#green. can change shapes (at least a little). acts like a dog (at least sometimes). good boy. (man’s) best friend
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I had a realization that everyone else has probably already had but I need to say it
Robin = Danny
Raven = Sam
Cyborg = Tucker
Starfire = Valerie, maybe??
Beast Boy = Cujo?????
#dcxdp#dpxdc#dc x dp#dp x dc#dc x dp crossover#dp x dc crossover#dc x dp prompt#dp x dc prompt#I say all of this as someone who hasn’t seen teen titans:#the leader who probably shouldn’t be in charge but is anyway on basis of ‘I Can Beat All Of You Up’#the cool goth girl who probably SHOULD be in charge but also is maybe a little bit too happy to see her friends suffer (a little suffering)#the smart techy one who is also the Masculine character /lh (usually) (sometimes)#warm color scheme girl love interest who is good at shooting people#green. can change shapes (at least a little). acts like a dog (at least sometimes). good boy. (man’s) best friend#reiterating now that I haven’t seen (much) of teen titans (I’ve seen like maybe three episodes total in my lifetime)
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okay it’s time for some stardew valley headcanons for the bachelor/ette(s) so let’s GOOOO
- he always awakes before his grandparents, and on warmer days he’ll go down to the beach to watch the sunrise.
- friends with elliot! the two of them sit on the side of the dock sometimes and just chat about life.
- knows how to make cookies, as evelyn taught him when he was a bit younger
- wary of the saloon, as he doesn’t really like the smell of alcohol and only goes into it if he’s forced to!
- if you marry him, he can and will pick you up randomly to surprise you while you’re working!
- if married, he will “bench press” your kids once they become toddlers, and it always makes them giggle
- hates the winter and gets cold really easily. on the first day of fall he’s already bundled up wanting it to be summer again.
- willy is like a father to him. the two of them sit on the docks and watch the fish swim by together
- sometimes he’ll braid his hair, and leah will bring flowers from the forest and weave them into his hair.
- has a rlly pretty singing voice, and likes to record piano covers in his spare time
- if you marry him and the two of u have kids, he’ll always braid their hair in the morning and tuck flowers behind their ears.
- he brings home fresh fish he caught and makes himself dinner every night. that’s why he’s an excellent cook.
- has actually caught a legendary fish before!
- his eyes change color, they can go from blue to green to brown in the same day. people call them the “prismatic shard of eyes”
- he’s so clumsy that sometimes he’ll even trip over air. due to this, he has little bruises all over his knees and elbows.
- his favorite animals are birds. sometimes he’ll go outside and just give them some bird seed. he loves watching them fly around.
- not only is he fascinated with planes, but he’s also fascinated with the weather. as a kid he used to watch the weather channel, and he dreamed of becoming a weatherman.
- when he needs to focus really hard, he’ll pull his hair back with a headband
- him and his mother were and still are very close, and he writes letters to her at least once a week
- he cannot cook to save his life, but he’s an incredible baker! will make you little treats if you’re friends or married
- he always wears a wristwatch, but the time is always 6 minutes behind. he likes it because it has a plane engraved into the side against his wrist.
- he had adhd, and his stims include flapping his hands, tapping his foot and strumming his guitar
- he has a beautiful singing voice, think like wilbur soot but a bit more high pitched?
- the reason he likes cactus fruit so much is because he just plants them and lets them grow. he loves succulents because they don’t give him an allergic reaction!
- cannot play video games for shit. sebastian and abigail have banned him from multi-player games because he just sucks so bad.
- love language is acts of service, simply because he likes singing for people he cares about and doing little things for them!
- if you marry him, he will bring his guitar into the coop and/or barn and sing to the animals. they have learned to run over a greet him, since they love his singing.
- his hair is actually curly, but you’re unable to tell due to how much he gels and straightens his hair.
- has mastered the art of the puppy dog eyes
- loves the hell out of halloween, but is scared of literally everything. he nearly cried watching a horror movie with sam and abigail.
- really good with a slingshot! so if he were to go into the mines, he would wreck some monsters shit with his slingshot skills
- he had glow in the dark stars on his ceiling, but removed them. he used to love the stars and space, but came to resent them because it was his sisters thing.
- he like…irl blushes. like an anime character. when he’s embarrassed, upset, flustered, his face will go all pink. everyone picks on him for it.
- has/had a crush on most of the towns singles. he is a bisexual disaster and secretly a romantic so….take from that what you will.
- a natural born ginger, but dyes his hair. he also has freckles on his nose! and he has an eyebrow slit because of a scar!!
- for some stupid reason, he takes really good care of his hands? like he always makes sure they don’t get calloused, and his nails are always painted black, despite using his hands all the time for work.
- he cannot cook. he burned pasta noodles because he didn’t know you had to put water in the pan.
- he still has a chicken plushie from when he was a baby, and it still sits on his bed. and if he cuddles with it at night? no one needs to know.
- has a huge birthmark on his side shaped like a heart
- really good at mixology, so i think that when joja gets shut down, shane works at the saloon and makes the drinks while gus cooks. he adds a whole new section on the menu!
- friends with sebastian. they paint each other’s nails from time to time, or sit in the rain together and just talk.
- kinda strong as hell? he lifts boxes in joja for work, as well as carrying around jas, so i’m assuming he could just….pick the farmer and his friends up?
- he has the most contagious laugh, it used to be a rare sound, but now that it’s a pretty common occurrence, shane makes people laugh all the time with his own laugh.
- buff. she is buff as hell. her and alex work out together sometimes, since she expressed a desire for adventure. she has picked up sam and sebastian with no warning and thrown them into the ocean
- can talk to animals due to her being the daughter of the wizard! so sometimes she’ll go to marnies farm and just chat with the cows or something
- if she sees a tree, she WILL climb it. she loves it so much, it’s just so adrenaline inducing for her.
- her and sebastian tried to go into the mines before but sam stopped them because it wouldn’t have been very safe. they were all 14.
- trying to learn to play the ukulele with a little help from sam. it’s frustrating, but she really likes the sound of it, and she’s determined as hell.
- absolutely cracked at any and all video games he plays. mario kart? she will kick your ass. animal crossing? her island has 5 stars. pokémon? she always wins. you can’t stop her, she’s too powerful.
- she has glasses, but prefers contacts, since glasses would get in the way of her adventuring.
- not only can she sew, but she also makes her own soaps and candles! any form of creation she adores.
- loves flowers, and has a lot of little potted ones in her room. she raises them, gives them little names and personalities, and then brings them to sandy and tells her all about each flower
- she can roller skate, and it’s her preferred method of transportation. she can do a bunch of fun tricks as well!
- has an eyebrow slit
- making cute little baskets of homemade gifts is her favorite thing to do for her friends. sometimes she’ll just leave them on their doorsteps for no reason other than she wants to!
- can SPRINT in heels. like even 6 inch heels she can just RUN and it scares everyone who sees it.
- she loves the sounds of birds chirping in the morning, and she’s able to identify the name of the bird by its chirping and calls
- is able to perfectly crack and drink from coconuts. that’s why she loves them so much.
- has the worst sense of direction. she’s lucky she lives in a small town, or she’d get lost all the time
- the spring is her favorite time of year, simply because she loves to capture life coming back in those spring months. baby animals, blooming flowers, her friends on the beach or just chilling in the sun, all of it
- her most prized possession is the very first picture her and emily took as kids on their parents polaroid. it’s taped to her mirror
- has a little beauty mark under her lip, but it normally isn’t visible due to being covered with makeup!
- she’s able to do her own nails! this is because she is ambidextrous, yet she doesn’t know, because it’s never been brought up
- she fucking LOVES learning about and identifying plants, trees and flowers. she knows so many it’s crazy. she has a great memory.
- resident true crime enthusiast and ghost hunter. she drags elliot with her around town to go hunting for ghosts. they also watch documentaries together!
- has a bunch of little scars on her hands from her artwork
- to get inspiration for works, she’ll go on walks at different times of the day, different seasons, different routes, and she’ll turn each walk into a work of art. depending on all the environment and those who she runs into, each piece is vastly different.
- animals love her, and will sometimes just follow her around for no reason. she doesn’t mind at all, she kinda loves it.
- friends with emily. they are currently teaching each other their own forms of art, since they love learning from each other!
- really good at dancing, she’ll dance while she’s working on projects and she’ll hum a song to herself
- her favorite statue was created after she went on a walk, ran into abigail, and the two of them went swimming in the ocean and stayed there as the sun set and the stars came out. she has a little crush on abigail.
- her hair is ALWAYS tied up, it’s impossible for her to work if her hair is in her eyes
- when she was a kid she wanted to be an astronaut, because she loves the stars, but she found she prefers the science and math behind it all
- she pierced her own ears, she has little star earrings!
- watches cartoons and geeks out about them with penny when they meet up in town!
- for some odd reason, she is terrified of butterflies. no one who knows her, or even maru herself have ANY idea why, but she will run away if she sees one.
- her favorite memory was the one night her and sebastian stayed up really late as kids and snuck outside to look at the stars (back when sebastian still loved them) and they ended up seeing a meteor shower
- she presses flowers as a hobby, and just keeps them in a little notebook alongside her ideas for projects and gadgets.
- while she’s cleaning her and pam’s home, she finds herself singing to herself. she has yet to be caught by anyone
- each day, her hair is done ever-so-slightly different. each morning, she likes to change it up, and sometimes jas or vincent will give her something to put in her hair
- also interested in ghosts, will occasionally join elliot and leah on their adventures
- she is naturally really warm, so she doesn’t have to bundle up as much during the winter. the kids cling to her because she’s like a human space heater
- has a bit of a geeky side, and she loves to watch cartoons a lot. when she can find the time, she always watches them. they being her lots of comfort.
- has a small scar on her side from when she tripped over as a child onto something sharp. she likes it because with two freckles, it makes a little smiley face
- loves the water and the feeling of sea wind in her hair. she secretly wants to learn to drive a boat, so she can feel that wind in her hair whenever she wants.
#stardew#stardew valley#sdv alex#sdv elliott#sdv harvey#sdv sam#sdv sebastian#sdv shane#sdv abigail#sdv emily#sdv haley#sdv leah#sdv maru#sdv penny#stardew valley headcanons
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A New World of All of Us
There's a lone inn that stands in the middle of nowhere, once a place for those on pilgrimage to rest during a leg of their journey. But few speak the name of the Goddess anymore...
Two travelers come by, unfamiliar, but with a dog. But a customer was a customer.
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia Characters/Pairing: Lloyd Irving/Colette Brunel, Noishe, Original Characters Rating: PG Chapters: 1 of 3 Mirror Link: AO3 Notes: For Colloyd Week, Day 6: Let's go explore the new world together! I suddenly wanted to write a story with OCs, but with Lloyd and Colette being the main focus still! So, this is what came of it, and it's not complete yet! But there is a first chapter of hopefully just three altogether. If you read and enjoy, please let me know! And thank you everyone for Colloyd Week this year!
For the inn that was placed on the crossroads leading between Iselia and Triet, many still called it a House of Salvation whenever they passed by the structure.
It wasn’t such a surprise as to why they still did- for ever since it was claimed by the new owners, they hadn’t done much changes to its original architecture. It still maintained its two stories, shaped like a pillar, with a great open area inside on the first floor. Where once the symbols of Martel would be decorated along the walls with banners and silk, where the humble statue of Spiritua would be placed on the small prayer dais in the front, with mats on the floor to cushion a worshipper’s knees, it was now just a general dining area for visitors, with an innkeeper’s counter placed to the side. The prayer alcove had been converted to a delicacy stand, selling the innkeeper’s homemade treats they had baked for the day.
Upstairs were still the rooms for the weary to rest, once mainly meant for those on a pilgrimage. But many didn’t really go on pilgrimages anymore – none but the very devout few, who still believed in the Goddess that now watched over a newly remade world.
Mara didn’t really think much about that really. Seeing the time as the sun lowered in the sky, she stepped out of the barely renovated inn, a broom in hand, and proceeded to sweep up the dirt on their front steps. But the broom was a little too tall for her, and she struggled to keep it elevated just right as she went about her task. She also hadn’t done the laundry recently, so her dress was a mixture of dust and polka-dots, and her boots were scuffed from the mud from a few days back when she had to handle a few maintenance tasks in the rain.
Then again, business had been slow these days, and it wasn’t like there were patrons around to keep up appearances for…
And her brother hadn’t been back for many hours. He had left this morning for the nearest town, and already it was practically sunset, the horizon letting her know with its orange glow. “I should have gone with him,” she muttered to herself, pushing out the broom in an odd angle that nearly made her lose her balance. She squeaked, held onto a nearby fence railing, feeling the slow burn of embarrassment flood her face. “And he needs to get me a new broom too…”
She might only have been half as embarrassed as she was, if not for hearing the voice that was, apparently, not too far off. “Uh, excuse me? Kid?”
Mara had only been lucky enough to cut off her own terrified shriek, clutching at her broom like a weapon as she turned. In front of her, the man that had called out to her held up both hands – and they looked to be very red hands? “Whoa, sorry! I… I was just checking if you were open!”
Ah. Damn. She had done it again. She had nearly scared away another customer.
“Hold on! I mean… welcome to the All Hands Spiritua Inn! Where we accept hands of all kinds from all walks of life!” She had said that way…way too loud. Mara did all she could to not wince from all that blunder that came out of her mouth. “Have you seen our pamphlets in town?”
“Huh? Uh, no not really…” Even though this guy was clearly unsure about the whole situation… he wasn’t exactly backing away! Mara tried to take that as a good sign. “Just happen to know this place from a few years back… This is an inn now, right?” He pointed at the sign that was hanging off the front, the hinge off the left just a tad bit lopsided. “Is it alright if we stayed?”
Mara opened her mouth to shout a resounding YES to his question. Then she looked at him for just a bit longer, trying to determine his age, coming up with maybe in his mid-twenties or so… The red hands she had been seeing was from the gloves he wore (instead of being really badly sunburned like she’d been thinking), which matched with the red of his outfit, at least from what she could tell. He wore a brown traveling cloak that was clasped at the collar, nearly reaching his feet. From his motions, she could hear the familiar clinking of metal – weapons, she gathered. A mercenary? Or was he a bandit?
But then, she figured he’d try to be a little more subtle with his weapons if he was coming here to steal her gald under the pretenses of being a customer… His hair was also a bit unkempt, waves of russet hair that under the setting sun, seemed to turn into a darker red if she squinted at it just so. There was only just the hint of stubble on his chin, his missed days of shaving catching up to him.
Then she thought about what he said. “Pardon, who’s we?” She didn’t see anyone with him…
“Oh, me and my friend!” He smiled at her the moment he mentioned said friend, as if a light had just been turned on in the vicinity. “And our dog. Do you allow dogs here?”
“Of course!” she said immediately. “We get strays around here all the time anyway.” Too much, sometimes. Also, her brother wasn’t exactly fond of such strays for a certain reason, if she could just remember why…
“Great!” With that, the man in red turned, put both hands around his mouth and yelled, “Heeey!! It’s all good!!”
Huh. Maybe this guy was a bit stranger than she thought. Well, she had already invited him to stay so there was nothing she could do. I probably should have asked if he had money first….
When she started wondering if he was calling in backup of other bandits to rob her blind, she saw the figure he was calling for. Someone who was just in the distance, half-hidden in shadows by the setting sun. From where she stood, it looked like a horse-rider, and as said horse seemed to gallop forward, its rider waved back happily.
The man waved back so strongly, enough to nearly knock off the cloak from his shoulder. Mara raised an eyebrow. Why did he act like he hadn’t seen this person in forever?
As the figure got closer, she barely could see much else at all. They were dressed in the same brown cloak as the man but it covered them from head to toe, complete with a hood that was pulled over their head. All Mara could make out were the white gloves they wore, which held lightly onto the mane of the horse they rode.
“Hello, I hope we’re not intruding,” they finally said. The voice was soft, slightly higher-pitched – and by then, Mara saw the stray locks of blonde hair as they fell out of the hood. She had been so entranced by the figure that she hadn’t noticed the horse they rode until it was basically in front of her.
It then started to…whine?
Wait, that wasn’t a horse! Mara blinked, looking at the creature with its snout, its overly large ears that fanned out from the sides of its face, its fur with varying shades of green. It was a… what was it?
“Noishe here doesn’t bite,” the man said with a grin, ruffling the creature’s fur, unmindful to the giant ears that looked as if they would whack him across the face at any moment. “He’s a real good dog.”
Mara blinked. “Excuse me. Dog?” She glanced at the creature, noting those familiar features, yet… “That’s a dog.”
“Yep! Would you like to pet him?” spoke the figure – the woman, she finally figured – who still sat atop the dog. Who rides a dog?!
“I’m… I’m fine.” Mara still held her broom, half defensively, even though one end of it was dangerously close to unbalancing herself again. “Well, lucky for your…dog… we have the stables already cleaned out, so you can settle it there.”
“Thanks.” The man grinned, hands on his knees as he peered down at her from his height. She mentally groaned, already knowing what was coming. “Hey, so, are your parents around?”
Yes, of course this always happens, doesn’t it?
“And why would you want to know that?” she countered back.
This predictably threw the guy for a loop, making him blink and stare dumbfounded for a solid five seconds. “Well, it’s kinda scary for kids to be by themselves, you know? And we wanted to ask the owners of this place a few things.”
“You’re looking at her.” Okay, co-owner, but it was still the truth.
He blinked again. “Huh?”
“I’m not a kid.” Mara frowned, standing up tall. “I’m eighteen years old!”
The guy scratched the back of his head, smiling nervously. “I mean… you kinda still are…”
“It’s nice to meet you, Miss Owner,” said the lady from behind him. She had dismounted from her dog (?) and finally pulled down her hood. Mara held her breath when she saw how the woman had a cascade of golden hair that was arranged in a braid, turned darker by the setting sun, and nearly reaching her waist.
Something about her also seemed… different to Mara, the way she smiled, or the curve of it, at least. She felt a sense of elegance from her, and wondered if maybe she was one of those priests from years back. But the Church of Martel’s influence had waned over the years, and most of its clergy had long abandoned the cloth with the appearance of Tethe’alla.
“My name is Colette,” said the woman, subtly breaking the silence. “Is it okay to ask for your name?”
Mara considered, then nodded. It was nice for some people to have manners here. “I’m Mara. I run this inn with my brother, whose getting us food for tonight’s dinner. I can promise you two a warm meal in a bit if you stay.” Then she pointedly looked at the man. “And be sure to treat me with respect like any adult!”
She was pleased to see the man looked thoroughly embarrassed, still scratching away at that itch on his scalp. “Ehe… Sorry.” A gentle nudge from the woman named Colette startled him for a moment, before his worried face was replaced with a big grin. “Oh yeah, and my name’s Lloyd! Thanks for having us.”
Remember to be nice to people. She could hear her brother’s words in her head and tried her best to cut off any tones of snark in her voice. “Not any trouble. We’re happy you’ve chosen us at the All Hands Spiritua Inn! Now come right this way!” She winced again, seeing the somewhat stunned look on the others faces. She always went overboard like this, or just be grumpy to people otherwise…
After getting the dog to lay somewhat comfortably in the hay (and the woman insisting on giving the giant weird-looking dog a few belly scratches on the tummy), she finally led them inside through the double doors, warning to watch their step on the stoop of the entrance. It was always higher than expected, and she’d had to mentally train herself to hop over it every time or risk a little stumble.
The guy named Lloyd followed her example, deftly hopping over the stoop. The woman named Colette deftly did not.
Mara felt as if she watched Colette’s fall in slow-motion, hearing her startled yell, seeing the way she flailed her arms, which made the cloak around her flutter like a pair of burlap wings – revealing a stark-white outfit that she was wearing underneath – and then fall flat on her face against the floorboards.
Any impression of elegance Mara felt from her instantly went flying out the window.
Lloyd rushed to her side, grasping Colette by her arm. “Colette! You alright?”
“Ehe…” Colette raised her head to Lloyd, already a bruise forming on her forehead. Mara had to wince at that. Ouch. “Sorry. Guess I tripped again.”
“That looked like it really hurt,” he commented, pulling her up gently, their boots making the floor creak.
“Kind of, yeah…”
“Uh, I can get you some ice and a salve for that bruise, miss,” Mara helpfully offered, realizing soon that maybe she should. And since it was their inn that this had happened, she didn’t want any weird legal matters happening.
“That’s okay, I’ll just sleep it off,” Colette said, smiling gently again – just now with a little bump on her forehead. It kinda ruined the effect…
“Yeah, and we got plenty of apple gels to help!” Lloyd looked strangely proud about that, but once he turned back to Colette, his expression went back to concern. “Come on, let’s go upstairs. Oh, wait-” Now back to Mara with questioning eyes. “Uh, is it still just one room up there?”
He said that so specifically that Mara was caught off guard from it. It was true that this place had only one room upstairs, fitted with multiple beds to house people in need of rest. They had kept meaning to put some walls in, or at least dividers, but they never really had time for it. “Yes! It’s just at the top of the stairs. I’ll let you know when dinner is ready.”
