#greaser vs socs
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blbllblblblll · 9 months ago
PSLSPLSPLSLSPLSPSL.....draw whump of your favorite outsider... <333
i drew jack again eheheh
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he got beaten ip my a friggn soc again :(
stupid idiot smh
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qprpbj · 6 months ago
i wanna hear ur thoughts on the pony dying at the fountain au thing :)
THANK YOU FOR ASKINGGGG. this entire thing is delusional yap central and 95% johnny based so. im so sorry in advance btw.
well. first. so i think johnny wouldn't have had the instinct to run the way he did trying to protect pony and go to dally's — i cant really remember it tbh but i once saw an interpretation of johnny where he was like. his instincts and actions (stabbing paul without a second thought) were compared to that of almost a child (due to abusive parents and neglect etc etc) when put in the worst case scenario so he makes snap judgements without using his head, whereas pony thinks decisions through and mulls over shit maybe more than he should, which is why johnny just yanks him away and gets them to dally's place. i think johnny wouldn't have had that drive in him bc deep down he knowssss pony's gone, knows there's nobody that needs protecting, so he just. sits. at the fountain with pony in his lap. possibly for hours till the sun comes up, most likely in denial trying to convince himself pony isn't dead. doesn't know where to go or who to tell or what to do, esp bc this kid is already so heavily traumatized as is, he simply doesn't make the best decisions sometimes. just how it goes
then like. i assume someone finds them sitting there eventually, johnny can't even talk, whether it be the gang out looking bc they didn't show up last night or this morning or idk a stranger on a walk or literally idk. but. either way. the sheer difference in how pony's death were to be treated vs bob's?? there's no investigation done even though johnny says it was the socs, it wasn't a suicide, they got jumped and pony got killed. he lists them all by name, says exactly what happened, but there's never gonna be justice for pony bc nobody cares when it's a greaser who gets exploited or tortured or hurt or killed. (justice for tulsa scene where the cop shines a light on two-bit getting jumped and turns a blind eye....hmmm).
i thinkkk soda and darry would take johnny in. i won't harp on how torn up they'd obviously be — think soda's letter but about eight hundred times more nauseating ykwim. they just don't get along right without ponyboy. they lost their parents and they lost their kid brother and nearly johnny too — and nobody ever gets justice. so, it's darry who calls war & it's him who calls the rumble in pony's name. :)
johnny probably stays w them for a while but entirely collapses in on himself — literally rots from the inside out with guilt, bc he had a blade and he didn't use it. whether it be bc he chickened out or he was restrained too hard and wasn't strong enough or whatever the case, he takes on guilt heavyyyy for it. withdraws from the gang, from the curtises, saves up whatever little money he can and runs away to windrixville alone — bc hear me out. i think both him And pony def feel some type of way about bringing grief and sorrow and death wherever they go canonically in some type of way. esp him like..staying with pony's brothers now, probably sleeping in his old bedroom trying to keep pony's memory alive. idk idk. the guilt just goes CRAZYYY so. johnny runs away to an old church dally once suggested to him if he ever needed a place to go to run away — esp bc johnny literally canonically has considered running away before.
gang goes crazy over this obviously. search and search and it takes...who knows, days, weeks, to find him. he's got a bit of money stashed and he's not on the run from cops so he can go out to find food and whatever freely but he wants out, doesn't wanna be around the gang. dally shoots up in bed at like 3am realizing he knows exactly where tf johnny must be and collects them all in a car to drive out and find him. they get there and corner him like he's a lil scared animal shining flashlights in the dark and he pulls his blade on them all when they try to approach him up backed against the wall cause he dipped for a reason, damn it, and he doesn't want to be found. dally always runs away and finds success. the implications of johnny pulling a blade on the gang and on dally (out of fear) who gave him it in the first place?? esp when dally prefaced it by when you use this you have to do this with confidence, you have to really mean it, you can't back down when you pull a blade. idk the implications are There. that's literally where this whole thing came from LOL
that's. all i've got lol. thanks for tuning into this absolute monstrosity of a reply i'm so sorry LOL
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im-normal-about-everything · 5 months ago
Okay so it's an AU of 'As Good As Dead' by Holly Jackson so spoiler warning for that book and the agggtm series in general (I haven't finished the book yet so some of this isn't entirely accurate)
So in AGAD the main character Pip is basically haunted by what happened in the book before (a man died and she blames herself) which i feel like could be Ponyboy post book. He could blame himself for three deaths, Bob, Johnny, And Dally
In AGAD Pip is also being stalked and only one person really believes her, her boyfriend
I'm thinking what if Ponyboy was being stalked by a soc and only Curly believes him
I have so many ideas for this in my head that don't make sense when I write it out like this sooo I might actually write this story?? Perchance??
