#gr**ming tw
jakei95 · 1 year
Regarding some false accusations and targeted harassment by HopelessPeaches TW: Harassment, mentions of gr**ming, d**th threats, s*icide idealization
For the past months, HopelessPeaches (also known as ThatRebelRosie on twitter) have kept harassing me and my husband Nyx with fake and exaggerated arguments. Every day she makes a post spreading rumors about how we are p*dophiles or that I hide groomers on my discord server/community which are completely false.
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Even since I cutoff contact with the people from the GTC and their skype group, I tried to focus on growing up as a person and thanks to that we were able to keep our Discord server and community a safe space for people of all ages, claiming otherwise is just invalidating all the hard work people like Crystal or Pingu have done to keep our community safe.
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We always tried to help our mod team and offered our support, we never forced them or exposed them to situations they didn't want to handle.  None of us were prepared for the sick people we have had to confront over the years, but together we were able to take actions against them.
HopelessPeaches is obsessed with us, claiming that every action we take is to hide something or that we are trying to silence her abuse (When it's the other way around, she completely ignores the abuse I had to endure). She has gone to the extent of saying I announced Underverse 0.7 Part 2 to hide something, when I had planned to announce the animation on my birthday months ago.
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She has constantly made fun of my abuse and mental health, and has stayed completely silent about all the hate messages (Including death threats) that she and her community has sent my way over her false accusations.
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As I already cleared with the people on my server, I am not ignoring what I might have done in the past, and I will always live with the remorse of not being a better person from the start, I will always live with that, but I have spent years trying to become a better person and fix my mistakes to never repeat them again, both with my close circles and my followers, but having someone that I don't know, exposing my mental health problems, making fun them, accuse me of suicide baiting (Everyone that knows me knows I have struggled with this since I was a teenager), and also accusing me of a crime that I have never committed, is affecting me physically and mentally.
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She is doing the same thing to me that she suffered from years ago. This has to stop. I am not asking for the world to not hate me, I am asking for people to stop harassing us for things that we have already acknowledged and owned fully in the past. People can change for the better, we are not criminals.
We have no intentions to send hate to these people, but this has gone so public and we have gotten so many threats that I had to address it personally. HopelessPeaches , I don't know what exactly you want from me, or what do you expect is going to happen, but this is the last time I will ask you to stop harassing us. I don't care if you hate me or Nyx, if you want the Undertale community dies or whatever that's going on through your head. I am just asking you to leave us alone.
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axeltr342 · 2 months
Callout to @denisbored
// TW NSFW proshipping/comshipping, zoophilia, underage, non consent, age gaps
Denis is a user who supported a zoo comshiper nsfw artist called DLMB_Wilson, which is known for his fixation of drawing nsfw of the character Bill Dickey from The Eltingville Club, even to the point of drawing zoo nsfw of him being f*cked by a dog and a full 12 page comic about his 47 year old self insert gr**ming and having non consent s*x with a 14 year old version of Bill.
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There's also his facebook profile called Wilson Montoy in which he admitted everything he is into.
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So how does @denisbored fit into this? In the fact that even acknowledging all of this, she stayed in his discord server (her discord username used to be ronnette), interacting and supporting him, even stating that he is doing "justice" for the low amount of porn the protagonists have (the four protagonists of the eltingville club comics and pilot are minors btw).
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What is the proof of her acknowledging the weird stuff? Well, in one of Wilson's facebook posts that I've previously mentioned, she reacted with a "love" reaction, specifically to the one confessing all his problematic fetishes (Denis's username on Facebook is Spot Mari).
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And when I confronted her about all of this, well...
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I hope everyone that reads this takes it into consideration for how they are gonna interact with the user @denisbored from now onwards. Since I confronted her she has been escaping any sort of callout or reflection, even to the point of keeping interaction with users who have proshippers on their DNI.
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lavenderroomie · 4 months
TW: Gr**ming
Hello everyone,
My name is Delilah
I just wanted to share something that i kinda wish i didnt want to share. Its basically about @/omarguardado
I am a victim of him and i feel like i need to talk about this.
If anyone wants me to delete this post, i will. I dont want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.
Please don’t harm anyone in the document.
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mentally-retired · 1 year
Proshipping is disgusting and not okay, fiction affects reality and being an adult proshipper is just another way of self identifying as a creep
When I was 10 or 11 and on amino, jadebro shipper in his twenties dmed me. He asked me for a roleplay, I said sure. I was a child. He asked to do jadebro and he asked it to be nsfw. I questioned him because of the age gap. He assured me it was fine because "it was fiction" and "its just roleplay", he assured there content of it was fine. It was not fine.
Prohip enables adults to groom children and puts minors and especially very young fans at risk. Fiction affects reality.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 4 months
No because the Rick and Morty subreddit is another BREED!
When I was on there, (And I don't even spend a lot of time there mind you, I mostly just interact with my Tumblr because y'all are AMAZING! Mwah! Mwah!) I have seen people first hand, ahem: 1. Say that Rick was grooming Morty in a s*xual way (Yep, threw up a lil in my mouth as well, I literally had to argue with them about why he wasn't, so that wasn't fun.)
2. Victim-blame Morty
4. Say that Morty dating adult girls isn't a big deal because it's an adult's show
5. Ship Morty with Planetina, although to be fair these people usually see Planetina as an older teenager even though SHE LITERALLY DOES ALL OF THE STEPS OF GR**MING
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mahoganystudios830 · 3 months
rant: please stop supporting the creators of TPC.
(tw: mentions of gr**ming, mentions of M*r*i T*uy*ma)
Can we please stop ignoring the fact that Brittany's sister is an actual p3do and Brittany is, from what we can tell, ok with it? And get them to genuinely apologize? (i saw an "apology" from her sister, it was all deflection, excuses, and self-pity. I am not counting that as an apology.)
Every once in a while, usually when a new episode of tpc releases, I see people try to do something but drop it the next day.
I'm tired of that cycle, as someone who was indirectly affected by her sister's actions and was actively fucking BRAINWASHED FOR SEVEN YEARS IRL BY SOMEONE IN THE TPC FANDOM. This person would send me Br**’s videos and art, when I was like 13, so she indirectly affected me with the content she had made, and likely many others.
I would like to stress that I can't speak for the victims of Br** herself, but from what I've seen many hold a similar sentiment. Forgive me if I am wrong, genuinely.
Unfortunately, I don't feel safe calling them out for many reasons, such as the person I mentioned or her family harassing me again, but I would if I could. Instead I ask TPC fans and my own fans to STOP supporting the sisters and SPREAD AWARENESS about the situation.
sorry for such a negative post by the way /gen
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cloudroid27 · 4 months
Welp, I'm PISSED right now.
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[TW under read more for mentions of Gr••ming]
(There is proof about this but let the victim come out about it on Twitter)
Anyways, Separate the Art from the Artist, please. Cuz Fandroid did NOT deserve to be created by a fucking creep.
My god.
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flowersbark · 6 months
Holy shit. Okay. Hi. I’m also a csa survivor. I’m legit so desperate for anything sort of recognition on this issue I’ve been having for almost 2 years now. https://www.tumblr.com/flowersbark/740288973409288192/fellas-is-it-a-proship-to-project-cocsacsa-on
It relates to this post, except I am going to get EXTRA personal on this.
Tw for r//pe, gr///ming, Self-h//rm, and csa (obvsly)
Okay so I also really really reallyyy don’t like proshippers, I am hypersexual, and I have zero access to any sort of help atp in my life. Now that I have those things out of the way right now, I am essentially in a dilemma a lot like that post. One major problem, it’s not me JUST wanting to project, it’s me wanting to BE in that spot of the victim again for some reason. And I mean like srsly getting assaulted again and all that horrible stuff. Like, i THINK these ideas, thoughts, and urges I have are called “intrusive thoughts”?? But I’m not sure. I’m disturbed by them regardless.
This has been so frustrating to deal with bc first of all, I’m not a victim to gr//ming, second, yes, I am a victim of csa at a young age, and third, I find myself having some sort of YEARNING to be hurt in such a way. (Not cocsacsa, just to not let things get mixed up btw) I have looked around on the internet for so long about this issue and I find NOTHING on it, like, am I just going crazy? Am I trying to cope with it in the worst way possible? Like, I genuinely don’t know, and it drives me mad because on one hand, I have this massive theory that it’s a mental attempt of “self- h//rm”, and then on the other hand, it’s a bizarre extreme version of yearning for touch and affection, but I’m just so unsure because I can’t find any other personal accounts of anyone else!
I acknowledge that your post wasn’t about this oddly specifc scenario, and I’m so sorry that this is so out of pocket, and possibly even counterproductive (idk) but as another csa victim, would you be able to offer some sort of insight? Is that something I can even ask for on here? It’s okay if you can’t, or don’t want to, I fully understand if I just never see a response to this. I really hope things get better for you and that you’re a having at the very least, a decent day regardless. Thank you.
