#gotta hem all your trousers
songofwizardry · 1 year
i love being a very small person who wears mostly men's clothes bc i will google something like 'tying ties for short people' and end up on a menswear site with all these guides and i start reading and it's like "for shorter men, those of us under 5'6"..." or something like that, and i'm just like....... no. that's not what i meant. go shorter.
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dragons-bones · 8 days
FFXIV Write Entry #14: Skin-Deep
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Prompt: telling || Master Post || On AO3 (coming in October)
Alakhai does not initially understand just how Synnove and Dancing Heron remain friends with one Rereha Reha.
Oh, sure, the girl is nice enough (‘girl’ as if she isn’t just a few years younger than Alakhai herself), especially for someone that filthy stinking rich. (Who needs that many purses?) But she’s loud and rambunctious and bawdy, a bit too fond of parties, ostentatious in the extreme, the exact opposite of the far more reserved Synnove and Heron.
Clearly, she’s missing pieces of this puzzle, not helped by her infrequent visits to Ul’dah, and then Rereha running screaming for Gridania of all the cities. But Alakhai is very good at fading into the background to observe, so that’s what she’ll do.
It’s all the little moments that count for the most.
The time she and Synnove arrive at Rereha’s family manse to find Rereha’s room a minor disaster with clothes spilling out of the walk-in closet and Rereha sorting things into various piles.
“Shirts to keep, trousers to keep, dresses to keep,” she had said, “shirts to donate, trousers to donate, dresses to donate. Forgot to do this before I went to Gridania. Oh! Gotta let Ruru and Roro at the donate piles, too, they get first dibs on whatever I’m not wearing anymore, should be a couple of things they like…”
There’s also the cheerful pride Rereha always has when she speaks of her baby sisters. She isn’t particularly close with them, but none of them seem to mind that. Rereha has her own path, and she speaks with naked relief about how much better Ruruha and Roroha will be as castellans for the family businesses. “They actually enjoy goldsmithing and alchemy and all the business management stuff!” But she’s always happy to share a list of her sisters’ latest accomplishments when asked, and at one point, Alakhai is present when the young twins decide they want a song from their elder sister. And Rereha immediately puts down her bow, and picks up her fiddle.
There’s the time they were all out shopping the market stalls, and Alakhai sees Rereha clock a minor jeweler down on their luck. Worn hems, unpolished shoes, a collar very carefully turned to hide a faded stain. Their wares are good, even to Alakhai’s untrained eye, and Rereha quite happily purchases a necklace and two sets of earrings from them. But Rereha doesn’t haggle quite as ferociously as she would with a better-off merchant (and there is, apparently, an entire etiquette about haggling in Ul’dah and greater Thanalan that Alakhai has no hope in hell of grasping), though she manages it in such a way that if you’d never seen her actually put her whole effort into it, you’d never know she’d deliberately gone light.
And then she puts on the necklace as they wander off, and hooks in one pair of earrings into her lobes and the other onto her cartilage just at the points of her ears, and gushes to everyone on Sapphire Avenue who asks about her baubles about where she’d gotten them.
Then there’s Rereha’s about preternatural memory for keeping all of Heron’s numerous relatives straight. Synnove’s dead to the world on the couch in Rereha’s room, recovering from exams, while Heron whisper-shouts in frustration over some family squabble that’s boiled over and Rereha is nodding along. Heron finally wears herself out and presses her forehead against the couch with a low groan.
“It’s so stupid,” she finishes.
Rereha wiggles off the still-sleeping Synnove’s back to smush herself against Heron’s head and pat her shoulder in commiseration. “Your uncle’s a moron,” she says. “Has anyone bothered to write to your Great Aunt Intrepid Star to get her to settle the matter already?”
Heron heaved a sigh. “Trying. She went on holiday in the South Seas, which has turned into her island hopping her way to Thavnair, and the runner keeps just missing her in every damned port.”
Finally, there’s today. Synnove is making eyes at an enormous topaz she just bought like it’s a Bismarck ice cream sundae and Alakhai has a hand on her elbow to keep her moving through the crowd. Rereha, however, isn’t quite so distracted, and she yanks at Alakhai’s belt to get her attention.
