#graphic: mila
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msommers · 5 months ago
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did you mean: blorbo with eternal anger issues
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notavvaywitu · 8 months ago
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Lemons on the chain with the v cuts
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fashionredalert · 8 months ago
Your tags on the butch4butch mdtb post.... you want me to die, just say it 😔
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Killing you with my brain matter splattered on the wall.
You're joining me on this shitty bathroom floor snorting butch4butch madatobi lines
The post in question by @hashiramashonkers
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acoyoteeeee · 7 months ago
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Black Swan, Darren Aronofsky 2010
BEHANCE: behance page
ETSY: @Acoyoteeeee
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generalsarma · 2 years ago
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this might be my favorite draft for the novel
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tamlindain · 2 years ago
Good morning to everyone except people who hoard characters and post only musings and then get offended when that's pointed out.
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famy-x · 1 year ago
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Black Swan Directed by Darren Aronofsky 2010 USA
0 notes
guided-by-stars · 6 months ago
Siffrin deals with his anxieties (both rational and irrational) by performing rituals and compulsions. These rituals can become obsessive, especially in times of heightened stress, and often focus around either checking things, or numbers. They also deal with intrusive thoughts, with such frequency and intensity that it impacts their ability to function. Those...are all symptoms of OCD.
Let's define some terms, before we go into examples. What are obsessions in this context? This often refers to obsessive thoughts/anxieties/mindsets. These are prevalent, reoccurring, sometimes disturbing, often irrational fears. Intrusive thoughts are one example of this, though not all obsessions are intrusive thoughts. Intrusive thoughts are specifically unwanted and very distressing and often graphic thoughts or images in one's mind. An example of such is this:
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Next, are compulsions and rituals. Compulsions are actions that one takes to break the obsession spiral. These either soothe the root fear (though usually temporarily), or quiet the disturbing thought or image. Rituals are "safe" compulsions, decided as such either by repetition or irrational logic. The wording that Siffrin uses when questioned about obsessive checking of pillars is as follows:
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One of the most common mental justifications for compulsions is "But what if?". The perceived cost of performing a compulsion is often weighed as nothing against the potential of something truly awful happening. "What if?" carries a lot of weight for people dealing with OCD- often one knows that both the fears and the compulsions are irrational and logically one cannot control the Universe by tapping a certain amount of times on a table, checking for the tenth time if your alarm was set, or repeating a phrase multiple times in your mind. However, the weight of the potential fear is just so great that one cannot take the chance, even knowing that. This paradoxical position of both awareness and delusion that many with OCD have is called "OCD with insight" (1)
This post became....much longer than I planned, so the rest will be under the cut. Please read the rest though!!! There's so much more to it! ☆
The diagnostic criteria for OCD in the ICD (2) and the DSM (3) are relatively similar (though the DSM focuses a lot more on ruling out other causes for similar behavior like anxiety disorders and delusional disorders), and focus on the obsessions being self-sustaining and the rituals being often time consuming and frustrating to have to do. However, not all compulsions are even notable enough to the person to cause any frustration or discomfort, nor are all of them consciously done with any sort of logic behind them. It's quite common for people to perform compulsions without even having a reasoning for why (4).
Hey, weren't we talking about Siffrin ISAT? What's with all this research paper bullshit? Can't you just show me where in the game my blorbo shows signs of mental disorders???!?
Well, one example of rituals that Siffrin engages in is repeating phrases, either out loud or in their head. The number they tend to come back to, again and again, is three. This is shown when they are explaining Wish Craft, and despite the fact that the specific number of repetitions of your wish genuinely doesn't matter, just that it's repeated at all, they instinctively say to repeat your wish three times, before catching themselves and correcting their error.
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...When Loop explains their Wish to Siffrin, they say it three times as well. "I wished it could be over. I wished I could get out of here. I wished for someone to help me."
Whenever Siffrin wants something to go right, throughout the game, he also almost always repeats his desired outcome three times.
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It's a noticeable enough habit that his party members mention it, when in the trap room. They've noticed the ritualistic mumbling that he does whenever he wants something to go right.
It's not just when they want something to go right that they're doing it though. They repeat things three times when they're panicking, too, to calm themselves down. When they loop back after beating the king:
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It's not even just thinking or saying things either, they take actions in threes too, to soothe themselves. After Kingquest:
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You can see both thinking things in threes and acting in threes here. It's everywhere. If you look through the game again, you won't be able to help but notice how often they do things in threes.
Speaking of the coughing though, that's another one of the compulsions they do. Covering their mouth, coughing, gagging, they do all of those when trying to banish disturbing memories or thoughts from their mind.
After looping when refusing to try to say the name of their country when the King asks.
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Notice again, they repeat "You know" three times. Like I said, you'll start seeing that EVERYWHERE now.
To note, if you try to say it once and try not to say it another time, you'll get this instead:
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Three breaths, here.
I could go on, but I don't think I need to.
Another important factor when considering OCD is the need for control. People with OCD not only report a lower level of perceived control over their thoughts and actions, and not only tend to need a higher level of control than the average person to feel safe and comfortable, but also, the less control over their environment they have, the more that OCD symptoms often intensify. (5)
Siffrin is in a paradoxical position here, in regards to control. When they first realize they're in a timeloop, they're absolutely ESTATIC. The first bathroom break monologue exemplifies exactly WHY he's so euphoric at this point:
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He's euphoric with CONTROL. No matter what happens, he can always try again. He's safe. He can keep everyone he loves safe. He has SO MUCH CONTROL.
When the illusion shatters, after he's dragged back when they beat the king, that's when he realizes how little control he actually has. Sure, he can decide when he loops (most of the time) but he can't decide to STOP looping. He's trapped. The more he tries to escape, the less control he seems to have (Eg, what happens to Bonnie). After that, we can see him start to have intrusive thoughts, engage in more ritualistic behavior, and end up in more unhealthy anxiety spirals.
...And, we see him lean into the little control he DOES have (looping) more. Any time he's in a stressful situation? Any time that the control he has over a situation starts slipping away? Is Bonnie yelling at him with tears in their eyes and telling him to die? Is Isabeau pulling away from their shaking grip on his collar? Is Odile confronting him on his suspicious behavior? Are things OUT OF CONTROL? ...Control is taken back. Forcefully. He can't handle loosing more control, not when he already feels so helpless and trapped.
Talking about the bathroom scenes, there's another one I want to point out. The first Friendquest run. It's the perfect example of delusional anxieties and compulsions used to quiet the distressing thought, rather than soothe them.
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Siffrin is suddenly overcome with the anxiety that the simple act of believing that his plan could work will somehow make it not come true anymore. This is an example of "magical thinking", or a belief that defies the scientific or culturally accepted laws of causality (eg. "If I step on a crack, my mother's back will break"). It's specifically an example of TAF, or "Thought-action fusion", which is the belief that one's mere thoughts can cause completely unrelated actions to happen in the real world. This is an essential part of how compulsions can genuinely relieve anxiety, and is actually one of the differences between those with other anxiety disorders and those with OCD. Magical thinking is essential to OCD. (6)
This exchange also showcases an example of how compulsions done to quiet rather than to soothe can sometimes involve self harming behaviors to "shake" the thought out of one's mind. In this case, him hitting his own head and focusing on the pain rather than on the thought. Most definitely not a healthy way to deal with it! But what else do we expect from Siffrin, honestly.
Another example of a self-harming compulsion being used to "shake" out a distressing and unwanted thought, also including a more minor example of magical thinking:
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Researchers and psychologists have often attempted to divide OCD into subtypes. This has usually been done because different types of obsessions often demand different treatment plans. (7) The actual divisions have varied from researcher to researcher, but one type that consistently comes up, is harm OCD/moral OCD. (Of note, one person usually, but not always, fits into multiple subtypes. I personally think Siffrin fits into multiple) Harm OCD is characterized by a fixation on believing one is a bad person and causing harm to others, often despite others expressing the contrary. This often comes along with very intense self-criticism and judgement.
After repeating a Friendquest route multiple times:
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Mal Du Pays fight:
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Siffrin specifically is fixated on the worry that the knowledge that they gained by looping gives them an unfair power dynamic with their party, and taking any action informed by that knowledge means that they're taking advantage of them or forcing them to do what he wants. This is despite the fact that, no matter what he chooses to do, they are still autonomous beings who do what they want. He has less control than he thinks.
Also from the Mal Du Pays fight:
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("You should've died for me. You should've died to protect me. You should've died to protect me.", "You can wish and wish and wish all you want.", "They'll forget you. They'll forget you. They'll forget you.")
And what of Loop? They're also a Siffrin, right? Examination of the self from an outside perspective has given them time to introspect a bit more. They directly name and point out one of Siffrin's rituals. @dormont pointed this out, in one of his posts. (8)
Loop says, here:
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They understand why Siffrin is doing this. Siffrin is afraid that he'll forget again. There was no warning, before the Island vanished from everyone's mind. The coin is a physical reminder that he forgot his first family, that he can't forget this one too. He often rolls it in his pocket, but sometimes grips it tightly, or flips it. In his mind, touching it will prevent him from forgetting again.
Now this is fascinating when thinking about One Hat, because in that eventuality Siffrin, after failing to find Loop at the Favor Tree, leaves his coin where Loop used to sit. This shows that he's doing better mentally, in Act 6. That he trusts himself more to remember, that he doesn't need the coin anymore.
Throughout the game, Loop keeps the comedy mask glued tight to their starry face. Because of that (and the fact that we don't see inside of their head), we don't get to see much of their own obsessions or compulsions. But there is one time where their mask slips. During Two Hats.
When they start becoming more and more distressed, they fall back into repetitions of three:
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And if they win the fight....
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And after the fight...
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But of course, it's not all in distress. What was I saying, at the start of the post? The other reason why Siffrin repeats things in threes? When he wants something to go right, right? When he has a desired outcome, when he's sharpening his knife, when he's carving a figure. "Please be sharp, please be sharp, please be sharp."? At the end of it all, as Loop is fading away:
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"I'll see you again soon, I promise! I super promise! I super duper promise!"
And Siffrin understands exactly the intention and desire that they pressed into that repetition. After Loop is completely gone, they mirror their actions.
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("You flip it once, twice, three times.")
("You will see each other again.")
Additional resources:
1: Taylor, E. (2020). Discordant knowing: A puzzle about insight in Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder. Mind & Language, 37(1), 73–93. https://doi.org/10.1111/mila.12301
(About the concept of insight in irrational cycles in OCD! Very interesting)
2: ICD 10: The complete official code set. Internet Archive. (2017).
(ICD 10, Account is needed to read the full thing)
3: American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.)
(DSM 5, for reference)
4: Starcevic, V., Berle, D., Brakoulias, V., Sammut, P., Moses, K., Milicevic, D., & Hannan, A. (2011). Functions of compulsions in Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 45(6), 449–457. https://doi.org/10.3109/00048674.2011.567243
(Article about reasonings behind compulsions. Honestly I think a lot of the "other reasons" categorized here for compulsions are just...different manifestations of reducing anxiety. But it's still helpful to show how sometimes compulsions are done subconsciously)
5. Moulding, R., & Kyrios, M. (2007). Desire for control, sense of control and obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 31(6), 759–772. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10608-006-9086-x
(Article around OCD and the need for control)
6. Kingdon, B. L., Egan, S. J., & Rees, C. S. (2011). The illusory beliefs inventory: A new measure of magical thinking and its relationship with obsessive compulsive disorder. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 40(1), 39–53. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1352465811000245
(Article about magical thinking/TAF/history of the other studies done on the importance of them in OCD & creating a better framework to assess them)
(7) McKay, D., Abramowitz, J. S., Calamari, J. E., Kyrios, M., Radomsky, A., Sookman, D., Taylor, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2004). A critical evaluation of Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder subtypes: Symptoms versus mechanisms. Clinical Psychology Review, 24(3), 283–313. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2004.04.003
(Critical overview of the concept of OCD subtypes and what their purpose is)
(Eve's post :]. Check the replies for more elaboration!)
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ak-vintage · 8 months ago
Sweet As
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Pairing: Francisco Morales/f! babysitter reader
Summary: Frankie comes home after a long day at work and learns how you have been keeping cool in the midst of a heat wave.
Prompt: Frankie Morales x Grapes
Tags & Warnings: 18+ MDNI, 6 years post-Triple Frontier, single dad Frankie, flight instructor Frankie, babysitter reader, dual POV, age gap (not specified, but reader is a grad student), minimal descriptors of reader character, no use of y/n, domestic, sweet, mutual pining, food as foreplay, frottage, pussy pronouns, vaginal fingering, oral sex (f! receiving), trying to keep quiet, trying not to get caught, undefined but hopeful ending
Word Count: 7.5K
Written for the @happypedrohours Charcuterie Board Challenge.
Dividers by @saradika-graphics <3
Read on AO3
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You had always been a summer girl, but even you had your limits.
It was week three of the most severe heatwave the south had seen in a decade, and even with the Morales’s air conditioner running at full capacity, you still couldn’t help but park yourself directly under the ceiling fan with a sweating glass of iced tea. Mila, thankfully, hadn’t fought you during bedtime tonight, the six-year-old nearly dead on her feet after a full day of summer activities – a bike ride around the block before the heat of the day had set in, a dance party after lunch, hours in her swimsuit weaving in and out of the sprinkler in the back yard. You had done your best to keep up with her sunscreen, but she still sported a little flush on her round, tan cheeks as she crawled into bed, making little snuffling snores before you had even finished telling her goodnight.
There was a part of you that envied it, the way she could just collapse into sleep, not a care in the world, while you were stuck at the kitchen table late into the night, your laptop and textbooks strewn across its surface. The perils of holding down a full-time babysitting gig while also taking summer classes, you supposed.
It was worth it, though. Mila was a sweet girl, a total social butterfly, full of giggles and sweetness, easily the most fun kid you had ever cared for. And Frankie, her father…
Mr. Morales, you reminded yourself with a quick shake of your head.
Mr. Morales was a dream to work for. Respectful, pleasant, communicative, fair. A great parent to his daughter – a single dad, the only one in your regular client rotation. He paid you well for your time, and he was generous with his recreation budget, always making sure to leave cash in the top kitchen drawer for ice cream treats, trips to the pool, matinee movies. You really couldn’t have asked for a better job for the summer.
It didn’t hurt that he was absurdly handsome, in a rugged, lived-in sort of way. Not that it mattered, of course; he was your boss, more than a decade your senior, and you were, above all else, a professional. Hitting on the kids’ dads? The biggest babysitting faux pas. You liked to think you had more class than that.
However, class or not, you were still just a woman, and Francisco Morales? He was all man.
A blue-collar, ex-military guy in his mid-forties, he was tall and impossibly broad in the shoulders with long, muscular arms, a soft tummy that peaked out over the waistband of his jeans, and a head full of dark brown curls that were constantly just a little squished by a dark, well-worn ballcap bearing the Standard Oil logo. He started out a bit reserved in the beginning, not at all unfriendly but certainly someone who took some time to open up to new people, but in the months since you had started working for him, the two of you had developed a comfortable rapport.
So, if you dragged yourself out of bed an hour early just so you could get to his house in time enough to share a cup of coffee with him before he left for work, well…that was just relationship building with a client, wasn’t it? If you found yourself lingering in the driveway every time he walked you out to your car at the end of the day, extending the conversation more and more, delaying your departure as long as you could manage, that was just…friendship, right? Comradery.
And if, on nights like tonight, you received a series of clunky, unpunctuated texts asking you to stay late on short notice and you agreed without question, that was just going above and beyond. That was you being a good employee.
It definitely wasn’t you genuinely wanting to help out the struggling single father, not because you were being paid to do so, but because he deserved it. And you definitely didn’t take a deep, personal satisfaction in knowing that he trusted you, knowing that he relied on you.
It was all above board. All friendly. All completely and totally normal.
These were the things you told yourself, anyway. It helped you to keep your traitorous heart in check.
