#grants for small business in arizona
investingdrone · 5 months
Top Small Business Grants in Arizona 2024: Access Funding Now
Arizona small business owner! Running a business is tough, and sometimes you just need a little boost to get things going. The great news is there are grants out there specifically designed to help Arizona businesses like yours. This post will walk you through some of these grants, how to apply, and even what to do if you don’t snag the funding this time around. So whether you’re just starting…
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Dr. Karen Hawk’s Guide to Better Relationships in Arizona
In our increasingly interconnected world, the quality of our relationships profoundly impacts our overall well-being. Whether it’s with family, friends, romantic partners, or colleagues, healthy relationships foster happiness, resilience, and emotional support. Dr. Karen Hawk, a psychologist based in Arizona, specializes in helping individuals and couples navigate the complexities of their relationships. This guide will explore essential tips and insights from Dr. Karen Hawk on cultivating better relationships.
Understanding Relationship Dynamics
The Importance of Healthy Relationships
Healthy relationships are foundational to our mental and emotional health. They provide:
Emotional Support: A strong network can help individuals cope with stress and adversity.
Increased Happiness: Positive interactions contribute to feelings of joy and satisfaction.
Personal Growth: Relationships often challenge us, promoting self-awareness and personal development.
Common Relationship Challenges
Even the healthiest relationships can face challenges. Some common issues include:
Communication Breakdowns: Misunderstandings and lack of effective communication can lead to conflict.
Trust Issues: Past experiences can cause insecurities and doubts in relationships.
Different Life Stages: As individuals evolve, their needs and priorities may shift, impacting their relationships.
Stressors: External pressures, such as work or family responsibilities, can strain relationships.
Dr. Hawk’s Tips for Building Better Relationships
Dr. Karen Hawk provides actionable strategies to enhance the quality of relationships. Here are her top recommendations:
1. Prioritize Communication
Effective Communication: Clear, honest communication is the cornerstone of healthy relationships. Miscommunication often leads to misunderstandings and conflict.
Active Listening: Show genuine interest in what the other person is saying. Nod, maintain eye contact, and avoid interrupting.
Express Yourself: Share your thoughts and feelings openly. Use “I” statements to convey your feelings without placing blame, such as “I feel upset when...” instead of “You always...”.
2. Foster Trust
Building Trust: Trust is vital for any relationship. It takes time to build and can be easily broken, so it’s essential to nurture it.
Consistency: Be reliable in your actions and promises. Follow through on commitments to demonstrate your dependability.
Transparency: Be open about your thoughts and feelings. Transparency fosters a sense of security and strengthens bonds.
3. Embrace Conflict as a Growth Opportunity
Navigating Conflict: Disagreements are a natural part of relationships. How you handle conflict can significantly impact the relationship’s health.
Stay Calm: Approach conflicts with a level head. Take a break if emotions run high, and revisit the issue when you’re both calmer.
Seek Solutions Together: Focus on resolving the issue rather than winning the argument. Collaborate to find a solution that works for both parties.
4. Show Appreciation
Cultivating Gratitude: Expressing appreciation for your partner or loved ones can enhance emotional connections.
Regular Compliments: Make it a habit to compliment each other. Acknowledge small gestures and contributions.
Acts of Kindness: Small acts, like leaving a note or doing a chore without being asked, can go a long way in showing you care.
5. Spend Quality Time Together
Prioritizing Togetherness: Life can be busy, making it easy to take relationships for granted. Make a conscious effort to spend quality time together.
Plan Regular Date Nights: For couples, setting aside time for each other strengthens the bond. Choose activities you both enjoy, from dining out to hiking.
Engage in Shared Hobbies: Find interests you can enjoy together, whether it’s cooking, sports, or board games. Shared experiences foster connection.
6. Maintain Individuality
Balancing Togetherness and Independence: While nurturing your relationship is essential, maintaining individual identities is equally important.
Pursue Personal Interests: Encourage each other to engage in hobbies and friendships outside the relationship. This promotes personal growth and fulfillment.
Respect Boundaries: Understand and respect each other’s need for space and independence.
7. Seek Professional Guidance
Therapy as a Resource: Sometimes, relationships may benefit from the guidance of a professional.
Couples Therapy: If conflicts persist, consider seeking couples therapy. Dr. Hawk provides a supportive environment for couples to explore their dynamics.
Individual Therapy: Personal challenges can impact relationships. Individual therapy can help individuals work through their issues, enhancing their relationship quality.
8. Develop Empathy
Understanding Perspectives: Empathy is crucial for building strong connections.
Practice Active Empathy: Try to see things from the other person’s perspective. Ask questions to understand their feelings and thoughts.
Validate Feelings: Acknowledge the other person’s feelings, even if you don’t fully understand them. Validation fosters a sense of safety in sharing emotions.
9. Establish Shared Goals
Aligning Aspirations: Having shared goals can strengthen bonds and provide direction in a relationship.
Discuss Future Plans: Regularly talk about your aspirations, whether related to career, family, or personal growth. Aligning your goals fosters a sense of partnership.
Support Each Other’s Dreams: Encourage and support each other’s individual ambitions. This reinforces mutual respect and care.
10. Practice Forgiveness
Letting Go of Grudges: Holding onto resentment can poison relationships. Learning to forgive is vital for healing and moving forward.
Acknowledge Hurt: Recognize the feelings of hurt and disappointment, but don’t dwell on them. Discuss what happened and express your feelings.
Let Go: Choose to let go of past grievances. Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting; it’s about freeing yourself from the burden of resentment.
Enhancing Relationships with Family and Friends
Dr. Karen Hawk emphasizes that the principles of healthy relationships apply to family and friendships as well. Here are additional tips for enhancing these types of relationships:
1. Create Family Traditions
Building Bonds: Establishing traditions can create a sense of unity and belonging.
Weekly Family Activities: Dedicate time for family game nights, movie nights, or outdoor activities to strengthen family ties.
2. Communicate Openly with Family
Navigating Dynamics: Family relationships can be complex. Open communication is key to understanding each other better.
Family Meetings: Hold regular family meetings to discuss feelings, concerns, and plans. This promotes transparency and collective problem-solving.
3. Support Friendships
Nurturing Friendships: Friends play a crucial role in our lives, providing support and joy.
Reach Out Regularly: Make an effort to check in with friends. A simple text or call can strengthen your connection.
Be There in Times of Need: Offer support during tough times. Being present for friends solidifies your bond.
The Role of Cultural Sensitivity in Relationships
Dr. Karen Hawk also highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity in relationships. Understanding and respecting cultural differences can enhance communication and foster deeper connections.
1. Educate Yourself
Cultural Awareness: Take the time to learn about the cultural backgrounds of those you interact with.
Ask Questions: Engage in conversations about each other’s cultures. This shows interest and willingness to understand.
2. Be Respectful
Valuing Differences: Respect cultural practices, beliefs, and traditions. This creates a more inclusive and supportive environment.
Acknowledge Celebrations: Recognize and celebrate cultural events and holidays. This fosters a sense of belonging and appreciation.
Building and maintaining healthy relationships is an ongoing process that requires effort, understanding, and communication. Dr. Karen Hawk provides invaluable insights and strategies to help individuals and couples navigate the complexities of their relationships. By prioritizing communication, fostering trust, embracing conflict as a growth opportunity, and practicing empathy, you can cultivate deeper, more meaningful connections with those around you.
If you’re ready to enhance your relationships, consider reaching out to Dr. Hawk for support. Schedule a visit today by calling (480) 218-2289 or emailing her at [email protected]. For more information, visit her Dr. Karen Hawk Psychologist Gilbert, Arizona. Remember, the journey to better relationships starts with a single step, and seeking help is a powerful sign of strength.
