#graffiti reads: my art is not free
grif-hawaiian-rolls · 17 days
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eat your muzzle and the bastard that put it on
something something about locus and felix's dynamic and the effects it has on them and the way the markings on their helmets line up idk man i noticed Locus' helmet had a shape in the jawline that looked like a proper jawbone and my brain hasn't let go of it since
+ the Just Locus version bc i do like how it came out
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please do not tag as lolix this is not shipping them its just playing w their fucked up dynamic tyty
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leeyanyanyaaan · 11 months
Kayn x Graffiti Artist!Reader
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16 / 11 / 2023
hi hi~ welcome to the start of my heartsteel x headcanon series "creatively charmed"! sorry, i cant think of a better title atm LOL anyways, this is gonna be a series of the heartsteel band with a lover who's got a creative side to them XD that's all, hope you enjoy! next up will be sett ^-^
Started with another one of days where Kayn decided to go out and wreak havoc by vandalizing everything LOL
When he does he often comes across a lot of grafitti art, this one in particular has a certain style to it
He always lets out a little chuckle when he sees it.
Now, as a fellow artist himself, he is respectful enough to not ruin that person's art, but he does his own grafitti nearby. For him it always includes his HEARTSTEEL icon and if he's feeling good then some song lyrics or a joke
This time, it was shortly after HEARTSTEEL's debut MV released, so when he left to do his usual vandalizing, he wrote "two sides to a story but they never tell my side" with a bunch of doodles. He was particularly proud of this piece, so he was planning to continue working on it the next day
What he didn't expect, however, was for someone to continue the lyrics, with "never been the kinda guy to stay inside the guidelines" written underneath, as well as some art of Kayn's scenes and even a headshot drawing of him from their single's thumbnail
Kayn was surprised and amazed to see it, and broke out into an excited shit-eating grin once he saw the artist's signature that he saw in all their other pieces
"So, looks like I captured this person's heart too. Ever the popular star I am, no?"
And so, he continued the lyrics to his verse, secretly hoping this grafitti artist will continue it again.
Which they did, and gradually, that specific wall gradually filled up with PARANOIA's lyrics from their gradual exchange, even with additional doodles of the other members, Ernest and Rhaast, and some of the funny scenes of the MV
Even mini conversations started with side comments on each others drawings, for example:
"This dog -> true MVP of HEARTSTEEL"
"The dog in the MV? His name's Ernest. (But Kayn is the real MVP)"
"LOL u come up w that name? I can see it tho ngl"
Oh right, this person doesn't know this is THE Kayn Shieda they're talking to
Anyways, this exchange made Kayn excited to come back every time (even his bandmates questioned why he goes out every night looking all excited)
Same with Rhaast actually LOL, but Kayn doesn't let him because he knows how crazy he gets when it comes to vandalizing
"I WANT A TURNNN KAYNNN" "No! I don't need you drawing 100 dicks on the wall again!" "THAT'S HOW MUCH OF A DICKHEAD YOU AREE-"
But alas, all good things must come to an end, after... 2 months, I guess? They had finished writing all the lyrics of the song and the whole wall was full of just HEARTSTEEL PARANOIA. Okay, so that's the end of it then.
Until a paper plane hit the top of Kayn's head. Annoyed, Kayn immediately lifted his head up to the direction it was thrown, yapping angrily at whoever had the fucking audacity to do that
Just as he was about to crumple the plane, he noticed writing on one of its wings, "read me!" Raising a brow curiously, he opened up the paperplane, where it revealed a username with a discord logo drawn next to it, along with your artist signature :)
I love how writing for Kayn gives me the free reign to swear AHAHAHDJSN
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ashesandhackles · 11 months
Harry and Dumbledore: Crisis of Faith
The Life and Lies of Dumbledore chapter from DH lives rent free in my head, and I would love to get on my soapbox about why. It's no secret that DH is an allegorical tale with Harry as Christ figure and Dumbledore positioned as God figure - often represented by the symbolism of the all-seeing eye. The eye in the mirror (which turns out to Aberforth, who sends Dobby to the rescue), the symbol of Deathly Hallows in Dumbledore's signature.
Eye symbolism:
A flash of brightest blue. Harry froze, his cut finger slipping on the jagged edge of the mirror again. He had imagined it, he must have done... If anything was certain, it was that the bright blue eyes of Albus Dumbledore would never pierce him again.
 Above what Harry assumed was the title of the story (being unable to read runes, he could not be sure) , there was a picture of what looked like a triangular eye, its pupil crossed with a vertical line.
The Deathly Hallows or the Gifts of Death is marked by a triangular eye - and it is explicitly seen as God's eye in Christian art and iconography.
So now, back to the chapter, where Harry completely loses faith:
The sun was coming up: The pure, colorless vastness of the sky stretched over him, indifferent to him and his suffering. Harry sat down in the tent entrance and took a deep breath of clean air.
The chapter opens with the smallness of Harry against the vast sky, a bird's eye view shot to really highlight how vulnerable he feels. On the heels of the chapters where he sees himself and his family immortalised in statues and have their bombed home preserved as memorial - a site people take comfort from the legend of Harry, and Harry takes comfort from the graffiti they left behind - it feels especially isolated. The vulnerability is glaring: Harry has lost the protection of the twin cores. The church bells are distant.
His senses had been spiked by the calamity of losing his wand. He looked out over a valley blanketed in snow, distant church bells chiming through the glittering silence.
Harry does not deal with vulnerability, most specifically helplessness very well. As a child raised in an abusive environment - his savior complex is rooted in needing to have agency. We see him grappling with what he perceives as complete abandonment from Dumbledore: 'Dumbledore had left them to grope in the darkness, to wrestle with unknown and undreamed-of terrors, alone and unaided: Nothing was explained, nothing was given freely, they had no sword, and now, Harry had no wand.'
And then, Harry reads the chapter titled Greater Good from Rita Skeeter's book.
So what was Albus doing, if not comforting his wild young brother? The answer, it seems, is ensuring the continued imprisonment of his sister.
This is important, because Harry's feelings about this are made clear in earlier chapters:
Could Dumbledore have let such things happen? Had he been like Dudley, content to watch neglect and abuse as long as it did not affect him? Could he have turned his back on a sister who was being imprisoned and hidden?
Harry is projecting onto Ariana Dumbledore, specifically with his experience of the Dursleys. He had once raged at Dumbledore in OOTP: "People don't like being locked up! You did it to me last summer!"
Harry's grievance with Dumbledore is not just about this exchange, but a specific choice Dumbledore made for his physical safety with blood wards. The narrative comes close to acknowledging it, in OOTP:
“Five years ago you arrived at Hogwarts, Harry, safe and whole, as I had planned and intended. Well — not quite whole. You had suffered. I knew you would when I left you on your aunt and uncle’s doorstep. I knew I was condemning you to ten dark and difficult years.” He paused. Harry said nothing.
“She doesn’t love me,” said Harry at once. “She doesn’t give a damn — ” “But she took you,” Dumbledore cut across him. “She may have taken you grudgingly, furiously, unwillingly, bitterly, yet still she took you, and in doing so, she sealed the charm I placed upon you. Your mother’s sacrifice made the bond of blood the strongest shield I could give you.”
He knew one thing, though: unhappy as he felt at the moment, he would greatly miss Hogwarts in a few days' time when he was back at number four, Privet Drive. Even though he now understood exactly why he had to return there every summer, he did not feel any better about it. Indeed, he had never dreaded his return more.