Also p.s., sorry for not being able to answer that question, I myself am also uncertain on a definite answer for that. Like, the most I can say is that I think it’s okay to explore unhealthy dynamics, so long as they’re both acknowledged as bad/unhealthy/traumatizing things, and not put out to the public since people can take/look at things and get weird and nasty🤢 (so generally just used in a private and secure setting)
HI !!! uhh
first off, yes you can ask for advice, insight, anything. thats why i made this blog, other than to just vent to strangers. second, thank you for giving me your opinion on the csa proship situation.
i do think what you're going through are intrusive thoughts, and i get those a lot too. especially about going through what i did again, or worse. i also fucking HATE those thoughts, especially because my mind makes it by people i know irl, especially classmate im close to. it makes me feel disgusting and like im sexualizing and making my classmates horrible people when they ARENT. intrusive thoughts arent a reflection of who you are, theyre a reflection of who you DONT want to be, thats why theyre so disturbing.
again, the almost yearning for it is intrusive. it's also a trauma response. like how people who are used to being mentally abused will seek out and be with people that will treat them like that, its kinda like that. its not a good way to cope, but its not the WORST. as the absolute worst would be repeating the cycle.
im sorry if this doesn't help, its kinda just my word vomit with no revisions,, but i hope it does. it gets better, i promise. keep going.
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deus-mendacium · 1 year
TW: mention of gr//ming, abuse, and s/a.
a masterpost of some, unfortunately not all, of the fucked up things intergen has done that directly involved us. these are screenshots from the more recent events, as we werent able to get all of them due to it being too deep into their activities.
note: our usernames and other identifiers were scratched out for our safety.
a bit of context before i get into it:
intergen ( .eternalcountdown on Quotev) is an 18 year old supposed DID system ( i will expand on why i phrase it that way at the end of this ) that abused and gr//med us and a close friend of ours, who we will simply refer to as "G" for their safety, for at least 1 1/2 years. both G and us were 14-15 at the time. they also had multiple romantic relationships between them and us (G and this system), despite them being legal. whether or not this counts as p/dophillia is blurry to me.
the last issue that we had before we were cut off/cut them off was that an alter in their system named Gold, 11, the gold medal proxy, was dangerously obsessed with G's Silver fictive, to the point where it began making the fictive uncomfortable and felt unsafe to front. This escalated more and more, and at one point, Gold outright sexually assaulted somebody with a serrated knife. Intergen continued to excuse this action, justifying it with how young he was and with the excuse that "he was raised badly" and that "nobody tried to help him", both of which are not enough to excuse r/pe.
ive collected an assortment of screenshots from this specific situation to demonstrate the gist of how bad they are, and unfortunately, thats not all that theyve done, however, as stated earlier, i cannot go too deep into their activities to find more things, but i will still explain them nonetheless.
lets start here, context for the next few screenshots is that Gold outright posted that if somebody didnt split a new Silver fictive, then he would kill someone. Note that this took place very shortly after G, and their Silver fictive, had just experienced sexual assault within their system. I will not be expanding on this, as it isnt my place to, i merely provide enough exposition to understand.
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after this was posted, Bennett (who went by Gxld at the time), a fictive in our system (who was dating G's Silver fictive when this happened.), confronted him on how messed up saying that was, which caused Gold to attempt to guilt trip/play the victim, claiming he didn't want to be that way. In fact, Intergen originally justified Gold's actions under "an act of mania" as well.
context notes: Eurydice was Gold's caretaker in this system, though the role was very much forced upon her, and they expected her to solve all of his issues. Insomnisilver is also an alter in G's system.
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Now, after this incident occurred, Intergen decided to let Gold latch onto their Silver fictive, who was also dating someone in our system, whos referred to as "🔶" (the emoji shows up as an empty box.)
"🔶" was not informed of this whatsoever, and while it may have been "needed" for Gold to not hurt anyone else, it was still insensitive and wrong to let a genuinely dangerous person who had previously committed unspeakable crimes cling to anyone who was previously in a relationship, even if not romantically. This is the conversation "🔶" had with them after spotting them on feed. Understandably, he was extremely upset, and left front.
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This is where things get worse. A persecutor in our system, the ❔ proxy, confronted Gold, and Gold immediately lashed out and began to threaten them, accusing them of hating him, guilt tripping, and claiming insanity was the reason he did these things, including the s/a. This is the conversation they had.
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(note for above image: intergen has, multiple times, suggested or implied that they wanted us to force a split in this system for various reasons, Gold saying to find another Silver is an example of this. he also claims insanity is the reason that he's llike this, when he was 100% in his right mind and aware that his actions were wrong.)
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In regards to the "nsfw shit" ❔ talks about, there was a deleted comment before ❔'s that consisted of Gold telling ❔ "go fuck yourself with a cactus". Gold deleted it after it was called out as wrong.
these posts was made shortly after the conversation ended, and it was Gold claiming that everyone else was attacking him for how he is, claiming he couldn't control how he was and trying to play the victim when the fact id that he was a r/pist, there was no working around that, and everyine in intergen tried to justify it or blame others for it.
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Now, a good handful of things happened between this and being cut off, but it mostly consisted of the same thing. Guilt tripping and claiming it was everyone elses fault. These next screenshots are from after we were cut off, and were found through a spare account they were still following us on.
1: Felix (the host) disregarding the abuse he caused and abuse victims, and claiming that he didn't care, and "only wanted to survive".
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2: An alter in their system (no, not a sexual protector or anything like that.) posting explicit NSFW knowing that minors followed their account. (hidden via link for safety.)
3: Claiming that it was our fault and that nobody tried to help Gold after he committed s/a, which was a blatant lie; multiple attempts were made but fell flat, and there is only so much "help" that a r/pist deserves when the crime was voluntary, no matter how young he was.
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"But wait, who are "Ellis" and "Bailey?"
Ellis/Joel (.YesIHaveThoughts on Q) is a 22 year old adult host of a system who was horrible to a little in G's system and outright chose to try and stay friends with us, G, *and* Intergen, even after knowing Intergen was a gr//mer and abuser, before cutting both of us off and staying with Intergen. They also willingly accepted Gold into their "found family", being aware that he was a r/pist, and agreed with Intergen claiming that Gold was mirroring behaviors he saw, and that we never attempted to help, and also tried to justify the fact that he sexually assulted someone.
Ellis would also continuously bash an alter in G's system ( who was a persecutor ) for doing their job and speaking out against Ellis' abuse. They (Ellis/Joel) would also act like a child whenever an issue arose, and tried to justify the fact that they stayed with an abusive groomer with the excuse that " they were too attached ". Ellis was *not* a victim in the situation whatsoever.
Bailey (Account not shown in screenshots) is another friend of Intergen, and the host of an OSDD system, who did the same: chose to stay with Intergen over us, despite knowing about what they did, even going as far as blocking our accounts when another persecutor in this system spoke up about their bad actions and mentioned that it was causing us to be suicidal, and attempt suicide.
" So...what does Ellis have to do with all this? "
1: Accepting a r/pist into their found family.
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2: Agreeing with Intergen's claims that it was our and G's fault that Gold was spiteful and the way he was, claiming that he "got labeled as an issue". In other words, disregarding the fact that he r/ped somebody, and Intergen justifying the action as " self defense ", despite the fact that Gold was not in danger when said incident occurred.
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" So, this is all Intergen's done? "
No. Not by far. Here are some incidents that I wasn't able to get screenshots for:
1: Felix severely injuring an alter in G's system while fighting. The alter was 10, Felix is 18. Others in Intergen's system were constantly egging him on as well.
2: Ruby, a fictive in Intergen, constantly was doublefaced and two-sided to Flores (a littlex in our system who was 8-11 at the time all of this was happening), doing things such as lashing out and threatening to leave her when she didn't want to sleep due to her being too anxious and needing to plan/work, yelling at her for being upset over him supposedly committing suicide and coming back, and trying to turn her against the little in G's system by playing favorites.
3. During a moment when I was venting about our bio father starting to abuse is in more ways than one, Felix said that he "thought you meant sexual abuse too, and was like "oh, so this guys doing that too". joking about s/a, knowing we have s/a trauma.
4' For a long period in our life, our abusive and s/xual offender uncle was living with us, staying in our room. One night when he was sleeping in our room, we expressed worry that something would happen to us, and Intergen posted openly that it was "hopeless" and that "it was going to happen anyway". They were well aware that we were in a bad situation and were openly choosing to be pessimistic where we could see. We don't even remember what happened that night, and due to that, I assume the worst.
5: around the time felix and i first met and became "siblings", i was struggling with s/h and suicide urges. whenever i vented about it or mentioned wanting to or about to harm myself or off myself, felix would threaten to do the same, or threaten me until i was too tired or too upset to harm myself, even though it only had a worse effect and hurt me more. every time i expressed the urge to harm myself, he would threaten to harm himself as well, or tell me to "share the blade".
and no, this is not everything. however, i will update it with more incidents when i have posted it, as my main goal now is simply to get it down.
