sharpilu · 11 months
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experimented with CSP a little more and drew some mama Gourmond <333 her colony's local babysitter :3
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creativegenius22 · 2 months
Wild Kratts Mood Boards!
I was inspired by @lift-blog to make my own mood boards for the Wild Kratts characters! I hope you guys like them!
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octoqueen10 · 2 months
Daphne’s Intervention
AN: I didn’t write an actual intervention because I don’t have enough experience with them. This also has no intention to be anything but a ‘check in’ for Daphne to improve her behavior.
Vera, Vallen, and Violet all belong to the talented @jokerislandgirl32
Daphne knew something was up. Her parents were acting differently and everyone seemed to be tiptoeing around her. She noticed Zach’s jet pulling in, and knew something was up. Out walked Zach and Violet, looking solemn. Gourmand was in video call, something was going on and Daphne could guess what it was. She knew for sure when she was called into the ‘fancy’ living room, something they only ever used if there was something serious happening. As she sat down, her family started explaining how to use the internet in a healthy way. Daphne didn’t really care at first but she actually learned a lot, and felt much better about everything after the talk was over. Her family loved her, really, and their opinions and her own were more important than the trolls online. Daphne decided that she would take a small break from social media, and start doing other hobbies, once she found them. Her grades were also awful, so maybe this tutoring thing isn’t such a bad idea. It could be nice to spend more time with the Varmitechs, she would never admit it, but it gets lonely sometimes in the huge pink mansion, her parents aren’t around as much as she would like, and she doesn’t have any siblings that she sees often or are close in age. Vera was also super nice, and is a great role model for Daphne. 
Vallen would be lying if he said he wasn’t worried about Daphne. She had always been someone he really cared about, and to hear she was struggling made him so upset. He couldn’t believe that his parents wouldn’t let him go see her, they were friends!! He wasn’t dramatic, he didn’t know what they were talking about, plus he never said anything that wasn’t true, it was their problem if they didn’t want to listen to him. He was right pretty often. But when he was around Daphne, he got all tongue-tied and weird. It was a shocking feeling, considering he had never been like that with any of his boyfriends or girlfriends. Vera claimed that he had a crush on her, but Vera was totally wrong. Right?? Yeah she was pretty and outgoing, but she was in a relationship and so was he. He wasn’t the type of guy to hurt someone like that, they would have to both be single for it to happen. It would never happen. He was content with just being her friend. It seemed like he would be seeing more of her in the near future, Vera is going to start tutoring her in math and science. He couldn’t wait to see her roaming his house. Maybe he needed some tutoring too, it didn’t matter that his grades were excellent. Anything to spend time with her… But in a totally friendly way of course.
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kayakeys · 7 months
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artist-quinn-famdo · 10 months
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So guess who’s gained another fixation along with Pizza Tower
Hehehehe doodles due to the fusion of hyperfixations
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Yes. I did draw Peppino as a scug. Fight me /j
And also made 3 AUs in the process 🤭
I have so many thing rattling in my head HSJSJSK
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oysterie · 1 year
Do not buy dried strawberries unless you love bad perfumy aftertaste.
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Gourmond is coming home...
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context: i was trying to eat everything as Gourm, but the game kept crashing and i give up. but if i could finish the challenge, the ending would look like this...
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ghostplasmas · 5 months
Spear master moment
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I really love the idea of Spearmaster having markings or tattoos that are either similar or inspired by Suns' markings. I wanted to also draw them in clothes, but I couldn't get it to work. I don't think starting off my redesign/design series with the most Human Looking Freak™ of the bunch was a good idea but whatever FUFNSJ
I also think that spearmaster would be muscular- not super beefy like you'd think for Arti or Gourmond, but more athletic. They're definitely not malnourished- they can easily store enough food to save for a whole other cycle- plus they're getting a LOT of protein from their hunts :33
(+ the original sketch and doodles under the cut)
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Ignore the awful legs, It was 8 am and I was very sleepy
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just-antithings · 5 months
on todays episode of. What.
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ive seen videos on this mod and its literally just "you can be fat like gourmond!!! you can overeat as well :)"
does it help op is also a minor
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cristoferwhiss899 · 4 months
Todos los villanos se habían reunido para atacar al grupo de los hermanos Kratt. Gourmond utilizó sus armas que tenía implementadas en su avión para hacer bajar a tortuga al suelo, donde le esperaban Donita y Zack...
