graceoutinspace · 5 months
How does it feel to be Stratt’s boy toy?
I am scared of what searching the definition of that word may yield. But you know what? Morbid curiosity is a vital part of the human experience. May as well just search it up.
I screeched "like a particularly angry small bird" (Ilyukhina's words not mine) and now Ilyukhina is laughing at me. See what you've done!!?
christ on a cracker if stratt finds out yall think this shes going to fire me. or worse, make fun of me. the crew already thinks were secretly in a relationship.
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nota1eks · 9 months
all about me (aleks)!!
i've been wanting to do this for a while, so... who tf am i and wtf do i do?
#aleks doodles -> my art
#aleks yaps -> my talking about nonfandom stuff
#aleks' ocs -> for my oc stuff, obv
#aleks has ants in its head -> threshold universe tag
#aleks tries to be organized -> stuff for organizing my blog, like this and my fic masterlist
i use all pronouns but prefer they/them or it/its i'm just a silly little guy surfing the interwebz. i enjoy writing, drawing, reading, and sparkling water. yes, the last one is just as important as the formers. i'm from nova scotia (that's in canada!!!!🍁🍁o7) as well! NS REPRESENT
MY FAVOURITE (for the lack of a better term) THINGS IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER:
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir;
The Threshold Universe/Koturoverse by Peter Clines;
The Apollo Series by Chris Hadfield ;
The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells;
The Bobiverse and Quantum Earth series(es) by Dennis E. Taylor;
The Phantom of the Opera (esp 2004 fight me) by Gaston Leroux/ALW;
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley;
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett;
The Sims 4 (it is a fandom i swear!!!);
The Beatles (by?? John, Paul, George, and Ringo);
i am also fascinated with english grammar and the Victorian Era (esp Victorian Medicine)
@graceoutinspace -- a ryland grace character ask blog
@frankenstein-fridays -- a substack injecting Frankenstein (1818) right into your inbox every friday.
i write a lot of fanfiction and have a masterlist linked here, if you want to check that out! (it's mostly PHM fanfiction.) my ao3 account is linked here if you're interested :)
locally, i'll put my two most favourite works of mine (is that how you say that?):
The Elimination Project (Rocky's backstory and how his crew died, told from his perspective) AND 5x people thought Grace and Stratt were "engaged in sexual congress" + 1x they didn't! (exactly what it sounds like!)
thanks for reading and nice to meet you!!
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if you want to know more about me, feel free to ask me something or DM me; i will respond very quickly because i am thirsty for social interaction and have no impulse control.
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graceoutinspace · 4 months
what's your and the rest of the crew's favorite flavor ice cream? also will there be any ice cream on the space ship?
My favourite ice cream is really whatever is the most appealing at the time. It's the toppings that matter, to me. If there are no toppings to optimize my choice for, then something chocolatey.
Yáo says lemon sorbet. I don't think that's technically ice-cream, but I'll let it pass.
Ilyukhina says anything spiked. Otherwise, "the shitty kind of ice cream sandwich Americans lose their minds over -- and I get the appeal".
DuBois says something with caramel and/or coffee flavouring. Mocha fudge, for example.
Shapiro deadpanned, grabbed me by the shoulders, shook me, and repeated over and over "Moon mist. Moon mist! MOON MIST!" I'm not sure if that's an ice-cream flavour or a curse.
Stratt glared at me (again) and told me to get back to work (again). When pressed, she said "Eh, whatever's good. Get back to work!"
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graceoutinspace · 5 months
Could you sprinkle some (like a few micrograms or something) astrophage in a pool for a perpetually heated pool?
Please! Don't! Do! That!
Even if they did heat up your whole pool, IT'D BE ALMOST BOILING. YOU WOULD BE SOUS VIDED.
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graceoutinspace · 2 months
hey Dr. Grace! kinda personal but i just wanted to say that i love your name!! your last name is my deadname and reading about you has helped me become a lot more comfortable with seeing/hearing it out in the world without associating with myself!
-chase he/him
I'm glad you like it. Most of the people working on the Project call me "Dr. Grace" or otherwise just "Grace", so I've had at least two people think I was a woman and then be surprised when they actually met me, so it's nice to see someone who just generally likes my name as it is -- and especially someone who has experienced at least vaguely the same thing with the same name. (Though my main gripe with my name is people making fun of me for being clumsy despite my name. Hardy har har you're so funny and not the 489801280321809123th person to make that joke hahahah)
Anyways. That got kind of ranty. Thank you, Chase :)
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graceoutinspace · 5 months
Mr. Grace how the FUCK does one write a college application essay??
Usually with a keyboard. A pencil, maybe. A pen, if you have the guts.
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graceoutinspace · 7 months
Thoughts on the astrophage challenge?