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It was nearing 10:00 PM by the time Frankie finally pulled into his driveway, his eyelids heavy, his limbs leaden and slicked with sweat. One of the ‘copters at the flight school where he worked had required some major repairs after a clumsy takeoff by one of the students earlier that afternoon had resulted in damage to the rotor blades, and he had volunteered to stay behind after hours and help with the effort so the thing wouldn’t have to spend the entire next day grounded. He was an instructor these days, but his assistance had still been welcomed. In the years he had spent attempting to earn back his pilot’s license after his…indiscretions, he had spent a fair amount of time working as an aviation mechanic to make ends meet.
Even then, at the lowest point of his life, he hadn’t been able to keep himself away from a hangar.
It had been back-breaking work, and Frankie hated having to ask you to stay late when he knew you had your own life, your own friends, your own dreams outside of babysitting his kid, but the repairs were complete now, which meant that none of the instructors would need to cancel any of their lessons for the following day. And when the flight school’s students were, more often than not, rich old men and their trust fund sons who didn’t take well to being told “no,” the extra effort would not go unnoticed.
Now, however, as he shifted his pickup truck into park next to your beat-up old Ford Focus, all he could think about was getting into the air conditioning, taking off his boots, and sitting down at the kitchen table under the ceiling fan with you.
It was the only advantage, really, of these late nights. Infrequent though they were, Frankie couldn’t deny that there was something special about coming home to find his daughter tucked up in bed, happy and tired and well-fed, and you at the table with your schoolwork strewn out in front of you. There was something peaceful and almost painfully domestic about it, something that had his chest swelling with a feeling that he couldn’t quite identify but that he knew for certain was not something one was meant to feel for one’s babysitter.
It was the same feeling he got when you started accepting his offers of coffee in the mornings before he left for work, or when you noticed that he had started purchasing the sugary-sweet creamer you preferred when he had only ever drunk his coffee black. It was the same feeling he got when he came home on one of the first nights of this fucking wretched heatwave to find you chasing his daughter around the back yard with an armful of water balloons, the both of you soaked to the skin and giggling as you pelted each other relentlessly.
It was the same feeling he got when he walked you out to your car and he watched you grip the driver’s door handle so tight your knuckles turned pale, watched you glance down at his lips one too many times to be proper. Soft mouth parted, long lashes casting shadows across your sun-kissed cheeks, perfect breasts rising and falling with your quickened breath –
Frankie brought the heels of his hands up to his eyes, pressing hard, scrubbing across his face to banish the thought. He had no business thinking of you like that, noticing you like that, and he needed to get it together before he walked through the front door and found you precisely where he had imagined you. This might have been his home, but it was your place of work, and he refused to be one of those skeevy dads who made the babysitter uncomfortable.
Gathering himself, Frankie hopped down out of the truck and jogged up the front porch steps. Slipping his keyring from his front pocket, he opened the door as quietly as he could manage and kicked his well-worn boots off onto the mat inside the entryway.
Before he could announce his arrival, however, your voice called out to him, hushed and warm.
“Welcome home, Mr. Morales,” you said sweetly, glancing up at him from your favorite chair at his table. He could see you there through the kitchen doorway, hair piled haphazardly on top of your head, eyes tired but soft, happy. You had gotten even more sun today, your cheeks, nose, and forehead tinged with pink, and you wore an oversized T-shirt and a pair of almost sinfully short shorts, the kind with the elastic waist that looked soft to the touch. Frankie tried and failed not to trace the length of your legs with his eyes, not to imagine the plush softness of your thighs, the suppleness of your calves.
Dragging his gaze back up to your face, praying that you hadn’t caught the trajectory of his traitor eyes, he was somewhat surprised to find you studying him, as well. Rather intently, as a matter of fact. He squinted down at himself, puzzled, and noticed for the first time what you must be staring at: he was a mess.
He was smudged with grease from head to toe, dark streaks of the oily substance arcing across his jeans, his uniform polo, his bare forearms, the backs of his hands. His skin, where it was visible, shone with sweat in the dim entryway light, and his shirt clung to his upper body like a second skin from the heat (moisture-wicking fabric, his ass). The weather would have been enough to have him in a state, but the late night combined with the manual labor had clearly taken its toll.
He watched the long column of your throat bob as you swallowed thickly.
“Rough day?” you asked after a beat of tense silence, keeping your voice low so as not to wake Mila.
Frankie felt his lips lift at the corner, offering you a fatigued half-smile. “A bit, yeah. But better now.”
You pressed your mouth into a thin line as though smothering a grin. “Glad to hear it.” Gesturing at the chair opposite you, you added, “Why don’t you come have a seat, and I’ll heat up some leftovers for you? You have to be starving.”
Fuck, now that you mentioned it, he was starving. He and the small crew of mechanics had taken a brief snack break while they worked, partaking of whatever hodgepodge of junk they had been able to liberate from the vending machine in the office, but that bag of chips and stale granola bar had left his system hours ago now. Still, even as his stomach growled with hunger, he couldn’t help but protest, “You don’t need to do that, cariño. It’s not your job to cook for me on top of everything else you do around here.”
You waved his words away with a flippant flick of your wrist, already on your feet and heading for the refrigerator. “I’ve told you, it’s not a problem. I cook anyway for me and Mila. Why wouldn’t I make a little extra for you while I’m at it?” You glanced over your shoulder at him. “Now sit down. I’ve got this.”
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As the container of leftover pasta rotated in the pale yellow light of the microwave, you took a moment to gather yourself, to reign in the surge of want that had pulsed through you at the sight of your employer hovering in the entryway.
Miles of golden tan skin shining with sweat, pooling in the little hollow at the base of his neck. His uniform polo unbuttoned as far down as it would go, showing a sliver of gray ribbed undershirt. Grease smudged across one high cheekbone, streaked across his hands. You needed those hands on you, needed him to transfer those dark marks onto your skin, your clothes, to leave a trail across your body so you could remember everywhere he had touched you, so you could see it when you looked in the mirror.
“How was Mila today? She behave herself all right?”
You startled at the sound of his voice, quickly schooling your face into what you hoped was a pleasantly neutral expression before turning back around to face him. “Oh, yeah, she was great. We had a good day today.”
Frankie – Mr. Morales – smiled fondly at that. “Good, that’s good. No more, uh, meltdowns in the afternoon?”
“No, things have been pretty smooth since we started digging through that article I found. ‘30 Activities to Keep Kids Cool in the Summer’ or whatever. It’s been a huge help.” You chuckled wryly. “Once I figured out a way to let her be outside in the afternoons without running the risk of heatstroke, she’s been great.”
“Right, right.” He settled himself in the chair across from yours, running the side of his fingers across his patchy stubble in thought. “That’s what gave you the idea for the water balloons that one day, right?”
The microwave beeped twice, the golden light inside flickering off, and you grabbed the steaming leftover container as you spoke. “Yeah, exactly. And the sprinkler, and turning paint into ice cubes and using it like chalk.” Snagging a fork from the silverware drawer, you handed both to the exhausted man and slid back into your seat.
He tossed you a grateful smile and dug into the meal with gusto, loosing a quiet groan at the first bite. “Shit, that’s good,” he sighed, dark eyes fluttering closed in a way that had your heartrate spiking. “Thank you for this, cariño. You’re a lifesaver.”
Warmth blossomed in your chest, and you fought the urge to reach out and squeeze his shoulder comfortingly. “Of course, it’s my pleasure.”
Shoving a few more bites into his mouth, he asked, “Didn’t you freeze her Barbies one day, too?”
“Yeah, I did!” It had been one of Mila’s favorites so far of the heatwave-proof activities you had planned for her, and the memory of it had you chuckling. “I took a couple of her dolls and a bunch of their accessories, put them in a few of those sand buckets you guys have in the garage, filled those with water, and then froze them overnight. It took her hours to dig them all out, but hey. It kept her busy, and she didn’t overheat in the process, so I’ll take it.”
Mr. Morales grinned at that, plucking a napkin from the holder in the center of the table, scrubbing it across his sauce-stained moustache. “Incredible. You know, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all the extra effort you’ve been going to with her lately. I know it’s a lot, just looking after her eight hours a day, every day. But with this heat, I know she’s going stir-crazy.” He glanced down at his meal, something almost bashful creeping into his expression. “Pretty sure she gets that from me. Never been real good at sitting still, being stuck indoors.”
“It’s really nothing, Mr. Morales,” you insisted, brushing away the praise with a swipe of your hand.
“No. S’not nothing.” His low voice had gone serious now, and when he glanced back up at you, his eyes were wide, dark, and earnest. “The way you take care of her? The way you always seem to just…know what she needs? That’s everything.” You swore you saw his cheeks darken, swore you saw his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard. “And I told you. S’okay if you call me Frankie. That Mr. Morales stuff makes me feel old.”
You drew your lower lip between your teeth, gaze flicking down to your hands as the intensity of the eye contact became too much to handle. “If you’re sure,” you agreed after a moment. “I don’t want to…presume.”
“Not presuming,” he disagreed, shaking his head. “We’re…friends, right, cariño? Friends can call each other by their first names.”
Something in your stomach ached at his words, but he sounded so genuine, so hopeful that you couldn’t bring yourself to deny him. “Suppose that’s true… Frankie.”
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Fucking Christ.
Maybe that hadn’t been the right call, Frankie thought. Maybe he shouldn’t have suggested you call him that, not when your voice sounded so sweet wrapped around his name, not when the hour was so late, the house so silent, like you were the only two people awake in the world. That kind of intimacy, it was going to give him…ideas.
Eager to distract himself from the moment, he plowed onward. “Well, what was the activity today?” he asked, stabbing another selection of pasta and vegetables with his fork.
You appeared to consider the question for a moment before replying, “Actually, it’s more of ‘show’ thing than a ‘tell’ thing, so if you don’t mind holding that thought for a minute, I’ll show you after you’re finished eating.”
Frankie arched an eyebrow at you, intrigued. “Okay, sure. I can wait. Why don’t you tell me what you’re working on then instead? Something for school, I assume?” He gestured at the impressive spread of textbooks, printed articles, and your open laptop taking up most of the surface of the kitchen table.
Immediately, you launched into a detailed explanation of your current project, a research proposal for your graduate program that would serve as the capstone of this session of summer classes. He would freely admit that he only understood bits and pieces of it, his formal education having ended with his high school graduation, but he always enjoyed asking you about your schoolwork. The way you lit up when you talked about the subjects you were passionate about, your animated gestures, your wide, sparkling eyes, all of it was deeply endearing to him. He loved how passionate you were, the way you chased after your goals with fire and focus. It was one of his favorite things about you, and he felt as though that list might be growing longer by the day.
Your monologue about your research proposal gave him the perfect opportunity to finish his meal, so that by the time you had come to the end of your explanation, Frankie was dropping his fork into the now-empty container and leaning back in his chair, pleasantly full and satisfied.
“Oh,” you gasped, seeming to come back to yourself as you took in his relaxed posture, the little smile on his face. “Wow, I really just went on and on there, huh? Sorry about that, I guess I get a little overexcited about my research.”
“Don’t apologize. I like how fired up about it you get, it’s cute.”
The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them, a little too honest, a little too real, and Frankie braced himself for the shift in your demeanor that was sure to follow. The awkwardness, the clear discomfort at the too-personal words from your employer. But it never came. Instead, your cheeks darkened under his gaze, a flush spreading down your neck and disappearing into the neckline of your oversized T-shirt.
“You…you think I’m cute?” you stammered, voice a bit breathless in a way that had him shifting in his seat, and he felt a fresh flush of sweat bead up on his forehead, just under the brim of his ballcap, at the sound.
He needed to blow you off, he knew. He needed to make an excuse for the comment, turn it into something mindless, something shallow and impersonal, if he wanted to point this conversation back in the right direction.
“‘Course, cariño,” he said instead. “Who wouldn’t? Might be an old man these days, but I’m not dead yet.”
What was wrong with him?
You blinked back at him for a moment, eyes wide and glossy, lips parted in surprise at the confession, but then you were smiling, something almost…flirtatious in the curve of your lip as you said, “You’re not an old man, Frankie. You’re…experienced.”
Oh, fuck him.
This was a dangerous path the two of you were walking, and in that moment, Frankie wasn’t sure what frightened him more: the eventual destination or the fact that you seemed more than willing to travel it with him.
If he was ever going to make it back to safety, he needed to switch gears. Now.
“How about that activity?” he said quickly. “You gonna show me what you and Mila got up to all day?”
Drawing back from where you had started to lean toward him across the table, you shook your head a bit, as though the question had brought you back to yourself. He watched as the softness and the want in your eyes dissipated, and though he mourned it, he knew it was for the best. The two of you had come too close to crossing that line tonight. You both needed to regain your footing a bit.
“Sure. Actually, it should make for a good dessert.” Getting to your feet once more, you crossed to the refrigerator and opened the freezer door, pulling three medium-sized plastic containers from its depths. The clear plastic fogged up the moment it hit the outside air, obscuring their contents, but Frankie didn’t have to wait for long to see what was inside. A moment later, you spread the three containers out on the kitchen table in front of him and began removing their lids.
Inside the containers was a selection of perfectly chopped, completely frozen fruit. The two of you had clearly used some creatively-shaped cutters to prepare the fruit, as some of the chunks were shaped like little hearts, others looked like tiny stars, and still others looked as though a cutter in the shape of a bunny head had been used. One container held little hunks of bright red watermelon in a full assortment of unique shapes, another boasted chunks of pineapple, also uniquely prepared, and in the last container, a medley of green and red grapes had been halved down the center for easy eating.
“What tastes better on a hot day than fresh fruit?” you asked cheerily. “We cut it up together out on the patio first thing this morning so it would have time to freeze. Mila wanted me to tell you that she did the watermelon because it’s pink and that’s her favorite.”
Frankie glanced up at you, meeting your eyes over the frosty containers. “That sounds about right,” he chuckled.
“I ended up having to hose down the concrete by the time we were done, but it made a great snack when it got miserable out. She was going back and forth between the sprinkler and her bowl on the patio all afternoon.”
He grinned at the image you painted, thinking of his little girl in her pink bathing suit, wild brown ringlets wet and clinging to her scalp, grass sticking to her feet as she danced through the spray of the sprinkler, darting back to grab a hunk of watermelon or a frozen grape, the juice dripping from her little fingers.
“Help yourself,” you encouraged, sitting back down across from him. “I’ll have some with you.”
He quirked an eyebrow at you. “Shouldn’t I…grab us some forks?”
You shrugged, that fucking grin making its way back onto your face. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”
And with that, you fluttered your fingertips over the container of frozen grapes, plucked one from the pile, and slipped it into your mouth with a satisfied sigh. You might have started chatting then, might have begun asking him if he had any fun plans for the upcoming weekend and offered a summary of yours in return, but Frankie hardly heard a word of it. He was too preoccupied with your…snacking.
The plushness of your lips, the little peek of your slick, pink tongue each time you opened them, the way you seemed to allow the fruit to linger in your mouth as it defrosted. Heart-shaped watermelon had pale pink juice spilling out of the corner of your mouth, making it halfway down your chin before you delicately swiped it away with the tip of your middle finger. A pineapple star had you smiling softly as you enjoyed the burst of tartness over your tastebuds.
And those grapes.
Those goddamn fucking grapes, with their slick, frosty skin and their subtle, gentle sweetness – those you softly, almost absently traced over the seam of your lips before slipping them inside. Like you were savoring the sensation unconsciously, like the cool wetness of them quenched something in you that you weren’t even aware required attention. They made your mouth glisten in the low light, the shine of it so tempting he was certain that he hadn’t looked away from it in several minutes now.
In the back of his mind, he knew he needed to get ahold of himself. There was no way you hadn’t noticed; he had to be making you uncomfortable by now. But he just…couldn’t. God, you looked good enough to eat, with your messy hair and your sun-pinked cheeks and your bright eyes and your soft, bare legs.
A droplet of sweat traveled down the side of his face, streaking down his temple, his jaw, his neck.
Your mouth looked cool, and it looked sweet.