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instant coffee
A narrative essay (?) I wrote when I was an English major.
“Do people in the Philippines like coffee?”
My father answers: “We only have instant coffee."
He – my father – the doctor and doctor’s husband – answers. It’s him – my sister’s father-in-law – the business owner and property manager – who falls quiet. And so does the rest of the table – his mouth – their mouth – not mouths – forming a small– o. 
Well, the wooden table, specifically, is quiet. It’s a sleak, massive thing, my sister and her husband bought from Lowe’s, wooden chairs and all its accompanying shadow. Grey with a tint of faded– jaded– green, but brighter– nicer– compared to where I sit. Where I sit is already quiet. I’m with my father, mother, sister, and ours is white, but a dirty white, and grey only because it’s speckled with dust, covered, carpeted by crumpling, crumpled plastic.
But the quiet doesn’t last. It fades back to quiet mumbles, indoor voices, garbled screeches. Nails on chalkboard discussing the importance of the French press: how long it takes, how hard to push. Whether you should buy it because sometimes the process takes too long, and you get cold coffee instead of hot, and coffee is always best hot or cold or hot or cold or scalding, to the point your skin burns and melts and falls off in flakes. First degree, second degree. Marred angry, angry red– 
And I don’t know a single thing about coffee.
I know how I relate to it.
I know that I hate it.
I know that my dad still has it instant.
Because he has no time, because he’s working, working, working. And my mother only has store-bought coffee once a month because she’s working. Because he has no time and she has no time for French presses that take the scalding and turn it into lukewarm, cool, cold, freezing. Because their coffee is already lukewarm by the time the powder turns liquid, and the water is stained a deep dark brown bloody red.
I also know that it comes from western Asia. Not France. And coffee, I mean. But here at dinner, it’s the Russian-Ukrainian-Alabama-Tennessee-ian white folk at the sleak– massive– grey– faded– jaded– green– table– who know coffee best. Not the Asian. Because I’m southeast Asian, jungle Asian, but my sister’s the jungle Asian who knows a little more about coffee. Even if she once hated it, like a child would, like I do now, but now– she likes coffee. And unlike the presumption of her father-in-law – who said earlier that Asians prefer tea over coffee – when she does like tea, instead of milk tea, she prefers sweet tea. Not ginseng, green, bright green, ginger. The type of tea a Southern grandma serves. Serves in a glass bottle. A glass bottle that’s cold. Cold with a slice of lemon. Not grandma. Great-grandma. Not even great-great grandma, but her, too. 
White hands stained a deep dark red.
Our plastic table is an inch lower than the other. I don’t know why when everyone at the Other is taller. Six-foot-something giants. The sister’s husband. Sister’s father-in-law. Six-foot-something business owners, who visit Colorado– Arizona– Europe every spring. Making me feel smaller than I already am. 
Isn’t this my sister’s house? My sister’s house, too? 
Granted, they didn’t put us at this table. There just wasn’t any space left at theirs.
But surely, the plastic chairs can be shoved together between the wooden ones. The wooden ones can scoot aside. They can be moved. They are not cemented.
We don't have to sit at this table, an inch lower, plastic, do we? Do we sit at the table at all?
“So there’s this new meal prep company where you can get food delivered to your house.”
“Yes, I tried it. But they delivered when I was at the place in Laguna, even when I tried to change the address.”
By now, my father is no longer part of the conversation. We don’t meal prep. We eat leftovers. We don’t have a second house. We have one, we have our own, which cost nearly a million, which will take another twenty years to pay off, maybe forty after college is done. Which isn't bad, but it's not theirs. It's not like theirs.
But I don’t want a second house. I want– I wish I liked coffee.
Not instant coffee.
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sunaleisocial · 1 month
First NASA-Supported Researcher to Fly on Suborbital Rocket
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/first-nasa-supported-researcher-to-fly-on-suborbital-rocket/
First NASA-Supported Researcher to Fly on Suborbital Rocket
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For the first time, a NASA-funded researcher will fly with their experiment on a commercial suborbital rocket. The technology is one of two NASA-supported experiments, also known as payloads, funded by the agency’s Flight Opportunities program that will launch aboard Blue Origin’s New Shepard suborbital rocket system on a flight test no earlier than Thursday, Aug. 29.
The researcher-tended payload, from the University of Florida in Gainesville, seeks to understand how changes in gravity during spaceflight affect plant biology. Researcher Rob Ferl will activate small, self-contained tubes pre-loaded with plants and preservative to biochemically freeze the samples at various stages of gravity. During the flight, co-principal investigator Anna-Lisa Paul will conduct four identical experiments as a control. After the flight, Ferl and Paul will examine the preserved plants to study the effect of gravity transitions on the plants’ gene expression. Studying how changes in gravity affect plant growth will support future missions to the Moon and Mars.
The university’s flight test was funded by a grant awarded through the Flight Opportunities program’s TechFlights solicitation with additional support from NASA’s Division of Biological and Physical Sciences. This experiment builds on NASA’s long history of supporting plant research and aims to accelerate the pace and productivity of space-based research.
The other Flight Opportunities supported payload is from HeetShield, a small business in Flagstaff, Arizona. Two new thermal protection system materials will be mounted to the outside of New Shepard’s propulsion module to assess their thermal performance in a relevant environment, since conditions will be similar to planetary entry. After the flight, HeetShield will analyze the structure of the materials to determine how they were affected by the flight.
Flight Opportunities, within NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate, facilitates demonstration of technologies for space exploration and the expansion of space commerce through suborbital testing with industry flight providers. Through various mechanisms, the program funds flight tests for internal and external technology payloads.
To learn more, visit: https://www.nasa.gov/space-technology-mission-directorate/
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Daughter of the Sea
Chapter 2: I Talk to a Horse (Read on AO3 here)
The first thing I heard when I reached the other side was a man’s voice, deep and kind. 
“Well now what do we have here?” 
I coughed and shook as much soot off as I could. “Hello,” my voice was small and raspy, “I’m Angie.” 
“And what are you doing in my fireplace, Angie?” 
It was then that I realized I wasn’t speaking to a man. 
“Why are you half a horse?” The words tumbled out before I could consider they might be rude—I was having a bit of a rough day. The horse-man just laughed. 
“A fair question, but I believe I asked you one first.” 
I shifted uncomfortably, the weight of my backpack heavy on my shoulders. “I was, umm, sent here. I think. A monster attacked me and then my mom threw bread in our fireplace and said I was special and then I stood in the fireplace, which I thought was crazy but it actually didn’t burn me, and now…I’m here.” 
He looked at me as if none of that was surprising in the least, which terrified me. 
“A monster, you say? Tell me more, please.” 
I did as he asked and told him everything, and as I spoke his tail twitched and his eyebrows knit together. He had a kind face with wide eyes that looked as old as time. In the silence after I finished speaking, I began to rack my brain for Greek myths about centaurs. 
“It is odd that a Kindly One was sent after you, and what she said is definitely troubling. Why would Hades take an interest in you?” He began to pace slightly, and he was speaking as if he forgot I was in the room.
“I can assure you, this creature was not kind , and—wait, did you say Hades?” My blood felt like it turned to ice. 
“Oh dear,” he turned back to me, as if remembering I was still there. “I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“Oh I’m well past scared.” 
The centaur sighed. “Of course you are.” He walked closer to me, his hooves echoing on the wooden floor. “Let me start at the beginning. Welcome to Camp Half Blood. You’re currently in New York, Long Island Sound.” My jaw flew open. How had I traveled all the way across the country in a matter of seconds? The centaur smiled slightly, his eyes twinkling. “Where did you come from, Angie?” 