Jimmy: chicos,estamos en problemas
Martin: tranquilo Jimmy,todo está en orden.
El equipo junto conformado por Aviva, Chris, Martin y Jimmy bajaron para darle frente al grupo de villanos, lo que parecía una ventaja de 4 contra tres, terminó siendo un problema...
Uno de los Zackbots logra llegar intacto hacia Chris, cosa de la que se fija Jimmy, a lo que se interpone para que lo dañen a él, algo que termina dañando el traje animal del pelirrojo. Unos pitidos escuchan salir del traje, cosa que preocupa a Jimmy, la luz amarilla se vuelve roja y un cortocircuito hace soltar un grito de desesperación al pelirrojo.
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Chris y Martin no pueden hacer nada ya que están ocupados con esquivar los láseres de Donita, las armas de Gourmond y los Zackbots de Zack. El traje del pelirrojo se desactiva por un momento, solo para volver a reiniciarse de manera dañina, el traje había modificado el comportamiento de quien la portaba.
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Programación completada...
Fue lo único que se pudo escuchar antes de que empezara la segunda ronda.
Parte 1/2
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sharpilu · 11 months
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generated some color palettes and draw some scugs a bit ago. enjoy them
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kos-mos · 7 months
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finished gourmond and am halfway through rivulet so i wanted to draw and work on slugcat ocs again
I wish I had the coding know how to make mods beyond just dms skins
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creativegenius22 · 3 months
Happy 10th Anniversary Back In Creature Time!
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Thank you to both @kaythefloppa and @jokerislandgirl32 for bringing to my attention that the pivotal Wild Kratts episode Back In Creature Time is 10 years old today!
I remember watching this special with my brother for the first time like it was yesterday! The fact that they had made a two part episode and added the time travel element to the show blew our minds back then! I remember every feeling I had when I first watched this episode, from the awe of the reveal of Aviva’s time trampoline and Zach’s invisibility cloak to the absolute chills I felt when that Zachbot almost incinerated the return pad. And the Kratt brothers were really able to get their message about animal extinction across in a deep and powerful way that has stuck with me since.
I could fan girl so much more about how much I love this episode, but I think I’ll leave it off here! Thank you to the amazing episode Back In Creature Time for giving us such a fun adventure and adding so much more to the plot for us to geek about! Both me and my brother eagerly await the return of the time trampoline in all its glory in a future episode! I for one would love to see them travel back in time once more in another Back In Creature Time!
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panfluidme · 4 months
Hey this is one-shot request for Chris angst
Kidnapping or near death experience (deep wound preferably) feel free to include any ships you like for Chris and some emotion angst for Martin
Thank you for feeding the Wild Kratts community ❤
This was embarrassing, absolutely embarrassing. He hated that he was hurt, stabbed in the side while he watched Gourmond walk around the kitchen. Chris couldn't help but be glad that Gourmond had somewhat taken care of the wound, but that was only so if he needed to, he can use Chris as leverage.
Not ideal, but it still let him live. So he had to be begrudgingly be grateful for Groumond's 'kindness' and 'mercy'. He hated this whole situation.
Why did he decided to ditch Jimmy and run off with Martin? Yes, Martin was his best friend and brother, but Jimmy was his other best friend and boyfriend. There was no reason for him to run off because there wasn't much going on.
Surely Jimmy was going to be upset with him since he ditched him for no reason. And now he was with Gourmond and hurt. He was so stupid, so fucking stupid.
Chris leaned back and shut his eyes, his pain too overwhelming to stay awake.
Martin paced the Tortuga, worried out of his mind. Jimmy watched, kneeling and pressed against the back of his chair. Nothing was said while everyone was trying to figure out where Chris could've gone. Things had been going just fine while Chris and Martin goofed around with some cute animal.
Then Chris had heard an animal in distress and ran off before Martin could even react to things. By the time Martin had caught up, both the animal and Chris were missing, a big puddle of human blood. Car tracks had led away.