"About earlier's strange wording about Intergen "supposedly" being a system..."
to put it simply, multiple things in that system happened that we blatantly impossible. alters forcefully "putting memories" into another alters heads so that it matched the source memories of someone outside of the system, nudging us and G to force splits just to please them, even going as far as claiming an alter could "take someone (outside of the system)'s consciousness and put it in a jar" and "demonstrating". it did nothing whatsoever, and since it was "demonstrated" during a time where an alter was being severely harmed, it was seriously fucked up. they go as far as turning everything into a roleplay between our alters and theirs, which made us extremely uncomfortable, as we were never roleplaying being a system, but they seemed to be content in roleplaying and acting as if our alters and theirs were merely characters. i am not outright saying they arent real, but their behavior was extremely suspicious, and these are not just speculations: they are solid evidence.
they also used "execution" as a guilt trip: whenever an alter in their system did something morally wrong or fucked up, they would be "executed", which was just them posting a bunch of shit about killing them and supposedly doing so, or the alter supposedly committed suicide, both of which just resulted in the alter coming back the next day or two after more guilt tripping, and doing more fucked up shit.
"Do they have any other contacts to block or report?"
Yes. On tumblr, Intergen's accounts are as followed: autobluephobia/originalred/mikiappreciation/theonethatwentunheard/christmasgrave/pokepastaparty/catalternate. their discord is gameboysys, just in case someone ends up adding them to a disc server w/o knowing.
Ellis's: yes-i-have-thoughts/upstairs-is-noisy
Bailey: Horror-Theorist/d3partment
" Harassment? "
I'm not going to tell you to harass them or not. Do they deserve it though? Wholeheartedly. All 3 of them were aware that their actions were wrong; so. i'm pretty sure their anons are off, though.
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dappy-dappernette · 2 years
So if you run in similar circles to me, you may have heard awful allegations levied against me. I will not say the name of the person who's spreading these rumours about me, as I'd like to avoid conflict as much as possible and this person is incredibly good at manipulating others through emotions and lying.
TW: For mentions of gr**ming
After a falling out with this person, they've taken it upon themselves to spread lies about my friends and my S/O. The worst and most serious lie they've said about my S/O and I is that when my S/O and I first started dating I was 18 and my S/O 16, and that I had been gr**ming her. This is a bold-faced lie. Currently I am 20 and my S/O is 19 and going onto 20, we are both the same age and were born the same year. With me being born in March and her being born in November.
While this should obviously be enough, I know they'll try to twist this post into "Well Dapp could be lying" so to prove it:
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This is a post my S/O had posted on her 17 birthday, which is November 22 2020.
And this is the intro post I copypasted into a server I made:
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My birthday is March 5th, and I had just turned 18 in 2021. Making the age difference between my S/O and I only 8 months apart on the same year.
While it seems as though this ex-friend of our's might be misremembering our ages and is just trying to do what they thought was right, I am 100% sure they were well aware of my S/O and I's age as we posted it in a server we were all in.
There are other heinous things this person has lied about me, however, since this was the most serious one I felt as though this is the first one I should address. Especially since the other allegations are much more personal and should be kept private between us as a group.
However, if they see this post and decide to make the rest of the situation fully public and name me publicly while doing so, I will not be afraid to defend myself and reveal the whole and true story. With actual evidence. All I want is for this person to leave my friends and me alone, and to stop lying about us to others.
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hamsamwich23 · 2 years
⚠️Tw: gr//ming and manipulation⚠️
The fact that Sonia claims that I was harassing her with my call-out post as well as the fact that she'll go and pretend I "turned against her" because I suddenly"hated her for no reason" is so fucking funny (more below)
When we were friends it wasn't like that at all, I never hated her until I realized what she did to me and many people around her. In fact I was in shock when I found out
before I knew about the fucked up shit she did, before I knew about the gross stuff she put in her aus and before I found out she's a fucking gr//mer, when she wasn't, y'know, manipulating me and making me isolate from people and when she wasn't guilt tripping me for stuff I couldn't even control...
She was my friend (or so I thought)
I loved talking to her and I loved hearing about her aus, almost every day we'd talk and I'd listen to her talk about her latest works and her artwork and her ideas
Because a lot of her au concepts were Interesting and fun to learn about, she seemed like a nice person for the most part....
Until I found out about some of them including nasty stuff as well as just, finding out she's a horrible person in general
I was emotionally (platonically) attached to her, which was part of why I was in denial about her grooming me.
I never hated her until now. I considered her one of my closest friends until I found out the truth. So no. This is not something I'm fucking doing out of "hate" or "spite"
I know you can see this Sonia. I know you're stalking my tumblr.
The only thing I really did was not finish something for her for a trade, but that was because she was shit talking me and I called her out on it, I deleted what she made me from my entire phone (I took screenshots of me deleting them). She went on a hiatus for months as well and I had no way to contact her for more information (starting in June) until after September of this year(I like having people active for me to talk to just in case I need answers for something), it was halfway done, over 800 words and I gave what I had to her before I blocked her. She complained that it took her ten minutes to do sketches, but at the same time she told me to take as much time as I needed, and I told her that if I was working too slow she could rush me if needed.
In fact, that was the only reason I didn't block her immediately. I was still working on the rough draft of it (it was a really long one shot, more of a short story), I wanted to keep my end of the deal before cutting her off (even though she literally fucking gr//med me) but I found it even harder to complete, working on it began to disgust me. I wrote over ten pages in the rough draft, I wanted to make it special, and then I find out she hurt me and so many others. If it weren't for my friend blocking her and Sonia running to me to complain about it and guilt trip me, I wouldn't have been able to block her yet. I still would have been stuck working on the stupid thing.
Sonia is just a disgusting person in general, she may be gone from tumblr but it doesn't mean anything. She needs to be held accountable for her actions. She still has a platform on instagram, a privated account, because she's aware that she's been caught.
And yet, this isn't even the most disgusting thing she's done. But I'm not going to get into that yet. Not here. I still don't feel safe knowing Sonia is stalking me still (come to my face instead of just watching me you fucking weirdo)
All I can say is block and report Sonia, avoid her at all costs. Do not harass her, and PLEASE Don't harass her partner. At all. Leave her partner alone
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nc-vb · 2 years
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I'd been so emotionally baffled by the Elliot Gindi situation that I've stayed off of Twitter for most of the week, so much so that my nails are bitten down to their beds (an old habit I kicked around six years ago, with the current situation bringing it back), but going on for the first time since learning about everything and being bombarded by piece of evidence after piece of evidence, both factual and disproven (confirmed), I've decided to put together a post of links and summaries where you can find this evidence.
As Tumblr only allows a certain number of photos per post, I'll either have things collaged or will have simply added the links to the posts for larger bits of evidence; whatever's necessary.
This compilation will begin beneath the cut of this post to avoid unnecessary exposure to those who wish to scroll past. Additionally, I would like to note a few things to keep in mind while this situation continues to, unfortunately, unfold, in regards to Elliot, the victims, and Genshin Impact.
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Elliot may have voiced Tighnari, but as we all should know and be able to differentiate, he is not the character. There is no point to hating on a collection of pixels. For some, it is difficult to separate the two, or for better phrasing, knowing that Elliot voices/once voiced him, it will be hard for some to not associate the two so closely. Please respect those who have this difficulty. This isn't an easy time, but the conversation on this abuse should not be trained anywhere else but on this matter.
Victim blaming is cruel and senseless. At this point in time, over twenty victims have come out with proof/evidence/information, and as such, they should not be treated with the "looking for attention" party line. Be respectful to the victims during this time, because as hard as you might be taking this news, I can personally assure you that they are taking it much, much harder.
Finally, some of these victims are underage. I'm talking as young as 13, here. All the more reason to not victim blame, as they are literal children. There's nothing more easily manipulated and pliable as a child's mind, something a good, proper adult knows full well. And, the bad ones know this, too, which is why they do what they do, the "what" being all of this.
Be respectful to the other voice actors, as well. Some of them were good friends or good acquaintances or coworkers with Elliot and are also taking this news difficultly. Some more than others, which I'll get into below, as well.
Finally, please remember that when people like this pull stunts like this and reuse and recycle the same tactics on those younger and more impressionable, and then begin "apologizing", it is not for their own guilt. It is for the fact that they were caught, and are now backtracking to try and save their own asses.
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As of February 13th, 2023, there appears to be a formal investigation of Elliot Gindi and all existing evidence has been collected for the purpose of this investigation.
While I will be adding TWs in the tags below, I'll also include them below this paragraph, as I'm sure not everyone has tags blocked on here. I will not be going into any specifics on a case-by-case basis out of respect for the victims, nor will I quote any specific comments/remarks made by Elliot. I don't know if there are words that get triggered for post review here on Tumblr like other sites have, so you might find some words asterisked (*) throughout.
Tw warnings for p*dophilia, tr*nsphobia, gr**ming, ableism, sexual assault, self-harm, emotional abuse, blackmail, mentions of s*icide (manipulation tactics), mentions of eating disorders (sexual relations with minors.
Okay, I think that covers all of that. Let's begin.
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Minor note before we get into things: as it stands, all evidence provided has pointed out undeniable proof of Elliot Gindi being problematic in almost, if not all, every shape, way, and form. I think the only thing he's yet to do is physically act on some of the things he has said over the course of his time of voicing Tighnari. That we're aware of, anyway. But he has admitted to his foul behaviour.
