#greg t walker
dickinson-devotee · 6 days
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Ross Halfin Photography:
For those of you that like the low end … Greg T. Walker ( Blackfoot ) - Steven Harris ( Iron Maiden ) - Peter Way ( UFO ) found this in my Iron Maiden file, photographed at Reading festival in 1982.
#rosshalfin #ironmaiden #blackfoot #ufo
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blackros78 · 1 year
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diceriadelluntore · 7 months
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Storia Di Musica #315 - Blackfoot, Strikes, 1979
Per le Storie di Marzo ho individuato un metodo scientifico infallibile per scegliere la tematica che legherà i dischi di questo mese: ho preso a caso con gli occhi chiusi, un bottone nella scatola in cui tengo quelli di riserve, e ho pescato un bottone nero. Di per sè, il colore nero poteva aprire una infinità di opzioni, ma seguendo il principio della scoperta, in questo 2024, di band dimenticate, ho optato per dischi di band che hanno "nero" nel nome. Tralasciando le scelte più ovvie, il viaggio musicale marzolino inizia nella Florida di fine anni Sessanta, quando stava per prendere il volo il Southern Rock. Siamo a Jacksonville, capitale dello stile, e come molti stavano facendo in quei mesi, dei giovani mettono su una rock band: Rickey Medlocke (batteria, voce) e Greg T. Walker (basso) incontrano il newyorkese Charlie Hargrett (chitarra) e danno vita al gruppo Fresh Garbage Band con Ron Sciabarasi alle tastiere. Da qui inizia una serie infinita di cambi di formazione intorno ai primi tre che seguirà per decenni il destino dei nostri: infatti il primo a lasciare è Sciabarasi, si aggiungono altri musicisti provenienti da un'altra band, i Tangerine, cambiano nome in Hammer e con questa formazione per 6 mesi sono la resident band del più popolare topless club di Gainsville, in Florida, il Dub's. Provano ad andare a New York, e lì si accorgono che esiste già una più affermata band con lo stesso nome, quindi decidono di chiamarsi Blackfoot, in omaggio al popolo dei Nativi americani, dato che Jakson Spires, entrato dai Tangerine, è parte Cherokee, Medlocke parte Sioux, e Walker parte Creek. Ma la loro strada è ancora lunga: la band si scioglie diverse volte, alcuni di loro vanno a suonare con i Lynyrd Skynyrd (Medlocke e Walker, per alcuni mesi nel 1971, uscirà solo nel 1978, dopo l'incidente aereo che colpì il leggendario gruppo, il materiale registrato in quel frangente), si trasferiscono in New Jersey, dove con una formazione stabile registrano delle canzoni, che dopo varie peripezie nel 1975 vengono pubblicate dalla Island, che cercava nel proprio catalogo un gruppo Southern Rock, con il titolo No Reservation, e nel 1976 Flying High, stavolta per la Epic: sono due dischi di southern rock che non lasciano il segno e sopratutto non vendono quasi nulla. La band è sempre in fermento, e passano 3 anni (tra scioglimenti, defezioni per problemi alle corde vocali, dissidi) quando passano alla Atco, che suggerisce loro un approccio diverso alla scrittura. Ne esce fuori il disco di oggi, Strikes (1979), con il cobra sfocato in copertina, che li fa conoscere, dopo dieci anni, al grande pubblico. Merito è di una formazione finalmente definita (almeno per il momento) composta da Rickey Medlocke, Charlie Hargrett (chitarra ritmica), Greg T. Walker (basso) e Jakson Spires (batteria) ed una scaletta che alterna pezzi propri, tra cui i loro due maggior successi, e una scelta azzeccatissima di cover, suonate in maniera originale rispetto alle versioni degli autori. Il suono è più hard o AOR (che sta per adult oriented rock, il genere che maggiormente passavano le radio), e ha una sua natura interessante, per quanto costruita nei canoni del genere senza tante innovazioni.
