#grandmaster and grandpadawan feels
pandora15 · 1 year
my villain origin story is actually tcw never showing obi-wan and ahsoka hanging out without anakin and making fun of him
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hereticpriest · 7 months
Mercy Chapter 5: Change
Rating: Explicit 18+
Relationship: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
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Chapter warnings: Canon divergence, heavy flirtation, very light angsty feelings, pining hard. Let me know if there are any warnings you think are missing.
Notes: The smut is coming in the next chapter, guys, I swear! If you have any suggestions, feel free to request in the comments. <3 All this exposition was setting up a world in which I can be indulgent, so prepare for a fun little journey. I already have plans for spicy holos, sex pollen-adjacent stuff, and some very light dom/sub dynamics.
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Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four
Chapter 5: Change
Qui-Gon Jinn will never be a warrior again.
The injury to his hip was bone-deep, and while your swift intervention and healing helped maintain his ability to walk, he won’t be able to fight properly again.
The older man seems to take it in stride, happy enough to teach the younglings, drive Jacosta insane in the Archives, and help his former Padawan train the chosen one. According to Obi-Wan, help is a strong word. He passed his trials easily, and you can see plainly that their relationship has progressed to that of an overprotective mother and a know-it-all grandmother hovering around with advice and candies. Qui-Gon was gentler with Anakin than he’d ever been with Obi-Wan, and he did in fact keep sweets in his pocket for both former Padawan and Grandpadawan. Obi-Wan claimed to be frustrated with it, but you’d caught him more than once with a sweetie in his mouth as he demonstrated a flow of movement for Anakin.
Anakin has had trouble adjusting, so you’ve done your best providing an outside perspective. You give all three of them a safe space to vent, knowing that once they’ve got their frustration with each other out, they’ll be right back to being an adorable display of Jedi lineage. Once upon a time, you would’ve walked among them at Dooku’s side. Now, you belong to your Grandmaster Tyvokka’s lineage, alongside Bultar Swan, your Master’s old apprentice. Your Master’s pride when your Padawan braid was cut and you presented it to him after your trials would forever remain one of your fondest memories. You wanted to help grow the lineage you’d once been a part of but no longer felt was yours to claim. Anakin may struggle, but he would overcome all obstacles - you knew he had the tenacity for it. He just needs the correct amount of love and guidance.
Qui-Gon is convinced that Anakin is the chosen one, while Obi-Wan is noncommittal on the theory. You, however? You’ve outright banned the label, going so far as to speak to the Council about it and convince them that it was in Anakin’s best interest not to have to grow up with that weight and ego on his shoulders. Convincing Obi-Wan had taken very little effort - he agreed that it was a lot of weight for a nine year old boy, and that inflating his ego presented equal potential problems. Qui-Gon had required more coaxing, though you were fairly sure that was simply because Qui-Gon held hope. Hope that Anakin will bring balance. Hope that his dreams for the future of the Jedi Order would one day come true. Eventually, he sees the wisdom in your recommendation, and you breathe a sigh of relief. No nine year old needs to feel all that pressure.
The next suggestion you have comes after several nights spent curled up on the settee with Obi-Wan across from you and a good cup of tea, listening to him vent about his struggles with training his young Padawan. You’re proud of him - he turns his critique inward rather than placing the blame on the boy, acknowledging his position as guide and teacher. You sometimes think that Obi-Wan has somewhat forgotten the youngling he was before he became Qui-Gon’s Padawan. Menace didn’t begin to cover it - to the point that you’d initially avoided getting close to him when you were very young as if his chaos could rub off on you. He struggles with getting Anakin’s sustained attention. No matter how hard he tries to make his lessons interesting, the boy gets restless, and his attention deteriorates swiftly from there. Thankfully, this is something you have experience with. You introduce Obi-Wan and Anakin to moving meditation in a guided lesson, enjoying your chance to be a teacher, and delighting in the opportunity to correct Obi-Wan with gentle hands and teasing praise. By the end of the first kata, he’s pink all the way to the tips of his ears, though he gives as good as he gets.
A murmured ‘Yes Alpha’ as you ask him if he understands your instructions sends heat racing to your cheeks, purple blooming across your face. You chuff at him and he grins cheekily at you, pleased as punch with his teasing. As you guide them through another set of movements, he asks if he’s doing it right, and you know he’s missing the movements on purpose to get your hands on him. What a shameless flirt. You guide him into the right positions, and he looks at you through pale, enviably long lashes, murmuring praise at your teaching skills. Your tail wags behind you, ears twitching to catch each word, your body expressive even as you do your best to tamp down on it.
But of course, Obi-Wan gives you no quarter. You started this, and he will happily finish it. You shiver as he stretches, first showing off the planes of his tummy as his undertunic rolls up, then cracks his neck, a grin tugging at his lips as he shows off his scent glands. Your mouth is watering, but your throat is dry, and you blink dumbly at Obi-Wan for a moment before taking a deep, calming breath. It’s beneath you, but you decide you’d like to win. You cup the back of Obi-Wan’s neck and he melts at your touch, pretty blue eyes flicking up to meet your gaze.
“Good little Omega.” You whisper, and Obi-Wan grabs onto the front of your tunic to keep himself upright. You steady him with strong hands, waiting until he gets his legs under him before you move away to help Anakin. The boy has mostly been ignoring you two, concentrating for once now that you’ve found a way to connect him with the benefits of meditation. When you glance back at Obi-Wan, there’s still a hungry look in his eyes, but it’s softened by something warm and gentle that makes you shiver.
“Alright Sprout. Do you think this will help?” You ask the young Padawan before you, and he smiles up at you, nodding his head as he demonstrates the kata you showed him, his movements surprisingly precise.
“Yeah, this is wizard, Mercy.”
Over the years, Anakin blossoms under Obi-Wan’s tutelage. He’s so gifted with the Force that you could sometimes forget that he didn’t get trained until he was nine. His lightsaber skills grow in leaps and bounds, his thrill of the fight driving him to succeed. He’s cocky, reckless, and his teen years are an absolute terror. You can’t even count the amount of times he’s come to your chambers in the night and asked to stay with you, furious with some minor thing Obi-Wan has done. He works on your droid, the little astromech you’d taken to using ever since your first mission with her, Daisy. He gives her a paint job in your favourite colours, swapping out old parts for better ones, and building new components when he can’t find something he wants. Working with his hands helps to calm him down, and he knows he’s always got a safe space with you if he needs it.
It helps Obi-Wan as well. You’ll receive a comm right before Anakin storms in, and you can reassure the poor man that his Padawan hasn’t run off into the city to get into trouble. Anakin used to go to Qui-Gon, but as the boy aged, the older Jedi had begun to bring him back to Obi-Wan instead of letting him cool off. You became his favoured reprieve purely because unlike his Grandmaster, you never made Anakin leave. When he was very small, you’d sometimes let him lay in bed with you when he needed comfort, but now that he’s a gangly teen, you’ve procured a cot that folds up under your bed. He doesn’t use it often, his temper simmering down swiftly, but there have been times when his fights with Obi-Wan have been that monumental.
The important thing is that you allow him to be a child. Forcing him too quickly from a normal boy to a Padawan learner is sure to cause problems, and you find yourself reminding both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon of that often. You dig your feet into the wet sand and relax on the shore as Obi-Wan teaches Anakin to swim, then show him how to make the best Jedi Temple with the sand. You teach him to dance with Obi-Wan’s help, and lament that you don’t get to spend more time demonstrating, as the man is a terrific dancer. Because of course he is. Anakin giggles as you spin him, and quietly confesses that he wants to dance with Padmé one day. You hope the young Queen is well. You thought of her often - of her strength, bravery and compassion as she rules a planet at far too young an age. You’re not surprised Anakin is so enthralled with her, though you do keep an eye on his passions.
He grows so quickly you feel sick with it, and your soft nickname for him proves to be true. He sprouts so quickly, growing and learning and becoming the man he’s meant to be. You love him like a son, and you relish the time while he will still cuddle with you and let you kiss his forehead. He has a mother of his own, and you do your best to honour her, knowing he will never be able to look at you the way you look at him. You’ve long accepted that. But privately, in your own head, you call him son and feel proud of the splendid boy he becomes.
He presents as an Alpha at thirteen, and you stay with him through it to help Obi-Wan. The Omega won’t leave - can’t abandon his Padawan - but has little to offer in the counseling of an Alpha going through his first rut. When Anakin gets frustrated and snippy, you scruff him gently and growl until he settles. When he sweats through his blankets, Obi-Wan helps him into the shower so that you can change them. You teach him to apply the scent blockers, and give him his first dose of rut blocker, forcing him to drink water to keep himself from dehydrating. You pet his hair to soothe him to sleep, whisper-singing lullabies that he hasn’t wanted in years, and when he wakes in the morning with a clear head, you explain this aspect of life to him again to make sure he doesn’t have any questions.
