crazys-art · 1 year
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4th set of artfight attacks :3 !!
eliza, leigh, and emery belong to @sparingiscaring
sandheart belongs to samparker
unit 8008 belongs to @anonyb0b
koi belongs to marshukitty
berry belongs to @kalabeth16
michi belongs to cebuwws
gr belongs to @megaceros
fleur belongs to @soapitude
salvaged belongs to zadkiel
bug belongs to shifting-tendons
mutt belongs to @mutt-guttz
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nordinor · 5 months
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rainswhenyourehere · 9 months
⋆ dying is easy, living is harder ⋆
characters ☆ alexander hamilton, elizabeth schuyler, angelica hamilton, alexander hamilton jr. pairings ☆ none
tws ☆ minor character death, suicidal thoughts
christmas gift 4 y'all !! a month after philip's death, alexander tries to have a normal christmas. nothing goes according to plan. scheduled post; i'm on a trip so i'll add + post the ao3 work once i get back
fic under cut
Hushed noises. Alexander lifted his head, his gaze shifting from his documents to the door of his office, his ears perking up.
“Lexi, go call the others. It’s time for dinner,” Eliza’s tone was gentle. Alexander missed it. She barely spoke to him anymore, and even if she did, it was with a sharp edge. Alexander didn’t blame her.
Footsteps, most likely Lexi sprinting upstairs. Alexander sighed and stood up, setting his quill aside.
Eliza’s head turned as Alexander exited his office. The look in her eyes was cold, similar to her voice. “You are not having dinner with us.”
“What?” Alexander was taken aback by the words, confusion and surprise settling on his face as he stared at the other.
“I said, you are not staying for dinner. You can go dine somewhere else, but I’d like to spend Christmas with family, people I actually trust,” Eliza hissed, glaring at him. Slowly, Alexander nodded, swallowing as he felt a pang in his chest.
“Of course,” mumbling, he headed towards the front door, grabbing his coat on the way out. He could feel Eliza’s burning gaze fixed on him, but he didn’t turn.
After all, it wouldn’t change anything.
Alexander inhaled sharply as the cold winter air hit his face. At least the snowing had stopped, he remarked as he walked down the street, unsure about where to go.
Laughter echoed in the air, church bells ringing as he passed houses, light and warmth radiating from each window. Alexander sighed. It was at times like these that he wondered whether publishing the Pamphlet had really been a good idea — maybe he should’ve just let others assume what they wanted to, even if it would cost him his career and his reputation.
No. Alexander waved the thoughts off with a shake of his head. What was done was done — no matter how badly he wished, there was no erasing the past.
Alexander lifted his head and halted. His eyes darted around, his lips slightly parted as he studied the familiar building.
Fraunces Tavern.
Alexander stood there, frozen in place as multiple memories came flooding back. That night with Burr, Laf, Herc and John. Alexander still remembered the joy and confidence he had felt upon finding others with similar ideals as his. For the first time after stepping foot on this unfamiliar land he had felt as if he belonged here.
He also remembered the way his heart had ached for John as Washington had congratulated them in the same spot nearly seven years after. The way he had turned to his side, started a sentence before realizing that the other wasn’t there.
That he would never be there again.
His mind lingered on John, his lover’s face flashing in Alexander’s mind. That soft, fluffy hair, those freckles spilled across his body like stars that his eyes couldn’t hold. That calm, gentle voice, those kissable lips—
Alexander blinked, forcing himself to snap out of it. He stared at the Tavern, considering entering. He could just walk in, order some food and a drink, maybe a few more of the latter until the alcohol drowned out all of his thoughts.
However, his steps led him away, his breathing forming a cloud of mist in the air as he resumed his walk. He wasn’t hungry, and deep inside, he knew that this wasn’t a night he’d like to spend drunk.
After half an hour of wandering, Alexander stopped again, shocked. How- why had his legs led him here? It wasn’t like anyone he knew was buried here—
Alexander sucked in a sharp breath which got caught in his throat. His chest felt incredibly tight as he advanced, the snow crunching under his feet. He passed grave after grave until—
“How could he be so cruel?”
“He didn’t even bat an eye — god.”
The whispers had circled him for the following week. No one had said it aloud, but they were all referring to one thing: “Alexander Hamilton didn’t shed a single tear at his son’s funeral.”
Alexander ran a hand across the top of the engraved stone. It was cold to the touch. A chuckle left him as he raked his hand through his hair, slumping down against the stone with a a sigh.
Oh, those idiots, he thought, closing his eyes. Don’t they realize I did my best to keep my composure only for them?
He had stood up straight, had greeted everyone, had kept his voice stable. You had to be quite close to him to have realized the way he had swayed, Eliza being the only thing keeping him upright as they had approached Philip’s grave. Alexander hadn’t cried. Everyone else had.
He sighed again, pulling his knees up to his chest. The cold numbed his fingers. Maybe his lack of tears was the reason Eliza didn’t even try to tolerate him anymore.
Alexander opened his eyes, gazing at the dark sky. It had stormed, the day of the funeral. For the first time since the hurricane, he hadn’t felt scared, even when thunder had boomed, reminding him of the British cannons that he used to steal.
A shiver tore through his body. Regret and sorrow carved a hole into his chest, his breathing shallow as he remembered how he had advised Philip to throw away his shot. That had turned out well, hadn’t it?
Alexander closed his eyes again as his mind grew foggy. For a moment, he considered just staying there for the night, fading away with the cold. After all, everyone who loved him had died — why not join the chain?
A gust of wind blew by. Alexander felt snowflakes land on his raised face. It had started snowing again, the slow falling holding the potentials of turning into a snowstorm.
He sighed. Not tonight.
With a groan, Alexander arose, releasing a breath he had been holding. Eliza and the children must’ve finished dinner by now, perhaps even had the time to enjoy some music. Ange’s piano skills had improved quite a lot.
However, Alexander’s train of thoughts paused as he remembered the state Ange had fallen into after her older brother had passed. The two were always close, and she had been affected the most out of the children, spending the days talking to herself in her room. Not unlike him, he remarked as he walked away.
Alexander looked back one last time, his eyes lingering on Philip’s name before he headed out, pulling the door of the graveyard closed behind him.
Wind ruffled his hair as he trudged along the street. A couple passed him, their conversation pausing as they glared at him.
“Honestly, he should just leave the neighbourhood,” he heard one of them mumble. Alexander hummed.
It would be quiet uptown.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Tues[day] 11 October 1836
8 35/..
11 40/..
No kiss rain[e]d ver[y] m[u]ch in the night - damp rainy morn[in]g - and F[ahrenheit] 50° now at 9 35/.. br[eak]f[a]st at 9 50/..  
A- [Ann] r[ea]d a lit[tl]e Fr[en]ch – H[a]d Mr. Duncan the und[er]tak[e]r at 11 – ga[ve] the necess[ar]y direct[io]ns for my a[un]t’s fun[era]l
at 9 a.m. next Mon[da]y - the Sexton to co[me] up – Greenw[oo]d to ma[ke] the coffin - Mrs. Lawson to ma[ke]
the lead d[itt]o – s[ai]d I w[a]s dissatisf[ie]d with the cl[o]th chos[e]n for the f[oo]tman and groom - Duncan own[e]d it w[a]s
too good – s[ai]d he us[uall]y ga[ve] broad c[l]oth fr[om] 14/. to 16/. p[e]r y[ar]d – wh[a]t I chose (bec[ause] no oth[e]r patterns s[e]nt and suppose[e]d
he h[a]d no oth[e]r) 22/. p[e]r y[ar]d – s[ai]d I h[a]d told Mr. Jackson I d[i]d n[o]t wish to pay mo[re] than £4.10.0 p[e]r
f[oo]tman’s dress suit and £3.10.0 p[e]r undress d[itt]o - Mr. D- [Duncan] s[ai]d the clothes ord[ere]d w[oul]d exceed this b[u]t
he w[oul]d ma[ke] wh[a]t sacrifice he c[oul]d! - then sat w[i]th A- [Ann] on tell[in]g Mr. D- [Duncan] to invite the vic[a]r he
s[ai]d he w[a]s n[o]t at ho[me] - I then told h[i]m (D- [Duncan]) to invite the cur[a]te – talk[e]d ov[e]r to A- [Ann] the propriety
of my writ[in]g to the vic[a]r and ask[in]g h[i]m to co[me] ov[e]r – h[a]d just writ[ten] so far of today at 12 25/.. –
at w[hi]ch h[ou]r fair aft[e]r ver[y] rainy and bet[ween] 10 and 11 boist[erousl]y windy morn[in]g - a sort of hurricane for ab[ou]t
1/4 h[ou]r dur[in]g br[eak]f[a]st – wr[ote] out list of people to ha[ve] gloves and biscuits - Long whi[le] seek[in]g (w[i]th A- [Ann]) in vain h[e]r [?] of the Fr[en]ch secrétaire screen –
then walk[e]d w[i]th h[e]r 25 min[ute]s on the flags – Mr. Harper ca[me] ab[ou]t 3 1/2 and w[i]th h[i]m in an out ab[ou]t
an h[ou]r – ment[ione]d my intent[io]n of gett[in]g off fr[om] here as soon as I c[oul]d, and propos[e]d hav[in]g Mr.