Mi piace molto la scelta delle cover: I Got A Line On You fu un grande successo dei favolosi Spirit di Randy California, band mitica del rock Californiano del decennio precedente, e qui viene resa più groovy e tosta rispetto all'originale; Pay My Dues fu un successo dei Blues Image, altra band della Florida, di appena qualche anno prima dei nostri, che fu uno dei pochi esempi non californiani di rivisitazione del blues, alla maniera "europea", e che come i Blackfoot era famosa come resident band, non di un topless bar, ma di un famoso locale di Miami, il Thee Image, aperto alla sperimentazione; Wishing Well fu invece un successo dei Free, la band inglese di Paul Rodgers che prima di sciogliersi (lui andrà ai Bad Company) scrisse questa hit. Di tutte e tre, i Blackfoot ne fanno una versione particolare, dove i cambiamenti seppur minimi sono quelli incisivi, regalando alle nuove versione un vestito particolare e riconducibile al loro nuovo stile. Tra gli autografi, segnalo le loro due canzoni più famose: Train Train, scritta dal nonno di Rickey Medlocke, Shorty, che diventerà una hit anche per Dolly Parton e per un'altra band dell'heavy metal, i Warrant. Ma la loro canzone simbolo è Highway Song: oltre 7 minuti spericolati, dalla costruzione epica e imperiosa e che finiscono con sensazionali duelli di assoli alla chitarra, con all'inizio anche belle melodie vocali, canzone che è un grande omaggio all'epopea dei gruppi che dalla Florida hanno messo mattoni importanti all'edificio della Storia del Rock. Il successo arriva, quasi inaspettato, e la band fa da spalla a grandi nomi in tour nel 1979 negli Stati Uniti: fondamentale per loro quello in apertura ai The Who. La band cavalca l'onda e in due anni sforna altri due dischi niente male, Tomcattin (1980, con una Pantera in copertina) e Marauder (con un falco, 1981) e fa due tour seguitissimi. Qui però finisce la loro fortuna: l'arrivo, come uno tsunami, dell'estetica MTV li taglia fuori: il rock del sud è visto come un genere passato e addirittura la ATCO non accettò il loro disco che sarebbe dovuto uscire nel 1984, Vertical Smiles. La band conseguentemente va in crisi e si scioglie per l'ennesima volta. Va detto che non saprei nemmeno contare i vari avvicendamenti, ma considerando che tentano una reunion prima nel 1990 (pubblicando un nuovo disco, Medicine Man) e poi addirittura nel 2004 e nel 2021 sono sicuro che nelle varie formazioni hanno girato almeno 40 musicisti diversi, a dimostrazione di una voglia di musica francamente ammirevole.
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any chance of an updated list?
Of course!!
Also, this is the NEW and FUCKING IMPROVED LIST, I alphabetized it so it’s even better than before >:3
Currently, we have 340 unique characters (if I counted right) and 487 total submissions. The top three most submitted fandoms are Homestuck, Danganronpa, and One Piece, excluding submissions that were spelt wrong or spelt differently. The top three submitted characters are Haiji Towa, Vriska Serket, and Stella Goeta (stella has so many submissions it’s funny)!
Finally, this is the raw, unedited list of characters submitted so far. Just because they are here doesn’t mean they’ll be in the tournament; it just means they’ve been submitted, regardless of media or what character they are!
as always, list under the cut!
This first list is for characters with two or more submissions. Characters who have three or more submissions will get first dibs in the tournament!
Akechi Goro
Akio Ohtori / Himemiya
Anakin Skywalker
Ansem the Wise
April O’Neil (2012)
Ardyn Izunia
Bill Cipher
Buzz McCallister
Cullen Rutherford
Dazai Osamu
Dio (Zero Escape)
Donald Trump
Donquixote Doflamingo
Dr. John ‘Jack’ Seward
Eichi Tenshouin
Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus
Eridan Ampora
Evan Hansen
Every Genshin Impact Character Ever
Glenn Quagmire
George Wickham
Greg Heffley
Haiji Towa
Her Imperious Condescension
Higashikata Josuke
Huey Emmerich
Ibara Saegusa
Izzy Hands
Jace Herondale / Wayland / Lightwood / Morgenstern
Jin Guangyao
John Gaius
Julia Mazzone
Junko Enoshima
Jurgen Leitner
Katsuki Bakugo
Kokichi Ouma
Kristoph Gavin
Kusaka Masato
Kylo Ren
Lance Dubois
Live Action Buggy
Marvin Falsettos
Meenah Peixes
Micah Bell
Minoru Mineta
Mr. Bungee
Pierce Hawthorne
Princess Daisy
Ranpo Edogawa (Beast)
Regal Farseer
Rose Quartz
Santa Claus
Sasuke Uchiha
Scrappy Doo
Sentinel Prime
Shou Tucker
Simon Laurent
Sosuke Aizen
Stella Goetia
Teddy / Kuma
The Maverick
The Metatron 
The Once-Ler
Tony Stark
Tsumugi Aoba
Ty Betteridge
Val Velocity
Vriska Serkat
William Afton
Ōchi Fukuchi
The next list is for characters only submitted once. If you want these characters to have a higher chance of being added to the tournament, feel free to submit more propaganda for them!