In early February, Twitter member and former Discord mod for Elliot's Twitch channel, FretCore (Matty), came forward with a compilation doc of screenshots of submitted conversations between Elliot and other fans. The original Google Doc has since been removed in accordance with their terms of use rules, but since then, a WordPress site has been created. A majority of the following evidence comes on behalf of them and the other mods, as well as the victims (who remain nameless/anonymous/under aliases).
(I've linked their Twitter account for ease of access; however, please know that the evidence you will find either posted or retweeted there is not for the faint of heart. I advise you to heed general TWs should you choose to browse.)
Before the allegations went live, Elliot had already been in contact with numerous fans since October of 2022, betraying their trust by using their adoration for his work as Tighnari as his weapon of choice. He would target young, influential fans, especially those who had revealed themselves to have a mental health condition that might be easily manipulated, for the purpose of and resulting in installing a power dynamic. Elliot spoke with Corina Boettger (Paimon VA) and mentioned that he "spoke with them", referring to him coming "clean" about his behaviour (I will post her responses in another section below).
On February 6th, 2023, Elliot posted this on Twitter, announcing a "temporary" departure from social media:
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As well as this "apology":
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Over the past two weeks, twenty-four victims have come forward-- Tokki, Kazuya, Haruka, Faru, Atticus, Cal, Luc, Kit, strrbryss, Miki, Aynour (submitted to Matty), An (account protected), Roro, Lei Lanii (account protected), and ten other unnamed victims. Not only were the messages sent by Elliot highly manipulative, but they were extremely inappropriate for multiple reasons. Below, I will tl;dr for you the specifics of each case. I know many of you haven't been able to stomach the details of the situation for numerous valid reasons, and I'm sorry that this has reawakened a lot of pain for everyone in the process.
TW User Tokki (he/they, 17y.o.) shared the messages between them and Elliot where the former VA had been the one to initiate contact. Tokki had been a member of Elliot's Discord server and would frequently message them under the guise of a mental health check-in, until admitting that he took notice of them after they'd posted a cosplay. The use of their dead name and incorrect pronouns went hand-in-hand with fetishizing their sexuality and mentioning other harmful comments in regards involving conversion and transphobia. He also used their mental health history (past and present) to try and cover himself by calling Tokki "crazy"; Tokki later relapsed around New Years and was almost sent to a psychiatric hospital when Elliot threatened to commit. When Elliot was kicked from a private server they were both in, along with Tokki's friends, the two spoke only enough that Tokki eventually blocked him and contacted a mod. TW
TW User Kazuya (pronouns unknown?) shared the messages between them and Elliot that had the former VA using inappropriate nicknames, encouraged them providing sexual favours to him over video and voice recordings, and wound up hospitalized for attempting to comply with one of his requests. Other messages from Elliot included him encouraging Kazuya to get tested for any sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) so they could engage in unprotected sexual intercourse should they ever meet. TW
TW The first unnamed victim sent Elliot a fanart of himself and a nice message. It wasn't soon after that Elliot began making sexual remarks. Elliot deleted their conversation before it could be recorded through screenshots, but Elliot began to fetishize their bisexuality for his own personal enjoyment. TW
TW User Haruka (assuming she/her, based; 20y.o.) also sent Elliot fanart and told him how much she enjoyed his Tighnari work. The conversation, which wasn't expected to become a conversation, quickly escalated into one of sexual remarks from Elliot, that Haruka felt "extremely obligated [to] give him what he wanted" (nudes). Haruka says that before the escalation, she felt "safe" speaking with Elliot, but the 180-degree on both her and the others' situation has since put her in a "horrible mental state". TW
TW User Faru (he/they, 14y.o.; Ace) met Elliot through IG when they sent him fanart and pulls from Genshin. After a bit of kind conversation, Faru opened up about a previous SA where Elliot asked invasive questions on the matter; whenever it got too much and Faru got upset, Elliot would guilt them into rejoining the conversation, which only got more explicit (again, I won't be adding any details here). While all of the cases here are extreme, Faru's evidence has its own TW within one of the screenshots, so please bear this in mind should you decide to read the texts yourself. TW
TW User Atticus (he/they, 18y.o.) had a brief encounter with Elliot through a voice call. He dm'ed Elliot some Tighnari doodles and he called them "cute", before asking if they could chat over call. They did, and it was at first normal, until Elliot eventually turned on his camera and revealed him to be naked and masturbating (Atticus assumes it was to his voice). Atticus was 17 at the time of the incident, and his age was public in his Discord. He immediately left the call and blocked Elliot. TW
TW The second unnamed victim had sent Elliot a Tighnari edit through Twitter, not having Discord. Elliot saw it on his personal account, but messaged them back on a burner account. Elliot almost immediately inquired to their sexuality/gender details and country. It was obvious in the intonation of their text that this unnamed victim felt uncomfortable with the flow of conversation, but felt obligated to indulge him. The two exchanged certain photos, and even multiple voice clips. This victim ghosted Elliot for two weeks, and upon re-entering the conversation, Elliot immediately went into a guilt-trip/self-loathing/pity party that frightened them. Another picture was sent, this one involving self-harm that greatly triggered the victim. They told him to seek help, and presumedly, blocked Elliot. TW
TW User Cal (he/they, 14y.o.) tells that he reached out to Elliot about Tighnari, as well, and Elliot repeated the previous pattern of asking personal questions, asking for Cal's deadname (which he did not give) and for Cal's discord. Elliot eventually asked Cal to delete their IG chats and was manipulated into doing so, so unfortunately, they are unable to provide physical evidence. Two months ago, Elliot asked for a picture of Cal. At this point, it is unclear if Elliot is aware of Cal's true age (unlikely). Elliot throws another self-loathing/pity party. Cal has declined to share anymore information, to spare his mental health. TW
TW User Luc (any pronouns; 21y.o.) spoke to Elliot on their old Discord account around September 2022, having joined Elliot's server with it but quickly leaving as they felt uncomfortable being in a server (general). Elliot private messaged Luc, eventually falling into his same pattern of personal, inappropriate questions of Luc's sexuality, what they had on, where Luc lived, etcetera. When Elliot asked for Luc's Snapchat, Luc declined, not keen on giving it out. The day after, Elliot asked if Luc would join them on video call and masturbate with him. Luc expressed how uncomfortable they felt during this exchange, and demanded he stopped when Elliot asked for photos of Luc's breasts. Elliot began apologizing, and asked Luc to make a new Discord and delete the one used in their conversations, hence why Luc has no available evidence. Luc did send a clothed, full-body picture at Elliot's request, but Elliot made a comment on his thinner appearance (unfortunately, This spanned over two days. TW
TW The third unnamed victim (unknown pronouns, 18y.o.) was also a victim to Elliot's pattern of abuse: the personal, invasive questions once the victim introduced themselves as a supporting fan; "where do you live?"/"what are you wearing?" This victim chatted with Elliot on Discord through an alt account of his and experienced his self-deprecating remarks once being told that they were uncomfortable with the situation, and the fact that he heavily used their trauma against them. The victim believes that after they blocked Elliot, he deleted the alt account. TW
TW User Kit (he/they, 13y.o.) came forward with some of the most sickening evidence that I'd read at this point. In being the youngest victim, it was quite painful reading through his testimony. Their interaction started off the same way as the others, along with the personal questions. Kit assumed he was being friendly and knew his age, as it was posted to his bio. Elliot continued to address Kit with female pronouns despite being informed of Kit being afab. He asked Kit more invasive things (I will not list them) before jumping into the extremely sexual comments, additionally calling Kit "good girl" on a consistent basis, and even sending Kit a dick pic. When it was finally attached to the conversation that Kit is only 13 years old, Elliot goes through his self-deprecating, s*icide-threatening spiel to gain sympathy from Kit, and successfully encourages him to delete their Discord chat. But, Kit kept the receipts. TW
TW User strrbryss (unknown pronouns, 14y.o.) posted their recount of their experience with Elliot on TikTok, which was then sent to Matty. Again, it was the same pattern of manipulative abuse he used on the other fans after receiving an edit from strrbryss: the personal, invasive questions turn to requests for sexual favours, which were, at first, rejected by strrbryss (Elliot managed to manipulate and bait her through threatening s*icide); the self-deprecating remarks. strrbryss blocked him soon after. TW
TW The fourth unnamed victim (unknown pronouns, 14y.o.) opened up to Elliot after having made an alt account for the purpose of sending him fanart, where the former VA created another false place of safety before asking about their personals. This victim unfortunately did provide their personal information. After giving Elliot their Snapchat, he began making advances on them and would ask for nudes, despite making it clear numerous times that they were underage, and even make them sit through inappropriate video calls with him. The fourth victim ultimately stopped talking to Elliot and blocked him, and he deleted their messages. TW