and Mrs. Husb[an]d in the h[ou]se - H- [Harper] th[ou]ght this plan good - will find out for me wh[a]t addit[io]n I sh[oul]d
ma[ke] to Mr. Husb[an]ds’ sal[ar]y on this acc[oun]t – Expl[aine]d ab[ou]t the hall ceil[in]g – can[no]t turn the gr[ou]nd floor
of the East tow[e]r into 2 floors temp[orar]y w[i]thout incurr[in]g too m[u]ch troub[le] hereaft[e]r b[u]t c[oul]d eas[il]y
ma[ke] the gr[ou]nd floor int[o] a kitchen - approves of my 2 dry arches – d[i]d n[o]t like the idea of a
large sq[uare] tow[e]r for the hay on the east side of the farm y[ar]d b[u]t well propos[e]d 2 octagon-like dry wall tow[e]rs
up ag[ain]st the n[o]rth wall of the farmy[ar]d - these will do ver[y] well - look ver[y] well and be ver[y] conven[ien]t –
ment[ione]d leav[in]g him (Mr. Harper) to ov[er]look Husb[an]d’s paym[en]ts of workmen of all sorts includ[in]g
colliers - no tidings of Mr. Gray - H- [Harper] th[in]ks if he does n[o]t co[me] we can do w[i]thout him –
m[u]ch to do at N[orth]gate - will be here all tomor[row] and till Thurs[day] ev[enin]g – ask[e]d wh[a]t rent I sh[oul]d
get for the mill – surpris[e]d when I said how m[u]ch and so m[u]ch – begg[e]d h[i]m n[o]t to ment[io]n it –
he s[ai]d the mill and machin[er]y w[oul]d cost £1000 – calculat[e]d there w[oul]d be ab[ou]t 400 roods
of dry wall[in]g in my octagon tow[e]r hay-barns - I s[ai]d I th[ou]ght the wall[in]g w[oul]d be done for 6/. a r[oo]d –
40x6 = 240/20= £12 and suppos[in]g roof[in]g as m[u]ch more = £24 say £30 to £40? for a
gr[ea]t deal of conven[ie]nce - approves my plan of palisading off the upp[e]r and low[e]r p[ar]ts of the farmy[ar]d
leav[in]g the c[oa]ch h[ou]se open, and driv[in]g thro’ it as one does in the n[or]th of Germ[an]y – Look[in]g for pap[e]rs
respect[in]g my unc[le]s’ fun[era]l - in vain – b[u]t f[ou]nd the mem[oran]dum of my giv[in]g ER-‘s [Eliza Raine] will to Mr. Duffin
in the pres[en]ce of Mr. Jon[atha]n Gray    June 1826- din[ner] at 7 in 25 min[ute]s and then hurr[ie]d upst[ai]rs to wr[ite] to
Mr. Musgrave and wr[ote] and s[e]nt this ev[enin]g as foll[ow]s to ‘the Rev[eren]d Charles Musgrave Whitkirk vicarage
near Leeds’   ‘Shibd[e]n hall – Tues[day] 11 Oct[obe]r 1836 my d[ea]r sir – Rememb[eri]ng w[i]th gratitude your ver[y] kind
‘attent[io]ns to my a[un]t dur[in]g the few last years of her long and painful illness, and qu[ite] sure wh[a]t the express[io]n
‘of her own feel[in]g w[oul]d ha[ve] been, h[a]d she left any direct[io]ns up[on] the subj[ec]t, I hope that, sh[oul]d no
‘partic[ula]r engagem[en]t put it out of your pow[e]r, you will co[me] ov[e]r to her fun[era]l - your do[in]g so,
‘will aff[or]d me a melanch[ol]y satisfact[io]n - Mr. Duncan h[a]s been instruct[e]d to invite your
‘officiat[in]g curate, and to ma[ke] the necess[ar]y arrangem[en]ts for nine on Monday morn[in]g; b[u]t, if this
‘h[ou]r sh[oul]d be inconven[ien]t to you, a lat[e]r shall be fix[e]d - Miss Walker begs you to pres[en]t her
‘k[i]nd reg[ar]ds along w[i]th my own, to Mr. Musgrave – Bel[ieve] me ver[y] truly yours A. [Anne] Lister’ – coff[ee]
at 7 40/..  - A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch and we look[e]d ov[e]r genealog[ica]l map of Sweden and Denmark - then till
9 35/.. wr[ote] the last 31 1/2 lines of today - when the let[ter] bag ca[me] – no[te] fr[om] Mrs. Veitch of
condol[en]ce - Mrs. V- [Veitch] h[a]s just lost h[e]r sist[e]r Ann who liv[e]d at Giggleswick - Rainy stormy
windy morn[in]g (a sort of hurricane bet[ween] 10 and 11) b[u]t fair (w[i]th the exc[ept] of a few fly[in]g dr[ops] now and then)
in the aft[ernoo]n fr[om] ab[ou]t 2 p.m. F[ahrenheit] 46 1/2° now at 10 3/4 p.m.
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shinymice56 · 4 years
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incorrect-clexa · 6 years
Lexa: Why didn’t you tell me?
Clarke: Because of your tendency to overreact.
Lexa, stabbing the table with a knife in a fit of anger: I do NOT overreact!
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minzart · 3 years
Characterization(outdated as fuck)
The 100 special
Some tags to check out!
Twst dialogues ex
Yuu has a baseball bat ex
Twst sgs au (or just sgs au) ex
NRC radio ex
Twst tftu ex
Tag post
Persona au
Princess tutu au
The mirror works! Au
Ace attorney au ( twst aa)
Babies & plans au (bnp/b&p au)
Bnp Mafia au
Great Roommates au (Gr)
Twst Fary Tale universe (tftu)
Spirits of the great seven au (sgs au)
Bad Beggining au
First year gang
🐾♥️♠️🐺💪🐊 (All of them)
🐾♥️♠️ (one brain cell trio)
Dorm leaders gang
LN! Yuu
Vigilante! Yuu
horror game/movie protagonist! Yuu
Symbionte & Yuu
Meeting of the Yuus
"Lower your expectations" Eliza
"Settle for me" Eliza
Tiktok/vine Yuu
Delinquent therapist Yuu
Yuu's family are isekay protagonists
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto
A duo for a deal (comic with Will Yuu)
🐬🐙🦈 Le trio
Basically, Grimm makes a contract and you have to save his ass again.
💀Idia Shroud
Idia really wants that skin but is out of money, so yuu got an idea and luckily there is a racing competition happening on the island
🐲Malleus Draconia
Yuu showing malleus gargoyles the animated series
tea time with Tsunotarou
Event characters
🔔 Rollo Flamme
Actions that no-one sees
442 notes · View notes
captain-josslett · 4 years
Broken Melody - Part Twenty
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen, Part Seventeen, Part Eighteen, Part Nineteen...
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 5.8k+
Warnings: Angst, Fluff.
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Lena Luthor
This Part: Emma tries to work through everything and continues to struggle with not seeing her sisters.
So, so, sorry it’s been a while since updating. I’ve started a full time job and my mind just hasn’t been able to write 😅 But I do get to daydream when I work so I have loads of ideas stored away and hopefully will be able to update quicker.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please! I like knowing your thoughts.
Taglist: @finleyfray​​, @life-is-hella-unfair​, @natasha-danvers​, @supergirl-writingz​, @camslightstories​, @thinking1bee​, @aznblossom​,
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Ten year old Emma Danvers jumps awake when she hears a blood curdling scream. For a few moments she blinks into her dark room, confused at the noise that woke her. But when a softer wail fills the silence Emma quickly rolls out of bed. Recognising the cries coming from her recently adopted kryptonian sister, Kara.
Emma pads out of her small room and into the hallway, yawning and tiredly rubbing her eyes as she gently pushes Alex and Kara’s bedroom door open. Kara’s whimpering increases in volume as Emma enters the room. She softly closes the door behind her and quietly tiptoes over to Kara’s bed.
Emma sadly looks over at her oldest sister, Alex, who is turned away from the crying alien. Seemingly ignoring Kara’s pain. This annoys Emma greatly and the sisters have already argued over it. The blonde had even offered to swap rooms with Alex but the redhead stubbornly refused saying it was her room.
“Kara?” Emma whispers softly and waits for the crying figure to respond. Tearful blue eyes peer over the shaking duvet before quickly disappearing again.
Emma looks mournfully down at the other blonde as she thinks of ways to help her. After a few moments Emma lifts the corner of the covers and climbs into Kara’s bed. She gently reaches out and hugs Kara close, remembering how her Mom would comfort her after she’d have a bad dream.  
Her new sister flinches slightly at the touch but soon Emma feels Kara settle and maneuver around to hug her back. The alien starts to shake as she tries to stifle her sobs into Emma’s shoulder.
Emma’s heart aches at the sound. She pulls her head back so she can see Kara’s face. The night light illuminates Kara’s flushed cheeks and bloodshot eyes. “No, it’s okay to cry. Mom said you get sick if you try to keep your tears in.” Emma tries to encourage the alien. Though she doesn’t know if Kara can fully understand her yet. However, Kara’s face scrunches up and fresh tears fall.
“It’s okay.” Emma says soothingly while stroking her hair.
“S-s-sing?” Kara gulps out and buries her head back into Emma’s little shoulder.
“Which one?” Emma asks softly and Kara thinks for a moment but shakes her head as she sniffs heavily. “Okay.” Emma purses her lips forward as she thinks about the other songs she has sung to Kara. “I got it.”
Somewhere over the rainbow, Way up high, There’s a land that I’ve heard of, Once in a lullaby.
Emma immediately feels Kara relaxing as she continues to quietly sing. The sisters had recently watched ‘The Wizard of Oz’ with Kara because Emma wanted to show her new sister one of her favourite films. The alien had truly been fascinated with the movie and Emma couldn’t help but watch Kara’s reactions to certain parts. How Kara’s face lit up when Dorthy opened the door to a world of colour or how freaked out Kara got when the Wicked Witch appeared in a plume of red smoke and disappearing in a blaze of fire.
Somewhere over the rainbow, Bluebirds fly, Birds fly over the rainbow, Why then oh why can’t I?