Harry understands it then, so it is striking that the only time he allows himself to get truly angry at the position Dumbledore put him in this chapter, through Ariana:
 “I’m not trying to defend what Dumbledore wrote,” said Hermione. “All that ‘right to rule’ rubbish, it’s ‘Magic Is Might’ all over again. But Harry, his mother had just died, he was stuck alone in the house —”   “Alone? He wasn’t alone! He had his brother and sister for company, his Squib sister he was keeping locked up —”
“I don’t believe it,” said Hermione. She stood up too. “Whatever was wrong with that girl, I don’t think she was a Squib. The Dumbledore we knew would never, ever have allowed —”   “The Dumbledore we thought we knew didn’t want to conquer Muggles by force!” Harry shouted, his voice echoing across the empty hilltop, and several blackbirds rose into the air, squawking and spiraling against the pearly sky.
I am especially struck by the image of Harry's angry shouting making blackbirds fly into the pearly sky, and spiral over him. Blackbirds are associated with mystery, secrets and are seen as messengers to netherworld - this combined with the image of pearly white sky (heavens/God) seems intentional. It is carrying Harry's disillusionment to the heavens.
And then, the quote that pierces my soul, which is the heart of this chapter:
“Maybe I am!” Harry bellowed, and he flung his arms over his head, hardly knowing whether he was trying to hold in his anger or protect himself from the weight of his own disillusionment. “Look what he asked from me, Hermione! Risk your life, Harry! And again! And again! And don’t expect me to explain everything, just trust me blindly, trust that I know what I’m doing, trust me even though I don’t trust you! Never the whole truth! Never!”
It is reminiscent of Snape's "you have used me! I have spied for you, lied for you, put myself in mortal danger for you" - basically, "why have you forsaken me?" moment.
 He had trusted Dumbledore, believed him the embodiment of goodness and wisdom. All was ashes: How much more could he lose? 
The chapter being set in whiteness and emptiness, reminiscent of King's Cross chapter where Harry does get his answers from Dumbledore.
And then Hermione, who has modified her parents memories, can confidently assert that "He loved you, I know he loved you", because her love for her parents, for Ron, can also be sacrificed at the altar of greater good, even if it means doing things that would hurt them (not choosing to go with Ron) and dismiss their agency (as is with her parents). It doesn't mean she doesn't love them.
  “I don’t know who he loved, Hermione, but it was never me. This isn’t love, the mess he’s left me in. He shared a damn sight more of what he was really thinking with Gellert Grindelwald than he ever shared with me.”
Harry ends the chapter with seeking comfort from Hermione's touch, brushing his hair - wishing he could believe that Dumbledore really cared. (shoutout to @bluethepineapple meta here about this chapter)
And it is then where Dumbledore's gifts come in motion next chapter: his Deluminator lets Ron find his way back. Snape, effectively Dumbledore's man, sends the doe. Harry counts on what he learned from Dumbledore to destroy the Horcrux - he gives Ron the opportunity to wield the sword:
As certainly as he had known that the doe was benign, he knew that Ron had to be the one to wield the sword. Dumbledore had at least taught Harry something about certain kinds of magic, of the incalculable power of certain acts.
And then by Shell Cottage, Harry accepts Dumbledore's plan as is, and reaffirms his faith in Dumbledore's idea of Greater Good:
Dobby would never be able to tell them who had sent him to the cellar, but Harry knew what he had seen. A piercing blue eye had looked out of the mirror fragment, and then help had come. Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.
And then Harry chooses to stay on path Dumbledore laid out for him, only wishing now that he simply understood the man:
When Harry had finished speaking (about Voldemort), Ron shook his head.   “You really understand him.”   “Bits of him,” said Harry. “Bits . . . I just wish I’d understood Dumbledore as much. But we’ll see. Come on — Ollivander now.”
And finally, he starts to understand Dumbledore - through his conversation with Aberforth:
"And Albus was free, wasn’t he? Free of the burden of his sister, free to become the greatest wizard of the —”   “He was never free,” said Harry.   “I beg your pardon?” said Aberforth.   “Never,” said Harry. “The night that your brother died, he drank a potion that drove him out of his mind. He started screaming, pleading with someone who wasn’t there. ‘Don’t hurt them, please . . . hurt me instead.’”   “He thought he was back there with you and Grindelwald, I know he did,” said Harry, remembering Dumbledore whimpering, pleading. “He thought he was watching Grindelwald hurting you and Ariana. . . . It was torture to him, if you’d seen him then, you wouldn’t say he was free.”
Finally, he gets his chance to have a conversation with Dumbledore at the crossroads of life and death. TLDR: Deathly Hallows is an allegorical tale and it is best to treat it as such and roll with it, because otherwise it's deus ex machina galore.
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ardienothesieno · 7 months
Wanted to make my own analysis post, as I've seen some comments on other sites pointing out things but nothing here so far... AND I AM TOO DEEP IN THE BRAINROT TO NOT ANALYZE THIS EVEN JUST A LITTLE BIT. SO.
I would like to mention that I have not played any modded regions! So if there are certain details that I make note of in the screenshots that have explanation in their original mods, please feel free to correct me!!
Rot tendrils. Rot tendrils on the ceiling... just casually... that's totally not concerning...
The blue lizard only has two toes on each foot!
The background of this first shot looks like it might be on an iterator structure? There are some support beams but other then that it's just clouds.
The spears that the scavenger is carrying are kind of weird... for one, they're white. And one of them has a large, almost pinecone-shaped tip.
Also they have a crack in their face/mask.
what the pole plant doin
The Watcher doesn't seem to have a nose? That's probably just an art style thing, but I thought I'd mention it. Also their eyes are glowing.
Even the title font has implications. whoa.
For one, more rot. The rot has now made a double appearance and that probably guarantees its significance here...
And plants... Leaves and some vines.
The way that the black screen transitions to a white one is very rot-esce to me. Rot triple appearance...
There seems to be some graffiti on the right side of the final shot? It's obstructed by the visual effects in the foreground, however.
Watcher is floating. Normally I'd mark this off as "cool title screen choice" but they're also surrounded by ECHO PARTICLES.
And this might be a stretch but the palette of this final image is black and gold... void colors...
Rain World: The Watcher is a DLC expansion of Rain World. Journey beyond to something, somewhere only ever glimpsed. When the world beneath your feet cracks and crumbles, will you hold on to all you once knew? Or dive into the unknown? The wilds that await will be unlike all that's come before. Unknown creatures stalk and climb and dive and hunt. New breeds rip and pluck and burrow and hide. Predator and prey redefined. And through the middle of it all, a lonely lost slugcat trying their best to outlast the ravages of a warped world.
Do... do I even have to say anything?
"Journey beyond to something, somewhere only ever glimpsed. When the world beneath your feet cracks and crumbles, will you hold on to all you once knew? Or dive into the unknown?" YOU READ THIS AND TELL ME THIS DOESN'T HAVE VOID SEA VIBES. Journey BEYOND to something, somewhere only ever glimpsed... it feels very void-y to me. And the talk about the world beneath you crumbling-- holding on to what you once knew or diving into the unknown?? If this somehow ISN'T related to ascension I would be shocked
"And through the middle of it all, a lonely lost slugcat trying their best to outlast the ravages of a warped world." This line about the world being warped, as well... I'm thinking this DLC might either have to do with Rubicon, or have to do with the encroach of the void sea consuming the world from below.
