Clara Nightingale
20 posts
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askclaranightingale · 2 months ago
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some goofy drawings I did, the first one was inspired by some of Nirami’s stickers that she was selling, I love this. This is now my persona.
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askclaranightingale · 2 months ago
[Toon x Mobster] A Toon's nature to break into musicals
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[Info Below:]
In the Toon Genre, it's socially acceptable to start singing without warning. Many would even join in and they'd go about their days afterwards since it's just that normal to them. Though, there's a few rules regarding this like no musicals during working hours or on the road (since it could be dangerous if the driver/road crosser got distracted), etc.
Not all Toons like musicals - some social circles don't even do them entirely - but it's widely accepted by most of their society.
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askclaranightingale · 2 months ago
Clara New Years Headcanons!
Clara would definitely host a big party. Screw that family dinner! Her parents aren’t invited anyways. All of her elementary school friends get to come in fashion! Oh my goodness the entire school coming to her mansion to celebrate new year. They all are hopping around the place and playing random board games and going on Roblox and maybe even playing a few games on there left and right.
She and her body guards would definitely have a little funny dance-off together, specifically including Rudy and Winston. She loves those two very much, even if half of the time she is very firey and ridiculous. She definitely likes to drink apple cider juice. She’d be chugging that juice down. As for her friends, she’d personally do some photo shoots with them. And about the Wild Kratts?
Well, screw them because this year she is absolutely going fancy this year.
She’d probably hang up a Chris piñata and make the others try and bash it. Some of them are Wild Kratts fans and don’t want to, but she does have a heart, so she doesn’t let them smash it apart. But the piñata gives her a sense of comfort because she think she’s actually destroying them. Murderous intentions for a silly little 9 year old.
Happy New Years. Goodbye 2024. Hello 2025.
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Also I kind of redesigned her !
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askclaranightingale · 2 months ago
New Years
Clara was currently huddled up inside her room as she stared at the bright scene of her phone, scrolling through TikTok videos and random YouTube shorts she either found interesting or just scrolled through.
She didn’t even realize today was New Years. That’s when one of her body guards had walked in, frightening her as she screamed, turning on the lights and panicking as she realized it was her bodyguard, Winston. Then she got angry, pouting. Temper tantrums like this usually resort in broken furniture or other types of stuff.
“Apologies, Mrs. Nightingale. But today is your New Years Family Dinner. You’re going to be able to see the rest of your family tonight.”
In that moment, she dropped her phone. She hadn’t had a SINGLE peaceful day without the Wild Kratts bothering her all the time. She just fluttered her eyes and smiled as she stared at Winston, “Oh? Today is New Years? Wait…I didn’t even bother checking the calendar? Wait…WHEN WAS CHRISTMAS?!”
Winston cleared his throat as she shuffled towards little Clara as she held her teddy bear. She had been so “busy” lately she forgot what day it was and what month. “Please tell me I’m going to go…”
“Yes you wi-“
She said as she pulled at her own hair: she had been so busy this whole entire week, upcoming fashion shows, meet and greets, and little pep talks, that she hadn’t even realized today was New Years and that she had missed Christmas. But as soon as she got up to her wardrobe; she got a call on her phone. She was about to answer it until Winston snatched it and picked it up.
“Clara Departments here, how may I help?
“Mhm. I see. Okay. Goodbye.”
Clara seemed frustrated that Winston had picked up the phone. But she was quite eager to find out who was on the phone. Could it be another telemarketer wanting to promote her brand new perfume? Or something else? She didn’t know. But all companies would be closed this New Years Eve.
“Winston. First of all…I COULD’VE PICKED UP THE PHONE MYSELF. Second of all, who Uhm…was that?” Clara asked, curious as she approached, a menacing grin on her face.
“Oh. It was your parents. They said they had important mandatory meetings today. They decided to cancel the New Years party.”
At that moment, silence had filled the room, her eyes widening in shock. Why did they have to reject the party again? They do this EVERY SINGLE DAY. Why. WHY CAN’T SHE JUST BE WITH HER FAMILY HAPPILY AND CELEBRATE? Did they not want their own daughter? Why….
“Oh. Okay…well Uhm…I’ll have to go…”
“Wait. Clara. Ms. Nightingale. I understand you’re upset. But maybe…instead of that New Years Family Dinner, you could maybe have a New Years Family Dinner with all of us.”
Huh. He was right. That’s not that bad: she smiled as she squealed happily and hugged Winston. Winston seemed delighted and patted her back.
“Don’t worry. I promise. We’re a family.”
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askclaranightingale · 2 months ago
Hey it’s Zach, and Violet Varmitech here! We just realized our eldest daughter Varina is the same age as you Clara, how well do you think you two would get along? She’s more bubbly and sassy like me, Violet! But she’s got her daddy’s stubborn streak! Here is Varina’s reference sheet with more info! From @jokerislandgirl32
Well, I’m not good with making friends, but she seems like someone I could handle. But she’s not as stubborn and or as bubbly as I am. I mean, c’mon, look at me! I’m basically a Hollywood star of perfection.