Frankie startled at the sound of his name on your tongue, and his gaze snapped back up to your eyes instantly, a wicked flush blazing up the back of his neck and over his skull in mortification. Shit, you had noticed him staring, this was such a major fuck-up –
“Hm? What’s that, cariño?” His voice came out weak and raspy, like his throat had gone dry, and he cleared it loudly.
“I was saying, you don’t want any of the fruit?” You looked him over with wide, innocent eyes, and for the first time, Frankie realized that he hadn’t taken a single bite.
“Uh. A-Actually, I think I might be too full at the moment,” he stammered, bringing a hand up to pat himself across the belly in excuse.
The little confused quirk of your head told him immediately that you didn’t believe him. Scooting your chair across the hardwood floor, you came to sit directly next to him and gently scolded, “Frankie, you’ve been out working in this heat all night. You need to rehydrate. Here, you have room for a few pieces. Open up, okay?”
One of those slick, dewy grape halves appeared between your thumb and forefinger then, and the next thing he knew, you were holding it out to him. Not to take with his own hand, but to eat. It was a mere hairsbreadth away from his mouth.
Unable to formulate a suitable protest, his brain suddenly feeling rather detached from his body, all Frankie could do was drop his jaw and allow you to slip the fruit inside.
The pads of your fingers touched the soft, sensitive skin of his lower lip, and that was when he was certain that not only had his brain seemingly walked away on its own, it had turned fully off. That was the only explanation he could come up with for why the moment he registered the delicate touch, he immediately seized your wrist in one of his fists, dragging your fingers fully into his mouth.
A loud, feminine gasp met his ears as he swiped his tongue between your fingertips, stealing the frozen fruit from your grasp, pressing it firmly against the roof of his mouth to squash it, and quickly swallowing it down. His tongue returned to your skin, lapping at the frost and the condensation and the delicate, sweet juices coating your fingertips, and he watched as your eyes glazed over at the sensation. Your wrist went limp in his grasp, your fingers pliant, never once attempting to withdraw, and the ball of heat that had been brewing in his gut all night suddenly reached a fever pitch as he realized that you liked this.
Cock twitching in his jeans, he drew your fingers from his mouth. Both his eyes and yours followed the fine trail of saliva that stretched from his lip to the tip of your index finger, and he heard your swallow heavily at the sight.
“Frankie,” you whispered weakly.
And then his restraint abandoned him just as his mind had, and before he could think better of it, his hands were cupping your face and dragging you bodily to meet him in a hard, messy kiss.
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Francisco Morales kissed like he did everything else – with intention, with competence, and with a raw, simmering fire that lingered just below the surface just waiting to be unveiled. To be stoked. To be nurtured.
The presence of that fire had your squirming in your seat, had your neck bending back on your shoulders in submission to the intensity of his assault. His thumbs, long and thick, pressed into your jaw from either side, wrenching you open, and his tongue slipped inside, immediately seeking your own with a desperation that drew a soft, muffled moan from your throat. Your own hands flew to the sweat-damp collar of his polo, and you dug your fingers into the fabric, holding him, keeping him just as fiercely as he kept you. Your heartbeat thundered in your ears, pulsed between your thighs, growing sensitive and tender there when wetness bloomed.
With a low, rasping groan, Frankie broke the kiss and began tracing his prominent nose across your cheek, along the edge of your jaw, down your bare neck.
“You taste so fucking sweet, querida. Cold and…delicious and…perfect.”
Punctuating his words with hot, open-mouthed kisses across your skin, his voice rough and raw and sounding like the confession had been dragged from his chest against his will, it was enough to have sweat breaking out on the back of your neck, behind your knees, at the base of your spine.
“Frankie,” you breathed, threading your grip into his hair, curling his dark brown locks around your fingers, scraping along his scalp. “Please – ”
His hands dropped from your jaw then, sweeping around the width of your hips and hauling you into his lap. Instinctually, your thighs spread to bracket his waist, the weight of you coming to rest on his spread-legged lap, and you couldn’t help but moan at the thick, hard press of him against the softness of your cunt.
“This okay, baby?” he murmured against your skin, nuzzling against the neckline of your shirt, broad palms dragging down over your ass to hold you down, press you to him.
You whimpered and felt your body going soft, warm, and pliant beneath his touch. “Mm hm!” Hips hitching, grinding against him of their own accord, you pulled his face back up to meet yours, smothering your own gasps and whines in his mouth.
It didn’t last long, however. After a few quick licks against your tongue, Frankie pulled away, pressing his forehead against yours and knocking his Standard Oil cap to the floor.
“Uh uh, need to hear the words, cariño. Won’t do anything you don’t want me doing.” Wrapping his fingers around your messy bun, he angled your face down so that your heavy-lidded eyes met his. “I’ll ask you again. You want me touching you? You want me to make you feel good?”
Your eyes drifted shut, your mind gone warm and hazy. God, the things this man did to you. Did he know how long you had wanted this? How hard you had fought against it? He couldn’t know. If he did, he would never ask such a question.
“Yes, please, Frankie,” you gasped, nodding against his hold, brushing the tip of your nose against his.
“Yes, please, what, bebita?” You could hear a smirk in his voice now, and the sound had you flushing down to the tips of your toes, a fresh rush of wetness soaking your panties as you squirmed against him.
Tucking your face against his sweaty neck, you whispered, “Please…please make me feel good.”
Frankie was on his feet in an instant, boosting you into his arms in a move that had your stomach dropping down through your abdomen both in shock and in arousal. He backed you into the table, your hips bumping into the wooden edge, and the snap of pain had a brief flash of clarity flying through your lust-filled brain fog.
“Frankie, my books – ”
The older man swore under his breath – “fuck, right” – before changing course, bringing you instead over to the arm of the peninsula that extended out into the room from the edge of the kitchen. Kicking one of the two barstools out of the way, he dropped you unceremoniously onto the countertop before dragging you down for another kiss.
He ate at your mouth like a man starved, sucking on your lips, dragging his teeth across your skin, licking against the roof of your mouth. It was wet, sloppy, and so hot, his desperation contagious, encouraging you to match him caress for caress. No one had ever kissed you like this, like the kissing was the main event rather than a means to an end. Frankie kissed like that was the entire point, and it had you melting against the counter. You were dripping through your shorts now, you were sure of it.
“Can taste all that fruit on your tongue. Sweetest thing I ever tasted,” he growled, keeping his voice low. “But I can think of at least one other thing that might be even sweeter.”
Jesus fucking Christ. Your boss was going to eat you out on his kitchen counter.
“Lean back, bebita.” The words were spoken against your cheeks, brushed into your skin by the suddenly tender touch of his lips, the rasp of his whiskers, the press of his chin. “Let me take care of you.”
You did as he asked, releasing your hold on his broad shoulders and sinking back onto your elbows. The granite was cool to the touch, sending goosebumps along your arms and down your spine, but the sensation was a welcome one after the oppressive heat of the day, the heat of his body on yours.
His palms snaked beneath the hem of your T-shirt, bunching it up onto your belly to reveal the waistband of your shorts. Hooking his thumbs into the elastic without preamble, he murmured, “Lift your hips a bit for me, baby.” Again, you obeyed without question, and with a few short tugs, Frankie pulled both your shorts and your slick-stained panties down your legs to drop to the hardwood floor.
You felt a fierce blush flare in your cheeks, spreading down your neck and chest with a speed that had you gasping for air. The ceiling fan over the kitchen table – you could feel its breeze from here, the cool rush of air instantly pulling a shiver from you as it hit your wet, swollen pussy. You kept yourself bare in the summer, finding it easier and less stressful whenever you wanted to wear a swimsuit, and laid out like this on display, thighs spread around Frankie’s broad body, the cold fan hitting your most vulnerable skin, you couldn’t help but feel a bit…overexposed. The reality of your situation hit you like a freight train, and you found yourself fighting the urge to snap your legs closed against the eyes of your boss.
It was as though Frankie could read your mind. Not a moment after the thought occurred to you, you felt his big hands clamp onto your thighs and pull them apart even wider.
“Don’t you dare try to hide from me. She’s so fucking beautiful,” he tutted, and you risked a glance at his face only to find him staring intently down at your cunt. “You been walking around my house with a naked pussy like this all summer, baby? Dirty girl.” His dark brown eyes had gone almost black with lust, his irises only a faint ring around his wide pupils, and in a gesture that seemed entirely unconscious, he darted the tip of his tongue out to wet his bottom lip. He looked utterly fascinated. Entranced. Hungry. The sight had your walls clenching around nothing, and you watched him watch that happen with an eagerness that had you moaning aloud.
When he spoke again, he was a man in thrall. “‘M gonna eat this pretty pussy now, querida. Gotta be quiet for me, okay? Don’t wanna wake Mila.”
You nodded, bringing one of your hands up to cover your mouth preemptively. This man was going to have you screaming, you just knew it. Flicking his gaze up to yours for just a moment, he grinned wickedly at the sight.
“That’s a good girl, baby,” he whispered, and then his face was in your cunt, and you felt your every coherent thought fly out the window.
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If Frankie had thought that your mouth tasted sweet, your tongue like candy, then your pussy was fruit on the vine, straight from the vineyard, drenched in sunshine. It was hot, deep, and rich, earthy and tangy and drugging, like a late summer afternoon, like a hazy day in August. This had always been one of his favorite things to do with women, one of his favorite ways to please them, and never – not once – had it ever been like this. From the moment his tongue touched your delicate, dripping folds, he knew – there would be no going back from this. Not for him. He couldn’t experience something like this and not crave it every day for the rest of his life.
He started with soft, light strokes with tip of his tongue, tracing just the very edges of your lips from down near your entrance all the way to the top of your mound. Then again, slowly pressing deeper but never with any more than the faintest pressure. Even so, you responded instantly, a panting, high-pitched whine sounding behind the press of your palm over your mouth. Your hips bucked against his mouth, trying to increase the pressure, to draw him further into you, but he had one of his arms bracketing the span of your hips before you could make much progress.
Driving you firmly into the countertop, he held your knees open with the breadth of his shoulders and boldly dragged the flat of his tongue through your folds. “Keep quiet, now, bebita. I’m gonna take care of you.”
With that, Frankie felt himself begin to disappear, to melt into you from his position between your legs. Your soft thighs bracketing his shoulders, your heels digging into his back, your pussy, so soft, so hot, so sweet as you dissolved beneath his tongue. You were drooling for him, your clenching, grasping hole fluttering against his tongue every time he passed over it, your clit swollen and throbbing under the suction of his lips. You had collapsed back against the countertop now, one hand still pressed firmly over your mouth, the other burying itself in his hair, anchoring him to your body with a strength he found both surprising and wildly attractive. And with every lick, every suck, every vibration of a moan that spilled from his mouth into your flesh, he could feel you drawing higher, tighter, deeper.
He knew what you needed. He knew what would get you there.
Tucking his free hand beneath his chin, Frankie slipped one, then two thick fingers into the tight, velvety clutch of your cunt.
You shot up off the counter, your torso curling around his head, your hand in his hair fisting the strands roughly in your overwhelm. Sharp bolts of pain erupted across his scalp, but it was a welcome sensation, somehow grounding in its intensity. He smirked against your folds, sealing his lips around your puffy clit and rolling the little nub around with his tongue. At the same time, he pressed gently, insistently against the front wall of your cunt, applying steady friction and pressure with both fingertips.
A faint whimper slipped from you at that, muffled by your palm but not silent, and Frankie felt himself preen. God, he loved this. It wouldn’t be long now.
“You gonna come for me? Gonna let me feel her gush around my fingers? On my tongue? Hm?”
The hand on your mouth fell away, joining the one in his hair as you began to tremble beneath him. “Frankie,” you whined. “‘M gonna – you’re gonna make me – ”
“I know, baby, I know.” He kept his fingers right where they were, shallow thrusts, firm pressure right where you needed it most. “Just let it happen. I’ve got you.” Ducking his head back down to your clit, he resumed the combination of gentle suction and firm, long strokes that had driven you wild.
And just like clockwork, your thighs began to shake against his shoulders. Your abdomen clenched beneath his forearm. Your slick, soft walls clamped down around his fingers. A weak, breathless sound – “ah” – burst from your throat, and then you were coming. A rush of your wetness dripped down his fingers, coating his hand, pooling in the cup of his palm as you pulsed and fluttered around him, and Frankie could feel your poor, abused little clit twitching against his tongue. He worked you through it, slowing down a bit but not stopping, prolonging the torment just a bit longer. Only when your two hands buried in his hair started to shove against him, pushing him away, did he relent, and even then, it took him an extra few seconds to be willing to slip his fingers from your body.
Looking up into your face, Frankie felt a wash of joy and contentment pass over him. You were positively glowing – your skin flushed and ever-so-slightly sweaty, your hair wild and mussed, your T-shirt bunched up above your belly button, so much of your perfect softness on display. And you were grinning like a fool, your eyes showing your fatigue but your smile brighter than he had ever seen. You looked at him with a gentleness, an affection that had his heart clenching in his chest, and he was certain that his expression was much the same.
It had been years since he had felt this way about anyone, and even then, he wasn’t certain it could compare.
When you sat up and slipped from the counter, it was a slow and lazy affair, assisted by his firm grip and his steady arms to help keep you upright. The moment your feet hit the floor, you reached for his belt with a question in your eyes, to which Frankie responded, “Not tonight, querida. Tonight was about you.” You seemed somewhat disappointed by that response, but you didn’t push it. Instead, you simply pulled his head down for a kiss, which he gladly obliged. You sighed into his mouth at the taste of yourself on his tongue, and it took every ounce of strength he had in him not to take back what he had just said, to drag your hands back down to his belt buckle and allow you to proceed as you wished.
But no.
It was late. You needed to get home and get to sleep, and he needed to wash off the heat of the day before passing out in his own bed. There would be a little girl busting down his door at 7:00 AM tomorrow whether he was ready for her or not, and you would be back in this very kitchen by 8:00 eager to share a cup of coffee with too-sweet creamer before he left for work.
So, like the gentleman that he wasn’t certain that he was, Frankie helped you slip back into your little shorts, pack your overflowing bookbag, and carry your things out to your car.
You turned to him one last time before you slipped into the driver’s seat, a soft if uncertain smile playing at the corners of your lips. “Mr. Morales – Frankie, I…” You drew your lower lip between your teeth. “Thank you. For tonight.”
His heart melted at your words, the quiet, hesitating way you said them. It was a vulnerability he wasn’t accustomed to from you, you who always seemed to have it all together, you who matched his advances beat for beat, never wavering. “Don’t need to thank me, baby. I wanted to. You take such good care of me, of Mila. You deserved it.” Releasing a deep, trembling breath, he added, “And…I’d like to do it again sometime. If you’ll let me.”
“That depends,” you replied.
“Yeah? On what?”
Your soft, sweet smile morphed into something sharper then, something with more intent. “On if you’ll let me return the favor. It’s like you said…I want to.”
Frankie couldn’t have reigned in the grin that split his face then if he tried. Dropping a kiss to your forehead, he said, “‘Course, cariño. I’m not done with your sweetness just yet.”
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zepskies · 1 month ago
Outlander - Part 2
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x OFC 
Summary: Dean Winchester has been stripped of his military rank, but he’s living happier with his new wife, trying to adjust to a new life in her tribe. What will it take for her people to accept him, especially when the battle for her heart might not be completely won? 
AN: Here we go! Diving deeper into Dean's (mis)adventures, plus a big Protective Dean moment...
Disclaimer: I first got inspired to write The Honorable Choice for @jacklesversebingo after a recent rewatch of Spirit: The Stallion of the Cimarron (with a tinge of Yellowstone in the mix). I’ve done a fair bit of research for this now ongoing series, both on the Native American Lakota tribe, and on American history during this time in the late 1800s; AKA: the Old West, during the American Indian Wars.
