#graphic design education paying for itself
pegaslaystation · 8 months
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my tekkan fanwork
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nicromancytarot · 6 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t change for these readings and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I got but I pull like 20-30 cards each reading and that just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides what would happen if you were to change your current career path, pick a pile and see what they had to say!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
You guys seem to be in a current job which you’re not feeling all that fulfilled in, this is either to do with the community that surround this job, the work that you are given, or possibly the work that this job requires. For some of you, you may feel outcasted from a larger group of individuals, some of you may even go through “bullying” stages, or harassment in the workplace. Others of you are overwhelmed with the amount of work that you are being given, and possible over exaggerated standards that you are expected to meet in the workplace. For the rest of you it’s to do with the actual work itself, you may not be feeling very happy in this field, perhaps you gave up a hobby or passion project to take part in this workplace.
The reason I say this is because I notice that the pay isn’t necessarily the issue for a lot of you, the job you’re currently in does seem to be paying you well, and gives you a good amount of leadership and possible creative freedom. Changing your career path would be a very big difference, it’s not something that you are used to, and it’s not the same as your current job.
For a lot of you I am feeling that this is some type of business that you want to begin building and working on, perhaps something that you have been dreaming about for a few years. A lot of you are stressed about the time and energy this project would take to perfect, and are mainly failed about the possibility of it failing and you being left jobless.
Those of you who are not planning on starting a business, this links into some job that is more creatively freeing and fun for you, perhaps you’re going from a classic barista job, and changing into a graphic design field instead, there’s definitely a large amount of change and difference for all of you however.
Whatever you are choosing to do and how you are deciding to change this, you’re all very stressed out about the possibility of failure and being unsuccessful. Of course you could fail, but that’s a given is it not? With trying this, you could literally become a millionaire lmao, with so much perseverance and resilience, you can take this wherever you please.
For business people, makeup? Gloss?
A lot of you are scared of reaching out to people, whether it be making new friends at your new workplace, or finding yourself a trusted team to help you with your passion project. (I’m getting heavy passion project honestly)
Doing this will get you taken more seriously, it will take a while to nurture this decision and create the career path that you want for yourself, but with bravery and strength, you have the potential to create whatever dreams you have and bring them to life.
I feel like a lot of you are in a job that doesn’t pay you enough to sustain your living situation, almost like you’re a corporate slave? I’m getting the feeling of living in New York and struggling to pay your bills, or living somewhere which is below the bare minimum and making you feel like shit. Some of you could really be struggling with housing at the moment, possibly bug or rat infestations, a lot is going wrong, peeling paint, mould, it’s certainly not ideal.
Some of you are in a relationship with someone who would help you pay for your rent, or whatever you needed during your time of discovering your plans for your career in the future, even if this isn’t a romantic partner, it could be friends or family who are more than willing to lend a hand, masculines are very prominent for this pile.
I feel like leaving this job will give you some time to think about what you need to do next, what are the steps to take and how can you better your life?
I’m not getting business, however I am getting something that takes a lot to make work, perhaps you’ll be working alongside a friend, becoming an influencer, stepping into fame.
It’s giving very much “trust me” energy.
There are some people around you who won’t trust this or have much hope for it, you’ll have a good amount of individuals telling you to find a “proper job” or just go back to your old one.
You’re very sure about what you want after taking this small break away from everything, I see someone who knows what they have to do to make something work, as if they have it all planned, some of you might literally have a board like a detective, with strings pointing to certain opportunities or ideas.
You’ll get into this new thing very quickly, you’ll waste no time and give it your all, for those of you who are influencing or dipping your toe into the life of fame, you’ll be very good with handling criticism and hate, you’ll be very quick to brush it off and ignore those trolls, as you know that they are only jealous of you.
Your main motivator is your living situation.
The rest of you who are doing something else not relating to fame, you will be very defensive to the people around you who doubt your innovation and creativity to do what you want as a job.
Verrrrry quickly, this opportunity brings in those bags of money, I’m seeing someone doing the absolute least and then getting paid a ton for it.
How you will feel after this change will have something to do with your home, I’m seeing someone buying a much larger and stabler house, somewhere that they feel happy to bring their friends and family around to, I do see a lot of your money going into your housing situation.
Bro, are you guys sleeping with your boss or something??? There’s a heavy energy on workplace affairs, something to do with temptation, selfishness and love. This person that you are sleeping with, IS MARRIED!!!! Don’t go there, for the love of God.
Some of you could honestly be the work wife/husband, rather than an actual affair, however this person is down bad, but they only want you to have you, not to keep you.
This is a VERY specific message, only a few of you will relate to this, if it’s not your message, feel free to find another pile lmao, this one is insane.
For those of you who have been sleeping with or fawning over some person in your workplace, what are you doing?! Listen, I do not condone cheating, some of you are also cheating on your partner, oh my days.
This person has you in a metaphorical chokehold, they’ve got you in their arms, their spouse in their mind and their past rendezvous on speed dial. You’re getting ready to make a decision, you’re telling them about leaving the workplace and they are threatening you with telling everyone the truth. Their spouse already knows, I’m feeling like they are aware and just want you gone, they may even offer you some money to get you the hell out of their husband/wives life, they are not coming to play.
I’m seeing someone who will keep their money and reputation, meanwhile the other will only keep money, and say goodbye to their reputation. If people find out about the affair, they will turn on either one or you, however I’m feeling it point more towards you.
Fear not, create something new, spend the time working on it, and everyone will forget. It’s only one big scandal of the workplace, and they’re sure to do it with another, so you will soon be long forgotten.
For those of you who have romantic intentions or feelings for this person, they could be telling you that they’ll leave their spouse. Run. Run and do not look back, they are lying.
Working on something new, whether it be your own creation, or just something better paying and worthwhile in the long run, will help you achieve all you dream or achieving. I’m seeing someone who realised that they dodged a bullet, and now is possibly even their own boss, or married to their new one (slay)
I also see that you will “repent for your sins” the rest of your life (lmao, that’s so dramatic), but you will beg the universe for forgiveness for a while.
Also, for those of you who are cheating on your partner, you can work through it, they will forgive you, however I would recommend setting them free.
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wellcomeoneileen · 4 months
To me, season 4 was totally bearable, because I understood what the writers were aiming for, and simply squinted while I watched and revised in real time. Season 5 was beyond the pale.
An English professor once advised letting current emotion into writing even if it’s not related to the story, that passion can bleed through and you might be able to use it. Speaking ENTIRELY as an armchair psychologist here, I think this season was written with some real…displeasure on the part of the writers, and that was felt by the audience instead of being edited in a more constructive way.
I have done some googling, and this could be true and they were angry at the audience and/or cast and/or state of the world. Or, fans from 20 years ago were just coping like I am today.
However! Please allow me to present some ideas for what they could have done with their plotlines instead of (what I feel like) was repeating plotlines and throwing things at the wall. Angrily. Plenty of these ideas honor what the writers already created or even kinda got at during S5 itself.
This is very Britin oriented, because thinking about The Girls or Em truly sends me into a tizzy from which I cannot articulate useful ideas.
These ideas are rooted in my belief that S5 dropped the thematic ball that they had been steadily building, mostly with Brian, as referenced HERE.
These are pretty broad strokes, will maybe do a more structured/detailed rewriter vision later, with textual evidence.
First big point is if B/J stay together. Honestly, them splitting is a good move on the producers/advertisers side, because shows lose ratings when the main couple  stays together. However, advertising means nothing to the story quality. Let’s discuss both!
Either way, I wouldn’t want any of this to be about monogamy. Like I’ve said, I always thought monogamy was just the stand-in issue in Brian’s life for his deeper inner issues. 
If they break up:
Maybe the dust-up is Justin comes back from Hollywood and Brian is like live with me and let me pay for school again and Justin is like I’m a man now I have to figure this (living situation, no job and no education) out on my own I love you but I need to grow up.
Idk. Not married to that at all.
Then Brian is so hurt that Justin didn’t move in he blows up at the gang at a party and they cold shoulder him. Again, spitballing. Not attached to the idea for the inciting incident! 