To say Martin freaked out was an understatement. Martin had nearly had a panic attack, his fear was so bad. He didn't know where his little brother was. And he couldn't stop blaming himself because he was the one who was dragged Chris away from his date.
And now Chris was missing and maybe even hurt. The puddle of blood was likely Chris', Martin just knew it.
Martin crouched down and put his face in his hands, trying not to start crying. He was so scared that he was going to lose Chris...
Chris was trying so hard not to pass out again. It had been two days, most of which he had slept through. But he didn't know how much longer he would be able to survive. He had lost a lot of blood and the wound hadn't been properly taken care of.
This was the end of Chris Kratt, he just knew it.
A shame, really. Chris still had so much to live for, but there was no stopping this. He had been hurt, he had lost blood, and he hasn't eaten since he arrived. Gourmond claimed that Chris didn't need the food because his life didn't matter, which is why Gourmond had only half heartedly taken care of the wound.
In a way, this was embarrassing. Chris was relying on someone he knew wasn't going to help him, Gourmond. Chris was waiting for someone who likely didn't know where to find him, Martin.
Shame swirled inside of Chris' stomach. He should've just told Martin he was too busy for a creature adventure. But... then Martin might've been in his place, and no one would know he was missing. So really, this was better since Martin wasn't the one hurt.
Chris knew Martin would disagree. In Martin's brain, any time Chris was hurt and it could've been Martin, Martin tore himself up and thought everyone would've been better off if he was the one hurt.
That mentality was something Chris was trying to help Martin to unlearn. Chris didn't want Martin to think like that because he hated when Martin was hurt, wishing he could take Martin's pain and make it his own.
A small laugh broke through his lips then a pained groan.
He was thinking in the same way that Martin was, but he was trying to help Martin not feel like that. Chris would never let anyone know that he felt this way because he knew everyone would try to get him to stop thinking like this.
Really, there was no much more Chris had to do anymore. There was once a time where he had been upset that he wasn't going to live through this, but he's come to accept his fate. Martin would move on from him, Jimmy would find someone better than him. He was easily replaceable, he's realized.
Maybe that was why Martin and the others haven't come picked him up. Maybe that was why Chris was alone, his only company was an animal murderer. Maybe that was why...
Black dots clouded his vision, his head lolling back. He didn't want to pass out again, but there was no fighting it.
The place was much brighter when Chris woke up. Something was poking his arm, but he barely acknowledged it as he tried to figure out what happened.
When Chris looked over, he saw Martin on a chair. Curled up and asleep.
Oh, so he was back home. Good, Chris had missed home. And now he knew that at least Martin needed him.
A small smile laced his lips as he fell back asleep.
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rubrumacai · 1 year
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BOOM! ponyfied scugs hot out the oven! not only were these fun, but they were also VERY DIFFICULT at times to make. i swear i spent a whole 30 minutes just on gourmond's markings alone, not to mention... all of INV...
(also if i accidentally used an already taken pony/OC name, sorry!)
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void-dreaming · 8 months
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Well, now that I'm making Iterator characters, let me preface this sketch dump with the fact that I don't know or understand most computer/ hardware/ advanced hardware terminology or functionality, my understanding stops at "it just does *shrug*", so unfortunately I can't quite explain my stuff to the fullest, I can't fix a computer by petting it like my old man can >>
Without further ado, here's a bunch of concept sketches for the the first batch of Mobile Itertor Puppets made by Abundant Curiosity (the one with the hat is a part of the second allegedly)
No TMC isn't normal, he's got his own stuff like the rest of the first batch!
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Some trivia
TMC has problems with memory storage, and carries many pearls with him to record and store additional data, or to swap out data for something relevant to the situation.
Crows is the strongest of her siblings, and has an affinity for all air-faring life.
TSA is a butthole, prickly, and somewhat arrogant.
The caped twin is a much more capable fighter.
I imagine TGK has wires tipped with barbs that when coming into contact with something, they deliver a painful shock. They're golden in color.
TGK prefers being referred to via nicknames, ex: Goldie, Goldilocks, Locks, ect. Ect. Though won't make this openly clear, she tends to keep to herself and struggles to form meaningful relationships outside of her family.
I'd also like to imagine that TGK has an affinity for crafting, and has a few weapons that are more than spears. She'd love the Gourmond!
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