As Emma nears the end of the song Kara’s sobs start to die down, being replaced with shuddering breaths. The twelve year old alien clings tightly to the little human, the pressure hurts Emma slightly but she knows Kara doesn’t mean to hurt her and she is not use to her super strength yet.
Emma stares over at Alex’s back. Not knowing if the redhead was awake or asleep. But Emma guesses she is awake by how she is breathing. Silently Emma hopes her oldest sister will come around to Kara.
Yes it had been a shock when Superman brought his older, but now younger, alien cousin to them but Emma was overcome with curiosity and intrigue over the other blonde. She tried to communicate with the alien and found a way through hand gestures and persistence. Repeating words for Kara and pointing items out. Mainly important things like water, food, Star Wars and everything a ten year old finds important. Once Eliza found Emma talking to the Kryptonian about the different plants and vegetables in the garden and Kara patiently listened. Fascinated by the texture of the leaves and the words Emma was saying. Both missing the scowling glare Alex was giving them from her bedroom window.
Emma then presented the wooden swords her dad had made. Giving Kara Alex’s and demonstrating how to sword fight. Soon the two blonde’s were giggling while twirling around and bashing each other’s swords. Until Alex furiously stormed over to them and took her sword away from Kara. Grumbling it was hers and she was going to break it. Jeremiah immediately set to work making Kara one of her own. Which the two blonde’s watched with tilted heads.
But when Jeremiah told them to go play and leave him to concentrate Emma took Kara back into the house, trying to figure out more things to show her new sister. She had already displayed her seashell collection, which Kara analysed deeply and Emma noticed a crinkle appearing between the other blonde’s eyebrows.
Emma looks around the house and her eyes fall on her art supplies. Making Kara jump when she claps her hands together in excitement.
“I hope you like art! Alex doesn’t really, which is sad but she likes her own things. Like reading. Reading is okay but I much prefer doing something.” Emma smiles at Kara who smiles politely. “Have a seat.” Emma points at the dining room table and Kara complies. The ten year old then pulls out all of her art supply to show Kara. She watched as the alien’s blue eyes lit up behind her glasses.
“Did you do art on Krypton?” Emma asks, happy that she may have found something Kara enjoys.
Kara nods and the pair quietly sit for hours as they draw and paint. Emma didn’t mind Kara using most of the red paint and was pleased she thought of a good idea.
She hardly sees Alex, seemingly too moody that she wasn’t the centre of attention in the Danvers household anymore. Keeping to herself and barely talking to her baby sister.
Weeks turned into months and slowly Alex seemed to warm up to the new addition to the family. Especially when Kara defended Emma against a group of bullies. Standing with her little sister and ready to defend her. Alex marched over and stood next to her side, ready to punch any bully in the face that hurts either of her sisters. This was the moment Kara uttered her family motto, explaining they were stronger together.
The three started to become closer over time and would regularly be found in the forest by their home playing and having adventures.
On one such occasion a fifteen year old Alex and twelve year old Emma teamed up together as heroes to try and take down the evil villain that was destroying their town of Midvale.
“Psfft I don’t see the target. Over.” Emma quietly talks into the walkie talkie and holds her wooden sword tightly in her other hand.
“Please tell me you did not just make the static noise?” Alex laughs while rolling her eyes.
“Ah come on Al! Plus you need to say over. Over.”
“Fine.” Alex sasses back. “Over.” The redhead continues to look around, listening intently for the fourteen year old Kara. Having a sneaky suspicion that her alien sister was using her powers. Which was against the rules.
“Psttf I have an idea. Over” Emma’s voice whispers out from the walkie talkie.
“And what is that?” Alex responds quickly. “Over.”
“What if we do what that guy did in that movie. Over.”
“Vague… We watch loads of movies dork.” Alex rolls her eyes again at her little sister’s comment. She twirls her bow in her hand as she waits for Emma’s response.
“You know he sacrifices himself. Draws the evil guy out and gives the hero a chance to defeat them. Over.”
“Not a bad idea. Especially if you are the bait.” Alex chuckles and shakes her head. “Over.”
“Let’s do it by the fallen tree in the clearing? You can hide and I’ll call for her. Over.” Alex smirks at the excitement within Emma’s voice.
“Sure Peanut. Over.”
Alex quietly jogs to the huge fallen tree. Constantly on the lookout for Kara. But her adopted alien sister is nowhere to be seen. As Alex approaches the clearing she sees Emma step out of the other end and start to look around. Their eyes immediately connect, as if Emma could sense where she was and Alex quickly hides within some bushes and waits. Readying her bow and arrow. Making sure the arrow was a dummy that would only sting Emma slightly if she got in the way.
Emma waits for Alex to get into position and cups her hands over her mouth, yelling loudly. “Kara?! Hey Kara!” She waits and soon enough a blur appears before her. “Hey! You used your powers!”
“Well as a villain of course I would!” Kara bites back slyly with a grin.
“You really are evil!” Emma gasps dramatically, raising a hand to her chest.
“And when I am finished with you I will hunt your sister down and hurt her! And your little dog too!” Kara slowly takes a few menacing steps towards Emma who stands her ground.
“No! Not Alex and Toto!” Emma’s eyes fill with tears. Alex is always blown away that her baby sister can cry on demand and would often use her sister’s talent to get extra treats from their Mom or sitter.
“Little one?” Kara asks, concerned enough to break character.
“They are fake, keep going! You’re doing really well!” Emma gives Kara a smile before filling her eyes with tears again. “You will never get away with this!” Emma yells dramatically, pointing at Kara.
‘Give her the damn Oscar!’ Alex thinks with a smile as she watches the blonde’s.
Kara nods and puts a sly smirk back on her face. “But I already have!”
“No! You will never win! Good always defeats evil, you piece of bantha fodder!”
Alex snorts at Emma’s Star Wars reference and readies herself, knowing she’ll need to spring out at any moment.
“How dare you insult me! Me the mistress of all evil! You are nothing but the dirt on the bottom of my shoe!” Kara yells as she reaches for her wooden sword. Emma circles around so Kara’s back is to their eldest sister. “Now prepare to meet your doom!”
“Not if I can help it!” Alex suddenly appears behind them and fires her bow and arrow at the blonde. Hitting Kara’s right shoulder where it harmlessly falls to the ground.
“No! Ow!” Kara screams and collapses to her knees. “Damn you!” She coughs comically and falls to the floor.
Emma snorts and places a hand over her mouth.
“Emma! It’s rude to mock the dead.” Alex scolds her little sister.
“Sorry.” The blonde tries to wipe the smile off her face and make her expression natural.
“Who says I’m dead?” Kara’s muffled voice pipes up from the ground.
“Well the arrow would have been made out of a substance that could kill you and due to my excellent marksmanship it went through your heart. Killing you instantly.” Alex explains as she twirls the bow around.
Kara lifts her head up and smirks at the redhead. “You hit me in the right shoulder. My heart is on the left dummy.”
Emma snorts again which erupts into loud laughter when Alex glares at her. “Great shooting Alex!”
“Which means… Sneak attack!” Kara yells while pulling Emma onto the floor and starts tickling her.
“Nooo!!” Emma screams with laughter and tries to get out of her sister’s grip. “Please! Stop! Argh! Alex! Help!”
The redhead watches the pair with amusement before stepping in. “I’ll help you!” Alex yells theatrically. But instead of aiding Emma she joins in with Kara.
“Traitor!” Emma gasps out. “You’re… My sister!”
“And? Maybe I purposefully aimed for Kara’s right shoulder to take down the real villain!”
“Dun dun dunnnnn!” Kara laughs out as she continues ticking the thrashing blonde.
“Please stop! I’m gonna pee!” Tears of laughter stream down Emma’s face and the sisters finally stop their attack.
Alex smirks at her baby sister as Emma wipes the tears from her face, the redhead then looks up at the sky. “It’s getting late, we better head back.” She stands to her feet and holds out her hands for her sisters to take, helping Kara and Emma stand. The sister’s turn towards home and walk together in unison, laughing and joking together. Ready to take on the world.
-- -- --
Present day Emma stares out of the DEO window while plucking at her guitar while her mind wanders through her memories with her sisters. Though she can’t really remember the time before Kara came. To her Kara has always been there.
Slowly her mind starts to filter through the session she had with Alistair. They had worked on her fuzzy memories of the attack. How they are slowly coming back into focus but seemingly her brain was protecting her by blocking most of it out. Emma had projected the hurtful words spoken by her sisters that Emma does remember. That a part of her believes making her insecurities bubble up to the surface.
Lily, Alistair’s white german shepherd, had almost instantly jumped up on Emma’s bed and placed her head in Emma’s lap. Staying there throughout the session. Helping to ground Emma and when she got emotional or experienced a flashback, Lily had been a comforting presence.
A noise by Emma’s open door draws her attention away from the window. Standing in the hall was a transfixed Winn with Brainy and Nia behind him.
Emma smirks and waves at the trio. Stopping the music seemingly snaps them out of their trance.
“Hi Em.” Winn smiles brightly as he approaches one of the chairs around Emma’s bed. Emma returns his smile but it is more subdued. “You okay?” He frowns at the blonde, noticing her lack of a smile. He places the food container on the tray table by Emma and she nods while pulling the table closer to her. Her smile brightens slightly when she sees the sausages, vegetables and mash potato.
“Doctor Hamilton said you can start trying some form of solid foods and as I know you like that British restaurant down the road we thought lunch could be a bit more international.”
‘So the Tai food the other day wasn’t international enough for you?’ Emma wants to say but doesn’t write it down. Instead letting out a breathy snort as she starts cutting into the food.
“Oh yea Doc also said to cut it up real small. Chew lots before swallowing” Winn lists off the instructions Doctor Hamilton had told him while opening his container. Watching as Emma nods in response. “Enjoy your bangers and mash!”