“Thanks.” The guy gave her a thumbs up (How weird) and then led Colette up the stairs, their cloaks the last thing Mara saw as they ascended. She thought she also saw Colette’s face continually looking towards downstairs, especially to the dining area specifically.
Once they were out of sight, and she heard the door click softly, she remembered something very important.
Crap, she thought, tightening her hands on the broom she was still holding for some reason. I forgot to ask them to pay…
“Is it really not okay to look around there?”
“Maybe not yet… Don’t want to weird that kid out - and he’s not here anyway. Maybe we can try at dinner. Also… you really should rest that bump of yours.” A small laugh. “Sorry I didn’t catch you.”
“It’s okay. My clumsiness is supposed to be lucky, remember? Maybe this means we’ll find what we’re looking for.”
“Heh, you know, you’re right!” A creaking of the bed as someone on it, followed by the sound of shuffling, like someone rummaging through a pack. “Got the apple gels here. You should have some.”
“Okay. Can you feed them to me?” Followed by a light giggle.
A sigh, but there was laughter in it, warm and sweet. “You dork.”
When Tavi finally neared the inn, it was with labored breathing, his legs rushing fast across the roads. On his back, he lugged a heavy satchel filled with day-old bread, hastily preserved meat and cheese, along with a few spare gels and any other foodstuff that he could get at a bargain. He tried to keep it steady with his left hand, grasping at one of the straps on his shoulder, making sure it didn’t tilt and carry him down with it.
In his right hand, he held onto the hilt of his sheathed sword. His Exsphere glinted from the shine of the twin moons overhead, seemed to burn from where it was set, just beneath his knuckles.
The attacks on the roadsides had been more frequent lately.
Tavi was at least fast when he needed to be, hoping he had lost his pursuers along the way. A quick shift into a thicket of trees, using what little magic he knew to sweep away his footprints, and his sharp ears could finally just hear the soft chirping of crickets at his feet, the rustle of soft wings as they flapped above him.
As long as they didn’t know where he was headed… they’d be fine. They would have to be.
The inn was a welcome sight to him, looking strangely so pastoral in the nighttime. The paint on its right side was peeling off, and the lower awning that stretched just beneath the second floor was eaten away by mildew, but all in all… it wasn’t half-bad of a place.
He only slowed down his run to a light jog, sword slightly rattling against his leg as he did so, when he saw something using the stables they had. But it was covered in shadow, possibly sleeping inside. There was fresh hay and the trough was filled with water. Was Mara taking in stray cats again? Much of the felines liked to roam the woods near their inn, sometimes curling up on the roof, mewling out into the night. Though now, it was rather quiet…
Shaking his head, he then quickly sprinted to the inn once he saw how close he was. He pushed open the double doors, deftly hopping over the little out-of-line step with ease as he did so.
He was then met with a broom to the face.
“By the Goddess, Tavi!” Mara shouted, hopping on one foot as she jerked back the broom before she did any more damage. “You can at least knock to let me know you’re here!”
“Can you not tell it’s me by now?” he argued, spitting out a few broom bristles from his mouth. “You’re so jumpy.”
“I think I have every right to be?” spoke his sister. “You never consider how I feel.”
Though older than him by two years, she was much shorter than him, just coming up to the middle of his chest. She had a head of green hair cut just at the chin, yet still covering up her ears. In her polka-dotted apron and big boots that looked like they should belong to a blacksmith instead of a small innkeeper, she was always quite a strange sight to see.
He shook his head at her with a laugh. “At least help me with the groceries, I’m about to break my back in half from all this.” He played up the struggle as he slowly removed the satchel, bemoaning all the while. “Treat your elders right!”
“I’m older than you! Enough with that joke!”
Tavi grinned, but Mara had laid her broom against the counter to reach up for the foodstuff and promptly walked away to the kitchen. “We we have customers now. I’ll have to make them dinner too.”
As Tavi tried to tie back his long red hair, he paused in mid-action, then rounded on Mara. “What? Right now?” He groaned. “I didn’t buy enough to feed more than us! How many are there?!”
“Then I guess you’ll have to tighten your belt!” Mara wagged a finger at him. “Besides, it’s just two of them. They seem pretty harmless, and we need the money! They’ve been up in their room for the past hour, so don’t go waltzing upstairs right now.”
Then she pointed that wagging finger at his hand. “And you’ll need to hide that. Or are you forgetting to do that while in town?”
Tavi instinctively place his other hand over the Exsphere, feeling a strange sense of self-consciousness. “I know. I just… got it torn off by a tree branch earlier while I walked.” He wasn’t lying when he said that either.
Maybe Mara suspected, maybe she worried… But instead she walked back into the kitchen, hefting the satchel more easily than her height would seem to say. “Oh, and they have a dog too. A really big one at that, just so you know.”
Tavi choked on his own spit, glaring at Mara once more. “Mara, did you just forget that I’m allergic to dogs?”
At the door to the kitchen, Mara stopped. She turned back to him slowly. “I did actually.”
“Please, Mara…”
“Just don’t go near it! It’s outside now anyway, and they’ll be gone by morning I’m sure.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair, taking in a deep breath. At the very least, there was no dog fur near him. “Fine. I’ll be by for dinner,” he said, then headed for one of his own rooms that was to the right of the main alcove of the building – which was more of a storage room that he had converted into his very own.
He figured he’d have to look nice for his guests, and picked up an old mirror that needed a good cleaning, trying to fix up the messy locks of red hair that had been tousled everywhere during his run.
With how tall he was, his lanky frame, and his own bright hair compared to Mara’s, no one would have ever taken them both to be brother and sister. Not unless one happened to catch the subtle points of their ears.
He made sure, as he combed his hair, to cover that part of himself. Better to be safe than stabbed, he thought wryly.
Noishe, in his pen, scrabbled at the hay to make himself comfortable. Some of the water from the trough had spilled over as he lapped it earlier, so he made sure to gather the drier parts of the hay to rest on comfortably.
It had been a long couple of weeks of travel, and he was looking forward to rest. But even Noishe knew he might not get that tonight…
From his position, he poked out his head from the stable, hearing the door shut suddenly. He raised his head up to the windows, seeing the light flicker out quickly inside. Only by the moon could he see the shape of familiar faces, familiar hands.
He remembered Lloyd’s hurried look from earlier, Colette’s soft words of reassurance. It had been tough recently, but always they had each other. In the light of the morning, he’d never seen smiles as bright as theirs.
They deserved a good night’s rest, too.
Still, Noishe kept his ears up as he settled on the hay, remembering the hurried footsteps from the stranger. Maybe, at the very least, the early evening could have some calmness before the storm.
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all the king's horses, all the king's men, couldn’t put me together again
( the archer ; taylor swift )
marguerite ( maggie ) brynn hall, the gentle bad-ass
“ show me a hero and i’ll write you a tragedy. ”
― f. scott fitzgerald
�� full name: marguerite brynn hall
» nicknames: maggie, mags, margie
» age: twenty seven ( at time of snap ), thirty two ( at time of blip )
» birthday: january eighth, nineteen-ninety-one, ten fifty-five in the morning
» birthplace: philadelphia, pennsylvania
» zodiac sign: capricorn sun, libra moon, aries ascendent
» current residence: new york, new york
» gender: cis female
» occupation: social worker for the stark relief foundation displaced children division, later avenger trainee
» physical health: overall, maggie is in excellent health. she works out most weekday mornings and tends to eat a balanced diet. she doesn’t drink too often or smoke at all. she knows that her health conscious habits stem from her need to control everything that she is able to but that doesn’t stop her from being set in her ways.
» scars: she has several small scars from various bumps and scrapes but there is a sizeable scar on the front of her left shoulder from a car accident while she was a freshman in college. a driver t-boned her small sedan in an intersection when she was on her way home from a final exam. when she woke up in the hospital, with both of her parents at her bedside, she had stitches stretching approximately three inches from her clavicle towards her upper arm.
» broken (any) bones: surprisingly, despite being quite active, maggie hasn’t ever broken a bone. she’s quite graceful from taking dance classes since she could walk until she graduated high school.
» extrovert or introvert: since getting older, maggie has become comfortable with the knowledge that she is a relatively private person. when she was younger, she enjoyed being in crowds however, she now tends to retract into her shell when surrounded by too many people.
» logical or creative: maggie is incredibly logical; she is very formulaic in her thought patterns. when it comes to problem solving, maggie has all but got it down to a science which can be effective but she’d be incorrect to say it was without fault.
» optimist or pessimist: neither term seems to describe the woman very well; she feels as though she’d call herself a realist. the world has let her down more times than she can count so she makes an effort to always adjust her expectations towards the most-likely event.
» phobias / fears:
» problems: maggie was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and generalized anxiety disorder when she was sixteen. she goes through occasional bouts of depression but she doesn’t find it to be chronic. though undiagnosed, following the death of her parents, she experiences the effects of post-traumatic stress.
» goals / dreams: maggie has always wanted to improve the world around her. when she was a little girl, she told her parents that she wanted to be the first doctor to go to space. when she found out that she’d have to be in space for months at a time, she quickly changed her plans. the brain always fascinated her and so she dove headfirst into her newfound passion. following the deaths of her parents, maggie wanted to help others like she wished that she had been and so she, once more, switched gears and went into social work.
» quirks / habits: maggie is a creature of habit. each morning, she wakes up and opens the curtains around the house before pouring herself a cup of cold brew coffee with cinnamon syrup and oat milk. she makes her bed and begins her day. when she gets home from work, she turns on her fairy lights and fans before removing her makeup and changing in to cozy clothes. as for quirks, maggie wouldn’t say she has any but her friends would be quick to point out her concentration face-- whenever she gets deep in to a hard task, her eyebrows screw up tightly and her lips purse. she doesn’t like to look in mirrors when the room is dark, she only gets out of bed on the left side, and she habitually sings in the shower even when she isn’t home alone.
» likes: precipitative weather like rain storms or snow ( especially thunderstorms ), vinyl records, lighting candles and allowing them to light the room, cooking or baking anything from scratch, old books with notes in the margin from an owner long forgotten, astronomy and any associated phenomena ( especially eclipses and meteor showers ), fleetwood mac and other classic rock icons, acts of service from loved ones, dogs with smushed faces, taylor swift, watching films (or rewatching films, whether new or old), freshly brewed tea, watching the sun set and staying awake to see it rise again, wisteria vines twisting around a fence, ‘casablanca’, f. scott fitzgerald novels, anything that is a dusty shade of sage green, tom hanks, vanilla bean ice cream (not french vanilla), using a polaroid camera to capture a moment, iced coffee with cinnamon, the beach during winter when the northern shores get a little bit icy, long drives at night with the windows down, sitting on the roof in a companionable silence with a loved one, the color of deep maroon rust, cozy throw blankets and an unnecessary amount of pillows on the couch and bed
» dislikes: too much physical touch, indifference or apathy in the face of injustice, the deafening sound of crickets and cicadas at night, showing any signs of vulnerability, open-toed shoes, powdery or floral scents, olives, thin pillows, overhead lighting (lamps only, thank you very much), lack of a routine, being unable to read situations and prepare adequately, not feeling in control of any situation, harlequin novels, ladybugs and any other insects, disorganization (physically or emotionally.)
» flaws: she feels the need to always be the strong one that she often doesn’t allow herself the freedom to feel without pushing it down. she has a habit of not letting people in, especially people who are new to her, and even when she does, she is always terrified that she’ll lose them like she’s lost most other people that she loved. she is a control freak and can sometimes be a little boss.
» parents: ; phillip hugh hall ( father / pierce brosnan ) ; allison marie hall née clark ( mother / jamie lee curtis )
» maternal grandparents: ; richard ernest clark ( grandfather / tony curtis ) ; virginia ruth clark née franklin ( grandmother / janet leigh )
» paternal grandparents: ; hugh alexander hall ( grandfather / kris kristofferson ) ; marguerite joan hall née green ( grandmother / ellen burstyn )
» sibling(s): n/a
» children: n/a
» height: five feet, two inches
» weight: one hundred fifteen pounds
» eyes: maggie’s eyes are one of her most striking features. the espresso brown orbs are speckled with golden flecks; they’re a rounded, almost almond shape.
» hair: her hair is chestnut brown and it has a tendency to gleam copper and slightly golden when the light reflects off of it. for the majority of her life, she had a tendency of keeping the gentle waves cropped into a side-parted, blunt bob that rested just above her shoulders. she typically wore her hair straight or blown out. following the snap, she allowed it to grow out beyond its typical length. she keeps it trimmed to just below her shoulder blades with a set of wispy curtain bangs to compliment the natural waves that she now maintains.
» face and complexion: maggie has a light skin tone that tans in the sun. she has no freckles on her face but has quite a few down her chest and arms; none of them are very dark. she has a round face which can almost be cherubic but as she’s gotten older, she has developed a sharp jawline that makes her look more mature despite her stature. her rounded almond eyes are lined with thick, dark lashes. she has a small button nose that pinches minutely at its tip as it turns slightly upwards. her brows are full and straight with only a slight arch. she has full cheeks with small dimples that frame her smile. maggie’s lips are typically tinted a red berry shade; her bottom lip is slightly more voluminous than its top counterpart which is home to a sharp cupid’s bow.
» build: maggie is petite, to say the least. she stands just slightly over five feet tall and weighs just over one hundred pounds. though slim, her figure is a narrow hourglass. despite her size, she’s quite agile and strong. years of channeling all of her emotions in to ballet as a child caused a habit that has yet to die. when she feels the need to get rid of excess emotion, she runs or attends a fitness class to channel that away.
» defining marks: when she was eighteen, maggie and her best friend poppy got matching tattoos. on the inside of her left wrist, there is a small crescent moon to match a sun on poppy’s. following her parents death, she got a second tattoo and on the inside of her upper arm, close to the crook of her elbow, there is one of two ravens perched on a branch. several months after the blip, she got another tattoo. on her right side, on her ribs under her bra-line, there’s a small star housed within four concentric circles.
» dress style: maggie’s fashion sense is on the border between classic and trendy. she doesn’t stray too far away from her comfort zone or wear too many patterns. she tends to stick to jewel tones and neutrals. for her work, her style tends to be business casual-- typically a blouse with a skirt or wide legged trousers and a heel. when she’s at home, an oversized sweater and leggings or pajama shorts are her go-to uniform. if she’s out running errands, she loves a flowy skirt or a pair of mom jeans with one of her dad’s old, classic band tees. her shoes are typically a revolving door of plain keds or converse, ankle boots, or a small heel.
» faceclaim: jenna louise coleman
» marital status: she is unmarried.
» sexual preference: although maggie is primarily heterosexual, she’s never been closed off to the idea of dating anyone of the same gender if she found that she was attracted to them.
» ever had sex: she had sex for the first time when she was a freshman in college; it was with her boyfriend at the time, nicholas gray. as she’s gotten older, she has had a variety of companions-- some were romantic partners, several one-night-stands, and two attempted friends-with-benefits arrangements.
» opinion on sex: maggie isn’t ashamed to say that she enjoys sex and the freeing feeling that comes with it.
» opinion on relationships: although she likes the idea of a relationship, maggie’s fear of not being in control makes it difficult to maintain one. before the snap, she had only been in one long-term relationship which she abruptly ended after the death of her parents. she found that it was easier to try and turn off her feelings than to deal with them as everything in her life changed. since graduating with her second degree, maggie has been trying to open herself back up to dating and the possibility of a relationship.
» turn ons: the feeling of someone brushing her hair off of her face, being praised, bravery, kindness, interlacing fingers when holding hands, a genuine smile, sincerity, strong hands, bright eyes, taller men, a strong jawline, delicate kisses that gradually deepen into something more, kisses down the neck, deep conversations and debates, cologne that isn’t overpowering
» turn offs: sleazy behavior, apathy towards important issues, party-scene demeanor, bragging, lying, being late, ill-fitting clothes, lacking ambition or drive for moving forward
» past relationships: ; nicholas gray ( first love / ben barnes )
» current relationship: ; n/a
» future relationship: ; steve rogers ( tbd / chris evans ) ; bucky barnes ( tbd / sebastian stan )
» big group of friends or several close friends: maggie would rather have a smaller quantity of people in her life with better quality relationships than to have a large group of friends that she feels as though she doesn’t know.
» best friend: maggie was a relatively lonely child; she spent a lot of her time reading and imagining her life in other worlds. she had some friends but none that ever ventured further than the occasional hangout. when she was a freshman in highschool, she sat next to poppy stewart on their first day of orientation and the two have been inseparable ever since.
» ever lied to a friend: she’s told white lies when necessary but she’s never lied about something earth-shattering.
» the most horrible thing they did to a friend: when maggie broke up with nicholas, she left him a letter on his pillow before she left his apartment one morning. she avoided his calls afterwards and didn’t speak to him for several weeks until he came to her apartment to try and work things out. later in her life, maggie felt extremely guilty that she wasn’t able to confide in poppy about steve’s plan until after he had already left.
» list of friends - ; poppy stewart ( best friend / annie murphy / @petalsofpoppys ) ; pepper potts ( boss, friend / gwenyth paltrow ) ; tony stark ( boss, family friend / robert downey jr ) ; natasha romanoff ( co-worker, close friend / scarlett johansson ) ; steve rogers ( co-worker, friend, boyfriend / chris evans ) ; bucky barnes ( friend, lover, boyfriend / sebastian stan ) ; sam wilson ( friend / anthony mackie ) ; wanda maximoff ( future friend / elizabeth olsen ) ; monica rambeau ( future friend / teyonah parris )
» ever been drunk: the first time that maggie got drunk was her senior year of high school; she was at a house party with poppy and she since vowed to never touch any drink with ‘punch’ in the name, ever again.
» lied to a significant other: following the death of her parents, maggie never disclosed her tumultuous emotions to nicholas and so he was blindsided when she left him on one random morning. with an apologetic note of a goodbye, maggie made sure no trace was left behind when she slipped from the apartment in to the warm summer breeze.
» cheated on significant other: maggie would never cheat on a partner. she would rather end things than break someone’s trust in her.
» gotten into a fight: she’s never gotten in to a physical altercation but following her move in to the avenger’s compound, natasha and steve helped to train her tactically. after she moved back to the city, bucky takes up the position of being her trainer.
» deepest regret: not telling her parents how much she looked up to both of them before they died.
» religion: maggie was not raised to be religious. her parents always emphasized the importance of trying to be morally good whenever you could. she identifies as an atheist.
» playlist: https://rb.gy/kxqfbu
» instagram:
» gifboard:
» character inspiration: leia organa (star wars trilogy), alex parrish (quantico), emma swan (once upon a time), amy pond (doctor who), buffy summers (buffy the vampire slayer), emily prentiss (criminal minds), lily evans (harry potter)
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What battery percentage is your phone on right now? It’s at 75%. Do any medical afflictions run in your family? Yeah. Who did you last talk to in person and what did you say? My husband. We said goodnight to each other last night. What’s your favourite Mexican dish? I know it’s basic but ya bitch loves a good taco. Tostadas are also yummy but they don’t travel well so I haven’t had one in a while. OH and guacamole and salsa! Have you ever been to a professional sports game? Yes, several Cubs games, a few Blackhawks games, and a couple Bulls games.
How far do you live from New York City? About 800 miles west. How often do you talk to your parents? At least 4-5 times a week. What was the weather like in your town today? It’s 66 F right now. Are there any phrases or words that you say a lot? Of course.
