons back home felt about it, it wasn’t any of their damn business anyway.
That said, I do like to think that if anygriff back home did give Gallus shit over it, Gilda and Greta would be pretty quick to put the fear of god in them. Not because they care about the little brat, they just have no patience for assholes.
As for the rest of the species, I can see being pretty positive in their treatment of LGBTQ+.
Yaks care about strength more than anything, but the concept of strength is notably a gender-neutral factor to them. You have to be strong to be a Yak, but who you’re dating or what your pronouns are have nothing to do with how strong you are, so go nuts.
Changelings already have a more complicated relationship between self and image than any other creature by the simple fact that they can make themselves look like however they want. In all honesty, terms such as cis or trans might not even apply to changelings. They just are whatever they want to be.
Leaving hippogriffs and ponies as the idyllic best-case-scenario, where everyone is accepting and understanding of the multi-colored tapestry that makes up individuality and your identity is not only accepted, but celebrated.
A little too optimistic? Maybe, but it’s a fantasy world. We can allow it.
Bonus: You would think Thracians would be like dragons and griffons, but they’re surprisingly pretty chill about that sort of thing. They may not celebrate the individuality like Equestria, but there’s no social punishment or stigma attached to it either. Hell, some of the great Thracian poets completely revolved their work around the subject.
Thracian kings like Diomedes took a kind of Roman approach to these sorts of things when it came to their subjects. You can live your life however you please… Just remember who your life belongs to.
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personal-reporter · 2 years ago
Giffoni Film Festival 2023
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Dal 20 al 29 luglio ben  6.500 ragazzi saranno i protagonisti del 53esimo Giffoni Film Festival, con 150 opere in concorso da 35 nazioni, compresa l’Italia, e 50 quelle fuori concorso. Tra i film italiani più attesi c’è Il più bel secolo della mia vita di Alessandro Bardani, con Sergio Castellitto, Valerio Lundini, Carla Signoris e la canzone originale di Brunori Sas e sono quattro le anteprime di questa edizione, l’esordio alla regia di Claudio Bisio con L’ultima volta che siamo stati bambini. Noi anni luce. Le stelle di Dora – Le sfide del Generale Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa e la nuova avventura Disney, La Casa dei Fantasmi. Saranno 20 gli eventi speciali di quest’anno con la seconda stagione di DI4RI con Netflix. l’attesissimo Barbie di Greta Gerwig. Blanca – Seconda Stagione con Maria Chiara Giannetta, Stranizza D’Amuri con Giuseppe Fiorello e Fantastici 5 con Raoul Bova. A Giffoni non mancano mai attori, registi e beniamini dei più piccoli, con Carlo Verdone, Mario Martone, Antonio Albanesw, Massimiliano Gallo, Sydney Sibilia, Simona Tabasco, Caterina Guzzanti, Matteo Paolillo e Giacomo Giorgio. Inoltre, 250 giovani under 30 incontreranno uomini e donne di scienza, spettacolo, istituzioni, cultura e sport come Erri De Luca, Joe Bastianich, Massimo Bisotti, Costantino Della Gherardesca, Guido Maria Brera. Saranno 22 gli artisti musicali che interverranno e 10 gli showcase live con talenti e Rosa Chemical, Junior Cally, Ermal Meta, The Kolors, Angelina Mango, Alfa, Federica Carta, Luigi Strangis, Gianmaria, Follya, Diss Gacha, Maninni, Emanuele Aloia, Merk & Kremont. A inaugurare il 20 luglio ci sarà il presidente della Regione Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, che incontrerà i griffone, oltre a un videomessaggio della presidente del Parlamento Europeo Roberta Metsola; a seguire ci saranno Anna Maria Bernini, ministra dell’Università e della Ricerca; Matteo Piantedosi, ministro dell’Interno; Giancarlo Giorgetti ministro dell’Economia e Finanza; Andrea Abodi, ministro per lo Sport e i Giovani; Giuseppe Valditara, ministro dell’Istruzione e del Merito; Edmondo Cirielli, viceministro Affari Esteri e Cooperazione Internazionale; Lucia Borgonzoni, sottosegretaria Ministero della Cultura; Maurizio De Lucia, procuratore capo della Repubblica di Palermo; Barbara Floridia, presidente della Commissione di Vigilanza Rai; e in collegamento il presidente del Brasile, Lula. Tra le attività dedicate al sociale e al terzo settore, laboratori e attività di animazione per le famiglie ci sarà Giffoni Food Show, dove 30 foodblogger, pasticceri e maestri pizzaioli incontreranno il pubblico per la campagna a favore di una corretta alimentazione, oltre a 20 progetti speciali con enti, associazioni e aziende, come Impatto Giovani con il Dipartimento Politiche Giovanili e Servizio Civile Universale e le attività con il Fondo Asilo, migrazione e integrazione del Ministero dell’Interno. La 53esima edizione ,  il cui tema è indispensabili per la crescita delle comunità e per lo sviluppo dei territori, per innescare il cambiamento, far circolare idee, alimentare emozioni, condividere valori,  ha come partner la Regione Campania, alla quale si aggiunge il sostegno del Ministero della Cultura. Read the full article
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flightfoot · 9 months ago
She was kinda a jerk in her first appearance, that was the point though. I'm glad that we had a follow-up with her that explained why Greta was the way she was and started her (and griffons more generally) on a path to recovery.
