#granblue fantasy spoilers
lyretiger · 7 months
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heart of the sun
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amngtheflowers · 10 months
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One last time...
O n e l as t t i m e . . .
O n E l a AS T t i M e,,.. . .. . .
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angel-blood-art · 2 months
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kindauglypikachuicon · 5 months
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Metera and Utsusemi’s relationship is very cute!! (I ship them I think they should go chuuuuu~)
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somecoolpigeon · 1 year
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Finally finished my little self-indulgent TWST x GBF illustration!! Just two lovely moms and their sons 😊💖
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qweaenr · 1 year
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GRANDBLUE FANTASY - Sandalophon; Angel of Hatred, Primarch of Vengeance, the Bittersweet.
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notverybrightraven · 6 months
(An Attempted) Granblue Fantasy Timeline
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(Spoilers btw)
~??? years ago: the universe is created
~3,000,000,000 years ago: The Phoenix is born from the sun. 
~2,900,000,000 years ago: The Phoenix becomes Laplace’s demon. 
~??? years ago: The world is formed, and mortal civilization begins. 
~70,000 years ago: A prosperous ancient civilization runs a deficit on soul matter. Abominations created by Wardant attack the world. Megumi becomes Robomi and gets stuck in a hole. Kenji develops mommy issues and becomes a computer. 
~???? years ago: Otherworldly miasmas/beasts ruin the world, with a select few mortals able to escape to the moon.
~20,000 years ago: The dawn of lunarian civilization. First lunarian artifacts and ruins appear on the world.  It is unconfirmed if these are from before the moon escape, or if they are from lunarian colonists returning to the surface. 
~7,000 years ago: The Omnipotent comes to the world from another dimension (via lunarian interference?).  The Omnipotent takes the remaining uncorrupted land and lifts it into the sky, and seals the surface under a barrier, forming the Crimson Horizon and the Skyrealm.  The laws of physics change, with Wardant excluded from the Skyrealm.  Shalem and Shahar are created. The ancient people officially become Otherworlders.  The moon begins its war against an unspecified threat (the Crimson Horizon?).  True dragons probably start existing.
~6,000 years ago: The Phoenix and the Omnipotent fight.  Shalem gets put into a box, and Sahar goes into a coma for a few centuries.  Farhara dies, to be reincarnated in 6000 years.  Fenie goes zoom.  After thirty years, Abramelin splits the omnipotent in two, creating the sky god and the Astral god. Islands split up, creating a fractured world.  The Astral realm, along with all Astrals, is created. 
~2,000 years ago: The War begins, with Astrals invading the Skyrealm.  The first primal beasts are created, including Lucifer, the angels, and the origin beasts.  Primals are assigned to islands to control/experiment on the mortal races.  Cosmos was created in the Astral realm.  Lucilius incites the fallen angel war, causing Sandalphon and the fallen angels to be put into a box, and causing Lucifer to kill Lucilius.  Astaroth attempts a coup, gets killed by Lucifier, and Magus gets put into a box.  Cagliostro invents alchemy, and gets put into a different box.  Noa introduces airships to the world. 
~??? years ago: The Astral god creates the girl in blue and the sky god creates the red dragon as a snackbox swap service.
~??? years ago: The Jorha are founded, and proceed to commit unethical science.  The Revenant weapons are forged. 
~??? years ago: Mikaboshi builds a big rock. Her and her daughter get put into a box.
~1,000 years ago: Ninetails is created, eats a bunch of foxes, and gets put into a box. The Cardinal Saints begin their mission to pacify the cardinal beasts.
~500 years ago: The last primal beasts are created.  The Astrals decide to make high-power, high-independence angel-like primal beasts to fight in The War.  Said primal beasts, including Enyo, predictably rebel against the Astrals.  The War ends with almost every astral leaving the sky.  Abramelin and the Diviners first meet.  Baldr talks to Satyr and takes a nap.  Erste regrets politically allying with the Astrals.  The knights of Lumiel start to form.