He’s growing up too quickly, and it breaks your heart. Thank the Stars for his lingering softness, rare as it is. The moments when he leans into your touch when you brush his hair back instead of moving away from it with a whine. The moments when he comes to you for hugs, lets you press a kiss to his temple and tell him how proud you are of him. Most especially, you thank the Force for the fleeting moments where you, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Anakin get together as something akin to a pack. It feels right, deep in your bones, and you appreciate the dinners, the discussions, and even the training.
You go to Tatooine when Anakin is sixteen and off on a mission with Obi-Wan. He’s begun having nightmares about his mother, and you have finally convinced the Council to let you free her. He can’t focus with his heart worrying for her, and as much as this is an attachment he will need to let go of, you know it will be easier for him knowing she’s safe. When you arrive, you’re too late - Shmi is already freed, and married to a kind older man named Lars. They have a moisture farm, and Lars’ son Owen shows you around the place while you keep an eye out for potential dangers. They’ve been having disputes with the Tuskens, so you hedge your bets, heading off to their village to make peace. It doesn’t surprise you - Tuskens believe themselves to own the sacred water of their planet, as its original inhabitants. You don’t necessarily blame them for being possessive.
It takes effort, but you’re a good negotiator. You’ve got nothing on Obi-Wan, but you are a Consular after all. You have to take out a sand beast for them, along with a couple of canyon krayt dragons that have been encroaching on their territory, but you do what you must. If nothing else, taking out large threats will keep the Lars family safe as well. The Tusken are a proud people, and you trust they will keep their word, leaving the Lars family and specifically Shmi Skywalker-Lars, alone. In return, the Lars family must also promise to leave the Tuskens alone, though they readily agree. It’s not like they want anything to do with the Tuskens.
Before you leave, you give Shmi your commlink code in case of an emergency. You head out into the wastes, following every fleeting brush of the Force as you look for anything that could put the Lars family in danger in the future. Thankfully, you find nothing but the natural predators that roam Tatooine, and you’re soon able to leave the sand-covered hellhole that is this twin-sunned planet. You make it back to Coruscant before those you’ve claimed as your pack return, so you spend your day with Qui-Gon sitting in on his lessons. Your Master had recommended you start teaching, and you’re excited for the opportunity, but you want the chance to observe before you agree to take on your own classes. Luckily, Qui-Gon is a good teacher, both to learn what kind of teacher you want to be, and what kind you don’t.
When Anakin returns from his mission days later, he crumples in your arms hearing that you’ve taken this weight from his shoulders. Obi-Wan, who knew the whole time, smiles fondly at you over his Padawan’s head - a rarity for him now that Anakin has nearly surpassed him in height. You hold your Sprout close to you while he’ll allow it, pressing a kiss to his temple, and his forehead, though he laughs and starts to squirm when you kiss his cheek. You cup his face when he leans back, wiping the tears from his eyes and smiling fondly at him.
“You’re growing too fast, Sprout. Slow down, will ya?” You tease, and he grins sheepishly, embarrassed by the attention even as he relishes in it. Obi-Wan gives your tail a gentle tug, drawing a faux-offended gasp from your lips as you spin to give him a playful look. Anakin heads for his chambers as soon as your attention is elsewhere to escape, and you roll your eyes at his fleeing back. Cheeky.
“Are you sure you’re The Negotiator? Awfully insensitive to go around pulling people’s tails.” You jape, and Obi-Wan snickers, both at your response and the fact that your tail has coincidentally wound itself around his thigh to keep him close.
“You did a good thing for him,” the Omega begins sincerely, tracing his fingers across your tail fondly, “and I have missed you. It’s been far too long.”
Your ears twitch, and you chuff as you approach him, brushing his hair out of his eyes. His strawberry blond hair has grown quite a bit since he was knighted, and you’re especially fond of it long. Though, you’re even more fond of the beard and moustache he’s been growing, more ginger than his hair and soft under your fingertips. Though, that might be mostly your fault, since you comb beard oil through his facial hair any chance he gives you. He won’t indulge on his own, but with your companionship, he allows himself some of the finer things in life. He leans his cheek into your hand, but you don’t hold him for long out here in public.
His force signature brushes against yours, and you brush him back affectionately, but like always, something keeps you from delving into each other. A distant, hidden part of you doesn’t want to chance that he’s not your force-mate. You don’t fear much, but that? That would devastate you, and you know you’re not bold enough to take that chance with all you stand to lose. You’d rather be his best friend, raising his Padawan together and gently flirting along the way than risk the alternative. If you knew, you’d have to stop. You’d have to take a step back away from him and deal with the attachment you felt towards him, and devote yourself back to the Code.
One day, you’d be strong enough to cross that boundary. One day, you would know if he was yours and you were his, but that day was certainly not today.
When Anakin is seventeen, you find yourself called before the Council for a diplomatic mission in the mid rim. You’re shocked to find Obi-Wan waiting for you when you arrive, standing before the Council with a serene smile on his face. You so rarely get the chance to work with him, but you know that Anakin is on a mission with your old Master to take advantage of his piloting skills, so it makes sense. You work well together when you get the chance, and you’re both available. You’re a skilled Consular, and Obi-Wan is called the Negotiator despite being a Guardian.
You listen with excitement stirring in your belly as Master Yoda describes your mission to a remote moon where life has thrived, and an ancient holocron has been recovered. According to reports, the people who inhabit the moon have little interest in giving their treasure to the Jedi, which is where you come in.
Obi-Wan follows you out of the room when you’re dismissed, and you nudge him gently, grinning as he nudges you back. He walks you to your chambers first, then heads along to his own, promising to meet you at the ship set aside for you within the hour. You’ll likely only be gone a week or two at most, so you have little to pack, but you want to shower before you go. The sonic showers onboard starships have nothing on a real shower. Your bag remains packed most of the time, but you tuck your medical bag and datapad into it with your regular belongings.
Just under an hour later, you arrive at the ship, having convinced a very reluctant Daisy that you didn’t need an astromech on this journey to visit people who didn’t seem to even have droids of their own. Obi-Wan is already on board, his bag clipped behind the pilot’s chair, and the pilot’s headset already nestled on his head. You roll your eyes and huff indignantly, practically throwing yourself into the co-pilot chair after clipping your bag in.
“You’re so over dramatic. I’m an excellent pilot.” You insist, and Obi-Wan snorts, flicking on the engines while you put on your own headset.
“You’re a much better co-pilot.” He informs you, and you concede with a petulant sigh.
“You hate flying.” Your voice is a little whiny as you remind him, but he only snickers as he begins take-off procedures.
“I don’t hate flying - I hate the nonsense that Anakin claims is flying.” He corrects you primly, and you groan as the ship begins to make its way into the atmosphere. You lost this battle before it even began, and you know it. You’ll just have to settle in for the ride.
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thegreenlizard · 7 months
Generation swaps, role-reversals & remixes on the mission to Mandalore (III)
Obi-Wan is one of the Knights sent to Galidraan. After the massacre, he has a screaming match with Master Dooku, leaves the Order on the spot and sets out on a one-man mission to investigate what happened, track down the survivors, and wipe out those responsible, starting with the governor of Galidraan and the Death Watch. It snowballs from there.
Obi-Wan is one of the Knights sent to Galidraan. After the massacre, he has a screaming match with his (grand)master Dooku, who led the mission. Riddled with guilt, he leaves the Order on the spot and sets out to investigate what happened. He tracks down and rescues the survivors, sets out on a one-man mission to wipe out whoever thought to use the Jedi as their executioners starting with the governor of Galidraan and the Death Watch, figures out they also were pawns for someone else, and it sort of accidentally snowballs from there.
- Obi-Wan goes about his revenge mission wearing one of the downed men’s armour, avenging them in their stead. That, combined with his use of the force, of course sets off rumours about the ghost of one of the fallen warriors/the Ka’ra exacting their revenge. (I don’t know who first started the idea of Mando’ade carrying out revenge in the stead of the fallen, wearing their armour, but kudos to them!) Alternatively, the armour could of course be stolen off of the body of some Kyr’tsad that got in Obi-Wan’s way.
- The armour? It’s entirely silver, of course. Obi-Wan probably semi-accidentally becomes one of those traditional types who never take off their buckets—he’s not in this for glory, he really does not want to be known. So it’s easy to just… not take the helmet off and let people think what they will.