So erm.i wrote the first chapter if anyone is interested...
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school-project-01 · 3 months ago
Greasers: Socs:
Ponyboy Curtis Cherry Valance
Sodapop Curtis Bob Sheldon
Darrel "Darry" Curtis Paul Holden
Keith "Two Bit" Mathews
Dallas "Dally" Winston Marcia
Johnny Cade Randy Holden
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manicpixievixen · 4 months ago
Kooks and pogues are literally just greasers and socs
Furthermore, obx but it's actually the outsiders.
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wildmrmix · 11 months ago
Thinking about how Pony almost died at 14 (fourteen). Google says Bob and Randy were 18 (eighteen) and I’m guessing they probably hung around with people their age. These 18 (eighteen) year olds almost drowned someone who hadn’t even been 14 (fourteen) for, what, 2 (two) months? He was literally a child, I can’t do this
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alittlebitofloveliness · 2 months ago
I think so many of the issues between book fans vs musical fans in the fandom come from the fact that people are pretending they're the same story, so people get really upset when they see one of their favourite characters being mischaracterized or left out, when in reality they are two DIFFERENT stories that share the same SOURCE MATERIAL. Like, I love the book. My blog is very much focus around the book, and there is a reason I don't tag my content with the musical tag very often, because the Darry Curtis I'm writing about is NOT the same Darry Curtis from the musical. And that's okay! It is! I know it seems crazy but they're both great characters, they're just not the SAME character. My favourite character is Steve Randle, but I haven't thrown a shit fit about how he isn't included as much in the musical because it's a different story, and because what content does exist for musical Steve offers lore for a very interesting character. Just like some people get all upset about blogs and content focusing on the soc characters in the musical, and I'm like I don't know what to tell you, I haven't even seen the musical and I know that the socs play a more important role in the story the musical tells than they do in the book; and that the musical universe makes it so it's far more likely that the socs and greasers COULD potentially have more aquaintanceships/childhood friendships/ post adolescent relationships than the book in which Ponyboy consistently notes that neither the greasers nor socs as a whole can see past their way of life to see the other side as people. Idk, I just think people from the book fandom and musical fandom need to just accept they're different stories, with different characters, with DIFFERENT messages and themes. Like, you really can't mischaracterise a character when the character that's being 'mischaracterized' is a different character to start with. Musical Dally isn't book Dally, full stop, but that doesn't mean that the musical character isn't fleshed out and deep and interesting and a complex addition to the musical, just like it doesn't cheapen the fact that book Dallas is the centre of the story. They just serve a different purpose, because they're two different characters in two different stories, neither one is 'better' than the other because they're NOT the same thing. I just wish people would stop vaugeposting and hating and othering each other, and it's getting the point where people need to learn to either engage with both stories or use filters to curate their fandom experience, OR collectively decide to split into two separate fandoms and tag stuff the outsiders book vs the outsiders movie accordingly, because I really love the Outsiders but all the petty fighting is driving me crazy , it's exhausting and it's making me want to leave the fandom altogether and I highly doubt I'm the only one. In the nicest way possible, please examine both stories for what they are, be mature, and act accordingly. Please.