“Tucson, Arizona.” He nodded. 
“I’ve been to Tucson, although it was a while ago. A lovely place—just not in the summer.” 
I cracked a smile for the first time since emerging from the fireplace. “It’s very dry at home.” 
“Yes.” He considered me for a moment. “Now may I ask, how did you receive the Blessing of Hestia?” 
“The what?” He nodded again, like he was putting pieces together. 
“That’s how you were able to travel here so quickly. Hestia is Goddess of the Hearth, among other things, and is able to grant blessings to those she deems very special to travel from one hearth to another. Did your mother tell you anything about that?” 
I shook my head. “She kinda just did the ritual and told me to go. She said it was the only way to keep me safe, and that everything would make sense once I got here. She told me she couldn't come because she’s mortal.” The last word felt strange in my mouth, but the man didn’t seem thrown by anything I said to him. 
“Interesting.” He was quiet for a long moment. “I’ll have to speak to the Lady herself, I have a feeling…” he stopped himself and his tail swished again, which reminded me of how strange this interaction was. “May I ask—do you know if the woman who sent you here, your mom, gave birth to you?” 
“No, she didn't.” I couldn't see why this mattered, and my voice instinctively got defensive. “I’m adopted. Why do you need to know?” 
“Just wondering…” his tone was still even, and something about that calmed me down. “You remind me of someone, that's all.”
“Oh…” I looked around and studied the grain of the hardwood floor. 
“I’ll go find someone to show you around, please excuse me while I attend to some business.” He started to walk out of the room and then stopped and turned back. “Where are my manners? I’m Chiron, Activities Director here at Camp. Sorry about that, I’ve been unusually distracted as of late. Things are, well…” he sighed, and I noticed how sad his eyes were. “This is strange timing.” He attempted a smile before walking out of the room, leaving me alone and confused, soot still tickling my nose. 
Before long, a girl entered through the open wooden doorway. She was probably my same age, a little shorter, with her dark red hair in one braid down her back. She had blue eyes and a kind smile, and carried the confidence of someone much older than her. She spoke cheerily as she walked up to me. 
“Hi! I’m Cadence Hayes, nice to meet you.” There was a lilt to her voice that was beautiful and very easy to listen to. 
“I’m Angie.” I watched as the girl noticed my charcoal-coated clothes. “I’m new.” 
“I know.” She said with a laugh, “That’s why Chiron asked me to show you around!” She grabbed the handle of my suitcase and walked out of the room. “Follow me.” She led me out of the room through a maze of hallways and finally out into the sunlight. “That’s the Big House.” She gestured to the building we had emerged from. It was, indeed, big, and blue. 
When I turned back, my breath caught at the view. 
“Beautiful, isn't it?” I forgot she was there for a moment, completely enraptured in the beauty before me. 
The Big House sat on a hill, and the valley below it glimmered in the golden, late evening sun. I could see large strawberry fields, a dense forest, cabins that were designed with all sorts of styles, a shimmering lake, and all the way out as far as my eyes could see, the Sound stretched out into the ocean. 
The water was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and the valley was the most green I'd ever seen in real life. I had never seen the ocean before, and the sight of it put me in a trance. I felt tears in my eyes and that tugging in my gut returned, as if every fiber of my being was willing me toward the water, telling me to run to the blue depths. Growing up in the desert, it's easy to forget that large bodies of water actually exist , and that other places in the world aren't just sand and dust. The sight overwhelmed me, and I felt like I could stand on that hill and stare until the sun dipped below the horizon. 
“Moving on!” I wouldn’t have followed Cadence if she hadn’t been holding my suitcase hostage. 
We wound down dirt paths that led into the valley, passing an open-air dining pavilion with white marble columns and marble tables. We walked by archery ranges, training courses, and the deadliest rock-climbing wall I’d ever seen. Wherever we went, kids in orange T-shirts and full Greek battle armor jogged past, holding all sorts of weapons. No one was laughing or smiling, and if they were talking to each other, it was in hushed, serious tones. 
The air was tense, and even I could tell. 
“What’s going on?” I asked as a tall blonde girl rushed past with a bow over her shoulder, a full quiver on her back. 
Cadence pursed her lips and looked around nervously. 
“Things have been tense for awhile, but now it's worse than ever. We’re on the brink of war.” She said this so matter-of-factly that I almost didn’t process it fully. 
“Did you say war?” 
She nodded. “It’s complicated, but basically the Lord of the Titans is trying to destroy the gods and everything associated with them. To make it worse, a former camper helped resurrect him and some more half-bloods joined his army because they felt abandoned by the gods—oh look! A rainbow!” She pointed to the strawberry fields where a beautiful, full rainbow had suddenly materialized. 
“Oh,” I felt like I had whiplash. “Is that what Chiron meant when he said my coming was ‘strange timing’?” 
“Hmm, maybe. Chiron says a lot of things that are hard to understand.” She turned from the rainbow to look at me again. “You’ll get used to it.” 
She brought me to an open clearing ringed by twelve large cabins, each decorated uniquely. In the middle stood two imposing structures with marble columns in the traditional Greek style, the one on the right carved with beautiful etchings of peacocks. 
“Are those two for Zeus and Hera?” 
Cadence smiled, seeming impressed. “Very good! Each of the twelve cabins is for the Twelve Olympians, and their children stay in their parents' cabin.” Some of them were beautiful, neat, and decorated with flowers and vines. Others I wanted to stay far away from. As I was looking at all of them, a breeze blew past, causing the door to the cabin just to the left of Zeus’ to swing open. The wind was cool and slightly salty, and immediately my senses were flooded with images of the ocean I had just seen. I felt my nerves calm and a smile spread across my face. I could hear a trickle of water coming from the now-open door, and I wanted to know more about that cabin. 
“What’s that amazing smell?” 
Cadence looked confused, “What smell? Maybe you’re getting whiffs of the flowers from Demeter’s cabin?” 
I shook my head, “It smells salty…like the sea.” I didn’t know how I knew that, since I had never actually smelled the sea before. 
“Maybe something’s coming from the Poseidon cabin.” Her voice had a hint of worry to it, and as she said the name of the Sea God, a tingling returned to my fingertips. 
“Is it that one?” I pointed out the low, wooden cabin lined with seashells. The nautical wind chimes were blowing in the breeze, and I thought it was one of the best sounds I had ever heard. I had never been to the beach, but it looked just like the weather-worn structures you would expect to find there, if not a little run-down. 
“Yup, that’s for children of Poseidon, although there aren’t many of those.” 
“Is it empty?” 
“No, there’s one son of Poseidon here.” Cadence’s face was a mixture of pride and concern. “His name is Percy Jackson, he’s on a quest right now.” 
I told myself that the last name Jackson was very common, and it was just a coincidence we had the same one. 
“A quest?” 
“Usually, that's the only way to leave camp during the summer. A Hero’s Quest. You know, like Hercules and Jason and Odysseus. The gods will send demigods out to do something for them, and if they survive and succeed, they get glory and recognition. Kleos .” Somehow I knew that word was Ancient Greek, and I knew what it meant. 
I nodded. “So, what’s Percy’s quest?” 
She looked around like she was nervous, stepped close to me, and then spoke in a low voice, “It’s actually Annabeth Chase’s quest, but he and some others went into the Labyrinth, you know the story of the minotaur, right?” She waited for me to nod before continuing. “Word is that Kronos’ army is trying to attack Camp through the tunnels. Hopefully Percy and the others can find a way to stop them before that happens.” I swallowed hard, trying to understand. I hadn’t been here for more than an hour, but already the thought of something bad happening to this place made my heart sink.
“There might be an attack?” 