- Obi-Wan maybe, falls, a little bit, either during the Battle of Galidraan or when wiping out Death Watch. That might be the other half of the reason why he leaves the Order so abruptly. And another reason to feel guilty, because he *also* failed the Jedi.
- Obi-Wan might be Dooku’s padawan (in place of Komari Vosa) or maybe just grandpadawan but with an actual relationship with his grandmaster. That’s why he feels doubly betrayed that Dooku didn’t listen to his concerns on the mission and also doubly guilty because it was his (grand)master’s poor decisions that majorly contributed to the disaster.
- In this AU, Obi-Wan could have had a mission to Mandalore in his youth, but I think it would be more poignant if he learned Mandalorian culture to respect the fallen and not for some random past mission. Maybe he gets a start on this when he returns the armour of the fallen to their families (maybe he googled Mando burial customs way back on Galidraan and found out that it’s something you’re supposed to do). Some clans would probably just as soon shoot him, but at least some people probably see a guilt-ridden young man and promptly sit him down and stuff him full of tiingilar. Maybe Obi-Wan has been leaving the armour on their figurative doorsteps in the dark of night; some venerable Mandalorian grandma has heard about it and parks herself on her doorstep to ambush whoever is going to bring her grandson’s armour home. Maybe one of those families and the stories they share is the start of his Death Watch hunt. Maybe they approve and gift him the set of armour he tried to return. Maybe that Mandalorian grandma is/was an armourer, even? Or maybe returning the armour is just such an integral part of the culture that the custom is respected even if the families would prefer to spit on the person returning it.
- In canon, the Jedi are sort of portrayed as one-man armies. Maybe here we’d get to see why they’re so kriffing dangerous and just how much damage one truly pissed off (fallen) Jedi really can cause.
- Obi-Wan could find a lead on survivors having been rounded up and at least some sold to slavery. This might include more people than Jango (I know canon says Jango was the only survivor but I find it unlikely, unless the other survivors were executed and dumped in a shallow grave). Tracking down and rescuing any survivors might be the first step in his not-really-a-plan.
- After slaughtering the slavers, rescuing the survivors and dumping them in various medical facilities on his way, Obi-Wan finds his guilt is not assuaged at all and sets out to hunt down whoever thought to use the Jedi as their executioners, starting with the governor of Galidraan and the Death Watch.
- In his investigations, he uncovers a trail leading to republic entities… and certain Sith and their plots. And, well, his guilt is still eating him up alive (or maybe that’s the uncontrolled dark side), so dirty politicians and the Sith become next on his shit list.
- And if, while tracking down the Sith, he also finds some Sith artefacts, holocrons or books—well, the better to know his enemy.
- Maybe Obi-Wan’s uncontrolled Fall took that kernel of real guilt and grew it into something else entirely. And we’d get to see not just why Jedi are so kriffing dangerous, but why Fallen Jedi are doubly so. Whether he realises it or not, Obi-Wan is probably not capable of stopping at this point. And since his whole spiral sort of coincidentally centred on the Haat Mando’ade, Jango—being the Mand’alor—is probably the only one who could make him stop (not that Jango has any reason to think so).
- I don’t know how, but part of Obi-Wan’s self-appointed mission could eventually grow to include reparations, not just revenge. Maybe he figures out how to make a resurgence of Haat’ Mando’ad politics happen? Maybe he points the Jedi Agricorps towards Manda’yaim? Maybe he eventually funnels his ill-gotten gains from Sith accounts to Mandalorian funds for environmental reclamation/supporting orphans/their adoptive families/moderate political parties? Maybe he meets Jango and after they’ve both done some healing, it’s Jango who says enough revenge, work on improving Manda’yaim instead? Maybe that’s how he finally gets his happy(ish) ending instead of burning out in a blaze of glory after all his enemies have been slain. He doesn’t necessarily return to the light side after however many years or decades of the dark, but his Mand’alor’s command helps him redirect the dark.
- Maybe the resurgence of moderate politics is entirely/at least half accidental? Maybe at that point, Obi-Wan has obtained the Darksaber and has been visibly using it on his mission (since he gave up his own lightsaber when he resigned), accidentally inflating the legend of the avenging ghost/Ka’ra even more. Maybe after obtaining the Darksaber, he’s been leaving some of the rank and file of Death Watch alive, provided they swear to the Resol’nare and go forth living their lives according to the Supercommando Codex. And what are you supposed to do when the Ka’ra themselves come down to take the symbol of the Mand’alor off of your leader’s hands and command you to dedicate your life to following The Way? Some of them go home to their families, but some start contributing to the resurgence of Haat Mando’ade.
- Obi-Wan has a whole speech(tm), telling the Death Watch that they’re already dead, but they can choose to die as dar’manda and have their names forgotten, or be reborn as mando’ade, swear to follow the Resol’nare, and take a cin vhetin.
- When Jango finally catches up to this ghost that’s been plaguing him (he was high on spice when he got rescued and is half-convinced he hallucinated the whole thing), he has his worldview rearranged a bit. The vengeful ghost of the fallen is actually one of the Jetiise (even worse, the one who finally managed to subdue him?), avenging the fallen in the name of the Haat’ade. And, maybe, almost singlehandedly engineering a resurgence of their politics—of which not an insignificant part are actually ex-Kyr’tsad. The emotional whiplash is enough to unmoor him, a bit (it’s so right yet so wrong).
- At that point Obi-Wan, without entirely noticing it, has been in truth living as a Mandalorian for years. He wears the armour, he honours the code. It’s not a cover, it’s not planned: it’s just the actions his own honour demanded, so he did it without thinking too hard about it. He fucked up, so it’s his duty to fix things because the Haat’ade can’t. It’s partly his fault their traditions are in danger of dying out, so it’s his duty to make sure they don’t. That sort of thing. Of course, he’s entirely uncomfortable when it’s pointed out to him that at this point, he’s a mando’ad, whether he likes it or not (he likes it, he just doesn’t believe he deserves it).
- Your choice how much the legend of the avenging ghost affects Jango’s actions. Maybe he doesn’t take the Kamino job? Maybe he does and the Ghost ends up as one of the Cuy’val Dar? Maybe Obi-Wan tracks down the operation at some point and promptly sets about stealing an army and repatriating them (in Mandalorian space, since giving an army to the Republic and all its dirty politicians is not in line with Obi-Wan’s thinking in this AU)?
- Maybe Kamino is where Obi-Wan and Jango’s paths cross again. Instead of one soaking wet Jedi(tm), Jango meets the Avenging Ghost, in full unpainted beskar’gam, carrying the Darksaber, framed by a Kaminoan thunderstorm. Up to this point, mind you, Jango had thought the whole thing had been a spice hallucination. He has his worldview rearranged a bit, and when Obi-Wan tells him that they’re going to steal the clones, he… doesn’t say no. So far, Obi-Wan’s revenge operation has been objectively getting much better results than his own plan anyway. (And maybe, Obi-Wan with his… everything—beskar’gam, Darksaber, blood of his enemies, red-gold hair and golden eyes—is as close to an avenging angel as a Mandalorian gets. Jango is maybe not entirely convinced he *hasn’t* been sent by the Ka’ra.)
- What are the Jedi doing in the meanwhile? This sort of revenge mission would be grounds for hunting down a darksider, I’d imagine. Maybe Dooku, himself shaken by the events on Galidraan, delivers Obi-Wan’s resignation to the council but neglects to mention his Fall. Maybe he does report it, but the Jedi have no jurisdiction in Mandalorian space and after Galidraan, they dare not send in even Shadows. Maybe one of the Jedi donning Mandalorian armour after what happened is the last thing anyone (Jedi or Mando’ad) would think and it ends up being just the disguise needed to evade pursuit. Of course, then the rumours start, but if Jedi Shadows ever follow up, all they find are the same trails Obi-Wan did. Or maybe Obi-Wan knows exactly how the Jedi security works and uses his master’s/grandmaster’s/some random council member’s access codes to stay up to date on what’s going on on their end (at least until Dooku himself quits the Order).
- Of course at some point while Obi-Wan is off doing his thing, Dooku leaves the Order, Falls in with the Sith, and hires Jango for the job on Kamino. Two very different reactions by two different Jedi who were on Galidraan. Obi-Wan might respect Dooku’s thing with the Separatists, but the clones? As a commenter pointed out, the clones put Dooku squarely on Obi-Wan’s list.
- If Obi-Wan doesn’t leave the Order on the spot, he might go back to the temple and request a transfer to the Jedi Shadows, making it his mission to uncover the truth, make reparations happen and make sure it never happens again.
- Maybe one technique Obi-Wan might use is publishing the data he extracts/forwarding it to the judicial/law enforcement, then later mindtricking/hacking into their files and stealing the results of their investigations? Maybe he pretends to be a Jedi Shadow to gain the help/resources of law enforcement? And that’s one way how his one-man operation gets outsized results.
