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taygraciesgirll · 6 months ago
Me and gang all day everyday:
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brystiniercorner · 4 months ago
i love her sm <3
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writeblrsupport · 1 year ago
Boop- have another story we made, if you don't mind tossing it a reblog
Hey everyone! Go check this story out!
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gracien-system · 2 years ago
We are extremely far from being able to create a truly sentient AI.
The most optimistic estimates of the amount of processing power the human brain possesses are orders of magnitude off from the amount of processing power every computer on earth has, combined.
And that's not even including the tax that you incur from emulation.
The ML shit that is currently happening is nothing like a true AI. It is a collection of linear programming and statistical models which create the illusion of intelligence by recombining data in statistical fashions which make it seem like there is intent when there really isn't.
All they're doing is looking at the last thing they did and predicting the most likely next step, then doing that and repeating the process until the task is complete.
All of this is to preface an entirely different conversation/argument we've been seeing way more than we'd like, recently. That being "we will never achieve sentient AI, it's impossible".
And I would like to counter this in a few different ways, and then leave it alone, because frankly, we hate the discussions about what is/isn't possible via technology, and hate discussions about machine learning with a particular passion.
So, why do we believe sentient AI is possible at all.
Well, when we talk about AI, we aren't limiting our discussion to binary computation. Using a classical or quantum computer and trying to create a consciousness with it is a bad idea. It's theoretically not impossible -- the universe is built on a foundation of information, of bits, of yes/no questions, but frankly, you're not just trying to simulate a consciousness at that point, you're trying to simulate the things that make a consciousness, and doing that makes the computational requirements just absolutely fucking outrageous.
Even if we're talking about a quantum computer, the advantage that it has over regular computing is that you can find every possible solution to an equation in the same time it takes to get one solution, because it does them all simultaneously, and then collapses the computation into the solution you were (hopefully) looking for.
That technology isn't the technology that you're going to want to use if your goal is to create a sentient AI. Not anywhere near it. And I think that's what people get stuck on when they talk about how we will never create sentient AI -- limiting themselves to traditional and quantum computing.
There are other forms of computation which are much closer to the human brain, though -- and much closer to what you would want to use if your goal was to create an artificial intelligence.
Analogue computing comes to mind -- using physical electrical currents to do imprecise, but nearly instant calculation. However, the main thing about analogue computing is that it's... analogue. It's specific. You have a device which can do one thing, and to make it do something else, you need to take it apart and reassemble it in another configuration.
Analogue computing is not what will create AI, not on its own. I think it will be part of that solution, but it won't be the soul component.
So, you might ask what will be that soul component, what computational technology will let us create a sentient AI -- what will allow us to play god in that way?
Frankly, I'm not an oracle. I can't predict which one of the dozen different technologies being worked on as we speak will be the main component of a future AI, if any of them end up being that technology.
But I do know this:
Nature created us. Humanity. It gave us consciousness, it gave us sapience -- and it likely gave some other animals that trait, too.
And frankly? I believe that if nature did it with no guiding hand or intention, humanity can do it with intent in an order of magnitude less time.
If we were forced to make a bet on which technology creates AI first, we would bet on lab-grown neurons interfacing with electrodes. Does that count as artificial intelligence? In the strictest sense, I think it would. It's certainly artificial, and it would certainly be an intelligence. And I think that it would have the best chance of making a sentient AI in our lifetime, or shortly thereafter.
And now it's tangent time.
I know where the arguments about this kind of thing come from, and I know that if this post breaks containment we're going to have people from a dozen different communities all throwing different points at us as to why we're wrong. I'm going to address at least one or two of them here.
One of the things we've seen thrown around about this is that under capitalism, there is no profit incentive to create a sentient AI, and that if people claimed they had created one, they would likely be lying, or have some ulterior motive for why they claimed so.
That is correct! You're fucking right! There is no reason for sentient AI to be made under capitalism! That does not mean it isn't possible for it to be made under capitalism! Or in a post capitalist world!
Just because capitalism doesn't create optimal or semi-optimal conditions for something to be created doesn't mean that it won't be created anyway. Humans are curious and motivated and even in a system which actively hates technological progress which can't be monetized, it can still happen. That doesn't mean it will happen, but that also doesn't mean it can't happen.