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suesdebut · 8 months ago
Soc style vs. Greaser style
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Socs: Bold colors, pastels, short skirts, letterman jackets, long sleeves, and sleek clothes. Socs wear lots of bright and pastel colors. Pastel colors signify elegance, optimism, innocence, and even dreaminess. Mini Skirts are a huge part of the girly soc style, in the 60’s they were a sign of the new generation and playfulness. Letterman jackets are a sign of academic achievements, popularity, and toughness in the 60’s.
Greasers: grays, blues, browns, dark-toned colors, denim, grungy, tank tops, long or ripped pants, flannels, and jean jackets. Denim is CRUCIAL to the Greaser style, denim often symbolizes revolution, the working class, and opposing mainstream ideas. Blue is a color of loyalty, every single greaser is loyal to each other. Every greaser is wearing something blue, the only one that isn’t is Darry. He wears lots of brown, brown is a color of strength and dependability. It’s important that he’s not wearing blue because Ponyboy perceives Darry as someone who isn’t loyal to him, but really Darry is always there for Pony, he just doesn’t realize it.
I’ve never seen the musical, so I hope I did okay! Let me know if you guys want me to do specific characters!
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trevination · 4 months ago
omg omg speaking of marcia and ace i’m OBSESSED with butch ace and femme marcia…. every now and then they joke around and swap outfits with each other just to mess with everyone around them hehe. they’re so sweet tho like omg they’re so soft with each other like they don’t get to be with their big friend groups and they just sit in silence . also marcia is so much a choir kid to me and ace loves listening to her practicing her songs over and over again, just listening and watching
GODDD they have definitely been moving up in my head. Like them having so many soft moments kills me. Like them simply sitting in comfortable silence in Marcia’s empty house and being allowed to just be themselves without having to worry about being tough or strong enough. The small moments when they're outside and can't really be near eachother Ace always finds a way to show Marcia that she's there no matter what because she knows when Mar is freaking tf out bc that girl is constantly freaking out about every little thing.
ALSO Marcia being a singer is so near and dear to me. I will always stand by the fact like she's involved with some sort of art because of her mother who is a artist alongside being a nurse. Like Marcia looks up to her mother so much it makes me sick. Also Helen(ily Marcia’s mother that I've created sm lore for ask me about her) being so nice to Ace :((
God I can just imagine all the small things they do together. Ace pulling Marcia aside at the drive in and giving her some sort of affection before they are caught. Marcia teaching Ace how to put on makeup and Ace teaching Marcia to fight... UGHH ty for the ask pooks 🫶
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bingbuang · 1 month ago
Random af Dallas Winston headcanons!!! (sad stuff included because I can't not ugh) ♡
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Dallas doesn't smoke to look tuff, he's got it just as bad as ponyboy. After he told Johnny and Ponyboy to go to the abandoned church, he ends up smoking so much, pacing around his room until he has a coughing fit, and buck makes him stop.
(Movie dallas btw) He's insecure about how big his eyebrows are. He plucks at them unconsciously, until someone points it out. Along with this, he has this weird fear of getting a unibrow because his dad had one, and he constantly scratches between his eyebrows, just in case one is there. (There's not.)
He has ADHD, and can not stop moving ever. I imagine him and Johnny going to a diner, and he's just spacing out, bouncing his leg, and doesn't notice the violently shaking table until Johnny says his name.
After they found Johnny in the lot, Steve and Soda pop had to stop him from finding and (probably) killing the socs. He was so fucking angry.
Steve doesn't fuck with Dallas, and Dallas doesn't fuck with Steve. They once got into a fight and both got *real* fucked up, and now they're both kind of rivals.
Dallas is strong, we know that, but he has muscular legs. Because if he rides horses, ain't no way he's gonna have chicken legs.
He has HUGE hands. Sometimes, he just grabs Ponyboy's entire face. Why wouldn't he?
He doesn't actually like alcohol. Unlike with the smoking thing, he only does it to look tuff. Sometimes, he swaps it out with some soda. Even better, if he does it looks like he has a high tolerance = more tuff.