How many boyfriends or girlfriends have you ever had? A few. They’re all irrelevant now except for my husband. Have you ever ordered a specially made cake from a cake shop? Yes. What’s the name of your first real boyfriend or girlfriend? Irrelevant. Do you clean your ears daily? Not daily. What accent do you have? Chicago/Midwest. What scent of air freshener do you keep in your bathroom? We have a coconut one right now. Have you ever dated a model? Lol. What’s the best job you’ve ever had? This one. How about the worst? Party City. Do you have naturally straight hair? It’s gotten a little wavy over the past year actually. What is your ultimate goal in life? To get my health better managed and to be the best Auntie to my nieces. Have you ever visited someone in prison? No. What months were you and your siblings born in? I was born in September and my sister was born in July. Do you write down your passwords in a physical place to prevent losing them? No. What are your three favourite vegetables? Zucchini, Asparagus, Potatoes. How many times a day do you check Facebook or any other social network? A few times. When was the last time you had a blocked nose? A couple weeks ago. Who is your favourite comedian? John Mulaney and Stella. What colour are the socks you��re wearing today? I’m not. What did you have for dinner last night? Pizza and fried zuchini. What was the last concert you went to? Vampire Weekend in October 2019 in SLC. Are you an ugly crier? Idk, probably? Are any of us cute when we cry? What scent is the soap or body wash you use in the shower? Right now we have an ocean breeze scented one. Have you ever had sex in/on a vehicle? Yes. Who do you live with? My husband and our three cats. What letter does your street name begin with? W Do you do anything to groom your eyebrows? I tweeze them. When was the last time you ate at McDonald’s? Yesterday. I was craving fries and a root beer and grabbed some. What’s your favourite Popsicle flavour? Cherry or watermelon. Who was the last person you sent a Facebook message to and what did you say? I sent Mark a meme. Do you have any injuries at the moment? Not really. Have you ever been to an ophthalmologist? I don’t think so. Do you own any animal print clothes? Yeah. Are you tall, short or average? Would you change this? I’m short and no. When was the last time you went to a drug store/pharmacy? There’s a pharmacy inside my grocery store. I was there yesterday. As for a stand-alone one, that was back in April when I got my second dose of the Covid shot. Do you ever binge-watch TV shows? Yeah. Have you ever mustered up the courage to tell someone how you feel only to be rejected? No. Do you keep your files and documents organised in one place? Eh, yes and no. What’s your favourite sweet treat to bake? Box brownies, lol. Though last Thanksgiving I made a pumpkin pie that turned out amazing. That was fun. Are you good at flirting and letting people know you’re interested? No. What did you have for breakfast today? I haven’t had breakfast. It’s almost lunch time so I’m just gunna hold out. Do you prefer sweet or savoury breakfasts? Either. I don’t often do big breakfasts, so. Do you like chick-flicks? Sure. Have you ever taken an acting class? Not really. I was in an improve group in grade school after school for a bit. And in one play in high school. When was the last time you watched one of your favourite movies? It’s been a while. How often do you use Youtube? Everyday. I watch a lot of YouTube. What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever dressed up as for Halloween? I dressed up as Nyan Cat one year and that was amazing. And my Princess Carolyn (from BoJack) costume is one of my favorites as well. And last year was LSP from Adventure time and that turned out really cool too. I made all of them from scratch. Are you ignoring anyone right now? Nah. How do you usually style your hair? It’s either down or in a bun, for the most part. Do you have any tattoos? Tell me about them. I have 9 and I don’t feel like explaining them all. Have you ever worked in a store while someone shoplifted there? Sure. When was the last time you used a stove? The other day. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to eat? Veal. Are you sitting, standing or laying (or something else) right now? I’m sitting. How many hours per week do you typically work? 40. What was the last pill or tablet you took? An Alieve the other day. How far away from your house is the closest grocery store? Less than two minutes. Have you ever lived in university/college campus housing? Nope. Who was the last person you complimented? My friend Sarah. Are you the type of person to take naps, even if you’ve slept plenty? Lol “slept plenty.” Do you have a crush on anyone at the moment? My husband. And Will Arnett. The age old question: dogs or cats? CATS. When was the last time you saw your best friend? I can see my husband right now. I saw Sarah in January of 2020, Ellen in October of 2019, and Randal sometime in March or April, I can’t remember. Have you ever been fired from a job? Why? No. Are you tired right now? Always. Do you like spring rolls? Sure. What do you live on in terms of a street, road, crescent, place, court etc? Avenue. How many purses or handbags do you own? Several. Do you get along with all your aunts and uncles? I have no living aunts or uncles. I have a couple great-aunts but they are elderly and we rarely talk. Have you ever eavesdropped and heard something you didn’t want to hear? Sure. When was the last time you used a pen, pencil or marker? A little bit ago. I have this coloring book I keep near me while I’m working and I just randomly fill in little shapes while I’m waiting for something to load. What’s your favourite type of curry? Massaman curry, which is a coconut based curry. Do you often go to do or say something and then just forget? Ugh, I hate that. Have you ever had casual sex? Uh huh. What was the last thing you paid for with cash? My nails. What’s the last letter of your middle name? A. If your phone rang right now from a number you don’t know, would you answer? Nope. How long is your hair? A little past my shoulders. What was your first pet’s name and how did you pick that? We had two blue parakeets that were my 2nd grade class pets. My teacher asked my mom to take them for the summer and then asked us if we wanted to keep them because the school didn’t allow class pets anymore. Anyway, our class voted and named them Featherbrain and Lucky. Do you drink diet or regular soda? If I am gunna drink soda, I’m drinking regular. Have you ever been to Europe? No. Do you worry about your own health? Sure. Who did you last make plans with, and what plans did you make? Randal and I were talking about going to the zoo or aquarium soon. Nothing set in stone yet. Can you smell anything right now? Not really. How old were you when you got your first cell phone? I was 15. When was the last time you bought a pair of shoes? It’s been a bit. Mark and I are planning on getting some slides soon. Do you like fruit and vegetable combo juices? Yeah. Have you ever been on a spring break trip? Sure. Would you rather be warmer or colder right now? I’m fine at the moment. How tall are your highest heels? I don’t wear heels. What’s your favourite flavour of frosting? Cream cheese. When did you wake up today? Around 7. Do you change your appearance often? No. What colour are the street signs in your town/suburb? Green. How many people do you work with? 10. What was the last thing you ate? Pizza. Do you have any plans for three hours in the future? Still be working. Has anyone ever made a comment about your weight that offended or upset you? Uh huh.
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Gemstones & their meanings: 40 stones for magick and meditation

Looking for stones for your magickal toolkit? Here’s a crash course in 40 of the most commonly available crystals and gemstones. Working with crystals can improve your personal energy, amp up your spellwork, and help you create the life you desire. This handy guide will help choose the right crystals for you, whatever your goals might be.
After you’ve read these crystal meanings, I encourage you to spend some time gazing at and handling your crystals. Crystals are a hands-on, eyes-on, heart-on hobby. One of the best ways to study them is to visit with them. It sounds kooky, I know—but many stones will tell you all about themselves if you take the time to listen.
Collecting crystals is a blissful and transformative experience. Here at Grove and Grotto, our own crystal work has undeniably changed our lives for the better. But I never recommend crystal magick as a substitute for medical care. If you’re seriously ill or distressed, get qualified help before rock shopping, mmmmkay?
Here they are, in alphabetical order, 40 magickal stones and their metaphysical uses:
Sea-green Amazonite carries all sorts of positive meanings: Serenity, creativity, and brave self-expression. It is one of the best talismans for artists and performers. It clears self-doubt and inspires love of beauty. Amazonite is found in a pale celadon hue (see picture) in Brazil, China, and Africa. The bright turquoise variety is a new discovery and comes from Madagascar.
One of the most magickal stones on Earth, Amethyst is a favorite of witches, healers, shamans and seers. Purple is a color that is seldom found in nature, and Amethyst has an exquisite vibration to match its rare hue. Amethyst is great for meditation and for managing the emotions. It calms anxiety and balances fear and excess. Amethyst gently stimulates dreams and visions, inspiring you to become your highest self. There are countless colors and shapes of Amethyst, each with slightly different properties.
A lovely stone with a lovely name, Angelite is formed by the compression of Celestite over millions of years. (Yes, it is actually condensed heaven!) Angelite is soothing and uplifting. It is a popular choice among Angelic healers, channelers, and lightworkers. Angelite can assist in making contact with ancient guides and smoothing the way toward higher states of awareness. Don’t get Angelite wet—it didn’t wait all these millennia just to turn into calcite in your jacuzzi, thanks.
Apatite is a semi-precious gem that can be found in a wide range of colors, most often green or blue. Apatite is a stone of confidence, truth, and creativity. It is used by energy workers to help balance overactive energy centers and stimulate underactive ones. Apatite is a wonderful crystal for working with the Third Eye and Throat Chakras. It helps awaken and develop gifts of clairvoyance, telepathy, and lucid dreaming. Apatite brings mental clarity and improved communication. It makes it easier to speak to others with authenticity and directness.
Black Onyx
Black Onyx is a glossy dark gemstone that evokes the deep and restful properties of Earth. It is a stabilizing, balancing stone said to assist with mastery of the body's energy. Black Onyx can strengthen determination and willpower, and help bring wisdom in difficult circumstances.
Black Tourmaline
One of the premier protective stones, Black Tourmaline has long been used as a shield against evil spirits and negative energy. A Root Chakra stone, it helps in grounding and releasing stress and emotional baggage. (It is especially useful for empaths.) Black Tourmaline is also considered a lucky stone—rub a piece of Black Tourmaline when you need a little extra boost of luck!
Blue Aventurine
Blue Aventurine is a naturally colored Quartz crystal. Sometimes called "Blue Quartz" it gets its color and shimmer from tiny inclusions of other minerals. It combines the energy-boosting properties of Quartz with the soothing quality of the color blue. In crystal magick, Blue Aventurine is used for stress relief and healing of the heart and mind. It gently enhances communication and stimulates creativity.
Blue Calcite
Blue Calcite is a calming, relaxing stone with an especially high vibration. It is used in rituals of healing and purification, or carried as an amulet to relieve pain and anxiety. Blue Calcite corresponds to the element of Water and the Throat Chakra. It gently amplifies energy and assists in recalling dreams and astral travel. Calcite is also found in yellow, green, orange, and pink varieties—but Blue Calcite is certainly the most beautiful.
Blue Goldstone
Blue Goldstone (or Blue Sandstone) is a dark blue, almost purple stone with tiny sparkles throughout. It is formed by adding copper salts to molten glass using a unique cooling process. This synthetic gem was reputedly accidentally created by Italian monks practicing alchemy, hence the name Goldstone. Despite its laboratory origins, Blue Goldstone is a very popular choice for mystical items. A piece of Blue Goldstone looks just like a midnight sky full of stars! It is an inspiring stone that encourages confidence and courage, and places one’s dreams within reach.
Carnelian is a red-orange, semiprecious stone that has been prized since ancient times for its captivating color. Its bold energy brings a rush of warmth and joy that lingers, stimulating courage and desire. Carnelian resonates with the Sacral Chakra, and is traditionally worn to inspire love and passion. Carnelian may be solid orange or have red and white bands—the banded variety is sometimes called Red Agate.
Citrine is a member of the Quartz family of minerals. Golden and sparkling like a drop of sunlight, Citrine is said to bring the solar qualities of warmth and happiness to the wearer. Because Citrine resonates with the Solar Plexus Chakra, it stimulates vitality, willpower, and personal strength. Citrine is said to be one of the only crystals that cannot hold negativity, and experience bears this out. Try to charge a piece of Citrine with crappy vibes sometime and see how long you can keep a frown on your face. Quite a lot of the Citrine on the market is heat-treated Amethyst—the two are chemically similar and are sometimes found together in a stone called Ametrine.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is possibly the most versatile and magickal of all gemstones. Clear Quartz amplifies energy and thought, acting as a powerful aid to psychic perception. It balances and revitalizes the subtle bodies and brings all the chakras into harmony. Clear Quartz makes an excellent “memory stone” because of its ability to absorb, store, and release energy. It may be used in combination with any other stones, enhancing their effects. Clear Quartz is often used in crystal grids to direct and amplify the energy of the other stones. Special designations like Record Keeper Quartz, Lemurian Quartz, and Phantom Quartz are sometimes used. They may refer either to the shape of the crystal or the patterns of inclusions found within.
Dalmatian Stone
Dalmatian Stone (sometimes called Dalmatian Jasper) is a beige stone with black spots like a puppy dog. You might think, then, that this stone is related to the doggy world--and you would be right. Dalmatian stone is used to cultivate loyalty and enhance family bonds. An earthy stone, it helps ground and connect you to the here and now. Some people use Dalmatian Stone to boost communication with canine familiars.
Fluorite is a highly structured crystal that may be clear, green, purple, blue, yellow or a mix of these colors. Green Fluorite is the most common. It has a fresh, clean vibe that matches its spring-green color. Fluorite offers an organized, high spiritual vibration to any person, place, or object it touches. It helps to disperse chaotic or stagnant energy. Fluorite may be used to cleanse and balance the aura, boost mental acuity, and protect the bearer on the physical and psychic levels. Green Fluorite resonates with the Heart chakra and promotes feelings of abundance and well-being. This unearthly stone also helps interdimensional communication, especially with Nature Spirits and Fae folk.
Garnet is a stone of love, strength, glory, and devotion. Garnet has been prized since at least Egyptian times, when it was known as the "Blood of Isis." Dark red in color, Garnet is considered to be Root Chakra stone with a protective vibration. Use in crystal grids and charms for psychic shielding. Garnet is said to help balance the energy system and encourage love and loyalty.
Green Aventurine
Green Aventurine is a quartz-based stone colored by mineral inclusions. It is one of the best all-around crystals for prosperity, happiness, and well-being. The name comes from the Italian word for chance, and carrying the stone is supposed to protect a person from bad luck. Aventurine is linked to the Heart Chakra. It promotes creativity, contentedness, and feelings of abundance.
Hematite, a natural form of iron, is a strongly grounding and protective gemstone. The ancients noted it for its resemblance to blood, and the name means “blood stone.” Hematite is common in protective amulets because of its mirror-like quality—it is said to deflect any negativity deflected at the wearer. (Some also use Hematite mirrors for scrying.) Synthetic Hematite (known as Hematine or Hemalyke) is often carved into shapes for jewelry. Just about every teenager loves Hematite, and that’s probably no coincidence. It is excellent stone for anyone experiencing mental or emotional strain.
Howlite is a white stone with wispy veins of grey. (Howlite is frequently dyed to make imitation Turquoise which is how most people first encounter the stone.) This humble mineral is useful for calming an overactive or troubled mind. It aids in dispelling fear, resentment, anxiety, and anger and replaces them with gentle self-awareness. It is known as a stone of wisdom and compromise. Working with Howlite can help you learn to communicate difficult issues without causes offense. Some also use Howlite as a sleeping aid.
Labradorite is a variety of feldspar known for its iridescent optical effects, or “now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t” flashes of color. Usually green-grey, the stone has spectral shades of blue, green, and copper. In crystal lore, Labradorite brings deep spiritual insight and connection with the other realms. It stimulates mental and intuitive gifts and acts upon the entire energy body. Labradorite is also associated with Faery trickery and portal magick. High-grade Labradorite is sometimes marketed as Spectrolite.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is a deep blue semi-precious stone that has been prized since antiquity for its rare color. It often includes tiny specks of gold-colored pyrite, which make it shimmer like a sky full of stars. Lapis Lazuli is regarded as a stone of harmony and truth. Its deep, celestial blue remains the symbol of royalty and honor, gods and power, spirit and vision. Lapis Lazuli resonates with the Third Eye chakra, expanding psychic awareness and stimulating attunement to higher wisdom.
A variety of Mica, Lepidolite is a lilac-grey stone with a subtle shimmer. In crystal healing, Lepidolite is a stone of serenity. It contains the element Lithium, a natural mood enhancer. Lepidolite is said to relieve stress, assist with healing and balancing, and gently encourage spiritual growth.
Mahogany Obsidian
Mahogany Obsidian is a little-known version of the popular volcanic stone. It gets its brick-red color from the inclusion of small amounts of iron oxide. Originating within the depths of the Earth, Mahogany Obsidian resonates with the Root Chakra. It supports integrity and courage, even under difficult circumstances. Use Mahogany Obsidian for protection magick, ancestor work, and underworld journeying.
One of the most prized ornamental stones, Malachite is characterized by its green bands and whorls in a variety of patterns. Malachite has a long list of positive effects for the crystal user: Boosting personal energy, stimulating creativity, blocking negative emotions, and transmuting trauma into wisdom. Malachite is an ore of copper, the metal of Venus. As a Venus stone, Malachite guides you to appreciate the beauty of the natural world and engage deeply with its pleasures. Malachite is also associated with wealth—both material possessions and the spiritual wealth that comes with experiences of love.
Found in soft shades of white, pink, and bone, Moonstone is soothing to look and to hold. Moonstone is connected to the magic of the Moon, and is traditionally used as an amulet for travelers, a token of love, and a symbol of mysticism. Moonstone is said to comfort and soften the heart while it stimulates the psychic mind. Rainbow Moonstone, with its iridescent flashes, is especially prized as a stone of Lunar magick.
Moss Agate
Moss Agate, also known as Tree Agate or Dendritic Agate, is a semi-opaque stone with swirls of white and green that look like moss. All Agates are respected as healing and protective stones, but Moss Agate is a special favorite of green Witches. It is especially attractive to nature spirits and can assist you with making a deeper connection to the Earth.
Prehnite is a yellow-green stone that may be translucent or opaque. It often contains needles of black Rutile. One of the best stones for healers and wisdom-seekers, Prehnite helps you confront tough realities with patience and grace. It helps to heal the heart, removing old hurts and blockages from the energetic body. It has the power to “heal the healer” and is a valuable amulet for empaths. Prehnite supports magickal learning at a safe and sustainable pace. It unlocks gifts of empathy and clairsentience. Some users report that it aids in past-life recall.
Pyrite is a cubic mineral often called “fool’s gold” —but only a fool would neglect its magickal uses. Pyrite’s mirror-like surfaces are said to deflect negativity and ill luck when carried as a charm. Its name comes from the Greek word for “fire” —like flint, Pyrite-bearing stones can make sparks when struck together. A mineral of the Sun, Pyrite is associated with all the Apollonian qualities: Logic, success, clarity, confidence, and vitality. Pyrite’s resemblance to gold nuggets makes it an obvious choice for money-drawing magick.
Red Goldstone
Red Goldstone (or Red Sandstone) is a red-orange gem with tiny golden sparkles throughout. It is formed by adding copper salts to molten glass using a unique cooling process. It is a Root/Sacral chakra stone that encourages creativity, confidence, and drive.
Red Jasper
Red Jasper is a strongly protective and healing stone. Historically, Red Jasper has been a talisman of warriors and a token of strength. The red color comes from deposits of iron oxide. This iron resonates with the Root Chakra and with the blood, and aids a person with grounding to the stabilizing energies of the earth. Red Jasper promotes vibrancy, endurance, and stability.
Rhodonite is a pink gemstone with veins of black Manganese creating a marbled look. All mixed stones are thought to aid in reconciling and balancing opposing energies. Rhodonite is a particularly powerful healing stone for relationships. It encourages clear communication, emotional stability, and releasing of fear from the heart.
Rose Quartz
The sweetheart of the crystal world, Rose Quartz is known as the stone of unconditional love. Rose Quartz emits a calm, peaceful energy. It soothes the heart and helps one to overcome past suffering. Wear an amulet of Rose Quartz to learn to become more loving and more able to accept love from others. Rose Quartz is commonly used in love-drawing spells and charms.
Ruby Fuchsite
Ruby Fuchsite is two minerals in one—precious red Ruby and soft green Fuchsite. It is a popular mineral for healing wands and massage stones. A heart-centered stone, Ruby Fuchsite encourages personal transformation, compassion, and trust in others. Ruby Fuchsite is an excellent emotional healer. It helps with self-integration and balancing the messages of the intellect and intuition. Ruby Fuchsite instills a sense of peace and protects the user from negative emotions brought on by the words and actions of others.
Selenite is a variety of gypsum, a mineral related to Quartz. It is known as the stone of clarity, and is renowned by crystal lovers for its high vibrational frequency and peaceful energy. Selenite resonates with the Crown chakra, helping to connect the use with higher wisdom and intuition. It gently opens all the chakras, preparing the etheric body for energy work. It is an excellent choice for meditation, healing work, and spiritual discovery. Selenite is quite soft—softer than most of the other crystals on this list—so don’t soak it in water or let it knock around with your other stones.
With its spotted green and black appearance, Serpentine is named for its resemblance to snakeskin. Sometimes called “New Jade,” Serpentine is found in various patterns in deposits around the world. It was known to the ancients, who used it as a talisman against snakebites and poisons. Serpentine is one of the most psychically active Earth stones, and some specimens contain deposits of Magnetite (natural magnetic stone). Serpentine encourages the unlocking of magickal secrets and observation of the spiritual planes. It is an excellent complement to wisdom-seeking and shamanic practices. Partner with Serpentine for rites of initiation, deep meditation, and working with kundalini energy. Because its powerful energy can be disruptive, Serpentine is often paired with balancing and grounding crystals.
Beautiful, swirly Sodalite is mainly blue with deposits of White Calcite mixed in. It is related to the stone Lapis Lazuli. Sodalite is an excellent stone for promoting mental clarity and self-expression. Because Sodalite’s blue hue resonates with the Throat Chakra, it is said to aid communication. Sodalite helps dispel anger, helping the user handle difficult situations with grace. It may stimulate latent psychic and creative abilities.
Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake Obsidian is a type of natural volcanic glass, created when grey crystals form in rapidly cooling black lava. Obsidian has long been considered an especially magickal stone. It is strongly protective and cleansing. Use Obsidian to banish negative energy, and to delve deeply into inner truths. Obsidian is a gemstone but not, precisely speaking, a crystal—the molecular structure is amorphous rather than crystalline.
As its name hints, Sunstone is bursting with gentle solar energy. It brings warmth and radiance to meditative or magickal practice. It is a stone of leadership and personal power, as well as abundance and generosity. Sunstone combines the fiery power of the Sun with the grounding Earth energies, making it an excellent stone for manifesting your desires. Use Sunstone to strengthen your resolve, boost charisma, banish doubts, and inject fresh positive energy into any project or relationship. Most consider Sunstone to be a Sacral Chakra stone, but it can also awaken and soothe the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras.
Tiger’ Eye
Tiger’s Eye is a natural Quartz-based stone that comes in gold, red, and blue varieties. Gold Tiger’s Eye corresponds to the Solar Plexus Chakra. Tiger’s Eye combines the brilliant energy of the sun with the grounding properties of earth and stone. Using Tiger’s Eye is said to improve focus, will, and personal power. Just like the fierce animal that is its namesake, Tiger’s Eye inspires courage and grace—and the ability to act decisively without illusion.