Jacklesverse Bingo24 Prompt: Western AU
Song Inspo: The Spirit Soundtrack
Word Count: 6.4K
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only. Mentions of attempted sexual assault (not graphic). Protective Dean, survival situations, derogatory name-calling, hunting (in the traditional sense), angst, blood and violence, hurt/comfort, and romantic fluff and spice.
🐎 Series Masterlist || Bingo Masterlist
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Part 2: What is Home
No matter how Dean tries, somehow he never makes his mark with the arrow. His boot even slips on the tree branch he was perched on, and he falls straight into the mud from this morning’s rain shower.
The other six men wait for him on the ground, and they laugh at him. 
Otaktay is the ringleader today, as he is whenever Šóta isn’t here.
“Get up, wašíču. Watch close,” Otaktay says, in his limited English. He and Takoda smoke their long pipes leisurely and blow smoke rings up in the air.
Fat taker. Greedy White. By now, Dean knows what that means, and it’s worse than Outlander. It makes his jaw clench and his temper spike.
Otaktay gives Takoda his pipe to hold, then reaches behind his back for his bow and an arrow from his quiver. Dean has noticed that the other men’s bows look a bit bigger than his, but Otaktay called it a “training bow.”
He notches his arrow, pulls it back and lets it fly. It hits up into the tree and spears an apple, pinning it to the trunk.
It’s an impressive move, but Dean just picks himself up and cleans most of the mud from his hands. He knows Mila will have something to say about making a mess of the clothes she made for him.
“All right, fine. I am what I am,” Dean says. He meets Otaktay’s gaze head-on. “But I’ve still been hunting all my life.”
Dean used to keep his knife on his belt, but now he wears the pants and tunics the other men wear, and they either strap their weapons in a leather holster around their thigh or to their ankles. Dean unsheathes the knife he keeps strapped to his thigh. 
And he throws it hard. It cuts straight through a branch and brings an entire bunch of apples to the ground by Takoda’s feet; he even has to jump to avoid them landing on his head. The others murmur to each other, begrudgingly impressed. 
Except for Otaktay. His face remains stoic. 
A whistle breaks the tension in the forest clearing. It’s Šóta, who joins them, coming through on his horse. 
“How is the hunt going?” he asks in English, raising a brow over at the wild boar that lies in the grass. Otaktay and the others killed it this morning, so he’s the one who speaks first. 
“The Outsider will bring a whole bunch of apples to feed his wife. How satisfying,” Otaktay says, with a dry edge of mocking. Dean’s jaw clenches, but he tries not to rise to the bait. 
“Maybe he satisfies her in other ways, brother,” Šóta says. “Maybe that’s why he has a wife, and you don’t.” 
His tone is teasing, but is there a reproaching edge there too? Dean’s lips tug upwards, slightly; he sees that Otaktay simmers at the dig, but he doesn’t dare say anything against Šóta.
“Hey!” Takoda calls out. He points at the boar they mean to take back to the village. A mountain lion slips closer down from a tree. He sinks his teeth into the boar’s thigh and begins to drag it away, farther into the forest.
The sight of the wild cat spooks the men’s horses grazing nearby. Even Baby scatters along with them, braying in distress. But the men hustle into action. Even with mud still clinging to his clothes and his skin, Dean grabs up his bow and arrow and runs to grab his fallen knife. He whistles to Baby and calms her down enough to climb up onto her back. 
The others have already done the same with their horses and are chasing the mountain lion into the woods. It zips up a tree, and Šóta, Otaktay, and the others aim their arrows high. They wait and listen. 
Otaktay releases his arrow first. The cat’s angry shriek fills the clearing from above.
“You got him,” Šóta says.
“Winged him. He’s not dead,” Otaktay says. His brows furrow as he listens closer. 
The cat jumps from the tree and takes Dean to the ground. Baby brays and stamps around, and Dean has to both avoid her hooves and try to keep the mountain lion from sinking his claws or his teeth into his neck. 
Šóta’s eyes widen, but he springs into action by whistling to the men and raising his bow. Before he can shoot, he has to stop short at what he sees. 
A moment later, Dean rolls over and heaves the lion’s dead body off of him. His knife comes out of the animal’s chest, slick and crimson with blood. It runs down his muddy shirt as he pants and heaves for breath.
Šóta gets down from his horse, running his disbelieving eyes over the scene.
Dean looks up and finds a hand offered to him. His gaze travels up further and meets Šóta’s. His eyes are an even darker brown than Mila’s. Dean takes his hand and accepts the help to his feet.
The other men hesitate, stunned into silence, but they get down from their horses and help Dean and Šóta heft the dead animal onto the latter’s horse. They will take it, along with the boar they retrieve from up in the tree, back to camp.
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Mila returns to camp not long before the men. She meant to start prepping for supper, but she becomes sidetracked while playing Chase with the children. As one of the few young women still without children of her own, she tries her best to give the mothers a break in the afternoon, so they can finish washing, mending, cooking, or even just having a rest for themselves. 
Watching their joy, and even helping them up when they fall and cry, makes her wonder when she will finally be blessed with a child. She hopes they will have Dean’s eyes, so pretty and green.
When the men return, she raises her head breathlessly and smiles. It soon dims, however, as she catches sight of Dean. She gets to her feet and ushers the children back to their mothers before she goes to meet him. 
He gives her a sheepish look when he gets off his horse. Her mouth drops open at seeing him covered in mud and sweat and blood. 
“It’s not as bad as it looks,” he says, trying to placate her with raised hands. She ignores that and touches his chest, her palms splaying down his stomach as she tries to find a wound. She finds more tears and scratches through his soiled clothes, but no real wounds. Still, she’s not satisfied yet.
“What happened?” she asks. 
“Just a little trial by fire, sweetheart,” Dean says. He grasps her arms to placate her. “Everything’s okay.”
Otaktay pointedly looks away from the scene and moves on along with the other men. Šóta notices, but he goes to his cousin.
“We encountered a thief,” he says, gesturing to the body of the mountain lion they brought back for tonight’s meal. “Dean Winchester not only caught the thief, but made an example of him.”
Mila raises her brows and looks to Dean, as if to say, Is this true? He offers a smile and a shrug. She smiles back.
Šóta rides on, but he glances back and sees how Mila dotes on her husband, touching a gentle hand to his cheek.
In return, Dean holds her by the waist and talks to her with a warmth in his eyes that he only has for her. Or at least, that’s what Šóta finally sees.  
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Mila and Dean head back to their tipi, where she grabs a fresh change of clothing for him. 
“I could’ve gotten it,” he says. 
“You’ll track mud inside,” she points out wryly. She holds the bundle of clothes for him on their way to the river. “All you do is give me mending to do. You can’t keep clean, can’t keep from hurting yourself, can you?”
Dean knows her well enough now to realize her griping isn’t all that serious. She was just worried.
“I guess not,” he says, trying to hide his amusement.
She gives him a stern look, but with that cheeky look of his, she can’t stay upset for long. Her face softens into an exasperated smile, and she gestures towards the river. “Go. Wash yourself up. I will have supper ready soon.”
Dean grabs her hand and makes her drop the change of clothes in the grass. 
“Only if you come with me,” he says. He grabs her and aims to toss her over his shoulder, but she squeals in protest. 
“Dean Winchester! I’ll have nothing to wear if you drop me in the water!” 
Dean pauses, his lips tugging at a smirk. “You make a decent point, but I’m just wondering, do I really care if you’ve gotta walk back naked?” 
“Dean!” she giggles, hitting his shoulder. 
He chuckles and sets her down, but he still doesn’t let her leave. By now, she doesn’t want to. He starts helping her undress, followed by him peeling off his disgusting clothes. He hooks an arm around her waist and hauls her with him into the water. She laughs and tries to escape him by splashing water in his face, but he just spits it out. He chuckles and wipes the excess droplets.
He slips his arms around her waist, holds her tight and floats with her for a bit. He takes in a deep breath and finds peace here with her here in the sun-warmed water. She’s become his peace.
Mila takes his face in her hands and kisses him slowly. When she pulls away and their eyes meet again, she smiles.
“I am proud of you,” she says. “Not just for today, but for every day that you stand strong.”
Dean’s lips quirk with a reluctant smile. He doesn’t take praise very well, but her words make the weight on his shoulders feel a little bit lighter. Holding her flush against his chest, every soft, familiar curve is pressed against him. He leans in and captures her lips again.
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That evening, the tribe gathers for a feast prepared by the Chief’s wives, Mila, and her mother Weaya to celebrate the warriors’ highly successful hunt.
Šóta watches his cousin with her Outlander husband. Dean follows her lead in divvying out portions of the meal, but still at times with a supportive hand on the small of her back. He even takes the large, hot bowl out of her hand to help serve her and her family—including Chatan, who accepts the offered bowl without a word.
Dean Winchester doesn’t sit until Mila does. They talk together with her mother and the others, though Dean mostly keeps to himself while the women chat. He occasionally responds to a direct question or comment, but overall, he seems content to listen. He’s starting to follow more bits of conversation in their language.
At the end of the meal, he stands with Mila and helps her collect bowls that will be washed. The man is confident, but not prideful. He’s hardworking, self-reliant, and has the makings of a warrior. 
However, Šóta is not the only one who watches his cousin and the Outlander.  
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Šóta pulls Dean aside after breakfast the next morning. He takes Dean back to the forest, beyond where the horses are kept in their pen, and puts his own hunting bow in Dean’s hands.  
“Feel the weight of it,” Šóta says. “Does it seem like yours?”
Dean considers it, testing out the strength of the bowstring. “No. It feels heavier.”
“Because it is. We gave you a training bow for children,” Šóta says. He takes the bow from Dean and brings him the one he had tied to a satchel on his horse. “I will give you this one. It belonged to my half-brother, Takoda, before he made his own. I made it for him, and now I give it to you.”
Dean takes the bow. Šóta’s right, it’s taller and heavier than the first one they gave him. Of course they tried to trick him by giving him a kid’s bow. He tries not to be too annoyed about it, because it looks like Šóta’s warming up to him, at least enough to actually train him.
“Thanks,” Dean nods. He runs a hand over the bow and admires the craftsmanship of the wood, smooth and chestnut colored. He already has a quiver full of arrows he’s made himself, but first, Šóta corrects his stance and his posture.
“Your body knows the movements of hold, aim, and shoot, but you think too much,” he says. “How you shoot an arrow is not so different from a gun.”
Dean raises a brow. He begs to fucking differ.
Reading the skeptical look on his face, Šóta smiles.
“My father once told me, ‘A weapon is a weapon is a weapon,’” Šóta continues. “The way you use it might be different, but your mind is the same. Think like the river. Calm and free, yes?”
He throws Dean a thumbs up—something Dean taught him a week ago. Šóta just hasn’t gotten it quite right yet. 
“A river ain’t always calm,” Dean points out. He should know. He almost died on the river in his journey here.
Šóta thinks for a second, tilting his head. “That is fair. Here, let me think of something better—”
“It’s okay, I think I get it. I just gotta relax a bit, is that it?”
“Yes, but stay focused.”
“I can focus. I just need you to back up a little.”
Šóta raises his hands in surrender. He takes a couple of steps back and gestures at a tree to use for target practice. Dean centers himself.
“Remember to breathe,” Šóta says.
Dean shoots him a glance. Again, Šóta holds up his hands, then crosses his arms, pressing his lips together. Dean shifts his gaze back to the target, and he lets out a deep breath. Then he lets the arrow fly. 
It hits just shy of the tree’s center. 
Šóta smiles, giving him another “thumbs up.” 
“Good. Now, again,” he says.
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The morning slowly dips behind the clouds into a golden afternoon. Šóta helps Dean catch and roast a couple of fish by the river, which cuts through the forest. Its waters are choppy and shimmering with the light.
This forest used to run almost all the way to the Black Hills, before the U.S. government began its work on the railroad. The tribe has had to move their village more than once out of self-preservation, like they did when Dean came to them. 
He felt bad for it at the time, but he’s also grateful they made that precaution. The last thing he needs is to run into his old unit, let alone for the army to find out he’s still alive. And the last thing he wants is to endanger these people, especially his wife and her family.
He finishes off his second fish and glances over at Šóta.
“Look, I appreciate your help, but…I’ve gotta wonder why,” Dean says. “You don’t like that I’m here either.”
Šóta pauses in his chewing. He swallows before he answers, looking over at Dean in the eyes.
“It doesn’t matter if I like you,” he says. “You are the man who brought Kimmímila home alive. So, I help you.”
Dean nods. He can respect that. He looks down at the half-eaten meal, then at his hands, calloused and worn. They hold the weight of his past, his choices, and also the man he’s trying to be.
“I won’t hurt her,” he says.
The simple truth is that he’d give his life for hers. No hesitation.
“I know that, Dean Winchester. That is the other reason you are still alive,” Šóta says, with a slight smile. “You are brave. I will give you that.”
Dean smiles. “I guess there’s no winning over the others, is there?” 
At that, Šóta pauses. “You are doing better than you think. The others see you aren’t afraid. They see you work hard, and you try to respect our ways. You just don’t know them. They don’t know you.”
“I get it,” Dean says, nodding. “Like, uh, Otaktay. Right?”
“Ah,” Šóta rubs his clean-shaven chin. “You will have a harder time with him.”
Dean quirks a rueful smile. “What’s his deal?”
“His deal?” Šóta questions.
“His problem,” Dean elaborates, “with me.” 
Šóta sighs sharply. “Our men are warriors bred. Otaktay. His name means, ‘kills many.’”
Dean raises his brows. He slowly inclines his head.
“Riiiight. Of course.” 
“Names have power, Dean Winchester. Otaktay takes his name like a challenge he will win, but he does it to protect our tribe above all else,” Šóta says.
If that weren’t enough, the man levels Dean with a more serious look.
“But there is something else you should know.”
Dean doesn’t think he’s going to like whatever’s coming next. He nods, wordlessly urging Šóta to continue.
“Otaktay has always watched my cousin, admired her spirit and her beauty,” he says. “Mila has known this, and maybe she would have accepted him, had she known…but he planned to ask Chatan, my uncle, for Mila’s hand.”
Dean’s chest tightens, as does his frown. “What happened?”
“She disappeared,” Šóta replies. “When Mato was taken, she couldn’t accept it. She left the village to find him against my uncle’s command. Then she found you.” 
Dean isn’t exactly surprised by that. His wife is many things, defiant chief among them. Also, it makes a lot of things make even more sense. It explains her father’s tough outer shell, and clearly, it means he’ll have to keep a sharper eye on Otaktay.
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She had been successfully avoiding him, until now.
Mila had just left the horses after helping Takoda feed and brush them, and she was planning to wash up before helping her mother and some of the other women cook for the entire tribe again this evening. Today is the last moon of the summer months, and so they’ve been preparing the wild game that the men had hunted for the past two days. Tonight, they will have an even greater feast.
She feels a shadow at her feet as she ventures through the village. They’re getting bigger as a tribe, harder to move when they need to, and it’s more mouths to feed, but it’s also a good thing. Despite all the challenges the past few decades have brought, their people are enduring. 
However, Mila pushes these thoughts to the back of her mind when she feels a prickling down the back of her neck. It’s followed shortly by the strong hand that closes on her wrist, and the man that calls her name. 
She gasps and whips around. He’s there, gently shushing her. She glares at him and tries to pull her hand out of his grip. 
“Ota,” she snaps. “What are you doing?”
“I just want to talk to you,” Otaktay says. His brown eyes are earnest, but he doesn’t let go of her hand. “You have been avoiding me.”
“I can’t be any more honest than I have been,” Mila says, and finally she manages to free herself from his grasp with a sharper tug. “Enough of this.”
She begins to walk away from him. The distance between the horses’ corral and the village is short, just over the gentle slope of a grassy hill and down below…but her cousin isn’t here. Her husband isn’t here. Otaktay believes this is his only chance—his chance to make her see reason. He stops her again, this time with his words.
“Do you think it will be that easy?” he says. “The Outlander will bring death upon us all.”
Mila stops short. She turns on her heel to meet him with a glare. 
“His people think he’s dead,” she says.
