onehundredwishesss · 5 months
Affirmations before bed (in order to sleep peacefully)
• I'm proud of what I've done today
• I did the best I could and that's enough
• I'm beautiful, kind and succesful and I will always be.
• I deserve a good night sleep
• I am looking forward to get one step closer to my goal
• I am grateful for what happened today
• I am gratetul for the little things
• I let go of negative emotions and I turn into something positive
• I deserve a lot of rest and a lot of sleep
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Eddie's palms were sweating like crazy. There used to be moments when he was gratetul for this less obvious sign of nervousness, but at times like this it was bloody inconvenient. The chalk dust clung to his fingertips as he worked on his summoning circle under the archmage's watchful eye, an eye that was waiting for a single mistake that would warrant another disqualification. A third one in the last three years.
It was all bullshit as his best friends Nancy and Chrissy had told him. They both were younger and had the same skill. Sure, Nancy's intellect was through the roof and Chrissy studied with a rigid motivation of someone who wanted to leave their stifling family behind, but Eddie wasn't bad at all. Hell, he grasped the intricacies of magic almost naturally and in another world, he would have been praised, supported by all his peers and professors.
Yeah, right. That would be a world where he wasn't a filthy commoner.
Sure, magic didn't choose blood or status or a full set of silver cutlery in one's mouth, but oh did the upper class love to pretend. "We have magic in our bloodline," they lied through their teeth. And so when a kid of a petty thief showed magic potential surpassing the one of their coddled kids, they were aghast. They scoffed at his long unruly hair, at his cheap dark clothes, at the extra shifts his uncle had to take to keep him in the academy. They tried to get rid of him so many times, unfair test questions, discriminatory behavior, bullying...Eddie saw it all and guess what, he didn't care. As his wise uncle told him "they see you as a cockroach, boy. So become one. Show them how persistent you can be, make them wish they let you graduate."
Eddie adored his uncle, if that wasn't clear. That man was hard working and smart. If the world was worth anything, he would have been an alchemist, with his precise mind and nimble hands. But since world was shit and unfair, he was just a helper for one, although a great and kind one, Scott Clarke. Eddie was happy for his uncle, for the companionship he found in Scott, but there was inherent bitterness in him that wouldn't leave.
See, the issue with Eddie was - he had no clear goal, no illuminated path in his future. He wanted to explore magic, see what it had to offer. Where others had a clear destination, like Nancy with her passion for magical channels of communication or Chrissy and her focus on healing magic and diagnostics, Eddie was...untethered. He wanted to do anything and everything and he worried that this would be his downfall this time too. Because that's exactly what the whole summoning ritual hinged on.
Eddie wiped his hands on his pants, earning a disapproving scoff from the archmage. "Magic demands grace and dignity," that's what the asshole always said before elegantly wiping his mouth with a napkin or drying his sweaty brow with a white handkerchief. Eddie wanted to kick him in the shin and see how elegant he looked toppling over.
Just a few more chalk lines, no use in delaying the inevitable. This was the final exam of the senior year, but also a crucial skill that Eddie simply had to master. Because each mage needed a companion from the other side, that was the law. It didn't matter if you summoned a fae, a zephyr, a demon or even a wailing ghost of your grandma who decided to stay in the world beyond instead of moving on, you needed a companion to help with channeling of magic, amplifying it. Some mages kept the same companions for decades, other went through a series of brief companionships to find what they needed.
If Eddie only knew what he needed. That's what he was supposed to do - enter the circle, open a gate to the other world and project his ambitions, his desires. Which were, as usual, all over the place.
"I'm ready," he told the archmage as he stood up and dusted off his hands, creating more white smears on his pants.
The older man just rolled his eyes. He seemed to be in his fifties, with thick hair and just one or two strands of grey. But who knew, magic didn't really make aging normal. "I will believe it when I see it, Mr. Munson. You have yet to surprise me."
Eddie bit back a scorching remark and cracked his fingers, getting ready. He forced on a wide smile and waved at his friends who had, as expected, aced the exam. Nancy was chatting with her companion, a storm elemental (her name was Robin, as he would learn later, and she could speak so fast only Nancy was able to understand). Chrissy stood next to a tall dryad, Barbara, and gave Eddie a thumbs up, beaming at him. "You got this!" she mouthed at him and, with a brief whisper, made Barbara join in a very awkward cheer.