Alakhai looks down and can’t help but blink in surprise at the expression of utter loathing on the lalafell’s face. Then Rereha points, and through the heavy crowds, Alakhai sees a hyur woman of middling years, pale-skinned and black-haired and blue-eyed.
Alakhai has never met Isolde Greywolfe and quite frankly probably shouldn’t (oops there’s a knife in someone’s kidneys, so clumsy, how awful of her), but now she knows for sure what the woman looks like.
Rereha has already moved to Synnove’s other side and is tugging at her friend’s skirts, and Alakhai assists by gently pushing Synnove into the movement. “Come on, babe, you’re gonna get us mugged making buffalo eyes like that,” Rereha drawls.
Synnove merely grunts.
Even with her eyes still glued to that topaz, Rereha and Alakhai manage to get Synnove down one of the less busy side streets, and from there, Rereha guides them through the maze that connects the various major Avenues until it spits them out near one the clusters of cafes.
“Time for coffee!” Rereha says, and that finally gets Synnove’s attention.
Alakhai shakes her head in amusement, and levels a considering eye on Rere. The pieces are beginning to fit together, and what a strange creature this Rere really is. Funny, though.
Let’s see where this goes.
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mslanna · 5 months
Raphael and/or Haarlep reacting to seeing Tav in the wavemother robes?
enby, afab Tav with top surgery seduction read on AO3
Wavemother Help Me Now
Well. Tav pulled at the hem of the scaly robe. They lost that bet fair and square. And while the high slit and deep neckline promised forbidden views, they didn't yield any by themselves. With a little tweaking though, Tav could show anything they wanted to.
It would have to do. Hopefully. It wasn't that the price for the lost bet was bad or anything. It made sense and Raphael did take up a lot of their thoughts. So getting hi out of their system by getting him into their pussy was a sound plan.
But how did you even seduce a devil? With cunning ploys? Outright demands? They'd find out. Because, unfortunately, the price wasn't "trying their best and leaving it at that" but honest to goodness seduction.
Gotta bang that devil. Tav scrutinised their looks a last time. At least they knew where he was. And that he had a pool. Between the Wavemother robe and the water, they'd come up with something. Hopefully.
# # #
"What is it with that – getup." Raphael's eyes raked over Tav. The adventurer wore a – revealing robe to put it mildly. And yet, there was no sliver of skin of the enticing kind to be seen. What a tease.
"Oh this?" Tav shrugged and the motion raised the slit of the robe dangerously high. "I lost a bet."
"And now you have to wear – this?"
They shrugged again with similar effect and mumbled under their breath blushing. "Astarion said it'd be less breezy around the – well, around everywhere if I started wearing undies. But that day may never come. Anyway," Tav gathered themself. "It's not all bad. Look."
They stepped over the rose petals into the pool and lifted the robe so it wouldn't get wet. Raphael swallowed hard.
"It heals me when I stand in water. Helpful, yes?" They turned slowly as if that would show the healing properties.
"Yes, very impressive." Raphael said, proud of the flat tone in his voice. "Was there anything else? A contract you reconsidered maybe?"
Tav stilled and dropped the robe. It made a small sound as it dipped right into the water and floated around their legs. The slit turned especially adventurous, if unsuccessful at revealing their private parts.
"I knew I forgot something," Tav sighed. "It's not so easy, you know. Lae'zel will kill me if I don't free her Prince. And Karlach and Wyll will kill me if I deal with a devil. It's kinda a fix."
"And how do you intend to fix that?" Raphael took a goblet with heavy red wine and a step towards the pool. With his hands occupied it felt safe enough.
"I don't know." Tav dropped their hands to their sides, where their fingers played with the high slit of their robe, hiding and revealing skin in an almost hypnotic pattern.
"Protection can be arranged as part of the contract."
"Really?" Tav brightened and raised their hands to their chest. Unfortunately, they tangled in the robe on their way up, revealing almost everything as the fabric bunched momentarily over Tav's crotch. "It's still two against one."