For Justin:
Honestly have put less thought into tangible actions and motivations for Justin. That analysis requires more effort because the writers treated him as a plotpoint and mouthpiece instead of a character in S5 so I would need to give some deep thought to how to fix him, and I have only given that to Brian so far. But here’s what I think off the top of my head!
After this start of season dust-up, Justin is living on his own and he’s really processing all of the failed illusions of being an artist. We saw PIFA not go well for Justin. We saw Justin fired from Vangaurd. We saw Ethan have to sell out to be a successful artist. We see the Rage project being shut down for staying true to the source.
All of these are different disappointments with the reality of being a working creative that Justin could’ve been processing as a disillusionment of his love with art. And throughout the season, as he’s determined to make it on his own for the first time, we could see him being sort of resigned to a fate of having a typical day job. Being lucky if it’s in graphic design and maybe doing art as a hobby on the side.
And then I think the Jennifer and Tucker storyline could be really, really integrated into this. I think she could be the one to pull him out of this and say “When I was your age, I loved art but I got married to your father, started having children, and gave my passions up for a safe life. And now I’m a single mom, living on my own dating a hot younger man, and it’s scary and it’s hard and I get judged for it, but I’m finally living the life that I always wanted. I encourage you to do this dangerous thing of being an artist and yes, it’s going to keep being hard but you can do it.” 
And we see this rebirth of Justin as someone who is still incredibly optimistic - he just now has a more mature framework for that trait.
I could see this happening if there’s no B/J breakup to start the season as well, and he’s simply not letting Brian pay for things within their relationship, or something to that effect. Which!! I hope to later discuss their gendered roles and Brian’s internalized homophobia and patriarchal ideals 
For Brian:
Meanwhile, I think Brian line for season five it was actually really well set up for the writers. They just didn’t follow-through! We see in season three just Brian loses one of his most treasured assests: his wealth and career, but he still has his friends. In season four he loses his other most treasured status :His virility, but he still has his loved ones.
I would like season five to have him still be vivacious and for Kinnetik to be as successful as possible, but he no longer has his loved ones around him because of whatever happened at the start of the season (if we go with the breakup).
Brian realizes that his career and his body are not as important to him as his relationships. Or at least is forced to admit the three are equal. And we see him start to really evaluate why he is the way he is. I would love for him to dive deep into his childhood, confront his demons, and end the series by making some decisions for his adult self and not based on childhood trauma..
And then he reflects, reevaluates, and reintegrates everyone into his life through a new lens. This is really about him admitting to accepting and embracing the fact that the people around him deeply matter. Accept Debbie as a mother, Michael as a brother Gus as his son, Lindsay and Mel as dear friends and coparent, etc.
I fully acknowledge these were touched on – but he was still mostly given Justin/monogamy plotlines and emotions which I disagree with
SPECICALLY this could look like
Letting him throw down with Debbie? Because Debbie was his pseudo mom, but she always put Michael first. Which isn’t wrong, he was her actual son, but I could see Brian maybe projecting on her, or maybe pushing her away, or maybe just really re-integrating his role in her life and vice versa. That could have had some drama (for the ratings) since she’s such a fiery character. This could also be the inciting incident if B/J don’t break up.
If his second nephew came out as gay and ran away from Claire to be with his Uncle Brian, that could have mirrored season 1 with Justin, and show how he’s grown and learned since then, and forced him to confront his family history and baggage, stop generational trauma, and allow him to prevail over the ghosts of his upbringing, giving him and the audience a sense of positive closure.
And if it was the first nephew, the same nephew who falsely accused him of molestation, that could be some serious tension, and it could further the Justin S1 mirror by also showing a better version of Chris Hobbs –  a sort of what if Chris Hobbs had admitted he was gay and tried to atone instead of turning violent? 
Lots of full circles!
AND that could have sparked a fight between Brian and Michael as they disagree over dealing with their troublesome teenage runaways, if the writers wanted B/M drama. This could be wrapped into the Debbie drama?
I think having the nephew come, his own demons from his past, him fight with Debbie, then the nephew arc closes out and with this encouragement from his mentor trial period, (and having processed and moved on from his childhood abuse),  he realizes that he wants to be more involved with Gus. He then tries and fails and eventually figures out what kind of father he wants to be, and what kind of co-parent he and Mel/Linds are (God what I would do to have more Brian and Mel scenes), he and Debbie reconcile, and he has an active friendship with Ted, would have been beautiful relationships, excellent tying up, none of it focused on romance and all of it not promoting the nuclear family. I say that because the writers said they wanted to not focus on happy romantic endings, but also focused their show on Britin…so….
I also think this is where you could integrate some of attempting to be monogamous plot lines from the end of season five. Again, I wrote about what I think about that in another post, but without reflecting on that, let’s just use these elements that the writers came up with and obviously wanted.
I think he could’ve been the stereotypical father to Gus when he starts to be a part of his life. He’s teaching him to play ball. He’s starting to be strict with rules. It’s just kind of funny scenes. Likewise, he does the same with Ted - he embraces the fact that Ted is his friend, and he starts being kind and sympathetic, and not a bitch to him.
And in all of these situations he would hear from Lindsey and Ted to just be who he is. They love him. They just want him around. He doesn’t have to be a textbook Father and Friend. And I think that would greatly heal his inner child wound which again is something I’ve talked about elsewhere and as I think the big issue with Brian. But if he is able to accept his life and accept him the way he is, I think that could be a lot of his plot for this season.
I just don’t get why they didn’t allow exploration in his already pre-existing, non-traditional, non-romantic relationships. Good for his character, closure for the audience, gives plenty of conflict, allegedly what the writers wanted to get across with the ending…
Being separated from Justin or not, this could work.
And then, at the end of the season,
The two of them have separately reached their thesis statements of who they are. They can face each other, and these will be two characters who saw the potential in one another from the beginning when no one else did, pushed each other to potential throughout the show, and they have themselves embraced that for their own sakes, and they can choose each other for the next chapter of their lives.
Even, dare I say, (and this would be a controversial!) but I think viewers would be more open to them having a thank you for making me who I am, goodbye forever talk if we got that whole season of seeing them make that final big push in their maturation arcs. 
Or it could still be Justin going to New York, but instead of it feeling like this bittersweet hopefully they stay together, instead it’s they’ve reaffirmed their love to one another and are very confidently moving into this next chapter. I think this would change the tone of the ending to be, all these seasons have been the bildungsroman and now we are at a place to really takeoff into the future because our foundation is now so secure.
We could even have another “rules” discussion - but this time it’s like “you won’t pay for anything for me for the next three years.” “You’ll tell me when you start to fall in love for the one millionth time for some out of work actor” “you will say when you’re angry instead of ignoring my calls. You don’t have to say anything else.just don’t ignore me. Tell me. “
Shit like that. Because those were their real problems - not monogamy. Not married to that idea either - it could be way too much telling now showing or it could be a good throwback to their first rules agreement. 