But, in that case…Ergh, that won’t stop me from becoming friends with your daughter Varina. If she’s not annoying I’ll be friends with her anyways. Here’s my number. Give it to her. We’re going shopping together. Money is on me. Rudy, dear, get the car ready!
I’ll be there in five. Sincerely, Clara Nightingale.
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askclaranightingale · 2 months ago
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he was my crush im not like yall
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askclaranightingale · 2 months ago
my big surprise.
“Hello, HELLO EVERYBODY! It’s me, the one and only, Clara Nightingale. Also, Merry Christmas and Happy New Years. Im sorry I’ve been so inactive lately for my fans. It’s just that I’ve had a 3 month course trip to France and let me tell you, the food there is absolutely divineeee!”
“Me and Rudy have been shopping for cute clothes this January and February since it will be cold where I AM THIS WINTER! And boy am I excited to see you all. Well; best of luck! I better get myself prepared for many questions to come!”
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askclaranightingale · 4 months ago
Where's her family?
”My family….? Oh. Well…my father is away on a….business trip for….5 months! Hehe…that’s all…and my mother…well, let’s just say..”
“She wont be visiting any time soon…”
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askclaranightingale · 4 months ago
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Clara Nightingale! another adorable oc that I just discovered :0 i read all her tag her concept is so cool *-* creator: @nokonomi
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askclaranightingale · 4 months ago
Headcanon about Clara Nightingale: Canon Fact!
-Like I have stated, she is 9 years old in fact, and later during her redemption arc she is 12 years old, she has grown a lot! But she is still 9 years old as of right now.
-The Wild Kratts do not take her seriously because she’s a child, why must she be taken seriously? Treat her like a little baby doll instead and feed her baby milk and cereal for breakfast each time? If she does something horrific and kidnaps the animals then maybe thats the time they get serious.
-She does not like the Wild Kratts for another reason because they don’t take her seriously enough, and it gives her anger issues sometimes.
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askclaranightingale · 4 months ago
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I wanted to do it too, funny
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I also didn't know which version to publish.
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askclaranightingale · 4 months ago
Clara asks you all how your day was…wow. That was so weird and awkward; but also…what do you call it?
“All. Peasants. ALL. PEASANTS. Oops—-hehe! Sorry about that. I got carried away a bit, so, how has everybody been lately?”
“Well?” :D
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askclaranightingale · 4 months ago
Chris Reprogrammed AU!
Hello how are you?.I actually read your story "Reprogrammed AU" and I really liked it, so I wanted to draw this for you and your magnificent story, I hope you like it! Anyway, have a nice day!
(I tried to make like water reflections in the part of the Chris with the kasklask butterflies, don't judge me)
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holiii, buenas a todooos alskals, pus me leí el fanfic y lo amé la verdad LASJLAKSLA, así que quise hacer un pequeño aporte de mi parte, espero a todos les guste este pequeño fanart, amé a Chris, pobresito AKSKKAKSA.
(no me juzguen, no se hacer reflejos de agua qwq)
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askclaranightingale · 4 months ago
Clara doesn’t have her fair share of the Kratt Brothers, wants to watch them suffer and burn cause she’s jealous of their fame, and how they bond easily with people. Bonding doesn’t exist in her family. And it never WILL.
She just wants to feel apart of something for once because of how broken she actually is mentally with her family, and how severed she is with them since they divorced. Which is why she is so jealous of Chris and Martin in the first place. They have such a happy family/friends it makes her jealous of rage.
Also she pretends to like animals (and people) on stage, but when she’s off stage she absolutely hates animals. Although there are certain animals that she likes, like dogs, cats, and pandas too.
But don’t expose the secret she secretly has some sort of obsession towards those animals and the Wild Kratts. She’s basically obsessed with them in a negative way, and a harmful way at that. She’d do anything for spotlight.
Her family issues have affected the way she is today, Angel on stage, Devil offstage. She literally would not care if you stubbed your to, get a new pair of bows and dresses. Super demanding and very obsessive.
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askclaranightingale · 4 months ago
”Guys look! This person drew my ‘favorite’ kratt bros and me together! Isn’t this moment wonderful?”
”ISNT IT?!?!”
hi! I was hoping you could draw my OC, Clara Nightingale if you’ve heard of her? I kind of request a few doodles of her with the Wild Kratts and her hatred of them. :)
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askclaranightingale · 5 months ago
How do you feel about Rex and Paisley?
“Rex and Paisley? Well, I don’t know much about them, but to consider, I do know Paisley! She is quite annoying and stern. She gets on my nerves, but I don’t really know. I think she’s ugly honestly. 6.5/10! Rudy, dismiss this little anon and I shall forget their presence, I need more makeup…” “Wait, CUT CUT CUT!!! WHO IS REX?-“
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askclaranightingale · 5 months ago
Uh oh! Looks like Clara had a little bit too much fun trying to harm them mentally!
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