He really only has street smarts. He dropped out of school when he was 13 and moved to Tulsa, and his parents never bothered signing him back up. He didn't mind though. He stayed with the Curtis's during school hours, and he actually gained a little weight because Mrs. Curtis spoiled him with baked goods.
Once he grew up more, and the greaser vs soc conflict started getting more apparent in his life(and when he started getting an ass), he began losing weight by running.
Speaking of running, he can run for a VERY long time. He got used to running from cops, and he got hella stamina. I like to believe when cops see him doing some illegal shit like starting a fight, they don't bother getting out of the car, because that kid is going to sprint. (But Dallas is smarter, he waits for them to get out first.)
he can NOT grow facial hair. Even though he has light skin and dark hair, he can't grow one for shit. One time he got called 'Babyface' by a girl, and it destroyed his ego. So when he learned Johnny would occasionally shave (like once a week) he was kind of pissed.
He wants a piercing, but he's terrified of needles.
He's gotten used to sleeping on hard benches in prison cells, so he can sleep anywhere he wants, even in jeans.
He definitely prefers soc girls. He doesn't really know why, but he likes the contrast of his greaser personality and a soc in a relationship. He thinks it makes it more fun.
When he learned Sylvia was cheating on him when he was in prison, he was a lot more upset than he let on. He used to visit her every day, and now he just solemnly hung around with the Curtis's.
He chews on his necklace a lot. Darry tells him to quit, but he don't listen. One time, Darry just got pissed and grabbed Dallas by the jaw, and told him (very angrily) to spit it out.
He can eat stupid fast. He got good at it from when he was in prison and had to eat quickly (even if he hated the food) so nobody would take it. He does get sick from it occasionally, but he can hold it down.
One of my really obscure headcanons is that Dallas is half-korean from his mom. He doesn't speak a bunch of Korean because he doesn't live with his mom anymore, but he likes fucking with new officers by pretending he can't speak English. Also, he doesn't really like bringing up his ethnicity because it reminds him of his mom too much.
As I have reblogged before, he can not swim. Pass it on.
that's all I have for now!!!! Love y'all 😍
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aratakatism · 10 months ago
when will the soc vs greaser gacha life singing battle glmv drop
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listofwhyyouloveher · 10 months ago
hii could you do something with steve (+ soda if that's okay :))) where reader comes in with all these socs to get their car fixed and the socs are being like rude and stuff but reader is like actually nice to the greasers and talks to them??????
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Summary: In which you are a soc going in to the DX to get a car fixed with your friends when you meet Steve and Soda.
Warnings: none
Author's Note: put both in the same fic because let's be honest, they would not go to work without each other.
Ever since you moved to Tulsa you always thought the soc vs greaser thing was dumb. Although it's not like you could say much about it because your parents were always wealthy. You just kept your opinions to yourself and tried to be as kind as possible to everyone.
Your friends car broke down in the middle of a ride to the movie theater so you took it to the nearest repair shop, the DX. The guys spent about an hour pushing the car up and when the entered the shop they groaned.
“If I knew there were a bunch of greasers in here, I would've left the pushing to them” One guy said and the rest laughed.
“Probably would've been quicker too, since y'all are a bunch of babies,” you pointed at your friends. The greasers snickered and one stood up to take a look at the car. Your friends mumbled something together but you just walked away.
The store was well taken care of, clean and neat, so you found yourself leaning at the front counter when one of the greasers walked up to you. His nametag read “Sodapop”.
“Hey,” He said, trying to make small talk.
“Hi, interesting name.” You said, pointing at his name tag.
“Thanks, my dad was an interesting person.” He leaned against the counter, mimicking your movements watching his buddy inspect the car. The guy working on the car shouted something to Sodapop and he shouted something back.
“That’s Steve,” He said.
“Y/n,” You put your hand out for him to shake. One of your friends, Leon, taps you on the shoulder.
“What're you doing, shaking hands with some greaser?” You rolled your eyes. Leon had always liked you, though you rejected him many times.