How did the Jedi find out they were in the wrong AND yet before that manage to turn their captives to the governor?
- Maybe the timeline goes something like this: the Jedi mop up, turn the living captives to the authorities, burn the bodies. Obi-Wan, badly shaken, is adamant about respecting the traditions of the fallen, whether they’re enemies or friends (SOP for Jedi as far as I’m concerned). So he volunteers to return their armour. Only when he does that, he finds out the real story in pieces: the Haat’ade were contracted for a job, the political landscape at home and the motivations of Kyr’tsad—and that several warriors neither made it home, had their armour returned, or their families informed about their imprisonment. Not one of them has had a word, and most incriminatingly, their leader is MIA. The Mandalorian news are all over the matter too, now that someone is there to translate for him. Obi-Wan connects the dots and realises that the detainees the Jedi turned over never made it into the legitimate judicial system. And that the Jedi were operating under false information. That’s the real turning point: so far, there’s been a niggling feeling of wrongness about the mission, a feeling of missing something crucial, and of course the un acknowledged struggle to keep the creeping darkness at bay. But now he feels the ground dropping away. This, perhaps, is the real point of no return fall. So Obi-Wan sets out back to Galidraan post haste, interrogates the governor, realises he is just as guilty as he feared, turns his mind into a pulp pulling out every last bit of intel, and kills him. In a very graphic, warning to your enemies kind of way. Possibly digs Jango’s armour and weapons out of the governor’s storage and stabs one of Jango’s blades through his heart. He ransacks their office for leads on the captives, finds some, and sets out on a fevered hunt before the trail goes completely cold and the survivors disappear into the vast darkness of the galaxy. He also finds incriminating information about the Kyr’tsad’s role in the events, so whenever his hunt for the survivors stalls, he goes kill some Death Watch. Or maybe his hunt stalls, so he goes to raid a few bases for information. He finds some survivors alive, and he finds some dead. And oh boy, those deaths that happened after his hunt started hit hard, each a personal failure. And his first massacre of a Kyr’tsad base probably happens after one of those. And there are some he never finds, but never stops looking either, and maybe that’s how he stumbles on the information on the Sith: because he just has to keep digging no matter what. But eventually his leads on the missing peter out and his mission turns more into avenging the dead, slaughtering the guilty. It would be great to get closure and find everyone, but that’s not how the world works—and besides, that incompleteness of his task is a great force feeding his spiral into the dark side, so it works for storytelling. Maybe at some point he manages to cross everyone off his list and regain some balance, before truly setting off to hunt the Sith and eventually stumble upon Jango again. That could be a timeskip, even, or some subplot/turning point, that sort of reframing from acute hunt for survivors into hunt for the Sith and making reparations.
- Or maybe Obi-Wan wants to return the armour but realises he doesn’t know who to return it to. He goes to ask the local law enforcement if he could talk to the detained people and ask them. Only… either he can’t, which is incredibly suspicious, or he can and they tell him exactly where the Jedi failed. Actually, the Jedi probably should want to question the survivors they captured to close the case and write their report. Maybe the local law enforcement insists that they’re going to do it and provide the Jedi with the intel. Or maybe it turns into posturing about who has jurisdiction (which is probably really common problem/source of delays for Jedi). Or maybe the governor of Galidraan/Kyr’tsad try to make it look like there are outstanding warrants on Mandalore and the captives should be turned in to them. Either way there’s a delay/confusion/an attempt to make the prisoners to disappear into the system. Or maybe the Jedi are relieved to turn over jurisdiction to the Galidraan, and Obi-Wan doesn’t get any backup when his questions aren’t answered. Makes me wonder just exactly how Jango ended up on that spice freighter? Maybe it’s not a case of manipulating there system but a case of not following any procedure in the first place, the governor being little more than a despot?
- Either way, there’s this moment when they’re mopping up after a mission that turned into an epic clusterkark, and something just doesn’t add up or feel right, prompting the Jedi/Obi-Wan to investigate a little further. But it takes a few days to get to that point and in that time, the prisoners are already taken off-world.
- Why don’t the Jedi ever follow up and attempt a rescue, if they do figure out they were duped (trail going cold, lack of manpower, what)? Is the whole matter swept under the carpet? Or maybe the better question is when and how do the Jedi figure that out? Maybe the Order doesn’t, and it’s Obi-Wan who does. He then reports it to the Council, and his disagreement with the Order and resignation actually happen at that point, maybe (partially) over how the Order chooses to react to the news.
Or perhaps:
- Obi-Wan starts hunting down the survivors, destroying and accidentally turning the death watch, and at some point, it turns into a mythic quest for the missing Mand’alor, which manages to reunite large swaths of mandalorians in a common cause. And maybe when the specific trails for Jango go cold, Obi-Wan and his ramikade launch a full-scale operation against slavery in the Outer Rim, hoping they’ll eventually hit Jango or information about him. By the time they find Jango, not only has Obi-Wan been living as a mando for years, he’s been acting as the commander of the oriramikade and warming the Mand’alor’s seat. Probably fully half of Jango’s people are calling him Mand’alor behind his back and a number of them (including various ex-slaves) are following him because of personal loyalty, not his quest to find the missing Mand’alor.
- There’s probably a veritable mythos of rumours about Mandalore the Lost/Missing and Mandalore the Seeker/Liberator, and no one outside the system can be entirely certain what the leadership situation actually is.
- That story might work better if Jango’s been coerced into the clone contract by some Sith mind-trick which Obi-Wan breaks. They then decide to steal the clones and launch a war against the Sith. And now the Sith have a war on their doorstep—only it’s a few years too early and it’s not the war they had been planning, but angry Mandalorians out for blood.
The fic where the idea of Mando’ade carrying out revenge in the stead of the fallen wearing their armour came from might have been Tea & Fire by AppoApples, https://archiveofourown.org/works/40090614/chapters/100404453
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lightasthesun · 3 months
in case it wasn't clear this is a multi fandom blog with a 24/7 codywan obsession and heavy on the grandmaster/grandpadawan feelings at all times
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fionajames · 9 months
HIIIIII may I request some… angst… please? 😭 the unimaginable was too gooooood!!!!
hey guys this is angst as requested. the lyrics in this are from the song 'See You Again' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth. i recommend listening to it as u read.
This song actually means a lot to me and I cried a tear whilst listening to it writing this. I first heard it several months before my Grandad's death. Since then, I've lost a lot of loved ones, this song means a lot to me.
T/W: Death, Order 66.
It’s been a long day without you, my friend
Ahsoka stood, glossy-eyed at the helmets bearing her markings, buried in the dust. She thought of Jesse, who was always her friend. Until the last moment, when he’d turned on her. 
She’d felt it in the Force, Anakin’s death - she presumed. 
She’d reached out into the Force instinctively feeling for Obi-Wan, only to reconnect the strands with the dozens of other Jedi, all in pain and betrayal. She hadn’t been able to reach her old Grandmaster, retracting herself from the Force the minute she felt the pain. Ahsoka threw up a mental shield around herself, a desperate bubble of protection.
Rex stood next to her as they moved back to the ship, climbing in silently and setting course for a nearby planet. She watched the blue fly by, her heart panging as she saw a glimpse of his eyes, his lightsaber. 
Rushing off to the Chancellor’s aid, that was the last she’d seen of him.
That was the last she’d ever see of him.
And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again
Obi-Wan wrapped his robe around himself tighter, a tear sliding down his cheek as Beru sent him a last, sad smile before disappearing into her home with Luke in her arms and Owen at her side.
Obi-Wan turned away, walking slowly off into the distance. When he’d walked away from Anakin’s burning body, he’d reached tentatively out into the Force, in search of his former Grandpadawan. He’d been met with a wall of nothingness, the same kind of nothingness you felt when someone was dead.
He’d lost both his brother, sister and best friend in one day.
He thought miserably of the shell of a man he called his brother he’d left behind.
The guilt was eating at him like a starved beast.
He clambered down into a canyon of sand and stone, ignoring the scrapes on his hands and the tears rolling down his face. 
Jedi weren’t supposed to feel attachment, and he knew it, but now the Jedi were gone, so who was stopping him?
We’ve come a long way from where we began
Ahsoka thought back to her first meeting with Anakin and Obi-Wan. The arrogant version of Anakin she’d first met had turned more playful than rude in a matter of days.
She thought of the pain she’d first experienced, the tiring nature, the fear.
Jedi weren’t supposed to feel fear, but Ahsoka was no longer a Jedi.
She was never destined to be, she now realised.
She was destined to watch the fall of the Jedi, but not to be one that fell. 