Cadence nodded grimly. “That’s why everything’s so tense. This isn't the best time to come to Camp for the first time, but here you are!” She brightened her smile, and the sight of it actually lifted my spirits. “Don't worry, this place will feel like home in no time.” She gave me a half-hearted pat on the back and continued walking. “Come on, I’ll show you where you’ll stay while we wait for your godly parent to claim you.” 
I followed her down the well-trodden footpaths, stealing one last look at the empty Poseidon cabin, the open door still swinging in the briney breeze. 
She stopped in front of a beautiful, tall structure with Greek columns supporting a large open patio and a white shining house behind it. The roof looked to be made of actual gold, which gleamed in the sun, and over the door there was a mosaic of a handsome man in a chariot with the sun trailing behind him. As we got closer, a cacophony of sounds came pouring from the inside—everything from singing to various instruments to spoken word poetry to the sound of arrows bouncing off metal. 
“I’m guessing this is the Apollo cabin?” Cadence beamed brighter than I had seen her before. 
“You catch on quick! Yup, this is my cabin. Come on inside!” I followed through the patio and into the building, which was so much brighter than I thought it would be. Each of the walls was at least half glass, with beautiful stained-glass scenes that bathed the room in golden and colorful light. Immediately as I walked into the cabin there was a main room filled with well-worn couches that were strewn with more instruments than I’d ever seen in my life, only half of them being played at the moment, along with scripts, poetry books, and medical textbooks strewn about. At the back of the large room there was a long hallway, and I was about to ask what it was for when I saw about twenty arrows fly by the open door. 
“Makeshift archery range, make sure you enter through the far door to the right.” I hadn’t noticed Cadence was watching me, a delighted smile on her face. 
“Is that safe?” 
She shrugged, “All the healers are in this cabin anyways, so it's usually fine.” I took in the chaos around me, and noticed that none of the other campers seemed to pay any mind. For the first time in my life, I didn’t feel like an outsider. For the first time in my life, I began to wonder if I finally found the place I belonged. 
Cadence continued talking as she led me to an empty bunk. “Apollo is the god of many things, so his children have a lot of talents. Archery, healing, music, poetry, drama, dance, the sun…to name a few.” 
“Does anyone here actually have sun powers?” I didn’t even know what those could be, but Cadence just smirked. 
“They’re very rare, but yes. Stella Marberry can control sunlight, it's actually very cool to see.” I glanced around the room again, soaking it all in and looking at the few campers in a different light. All of them had special talents, supernatural abilities given to them by a literal god. I wondered who my parent could be, hoping silently that it would be Apollo, although I didn’t think I had any of his gifts. I sang well enough, but maybe not good enough to have the god of music as my dad. “You can leave your stuff here, this is where you’ll stay for now.” I gratefully plopped my backpack onto the heavy bunk, rubbing at my shoulders, and I noticed a slight shift in Cadence’s demeanor. She looked around as if she didn’t want the other kids to see what was going on, and when she turned back to me, she spoke quietly, “Usually the New and Unclaimed kids stay in the Hermes cabin, but I asked Chiron if you could stay here for now. I just think, with everything going on—” 
Just then, a sound filled the room, almost like a horn, and all the kids  started to get up and move towards the door. I shot Cadence a questioning look. 
“Dinner time!” Was all she said as she quickly filed out of the room behind her siblings. I followed her excitedly, I didn’t realize how hungry I was, but at the mention of food, my stomach started growling. 
As we got outside, I could see lines of campers flowing out of the other cabins, streaming in from the strawberry fields, and pouring out of the various training grounds. Once we got to the dining pavilion, I noticed that there weren't just kids at this camp. I had to stop myself from staring at the different mythological creatures. I recognized satyrs, nymphs, and dryads from my bedtime stories. None of the other campers seemed to pay them any mind, some even talking to them like they were old friends. I wondered how long it took them to get used to it all. 
I thought dinner was somewhere I would finally be able to relax—how different could eating be, right?---but I was wrong. It started with a magic cup that Cadence told me I could ask to be filled with anything I liked. When I wished for Dr. Pepper, it appeared, and for a couple minutes I was too shocked to drink it. Then, when the food came out, she had to physically stop me from shoveling the ribs into my mouth. 
“You have to wait!” 
“What, do you say grace or something?” She chuckled and then began to stand up with the rest of the table.
“Kinda. Just follow me and do what I do.” 
I followed her to a big, open fire pit in the middle of the pavilion, and watched as the campers before me scraped a portion of their plate into the fire. And it wasn’t just any portion, but the best portion. I figured I had better do the same, and I tried to listen to what the other kids were mumbling as they did it, but it wasn’t until Cadence went right before me that I actually made out the words. 
“For Apollo.” She said, and as her ripest strawberry hit the flames, a scent of a warm spring meadow floated over her. 
When it was my turn, I froze. 
“What do I say? I don’t know who my parent is.” 
“That’s alright, you can make an offering to all of the gods by saying, ‘to the gods’.” 
“Okay.” I scraped off a portion of the rib that I had almost shoveled into my mouth minutes ago. “To the gods.” When the meat hit the flames, they grew higher and hotter, and the faint scent of the sea washed over me again. No one else seemed to notice, though, and I followed Cadence back to the table. 
“So do you do that every time you eat?” 
She nodded as she dug into her strawberries. 
“Yup, as a thank you to our parents. Some of the Half-bloods think our godly parents are lousy, and sometimes they are, by mortal standards, but they also give us a lot of blessings. Most demigods have special gifts, and all of us are hardwired to be excellent in battle. You have to look a bit harder, but the gods do care, even if they show it in unique ways.” She turned back to her plate, leaving me to consider her words. 
So far, I didn’t feel like my godly parent was all that great. They hadn’t even claimed me, whatever that meant, and both them and my mortal parent had abandoned me as a child. I ate the rest of my meal in silence, watching the campers around me. 
After dinner, it was time for a bonfire, which the Apollo kids were very excited about. They led me down to a huge fire pit that contained the largest place for a campfire I’d ever seen and plenty of seating around it in concentric circles. I sat there as Cadence’s siblings led the campers in a few songs, told a few stories, and did their best to boost camp morale. And while the mood did lighten some, evident by the apparently magical camp fire that reflected the mood of the campers, an air of tension still hung over everyone. I found myself staring into the flames, which I had done a lot that day, since I didn’t know many of the songs. And again, I could've sworn I saw a woman with glowing eyes looking back at me, and this time she was smiling. No one else seemed to notice her, though, so I just looked away and told myself I was crazy. When I looked back again, she was gone, and I decided I was officially losing my mind. 
After about an hour, the Apollo kids wrapped up the campfire and everyone slowly made their way back to their cabins. Cadence was one of the last people out, so I waited on a bench until she was done reassuring a younger Apollo kid that they hadn’t been pitchy during one of their solos. When she walked back over to me, she wasn’t alone. A tall, blond, handsome kid that I guessed was a year or two younger than me was with her and he smiled at me as they approached. 
“Angie, this is Will. He’s a good friend of mine, and he’ll be the person you go to for help whenever I’m not around.” I shook Will’s hand and gave him a smile. 
“Why won't you be around?” I had met a few of the other campers, and they were nice enough, but Cadence was the only person I felt safe around so far. 
“I work in the infirmary most nights. I actually have to go start my shift now, which is why I asked Will to look out for you. Don’t worry, he’s almost as capable as I am.” She gave her half-brother a wicked grin and he rolled his eyes playfully in protest. 
“When it comes to this I just might be more capable. You’re gonna be late, Cady. Run along.” He patted her shoulder and she nodded before smiling back at me. 
“You’ll be fine. Goodnight!” And with that, she jogged off toward the hill that I thought the Big House sat on, if I remembered correctly. 