TW The fifth unnamed victim (assumed pronouns being he/they [enby], 20y.o.) sent Elliot fanart, who turned their current fixation of Tighnari into full-on conversations, appearing as a friend to them. Elliot soon began asking for personal audios, admitting to masturbating to one of the voice clips sent by the victim (presumedly?); he would ask to sext with the victim, as well, where they would then try and shift the conversation to get out of it. Elliot began guilt-tripping the victim, getting in their head and using their situation with their friends as a catalyst; he requested explicit videos from the victim, and even photos of their s*lf-h*rm scars. Elliot would eventually start harassing this victim's friends, and ultimately blocked Elliot. TW
TW The sixth unnamed victim (unknown pronouns, 13y.o.) sent their compliments to Elliot on his work as Tighnari through Discord back in late December. They and Elliot began a conversation, talking more regularly until Elliot began asking the same personal questions and attempting to give the victim the same false sense of safety. This victim had already informed Elliot of their age multiple times. Elliot made inappropriate/sexual comments regarding the victim wearing their favourite lipstick after showing just them wearing lipstick (and nothing else) in a photo to him. The victim began to purposely distance themselves from any conversation with Elliot as the inappropriate behaviour progressed, where Elliot then spammed them on Twitter and Discord asking if they were "mad at him". He tried backtracking and "apologizes". The victim has deleted their chats together and has blocked Elliot since. TW
TW The seventh unnamed victim (unknown pronouns, 12/13y.o.) was 12 at the time that they contacted Elliot Gindi to give praise for his voice acting. This victim has a prior of being sexually harassed/gr**med (one of the abusers actually being similar to Elliot), and Tighnari was a comfort character for them. The victim shared their IG handle with Elliot when he asked for photos, and only commented on them (not mentioning the victim's mother, who was also in the picture). He began asking the victim "weird things", such as the type of clothes they wore, if they had a boyfriend, if they could send him a picture of what the victim was presently wearing. The victim would brush off his questions, still wanting to stay connected to "Tighnari". The questions got more sexually inappropriate, to which the victim informed Elliot of their history of being a gr**ming victim. Elliot sent the victim a dick pic along with extremely sexually vulgar comments. These events sent the victim into a panic attack and forced them back into therapy, and even to the greatest extreme of begging their mother to move out of the United States in fear of Elliot. TW
TW The eighth unnamed victim (unknown pronouns, 15y.o.) had conversations with Elliot in vanish mode (due to a previous experience, but also as Elliot said it was "better that way"). The two sexted back and forth. The victim had heard that it was "easy to get a response from him" and wanted to speak to the voice actor of her favourite character. Elliot lured them in by providing them his Tighnari voice for NSFW roleplays. When the victim explained that they were getting bored of Genshin Impact, Elliot immediately began guilt-tripping them, saying that they "just hated him and wanted to use him for his voice and talents", that "he should just disappear then if [they're] so bored", that they were "breaking his heart". The victim (thankfully) recognized his behaviour and kept their distance, eventually deleting the messages from their conversations (five conversation took place beginning late December, three of which were sexual). TW
TW The ninth unnamed victim (unknown pronouns, 26y.o.), while they didn't suffer from any sexual advances from Elliot after initiating conversation with him over IG, they were on the receiving end of Elliot's request for them to s*lf-h*rm relapse. He even attempted to gaslight the victim by saying "if you really cared for me". They had to "lecture" Elliot about asking for this. TW
TW User Miki (he/they/she, 13y.o.) says they don't have any evidence of the "cringy sex talk", but managed to keep the screenshot from the day Elliot threatened them. They assume he has kept the nudes they sent him, as he also threatened to share them if they revealed anything of their interactions. Miki is currently suffering through depression, and shares their regards to the other victims. TW
TW User Aynour (assumed pronouns being she/they, unknown age) was a lip MUA and would post the looks on IG, at the time that they messaged Elliot to compliment him and his work. He complimented them in turn and asked if they could video call while they put on their makeup. He didn't say much during the interaction and his camera had an odd angle to it; Aynour later found out that Elliot was touching himself to her applying lipstick. Elliot proceeded to make sexually inappropriate comments that made Aynour so uncomfortable that she immediately ended the call. Elliot apologized later, dubbing what happened during the call a "misunderstanding", and telling Aynour that he thought they knew he'd been "interested in [me] sexually". Aynour does not have the screenshots, as they deleted their entire IG account after being unable to take the thought of anyone looking at any of their photos and thinking the same thoughts that Elliot voiced to them. "I can't put on lipstick anymore." TW
TW The tenth unnamed victim (now "named" Rhea; assumed pronouns being she/they, 19y.o.) was a member of his Discord server and complimented Elliot on his voice work for Tighnari; they additionally said they enjoyed the stream Elliot had done with CyYu (Cyno's voice actor), and when they went on about the latter, Elliot showed signs of jealousy. When the victim opened up about a prior sexual assault by a family member, Elliot inquired if they "liked it", to which the victim informed him that the event had been why they were now into females only. Elliot proposed that he change this for them, himself, or by means of a threesome with another fan. Elliot exploded on the victim, lying and bringing up CyYu's name in the guise of him hating the victim, and saying that the victim was "a disgusting attention seeker that plotted against him to ruin his career". Elliot's response was enough to send the victim to seeking psychiatric help and stayed in a psych ward for two weeks; they stopped playing Genshin, stopped watching Twitch, stayed indoors. The victim finally told their mother what happened and both had gone to the authorities and sought an attorney's help. The victim deleted their Discord and the evidence, after being told they couldn't help with this situation. The victim laments that they allowed themself to be fooled by his words, and that he manipulated them into hating CyYu from Elliot's lies, leading them to tear up a treasured autograph from CyYu. Elliot, before the evidence from this victim could even be posted, sent this victim more messages (20 minutes before Matty posted the evidence). TW
TW User An (they/it, 16/17y.o.) met Elliot on Discord in the beginning of December, and complimented him on his work in Genshin. A few days after talking, the two would voice chat (vchat?), when Elliot commented on their voice and how attractive it was. On December 27th, Elliot began asking An about their sexual fantasies, and asked them to show their face to him. An would ask him to stop, and after An told their friend, Kishke, about the situation, Elliot told An to delete their messages-- and An would, if he apologized. He "did", and An deleted them. Elliot then threatened s*icide and s*lf-h*rm to get his way, using the words "If you tell anyone else, I might have to kill myself". An would try to talk him out of s*icide, and Elliot proceeded to sexualize them helping him, calling their efforts "sexy". The day after, An blocked Elliot on Discord and Twitter. TW
TW User Roro (unknown pronouns, 19y.o.) contacted Elliot two weeks before their 19th birthday, to express how much she loved his character and the voice used for him. After a bit of conversation, and Roro saying they've done some commercial work on the side, Elliot proceeds to make a sexual comment/joke(?) about their voice. Elliot would ask stranger questions, specifically regarding if they'd had bottom surgery. Roro later offhandedly mentioned having a Tighnari pillow, to which Elliot asked them to send a video of them humping it-- Roro blocked him and deleted the messages. TW
TW User Lei Lanii (unknown pronouns, 16y.o. - 21y.o.) met Elliot much earlier than the aforementioned victims, in a Pokemon server called PokemonGoGo, where Elliot defended Lei Lanii when they'd been bullied for their art, and then sent them a friend request. From the age of 16, Lei Lanii and Elliot would speak often, the latter consistently sending Lei Lanii compliments about them and their art, and eventually, asking them if they would sneak out to see him, or draw lewd art for him. Elliot would trick and gaslight Lei Lanii into clinging to him (they have attachment issues), and they have been speaking ever since. Please, if you decide to read their evidence, it is very triggering. Caution yourself. TW
Even now, more victims are coming out with statements. Unfortunately, it is too vast a number to keep up with. Should the WordPress document ran by Matty be updated, I will add them into this posting. I only relay information, but I am not in a place to verify truth or falsities.
February 15th, 2023 @ 9:30 PM "Dear Travelers, After communications with the voice recording agency, we hereby confirm that Elliot Gindi, the English voice actor for Tighnari will no longer be voicing the character in subsequent versions due to a breach of contract. "At present, we are communicating with the voice recording agency regarding matters of casting and re-recording. We will gradually replace Tighnari's existing in-game voice lines, and issue these updates in the corresponding announcements. Thank you for your support, Travelers!"
The following are comments and statements supplied by the Genshin Impact English voice cast (as of February 15th). I've likely missed some. There's a lot.