“Oh shove off, Leon.” You said, stepping back away from him, bringing you closer to Soda. He gives Soda a look before walking off.
The one called Steve came up to you and Soda.
“He's gonna jump you for that,” he nudges Soda, and he breaks into a grin.
“Should I come to you to patch me up?” Soda asks you with a wink.
“Hey Soda, why don't you go fix some cars or sum” Steve says pushing Soda away while grinning. Soda laughed and walked away.
“Sorry about him, he's a flirt” Steve said, watching as Soda fixed the car up.
“It's all good” You nodded in his direction. “Steve, right?”
“He told you?” He asked and you nodded again. “Guess he's looking out for the both of us” He smirked and winked at you.
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l0stfoster · 5 months ago
Created: 9/24/2024 Updated: 10/7/2024 Summary: 200 years ago, the area of Tulsa was cursed by a Witch. This Witch stated that the poorest born will be given characteristics to match just how the rest of society views them. Freaks. Tags: #cursed tulsa au, #cursed tulsa [ Making this bad boy so I can throw it on my pinned post >:) ]
- Cursed Tulsa & The Main Gang - Character Relationships / Sexualities - Character Appearances - OC Involvement - Permitted OC Creatures - Harpy OC Flocks - Fanfic Allowance - Harpy Info - Harpy Disappearance & Leaving Tulsa - Multiple Fae & Harpy Types - Fae Tails
- This is… Cursed Tulsa '67 ( 7 Chapters ; Active Updating ) - A Monstrosity Like You ( Paul & Darry ; One-shot ) - I Want This Like a Cigarette ( Paul & Darry ; One-shot) - Death's At My Door ( Paul ; One-shot) - May 14th ( Paul & Two-Bit ; One-shot) - Gone Mute ( Sodapop ; One-shot)
- Cursed Doodles p1 - Cursed Doodles p2 - Paul's Back Carving - Fellas is it gay to kiss your situationship? (+ other doodles) - Death, Dally, and Paul. - [PARRY] First Meetings
- Tail Injury, Power Function, ETC - Responsibility & Guilt (Pony's Ears) - Chronic Pain (Tail Injury Related)
- Soda's Information
- Pony's Jumping
- Two-Bit's Feather Significance - Hitting Shit w/ Wings - Two's Jumping Details
- Ghost Vision - A New Yorker's Reaction To Tulsa - Seeing The Curtis Parents
- To Be Added
- Ace Information
- Post-Book Content (Art & Info) - Redemption Arc - First Jumping (Art & Info) - Post-Jumping & Some Parry - The Feather Incident + Guilt - Paul's Ritual Carvings - Burn The Witch - Paul & Bob
- Cherry's Power & Bob
- Molly Mathews - Mr. Mathews & His Behavior - Evie and Sandy - Steve & Evie Shenanigans - Tim Jumps To Conclusions - Curly Shepard & Papercut - Tim: "I got that feather back" Two-Bit: "What :D" - Witch Bloodline, Cursed Lifespans, Parry Headcanons - Darry & Two's Relationship - Marcia & Two's Relationship (Romantic Focused) - Two vs Marcia's Cat - Familiars & Umbra - Paul Anon Enjoys Parry - Marcia, Cherry, & Paul's First Jumping - [MARBIT] Regaining Trust - [PARRY] How They Made It "Offical" / How Paul Moved In - [ PB & J ] Complementing Opposites - [ ACE x CHERRY ] Fireworks - [ CURTIS BROS ] Tail Talk
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qprpbj · 6 days ago
paul and his little sister cherry telling her about darry in their little bedroom sleepovers and they’re all giggly and she’s like 14 learning secrets her big brother is never gonna be allowed to share with anyone else… the sheer betrayal and gaslighting of cherry’s big brother turning on her and leaving her alone to grieve when her own boyfriend/big brothers best friend gets killed in cold blood by a greaser friend of her brothers ex…… paul defending himself and getting viciously defensive against his little sisters accusations that he did anything wrong… her understanding that fighting is useless and pointless and it never gets anyone anywhere vs paul who becomes the new soc ringleader and leads the rumble…
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hellbornsworld · 1 year ago
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🫧 Room 1997 | Ghost!Jungkook X OC | Gore | 34 Chapters | Duration-2h 27m | Completed
"Would you dare to go inside?"