Abyss Sibling
Akito Shinonome
Akito Sohma
Alexander Hamilton
Ali Lectric
All For One
Aloise Trancy
Anatole Kuragin
Angel Dust
Anne Hathaway
Any Character From Welcome to Nightvale
Anyone From The Locked Tomb
Aranea Serkat
Bella Swan
Ben Jackson Walker
Betsy Wolfe
Billy Hargrove
Black Pete
Blitzo Buckzo
Buck Cluck
Buzz (cheerios)
Byakuya Togami
Caesar Clown
Caliborn / Lord English
Captain Kuro
Cersei Iannister
Chloe Bourgeois
Chris McClain
Chrollo Lucifer
Clara Oswald
Cozy Glow
Damian Wayne
Dan Moroboshi
Dean Venture
Dean Winchester
Detective Saracusa
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Disembodied Voice
Don Flamenco
Dr. Henry Miller
Elias Ainsworth
Elias Ainsworth
Elon Musk
Equius Zahhak
Eric Cartman
Erlina and Brugaves
Eugene Coli
Every Single Country In 1993
Everyone In Romeo And Juliet
Father / Dwarf In The Glass
Feferi Peixes
Five Pebbles
Foreman Oyun
France (Hetalia)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Gamzee Makara
Georg Weissmann
Goeffry St. John
Gordon Blackwall
Graham Spector
Gra’ha Tia
Haiji Senri
Heath cliff
Henry Miller (OC)
Henry the Eighth
Himiko Toga
Hiyoko Saionji
Holly Blue Agate
Huey Laforet
Ianthe Tridentarius
Il Dottore
Inspector Tobias Greyson
Itsuki Shu
Izumi Sena
Jacopo Bearzatti
James T. Kirk
Jayne Cobb
Joe Destefano
Jonah Magnus
Jonathan Groff 
Judith Ford / Natalie Cook
Kusunoki Muu
Kyouichi Saionji
Ladd Russo
Lady Catherine de Bourgh 
Lebreau Fermet Viralesque
Light Yagami
Mahiru Koizumi
Makoto Itou
Mary Keay
Master Crown
Matou Shinji
Medusa Gorgon
Meredith Rodney McKay
Michael Scott
Miguel O’Hara
Millions Knives
Moeka Kiryuu
Monokubs (Except Monodam)
Mori Ougai
Mr. Collins
Ms. Valentine
Muu Kusunoki
Muzan Kibutsuji
Mystery Hunter (Jeremiah Hartley)
Nagito Komaeda
Nanami Kiryuu
Natsumi Sakasaki
Nefera DeNile
Nikola Tesla
Noor Pradesh
Ogai Mori
Otto Apocalypse
Paul Von Oberstein
Petyr Baelish / Littlefinger
Prince Louis
Queen Scarlet
Quill Kipps
Rafal (FEE)
Rafal (SGE)
Rafe Cameron
Raven Queen
Rebecca Costwolds
Redd White
Riley Finn
Rohan Kishibe
Ruruka Ando
Sakazuki Akainu
Sebastian Mechaelis
Sheldon Cooper
Shen Jiu
Shiki Tohno/Nanaya
Shinonomes (both)
Sigma Klim
Silver Spoon
Solf J. Kimblee
So Sejima
Stark Sands
Steven Universe
Subara Akehoshi
Tatsumi Kazehaya
Teruhashi Makoto
The Eleventh Doctor
The Entirety Of Homestuck
The Groke
The Little Palace Mistress
The Mage
The New Ninja
The Old Palace Master
The Operator
The Pale King
Tim Drake
Tom Wambsgans
Tomaru Sawagoe
Touichiro Suzuki
Tumblr Staff
Valens Van Varro
Verstael Besithia
Victor Frankenstein
Vivienne Medranno’s Impsona
Voice In The Calm Ad On Spotify
Wen Chao
Whiteout, Clearsight, and Benjamin
Will Shuester
Willy Stampler
Woodes Rogers
Yoshiharu Hisomu
Yu Ziyuan
Yumichika Ayasegawa
Yuri Briar
Zeke Jaeger
Zenos Galvus
Zhou Zishu
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dispatchdcu · 1 year
She-Hulk #13 Preview
She-Hulk #13 Preview #shehulk #jenniferwalters #MARVEL #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #news #mcu #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #immortalhulk #incrediblehulk #hulk #hulksmash #theincrediblehulk
  She-Hulk #13 Preview: She-Hulk’s new villain makes a big move that throws Jen for the loop of her life. Plus, Patsy Walker, also known as Hellcat, returns to help Jen set everything straight. RAINBOW ROWELL ANDRÉS GENOLET (A) Cover by JEN BARTEL VARIANT COVER BY GREG LAND BLACK AND WHITE VIRGIN VARIANT COVER BY GREG LAND SPIDER-VERSE VARIANT COVER BY JEN BARTEL 32 PGS./Rated T+…
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allgoodquotesblog · 14 days
60 Best Encouraging Quotes for Weight Loss
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Losing weight can be a tough challenge for you. Beyond a balanced diet, nutrition plan, and regular exercise, it essential to determine and motivate you to reaching your weight loss goals . To help you, we’ve gathered some powerful motivational quotes for weight loss. If you’re struggling to change old habits, these best weight loss motivational quotes will inspire you to reach your goal in no time. Scroll down to get started!
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This has been designed using assets from www.freepik.com
Encouraging Quotes for Weight Loss by Doctors
“Consistency is key. Aim for progress, not perfection.” Dr. Yoni Freedhoff “The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to adopt a lifestyle, not a diet.” Dr. Michael Mosley
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“Your health is your greatest wealth. Losing weight is an investment in your future.” Dr. Frank Lipman “Weight loss isn’t just about looking better; it’s about feeling better and living longer.” Dr. Mehmet Oz “Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do, not a punishment for what you ate.” Dr. Mark Hyman “The journey to better health begins with a single step—start small, and build from there.” Dr. David Katz “Eating nutritious food fuels your body, sharpens your mind, and uplifts your mood.” Dr. Andrew Weil “Weight loss is a side effect of taking better care of your body and mind.” Dr. Rangan Chatterjee “Losing weight is about more than just cutting calories; it’s about nourishing your body.” Dr. Joel Fuhrman “Sleep plays a crucial role in weight loss. Prioritize rest, and your body will thank you.” Dr. Matthew Walker
Encouraging Quotes for Weight Loss by Personal Trainers
“Your body is capable of amazing things. Don’t let your mind hold you back.” Jillian Michaels “Fitness isn’t about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than you used to be.” Brett Hoebel “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” Jen Widerstrom “There’s no secret formula. I lift heavy, work hard, and aim to be the best.” Ronnie Coleman “Your body can stand almost anything. It’s your mind you have to convince.” Steve Cook
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“You don’t have to be extreme, just consistent.” Tony Horton “The clock is ticking. Are you becoming the person you want to be?” Greg Plitt “You’re much stronger than you think you are. Trust me.” Shaun T “It’s not just about losing weight, it’s about finding health and happiness.” Autumn Calabrese “Results happen over time, not overnight. Work hard, stay consistent, and be patient.” Kayla Itsines
Encouraging Quotes for Weight Loss Backed by Research
When it comes to weight loss, research offer valuable insights that can boost your motivation. Here are 10 encouraging quotes for weight loss supported by research.