~??? years ago: The Inchoate World begins to form the Arcanum. 
~??? years ago: Cosmos and Lucifer start having coffee brunches.  Cosmos creates Geo and Zooey. 
~300 years ago: The Diviners put Abramelin into a hole.  Feendrache puts Malegant and the Valiant in a cold hole.  
~100 years ago: Estarriola and Temperance explode a kingdom. 
Between 100 and 0 years ago: The majority of mortal characters are born, and experience variably tragic backstories.
24 years ago: Farhara reincarnates as Sabrina.
~30ish years ago: Rein's sister is born, and gets kidnapped by the True King. Granjeet’s dad goes on an adventure with Rein, Rosetta, Walfrid, and Vyrn.  Lyria is found by them, and hidden in Phantagrande.
~15 years ago: Granjeet is born, their mom Rein "vanishes", and their dad ditches them for Estalucia.  Xing gets adopted by Granjeet’s dad after mass manslaughter. 
~10 years ago: Granjeet gets a letter from dad.
~??? years ago: Lyria is found by Erste, and used as a test subject.
0 years ago: Katalina busts Lyria out of her box. All the events of gbf, gbf:versus, gbf: versus rising, and gbf:relink occur.
+400 years in the future: Yatima joins Omega-3.
+600 years in the future: Omega-3 becomes combat-ready.
+20,000 years in the future: Lunarian society rebuilds Diaspora and invades the Skyrealm.
+25,000 years in the future: Abramelin and Farhana reunite.
Unknown Placement (between 20,000 and 0 years ago): Yatima and Raybury meet, Yatmia founds the Society. 
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Incomplete & Disorganized Refs. Black background logs are read bottom to top.
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saeraas · 7 months
love how cygames made the whole multiverse confirmation to wiggle out of everyone always asking where the eternals or zooey are during world ending events, but Heart of the Sun confirming siete knew who sandalphon is means that the eternals existed during a timeline were wmtsb happens which now we can actually say again "where the fuck were the eternals during wmtsb3"
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xenodile · 8 months
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CyGames is funny for adding a character whose gimmick is that they whaled like crazy on the gacha for premium weapons.
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These four weapons are incredibly overpowered pay-to-win options that require you to trade 100 gold moons, which are acquired by getting duplicate SSR characters from the gacha, for each weapon. She's wielding 400 SSRs worth of apple points cards. Her super power is a gambling addiction with unlimited budget.
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hungry-eel · 11 months
"The biggest gacha game glutton doesn't exi-"
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I am still very new when it comes to granblue fantasy, and as of right now I do not know all that much about the series, and I still won't know that much given that its a pretty old game that I can't access, and haven't head of any recent updates as far as I know. So because of that among other things, I hadn't really known about Cassius or his event story. (Correction: the game is still active and getting updates, just not as much on Cassius)
It wasn't until I was scrolling through some tumblr blogs (which @askbloatedbellyblog thanks for sharing the post that sent me down a spiral) and once I discovered about Cassius and his event story I was hooked! Not only is it one of the only visual novel/gacha games that I have seen so far that actually has visuals of the actual weight gain itself, but its also not done as a one time gag either and we get prolonged scenes of Cassius' overweight state. The story itself is also so good in my opinion! Although the actual content itself my not cater to everyone and their desires, for me, I think the story is one of the best!! It fulfills all of my stuffing fantasies and desires, watching him endlessly devour and gorge on everything that is around him, and finding enjoyment in doing such as well!
No joke, I was so invested in this character and his event story that for a good portion of time that was all I could think about! I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes a bit of a mini hyperfixation for me.
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To know more about my research on Cassius himself and his gluttonous pursuits, he is fairly new to the setting as he came from another world, and is leaning to discover both this new world, and how everything works. Along with such he applies ration and logic to everything with very little emotions, isn't surprised by much, thinks very literal mindedly, and comes across as childish and naïve.