This unique stone was first discovered in the Unakas mountains of North Carolina. It is a granite-like stone with mottled green and pink patterns. Its other name, Epidote, means "growing together" in Greek. In crystal healing, Unakite is used to draw off negative energy from the Heart Chakra. It is said to encourage confidence and healthy balance, and to aid in resolving personal differences.
#crystals#crystal magic#gemstones#gemstones magic#crystal healing#gemstones healing#witchy#witchcraft#witchblr#witch#witches#wicca#wiccan#craft#natural#nature#stones#magick#magical
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OMG BBY CONGRATS ON 1K 💖💖 you deserve it and so much more for thework you put in. I know requests are closed but I really enjoy your carol and Natasha fics so when you get a chance, 24 with them please!
Natasha had always found sitting out on the field by the edge of the campus peaceful. To an outsider that might seem ridiculous; the sound of the football team training to one side, a boyfriend and girlfriend arguing behind her, cheerleader practice in the distance, a group of seniors having a heated debate about an upcoming party on the bench to her left, and the ever present pounding of cleats on the ground as the track team ran literal circles around her. For some reason that she couldn’t put her finger on though, it soothed her.
Until college Natasha had always considered herself a lone wolf, growing up without any real friends. Not that it had ever bothered her much and it had always been by choice. Since her arrival at college though, everything had changed. People had been curious about the mysterious red head with piercing green eyes who sat quietly at the back of class making notes. And it seemed it had just taken the right people to bring her out of her shell, dragging her along to social clubs and parties until eventually she wasn’t so quiet around the tight knit group of idiots she called friends any more. Shy smiles and nervous glances turned to a real smart mouth and witty comments that people sometimes couldn’t believe were coming from the quiet, little bookworm who sat forward at her desk, listening avidly in lectures.
Naturally this meant Natasha didn’t exactly run in the same circles as the people she found outside on the grass at campus. But she liked to be reminded that they were there, and she was a part of this place just the same as they were. It was comforting to be a part of something for once.
And so she would sit and listen to the sound of the people around her sometimes as she read over her books or made notes, not really paying much attention to the details but just enjoying it. Until one particular afternoon when the sound of feet pounding towards her and a shout of ‘heads up’ broke her from her thoughts just as a person literally collapsed to the ground beside her with a thud.
“Oh Jesus-that was a close one-are you okay?!” came the rushed jumble of words as the new arrival pushed herself up onto her knees, cradling a football in her arms as she brushed a few blades of grass from her shoulders. “I didn’t get you did I?”
Natasha blinked a few times as she tried to process what had just happened, scanning the other girl up and down as she crouched down beside her with a concerned smile. She recognised her a little, sure that she’d seen her around campus at least a couple of times although she definitely didn’t know her name. Natasha was certainly observant enough to pick up on the fact that this girl had to work out and it was obvious from the sports jersey and shorts that she was part of a group that wouldn’t have mixed with her own in the past.
Looking down at her own body and then back up at the other girl, Natasha quirked an eyebrow with a small smile, “Looks like I just about survived.”
“Hey, I’m real sorry about that. Idiots over there.” she ticked her head in the direction of the field behind her, “Dont know how to throw a football. Fortunately I know how to catch one.”
Natasha had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at the quick wink the blonde shot her, trying and failing not to sound bored in her reply “Very impressive.”
“Hey Danvers! Quit yapping and get over here!”
At the sound of her friends calling her, the girl threw the football back in their direction before turning back to Natasha with a puzzled smile, “Forgive me if I’m wrong but you don’t really sound like you mean that.”
“Well ... you can train a dog to catch a ball.” drawled Natasha, a teasing tone to her voice.
The other girl grinned, “You know, you’re not wrong there. I’m very trainable.”
Natasha removed her glasses, throwing them down to join her book on the grass before leaning back on one of her hands and cocking her head to study the other girl properly, “I bet you are.”
There was a few moments of silence as both girls just looked back at each other, a small smile playing at their lips until eventually the other girl moved to hold out her hand.
“I’m Carol.”
Natasha looked down at the outstretched hand as if she wasn’t sure what to do for a second before finally slipping her hand into Carol’s with a gentle squeeze. “Natasha.”
“You know I’ve seen you around but I almost didn’t recognise you without your nose in a book.” started Carol, nodding down to the selection of books and folders that Natasha had brought with her, “Quite a collection you have there.”
As she finished speaking, Carol tucked her hand under the bottom of her vest, lifting it so she could use it to wipe at her face. Natasha found her eyes drawn to Carol’s now exposed torso and mentally scolded herself at the shiver that passed through her at the sight, forcing her eyes back up to meet the brown staring back at her, “I need them ... I have a lot of class work.”
“Oi Danvers! Get your ass back over here! Captain my ass, we have training to do!”
Turning her head to face the person shouting at her, Carol shot them a warning glare before looking back at the red head, “Well Natasha ... you ever want a break from all that class work, maybe I could take you out some place.”
“I don’t know about that,” started Natasha, shifting her position to tuck her legs underneath herself and leaning further towards Carol, “Seems your company is already in high demand, Captain.”
The way the title rolled off Natasha’s tongue was bordering on condescending but for reasons Carol couldn’t explain it practically made her mouth water and her grin only broadened, “I could always make time for a girl like you.”
Leaning even closer, Natasha set her face in front of Carol’s with a smirk, “Trust me, you’ve never met a girl like me.”
“Well I do like a challenge.” insisted Carol, not in the least bit thrown off by the fact Natasha seemed immune to her usually successful charm, “And like I said, I’m very trainable.”
Natasha hummed, “And I’m sure I’d love to whip you into shape. If only I didn’t have to get to class.”
Stumbling to her feet, all of Carol’s calmness and nonchalance went out of the window, as she brushed the grass from her clothing and gestured for Natasha to stand up, “How about I walk you?”
“I think I can find the way on my own ...”
Carol bent down to grab the stack of books by Natasha’s side, scooping them into her arms before standing up straight again, “Come on, you’ve gotta let me carry your books, it’s the least I can do after nearly knocking you out with a football.”
Looking up at the way Carol was cradling all of her books in her hands, Natasha narrowed her eyes suspiciously with a small smirk, “Are you flexing right now?”
“Definitely not. This is just how my body looks. Why, are you impressed?”
Natasha couldn’t stop herself from rolling her eyes this time, rising to her feet and brushing the back of her jeans with her hands as she propped her glasses on the top of her head, “I thought you had practice anyway.”
“Meh.” Carol shrugged dismissively as she nodded her head in the direction of the main building as a signal for Natasha to start walking, “I can catch up later.”
Nodding her head in acceptance, Natasha took a step forward as Carol started walking alongside her, “This really isn’t necessary, I can carry my own books.”
“I know but I want to.” insisted Carol, holding the books a little tighter to her chest to reinforce her point, “Plus you’re like way too hot to be carrying your own books.”
Natasha gave Carol a side eye, a barely noticeable smile tugging at the corner of her lips, “That kind of makes it seem like you’re only interested in doing me a favour cause you wanna sleep with me. So I’m gonna give you one chance to rephrase that.”
“Oh I mean ... I just ... I wasn’t trying to say that. What I meant was you know ... well ... sorry, I’m usually much better at this.”
As Carol stumbled over her words for what Natasha was sure had to be the first time in her life, the red head couldn’t help but listen fondly to the sound and breathed out a laugh, “I thought you jock types were supposed to be cool.”
“Common misconception.” explained Carol, relaxing slightly as she saw the amusement on Natasha’s face, “I thought you nerdy girls weren’t supposed to be so intimidating.”
Natasha shrugged and her smirk broadened, “Well I did try to tell you that you’ve never met a girl like me before.”
The two girls continued to chat amicably about nothing of real importance as they walked towards Natasha’s class and Carol was so lost in listening to the sound of her voice and watching the way her lips moved with each word that she almost didn’t notice when they came to a stop outside of a door at the bottom of a corridor.
“So ...” started Natasha, gesturing to the doorway, “This is me.”
“Oh. Right. Cool.” mumbled Carol, feeling uncharacteristically awkward as she hovered there with an armful of Natasha’s books as she considered what her next move should be. She could think of nothing good to say or do but desperately didn’t want this to be the last time they spoke.
Natasha acted first, reaching forward to take her items from Carol’s hold, “Thanks for the help.”
“Any time.” stated Carol, unable to hide the eagerness to her tone, “Seriously. Any time.”
Scanning her eyes purposefully over the other girl from head to toe, Natasha shot Carol a smirk, “I might just take you up on that.”
Carol stared back at the red head with a somewhat dumbfounded expression, not able to comprehend why this girl had rendered her a rambling, uncharasmatic and downright embarrassing mess. God if the rest of the team could see me now.
She was broken from her thoughts as Natasha went to step through the door, leaning forward and resting her hand on the frame so her arm blocked the other girl from stepping inside, “Can I see you again?”
Natasha said nothing at first, leaning in to Carol’s body and using the hand that wasn’t balancing her stack of books to smooth over the front of Carol’s jersey and grin as she felt the blonde push out a sharp breath at the contact, “Same place, same time, tomorrow. Maybe make a less dramatic entrance this time.”
“I can do that.” breathed out Carol, the words seeming a genuine effort with Natasha’s invasion of her personal space.
“Good girl.” teased Natasha, patting Carol’s cheek playfully a few times, “You’re very trainable indeed, Captain Danvers.”
For the first time in a long time Carol was speechless as Natasha simply smiled and ducked under her arm to step into the classroom without another word. There was only one thing Carol was sure of as she watched the red head go - this girl would almost certainly be the death of her.
#carolnat#carol danvers x natasha romanoff#carol x natasha#natasha romanoff#carol danvers#natasha x carol#natasha romanoff x carol danvers#saltybaltic 1k celebration#fic prompt list
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Persephone & Hades AU...
For your consideration, and bearing in mind that the original myth is not really all that toxic at all and is not a show of Stockholm syndrome...
The “””Kidnapping””” of Persephone:
Logan as Hades-
Bespectacled Ruler of the Underworld
Takes his job very seriously (wears a black and blue necktie with his long silky black robes)
Cold pale skin and intelligent grey eyes with slicked back black hair. Looks scarier and meaner than he actually is. (although he can have a bit of a temper if pushed and will have loud sharp outbursts of “FALSEHOOD!”)
Very logical and methodical in how he rules the underworld and keeps the souls passing through organized. Like he’s got the judgement thing down to a T! But despite his cold demeanor he’s actually very generous and kind at heart. He just recognizes the importance of his work and in remaining just yet impartial
Sucker for dogs, hence why he has a three headed one. He just wishes he had more time to play with Cerberus, but alas ruling the dead alone takes up a lot of ones time.
Has a sweet tooth and often indulges in jams made from the pomegranates that grow in his realm.
Is on decent enough relations with his brothers (Emile as Poseidon and Deceit as Zeus), although he STILL thinks that Deceit cheated in their straw draws, but let it go because he’s actually best suited as the more organized brother for ruling the dead.
Is secretly very lonely. Once in a blue moon he’ll sneak up to the surface for fresh air and sunlight. One day he spots a certain someone in a flower field who takes his breath away. (can you blame him, i mean that smile! )
Patton as Persephone-
Supreme flower child! (flowy sky blue clothes, grass green eyes, sun-kissed freckly skin and wheat colored curls, barefoot, flower crown)
Loves gardening, animals, and helping his father Demeter (Roman) with the changing seasons. Loves Roman to bits....He just wishes he wasn’t so overprotective. Like come ON dad, i’m a grown god, i can look after myself. I don’t run off on my own THAT much!
Is protective and loving towards most all forms of life and tries to see the good in each and every soul, both mortal and god/goddess #momfriendtothemax
Unless given reason to feel otherwise. Then...weeeell at the least he’ll give you a stern talking to but at worst...lets just say you DONT want to get on the bad side of someone who can grow massive and sharp thorn bushes and effect earthquakes when pushed too far. XO
Sometimes gets bored with the same old routine with Roman and wishes to get away and see something new from time to time. Maybe have some quiet time to make his own floral crafts and garden peacefully for fun and not work.
Often sneaks off when Roman is busy and goes wandering along dirt paths, sit under or climb a tree, or frolic in the flowers.
Roman as Demeter -
God of the Harvest, but like, EXTRA in all ways shape or form. (”we can top last years crop no problem, MORE WHEAT STALKS!” “No dad, we can’t, then there’ll be too much in this region and not enough for the next.” “LONGER SUMMER!!” “No! Bad idea dad! That’ll throw the seasons off”)
Often dresses in flowing gold threaded and sunset colored robes, but will change ensemble to match the seasons.
Enjoys watching the goings ons of the mortals, they’re just so entertaining! Especially is fond of traveling thespians and will bless the harvest of wherever they perform in.
Loves his son more than anything and has him help in godly duties because it keeps him close so he can keep an eye on Patton MUST KEEP PRECIOUS BAB SAFE!!!
Stubborn (but will never own up to it)
Virgil as Charon-
In charge of Ferrying souls across the River Styx
Doesn’t mind his job all that much but is #done with soooo many of these complaining, noisy and often rude or entitled souls. (like, NO dude, i don’t care who you were ruler of in the living world. Its two coins for passage like everyone else buddy!)
Really just wants a nap (often tries to hit up Remy a.k.a. Morpheus but he shows up late ALL the time)
Is actually very compassionate and gentle. He tries to ease the fears of souls who he sees are younger or were genuinely good in life or died in unfair ways.
Lives for the dark skull & bones aesthetic
Master of snark
Plays chess with Logan when either of them have some rare down time
Click the cut for full story
One day Roman and Patton are off doing their nature godly duties, and Roman is nagging his son about the proper way to harvest corn. (”Yes father, i know how to do it. you’ve only told me like a hundred times” “well i just want to make sure to remind you and that you don’t cut yourself on the sickle”)
Patton sneaks off one day to pick flowers since it’ll probably be the last bloom before autumn sets. Suddenly he sees a curious crack in the ground and ambles over to it to take a look. (”what sort of creature could’ve made this deep thing?”) He leans in too far however and pulls an Alice in Wonderland.
Turns out that crack was made by Logan. Apparently he’d become so deeply smitten by Patton that he went to his older brother Deceit/Zeus for advice. (Yes he was a dick and a little shit at times-although took his duties seriously when need be-and tricked many of his lovers into bed, but Emile didn’t have nearly as much love experience as their elder brother & Logan was desperate)
Deceit had actually been pleased when his too serious brother told him that he’d fallen for the spring god. His advice to Logan had been to simply kidnap Patton and either bed him then woo him or woo him and then bed him. Logan, of course, didn’t listen because that was the stupidest idea ever! (”what under earth was i thinking? This is the guy who turned himself into a cygnini in order to copulate with a woman behind his wife’s back.”) Besides, he was too painfully shy and socially awkward to try wooing. (He worked with the dead for crying out loud, not the best circumstances for practicing social skills)
He did however create a crack in the ground so he could sneak peeks at Patton from below the earth and admire him from afar. However, he’d been called back on an emergency and forgot to close one particular crack up before leaving again.
So sufficed to say, he was fairly shocked when he suddenly heard screaming above him one day. He looked up to find one Patton falling towards him and just caught him in his arms in time. (BLUSH CITY ON BOTH PARTS)
Patton thanks Logan but is admittedly miffed at him when he learns Logan was the one who’d made that crack in the ground. “What were you thinking leaving a big hole in the earth like that? Some poor oblivious mortal or animal could’ve fallen into it and gotten hurt!” “Apologies I-it was a foolish oversight on my part. i-I certainly hope you are uninjured?”
After a while Patton forgives him when he sees how truly sorry this (admittedly) scary and stern looking god is. (lest we forget he’s one of the big three) And Logan is honestly just trying not to show how flustered he is. i mean Patton is there in his realm! They both realize the crack is far too high up for Patton to get back out through right away. So Logan offers to have Patton stay in his palace until he can fetch his assistant Virgil/Charon to help Patton back up the next day. IN HIS OWN QUARTERS, OF COURSE! Logan says blushing, trying to be a gentleman. Patton agrees, promising upon Logan’s request to only follow one rule: “You must NOT eat anything”. Strange, but okay. Besides, it’ll be nice getting a break from his father. And it’s just for one night, right? (WRONG!)
Patton ends up having to wait longer than he realized because both Logan and Virgil are super busy with ferrying and judging souls. So he wanders around the Underworld. (of course he is marked with untouchable safety from almost everything as a guest of Logan)
One night however Patton finds himself stumbling upon a sparse garden. He’s surprised that anything is capable of growing down there in the realm of the dead, but even more shocked by the poor state of it. “Really, just look at the se rose bushes. They’re so brittle!” (it’s not Logan’s fault. He’s a busy boi. plus the god of the dead doesn’t exactly have a green thumb) Really the only thing flourishing down there is a single Pomegranate tree. The fruits on it look so red and shiny and juicy and...well...whats the worst that could happen if he eats just a few seeds?
Of course if you know the myth, it means now Patton cant leave. Because, well, greek god realm rules. Sufficed to say, Patton is pretty miffed that Logan hadn’t thought to tell him why he shouldn’t eat the darn fruit in the first place. Logan is greatly frustrated at Patton because a) he didn’t listen, and b) he actually has a point there and he does NOT like being wrong. Still, nothing to be done about it now.
Over time they cool off and apologize to each other. Patton’s still kind of mad though because now he can’t go home at all if he wanted too, but he recognizes that Logan wasn’t forcing him to stay on purpose. So he get’s over it and tries to make the best out of the situation. At least he can finally get away from Roman’s nagging for a while.
* Meanwhile in the living world, a frantic and angry Roman raises hell. “WHERE IS MY BOOOOYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?” (Thebes did not have a good crop that year)
While in the Underworld Patton starts talking to some souls, listening to their stories and offering kind and comforting words. Which as it turns out makes them more at ease and willing to go for judgement as they pass on. Logan’s fondness for Patton grows as he witnesses these acts of compassion and kindness. He also comes to respect Patton when he sees just how fierce he can be in the face of those who’d been cruel or unjust in life. ”I’m sorry, you did what to how many people!? and NOW you’ve got the nerve to demand entrance into Elysium young man!? Logan, hold my flower.” “Fret not Patton. I have your bougainvillea.” (art link for this scene)
Meanwhile Patton cant help but notice that, although he’s stern and serious on the outside, Logan is actually a very gentle god deep down. (he picks up on this from the soft tone of Logan’s voice as he speaks to souls being judged who’d suffered in life, or the way he reassures the more anxious ones with facts and logic about the afterlife that set them at eases “it’s not all punishment and Tartarus you know. Statistically few souls on the grand scale are malign enough to enter there. The Asphodel Meadows are quite pleasant, I assure you.”)
Logan works so hard and tirelessly at his often depressing job, but never acts mean or harsh unless a soul is nasty or rude or was truly evil, and Patton gains an admiration of him for that. (besides, he is actually quite handsome and beautiful in a cold distant way, like the stars and moonlight on a midsummers night) Patton also sees what a softie Logan can be when he’s playing with Cerberus. (”Who’s my excellent tri-headed canine? Who is a good demon dog?”) Patton gushes and of course Cerberus and Patton LOVE each other. Watching Patton play with the big dog becomes Logan’s newest favorite thing. (”By the gods Virgil, it is too precious to process!”)
Sometimes Patton will keep Logan company when there’s a lull in souls. He’ll tell Logan about all the different places he’s seen and what mortals are like when still alive. Logan meanwhile will often go into rants about the fascinating bits of knowledge he’s accumulated over the years from souls who’ve lived full lives. Logan enjoys having someone who enjoys listening to him (not that Virgil isn’t a respectful listener, but Logan sometimes wonders if he only does is because he’s his boss) And Patton really likes being able to share his own opinions and ideas without condescendingly albeit gently being told, (“no, no, my silly sweet boy. This is the right way to do it. Now eat your cereal, you need the fiber sweet pea”) Having picked up some of the mortal’s sense of humor, Patton is very much a fan of word play and LOVES making puns. Logan is...less than amused by them. However, the first time he makes Patton laugh with a clever quip (about Virgil or one of the more disgruntled souls) he swore the whole Underworld actually lit up. He treasures every time he can make that precious god laugh and smile.
Heck, even Virgil warms up to Patton and actually becomes VERY protective of the spring god. Patton sees through to his anxious softie center and enjoys talking to Virgil who is a very good listener. Meanwhile Virgil finds Patton’s sunny disposition refreshing and his warm presence calming. Patton will often keep Virgil company, but can’t always bring himself to follow when he has to ride across the River Styx. The memories and voices coming off the water just make him too sad.
Virgil ends up playing wingman for Logan. He tells Logan how Patton’s been a bit down in the dumps and recommends Logan cheer him up with a present. “That is an excellent idea Virgil, but what? What could possibly be good enough for that sweet honeysuckle?” “Well you’ve spied on him enough times- and don’t try to deny it boss- what does he like?”
Sufficed to say, Patton LOVES his surprise underworld garden that Logan had worker rigorously on creating for him. He knows it couldn’t have been easy. Of course, being the god of the dead, Logan cannot maintain the garden and Patton is more than happy to have free creative reign over it. He giddily catches Logan in a big hug, and is pleased when a blushing Logan returns the heartfelt embrace, pressing a tender kiss to Patton’s forehead. Then he takes a blushing Patton’s hands in his.