Raphael thrust the wine into their hands. "If you need time to consider, help yourself. I have other matters to attend to."
"Oh." The word dropped from Tav's mouth small and soft. "Of course." They climbed out of the pool and walked to his desk, dripping water all over his floor. Tav put the goblet down with a sigh. "You know, bending me over the desk and fucking me silly would be a strong argument in your favour."
Raphael froze. Had he heard correctly? He went through the conversation again, but yes, it seemed that Tav had not only admitted to not wearing underwear but also asked to be taken from behind over his desk. The image parched Raphael's mouth. He could feel his cock stir and press against the inside of his trousers.
And they had not moved. Stood with their back to him and eyes cast down into the wine. Raphael let his gaze wander over the curve of their back and ass. A clear invitation. One he had not expected.
He stepped behind Tav and his breath on their neck made them shudder. "I don't think that is an argument I want to make."
Each of his words dropped onto Tav's skin and they sighed sweetly under them. He slipped a hand under the robe and over the shivering skin over Tav's stomach. They pressed back against him immediately.
"You will find that my own arguments are a little more convincing." Raphael moved his fingers down, teasing the joint between thigh and body. Tav mewled, their fingers gripping the desk turning white with pressure.
"I am," they drew a sharp breath as his hand descended, "open to suggestions."
"Matters of this importance should not be rushed." The reversal of roles suited Raphael perfectly. He cupped their sex with his hand and slipped his index finger down between Tav's fold. They were invitingly warm and wet for him.
Who knew. Maybe he would just bend them over the desk. A quick solution to the pressing problem building between his own legs. "The question is what I will get out of this."
Whatever Tav's answer was going to be, it was lost when he pushed away the robes and cupped their ass with his free hand. It wasn't the most dignified of intercourses, but if Tav had wanted that they wouldn't have presented a standing invitation. He squeezed.
Tav pressed into his hand, and moments later over his naked cock. Raphael took them in with a low growl, marking Tav's throat with hungry teeth. It was obvious what he'd get out of this and if he had his way, and he planned to, this would not the last time, Tav offered themself on a silver platter. He'd devour that little mouse until they forgot why this was a bad idea.
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hiyori-ii · 9 months
I've Been Meaning To Tell You ...
Paring: Zoro x Reader
Word Count: 1018
Tags: fem!reader, inexperienced!zoro, wildly horny!reader, alcohol consumption, inebriated reader, no sex but reader has a filthy mouth. zoro is struggling BIG time. don't take this too seriously, this is my first time writing in like ... eight years so it might be a bit rough around the edges. not really proof-read lmao.
a03 link
Author's Note: feeling very normal about zoro lately so i decided to share my feelings. minors and ageless blogs dni! nsfw under the cut. enjoy!
Zoro prides himself on knowing exactly where his strengths lie. Years of practice and combat have made him a sure-footed man.
But this ... this was way beyond his skill-set.
The crew is lively tonight and the drinks seem endless; he wonders to himself where the shit cook has been hiding it all this time.
But that's really the least of Zoro's concerns right now.
'Cause right now your back is pressed to his chest, head tilted back to catch his eye, "Zorooo, I've gotta tell you something-"
He can smell the alcohol on your breath and before he can even respond you twist around to press your chest tight to his, lower lip pushed into a pout.
"I've been meaning to tell you for a while now, I really really have, but you're just so ... intense sometimes."
Zoro's heart constricts at your confession.
"Wha'd'you mean I'm intense?" he asks, hands hovering over your shoulders, unsure whether to put distance between you two or not.
You drop your forehead to his chest and deflate against him with a sigh, "I guess I'm just nervous is'all."
Zoro tears his gaze away from you to see if anyone has noticed you two yet. Unfortunately for him, Robin seems to have seen the entire thing, if the gentle but teasing smile on her face is anything to go off of.
Panicking at the thought of a growing audience, Zoro grips you by the shoulders and squeezes, "...Y/N, I can't read your mind. You're just gonna have to spit it out."