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OVERHATED CHARACTERS POLL: Gilda (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
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carlycmarathecat · 3 years ago
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Greta the Griffon
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emmy-the-absolute-goof · 5 years ago
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More griffon cats
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zenaquaria · 6 years ago
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One last shipkid combo, out of Greta the griffon and one of the unnamed male Kirin. This is the sort of experiment I was wanting to do last week. lol
This sort of combo is what I term a Kirifon; a hippogriff-like hybrid, but instead of horse, Kirin.
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tsitra360 · 7 years ago
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Bird Friends by Tsitra360
Will these three be actual friends later in the show? I can only hope so ^^. Enjoy Watch the art timelapse: https://youtu.be/Qrhk9KYYQto
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alts-art · 5 years ago
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MIZZY The Birblette! Playing mistletoe pranks on Gilda and Greta during the snowy holiday season in Griffonstone! ...I’m sure Gabby’s around Ponyville helping deliver presents and mail with Derpy...(or with Spike)
Commissioned by: MiszczTheMaste !
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valen-dreth · 10 months ago
Ghoul headcannons, if she existed who would know Hatsune Miku? who would not? who thinks she is a legit real person and refuses to believe she's not?
oooh lets seee
knows of her, but only in passing: tulip, patchwork, quinn
knows her!: carol , graves, moira, willow, also gob
thinks she is real: charon, gob, griffon, snowflake
does not know her: greta, ahzrukhal, barrows, winthrop, crowley
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princess-of-the-corner · 2 years ago
Since ponies, dragons, changelings, griffons and hippogriffs can come in assorted colors, can zebras and yaks have different fur colors?
I think I'm gonna go no!
Though I need to fuck around with the whole hippogriff/seapony thing since I want two seperate species because of the Sirens so I think I'll skip the Hippogriffs turning aquatic in a reverse Zora-Rito bullshit BUT I'll come back to that once I figure it out.
But I do like that some species aren't as colorful. Actually, re: Griffons, I know they changed them to colorful specifically to make Gallus be all blue, but I really liked them having a much more limitied color palette in earlier seasons. So I think I might go back to them having mostly browns, whites, blacks, and grays, but with allowance for an accent color(Gilda's purple, Greta's green, I'll let Gallus keep some blue)
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malte279 · 7 years ago
Griffon Generations
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I drew this for GJ301's New Character Art Challenge in early 2017. 
Having learned a lot in Ponyville, Gabby returned to pass on some of what she learned to the next generation of griffons. The griffon fledglings seem to be very enthusiastic about it. Also Gabby found some allies among the griffons already. Gilda seems to have become a kind of bodyguard for Gabby, protecting her from the anger of less enthusiastic adults. Greta has taken it upon her to clear up the library (Twilight would certainly approve). On the right we got Grampa Gruff who doesn't seem to share the griffon fledglings' enthusiasm one bit. The shopkeeper griffon appears to be positively unsettled by the announcement of something being offered free of charge, while in the rear another adult griffon is rubbing the chin / beak possibly wondering if maybe Gabby and her helpers may be on to something good. The background is a screenshot from S5E8 "The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone" from which I removed Gilda and Pinkie Pie.
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trailshome · 4 years ago
Lol ok, we already have a lot of ask about how child mc taking their animal friend home but what if it was vice versa? After mc and the baby creature(dragon/basilisk/griffon, whatever it is) become friends they decides to take child mc with them to their nest (which have their giant sized mother in it) and try to stop mc from going back home/try to stop the gang from taking the mc back home
// when being a disney character goes wrong: electric boogaloo
Finlay: Punches the adult dragon/basilisk/griffon Takes a full entourage of guards with them to retrieve the mc. Doesn't want to fight an animal but will if they have to!! Attempts to use magic to speak to the legendary beasts but if all else fails, will duel/battle the strongest creature there in order to 'earn' the mc back. Wins because Finlay doesn't mess around -- but still lets their sibling come back to visit the creatures from time to time.
Lesilfae: Literally can't do anything about it. He's got noodle arms and can barely even lift his teapot asda He'll provide funds for someone else to go fetch the mc but otherwise has to sit back and just wait...
Galeon and Hollond: Both are worried and quickly make their way to retrieve their child. Out of the both of them, Hollond tries to fight the beasts bare-handed while Galeon attempts to speak to them through magic. It's a long discussion between Gale and the creatures (no thanks to Hollond pacing behind him like an angry tiger) but he'll manage to convince the creatures to let the mc return home.
Greta: Packs up her apartment and moves in with the MC and their new animal family. Leaves her apartment to either a family member or Finlay and just... dips! Is totally cool living in a dragon's den or amongst griffons. Very chill and brings mc some of their favorite snacks asdasda!!
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