”Patton, my honeysuckle, sunshine of my heart...I cannot contain it any longer. For so long you’ve been the object of my affection, but over the course of our time together down here, although the circumstances had been less than idea, my love for you has only deepened. Would you perhaps...although I am not worthy of you...would you consider marrying me, and ruling the Underworld by my side?” By now Patton is blushing like crazy and in tears because, although he’d been mad at Logan for getting him stuck down there at first, he realizes that he’s come to deeply love the dark god too. Logan worries that he’s crossed a line but then Patton beams and looks up at him with tears in his eyes. “Oh Lo-lo, my brilliant beautiful lobelia blossom, I-” BAM!
Cue a properly pissed off Roman crashing down to the Underworld. He’s also got Deceit/Zeus with him by the ear. “AHA! So THIS is where you’ve been keeping my precious boy!” “Deceit, you told him!?” “He got it out of me. Sorry, not Sorry. I may be the ruler of the gods, but Roman is quite -ow- convincing when angry.”
Roman rushes over to Patton and they embrace, because although it was nice having time to himself Patton did miss his beloved father. After Roman fusses over Patton-“Are you alright? Are you hurt? have you been eating properly?” “yes, yes, i’m fine father. I promise!”- Roman unleashes verbal hell on, well, the god of hell. He reprimands Logan for kidnapping his son, but Patton quickly comes to Logan’s defense saying that it wasn’t his fault and the whole thing had been an accident, not a kidnapping. When he hears the whole story Roman does calm down a bit, and is admittedly happy to see Patton so happily in love as well. (he may be a helicopter parent, but the god of the harvest is quite the romantic at heart and loves seeing Patton so happy. Even if he doesn’t think the doom and gloom Logan is good enough for his precious little sunflower)
But upon finding out about the pomegranate sees he practically begs Logan to release him so that Patton can come back to the land of the living with him. (besides, he does still need him to help with the seasons and crops) Logan apologizes, saying it’s impossible and there’s nothing he can do. He just doesn’t have that kind of power. Then all three hear Deceit clear his throat.
“Ahem. God of gods speaking, and if you’re all done blubbering, i may have a solution.” So he tells them that there may be a loophole he can work around. He’ll give Logan his blessing to marry Patton, who will also be allowed to go back upworld with Roman, but on the condition that Patton spends part of the year co-ruling the Underworld. He tells them that for the number of pomegranate seeds that Patton ate, he’ll be obligated to spend a month with Logan. “Well darling, how many seeds did you eat?” They all look at Patton expectantly. Technically Patton only at 3 seeds, but heckitty heck, he really wants more time with Logan than three months. And frankly, he enjoyed the idea of getting some time away from Roman too, bless him but he cannot face so much nagging again!
He lies and says six. Only six seeds. Because it’s not like anyone was there to see him or could know. Weeeell maybe the all seeing god of gods, but Deceit just winks and smirks at Patton, pressing a finger in secrecy to his lips behind Logan and Roman’s backs. So it’s agreed that Patton will spend the summer and spring half of the year in the Living world with Roman and the fall and winter half ruling the Underworld with Logan.
Before he goes back up with Roman though, Patton and Logan are wed. It’s Logan’s first and only time back to Olympus (he forgot how bright and noisy it was up there!) and all the greek gods and goddesses bear witness to their union. Even Virgil is granted a short vacation to be the witness of honor for his two favorite immortals. As it turns out the months apart end up being good for Roman as well as Patton. He gets a lot more work done now that he isn’t constantly fretting (actively anyways) over Patton or keeping him out of trouble or from wandering.
When they consummate their marriage for the first time, hoooboi! Logan’s so bashful but respectful (never having been with any other being before, mortal or immortal) and Patton thinks its adorably sweet. Having been topside, well, lets just say Patton snuck off every now and then when he could to “frolic” with a few naiads and mortals he found sweet or lovely. So he ends up being a thorough teacher to Logan. Turns out they’re quite compatible in more ways than one ;)
Patton ends up being a fantastic co-king of the underworld. Heck, he’s even incorporated the new job into his aesthetic (he always wears a crown of flowers and bird skulls in the Underworld) and, as it turns out, can be even scarier than Logan! Only when some foolish soul makes him mad or gets on his bad side. So none do. And with the souls being more behaved it takes the pressure off of Virgil and Logan a LOT. But for the most part Patton remains a sweet, kind and benevolent co-ruler to the dead souls, and balances out Logan’s stricter judgements quite well. Logan now has a bit more breather time to read and play with Cerberus since he’s not the only one in charge of the whole Underworld anymore. And he and Patton LOVE spending time together in Patton’s dark yet flourishing underworld garden!
Patton is always so happy to go back to the Living world with Roman when winter’s over. Of course he hates leaving Logan and misses him. Logan doesn’t do a very good job of hiding his sadness and tears, but understands. He does get a bit clingy their last nights though. (he becomes a kissy snuggly fiend) Virgil always promises Patton that he’ll take care of Logan while he’s gone. But Patton is a child of the earth and he does tend to miss the sunshine and his father. So he get’s back to work with a newfound exuberance, making the flowers grow, spending time with Roman and frolicking about the world. He always does his best to bring back a new scroll or star map for Logan, who treasures every gift and is slowly building a library for himself.
Sufficed to say, the decades pass by, Logan and Patton attentively fulfill their godly duties, and remain happily and devotedly in love with one another.
Tag List: @altruistic-skittles @thekeytohappiness-is-you @canadian-crofters@icecoldparadise @the-pastel-peach @justisaisfine @bluebloodstains@purpleshipper @patchworkofstars @axyzel @hissesssss @beautifully-terribly@pink-and-purple-flowers @jynxlovesluck @thatsanswitch @6tick6tock6@hanramz-the-fander @azlinne @helplesscreator @thestoryofme13 @bibbidi-bobbity-booyah @accidental-sanders @moonstone-fox @smokeyrutilequartz@phlying-squirrel @madly-handsome @puns-and-patton @notveryglittery@eequalsmcscared @safesandersides @lizziepopanime @anxiously-unsatisfied-world @ab-artist @unikornavenger @queer-human-being @grey-lysander @asofterfan @fangirltothefullest @tinkslittlebelle @allsortsofgeekery @fuck-my-life-i-want-food @ironwoman359
#KDsWriting#Persophone&Hades AU#logicality#sanders sides#sanders sides au#Logan sanders#patton sanders#roman sanders#virgil sanders#deceit sanders#persephone#Hades#sanders sides fandom#famders#greek gods au
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“I'll ask of the berserks, you tasters of blood,
Those intrepid heroes, how are they treated,
Those who wade out into battle?
Wolf-skinned they are called.”
- Haraldskvæði, by Thórbiörn Hornklofi
“He was straight transfourmed into the likenes of a greedy devouring wolf, strong and mighty, with eyes great and large, which in the night sparkeled like unto brandes of fire, a mouth great and wide, with most sharpe and cruell teeth, a huge body, and mightye pawes."
- The Trial of Peter Stumpp, The Werewolf of Bedburg
The origins of the werewolf, one of the most maligned magical creatures of this or any time, remain a mystery. It has been proposed that, rather than merely a Dark Curse inflicted by some hateful warlock, lycanthropy is a relic of the Viking berserkergang - meaning that this frightful condition once had brutal purpose on the field of battle. These possibilities, while discussed over brandy at very particular clubs as a subject of historical curiosity, are wholly irrelevant. The popular perception of werewolves as mindless man-eaters has become so entrenched that there seems little likelihood of change. Between passed down prejudices, horrific depictions across magical and muggle media, and stacks of mis-informed, fantastical, and simply hateful so-called “academic” treatments of the subject, lycanthropy remains a thoroughly demonized affliction.
The most insidious of the myths surrounding lycanthropy is that this curse progressively destroys the victim’s capacity for moral sense, leaving a werewolf thoroughly vicious, animalistic, and evil. Another is that they do, in fact, maintain their human minds while transformed - that their murderous behaviours under the full moon are genuinely their doing, the acting-out of grudges and sadistic urges. The “infectious” nature of the condition is also grossly exaggerated, confusing when and how the curse can be passed on. So is the power of werewolves - while they are certainly formidable creatures, they are not invincible, insensitive to pain, or unable to feel fear, as the legends often suggest.
Tragically, some of the very worst of the stories are true.
During the full moon, werewolves will preferentially hunt, kill, and even eat human beings, magical and muggle alike. They appear to be driven to attack any person they encounter, and are as likely to leave the corpse strewn meaninglessly across the countryside as to consume it. Their human understanding vanishes completely, from moonrise to moonset. There is no reason to appeal to. They do not recognize or respond to anyone they know or love, while human. Werewolves are unable to fully recall the events of the full moon, though many “authorities” insist that this is simply a ruse - you know werewolves. Those creatures surely aren’t above lying to escape proper judgment for their hideous crimes. Are they?
It is extremely difficult to dissuade an attacking werewolf, barring substantial muggle firepower or excellent spell-casting. When transformed, werewolves are frighteningly resistant to many lower level spells, such as the Full Body-Bind Curse or Stinging Jinx. This is due, presumably, to the sinister magic of their being. They are also physically resilient, able to withstand a great deal of pain and injury in their frenzied attempts to slaughter anyone they come across.
When contained, with no human prey, werewolves become incredibly agitated. Their tendency to bite and scratch themselves is often pointed to as evidence of their rabid nature - clearly, they are so senselessly devoted to destroying human beings that they can’t stand the fact that there remains even a shred of humanity inside them. More sympathetic views, largely belonging to wix who keep dogs, suggest that this is merely an expression of deep distress. This interpretation is largely ignored.
While rumours persist that lycanthropy can be spread through scratches, or even through scratches and bites delivered while a werewolf is in human form, most magi-medical professionals know that only the bite of a transformed werewolf can transfer the affliction, although a milder “infection” from non-transformed bites does sometimes occur if the wounds are deep enough.
One of the more unusual aspects of this curse is that a scratch or bite from a werewolf will not clot and stop bleeding unless properly cared for - meaning the victim will invariably bleed to death without magi-medical attention. A solution of ground silver and oil of dittany is the only potion known to seal wounds inflicted by a werewolf. Werewolves themselves are, of course, immune to this particular effect, and their wounds - inflicted by their own claws and fangs, or those of other werewolves - will clot and heal normally. With the benefit of time and magical treatment, these scars can disappear completely.
However, the scars left by the bite which inflicts the curse will scar permanently; no magical means are known to be able to remove this curse-mark. Likewise, if an “uninfected” human is scratched by a transformed werewolf, these injuries will also leave irremediable curse-scars.
While muggles have certainly been bitten by werewolves, no survivors are recorded. This is believed to be a reflection of the magical nature of lycanthropy; while the language of disease is commonly used to discuss the affliction, this vocabulary is inaccurate, absorbed from the muggle world. Werewolfry is a curse, and, apparently, an amount of innate magic is needed in order to survive it at all.
There are no known cases of a wix surviving a werewolf’s bite without suffering the curse. There are tales of these unfortunate victims begging to be left to die, and many stories of mediwix simply refusing to treat them at all. In light of an unusual - but still small - uptick in werewolf bites in recent years, St. Mungo’s has had to establish and enforce a policy which requires their staff to provide treatment to these patients. This has sparked some controversy, but the hospital’s administration has quieted critics by clarifying that this is a matter of containing risk - and ensuring proper registration.
There’s no easy, sure way to tell an untransformed werewolf from anyone else, despite what the stories might say. At most, the only common feature is a tendency to age or grey prematurely; but “regular people” do that too, don’t they? While the scars left by a werewolf bite are quite striking, given their size and severity, there’s nothing so specifically unusual about them that would give away their origin. However - werewolves will carry scars and injuries across their shapes, meaning that these are, potentially, a means of identifying the local lycanthrope.
Once transformed, you could mistake a werewolf for a wolf - if, at least, you were looking at one that was very still, from quite far away, in the dark, through some foliage, and had never in fact seen an actual wolf, ever. Werewolves are generally described as unsettling at an instinctive level, inspiring a particular and intense kind of fear due to their uncanny appearance.
A changed werewolf is as unidentifiable to others as they are to it. They are gangling, unnatural looking creatures, and generally move about on all fours. Their heavily clawed forepaws remain eerily hand-like, but not so much as to be capable of grasping objects. The canine-like head is unusually proportioned, with a slightly shorter snout than a wolf might possess. The eyes of a werewolf feature largely in witness accounts, in which they tend to be described as profoundly disturbing, possessed of human-like murderous fury. From muzzle to tail, they are covered in thick fur, generally similar in colour to their human hair.
When exposed to light, a werewolf demonstrates the eye-shine associated with a well-developed tapetum lucidum; their night vision is, unfortunately, excellent. While some experts state that werewolves are entirely red-green colour blind, much like dogs, even when in human shape, this is false. There is, however, reason to believe that a transformed werewolf experiences this effect to some extent.
As one might expect, werewolves heal somewhat quicker than non-werewolves - from both magical and mundane injuries. This is simply a matter of survival, given the violence of their monthly transformations. Silver, despite the muggle myths, has no particular effect on werewolves in any shape.
The fur, saliva, blood, organs, claws, and fangs of werewolves are known to have considerable magical value. However, given the difficulty in collecting such material, and the limited time frame for useful harvest, these ingredients are very rare; their usefulness to potion-makers and wand-crafters is not thoroughly tested, and mostly hypothetical, due to the infrequency of experiments and the questionable nature of historical records.
Trade in werewolf parts, while inherently predatory, is very, very lucrative - and has never been regulated by the Ministry.
Lycanthropy is sometimes referred to as werewolfry, to avoid confusion with the psychological condition; that’s more an academic distinction than a common one, though.
#revelio.the affliction#SO HERE'S MY BIG OL HANDBOOK TO WEREWOLFRY#ENJOY#there is some canon divergence but it's all been cleared with the admins and such so HERE WE BE
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Red ~ Embry Call (Part 3)
A/n: Y’all still Alive? Good. You might not be after this.
Word Count: 4120
Losing him was blue like I'd never known; Missing him was dark gray all alone; Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met...
We walked for a long time, utter silence between us. It was heavy and thick, but not awkward. We left the beach altogether, moving to the street and then past, to the woods. We walked through the green a long while before I started getting nervous. Irrational fears began creeping in, eating away at my edges.
Was he going to kill me? Was he going to taunt me? Make fun of me? See how far he could push me until I snapped? Maybe he didn’t actually care about me or have his feelings back. Maybe this was a prank. Maybe that gang of his had turned him into a total ass. And a good liar. Maybe he was just seeing how far I would follow him before I realized he was pulling my leg. Maybe he was dragging me out far as I would let him before he took advantage of how vulnerable and exposed I was and took advantage of me and-
Okay there. I needed to calm down.
I watched his arms swing, the steps he took. They seemed heavier, as he was more tired than I’d known him to be. He was never one to have the best sleeping schedule but it was regular and not too bad. Six hours every night, sometimes more. And... sometimes less. He seemed like he’d been getting a regular three or four these days. His shoulders sagged a bit. He was taller, more muscley. Maybe they’d had him getting up earlier and working out so he would be as fit as they needed for whatever shenanigans they got up to?
I imagined my Embry in a gang. Getting everybody to pull pranks or rough housing with the other boys. Sharing secrets and making friendships, his smile wide as his eyes found me with a soft smile on his face at the end of the day. I imagined him, without me by his side. Watching me from a distance, wanting me but for some reason never approaching me. I imagined him trying to be lose, good friends with people he didn’t know because for whatever reason he’d left all those close to him behind.
Yeah. It didn’t fit. He was awkward and often self conscious because he felt like he was really annoying, so though he was social and had quite a few acquaintances, he had two best friends and me. He kept his circle small and he liked it that way. The Four Musketeers. That way he could be as loud and immature and stupid and bothersome as he wanted and he knew that none of us would get genuinely, really bothered without telling him so.
Nothing made sense, and my curiosity finally became too much for me when I caught Embry’s arm. I immediately pulled back though, hissing as he turned to me with a surprised expression as if he’d forgotten I was there. “Embry, you’re hot!” He smirked and I glared. For a second we were ourselves again but then we quickly returned to the him and me we were now. “You know what I mean.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I guess here’s a good a place as any.” He huffed, nervousness rolling off of him in waves. He reached down and pulled his shirt off.
Spinning around, I covered my eyes. “WHOA!” My heart began racing wildly. “Embry put your shirt back on, NOW!”
Embry chuckled. “You’re acting as if you’ve never seen my shirtless before. I mean, you’ve seen me naked.”
To my horror, a burning blush was added to my fixation with his chest and how I didn’t truly realized how much muscle he’d gained until I could see every detail for myself. “Yeah, well...” I struggled, but just gave up and blurted, “That’s when we were having sex. We’re not having sex right now.”
Another chuckle and I wanted to slap him. “Y/n, turn around.”
“No,” I refused.
He sighed. “Y/n, please. I’m not going to hurt you, I promise, but I do have to show you something that you have to see for yourself for you to understand and believe me. Really understand and really believe me. Y/n please.” He was pleading, his voice full of worry and stress, and I couldn’t resist him. I turned, my hands dropping to my sides. The second I was looking, he took several steps back and then tensed.
And suddenly he was hunching, his body curling and rippling as he bent almost to breaking and then elongated, his bones themselves morphing into a new shape. It was horrible to watch as I worried he must be in an awful amount of pain, but before I could even finish the thought to call out for him or scream or race at him or anything, a wolf was standing where he had been and I had a whole new problem to worry.
My head was spinning wildly. A wolf? Embry... he was... a wolf? Wait what? My face was screwed up in confusion, and all I could think to feel was anger. But then it registered. Embry. Was a wolf. Oh my gosh! “Werewolf,” I whispered. He looked up at me, and the human like eyes of his threw me for a loop. I seemed to be working in slow motion, working through layers of honey to reach the conclusion I already had in my hands. “You’re a werewolf.”
Shook took over. Where fear or panic or anger would have taken place in other people’s places, all I felt was exploding curiosity. Energized and ecstatic. My body was itching as I moved closer to him, slowly but nowhere near as slow as I should have or would have approached a regular wolf. My hand moved through his fir after reaching out, my eyes widening as realizing finally hit me and pushed me through that finally string of shock.
I tackled him to the ground, straddling his side as I looked up him up close. He huffed in surprise, caught completely off guard as my hands wandered, touching his feet and then legs, side and fur and nose and ears. “Oh my gosh this is amazing. There are actual werewolves. You... you’re a werewolf. That is amazing! Absolutely splendid! This is why you left, of course. And.. the heat,” I realized, my hand resting between his ears as I paused, realizing. “Because you’re a wolf. Wolves, especially your size, radiate so much heat. That’s amazing!” Mindlessly, my hand began to move on his head, my fingers scratching.
He whined, relaxing under my touch. I realized what I was doing and did it harder, scratching behind his ear. After a second I added my other hand- one had for each of his ears. “Do you like that, boy?” I asked gently.
He suddenly pulled his head away, grunting annoyedly. I realized that I was analyzing him like he was a scientific discovery and petting him like he was a dog and I lost it. I rolled off of him onto my back and then onto my side, curling my knees into my chest as I busted up into body wracking laughter. “YOU LET ME PET YOU! YOU- YOU ENJOYED ME PETTING YOU!”
He groaned and I closed my eyes, tears falling down my face. After a second, he reached over and a human hand touched me. He wore only a shirt and shorts, his jeans and shoes from earlier discarded off to the side. I began to calm down as he looked at me, kind of worried. “Are you okay?” The ghost of a smile tugged at his lips- true to the nature of our relationship, one of us could not laugh so hard and so genuinely without calling a smile at the vert least to the other.
“I’m okay,” I confirmed, wiping my face of the tears and forcing myself to sit up as I caught my breath. “I’m sorry, I... Tht must have been a weird reaction.”
He grinned. “Definitely not one we’ve gotten before.”
After a pause, I looked at him with intrigue. He rose an eyebrow. “Do you turn on the full moon.” And so questions began.
“Only when we want to. Just like any other day.”
“Do you have an alpha/omega/beta system like in the stories?”
“Who’s-“ I cut off, realizing. “Sam’s alpha?”
“How often do you change?”
“Usually whenever we get upset or our heart race increases, but we can change whenever we want. Usually when there’s a threat or for practice or routes... At least once every other day, on average.”
“What determines your fur color?”
“I have... no idea.”
“How fast do you run?” I immediately followed up.
He smirked. “Faster than vampires.”
My eyes went wide and he paled as he realized his mistake. “Vampires?” I asked weakly. He nodded wordlessly, allowing me space to process and think. I nodded after a second. “Is that what you meant by threats I didn’t know of?” He nodded again. “Do you guys only fight vampires?”
He nodded. “That’s why we were created. Kill the vampires, protect the humans.”