Other then the void implications, it sounds like we'll be seeing some new creatures that could completely redefine the game. I'm excited to see where that goes.
I know these are from pre-existing mods, but I'm completely unfamiliar with said mods and don't know if any of this means anything. Just wild speculation, pretty much.
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Gonna start with these two because they're kinda visually similar. On the left we have desert!!!! Cacti!! Cactuses!!!!! I've seen lots of people calling the image on the right snow, but that doesnt feel right to me. We saw snow in Saint and I do not remember it looking like... that. The first thing that comes to mind for me is Kingdom's Edge from Hollow Knight, and the drifts of ash that pile up there? If this is the case then it confirms several of my lore theories and I would so love that to be the case. There's also a collapsed structure in the back of the "snowy" image, which looks to me a bit like a train car?
Also I've now seen several people calling these milk... and I can't unsee it now...
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I've been told by several sources that these screens are from preexisting mods! I think these are from Stormy Coast, Coral Caves, and Aether Ridge? At least that's what I've picked up from searching through other discussions. I don't have too much to comment on here! I think these rooms are cool, and I really like the fans in the Aether Ridge room!
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...oh no... acid region..? I don't know why, but this room gives me Shoreline vibes. Also I do not think bubble fruit are supposed to grow that perfectly--
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And finally... what I think has the possibility of either being a huge lore thing, or a complete false alarm. Well for starters it's purple
But there are no iterator cans in the background. We're above the clouds here; in every above-the-clouds show from the base game and Downpour, you can see iterators and communication towers off in the distance. There's nothing here. And I don't think this takes place near or after Saint, because there's no confirmed snow. And I think a lot of these structures would be far worse for wear if this were so far in the future that the planet has warmed again. So. Uh. That's pretty odd.
Again, these all might be from mods that I am unfamiliar with, so please correct me if I'm misinterpreting anything!!
tl,dr-- This DLC is gonna be crazy. Also void
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Hobie Brown's Living Room on the S.S Anne Ark
Hobie's living room on the houseboat complete with graffiti, boatcats, and a juke box he's customed himself.
(In depth explainer below - click for higher rez)
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Diane took this photo early in the morning while Hobie was still sleeping upstairs. It seems like Moto the cat is already up. [Light mentions of my Spidersona Disco-Spider Diane below] The S.S Anne Ark (get it- AnArch?) is Hobie's home, and arguably his favorite place in the world.
Gifted to him by an old geezer Hobie used to work for, he's been living on Anne for 4 years now - since he was 16.
And this is his living room.
Hobie is by no means a homebody, but when he is home, he spends most of his time here - reading, writing songs, and listening to music.
The Living Area -
Feel free to imagine a LOT more junk here. The living room floor is always covered with his projects - songbooks, or patches, zines - whatever art he's making then. Cause Hobie is always making art. His couch might as well be older than him - and he found it on a curb in Tower Hamlets, called a few favors, and somehow got it in here. But it's the most comfortable thing you'll ever sit on.
The Music/Recording Area -
Almost every song Hobie has recorded or written in the past 4 years has been here. Hobie keeps most of his music equipment in the wooden cabinet and the good stuff that can't fit gets put on display. There's a microphone rigged to the ceiling and mixing equipment for recording. Hobie's motto is the louder the better, and it's a good thing the windows are re-enforced, because his speakers are loud enough to make the glass rattle. There's also a vintage jukebox that Hobie had bartered for a couple years back. Now, he loves tickering with it. He's swapped out the old 50's songs for something more his taste tho.
The Kitchen Area -
Hobie can cook, and he loves it, but being a street kid for so long, he's hardly ever gotten in the habit of doing it. Hobie's kitchen is sparce, partly because the boat is off the grid. His cupboards are mainly full of books and shoes, and his oven is rarely used. However, he has a grill on the back deck - and that's where he does most of his cooking. Once Gwendy came around, Hobie got a lot more into cooking, the kid seemed like she needed a homecooked meal. Hobie mainly eats cheap street food - street kid habits -frequenting fish n' chip places and kebab shops, and yeah, he calls the dude behind the counter 'boss' or something. He also eats a lot of food from convivence stores, like packaged sandwiches and cold pastas. Because they're easy to carry, and when he was younger, they were (literal) life-savers. The taste gives him nostalgia. The thing he makes most in the kitchen is beans on toast. Diane finds it disgusting, which Hobie finds hilarious.
The BoatCats
Hobie is a man of many cats. He looks after the dock and alley cats, catching fish on early mornings (yes, he fishes) to give to them before he has breakfast. All of them have names, and none of them have collars. And Hobie loves them all. Those that are a bit older, weaker, or just want to - get to come live with him as BoatCats. Pictured here: Left - Moto (Personality: Feisty, Calm, Curious) Right - Pierogi, also known as Rogi (Personality: Cuddly, Talkative, Friendly) Hobie does not care much for their genders, and doesn't check.
More about The S.S Anne Ark (I'll be posting an explainer with the outside, layout, etc)
The S.S Anne Ark is a modified wide-beam canal boat. Completely off-the-grid, and DIY'd by him, it's Hobie's pride and joy. The Anne Ark is three levels tall - a 'ground' floor, and upstairs, and a locked basement below the deck. Pictured is the living room. To the left - beside the windows - there is a hallway that leads to Hobie's workshop and the basement Hobie choses to firmly keep private. Not even Gwen, Pavi or Diane have been down there. To the right behind the cat tree is the stairs up to Hobie's bedroom. (You walk up those stairs, hit the landing, turn and go up again.) The Anne Ark has two 'bedrooms' and one 'bathroom'. Hobie's bedroom is what was once the control room, gutted and converted. The second bedroom was once a small equipment space. The small bathroom is up there as well - but it's more of a wet room, with a shower and toilet. There's a sink to wash your hands on the second floor outdoor deck, but it's either that or the kitchen sink.
But that's Anne Ark! And after years of squatting and homelessness as a streetkid, Hobie considers Anne his forever home. And he takes pride in that.
He tries pride in opening Anne's doors for others too - kids in the same spot he was, who just need a little help.
Other little facts about Anne Ark:
Hobie's leather jacket is on the couch. He has multiple, he can't be walking around in the same jacket as Spiderpunk 24/7, right? He has a couple, and the ones he stops wearing, he donates. He usually starts a new one when the last is too cover in patches to continue.
The Anne Ark changes colors.
Diane throws rager after-parties on Anne Ark after the band's shows. She has her own apartment she loves to death, and doesn't sleep over often - maybe staying a weekend or two a month, or crashing after a party. In turn, Hobie hardly ever sleeps at hers. Mainly because her place is merticulously pink, and she says he messes up her throw pillows. He disagrees with the idea of unusable pillows. And with her own crib and bed a portal jump away, they don't feel the need to bunk together. Non-conventional relationship and all that. [Insert scene of Barbie being like 'why would you wanna stay over?? :) This is MY dreamhouse lol <3 ]
So uhhhhh, that's his living room.
I tried to get it as genuinely close how it looks in me paracosm (i JUST learned that word), based on how Diane sees it. All of this is based off of headcanon and I see it when I'm in the space.
Some things may be left out for sake of space and simplicity - but this is mainly it - as accurately as I could reasonably get it.