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“Small, consistent changes lead to big results.”Ar per Research Research shows that gradual lifestyle changes are more sustainable. Small, consistent efforts—like walking daily—can lead to long-term improvement. As per Darren Hardy, “Small, Smart Choices + Consistency + Time = Radical Difference.” “You don’t have to lose a lot of weight to see health benefits.”Ar per Research Studies suggest that even a 5–10% reduction in body weight can lead to significant health improvements, such as lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol levels. “Exercise not only burns calories, it boosts your mood.”Ar per Research Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, which help reduce stress and improve mood It make to stick to your weight loss plan. “Mindful eating is key to long-term success.”Ar per Research According to research, paying attention to hunger and fullness indicators can help you avoid overeating. “Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise.”Ar per Research Studies show that lack of sleep disrupts hunger-regulating hormones. It leads to increase cravings and overeating. 7-9 hours of sleep support weight loss efforts. “Strength training boosts metabolism and preserves muscle mass.”Ar per Research Research highlights that lifting weights or engaging in resistance training helps build muscle It burns more calories and support faster weight loss. “Accountability increases your chances of success.”Ar per Research Accountability can significantly improve weight loss outcomes by keeping you motivated and on track. It can possible through a support group, personal trainer, or food diary. “Protein helps curb cravings and reduces appetite.”Ar per Research According to studies, a high-protein diet enhances satisfied feeling. It reduces overall calorie consumption. Which make easier to manage weight loss. “Healthy habits are built over time, not overnight.”Ar per Research According to behavioral science study, habits take approximately 66 days to form on average. Consistent effort will eventually make good food and exercise habitual. “Long-term weight maintenance is possible with lifestyle changes, not quick fixes.”Ar per Research Adopt healthy living practices. Stick to the rest of your life leads to long-term weight loss results.
Encouraging Quotes for Weight Loss by Sportsmen
“If something stands between you and your success, move it. Never be denied.” Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” Tommy Lasorda “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion."Muhammad Ali “It’s not the will to win that matters—everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.” Paul “Bear” Bryant “Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind.” Jackie Joyner-Kersee “You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.” Michael Jordan
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“If you don’t have confidence, you’ll always find a way not to win.” Carl Lewis “What makes something special is not just what you have to gain, but what you feel there is to lose.” Andre Agassi “Somewhere behind the athlete you’ve become and the hours of practice, there was a little kid who fell in love with the game. Play for him.” Kobe Bryant “You can’t win unless you learn how to lose.” Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Encouraging Quotes for Weight Loss by Famous Women
“I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself.” Arianna Huffington “Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.” Ingrid Bergman “You have to believe in yourself when no one else does—that makes you a winner right there.” Venus Williams “You are your best thing.” Toni Morrison “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” Louisa May Alcott “The most effective way to do it is to do it.” Amelia Earhart “Don’t compromise yourself. You’re all you’ve got.” Janis Joplin “I always believed if you take care of your body, it will take care of you.” Faith Hill “Take care of yourself: you never know when the world will need you.” Hedy Lamarr “It's more about your mental strength than physical strength. You have to push yourself. It doesn't matter what trainer you have. And it doesn't matter what program you're on. You have to be healthy and make the right choices” Beyoncé Knowles Read the full article
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