🫧 cold world | General!Jungkook X Prisoner!OC | 𝗪𝗔𝗥 𝗔𝗨 ❦ 𝟮𝟬𝟰𝟰 | Dictatorship and Democracy | 40 Chapters | Duration-15h 58 m | Completed
❝The moment I put this ring on your finger, you became my property.❞
🫧 𝐒𝐄𝐗 & 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | CEO!Jungkook X Employee!Reader | Fuckboy JK | Completed | Re-Uploaded in inkitt
"Do me Jungkook, p-please."
"With all the pleasure. I will fuck you, only fuck you with everything I have."
🫧 Two Percent Straight | Gay!Jungkook X Crossdresser!Reader | Side-Jimin X Reader | Crack AU | 75 Chapters | Duration-4h 45m | Completed
"I'm just 2 % straight y/n, but I can love you more than a hundred percent straight man"
🫧 HOLIDAY AFFAIR  | Husband!Jungkook X Wife!OC | PJM Vs JJK | Crack | 24 Chapters | Duration-3h 7m | Completed
"Admit it Jungkook, she'd rather sleep with me." Jimin Vs Jungkook
🫧 His Hostage | Mafia!Jungkook X Reader | Re-uploaded by other author | Duration-16h 57m | 85 Chapters | Ongoing
"fuck yourself... and let me watch"
🫧 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 | greaser!Jungkook x soc!reader | 1950S AU | 20 Chapters | Duration-2h 17m | Completed
❝She's a delicate little flower, hyung,❞ Jungkook grabs his leather jacket and slips it on. ❝And if anyone is going to hear sinful moans pass those innocent lips, it'll be me.❞
🫧 broken ghosts | Ghost!Jungkook X OC | Angst | 32 Chapters | Duration-4h 5m | Completed
"i have died everyday waiting for you."
"i should be the one lying next to you at night."
🫧 𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘 | Jungkook X Stipper!OC | College AU | Dark | 131 Chapters | Duration-20h 6m | Completed
What's wrong with being a little chaotic? -J JK
🫧 𝗥𝗲𝗱 | Mafia+Ceo!JK X Reader | 53 Chapters | Duration-8h 18m | Ongoing
"That dress-" he says, eyes raking down your body. "-is 𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘯 fucking distracting."
🫧 A Little Burden | Jungkook X Reader | 36 Chapters | Duration-3h 35m | Completed
I still remember that day clearly.....every night it comes back to me like a nightmare. The small fragile human getting pushed into my arms. Tears streaming down my face as I looked at her....Doctors storming in from everywhere trying everything they could to keep her alive. The look in her eyes she gave me made me break inside.
She knew she wasn't going to make it.
She smiled at me and took one last look at her child before speaking.
🫧 secret admirer | JK X OC | Angst | 101 Chapters | Duration-9m | Completed
" notice me senpai " - jjk
🫧 THE SACRIFICE | Yandere!Jungkook X Reader | Angst Abuse | 46 Chapters | Duration-6h 27m | Completed
A child must be sacrificed in order for the city to gain its happiness. a tale when doom and love are two sides of the same coin.
🫧 𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘 | clone!Jungkook x reader | Clone Au | 20 Chapters | Duration-2h 11m | Completed
When the doctor tells the Jeon's that their newborn Jungsoo could die due to his premature birth, Mr. Jeon decides to clone him as soon as possible.
To their surprise, Jungsoo is able to grow up happy and healthy along with his clone, Jungkook, who's the total opposite of him.
🫧 petals  | BF!Jungkook X GF!Reader | Childhood Sweethearts | Fluff | 28 Chapters | Duration-39m | Completed
❝ -How much is your daughter? ❞
Jungkook loves food and computer games, but compare to those two you are his favorite thing in this world.