That put me at ease. I trusted him to protect me, as much as I trusted him not to hurt m earlier when he was a wolf. I... I trusted him. I trusted Embry, with my life. Literally. Oh my gosh. “What are vampires like?” He explained the red versus gold eyes, telling me about the Cullens and then having to explain Bella and Edward. I was surprised to realize that things had gotten so far and once Embry explained the treaty, I was even more surprised that Sam was letting it happen. He told me about what did and didn’t work so far as lure that I knew. Garlic, no. Crosses, not to his knowledge. Rip them apart and burn the bodies; they glitter in the sun. Created to be alluring to humans, like sirens pulling sailors to their death. “Land sirens,” I mused. He smiled, nodding. We’d been going on forever and I thought I was out of questions and knew all there was to know... until something occurred to me. “Embry?”
“Yeah?” He asked. He had moved close and was playing with my fingers. I hadn’t pulled away- it felt too good.
A little nervous, I asked quietly, “Do wolves have mates? Because vampires have true mates and in the wild wolves have packs and mates and all that. Because, actual wolves don’t have caste systems with alpha and all that, they just have families. Did you know that the guy who came up with the Alpha theory actually proved that he was wrong and told people he was wrong but no one listened? Anyway my point is that they’re little families, with mates and cubs and loyalty like none of their. So... Does that translate over?”
Embry let me babble and talk on as if he was stalling, but when the time came he looked up at me, that nervousness back in his eyes and posture where he’d been so relaxed and content before. “Y/n, I... I have something to tell you.”
But moving on from him is impossible when I still see it all in my head: burning red! Burning it was red!
My eyes traced lines in the dirt. “So you imprinted on me.” I hadn´t asked a question so he didn’t say anything. A moment stretched on and I felt my insides grow heavy inside of me, dragging and pulling and getting all tangled up. “And it’s painful for wolves to be away from their imprints, so Sam let you tell me.” Embry still kept quiet. I looked up. “Is there a way for you to undo it?”
His eyes flared with pain. “Do you want there to be?”
“It just feels... against your will. What if you hadn’t imprinted on me? What if you had imprinted on someone else_ Would your feelings for me just have been completely wiped away as if they never mattered? Years of love and familiarity and beating the odds, just... gone.” My stomach twisted tighter and I felt nauseated so I changed my train of thought. “What if your imprint is way younger? Or way older?”
That struck a cord - Embry flinched. “When we’re shifting regularly, we stop aging. Whenever we choose to shop shifting, we grow older. We learn to control our emotions and overtime, it gets harder to shift. And harder to control it once you do again. Like a muscle or a talent. If you don’t use it, you get rusty.”
“So you stop aging until they’re old enough?” I asked, trying to understand how people worked out these problems. I mean, it´s cool that they would do that for their imprint and that there was such a connection but it still didn´t feel right.
“Precisely,” he agreed. “If they’re older...” He shrugged, awkwardness evident in his features. “It sucks.”
My eyes widened as that sunk in. “That’s horrible! What if I decided to take another path? No future is certain, no decisions are permanent. Love even changes over time and you change with it or it fails. What if we go to different colleges? What if it gets too weird with the age gap that were eventually going to have? What if we change and aren’t compatible anymore? What if- what if I die? That’s so much pressure. I have to stay close and in good condition or you wither away into a depressed morning? Embry...”
He looked really upset, and I wondered where we would be if he hadn´t imprinted on me. I wondered where we would have been if we never met. Did the last years even matter if we would have ended in this same place anyway, twisted by fate and supernatural animalistic instinct and drive? I felt like I was breathing through a straw and he reached out, his hands flattening on my neck and the side of my face, his thumb caressing my jaw to soothe me. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered with a broken voice. “I know you hate being forced into things, and you really don’t HAVE to be with me. Please don’t be with me again if you really don’t want to, I’d rather anything than you forcing yourself to date me when you don’t want to. I’ll make friendship work, I promise.”
I grew sad. “Can you fall in love with anyone else? Ever?”
He frowned. “No.”
Pulling my face from his loving hold - unfortunately (I didn´t want to but I needed a clear mind and Embry´s touch gave me anything but, especially after so long when he touched me like that) - I sighed. “I do love you, Em. And... I do trust you. I just-“ I was going to forgive him right there and end the tension. In the end, it didn´t matter how we got here or what brought us together. As always, we prevailed despite everything being thrown at us. It wasn’t worth hurting him if I knew I was fine anyway. But then I thought of the months of his disappearing. Months avoiding me, convincing me that he didn’t care about me at all. And maybe I did want to forgive him, but not quite yet. “I need some time to think about all of this. Process. Okay?”
He nodded and we both stood. After a second I smiled, opening my arms and he moved into them, hugging me firmly but gently. It was wonderful. I breathed his scent in, listening to his heart beat as my ear pressed to his chest. “I love you,” he whispered.
I smiled. “I know.” I leaned away. “Walk me back to the beach?”
Embry stepped away, nodding and smiling sadly. It almost made me want to stop... We made our way back to where we came from originally, and I snagged my bike from the ground, waving at Embry before taking off toward my house.
In actuality, I knew I loved and trusted Embry and that´s all that matters. And maybe it was cruel or petty of me, but I wanted him just to squirm a little bit more. Know what it was like to have someone you love choose to not be with you. To doubt that you´ll be with the person you would give anything for, go anywhere for, be anyone for. I wanted him to fear, just for a little bit, that he wouldn´t have his promised happily ever after.
Laying in my bed, I put my phone face down and silenced. It had been an unspoken thing that I would text Embry I was safe when I got home. While we were together at least. Now, I´m sure he assumed but I hadn´t promised or established that I would continue the tradition, even though in any other circumstance I would have.
I felt a little mean, worrying him, but a part of me was still hurt and angry. If I couldn´t stand to cut things off permanently but I also couldn´t simply erase months of deep emotional pain, I saw this as a happy medium. Some classic, well planned, carried through revenge.
I loved the boy, but this almost felt good.
Was that cruel of me?
Oh losing him was blue like I'd never known; Missing him was dark gray all alone. Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met 'cause loving him was red! Yeah, yeah red! We're burning red!
It took him an entire week to lose his shit.
After being okay with missing him for so long and knowing I could go back anytime I wanted, it was surprisingly easy for me to be away from Embry. I missed him, my body itching to make up all the time we’d missed over the last few months, and I yearned to answer his texts and hang out with him and kiss him and hug him and UGH, but I had self control. I had learned it when all I’d wanted to do was go to Embry’s house, knock down his door, kiss him, and demand he stop whatever the hell he was doing... but I couldn’t, because he’d told me to never talk to him ever again.
After those six days, though, I lay awake at night thinking about Embry and remembering back to when we’d been together when a sharp and inconsistent tapping sounded on my window. Not tapping like fingers against the glad, but... I looked over, jumping when a pebble the size of my pinkie fingers came in contact with the glass. It was thin but still! I scrambled out of bed, moving to the window. I looked out and immediately saw Embry, who was pacing anxiously as he messed with the rock in his hands, breathing hard as he looked about ready to have a panic attack.
Because I lived in a one story house, I didn’t know why he didn’t just knock on my window, but maybe he was as much of a romantic as I remembered. I opened my window. “Em?”
He turned to me, relaxing at the sound of my voice as if it alone had flipped a switch in him. He itched to move to me, I could see it, and I smiled, moving aside too let him crawl in through my window. He didn’t hesitate even a split second, moving to go through before I was even out all of the way. Once he was in, I closed my window again. I turned to him and he looked at me. “Have you decided to avoid me then? Because I mean I definitely understand why but could you have at least told me? I’ve been wondering-“
“I don’t want to be with you, Embry,” I deadpanned. “I don’t want to talk to you ever again.” I wasn’t looking at him, the exact same a he had treated me when he told me. My voice was hard and rough and he took a step back. “I don’t want to ever see you again.”
He whimpered. “Y/n, please... it hurts to be away from you. Not just because of the wolf thing, but knowing that I can have you back. I asked Sam. He said it’s different than it was with Emily. Moving faster, affecting more severely. It’s me, Y/n. It’s ME that hurts to be away from you. ME that loves you. Let’s just be friends?”
Turning to him, I looked him in the eyes. His glasses over, watering, as he prepare for me to totally reject him. I could see the loss in his eyes without me having to the say the words, and I could see his heart break. That was when I dropped it all. I stopped immediately, the softness and warm coming back to my face. He was instantly confused. “Hurts, doesn’t it?”
His eyes widened and betrayal and a different kind of hurt filled his face. “Is this a joke to you?” He snapped. “Is that why you’ve been avoiding me? For some petty kind of revenge? How old are you?!” I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest as my own anger exploded. “Don’t get angry at me, you have no right! You hurt me Y/n! For an entire week I suffered until it physically hurt with worry, getting sick to my stomach and having a panic attack! I had a panic attack! Sam finally told me to come here and tell you because he was worried about me. What the hell Y/n you had no right!”
“I had no right?” I sneered, venom dripping from my words.
His eyes narrowed. “You actually hurt me. You left me.”
My eyes watered. “It hurts, doesn’t it? Being left behind without an explanation or clue? To go from hot and in love to absolutely nothing? Hurts to worry and strain and hurt with no answers or clue. Sitting there to just WORRY. Bella Swan literally went comatose from it. I barely made it myself. I couldn’t even go to school for an entire week after you too me you never wanted to talk to me again. You didn’t even look at me, you just told me. No emotion, no recognition. Like I was nothing.”
He scrambled to defend himself but he was struggling as realization began to truly dawn on him. “I didn’t want to imprint on you! They said that I might, since we were like in love and stuff and I didn’t want to drag you into this world. I also didn’t want it to NOT be you. I was terrified, more than I was of imprinting on you, that I wouldn’t.”
Tears began falling down my face and his anger dissipated in favor of pain, worry, and guilt. “You promised you would never leave me, Em. That you would never hurt me. And then you left. And THEN you hurt me in every possible fucking way.” He looked away, his face contorting in severe pain. “I forgive you,” I whispered. “And my anger and immaturity got the best of me, I just... I wanted you to understand. Understand how much it hurt. I’m sorry, but... Em...” He looked at me again as my words were broken by my cries that had turned to sobs. “Please don’t do that again. Don’t hurt me again. I couldn’t survive it again.”
He rushed at me, pulling me into him and holding me tightly. “We’re even now,” he whispered. “You forgave me, so I can forgive you. We both fucked up, both with very good reasons for doing so.” He sighed. “I won’t ever hurt you again Y/n. Not like that. I promise for real this time. I won’t let anything come between us again.”
“What if you die?” I ask softly.
“That won’t be my fault,” he answers even more softly. “I promise I’ll try my hardest, though.”
I buried my face in his chest, clinging to his shirt. “I can be okay with that.”
We had a long way to go, but... maybe things could be okay now. We had each other, so there was always that.
Forever Tag List: @bitchyseawitch @chipster-21 @alexa-playafricabytoto
#embry call#kiowa gordon#wolf pack#red#taylor swift#part 3#twilight#new moon#eclipse#breaking dawn#x reader#imagine#imagines#song prompt
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(questions are from this post)
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything? Artur "Mikael" Sikora - Arthur is royal name, but I didn't mean it when I was creating him. I wanted just use a name I didn't have already xD I have so many male OCs with Tami :V Sikora is polish name for tit bird, he is smoll and loves nature I think it's cute, and he has pet wild jay who he loves dearly and feeding everymoring I thought it will be funny for him to have bird-related surname. Mikael is his witch name, he pick it randomly just thought it sound nice. 2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them? No, he is regular man. 3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? Since he is only child and his mother was a little overprotective he had save and decent live, but since his mother was overprotective he also had hard times with her in general. He discovered he is gay pretty early and that part of his live was pretty hard to hide to. As a kid he didn't really know what he likes and what he wants to do, only around his 20 he got intrested in witchcraft. His worst memories are those with hiding his identy, he was trying to date, one girl, few boys, he was too good sometimes and people were using him often in those relationships. 4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? He now lives alone, but visiting her mother at least two times per month, and tries one per week. He knows both of his parents, but his mother left his father and now live with her new boyfriend. He didn't stay in touch with father. The worst memory is just parents divorce, but like he don't have one clear accident he would say is bad. His mother was just not the best mother ever and make him often feel gulity over accidents, like "that's your fault they hit you", "you dress strange so you should think about it" etc, his father was working and drinking a bit too much, so he hates it but like he never hit you or anything so he thinks about it like "he was lucky enough" 5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults? Nop 6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate? He is an adult already but he finished Uni (Kolegium Karkonowskie)(english philology), he always liked polish, english and history, never was really intrested in biology, but now he can't belive it, since plants and nature is his new everything. 7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? He wasn't the most popular kid, but had some friends like everyone in neghborhood and also in school. Since he had allways those 'strange" vibes, he got use to short friendships like in 3 years highschool that would never survive after that. He has some friends now as adult, but never was really serious about them. (Except Edi he is now dating ♥) 8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? As a kid he didn't had any animals, since mom didnt let him. Now he kind of tamed wild jay, that is very smart birb and got use to this human feeding him every moring. It trust him and would sit on his arm, but would never let him touch it. Mikael loves it dearly and he is very proud that bird let him be its friend. He saved it when jay was still young. He loves animals, almost as much as he loves plants. As a witch he adore cats most, but never had any. 9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? His jay likes him, cats and dog's likes him most of the time. He is very respectufl for nature and walks slower next to animals to no scare them, so they are a little calmer next to him. 10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect? He is okay with children but it's not like he loves them. Chidren are a little to exhaustive in his opion, since he like peace and silence a lot. Children look at him with intrest since he wearing alternative fashion and kiddos like that. He would be good godparent, but he would be exhausted fast. 11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies? He can eat mostly anything, but he tries to eat less meat, like once/two per week. He hate junk food, and loves a lot polish comfrot foods dishes like bigos and rosół. He likes dishes that make you think about witchcrafting, like pies, stawes and soups. 12. What is their favourite food? Stew inspierd soup. 13. What is their least favourite food? Sea food, foods with a lot fat 14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal? So far no, I dont have any ideas 15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking? He can cook at basic lvl, but a few his fav dishes are complicated. He can make curry soup, stew, american style cookies, but he has no idea how to bake any kind meat, or cake. So far people like his cooking. 16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? He collect crystals, plants, spells, funny shaped rocks, basicly anything any forest witch would like. 17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos? He is okay with photos of himself, but doesn't care about doing selfies unless he is asked to do it. He have few of his photos somewhere on his laptop. He likes doing photos of spells, sigils he made, food, pretty langscapes and post on witchy forum. 18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else He likes adventure books, and books about witchcraft, plants etc. He picks music randomly on spotify and dont really care about genre. TV shows and movies: adventure, documentaries (with lots of plants), sometimes horror. 19. What’s their least favourite genres? Romantic comedies, mostly comedies in gerenal. 20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes? He never really listen any musical but he really likes music. He knows lyrics to his fav songs and he can sing them anytime. He is the type of person who listen 5 songs on loop entire day. 21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper? In general he is very patient. But don't respect him and he will not hestinate. He can turn really agressive but in short spawn. He also is less patient with himself that others. 22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back? He is trying not to isnulting people, sometimes if someone will make him angry he can bitch behind their back to avoid conflict. 23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces? He has decent memory, but not unhuman-like. He read a lot and try to learn about witchcraft so he excersice his memory all the time. He is good with faces but sometimes will forgot a name. 24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress? He is trying to sleep a healthy 7 hours per day, but sometimes its 8 sometimes its 6, since is jay is waking him up every moring at 6, he got use to wake up at 6 and is living like that. He don't snore and sleep pretty deep. He sleep in regular single bed, with soft matterss. 25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves? He think he has good sense of humore. He loves his boyfriend jokes and acident jokes and punes. He think it's really funny to 28 year old man act like little naughty kitten sometimes. 26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? He will share his happines with everyone. He will giggle at every occasion and hum a little, in home will start sing. 27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad? When human dont respect nature and others. When people are showing that money are more important than others. Being alone. He is not crying thaat easly, mostly because he is trying to stay positive and strong as much as he can. 28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared? He dont have any phobia he is aware of, he is scared of horror-like clowns, ghosts. He would never enter abonded bulding in night, but he is okay with forests in night. Scared he will not scream, but got very silent and pale. 29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? He don't think teasing people over their fears is funny and will respect that. He will try to protect this person. 30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out? He likes walks, but would never run or play any sport. If he would get force to run right now he will proably -alsmot- pass out. He don't have any stamina. 31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing? He actually likes to drink and go to parties, but like... will stay in the croner and chat with one person. He hates hangovers but will get drunk sometimes anyway. When people are drunk he will tease, when hangover he will be kind. 32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like? He tries to dress like urban male witch he is. Black, browns, green. And hint of yellow, like a scarf, or a shoe ties. He really likes this style, most of the time he got his clothes at second hand stores, sometimes he is lucky and will get osmetihng new. 33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties? Sometimes boxers sometimes reagular pants, depend of how hot it is and what did he pick at the store/was cheap/took from his drawer. 34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body? For a man living in poland he is kinda short. Slim, but not like really thin and almost with no muscules. A little bit fat here and there. 35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure? dunno to hard to think about now 36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing? He can at basic lvl: do spells, cook, saw baisc things, sing but basic, draw also basci only plants. He didnt had any real hobby at age when kiddos are fast learners. Was playing outside nothing serious. 37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction? He likes to read, mostly non fiction since he feel oblgation to learn a lot as a witch. He read kinda slow but that's mostly for better understanding those non fiction books 38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had? Depends on his mood, but sometimes he is jelly how people can stay more focus at their job and dreams, since he still dont really have abig dream. He would love to be better at cooking and baking. From craft he can't do it's gonna be sculpturing 39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? He is a little bit old fashioned, so he loves leatters, but textes are good too. Small little notes with the love one on the fridge <3 40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert? He likes coffee and sweets, will not tolerate energy drinks. He can take a weaker coffee at eveing if he wanna stay focus at something. 41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship? Gay. More than just look he likes when his man is just sweet/adorable in character. After few hard relationships he is affraid of being used, so he need a lot of patinet with that and a man who will show him his respect his moneny, time and what is he doing. 42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition? Is living in the cottage a goal? He want just live peacefully and a little slower then the rest. But he would scirfce anything for his mother, boyfriend and magick. 43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people? He worship Gaia and respect small nature spirtis. 44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? He loves spring and autumn equally. Second fav is summer, because there is a lot plant's but it's a little to hot. He loves rain the most, but not a storm. He loves kowing that plants have enought water to drink. He is a little better with cold than hot. 45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? He looks a little to strange for stranger, with his fashion and sometimes they way he talks, but if you get to know him, he is calm and decent guy with big passion for magick. It's similar since he is very careful with how much he shows. 46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves? He s super strange at first glance, he is sometimes like this strange old guy from you nieghbor you were scared of as kiddo. Also giving this misterious vibes. And... that's basicly him, unless he is not that misterious, more like cat that turned out to be a little silly. 47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event? OKay, okay, so now we will be roleplaying old event with christmas eve (cough) so listen, he is not wearing those as regular, but he will wear: a grey wool suit, and funny colorfull bowtie, also funny socks and black elegant shoes. White shirt. He dont like fancy parites. 48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? He loves spending time in a club to forget about problems, when he was younger and single a little plus flirting, but not much. He prefer to spend time with few people over daning in the middle. He also like small parties at home and family gatherings even if his mother makes him sick sometimes. 49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them? He is very sentimental, and so far he has a lot valued object, but his Grimoire and necklace with Gaia symbol are the most important to him. He lost his glimore in rp recently so (RIP) snif, but he play cool, he can write it again. 50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials? Grimore, some water, fav crystals, few small spells, one book, phone, pen, jar for things he may find, wallet. Essentials are: wallet, jar, Grimoire and phone.
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task 5: jacob tulach

Basic Character Questions
First name? Garfield Jacob
Surname? Tulach
Middle names? Jacob.
Nicknames? Jacob.
Date of birth? Jac–December 16.
Age? 43.
Physical / Appearance
Height? 5′9′’
Weight? 220 lb
Build? Thick.
Hair color? Brown.
Hair style? Short on the sides and long on top, usually slicked back. Sometimes a little wild or in his face.
Eye color? Green.
Eye Shape? Deep-set, small, circular.
Glasses or contact lenses? No. (reading glasses.)
Distinguishing facial features? A scar on his left eyebrow. A full beard.
Which facial feature is most prominent? His severe brow.
Which bodily feature is most prominent? Wide shoulders.
Other distinguishing features? Monochromatic tattoo sleeve on his left arm from wrist to shoulder.
Skin? Tan.
Hands? His nails are dirty, his knuckles are bruised, and the skin is rough and cracked.
Make up? Nah.
Scars? Scars from cuts on his left eyebrow, left elbow, and right shin. Small burn mark under his right arm at the bottom of his ribcage.
Birthmarks? Nah.
Tattoos? Yes–left arm has a tattoo sleeve in mostly black ink of monsters/creatures. There’s a kraken, dragon, griffon, bear, wolf, and falcon.
Physical handicaps? He’s got bad knees, and he broke his arm as a child. It didn’t heal right so he can’t bend his right arm all the way.
Type of clothes? Plaid shirts, field jackets, jeans, combat boots, muscle shirts …. cargo shorts, swim trunks.
How do they wear their clothes? Sloppily. His clothes have holes and frayed edges.