Emma lets out a breathy laugh, remembering the weird names the Brits call their food. ‘Spotted Dick’ being her favourite by far. Not believing they would call a fruit, sponge dessert by that name, but had been proved wrong when the amused waiter brought the pudding out for Emma to try. Despite the very off putting name, Emma thoroughly enjoyed it. Almost having to fight off her bandmates to eat all of it in peace.
“Have you been to the UK Winn?” Nia asks, filling the silence.
“Yea I have. Both future and present.”
Emma lifts an eyebrow in response. Wondering what life is like in the future and being frustrated that Winn was keeping so tight lipped about it all.
“Awesome! I haven’t yet but it’s on my bucket list.” Nia replies enthusiastically, a longing look fills her eyes.
“Did you know the British public consume over sixty billion cups of tea a year. Around 100 million each day.” Brainy chimes into the conversation, causing Nia and Winn to gape at him about the statistic.
Emma continues to listen to her friends talking. Wishing she could join in and tell them about her time in the UK. But also being aware of how painfully slow conversation flows when she has to write everything down.
Sighing deeply Emma shoves more food in her mouth. Thankful that Winn chose something she enjoys. To be fair Emma likes anything. Other than Marmite… A disgusting yeast spread that half of Brits like. One of her stage managers in the UK dared Emma to try it. Making the blonde gag and causing her to drink loads of water to get rid of the horrible taste in her mouth.
“Emma?” Nia calls out, breaking Emma’s train of thought. “You’ve been to the UK many times right?” Emma nods. “Have you seen the Queen?” Emma nods again.
“What when?” Winn asks with a mouthful of food and his eyebrows almost up to his hairline.
Emma quietly sighs and grabs her notebook, keenly aware of the silence in the room as she writes.
‘The Royal Variety Performance.’
“Ah yea!” Nia smiles remembering the video she found on youtube after Kara first told her about Emma. She had been transfixed by Axis’ music and Emma’s performance. Singing a powerful ballad that moved the brunette to tears. Nia had spent hours upon hours going through Axis’ social media and debated about whether to send Emma a friend request. The brunette had squealed loudly when Emma had accepted and immediately messaged her,
A knock stops Nia from asking more questions as Emma looks over to see Lucy standing awkwardly by the door. Emma can’t help but shift uncomfortably in the bed, hoping Lucy has calmed down from earlier this morning.
“Don’t worry, I’m not here to yell at you.” Lucy says as if she has read Emma’s mind. “May I come in?”
Emma nods before turning back to her meal. Though she feels like she has lost her appetite.
Lucy glances at the three friends who give her looks of encouragement as she cautiously approaches Emma’s bed, watching the blonde push her food around.
“Can I sit here?” Lucy points to the end of the bed and Emma nods without looking up at her. Lucy lowers onto the bed and takes a deep breath. “So, I’m sorry about earlier. I overreacted when I found out you were missing and you are like a sister to me and I got so scared-” Lucy lifts a hand to her head trying to find the words to how terrified she had felt when Emma wasn’t in her room or in the building. She immediately rushed down to the cells but when there was no sign of Emma anywhere the brunette really panicked.
A hand grasps her knee and Lucy’s green eyes snap up to Emma’s. “Sorry.” Lucy breathes out and Emma gives her a timid smile. “So, we also need to discuss the next steps. Mainly the timeline of your recovery because we cannot disclose the Phoenix serum.”
Emma nods and leans back against the bed.
“How long would this timeline be?” Winn asks with a frown.
“We are trying to not make it overly long. Doctor Hamilton did say wounds like Emma’s would have taken at least 3 months to heal fully and she’d be bed bound for a while.”
“But Emma isn’t bed bound.” Nia blinks in confusion. “Would Emma need to stay here?”
“Or in her apartment.” Lucy looks at the blonde mournfully, who deeply swallows in response. Not liking the sound of that at all. Not feeling at all ready to go back to the apartment. Even after J’onn had told her a crew had made it good as new, with no evidence of the incident.
“There would be a huge media frenzy if any photos come out of you like this. The world thinks you can barely open your eyes and hardly move due to the amount of broken bones you have.”
Alarm fills Emma and she quickly grabs her notebook to write.
“Ah yea. I had her sign a NDA.” Lucy rolls her eyes. “She was annoyingly persistent. I thought you hated each other?” Emma shakes her head and lets out a breathy chuckle. “Jack isn’t far behind, though I’m trying to hold him off for as long as possible.”
Relief starts to filter in and Emma nods before starting to write again. She bites the inside of her lip at the thought of returning back to her apartment. Not sure she’s ready or even wants to go back there.
‘How do you propose we move forward?’ She holds the pad up and watches her friend’s face as she reads.
Lucy hesitates slightly before unlocking her tablet to bring up the timeline. “We will need to stage photos and videos showing your recovery and release them at the right time.” Lucy looks down at her notes. “We do have some already but I’d be happier if we do more.”
Emma glumly sighs causing Lucy to glance back up at her.
“I’m sorry Em but we need to do this to keep the media off our backs. J’onn and I had hoped it would have died down but everyone is still up in arms about what happened.”
Emma’s expression morphs into one of shock and disbelief. She quickly writes one word before showing the lawyer.
“Because those that listen to your music feel a powerful connection towards you. Even though they have not met you or know you personally.” Brainy explains simply.
“And the attack has brought your music to the attention of more people.” Winn points out.
“Tell me about it.” Lucy says exasperatedly and runs a hand through her hair. “I had a three hour debate with your record label as they want to release the work you’ve done on your new album. Even the covers you’ve been sending Lena.”
Emma immediately shakes her head quickly at the idea. Causing a ringing in her ears.
“Yea I told them they can shove it.” Lucy agrees and quickly takes a piece of sausage from Emma’s container. Almost getting her hand stabbed from Emma’s fork.
Emma playfully glares at the brunette and Lucy sticks her tongue out before popping the meat into her mouth. Emma shakes her head and starts writing.
‘So I will be under house arrest?’
“I’m afraid so.” Lucy says softly, causing Emma’s shoulders to slump and her expression becomes sullen.
“I may be able to help with that.” Winn pipes up, causing Emma and Lucy to stare at him. “I, with Brainy and Lena’s help, could develop a face modifier. That way Emma can move around freely and not disrupt the timeline.”
“That could work.” Lucy squints her eyes as she considers the idea.
“May help Alex and Kara to know Emma is moving around too. I’ve never seen them so broken, I mean poor Alex, you would have thought Kelly would have stood by her and not run away-” Nia comments passionately and Emma freezes.
Horror fills Emma's whole body. She remembers Alex telling her the morning before the attack that she and Kelly were having problems but Emma never imagined Kelly would leave Alex like this. Especially with what her sister is going through.
Immediately Emma leaps out of bed and sprints to the door. She needs to see her sisters. Her heart aches knowing they are both in pain. That they are broken.
“Emma?!” Her friends yells fill the hallway as they chase after her. Agents seemingly appear ahead of her but the blonde easily sidesteps them. Using the training Alex had taught her in self defence.
As soon as she reaches the end of the corridor the blonde slides into the wall and repeatedly slams her hand on the elevator button. When it becomes obvious the doors won’t open quick enough she dashes towards the door to the stairs. Her determination gives her tunnel vision and she ignores those around her.
Until someone leaps on her back.
“Emma stop!” Lucy yells as she clings to Emma, wrapping her arms and legs around the blonde. Halting Emma from leaving the floor. “I’m sorry but they aren’t ready to see you. I’m so sorry.”
Emma tries to get Lucy off her back but the brunette has too good a grip. The blonde heaves in heavy breaths and her face scrunches up as she starts to silently cry. She longs to hold her sisters. To reassure them they are okay.
A ping announces an elevator has arrived. Emma turns her head to gaze longingly at it but feels Lucy’s grip tighten around her chest.
“Emma please.”
The blonde watches mournfully as the doors close.
When it becomes apparent that Emma won’t be running down to the cells Lucy slides off her back.
The brunette sadly looks at the tears streaming down her friend’s face. Placing a gentle hand on Emma’s shoulder Lucy guides her back to the room.
“Emma.” Nia squeaks out with wide eyes as she walks with the pair. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t think-”
The blonde reaches out and squeezes Nia’s hand. Giving her a barely there smile which Nia returns with an encouraging one of her own.
Emma re-enters the room and sits heavily on her bed. Staring out of the window.
“Em?” Winn asks softly, causing Emma to slightly move her head and focus on him. “Are you gonna finish that?” Winn points at the half eaten food.
Emma shakes her head before turning back to the window. She ignores the yelp of pain from Winn when Lucy slaps his arm as he reaches out for the discarded food. Purposefully tuning out the conversation in the room.
Instead, focusing on the world outside of the DEO. The airplanes that zoom across the sky, the birds that flutter past the window and settle on the sill. The traffic down an avenue she can see. Anything to try and keep her mind from acknowledging the pain she’s feeling. The thoughts that are screaming in her mind about her sisters.
“-ma?” Winn’s voice breaks through as she recognises he’s calling out to her. Slowly she turns to look at him. “We’re going back to work. I- er- left your food.”
Emma looks down at the tray and sees that Winn hasn’t touched it. She nods and lifts the right corner of her mouth slightly to show her appreciation.
Emma eyes flick to Nia as she cautiously approaches her. “Can I give you a hug?” Emma nods and opens her arms. Nia immediately dives into them. “Message me if you need me.” Emma nods again and squeezes the superhero. When Nia steps back Winn is already there with his arms open, waiting for a hug. Making Emma voicelessly snort.