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adamsvanrhijn · 1 year
I'm sorry nobody knows what a tumblr job is
if you aren't missing a comma or a "but" there. thank u i love u
if i had unlimited characters and thought people would bother reading context associated with a poll, (i am pretty sure they usually do not) and also had some foresight about some of the specific things people would interpret differently than i intended, here's what this would have looked like:
[begin post]
[begin poll]
which of these listed tumblr job types is yours?
retail, grocery, consumer-facing service and sales (excludes call centers and food service)
food service (includes restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, bars, cafeterias, food trucks, commercial kitchens, food kitchens, etc; cooking + serving + hosting)
teacher, professor, tutor, teaching assistant, childcare provider, but not educational administrator, if you do another kind of education read the rest of the options first because one of them might be a better fit
engineer, developer, technical designer, data or computer scientist, not including technical writers
parks and wildlife, outdoor research, animal care (including animal boarding and veterinary care), animal keeping (such as zoos or aquariums), animal husbandry, farming, ranching, environmental conservation, gardener or plant nursery worker (but not florist), field archaelogist, equine therapist, outdoor camp counselor if you work with and have knowledge around plants and/or animals
librarian, archivist, docent, tour guide, curator, patron-facing researcher, consultant historian or sociologist, community educator at a cultural or knowledge (probably nonprofit) institution (including but not limited to historical reenactors); reception or guest services related to any of the previous, excepting food service, which is the food service option
writer - content, technical, proposal, marketing, fiction, nonfiction, educational, research, including editing, but has to be actively working and receiving pay from a company, an organization, and/or clients/commissioners including publications/publishers, even if income is inconsistent or not received at regular intervals. does not include captioning or transcription. translators use your best judgment
artist, illustrator, graphic designer, but has to be actively working and receiving pay from a company, an organization, clients/commissioners including publications and galleries, may include visual marketing but does NOT include ad sales, also does not include video editing unless you do like, speed paints or show off your art in videos
patient healthcare, caregiving, and advocacy. does not include animal care, pharmaceutical research or dispensing, or medical coding/billing
you are not currently working as / do not currently have any of the Tumblr Jobs listed above
[end poll]
a "Tumblr Job" is decided based on the following criteria, which is based on my own dashboard/Tumblr experiences, and tumblr searches:
either many Tumblr users have or have had that job, OR, one to a few high-profile Tumblr users have or have had that job
posts are made about that job, either about the day-to-day work itself (positive or negative), as an appeal to authority ("librarian here!"), or about the concept and/or vibes of the job or having that job
posts are reblogged about that job, and reach an audience of people who do not have that job; posts go viral about that job, even
Tumblr users might aspire to have that job, or be studying toward it
it might require a high level of interest and/or personal investment with limited positions available, OR, it might be a very common job in the world
the job is NOT one that many Tumblr users would perhaps complain and/or rant and/or criticize about other people having
the job is NOT one commonly associated with things Tumblr tends to skew away from, like industries known to contribute to climate change or jobs that tend to be associated with ultra high earners with wealth inequality in the same industry (editing to plug my other poll that 6 & 7 apply to that nobody is taking)
a "Tumblr Job" is NOT just a job anybody on tumblr might have or even a job most people or many people on tumblr might have. it's not even a job that is necessarily common on tumblr (common on tumblr != common tumblr job), that's something i am interested in finding out via the poll.
just because tumblr users you know also have your job doesn't mean it Is a tumblr job. and just because your job type isn't listed doesn't mean it is Not a tumblr job. there are only 9 job hodgepodge types here. there are more jobs in the world than this and there are more tumblr jobs on tumblr than this. these are also not and are not intended to be standard industry classifications. they are grouped by tumblr vibes, not necessarily by job role or duties.
if you do not have a job at this time, you do not currently right now have one of the listed tumblr jobs. being unemployed or being a student, even if you once had one of these jobs or are studying to obtain one of these jobs, are not jobs for the purpose of this poll.
the purpose of the poll is to see how many respondents actually have and are doing these specific jobs that i have identified as "tumblr jobs". nothing more and nothing less!
[end post]
but nobody is gonna fucking read all that & tumblr polls have character limits. if the poll was as specific as i wanted it to be it would not have however many thousands of votes it currently has. curse of my autisms <3
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mindcypress1 · 5 months
Upgrade Your Career with Online Digital Marketing Classes
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We live in a digital age where almost everyone and everything has a digital foothold. Hence, gaining expertise in the intricacies of digital marketing is quite essential. To ensure that they are ahead of the curve, thousands of marketing experts aspirants join advanced digital marketing classes online. In this blog, we will understand the importance of joining a digital marketing course and how it can shape your professional life for the better.
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How Will Digital Marketing Classes Online Help With Your Career Goals?
Increase Your Market Value
Digital Marketing has taken the world by storm, making it one of the most sought after skills today. It is a valuable skill that can make you a crucial asset for any organization you want to be associated with. When you learn advanced digital marketing online, you can earn a certification that validates your skills and knowledge as a digital marketing professional. More and more organizations are looking for professionals who can run their marketing campaigns effectively. A certification can give you a competitive edge while applying at these organizations.
Wide Range of Career Opportunities
When you learn advanced digital marketing online, you will realize how Digital Marketing is a huge umbrella term. Under it, there are several online marketing techniques. Hence, creating a lot of job roles that professionals and non-professionals can choose from. With a wide range of options, you can be anything you want! Some of the top roles include:
SEO Specialist
Website Developer
Graphic Designer
Email Marketing Specialist
Content Strategist
Social Media Manager
Marketing Analyst, and many more.
Increase Your Earning Potential
Digital Marketing is a skill that every organization is looking to add in their business plans. It makes the skills and knowledge of a Digital Marketer quite valuable and high in demand. Professionals with relevant skills can earn a good salary depending on their years of experience, expertise and knowledge.
Encourage flexibility
Digital Marketing is all about what happens on the Internet. When you are a certified Digital Marketing professional, you get a lot of opportunities to be your own boss. It is a great field to practice Freelancing where you choose your responsibilities as per the market demand and work as per your comfort. All you need is access to the Internet. As of 2022, there were about 19.8 million digital marketing opportunities globally. Out of this 19.8 million, about 8% were remote opportunities.
Why Join Online Digital Marketing Classes?
With everything around us going online, it comes as no surprise when learners around the globe are choosing virtual classes. After all, they make a lot of things easy for the learners, especially the working individuals.
Here is a list of reasons for choosing online digital marketing classes:
Flexibility: While Digital Marketing itself offers career flexibility to the learners, online classes offer their own flexibility. When you choose online learning, you choose the time and place for it. You can attend classes while traveling without missing a beat. Too tired? You can login at any time of your choosing.
Low cost: While you may have to pay for the course itself, you will not have to pay for anything else. The course provides its own resources for studying, so you don’t have to spend an extra cent on any other study material. Since it is an online course, there are no travel expenses that you have to worry about either.
Personalized education: Another reason why online courses are so in-demand is because they offer personalized education. Online classes could be helpful for learners who find it difficult to concentrate in a classroom setting. When interacting online, learners who are less assertive might be able to participate in class discussions more effectively. With self-paced learning and the freedom to work from any location, the outcome may be a more customized educational experience. 
Improved Time Management: Because they require active participation in the course rather than just attending on a scheduled day and time, online courses help learners become more adept time managers.
Immediate Feedback: Integrating coursework with technology provides a number of advantages. Learners can get instant feedback from the trainers as well as get the platform to track their progress after attempting mock exams/tests. The trainers can also check on the progress simultaneously and help learners accordingly.
In today's digital-first world, digital marketing skills are more valuable than ever for professionals across industries. By enrolling in digital marketing classes online, you can furnish your professional life with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to thrive in the digital economy. Whether you're looking to advance your career, switch industries, or launch your own business, online digital marketing classes offer a flexible, accessible, and effective path to success. Take the first step towards achieving your goals today by exploring the wide range of online digital marketing classes available and finding the right program for you.