When Manny Singer’s wife dies, his young daughter Molly becomes mute and withdrawn. To help cope with looking after Molly, he hires sassy housekeeper Corrina Washington, who coaxes Molly out of her shell and shows father and daughter a whole new way of life. Manny and Corrina’s friendship delights Molly and enrages the other townspeople. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Corrina Washington: Whoopi Goldberg Manny Singer: Ray Liotta Molly Singer: Tina Majorino Jonesy: Joan Cusack Sid: Larry Miller Jevina: Jenifer Lewis Jenny Davis: Wendy Crewson Grandma Eva: Erica Yohn Grandpa Harry: Don Ameche Brent Witherspoon: Brent Spiner Bratty Boy: Tommy Bertelsen Repeat Nanny: Lin Shaye High Heels: Noreen Hennessey Shirl: Lucy Webb Miss O’Herlihy: Juney Ellis Rita Lang: Mimi Lieber Liala Sheffield: Karen Leigh Hopkins Mrs. Wang: Pearl Huang Tommy: Marcus Toji Joe Allechinetti: Louis Mustillo Wilma: Patrika Darbo Delivery Man 1: Don Pugsley Annie: Lynette Walden Business Associate: Bryan Gordon Club Singer: Jevetta Steele Woman in Audience: Yonda Davis Percy: Curtis Williams Lizzie: Briahnna Odom Mavis: Ashley Taylor Walls Frank: Harold Sylvester Anthony T. Williams: Steven Williams Lewis: Asher Metchik Howard: Courtland Mead Mrs. Werner: Sue Carlton Gregory: Kyle Orsi Mrs. Rodgers: Maud Winchester Mrs. Morgan: K.T. Stevens John Brennan: Christopher Chisholm Chubby Boy: Bryan A. Robinson Mrs. Murphy: Roz Witt 2nd Delivery Man: Sean Moran Film Crew: Screenplay: Jessie Nelson Editor: Lee Percy Producer: Steve Tisch Executive Producer: Ruth Vitale Original Music Composer: Rick Cox Producer: Paula Mazur Executive Producer: Bernie Goldmann Director of Photography: Bruce Surtees Music: Thomas Newman Stunts: Ben Scott Stunts: Kym Washington Longino Associate Producer: Joe Fineman Line Producer: Eric McLeod Casting: Mary Gail Artz Casting: Barbara Cohen Music Supervisor: Bonnie Greenberg Costume Design: Francine Jamison-Tanchuck Production Design: Jeannine Oppewall First Assistant Director: Phillip Christon Second Assistant Director: David Minkowski Second Second Assistant Director: Peggy Hughes Production Accountant: Gwen Everman Script Supervisor: Benita Brazier Camera Operator: Geary McLeod First Assistant Camera: Heather Page Steadicam Operator: Kirk R. Gardner Still Photographer: Suzanne Hanover Gaffer: Alan Brownstein Best Boy Electric: Steve Reinhardt Key Grip: Charles Saldaña Production Sound Mixer: David Kelson Boom Operator: Randall L. Johnson Key Makeup Artist: Michael Germain Makeup Artist: Deborah La Mia Denaver Key Hair Stylist: Candy L. Walken Hairstylist: Julia L. Walker Hairstylist: Michael Pachal Property Master: Barbara Benz Assistant Property Master: Michael D’Imperio Art Direction: Dina Lipton Set Designer: Louisa Bonnie Set Decoration: Lauren Gabor Leadman: John Maskovich Construction Coordinator: Lars Petersen Construction Foreman: Steven C. Voll Transportation Coordinator: Billy G. Arter Additional Editor: Lynzee Klingman Supervising Sound Editor: Steve Richardson ADR Voice Casting: Barbara Harris Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Matthew Iadarola Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Gary Gegan Color Timer: Mato Dialogue Editor: Lewis Goldstein Dialogue Editor: James Matheny Dialogue Editor: Kimberly Lambert Dialogue Editor: Jim Brookshire Dialogue Editor: Alison Fisher Supervising Sound Effects Editor: Joel Valentine ADR Editor: Darrell Hanzalik ADR Editor: Mary Ruth Smith ADR Editor: Jeff Watts Assistant Sound Editor: Paul Silver Assistant Sound Editor: Catherine Calleson Assistant Sound Editor: Tony Cappelli Foley Artist: Alicia Stevenson Foley Artist: Zane D. Bruce Foley Mixer: David Jobe Foley Recordist: Don Givens ADR Mixer: Charleen Richards-Steeves ADR Recordist: Greg Steele Music Editor: Will Kaplan Set Dresser: Mike Malone Movie Reviews:
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sparecrew · 9 months
The 2024 Book List
Fighting for Your Marriage (Howard J. Markman, Scott M. Stanley & Susan L. Blumberg)
Soldier's Heart (Gary Paulsen)
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (James Agee & Walker Evans) - 1K List: 1/year, 139/total
A Matter of Principle (Susan Beth Pfeffer)
5 Miraculous Muslims Touched by God (Author Unknown - Presumably Some Christian Organization)
The Woman in Me (Britney Spears)
Cold-Case Christianity (J. Warner Wallace)
Romney: A Reckoning (McKay Coppins) *
Sense and Sensibility (Jane Austen) ; 1K List: 2/year, 140/total
[Audiobook] The Underground Railroad (Colson Whitehead); 1K List: 3/year, 142 total
Opportunity Knocks (Tim Scott)
Why Marriages Succeed or Fail (John Gottman)
How to Know a Person (David Brooks) *
Killing Floor (Lee Child)
They Called Us "Lucky" (Ruben Gallego) *
Acquitted (Kyle Rittenhouse)
Profiles in Courage (John F. Kennedy)
The Case Against the Sexual Revolution (Louise Perry) *
The Things We Cannot Say (Kelly Rimmer) *
Who Killed These Girls? (Beverly Lowry)
Endgame (Omid Scobie)
[Textbook] AHA Heartsaver - First Aid (2021 Student Edition/Workbook)
[Textbook] AHA Heartsaver - First Aid, CPR, AED (2021 Student Edition/Workbook)
[Textbook] AHA BLS Instructor Manual
House of Leaves (Mark Z. Danielewski)
