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Reposted @occupydemocrats NBA Spurs coach Greg Popovich is a national treasure 🇺🇸
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ajwoodson · 6 years ago
What Do You Think? #NBA #NBAonTNT #Denver #Nuggets #SanAntonio #Spurs #PlayOffs #DeMarDeRozan #LaMarcusAldridge #JamalMurray #NikolaJokic #GregPopovich #MichaelMalone #Basketball #Hoops #BallIsLife ( #AJWoodson #SpringfieldIL ) (at Springfield, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwyU8ciAMIz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bda65jb7n9j4
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chasingsuccessblog · 2 years ago
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So if y’all didn’t know. I’ve been a spurs fan since way back. 🏀 #21 #210 #timduncan #manuginobili #tonyparker #sas #gospursgo #gregpopovich #sanantoniotx #spursnation #spurs https://www.instagram.com/p/CjTjhyivS39/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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christianrruiz · 5 years ago
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@DanielCoyle La evaluación no era en absoluto elaborada. De hecho, se componía de una única frase. Te hago estos comentarios porque tengo muchas expectativas puestas en ti y sé que estarás a la altura. #TheCultureCode #CuandolasArañasTejenJuntasPuedenAtaraunLeón #DanielCoyle #culturasdemayoréxito #alegríaydiversión #elrefuerzoyelcompromiso #felicidad #problemascomplejos #sinceridadyverdadesincómodas #LarryPage #Google #GregPopovich #firmezaysinceridad #StanfordYaleColumbia #evaluaciónmágica #indicadoresdepertenencia #partedelgrupo #grupoespecial #expectativasaltas #cumplirexpectativas #lugarseguro #dondeesforzarse #conexiónpersonalycercana #lenguajecorporal #meimportas #evaluacióndelrendimiento #perspectivasdelentorno #conexiónindividualizada #patrónrelacional #tejidodelasrelaciones “Una creencia errónea acerca de las culturas de mayor éxito es que en ellas todo es alegría y diversión. Por regla general no es así. Se buscan el refuerzo y el compromiso, pero el fundamento es que sus miembros, más que alcanzar la felicidad, pretenden resolver juntos problemas complejos. Esto implica altos niveles de sinceridad y de verdades incómodas, cuando llega el momento de determinar en qué punto se encuentra el grupo y en qué punto debería encontrarse. Larry Page dio lugar a uno de estos momentos cuando clavó la nota de ESTOS ANUNCIOS SON UN ASCO en la cocina de Google. Popovich comunica esas evaluaciones a sus jugadores todos los días, por lo general a un volumen bien audible. Pero ¿cómo se las apañan Popovich y otros líderes para expresarse con firmeza sinceridad sin sembrar la disconformidad y la desilusión? ¿Cómo se elabora una buena evaluación? Hace unos años un equipo de psicólogos de Stanford, Yale y Columbia pidió a unos estudiantes de primaria que escribieran una redacción, que los maestros evaluaron de distintas maneras. Los investigadores observaron que un tipo de evaluación, en particular, ensalzaba tanto el esfuerzo y los resultados del alumno que lo catalogaron de «evaluación mágica». Los alumnos que la habían recibido repasaron con más frecuencia que los que no, y su rendimiento mejoró de forma notable. La evaluación no era en absoluto elaborada. De hecho, se https://www.instagram.com/p/CAzYgeuHynN/?igshid=hj4q78o1e3o1
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why22why · 6 years ago
Kings outdo Spurs 104-99 in solid home win
Last night the Kings faced the Spurs at home, and everyone got the treat of seeing them rolling on all cylinders in one of the more solid performances we have seen all year out of the young team. Bogdan is back, and he showed us what we had been missing in his absence, bringing 22 points off the bench and looking very comfortable out on the floor. Fox’s shot was on, dropping 19 points and 7 assists(3/4 from three), and so was Bjelica’s, going a perfect 3 for 3 from three point land. Then Stein brought 13 points and 13 rebounds respectively. On the defensive end Sacramento made it very difficult for the Spurs, forcing 15 turnovers and holding them to 99. 
Recently the Kings’ ability to play hard defense has been just as impressive as their ability to run fast, and they employed both of these skills with great effect Monday night. San Antonio is NOT an easy team to beat, but there was a sense that perhaps the Kings were a good matchup for the Spurs, who are a little on the older side as a team. Sure enough, Sac was able to stick with them and set the tone and pace. The Kings never trailed by more than 2 points all game long, and Aldridge was held to 14 points in 34 minutes. DeRozan 23 with 8 assists, but the Spurs had trouble really stringing together a lot of scoring in a row. 
This is one of those games that Sac needed to continue to show that they are a threat and not to be taken lightly. This game broke a 14 game lose streak to the Spurs, to further illustrate the changes occurring in this young team. They are besting teams they haven’t beaten in years, and lighting their fanbase on FIRE In the process. This game goes to add even more confidence to this Kings base, and Greg Popovich had a lot of positive things to say about Sac in the post game interview. When asked about what he thought of this Kings team, Pop said:
“I was really impressed. Their culture is changing, it’s changed dramatically. Their guys are committed, their guys are physical....Their Taking pride in playing some defense... we’re seeing Vlade make some great moves. I think that they’ve done a great job putting that group together, and they look really good.”
That’s high praise from one of the great coaches of all time. So Sac is on the right track, that is for sure. The year is still quite young though, and this team has a lot of the season left to continue to build. I would say even a playoff berth would be a huge accomplishment this year, although its too early at this point to see what they are in store for. One thing is for sure, its been a thrill to see things start to click and to see this young team start to gel and find a comfort zone within each other. When their shots are falling the Kings can hang with the best of them, but I would say their defense has been the most pleasant surprise of all this year, as they have had all kinds of success against some great teams. If they can learn to take care of the ball even with their fast pace, I think we will start to see them beat some top teams(at least give them all kinds of trouble). It’s when the open shots don't fall that they get into trouble(which is always the case in basketball). If the open shots don’t fall, you just can’t win. That’s why it’s been fantastic to see Fox, Bjelica, and others start to get hot on the floor and hit the long ball. It is just so key to hit those open threes in crunch time. I can’t stress that enough. 