Resource: https://www.mindcypress.com/blogs/digital-marketing/upgrade-your-career-with-online-digital-marketing-classes
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local-legal-marketing · 5 months
Protect Your Firm's Content: Copyright Law Guide
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In the fast-paced world of legal practice, law firms rely heavily on content to attract clients, showcase expertise, and establish their brand. Whether it's informative blog posts, attention-grabbing social media graphics, or persuasive client presentations, effective content is the cornerstone of a successful legal marketing strategy. However, amid the rush to produce and disseminate these materials, law firms must navigate the complex and often treacherous landscape of copyright law. Understanding the Risks Imagine this scenario: Your law firm has crafted a series of thought-leadership articles that have generated significant interest and new client inquiries. Proud of this achievement, you decide to share the content more widely on your website and social media channels. Suddenly, you receive a cease-and-desist letter alleging copyright infringement, threatening legal action and demanding substantial damages. This isn't a hypothetical – it's a reality that many law firms have faced. Our legal marketing agency has witnessed firsthand the consequences of copyright missteps. We've worked with law firms entangled in lawsuits over the unauthorized use of images, excerpts from scholarly articles, and even client testimonials. In one particularly costly case, a junior associate unknowingly used a stock photo without the proper licensing, leading to a settlement that drained the firm's marketing budget for an entire year. These experiences underscore a stark reality: Ignorance of copyright law is not just risky – it can be financially and reputationally devastating for law firms. The Fundamentals of Copyright At its core, copyright is an automatic right granted to the creator of an original work, including texts, images, videos, and more. This protection springs into existence the moment a work is created. However, the nuances of how copyright interacts with the legal industry's content needs can be complex and often misunderstood. For example, many law firms mistakenly believe that the fair use doctrine provides a broad exemption for their educational and informational content. Unfortunately, the reality is much more nuanced. Fair use is determined on a case-by-case basis, and the margin for error can be alarmingly slim. Strengthening Your Position through Copyright Registration While copyright automatically protects your firm's original creations, registration is a crucial step that can significantly bolster your legal standing. Registered copyrights allow you to take infringement cases to court and potentially recover greater damages. In the high-stakes world of legal services, this added layer of protection can make all the difference in safeguarding your firm's intellectual property. Navigating Content Ownership and Collaborations Law firms often collaborate with a range of external parties, including freelance writers, graphic designers, and even other legal professionals. A common misconception is that paying for content creation automatically transfers copyright ownership to the law firm. This is not the case. Without explicit agreements transferring ownership, your firm could find itself without rights to materials you commissioned – a situation that could hamper your marketing efforts and compromise your brand. Utilizing External Content Responsibly The digital age has made it temptingly easy to incorporate content created by others into your firm's materials. Whether it's a compelling stock photo, a relevant industry article, or a client testimonial, using copyrighted materials without permission or proper licensing can lead to legal challenges. Staying informed about the sources of your content and ensuring compliance with copyright laws is essential. Addressing the Evolving Landscape of AI and Open-Source The rise of AI-generated content and the increasing availability of open-source materials offer new opportunities for law firms to create innovative and cost-effective materials. However, these emerging technologies also come with their own set of copyright challenges. It's vital for law firms to stay informed about the limitations and responsibilities associated with these resources to avoid potential legal pitfalls. Proactive Copyright Management for Law Firms To safeguard your law firm's content and protect your intellectual property, consider the following steps: 1. Educate Your Team: Ensure that all attorneys, marketing professionals, and support staff understand the basics of copyright law and the importance of compliance. 2. Develop Clear Policies: Establish robust protocols for content creation, use, and licensing to ensure your firm remains on solid legal ground. 3. Leverage Copyright Registration: Make copyright registration a standard practice for your most valuable content, strengthening your legal standing. 4. Seek Expertise: When navigating complex copyright issues, consult with legal professionals who specialize in intellectual property law. Their guidance can prevent costly mistakes and ensure your firm's content strategy aligns with legal requirements. Conclusion In the competitive legal landscape, a firm's intellectual property is a valuable asset that must be zealously protected. By understanding and respecting copyright law, law firms can not only mitigate legal risks but also foster a culture of ethical content use that reinforces their commitment to professionalism and integrity. Embrace proactive copyright management as an essential element of your firm's marketing and branding strategy, and unlock the full potential of your content while safeguarding your firm's reputation and bottom line.   Read the full article
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kokantech · 6 months
Your Gateway to Digital Success and Beyond
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Konkan Technology Services stands as a pivotal player in the realm of digital marketing courses, offering a diverse array of services aimed at bolstering businesses' online presence and success. In today's fast-paced digital landscape, it's crucial for enterprises to adopt innovative strategies to remain competitive and thrive. Konkan Technology Services understands this necessity and has positioned itself as a beacon of excellence in the industry.
At the heart of Konkan Technology Services lies its unwavering commitment to providing top-tier digital marketing courses. Through meticulously crafted courses and programs, Konkan Technology Services empowers individuals and businesses with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the dynamic world of digital marketing. Whether you're a novice looking to kickstart your career or a seasoned professional seeking to stay updated with the latest trends, their comprehensive courses cater to learners of all levels.
In addition to educational programs, Konkan Technology Services operates as a full-fledged digital marketing agency, dedicated to delivering tangible results for clients across various industries. Their team of experienced professionals specializes in crafting customized strategies that leverage the power of search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, and more. By understanding each client's unique goals and challenges, they develop tailored solutions that drive targeted traffic, enhance brand visibility, and maximize return on investment (ROI).
A cornerstone of Konkan Technology Services' approach to digital marketing is the strategic utilization of keywords. Keywords play a crucial role in connecting businesses with their target audience effectively. Therefore, Konkan Technology Services conducts thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-performing keywords specific to each client's industry and objectives. By strategically integrating these keywords into content and campaigns, they optimize visibility across search engines, ensuring clients' websites rank prominently and attract qualified leads.
Beyond digital marketing expertise, Konkan Technology Services offers a diverse range of supplementary services to address various aspects of business growth and development. Their graphic design services enable clients to create visually appealing assets that captivate audiences and reinforce brand identity. Moreover, they provide specialized courses such as Vedic maths and Tally Prime 0.3, catering to individuals and businesses looking to enhance their skill sets and operational efficiency.
As businesses navigate the complexities of the digital landscape, Konkan Technology Services remains committed to driving innovation and fostering growth through continuous learning and adaptation. Their dedication to staying abreast of emerging trends and technologies ensures they deliver cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of clients.
In conclusion, Konkan Technology Services emerges as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to harness the full potential of the digital realm. Whether through comprehensive digital marketing courses, strategic agency services, or diverse supplementary offerings, they empower clients to achieve their goals and elevate their digital presence. With Konkan Technology Services by your side, embark on a journey of digital transformation and unlock new opportunities for success in today's competitive landscape.
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Transforming Ideas into Visual Stories: The Art of PowerPoint Graphic Design
In the dynamic world of business presentations, where first impressions are crucial, PowerPoint graphic design plays a pivotal role in conveying ideas effectively. As the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words," and in the realm of presentations, this adage holds true. Visualspider stands out as a leading player in the field, specializing in the art of PowerPoint graphic design that transforms ideas into compelling visual stories.
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Powerpoint Graphic Design: Elevating Presentations to New Heights
When it comes to creating impactful presentations, the importance of Powerpoint Graphic Design cannot be overstated. Visualspider understands the significance of crafting visually engaging slides that capture the audience's attention from the first glance. Leveraging a team of skilled designers, the website excels in turning ordinary presentations into extraordinary experiences.
Crafting Visual Narratives with Presentation Graphic Design
The essence of Presentation Graphic Design lies in the ability to convey complex messages through visually appealing elements. Visualspider excels in this art, ensuring that each slide tells a story that resonates with the audience. From choosing the right color palette to creating custom illustrations and infographics, the website's designers pay meticulous attention to detail to enhance the overall visual impact of the presentation.
The Visualspider Advantage: Expertise and Innovation
Visualspider distinguishes itself by combining expertise with innovation. The team is well-versed in the latest design trends and technologies, ensuring that each presentation reflects a modern and professional aesthetic. By seamlessly blending creativity with functionality, Visualspider transforms ideas into memorable visual stories that leave a lasting impression.
Tailored Solutions for Varied Needs
Understanding that every presentation is unique, Visualspider offers tailored solutions to meet diverse client needs. Whether it's a corporate pitch, educational seminar, or a sales presentation, the website provides customized PowerPoint graphic design services that align with the specific objectives of each project. This adaptability ensures that the visual elements not only complement the content but also resonate with the target audience.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Presentations with Visualspider
In the competitive landscape of presentations, standing out is crucial. Visualspider, with its focus on presentation graphic design services, empowers businesses and individuals to communicate their ideas effectively. By transforming concepts into visually stunning narratives, the website plays a key role in enhancing the overall impact of presentations. Elevate your presentations with Visualspider and let your ideas shine through the art of PowerPoint graphic design.
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karasa · 8 months
The Philosophy of Doing; How the Girl Scouts Saved My Sanity
Originally Published April 9th, 2021
The Philosophy of Doing; How the Girl Scouts Saved My Sanity
To do is to be. Be active, be respected, be wonderful. To do anything is to commit yourself to what you’re doing, whether you care about it or not. I’ve never been much of a do-er.