"Okay, here I go," muttered Eddie and entered the circle. His fingertips sparkled as he touched the prepared runes, activating them. He had one brief moment to take it all in, the scowl on the archmage's face, Nancy's quiet and confident smile and Chrissy's radiance, before the runes rose in a circle around him and obscured everything.
He blinked at the swirling colors around him, whispered voices. "Hello?" he called out, hearing the echo of his own voice. "My name is Eddie...um. I mean, Edward Munson and I am searching for a companion."
The voices sounded closer, but not close enough. He hadn't offered anything yet, so he wasn't too discouraged. "Um. I am looking for someone who would like to explore the world of magic with me. The possibilities it has and who is maybe looking to find themselves too..."
His voice trailed off. He sounded silly even to himself, not to mention to the creatures, spirits and demons in the realm. But just as he was about to quickly make up a goal, just to attract someone, he heard whispering in his ear. It sounded both melodic and dissonant, single and split. "You're intriguing. Intriguing enough to consider your offer. Say, Eddie. You seem open to everything, but...is there something that you really, really want? A desire you have? Something a companion could help you accomplish?"
Had Eddie been someone with a milder temperament, he would have explained how he hoped his success would open the door for more people like him, to change how elitist magic was. But he wasn't that, he was Eddie and he didn't feel like starting his first companionship with a lie.
"I want to succeed so much that the archmage will lose all of that fucking powdered hair," he grinned into the swirling void. "I want him to look at me, the first trash commoner mage, and know that despite being way more powerful and influential and whatever else, he couldn't get that scrawny kid to quit, no matter how many times he unfairly failed me. I want to make him feel like he's sucking on a lemon whenever he sees me. I want to become a living proof that he was wrong."
There was laughter in his ears and this time he realized - it wasn't one voice but two. One seductive and feminine, the other amused and slightly bitchy, belonging to a man.
"Well, Eddie," whispered the woman and Eddie shivered from her warm breath.
The man leaned in too, into his other ear. "We can help you with that."
And just like that, the magical void dissolved and two warm hands found their way into his.
Eddie emerged into the great hall to a series of gasps, cheers and curses. Chrissy was jumping up and down on her toes, clapping. Nancy seemed to be stuck between shock and serious amusement. And the archmage...well. That was something else.
But Eddie had manners so instead of reacting to any of them, he turned towads his companions. Two beings at once wasn't exactly common and Eddie had to understand who exactly he invited into his life.
He didn't have to recall much of his lectures on the other world to realize that his companions were demons. And not just any type, no. He gulped as he offered his hand again. "Thank you for answering my call. As I said before, I'm Eddie. Human, obviously."
The female demon was almost as tall as him, but unlike him she was gorgeous. Her thick brown hair fell to her strong shoulders in gentle waves and her amber eyes sparkled with mischief. She had moles and beauty marks all over her beautiful face. "Pleasure to join you, Eddie. Stevie, a succubus." She winked at him and shook his hand. "Obviously," she whispered.
She nudged him to the male demon, eerily similar to her, but where she was seductive he was snarky. Which...was doing equal things to Eddie's insides. Not only. "Steve," he said and squeezed his hand with a deliciously calloused hand. "Not a succubus, obviously, but an incubus. Pleasure indeed."
Eddie felt a bit manic. The wide smile on his face was starting to hurt but he couldn't bring himself to care and when Stevie used her tail to examine the chains on his belt, he wondered if the butterflies in his stomach weren't actually a stomach infection. "Uh...sorry if that's a stupid question, but are you...are you twins?"
He expected a scoff or a simple yes, but the look that Stevie and Steve exchanged wasn't clear at all. He wondered if he might have offended them, but Steve ended up throwing his arm around Eddie's shoulders and pulled him close. Yep, definitely a stomach bug because the butterflies were off the charts. "That's a bit complicated. We'll explain in a bit, but now..." The bitchy smirk on Steve's face was everything and as he whispered into Eddie's ear, Eddie couldn't help but snort. This was pure gold.
Standing between his companions and wrapping each arm around their waists, Eddie smiled at the archmage, pale and looking like he was ready to vomit all over his summoning circle.
"So, archmage Harrington," drawled Eddie and Stevie snickered next to him, "have I finally managed to surprise you?"
As Steve and Stevie raised their hands and, in a single voice, said sweetly "hi dad!", Eddie felt like his goal of giving the old pompous fart a heart attack was just within reach.