I followed Will back to the cabins, and it’s a good thing too, because I definitely would have gotten lost on my own. He made small talk on the way, and I quickly decided I liked him. 
He was kind, genuine, and gentle, which was a relief since I wasn’t used to being around many caring kids, much less guys. When we got back to Cabin Seven, as Will called it, he led me to my bunk and then said goodnight, disappearing into the crowd. Now that it was nighttime and all the kids were in one place, I noticed how crowded the room was. I didn’t know how many people were in the other cabins, but I thought Apollo must have one of the highest number of children. I remembered the words Cadence said to me earlier at dinner, and as I crawled into the only empty bunk in the room, I wondered if the sun god knew all of them by name and if he actually cared about them.
Eventually, one of the older kids who seemed to be in charge announced it was time for lights out, yelling over the din that seemed to be a constant accompaniment for Children of Apollo. He had Stella extinguish the lights in the cabin, which was both cool and convenient since no one wanted to get out of bed to do it. As the darkness settled in and my head hit the pillow, I realized how deeply exhausted I was, both emotionally and physically. 
The last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep was feeling a small tear run down my cheek and pool in my ear.
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needlesthc123 · 6 months
The Healing Center
Needles, California is a popular destination for tourists looking for the legendary medley.
No matter the time of day or night, our cannabis experts are standing by to answer your call.
Being one of the world's most famous cannabis shops is something we're really proud of dispensary needles ca What wonderful news! Both our indica and sativa types have become stronger.  Here are two types of premium cannabis that have been sent your way. I am very grateful for your assistance. Among the many cannabis items offered at our dispensary are edibles and vape pens.
Its outstanding performance quickly catapulted it to the top of its industry.
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Unfortunately, we are unable to partake in the booming medicinal marijuana market at this time due to our current financial constraints. Tobacco and drug sales are indeed monitored by online marketplaces. Such a well-designed website is unusual to see in this day and age.
Needles, a small town in California, was an important rest stop on the old Route 66 that connected Arizona and California. The Healing Centre Weed Dispensary is one of several businesses in Needles. It is possible that California is home to both of these spots. Everything that is here makes this part of California special. The likelihood of both of these locations being in California is high. Two cannabis dispensaries, in an odd coincidence, are located in the same building. Utilising the knowledge and expertise of the locals is the morally correct course of action. We have carefully selected each premium cannabis product for our dispensary based on the unique benefits it offers. Use our search function whenever it is most convenient for you. All of these items are available at our dispensary. Flower, extracts, candies, and more besides are available at the Healing Centre's extensive cannabis product selection. This is vital regardless of the type of cannabis product you're seeking. Even though we looked into cannabis extensively, we still don't know how long your condition will last. If this causes you any trouble, please know how much we apologise. If this caused any inconvenience, please accept our deepest apologies. You may trust this promise since it ensures a smooth and enjoyable transaction. If you're thinking about buying cannabis online, consider this. Dismissing this entirely would be totally irresponsible.
Our helpful and knowledgeable staff is here to answer any questions you may have about our services. We are really grateful for your hospitality in granting us access to their showrooms. We would be incredibly grateful if you could graciously accept our invitation Dispensary Stop by any of these locations to browse our vast variety and get the most recent recommendations. Our number one goal here at the Healing Centre dispensary is to ensure your well-being and contentment. Someday, down Route 66, we shall set out on our most incredible cannabis journey to date. We warmly welcome you. It would be an immense blessing for us to have you there. Please get in touch with us at any time if we may be of service to you.
Some people may find it more convenient to purchase cannabis through dispensaries and online marketplaces. Listen carefully to these directions.
At the Healing Centre dispensary, you can begin the ordering procedure for cannabis goods for pickup by perusing our menu. Doing everything ahead of time will reduce the amount of time spent acquiring data. Please don't hesitate to contact us at any hour of the day or night. Take a look at this alternative expression. Selecting the parts and quantities is as simple as dragging and dropping once you've decided on a strategy. Gaining mastery of the process of starting the engine by turning the key will put all your worries to rest. If the materials used to make your purses are a bit pricey, please give this some further thought.
Your prompt arrival to collect the items is much appreciated. When you locate the correct processes, if you adhere to them, you will be ready. To ensure accurate order processing, please fill out this form completely. The order cannot be finalised without this request. New users will be asked to provide identity when they sign up, while existing users will have full access to all functions. Once the verification process is complete, we will grant the user access to their account. Because they do not possess the necessary credentials, they cannot take part in the verification procedure.
Once we receive your consent, we will arrange for trash removal at your curbside. We will notify you via text message when your order is ready for pickup.
Detailed instructions on the proper use of our cannabis products are available here. Your undivided attention is requested. We would like to stress this point again and again. Without a doubt, this is the element that will determine their fate.
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twiainsurancegroup · 6 months
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grantphillipslawcom · 7 months
Rebuilding Dreams: Navigating Small Business Disaster Loans
In the wake of unforeseen calamities, the resilience of small businesses is a testament to the human spirit's indomitable nature. Challenges may seem impossible, but entrepreneurs can rebuild their dreams through perseverance and strategic planning. Amidst such trying times, avenues like Small Business Disaster Loans offer a glimmer of hope, providing the necessary financial support to revive operations and restore livelihoods.
The Lifeline of Settle My Cash Advance:
Settle My Cash Advance emerges as a beacon of support for businesses grappling with financial strains post-disaster. Leveraging their expertise, they extend a helping hand to entrepreneurs navigating turbulent waters. By offering tailored solutions and compassionate guidance, they alleviate the burden of mounting debts, empowering businesses to regain their footing and forge ahead towards brighter horizons.
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In times of crisis, solidarity among communities and businesses paves the way for collective resilience. Business Disaster Loans are a cornerstone in this endeavour, providing the necessary capital infusion to rebuild shattered dreams. By fostering an environment of support and collaboration, entrepreneurs can harness their creativity and determination to emerge more vital than ever, turning adversities into opportunities for growth and innovation.
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Navigating the intricate landscape of disaster recovery requires a multifaceted approach encompassing strategic planning and unwavering support. Small Business Disaster Loans offer a lifeline, bridging the gap between adversity and prosperity. With expert guidance and financial assistance, entrepreneurs can chart a course towards sustainable recovery, laying the foundation for long-term success and resilience in uncertainty.
A Testament to Resilience: Stories of Triumph and Hope
Amidst the rubble of devastation, stories of triumph and hope emerge as testaments to the resilience of the human spirit. Armed with unwavering determination and the support of initiatives like Settle My Cash Advance and Small Business Disaster Loans, entrepreneurs defy the odds and rebuild their enterprises from the ground up. These narratives of resilience inspire us to persevere in the face of adversity, reminding us that even amidst the darkest times, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
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As we navigate the aftermath of disasters, it becomes increasingly evident that investing in resilience is paramount to safeguarding the future of our communities and economies. Initiatives like Settle My Cash Advance and Small Business Disaster Loans are pivotal in this endeavour, providing the necessary support and resources to bolster businesses and communities against future uncertainties.
Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, initiatives like Settle My Cash Advance and avenues such as Business Disaster Loans offer hope for entrepreneurs seeking to rebuild their dreams. By providing financial support and guidance, they pave the way for a brighter tomorrow. To learn more about navigating small business challenges and accessing vital resources, visit grantphillipslaw.com.
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levantu · 8 months
Dr Le van Tu-08/02/2024
(31/01/2024, Julianne Culey)
I read GOVERNMENT BUSINESS SUPPOR tauthored by Julianne Culey
Julianne is the Assistant Director of the Reynolds Center with expertise in marketing and communications and holds a master's in Sociology from Arizona State University.