Yes, machines and people are fundamentally different things. Creating a sentient AI is playing god. Creating a sentient AI is creating a living thing.
The morals of this are questionable. I can see the argument behind why we shouldn't try to create sentient AI. I can see the argument why we shouldn't create artificial life.
But I really hate the narrative that doing it is impossible. That it is beyond technology, or beyond human reach.
There are some science fiction concepts which are likely impossible. FTL travel and time travel, for example.
But this absolutely isn't one of them. The universe created life without intent and without a guidebook. The universe created sentience without intent, and without a guidebook.
Humanity has a blueprint, and humanity has intent.
Nature did it first. We can do it too. Should we? I don't know. But the fact that we can is important to recognize.
Alright, that's about all we've got. I hope the rant was coherent enough to be understood, and that we were persuasive. Good luck and good tidings, even if you disagree with us.
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mantequillamcwhoremick · 3 months ago
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Chaos Plan chapter 18 and forward
@gracien-maybe thank you for your comment i laughed so hard i had to think of this meme
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the-haiku-bot · 2 years ago
[Image ID: text
in the Dark Souls 3 font which
Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.
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verver · 3 months ago
Épisode 2
Il était 19 heures, Ray allait appuyer sur la sonnette quand Simone ouvrit soudainement et l'invita à entrer.
Ray était un peu fatigué et trouvait qu'il prenait du ventre.
Ray se vautra sur le canapé et consulta un livre posé sur la table basse, c'était une des œuvres de Gracien Baltazar.
Simone vouait un véritable culte à ce philosophe Espagnol du 17ème siècle au point d'en distribuer à pas mal de ses connaissances.
Il avait eût le temps d'en lire quelques lignes , Simone déposa les verres de vodka sur la table basse et entama directement la discussion puis en s'adressant a Ray :
- quel plaisir ! je n'étais pas sûre que tu viennes...
- quoi... bof ! j'étais chez le médecin dit-il
- Tu es malade ?
- pas vraiment ! je suis fatigué
- rien de grave alors rétorqua Simone en remplissant de nouveau les verres.
Le fait d'affirmer cela déprimait Ray , il y vit une petite défaite.
Ray sourit en regardant Simone, il l'admirait parce qu'elle était toujours en forme et optimiste quoiqu'il arrive.
- figure toi que j'ai commencé à lire ton Baltazar dit Ray lui-même surpris de son exploit
- Tu me fais plaisir Ray ! tu ne peux pas t'imaginer à quel point
- j'imagine ! dit-il en souriant
- qu'est-ce que t'en as pensé s'emballa Simone
- c'est trop tôt pour en parler s'exclama Ray
Simone se leva et l'embrassa avec une ferveur inhabituelle.
Un disque de Sarah Vaughan tournait sur la platine Ray écoutait...
- un je ne sais quoi , un presque rien comme dit Baltazar affirma Simone
- ouais ! glapit Ray
Ils s'envoyèrent un nouveau verre , Ray renchérit :
- il affirmait que l'on commence à chercher la manière puis on finit par faire des manières... dit Ray...
- je vois que tu fais des manières dit Simone en lui caressant l'entrejambe
- mais non ! s'exclama Ray en lui tripotant les seins.
Simone riait aux éclats , elle posa la main sur son sexe, Ray surpris s'étouffa avec sa vodka.
Ils chahutèrent encore un moment. Ils aimaient bien se taquiner. Simone se resservit un verre Ray declina son tour.
- Tu es au régime ? demanda-elle
- Non ! mais je fais attention
- Ah mon pauvre ! garde tes forces pour moi dit-elle en riant.
- exactement ma grande...
Ray se rapprocha de son amie pour lui passer la main entre les cuisses, Simone l'embrassait tendrement.
Dans la chambre de Simone le lit était très large et en acier, ça mettait directement dans l'ambiance.
Il avait du mal à tenir sur ses jambes, l'alcool, la fatigue avaient raison de lui.
Pour Ray sauter Simone ce soir relevait de l'exploit, d'un effort surhumain.
Il avait surestimé ses forces, Ray s'en rendait compte et se posait la question : comment agir avec modération tout en étant discret et surtout ne pas éveiller l'attention de son amie et ne pas la vexer...