Maybe, yes, I did a lot and arguably too much in high school, I do extracurriculars and I do my homework on occasion. But it never felt like Doing Anything. It’s always felt like work, like a chore. I wasn’t really doing anything persay, but rather I was on autopilot, doing what others told me, but not necessarily doing for myself.
This feeling of inadequacy, of lackluster personality traits and hobbies came in strong during the period of time I’ve been social distancing. It pushed me to ask: what do I do? My partner frequently goes out for bike rides or roller skates around the neighborhood, he holds meetings with group members to finish up assignments, cooks me dinner when he finds a good recipe, and talks to his friends everyday. I can’t say I’ve ever felt as fulfilled as he does at the end of the day, because I don’t do much. After classes I’m in bed for at least 2 hours, scrolling through twitter with a Youtube video in the background and a snack within arm’s reach.
I used to paint with my friends when they invited me to, host movie nights or dinner parties, help my friends with their various helping hand chores and go out to the club almost every weekend. But without friends to do anything, I realized that I don’t really do much at all.
I’ve always been an ambitious person, with my life plan mapped out by 7 years old and still following the plan as I turn 24. I’ve dipped my toes into a few different ponds along the way: graphic design, costume design, pastry arts, spoken word, film critiques, activism, education, drag…. The list stretches for miles in all of the things I’ve tried to do. But have I ever succeeded?
Without knowing what I do on a daily basis, I instead turned my attention to the question, “what can I do?” I was disappointed at the results. While I *can* do a number of things, My self-confidence in these fields is low, because I’ll never be able to convince myself that I can do any of them particularly well. I don’t do anything because I’m afraid of not doing well enough.
Enter: the girl scouts.
Many of the memories I have from elementary school draw up scenes of seeing my teacher at the grocery store, and feeling the same feeling of embarrassment and nerves when I ran into one of my classmates behind a girl scout cookie booth. While this quiet judgement manifested itself into me seeing the Girl Scouts as a child labor cult until rather recently, I’ve always felt envious. All of those girls who meet for snacks and seminars on Thursday nights, they’re doing something with their life. They have a journey set out in front of them, everything that they do is geared towards making them a better person. And so in April I realized: I can probably do that too.
A lot of my friends during this time in isolation are venturing on things they’ve never done before: writing more, baking bread, cooking meals, spending $60 to be in debt to a raccoon. But at first, not much for me had changed. I was still in school, still in a relationship, still spent at least 3 hours after classes in bed. I tried new recipes and enjoyed posting them on Instagram, but after one of my close friends passed, my inspiration was lost to continue that. And it never felt substantial anyway. Working for 3 hours to post 1 picture does not come with a satisfaction guarantee. While my partner shoots into the kitchen for seconds, I can’t help but judge what I’ve made as not good enough.
I started thinking about different hobbies I could do that wouldn’t take up a lot of space or cost too much. Because of all of the changes that have affected me, I’m having to pay rent without a job, and my partner and I have stuffed our lives into a bedroom that we can lay down in and touch each of the four walls. I stumbled across an old page of notes from a seminar I attended in the fall titled “Goal Setting” and I thought about how difficult it is to follow through with passion projects. That dream that we have one night that kicks us out of bed and onto the workbench fades over time. We forget details of our vision, we start to prioritize other things. Soon enough the project gets shoved into the corner while other things in life take charge, and once that happens, I can’t say that I’ve ever had the willpower to go back.
The girl scout idea came to me when I thought about one of the first and most relaxed grocery trips I’ve had in Ohio. A harrowing mirror of my elementary school days, there was a girl scout with her mother standing right in between the entrance and exit of the store. Her mom waved us over, promising that they took all methods of payment including venmo, and the little girl smiled as she started to stack up our cookies.
“What’s your favorite badge?” I smiled. I kind of hate kids but my partner really wants them in our future, so i’m trying to get better at relating to the youth.
“This one.” she pointed to a circular badge with a rocketship on it.
“Cool! Is it your favorite because of how you earned it, or because of how it looked?”
“It looks really cool. But my favorite thing to do was this one!” she spun her sash so we could see another intricate badge on the back.
“Woah! That's awesome.” I was ready to ask her more questions, about how she got it and what else she liked to do in Girl Scouts. But our transaction was complete, and while I’m proud of myself for actually holding a conversation with like, a 9 year old, I suddenly felt red in the face for being so interested in something made for little kids.
We thanked the duo and continued into the store, but for some reason I haven’t stopped thinking about that conversation.
So I got curious. After not really doing much for 6 weeks, I hopped onto the girl scout website. They had all of their badges on a neat little pdf, where I could see all of the hardwork it takes to rise up the ranks and continue to be a part of this organization. To my surprise, only a few of the badges that you’re able to earn are about the cookie sales. I started perusing the badge explorer page, and found that some of the badges are kind of badass. Without even realizing it, I started taking stock of all the badges I’d like to complete. Some are fitness focused, which makes sense because I’ve been putting off getting in shape. Some are focused on Financial Literacy, and encourage researching smaller things that we were never really taught throughout life. I jumped out of bed and raced to my partner. “I’m going to be a girl scout.” I beamed, full superman pose with no pants on. “You’re non-binary.” he replied, barely looking up from his sandwich. “Then I’ll be a Star Scout.” I shot back. He smiled.
“Good Luck!”
I’ve never felt such a ferocious drive for a project, and perhaps that’s because I’m well aware of the fact that I can go at my own pace. My goal is to earn 23 badges by the end of the pandemic. I created a task list for each badge I want to earn, which equals out to about 99 tasks that I expect to complete. Having this task list feels so much more empowering than the 3 to-do lists I keep for school, for housework, and for my personal life. I don’t need to worry about the deadline, I don’t have anything to prove to anyone. The only thing I have to do is Do.
My motivation levels vary. With bipolar disorder, it happens frequently that my drive for something can run so rampantly that I forget to sleep, while other times i can barely manage to eat something that doesn’t come straight out of a box. There is a task for every energy level I may have. Everything that I am planning to do is something that I want to do. I would like to write a screenplay, I want to break a bad habit, I would very much like to know how to make a first-aid kit. All of these tasks are such wonderfully simple things that I don’t wake up feeling stressed about what I have to do, but instead I wake up, go to my checklist and say “what do I get to do today?” the feeling is indescribable. It’s comfort, it’s accomplishment, it’s pride, it’s Something. Honestly, I can’t judge myself for not doing well enough because it’s so absurd to begin with. I personally can’t tell you how many 20-year olds are scrolling through the girl scout’s website after a couple margaritas, and I don’t care. This isn’t a contest with my peers. I don’t have to worry about not doing as well as someone else, or not doing well at all, because I make my own rules! Hell, I’m the one who's gonna be embroidering the damn badges for myself, so I better feel like I’ve earned it before I put in that work!! The tasks aren’t graded. They’re not meant to prove anything to anyone aside to show you a new side of life and show that you’ve learned something from your experiences. Already, I’ve learned so much, even if it is just how to take the first steps towards writing something I’ve always wanted, but have never known how.
It’s always felt silly to worry about what the future will be like 10 years from now, but I can never help but wonder. Would my life be different if I went to grad school? What if I get divorced? Am I still going to live in the United States? It feels like I’m already so sure that my life will be full of regrets, because my expectations will never match reality. I can ponder and hypothesize all I want, but I will never know what 2024 is like until I’m there. I doubt that 7 year old me would’ve expected me to join the scouts after all this time. It’s a hard truth that I often have trouble facing, but I know that as long as I do something, I’ll be doing the right thing. Consider this your sign: If you wanted to do something but you weren’t sure about it; do it. Be active, be respected, be wonderful. You can do it! I believe in you.
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maachapur · 1 year
Elevate Your Imagination and Explore Your Creative Journey at The Best Animation Institute at Hapur in U.P.