If you read this far, THANK YOU - I really appreciate it and it genuinely means a lot! As usual, you will take this photo of Hobie, and pretend this is normal behavior.
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
miles g headcanons/speculation...2!!
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was discussing with friends about what miles g's backstory could've been like so here you go lol (also someone asked me to write more earth 42 miles...this is for u!)
He was at the same internship that Gwen said she was doing in the first film, he can be seen doing work during the Spot sequence (I think)
As a result, Miles is likely aware of the multiverse and is aware of how it works
This is how I think he was able to deduce that 1610 Miles is the version of him that he was meant to become, and that he was from another dimension
It'd be so funny if he spent the next film bein a hater about it. I'd be mad as hell too 🤷🏾‍♀️
Building on what I said before about Miles G having darker music tastes: since 1610 Miles has artists like Jaden Smith and Swae Lee on his playlist via the soundtrack for itsv, I think 42 Miles would enjoy emo trap since that sound/style of singing is adjacent
He likes paramore because I said so
Sad bachata music and melancholy soul music from the 70s
Idk this Miles just gives "closeted alt kid" to me (I'm definitely not projecting)
Smartest kid at Brooklyn Middle, kind of a #loner
Everyone is saying he looks older than 1610 Miles but I honestly think he just wears clothes with a sleeker, more angular silhouette 😭
IF he's still at school. He probably doesn't go to Visions and just stayed in his neighborhood
OR if he does stay at Visions, he's only doing it for his dad
Something in me wants to pin Miles G as a future architecture major, using his art skills to design and build things with graffiti becoming more and more of a side hustle
If 1610 Miles is an artist, 42 Miles is an inventor
Has all types of gadgets in his room
Thee robotics club champion if there is one in his dimension
One thing both Miles have in common is that they like to customize their sneakers. All of Miles G's sneakers light up I fear
That's all! Feel free to add your input in the tags or my ask box (requests are closed but discussions are not 🤭). Thanks for reading :)
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Universal Heacanons
character headcanons that are included in my other works (included V1, V2, Gabriel)
V1 - is unable to speak. they were not programmed with speach in mind due to being a model for war, they are able to understand most languages but do not have any form of voice box - as previously stated they enjoy painting with blood. in a form one might compare to graffiti they tend to paint as a way of tracking where they have been, and for their own enjoyment - their enjoyment of art and painting started as a method of self expression and a form of connection to their creators, as this particular V1 model had only ever seen a handful of humans before arriving in hell - can record and capture photos of things they see, this was yet another vestige from their original purpose. they often record fights with more notable opponents for reference in subsequent battles
V2 - is not inherently programmed with the ability to speak but is equipped with a voice box. i imagine that they were at one time planned to speak however it was not finalised in this model. there are however vestigial limbs of that design plan, and if sounds are uploaded they would be able to speak - after a certain amount of time in hell they do find a way to synthesise speech. it is a bit janky, but once they find a way to speak they don't stop. literally. please shut them up dear god - similar to V1 they have the ability to capture photos of what they see, however their ability to record was removed from this model due to privacy concerns. Unlike V1 V2 rarely takes photos of things, they are still intent that they are leaving hell and want as few reminders of the place as possible - they contain many images and pages of information about human cultures in their databanks which was intended to better inform them about the humans they would be guarding and interacting with, helping them serve their role as bodyguards or security
Gabriel - while i always love seeing other's interpretations of what Gabriel's face look like i do not believe that he has one in a traditional sense. i believe that the armour he wears is actually part of his form, and that removing it would be a sort of beheading him - before his fight with V1 he disliked the sight of blood and gore and avoided being around it as much as he could. it is not as if he couldn't stand it, he simple didn't like to be reminded of the realities of what Heaven's justice looked like for the average person. after his fall from grace, he is no longer phased by it, if anything prefering it to clean surroundings as a reminder to himself that he did the right thing - with the father's light Gabriel was technically immortal, as long as there was some part of him left he would eventually ressurect. as a soldier of god he was designed to be able to fight evil, unlike the council members (which is how they were able to be killed so easily) TW Self Harm v - has not been given many positive ways of dealing with traumatic situations and as such has resorted to using battle as a form of self harm. he sees his physical wounds as a karmic payment for his misdoings ^
many thanks for reading, i will endeavor to update this with my headcanons for other characters where i am able to. as always feel free to send your own headcanons in, i love learning about how others interpret the same characters
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
The Magics Spell 🪄 [Daily Tasks]
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[Greyson on a typical day likes to rearrange his bookshelves a lot, if they’re not by color code, they’re alphabetically organized. He always has a new organization for his books he can’t choose.]
🐉: *placing another pile of books down* Time to arrange all of these books~ *pops his back* ugh but how is the real question now…
[Emilia always has a new recipe in mind be it for potions, enchanted syrups and foods or new spells to try. She’s constantly at her brewery when she’s not working at Club Luna!]
🍹: Hmm…some strawberries, blueberries and raspberries from the enchanted forest should be good~ *smiles writing stuff down and mixing some herbs*
[Jooheon is always writing or working. His textbooks have annotations, any book he’s reading for fun has annotations and any book for work has annotations. Annotating is important and necessary to him to keep him organized so it’s become a daily task and habit.]
✨: So he wasn’t at the crime scene before the crime… *writes something down while mumbling* Then where was he?! *blinks looking down at his book, pushing his reading glasses up*
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[When not at the Weather Tower Diego is the designated babysitter in his family and family friends. He understands Ari’s struggles the most whenever he gets asked my his aunts to take care of his baby cousins.]
☔️: Heyyy! Antonio! Stop running, you’re going to slip and fall! *sighs jogging after the baby* I made you puddles to jump in not run, cariño!~ *picks up the baby*
💧: *squeals with a laugh and giggle*
[Bonnie when not at work she’s in her greenhouse taking care of her baby plants and making sure they’re all big and strong. Being half a forest nymph being surrounded my plants is also a good energy boost for her in the long run!]
🌱: Come on now you wee little plant baby, I need you to stand straight and tall *tying a bean sprout plant with a stick to keep it up tall* Now m’eudail [my darling] I’m going to water you~ *walks to get a watering can*
[Leo goes to the gym every single day but normally he mostly does weights or sparring. It’s a bit more mandatory or royal guards to go to the gym constantly but Leo also just enjoys going to keep in shape. He picked up boxing along the way and now it’s become apart of his daily routine.]
🎐: *stretching his neck as he lets out a breath* Gods I should have stretched more before starting… *grumbles as he starts re-taping his hands*
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[Ace is on a daily bases doing Cupid duties but when he’s not he’s in his tailoring shop! He enjoys sewing and making outfits so he’s constantly there making new clothing patterns, looking at new fabrics and making himself outfits!]
♥️: Hmm! *bounces while switching between fabrics on the mannequin* I think this dress calls for some nice white silks and tulle! *runs off to get more fabric*
[Skyler is a gallery artist along with being an illustrator and comic artist, he also likes doing graffiti art on his free time. He’s typically working on things for gallery showcases and exhibitions so he can be found in his studio painting unless his epilepsy is triggered. He sings a lot when working and sounds like a literal angel.]
☁️: *cleaning off his paintbrushes while singing to himself*
[Marci is constantly at work. They’re always chasing the bag and will always be found at the hair salon they work at!~]
🕯️: *blow drying a customer’s hair* You’re looking so pretty! The dye you got today fits you so perfectly dear!