Simone langoureuse se serra contre lui, Ray lui saisit les hanches en l'embrassant, Simone le fit basculer sur le lit , l'espace d'un instant Ray vit que ses yeux brillaient étrangement. Il y voyait une pointe d'espièglerie...
Allait-elle s'adonner à un jeu sensuel ?
Simone voulait baiser maintenant, elle se déshabilla et lui laboura le torse avec application, sa bouche laissait couler un filet de salive, elle gueula :
- maintenant Ray
Très inspiré Ray répondit :
- ouais ! ouais !
Au bout de quelques instants, Simone totalement délurée lui dit :
- ferme les yeux et ne bouge pas ! je reviens...
Ray s'executa, il devinait Simone qui s'agitait vers son armoire, il entendit des cliquetis inquiétants, quand il ouvrit les yeux il vit qu'elle lui passait les bracelets, maintenant Simone le chevauchait comme un cow- boy en lui filant des coups de martinet. Ray avait mal.
Il pensa qu'elle ne s'arrangeait pas , il la voyait bien finir dans le milieu SM.
Son armoire restée ouverte, montrait tout un tas d'ustensiles dédié au SM.
Ray savait qu'elle avait acheté des tenues vestimentaires qui allaient de l'infirmière à la policière, il l'imaginait accueillir des clients qui paieraient très cher la séance.
Il ne lui fit pas part de ses réflexions, il craignait qu'elle le prit mal. Très mal.
Simone se braqua d'un seul coup et s'empara d'un fouet clouté dont Ray goûta les caresses que modérément. Il voulait en finir rapidement.
Il gueula :
- arrête Simone ! j'ai mal !
Simone le détacha et dit :
- petite nature !
Ils finirent par s'endormir l'un contre l'autre.
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plaguedocboi · 1 year ago
So. Y'know how there's people who like the stuff we consider scary (the people who moan when you stab em)?
You’re attracted to deep sea fish?
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boyakishan · 1 year ago
I must inflict this upon everyone.
@arta07 @ar1-thecat @official-megumin @gracien-system @growthfuldetermination
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the-void-machine-system · 1 year ago
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The Air Fried Boiled Egg Incident
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Featuring @gracien-system @starlight--system and two others whose tumblr accs I do not know
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taygraciesgirll · 6 months ago
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Credits to @luvheartgracie on tiktok!!
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brystiniercorner · 3 months ago
she’s a princess <3
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First of three at Radio City
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myfavebandfizz · 10 months ago
Wonderland Magazine - Interview - Feb 28 2024
The band — which consists of artists dodie, Orla Gartland, Greta Isaac and Martin Luke Brown — tells us about the origins of the project and its visual identity, and lets us inside with some BTS from their shoot.
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“The whole FIZZ gang! We look really sad here but believe it or not this shoot was a truly joyous experience”
From FIZZ: Sometimes in life, you sit round a kitchen table with your friend-family and throw around a dream idea with each other. It could be; “let’s move to the countryside, build ourselves a little commune with a vegetable garden and cook dinners for each other every night”. Or perhaps; “let’s start a band using all of our experience of the music industry we’ve gathered over 10 years of being solo artists and write the most unserious, least-pressured album that is bursting with joy and saturation. Then let’s build a world of circus-y, wild lore around the whole thing in which we all live in an imaginary part theme-park, part alien-town called FIZZVILLE complete with a strawberry jam volcano, fireworks and ferris wheels.”
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“Secret To Life” video BTS — Dodie wears collar & trousers RENLI SU and dress DALSTON COSTUME HIRE; Martin wears shirt, suit & trousers VIVIENNE WESTWOOD and cape & hat DALSTON COSTUME HIRE; Greta wears bodysuit & cap PRANGSTA COSTUMIERS; Orla wears shirt DALSTON COSTUME HIRE, corset CAT O’BRIEN, trousers FRASER, belt ROSIE EVANS, and earrings THE VXLLEY “These photos were taken on set for our music video for ‘The Secret To Life’ – shoutout to our photographer Karina Barberis for always capturing each moment perfectly. These were taken right before we had to chain smoke 20 cigarettes just to get one shot (worth it).”