Otaktay approaches her with slow, measured steps. “And what if they find him here? Every day their iron caravans invade our lands. Every day their patrols come to take from us, to destroy us. How many of his own do you think he will kill for you?”
He raises a pointed finger. “And your children. Your children with that man will be cursed. Forever in the shadow of two worlds, forced into one, and hated by the other.”
His words pin Mila to the ground by her toes. Her body stills, because she’s shaken deep within. She doesn’t want to believe him, but she also won’t admit that these are the thoughts she’s tried to push from her mind. What she wants most of all is a family of her own. She wants it with her husband. 
But is it fair?
To them.
To him.
To her people.
She doesn’t know, and for that, her lips tremble. Her eyes burn with tears and she raises a trembling hand to her mouth. 
Otaktay draws closer and attempts to hold her hands, but her brows crunch in anger. You!
She pushes him in the dead center of his chest, so hard that it unbalances him. He’s surprised by her ire, and that satisfies her. She shoves him again, more forcefully this time, but he manages to hold his ground. 
She doesn’t give him the chance to try and placate her. With a cry of effort and frustration, she slaps at his face with all of her strength. It whips the man’s face to the side and even makes him stumble. He raises a hand to his cheek in disbelief. Already his tan skin is reddening, both from the mark of her anger, and from his own.
When she goes to shove him again, he grabs her by the arms to try and subdue her. Her tears are beginning to blind her, but she doesn’t care. The way he holds her tightly makes a flash of dread coil in her stomach.
In her distant mind, she knows Otaktay wouldn’t willingly hurt her. But his grip reminds her of Roman, the officer at Fort Laramie, who took advantage of the way she was tied to a post in their camp. She remembers his rough hands, the wood pressing into her spine. She remembers his hot breath and his chapped lips trying to claim her, his knee pressing between her legs.
Her own breaths come out in shallow gasps as that well of dread grows in her chest, rising into her throat to choke her. Mila punches wildly at Otaktay’s chest and rakes him with her nails. He finally grits his teeth and grabs her tightly by the hair. 
“Enough!” he shouts in her face. 
She matches him, her voice echoing in the clearing. “Let me go!” 
“Not until you calm down!”
He takes her face in his hands. Looking down into her tear-filled eyes, wild and devastated, he begins to feel remorse; but there too is desire and jealousy, deep and twisted together in the oily dark of his soul. Otaktay believes he’s only been selfish once in his life. Kimmímila is that one.
“Let go!” she shakily demands. She struggles against his hold and tries to run away from him, even though she used to run with him, ride with him through the forest on horseback and across the grassy plains instead of doing their chores. He tries to remind her of it now when he bows his head to kiss her. 
He finds himself ripped away—shoved hard enough to land stumbling into the sun-hot grass. 
“Dean!” Mila gasps. She reaches for her husband, even though the clenched set of his jaw and the tightness in his broad shoulders make her wary. She’s not afraid of him though. She just has a terrible feeling that she knows what’s coming next. 
Dean turns his attention to her first, a firm, but gentle grasp of her shoulder.
“You okay?” he asks gruffly. 
She nods, brushing away tears from her cheek. She holds onto his hand. “Yes.”
“Okay, stay back,” he says, releasing her.
She tries to stop him from advancing on Otaktay, but Šóta holds her shoulders with a grim look on his face. He guides her back and at his side. He and Dean have come on horseback. They jumped down to help her. She doesn’t know that they heard her and Otaktay shouting from several yards away, their voices carried on the wind.
Dean hadn’t been able to understand the words, but Šóta’s sense of urgency and the shrill, angry panic in Mila’s voice spurred him on, urging Baby to a full gallop down the hill. Seeing her tears was one thing, but while he saw Otaktay, in his mind, Dean also saw the night that Roman tried to force himself on her.
The rage that compels Dean now is different from the anger he had then. Back at the camp, he was just doing what he felt was right. Today, this is a protective call for blood. 
Otaktay had barely gotten back to his feet, but the upward swing of Dean’s fist cracks across his chin and sends him back down to the ground. He seethes, with blood in his teeth, but he angrily swipes Dean’s legs from underneath him. It becomes a grapple for leverage as the men tussle in the grass, trading swift punches. Otaktay kicks Dean hard in the stomach to gain some distance, rocking back onto his feet. Dean stumbles slightly, but he does the same.
“Stop!” Mila shouts in protest. Šóta holds her back. Despite her wildness before, she doesn’t want either of them dead. She fears more for her husband, but not because she doesn’t believe in him. She’s afraid of what will happen if Otaktay is killed. 
He plays dirty, spitting in Dean’s face. Dean matches by throwing an elbow into the other man’s throat, grabs his arm, then pivots and heaves him over his shoulder onto the ground. For a moment, Otaktay lies there winded on his back. Dean pins him there with his heavier weight bearing down on him. 
Otaktay sneaks a hand from the sheath strapped to his thigh and twists a knife into his hand. Šóta and Mila both see it, him with a tight frown and her with widening eyes.
She calls out in alarm, but Dean reacts fast. He strikes at Otaktay’s wrist and grabs his arm. A swift elbow and Otaktay’s knee in Dean’s gut forces him to the side, heaving a grunt. Otaktay gains the better position as he presses a knee right over Dean’s chest. He grunts at the impact; it threatens to break a rib. The knife becomes poised over Dean’s face in the struggle, nearing his neck. 
“Otaktay!” Mila calls out sharply, a warning and a plea all at once. 
He hears her. For just a second, he allows himself to glance up at her and see what lies in her eyes. He knows her fear is not for him. 
Still, anger overcomes his heart. He calls out a battle cry and puts his entire strength into bringing the knife down. Dean allows it with gritted teeth, but he positions his hands in just the right way to guide the man’s arm just to the right of his neck, slicing shallowly into his skin. The knife sinks into the earth.
Dean throws a punch that lands across the Lakota’s cheek, then another, and it allows him to kick the man in his ribs, sending him backwards with a heavy grunt. Dean grabs the knife out of the ground, and when he rolls onto his feet, he slashes at the other man’s chest. It isn’t deep enough to be fatal, but it’s enough to make him bleed red rivulets. 
Otaktay works harder than ever, trading blows and kicks that Dean can’t always dodge. But eventually, Dean hooks a boot behind the other man’s ankle and unbalances him enough to drive him to the ground. He shifts the position of the knife and brings it flush to Otaktay’s throat. 
His eyes widen; he never expected to be bested by the Outlander. The sharp edge of the blade bites into his skin, cutting a thin line of blood dripping down to his collarbone.
They’re both heaving for breath, sweaty, bloody, and bruised. It’s then that Dean realizes that they’ve attracted a small crowd. At the center of it is Chief Tahatan. He’s watching closely, his face unreadable, along with one of his wives. A few men stand beside him, namely Mila’s father, Chatan, Takoda, and some of the women too. Šóta whispers to them, explaining why the men are fighting.
Even Dean knows that by the customs of their tribe, he’s well within his rights to end this the way his hand in itching to—by sinking the blade into Otaktay’s jugular. Maybe it will finally earn him respect. Maybe it won’t. 
He glances up and finds Mila’s eyes. She stands frozen with her heart in her throat. All she sees is him. And she’s the only one Dean means to answer to. 
He raises the knife—and he brings it down into the earth beside Otaktay’s head.
The warrior inhales sharply, his brows furrowing in shock and confusion. He stares up at Dean, who looks down at him with the remnants of jaw-clenching anger. In that moment, they come to an understanding. 
Dean pulls back and straightens up, with just a small shake in his bowed legs. His gait steadies as he makes his way back to his wife. 
Šóta lets go of Mila so she can go to meet Dean. She runs her hands over his chest and arms, trying to find injuries she may not have seen before. Her fingers trace around places that are already becoming bruises, but Dean just holds her, taking pains to soften himself. His arms around her are secure, but not too strong. She’s just grateful that he isn’t hurt too badly.
“You okay?” he makes sure. 
Mila nods, despite the tears shining in her eyes. “Yes.”
Her parents watch them closely, even though the couple doesn’t realize it.
Behind them, Takoda shakes his head at his friend, but he dutifully helps Otaktay to his feet. Šóta crosses his arms and levels him with a cold look. 
“Take him to Eyota,” he says. 
“Yes,” Tahatan agrees, his voice deep and grave. “Tell her what her son has done here.”
The rest of Otaktay’s anger drains when he looks up at his chief. He says nothing, and can’t hold the older man’s gaze for long. He reluctantly leans on his friend to help him up and over the grassy hill, down to the village. The others gathered there wait to see what Tahatan will do next. He approaches Mila and Dean. 
“A good man protects his family above his own life. A warrior protects his tribe, even at the cost of blood,” Tahatan says. He looks directly at Dean. “But an honorable man knows when to show mercy.”
Dean’s heart begins to beat fast again. He hadn’t known that his choice was the right one, until now. He’s able to keep his head high without being arrogant. He just isn’t sure what he’s supposed to say. 
“Dean Winchester, you will be called Ikíphi,” Tahatan declares.
Dean blinks in surprise, and also confusion when he notices the way Mila begins to weep silent tears. He tightens his arm around her waist in a wordless question, but she just smiles at him.
“Uh, what does that mean?” he whispers the question to her.
She opens her mouth to respond, but her father is the one who answers. Chatan rests a hand on his daughter’s shoulder.
“Worthy,” he says. 
He meets Dean’s gaze and holds it, giving him a nod of acknowledgement. Dean gives the gesture back to him in kind, and to Tahatan as well. Then Chatan takes his leave, walking back to camp with Weaya, Šóta, and the Chief. The others whisper Ikíphi, offering their nods of respect to Dean before they follow suit, until it’s only Mila and Dean left in the clearing.
She pulls out of his hold just to take his hand. She looks ahead rather than at him.
“Come,” she says. 
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Something’s wrong. Dean knows it in his gut.
He and Mila bathe together in the river again, but even though she helps him by washing his back, she’s quiet and distracted. He asks her if she was hurt. She tells him she wasn’t. That’s the only time she looks him in the eyes. 
Later, they return home thoroughly exhausted. Dean starts up a small fire for the coals to help dry them off the rest of the way. 
“There is a feast tonight,” Mila reminds him while she sits on the bedding, brushing through her long, damp hair. Dean sits near the fireplace and uses his knife to shave. He glances her way and lets out a deep breath. 
“I don’t know if I’m up for a party,” he admits. 
She surprises him by agreeing. “I’m tired too. I think Tahatan will understand if we stay in.”
Dean quirks a brow. She loves it when the tribe comes together for mealtimes. For days, she’s been telling him about moon feasts—the music, the games, the antics her cousins get up to, performing stories for the children and whoever else indulges them. 
So Dean gets up and goes over to her. He swipes her hair aside and lays a kiss on her shoulder. She keeps brushing her hair, so he keeps up his path of kisses along her neck, nibbling her ear. She laughs a little and flinches at the ticklish feeling, making him smile. He wraps his arms around her from behind, and she sighs, succumbing to the feeling of him warm at her back. She settles against his chest. 
“You sure you’re okay?” he asks. 
Her smile fades, though he can’t see it. “I should ask you that.”
“I’m fine, baby,” he says, shaking his head. 
“Well, maybe you should not be fine,” she says in a smaller voice. 
Dean pauses, his brows furrowing. “What do you mean by that?”
Mila gently pushes his arms away from her. She stands up and creates distance between them. She crosses her arms to hold herself, not even daring to look back at him. 
“I mean that…maybe you should go home, back to your people,” she says. She manages to keep her voice steady, even though she’s breaking her own heart.  
Dean gets up to his feet, alarm and unease coiling in his stomach. He grasps her elbow and comes around to see her face, and when he does, he sees the truth. Tears shine in her eyes, slipping down with every blink. His furrowed brows ease somewhat, but he still needs answers. He holds her by her arms and stares into her soulful brown eyes.
“Mila, what’s going on? Your family, the Chief, even your dad—they’re all starting to accept me now. Isn’t that what you wanted?” he asks. “What happened today, it’s a one-off, okay? For damn sure, Otaktay’s not touching you again—”
“It’s not that,” Mila says with a sniffle. She holds herself tighter, trying not to let Dean’s concern, his touch, or the intensity of his green eyes affect her so much. 
“Today we have peace, but how long will that last?” she says. “And…and our children. Will they be accepted too? Or will they never find their place, caught between two worlds, but never belonging to either one.”
Mila succumbs to quiet, shuddering sobs. Her trembling hands try to cover her face from him.
Dean’s face gentles. He feels like he’s been kicked in the chest (again). He gathers her to his chest and holds her closely. In the entire month he’s been living here, he hasn’t thought too much about kids. Not in any real way…
Well, okay. Maybe he has, whenever he sees Mila caring for the children of the village for their mothers. Or when they run past him, laughing, playing imaginary games. He would smile, remembering how he and Sam used to drive their mom crazy tearing around the farm when they were little. 
In fact, the thought warms him now. Dean cradles the back of Mila’s head and runs his fingers through her hair. He imagines her holding a little boy who has her dark hair and eyes, and maybe Dean’s chin. He thinks she’d be a good mom.
I wish Mom could meet her, he thinks.
“Sweetheart, look at me,” he says. He pulls away so he can see Mila’s eyes again, honey-brown and shiny with tears. “I can’t go home. I’m already here.”
Mila can’t help but soften, her lower lip trembling. He caresses her cheek; a gentle thumb brushes away stray tears. 
“So it might get harder,” he says. “Maybe we are doomed to fail. Or just maybe, our kids are the ones who are gonna make the peace stick.” 
Mila’s fingers curl into his shirt. She holds onto him, and he can see that her reservations are finally breaking down. He squeezes her waist and earns her gaze on him. 
“All I know is, you’re my wife ‘til the day I die,” he says, more firmly. “I’m not going anywhere without you. You understand me?” 
Another watery path finds its way down Mila’s cheek, but she wipes it away. Her sweeter smile peaks through, along with the amused gleam in her eyes. 
“I understand,” she replies. Her voice is mostly steady; the small quake is no longer uncertainty, just heartfelt emotion. “You take your vows seriously.”
“That’s right,” Dean nods, his lips hinting at a smile. “And you promised me something too last night, remember?”
Her brows furrow as she considers the question. But then, it dawns on her. 
You will never be alone.
Her small smile returns, and she nods.
“Yes. I’m sorry…I should not let fear blind me to the truth.” She takes his hand from where it lies on her waist, and she guides it to rest over her heart. “You live here now, in my spirit.”
Dean has never heard the words I love you said quite like that before. It warms places inside him that he didn’t know were all that cold and dark. For her, he could try to put into words what that means to him, but words aren’t his strong suit. He’s never been that good at letter writing or giving speeches. That, he always left to Sam, or Benny. 
Above all, Dean is a man of action. 
He takes her face gently in his calloused hands, and he kisses her. He gives her everything in that all-consuming kiss, and he hopes she understands what he’s trying to say. 
I’m home.
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AN: This might feel like the end, but we have two more parts left! As you can see, Dean's doing his best lol. Do you think he made the right choice with Otaktay? There might be more drama ahead, plus, a special guest finally joins the cast...
Next Time:
Her smile drops with a sharp inhale of breath. 
She hears hoof falls on the earth. A horse treads nearby. 
Slowly, she lowers the wet clothing back into the basin. She sees two reflections growing on the water: a horse and a man. The man gets down from his horse first. 
“Hey there, miss—”
Mila swiftly turns and unsheathes the knife she keeps strapped to her ankle. 