So the Kings are off until Friday when they face the Grizzlies in Memphis, followed by Houston the next day on Saturday. These will be some winnable games on the road and should be great games. The Kings already beat the grizzlies earlier this year, and Sac seems to be a good matchup for them, as they don't do too well with fast paced teams. Also Houston has struggled this year, and the Kings will seek to take advantage of that and get a win. 
(Just a little extra coverage) I was listening to Grant and Doug today and they said ‘barstool sports’ wrote an article where they said they were watching “the most fun team in the NBA right now(referring to the Kings), talking about how the culture of this team is on fire right now, and that Doug and Grant are a perfect pair for this team and have the best reactions to everything. That really made me happy, because I agree. There is an awesome thing going on with this team, where they didn’t have any expectations of being great, but they are delivering something special this year, and we are lucky to be witnessing it.
I’ve been super tired today, not sure why. If this post seems a bit lackadaisical, that’s why... ALSO, SUPER JEALOUS of Ryan price, who was out at the game last night !! Golden 1 must’ve been NUTS. 
I’m a go take a nap now. The game on friday will start at 5. Go Kings !
-Rob G
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creativemedicinehtw · 7 years ago
Forget y’all, I’m inviting #GregPopovich to the cook out no matter what you say.
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therealmrmecc · 7 years ago
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Ill throw in #CandaceOwens #Omarosa & #SheriffClarke for #MaxKellerman, #GregPopovich #JaneElliott & a 6month supply of grape Kool-aid. #MakeTheDeal #KeepTheCoons #HipHop #Ye #Music #Maga? #TrumpIsYourBrother? #YouDigCandaceOwens? #SlaveryWasAChoice?#SoIsSupportingYourAlbum #MissMeWithTheBullshit (at Brooklyn, New York)
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trealmagazine · 7 years ago
#LeBronJames finding out about the news of #ErinPopovich's passing #gregpopovich #treal #nba #firstlady #trealbrothers #trealmagazine
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shamikjonesmusic · 7 years ago
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Prayers and condolences for #GregPopovich and his family. ❤️🙏🏽
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iamlovekillz · 7 years ago
#gregpopovich telling the truth
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dennisshaunbowman-blog · 7 years ago
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Took down #TheAdmiral s record for most points in game by a #Spurs @Spurs player tonight. Tied the #Spurs record for most steals in a game, won the game, & played like a legend this morning! Kawhi Leonard is the best 2k team mate I've ever had btw he averages 22.2 pts w/ 12 rebs. He's a double double machine, and he gets some assists. Btw I don't hate the #Lakers I wanted to play for the best coach in the game #GregPopovich ! Spurs have grown on me the past few years I respect the way they play the game, & the fact I've heard them give glory to God. I dunno if he remembers, but I met former #Spurs point guard in Los Angeles at the #Precious premier a few years ago. Mr. Johnson was so nice we briefly talked basketball I told him I enjoyed watching him play. There's also actually been many great #Lakers that played for the #Spurs #NickVanExel #BigShotRobHorry and #PauGasol the most notable. That's another reason #Spurs have grown on me #PauGasol I tell ya I love ❤️ Pau! He's a great player I'd love to see him get another ring! Going back to #AveryJohnson he's such a nice man, and great coach I'm so happy he's the coach of @AlabamaMBB ! Great for him! He's got those boys playing great hey! #RollTide I also am a Alabama men's basketball fan! Not just football people. I support my #CrimsonTide all the way! Anyway that's all from tonight. #GoSpursGo how about Las 30 tonight, and Paus 18? I see you guys! Hey I know we got some injuries, but it's alright! #Spurs are over comers! (at Catoosa Springs, Georgia)
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lamont-renzo-bracy · 7 years ago
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Happy Born Day to COACH #gregpopovich “pop” 🎂🎊🎉 Coach does it one way👉🏾”The Right Way” Prolific NBA coach of the San Antonio Spurs who led the team to five NBA championships from 1999 to 2014. He won his third NBA Coach of the Year award in 2014🏀🏆 @popovichelite #spurs #spursnation #spursfans #nba #sanantonio #promediabank (at Montgomery, Alabama)
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golden-collarbones · 7 years ago
"We still have no clue." Change, birth, rebirth and improvement come with an uncomfortable element but it's so necessary.....we need to listen, ask questions, try to understand....and feel uncomfortable ✊️ Repost @attndotcom (@get_repost) ・・・ This white NBA coach's response to kneeling in protest is 🔥. #gregpopovich #sanantoniospurs #nba #race #takeaknee #thelephantintheroom
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whosaysy2j9290 · 8 years ago
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Heartbreaking loss from #SanAntonioSpurs but win or lose #BleedSilverAndBlack #GoSpursGo! #Spurs #spursnation #NBA #NBAPlayoffs #KawhiLeonard #LamarcusAldridge #PattyMills #DavidLee #gregpopovich #ThisIsWhyWePlay #Sportscenter
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lakers16xchamps · 8 years ago
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Coach pops is the GOAT while coach Lue is a shit coach he jst good cuz of lebron #nba #gregpopovich #tyronnlue #spurs #cavs #nbachampionships
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getmybuzzup · 8 years ago
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Check out the latest articles on #getmybuzzup #music #video #television #tv #interview #fashion #nickyjam #fabolous #treysongz #mikexangel #gregpopovich #womansmarch2017
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