#greek mythology inspired au
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yararts · 6 months ago
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More Mythology AU✨ Caleb sleeps as Goddess Dilla (shifting between her bird and human form) shelters him from the rain. ❤️
As he stirs awake his eyes widen in wonder, captivated by the ethereal being before him. Without thinking his hand reaches out to touch her, desperate to know if she’s real.
In that tender, fleeting moment, Dilla's heart races. This mortal, with his simple gesture, awakens a feeling deep within her, something she has never known in her long, lonely existence.
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ghostlynimbus · 1 year ago
I'm curious...
Which major domain/category do you most associate with Billy Hargrove?
Also please feel free to reblog/reply/send an ask with any thoughts or comments you want to share. In addition to a major domain, all characters are going to have minor domains that can be pretty much anything and do not have to fit neatly into the above categories.
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yararts · 7 months ago
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He is arriving 🫣
If Achilles is the Musician at Troy, Odysseus is the Dancer! You can't change my mind!
Because I have a thing about cheesy complicated boys, beaten up by fate giving their all with a good greek dance! XD
Ask @artsofmetamoor on what we have in store for our characters as well! XD especially another certain cheesy boy! Hahaha! I mean one can just look! Hahahaha!
You just can't change my mind! XD
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atlassiix · 4 months ago
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the god king himself
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etheriankid · 2 months ago
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The Goddess
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thelunarsystemwrites · 4 months ago
Solemn God.
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Finally drew Lunarst again, he's just watching over his mortals. I know who the other two gods are gonna be, I just need to draw them 😭
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heraxic · 11 months ago
Hi would it be alright if I made a NSFW fic with your Medusa Wintersberg AU and upload it to Ao3?
Thanks for asking! I’m glad people are getting inspired by this au haha
Uploading is fine, just remember to give credit. Also, please link it somehow, I’m curious what’s being made
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poolpvrty · 10 months ago
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Sirius Black as Dionysus; the god of wine, insanity, fertility, festivity, and theatre!
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nightvortaex · 7 months ago
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Davron Orpheus/Eurydice au:
"Not even death can do us part. I would descend to hell for you, my love."
It was a new chapter in their lives, full of bliss, but fate had a cruel twist. The love of his life, his eternal sunshine, died soon after their marriage began. A viper struck down on him; its poison killed him immediately. He held his lifeless body in his arms and cried. Every living, even the gods, wept as he played a mournful melody on his lyre in his grief. A voice whispered in his ear, telling him to bring his love back from death.
Obeying the advice of the voice, he descended to the Underworld. Ghosts surrounded him, and even Cerberus noticed his arrival. They couldn't harm him as the gods granted him a safe passage. He stood before the Lord and Lady of this infernal place with his instrument in one hand. He played a song on it, a tune filled with so much sorrow that it softened the cold heart of the Lord. They decided to give the lovers a chance. He was allowed to leave with his love on one condition: not taking a single glance back at him on their way out. His whole being ached to see his beautiful lover, but laying his eyes on him even for a split second meant sending him back to hell for eternity. He was certain that in this obscure light he looked magnificent. Neither place nor time existed in which he wouldn't have been the most ethereal being.
Only a few steps away from the exit, a thought emerged in his mind: what if the gods tricked him? It urged him to take a glimpse back at his beloved to make sure he was there behind him. He tried to fight it and chanted:
"I mustn't look back." 
"I mustn't look back." 
"I mustn't look back." 
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glitchy-creations · 7 months ago
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“Mom didn’t tell me what dad looked like! How was I supposed to know!?” - Telegonus after he stabbed Odysseus, probably
Jkjk, I thought this meme would be funny with these two. Let’s just pretend it’s in a universe where Ody survives this incident and all the kiddos live together happily (let me be a little dululu for a minute 🙃)
My Older!Telemachus and Telegonus designs are going to be below the cut!
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Just a few fun fact!
This is my design for Telemachus when he’s approx in his mid-late thirties
The bulk of his design is the same aside from the new shawl/cape thing (I can’t remember what it’s called) and the change in arm bands. I like to imagine Telemachus isn’t super picky with his clothes, his old outfit worked well enough he just had extra accessories as the eldest prince/king.
He also grew his hair out longer to mimic Ody’s (I like the designs of Ody with long hair when he returns to Ithaca 🫣)
Telegonus is approx in his mid-late twenties. Him and Telemachus are roughly ten years apart in age, though I imagine Telegonus looks a bit younger due to being a demigod.
Telemachus also looks a little bit younger but i imagine that’s likely from Athena occasionally making the entire royal family a little younger. This is based off how Athena would make Penelope and Odysseus look younger in the Odyssey, it’s just not a major change.
Telegonus takes after Circe the most physically and personality wise. He does have Ody’s mischievous side though
I like the idea of Circe having cat/lion like elements (cat like eyes, mane of hair, etc.) so that was the idea behind Telegonus’ design. He has fluffy hair, I tried to mimic cat like eyes, and his nose shape was slightly inspired by lion noses though I mostly just wanted to give him a bigger nose regardless. He also had sun motifs in honour of peepaw Helios 💕
[Ignore the lack of shines and details in the meme. I just didn’t feel like adding them in 😅]
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ilovemlp39 · 6 months ago
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Was supposed to originally do Dream Fanart but I accidentally did Greek Mythology inspired Sans design-
Idk if I wanna keep it since I don’t plan on having more than 2 Sans OCs, so I might make this an adopt in the future (istg if you tell me to keep this as an OC, I will [kindly] yeet you. You know who you are /lh).