Pronunciation Guide:
Wašíču ("wash-ee-jew") Šóta ("sho-tah") Chatan ("chat-tan") Tahatan ("ta-hat-tann") Otaktay ("ogh-tac-tay") Weaya ("we-ayy-ya") Takoda ("ta-koda") Mato ("matt-toe") Misae ("mee-sah-eh")
▶️ Keep Reading: PART 3
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Series Tag List (Part 1)
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @mostlymarvelgirl
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@deans-baby-momma @sanscas @kaleldobrev @spnwoman @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
@globetrotter28 @adoringanakin @midnightmadwoman @chevroletdean @iprobablyshipit91
@chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @spnfamily-j2 @pieandmonsters
@deansbbyx @sarahgracej @chernayawidow @mimaria420 @stoneyggirl2
@fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like @waywardxwords @waynes-multiverse @twinkleinadiamondsky @mxltifxnd0m
@my-stories-vault @kayleighwinchester @rizlowwritessortof @samslvrgirl @tortureddarkstar
@tmb510 @syrma-sensei @artemys-ackles @malindacath @mrsjenniferwinchester
@jc-winchester @charmed-asylum @fromcaintodean @k-slla
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97 notes · View notes
fanaticsnail · 6 months ago
It's been a while
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 2,900+
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Synopsis: Trafalgar Law has been missing his favorite courier, so at the encouragement of his first mate, he is prompted to do something about it.
Themes: Trafalgar Law x Box "Cottontail" Mila, fluff, long distance relationships, fluff, hurt / comfort, pining, longing from afar, den-den mushi, Law is tired, Law is missing his special person.
Notes: This is my half of the trade organized through the OC Discord Server for @bloglop and her beautiful OC, Mila. She gave me such a cute art piece for my Tobiuo x Heat 'Teat' ship, and I love it. I hope you like my half for your beautiful Mila! Divider by @/firefly-graphics.
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Warmth swelled within the cool heart of the dark-haired captain, his chest ignited beneath the blaze of anticipated relief. Honey eyes briefly widening, they relax as his smile illuminated his cheeks with an emotion Trafalgar Law had not allowed himself to experience in so long. He knew it; he saw it every day of his life growing up in Flevance. His parents had it when their eyes met in the early hours of the day, he saw it in his sister’s eyes when she looked at her favorite desserts. 
Trafalgar Law was in love. 
Rolling on her heels to the balls of her feet, the twitching anxiousness was demonstrated within the grip of parchment clutched against her chest. Another delivery for the Tang: likely the recipe exchange Penguin set up between Sanji and Killer at the last meeting with Strawhat crew and the Victoria Punk.
“Mila,” Law sighed, his voice feeling foggy at the edges, echoing within the halls of the Polar Tang. He shook his head, shrugging off the tension and apprehension from his mind as he picked up speed. 
Trying not to seem overeager in seeing his lover so close to him fled his thoughts, he physically couldn’t contain it any longer. He needed Mila in his arms, embraced fully against his chest and lifted up into his arms. 
He wanted her, needed her, craved her in a way that felt like a part of him was missing: a part only she could fill with her presence. That little laugh, that soft stutter when she’s trying to hold her enthusiasm back, the way her ears would extend and tail would protrude when she was nervous, the buzz of life that illuminated and vibrated with excitable static. He craved to have all of that within his arms, lips touching so intimately close: sharing breaths and heartbeats as he entwined himself against her in an encumbering embrace. 
His feet carried him closer, further and faster than he could ever dream of. Ignoring the wind-smudged faces of his crew, Law simply sprung hurriedly towards Mila like an iron ball from a cannon barrel. 
Turning slowly towards her, the orange-hue of her widened orbs lit up and rose with her smile behind it. Expending her arms towards him, Law couldn't help but spring to close the distance between them. Hoisting her into the air, and with a large twirl to expel all the parchment from her tanned satchel. The pages seemed to float beside them as if meeting with water, held in stasis beside them while Law met his eyes against hers. 
Inked hands pressed at the back of her neck, toying with the finer hair growing at the base of her scalp, he drew her into his face. Lips finally colliding, he seared into her all emotion he craved to give her through his intense kiss. Expecting the common softness to her lips, his brows furrowed where all he could feel was a coarse scratch on his skin. Parting his mouth and deepening his kiss, her lips tasted of ink blotches and black coffee stains. He shook it from his thoughts, holding on tighter and refusing to be pried from her, her embrace felt different. 
“Law?” Mila’s voice ricocheted within his mind: sounding muffled as if forced to speak with a muzzle over her lips. Shaking his head, he gripped her tighter and more intently. Hands roaming and wandering, her skin felt cool to the touch and almost like steel. 
“Law?” her voice sounded several tones too deep, prompting Law to almost break away from her lips pressed against his and look up into her eyes. But he couldn’t, he was too overwhelmed by the fact she was hare, and she was finally back, to care about anything else. 
Mila’s hand gently reached up and grasped his shoulder, pinching and rolling the flesh between her perched digits. Shaking him from her, her strength managed to pull him away from her and force his eyes to fall on hers. 
All he could see in lieu of his lover was a sheet of pale paper with stains of ink and black coffee. 
He had fallen asleep at his desk once again. After too many sleepless nights of peering over the edge of the Polar Tang, hoping the figure beyond the horizon was a small blotch of pink blur, he finally fell prone to the melody of sleep. Thin, paper pages stuck to his face as he jolted upright, looking immediately to the large, white fur that clutched onto his shoulders. 
“Just me, Captain,” Bepo sighed softly, a small amount of sorrow caged at the corner of his tone, “I'm sorry I'm not Mila. It's-... It's been a while, hasn't it, sir?” The Polar bear mink gently reached for the page affixed to Law's face, peeling it from his skin and placing it back down in a neat pile in front of him. Several words from the parchment transported onto his skin, words in reverse staining his pores by marking his face with its blotches. 
“It's… it's been a while, yeah,” he chuckled dryly, drawing his thumb and index finger up to pinch his eyes in a bid to pry the sleep from them, “M’sorry, Bepo. How long was I-?”
“-You need to call her, sir,” the first-mate spoke over his Captain. Bepo’s dark eyes seemed to command him, prompting Law to feel taken aback by the notion. He was not used to the large bear giving him commands, and making a call to his lover seemed an odd thing for him to get up in arms about. 
Law sighed, smearing his hand down his face before taking his chin in his hands. Although Law seemed to raise a smile to his lips, there was no real joy in his expression. He was truly lost, a man without direction and plagued with more sleep deprivation than he was truly able to withstand. 
“Look, Bepo,” Law chuckled, drawing his hand down to the desk in front of him, “I don't even know where she is right now. She could be legions away-.”
“-She’s on Komugi Island, delivering the outcome of a contract for intention for betrothal,” Bepo stated in a matter of fact way, fishing up the slumbering transponder snail and placing it on Law’s desk, “She’s staying at an accommodation close to the Charlotte’s. Call her. Please call her, sir.”
Law groaned at the pushiness of his first mate, rolling his eyes and reaching for the transponder. Tapping the shell awake, he offered it a small piece of lettuce he kept on his desk for it in payment for being awakened so abruptly. Looking up at Bepo, he shook his head with his exhaustion hanging on the small puffs of his elevated eye-bags. 
“There a number I need to dial?” Law asked Bepo, who hastily spat the digits immediately. With a small grunt in gratitude with a hidden and flustered smile, Law waved Bepo away from the room and excused himself to the company of himself and the snail. 
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Gently rolling onto her back, Mila toyed anxiously with the ends of her blush-colored hair. The accommodation on Komugi Island made her feel more dwarfed than ever, and she was relatively tall. The land of giants, with a tyrant overlord that could potentially lose their temper with the outcome of Mila’s delivery, was otherwise quite welcoming. The minister of flour ensured her safety, the room was comfortable, and the food was incredibly sweet and playful. 
The one thing that she felt truly absent from this experience was her friend and lover, the captain of the Heart Pirates. She wanted to be with him a little more often lately, but she wasn't quite sure why. There was something in the way her heart sang to him in the quiet hours.
Her body became rigid as she rolled over to her side to move within a curled position beneath the blankets. She drew up the linen material in a bid to press more weight into her. The warmth provided beneath the blankets was comforting, but it wasn't what she truly wanted. 
She wanted Law. 
Her job had her darting her lanky legs around all of the blues and beyond: hopping between ports within the grand line, and sprinting as a courier to deliver packages in a timely manner. She had formed connections, made bonds, curated an eclectic assortment of clients, and was a trusted ally to all those who depended on her services. She was good at her job, and her reputation by word of mouth shepherded her everywhere. 
But it didn't manage to take her to the Polar Tang for some time. She missed it. The yellow submarine piloted by her beloved, hat-wearing, broody captain that she hoped cherished her as much as she did him. She loved him, and wanted to stay with him and hold him within his quarters and his office until she was certain he would eventually become sick of her. 
It had been a while since Mila had experienced love in her heart, and when she met and learned about Law, it hit her like the reputable ‘gum-gum-pistol’ from their Straw-Hat ally. Love hit her so hard, she almost felt like her legs would buckle beneath its weight every time she saw him. 
But, unfortunately for the both of them, she still had a job to do. She hoped she would come across someone who was in need of a courier to deliver a package to the Tang, but for now, she lay quietly buzzing with energy beneath the weight of the heavy duvet. 
The Zoan-Fruit user always had trouble sleeping when facing a trial like this. A client may be disgruntled by a letter, and often want to keep her around to formulate an appropriate response to send back. Mila would get stuck in the crossfires often, and remind them softly: ‘I am just the courier, but I will ensure to relay your objectives when I deliver your response.’ She was nothing if not professional, and professional, she was. 
Struggling to find rest, Mila scrunched her eyes shut and focussed on the sounds of her environment. Sizzling plates from the restaurant outside, the chirp of sweet bug song, the thumping of her anxious blood flooding her face, the soft purr of her carrier snail ringing on her desk-.
-Mila jolted upright, throwing the duvet off her body with the expectation that her client was calling her into the main keep to relay her response to the outcome of the betrothal. Putting on her best ‘professional’ voice, Mila took a deep breath as her lips curled around her words. Just as she tasted those first syllables on her tongue, she halted at the voice on the other end. 
“Cottontail? You there?” 
She froze. Her skin almost buzzed with the haste her shock managed to sizzle beneath her flesh. Each follicle stood like static ignited the ends of her pink tufts as her eyes flew wide. Lip quivering, hastily split her lips up into a radiant and broad grin. 
“Law?” She almost squeaked, managing to compose herself enough to answer tastefully, “I’m here. I was just about to turn in for the night.” She heard Law gently huff out a curse alongside a subtle whisper of ‘time difference, I'm an idiot,’ which rose a flutter in her chest. 
Silence fled from the Den-Den, an awkwardness once again present between the two of them. Neither spoke, nor made a single sound to alert the other was present. The only knowledge that another person was on the end of the transceiver was the fact that it was their snails we're awake. 
As Mila plopped down on her bed once more, the snail tucked against her pillow and laying comfortably on the heavy linen, Law had managed to sneak into his personal quarters from his office, gently doing the same. 
Law’s personal Den-Den buzzed gently as he lay his head down on the pale cerulean silks of his firm pillow. Considering his earlier doze, he was still feeling groggy and lethargic while his head felt heavier than what his neck could truly carry. Rolling onto his side, he blinked his heavy eyelids and spoke softly into it. 
“What are…? What are you up to right now?” Law asked barely with a breath, his inhale and exhale softening out at the corners. He could almost feel Mila’s smile through the snail, picturing her face as his eyelids finally grew too heavy to remain open. 
“I'm in bed, talking with you,” Mila offered gently in return, lulling him into a soft tranquility with her voice. Law smiled, nuzzling against the bedsheets and drawing up his legs to become more comfortable. He hummed a small chuckle in return with a light flush rising in his dark cheeks. 
“You're right here with me, are you?” Law’s question ignited Mila’s cheeks with that rosy tint he loved to see with her fluster. 
“I'm right there,” she confessed with a little shrug in her shoulders, neatly tucking herself within her blankets and nestling them around herself. Gently rising her question in her chest, she felt the small amount of fluttering anxiety swelling her heart, truly wanting him to answer honestly and truthfully. “Are you…? Are you here with me too?” 
Not even a beat of a butterfly's wing passed between them as Law graced her with his answer. 
“I'm there. I'm right there beside you, and,” Law halted his words, taking his time to stretch his lips through a yawn of exhaustion, “I'm gonna be there with you until the morning. Are you tired?” 
“I'm not tired at all, are you?” Mila asked in response, trying to choke down the emotion at the ease his response gave to her. Through this trip, this trial of delivering such an important contract with the Charlotte's and the response they got from the recipient, it truly weighed on her. The exhaustion that came from it, the sorrow she felt at the lack of deliveries with the Tang, the way she truly wanted nothing more to be curled up in Law's quarters and listening to him talk about the latest addition to his coin collection - everything felt so raw at this moment. 
At such an innocent and easy question, and hers in return, she felt the well of emotions rise up in her chest and swell behind the closed dam of her teeth. 
Almost in a sense only captain's and doctors seemed to comprehend, and in the comfort Law truly wanted to receive from his beautiful courier, he whispered against the microphoned end of the snail. 
“Mila, I need you to talk,” he confessed to her, feeling the weight of his own release, “I need to hear your voice, I need to hear about your day, and I need to-...” He choked on his admission, feeling heavy and vulnerable as he laid in his bed, “...I haven't been able to sleep properly. I need to sleep, and you… You always seem to be able to help me switch off. Can you do that for me? I promise it won't take long-.”
“-I’ll do it, Captain,” she cut him off, her eagerness causing Law to chuckle in a low tone. “I'll talk your ear off, and I won't stop even if you beg me to.” Mila tucked herself completely in, laying on her back, and thinking where in her journey she should start her tale.
Recounting the initial retrieval of the response from the recipient of the Charlotte family’s proposal, she began spurting a relay of every event that transpired from there. Traveling the seas, running as fast as her legs could take her, meeting Charlotte Linlin and her sons: Oven, Cracker, and Katakuri, she spoke on it all. 
Every syllable the pink-haired Zoan-Fruit user was a sweet melody to the exhausted captain. Mila would ask questions to gauge where he was in his exhaustion, and Law would go from asking a question in return, to a one-worded answer, to a small grunt or moan in response. 
As Mila spoke on, the slow blinks from Law’s eyes opening a crack would reveal his Den-Den shell in one moment, before dissipating to see Mila in all her cottontail glory beside him in the next. She was there, truly there, and he felt every second of it. The scent of her perfume, the warmth of her skin, the softness of her hair, the smile on her lips: she was right there as she spoke within his mind’s eye.
Smiling, his chest rose and fell with each passing moment Mila would speak to him. He was prompted to set internal reminders to order some flour and sweets from Komugi island for the crew, utilizing Mila's service and giving her a reason to be with him. His rationale dictated it would be good for morale, and Penguin would appreciate the fresh produce.
Whereas all Law wanted was Mila.  As he drempt, all he pictured was the waves of lengthy pink hair from the back of Mila, holding her close in his dreams as she spoke. 
The next morning, he woke to hearing the soft rustle of Mila’s snores from the disgruntled and sleep deprived Den-Den snail, prompting him to give it a look of softened pity. A few small gentle taps to the eyeballs of the snail seemed to cause it comfort, so he continued to do so while he moved it over to the desk in the corner of his quarters. 
He waited until she woke naturally, truly reveling in the way her little sleep sounds were truly and distinctively hers. This only spurred him on to craft a finer arrangement of items he invented to guide her home to him. He wanted her home with him.
Their home, together, right there on the Polar Tang.
