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on reread you can really see how the small council in ADWD is a pale shadow of the council ned dealt with in AGOT. everyone in there had a damn angle. renly's trying to get robert to do a proper henry viii by getting him to marry margaery. littlefinger's running the world's biggest ponzi scheme while also having time to pull a psychosexual great gatsby on the side. pycelle has his lannister lapdog dynamic going on and varys is actively plotting the downfall of the royal dynasty for twenty years. meanwhile what does the small council in adwd have? harys swyft and paxter redwyne? bunch of rich guys from the reach trying to claw out a even more influence for themselves? ok. thats tuesday in westeros. littlefinger is engineering civil wars while gyles rosby is dying of consumption. we used to be a proper country
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-Manderlys. i just know they got some wild stories to share. also white harbor objectively best place to live in westeros.
-An excruciatingly long biography of every single Frey in known history. The maester only lists their first name but by the way they write you can tell they were a Frey too
-Reynes, an account of the great house written before their extirpation. I want the whole of the narrative to be overshadowed by the tragedy we know is coming!!! I want the parallels between the Reynes and the Lannisters, both gaining their wealth from mining wealth, both proud and ancient and haughty, both lions with claws and ambition!!!!
-Farwynds. themes and motifs are great and all but I wanna know what they got going on over there 👀
-Beesbury. I just think it would be very funny to have a whole textbook written on a house that does nothing and basically lives in the children’s lit woodland creature version of the English countryside
westerosi houses i would most want to see an entire fire and blood style history about in no particular order:
-crabb and celtigar 400 year bay of crabs drama
- uller.  shot rhaenys out of the sky but what have they actually been up to to make them half mad and the other half worse.
- The short sad reign of House Lothston.
- Lannisport Lannisters
- Fire and blood where everything is the same except Alleras writes it from the perspective of a dornish historian
- Bolton. if they’ve been up to their usual evil shit for eight thousand years like fully wearing Starkskin cloaks then they really HAVE been the same guy the entire time. need them to beat these allegations.
- not the actual daynes they’re too perfect with the whole we being the dawn we are just like valyrians except we’re not out sword is a star thing. i want to know about whatever specific fucked up dayne cadet branch darkstar is from.
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george has bad writing but it's rarely the 'bad' lines that the redditors give him shit for. yes i will defend 'fat pink mast' yes i will defend 'myrish swamp' and 'men call me darkstar and i am of the night' and 'the more she shat the more she drank' i actually dont care about any of them because they're effective for the tone and mood they're trying to convey. if im being honest my problem is that the dothraki dont get to be people
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oughh I love Catelyn's anger at Ned at his infidelity being thrown on Jon because he's a socially acceptable target onto whom she can place her anger without confronting her social position as a woman in westeros who adopts a golden image of her husband because to think otherwise would be to confront her own lack of agency in marriage, and i love how Tyrion and Cersei misplace their resentment of their golden brother Jaime onto their treatment of Lancel, how they have sex with him and mock him and use him as a pawn for their schemes in a way they cant so openly do with jaime.
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the lady x sworn shield dynamic can take on many iterations, including as lovers (cersei/jaime), brother-sister (loras/margaery), mistress-attack dog (sansa/sandor, alicent/criston cole), or parent-child (catelyn/brienne), and often it's multiple at the same time, but first and foremost it must always be weird about it.
#asoiaf#i wonder if there's any daddaughter lady/sworn shield dynamics in the books#not all of these are technically sworn shields but they all serve that purpose narratively#greenbloods.txt
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Actually hold on im revising this. Because I LOVE the eye motif OP put in Daenys' dress and this is making me Think Thoughts abt diegetic storytelling.
A song that the audience can hear but the characters cant is extradiegetic - we know what those string violins mean, we know what the lurking shadow and the red eyes in the horror movie signify. But the character doesn't. They exist without knowledge of their genre or how we know the story will go. ASOIAF is pretty metatextual and exists in constant conversation with genre expectations -- all of the characters know how the songs go, the stories from the Age of Heroes and Old Nan's fables. But very few of them are genre aware (see Ned and Sansa in AGOT, or Cersei before marrying Robert, or Bran before his fall, or Sandor before his burning, or-- you get the idea). And those that get exposed to prophecies are still stuck within the confines of the narrative, stuck within their expectations of how the world should work (e.g. Melisandre). It's like all of them have seen horror movies before, but none of them know theyre in one*.