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) ; 1K List: 4/year, 143 total
Social Justice Fallacies (Thomas Sowell)
The Canceling of the American Mind (Greg Lukianoff & Rikki Schlott) *
Lost in Trans Nation (Miriam Grossman, MD)
Bad Therapy (Abigail Shrier) *
Hitler's Pawn (Stephen Koch) *
Rule Number Two (Dr. Heidi Squier Kraft) *
The Exchange (John Grisham)
[Audiobook] Zero Days (Ruth Ware)
Jesus Calling (Sarah Young)
Partners in Power (Roger Morris)
The Iliad (Homer - translated by Emily Wilson) - 1K List: 5/year, 144 total
[Audiobook] The It Girl (Ruth Ware)
In the Country of Men (Hisham Matar)
Get It Together (Jesse Watters)
Say More (Jen Psaki)
The Bible in 52 Weeks (Kimberly D. Moore)
White Rural Rage (Tom Schaller & Paul Waldman)
Prequel (Rachel Maddow)
Mansfield Park (Jane Austen) - 1K List: 6/year, 145 total
Morning After the Revolution (Nellie Bowles)
[Textbook] How to Write Anything - Third Edition (John J. Ruszkiewicz & Jay T. Dolmage)
I Swear (Katie Porter)
[Textbook] Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured - Twelfth Edition (Andrew Pollack, series editor)
What the Dead Know (Barbara Butcher)
Unbroken (Laura Hillenbrand)
The Situation Room (George Stephanopoulos)
King (Jonathan Eig) *
The Making of a King (Robert Hardman)
Troubled (Rob Henderson) *
If You Didn't Write It Down, It Never Happened! (Paul Serino)
Emma (Jane Austen) - 1K List: 7/year, 146 total
Elon Musk (Walter Isaacson)
The Fred Factor (Mark Sanborn)
A Coffin For Dimitrios (Eric Ambler) - 1K List: 8/year, 147 total
Privacy Is Power (Carissa Veliz)
[Textbook] Foundations of Education - Third Edition (NAEMSE)
Effective Difficult Conversations (Catherine Soehner & Ann Darling)
Foundation (Isaac Asimov) - 1K List: 9/year, 148 total
Foundation and Empire (Isaac Asimov) - 1K List: 10/year, 149 total
Book Club Reboot (Sarah Ostman & Stephanie Saba)
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Readings March 16 - 22
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Cartoon joke generated by AI in the style of The New Yorker cartoon
Group 1
Data Privacy and the Law
Ellen’s First Proof of Concept for AI Brainwave Opera
Group 2
Gooey.ai Multiple Pan Settings
AI Sculpting
Physics Simulations
Snow Walker Game
Making a Robot Move
Singer Nela Zawadzka
American Werewolf In London
David's dream sequence (CW: GORE, VIOLENCE, NAZISM): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJDl23Vnf14&ab_channel=Fear%3ATheHomeOfHorrorDavid and Jack convo (CW: GORE) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rngpf0Yluog&ab_channel=MovieclipsTransformation (IMPORTANT) (CW: GORE) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tb0HZrobUE&t=298s&ab_channel=UniversalPicturesWaking up after first transformation (relevant for hiding and interaction with gentile child): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7iFxMjvZtA&ab_channel=Nivellen2755
AI Reconstructs Motion Sequence of Humans and Animals
Making Music With AI
Markov Decision Process
Game Development Theory Dilemma Solved
Game Theory Approaches For Autonomy
Game Theory in Defense
Game Theory Behavioral Types In Unity
How To Implement Movement In Unity
Group 3
Color and Sound: Physical and Psychophysical Relations
Light and Sound Relations
What Is An Oscillator?
Control Net and Stable Diffusion
Comfy For Stable Diffusion
Sophia The Robot
Hanson Robotics
Miller Puckett - Free Ice Cream
Greg Brockman, President and Co-Founder of OpenAI, shows a developer demo showcasing GPT-4 and some of its capabilities/limitations.
GPT-4 vs. MidJourney 5
Control Net 2.1
Steve Reich
Yiddishland Venice Biennale at the German Pavillion AR
Other Links
Psychological Shadow
AI and Animal Speech
Human Brain Cells Used As AIs
Llama Alpaca Chat GPT just dropped for those who are intersted - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pi7EUbt0cg
GPT-4 API Is 60X More Expensive Than ChatGPT
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rainingmusic · 3 years
Blackfoot - Diary of a Working Man
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laf-outloud · 2 years
What we learned about Walker: Independence from Philly's marathon QA (seriously, he got through more questions than two convention panels):
Love triangles? Possibly already there...
Gus and Kate possibly have more interaction in 1x04
Gus' reaction to killing that man will linger and there will be conversations.
Everybody in Independence has secrets and what inevitably happens, they come to light.
Gus' backstory is coming.
1x04 will be very "entertaining," and Philly's excited for us to see Katie.
Philly's excited for fans to see 1x05 so we can learn more about their characters.
Gus will be spending more time with other characters in future episodes.
We're in for good stuff in later episodes between Gus and Hoyt.