In a world where imagination knows no bounds and creativity holds the power to shape realities, the realm of animation stands as a testament to human ingenuity. The seamless fusion of artistry and technology has given birth to awe-inspiring visual experiences that captivate audiences across the globe. 
Animation is a super versatile way of creating entertainment that we can find in movies, video games, websites, and even advertisements. Animation imparts incredible magic to all sorts of fun things we enjoy, and there are different kinds of animation such as 2D, 3D, VFX, Graphic Design and so on. In this article, we discuss the best institute for animation education in India, the various courses it offers and the career possibilities. 
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The Best Institute for Animation Education in India: 
Animation has gained immense popularity in the world of entertainment in this present era. Numerous institutions across the country now provide a diverse range of animation courses, with the career prospects stemming from these specialized programs continuously broadening. Therefore, if you have a keen desire to nurture your creativity and pace up on a path of animation to sculpt your future with immense success within this profoundly imaginative domain, then MAAC Animation Institute at Hapur, the best animation institute in Uttar Pradesh, must be your ultimate destination. 
You might find yourself pondering a single question: "Why should I opt for MAAC Animation in Hapur?" The answer is simple yet compelling – this institution provides you with all the essential tools to thrive in a real-world setting, paving your path towards remarkable success.
Industry-Grade Curriculum: MAAC Animation at Hapur prides itself on offering an industry-grade curriculum that's aligned with the demands of the animation and VFX industry. From foundational concepts to advanced techniques, students are exposed to a comprehensive learning experience that lays the groundwork for a successful career.
Experienced Faculty: A great institute is defined by its faculty, and MAAC Animation at Hapur excels in this regard. The institute boasts a team of experienced mentors who are not only well-versed in animation but also deeply passionate about nurturing talent. With their guidance, students are able to refine their skills, gain insights into the industry's trends, and develop a strong foundation that serves as a launching pad for their careers.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: Animation and VFX require access to cutting-edge technology and tools. At MAAC Animation in Hapur, students have the privilege of learning in an environment that's equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure. High-performance computers, industry-standard software, and well-equipped studios ensure that students have the resources they need to bring their creative visions to life.
Industry Connections and Placements: There are many educational institutions offering animation courses, but MAAC Animation,  a top class educational institution for animation in Hapur, has established strong ties with leading animation studios, production houses, and professionals in the field, and therefore, students get the opportunities of internships, industry exposure, and placement assistance. Our students are able to showcase their talents in competitions and secure lucrative paying jobs. 
Showcasing Creativity: MAAC Animation in Hapur takes pride in celebrating its students' creative achievements. The institute provides platforms for students to showcase their work, whether it's in the form of screenings, exhibitions, or online portfolios. This recognition not only boosts students' confidence but also exposes them to a wider audience, potentially attracting attention from industry professionals.
The Courses Offered: 
MAAC Animation, a top class educational institution for animation in Hapur,  offers training in media & entertainment through a wide network of centres in the country. The institute has a vast experience of teaching 3D & 2D animation, VFX, film-making, gaming, web & graphic designing, gaming, and media & entertainment. The institute offers various animation courses: 
Digital Illustration
Image Magic
Art of Video Editing
Web Design Pro
Motion Graphics Pro
3D Animation Pro
Graphic Design Pro
Compositing Pro
3D Walkthrough Pro
Graphic & Web Designing Next
Archi Viz Next
Visual FX Next
Motion Graphics & Animation Next
Professional Program in 3D Animation Xpert
Professional Program in 3D Animation & VFX Xpert
Career Possibilities: 
Enrolling in animation courses at MAAC Animation in Hapur, the best animation institution in Uttar Pradesh, opens the door to a diverse world of career possibilities. With skills honed through animation courses, students are well-equipped to dive on exciting journeys across entertainment, technology, education, and beyond.
2D Animator
3D Animator
Character Designer
Storyboard Artist 
Visual Effects Artist
Video Game Designer
Motion Graphics Designer
Stop Motion Animator 
Animation Director
Art Director
Freelance Animator
Storyboard Supervisor 
Layout Artist
In conclusion, MAAC Animation in Hapur isn't just an institute - it's a gateway to a world of creative possibilities. The institute has earned its reputation as the best animation institute in Uttar Pradesh through its exceptional curriculum, experienced faculty, state-of-the-art infrastructure, industry connections, and commitment to fostering creative excellence. For aspiring animators, this institute offers not just education, but a pathway to a fulfilling and successful career in the dynamic world of animation and VFX.
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entrepreneurstreet · 1 year
Quadravision: Revolutionizing Advertising Solutions with 25 Years of Media Expertise
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Quadravision, a leading advertising agency, is making waves in the industry with its comprehensive range of advertising solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses in today's dynamic market. With a diverse portfolio spanning newspaper advertisements, digital marketing, radio advertising, website designing, and creative designing, Quadravision has established itself as a one-stop destination for businesses seeking effective and impactful advertising campaigns. What sets Quadravision apart from its competitors is the extensive experience of its owner Anuj Bansal, who brings over 25 years of expertise from the media industry. Having worked with esteemed publications such as Times of India and Hindustan Times, the owner's deep understanding of the advertising landscape has been instrumental in shaping Quadravision’s success and driving impressive results for its clients.
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Newspaper advertisements have long been an influential medium for reaching a wide audience, and Quadravision harnesses the power of print media to deliver targeted and engaging campaigns. By leveraging their extensive network and relationships with leading newspapers, Quadravision ensures that each advertisement is strategically placed for maximum visibility and impact, allowing businesses to connect with their target audience effectively. In today's digital age, digital marketing has emerged as a game-changer in the advertising industry. Quadravision recognizes the importance of a strong online presence and offers a range of digital marketing services tailored to the unique needs of each client. From search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing to pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and content marketing, Quadravision's digital marketing experts work closely with businesses to craft compelling online campaigns that drive traffic, generate leads, and increase brand awareness. In addition to its expertise in newspaper advertisements and digital marketing, Quadravision also excels in radio advertising. With its extensive network of radio stations and a deep understanding of the medium, Quadravision creates engaging radio advertisements that captivate listeners and leave a lasting impression. The agency's team of creative professionals brings a fresh and innovative approach to radio advertising, ensuring that each campaign stands out from the competition. Recognizing the increasing importance of a strong online presence, Quadravision offers comprehensive website designing services. From building responsive and user-friendly websites to optimizing them for search engines, Quadravision's web design team ensures that each website not only looks visually appealing but also delivers a seamless user experience. By combining creativity with technical expertise, Quadravision helps businesses establish a strong online presence that drives conversions and boosts their digital success. Furthermore, Quadravision's creative designing services add the perfect touch of visual appeal and uniqueness to every advertising campaign. The agency's team of talented graphic designers and creative professionals bring ideas to life, creating eye-catching designs that capture the essence of a brand and resonate with the target audience. From logo design and branding to brochures and marketing collaterals, Quadravision's creative designs help businesses leave a lasting impression on their customers.
Over the years, Quadravision has garnered a strong and satisfied client base across various industries. The agency has successfully worked with esteemed institutions in the education sector, including branded schools and universities, helping them communicate their unique value propositions and attract prospective students effectively. In the healthcare industry, Quadravision has partnered with hospitals, clinics, and wellness centers to promote their services and foster trust among patients. Additionally, the agency has assisted retailers in creating impactful campaigns that drive footfall, increase sales, and enhance brand loyalty. As Quadravision continues to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing advertising landscape, the agency remains committed to delivering exceptional service and driving tangible results for its clients. With its vast experience, comprehensive range of services, and a talented team of professionals, Quadravision is poised to lead the way in providing innovative and effective advertising solutions for businesses of all sizes and industries. The agency's commitment to delivering exceptional results has earned it a satisfied and diverse client base. For more information about Quadravision and its services, please visit www.quadravision.co.in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quadravision5 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quadravision5/
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moograssdoggo · 2 years
Dear open source devs, I love you.