The government gets a lot of flack from businesses for not being ‘pro-business’, especially in election cycles. In reality, the government does a lot to help support large and small businesses alike. Here are some of the ways the government gets involved that should be included in the conversation with business owners when discussing the financial health of their business.
That's right. In fact, the government, because its operating budget mainly depends on the resources of businesses and people, but mainly collects taxes from businesses.
  The government always favors ways to help businesses, complete production and business tasks, and be able to pay taxes to the government.
  Any year there is a loss of tax revenue, that year will affect the government's operating budget.
Julianne Culey continued writing: One of the most common ways the government assists the business world is by providing tax incentives and breaks for businesses that meet certain criteria, both on a federal and state level. 
For example, Arizona’s Commerce Authority demonstrates 13 ways  businesses can receive tax relief. This includes tax credits for  quality job creation , sales tax exemptions on manufacturing equip ment , and tax credits for hiring individuals from targeted groups . All of these are ways companies can reduce their overhead costs.
Julianne Culey writing:Some programs give tax breaks for companies that use renewable energy . Others focus on giving relief after natural disasters. Then there is the common deduction for charitable donations  that a lot of companies use.
Currently in the world, companies using renewable energy receive incentives from the government.
  The government's maximum efforts that we will not see such as relief from natural disasters such as floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Businesses that do a lot of charity work will also be given incentives by the government.
The article talks about grants and loans: In addition to tax breaks and incentives, the government hands out subsidies in the form of cash grants, like the ones given to farmers for decades to help control the supply and demand of essential crops – especially, but not limited to, corn. Common industries the government subsidizes are oil, agriculture, housing, automobiles, and health care.
The government can also help businesses that have trouble qualifying for bank loans by guaranteeing a portion of the loan to the lender, increasing the likelihood one is awarded. The government has ten loan programs primarily aimed at small businesses.
The government has many lending programs mainly aimed at small businesses. The government requests the state bank and other commercial banks to reduce interest rates to promote production and business activities. Developing production will control inflation.
This is a problem that many governments must always pay attention to because an economy with high inflation will weaken the entire social life and people.
In terms of government contracts, the article refers to the government completing large public works or other construction projects, with the government often hiring private enterprises as contractors.
This is very correct, creating a level playing field between private enterprises and state-owned enterprises.
This article mentions many concerns and practical subsidy actions of the government for businesses.
However, there is another very important activity that the author says very little about: supporting consumption and sales.
Currently, the global economy is weakening, so the government must pay attention to supporting sales, how to sell products, and how to avoid inventory.
Many countries are experiencing product and goods stagnation; Consumers and customers are few, sellers are many.
Sales support is extremely important in the current period. We need to pay attention, especially the government must prioritize output for businesses. especially businesses with too large stagnant inventories.
In summary, through this article, the author has mentioned a lot about government subsidies. However, I further propose that the government must pay attention to supporting the sales and consumption of products.
Purchasing power has dropped sharply and we need to do programs and activities to stimulate demand.
Hopefully this article will help businesses build appropriate strategies and the government have effective policies to support businesses.
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Tel:0989577088  Email: [email protected]
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michiganprelawland · 1 year
The Right-to-Repair Debate in Congress
By Taylor Trenta, Calvin University Class of 2025
August 18, 2023
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Throughout 2023, there has been an uptick in attention granted to the concept of right-to-repair, especially with technology and auto parts. In 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul of New York signed the Digital Fair Repair Act, then saying New York was the “first state in the nation to guarantee the right to repair.” Many states followed, leading to attention throughout 2023. [1] Throughout the summer, a panel of experts made the case to dismantle right-to-repair restrictions on a Congressional level. [2] The group argues that consumers should have access to cheaper and more accessible part replacements and services, rather than only the original manufacturers. [2]
According to Nathan Proctor, a campaign director at the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, TV and radio repair shops have been replaced in a push towards replacements and repairs from the manufacturer. He said: “We've been pushed into this... How did we wake up in a world where changing a battery was too dangerous to do? They benefit from us not having that power.” [1] While this is becoming a more prevalent problem, powerful technology producers have led to this for decades. For instance, the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act expanded protections for code in the growing market of software embedded products. [1] Darrell Issa, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee’s intellectual property panel, said during the July hearing: “Let there be no doubt that the right to repair the product that you have purchased is a fundamental principle... and individuals and businesses should not under any circumstances have any doubt as to where the bright lines are in their rights.” [2] One key roadblock in accessing data for necessary repairs is Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act; this prevents consumers from working around technological safeguards due to their copyright. The intention was to prevent piracy. However, this prevents users from accessing some aspects of repair manuals, which some say reaches beyond the scope of the law. [2]
In March, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel worked with 28 other attorneys general to call upon the 118th Congress to pass Right-to-Repair legislation; in this movement, the coalition targeted automobiles, agriculture equipment, and electronic equipment. [3] With this, the purpose is also to keep small businesses competitive against closed systems that Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) favor. [3] Nessel stated: “The monopoly on repairs hurts consumers...Original Equipment Manufacturers restrict competition for repair services by limiting the availability of parts, making diagnostic software unavailable, or using adhesives that make parts difficult to replace, all of which can result in higher product and repair prices. I stand with my colleagues in asking Congress to pass Right-to-Repair legislation that not only protects consumers, but protects the laborers and farmers who help build and feed our nation.” [3] The letter sent in by this group included attorneys general of Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin. [3] The group also encouraged Congress to consider three major pieces of proposed legislation that received support, but were never passed: The Fair Repair Act, the SMART Act, and the REPAIR Act. [3]
From the University of Michigan, Professor Aaron Perzanowski testified on the concept of right-to-repair before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet. [4] In regard to Section 1201, Perzanowski stated, “Section 1201 of the DMCA makes it practically impossible for consumers to exercise their lawful right to repair a wide range of devices, from tractors to home electronics, even though the copyright office says those activities are non-infringing.” [2] With his testimony, he emphasized the gravity of the situation: “The right to repair is a longstanding principle, reflected in both personal property and IP law. Without it, the fundamental notion of ownership—of our cars, our communications devices, our home appliances—is under threat. Safeguarding that right to repair is a complex legal problem that has no single solution. Beyond IP law, it presents questions of antitrust, consumer protection, and contract law, among others. Nonetheless, by addressing the ways in which IP law interferes with rights of Americans to fix the things they buy, Congress is positioned to help maintain and restore this core right of property owners.” [4]
During the same July 18th House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet, most shared the perspective of Perzanowski. However, Devlin Hartline from the Hudson Institute’s Forum for Intellectual Property said: “The right-to-repair movement isn’t based on a preexisting right; it’s instead asking lawmakers to create a new right at the expense of the existing rights of IP owners.” [5] Even those who support the right-to-repair movement noted some concerns over safety; in the food and auto industries, Perzanowski said this type of Intellectual Property law is not always the right way to go. However, these risks of flawed production are present even with the original manufacturer. [5]
With this increase in attention, other members of Congress have looked to introduce legislation against other barriers. One bill looks to shorten the enforcement period for patents on some auto parts. Another bill proposed by Neal Dunn in February also hopes to prevent auto manufacturers from hiding data that would enable replacement parts to be manufactured. [2] While this issue is not yet resolved, the debate over the right-to-repair will likely continue to gain momentum throughout the country.
Taylor Trenta is a pre-law student at Calvin University, located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is currently studying history and economics as an Honors Scholars student.
[1] Clark, Peter Allen. (January 23, 2023). “Flood of “right to repair” bills signals DIY watershed.” Axios. AxiosFlood of "right to repair" bills signals watershed moment for movementThe “Right to Repair” movement championing owners' freedom to fix everything from smartphones to tractors is set for a landmark new year,....Jan 23, 2023.