This art is really cool to me because it presents Daenys as standing outside the narrative in some respect. Instead of Daenys having an Eye Dress that she pulls out for special occasions, it's almost like the dress and Daenys are extradiegetic, standing outside the story proper but telling us the audience something about her thematic and narrative function. She dreams of Valyria's doom, and she doesn't misinterpret her visions but stares them in the face, unlike other seers in the story like the Ghost of High Heart & Melisandre. She is the wisest of the targaryens because she looks forward, and doesnt look back. And this artwork interfaces really well with that idea, especially re: that recent post about an asoiaf animated adaptation (this one). I think if daenys appeared onscreen she would be a fourth-wall-breaking presence -- looking straight at the audience, recognizing the kind of story she's in while everyone around her doesnt understand. Shes the cassandra that house targaryen listened to, she's the reason for their dynasty making it out the Doom alive, and she could Not have existed under the choking male dominated power structures that Jaehaerys and every successive targaryen upheld.
Eyes are an important motif that come up again and again to characterize people: Bloodraven with a thousand eyes and one, Bran the Three-Eyed Crow, the weirwood trees with their weeping eyes, the greenseer kings, Euron's blood eye, the violet eyes of the Valyrians, Tyrion and Shiera Seastar's mismatched eyes, Melisandre and Ghosts red eyes, Aemond One-eye, Symeon Star-eyes. But of all the people to be associated with the eye motif Daenys just works because she sees farther than them all, and she (more than any other person in the series, save maybe Bloodraven) is the domino that set forth 400 years of history that led to where Westeros is today.
Father, I dreamt of our Doom…
#am i making sense at all?#daenys the dreamer#diegetic storytelling#art#greenbloods.txt#asoiaf animated series
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fire and blood should’ve been about a young witch trying to solve the disappearance of her dragon in a small village in the vale
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reddit user whos been waiting 12 years for winds of winter voice: arya is the valonquar and she will warg into ser pounce and kill tommen and cersei in the red keep, thereby fulfilling maggy's prophecy. it is known
tumblr user whos been waiting 12 years for winds of winds voice: god i want to fuck osmund kettleblack so bad it makes me look silly. anyway heres an entire thematic breakdown of the concept of honor and the inherent eroticism of gendered violence in the kingsguard
instagram user: Did you know that some people some people think that young griff might actually be a blackfyre? follow for more insights!
quora user: Who Would Win in a Fight, Robert Baratheon or Jaime Lannister?
twitter user: if Anyone says that p*tyr bael*sh is their favorite character you can go ahead and block me already. oh and while your at it go jump into a tar pit. full of spikes. and molten lava!!!
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asoiaf most EVIL characters tier list
sansa stark (13 year old girl)
jaime lannister (unfunny)
jorah mormont (slaver)
leo tyrell (classist)
craster (born out of wedlock)
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sunday morning cartoon asoiaf animated series au where varys and illyrio are the team rocket-style getting their evil-plan-of-the-week foiled by the main cast who dont even know they exist
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one thing i love and cherish about asoiaf is that the smallfolk are always people first. theyre not presented as shining morally pure victims and theyre not evil and backward. they just. exist. some are kind and some are not, and some drag sansa off her horse and some laugh and give arya soup, and some are meek and some storm the dragonpit. theyre made of exactly the same stuff as the high lords are, all the black and white and grey. the only thing different about them is that theyre on the bottom, crushed by the wheel. the smallfolk dream of rain and healthy children and a summer that never ends, no matter how the high lords play their game of thrones. series thesis statement
#it wouldve been so easy to just make them the embodiment of virtue and goodness but im glad grrm didnt#team smallfolk#greenbloods.txt
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ultimately the curse of both catelyn and cersei as highborn women in their society is that they try to exert their power through their eldest sons but find their grasp on power slipping as their sons rebel against their infuence. cersei's role as joffrey's mother and cat's role as robb's mother gives them status in the eyes of powerful men—until it doesn't any more, until their sons become kings. In this way, the mother-son dynamic in patriarchal westeros is similar to the lady-knight dynamic, where the knight acts as the sworn sword and shield through which the lady has access to violence (and thus safety), in the absence of the ability to engage in such violence directly
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the dance of the dragons key 5 are criston larys the rryks (they're one person) nettles and alys rivers. everyone else is a secondary character. sorry if you had to find out this way
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theon greyjoy is a joy to read on the page because he has a very particular combination of egotism and self-loathing that are constantly battling for control in the seat of his soul. like george costanza.
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guys ive cracked the code
#edit: butterfly pointed out in tags that Dunk actually is good at melee but flops in jousts -- thats a typo on my part#a knight of the seven kingdoms#if the she wolves of winterfell ever comes you have the recipe right here#dunk and egg#tales of dunk and egg#asoiaf#asoiaf meme#greenbloods.txt
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after the harrenhal weirwood dream daemon finally feels like a compelling character to me. your childwife is at the needle again. shes sewing the head of the child you murdered. the guilt is banging at the door and all the swords can't keep it back. deep down you know you're a monster. just look at the mess you made. you're going to die here.
#that castle will EAT YOU#every targaryen man follows the thread of fate to his own unique gruesome hamster like death#daemons finally found his#harrenhal#daemon targaryen#hotd#hotd spoilers#hotd s2 ep3#greenbloods.txt
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