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thebswitch · 5 years
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The story in need of moderation !? Let me know... #gratetul #singersongwriter #entrepreneur #alternativepopmusic https://www.instagram.com/p/B0b5obnD9nN/?igshid=i4m3r0t36rc8
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seriesoflove-events · 7 years
Hey almost 4 years, you changed my life. I don't know if you still look at my posts or anything but if you are here, hey. I want you to know that I'm grateful for you. I appreciate all that I learned with you and all that you taught me. I do not regret one second of the almost 4 years. You taught me how to love, and how to be loved. You taught me that it was okay to cry during sad movies, or anytime I saw a cute dad. You helped me learn that even without the makeup and pretty clothes I was still worth your time. Thank you for putting up with my crazy shit for so long and for helping me become the person I am today. Together we had some of the best times of my life and I loved you with all that I had, for as long as I could.    And in the end, we both fucked up. I don't know if I will ever forgive you for cheating on me and I'm sure you will never forgive me for finding another boy. But I want you to know that I am truly sorry for not loving you. Because I tried, I really did. I want you to be happy, just as I will try to be happy too. But I need you to know that sometimes I need you, even though I shouldn't. And I'm sorry if that fucks your life up.  Don't worry too much about me, because when he's good, he looks after me. And sometimes I need my almost boy to look after me. I will stop drinking soon, and I will deal with you, and my body, and my insecurities and my happiness. I promise.  Thank you, live well, and good luck for the future. Do me proud, I spent a lot of time perfecting you. Don't ever forget that people need your time, more than you need video games.  I loved you once, Goodbye baby.
The epilogue. (15/01/18)
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btsqualityy · 2 years
The thing is Haru never fully got used to live in Seoul in my mind. In his first plans (and his parents') was to stay there for his highschool years and then move back to his hometown in Japan, but then he met Brielle anda his plans changed. Seoul is home because Brielle is home to him, but when he's not with her he'd feel a little homesick sometimes!😭that's why he'd love how much lively Brielle's fam is. He's an only child and he doesn’t know how it feels to live in a large family like Brielle has. And I think he'd feel gratetul their kids would experience that!! They'd be over to Brielle's parents often with the kids and there's always some controlled chaos happening which he'd learn to love🥰but at the same time Bri would make sure they visit Japan from time to time.
Yes to all of this! If it weren’t for Brielle and how strongly she feels about living in Seoul, he definitely would’ve hightailed it back to Japan 😂but imagine how excited he gets when they go back to Japan to see his parents and his family and take the kids with them 🥰
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halfway-happyyy · 2 years
hi k can i vent to you and everyone here? you made me even more heartbroken with i and love and you 😭 been talking to a much older guy recently and were not even together yet but he sends this weird signals saying that im the most important person in his life, he would never hurt me and stuff like that but also talks to me like im just his friend? i get too attached too easily and i think im falling in love with him and i hate it so much, im scared and just heartbroken. i feel like i would drop everything just for him but hes just looking for a good time, today he didnt text me and im crushed 😭 i feel like he’s talking to other girls even though he says he’s not but i just have a weird feeling about it… i know i dont have the right to be jealous or anything but i made a mistake and i said i love you to him he said it back but its just really weird. i just need to get this off my chest. it just sucks that im crying over a middle aged dude, hes not even cute 😂😭 (honestly just smiling through the pain)
you dont have to post this k, i just want to thank you for giving us stories that lets us just run away from our problems even for just a short time. thank you, and im really grateful for you. i love you!
- a heartbroken follower
of course you can vent to me, luvvie. i'm sorry for adding to the pain you're already going through :( it's weird, but sometimes the way i deal with my pain is to just create more pain (ie fics like the one you mentioned, and some others).
it's important to remember that everything you're feeling and everything you're going through is absolutely valid- even if it feels like you're going crazy. also another important thing to remember is to trust your gut. if you feel like something may be off, you could be onto something. feelings suck and sometimes it's hard to interpret them, so i'm sending all of the good vibes your way.
i'm gratetul for you too, luvvie 💕
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rhaenyratargayen · 4 years
thank you, thank you, thank you :’)
— I cannot express how much you all mean to me. thank you for giving me a space to express myself and to write my fics. you all have shown me nothing but love and support and I don’t know how I could ever thank you enough. thank you to everyone of you who follows me, reblogs, likes or leaves comments on my fics, sends me asks, or just interacts with me in anyway. I’m so gratetul for the friends I’ve made through tumblr, genuine friendships that have expanded outside just harry potter and fanfiction.