“Ah come on!” Winn whines and Emma motions for him to hug her. He does immediately and Emma can’t help but feel more of her anxiety melt away. “If you need anything just give a shout.” Winn says as he pulls away. Emma raises an eyebrow at him and can’t help but smile at the look of horror that comes across his face. Especially when Brainy, Nia and Lucy lower their heads into their hands. “Em. I’m so sorry I-”
Emma immediately lifts a hand to his lips, silencing him. Thankfully he complies, instead gaping at her like a goldfish.
“See you later Emma.” Brainy nods at her before quickly leaving the room, already analysing his tablet at ideas for a face modifier. Nia forcefully grabs Winn’s hand and pulls him out with her.
“I can stay if you want me to?” Lucy asks as she hovers by the bed and massages her shoulder.
Emma is tempted to shake her head but instead she nods. Not wanting to be alone right now.
“Okay great!” Lucy beams at her. “Do you want to do anything? I mean I have work I can be doing but I can watch a film with you or we could play a card game? Chess?”
Emma looks over at the chessboard on the coffee table by the sofa. Lena had brought it in to give Emma something else to do. But the board is currently being taken up by an intense game the girlfriends were playing. Emma reaches for her notebook and writes a response.
‘Lena will immediately say she’s won if we mess the board up.’
“Ah! We can’t have that!” Lucy jokes and sits on the end of Emma’s bed. Her expression becomes sombre as she studies the blonde closely and Emma stares right back. “Are you okay?”
Emma looks between Lucy’s questioning green eyes and slowly shakes her head.
Lucy reaches out and gently holds Emma’s hand. “I’m here if you want to discuss it.”
Emma’s eyes start to glisten with tears and she wipes at them in exasperation.
“Hey, hey, hey.” Lucy grabs Emma’s hand to halt her rubbing. “It’s okay to cry. God knows I’m done my fair share recently.”
Emma tilts her head and frowns slightly.
“What?” Lucy mirrors Emma’s expression. The blonde lets go of Lucy’s hand and starts writing.
‘What do you mean?’
“About what?” Lucy asks, confusion written across her face.
‘What have you been crying about?’
“About you! And Alex and Kara! This whole shit show!” Lucy says bitterly and watches Emma move her pen to paper. “And don’t even think about writing that you are not worth my tears cause you fucking are!”
Emma eyes’s snap up to Lucy’s and her mouth drops open. She was going to write exactly that.
“I’m right aren’t I?”
Emma shuts her mouth and shakes her head.
“Bull.” Lucy narrows her eyes. “Have you forgotten I am a lawyer? And a damn good one at that?”
Emma smiles sadly and looks down to write. ‘Yea you are. Frustratingly so.’
“Unless I’m the one defending you right?” Lucy raises an eyebrow and Emma nods, her smile turning more genuine. “So, do you wanna write about it? You don’t have to, I just-” Lucy hesitates, sighing deeply as she chooses her words. “I worry about you and I wish I could make everything better.”
‘I know.’
“You totally wrote that with Han Solo in mind didn’t you?”
Emma lets out a breathy snort and Lucy laughs loudly.
“You're such a nerd.” Lucy teases and Emma just shrugs. But her smile fades and the blonde gazes down at the paper as she thinks about her sisters. “Em?”
Emma takes a breath and starts writing. Lucy watches her and the expressions Emma makes as she scribbles her thoughts down. In these moments Lucy really misses Emma’s voice and her anger bubbles up at whoever did this to her friend. But before Lucy’s anger simmers up anymore Emma turns the notepad around.
‘I just feel so helpless. We’ve always done everything together and I’m happy they have each other but I want to be there with them. Dad always joked we were like a three legged stool. When one of us wasn’t at home we almost couldn’t function. I get what you are saying that they aren’t ready to see me... But I just miss them so much.’
“Aw Em.” Lucy says sympathetically after she reads. Her eyes flick back up to Emma’s. “It will get better. I know that doesn’t help right now. But, it will.”
Emma nods and leans back against the bed.
“So, what do you want to do?”
‘Okay if I paint?’
“Of course it is! I’ll just work here on my tablet.” Lucy smiles reassuringly at Emma and hops off the bed. She pauses and turns back around to Emma. “Hug?”
Emma smiles and opens her arms. Lucy wraps her arms around the blonde and tries to convey how much she cares for her in it.
After Lucy sits in a chair to work she can’t help but watch how Emma morphs into her creative mode. How the blonde focuses solely on what she’s doing with her paint brush. The way Emma’s eyes squint and her tongue slightly pokes out to the side.
Lucy smiles and tries to concentrate on her own work. Leaving the pair in peaceful silence.
-- -- --
Many hours later there is a knock on the door. Lucy glances up as Lena and Sam enter the room.
“Hi!” Lucy greets the friends happily and turns to look at Emma. The blonde is still so busy with what she’s doing she hasn’t noticed the new arrivals.
It’s only when Emma cleans her brushes, happy with what she’s done, does she sense Lena’s presence in the room. She quickly looks up towards the sofa where Lena, Sam and Lucy are sitting. Seemingly halting their conversation as the trio notice Emma’s focus on them. Lena can’t help but greet her girlfriend with a beaming smile.
“Hi love.” Lena says while standing and approaches the blonde. Emma waves at her but gives her a questioning look. “I didn’t want to disturb you.” Lena gracefully sits on the bed next to Emma and softly kisses the blonde’s lips. “You were so engrossed in what you were doing.”
“No don’t be! I’m glad you are painting.” Lena smiles reassuringly at her girlfriend. Her smiles then morphs into a shy one. “I- er- got you something.”
Emma tilts her head and her eyes bulge when Lena lifts a huge bouquet of flowers up. Having not noticed them when the raven haired beauty walked in or when she came over to the bed.
“Wow!” Emma signs and she reaches out to touch a red rose. Feeling the softness of the petal and admiring the colour.
“The florist told me the roses mean love, obviously. The baby breath is everlasting love. The-” Lena pauses as she tries to remember the meaning of the other flowers. Emma starts kissing her cheek making Lena beam and lean into them. “Em! I’m trying to think!” Emma pulls away and rests her chin on Lena’s shoulder. “So, the daisies are my love is pure and the tulips all have different meanings, the red being eternal love, the orange desire and passion, yellow happiness and sunshine and the cream tulips-” Lena gently moves her girlfriend’s head so she can gaze deeply into Emma’s slightly bloodshot eyes. “I will love you forever.”
She watches as Emma melts and her eyes glisten with tears. The blonde tilts her head and slowly leans towards her girlfriend. Lena copies her and they gently kiss but before they can deepen it further and noise fills the room.
“Blurgh!” Lucy yells out, pretending to heave. Emma furiously pulls away and flips her off. Glaring at the brunette before turning back to her girlfriend.
“Thank you. I love them.”
“I’m glad.” Lena smirks at the blonde and Emma carefully places the bouquet on the tray table. Making sure not to knock any of the other stuff on there. “So, how's your head?”
“Haven’t had any complaints yet.” Emma signs cheekily and Lena roars with laughter.
“What did she say?” Sam looks between the two girlfriends, wanting to know why Lena reacted the way she did.
“Haven’t had any complaints yet.” Lena responds while continuing to laugh, causing the two brunettes to join in with her and Emma just smiles happily at them as she snuggles into her girlfriend.
(Part Twenty One)
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dsrtrosearchived · 2 years
everything i did, it was for you. it still is. from kaj kiss kiss mwah mwah <3
Tumblr media
fucking  hell,  kaj,  she  wants  to  say.  you  sure  know  how  to  charm  a  girl,  don’t  you?  make  her  feel  like  she’s  the  only  person  in  the  room  with  you?  it’s  a  sick,  sick  trick  -  (that  she’s  not  allowed  to  stop  -  don’t  you  dare  stop  making  eliza  feel  like  she’s  finally  got  something  worth  living  for  again.
eliza grabs  her,  then,  places  her  hands  on  either  side  of  the  woman’s  face  &  pulls  her  in  for  a  desperate  kiss.  it’s  haphazard  and  intentional  and  filled  to  the  brim  with  warmth,  desire  &  an  eagerness  to  envelop  her  whole  -  stay,  it  pleads.  don’t  go,  don’t  leave  me  -  just  promise  that  you’ll  stay.  and  only  when  eliza  parts  their  lips  does  she  lift  her  hand  from  kaj’s  collarbone,  lightly  holding  the  woman’s  chin  in  place  between  her  thumb  &  index  finger  to  possess  her  gaze…
“ you  drive  me  crazy,  angel, ”      she  murmurs,  eyes  darting  between  kaj’s  eyes  and  lips  -  for  once,  her  face  is  devoid  of  a  smile  -  she  wants  the  words  that  are  spoken  into  the  space  between  them  to  be  heeded  &  fully  understood.      “ i  love  you  -  all  of  you.  bein’  on  the  run  with  you?  i’m  the  luckiest  girl  in  th’world. ”       /       rick  gr*mes  sentence  starters  -  @partloss.  🤍
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Arrowverse Science Fair AU
~2004 National Highschool (Gr. 8-12) Science Fair
Felicity Smoak (Gr. 9) – Computer software to detect card counters. She may or may not have hacked into online card games to test it (this wasn’t included in/on her project.)
Cisco Ramon (Gr. 8 or 9) – Piano playing robot. He thought it played better than Dante. His parents didn’t agree.
Caitlin Snow (Gr. 9) – Analysis of physiological response to various stimuli. She wanted to find stimuli that would help kids cope with traumatic experiences (say crashing their bike or losing their father.) If she was able to find something that made her mom show some/any emotion that would be a bonus.
