#gotta stay humble
two-of-tails · 3 months
Do you ever think about how there are a lot of people out there that admire you? or that are fans of your work? Maybe not as many as Sonic, but at least to the same extent for those that do. You are pretty cool in a way that’s all your own, in case you didn’t already know.
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A-aw, thanks! I guess I sometimes think about having some admirers of my own. Sure, it’s not a foreign concept, but I don’t… really think about it that much! It’s a nice idea to have… yeah… hhehe.
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forbelobog · 9 months
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i know i've been quiet lately, i just find this time of year to be a little overstimulating and drafts/replies on top of it just adds to it. ntm new puppy has me and my partner on our toes a lot!
if you have my disco feel free to come bug me there, i would like to get some drafts done this week/weekend.
smooch smooch, happy update and gl to anyone pulling!
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randyortonofficial · 1 year
reading fics about 2009 cody getting double teamed by ted and randy just to balance the flares of lust after seeing pictures of him being an absolutely jacked daddy in 2023
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tittyinfinity · 1 year
To my fellow people with RSD who worry about posting things sometimes (like me) – I promise you, everyone has made a shitty post at least once. Everyone has posted incorrect information on accident before. If everyone is dogging on you for being wrong, it's a hard way to learn a lesson, but all you gotta do is learn and move on. You can't dwell on thinking that everyone is going to hate you now.
But this also goes the other way. Are you judging someone off of one singular post? Did you look in the notes to see if OP changed their mind? Did you look at any of their other posts? How old is the post? Are they purposely spreading false info in bad faith, or was it just a misunderstanding?
If we wanna build a community, you have to accept that everyone makes small mistakes every now and then. You only need to worry about how they respond to making a mistake. That's the part that matters.
But also: doing a harmful thing on purpose ≠ "a mistake". This post is in no way meant to be apologetic to oppressors and abusers. You can still change, but you gotta accept that no one owes you forgiveness.
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magicaldreamfox1 · 11 months
dreamy drabbles
— prompt: dread
When Pete reaches out to open the door to Tankhun's room for the first time since he's back again, he hesitates.
He thought putting the suit on would make him feel normal again and allow him to return to his life, his job.
The slight nausea as he looked at himself in the mirror this morning must be because his body isn't used to eating again, not the persistent feeling of wrongness gnawing at him at night.
But there he is – frozen in place and unable to open the door; chest sinking and wanting nothing more than to run away.
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sitzfleischh · 4 months
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ballerinadancer11 · 3 months
Krista should seriously write a self help book or become a motivation speaker cuz when I read her essays I genuinely become more motivated. We laugh at how much she pours into those essay but god damn it makes me want to put my phone down and get to work!!
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fertbutt · 1 year
am i missing some obscure lore or is vulpes inculta just named "messy/rough fox" like i get the fox thing cause hes a furry but inculta is feminine (or neuter plural?) and means like rough, neglected, unpolished
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acebytaemin · 1 year
go alone! it will be a formative experience and you’ll be glad you did it. can i see the hyunjin shirt by the way, i don’t really follow stray kids and i’m intrigued?
but consider the fact that IM SCARED do you wanna come over and we can go together it’ll be so fun. ANYWAY here is the hyunjin shirt on hyunjin and on little old me 🥲
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nexadarling · 5 months
I just feel like demons would have absolutely nothing on me. I'm not scared of bumps in the night, I have 3 cats that get late night zoomies. Scratching on the walls? My cat does that too, it barely registers anymore.
They can't pull my blanket off of me, i have a relflex to pull it back cause my husband is a dirty blanket hog.
What, are they gonna move my shit around??? Jokes on you, bitch, i don't remember where i put anything, i have adhd. I totally could have put my keys in the freezer, that's not even weird.
They wanna stack stuff? Me too motherfucker, you don't scare me
What now? Checkmate, demon
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fivefeetfangirl · 1 year
ouf the closer i get to moving the more i regret that decision
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crazy-dane-art · 10 months
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caluski · 2 years
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primowishes · 1 year
//Lisa actually didn't pick up her tendency to avoid hard work until after she left Sumeru. She graduated in only 2 years and is, in canon, considered the most distinguished student in the last 200 years, and you don't get that sort of accomplishment from coasting even on high intellect. And she learned a lot outside the Darshan she studied in too. She saw the cost of such an environment and her current behavior is a complete overhaul in reaction to it.
Just thinking a lot about how hard me must've worked while in the Akademiya, and how she must've suddenly felt during her realization to (immediately after graduating) return to Mondstadt and refuse to take on any job that she's well-qualified for and one much more humble in comparison
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meltedmercury · 2 years
I don’t know why people are self deprecating about dumb posts. All my posts are dumb they’re seen by three people max it’s a paradise of zero notifications
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are you dropping any new selfies soon?
sorry, no new selfies as of now
but please enjoy this picture of some bomb ass rice i made earlier this week
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it was so good
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