Best relationship with Gus is Calian. They have the longest-standing friendship.
Gus is an enigma and you don't know which side he's on.
At some point, we will meet Gus' family.
What we learned about what goes on behind the scenes:
Everybody makes Philly laugh on set.
Philly's favorite character is Kai
Hardest scenes to film are the ones crunched for time (golden hour, specific time, etc.)
When Jared was on set, they offered to let Jared play Liam's dead body. He said maybe. LOL!
Greg Hovanessian is the magician on set.
Favorite possible guest stars: The Late, Great Leslie Jordan, or Dolly Parton
Favorite character quote: Gus' "Quite a song." and Hoyt's "Yeah, stay outta the lion's den."
Favorite piece of Gus' wardrobe: His bandanas because he has a different one each episode.
Favorite part of Gus and Tom's dynamic: Two strong men trying to figure each other out but neither backing down - creating a palpable on-screen tension.
Favorite scene: When Gus shoots Griffin, and the scene in the sheriff's office with Hoyt when Gus took out the gun (it wasn't planned.)
Favorite thing about WIndy: The stories they're trying to tell and changing the genre through those stories.
The weather, harsh winds, rain, cold weather, really ground them to the scene because they're in it.
Riding a horse while acting is a whole different ballgame.
No one is like their character.
Most likely to laugh during a take: Katie, Philemon, Kat, Matt, Justin
Horse's names: Philly's is Rainman, a few others include Cinco, T, and Joe.
When it's wet and rainy, it's time to head indoors for filming.
Justin's the best horse rider. He and his horse are very connected. (And he's also irritating because his hair blows in the wind. LOL!)
And finally, Philly's favorite inspirational quote: "This job is a means to an ends, not an ends to a means."
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thefrogholler · 6 years
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whitedemonshiro · 3 years
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Blackfoot, onstage Reading festival 1982
Rickey Medlocke and Greg T. Walker
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ao3feed-reesefinch · 2 years
Dodgeball Dome
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/1biA29Z
by 305unreal
111 campers compete in a daylong dodgeball match. How do you find a winner? And who will take the next humiliating walk down the Dock of Shame? Stay tuned for the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet on Total... Drama… Nation!
Words: 5487, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Total Drama Nation
Fandoms: Total Drama (Cartoon), Multi-Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Meredith Grey, Victor Zsasz, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Needham, Peeta Mellark, Penelope Garcia, Gale Hawthorne, George O'Malley, Teresa Lisbon, Robert Chase, Chloe Sullivan, Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Mick Rory, Oliver Oken, Penny (Big Bang Theory), Sam Hanna, Bruce Banner
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock, Auggie Anderson/Annie Walker, Donna Paulsen/Cristina Yang, Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Dec Donnelly/Ant McPartlin, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Dale "Barbie" Barbara/James "Junior" Rennie, Barry Allen/Leonard Snart, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Oswald Cobblepot/Edward Nygma, Freddy Krueger/Jason Voorhees, Maura Isles/Jane Rizzoli, KITT/Michael Knight, Ravi Chakrabarti/Liv Moore, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik/Agent Stone, Devon Banks/Kenneth Parcell, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Javier Esposito/Kevin Ryan, Ludwig van Beethoven/Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Angus MacGyver/Murdoc (MacGyver TV 2016), G Callen/Marty Deeks, Kimball Cho/Patrick Jane, Peter Niedermayer/Gregory Valentine, Robbie Rotten/Sportacus, Xander Harris/Spike, Dylan Reinhart/Andrew "Andy" Wilson, Logic | Logan Sanders/Morality | Patton Sanders, Miley Stewart | Hannah Montana/Lilly Truscott, Mohinder Suresh/Sylar | Gabriel Gray, Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer, Mike Ross/Harvey Specter, Janet/Katrina (KallMeKris), Joey Gladstone/Jesse Katsopolis, Sheldon Cooper/Leonard Hofstadter, Cogsworth/Lumiere (Disney), Castiel/Dean Winchester, Harold Finch/John Reese, Elijah Mikaelson/Klaus Mikaelson, Loki/Tony Stark, Nigel Chessum/Isaac Higgintoot, Katniss Everdeen/Hermione Granger, Henry Morgan/Lucas Wahl, Greg House/James Wilson
Additional Tags: Canon Rewrite, Alternate Universe - Reality Show, Alternate Universe - Teenagers, The First Eight Relationships Are Established, Pre-Relationship, Developing Relationship, Embedded Video, Embedded Images
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/1biA29Z
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pa-tr0-clus · 4 years
LGBTQ+ book recc master-list:
(Cause the last time I did this was in 2018 and a LOT of great queer books have been published since then)
1) The lies we tell ourselves by Robin Talley
2) Girl <3 Girl by Lucy Sutcliffe
3) As I descended by Robin Talley
4) Lumberjanes by Noelle Stevenson
5) Our own private universe by Robin Talley
6) Paper Girls by Brian K Vaughan
7) Giant days by Allison, Sarin, Fleming, and Cogar
8) Princess Princess by Katie O’Neill
9) Goldie Vance by Hope Larson