Barry Allen (Gr. 9) – Growing crystals (lots of different and cool ones). His project started out as an attempt to make something special for Iris for her birthday but turned into an elaborate project. It ended up being a good choice because 1) it reminded Barry of his parents (the first science experiment they did together was grow Borax crystals on pipecleaner and 2) it followed Joe’s ‘your science fair project must make, not destroy things’ rule instated after Barry’s Gr. 6 project.
Alex (Gr. 9) and Kara (Gr. 8) Danvers – Birds in my Backyard. Eliza had insisted on Alex getting Kara involved in her science fair project this year. Alex was excited to show Kara the science fair experience she enjoyed but wanted to pick a topic she knew more about that Kara (her knowledge of math and science was intimidating enough without the superpowers). Seeing Kara’s interest in birds they decided to study birds in their backyard. With Alex’s design and Kara’s powers they built tall post’s and attached bird houses and feeders with differing properties. They then monitored which kinds of birds built nests and ate from where (with some help from Kara’s flight and X-ray vision). Alex also picked 5 nests from different species to chronicle the embryo and chick development. Kara enjoyed doing the project and learning about birds from Alex. The actual science fairs, not so much but those were Alex’s favourite part. Note: Streaky was locked in the house for the duration of the project so he wouldn’t eat any of the birds.
Winn Schott (Gr. 11) – Pop-up room/ room in a suitcase. Being in the foster system for the last couple years inspired Winn to design a room that collapsed to the size of a suitcase for easy transport but could expand in less than a minute into a nice-sized, fully-furnished, sound-proof room, so no matter how many times a foster kid was moved around they always had their own space and stuff. Also good for camping, travel and special short-term events (like waiting in line at conventions).
Lena Luthor (Gr. 5) – Oxygen absorbing/releasing crystal that could allow breathing underwater. After her Mum drown when Lena was four, she was determined to develop a simple way for people to breath under water. She was able to do just that by synthesizing a substance that absorbed and stored large amounts of oxygen then released it slowly (so if someone held in in their mouth, they could breathe underwater). She was happy and excited that her mom and older brother were interested in her project but a little frustrated and concerned that they were so focused on its ability to absorb all the oxygen from a room (in a big enough amount). Although she supposed it could be used in that capacity to control/extinguish fires. Note: although in elementary school, Lena got to compete against the high schoolers since her project was so advanced for her age.
Sara Lance (Gr. 11) – The Biomechanics of Dance and Martial Arts. As punishment for skipping classes, then sassing her teacher and principal when they tried to discipline her for skipping classes, Sara had to complete a science fair project. To make the best of it Sara chose something that interested her. In hindsight she wished she hadn’t. Her project was so good she was chosen to represent her school at the state and national science fair.
Ronnie Raymond (Gr. 9-12?)- Structural design to minimize Superman related damage in Metropolis. Ronnie was proud of his project and had enjoyed analyzing the powers of Metropolis’ hero, but he lost any chance he had at winning when he decided to leave his project to go flirt with Caitlin. At least Kara, whose project was next to his, seemed interested.
Hartley Rathaway – something to do with sound waves
Lily Stein (Gr. 11) – designing and comparing different miniaturized forms of renewable energy sources. She had some help from her dad.
Patty Spivot – Recreation of crime scene evidence using food models. A bunch of her friends (her whole cabin actually) from her summer camp for those interested in law enforcement came to support her.
-       Maggie Sawyer – seemed really interested in the bird project
-       Ralph Dibny – found every project that said it was OK to touch. His favourite was slime. To Patty’s surprise he didn’t break anything.
-       Dinah Drake – hung out with Patty most of the time. Talked to Hartley, beside her, about his project on sound waves for a bit (seemed kinda interested). Patty joined her when she got into a conversation with Sara, across the way, and Laurel about the implications of her biomechanics project in fighting and self-defence. The rest of the time they talked about that Vince guy from camp Dinah thought was cute.
-       Eddie Thawne – he hung out with Patty most of the time too but did do a lap of the fair with Iris, who was there supporting Barry, when she accepted his offer to buy her something at the concession.
Notable events:
- Clark came to see Alex and Kara’s project and brought James and Lois with him. Kara and Clark (very subtly) tested the models on the project beside them that had been abandoned and were said to be superman proof/resistant. They were very impressed to discover the models did indeed stand-up to heat vison, freeze breath and super-strength leading Clark to believe the student had a bright future. James spent most of his time talking to Winn about his pop-up room project because, “Don’t you think these would be way better than cubicles, the Daily Planet should definitely purchase some.”
- Cat Grant, a young reporter from the National City Tribune pushing a stroller, came around and interviewed all the contestants because, “What better place to find the next world changing innovator or innovation” as she put it when she stopped to talk to Clark (more like flirt Kara thought). Alex used Clark distracting Cat as an opportunity to play with the baby in the stroller. This was the only time during the entire science fair Alex was distracted, except maybe when Maggie had come, but they mainly talked about the project like Alex did with everyone, which left Alex wondering why it felt different. During their entire interview Cat called Kara Kira, much to her annoyance. At least the baby seemed to like her. This interview sparked a conversation between Kara, Lois and Clark about journalism which Iris overhead while she was visiting Barry and joined in.
- Graduate students Ray Palmer and Curtis Holt were volunteer judges and ticket takers. Curtis wore a varsity jacket over his shirt and tie which covered his name tag, but at every project he judged he would describe every aspect as terrific, so the contestants started calling him Mr. Terrific. While judging Barry’s project they began a discussion about their favourite elements/minerals/gems. Barry couldn’t decide so joked he liked Barium. Ray shared his love for dwarf star alloy with a ‘quick’ lecture about its rumoured properties and potential uses. Curtis listed at least 10 compounds essential for modern tech as he flip-flopped back and forth trying to decide a favourite and Lex Luthor who was visiting his sister’s project beside them interjected that he favoured kryptonite. While taking tickets Curtis witnessed the following interaction. He asked Damian Darhk, who was carrying baby Nora, what brought him to the science fair. He responded with “These are the brightest young minds in the country and being young means they are malleable. So, there is nowhere better to recruit future talent for my enterprise.” Malcolm Merlyn, who was behind, him added “I know exactly what you mean with what the world’s coming to we’re going to need a bright mind to save it.” This led Tommy, who was accompanying him, to say “I thought we were just here to support the Queen’s.” Then one of the other judges, Dr. Harrison Wells aka Eobard Thawne in disguise, added “No your Dad is right. This world’s next HERO could be in this very room. I’ve already made a list of students to keep my eye on.” He pulled out a small piece of paper from his pocket. On it Curtis saw four names: Hartley Rathaway, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow and Ronnie Raymond. This led to a long conversation between the three men about numerous threats to society, the country and the world and the possible drastic solutions that would need to be employed to stop them. When they left Curtis turned to Ray and asked, “Was it just me or were those Doomsday Dudes really creepy?” “What” Ray replied his attention clearly being pulled from elsewhere. But before Curtis could answer a voice behind him said “Doomsday Dudes is a terrible nickname you should call them the Legion of Doom.” Curtis turned to find Cisco. “Just saying,” he continued, “anyway I heard there’s free Big Belly Burger for the contestants. When’s that coming?” Ray had missed the entire conversation Curtis was asking about because he had been making funny faces at baby Nora the whole time hoping to make her smile or laugh but she had just stared at him with her big blue eyes.
- Queen consolidated gave out a $1500 scholarship and a summer internship at the applied sciences division. This year Moira and Robert had made Oliver come and brought 9-year-old Thea. Oliver was tasked with watching Thea who ran around the entire science fair wanting to look at and touch all the projects even the ones with big ‘Do Not Touch’ signs on them. She spent at least an hour trying to get everybody around the robot pianist to sing and dance with her. Most people ignored her although she was able to get Cisco, Winn, Stein, Joe, Kara (who kept trying to get Alex to join) and to Oliver’s surprise Malcolm Merlyn all to sing with her and they were all surprisingly good. She also got many people to dance including the Lance girls. She even convinced Cisco to make the robot play some of her favourite songs from Disney movies. Barry was very happy that he was able to convince Iris to dance with him for a couple songs with just a little encouragement from Thea and despite Kara’s constant encouragement Alex only agreed to dance when Maggie asked. Oliver had to present his family’s award which went to Felicity. When her name was announced Donna yelled “Woohoo, that’s my daughter! Way to go sweetie!” which earned a whispered “Mom, ssshh” and accompanied eye roll from Felicity as she headed to the stage with her head down and cheeks flushed. When she got onstage Oliver presented her with her award and Felicity began to babble, “Thanks. This is so cool. I’m such a big fan of yours… well not yours… your company… your family’s company. But uh you seem cool too. I could be a fan of yours, but not like a creepy stalker fan just like a normal supportive fan, ya know. I’m sorry, I’m rambling, it’s just, I don’t know what to say. Your very handsome… and I just said that out loud. I’m so sorry.” She stops and whispers “come on Smoak, pull yourself together,” then takes a deep breath before addressing Oliver again, “Thank-you again for the award and I look forward to working with you, or for you. I’m just gonna go now.” Oliver couldn’t help smiling as she left and thinking that just maybe if she had been around when Thea was partnering everyone up to dance he may have just participated.
- Kara quickly got bored of standing by her project and started wandering around to talk to the other contestants. She spent a good chunk of time talking to Barry. Tried to join in on a heated debate between Felicity, Cisco and Winn about the best language to code in but quickly left when she had no idea what they were talking about. She ended up spending most of her time with Lena. They talked about their projects, their lives and interests and about dealing with new and scary situations especially when you feel different from everyone else and learnt that they were both adopted. However, the whole time they were talking Lena’s eyes kept scanning the room as if waiting for something to jump out and scare her. Kara learnt why when a woman Kara thought must be Lena’s mother showed up and menacingly questioned why she was distracting her daughter.