(I personally don't think it's real at all, there just isn't enough astrophage for a bunch of dumb teens to be getting their hands on it)
DO NOT EAT ULTRABLACK PAINT. (since that's what they're mostly using; it's super freaking hard to get hold of astrophage on Stratt's Vat, nevermind rural America)
...Maybe pour ultrablack paint over yourself? I mean, there's no obvious downside besides that being a rather stupid thing to do.
(P.S.: I only have a vague knowledge of who Mr. Beast is but he needs to stop this whole astrophage challenge thing, if what news outlets are reporting is true. Which, to be fair, may not be true.)
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graceoutinspace · 8 months
favorite part of teaching?
There's not a lot about teaching that I don't like, so it's hard to pick a favourite, but the best part to me is probably the unhinged comments my students make on occasion. For example:
"Leeches: the original tampon"
"SODIUM IS NOT A METAL" (screamed) (in my science class)
"Get you and your friends into the christmas spirit the old fashioned way by murdering a man"
"Where can I buy human skin? I need new ones"
"I could buy so many children with that"
Along with that one time my students tried to start a cult with me as their god. It was stopped within the week.
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graceoutinspace · 7 months
Gonna cook some chicken in a tub of astrophage 👍
Wish me luck
it would work though. Chicken needs to be at ~73C or ~165F to be cooked... astrophage is hotter than that
Where would you even have acquired a tub of astrophage???? Are you Ilyukhina in disguise??? Seems like the kind of tomfoolery she'd be up to
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graceoutinspace · 4 months
What is everyone on the crew’s favorite planets? (you, Yao, Ilyukhina, Shapiro, and Dubois)
My favourite planet is probably Venus. It's the brightest non-moon/non-sun object in the sky, and it's always been the first thing I look for when stargazing, since I was a little kid. It's also got those bum-faced goat-aliens, so that's always a plus.
I'll go ask everyone what their favourite planets are.
Yào says his is the moon and that he doesn't care that it isn't a planet. Fair enough, I guess. He says he wanted to become a taikonaut to put a Chinese flag on the moon, but he'll settle for putting one in the Tau Ceti system.
Ilyukhina says Uranus. When she first heard the English translation, so she says, she couldn't get over it. She also berated me for calling it "urine us" instead of "your anus", which...I never thought about my pronunciation sounding like that. Why, Johann Elert Bode! WHY!
Shapiro and DuBois agree that their favourite planet is Earth. This is is coming from the same people whose favourite animal is humans. I asked them why, and Shapiro just motioned emphatically around us. I suppose it's a solid choice.
I asked Stratt what her favourite planet was for fun, and she glared at me before telling me to get back to work. No fun, that woman, no fun at all.
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graceoutinspace · 8 months
mr grace what’s your opinion on the state of New Jersey ?
(That “Mr” is throwing me off. Are you one of my students?)
I’ve been to New Jersey a total of one time. It was okay. Great doughnuts.
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graceoutinspace · 7 months
What would happen if u ate astrophage? Asking for a friend. (Totally not planning on stealing a black panel)
Bad. Things.
Severe. Burns.
And maybe a huge ionising explosion in your head if you exhale at the same time. So that's also bad.
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graceoutinspace · 5 months
Hello Grace! I wanted to ask your opinion on if you think other types of extraterrestrial life exist. We already have one (astrophage), so the chances of another one existing is possible, right?
I really hope so!!
And absolutely, there is a chance of others existing. One is more than enough evidence, even if you take the potential panspermia theory out of it (that earth life was seeded by a very very very old predecessor of astrophage).
I, personally, hope they can do without water, but that's just me. Chances are, they probably look like crabs. Everything seems to turn into a crab eventually.
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graceoutinspace · 8 months
if it would save earth would you kiss . a man ?
I guess? Kind of gross though. (Not the gay part but the kiss part. Yucky)
*cough* However it would be slightly less gross if it was Jonathan Frakes' Riker. Just sayin. *cough*
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graceoutinspace · 4 months
r u aro and/or ace?? you're the single most aspec guy I've ever met. if you dont know what that is google it
ace of spades. yes...
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graceoutinspace · 8 months
about this blog!
(Heavily inspired by @man-on-mars!! Massive kudos to them!! I know nothing about ask blogs and I'm using theirs as a base. please send me advice oml)
Askee/muse & fandom: Dr. Ryland Grace from Project Hail Mary
Time in canon: during Project-prep: post-crew acquisition, pre-launch.
Rules: uh. don't be an ass? I won't respond to weird (or post-launch) asks. but seeing as this is pretend-Grace's blog, you can ask me/him to ask another character for something! I encourage it :)
(Not sure if it's clear to the layman, but this is run by @nota1eks. I am relatively new to The Hellsite and don't know quite how to run an a character-askblog-type thing, so, again, if you have any advice, I'm more than open to it!)
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