Corina Boettger (voice of Paimon)
"I was one of the people he called before this all came out 2 days ago to "come clean". Which I don't know why. Besides a few random tweets I haven't had a direct conversation with him since I think august last year. I feel gross that he came to me. Worse is that he told another person that I "took it well". Which makes me feel gross that he thought I was on his side. I wasn't. Even him watering down the situation I told him it was bad. And yeah over the call I didn't yell or freak out but that doesn't mean I was okay. I shut down. My partner has had to deal with my mental state for the aftermath of this & it is not good. Cause at that point Elliot told me he didn't think anyone would come forward because he "talked to them" which really just tells me he tried to manipulate them more. But I was immediately in a position where I was thinking "who do I go to... I have to let people know he isn't safe". Luckily shortly after that call someone else reached out to me and notified me that things were in motion, people were being notified, and then they also sent me the actual severity of what happened. I knew he wasn't giving me the full truth. He even alluded to me that because one of the victims had a mental disorder that they don't really have the wherewithal to come forward. Which completely broke me. To be honest I disassociated through the conversation so I am only remembering what I can but my partner was there during the conversation and I was on speakerphone so I know I didn't imagine it. But I am autistic. I know with previous experience how I was scouted by abusers because of it. Cause then my word would not be trusted. Also when he told me he made sure everything was deleted so they have no "real proof" I told him that was stupid cause if you did nothing wrong you wouldn't have had them delete anything. He knew. He knew what he was doing was wrong and he did it anyway. And I feel so gross and sick that he came to me like I was a friend when I never was. I had a feeling from the start something was off about him but I said nothing because you're not supposed to judge people instantly like that. I feel like maybe if I had spoken up no one would have gotten hurt. But all I had was my gut instinct at the time. Thank you to those that came forward. It isn't easy. You didn't deserve this. And I'm sorry this happened to you. I feel so guilty. I feel like I could have helped more. He knew it was bad or he wouldn't have called me to try to change the narrative before it was even out. He even told me that he was going to contact others he worked with. Meaning he was trying to garner support before it happened. I wish when he told me I yelled at him. I wanted to. But I thought that would make it worse for the victims. I also thought maybe if I kept calm he would give me more info so I could help the victims. But it made me sick. I feel sick for not telling him right then and there to f*ck off. I replay what I can remember from the conversation over and over thinking "yes you told him what he did was bad but you could have done more" cause the fact that he told others I took it well? That just makes me so angry. I cried after that call. My partner has done nothing but comfort me the last 2 days saying I did the right thing. Thank god someone contacted me shortly after that call saying they had it handled and that the victims were safe. Because I really thought it was just down to me at that point and I had no idea who the victims were or how to handle it. I wish I could have done more to help. I wish my stupid disability didn't make me shut down when dealing with stress especially when there are people who are hurting who could have used my help.
Zach Aguilar (voice of Aether)
Disappointed and angry. I have removed the stream with Elliot and will no longer be associating with him. I refuse to give someone like this a platform in any way. To use your power this way over fans is disgusting and shameful. My heart goes out for the victims of this situation
Sarah Miller-Crews (voice of Lumine)
Shocked and disgusted. I’m sending all my heart to the victims of this situation, I hope all of you are okay. Elliot’s behavior is absolutely inexcusable and he won’t be part of any group streams I help organize in the future.
Cristina Vee Valenzuela (voice of Bennett & Xingqiu)
I am so sorry to all the victims of that person’s horrible and inexcusable actions. I’m so appalled and disgusted. I didn’t know them well but I have cut all ties. Recovery can be a long and difficult journey, please be strong.
Brianna Knickerbocker (voice of Hu Tao)
I am furious. HOW DARE Elliot threaten to take his life if the victims came forward. Truly sick in the head. Everything Elliot has done has left me so angry and triggered. There needs to be consequences for his actions. There needs to be support for the victims. BELIEVE VICTIMS. Victims. Please speak up if and when safe to do so, please don't stop speaking up. I'm so sorry we live in such a dark place with such disgusting predators, groomers. I'm sorry it's hard and scary to speak up. Don't let them silence you. Don't let them win. I BELIEVE YOU.
Brandon Winckler (voice of Tomo, Takuya, Nervous An)
As an actor you have a responsibility for how you handle yourself with fans. Alot of these people are literal children. They adore you/the characters you play. To take advantage of that is beyond gross. In an industry like ours, fandoms can be a reprieve from actual issues some face. I remember how much my fav shows and games would help me. This just really disappoints me beyond belief. It happens too often.
Valory Pierce (voice of Tanina, NPC)
When you’re considered a public figure, it is your sole responsibility to set appropriate and respectful boundaries especially with fans and admirers of your work. But taking advantage of someone else’s fragile mental-health for your own narcissistic pleasure? Absolutely vile.
Allegra Clark (voice of Beidou)
It is critical—as actors, streamers, content creators, whatever your profession—that we be aware of dynamics in relationships between us and the people who consume our work. which is a fancy way of saying don't knowingly pursue fans and especially underage ones CHRIST It shouldn't have to be said, but also, why do people even THINK about that? Why do people meet fans and think about getting their dicks wet (literal or metaphorical)? Why is that something that occurs to people? Why do people LITERALLY seek out fans like that? As baffling as it is to me, I'm fully aware that people look up to me. We aren't trained on how to deal with that, but simultaneously there's a difference between being awkward and *PREYING ON FANS* I'm just. Really angry about this. So much love to the victims, that shouldn't have ever happened to you. The community deserves better. It costs $0 to not be like that. also while I'm venting about his stupid decisions, nonblack people shouldn't say the n-word. idc if you're a person of color, if you're nonblack? get that word out of your mouth. holy shit.
Cory Yee (voice of Gorou)
Like many of my peers and the community, I am thoroughly disgusted by Elliot’s actions. The victims’ bravery is so very important here, and I stand in support of them. My heart goes out to them, but even so it feels so woefully insufficient. Since I found out about what happened, I’ve been reflecting about what to say, and it’s been incredibly hard to put words down. It makes me sick to think about the platform we’ve been gifted being used for such acts. Care and empathy must always be at the center of any community It’s our responsibility as public figures to protect and listen to our community. It’s also our responsibility to create spaces for voices to be heard. And it’s our responsibility to provide a safe place where people can trust one another. I hope the victims will be able to have some level of closure and healing over time. And I can’t speak for everyone, but I know so many of the members of my part of the Genshin fandom stand with the victims, including me.
Christina Costello (voice of Collei)
I’ve spent the last few days viewing my kindness as a flaw and telling myself I need to change it desperately. I now see it’s not a flaw, it’s my strength. Even if I’ve been burned because of it, it’s still my strength. I am with you all. My heart is with you all. I do not know if I will ever have the right words to say. I’m still blinded by anger and hurt right now. But please know my heart is with you all. I’m sorry. Sorry that your light has been taken advantage of. Please continue to let that light shine. Please be kind to yourselves. It has taken me a long to accept that sometimes, kindness is simply manipulated. It hurts. It’s anger introducing. But it doesn’t mean I should stop being kind. I’m proud of the person I am. Working on being kinder to myself, so please, keep being kind to yourselves too 💕 I love you means nothing when it’s being used to manipulate and cause harm. “Kindness” means nothing when it’s being used to manipulate and cause harm. Once again I am so sorry your lights were taken advantage of. I truly understand. I’m so sorry. Please continue to shine. Shine bright, loud, and continue to be your powerful selves. My heart is with you. At the very least, my kindness was (and still is) real, genuine, and came from my heart. Even if the kindness I received back was not. I was still kind. And I’m proud of that. But how dare you be “kind” to others with the intention to hurt them.
Ratana (voice of Yae Miko)
Fame- at any level- comes with a responsibility to its fandom. I do not condone predatory behavior at all. To those affected: thank you for speaking up. I'm holding space for your healing + peace. I'm sad, angry, and so so effing tired. You deserve better.
Chris Tergliafera (voice of Capitano)
Fans sending fan art of a character you voice is such an honor. To take their love for the character as an opportunity to groom/manipulate them is pure evil. My heart hurts for all the victims. No excuses for it, period. Go away, get help, don’t come back. With new survivors coming to light, I want to share some Red Flags to look out for when talking online with any online celebrity, voice actor, influencer, etc. Let's not allow another Elliot Gindi to hurt others, ever again. I also want to say how incredibly proud I am of how every survivor responded to his evil. Y'all knew something was wrong and took the right steps by either cutting contact or telling someone. This was MAJOR manipulation/grooming and you all stood tall to prevent future victims. Additionally, Chris has made a TikTok video in response.
Ashley Biski (voice of Layla)
Why is it so hard to be a decent human being?? My heart, my love, and my prayers go out to anyone that was hurt in this situation. And you are so strong and brave for speaking out Now to say I’m pissed off is an understatement. So do not EVER utter my name, it’s consonants, or it’s vowels in the same breath as that persons. Please and thank you. Not all VA’s are bad. & so many of us do what we do to bring joy and a safe way of escape from the turmoils of the world to those that consume our media. Now with that being said I am very loving, kind, and I mind my business, but know that I am NOT the one to play with. Trust. And I'm not retweeting no damn "apology". You're sorry you got CAUGHT. So please seek help. I have seen some peers literally take this situation that you have zero to do with and instead of just saying something in support of the victims you decide to use this as another “moment” for yourself. And I say another because you love to have a moment. If I see it again I’m calling you out and I’m flaming you. So don’t let the fact that you are a VA on Twitter with a couple thousand followers get you caught up, because the thing about me is that I scrap for real. And let this be a warning for anyone else in this industry that’s doing some dirty, grimy, underhanded stuff. You woke up the lion so trust you will be dealt with. Have a nice night. I am literally sick to know that I did a couple streams with Elliot. Like I want to vomit. But for him to use a cast mates name to lure people in?! “Alexa, play ‘Knuck if you buck’” cuz at this point I have no words anymore. I’m ready to fight. In response to unnamed victim ten: I want you to know how proud I am of you. Continue to chase your dreams. If you still wanna be a VA I pray he hears your voice in every game, every cartoon, every commercial til it haunts him in his sleep. I am currently your biggest fan so don’t stop! I just wanna end the night with saying I have never been more proud to be apart of the #GenshinImpact community. Y’all are ride or die for real! You have shown tremendous support for these sweet victims and also sent love to us in the cast that I genuinely feel. & I’m sorry I tweet kinda scrappy lol. Im usually easygoing & mind my business but once you piss me off it’s over. For someone to look & act the way he did he really had the audacity. But that’s okay cuz he has another thing coming. Layla may be asleep but Ashe is wide awake!