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the---hermit · 2 months ago
2024 reading wrap up
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books I read (rereads in green):
Nature Human Nature And Human Difference by Justin Smith
Resurgir curated by Lorenzo Incarbone
Sandman: Overture by Neil Gaiman
The Pornographer by Restif De La Bretonne
Storie Brutte Sulla Scienza by Barbascura X
Only Dull People Are Brillian At Breakfast by Oscar Wilde
A Day Of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon
The Ballad Of The Reading Gaol by Oscar Wilde
Notes On Camp by Susan Sontag
The Prince And The Dressmaker by Jen Wang
Oh! Il Libro Delle Meraviglie by Leo Ortolani
Dubliners by James Joyce
The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen
Il Grande Ratolik by Leo Ortolani
Emmeline Pankhurst by Mariapaola Pesce and Paola Zanghi
Babel by R.F. Kuang
Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu
Her Body And Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado
The Vampyre by John William Polidori
Passage On The Secret History Of An Irish Countess by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
The Daughtest Of Salem by Thomas Gilbert
Rita Hayworth And The Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King
Gideon The Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
The Mysterious Study Of Doctor Sex by Tamsyn Muir
Apt Pupil by Stepehn King
Harrow The Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Nona The Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Miti E Leggende Dei Celti by Mila Fois
A Psalm For The Wild Built by Becky Chambers
The Southern Book Club's Guide To Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix
Quando Muori Resta A Me by Zerocalcare
Storie Di Merda by Barbascura X
Richard II by William Shakespeare
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
Norse Mythology graphic novel volume 1
Norse Mythology graphic novel volume 2
A Prayer For The Crown Shy
short stories by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Something Is Killing The Children volume 7
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio
Life Isn't Binary by John-Meg Barker and Alex Iantaffi
Dream Hunters by Neil Gaiman
My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix
The Hollow Places by T. Kingfisher
L'Idea di Medioevo by Giuseppe Sergi
Due Racconti di Vampiri - shoet stories by Frederick Cowles
The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher
What Moves The Dead by T. Kingfisher
The Fall Of The House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe
The White People by Arthur Machen
The Road - the graphic novel adaptation by Manu Larcenet
The Willows by Algernon Blackwood
A House With Good Bones by T. Kingfisher
What Fiests At Night by T. Kingfisher
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison
Interworld by Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves
L'Importanza di Chiamarsi Oscar Wilde by Licia Cascione and Tommaso Vitiello
Questioni di un Certo Genere by il Post
The Lord Of The Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
Storia Degli Stati Sabaudi by Andrea Merlotti and Paola Bianchi
I Belli Hanno Rotto Il Cazzo by Barbascura X
Lolly Willowes by Sylvia Townsend Warner
This Is How You Lose The Time War by Max Gladstone and Amal El-Mohtar
The Adventures of Amina Al Sirafi by Shannon Chkraborty
Genderqueer by Maia Kobabe
The Forbidden Harbor by Stefano Turconi and Teresa Radice
Sacred Bodies by Ver
Seghe Mentali Cosmiche by Barbascura X
Costituzione by Maurizio Floravanti
Bi by Julia Shaw
Governo by Paolo Colombo
Graveyard Shift by M.L. Rio
A Babbo Morto by Zerocalcare
Fortunately, the Milk by Neil Gaiman
A Dog's Heart by Mikhail Bulgakov
the books I have dnf-ed:
The Last Man by Mary Shelly
Venerdì 12 by Leo Ortolani
The Dreamchatcher by Stephen King
Night Man by Leo Ortolani
La Donna Senz'Ombra by Hugo von Hofmannsthal
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hss-appreciation-events · 5 days ago
HSS Appreciation Week 2025: Official Masterlist + What's next going forward!
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Thank you to @choicescommunityevents for helping promote this!
First, a message from host @cadybear420:
I want to start off by once again giving a huge thank you to everyone who participated in this event. As the Choices/Pixelberry fandom has been shrinking, it always saddened me that Choices HSS seemed like it'd become one of the more relatively niche sub-fandoms. While it may be one of the more "vanilla" titles, there's still a lot of heart and effort that has gone into it.
The MCs and main casts of HSS generally tend to unify the community of Berry High, bringing together students of all types. And with this event, my goal was similar– to bring people together for some well-deserved HSS Appreciation. Whether you're more of a HSS Prime fan, a OG Choices HSS fan, a HSS:CA fan, or not as familiar/involved with HSS... it's been fantastic to see everyone give some love to this series one way or another. I can say for sure that this event was indeed a success.
And a message from host @lover-also-fighter-also
Hi all
First of all, a huge thank you for all the people who have contributed to this HSS appreciation week and have made it a success through their artwork/edits/writing.
It's been really amazing to see that this series is still well loved and received by many members of the HSS fandom and it has been wonderful to interact with you all and to bring us all together with common ground.
What to look out for in the future:
HSS Appreciation Week 2026!!!
HSSAW 2026 will likely take place around the same dates as this year's event did, but that's not for certain. We'll try to have the next year's event dates announced by the start of November.
Character-Specific Appreciation Events!
An Emma Hawkins Appreciation event for 2025 (event blog still pending) will be taking place on August 9, her canon birthday!
Aiden Zhou Appreciation Week 2025 ( @aidenzhouappreciationweek ) will be taking place sometime in October! The events dates should hopefully be announced by the start of August.
Maria Flores Appreciation Day 2026 ( @mariaflores-appreciation ) will take place on February 3, her canon birthday!
Other HSS Themed Events!
We wanna keep the HSS love going strong. Nothing is set yet as we're still coming up with what exactly such events would be and how we'd go about doing them, but stay tuned!
Got a HSS-Related event of your own that you wanna host?
Please let us know! We're more than happy to promote and/or collaborate on it!
Got any ideas for other HSS Themed events? Or ideas for things to add to HSSAW (like different prompts, etc)?
By all means, send them to us!!! We're happy to hear suggestions!
And now, without further ado...
The HSSAW 2025 Masterlist!
If you have something you wanted to submit for the event but didn't quite get to doing, don't worry! We're accepting submissions until the end of 2025.
Discretion Guide: • 🔥 = Contains Sexually Mature/Suggestive Material (but not Explicit) • 🔞 = Contains Explicit Sexual Material • ⚠️ = Contains Sensitive/Triggering Topics • 🚨 = Contains Graphic Depictions of Violence, Death, or Physical Harm
[Event Blog Archive Link in case of anyone's blogs getting deleted]
Angel Lee (OG HSS MC): by @pansexy-choices-the-sequal
Jeremy Rin (OG HSS MC): by @lover-also-fighter-also
Jordan Lee (OG HSS MC): by @aallotarenunelma
Mila Delgado (HSS:CA MC): by @lover-also-fighter-also
Molly Quinn (HSS:CA MC): by @storyofmychoices
Philip Marten (OG HSS MC): by @lilyoffandoms
Ria Monero (OG HSS MC): by @lover-also-fighter-also
Riley Blake (OG HSS MC): by @storyofmychoices
MASTERPOST: Erica Vine (OG HSS MC) and Juniper Woods (HSS:CA MC): by @myautumnrose
MASTERPOST: Gala Moschen (HSS Prime MC), Elisa & Elena & Edurne Connor (OG HSS MCs), Halley & Teddy Buchaneer (HSS:CA MC & Twin): by @rosesnink
MASTERPOST: Gala Moschen (HSS Prime MC), Elisa Connor (OG HSS MC), Halley Buchaneer (HSS:CA MC): by @rosesnink
MASTERPOST: Jordan Price (HSS Prime MC), Evie Ayana (OG HSS MC), Cher Lee (HSS:CA MC): by @cadybear420
MASTERPOST: Sarah (OG HSS MC) and Ellie (HSS:CA MC): by @ladylamrian
Aiden and Angel Neck Kisses: by @pansexy-choices-the-sequal
Aiden and Evie at prom doing a prom photo: by @cadybear420
Aiden in f!MC's Pool Party Outfit: by @cadybear420
Aiden in his Marching Band Outfit: by @cadybear420
Aiden in Level 10 Girl Marching Band Outfit: by @cadybear420
Aiden performing piano for Angel for the first time: by @pansexy-choices-the-sequal
Aiden stopping Angel from committing homicinde on Terrence: by @pansexy-choices-the-sequal
Angel first playing sax and Angel playing sax at Berry: by @pansexy-choices-the-sequal
🔥 Angel giving Aiden some stress relief: by @pansexy-choices-the-sequal
Angel playing saxophone and Aiden starting to fall in love: by @pansexy-choices-the-sequal
Caleb x Erica: by @myautumnrose
Erica's Growth (Art and Headcanons): by @myautumnrose
Ezra and Myra: by @pansexy-choices-the-sequal
Myra: by @myautumnrose
Philip, Evie, and Riley: by @lilyoffandoms
James Bond AU!Aiden: by @cadybear420
Aiden + Aiden/Evie Plushie Dolls: by @cadybear420
Darlene Plushie Doll: by @cadybear420
Evie Plushie Doll: by @cadybear420
Gala Plushie Doll: by @cadybear420
Mila Plushie Doll: by @cadybear420
Skye + Skye/Mila Plushie Dolls: by @cadybear420
A Slice of Red Velvet (Ria x Maria): by @lover-also-fighter-also
⚠️ Bloom Into Color (Erica): by @myautumnrose
Monkey Bars (Ria x Maria): by @lover-also-fighter-also
Rolling On Forward (Aiden x Evie): by @cadybear420
Seasons of Life: A Poem for Evie: by @cadybear420
The Song of Love (Ria x Maria): by @lover-also-fighter-also
Tigers Always Stick Together (Erica x Caleb): by @myautumnrose
Aiden and Skye: A Power Pair: by @cadybear420
Cher as the Witch in the Enchanted Kingdom Play: by @cadybear420
Evie as the Knight in the Enchanted Kingdom Play: by @cadybear420
Evie with Purple Hair: by @cadybear420
Evie-loution (Edits and Headcanons): by @cadybear420
Riley at Hollywood U (Edit and Headcanons): by @storyofmychoices
Aiden Through the Years (Meikers and Headcanons): by @cadybear420
HSS MCs and Growth (Picrews and Headcanons): by @rosesnink
Into the OG HSS MC-verse (Picrews and Meta): by @cadybear420
Maria's College Style: by @lover-also-fighter-also
Ria through the years (Meikers and Headcanons): by @lover-also-fighter-also
Family Dynamics Ask Game: 🪢😤⚔️🌍🙏🤔1️⃣🔮💛🤗🤢 for Evie and Cher: by @cadybear420
Family Dynamics Ask Game: 🏈😡😉🎖️for Evie and Cher: by @cadybear420
Family Dynamics Ask Game: 🏈😤 for Evie, Cher, Alan and Samara: by @cadybear420
Sarah and Evie + Sarah/Michael Aiden/Evie Double Date Idea: by @ladylamrian
Aiden Moodboard: by @lover-also-fighter-also
Caleb Moodboard: by @lover-also-fighter-also
Emma Moodboard: by @lover-also-fighter-also
Maria Moodboard: by @lover-also-fighter-also
Michael Moodboard: by @lover-also-fighter-also
Aiden's Super-Cunt Supercut (Screenshot Compilation): by @cadybear420
Aiden Character Assessment: by @lover-also-fighter-also
Maria Character Assessment: by @cadybear420
The Key Reasons to Why I Consider OG Choices HSS So Great: by @cadybear420
OG Choices HSS Calendar Calculations: by @cadybear420
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galatially · 7 months ago
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𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 / 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 / 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 — 𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧 x 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐫&𝐛 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 — through rain or through shine, our love transcends; dick surprises you on tour 
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 — 1.9K
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐃𝐍𝐈, 𝟏𝟖+, strong language, mostly fluff MOSTLY, friends to lovers, smidge of jealous!dick, heavy makeup session,
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — i might go back and change the ending later but for now, enjoy!
as always, lovely banners and dividers by @firefly-graphics​ 
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“How are y’all feeling tonight?”
The crowd erupted into raucous applause and screams. All of their love, all of their devotion, you felt it in the air. Like electricity running along your skin. 
Ever since you were a little girl, you wanted to sing. You sang in the church and school choirs, took vocal lessons, and taught yourself to play the piano, guitar, and the drums. By the time you were in college, you took a few music production classes and had started up a YouTube channel. 
It took almost three years before your channel got any traction but you were no stranger to hard work. By the fourth year anniversary of your channel, your songs had been used in two major television shows and you were nominated for three Grammys. 
But you’d be nowhere without your fans. You could remember when you went on your first headlining tour with Paloma Wagner, a former Gothamite that you had posters of on your childhood bedroom wall, and you’d spent all night at your merch table talking to the kids and signing autographs. All of your hard work staring back at you, in the eyes of people who believed in you just as much as you believed in yourself. 
You brought the mic back up to your lips, a hand on your chest. “I cannot thank y’all enough for supporting me and my dreams these past four years. From sitting in my room making videos to playing small local shows to y’all selling out stadiums.” 
“We love you!”
“Now, I know that this is the last show,” the crowd groaned and you smiled, “but this is my home sweet home of Metropolis! How about we play an oldie? The song that started it all, yeah?”
The crowd roared again and you smiled. Your band started playing behind you. “This song is called, ‘Love Letters’.”
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“Great show tonight, y’all.”
“Did you want to celebrate with us?” one of your dancers, Alisha, asked.
Another dancer, Mila, came up behind you, smirking. “Nah, she’s probably going to wait for that boyfriend of hers to call.”
“Bruce Wayne’s kid, right?”
You rolled your eyes. “He’s not my boyfriend. He’s barely a friend.”
Mila snorted. “Didn’t he leave you that bouquet of tiger lilies a few weeks ago in Texas?” 
Alisha’s eyes widened. “That was him?”
You smirked at them through the reflection of the glass. “Didn’t y’all want to go out with the others? They’re probably halfway to the parking garage by now.”
“Tell your boyfriend that we say hello, at least.” You playfully waved them off and bid them goodbye. Mila and Alisha made kissy noises as they left your dressing room. 
You turned back to your mirror, your smile still on your lips. As you took off your makeup, your mind dwelled on the aforementioned billionaire’s son. He was far from your boyfriend but a little more than a friend. You can’t really recall how you met Dick other than the fact that he appeared almost instantly in a coffeeshop in a Gotham during one of your first visits. You sat and talked at a window facing table for three hours before he had to get back to work. Then, a few weeks later, he found you on Instagram and you started talking more frequently. 
That was two years ago now. 
While touring has limited how much you got to visit Gotham, you still kept in contact through Instagram and Snapchat. Dick even congratulated you on finishing your newest album a few days ago. 
You wondered if he listened to your music at all. If he would be able to decipher which songs were about him, hear the words that always seemed to get stuck in your throat when he was near. 
A sharp knock came up on your door. 
“Come in.”
Your manager, Lawrence, poked his head in. “You almost ready? The car’s waiting outside.”
“Let me just grab my bags and change really quick.” 
He nodded and ducked back out of the room. As you packed up the last of your makeup and threw your hoodie on, your phone chimed with a text.
Great job on the sold out tour ;) ;)
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You were flipping through titles on Netflix when you heard the balcony doors open. You grabbed the lamp from the bedside table and tiptoed towards the sound, your cellphone in hand. As you got closer, you saw the figure, half-hidden behind the curtains. You raised the lamp higher and lunged. 
Everything happened so fast; hands went to your wrist and torso, holding you against them, and you were crowded up against the wall. Bright blue eyes stared back into yours. 
“Hey, sweetness.”
“Dick!” You pouted up at him. “You scared the shit out of me!”
“‘M sorry. Wanted to surprise you.” The corners of his mouth lifted. “Heard the show was a hit.”
You smiled. “My manager said that tonight’s show was the best show of the tour. Hometown heroes and all that.”
Dick pressed a kiss to your forehead. “That’s my girl.”
Your lips cut into the biggest smile. “How’s your family doing? I thought I saw Jason in Metropolis for some reason but forgot to text you about it.”
Something passed in his eyes before another smile came upon his lips. “Really? I’ll have to text him later. He’s been avoiding me the past few weeks.”
You frowned. “We were texting last night and he didn’t say anything.”
“Since when do you and Jason text?” 
A small part of your brain thought that his words sounded sharper than norma but you shook it off, lifting your shoulder as best you could. “He was in Metropolis a few months ago during one of my press tours, we got to talking, and exchanged numbers. We have a streak going on TikTok at the moment.”
Dick pouted. “You follow each other on TikTok? You don’t follow me on TikTok!”
“Do you want me to follow you on TikTok, Ricky?” you teased, chuckling. 
He cleared his throat, hugging you closer. “‘M just saying that it’s odd that you’re closer to my brother when I’m your best friend.”
Your smile fell some. “Why can’t I be both?”