His other most notable feature is his HUMONGOUS apatite, and how he is able to eat much more than the average person. He has a very high metabolism so he is able to eat in mass quantities without risking his heath or gaining weight. However, during the Ramen Travels event, he manages to eat so much and in such crazy amounts that not even his metabolism could keep up with him, leading to his eventual weight gain.
Although his original purpose was to try out various ramen noodles, his pursuits evolve into eating everything that he can as much as he can. To give a bit of a perspective how much he actually eats during this event, he hits up multiple desert stalls, wins a food eating contest, tries various kinds of ramen, eats entire menus in restaurants including the main courses, drinks, and deserts, eats whole dishes made to serve a family of six in one sitting, and repeats that behavior consistently every day for weeks on end.
Another part of his endless gluttony is also how Cassius also took the term "There is always room for desert" too literally and came to the belief that no matter how much he eats, there will never be enough food for him to eat, and that there will always be room in his stomach to eat and try more foods.
When it came to his eventual weight gain, although the people around him are concerned about his overall heath encouraging him to lose the weight, Cassius himself doesn't mind the weight gain at all and if anything he actually enjoys it, believing that the feeling itself is satisfying, and that the more weight he puts on the more room he will have for food.
This is a man where if he is not calculating and questioning the things around him, the only other thing that is on his mind is food, and although it may make him seem one note, I find this aspect of him to be a really charming trait of him, especially these are traits that he fully embraces, and not even afraid of gaining weight, which is an unusual trait in other foodie characters.
It honestly saddens me to discover that Cassius barely gets any recognition in general, especially compared to the other characters that I enjoy, and now because he hasn't had that much new content in a long while, he has only barely had any new posts and content made on him in years, so I thought if there was anyone who could bring this wonderful character back in the spotlight, even for just a brief moment, I might as well do so.
Last thing, but if your ever wanting to read the full story for yourself, here is the link to the video down below. Know that the video is incredibly long, but is absolutely worth the watch!
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honnojis · 6 months
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id bears repeating (for destrudo to drop)
the thought of id charging at himself with a giant fried shrimp zweihander keeps haunting my mind...........
twitter version
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kindauglypikachuicon · 2 months
Some thoughts on Granblue Fantasy’s event, “Conquest of the Dark Singularity” fish event
It’s been a while since I’ve fully read an event, and for some reason when I read a summary of the mc getting mind-swapped with a fish? It got me kinda curious to actually read it, and turns out it was enjoyable as always ^w^
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Neptune x Varuna?!?! Bro all this gay stuff is a big part of the reason why I’m still ‘playing’ this game omgggggggggg
I love the GL in this game <3
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Lmao they got turned into a fish, funniest shit I’ve ever seen
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Go Neruko!! Give ‘em sick burns!!
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Seeing Hecate do things like this made me like her a lot more. I’m glad that the devs gave her more depth albeit a silly one but I like it a lot
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Captain (on the left) and Tunaro (on the right) :3
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This did make me laugh not gonna lie lmao. Like you’re going to make the last coherent sentence this???? HAH!!
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Fish riding!! ✨✨✨
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Not-Bahamut who is named Seahamut turned tiny and cute
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It’s cute that Ragazzo’s taking a book about skyfaring so seriously, gap moeeeee -w-
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Yes please pet captain’s head uwu
This event was so fun to read and I loved it through the end! 🐟 🐠 🎣
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yuyuyumefairy · 6 months
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the wink??? the blue hair??? the smile??? gbf is a dating game as far as I'm concerned (delusional)
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somecoolpigeon · 1 year
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Letting two of my hyperfixations collide 🥰🥰 Anyone else here like gbf and twst??
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sephirajo · 29 days
So the most recent event for GBF is literally just a toxic old man yaoi version of Guts and Griffith and I love it.
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nightmarenoise · 1 month
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Djeeta 🤝 Orologia
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