The Order was gone, and that was unnatural to Ahsoka.
She thought back to the days of roaming the hallways of the Temple, both of her brothers at her side. She’d never thought of the fall of the Order. She’d wondered about them perhaps losing the war, but never a fall. Anakin and Obi-Wan were powerful, sometimes she’d feared for the deaths, but never the both of them.
She now realised that was why it hurt so much, she hadn’t expected the fall, much less the death of her brothers.
Oh, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again
Obi-Wan thought of the last mission they’d done together, him and Anakin. His head throbbed from the mere thought of being knocked unconscious by Dooku. He thought of the way they’d fought together, brothers side by side.
He thought of Onderon, the last mission all three of them had done. He remembered the abrupt fear on Ahsoka’s face when she’d heard they were leaving. Obi-Wan knew she was ready, but she didn’t believe that.
He thought of the days they spent together, brothers and sister, on the battlefield, on Coruscant, on different planets post-battle. 
The days of cheer, joy, happiness, something he missed so much. 
Never had he ever thought, during one of these times, about how much he would miss them.
He wondered if Ahsoka’s death had been painless, he hoped it had. He thought of how she would have felt the same feeling of utter betrayal he’d held when Cody had shot him. He thought of Rex, and how he would feel after killing his sister.
When I see you again
Ahsoka sat down on the bed. Her and Rex had arrived hours before on the planet, and rented a small house. She collapsed, her head in her hands as tears slipped between her fingers. 
Obi-Wan slumped to the floor in the cave he was sheltering in, face buried in his arms. Tears rolled down his cheeks and onto the floor, creating small puddles in the dust and sand.
Ahsoka reached out into the Force with her last speck of hope. She reached for Anakin, then Obi-Wan, then Plo. All she felt was the same pain and nothingness.
Obi-Wan reached out for Ahsoka, in hopes of discovering a flicker of life. All he felt was the same nothingness and pain he’d felt when Anakin’s life had slipped away.
They sat in silence, only interrupted by the occasional sob.
Anakin reached out, for Obi-Wan and then Ahsoka. He felt a flicker of subtle life of Obi-Wan, and then the cold nothingness of Ahsoka. 
Three people, broken to pieces, unaware of each other.
Three people, against the universe.
Three people, separated.
'We'll be alright, as long as we stay together.'
hope you enjoyed, please send requests, im desperate!!!
take care of urself <3
taglist: @techs-goggles9902, @transmascanakin, @skellymom
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oftempus · 1 month
@spokewar continued from x.
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THE WORD GRANDMASTER freezes him within his place, staring at the other with a look of pure SHOCK upon his aging features. He’s never had a lineage to deem his own, refraining from such things due to his crippling visions at that time amongst other undisclosed reasons as well. He’s mainly tended to his (only and last) friend’s lineage, aiding in places whenever he can whenever the other was away. He never thought it would leave a mark upon the other, especially with their standing relationship at the time. Well, up until now.
It almost causes something to tighten within his chest.
Features replace the look of shock with that of content, giving the other a small smile upon cracked lips. He clears his throat, bowing his head just a little in response. ❛ Grandpadawan. ❜ It feels sweet on his tongue. ❛ There’s no need to thank me. Have you tried those sweets before? They were gifted, but wanted to give them to you to try out first. ❜
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voidartisan · 1 year
Welcome to the blog.
Make yourself at home
(Fic masterlist and spoiler tag policy below the cut)
🔹She/her, arospec ace
🔹I go by AJ, or Void, if that feels more natural to you
🔹Psychology student with a fine arts minor
🔹Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
🔹Usually screaming about Star Wars (mostly the prequels, or, let’s be honest, anything with Obi-Wan Kenobi in it for more than .05 seconds)
🔹Also a fan of lots of other media, including but not limited to: Tolkien's Legendarium, The Queen's Thief series, Howl's Moving Castle, Pride and Prejudice, Parks and Recreation, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Princess Bride, Wooden Overcoats, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Lunar Chronicles, and some of my beloved childhood fandoms
🔹Occasional artist (read: doodler), slightly more frequent writer
🔹I have one sideblog, @arafinweanappreciation, for Tolkien content
🔹I really REALLY like answering asks so don't be afraid to inbox me random questions if you ever want to
🔹I try to be diligent about organizational tagging for characters and fandoms so things will be easy to find, as well as spoilers for blocking purposes
🔹On that note, I usually only tag spoilers for ongoing content (i.e. I’ve never tagged spoilers for rebels or tcw), and stop tagging spoilers 4-6 weeks after a finale drops. If you’re currently watching a Star Wars show that finished its most recent season more than a month ago, scroll at your own risk
🔹 #void doodles - my art tag
🔹#talking into the void - mostly me rambling about irl stuff. feel free to block it if you're here for fandom stuff tbh. doesn't hurt my feelings
🔹 #aj writes - my fanfic and related posting
Currently reading: Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett
Fic Masterlist
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka:
against the dying of the light: Sometimes your master's master has more influence on your training than you think. And sometimes they send you a physical reminder.
i saw waves lifting the sea: queer grandmaster-grandpadawan bonding. that's it. that's the fic.
softly in the gloom they heard the birds: you know that meme where the two characters are both trying take a bullet for the other??? yeah.
it's cold on the floor: very short one-shot that i wrote entirely for the joke at the end. potentially the only thing i've written that doesn't contain any angst
Obi-Wan and Anakin:
i owe it to my brothers: an anthology of obi-wan and anakin snippets, currently very short
Disaster Lineage:
fallen sentries: A post-Lawless Arc story focusing on Obi-Wan's particular method of grieving, and how Ahsoka and Anakin have to figure out how to deal with it.
resemblances: Ahsoka looks back on her masters and her training during her time in the Rebellion
come by it honestly: a snippet of Obi-Wan and Ahsoka dealing with Anakin's nonsense, even (especially) when he's not around.
you cried when you cut your hair: exploring lineage dynamics through padawan braids
The Bad Batch:
the final standing domino: Omega gets curious about some old holos Echo is looking at. Angst ensues.
the sincerest form of flattery: omega is growing up a little too fast for hunter's taste, and not fast enough for hers (fluffier than it sounds)
Post-S2 finale drabble: written in the wait between S2 and S3, critically acclaimed (critics being hunter stans in the notes)
Post-S3 finale double drabble: written in the throes of tbb update withdrawals and the wake of [SPOILERS REDACTED]
Cody and Obi-Wan:
ori'vode: Cody is (unintentionally) emotionally assaulted by a preteen [i had to make this summary humorous because i DID cry while writing it. multiple times]
scars: Obi-Wan and Cody snippet from the early Clone Wars, feat. Cody acting his (physical) age for approx. 2 min.
AWOL: an angsty one-shot written in honor of cody's first awol-iversary
Clan Kryze:
aay'han: Korkie snippets, mostly relating to Satine, her legacy, and their relationship
Satine Week 2024: What is says on the tin, a collection of Satine-centric one-shots inspired by the Satine Week prompts.
Modern AU:
and we don't notice any time pass: the main body of the modern au. constructed almost entirely of song lyrics, nostalgia, and and found family tropes. the clone wars but make it napoleon dynamite. sort of
ahsoka tano gets her man: the fluff filler episode of clone wars i always wanted but never got, feat. obitine, korkie and ahsoka friendship, and obi-wan and ahsoka bonding.
to catch a tooka: it is a truth universally acknowledged that all stray cats must be in want of a teenage girl to adopt them
sabacc face: trapped in an escape pod? nothing to do? consider card games and accidentally digging up old family drama/trauma
it's every breath that comes before: short qui-gon death fic. his pov for the theed generator fight in tpm. i made myself sad
Obi-Wan and Luke minific: look. Obi-Wan and the twins---
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aeligsido · 2 years
[Fictober 2022] Day 17 - “Are you serious?”
Characters: Yoda, Pranay Daaz (OC), Feemor. Additional Tags: argument, feemor is mad at yoda, the disaster lineage is a disaster, who would have guessed, yoda made mistakes, he's trying to do better, but forget to apologize lmao, feemor is a good dad, he just wants to protect pranay, pranay would like less dispute in his lineage thank u, mentioned prany/thorn, yoda meddling into his great-great-grandpadawan's love life, mentioned younglings, yes pranay's younglings. Content Warnings: dysfunctional family.
Feemor is furious.
“Are you serious?” he says, all deep anger and cold eyes.
“Trying to help, I am,” states their Grandmaster, ears twitching.
Pranay takes his head between his hands. It’s not going to end well.
“Oh, so you couldn’t care less when Qui-Gon threw me aside, but suddenly you’re interested in the life of my Padawan?” his father asks, all sweet and poisonous.