This is a milestone I never imagined reaching. When I switched to a harry potter blog and started writing again, I thought this would just be something I did occasionally or something that I wouldn’t put much work into. but you have made me feel so welcomed and loved and for that I cannot thank you enough.
as far as a celebration, I won’t be doing one at the moment due to stress of college classes and all that jazz ( :/ ). however, I am down to do a sleepover either for my next milestone or maybe once the initial semester stress cools down :)! Again, I love you guys so much. seriously, you guys have no idea how much your support means to me. come slide into my inbox any time you wanna chat, about the twins, ronniekins, or even just random things you wanna share! okay, I love you so much, mwah 💋
- mere xx
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hanilecter · 5 years
god i am back on my bullshit but hannibal means so much to me. it has shaped me so much, made me find my interest, made me realize i want to work in the film business, made me love many arts, many subjects. i don't know if without it i would have found my love for these things, or how i would have found them, but i would not be exactly as i am today without watching hannibal from age 13. it is such a big part of me, it's like my villain origin story. it comforted me and shielded me from the real world when it was too ugly for me, and i found all the beauty i could need in it. it might be fucked up how a show with so many disturbing scenes and murder tableaus calms my anxiety like nothing else, but it does just that. i will forever be gratetul for this show and i just hope one day i can make something 1/100th as beautiful and complex as it is.
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taka-oneokrock · 5 years
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✨ Happy three months Joruri! 👶🏻
I know I’m pretty much repeating myself, but I can’t believe how fast time is going by. Shortcake is already with us for three wonderful months and every day we are happier than the day before. She has grown so much since the day we brought her home with us and each new day is an adventure for us.
She is the cutest baby girl in the world and her little smiles that she shows us more and more make our hearts melt. Jun ( @forever-rockin-jun ) and I are so proud of her, seeing her develope more and more each day. Riri is still so small and yet she is already making lots of noises. She is as vocal as her parents which makes me even prouder.
We already found out that our daughter is a mischievos little one and I think she will cause lots of trouble ones she gets older. She is our tiny angel with the heart of a little devil. But we don’t want her any other way.
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Her have a picture of the most important person of the day. We made her extra pretty and celebrated with her in a magical place. But maybe you already had an idea by the cake we got for her.
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As you can see she clearly enjoyed all the attention she was getting. And Jun and I enjoyed seeing her this happy. She still doesn’t know what celebrating is, but as long as she smiles we have achieved our goal.
Last but not least have a picture of Joruri and Minnie Mouse. The hubby was way too happy that they got to take a picture together. I’m beyond gratetul that we got to celebrate this day together as a family. I know shortcake is the happiest if she is with both of us.
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I love you more than anything little one and I’m looking forward to celebrating 4 months with you.
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chaos0wings · 3 years
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House. - - Today I am gratetul for another productive day. #kevfroart - - #art #artist #artwork #ink #inking #inkdrawing #inkart #inkartist #draw #draweveryday #drawing #drawdaily #artdaily #dailyart #perspective #perspectiveart - - #pleinair #pleinairart #pleinairartist #fyp #brushpen #brushpenart #sketch #sketchbook #timelapse #timelapseart #arttips #arttutorial (at Auckland, New Zealand) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaPayZMvlmk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ilikesparklythings · 3 years
january reflection
A month of overthinking and second guessing my decisions, january has been hectic, but despite that, i learned a lot, which makes it okay. I am grateful for this month, and i am gratetul to how I handled everything that came my way and the lessons i learnt while dealing with these. I could never have predicted how this month would have gone, and it was a surprise that i welcomed with as much ease as i could muster. A great month.
My mind has been heavy with continuous trains of thoughts the entire month, starting with second guessing breaking up with my boyfriend (that i never stopped doing since december 2021), my grandfather's death and family issues. My mother had been staying in my room since my father had the (co)rona, which did deflect my privacy a bit but i also got the opportunity to support her and be there for her, which was nice. I learned to appreciate the people in my life, especially my family, more than ever now, and I learnt to handle my frustrations and anger more peacefully and without lashing out at people. I feel like taking a deep breath and mentally journaling why i'm feeling what i'm feeling and how i can solve that issue without hurting my loved ones helps a damn lot. I am grateful for that.
I never thought i would have another brain fog (that's what i call the times when my mind feels all foggy and dull), but i did have it only last week. Now that it has subsided a lot (or not, idk) i feel like i had been exaggerating that, but i know i wasn't, and i have to keep compassion for the struggles i went through and not downplay my struggles just because i went through it.