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[Being a princess Lelani has a lot of stuff to do which includes a lot of fancy gatherings with other kingdoms, big fluffy dresses and lots of talking. She hates having to do it but it’s the only way her moms would let her out of the castle to do normal witch stuff!]
❄️: *sighing and whines* Why todayyyy! *whines more* my feet hurt and this dress is so puffy *huffs with a pout and crossed arms*
[When Angel isn’t streaming they’re doing band practice. Them and Fenrir are in a band together, Angel playing the drums and Fen on the lead guitar. They’re constantly practicing whenever they have the chance and sometimes use their drumsticks on kitchen counters and tables]
😈: *twirls one of their drumsticks in one hand before finishing the song they were practicing* WOOO! I deserve a goodddd drink~ *hops off to get a Monster can and gummy worms*
[Jay normally in the day works at a potion and spellbook shop she owns but at night they tend to do their reaper duties. They ask for their duties at night time just for the sake of not having to sleep. She tends to borrow steal one of Jooheon’s bikes and rides around and scraps her scythe on the ground to create sparks along with scaring people around her.]
💀: *laughing her ass off as she scares another pair of humans* HA gods humans are so easily scared~ *snorts lifting her feet up and dragging her scythe along, creating sparks, holding on with one hand* the gate isn’t until a couple hours from now ughhhh
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb​ [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤] @theinvitation-bot​ [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac​ [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥] @fantasyaespa​ [💚🐈 💍&& 💎☀️] @fantasydreamcb [🔪❤️‍🩹] @k-venturetime​ [🍓❣️] @multi-joong​ [🌧️🧡 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb​ [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove @badbf-cb @clubwnderland @domxbot @dawnswonderland-entertainment​ @beastfights-starting @starhunters-reign @divineblood-cb @urtwice @welcometosector1​ @lunaaofthemoon @littleboywooyoungie @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @3rachabot @san-cb @beaconhillsxbot @hoteldelluna-rp @league-of-assassins​ @dreampodcast​ @enhanced-cb​ @lostwoods-cb @boyzplanet @kimheebby @camboys-com @lavienrosecabaretxo @yandereskzcb @thedevoted-cb @rapperracha-cb @lucky-charmsanhwa @multeez-cb @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @crimson-l [DM + / -]
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Hi! I don’t really make posts about the shenanigans I get up to nowadays, but for the past year or so me and six other friends have been pouring our heart and soul into a neat little indie project called “Project Ghostie”. It’s a mystery/comedy/minor dystopia audio drama about a found family of graffiti artist ghosts trying to discover how they died. The entire story is seen through the perspective of a reporter character aka the viewer! I would absolutely love it if you guys would give the first episode a quick watch/listen, as I am the co-creator and one of the main VA’s of the show! 
So, if you like:
Shows made by queer people (all of our VA’s are trans and queer! With the creators being an Aroace demi-guy and a beloved unlabeled king :) )
Shows featuring queer characters (We have main characters that use a variety of pronouns including it/its, they/she/he, he/they, and they/them!)
Shows focused on found family dynamics instead of romance (I as the head writer am aroace and can 100% guarantee there will be no romance plots in this show and instead just a lot of family dynamics and friendships)
Shows with anti-capitalist themes and crime (yippee!)
Shows with cool silly references (Our banner totally doesn’t features refs to a mcyt creator I adore or a fake singer with blue pigtails hehe)
Shows that you can listen to and/or read! (Yup! Don’t wanna listen to Project Ghostie? We have a fully written/novelized version instead you can read for free! Link to it is in the video description :D)
Shows that can GUARANTEE no AI used ever in the creative process (This series will never feature or endorse generative AI in its writing, art-making, or voice acting process. Fuck generative AI, that shit can burn in hell)
Shows that can be enjoyed by ANY kind of viewer (I used to listen to a lot of audio dramas that had a character that was supposed to ‘be’ the viewer, yet never really encompassed everyone. So, I've done my best to make the viewer's character (known as just “the reporter”) fit people of almost any gender (they are referred to with they/them pronouns), weight, race, background, etc!)     
Curious about the characters included? Check them out over at The Project Ghostie Tumblr, where we have some silly meet the characters posts!
Again, it would genuinely mean the world to me if you would even just skim through the video, follow the YT channel/Tumblr, or reblog this post. This project is legit my child and is basically a ton of unfinished projects lovingly sewn together to make something I am unbelievably proud of. Me and my friends make absolutely no money off this, it is just our silly passion project, but we intend on making 25 episodes plus some cool bonus stuff, and I’d love to have you along for the ride!
(And hey, even if you don’t like the story, maybe just follow the Tumblr for some cool art? I’ve improved a lot since I last posted my art on here, and I know it’s not fandom related anymore, but if you like my goofy style, check it  out ^w^)
Anyways, watch the first episode: HERE
Or read it: HERE
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remembertheplunge · 3 months
Pandemic and Protest And an Altered State Of Living.June 2 to June 4 2020
June 2, 2020 Tuesday 6:14pm Jail Lobby
Barricades are up near the entry door to the lobby..Like, they are trying to protect from being rammed into.
I just invented a new term: Trump-demic! Inspired by the “oh fuck” Trump pandemic meteor hurtling at earth post card I sent to Zoe recently.
This edition of the Journal is the Protest edition. Protests rage across the country. 
Jared Is not happy that I spent $60 on this journal.
End of entry
Notes : 7/8/2024
I wrote the above entry in the lobby of the Stanislaus County Jail 5 miles West of Modesto. Large cement barricades had been set up to block an attempt to forcibly take the building by Black Lives Matter protesters.
My sister Zoe and I liked to send humorous post cards back and forth to one another. On portrayed a meteorite racing toward earth entitled “oh fuck”. It was the Trump Pandemic meteor!
I had paid $60 for the leather bound journal that I wrote the June 2020 entries in. Jared was my law clerk and business manager and was not happy with the investment.
6/3/2020 Wednesday 7:10pm 
NPR: Market Place is on. The Pandemic--Protest is in full swing!
I was up in Stockton at the jail. a fellow defense attorney said police are surrounding the court house. She told me not to come to Stockton tomorrow for court. Too dangerous. She will appear for me.
Meanwhile, Jared said a protest in Oakdale today went violent.
The feeling out here is shaky.
The protests flair here. The virus flairs there. But you never know where or when.
End of entry
Notes 7/8/2024
NPR was National Public radio and Market Place was a show on that station. I listened to Market Place a lot in the early =days of the pandemic. They had honest reporting of how the Pandemic was unfolding.
Oakdale is a town in eastern Stanislaus County, California. 
6/4/2020. Thursday 5:20pm Rasputiun’s
Cut. Cut. Gone The two trees marked for destruction are gone. Progress? Productivity? Pandemic and Protest Rage, cutting down 2 trees took priority.
Jerad and I had a beautiful talk with the female clerk at Preservation Coffee House this afternoon. She went to the Sunday 11am protest at 1010 10th (down town Modesto, California) and will go to one in Ripon. She told us that“We need to be willing to be injured to push for change.” .
Jared said that during the Oakdale protest yesterday, Trump 2020 “all lives matter” stood across from “Black Lives Matter” protesters.
People are out in mobs now. 