I think I wanna make more changes on it since this is the first draft. We’ll see.
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yararts · 6 months ago
You're always too kind girl! But I'm really happy you think so!! ❤️✨❤️✨
Imagine if that’s how Cornelia calls them when they’re little! Though, I bet she’d still call them that even when they’re grown, because they’ll always be her babies hehe ❤️
Gosh I hope so at least! I read that stags are a symbol for solitary nobility, and a strong commitment of protection, but from other perspectives they're also seen as messengers or guardians between worlds. So it fits God Ballard as guardian of the Underworld!
Oh it definitely does! 👀✨ Her spreading her powers all around as she ascends, filling everything with vibrant trees leaves and flowers! And it's so touching to imagine Ballard feeling every detail of her creations all around him with his other senses even if he cannot see them!
Yes!! I will post those 2 really soon!! 🥰 Oh gosh that sounds perfect for her crown as well 👀❤️
That's such an amazing observation! It's so true, it's like we're seeing the world through Akule and Jaoral's perspectives during the day and night! (Gosh for real even how the intense sun can blur our vision is so fitting!!)
It is!! His home is finally warm and bright filled with loved ones! 🥰
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More Mythology AU sketches ✨
Mother Earth Cornelia, with her children Jaoral and Akule. The pose is inspired by the statue of Leto with Artemis and Apollo, because the connection is just perfect ❤️
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ghostlynimbus · 1 year ago
I'm curious...
Which major domain/category do you most associate with Chrissy Cunningham?
Also please feel free to reblog/reply/send an ask with any thoughts or comments you want to share. In addition to a major domain, all characters are going to have minor domains that can be pretty much anything and do not have to fit neatly into the above categories.
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cerseimikaelson · 2 months ago
The Way to the Heart (Isn't Through the Stomach, Shut Up)
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You don’t have to be friends with the people you work with, no matter what nonsense recruitment agents might spout at you. You do have to respect them and value their input and not undermine them at the first opportunity due to selfish motivations. As a capable CHRO, Hera prides herself on how well she implements this strategy. In most respects. Speaking of selfish, testosterone and nonsense. Seated directly across from her is the exception to all her carefully drawn lines.
A Modern Myths AU featuring Zeus and Hera as office rivals.
First chapter will be posted on December 25th.
Tagging as promised: @childofthepeacocks, @motherofheroes, @sarnai4, @greekmythstan, @appolinyou
@hawa-jiidenaa, @dispersed-ghost, @mer-acle, @z-eusie, @xxcrazylutexx
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yararts · 8 months ago
Thank you so much dear!! You're awesome ❤️🥰
Okay, if someone asked me to put greek music that fits Odysseus especially the final parts of his arduous trip (in a way the things that occur before and during Ogygia, as also memorized in my fic "Survivor's Guilt and Survivor's Duty") I think I am among two!
It's Raining Fire on my way (or "Bitter wave")
It's raining fire on my way Fire that has burnt me For my poor youth No one shall cry
[Ref] The life, the life ends here My lamp is burning out And the soul, and the soul like a swallow Flees from my lips
Bitter wave against my bow And the sails (are) torn Not even a brother, my boy Has ever cared about you
[Ref] The life, the life ends here My lamp is burning out And the soul, and the soul like a swallow Flees from my lips
I keep asking (or "The Bitter Path")
I took the bitter path, I took the bitter path That leads nowhere Pain binds my lips, pain binds my lips My heart is dripping blood, my heart is dripping blood
[Ref] And I keep asking, and I keep asking And I seek for my love But no reply arrives And my hope is sinking, and my hope is sinking Road after road and I got lost, road after road and I got lost The nightbird is crying I took the bitter path, I took the bitter path That leads nowhere, that leads nowhere
[Ref] But as I keep asking, but as I keep asking For the love that I am seeking for A smile breaks through Somewhere afar the dawn is breaking, somewhere afar the dawn is breaking
Hehehehe sorry a bit of nostalgia for some of these passionate old songs! In a way I would love to see some sort of Odyssey created by greeks like these golden movies of the 1950s-1960s with such music in! Haha! Anyways probably mates like @margaretkart will understand! Hehehe sorry for the random post! I just had to! Because these songs are pure poetry of pain!
I also wanna give a wink to my amazing friend @artsofmetamoor with her recent inspiration for greek mythology inspired AU for our meridian/metamoor charcters from W.I.T.C.H and her latest amazing sketches that deserve so much more love!
Jaoral and Akule (Apollo and Artemis)
Cornelia and Jaoral and Akule (Persephone/Leto, Apollo and Artemis)
And of course you imagine a certain cheesy dude that is going to play the part of this poor tormented boy that is called Odysseus! Hahaha! Keep your eyes open for that! Hahahaha!
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xoxochb · 7 months ago
I just know conversations between aphrodite and artemis were entrancing
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