“No offense, babe, but I’ve had to share most of my life with my siblings. I want to keep you to myself as long as I can.”
For a moment, you could pretend that the words were a heavy as you wanted them to be. That this would be the catalyst to one of the greatest love story ever to be told. But you knew better.
“So…we’ve been standing here for, like, ten minutes and I’m starving.” 
You playfully rolled your eyes. “You’re as bad as Jay is, Jesus.” He pinched your side and you swatted at him. “I’m just saying what Alfred is too polite to say! Don’t pinch me!”
His laugh rumbled through you as he led you back to the bedroom. 
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“The Gotham City Opera House was one of my favorites to perform at.”
Dick was sat on the hotel floor, four pizza boxes beside him as he looked up at you on the bed. It reminded you of the first few months of meeting each other; staying up late to answer FaceTimes, talking on the phone for hours. You used to be damn near glued to your phone awaiting texts from him. 
It was insultingly easy to fall in love with Dick Grayson. 
“Did you go full orchestra like you wanted?”
Your eyes widened. “You remember that?”
He snorted. “Of course I do! You’ve been practically dreaming about singing with an orchestra ever since you told me about that concert you saw in Rome.” He smiled warmly. “You wouldn’t shut up about it for months. Alfred got you that vinyl recording of Carmen, remember?”
You nodded. “I still listen to it every once in a while. I have to remember to thank him again.”
“Speaking of music,” he leaned up against the edge of the bed, his forearm against your bare knees,”you should make me a playlist.” The last time you made me one was, what, eight months ago?”
“Something like that,” you offered. “What’s your vibe these days? More Tamaranian folk songs? Ooh! Maybe shoe-gaze since you live in Bludhaven now and want to get grungy?”
Dick wrinkled his nose. “Since when did you start listening to shoegaze?”
You lifted a shoulder. “Jay’s been getting me into Cocteau Twins and Pale Saints lately.”
“First TikTok streaks, now you guys are sharing playlists?”
Your brows pulled down at his tone. “Why are you being so weird about me and Jason hanging out right now?”
“You’ve been talking about him all night! If you wanted Jason so bad, why didn’t you text him?” You sucked in a sharp breath. “Shit. Sweetness, I’m —”
“I’m allowed other friends, Dick. I’m sorry that it’s your brother but you don’t get to judge me for that. We like the same music and movies and we just clicked.” You sat up on your legs, your brown eyes hard. “I don’t get upset when you talk about Barbara and I didn’t get upset when you were dating Kory and constantly telling me how beautiful and smart and kind and amazing she was. So why do you get to shame me for sharing some things about Jason?”
“I’m not shaming you,” he argued. “I just — you’re not attracted to him, are you?”
An exhale, or maybe it was a scoff, left your mouth. “You’re not serious.”
He moved to his feet, suddenly reminding you just how big Richard Grayson was; big, broad shoulders, large  hands moving to rest beside both of your thighs., effectively caging you in agains his strong, broad chest. His blue eyes that normally regarded you with warm were now leveling you with a gaze alien to his features.
“Tell me.”
Your heart was pounding, blood rushing in your ears. Your face was burning hot. He was so close, his pants of breath fanning against your face. 
“Please, sweetness,” he rasped, “I need you to tell me that you have feelings for my brother. Because if you don’t, I’m going to kiss you and I can’t come back from that. Not with you.”
Dreaming. You had to be dreaming. 
“I don’t have feelings for your brother.” You let out a surprised squeal as your back hit the mattress, Dick’s lips against yours. He kissed you hard and slow, as if he were committing the taste of you to memory. He moved a thigh between your leg and you sucked in a breath. One of his large hands moved to cup your breast. 
“Dick, hold on.” You gripped his wrist, your chest rising and falling in heavy pants. “Just… give me a second.”
He helped sit you up, his hands hovering instead of touching you. “I’m sorry.”
“I just want to be clear that this,” you motioned between the two of you, “isn’t just some flash in the pan and you didn’t just kiss me out of some weird territorial shit with your brother.”
“I can assure you that I didn’t kiss you out of spite to Jason,” he said, a half smile on his lips. 
“So you like me. Romantically.”
“I do.”
Your face warmed. “Good. Because I like you, too.”
Dick gave you a brilliant smile. “Good.”
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𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — like, yeah, jason todd is my bestest boy but dick and i are ✨synonyms✨ you know?
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bonjas · 7 months ago
blf: la historia continua
having been one of the fans that was counting down the seconds until the new series started, i have a lot of thoughts on the show now that 4 episodes have aired. i've seen each one a few times now but my thoughts will still be a little scattered!
first of all, i LOVE the production quality, and the stylistic choice they took with the aesthetics of this series. it's sharp, artsy, quick, colorful, and very much giving Mode magazine vibes from Ugly Betty! the on screen graphics are a cute touch, Mila's are a little bit extra, but so is she so it's okay. i especially loved the comedic timing of the graphic from the bathroom scene (XL 😆).
for being 20 years later, everyone is FANTASTIC at getting right back into character. having witnessed other shows that were rebooted years and years later and seeing some people not being able to get back into the swing of things, the ability of this cast just really goes to show the caliber of actors they cast in the original. everyone effortlessly slid back into character, mannerisms, voice inflection, chemistry between characters, honestly i have no complaints. i know some people think don hermes wasn't tough enough on mila in his scenes with her, but do yall have grandparents that love to spoil you and let you get away with things they wouldnt let their kids get away with? i'm not surprised at all he's softer with her than he would have been with betty.
so after all that, my problems with the reboot...
episodes 1&2 are bad. just straight up bad, and it's unfortunate that it took 2 out of the precious little 10 we have to find their footing. episode 1 is filled with "dramatic pauses" which honestly just feel awkward, and having come from Gaitan's never ending monologues, it felt like empty air that should have been filled. Gaitan's silences were strategic and emphasized the emotions of the scenes, and actually set up to be pregnant pauses, where this series feels like they just dont know what the character would say, and not heavy with drama like they think it comes across as.
the writing, ohh the writing...
betty's diary was always used as a tool to give us background, give us insight into what betty was feeling/thinking, and give us context or extra info we didnt see on screen. with so little episodes and so little time to explain things, HUH.....WOULDA BEEN HANDY.....
good writing shows and doesn't tell, and what these early episodes do are NEITHER. something mysterious and bad is happening at ecomoda....too bad you dont get to know! camila and betty's relationship is in tatters, betty abandoned them, camily went to ???? for five??? years!! nahhhh, dont tell us anything about it, just jump right to the resentment!??
"mystery is an intellectual process, like in a 'whodunnit'. but suspense is essentially an emotional process. you can only get suspense going by giving the audience information."-alfred hitchcock
the writers made many VERY strange choices in not telling us more about:
what armando and mario did
who exactly is marcela's dude and what he gets out of helping marcela (idfk his name)
giving us background on armando and that lawyer
giving us more background on betty and mila other than just "you abandoned us!" "she's so distant now" where tf was mila and why was she out of the country for 5 years???
why are mila and marce so close??
think back to OG blf...when things were mentioned in passing like the "horrible thing that happened to betty", those werent things that were of importance for that scene/storyline/moment, thats why they were in passing, they just added to the layers of complexity of betty, but it was gratifying when we later found out what it actually was. or think about all the important events that happened because we knew what was going on! imagine if we didnt know what armando's evil plan was, and we saw betty read The Letter and we're not told what it says, and we see betty go through all her trauma and emotions and never finding anything out until she tells armando she knows. there would be no pay off because we didnt know what was happening in the first place so we're not invested! whereas in this series they are just leaving out huge gaps of information needed to feel the anxieties the people we're watching are feeling. we finally find out what armando did during his second time as president at ecomoda in episode 4, and knowing that information from the beginning would have been so much more impactful! we'd be stressed knowing armando fucked up AGAIN, is lying to betty AGAIN, put the company in financial ruin AGAIN, then we would feel the emotion of him finally coming clean to her and telling her he's planning to take full responsibility! there's not as much pay off when learning at the exact same time as betty.
with mila and betty, yeah we can fill in the blanks with what happened to them, but without hearing betty's thoughts or seeing through her eyes how their relationship fell apart, the (majority) of the audience went straight to hating mila and resenting her for their shitty relationship. if we had context around it, the audience would understand her and how everything turned out that way.
episodes 3&4 really found their footing, the humor was back, armando's characterization and development was so nice to see! callbacks to the OG show were awesome, i DIED at sandra yelling at freddy "you're disrespecting the community!!!". i'm worried that mila is manipulating betty with their happy reunion but idk! there's not enough context/foreshadowing/knowledge of mila's character so idk that one's a wild card. but if the rest of the show continues like episode 3&4 i'll be a happy camper, because 1&2 honestly had me really worried.
i wanna know what everyone else thinks! i have tons of thoughts that i already forgot because i dont write things down in the moment lol so i'm sure i'll be back to write some more down the line maybe after a couple more episodes! (new thought i just remembered–why tf is patricia in HR, let alone working? is her old man not rich enough to support her lifestyle? if that's the case, why aren't we told this to have more background on why she's back at a place she very dramatically quit from so we can invest more feelings when she's being "bullied" for having an old husband etc? it's the little things...i dont think i'm asking too much of the writers because other shows do more and more effectively with the same exact run time as this show)
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nerdieforpedro · 8 months ago
Los limones pueden ser dulces (Amarillo/Yellow)
Part Three of Coasting through the Rainbow
My entire masterlist and blog are for readers 18+ MDNI. I do not consent to my work being used in AI, recommended on TikTok, borrowed or plagiarized.
Summary: Javier encounters Mila who provides some much needed light in his life.
Warnings: Angst, implied heavy drinking, implied sexual activity, actual sexual activity (not too graphic?), healthcare things (surgery and recovery), domestic Javi, cockwarming, pegging, fluff, direct discussions, toy use (small mention)
Word Count: 1207
Notes: We’re halfway though Javier’s journey. I was hoping to have this entire series up during Pride month, but it wasn’t happening. I will finish though!
Side note: Some of the horny I was feeling this week made it into this chapter.
Main Masterlist/ Javier Peña Masterlist/ AO3 Link
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Four months without someone by his side or in his bed. Javier decided it was time to actually be by himself. Just remove a relationship off the table for now. Bi-weekly calls with Chucho, keeping busy at work and discovering that even though he doesn’t agree with some little old lady wandering around looking for murderers, Miss Marple is pretty entertaining. In addition to discovering a love/hate relationship with nosy pseudo private investigators, Peña took time to think.
What does he want from a partner?
What does he have to give a partner?
At what point does he ask where are things going?
These questions are heavy and inspire a few nights where the whiskey flows a bit more free.
It’s when the team has been able to corner and stop a large influx of fentanyl into the DMV area. Javier is invited out to drink and he accepts. He’s been keeping to himself after work hours so being around people a bit more may be a good idea. Everyone goes out to a bar to celebrate and it’s good for comradery. Peña is surprised that he’s approached by a woman called Mila.
She’s got violet hair with one yellow streak in the front. With her simple black dress, it covers her chest completely and her arms. The sleeves have a translucent material that shimmers as she taps his shoulder and he slips his arm around her. The hem of black dress is short, showcasing her defined legs that are accented from her black red bottom heels. The fuschia lipstick soon finds itself on Javier’s neck and later in the night, his tie.
Mila corrects Javier the second time their bodies connect. The first time, neither of them said much in the bar bathroom, but at Mila’s place ten minutes away, he is informed that she is in fact not a she. Mila uses they/them pronouns. Javier is confused as to why given what he’s seen so far. “What matters is that’s what I want to be called. Are you alright with it or not Javier?”
Peña has never been one to argue while his cock is being warmed so he nodded in agreement and gripped their hips tighter, thrusting upward, watching them use him for their release. He did notice, during both times that night that Mila kept their bra on and moved his hands away from their breasts. He’s curious, but doesn’t know them well enough to ask. The two of them alternate in cleaning up and lie in bed together.
“You look like you’re curious about something, Javi.” Mila’s mischievous grin has him chuckle, sure he’ll bite and ask his question. He turns on his side and sees that Mila has the sheet up to their shoulders.
“Why don’t you want me to touch your breasts? Does that have to do with the pronouns you use Mila?” Javier knows it’s some type of insecurity, that’s what it usually is. But even in the bar, they didn’t show their breasts either. Maybe it’s something deeper.
“I’m not really a fan of them. They don’t define me. I’m going to have them removed soon during my top surgery.” Mila’s answer was direct like they were. Javier’s only answer was a nod and a soft ‘okay.’ Leaving their apartment, he wondered how things could be so blurred and clear at the same time. He hasn’t had much experience with non-binary people, gay and straight make a lot of sense to Peña but he’s away the non-binary label can encompass so many things and facets of people. He wonders if maybe he should learn.
The next three months are filled with sex and conversations. Much different than he had with Angelo or James. Sometimes they would talk about Javier’s recent relationship troubles and other times it was Mila’s problem as they were trying to charm a female coworker and it was not going well. It seemed they were annoying them more than anything. Javier advised them to cool off a bit, the coworker may think they’re coming on too strong. Mila isn’t one to half ass anything it seems so Javier told her to prepare for a meeting with HR if that’s the case. On that point, they couldn't argue and agreed to just be cordial. There was laughter and Peña had missed having that with someone.
A week later after Javier has made dinner and Mila’s set the table, they mention that their surgery is in two weeks. He wonders if they’re really sure about doing this. Before eating, Mila looks across the table at Javier and smiles, “It’s been a hell of a time going through all these appointments to make it happen. I’m doing it. It’s about my identity and it’s not important to who I am. I’m tired of looking down and loathing them. Why should I have something on my body that I hate? That doesn’t make sense does it Javi?”
Thinking about it while he ate, he couldn’t think of a thing that he hated that much about his body that would require it to be removed. Mila later tells him he’s lucky that a thought like that has never reared its ugly head while she uses their yellow cock to widen his puckered hole. Peña discovered that he enjoys the purple one the most because it has the small grooves that his walls find themselves curling around. Mila’s favorite color is yellow and since she was able to get a lunch date with the coworker Javi said she could choose what they did after dinner.
Theirs is a relationship where they just enjoy each other’s company and support each other. Mila told Javier she didn’t want anything more than that and if he wasn’t alright with it, to tell them now. He agreed because despite having feelings he knew he wasn’t ready, this is all he could handle.
The tears on Mila’s face while she’s status post her surgery aren’t from the result or even from the physical pain. The woman who she’s been on a few dates with thought that she was insane for going through with her top surgery and broke up with her while she’s on her hospital bed and her bandages aren’t even off yet. Javier was at their side with a lemon yellow teddy bear he found at the gift shop. It made his friend laugh and they deserved that.
Javier found himself staying with Mila for the first month after their surgery, cooking for them, straightening up and going to and from appointments with them. Mila kept telling him he didn’t have to and he told them to just accept the help and don’t be stubborn. They both agreed that they would be immovable as jackasses, Mila held their chest from using their entire body in glee at the horrible joke. When Mila was a bit further along in her recovery, Javi brought over a bottle of red wine sent to him by James, it was on the dry side, but wasn’t bitter this time.
Javier Peña didn’t hate this new stage of his life. It isn’t quite what he wanted but he doesn’t know what he wants. This is enough for now.
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Lights in Javi’s life 🔆: @perotovar @julesonrecord @djarinmuse @tinytinymenace @megamindsecretlair
@rulexofxnines @djarins-cyare @secretelephanttattoo @soft-persephone @604to647
@mysterious-moonstruck-musings @morallyinept @for-a-longlongtime @saturn-rings-writes @soft-girl-musings
@professionalpromqueen @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @connectioneverywhere @fhatbhabiee @guelyury
@yorksgirl @readingiskeepingmegoing @survivingandenduring @rosecentaur1916
@westside-rot @romanarose @lady-bess @sin-djarin @legendary-pink-dot
@80ssong @kilamonster @boliv-jenta @schnarfer
Part Two - Morado. Part Four
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