I think 10,000 protested yesterday in San Fransisco, Thelma and Louise style, racing for the viral cliff’s edge.
I anticipate a spike in virus and in violence.
Mobile Art Gallery just passed
End of entries
Notes 7/8/2024;
Rasputin’s is a DVD record store located near highway 99 and the rail road tracks in Modesto. During the pandemic, when I could no longer write in coffee houses, I would sit in my car, listen to Mavis Staples songs, write and observe. I got to know the area of the parking lot that I would write in very well. Two young trees I often sat near had been marked to be cut down  with white paint rings around their trunks. On June 4, they were gone and I eulogized them in my entry.  There was another man who would at times park there, too in his hot yellow sports car. He would read his  newspaper. He never looked my way, but, I’m sure that he saw me. Pandamic exiles resorting to a parking lot for covid free reverie.
In 2020 I started noticing Graffiti on the trains as I drove up and down  Highway 99. In March 2020, when the State was in  lock down and the highway electronic signs were screaming out “Stay home and live!”.  I had to be out and drive for court. I never sheltered in place. Besides, I wanted to see the world in its grip of fear. It was fascinating. But, scary , too. And there were the trains. And the Graffiti art work on the train cars. And they were comforting. A message written from before the time of the plague , barreling along as if to say, come follow me . I will lead you to safely out of the virus veil. 
Preservation was Preservation Coffee in Modesto where pre pandemic I spent many hours writing. Post pandemic I have rarely returned and never to write there.
Thelma and Louise was a 1991 movie in which two wild intense women go on a crazy vacation that finds them hurling over  a cliff in the end.
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yellowhollyhock · 5 months
thinking about Donny developing a crush on Angel
Because I don't think it would be until after btts. There are moments in earlier seasons that are seeds to me, where I think they'd be in love looking back on it, if that makes sense? But when she gives him the best of the outfits in her intro episode and he enjoys dressing up more than we usually will see from him, I don't think it means anything at the time. Or in the Darkness Within when the creature makes him see her fall--I like best to read that as purely platonic in that moment. They don't know each other well yet--but it does tell us something about how deeply he values his friendships. And the fact that she comes to their Christmas party--okay she mostly seems to be there to help Raph torment Casey and April, but still, it shows some trust and level of effort that she's there. Because it's not like she can tell her grandma where she's going.
On my mind lately has been Donny, finally truly coming back to the present after getting Master Splinter back, wanting to move on quickly to the next big thing which he now knows is helping April start her own tech company, but he can't tell her that because 1) messes with the timestream and 2) she just got married. He needs to find ways to keep himself busy because when he doesn't have something immediate to deal with, he ends up having to deal with nightmares and shutdowns instead.
And then here's Angel, settling into her job as a hairdresser, just moved back in with Gramma because she needs help at home, trying to spend more time with the turtles because 1) they disappeared, that freaked everyone out, stuff is is always happening to them and this time she's not gonna miss it, and 2) trying to recapture memories because her life has gotten away from her so fast and now it's 9 to 5 and what ever happened to graffiti and beating up thugs? (she'll get those things back just dealing with early 20s time management struggle). She's not a very openly verbally affectionate person, she's always been super independent, she doesn't really know how to say 'hey i missed you guys, do you wanna hang out because sometimes if i don't see you for too long i get worried.' So she tries to feel useful. Invites herself on patrols with them. Hangs out a lot with Leatherhead learning first aid for mutants (lots of skills apply to both but he's the medical expert in their friend group of mixed creatures and given their various hobbies they could always use more friends who can help with injuries). And--most importantly for this post--brings things by that she thinks the turtles could use. Just little gifts. Fun accessories to help them blend ('trust me mismatched socks are cool, the sillier the better. No one's gonna be checking how many toes you have if you're wearing these'), her own art, extra screws and bolts upon noticing that Donny can always find a way to use them. It becomes a bit of a game, with her trying to spot things that could be taken apart and repurposed to see what he ends up doing with them.
Gifts are a big deal to Donny. Especially since, as noted above, without a crisis to deal with he's finding himself vulnerable as emotions he previously couldn't confront due to being in survival mode are coming to the surface. And now someone he already respects and cares deeply for is bringing him Items and taking an interest in what he does with them. I think this is the main thing that gets his attention. And once you have Don's attention you have All Of It because that's how his brain works what, projecting? me? . He's seeing how much she tries to take care of other people while trying to maintain this aloof 'whatever I'm just here for the free food' facade. Noticing that she likes to do her nails in colors that clash with her hair, when she does them, usually she keeps them plain. Taking an interest in human cosmetology (what an academically interesting subject). Finding her jokes funnier than he ever remembers finding Casey's even though they have a very similar sense of humor. Admiring how brave she is, heart swelling with warmth when she does little things to take care of her grandma, stomach fluttering when she comes over to play video games with Mikey and specifically asks him to join. Taking note of her favorite foods, taste in music, what types of games and movies she likes.
Slowly realizing that his feelings have evolved, trying to ignore it because he has no idea how pursuing a relationship would even work. And then one day as he's shaking himself out of his daydreams to refocus on fixing the dishwasher, realizing that more and more often it's her filling up his thoughts in quiet moments, instead of Shredder or Triceratons or Viral. Huh, cool. Maybe it's not a permanent solution, Master Splinter's been telling him he needs to allow these feelings to run their course, but--well, maybe he can apply that to the crush he's developed. That's something he has to deal with, too, and it sure feels nicer.
And then Angel (who is more observant and more confident than her friend group, mostly older than her, ever remember), asks him on a date. Now he has a big thing to focus on! And for the first time in what feels like ever, it's a happy thing. He's going to be the best boyfriend, Angel deserves to be so spoiled and he's good at that!
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alexversenaberrie · 24 days
This is Hiba’s brother Kanan, another one of my OC Mandalorians you’re free to cosplay or do fan art of. Just like my other OC Mandos.
Name: Kanan Fenn Bridger-Wren
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Year of Birth: 16 ABY
Place of Birth: Knownwrest
Parents: Ezra Bridger (Father) and Sabine Wren (Mother)
Siblings: Hiba (Sister),Minerva (Sister), Eleni (Sister)
House: Kryze
Clan: Wren (Formally of House Viszla but switch affiliation with House Kryze by Countess Sabine Wren, Kanan’s mother, in 10 ABY.)
Titles: Prince of Knownwrest, Ambassador to Navarro, Knight of Kalevala, Captain of “The Ghost”, and commander pilot (During the Age of Resistance).
•Light brown Skin (Middle Eastern X East Asian)
•Narrow but round face
•Jet black hair
•Blue eyes
Notable Skills:
•Combat: Considered prodigal in various combatant skills including hand-to-hand combat, light saber wielding, being skilled in the use of Westar 34, 35, and carbine blasters.
•Athleticism: Like the majority of his family clan, Kanan is very athletic as a result of constant training from both of his parents and from Jedi Master Ahsoka Tano.
•Intelligence: Above-average intelligence. Excelled well at both the newly reestablished Royal Academy as a youth and in training with his clan.
•Weapons Expert: Kanan is extremely talented in the field of weaponry. He can build various types of weapons for different variations of combat. They include blasters, pistols, explosives, and sabers.
•Piloting Expert: Due to constant training under General Hera Syndulla, Kanan is an expert pilot who went on to become captain of “The Ghost” during the Age of Resistance, serving both generals Leia Organa and Poe Damermon in all battles against the First Order.