What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc) He walks around barefoot quite a bit so his feet are pretty calloused, otherwise he has boots on.
Race / Ethnicity? White.
Mannerisms? He likes to smoke. He’s bad at maintaining eye contact. Always has to be busy with something in his hands so he’s usually whittling or sharpening knives, etc.
Are they in good health? He’s in decent physical shape strength-wise, but he gets coughing fits due to a bad case of pneumonia causing scarring in his lungs. Smoking doesn’t help.
Do they have any disabilities? Nah.
What words or phrases do they overuse? “Look here.” “Sod off.” “Shut up.” And threatening to gut people that annoy him.
Do they have a catchphrase? “You.” (threateningly)
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Pessimistic.
Are they introverted or extroverted? Introverted.
Do they ever put on airs? He wouldn’t know how. He’s very genuine, for better or worse.
What bad habits do they have? Smoking, swearing, drinking, eating too fast, being a terrible conversationalist.
What makes them laugh out loud? Slapstick physical humor that happens in real life, even if it happens to him.
How do they display affection? Spending quiet time with the other person, perhaps maybe hand holding.
Mental handicaps? He’s short-tempered and has a bad memory so he forgets people’s names.
How do they want to be seen by others? Formidable, unyielding, and commanding.
How do they see themselves? As a farce.
How are they seen by others? A quiet, sometimes violent thug.
Strongest character trait? Being pragmatic.
Weakest character trait? Empathy.
How competitive are they? Very.
Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? Snap judgements.
How do they react to praise? Depends on the person, but in general he will awkwardly try to get out of the conversation.
How do they react to criticism? He internalizes and obsesses over criticism. Unless the person giving it is an asshole, then he wants to beat them up.
What is their greatest fear? Imprisonment.
What are their biggest secrets? Noah Graves is his real son. He has worn a nice suit on more than one occasion, and gone to “brunch” in New England with Noah’s family.
What is their philosophy of life? You suffer then eventually die.
When was the last time they cried? When he was a child.
What haunts them? He dwells on the pain he has caused others.
What are their political views? The strong should protect the weak.
What will they stand up for? Family and the few people he is close to.
Who do they quote? Nothing but old idioms.
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? Outoorsy.
What is their sinful little habit? He’ll melt if there’s a dog around.
What sense do they most rely on? Smell.
How do they treat people better than them? Like shit.
How do they treat people worse than them? Slightly less like shit.
What quality do they most value in a friend? Loyalty.
What do they consider an overrated virtue? Honesty.
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? Be a good father.
What is their obsession? Woodworking and a good, balanced knife.
What are their pet peeves? Pointless small talk.
What are their idiosyncrasies? His upper lip will twitch when he’s annoyed. He reorganizes the sparse furniture in his house once or twice a month.
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? Pretty big. Several siblings and nieces and nephews. He has one son, and an ex and her husband.
What is their perception of family? Family is more than blood.
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? Yes.
Describe their best friend. Deadpan and a lot like him.
Ideal best friend? Deadpan and a lot like him.
Describe their other friends. Much more chatty and compassionate. Have more of Jacob’s best interest in mind than him.
Describe their acquaintances. Pretty much everyone is an acquaintance.
Do they have any pets? No.
Who are their natural allies? Jupiter’s Fury’s crew, most other pirates.
Who are their surprising allies? His son.
Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child? He was a fussy baby that screamed a lot. He was much quieter as a kid–speaking up meant being struck.
Did they grow up rich or poor? He grew up as a pirate, so a little bit of both.
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? Nurtured to become a pirate, but neglected in emotional support.
What is the most offensive thing they ever said? “That’s not what your mom said last night.” (He doesn’t do mom jokes anymore).
What is their greatest achievement? Bringing Noah on a voyage.
What was their first kiss like? A quick peck.
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? Not being there for Noah.
What are their ambitions? Keep his head down until he can retire.
What advice would they give their younger self? Fight harder.
What smells remind them of their childhood? Seaweed, peeled potatoes, hot wax, woodsmoke, brandy.
What was their childhood ambition? Become a ship captain.
What is their best childhood memory? Learning how to fight with a knife.
What is their worst childhood memory? Sleeping alone during bad storms.
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? No.
When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? When he got knocked out during his last bare knuckle boxing match.
What past act are they most ashamed of? His first kill.
What past act are they most proud of? He very briefly commanded the Jupiter’s Fury when Theo was sick on a voyage.
Has anyone ever saved their life? Yes.
Strongest childhood memory? His father standing over him.
Do they believe in love at first sight? No.
Are they in a relationship? No.
How do they behave in a relationship? Doting but awkward. Unable to discuss feelings.
When did you character last have sex? It’s been since before his latest voyage, so at least a month.
What sort of sex do they have? Rough. He doesn’t take his time either.
Has your character ever been in love? Yes.
Have they ever had their heart broken? Yes.
How do they respond to a threat? Be the first to attack.
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Fists.
What is your character’s kryptonite? Noah. Pretty people.
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? Letters exchanged between him and Tara and Noah.
How do they perceive strangers? With suspicion and derision until proven otherwise.
What do they love to hate? Stupidity, small talk, naivete.
What are their phobias? Sharks and guns.
What is their choice of weapon? Fists or knives.
What living person do they most despise? …tara.
Have they ever been bullied or teased? Yes.
Where do they go when they’re angry? He sits on the roof of his villa.
Who are their enemies and why? He doesn’t like to have enemies. He wants to settle things one way or another and not have any lingering bad blood.
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job? First mate on the Jupiter’s Fury.
What do they think about their current job? It suits him. It’s enough responsibility without having all the weight on his shoulders.
What are some of their past jobs? Gunner, carpenter, boxer.
What are their hobbies? Woodworking and carpentry.
Educational background? He’s got a high school level equivalent.
Intelligence level? Average.
Do they have any specialist training? Is fighting a specialty?
Do they have a natural talent for something? Taking hits.
Do they play a sport? Are they any good? He’s good at climbing and he’s a good marksman but he hates guns.
What is their socioeconomic status? Pirate?
What is their favorite animal? Dogs.
Which animal to they dislike the most? Sharks.
What place would they most like to visit? The Alps or the Andes.
What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? The Galapagos.
What is their favorite song? Johnny Cash - Ain’t No Grave.
Music, art, reading preferred? Art.
What is their favorite color? Green.
What is their password? password7890
Favorite food: Avocado.
What is their favorite work of art? Michelangelo’s David.
Who is their favorite artist? He doesn’t have one.
What is their favorite day of the week? He doesn’t have one.
What is in their fridge: 24 pack of Yuengling lagers, gouda cheese, orange juice, milk, and smoked salmon.
What is on their bedside table? Reading glasses and a bottle of water.
What is in their car? He doesn’t have a car.
What is in their bin? Sawdust.
What is in their purse or wallet? A picture of Noah when he was five.
What is in their pockets? Switchblade.
What is their most treasured possession? His table saw.
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel? He doesn’t believe in guardian angels.
Do they believe in the afterlife? No.
What are their religious views? Every man for himself.
What do they think heaven is? There is no heaven.
What do they think hell is? Earth.
Are they superstitious? A little.
What would they like to be reincarnated as? No.
How would they like to die? In combat.
What is your character’s spirit animal? He doesn’t believe in spirit animals.
What is their zodiac sign? Sagittarius.
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? Imprisonment.
What is their view of ‘freedom’? Not being part of the capitalist machine.
When did they last lie? When he told Noah he’d kick his ass if he didn’t bring back his table saw.
What’s their view of lying? It’s sometimes acceptable.
When did they last make a promise? When he told Tara he’d make sure Noah would finish school and come home.
Did they keep or break their last promise? He fucking tried, okay?
Daily life
What are their eating habits? He is a pescatarian.
Do they have any allergies? No.
Describe their home. White walls with no decorations, handmade wooden furniture. Bare bones.
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? Minimalist, but his front yard is full of junk from the storm.
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? Wake up at dawn and drink coffee with a cigarette.
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? Drink a beer and woodwork.
What do they do on a Friday night? Drink a beer, smoke a cigarette, and woodwork.
What is the soft drink of choice? Sprite.
What is their alcoholic drink of choice? Neat whiskey or Yuengling.
What is their character archetype? (Innocent, Orphan, Hero, Caregiver, Explorer, Rebel, Lover, Creator, Jester, Sage, Magician, Ruler) Rebel.
Who is their hero? He doesn’t hold anyone living or dead in that high regard.
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? A pirate.
Are they comfortable with technology? No.
If they could save one person, who would it be? Noah.
If they could call one person for help, who would it be? Theo.
What is their favorite proverb? “To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.”
What is their greatest extravagance? Cigars.
What is their greatest regret? He’s dealt with his regret of not raising Noah.
What is their perception of redemption? It’s not easily earned.
What would they do if they won the lottery? Buy a ship of his own and retire.
What is their favorite fairytale? He doesn’t have one.
What fairytale do they hate? All of them.
Do they believe in happy endings? No.
What is their idea of perfect happiness? Living in a time where he doesn’t have to fight to exist.
What would they ask a fortune teller? What kind of person asks people to pay them to lie?
If your character could travel through time, where would they go? Maybe the future so he could be a space pirate.
What sport do they excel at? Boxing.
What sport do they suck at? Tennis.
If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Super strength, of course.
@noahgraves @captaintheotulach @bernicehector
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what was your last
1. drink - water
2. phone call - my mother
3. text message - “ok just phone me whenever x”
4. song you listened to - why won’t you love me by 5 seconds of summer
have you ever
6. dated someone twice - no i haven’t even dated anyone once
7. kissed someone and regretted it - no
8. been cheated on - if when your best friend calls someone else their best friend is cheating then yes
9. lost someone special - yes
10. been depressed - i’ve been clinically depressed for five years and counting
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - almost
fave colours
12. fave colour - yellow
13. fave colour - burgundy
14. fave colour - baby blue (and any other light/pastel colour)
in the last year have you
15. made new friends - yes, i met @soundshoodfeelshood last year and it was the best recent friendship that i’ve made i appreciate and love her a lot and it feels like i’ve known her forever
16. fallen out of love - no
17. laughed until you cried - yes, the most recent was when i was watching bottom with my parents
18. found out someone was talking about you - yes
19. met someone who changed you - i don’t think so
20. found out who your friends are - yes, i’m still finding out
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - no
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - all of them
23. do you have any pets - i have a cat named harry he’s 16 now, i used to have another cat named hermione who passed away last year at 15. i also used to have a hamster named pumpkin, three chickens named jessie, lilo and buttercup and fishes. my family also fostered a dog for few days who we named lola
24. do you want to change your name - no, i really like my surname too and don’t want to change it so if i ever get married i’ll probably still keep it baha.
25. what did you do for your last birthday - i spent the day at home with my family and my friends in the evening
26. what time did you wake up today - 8:30am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - watching loey lane’s most recent ghost adventure on youtube
28. what is something you can't wait for - a miracle, no mental health issues, to know what i’m doing with my life and what career i want, for my parents to sell our house and finally move into their dream house on the coast and for me to be accepting of myself
30. what are you listening to right now - explore by sundara karma
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - i don’t think so but i’ve spoken to people i never knew the name of so maybe i have talked to someone named tom
32. something that's getting on your nerves - eveything tbh i get irritated really easily i don’t want to write a list otherwise i won’t stop
33. most visited website - twitter or instagram??
34. hair colour - brown
35. long or short hair - my hair is in the middle; its quite long but not really long and sometimes my hair is super curly so that makes it significantly shorter
36. do you have a crush on someone - no but i’ve been thinking about this one boy for almost four days straight now lol help me
37. what do you like about yourself - literally nothing
38. want any piercings - i’ve wanted a nose ring for a really long time, i also want an orbital ear ring and a rook ear piercing with a heart shaped ring
39. blood type - i have no idea
40. nicknames - lillian and lily-pad. my english teacher used to call me lilith which means the mother of all evil which is lovely
41. relationship status - um i never went to oovoo javer
42. zodiac sign - my birthday is on 20th january which is the end of capricorn but the start of aquarius, every website and book says something different so i don’t know
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv show - i don’t really watch tv shows but i have a list of ones i want to start watching. i grew up watching miranda so i’ll always love that. i also really like stranger things and i’ve watched a lot of episodes of friends and only fools and horses with my family which i enjoy
45. tattoos - i have an idea of a tattoo that i want, i like really small and delicate ones that are meaningful
46. right or left handed - i’m right handed
47. ever had surgery - no but my wisdom teeth are almost fully grown and i’m scared to get them removed
48. piercings - i think some of them are nice but i can’t stand some of them, i don’t like gauges and for some reason studs in the flat ares of the helix in the actual ear make me cringe
49. sport - i used to do a lot of sports including: dance, gymnastics, netball, basketball, and swimming but stopped during secondary school; i also used to go running with my father and sister and do annual charity runs. i want to get back into dance again since i really enjoyed it and loved performing at the theatre and start running again.
50. vacation - i’ve only ever been abroad to paris when i’ve been to disney land with my family since we go to cornwall every year and have been for as long as i can remember. (this is the first year we’re not going because we can’t afford it lol)
51. ?
more general
52. eating - i just ate some grapes
53. drinking - tea
54. about to watch - probably a random youtube video
55. waiting for - a miracle of some sort
56. want - myself and my family to be happy, content and healthy
56. get married - i need to find a significant other first which is already a huge and almost impossible task alone
58. career - anytime someone asks me this i’m on the verge of tears i’m literally begging for someone to choose out of a hat for me at this point
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs are nice. ( never been kissed is a 1999 romantic comedy film and stars drew barrymore a-)
60. lips or eyes - eyes
61. shorter or taller - taller
62. older or younger - older
63. nice arms or stomach - arms
64. hookup or relationships - relationships
65. troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - no
67. drank hard liquor - yes
68. turned someone down - yes
69. sex on first date - no wtf
70. broken someone's heart - i don’t think so
71. had your heart broken - no
72. been arrested - no
73. cried when someone died - yes
74. fallen for a friend/ as in crush?- yes
do you believe in
75. yourself - not at all but i wish i did
76. miracles - i dont know?? if it counts i think that everything happens for a reason
77. love at first sight - maybe?? like true love?? i think that exists because of my parents
78. santa claus - i believed him for too long
79. angels - no one is an angel
80. eye colour - dark blue on the outside then light blue then green then like an olive?? i just say blue
81. best friends name - chloe (and my school friends of course)
82. favourite movie - i like a lot of films i don’t think i have a favourite, at least i can’t pick one just now so i’ll just say any disney film
83. favourite actor - i don’t know, any films which tom hanks and robin willims act or voice over are always great, they’re great
84. favourite cartoon - the cartoons that i watched when i was younger from the 80′s/90′s cartoons like bear in the big blue house (the songs are still on my family ipod) to the ones on disney cinemagic before i left for school (i used to watch emperors new groove everyday before and after school.) my little sister watches we bare bears and the amazing world of gumball which is great
85. favourite teacher - my old textiles teacher was really kind and supportive of my and my work which had a huge impact on my quality of work e.c.t. also my photography/art teacher, shes so lovely and wonderful, i’ve cried, threw up, had a mental breakdown and complained in front of her on occasions and she she helped me every step of the way, i always went to her for advice and such so i appreciate her a lot
i was tagged by @everyteardrop and i tag @soundshoodfeelshood @amazingseren @00my-secret-world00 @palettegguk
(i don’t have a lot of mutuals on here so if you want to do this then just do it and pretend i tagged you lmao)
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Task 5!
Basic Character Questions
First name? Amelie
Surname? La Tremoille
Middle names? Violetta
Nicknames? Ames, Ame, she doesn’t have many.
Date of birth? February 10th
Age? 25
Physical / Appearance
Height? 5′3″
Weight? 125 pounds
Build? Small,
Hair color? Blonde
Hair style? Down, curled, straightened, ponytail, braided
Eye color? Green
Eye Shape? Upturned
Glasses or contact lenses? Neither
Distinguishing facial features? She has a mole on the left side of her face, underneath her lip and when she smiles, the right side of her lips quirk up a bit more.
Which facial feature is most prominent? Her eyes.
Which bodily feature is most prominent? Depends on who you're talking to, she’d say her breasts.
Other distinguishing features? Not that she knows of.
Skin? Soft, Ivory, marks easily
Hands? Soft, small, dainty.
Make up? Back home, she’d always have makeup on. Whether it was a tinted moisturizer of a full face.
Scars? One on her shoulder from when she was younger
Birthmarks? Yes
Tattoos? A rose on her right forearm, an arrow on her left forearm, and a cross on her finger,
Physical handicaps? none
Type of clothes? She stays more towards the current street style
How do they wear their clothes? She likes to re-purpose, so if you see her cutting up a shirt, that’s why
What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc) She’s always getting new shoes, so you never see her wearing shoes that are terribly dirty. She keeps her feet clean.
Race / Ethnicity? French, Caucasian.
Mannerisms? When she’s bored she tends to start to hum or sing, and she can
Are they in good health? Very.. at least in her opinion.
Do they have any disabilities? Nope.
What words or phrases do they overuse? “Oh mon dieu!”
Do they have a catchphrase? Nope.
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic/
Are they introverted or extroverted. Extroverted
Do they ever put on airs? No.
What bad habits do they have? Her drinking habits have gotten.. out of hand.
What makes them laugh out loud? Anything. Literally, anything.
How do they display affection? She gets very touchy.
Mental handicaps? None.
How do they want to be seen by others? She wants to be seen as someone who is caring, yet knows how to exert herself in demanding situations.
How do they see themselves? A fragile girl who has gone through too much.
How are they seen by others? She doesn’t know, and she’d rather not know.
Strongest character trait? She’s very trustworthy.
Weakest character trait? She’s very impatient.
How competitive are they? Very, challenge her to a game of anything, and she will try her hardest to win.
Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? Snap judgements.
How do they react to praise? She loves it.
How do they react to criticism? She takes it with a grain of salt.
What is their greatest fear? Losing her family.
What are their biggest secrets? Her times with Clay.
What is their philosophy of life? She doesn't believe in life philosophies.
When was the last time they cried? When she found out Mathieu was on the island.
What haunts them? The fact that she left her parents on a bad note. Now she doesn’t know if they’ll even take her back.
What are their political views? She doesn’t have any political party she supports.
What will they stand up for? She’ll stand up for anything she believes to be true/right, even if she is wrong.
Who do they quote? She doesn’t tend to quote people.
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? Both.
What is their sinful little habit? PDA. Even though people hate it, she loves it.
What sense do they most rely on? Her hearing.
How do they treat people better than them? She treats them how she treats everyone else, with respect.
How do they treat people worse than them? She can be a bit condescending, but if she finds out why they’re the way they are, she tries her hardest to help them.
What quality do they most value in a friend? Trust.
What do they consider an overrated virtue? Patience and intelligence.
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? Her attitude.
What is their obsession? Television.
What are their pet peeves? When someone doesn’t know how to take care of themselves and doesn’t know basic hygiene.
What are their idiosyncrasies? She quirks/furrows her eyebrows a lot, and tends to run her hands through her hair quite a bit.
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? Her family is relatively quaint, consisting of her parents, and her three siblings.
What is their perception of family? They should be someone who never stop loving you, ever stops supporting you, never stops believing in you no matter what.
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? She does have siblings, two older sisters and one older brother.
Describe their best friend. Understanding, trustworthy.
Ideal best friend? Someone she could tell anything to, someone she could go to if she’s having a bad day... basically someone to be her substitute sibling.
Describe their other friends. She doesn’t have many friends.
Describe their acquaintances. Most of the royals.
Do they have any pets? Yes, she has a black lab she got a few days before getting brought to the island.
Who are their natural allies? She has many natural allies.
Who are their surprising allies? She doesn’t have any surprising allies.
Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child? As a baby and a child, her parents spoiled her like no other- thats where her bratty attitude comes from.
Did they grow up rich or poor? Rich
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? She was nurtured up until her late teens. The more rebellious she got, the less her parent’s started to care.
What is the most offensive thing they ever said? She told her mom that she wished she ( her mom ) was infertile and never had her ( amelie )
What is their greatest achievement? Finally getting her mothers approval.
What was their first kiss like? How awkward can a kiss between two twelve year olds be? Oh, super awkward.
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? Told them to leave her alone and that she never want’s to see their face again.
What are their ambitions? Finish law school.
What advice would they give their younger self? To listen to her mom.
What smells remind them of their childhood? Fresh rain mixed with the smell of orchids.
What was their childhood ambition? To be a doctor.
What is their best childhood memory? When she went to her first peace meeting and learned what being a royal was truly about.
What is their worst childhood memory? When her mom and dad left in the middle of a night for an emergency meeting, she was scared shitless.
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? No.
When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? When she realized that there was a slight chance that she may never get to see her parents again.
What past act are they most ashamed of? When she stopped looking for him. She never should’ve stopped looking.
What past act are they most proud of?
Has anyone ever saved their life? Plenty of times. She has a habit of putting herself in danger.
Strongest childhood memory? When she and her brother had their first bad fight, she was ten, he was fourteen.
Do they believe in love at first sight? Yes, it’s how her parents met.
Are they in a relationship? No.