[2] Weiss, Benjamin S. (July 18, 2023). “Congress takes on ‘right to repair’ consumer reforms.” Courthouse News. Courthouse News ServiceCongress takes on 'right to repair' consumer reformsLawmakers want federal copyright law amended so that third parties can access the parts and data necessary to repair cars, electronics and....4 weeks ago.
[3] Michigan Gov. (March 28, 2023). “AG Nessel Joins Coalition Urging Congress to Pass Right-To-Repair Legislation.” Michigan Gov. https://www.michigan.gov/ag/news/press-releases/2023/03/28/ag-nessel-joins-coalition-urging-congress-to-pass-right-to-repair-legislation.
[4] Needham, Bob. (August 7, 2023). “Perzanowski Testifies at Congressional Subcommittee on Right to Repair.” Michigan Law.
[5] McDermott, Eileen. (July 18, 2023). “House IP Subcommittee Mulls Copyright and Design Patent Revisions Amid Right-to-Repair Debate.” IP Watchdog.
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Discovering Prescott, Arizona and the Real Estate Opportunities with West USA Realty: A Comprehensive Guide
Welcome to the vibrant city of Prescott, Arizona, where natural beauty, rich history, and small-town charm converge. Nestled in the picturesque mountains of North Central Arizona, Prescott is a hidden gem that captivates visitors and residents alike. Join us as we explore the allure of Prescott and the incredible real estate opportunities it offers with the assistance of West USA Realty.
Prescott, Arizona: An Introduction
Prescott, also known as "Everyone's Home Town," is an inviting community that entices with its diverse recreational and cultural offerings. This North Central Arizona city boasts a harmonious blend of awe-inspiring landscapes, a fascinating historical heritage, and a warm small-town atmosphere. It's no wonder that Prescott has become a sought-after destination for those seeking an authentic Southwestern experience.
The Soaring Popularity of Airbnb Business in Prescott
In recent years, Prescott has witnessed explosive growth in the popularity of short-term rentals through platforms like Airbnb. The city's unique appeal to tourists searching for an immersive Southwestern getaway has been a driving force behind this surge. With its year-round pleasant weather and an extensive range of outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and camping, Prescott beckons adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers. Moreover, the captivating historic downtown area, adorned with Victorian homes and charming boutiques, along with renowned events like Prescott Frontier Days and the World's Oldest Rodeo, serve as additional draws for visitors.
The Impact of Airbnb on the Local Economy
The Airbnb boom has had a profoundly positive impact on Prescott's economy, opening up new avenues of income for homeowners and fostering the growth of local businesses. This surge in short-term rentals has contributed significantly to the overall prosperity and development of the city.
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Investing in a rental home in Prescott's thriving short-term rental market presents a financially sound decision. The consistent demand for short-term accommodations, coupled with the city's popularity among tourists, creates a lucrative investment opportunity. The rising success of the Airbnb model further enhances the prospects of a rewarding return on investment.
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Owning a short-term rental home in Prescott offers a multitude of benefits. Not only does it provide a substantial secondary income, but it also serves as an appreciating asset over time. Additionally, the flexibility to block off dates for personal use adds to the appeal of owning such a property.
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Beyond the potential financial gains, owning a rental home in Prescott grants you the privilege of having your personal retreat in a city renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and welcoming community. Immerse yourself in the serene ambiance and enjoy the unmatched lifestyle that Prescott has to offer.
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West USA Realty provides a comprehensive range of services tailored to your needs. From identifying potential properties that align with your investment goals to offering guidance on the legal aspects of short-term rentals, their dedicated team ensures a seamless and hassle-free buying experience.
The Process of Buying a Home with West USA Realty of Prescott
Investing in a short-term rental home with West USA Realty or Prescott involves a systematic approach designed to achieve your financial objectives. This includes gaining a thorough understanding of your financial goals, identifying suitable properties that meet your criteria, facilitating home inspections to ensure quality, and ultimately closing the deal with confidence.
Success Stories of Airbnb Homeowners in Prescott
Prescott boasts numerous success stories of homeowners who have achieved remarkable results through their Airbnb endeavors. The thriving tourist industry, combined with the invaluable support from real estate experts like West USA Realty of Prescott, has proven the vast potential of the short-term rental business in Prescott. The testimonials of these homeowners serve as a testament to the fruitful opportunities that await aspiring investors.
Investing in a short-term rental home in Prescott not only promises significant financial benefits but also offers the joy of owning a property in one of Arizona's most charming cities. With the guidance and expertise of West USA Realty of Prescott, your dream home can become a profitable venture. Don't wait any longer—seize the opportunity and embark on an exciting real estate journey in Prescott, Arizona. Call us at 928-636-1500 or visit our website at www.westusaofprescott.com
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eug3n362 · 1 year
Did we mention she’s an HBCU graduate? Amber Batchelor is a veteran CEO, strategic alignment expert, and a Saint Augustine University alumna. She’s had the pleasure of working in Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., and Florida. During the pandemic she was on the economic first line working with the United States Small Business Administration (SBA), managing and administering grants to help business owners stay afloat during the troubling time.  Now Batchelor sits as the first Black CEO of Sumter County’s Chamber of Commerce. She stated, “I have a deep family history in southwest Georgia, and I consider it my sincere honor to be selected to serve as President and CEO of the Sumter County Chamber and reconnect with this hardworking historic community.  Over the last 20 years I have had the privilege of working in corporate and nonprofit spaces across the country supporting small business owners, manufacturers, community partners and more.  In every position, I have been dedicated to put community and collaboration at the forefront of keeping people and hometown needs first.”  When she’s not at the desk she’s working hard with Batchelor & Bradley Insights Group to ensure small businesses, nonprofits, and government level organizations are moving at maximum efficiency. The company is currently planning a Women's Wellness Retreat for this summer in Miraval Arizona. This retreat was designed to bring har...
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mirajoshi146 · 2 years
The Life systems of an Incredible CRM With Salesforce:
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Client relationship the board (CRM) is an advancement that licenses associations both huge and little to arrange, modernize, and synchronize each component of client collaboration. CRM structure models integrate advancing, bargains, client care, and sponsorship. Salesforce in Arizona offers the world’s driving cloud-based CRM programming, offering imaginative and broad CRM plans that can be truly changed to the necessities of associations, in light of everything, from overall undertakings to small start-up endeavors.
A CRM with salesforce system helps you keep your client’s contact nuances present day, follow every participation they have with your business, and manage their records. It’s planned to help you, further foster your client associations, and in this manner, client lifetime regard. Salesforce, Inc. is a famous American cloud-based programming association that gives CRM to organizations. Salesforce is a popular CRM gadget for help, bargains, and advancing gatherings all over the planet. Salesforce organizations grant associations to use cloud advancement to all the more promptly interact with accessories, clients, and possible clients
Top salesforce consulting firms are intended to help your business, advancing and client help needs. We apply our sufficient CRM guiding experience to help associations in the capable organization, retail, IT, gathering, cash and banking, clinical benefits, and various organizations benefit from Salesforce use.
Since different business affiliations impact admonishing affiliations, it can positively assist them with showing up at eventual outcomes even more expeditiously about business movement and exercises. Along these lines, setting assets into the top salesforce advising firms in India will pay off. Subsequently, a Salesforce Expert in India won’t simply design your plan to have a high gathering rate simultaneously, however, will moreover ensure that all the business objectives are met and add to the user running of the business with as far as possible and conditions. Other than this, salesforce consulting companies in India moreover give key accessibility and back to help with staffing people to track down a reaction for their requesting and progress to Salesforce. This status basically coordinates Salesforce robotization, project following, and the dashboard of the managers.
salesforce app development affiliations mean to drive unequivocal approaches, showing, and client-help processes principles Salesforce CRM can’t address. In the CRM development starting around 2008, Science Delicate can convey reliable custom Salesforce applications and applications for AppExchange strikingly planned to your craftiness business needs.