•Gifted Artist: A talented inherited from his mother and maternal grandfather, Kanan is a gifted graffiti artist who is well known for painting other people’s armor with signets, decals and various colors that symbolizes their personal life stories and families histories. He has also painted his own X-Wing ship with different shades of yellow, orange, blue, and purple with imagery that symbolizes his family’s legacy and his own hopes and dreams.
Force Sensitive: Yes, like his parents and older sister. His force sensitivity has given him the ability to read minds, and feelings which allows him to properly judge people and determine if they’re either worthy of the Mandalorian people’s trust or be avoided at all costs.
Additional Information:
•Although he’s the third of four children born to Sabine and Ezra Bridger-Wren, Kanan is a twin to his sister Eleni, who was just four minutes later.
•He’s named after his father’s late friend, master and surrogate father Kanan Jarrus.
•His force sensitivity was discovered by his father not long after his older sister’s. In response, Ezra, along side his longtime friend Ahsoka Tano, decided to train his two force sensitive children to appreciate their abilities and use them for good.
•During his time at the Royal Academy in Sundari, Kanan built a super weapon he named “Carlac” after the snow-bound planet that once served as a temporary camp for Death Watch. The ice berg-shaped weapon, which was built for use by the Resistance, unlike his mother’s “Duchess” weapon, first identifies anyone who is part of the First Order or is a Sith. Then, it beams ice out of its canon, aiming for the target’s chest, causing them become stunned from an internal hypothermic onset. However, the weapon doesn’t kill them but puts into a coma-like sleep for a few hours, which gives Resistance officials time to transport their suspects to their bases or ships where they are then defrosted and awaken for interrogation.
•He’s kind, loyal, compassionate, giving, caring, and daring.
•He’s openly gay and is currently courting a male Pantoran named Quill Woves, House Kryze foundling son of Axe Woves and his Covent husband, Octavian.
•Has a tight-knit relationship with his family clan.
•With his expertise in combat and weaponry, Kanan is a true force to be reckoned with. Especially when it comes to use his of his lightsaber and various blasters he has on him.
•Although he’s not regarded as the Galaxy’s “best pilot” nor does he think of himself in that regard, Kanan’s piloting skills are a great asset for any given mission if he asks for assistance.
•His usage of the force allows them to see through people’s true colors to determine if they can be trusted or not.
•His knowledge on weaponry and how to build them has allowed him to create different types of weapons that serve both the Mandalorian people and the Resistance.
•His lack of diplomatic skills tends to put him at odds with politicians and generals. This can lead him to get frustrated during debates and arguments.
•Has a reputation for testing his new weapons once but not test them again through additional trials. This has caused problems with some of his weaponry inventions like not working during a mission, or just suddenly blowing up from an undetected defect that could’ve easily been fixed.
•Gets nervous to the point where he begins to suffer from panic attacks.
•Can be reckless while flying ships.
Helmet: A typical Grunt-styled Wren helmet that Kanan inherited from a fallen Clan Wren member who died during a civil war on Mandalore. The hand painted signet on is similar to his late uncle Tristan and serves as an ode to the uncle he never got to meet.
•Chest and Neck Pieces: Inherited from the maternal artist grandfather he never got meet, Kanan’s “galaxy”-styled chest and neck armor is decorated with fulcrum and Jedi “jaig eyes” symbols in honor of his failed namesake Kanan Jarrus, and long-time family friend Ahsoka Tano, who helped train him and appreciate his force sensitivity for the good it can provide to people across the galaxy.
•Pauldrons: Similar to Prince-Consort Din Djarin-Kryze of Mandalore, Kanan’s pauldrons, forged by his future sister-in-law and Din’s daughter Princess Mirta Djarin-Kryze. The “Star Bird” signet represents his parents’s legacy and the role they played in the Rebellion while the “9” symbol represents his code name “Spectre-9”.
•Gauntlets: Similar to Axe Woves in both style and functionality but with classical Clan Wren colors and functions. They were a gift he received from his boyfriend Quill when they first started courting.
•Hand armor: Similar to his mother’s.
•Thigh Plates: Similar to Fenn Rau’s
•Knee Armor: Similar to his late maternal uncle’s but can shoot missiles out of them.
•Shin Guards: Typical Clan Wren-styled shin guards.
•Jetpack: Similar to Prince Consort Din Djarin-Kryze.
Armor Color Scheme:
•Light Gold
•Dull Yellow
•Greyish Navy
•Silver Chalice
•Oil (a shade of brown)
•Payne's Gray
•Blue Rhapsody
Soft Parts:
•Similar to his late maternal uncle’s but with a dull yellow Sasha around his waist.
•Similar to his late maternal uncle’s.
Weapons in Possession:
•2 identical Westar blasters
•1 light saber with a designed that’s mix between his parents’ sabers that’s powered with a yellow kyber crystal.
Ok, he was hard to make as well. I did not know how to show his main skills/role, but then the thing that he is graffiti artist it helped to put a few things on the wall/column next to him :)
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kebriones · 8 months
Will they ever repair the school of arts in Athens? I read it was one of the first universities to be built in Greece, but now it looks like an abandoned building which is a shame how little the government values art 😔
WELL. Sorry anon you touched a sensitive subject and you're getting a rant.
Last year they fixed up our neoclassical building at the entrance, made it very ugly imo, and it has remained unused, closed and empty since then. They spent 1.6 MILLION euros to fix that thing. Do you know why? Because every journalist who wanted to write about the school's condition would come to the entrance, take a picture of the gray-ish, graffiti-covered neoclassical building, and use it in their article about how they've let THE school of fine arts be ugly and abandoned and so on. They fixed that only for show, which is a slap in the face to everyone who studies and works in the actual building.
We have incredibly little funding from the government. The building that houses the school is an ex-factory and as such requires very specialized types of repairs and upkeep. The old house on the left of the school as well as some storage buildings no visitor ever sees at the back are classified as "preservable" and therefore, like the now-renovated neoclassical ex-bank at the front, require very large amounts of money and time and studies to get fixed. I don't see that happening any time soon. Especially the house with the double staircase and all that, would have to be essentially rebuilt from scratch.
The actual building where the studios and everything is housed has so many practical problems. Some places like the underground cinema, the main auditorium and the exhibition hall are in fairly decent condition. The studios, not so much. We don't have money to fix clogged sinks, move or replace broken machinery, everything is always unimaginably filthy because they don't have enough cleaners, there are doors and windows that can't close, which results in pigeons and cats and dogs getting inside and shitting everywhere, the ceilings especially in the upper floor are falling apart from water pooling on the rooftop, making entire spots unusable because of the mold and constant dripping and the danger of stuff falling off the ceiling and injuring someone, everything floods the moment it rains, some of the bathrooms lack light and we don't even have soap or toilet paper most of the time. We don't have enough space for everyone to work in either, in the majority of the studios. But there is no funding. The school can't even afford to give simple cheap paper to the students, last year we were out of clay at the ceramics class for months. Every now and then they bring people to come paint over the graffiti at the entrance, as if that's the main problem of the school.