I have a tiny ass blog (somewhat by design) and I don’t anticipate this going very far, but part of me hopes it does. Can we just take a moment to appreciate open source developers? Like. REALLY. I’m a scientist by trade, and when I’m not in the field doing what I actually love and am good at, I’m often in front of a computer trying to work through data analysis. I have picked up a little bit of Python coding knowledge to make that work easier. I can automate things; work through large sets of data faster than going by hand; do stats faster and more thoroughly than excel; make the ~* prettiest *~ plots; work with raster data! ETC. But I can only do this BECAUSE there are these magical wonderful people out there on the other side of my computer screen putting gods know how many hours into making tools and packages and environments for me to apply to my data. So that I don’t have to code everything from scratch. Because I don’t know how to do that. I’m a rock person - not a computer scientist/engineer. And the greatest thing is that because Python is an open source *community developed* language, my broke ass graduate worker self doesn’t pay a dime to use all of those resources. (I paid a few dimes to have a specialist teach me how to use them effectively, but you don’t have to! There are free textbooks and courses and teaching resources EVERYWHERE!) And this is all thanks to the dedicated folks out there who work on the Python language itself and build tools for others to use and benefit from and who do this all for free out of the goodness of their being because did I mention Python is completely free and open source. I cannot stress how important this is for accessibility. It means I could mostly teach myself what I needed to know to use python (with the exception of the specialist knowledge that I paid for because I wanted a certification on top of the knowledge) on the internet for FREE. It means I still use Python and all the related tools and packages I need for FREE. I don’t have to pay the extremely expensive license fees for MatLab or ArcGIS products. I can process data and produce maps and charts and graphics for FREE. There’s still so many cost barriers to graduate education, academia, and publishing, but at least thanks to the open source nature of python I can make some of my knowledge available for free. And I can share my code! And help others! For FREE!
Anyway I just wanted to say thank you to the people out there who know how to develop coding languages and software and who do that for the benefit of the broader internet/science/learning community because I don’t know what I’d do without you. And this goes for everyone who does open source work! I just happen to use python most often. So! Yeah! THANKS CODE FRENS
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gigaslots78 · 3 years
Big Banker Rtp
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Game shows have been around for a long time, and they have done a lot to shape society as we know it today. They are fun, educative, and interactive. The impact of game shows has been felt in the gambling industry just like in other sectors.
Big Banker Rtp Portugal
Big Banker Rtp Memoria
Big Banker Deluxe Rtp
With an RTP of 98.94% on the banker bet and 98.76% on the player bet, vs 85.6% on the tie bet, punto banco (often called North American baccarat) offers a couple of bets with very attractive odds.
Slots are the masterpiece of the industry, as they are designed to tell a story and appeal to human psychology. Slot game developers have had inspiration from various game shows. Here are a few online slots influenced by popular game shows.
The playing grid features the game floor, banker stemple, mysterious banker, coffee mug, A, K, Q, and J. Its sound effects combine those from classic slots and the TV show. It is played on three rows and five reels. There are 20 selectable paylines and the RTP is 95.46 percent.
The most important thing to remember is that the RTP is a statistical average. The larger the sample size of spins on a certain slot machine, the closer the actual results will be to the RTP. Even though the RTP can't guarantee results, choosing machines with a higher RTP is always a smart move.
Where the True Big Wins Lie. The only special symbol of Deal or No Deal: The Slot Game is the game logo itself. Taken individually, it works as a wild card that can replace any other symbol to grant you an extra chance at scoring some extra wins on the reels. Landing 3 logos simultaneously, however, is the key to the bonus games.
img source: freepik.com
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IGT’s The Price Is Right
The Price Is Right is one of the most popular game show games. The slot by IGT puts a lot of emphasis on quality. It has traditional casino symbols like A, J, K, Q, 9, 10, and the Royal Suite. It also has the big spinning wheel, generous prizes, a charming host, and beautiful assistants. The graphics are outstanding and the background music is a fun jazz beat. It suits the theme perfectly. The host’s voice and cheering audience make it even more immersive.
The Price Is Right is a classic 5×3 grid slot with 25 paylines. Its RTP ranges from 92.89 to 96.25 percent. Even though the RTP is average, IGT has packed this slot with valuable features like the Cliff Hangers, the Big Wheel Bonus, and Plinko Mystery multiplier. Learn more about it and other top game show slots on https://www.bestcasinosites.net/blog/top-game-show-slot-machines.php.
Who Wants to Be A Millionaire by Big Time Gaming?
This irresistible slot is inspired by the British game show with a similar game. In the show, a player answers a series of general knowledge questions, and they may win a prize of £1m. The symbols in the slot game include 9 to Ace emblems and precious gems. Even though they do not look like the elements from the game show, the feel is the same. The sound effects and graphics will have you feeling like you are under the spotlight.
The slot has seven rows and six reels. Players get 117,649 ways of winning and the RTP is 96.24 percent. Its special features include the Walk Away/Final Answer and Hot Seat Free Spins Gamble.
Playtech’s Deal or No Deal
Deal or No Deal is one of the most popular game shows in the world. Playtech used it as inspiration for a fun and captivating slot. It has red and gold box symbols that give you the chance to win lots of money. Gold boxes have higher prices than the red ones and the landline phone serves as a wild.
Big Banker Rtp Portugal
The playing grid features the game floor, banker stemple, mysterious banker, coffee mug, A, K, Q, and J. Its sound effects combine those from classic slots and the TV show.
It is played on three rows and five reels. There are 20 selectable paylines and the RTP is 95.46 percent. Playtech has packed this slot with plenty of bonus features including a jackpot bonus, progressive jackpots, and free spins.
Wheel of Fortune on Tour by IGT
This is a unique slot from The Wheel of Fortune series. It is about a journey from one part of the United States to another end. There are symbols of iconic sites like the Hollywood sign and the Statue of Liberty. The bus is the bonus symbol and the Wheel of Fortune logo serves as the wild. The sound effects and graphics of the game work together to replicate the popular game show.
The slot has three rows, five reels, and 30 paylines. Its RTP is 96.60 percent. You can make more money with the bonus features including Tour Bonus, Level Up Plus, Trigger Boost, and Letter Board Picker.
img source: freepik.com
Game Changer from Realistic Games
With this game, the inspiration from a game show is only on the title. Everything else is unique. It uses cartoon-style graphics and animations and the background music does not come up until you spin. The effects are minimal giving this slot a laid-back and minimalistic vibe. Its symbols are a lot like what you would find in a classic game show. They include a teddy bear, yacht, and a car.
It features 20 paylines and is played on a 5×3 grid. Its RTP is 96.06 percent. Game Board is a thrilling bonus round where you can trigger a multiplier of six times your bet. Players also stand a chance of landing up to 6,000x their stake in every spin.
Microgaming’s Wheel of Wealth
Wheel of Wealth by Microgaming is a legendary slot game. It is the perfect blend of modern tech and old-school features. If you enjoy classic slots, you will love its theme and layout.
Big Banker Rtp Memoria
It has the Wheel of Wealth logo as its highest-paying symbol. The logo sits right under its reels and there is a full-sized pay table at the right. It is a lot like what you would find in land-based casinos.
The logo serves as a wild multiplier as well. Other valuable symbols include grapes, gold bars, diamonds, and cherries. The visual effects and sound are old school but the special features add a modern feel.
Wheel of Wealth has three reels, one slot, and one payline. Its RTP is 96.04 percent.
IGT’s 100,000 Pyramids
This slot from IGT is perfect if you would like the experience of playing a game show. It is inspired by the trivia show that bears the same name. The resemblance is apparent right from the start. The 100,000 Pyramid logo is the highest-paying symbol.
It is a wild as well. Other symbols in the game include celebrity star, 7 mystery, and contestant. Players get the chance to win huge prizes including a new car. The sound effects and graphics are impressive.
Big Banker Deluxe Rtp
100,000 Pyramids has 15 paylines, three rows, and five reels. The RTP is 93.91 percent with medium to high variance. The bonus feature is exciting as well. With the Winner’s Circle Pyramid, you get free spins and a chance to multiply your winnings in the bonus round. It is one of the most exciting game show slots in the market.