- J’onn came in disguise to check out the Danvers sister’s project
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mysterycheerio · 4 years
Ideas from my Instagram Followers: Part Two
accepting requests for au's
Instagram is @/mysterycheerio 🥺
Daisy (Johnson) as a mother of four children.
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Roses for Daisy - Every time, and then some.
Obviously they're Sousa's children.
She gives birth to quadruplets - three girls and one boy.
One girl is named Skye, she wanted to honour who she was when she found her family. She's the one who became obsessed with hacking - so much so that she was better than Daisy.
(Shield sometimes had to call her in if they needed something to be hacked.)
Another is called May, to honour her mother figure - but her middle name is Kora, after her sister. She loves her mother's powers.
The last girl is called Margaret, nicknamed Peggy. She's the one names by Sousa - the one obsessed with fighting, who wants to be a field agent.
The boy is called Lincoln. Daisy doesn't deny that she will always love Lincoln, despite the fact she loves Daniel more than anything.
Her son is peaceful, tranquil, calm. Although he's not an idiot and believes in western medicine (vaccinate your damn kids) he loves crystals, and likes biology and brain science.
He reminds Daisy a lot of her Lincoln - and how she thought Afterlife should have been.
They all go through terregenisis - much to Daisy and Daniel's dismay.
It's not like Daisy doesn't like them now that they're inhumans - but not being able to control your powers can cause a lot of pain (in some cases, trying to control your powers causes a lot of pain) not to mention the index. She didn't want them to feel as shitty as she did.
But she teaches them how to control their powers.
I hear you saying: Cheerio, you idiot, tell me what powers they have!
First of all, rude.
Skye has healing powers. Like Kara, she can heal people, but also animals, plants, and pretty much anything alive. Since getting her powers, she rescues dying plants, heals them, and keeps them as pets.
May has Pyrokinesis, meaning she manipulates fire. One time, the team was on a mission (May was on the quinjet) and surrounded by fire. She ran out, and saved them all.
Peggy has hydrokinesis - manipulation of water. She's the exact opposite of May, and when May uses her fire to get rid of the enemies, Peggy creates a wall of water to protect the team.
Lincoln has Gyrokinesis - manipulation of gravity. The first thing he does when he controls his powers is lift Peggy slightly off the ground. Daisy smiles sadly.
Daisy pretty much retires from Shield work, but has Shield on speed dial - just in case.
And, if needed on a mission, she'll step in. She still finds it weird (but not unpleasant) that everyone knows her - Quake.
The family of six set up a new afterlife, guiding the transformed into a safer lifestyle, and eventually, allowed back into the world. (Although some choose to stay and be transitioners).
It's funded by Shield - no one but Daisy, Mack and Melinda May (cause she's the bus driver) know exactly where it is to ensure the safety of the inhabitants.
"Every Shield facility has a memorial to the agent's lost in the line of duty."
Among those names are Trip, Rodriguez (the insufferable person from s3), Lincoln Campbell, Kora, and in big bold letters, Director Phillip J Coulson.
(She seriously debated on putting Ward's name down, but Framework!Ward, because she has massive respect for that Ward. She doesn't do it, cause the real Gr*nt Ward is a sonofabitch)
Skye, May and Peggy trained at Shield Academy, oh, my bad, Coulson Academy. Skye goes to the Science Academy, studying computer science and ecology, while May and Peggy go to operations - but May also studies biology.
Lincoln goes to MIT, and studies Brain and Cognitive Sciences as his major, Biomedical Engineering as his minor.
He rooms with Alya, Fitzsimmons daughter, who majors in Electrical Engineering, and minors in Biochemistry.
They all watch Hamilton (2020) religiously, and if you said any line from that show, they'd recite the part perfectly.
Daniel likes to sing as Washington/Hamilton, Daisy: Eliza/King George/Maria. Lincoln is Phillip, Laurens and Lafayette, May is Jefferson/Burr/Mulligan, Peggy is Madison/Peggy and Skye is whoever the fuck she wants to be.
(During "The Schulyer Sisters" Skye is Angelica, May is Eliza, Peggy is Peggy, Lincoln is Burr and Daisy and Daniel are the ensemble)
((Skye, May and Peggy know the dance inside and out))
Thanks for reading: have a lovely day, stay safe, and remember to always stan Coulson 💞💖
And if you meet someone who doesn't stan Coulson...
S̵̡̝̯͎̄͜l̶̢̞͙̺̗͈̱̪͉̎̔̂͑̇̈͊̋͜ư̷͕̖̊̇̈͐̃̆͘͝ͅr̴͍̣̦͓̻̦̜͓̎͆̀̊͘p̵͈̫̹͍͎̮̠̫̓͆͛͝ͅ ̵̛̲̣̫̫̰͎̒̈̀̑̓͛̈́͝ţ̵̢̳͊͂́͂̉͑͜h̴̳̱͗̾͊͒̔̋̐͝ė̷̩͈̦̯̗̻̦͌͛͊͌̈́͝i̶̮͗͌͗̍̚r̵̨̛̞̘̗͓͉̺̩̻͋̌̿̔͘͜ ̶̆͊̒͌̏͝ͅẻ̴̡̯̯̤͍̯̼͎̂̆̎l̸̬̝͉̯̂̍͂b̷͈͍̯̪͕̜̈́̉̔̈́̇͑̉̾̆͝o̷̥̗̺͔̤̽̔w̴͇̮̖̻̩̘͓͗͒̀́̂̌̐͛̑ŝ̴̡̛̱͔̩̰͉͕͖̬̇ͅ.̷̛͈̀̀̒̇̅̆̕͘͝
Bye Guys 🥺💞❤🍋
(Title from Harry Holland production: Roses For Lily)
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transboytwelve · 4 years
Was thinking abt s1 kara and That Episode we all remember where she does the screaming laxer eyes thing and wrote a lil Drabble abt anger bc it’s Relatable.
“I get really angry sometimes,” the girl says.
Kara slowly sits down beside her on the road, debris scattered all over the street, the two of them sitting together in the middle of it. She wants to reach out to this young girl, to hold her and tell her it’ll be okay and the anger will fade.
“Me too.” Is all she says instead. The girl whips her head up and studies Kara’s face like she didn’t even know a superhero could get angry.
The girl shakes her head like she doesn’t believe it, eyes skeptical on Kara. “You don’t understand,” she mutters under her breath. “When I get angry, bad things happen.”
Kara lets the words sink in and nods. “I get that. You know what happens when I get angry?”
The girl looks up, curious but still guarded.
“Sometimes I hit cars. I hit cars so hard the pieces fall off, can you imagine?” At the girls half-hearted nod she continues. “Sometimes I hurt my friends, too, with words I don’t mean. Do you do things like that?”
The girl kicks at a piece of concrete on the street as she twists her fingers together. “Sometimes,” she says in a voice so small and so young that Kara feels like she’s talking to herself (to the her she was after the shuttle and phantom zone and her planet being destroyed).
“You know, when I was young like you, I used to get so angry I’d accidentally light my bed on fire.” Kara laughs at the memory. “It happened more than once, actually. Eliza, my mom - adoptive mom - would let me lay in the yard and scream.”
The girl looks up, confused. “Why?”
Kara shrugs and leans back on her hands. “Sometimes when you have so much building up inside of you there’s no way to let it out without hurting people. I’ve found that yelling, just screaming your head off, helps lighten the weight of the anger. I used to scream until my voice was gone, and then I would go back inside and Eliza would have a glass of lemonade and a sandwich ready for me.”
The girl nods slowly. Kara leans down to try and catch her eyes. “It’s okay to be angry, you know. To be angry about what you’ve been put through, and the people that put you through it. It’s what we do with the anger that matters.”
“I don’t do good things with the anger,” the girl says, still avoiding Kara’s eyes.
“That’s okay. That just means you need to learn how. Are you angry right now?”
The girl doesn’t respond, then gives a slow nod of her head. “I think I’ll always be angry.”
“I’ll always be angry too,” Kara says, the admission coming much easier now, after years of dealing with it. “Do you want to scream?” she asks.
The girl looks up at her again, hesitant. Then she nods once, almost imperceptible.
Kara beams at her and lays down on the concrete, splaying her arms out to the side. She takes one really big breath and then screams - loud enough that people peek their heads out of doorways and windows up and down the street. The girls cheeks turn red in embarrassment as she looks at the people staring at them.
“Come on, lay down,” Kara says, patting the sidewalk next to her. “I don’t wanna be screaming by myself. These people will think I’ve lost my mind.”
The girl lays back, fists clenched hard and eyes squeezed shut as she lets out a deafening scream. It lasts longer than Kara’s and Kara smiles softly. “That was a good one.”
Kara takes another deep breath and screams, and this time the girl joins in. They lay like that, on the sidewalk and screaming until their throats are dry and the girl has tear streaks through the soot and ash on her face. Kara feels the girl touch her arm, hesitantly, like she isn’t sure of her own strength (and she probably isn’t, Kara realizes), and Kara moves to hold her hand tightly in her own.
She turns her head to the girls watery eyes. “You can squeeze my hand as hard as you want. I’m pretty sure I won’t break,” she says with an easy smile and the girl tightens her grip hard enough that it would’ve broken any humans hand and probably pulverized their bones.
“Is the anger as heavy now?” Kara asks.
The girl shakes her head and Kara smiles warmly. “Good.”
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the-13th-battalion · 5 years
Highlights from Hamilton!
The rush I got hearing the opening notes mmmm
Hamilton was Very Smol and Burr was Very Tol. It was gr e a t. Made their dynamic 10000x better.