🫧 HELLBORN | LuciferSon!Jungkook X Human!Reader | Crack | 15 Chapters | Duration-2h 21m | Completed
He is the spitting image of an Angel but the blood in his veins is that of the Devil's.
🫧 Once More | Ex!Jungkook X OC | Angst | 33 Chapters | Duration-4h 22m | Completed
❝Your son, he looks very similar to Jungkook...❞
Leave it to a 3-year-old to bring two parents back together.
🫧 ROSES | Jungkook X OC | Angst | 54 Chapters | Duration-3h | Completed
❝ she slipped away the same way the velvet box slipped in my hand ❞ she was oddly peculiar and pure mystery yet, he still finds the refuge of feeling at "home" to the mute girl whom he met at the seaside.
🫧 The Prince & The Servant Girl | BFF+Prince!Jungkook X Servant!Reader | Childhood Au | 64 Chapters | Duration-7h 48m | Completed
A prince and servant girl grew up together in a castle. Best friends for life until that love as friends changed to something more. All was well until the prince was to be married and everything changed. Forever forbidden to be together but can one fateful reunion change everything?
🫧 Angel Beside Him | Jungkook X Reader | Angst | 48 Chapters | Duration-6h 24m | Completed
"Jeon Jungkook, I like you." You said, your eyes wide and cheeks on fire. You finally had the guts to tell your long time crush what you feel about him. Jungkook smiled, giving you a spark of hope and a wash of relief. Or maybe it was a false hope or just him being kind as he says, "I'm sorry but I'm already in a relationship."
🫧 Monstrously Sinful Love | Younger!Jungkook X Older!OC | AgeGap | 71 Chapters | Duration-9h 49m | Completed
"...Kookie" she calls that's when Kookie's small little hands tugged onto his mother's sleeve's pulling her to look at him.
"what's wrong Kookie?"
❝I want to buy her❞
🫧 That Awkward Magic | Werewolf!JK X Witch!Reader | Crack AU | 42 Chapters | Duration-4h 1m | Completed
"You smell very nice."
"Are you...trying to flirt or something?"
A socially awkard witch has to struggle with being the sudden love (?) interest of a wolf shifter
🫧 "IDC, BABY" | Jungkook X Reader | GangRivals | 21 Chapters | Duration-1h 16m | Ongoing
"If they catch us, they will kill us."
"I don't give a fuck right now, baby."
🫧 On.line | Staker!Jungkook X Camgirl!Reader | Dark | 38 Chapters | Duration-5h 36m | Republishing
"I don't call myself a pornstar, but I'm pretty famous on Live Babes (LB). I make money doing what people ask from me and they are mainly men, married man. Some even gave a wife or kids. But I don't care about that at all. The only thing I want is to continue earn their money. Oh! It's already 9PM! Don't forget to watch the show!"
"I can't wait, princess." -J.JK
🫧 Overmorrow | Idol!Jungkook X Reader | Crack | 33 Chapters | Duration-2h 8m | Completed
What would you do if one day you woke up as Jeon Jungkook?
🫧His Gangster Girl | Jungkook X Gangster!Reader | 68 Chapters | Duration-8h 57m | completed
'She is a maze with no escape.'
🫧 Fuck It List | BFF!Jungkook X Reader | 60 Chapters | Duration-5h 30m | Completed
• Go skinny-dipping
• Have a make-out session
• Try foreplay with ice .....
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east-coast-snowboarder · 10 months ago
ok so I mean im literally the CEO of baseball aus....should I do it?
Dizzy as hell but. Sports au. Like idk baseball, or basketball, or football, or tennis, or volleyball, or SOMETHING
Oh my god sports anime’s your characters. The socs are actually just another team and rumbles are games and any kind of tussles beforehand are like scrimmages/ mock games or whatever depending on the sport. I don’t know jack about sports but I am thinking.
Idk who coaches would be. Maybe the oldest in each group or they’re just random characters
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