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nex-pls · 2 years
Thinking about a conversation I had with a coworker yesterday after work. This is someone I made friends with rapidly and they grew up very similarly to how I did, just in a different state (very poor and just barely scraping by with their family).
We were talking about food and how much we both love it, and I said "Yeah, I just love food-" to which they replied "Well, growing up poor, you learn to love food, it's just a part of growing up that way." And it got me thinking.
I grew up very poor. To me, I could lose electricity at any moment as a child. My mom would regularly send me down to the store in Arizona where I would load $3 in change onto a card to then stick into our electricity machine at home so we could have the lights on for two more days to make it till payday. I remember scavenging for any loose change I could find inside and outside of my house, so my brother and I could walk down to the McDonald's at the end of the busy highway we lived by, and buy a $1 cheeseburger to share, which now costs nearly $3. I remember being told "Mom and dad could only afford to get one present this year for Christmas, so you and your brother have to share." And gifts from Santa actually came from my grandmother who didn't want us to go without. I remember distinctly my mother going into big brand clothing stores, stealing two or three shirts, and "returning" them for gift cards so she could buy school clothes for me and my brother. I remember freaking out and biting a kid once in sixth grade, because he threatened to steal my school provided lunch, and grabbed for my milk box. And then being made fun of for being fat, despite the fact that the school lunch was the only meal I was truly guaranteed in a day. I never turned down free food, I always asked my friends to buy me snacks and would work very hard to pay them back, and was called fat, and ugly, and heavy, and gross, because I cared about food as much as I cared about classes and friends.
When you're poor, food is a commodity that can be taken at any time from you. You're always afraid of losing it, especially as a child. I remember when the school decided my mother made too much for us to receive free lunches, so we were told we had to pay for our lunches, 40¢ was the lowest they could go, but 40¢ every day for five days a week when you have two children, and can barely afford to keep the lights on? Soon even my free lunches were no longer guaranteed. I'd go to the nurse for stomach aches, because I was so hungry my stomach literally hurt, and I wouldn't feel better until I got to nibble on the small crackers they offered.
So many people take food for granted, and you know boomers and their "there's hungry children in Africa!" Sentiment, completely ignoring the hungry children in their own country. And growing up like that, growing up very food insecure, you learn to love it. Everything. You're more willing to try new foods, even if you're autistic (like I am). You learn to appreciate a flavor profile, you love when there's lots of colors in your plate, you taste food with every one of your senses before you even take a bite, and you love it. And I didn't even put it together my love of food and my childhood until it was phrased to me that way.
It really is true. When you're poor, you learn to love food.
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extraordinarylegend · 2 years
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How are we working within the small business world and the nonprofit industrial complex to make measurable changes for artists as small business owners and community projects? We had a great time talking about small business and project grant writing on the RAILCDC creative academy with Thomas Stanton (PHONETIC SPIT and Evelyn Flores (RAILCDC FOC). Thank you to The Kresge Foundation and LISC Phoenix for investing In this program. It’s making a direct impact in this group of creatives personal and professional goals. (at Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CklycwPv-gI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nuadox · 2 years
Biden-Harris Administration provides $759 Million to bring high-speed internet access to communities across rural America
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- By U.S. Department of Agriculture. (USDA) -
WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 27, 2022 – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that the Department is providing $759 million to bring high-speed internet access (PDF, 204 KB) to people living and working across 24 states, Puerto Rico, Guam and Palau. 
Today’s investments include funding from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which provides a historic $65 billion to expand reliable, affordable, high-speed internet to all communities across the U.S.
“People living in rural towns across the nation need high-speed internet to run their businesses, go to school and connect with their loved ones,” Vilsack said. “USDA partners with small towns, local utilities and cooperatives, and private companies to increase access to high-speed internet so people in rural America have the opportunity to build brighter futures. Under the leadership of President Biden and Vice President Harris, USDA is committed to making sure that people, no matter where they live, have access to high-speed internet. That’s how you grow the economy – not just in rural communities, but across the nation.”
The $759 million in loans and grants comes from the third funding round of the ReConnect Program. As part of today’s announcement, for example:
North Carolina’s AccessOn Networks Inc. is receiving a $17.5 million grant to connect thousands of people, 100 businesses, 76 farms and 22 educational facilities to high-speed internet in Halifax and Warren counties in North Carolina. The company will make high-speed internet service affordable by participating in the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity Programs. This project will serve socially vulnerable communities in Halifax and Warren counties and people in the Haliwa-Saponi Tribal Statistical Area.
Tekstar Communications is receiving a $12.6 million grant to deploy a fiber-to-the-premises network to connect thousands of people, 171 farms, 103 businesses and an educational facility to high-speed internet in Douglas, Otter Tail, St. Louis, Stearns and Todd counties in Minnesota. Tekstar will make high-speed internet affordable by providing its “Gig for Life” service, where households that sign up for internet will not have their internet prices raised as long as they stay at the same address and continue service. Tekstar also will participate in the FCC’s Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity Programs.
In Colorado, the Eastern Slope Rural Telephone Association is receiving an $18.7 million grant to deploy a fiber-to-the-premises network connecting thousands of people, 898 farms, 110 businesses and 17 educational facilities to high-speed internet in Adams, Arapahoe, Cheyenne, Crowley, Elbert, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Lincoln and Washington counties. The company will make high-speed internet affordable by participating in the FCC’s Affordable Connectivity Program.
USDA is making 49 awards in Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, Puerto Rico, Guam and Palau. This list includes awards to the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma, and the utility authorities for the Navajo Nation and the Tohono O’odham Nation. Many of the awards will help rural people and businesses on Tribal lands.
In 2022, the Department has announced $1.6 billion from the third round of ReConnect funding.
Background: ReConnect Program
To be eligible for ReConnect Program funding, an applicant must serve an area that does not have access to service at speeds of 100 megabits per second (Mbps) (download) and 20 Mbps (upload). The applicant must also commit to building facilities capable of providing high-speed internet service with speeds of 100 Mbps (download and upload) to every location in its proposed service area.
To learn more about investment resources for rural areas, visit www.rd.usda.gov or contact the nearest USDA Rural Development state office.
Background: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
President Biden forged consensus and compromise between Democrats, Republicans and Independents to demonstrate our democracy can deliver big wins for the American people. After decades of talk on rebuilding America’s crumbling infrastructure, President Biden delivered the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – a historic investment in America that will change people’s lives for the better and get America moving again.
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides $65 billion to ensure every American has access to affordable, reliable high-speed internet through a historic investment in broadband infrastructure deployment. The legislation also lowers costs for internet service and helps close the digital divide, so that more Americans can take full advantage of the opportunities provided by internet access.
USDA Rural Development provides loans and grants to help expand economic opportunities, create jobs and improve the quality of life for millions of Americans in rural areas. This assistance supports infrastructure improvements; business development; housing; community facilities such as schools, public safety and health care; and high-speed internet access in rural, tribal and high-poverty areas. For more information, visit www.rd.usda.gov.
USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. In the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA is transforming America’s food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production, fairer markets for all producers, ensuring access to safe, healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of income for farmers and producers using climate-smart food and forestry practices, making historic investments in infrastructure and clean-energy capabilities in rural America, and committing to equity across the Department by removing systemic barriers and building a workforce more representative of America. To learn more, visit www.usda.gov.
To subscribe to USDA Rural Development updates, visit the GovDelivery subscriber page.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture. (USDA)
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