Alejandro Saab/CyYuVtuber (voice of Cyno)
Sorry for the delay on this, I’ve been at the hospital all day What Elliot did is awful, vile and I’m sorry to all the victims he affected. It’s inexcusable and I’m hurting physically and emotionally! I do not condone any of his disgusting actions. I’m mad, sad and just… frustrated. I considered him a friend and this… this sucks and I’m sorry. My heart goes out to all the victims he affected. Love you guys and you all deserve better Afterwards: I wasn’t to make this tweet cause I thought I said my piece. But after I found out he was using my FUCKING NAME to lure folks in. I gotta say something. I barely knew Elliot Gindi. We literally just played games together. The first time I talked to him was on a live stream Then we literally just talked about collabing on stream and the occasional dumb joke or something Genshin. That was the literal extent of any relationship we had. Just because I voice Cyno and he WAS Tighnari, doesn’t mean it went any deeper than that. I’m sorry to anyone he made false promises to, he used, abused, sexualized, and any other unspeakable shit I’m unaware of he’s done. He’s a FUCKING DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING and I beg he gets recast as quickly as possible. I know it may take some time, but the sooner the better. I’ll probably address it a hundred times. But we were not close. At all. We could’ve been, but no. That’ll never happen. He’s fucking scum, and I hope karma comes his way soon. I’m sorry guys.
Kelsey Jaffer (voice of Yao Yao)
My stomach is in knots…this is a lot to deal with for us, and I know it is for a lot of you. Please be gentle with each other and with yourselves. Take some time off of social media today, if you need—I’m going to. Do something that makes you smile. Be well, everyone. I can’t say anything that’s not already been said, but I just wanna make it clear that the victims of Elli*t’s rancid behavior are incredibly brave & deserving of love &support. victim-blaming, shaming, or minimizing won’t be tolerated—& neither will anyone twisting the situation People love to exaggerate certain parts of a story and minimize others, especially online and on this platform. Don’t let any hot takes, nitpicking or conspiracy theories distract from the issue at hand—what the victims had to go through. I see you and support you. Thank you to everyone who had a hand in making Hoyoverse aware of this horrible situation--you were clearly heard and considered. This is a step in the right direction, and I hope it gives some of the victims even a little peace
Kelly Baskin (voice of Amber)
Disappointed and angry with the actions of a fellow cast member. Sending love and healing to all of the victims. Thank you for speaking up. Y’all, I beg of you, please stop apologizing to the internet when you have personal circumstances to attend to. You have the right to your privacy and people understand. The interweb will still be here; take care of yourselves, unapologetically. Said with love.
Risa Mei (voice of Kokomi)
I am incredibly outraged. What happened was disgusting and inexcusable. That is predatory behavior and I do NOT tolerate any of it. My heart goes out to the victims in this situation. I am so sorry. Thank you for those who were brave enough to come forward, that is not easy. There are so many of us hurting today, so please be kind to each other out there and do what you need to do to protect your mental health
Judy Alice Lee (voice of Yunjin)
Matthew Greenbaum (voice of Azhdaha)
Regarding the situation with Elliot Gindi. I'm disgusted to see someone use whatever tiny modicum of fame they have to take advantage of their fan base. It should go without saying, but if you have a fan base, it is crucial that you set strict boundaries and don't cross them. My heart goes out to the fans and the victims, you deserve better. For any fan who needs to hear this, don't trust anyone you don't know reaching out to you randomly online. Those of us who are safe would never do that in the first place, so if someone does that, red flag. If there's anyone who hopes to be best friends with their favorite voice actor, let me pull back the curtain real quick: we're not any more cool than anyone else. Many of us are so overworked that we don't know how to talk about anything else. Otherwise we're average people.
Valeria Rodriguez (voice of Sucrose)
Everyone makes mistakes. Lots of us struggle with our mental health & there's not a single human without flaws/issues. But he should have known better. Especially being older. ESPECIALLY now. It is not hard to not be scummy. Not once- But twice, I'm a survivor of almost this exact same thing. I hated having my innocence crushed and taken away by them. I'm so sorry to those affected by his actions. You do not deserve that from ANYONE. Least of all someone you trusted and looked up to. To clarify- The beginning of my 1st tweet is, "Mental health is not an excuse." We must ALWAYS take accountability. Moreso- we have the power & foresight to make sure we don't hurt people because of it. It was not a simple "mistake" on his part. There was no excuse. That's all.
Sean Chiplock (voice of Diluc)
If/When Tighnari is recast in light of the absolute horror of this past week, please remember one extra thing - *DO NOT* associate the new actor, performance, the character with Elliot's horrific acts. They shouldn't suffer for the 'crime' of being tasked with his replacement. “If” exists solely because neither I nor any of the cast have the power to make that decision for them. Of COURSE we’d hope the decision will be an obvious one, though.
Nazeeh H. Tarsha (voice of Alhaitham)
Absolutely vile, heinous and despicable. To the victims, coming forth is not an easy thing to do by any stretch of the imagination. Your bravery is nothing short of admirable. May you find some semblance of solace in the outpouring of support and begin your healing process.
Khoi Dao (voice of Albedo)
Absolutely fucking gutted. No one should abuse their power like that, and no level of fame could ever excuse it or make it anything less than fucking horrible. My heart goes out to the victims. I’m sorry you had to be brave like this today, and I hope you can find a way to heal. Every time we learn something new about Elliot my heart breaks all over again. Knowing he hurt so many of you in such profoundly evil ways rots me to my core. To those who came forward, for what it’s worth, I want you to know I see you, I believe you, and I’m with you.
Chelsea Kwoka (voice of Shenhe)
To the victims, your feelings and boundaries are valid. To everyone affected, my heart goes out to you. I’m often intimidated by this platform, but please know the cast stands with you. Regarding VA update: It doesn’t change what he did, but I’m proud to work for a company that listens to its employees and customers. I hope this brings everyone affected some amount of peace
Anne Yatco (voice of Raiden Shogun/Raiden Ei)
It's hard to put my feelings to words. People with public visibility (actors) bear a responsibility to treat their fans w/ respect. To do the opposite or worse is absolutely inexcusable. If you're hurting, I'm sorry. If you spoke up, thank you. I had no clue. I’m sad and angry. I’m canceling today’s streams. To be honest, I’m too angry to stream. Please take care of yourselves and each other. And to the people that Elliot hurt, my heart goes out to all of you. It was so brave of you to speak out, and I hope you can begin the healing process.
Jenny Yokobori (voice of Yoimiya)
Now that I have more spoons: Elliot Gindi is abhorrent. The abuse that he inflicted upon his victims is unforgivable. I am absolutely disgusted with him and anyone trying to defend him. I wish nothing but peace for the victims. I don’t give a shit about any “apology”, though “I want to be a champion for women” You can keep it. Stay away from any afab people for as long as you live. “I’m not used to having this much attention!” AS IF THE REST OF US ARE Genshin BLEW up and a lot of us have entered the public eye very quickly. I’m so goddamn sick of the excuse of “sudden fame” for these predators. A lot of followers doesn’t make you a predator. You were just a predator waiting for a lot of followers. This is ESPECIALLY obvious since he admits he went after a specific victim BECAUSE they were a fan
Jennifer Losi (voice of Ganyu)
To the brave folks who shined a light on the predatory behavior of a voice actor in our community: thank you for stepping forward to protect others. I am holding space in my heart for anyone who was hurt by this horrific misuse of his platform and your trust. People with bad intentions don't show their true colors to everyone and continually try to build allies for exactly this sort of moment. If you are replaying every conversation in your mind right now, please know this is not your fault. For the victims: you are not alone. Many of us have been in coercive situations that wish we had been able to handle differently at the time. It's easy to blame yourself when other people take advantage of your vulnerabilities. Please don't. Be kind to yourselves today.
Bradley Gareth (voice of Yuehui, Hishida, Uncle He)
It really isn’t that hard to be a voice actor without being a total creep We go into the little box to make silly voices. Some people, usually impressionable people, usually young people, get really attached to the characters we play. We as voice actors enjoy a little bit of celebrity, a little bit of power with these people. Don’t abuse that. If you feel yourself being tempted to do any of this bullshit to fans, especially younger ones, 1. Close your fucking DMs 2. Seek psychiatric care Deeply embarrassed to even be in the same field that keeps having this problem. Please believe all the victims and support them in this difficult time. Do not be surprised if the perpetrator decides to embrace people who don’t believe in any victims at all.