Pranay sighs. “Dad.”
Master Yoda looks almost sad. “The truth, it is not,” he starts, but Pranay doesn’t let him finish. It’s going to end in a fight if he doesn’t do anything.
“Stop it, you sound like my younglings.” His father looks offended. Pranay doesn’t care. “Dad, you need to talk with Grandmother. Grandmaster, please, stop meddling with my love life. I can woo Commander Thorn on my own.”
He feels the old troll's doubt in the Force. He glares. And then sighs, because they’re both about to go at it again.
Alright. Calling Madam Nu now, there's no other solution left.
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Asphodel | ch 12
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With a hand reaching up to Anakin’s shoulder, Obi-Wan smiled, still in a good mood and now with a belly full of food to hold him over until lunch, and he said kindly, “I hope you know how much I care about you, and I want you to know that I want to be here for you however you need me.”
Anakin nodded and gave him a shy smile, “Thank you, Obi-Wan.”
“The conversation took a rather personal turn back there,” the older one narrowed his eyes in a suspicious expression. “And as far as Ahsoka is concerned-”
“I’ll talk with her about it, Master,” Anakin interrupted and slipped up, falling back into old habits, but he didn’t stop to correct himself. “It’s inappropriate for us to speculate and I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
Frowning at the misunderstanding, Obi-Wan shook his head and reached out for Anakin’s shoulders, as if to steady his mind from spinning out of control, “No, Anakin, I meant that as far as things are concerned with your padawan, please remember that you are not in this alone. I care for her just as much as I care for you. She is my grandpadawan, after all.” He smiled warmly and thought how silly his younger self considered the idea of grandmasters and grandpadawans , but how he now felt a sense of pride when he thought of Ahsoka Tano.
He continued: “My grandmaster defected from the Order, and you were denied yours before you truly had the chance to know him.” Obi-Wan’s face grew wistful as he recalled Qui-Gon and felt a sense of longing for his master’s guidance, but he pushed through the emotion and finished his thought firmly, “But I am here, and you and Ahsoka must never hesitate if you need anything of me. Do you understand?”
His former apprentice, the boy he once disliked but had come to love as a brother, looked up under his uncontrollable dark hair and smiled at him. Despite Anakin’s height surpassing his, Obi-Wan noticed how the younger man sometimes slumped in his presence, and he reached back to his friend’s shoulders and adjusted them gently.
“Stand tall, Anakin. You make me very proud, you know.”
In that moment, Anakin Skywalker beamed, albeit bashfully, and he looked down at the floor. Praise from his former master meant a great deal to him, as it did to most Jedi Knights. He nodded, “Thank you, Obi-Wan.”
Chapter 12 is up. Guest appearances from Anakin, Padme, and everyone's favorite renegade Quinlan Vos.
I might bump my posting dates out to every 2 weeks to alternate new chapters because I feel like an attention whore constantly posting my shit with my little pictures (thanks Zai, get a Tumblr plz), so bear with me.
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sunnymiles · 4 years
febuwhump day 15
prompt 15- “run. don’t look back.”
They were lost, Anakin and Rex were somewhere else in the tunnel system. Now, it was just Ahsoka and her grandmaster trying to find their escape. This was actually going fairly well, in comparison to their usual escapades.
“You think Rex is tired of Anakin yet?”
Obi-Wan gave her that haughty, disapproving look he had mastered. She knew it meant ‘I do wholeheartedly agree with you, Ahsoka, you great padawan, you. However, my title of Grand-Master does prohibit me from showing this positive affirmation to you in public.’
It was okay, she understood.
He must have picked up on some of those thoughts. The eyebrow raised in her direction seemed to indicate so.
Kriff, she needed to work on her shielding.
If Obi-Wan, ‘Gramps’ her mind lovingly supplied, could pick up on it, then surely Skyguy could.
Obi-Wan snorted his indignation at the nickname. Blast, her concentration was screwed if he was able to pick these thoughts up that easily.
They trudged through the dark for a few more moments, and Ahsoka felt his amusement at her antics. Sneaking a glance at him, only the small smirk tugging at his lips showed it. But she knew.
Might as well change the subject, remind him of his favorite target. Hers too. Anakin was just so easy to make fun of.
He seemed wary of her intent, and while she was flattered, this was truly a harmless question.
“You told me you would tell me about how Anakin actually got the scar.”
“I did, didn’t I?” He kept walking.
She was Anakin’s padawan, they weren’t exactly patient people.
“Well, are you going to tell me?”
Obi-Wan just hummed.
Of course. Finally, a story she actually wanted to hear, and this was how he treated it.
“Ugh, you’re enjoying this too much.” He chuckled at her impatience, but seemed to relent.
“Well, there are some who believe the lightsaber can be used for tasks other than fighting.”
She nodded. There were stories of welders in Coruscant’s underbelly who had bought lightsabers on the black market to use for their work. But what did that have to do with Anakin?
“Some like to experiment with its versatility.” There was a shine in his eyes, and she knew they were getting to the good part.
“Anakin decided to try to shave with his.”
Oh, this was what grandmasters were for.
Her cackling was echoing through the caverns. This was too good. She would have this over her master for years, she’d never let him live it down.
“This is so much better than I ever could have imagined.” Obi-Wan laughed.
“Yes well, Anakin is not known for his”-
He trailed off suddenly, and that was her only warning.
A large scarlet beast came barreling through the wall beside them. Rocks battered her skin with bruises and scrapes.
The beast though. It was the biggest thing Ahsoka had ever seen, rows of yellowing teeth snarling at them. And, was that venom?
Obi-Wan caught the thing in his force grip. His hands were outstretched, but she knew he was already fatigued from the long trek through these tunnels. The beast was massive, and was definitely pushing his abilities. She moved for her lightsabers. They could kill this one with him holding it and her stabbing it, but her montrals picked up what sounded like a stampede coming.
“Master, I-I can sense, there’s more coming! We need to get out of here.”
The animal lunged for them, clicking its jaws menacingly. Ahsoka added her own force-grip to help ward it back. Obi-Wan’s brow was beading with sweat and the rumbling of the incoming beasts was starting to increase in volume.
“Run Ahsoka, don’t look back.”
“Master, I-I’m not going to leave you!”
His arms were shaking with strain. When she released her grip, he wouldn’t be able to keep the monster at bay for long.
“Ahsoka go!”
Blue eyes pleaded with her urgently. Eyes that had guided her, loved her.
He gave her a small nod, his Force presence calming. “It’s alright little one.”
“No-No I can’t, I-I won’t.” The animals were shrieking their approach, the one in their hold writhing desperately at the sound of the call.
“You must.”
He managed to send her a strong “Go” in the force that reverberated in her mind, physically making her leave. Her vision was blurred by tears, but she still managed to catch a last glimpse of her stubborn grandmaster singlehandedly bracing for the creatures and their arrival.
Obi-Wan sent her a small smile, and she let out a sob. There were going to be too many of them- he would be overwhelmed, what was he doing-
Buying her time to get out.
Stupid, self-sacrificing Obi-Wan.
Ahsoka ran out of the cave, his command echoing through her. Go, go, go-
She didn’t turn back when she heard the creatures bust through the wall with a wail.
She didn’t turn back when his lightsaber ignited with a hiss. The normally comforting blue light gleaming forebodingly in the dark cave.
She didn’t turn back when he yelped, but her feet stumbled. The mud was slippery in her hands as she fought for purchase.
The Togrutan part of her wailed its dissent, recognizing a family member in pain. The Jedi in her respected Obi-Wan too much to disobey him.
A low groan. No, he was going to be fine-
Warm peace washed over her in the force. A familiar presence blanketed her in affectionate pride, chasing away her guilt. But that meant-
The creatures’ screech of victory prompted her legs to pump faster, her heart to race. Grief threatened to choke her.
Run, Ahsoka keep going.
So, she did.
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kckenobi · 4 years
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a padawan’s dictionary
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pandora15 · 1 year
See it’s so weird like I want ewan to come back as obi-wan even more than ever now since Hayden is back as anakin (and is doing *amazing* as him) but also like I don’t trust obi-wan’s character with filoni and I really don’t think we’re gonna see him next week which is totally fine and probably better for it imo.
But also the part of my braincell that is starved for obi-wan and Ahsoka content really wants to see them reunite post-order 66 (and this is something I’ve wanted for a LONG time) and I think it would be so interesting to see post-kenobi series or something but the thing is
If they do something like that then filoni will have to be involved which would just. well then it would just be another example of obi-wan’s character being pushed aside for the sake of ahsoka’s.
Which is exactly why I don’t foresee it happening. Even though I want it but I also don’t want it. My brain is confused.