10) CREMA by Johnnie Christmas
11) High class homos by Momozerii
12) You should see me in a crown by Leah Johnson
14) Laura Dean keeps breaking up with me by Mariko Tamaki
15) Love Frankie by Jacqueline Wilson
16) Girl from the sea by Molly Ostertag
17) Hani and Ishu’s guide to fake dating by Adiba Jaigirdar
18) The good girls by Claire Eliza Bartlett
19) The love curse of Melody McIntyre
20) Always human by Ari North
21) Afterlove by Tanya Byrne
22) I think I love you by Audriane Desombre
23) Tell me again how a crush should feel by Sara Farizan
24) Who I was with her by Nita Tyndall
25) She drives me crazy by Kelly Quindlen
26) Some girls do by Jennifer Dugan
27) Trouble girls by Julia Lynn Rubin
28) Royals duology by Rachel Hawkins
29) Patience and Esther by Sarah Winifred Searle
30) Margot & me by Juno Dawson
31) The henna wars by Adiba Jaigirdar
1) Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
2) Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
3) Simon VS the homosapiens agenda by Becky Allbertalli
4) Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan and John Green
5) I’ll give you the sun by Jandy Nelson
6) Hold me closer by David Levithan
7) Two boys kissing by David Levithan
8) Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe (+ unreleased sequel) by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
9) Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
10) The raven king by Maggie Stiefvater
11) Blood bank by Silb
12) Heartstopper series by Alice Oseman
13) Nick and Charlie by Alice Oseman
14) Openly Straight by Bill Konisberg
15) Honestly Ben by Bill Konisberg
16) The perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
17) Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
18) Any way the wind blows by Rainbow Rowell
19) Date me, Bryson Keller by Kevin van Whye
20) Sonnet by Emily Cheeseman
21) Castle Swimmer by Wendy Lian Martin
22) Tripping over you by Owen White
23) Starfighter by Hamlet Machine
24) Long Exposure by Kam Heyward
25) Obliviously in love by Jiaoski
26) I’ll be home for Christmas by Mason Denver
27) Liebestrasse by Greg Lockard
28) Check, Please! By Ngozi Ukazu
29) Always raining here by Bell
30) I was born for this by Alice Oseman
31) Red white and royal blue by Casey McQuiston
32) The gravity of us by Phil Stamper
33) They both die at the end by Adam Silvera
34) Dreamer trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater
35) If this gets out by Sophie Gonzales and Cale Dietrich
36) Fifteen hundred miles from the sun by Jonny Garza Villa
37) You spin me right round by David Valdes
38) As far as you’ll take me by Phil Stamper
39) Darius the great is not okay (+ sequel) by Adib Khorram
1) Leah on the offbeat by Becky Albertalli
2) Odd one out by Nic Stone
3) We are young by Cat Clarke
4) Brightsiders by Jen Wilde
5) Everyday by David Levithan
6) Paris Syndrome by Lisa Walker
7) Beneath the citadel by Destiny Soria
8) Ship it by Britta Lundin
9) Home and away by Candice Montgomery
10) Ink Mistress by Audrey Coulthurst
11) Reign of the fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh
12) The Gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue by Mackenzi Lee
13) The gentleman’s guide to getting lucky by Mackenzi Lee
14) The doctors are out by Blauerozen
15) Fence by C. S. Pacat
16) Be more chill by Joe Tracz
1) George by Alex Gino
2) The art of being normal by Lisa Williamson
3) The Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan
4) What we left behind by Robin Talley
5) Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky
6) If I was your girl by Meredith Russo
7) Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart
8) I am J by Cris Beam
9) Symtoms of being human by Jeff Garvin
10) A + E 4ever by I. Merey
11) All I am by Chaaistheanswer
12) The weight of them by Noelle Stevenson
13) Dream Daddy vol 2 by Lee C.A.
14) Fluidum by Layla E.
15) Magical boy by The Kao
16) The passing playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons
17) Sasha Masha by Agnes Borinsky
18) The deep and dark blue by Niki Smith
19) Cemetary boys by Aiden Thomas
20) All boys arent blue by George M. Johnson
21) Detransition, baby by Torrey Peters
22) Felix ever after by Kacen Callender
1) Dear Evan Hansen the novel by Val Emmich (Connor describes his sexuality as something fluid)
2) The lady’s guide to petticoats and piracy by Mackenzi Lee (Felicity is implied aro/ace) (sequel to the gentleman’s guide but I’m not sure it can be read as a stand-alone)
3) The Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan
4) The Trials Of Apollo series by Rick Riordan
5) How they met and other stories by David Levithan
6) Deadpool comics (pansexual)
7) Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
8) Final Draft by Riley Redgate (pansexual)
9) Lets talk about love by Claire Kahn (ace/biromantic)
10) Lost on plant earth by Magdalene Visaggio
11) Youth by Curt Pires
12) The backstagers by James Tynion IV
13) Loveless by Alice Oseman (aro/ace)
14) Six of crows (+sequel) by Leigh Bardugo
15) Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
16) How they met and other stories by David Levithan
17) Rock and riot by Chelsey Furedi
18) Kiss number 8 by Colleen A.F. Venable
19) This is how you lose the time war
20) Upright women wanted by Sarah Gailey
21) The wicker king by K. Ancrum
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