Also, it was actually one of the first universities to be made in Athens, but up until the 80s it was housed in the building of the polytechnic university on Patision street. It got moved to the ex-textile factory to have more space and a more modern environment, which I think was the right move. If it was functional and not so dirty and falling apart to the point of being actually dangerous, the factory itself is an incredible, gorgeous building, with the graffiti and the posters and everything. I just wish I didn't have to step around poop every time i had to go to class, or that I could actually use the sinks normally to wash my paintbrushes and my hands. Or idk have some cheap supplies available for free. I think they will come make actual improvements when someone dies or something. Two years ago after the floods that destroyed expensive equipment and stuff, their solution was to bring us sand bags to pile up on the entrances of the building to keep the water out whenever it rains.
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Tape Recording #3.
[ CLICK ] Goo-oood Morning, Mr. Tape Recorder! Or, well, Evening. But I just woke up from a short lil' nap, so whatevs. Oh, you will not believe today. So today is Friday, meaning tomorrow is.. Drum rolls please.. [They're slapping their hands on the table to make a drum noise.]
Tada! The weekends. Hopefully, this time, Mom will allow me to go with my classmates to their Gala. I heard from Sofia with an S and Zophia with a Z that they get ice cream and free restaurant food. Anywaayyyysss, that's not the only good news today. So, remember yesterday when I said that begging might get Ms. Joana to give me those flowers for free? I decided to try it, and she actually gave me some! Maybe out of pity but I don't care 'cause I got a bundle of- [Rustling. They pick something up.] -Piiinnnkkk roses up here. Look at them, Mr. Tape Recorder, aren't they beautiful? .... Glad to know you agree with me. Aside from that, I got only one headache in the past hours! Normally, I'd get like 4 or 5 and then 2 more while recording or after recording. Isn't that just fantasti-licious? Anyway, Anyway... Right, so remember that art contest I talked about when I first set you up? okay like, apparently, it'll come ask for volunteers at our school next week. That's too long and honestly, I deserve to be on that stage! Hopefully they come on Monday. And- Oh! I forgot, so I read 7 books today for the readathon. They were short but... Hey, they're still books. '' City of The Light '' By Mel Olbourne, '' The Clock '' By Ikira Nitto, '' Havens '' By... How do you even pronounce this? ...Never mind. Next, '' Darkened Skies '' By Evvon H. Jhelen. '' Dragon's Life '' By Sarah Dallimon, '' Time '' By Kirron KK, and lastly, '' Is He Here? '' By uh.... Zeus Tellisman. I feel like the other kids are reading more books than I am a day. Or maybe I'm just really slow. Oh well! Soo, some kids, don't really know who, but some kids decided to graffiti some art on the alleyway halls, like the one at the back of Wilvewood Highschool. Didn't know until I overheard some kids gossiping about it but apparently it was just some random letters, with some crossed out. '' Pa'z oly '' ...At least, I think that's what they said. Did I ever mention that my memory is good when I'm not rushing things? No? Okay. Speaking of which, 2 kids from Wilvewood high also went mssing. And only one today too. Laura from the kindergarten section. You know, usually I don't feel bad about the missing kids, but Laura is an exception. Not because I like her, no.. But uh, because she was a kindergartener, I guess. I feel bad for her parents. [Inaudible mumbling.] ...On a more positive note, I- shrk- [They curse under their breath. Another headache? And they thought they broke their usual headache streak.] [ 5 Minutes. ] [ 10 Minutes. ] [ 20 Minutes. ] [ 25 Minutes, ] [ 30-
Sorry, gosh, that headache was worse than all the others... Ugh.... Let me just end this quickly... I got home late and got scolded by my mother... So now I'm hungry and shit. Ugh, Sorry, Mr. Tape Recorder, I think I have to go to bed.. What is up with me this past week?
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okay!!! let's do this!
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hey!! i'm evandalist, you can call me vandalist! i'm transmasc, he/they and i do graffiti art sometimes + you may know me from the posts i made about shitty d.i.y fear gas that had weed in it
i have the chronic condition that is called always getting mugged the minute i step into literally any shady place ever
ooc: alright hi!!! this is an rp blog based off others i've seen :D basically just random gothamites living -- keep in mind this WILL be roleplayed like an actual gothamit having a tumblr, so roleplay posts might be in their tags and also that i have READ VERY FEW DC FICS AND I AM A MOSTLY FANDOM PERSON SO IF I GET SOMETHING WRONG DO NOT HUNT ME DOWN thank hou
this is all an rp and nothing here is real these are just my characters :) feel free to interact with me!! very rarely will i be ooc -im hoping to not make ooc posts- so everything written here is just how vandalist would act
posts tagged as Arcs are continous story bits and lore of vandalist's life
D.I.Y Fear Gas Arc [FINISHED]: Vandal makes new friends who are self-proclaimed chemists, they turn out to be scarecrow fans and release their own form of fear toxin
AltRun Arc [FINISHED]: Vandal gets grounded for making fear gas on a dare and his friend runs the account
MetaHuman Arc [FINISHED]: Evan gets jumped and infected with fear gas, leading him to find out he has a meta ability.
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neopronouns · 2 years
man, now i wanna be punk... got any resources i can look at avout the movement and the people or just useful stuff in general?
mrri [i] don't have any specific resources, but here's mrry [my] tips (keep in mind mrri'm [i'm] still kind of a baby punk fjklgsdk):
above all else, being punk is about radically caring about people! kindness in the face of an uncaring society, listening to and boosting the voices of marginalized people, attending protests (or helping in other ways), and leftist ideology in general are core tenets of punk politics. hate governments and oppressive systems and care deeply for the people being hurt. many people who decide to look/act the part of a punk already hold their beliefs!
in that vein, try to get involved with local activism! this doesn't just include going to protests/marches, doing sit-ins, etc. - volunteering at a local food bank, boycotting products, graffiti, hacking, and all sorts of other things can be punk. any way you can stick it to the man, no matter how small, is great.
don't buy into the commercialization of punk fashion. if you want a punk wardrobe, you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on punk-style clothes from mainsteam brands. rip up cheap tights, make chains out of can tabs, sew patches onto your jackets and pants, dye your clothes black, buy a pair of combat boots and wear them until they fall off your feet, whatever! diy-ing, mending, and thrifting are all parts of the punk look, so if you can do those things, do them, and if you don't know how, look it up and try it out!
pick a band in one of the punk genres (such as punk rock, riot grrrl, folk punk, queercore, etc.), listen to an album, and branch out from there! punk music varies greatly, so you'll probably find something that really speaks to you. mrri [i] personally recommend starting with more modern music and working your way back, since that'll let you adjust to the genre first and then start learning punk musical history, but it's your call!
engage with other punk creations! films, visual art, stories, dance - there are punks in every artistic field, and chances are they'll teach you something wonderful.
create! put your feelings about society into something - paintings, songs, stories, whatever calls you. make tons of shitty art and love every bit of it. there may be open art exhibitions, zines, or other events near you (or in your online communities) that you can showcase your work in or view work from other punks in.
explore political theory! punk philosophical and political papers/books are great (and tend to be free somewhere), but if reading long texts is difficult for you, you can find documentaries, podcasts, youtube videos, etc. you may find it more accessible to follow punks on social media and learn through that as well.
overall, punk is not rigid in any sense. you may look different from other punks, listen to different music, make different art, etc., but you'll be united by your similar ideologies, and that's what matters.
and, very importantly:
FUCK FASCISTS! there are fascists in punk spaces, and you need to not only not listen to what they say, but work with other punks to make these spaces hostile towards them. actively reject their messaging.
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