Also it’s 3am and I can’t sleep. I seem to make these posts when this happens so here we are.
Anyways what I realistically want is either a smaller-scale kenobi season 2 where obi-wan hangs out on tatooine and vibes with force ghost qui-gon, *or* a spin-off focused on the path where obi-wan can have some sort of part in the network, setting up a part of it on tatooine or something? I feel like it would be a good follow-up to what he sees happen to Nari, like making sure that any other Jedi who find him on tatooine have somewhere safe to go and he can help them get there.
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ooohh Abi I'm soo happy you're taking prompts!! 8 and 16 together maybe? For you know who🥺🌺
[I know I should finish out the whump prompts first, but I’ve had this in my head for a couple days and I needed to get it down! originally, this was tacked on to the end of my padawan!Kenobi & baby!Soka sickfic prompt response but it’s already too long as a stand-alone so here ya go. it’s not necessary to read the other first, but it may provide some context.]
8=“I’ve got you.” 16=“I’m never letting you go”
using this angst/fluff prompt masterlist
“Who are you looking for?”
“Er, she’s six? Togruta.” He racked his brain for more identifiers. “No front teeth.”
“Does she have a name?” the padawan healer drawled, lifting a tired eyebrow at Obi-Wan.
“Oh. Right. Ahsoka.”
“I...I don’t know her family name,” he grimaced. “But how many Ahsokas can you possibly have in there?”
The padawan offered a less-than-polite glance at that comment, but returned her gaze to the holo-pad in front of her. “Ahsoka Tano. Looks like she’s fine. High-grade fever, nausea, and dizziness. Nothing serious.”
“That sounds serious,” he frowned.
“Well, it’s not,” the padawan bit off with a glare. “If you want to go see her, either go in or get out.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes widened. “Go see her?”
“Isn’t that why you’re here?” The padawan healer crossed her arms and looked at him with bored irritation.
“Oh,” said Obi-Wan. “Well, no, actually. I just–” he paused. “Yes–would you direct me to the room number?”
“Thank you.”
It wasn’t until he started walking down the hall that he considered what had just happened. He stopped walking abruptly, frowning at his own feet which had seemed to move of their own accord. What was he doing?
He didn’t even know this girl. It was one thing to stop by and ask the healers for an update. It was an entirely different thing to pop in for a visit. What would Ahsoka even say about the strange padawan from the Archives who had carried her to the healers? She’d been so out of it by the time he got her to the Halls of Healing, he wasn’t even sure if she’d remember anything at all.
Obi-Wan unfortunately didn’t think forgetting was a possibility for him, what with the vomit still crusted over his boots from the night before.
Somehow, he found himself at the room marked C201. He considered turning around and walking back to his quarters, but something stopped him. She really had been so unwell–and so cute.
He knocked softly.
The sound of springs and a thump–someone jumping off a bed. Then, the light pitter-patter of small feet crossing the room.
“You!” she cried as she opened the door, beaming up at him.
“Me,” he agreed, smiling weakly in return.
She catapulted herself into him, wrapping her arms tightly around his legs and constricting his knees with a surprising amount of strength.
“Ahsoka,” he chuckled, trying to shake her off. “This can’t become a habit. I can’t move, little one.”
“I’m never letting you go,” she muffled against his legs. 
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes with a smile, leaning down to untangle her arms from him. “Aren’t you supposed to be in bed?” 
She switched her grip to latch onto his arms. “Up,” she instructed, pulling on him.
“You can’t just command people to carry you.”
“Please?” She batted her eyes at him in a way he was pretty sure was premeditated but also was completely powerless against.
“I stand corrected. You can.” He scooped her up.
Ahsoka grinned, her face six inches away from his. “Hi, Padawan Kenobi.”
“Hi, Ahsoka,” he replied, with a blinding smile of his own.
“I told the healers you would come.”
“Oh, did you?”
“Yep. I knew it.” She nodded vigorously, her head bobbing up and down in a way Obi-Wan knew couldn’t feel good with a fever.
“I’m glad you had so much faith in me. How are you feeling?”
He lifted an eyebrow.
She deflated the tiniest of bits. “Still sick.”
“Then, perhaps you should be in bed, yes?”
“Ugh, yes,” she scowled.
Obi-Wan moved toward the small hospital bed, leaning down to drop her in. The Togruta climbed toward the head of the bed and crawled under the covers, sitting up and looking at him excitedly. He stared in bewilderment, taking a tentative seat on the edge of the bed.
This kid was so strange.
“What are we gonna do?” she asked, her shoulders bouncing a bit. Did this child ever stop moving?
He frowned. “What do you mean?”
Her eyes rolled around her head as she huffed in impatience. “Are we gonna sing or play or what?”
The older Jedi’s eyes widened. “Sing or...play?” 
“Well, why’d you come here if we weren’t gonna sing or play?”
Why had he come here? Obi-Wan wasn’t sure if he was qualified to answer that question. There hadn’t been much thinking involved between his waking up and immediately walking down to the Halls of Healing this morning.
“Just to check in on you, I suppose.”
She looked disappointed. “That’s it?”
“I didn’t know there were protocols for checking in on a sick youngling.” He reached across and lightly tapped her nose. 
“Protocols?” She went cross-eyed, her tiny nose scrunching up in response. “I hate protocols.”
Obi-Wan laughed, not doubting that at all. He could imagine the challenges Ahsoka provided to the creche-masters...and the challenges she would one day provide to her master. 
That would be a brave Jedi.
“You’re sick, little one. I don’t think singing and playing are in your near future,” he offered a compassionate half-smile. “Perhaps tomorrow or the next day.”
“Ugh,” she groaned, dramatically. “It’s so boring in here!”
“Do you like to read?” he asked, thinking of all the books he could retrieve from his quarters. It’s what he would do if he was the one stuck in here. It’s what he had done all the times he was the one stuck in here. 
She fixed him with a stare. “I’m six.”
Oh. Right.
Obi-Wan had done a few rotations in the creche and he’d found he had a knack for teaching the older initiates, but his assignments from Qui-Gon rarely found him in contact with small children. Ahsoka put him entirely out of his element.
“I could read to you?” he suggested.
“Do you do voices?”
“You know,” she said, gesturing wildly. “Voices.”
He didn’t know. The small huff that signaled her giving up on him led him to believe she could sense his confusion.
Even so, her eyes lit up suddenly. “We could fight!”
“I don’t think that would be appropriate,” he laughed lightly.
Ahsoka glared, as menacing as she could muster. “You don’t think I could beat you?”
“Oh, it’s not that at all,” he shook his head, quickly. “I only meant what with this being a healing ward, of course.”
This seemed to satisfy her and she snuggled back into the covers with a content smile.
“Padawan Kenobi? Do you think–” Her eyes shut and she grabbed at her stomach, suddenly. “Oh.”
“Ahsoka?” Obi-Wan reached for her shoulder in concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Tummy,” she groaned, miserably. “Again.”
He scanned the room for a bin. Spotting one, he summoned it toward the bed and helped Ahsoka out of the covers. She crawled pathetically toward the edge of the bed and immediately began to wretch into the bin.
Obi-Wan watched, painfully helpless against her discomfort. All he could do was lightly rub circles over her small back as she violently heaved. 
She looked up at him with pained eyes. “I’m...I’m sorry about getting sick...on your shoes last night, Padawan Ken–” Her words were cut short as another wave of nausea hit her and she continued to get sick into the bin.
“I have other shoes, little one,” he said softly. “There’s only one of you, though. I want you to feel better.”
She whined in response, coughing weakly. 
“Would you like me to get a healer?” he asked after she seemed to even out. 
Ahsoka shook her head, closing her eyes and hovering over the bucket.
“Does it feel like it’s over or do you think you need to wait a bit?”
She shifted in response, scootching toward Obi-Wan and practically falling into his lap. He pulled her fully into him, snaking one arm around her back and cradling her head with the other. Her small montrals bumped along his chin as she collapsed into his chest.
After a moment, she picked her head up weakly. “Can you...stay here?”
“I’ve got you,” he promised.