John Laurens
"And Peggy!" She was so exasperated it was hilarious
Hamilton trying his best to get to Samuel Seabury and Burr attempting to hold this tiny ball of fury back. And then Hamilton finally got close and CLIMBED UP on the box with Sam and honestly their whole interaction was GREAT. I honestly thought Burr was going to lift Hamilton off the box. I was kind of disappointed he didn't.
King George hadn't even started singing yet- he was BARELY on stage - and people were already laughing. Myself included.
The entirety of Satisfied GOSH how did they do that so well ALSO Angelica is a queen
Wait For It gave me chills
EVERYONE ATTACK!!!!! RETREeeEeEEaaaAAat!!!!! A TT A CK !!! RETREEEAAAT !!!!!!! wHAT are YoU dOinG lEe gEt BAcK On YOur FEeT!!! bUt tHeRE's sO MAnY oF THem!! i'M SORRY is tHiS NOt yOUR spEED???!!???!!!!
Ten Duel Commandments was Very Good. It's one of my favorites so I was happy to see it come to life!
Did I mention I love Laurens and Lafayette??
Honestly everything from Guns and Ships to Non-Stop was a m a z i n g. So intense. Kind of sad. Sometimes adorable. It was all wonderful.
Hamilton learning about Laurens’ death was?? so sad??? My heart
I cried a little during Dear Theodosia, not gonna lie. Mostly because I love the end bit ahhhh
What’d I Miss was as perfect as I was expecting.
Honestly Jefferson deserves his own bullet point here.
I like him better than Daveed Diggs
Every single Cabinet Battle was hilarious and very well done.
Eliza beat boxing while Philip sings his poem omigosh
I...wanna be....in the roooommm where it happens..
Ok seriously though Burr during The Room Where It Happens was BRILLIANT. His vocals gave me serious chills.
There are so many things I love in Act 2 WHAT
*Burr slips out of a dark corner* ...It must be nice..it must be niiice...to have Washington on your side. *is friends with Jefferson in .2 seconds and harmonizing with him*
Hurricane was chilling and beautiful
NEVER GONNA BE PRESIDENT NOW *everyone is climbing on furniture and dancing, Jefferson starts throwing Reynolds Pamphlets everywhere, King George emerges and dances with everyone and NO ONE CARES*
The way Eliza sang I hope that you b u rn
What do you mean Philip dies what kind of sick au is that ahahaha ahah ha haha ahhhhhhh
Hamilton reaching to comfort Eliza and her immediately ripping her hand away and holding it still in the air yes you know what part I’m talking about
At the end of It’s Quiet Uptown, when Eliza takes Hamilton’s hand, and while everyone is singing “forgiveness” and so on, Hamilton looks at her and you can see him talking and she looks ahead still but you can just tell she’s listening and understanding and sdskdksdksdksdks
Everything literally everything in World Was Wide Enough and Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story was BEAUTIFUL
Ok that was a lot longer than I thought it would be! This is what I can think of now... I'll add another highlight if I think of it. In summary, Hamilton was super fun!
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miss-bookworm · 6 years
I got tagged by @smittenwithsugden  and @whatdiknow to rank the emmerdale characters. Thank you Pauline and Marj <33 I’m super indecisive so this was truly a challenge. 
Love 💕
Robert, Bernice, Marlon, Gabby, Tracy, Aaron, Victoria, Nicola, Samson, April, Ellis
Like 👍
Eric, Sam, Diane, Charity, Faith, Rhona, Jimmy, Noah, Sarah jr, Doug, Arthur, Brenda, Leyla, Matty, Angelica, Jacob, Elliot, Leo, Rishi, Kerry, Jack, Pete, Liam, Liv, Dotty, Lydia, Isaac, Jessie, Leanne, Dawn
Neutral 😐
Paddy, Belle, Cain, Bob, Rodney, Laurel, Pearl, Cathy, Heath, Moira, Jai, Priya, Amelia, Kyle, Megan, Harriet, Amba, Carl, Moses, Johnny, Eliza,
Hate 😡
Zak, also does Daz count (since I haven’t actually seen his exit yet)
It’s Complicated  😕
Chas, Debbie, David, Dan, Vanessa, Frank, Graham, Maya (mostly because it feels weird to say that I love her. i definitely enjoy how the actress plays her), Billy
As always I’m not sure who’s done this already but I’m tagging @imre-gr @inthedreamatorium @sugdenstyles @bartsugsy @itswheremydemonshide10 @kimtates
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2momsstory · 3 years
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👕 Mukena eliza ❤ Bahan Katun Rayon Full Bordir Jangan lupa LIKE, COMMENT DAN TAG Temenmu. . ✅ Caranya Like fanpage ▪️Butik Baju 2momsstory▪️ https://www.facebook.com/2momsstory/ 👌🏼 Real picture 100% . 🧵 Warna : Putih,Hitam,Navy,Abu,Maroon,Mint,Botol dan Lavender 🏷 Price 185K ✂️ Potongan 2K per pcs untuk pembayaran CASH ( maksimal 3 jam ) ✂️ Potongan 3K per pcs untuk Reseller ✂️ Potongan 5K per pcs untuk pembelian GROSIR . 📐 Detail Ukuran baju Keterangan ada pada foto Berat 800 gr ❓Yang mau tanya-tanya bisa langsung hubungi admin : Admin 1 : 0896- 3536- 5009 Admin 2 : 0852- 5757- 3001 . FIX ORDER Langsung kirim format : Nama : Alamat Lengkap : Kecamatan, Kota / Kabupaten : No. HP : Gambar Baju : . 📦 Menerima sistem DROPSHIP dan Reseller BISA COD SELURUH JATIM 😊 ✅ Kami juga menerima order SERAGAM GAMIS untuk ibu-ibu pengajian,PKK dll ( order banyak ada diskon khusus ) . 📒 Bisa info ke admin dulu untuk ketersediaan barang,dikarenakan barang cepat SOLD OUT dan apakah ada RESTOCK lg. . #busanamuslim #gamis #bajumuslim #gamissyari #gamismurah #hijab #busanamuslimah #hijabfashion #fashionmuslim #gamiscantik #fashion #dress #bajumurah #bajukoko #hijabers #gamispesta #bajulebaran #hijabstyle #gamisanak #tunik #ootd #syari #hijabsyari #gamisbusui #gamispolos #pakaianwanita #muslimah #jilbab (di Waru, Sidoarjo Jatim) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYneGXSvozc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucuzdomainsiteleri · 4 years
Online Diyet Urunleri Marketi
Sağlıklı yaşam marketi denilen diyet market içerisinde pek çok sağlıklı, kilo verdirici ve besin takviyesi denilebilecek ürün bulunmaktadır. Bu ürünlerden bazılarını saymak gerekirse şu maddeler halinde sıralayabiliriz; Proteinli Kakaolu Fındık Ezmesi 350 gr, BellaNut Chia, BellaNut Coconey 375 gr, BellaNut Pirinç Patlağı Rice Cakes 85 gr, BellaNut Pury 375 gr, Glutensiz Yulaf Ezmesi 300 gr ve Buğday Ruşeymi’dir. Bir önceki metinde sayılan pek çok sağlıklı, kilo vermeye ve almaya yarayan besinler uygun fiyatlara ve ideal gramajlarda satılmaktadır. Bu ürünler satın alınmak istendiği takdirde istenilen kredi kartıyla güvenli bir şekilde alınabilmekte; satın alınmış olan bu ürünler hızlı bir şekilde kargoya verilip adresinize teslim gerçekleştirilmiş olmaktadır. Memnun kalınmayan ürünlerin iadesi sağlanmakta; tarafınızdan alınan ücretler geri ödenmektedir. Teslimat sırasında ürünün başına gelmiş olan herhangi bir aksaklık görüldüğü takdirde ürün kabul edilmemeli, tutanak tutturulup tarafımıza mutlaka bildirilmelidir.
Diyet yapmak isteyenler, hızlı kilo vermeyi ve almayı amaçlayanlar birçok yola başvurmakta; bunlardan birisi de online diyet programı olmaktadır. Teknolojinin hızla ilerlemesi sonucu bugün online diyet yapmak da mümkündür; online diyet hakkında pek çok uygun yöntem bulunmaktadır. Farklı bir şehirde, yurt dışında yaşamanın ya da sürekli seyahat halinde olmanın hiçbir önemi bulunmamaktadır. Yalnızca kişiye özel diyetler ve sürekli bir şekilde takiple kısa bir süre içerisinde daha sağlıklı bir bedene ve estetik bir görünüme kavuşulabilir. Online diyet süresince kliniğimiz her gün düzenli olarak online diyet uygulayan katılımcılarına farklı hatırlatmalarda bulunur. Bunun yanı sıra mesai süresi içerisinde onların aklına takılan ya da anlık gelişen durumlarla ilgili istenilen soruları rahatlıkla cevaplandırabilir.
Online diyet programımız, size ait olan tahlil sonuçları ve kişisel bilgi formunda iletmiş olduğunuz bilgiler doğrultusunda Eliza Sağlıklı Yaşam ve Diyet Merkezi bünyesinde haftalık bir şekilde planlanılarak oluşturulmaktadır. Her hafta sonunda tartı fotoğrafları, mezura ölçüleri ve size ait olan bilgilerle birlikte bir analiz yapılır ve bu doğrultuda yeni bir online diyet programı oluşturulur. Bu sayede herhangi bir sıkılma ve motive kaybı olmadan online diyete devam edilebilir. www.elizasaglikliyasam.com sitesinden detox, andülasyon ve kilo alma diyeti uygulamış olduğumuz online programlarla istediğiniz vücuda ve şekle kavuşabilir; online diyet konusunda çok farklı ve hoşunuza gidecek bir deneyim yaşayabilirsiniz. Ayrıca diyet market üzerinden istediğiniz alışverişi anında gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.
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