The fog helped me be more compassionate to the people around me going through it, and reminded me that i am human and just like them, and stop thinking that it's not that bad or that they're not trying hard enough. I hope i will be able to uphold this compassion without the need of myself suffering through the same. As to why the fog happened, I think the bad energy in my family along with the winter blues i have every january, and the heavy thought-filled mind and the fact that i had been nearing my menstrual period-all of that contributed to it. I don't feel like i am in the fog anymore, kind of because i'm doing this end of january blog which feels like i'm differenciating my january and letting go of it, and have a new start in february. I can already feel the fog coming back though, so i don't know if that worked hehe
but anyways, what helps me during my fogs is meditating, eating veggies, tying my hair up, studying, cleaning my room, going on walks, spending quality time with my family (especially playing with my 2 y/o cousin), wearing nicely fitting clothes that make me feel good, sleeping 9h a day, having a hearty laugh, basking in sunlight and drinking enough water (ike a withered houseplant, eating soul nourishing food, washing my face and moisturizing it properly, gratitude, hugging my mother etc etc are very serotonin. It's the smol things honestly. I don't have heavy coping mechanisms right now but it's okay because the ones i have serve me well, despite being too people oriented for my liking. I like not depending on people so that is an issue, but it is helping me normalize asking for help and opening my heart up and being vulnerable to people, all of which, i'm sure, will turn out to be very essential for me.
we are having online classes again and i am grateful for being able to stay at home and do classes under a cozy blanket in this chilly winter. I find that doing classes mindfully and participating in them makes me feel better than not doing that, the latter making me feel all dull and low vibe and sad. I aced the last two exams which gives me a good student aura, i love it, it's definitely helping my fog. I had not been studying as much as i should have bc my ssc exam's on june- but i hope to fix that asap. I will try to make changes that will help me have my life together despite fogs and issues, which will start with studying mindfully, having a less thought heavy mind, and loving my family members. To build more support systems (and make friends), i will be opening up about myself in here. I do feel like overshared again, but we'll see. I look forward to being friends with you<3
with that being said, do tell he how your january went. Mentally? What did you learn? What goals do you have for february? How will you take care of and love yourself?
thank you for putting up with this long ass blog i appreciate it very much sweetie i promise my blogs will be more concise as i develop my blogging skills
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airwindzone · 5 years
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#gratitudepost Thanks God coz I survived a month of tests, sorrow and agony. January 2020 was kinda heavy with the numerous tragic events that affected a lot of lives and properties which some are not lucky to survive. In every tragedy, we tend to look for someone to blame but what must be done is to showcase our good heart to just extend a help to those in need. We must always feel that even there is something tragic happening, we must not lose hope rather stay strong and show kindness to our fellowmen. Take a look back at what happened in January 2020 and be gratetul we survived. God bless February 2020 and may the rest of the coming days be a productive one. #blackandwhite Photo Credits to Anton Eder of Pageant Talk. (at SM Southmall) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Al79NFWR5/?igshid=3at52g2vtmae
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thebswitch · 5 years
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Yesterday evening. The #feelinghothothot #look Trying to record a bass line in hot temperatures. It did not take me long ! #singersongwriter #entrepreneur #indistress A #summer to be remembered #2019 #working on #number7 and #gratetul https://www.instagram.com/p/B0anP01D2YM/?igshid=1p0sf4afn8agy
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thebswitch · 5 years
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They are about to leave me and they were good to me 😊 #tothefans you know that song ? Right !? #entrepreneur #independentartist #singersongwriter on a clear up mode to let the "new" in. I guess I am about to take up #soldering ! ? Here comes the #modularsynth #era Let's play again ! # and as always #gratetul https://www.instagram.com/p/Byi2wg1DMGR/?igshid=ffms2ndygoa4
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thebswitch · 5 years
Sometimes #yougotodowhatyougottodo even if it is not #glamourous #singersongwriter #entrepreneur #backontrack literally any time soon #gratetul https://www.instagram.com/p/ByAmNV0Djzm/?igshid=1vtkp65c7zc0v
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thebswitch · 5 years
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A bit of #craft today ! This my next #generation #mouse #pad rest in the making. To be precise my trackpad rest pad. Are you confused ? I'm not 😊 #singersongwriter #entrepreneur coming up with few ideas from time to time 💡 Functional is the #magic #word ! #gratetul on a #rainyday 🌂 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxr5o7xjMbV/?igshid=1ul7qawxztfoz
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