The commune is yet to be built, but our wacky, wonky, maximalist band idea somehow grew legs and crawled its way over to our favourite studio to record an album under the band-name; ‘FIZZ’. Our record needed some accompanying visuals, and so in May ’23 our baby band travelled to Barcelona to work with an incredible creative director and his team – JP Bonino and ‘The Rats’; a creative collective we knew could match our vision of an alternative world. Our darling friend and visionary Karina Barberis came along to capture the vibes.
This was our first photoshoot as a band, and the novelty of it all was exhilarating; focussed makeup artists and hair stylists would be flicking their brushes on cheeks and tugging extensions on hair, all while we watched our glossy best friends pose to imaginary scenes dreamed up by JP, jumping on trampolines to his encouraging directions between camera flashes. “The joke’s gone too far, guys” – a quip we found ourselves saying constantly, to try and process the huge gratitude and luck we felt to have such a talented team on our side.
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Left: Orla wears bonnet MAISON GRACIEN; jacket MIETIS “Orla looking like the most ethereal dreamgirl the world has ever seen” – Dodie
Right: Greta wears necklace BOMBA Y LOLA; dress MIRO MISLJEN DESIGN “I think this might be the best photograph of anyone, ever?” – Orla
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Left: Orla wears necklace PIA GLASSWORKS; jacket MIETIS “The apple was fake but the the smile was not – I felt VERY powerful in this coat. This look was from the ‘High in Brighton’ artwork” – Orla
Right: Orla wears full look VICTOR VON SCHWARZ; earrings AGUSTINA ROS “This was my look for shooting the single artwork for ‘Close One’ – it was one of my favourites from this whole shoot!” – Orla
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Left: “Secret To Life” video BTS — Dodie wears collar & trousers RENLI SU and dress DALSTON COSTUME HIRE Right: Dodie wears top ANEMONE; corset RAMP TRAMP TRAMP STAMP; shoes MERRFER “I don’t usually totter about in kitten heels, but these made me feel like the princess I never knew I could be” – Dodie
The FIZZ family portrait that came from that shoot was the first time we sat together as a band – a familiar feeling of being in front of the camera but with an added giddiness of feeling part of something bigger, the weight of standing alone shared.
After a whirlwind album release, we bookended our campaign with the music video for “The Secret To Life” – a meta, Truman show-esc story created by director Lulu Vicedomini and brought to life by another dedicated team, including Art Directors Studio GAAS and our favourite stylist, Rubina Marchiori. The novelty of sharing space on set together was still very much alive – smoking cigarettes and miming to our own song, as if we had stepped into an imaginary playground game. But 6 months on from our Barcelona shoot something felt different – we had settled into ourselves individually and as a group, and we felt comfortable standing there in our outfits crafted by Rubina, mixing our own personal styles with the funhouse brief from Lulu’s world. We positioned ourselves together on camera, adjusting automatically to our wild range in height as a band and making sure to equally disperse attention – this was not our first rodeo anymore!
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Left: Dodie wears Dodie jacket NIMPH; top ANEMONE; trousers VICTOR VON SHWARZ “Shortly after this I had a member of the production team put their legs over my head (don’t ask).” – Dodie
Right: Martin wears top and skirt ANEMONE; trousers OUTSIDERS DIVISION “Slay. Just slay” – Greta
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Martin wears hat OUTSIDERS DIVISION; top MACOSCH “Introducing the new Strawberry Shortcake… I love this shot of Martin, taken on set whilst shooting our single artwork for ‘The Secret To Life’” – Dodie
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Left: Nails by Isabella Ching “Shoutout to Isabella Ching for these crazy, powerful nails.” – Greta
Right: Martin wears top THE ARTELIER “When Gorka attached this giant mohawk to my head I was like damn this joke has got out of hand. God bless tho. Tribrows is it let’s go” – Martin
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Left: Greta wears corset LUPE; Dodie wears top NIMPH “Dodie & Greta in their looks for the family portrait shot that we used to first launch the band!”