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hellenhighheels · 4 years
Sorta work question? But like... How doth one pick a career, and then stay committed &motivated to that career through all the schooling without being swallowed by the dread of future poverty and loans?
I’m maybe not the best person to ask that, because me ending up in law was the end of a pingpong of different job choices. 
It’s kind of like that classic mom line “You don’t know if you like it if you don’t try it.” Obviously it’s primarily intended for small children insisting they don’t like  a new vegetable, but it applies to job stuff. Education for a job and the job itself often interrelate very little--I loved going to school for graphic design, but found myself enjoying working as a graphic designer a lot less. By the same token, you might hate school for a job that you wind up loving. You won’t know until you do it. Your best bet is to do a bunch of research so that you know what you’re getting into before you even start.
There’s going to be aspects of any career or field that suck. That’s just reality. What you need to figure out is if the sucky parts are outweighed by the things you like.
I always find that the answer to anxiety is action. (I don’t necessarily mean that in the clinical sense, I mean the type anxiety and dread that everybody faces. This is one of those things! Everyone worries about that.) If you’re worried about future employability while you’re getting educated, then ask yourself what you can do now that will help your odds later.  If you’re in college, you’ll likely have some sort of career and professional development office that can talk to you about things that would be good additions to your resume. 
For example, when I was pursuing graphic design, I made sure to do a whole bunch of internships, each in different areas of the design field, to show that I was a well-rounded designer who could work in any area. I did the same thing in law school, working through different internships, competition teams, and extracurricular orgs (and actually got hired on to my first job as if I’d already been practicing for two years, because I’d done so much as a student.) If all you can do to be ready for future work is focus on your studies, then just do that! 
Once you’ve done the things you can do right now to improve your future odds, you get to use this, the sentence that is my watchword: “I have done what I can do; anything else is a problem for Future Hell.” Obviously you substitute your own name; Future Hell is not responsible for your problems.
If you’re doing everything you can to address a potential problem in real time, you’ll probably be very well-situated to handle it by the time the problem rolls around. My job is to equip Future Hell with the tools, resources, and skills she needs; Future Hell’s job is to solve the problems that roll her way. 
And if loans and future poverty are what’s making you nervous, maybe consider something in the trades! There are so many cool jobs there, and a lot of them are hurting for people and will pay you to get educated for the job. Work is work, degree or no degree, and those come with a LOT more stability. 
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aaliyahshaw23 · 4 years
Graphic design contract checklist
Delivery details: when and how you will deliver work
Expenses: travel to meetings, hotel accommodation etc.
Retention of title: confirm you own the goods until they’re paid for
Retention of copyright
Confidentiality: what information, if any, can you disclose and when
Void contracts: what circumstances would breach the contract and become void
Additional costs: g. who pays for postage of materials, packaging etc.
Expenses and cancellation fees : As well as the more standard terms and conditions, you might also want to consider detailing the expenses and additional costs you expect your client to cover during the time you’re working with them. These additional costs could include things like travel expenses for meetings or overnight accommodation costs. By outlining the exact terms of any extra fees or expenses, both you and your client will understand exactly how much everything is going to cost before any work is done, meaning you can focus on the job itself and building a good relationship with your client.
You’ll also want to agree a cancellation fee (if you have one at all) as well as information about the terms of late payments.
Set out your graphic design terms and conditions: In your graphic design contract, you’ll want to confirm your terms and conditions in writing ahead of starting work for any client. Setting out clear boundaries means your clients will understand exactly what you’ll be doing and when you’ll be doing it. Setting out these terms clearly will help to avoid help avoid any disputes over delivery times or payment terms.
Fair use’ :Under US and UK law, the ‘fair use’ principle exists to prevent copyright law from hindering free speech, freedom of the press, and to avoid excessive legal action for accidental or minor breaches of copyright. It allows content creators (including designers) to include quotes and excerpts from published works if they credit the author and source, and justify the extent of its use. Fair use is usually applied to news reporting, incidental references and private or educational use. Outside of these cases, it’s wise to seek the owner’s permission.
Creative Commons
Creative Commons (CC) licences automatically give people the right to use, modify or share content. There are various degrees of permissions:
CC0 is public domain, meaning the content is anyone’s to use, modify and share – no strings attached.
CC BY (CC Attribution) is anyone’s to share, use and modify, if you credit the original creator.
CC BY-SA (CC Attribution-ShareAlike) is as above, but requires you to share any modifications under the same licence.
CC BY-ND (CC Attribution-NoDerivatives) allows credited use and sharing, but not modification.
CC BY-NC (CC Attribution-NonCommercial) allows credited use, sharing and modification – but not for profit.
CC BY-NC-SA (CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike) is as above, but you must share any modifications under the same licence.
CC BY-NC-ND (CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives) allows credited sharing and usage, but not modification or sale.
Font licensing
These are a whole different ball game, so let’s start with the basics: while you're licensed to use preloaded fonts in programs like Photoshop, this isn't the same as owning them. Most licenses allow designers to use the fonts to create designs and documents on their computer, but not necessarily to ‘embed’ them or, in other words, share the font with unlicensed users.
Here are the four permission levels you’re likely to encounter, and what they mean in practice:
‘No embedding’ – you can’t embed these fonts in a digital document.
‘Preview and print’ – you can embed the fonts in a digital document (for example a PDF), but only to be viewed on a screen or printout.
‘Editable’ – you can embed fonts in a digital document, and it's fine for the recipient to view, print or edit the text.
‘Installable’ – the recipient can install the font to create completely new documents.
In web design, there are a few common approaches to sharing and rendering fonts:
‘Web-safe’ fonts are a small selection of fonts commonly found across both Apple and Windows computers, typically used by designers to ensure that text renders as well as possible in various web browsers. The operating system licence governs these fonts.
‘Rasterised’ fonts are turned into images and therefore not embedded.
‘CSS @font-face’ instructs the browser to temporarily download the font onto a user’s computer, and these fonts have their own licence terms.
Adobe Typekit gives subscribers access to a catalogue of fonts and has its own terms of use.
Logo ownership: the client or the designer?
Unlike other areas of graphic and web design, it’s common for the client to have ownership of the logo you design for them.
A logo design is such an essential part of the day-to-say functioning of a business that it’s easier for clients to have all the legal rights of ownership
Also, business owners want to protect their brand identity and logos are a big part of that. If the designer owns the rights, a business can’t register the logo design under the Intellectual Property Rights which can cause a number of legal issues further down the line for business owners.
Intellectual Property (IP)
Anything original that someone creates using their own mind is their intellectual property. Intellectual property rights allow you to make money from the intellectual property you own. Intellectual property can have more than one owner and it can be bought and sold to individuals or businesses.
You own intellectual property if you: created it bought it from the creator or previous owner have a brand that could be a trademark (e.g. a well-known product name)
Types of Intellectual Property (IP)
Automatic protection
Protects your work and stops others from using it without your knowledge or permission. You automatically get copyright protection when you create something original such as an illustration or a photograph. You can mark your work with a ©, your name and the year you created it. However, doing this won’t affect the level of protection you have.
Design right
Automatically protects designs to prevent someone from copying you 10 years after it was sold or 15 years after it was created (whichever is earliest). Design rights only apply to the shape or configuration of 3D objects; you must register to protect 2D designs like graphics or textiles.
Protection you need to apply for
Trademark : Registering your trade mark can help to protect your brand. For example, you can trade mark the name of a product or service. You can use the ® to show that you’ve got the trade mark and you’ll be able to take legal action against anyone who tries to use your brand without your permission.
Registered designs : You can register the look of something you’ve designed to stop people copying or stealing it. The ‘look’ of a design is its appearance, physical shape, configuration and decoration. Shapes of objects might already be automatically protected by design right, but registering it will give you further protection.
Patents :To be granted a patent, your invention must be completely new (not a modification of something that already exists) and it must be something that can be made or used. Patents are notoriously expensive and difficult to get, so you’ll need to think carefully about whether you really need one or not.
Image copyright
In the eyes of the law and the Intellectual Property Office (PDF), "photographs, illustrations and other images will generally be protected by copyright as artistic works."
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