How do they behave in a relationship? She’s very adoring, and acts like that person is the center of her world. If she falls, she falls hard.
When did you character last have sex? Oh God. I don’t even know... before the island?
What type of sex does your character have? Rough, kinky.
Has your character ever been in love? No, not that she consciously knows of. She tries to distance herself from it.
Have they ever had their heart broken? Yes.
How do they respond to a threat? With a worse threat.
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Fight with her tongue, she has witty comebacks for days.
What is your character’s kryptonite? Her family. She make act like she hates her mom and dad, but if anything were to happen to them, she’d be heart broken.
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? Figuring her siblings were out, she’d get her notebooks.
How do they perceive strangers? She tries not to judge to quickly, but sometimes she preceives ideas way too quickly.
What do they love to hate? All the Marvel villains. (besides Thanos ofc)
What are their phobias? Spiders.
What is their choice of weapon? A knife.
What living person do they most despise? She doesn’t despise anyone.
Have they ever been bullied or teased? Yes.
Where do they go when they’re angry? When she was at the palace, she’d go to the garden, the flowers and aromas would calm her down. Being on the island, she goes to the shoreline and watches the waves.
Who are their enemies and why? She doesn’t necessarily have any enemies. She finds hatred to be to much of a burden.
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job? She doesn’t have one.
What do they think about their current job? N/A
What are some of their past jobs? One time her parents made her work in a fast food restaurant as a work of charity.
What are their hobbies? Writing music, singing, playing piano, tending to her garden, shopping.
Educational background? She stopped going to university half way through her law degree.
Intelligence level? She’s very gifted in lot’s of things- except calculus.
Do they have any specialist training? She had a musician teach her piano for a bit, but she got the hang of it faster than most.
Do they have a natural talent for something? She is very talented at piano- it’s the only ‘talent’ she has... according to her mother.
Do they play a sport? Are they any good? She does not play any sports.
What is their socioeconomic status? She’s always been wealthy.
What is their favorite animal? Dogs.
Which animal to they dislike the most? Cats, she finds them to lazy for her liking.
What place would they most like to visit? She would really like to go to America again. Their lifestyles are so different.
What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? The way different countries can come together and put aside their difference when another country has something bad happen to them.
What is their favorite song? Nico and the Niners - Twenty One Pilots
Music, art, reading preferred? Music.
What is their favorite color? Red.
What is their password? ;)
Favorite food: Any type of pasta.
What is their favorite work of art? “A New Beginning” by Alen Vejzovic
Who is their favorite artist? Alisher Kushakov
What is their favorite day of the week? Wednesday.
What is in their fridge: A bottle of wine for emergencies, Dr. Pepper, and miscellaneous snacks.
What is on their bedside table? A book, a sketchbook, a notebook, and her phone.
What is in their car? Chap stick, charger cords, portable chargers, and a small bag full of necessities.
What is in their bin? Makeup removing wipes, broken pencils, and scrunched up pieces of paper.
What is in their purse or wallet? A couple of notes, her debit card, license, and a few gift cards of sorts.
What is in their pockets? Chapstick.
What is their most treasured possession? Her piano.
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel? She doesn’t believe she has a guardian angle.
Do they believe in the afterlife? Yes
What are their religious views? She believes there has to be some form of a higher power, but doesn’t know what.
What do they think heaven is? A warm, welcoming place.
What do they think hell is? A indefinite void of emptiness.
Are they superstitious? Sometimes.
What would they like to be reincarnated as? A bird.
How would they like to die? After living out a long, meaningful life.
What is your character’s spirit animal? A wolf.
What is their zodiac sign? Aquarius.
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? To be taken away from their family and the people they love against their will.
What is their view of ‘freedom’? To be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want.
When did they last lie? Probably the last time she spoke to a pirate.
What’s their view of lying? If it’s needed, its needed.
When did they last make a promise? The other day.
Did they keep or break their last promise? Keep
Daily life
What are their eating habits? She tends to skip breakfast and/or lunch, but dinner is a must.
Do they have any allergies? Nope.
Describe their home. Welcoming, judgmental, warm, playful, light spirited.
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? Minimalist.
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? Go to the kitchen and see what foods are being prepared.
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? Family outings.
What do they do on a Friday night? Depends who she’s with but normally, she’s at home, watching musicals, and drinking.
What is the soft drink of choice? Dr. Pepper
What is their alcoholic drink of choice? Wine.
What is their character archetype? (Innocent, Orphan, Hero, Caregiver, Explorer, Rebel, Lover, Creator, Jester, Sage, Magician, Ruler) Lover
Who is their hero? Her dad.
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? She doesn’t really do Halloween.
Are they comfortable with technology? Very.
If they could save one person, who would it be? Her grandmother.
If they could call one person for help, who would it be? Celestine
What is their favorite proverb? “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”
What is their greatest extravagance? Travel. She loves to go to different countries, whether it’s for business or not.
What is their greatest regret? Leaving her home on the night she learned her parents had married her off.
What is their perception of redemption? Redemption is necessary, no matter what.
What would they do if they won the lottery? Give the money to charity. She doesn’t need anymore.
What is their favorite fairytale? Rapunzel.
What fairytale do they hate? Snow White.
Do they believe in happy endings? Yes.
What is their idea of perfect happiness? Being able to be yourself, no matter what.
What would they ask a fortune teller? Will she meet the love of her life?
If your character could travel through time, where would they go? 1950′s in America.
What sport do they excel at? She’s not good at sports.
What sport do they suck at? Basically any sport you could imagine.
If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Whatever powers Doctor Strange has.
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Chapter 1: Dwight
Dwight Fairfield was already a nervous person before being taken into the Entity’s realm. He performed better than others under the stress of it all, and was able to lead them effectively. Experience in life or death struggles made him more nervous at every sound that was just a little too out of place. He started always looking over his shoulder, should he find a quiet Shape watching him.
When he woke up alone, he looked around in a panic. The others never left him like this; especially not after learning what events pulled him into the nightmarish game. He kept quiet, knowing better than to scream out in an unfamiliar woods despite the burned out fire. He adjusted his glasses on his face, heart sinking to his stomach when a realization hit him.
He did know this place; two years ago on that night his life changed forever. No, this doesn't make sense! He rested his hands on his temples, shaking his head clear. This can't be right! He slowly stood, the spots where the tents and cooler had been entirely clear. This has to be some trick. He looked up to the night sky, struck still by the bright, shining stars in the sky.
The Entity didn't waste it's time on stars. It was always a black, foreboding fog. The sight of them now was a shock. But how? And why? He sat still, just staring at the sky. The others! Where even were they? And how am I ever going to find them? He habitually brought his hand up to chew on his nails. They were his only friends now, and he didn't want to lose them for the rest of his life.
And he still had to figure out why he was suddenly here, and not at the campfire. Did the Entity just decide it was bored? He didn’t understand at all. What if it was just me that got out? He looked around the treeline at the thought of it. What if they think I left them? He swallowed, holding his arms to his chest and unsure whether or not the area around him was a fabrication.
The sounds of the forest seemed so much more real than he was used to, and Dwight was attentive to every single one. Every cricket, every breeze of wind, he heard them all, with a deep seated fear that just one wouldn't fit. He had to be free, right? He couldn't tell for sure, and he was terrified that wandering around would tear his bliss apart. He lay back against the exposed dirt, closing his eyes and resting his glasses on his chest. Wait until the morning.
He woke with a start, hearing the distant sound of a dog’s bark. He was still at the clearing, right where he had gone to sleep. The sun hadn't risen yet, but Dwight could see the colors in the sky just above the horizon. He stared at it with awe, putting his glasses on slowly. This is all real. He heard a dog bark again, and slowly he stood, already thinking on how to explain everything to the people undoubtedly heading out here to camp.
He looked down at his clothes and cursed. They were still covered in his own blood, but you couldn't exactly be reassuring with that knowledge. Oh, don't worry, this is all my blood! Dwight could already imagine how that would go. He groaned; there wasn't enough time to make himself look at least civilized. He saw the dog before the owners, unleashed but definitely a Collie with a bright white collar. When it saw him, it paused, barking loudly at him.
“Hey, Coach! What're you barking at?”
The dog, Coach, kept barking at Dwight. The owner ran to catch up, stopping when he made eye contact with Dwight. Dwight bit his lip. This looks terrible. An anxious mess covered in blood. Words failed him; he couldn't think of what to say. The stranger pat Coach's side.
“Hey man, you okay?”
Dwight nodded, noticing now the Collie calmed down considerably.
“Yeah, yeah I'm okay. Just, kinda lost.”
It was the truth, just not.. All of it. This random guy didn’t need to know anything else. The stranger seemed genuinely concerned, but that was probably because of the sheer amount of dried blood on his clothes.
“Anyone you can call? You could borrow my phone.”
Dwight stiffened. Did he have anyone? He slowly shook his head.
“Besides 9-1-1, I don’t have anybody to call.”
The stranger’s expression softened, pulling out his phone with a nod.
“Sure, just sit tight, alright?”
With a nod, Dwight sat by the burned out fire. Coach took a few steps forward, cautiously sniffing Dwight. He held his hand out to it as the owner spoke calmly on the phone. The Collie was more than happy to let Dwight pet it when the owner turned back to him.
“Hey, sorry, what’s your name?”
Right. He took a deep breath before answering.
“Dwight. Dwight Fairfield.”
The man repeated it over the phone, and Dwight went back to petting Coach. He was a surprisingly soft dog for being the size of a small child. Maybe I should get a dog.
“Alright, paramedics should be here in about ten minutes.”
Dwight nodded, realizing his hand was still on Coach’s head.
“Sorry, I should’ve asked to pet your dog.”
The man shook his head, patting Coach’s back roughly.
“Nah, you’re good man. Coach acts all tough, but he’s a big softie. Isn’t that right, bud?”
Coach barked happily, tail wagging as he tried to stand on his hind legs and lick his owner’s face.
“Name’s Jack, by the way.”
“Dwight. But uh, I already told you that.”
Dwight stood to shake Jack’s hand, wrapping his arms around his stomach when Jack released his hand.
“Where ya from anyway? I come out here quite a bit.”
Dwight paused. I don’t still have my apartment, do I?
“Uh, I’m from around here, actually. It’s a.. Long story.”
Please don’t ask. Please, for the love of God, don’t ask. Jack nodded a couple times, looking around the treeline.
“Well, I won’t pry. Moved here last year from Montana, and honestly thought I’d gotten to know everyone that lived here by now.”
Dwight just shrugged. Damn it, Dwight, always the social failure. The early morning was so quiet, they could hear the sirens from the campsite.
“Well, paramedics should be here soon. You seem like a good guy, so don’t hesitate to stop by sometime to chat, yeah?”
Jack pulled out a scrap of paper from his pocket, scribbling his name, address, and phone number on it and handing it over. Jackson Ferros. Dwight stuffed the paper into his pocket, his attention turning to the two people in uniforms that jogged towards them. He turned to watch Jack walk further into the woods with Coach, taking a deep breath to quell the fear in him. He turned to the paramedics, letting them guide him along the trail.
“We’re just gonna drive you to the hospital and check you over, okay?”
He nodded to the woman, a shorter, stockier woman with a sweet voice and bright green eyes. She clearly spent plenty of time in the sun, and she almost reminded him of Claudette.
“Yeah, that’s okay.”
“And you said your name was?”
“Dwight Fairfield.”
“Okay Dwight, are you hurt at all? What is the last thing you remember?”
Dwight rubbed his neck. How can I even explain what the Entity is?
“N-No, I’m not hurt at all. At least, I don’t feel it. A-and I last remember falling asleep by a campfire. I was.. It’s.. complicated and.. Hard to talk about.”
He sighed. He sounded absolutely insane. This time, the other paramedic spoke up, just as he started to see the flashing lights of the ambulance.
“You’ve been missing for two years, Dwight. If you want to, you could talk to a therapist on staff about it.”
He simply nodded. Are they even going to believe me? He sighed, stepping into the back of the ambulance. He looked around, all too familiar with some of the tools there. How often did I have to patch myself up with some crude recreation? He blinked back to reality when he heard his name.
“Dwight? You might want to sit down.”
He mumbled an apology, sitting on the cushioned bench in the back. The paramedics sat on the either side of him, the first one calling to the driver.
“Good to go!”
Dwight sat in the back of the ambulance, staring ahead as he thought about everything. He probably didn’t have anything left, and the thought was daunting. He thought back to the paper in his pocket. I barely know him. He bit his lip, looking down to the floor of the ambulance. The thought of living his life as normal wasn’t one he had often, but he had to start somewhere. He could be honest, about everything. The way his co-workers left him, how he tried to get out himself, and the two years of hell in the Entity’s realm.
Would it all even help? He pressed his hand to his chest, looking up to the ceiling as he felt the soft, rhythmic beating of his heart. His heart, not some indication of danger growing closer and closer. He unbuttoned his shirt to check if there were any scars, anything to prove he had been impaled God knows how many times through his chest. Yet there was absolutely nothing, no change in skin color, no tenderness to the touch. The only thing Dwight had was the memory of the searing pain.
“Dwight? Are you okay?”
The first paramedic spoke, and he could see the genuine concern in her eyes. He really missed Claudette now. He nodded, resting his arms in his lap.
“Yeah, just.. Thinking.”
He sighed. She gave a small smile.
“That’s okay, you’ll have plenty of time to rest and talk everything out at the hospital. If it’s alright with you, I just wanted to check for any injuries.”
He loosened his tie and lifted his shirt over his head, looking over the stained fabric. It was an unsettling thought to be so used to it, that it didn't even faze him. He kept his gaze on the metal floor as she inspected him for injuries, shirt bundling up in his arms. She sat back, tilting her head slightly.
“The blood on your shirt, is that someone else’s?”
Dwight shook his head.
“No, it’s.. Mine, but.. It’s complicated. There were others too.”
She nodded, holding her hands together.
“You can explain everything when we get to the hospital.”
He simply nodded, putting his shirt back on and closed his eyes, thinking about how to explain everything that happened to him.
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Reflections on (my) embodied queerness-- Part 3: People reading me unpredictably... or as Shaggy from Scooby Doo
This is part 3 of a 3-part reflection about some aspects of my own embodied queerness. It’s about some of the various ways people seem to “read me” in terms of gender and sexual orientation (mostly), and some of the factors that seem to matter, like context and whom I’m with at the time.
Part 1: Homophobia doesn’t care about “identity” or “attraction” [here]
Part 2: Mis/understandings with some queer family members [here]
I never know how people are going to read me. It really depends on the context, who I’m with, and who they are. For example, it’s next to impossible to be read as “non-binary” by cis folks-- the options are usually “woman”, “man” and “indeterminate freak who is invariably either a woman or a man even if I can’t tell which right now”. Typically I’m read as a woman, albeit never a straight woman. On rare occasions, I’m very briefly read as a man, until I open my mouth and the judgement jumps to “woman”.
It doesn’t really have much to do with “outedness” for me or how open I am about various identity labels. There are a few contexts where I’m not out as a non-binary person. I’m not hiding anything and if people know what to look for it’s pretty clear. But often, people don’t know what they’re looking at. Mostly, other non-binary people recognise me as presenting fairly “non-binary” (even if it isn’t one of the non-binary archetypes). But cis people don’t.
And while I’m about as out as humanly possible about being ace, it’s not necessarily something people can typically (at this point in time) be read as by strangers, barring any explicit declarations via clothing or buttons, etc. Nevertheless it’s something that often comes up pretty quickly even with casual acquaintances, largely because I spend so much time doing ace stuff and live in an ace space with ace roommates. It’s pretty much something I’m comfortable talking about at any point in time, with anyone. I do a lot of educational work in educational contexts and elsewhere too-- like when strangers in places like grocery stores see a button or patch I have on me and ask. So it doesn’t take much for people to learn I come with an “asexual” label and therefore to apply it (if they believe in such things... or defiantly classify me otherwise if they don’t). Still, that doesn’t usually happen with strangers on sight.
I’m not usually read on site by strangers as a “queer, non-binary aroace”. I’m usually read on site by strangers as some kind of queer freak-- usually of the dyke variety-- sometimes trans. What kind of trans? That depends and/or who even knows?
I can’t separate the various aspects of my identity that might be informing people reading me dyke-wise-- is it my non-binariness? my aceness? my aroness? my aroaceness? my queerness? some permutation of those? all of them together? There’s no way to know. And occasionally and unpredictably, I’m read as a young (gay and/or trans) boy by women for no clear reason (though almost never read as a man by men).
What I do know is that heterosexism and sexism are the main regulatory forces I encounter in the world. The gender-policing I encounter is typically from those blunt instruments and generally not from any explicit transphobic targeting of my transness. While someone might ask me “what” I am (re: gender), I won’t get beat up for “being trans”. I might get harassed for “being a dyke” or possibly (though not likely) for “being a fag”.
Having said that, how people read me is often informed by those around me. When I’m out with my sister, people tend to read me as a butch (lesbian), even though I’m not especially masculine. Often people seem to read us as a couple (which is uncomfortable). Occasionally people read me as her tomboy little sister (which is really weird because I’m the older one... and also *well* beyond my teen years). But age is tricky-- and there's trans age magic!
In particular, when I’m out with my “unspecified vegetable” (i.e., UV)[1], heteronormativity encourages people to read one of us as a dude, even if we won’t read “straight” when we’re mapped onto a pairing of bodies gendered differently. And amatonormativity encourages people to read us as a couple, especially since so many of the places we frequent are places where people are assumed to have an intimate or family relationship when they’re there together- medical offices, pharmacies, grocery stores, etc.
Pharmacies and doctor’s offices are where I’m most likely to be read as a guy (albeit a gay trans guy accompanying my boyfriend?) At one particular doctor’s office *some* staff read us *both* as men-- I think they think we’re a gay couple-- but confusion always ensues because someone else there also thinks I’m also the “female friend”. (This is particularly amusing because neither of us is a man.)
But generally, it’s hit and miss. Are we a couple of gay dudes? Are we a lesbian couple? Are we just an ambiguous cloud of “together trans-GAY”? (That’s certainly what we seemed to be back when my UV was less disabled, less fat, had a beard and wore much more flamboyant clothing and make-up.)
How my UV is read usually depends at least somewhat on how they are presenting-- their clothing and hair, the visible shape of their chest, whether they’ve recently shaved or are wearing any makeup, etc. But people gender them all over the place with no apparent rhyme or reason, sometimes in the most contradictory and humorous ways. Other complicating factors have to do with social readings of disabled, fat bodies-- which is often “no gender” (and no personhood for that matter).
Sometimes people think I’m my UV’s caregiver, in which case, I’m a “woman” and they’re a non-gendered non-person. I’m not sure exactly what leads to the assessment that my UV must be needing a care-giver in those moments. Maybe it’s something to do with how, not only can disabled people not use money [explanation] but visibly disabled people using walkers (or wheelchairs!) can’t have friends or partners or people generally choosing to associate with them (at least not while they’re actually using their walkers or wheelchairs). //sarcasm//
Sometimes though, how people read me is a little surreal:
dude-seeming person calling me from across a parking lot: “Hey, you look like Shaggy[2] from Scooby Doo!”
me [is neither tall nor thin; is wearing a plaid shirt, baggy plaid 3/4 length pants and a plaid hat]: “...”
dude-seeming person again calling me from across a parking lot: “Hey, over here! You look like Shaggy from Scooby Doo!”
me [is unsure how to respond]: “Fair enough”
dude-seeming person still calling me from across a parking lot: “Is it fair enough? Do you agree?”
me: “I'm not wearing a green shirt.”
dude-seeming person still calling me from across a parking lot: “It's fucked up that you're a girl. But you look like Shaggy.”
me: “...” [shrugs... and leaves]
{During that interaction, I was engaged in the familiar act of trying to put a walker that I’m not really strong enough to lift into a car without resting it on my bad knee. I left as soon as I could. And throughout the interaction, the person calling at me never acknowledged the presence of my UV.}
Maybe that just says it all: it’s fucked up that I’m a girl and simultaneously Shaggy from Scooby Doo.
[1] “Zucchini” refers to a counterpart in a QP relationship (i.e., a relationship that isn’t a romantic relationship but that also isn’t adequately or properly described as a “friendship”). It’s not uncommon for people to use other vegetables, especially in or near the squash or eggplant family. I used to refer to my relationship mate(s) as an acorn squash but circumstances have changed somewhat and we still haven’t settled on a new vegetable to reflect that. But since they’re not comfortable with the specific word “queerplatonic”, I don’t want to use “QPP” here.
[2] The character of Shaggy from Scooby-Doo [ explanation ] is a tall and lanky stoner-dude cartoon character who hangs out with his large dog ( Scooby-Doo ) and solves cartoon-mysteries with his human-friends. He always wears the same clothes. And he looks nothing like me, except a mild similarity between my hair and the hair of Matthew Lillard when he portrayed Shaggy in the live-action movie [ image ].
#queer#ace#aroace#non-binary#arospec#amatonormativity#homophobia mention cw#embodiment#how people read me#ableism mention cw#heterosexism discussion cw#my ramblings#I actually don't think I look anything like Shaggy from Scooby Doo#And I'm certainly nothing like the character in terms of personality#queued
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