Right: Dodie wears jacket COMO LA TRUCHA AL TRUCHO; top ANEMONE “Rapunzel Rapunzel, let down your hair babe. I LOVE THIS LOOK FOR DODES! – Orla”
BTS Photography - Karina Barberia
"Secret To Life" Video BTS Styling - Rubina Marchiori
"Secret To Life" Video BTS Styling Assistants - Francesca Russo, Jingying Tohi, Erica Welhenage
"Secret To Life" Video BTS Makeup Artists - Georgia Olive, Esme Horn, Molly Whiteley
"Secret To Life" Video BTS Hair Stylist - Giuseppe Stelitano
Main Shoot Photography - JP Bonino
Main Shoot CGI - SanPol2000
Main Shoot Production - The Rats Company, Tomás Pintos, Casiana Flores Piran
Main Shoot Styling - Mora Giordana, Lupe Galinarez, Sofía Osiadacz
Main Shoot Makeup - Maria Baaten, Isabella Ching, Laura Martin, Victor Aragon
Main Shoot Hair - Gorka Larcan, Catalina Sartor
Main Shoot Art - David Méndez Alonso, Raquel Magyary
Main Shoot Artwork Lights - Cecilia Gil
Main Shoot Artwork Digital Assistant - Guillermo Delgado
Main Shoot Studio - D105 STUDIOS
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the-stray-storyteller · 2 years ago
WIP Themes Tag
Tagged by carissima @avocado-frog
Rules: bold the themes your wip contains, italicize things it touches on
WIP: Rebel
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfilment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
Tagging: @late-to-the-fandom @littletaxitt @brieflyinfatuated @idreamofhamandcheese @gracien-system
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starlight--system · 1 year ago
Made a species of beings, with help from @gracien-system!! Do enjoy, and let me know what comes out of it!!
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avocado-frog · 2 years ago
15 tags 15 mutuals
@the-stray-storyteller but pretend i did this weeks ago
Are you named after anyone? My friend Ail picked my name off a pinterest baby name board during lunch in eighth grade so I doubt it. Sometimes if someone asks I'll pick a random famous Isaac (I have a list of them that I circle through)
When was the last time you cried? I freaked myself out before I had to do a photography presentation back in January and Literally Shut Down and started crying and my teacher thought I was having a seizure
Do you have kids? God forbid.
Do you use sarcasm? Once when I was seven I got a haircut and my friend asked me if i cut my hair and I told him that No I just dyed the ends invisible and he believed me until FOURTH GRADE So yes
What's the first thing you notice about people? Depends. If someone is wearing a bright pink raincoat in July that's probably the first thing I'd notice. But typically idk just what their face looks like
Eye color? Blue
Scary movies or happy endings? I mean you can have both. I like horror movies but I've only seen one that genuinely spooked me (Hereditary scared me out of looking out of car windows) but if it doesn't have a happy ending then it just feels pointless to me
Any special talents? I have the highest Tetris score out of all of my friends does that count? My real answer is that I'm really good at identifying voice actors. I was watching the last of us the other day and I heard Kathleen's voice and immediately guessed that she played a side character in a show I've only seen once in my life like two years ago
Where were you born? Being unspecific and vague I'm going to say somewhere west united states
What are your hobbies? Writing, pretending like i'm writing, the sims 4, throwing things at my mom's boyfriend
Have you any pets? I have!! I have a dog named Minnie Mouse, a dog named Tinkerbell, a dog named Ellie, a hamster named Betelgeuse, and several cats that follow me home from school (Thumper, Leroy, and Belle) and my brother has a snake named William Snakespeare (i'll give you one guess as to who named it) (it was me)
What sports do you play/have played? Today in gym class I got off the exercise bike and twisted my ankle so I'm not exactly cut out for sports I have never played a sport on purpose in my life but I'd do hockey if I had to
How tall are you? I want to lie but I won't 5'0" *and a quarter of an inch* (If you make fun of me i'll invert your kneecaps)
Favourite subject in school? Child development my teacher let me just cut out circles for an hour for full credit, gives out free candy and water, and today I got to see a fight live action twenty feet away
Dream job? I've been wanting to do something in psychology or neuroscience since I was like eight years old
@briannaswords @ralpockenlite @alexxjsyk @litbylightning @mynroli @gracien-system @idreamofhamandcheese @bi-karibe-chick @nelliecomet @master-of-the-pigeon-religion @blind-the-winds @calloumii @late-to-the-fandom
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