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katierosefun · 4 years
For the fak title thing heh; Fighting for her men?
thanks for the ask, anon! 
fighting for her men: okay, so my brain jumped right to ahsoka, and...oh huh. (once again,,,this really is just live feedback from caroline’s brain isn’t it)
but there’s this one scene that always really touched me in the gambit books (the first one!), when ahsoka’s looking around the battlefield and she just goes, “okay, no one’s allowed to die today, okay? you’re not allowed”, and she’s trying so hard to put on a brave face, but i think this book notes that like ahsoka’s voice wobbles a little bit and--ughhhhh i have so many feelings about ahsoka and the 501st don’t touch me--
anyways, where was i,,,i kind of see this as a fic where ahsoka’s in another one of those situations, but make it worse like...i don’t know, ahsoka and anakin get split up, so the 501st is split between the two of them too? i keep thinking they’re underground somewhere...(also i’m so sorry for atla references, but can you tell i get inspired by other stories...but there’s that one atla episode where the gaang gets split up in the mountain--the secret tunnel episode! asdfsdf not me now imaging anakin scream-singing “secret tunnellll, secret tunnelllll--through the mountainnnnnnn”,,,and i think someone already drew fanart of that i’m sorry my brain’s all over the place with this) 
but anyways. ahsoka + her half of the 501st walking around under the mountain and uh. uh. bad things happen. everyone gets out alive in the end, because i really don’t wanna kill any clones (that’s dave filoni and george lucas’ job :/// i say no clone deaths on my watch), but. ahsoka throwing her shoulders back and being like nope, nope, nope, i will be calm and collected commander!!! (meanwhile, the 501st are also trying their darnest to stay positive because they, too, would rather not like to cause panic.) 
ask game
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lightasthesun · 3 years
Crying about Obi-Wan and Ahsoka on this day.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Okay so a bit ago @atagotiak (Tia) proposed the following on discord:
I do not remember where I have seen this but it hasn’t come out of my brain. But I’m thinking about it now: AU where Korkie isn’t an Obitine baby. Bo-Katan is I tend to think of the Kryze sisters as relatively close in age but they’re animated so it’s not like you can really tell
Which like. Obviously I am on board. This is hilarious, and there is so much potential for shenanigans.
(First part is from a group brainstorm, second part is me outlining a fic concept based on this.)
Bo-Katan has so many issues based around THE LIES, MOM
Let’s say Satine had her at 16-17 and so Bo is now 19ish by tcw and this is how she does teen rebellion
Ahsoka and Bo-Katan meet early, and Ahsoka receives some Bitching about how Obi-Wan is being more of a dad to his grandpadawan than to his actual daughter.
Ahsoka: ...does he, like, know? That you're his?
Gel (@gelpenss):
Bo-Katan may be operating under some uh. Some Ideas about what exactly the force lets people sense. She is CONVINCED obi-wan knows and has known since the minute she was born.
Ahsoka asks if she can comm her grandmaster--she wonders if she should bring up that Bo-Katan is Anakin's age--and just goes "So like did you know you have a biological daughter?"
Liz (@lizasweetling):
Anakin is going to feel disproportionately threatened by this news isn't he it's so unnnecessary- she doesn't even like him! they don't know each other!!
Redirect the teenage rebellion into sibling rivalry
Anakin is either gonna feel threatened or SMUG in like a horrible goose “that’s not how that works” way Like, if anakin found out bo-katan was convinced obi-wan knew, I think he could be convinced that obi-wan Knew and then he’d be like “HAH HE LIKES ME BETTER HE COULD’VE HAD HIS DAUGHTER BUT HE TOOK CARE OF ME.” simultaneously combined with raging insecurity of “oh god his own blood daughter wasn’t enough for him maybe someday he will just drop me like a hot potato”
Ahsoka and Korkie just eating chips on the side like "wow I don't. Want to be involved in this."
God it would be really funny if Korkie was ANOTHER oops baby that Satine just never fucking told him about.
And Korkie's just like. Awkwardly pretending not to know Bo-Katan because she's so embarrassing.
Obi-Wan, once he gets over the shock: and you ran away from home to join Death Watch? You need better taste in guerrilla movements, young lady.
(Anakin has mixed feelings about someone else getting an Obi lecture lbr.)
Obi-Wan lectures other people regularly, probably. This is different though. For reasons. No Anakin will not explain the reasons
Anakin is just SO allergic to introspection.
Doc (@thisarenotarealblog):
Bo-Katan: oh like you would know anything about guerilla movements... Obi-Wan: I would, as a matter of fact. He then refuses to elaborate
Ahsoka & Korkie have 'I'm the relatively well-adjusted one, despite being the baby' solidarity Really it's partly just that the galaxy hasn't had enough time to fuck them up yet I just realized, while definitely not like, the most well behaved or obedient of the kids & young adults. There's still a bit of like. Anakin gets to experience being the good sibling here.
He's such a MESS but he's not a terrorist yet, so...
ANYWAY here's the ficlet I brainstormed last night.
We kick off with a slightly different order of events. Bo-Katan is known to be alive and Out There Somewhere, Causing Problems, but has not yet run into any of the Jedi, and hasn't seen Satine since she ran away from home. There are rumors on Mandalore proper about her being Satine's daughter, not sister, everyone dismisses it.
Except Anakin. He wants to know if he has a sister (Obi-Wan basically adopted him, right, so that means this Bo-Katan would be his adopted sister, and that's... something). He's paranoid about her taking his place, but also he's Anakin and a little mucky in the head about family, and so he decides he has to know The Truth! of Obi-Wan's possible lovechild with this Mandalorian lady.
Because there are so many rumors and he's. You know. He's Obi-Wan's kid. He doesn't need competition. Ahsoka's fine, he already adores her, and literally everyone said Korkie had taken a DNA test years earlier for the same rumors reason and he's not Satine's.
He hears the rumors and, as one does, steals some of Obi-Wan's DNA (well, he says 'hey, can I borrow your hairbrush' and walks out with it while Obi-Wan is lecturing him for not packing according to the excel sheet Obi-Wan gave him).
He hunts down Bo-Katan, almost gets murdered by her while trying to steal some of her hair, and then fast-talks his way into explaining what he was trying to do.
Bo-Katan is annoyed but like. She's curious. This is the first person she's met that has Kenobi DNA on hand for the test.
Unfortunately for everyone's sanity, the paternity test comes back positive.
Bo-Katan is overcome with rage and shows up back on Mandalore--shocking a number of people who all thought she was dead--and yelling at her apparently mother about lying to her for her entire life and how DARE YOU, WHAT THE FUCK--
Anakin is like. Cheering her on. He agrees that never sharing the truth was a sketch move. Satine's just standing there, waiting for Bo-Katan to wind down, wincing every little bit. Obi-Wan is uncomfortable and a little horrified, and also getting so ready to ream Anakin out for whatever the hell he did. "Why do you assume I did something?" "Did you?" "...yeah."
Satine manages to explain that she had done it first to protect Bo-Katan, and since she'd ended up just as involved in her life as she would have been with the truth, it hadn't seemed particularly important to change the wording around from sibling to parent (Anakin is crying and unsubtly edging closer to Obi-Wan and Ahsoka really wants to not be here) and also Bo-Katan ran away before the birthday where Satine was going to tell her things, to join a terrorist group that wanted to kill the very sister-actually-mother she was so mad about lying to her and also what do you think you are wearing young lady--
"I thought you were mom-ing me because you had that stupid 'eldest daughter syndrome' and our parents were dead and you were old already, not that you were actually my mom!" "Excuse you, I'm barely in early middle age, thank you." "...yeah, no, you're old." "You're grounded." "You can't ground me!" "You're in my house again, I most certainly can!" "For calling you old?" "FOR JOINING A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION THAT'S TRYING TO KILL ME, BO."
There were definitely jokes about Bo being way small and a little slow for her age when she was a kid, because they backdated her actual birth to before Satine's mom died, which means claiming Bo is like. A solid year and a half younger than they claim, which they can't pull off without raising her in secret first, claiming she's an ill child, and then introducing her to people when she's like. Five. Officially six and a half.
Anakin is DELIGHTED to learn that she's younger than him by more than he thought.
If he's getting a sister out of this (shut up, Obi-Wan) then he's going to be a Real Older Brother.
Ahsoka can get the fun and coddling. Bo gets the Vicious Mockery. Anakin wants to ROUGHHOUSE.
(He's just. The worst. It's great.)
Anakin, grinning: you're like. petite. Bo: no, YOU'RE just STUPIDLY TALL Anakin: lol
He carries her under his arm like a really big cat and she wants to FIGHT HIM about it but then Obi-Wan and Ahsoka will get involved, and she can't take three Jedi in combat, which means she'll lose, and then she'll be confined to her room by her Bitch Of A Mom again (she doesn't say that out loud, because Anakin has Feelings about loving and respecting mothers, and can lecture just as long as Obi-Wan can, which Bo was unfortunate enough to find out), so she just to just HANG THERE
She can't even get her ARMOR because she's a "threat to public safety" and "known menace with a history of violence" and "loyal to a fringe extremist group meaning to kill many government officials" it whatever and it's just like SO rude
Tangential comment: I love the idea that when Anakin feels like it he can lecture like obiwan "I learned from the best"
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