Stephanie Southerland (voice of Jean)
Just becoming aware of the situation with Elliot. I'm disgusted & upset to say the least. To anyone who has been taken advantage of, my heart hurts for you. Speaking up is so difficult but please know that the rest of the cast stands with you.
Marco Domenico (Meatball) (voice of Dvorak)
As a person who covers a lot of Genshin Impact content on my channel and now a member of the cast, I just want to say I'm sorry this terrible shit happened. In fact, it's completely fucked. a LOT of people lean on you when they feel safe with you. Be Responsible.
Robb Moreira (voice of Mika)
As actors, we have a responsibility to represent ourselves, our clients, and the characters we represent with decorum and respect. Responsibility to treat fans with the same decorum and respect. Responsibility to know that people are safely interacting with you. To take advantage of the trust between actor and fan for your own heinous goals is inexcusable, regardless of the guilt you feel. Which only exists BECAUSE you were caught. Underage grooming is disgusting, vile and the worst act an actor can do. I stand with all victims
Laura Stahl (voice of Barbara & Xinyan)
im so sick and heartbroken to those who have been hurt, you have my love and sympathy. to those who came forward i admire your strength. i wish you never had to use it this way. our community is so precious, and you all deserve so much better. please take time to heal.
Chris Faiella (Genshin Impact voice director)
I appreciate everyone bringing the situation regarding Elliot to my attention. To say I'm angry, disappointed, and heartbroken about it all, would be an understatement. My heart goes out to anyone who has been victimized by this unacceptable and inappropriate behavior. I personally would like to champion the ones who stepped forward and brought all of this to light. Trust that I am doing everything that I can, using what limited power I do have, to rectify this situation and will absolutely inform the folks at miHoYo. I appreciate all of your love, concern, support, and vigilance.
Mick Wingert (voice of Dottore)
I just became aware of the #elliotgindi allegations. I have no comment on Elliot, as I don’t know him, but to the #genshintwt and #dottoretwt communities: Your boundaries are important and valid. No person, no matter how famous is allowed to compromise them.
Erika Harlacher-Stone (voice of Venti)
Furious. Elliot Gindi has been removed from all group streams/activities I have any part in organizing moving forward. I’m… this is really triggering for me… Honestly I thought he was rude and egotistical from my first interaction with him but didn't want to exclude castmates based on a personality clash. Should've trusted my instincts.
Josey Montana McCoy (voice of Kaeya)
I stand with the victims of this (and all) abhorrent bull shit. It’s our responsibility as actors to hold the boundaries of professionalism and basic decency. Believe victims.
Jackie Lastra (voice of Xiangling)
Now that I’ve sat with my feelings I want to address the Elliot Gindi situation. I’m an appalled at everything that’s come to light. Fans trust you with their hearts & to abuse that trust & take advantage of your position is deplorable. My heart is with the victims. We see you.
Griffin Burns (voice of Tartaglia/Childe)
I just wanted to say… to the victims of a certain actor’s predatory behavior, you are so brave for sharing your stories and I support you. What they did is abusive and simply inexcusable. No one deserves to be treated that way. Stay strong comrades, you’ve got this!
Patrick Pedraza (voice of Scaramouche/Wanderer)
Hey y’all. Im one of the few on the Genshin cast that is married and has a 5 year old daughter. Shit hits different when you think of someone physically or mentally abusing your kid. The thing that sucks, is you can only do so much to protect them, as the world and lots of people are unstable. I wish I knew the answers. All I can do is lead with love and do my best. I hope whoever is hurting right now because of abuse or other trauma seeks help and uses the hard situations in life to grow stronger and more resilient. Love y’all.
Emi Lo (voice of Columbina)
"Fame" should never be an excuse to be a manipulative creep and to take advantage of those who admire you. NOTHING should ever be an excuse to do that. It's disgusting behavior, and my heart goes out to those affected - whether they have come forward or not.
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I hope this was safely informative. I know, it's a lot. I'm sorry to all. I deeply empathize with this current struggle. For anyone wishing to talk/discuss things, my inbox (and arms) are wide open. Let's heal together. 💕
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FretCore (Matty) - Twitter
Arrest Elliot Gindi evidence site - WordPress
Discord convos between Elliot & his moderators - WordPress
Burner accounts used by Elliot to contact victims - WordPress
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Skyheart canonical has kits with Reedtail, but they're never described. SO I"M THINKINNNNGGGG Sidenote: I LOVE cannon!Mosspelt, her story is so unintentionally horrific and interesting:
(Tw/Gr*ming) She has kits at an apprentice/new warrior stage of life, Fuck Fr*ogleap(End Tw),
I'm not sure if you want to keep that plot BUT if you don't, you can give Robin, Wood, and Dawn to SkyMisty; Maybe Reedtail is the Donor
Alternatively, here's a list of RC with no known Parents (born after/during the 1st arc): Beechfur (Rumored to be the father of WC Gorsetail's kits but nothing has been confirmed), Copper/Cypress/Wavepaw (show up in one book), Swallowtail, Rainstorm, Minfur (unofficially a family but no canon kin besides Mintfur's kits), Mossyfoot (Cute), Oatpaw, Blackbee (Code of the clans but cool names), Duckpaw, Rushpaw, Tanglepaw (Field guide but also cool names), Eeltail, Foxnose, Shimmerpelt, Duskfur, Troutstream, Lakeheart,
OOO these are all good options!!! this has made me realize that I may have accidentally deleted Mosspelt's kits from existence LOL
alywaysss I think once i get to writing up later allegiances I will give Misty and Sky a litter that is born in a later arc, possibly one of the ones you listed, I really like the names Copper, Cypress and Wave so I may choose them hehe
Also I only just realized that Skyheart and Blackclaw were Leopard's adoptive siblings??? Even MORE drama! Leopard and Misty choose Black to be their litter's donor bec he's Leopard's brother, then Leopard and Black both disown Misty and her kits after her Thunder parentage was revealed. and then Sky, the only good sibling apparently, decides to help out Misty after her two shitty siblings fucked her over. Sky is the superior sibling! Sky said fuck you Leopard, if your going to divorce your 10/10 Wife then im going to date her instead and treat her right!
ALSO ALSO I will probably change Mosspelt's story, I think she is going to be a caretaker instead of a queen in the first arc! Or she's aged up... depends on how things go! Im working giving all the characters concrete ages rn so a lot of cat's canon ages may change!
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rosebudbl00d · 9 months
TW for gr//ming and nsfw topics
For people who may be unaware, user elichu (though now he goes by pank00t) participated and engaged in nsfw roleplay with minors while he was an adult and engaged in grooming behaviors. He is not a safe person to be around and he keeps trying to come back. Mainly he interacted in the mcsm fandom back when this first originated but now it appears that he's doing more good omens shit, but that really doesn't matter. A detailed callout post is on instagram under the account @/cappybara31 if you want to know more about the situation.
Outside of this multiple people, including Elichu's ex-partner, have mentioned his weird behavior. For the sake of your own safety please do not interact with him, and all of this goes without saying please don't go and harass him either. Death threats and doxxing and all that will not help the situation at all, the most you can do is block and report them.
He genuinely makes me unsafe myself and I would not trust anyone with him whether or not he says he's changed. If you know anyone who unknowingly supports him please let them know, thank you.
cappybara callpost:
axelmcsm callout post
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painwolffz · 7 months
tw for mentions of csa and gr**ming
i might create a tumblr post exposing a disgusting sub reddit i came across that is against stuff like ageism, and the ownership of children, but also thinks gr**ming and csa are okay, and goes as far as to believe teenagers and kids are adults as well as blame victims for caring abt children. like what the fuck bro. they remind me of white saviors that fails to ‘speak up’ for poc people, or those kind of cishet people who think they’re speaking up and helping the queer community, when they failed doing shit at all
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I don't really like describing my characters because it ruins the surprise but oh well.
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Biography and personality
Linda is an 18 year old girl (as of epilogue), who is born in the United States and is white. She's AroAce, has undiagnosed autism and diagnosed depression. She usually has an intimidating stance in public, but is actually emotional in private. Speaking of public, she rarely goes outside nowadays because of mental issues. She also regularly does self harm and will try to hide the scars so that people don't worry about her too much. She always thinks that she's a bit of a burden to people and actually harming them. Anyways, she would try to help others in unhinged ways but when receiving help, she gets a bit awkward because she doesn't expect anyone to help someone like her.
She then got groomed into dating Lucas (her psychology teacher) at age 15. He would lovebomb her a lot after telling her explicitly about sex. One time she had to visit his office for a little chat, she got her drink spiked and woke up on a bed...and got sexually assaulted and raped by him and 2 other guys.
Aftermath and trauma
This is why she doesn't really like being touched or like slimy texture (to be real, slimy texture is a bit gross). She doesn't like creepy guys much, and if she saw a possible red flag, it would be ON SIGHT. She also has a tendency to attempt overdosing but she always manages to live. She also has experienced ableism throughout her life, she would be told to smile when meeting relatives or to look at people in the eye when talking. She also smokes weed and sometimes does LSD.
On a neutral note, her special interest is greek mythology and she likes to collect random stuff off the ground
TLDR; She is mentally FUCKED up, so please don't provoke her
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