You whimper into his shoulder and oh- that does something weird to him. His grip tightens and you finally pull back enough to look up at him, "I- "
You hesitate, blurry eyes darting from his right eye down to his mouth.
"I really want to fuck you."
Zoro's face erupts in red, his entire body flushing with heat.
All he can manage to get out is a faint, "H-huh?"
Your eyes are squeezed shut, face flushed as brightly as his. If he pays close enough attention, he can feel your heart thundering against his own.
"Y/N ... what are you talking about?"
You squirm in his hold, blinking up at him as you reach up to grip his coat by the collar, "I want you so bad that it makes me feel insane and I just can't take it anymore!"
His vision begins to fall out of focus the longer you speak, heart hammering in his chest.
You're still rambling on as he comes back to himself, " -didn't mean to be so forward but Nami says I have no right t'complain if I'm not gonna say anything but it's just that I like you so much and you're so pretty and no matter how hard I try I can never make myself cum enough to make the feeling go away!"
Zoro feels like he's been punched, really fucking hard. The air stutters from his lungs and as you press closer to him he finally realizes where that weird feeling from earlier has settled.
Just as you open your mouth to continue your confession, you feel a pressure at your hip.
You pull back and look down to see the shape of his cock pressed into you and its all you can do to keep yourself from creaming on the spot.
As if in slow motion, you let your hand fall from his coat to the hem of his haramaki before sliding down to the seam of his trousers. Your breath stutters in your chest as you watch his cock twitch at your proximity.
"O-oh," you look back up at him, eyes glazed and mouth open as you practically pant with want, "Does this mean you like me too?"
Zoro thinks he might faint.
"No! I mean- no! What are you saying?! Are you crazy?!" he practically shouts, eye widening and blush painting his features all the way up to the tips of his ears.
Your face falls and he thinks he must be the worst person alive.
"O-of course! I'm so sorry, Zoro!" You begin to pull away, hands pressing against his chest to put as much space as possible between you two, "I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I just need to get some rest and sleep this off!"
You've started to laugh, desperately trying to ease the tension and play your confession off as a drunken mishap. But before you can spin away and rush off to your cabin, he grabs your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.
"Y/N, fuck, listen I didn't mean to-" but you cut him off quickly, trying to get away from him as fast as possible.
"No! No, it's completely my fault, I stepped way out of line I- !"
You yelp as he pulls you back against his chest, just as you had been when this all started, and flush at the feel of his cock pressed tight against your ass, “Oh fuck,” you whine. 
Zoro hisses between his teeth, the pressure on his cock making his vision swim, “I didn’t mean what I said,” and with a sharp inhale, he rocks his hips forward into you, your answering moan leaving him desperate to hear more, “I have no idea how to do this.”
You puff out a breathless laugh, feeling high off the sudden shift in atmosphere, “You mean it?”
Zoro’s expression falls, deadpan, “What do you think?”
You smile to yourself and turn over your shoulder to catch his eye, “I’m not sure, you haven’t been very honest about your feelings so far.”
As you break eye contact, you grab the hand that had settled on your right hip and push it just above the crease in your thighs, “I’m gonna need you to show me exactly how you feel in a bit more detail.”
Zoro lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, the hand over the front of your hip pulling you tight against him.
“In that case, lead the way, princess."
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itsasainz · 2 years
Haaland putting brat reader to their place 🫠🫠
Ahh erling my love <3
Warnings: smut, masturbation, orgasm denial
mdni please :)
You both know exactly what’s happening, what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Neither of you care, either. He’s watching you from across the kitchen counter, watching you huff and pout, annoyed and wanting attention — his attention. You’re not, by nature, possessive or controlling, so he knows this is about getting a release — you’re not threatened by the idea of him clubbing with his teammates, you’ve just been missing him and are horny. He can practically smell it, with your legs crossed, tense and less subtle than you think.
“You want me to stay?” He asks, moving slowly.
You nod. “I’ve missed you. I don’t understand why you want to go out with your teammates who you spend every day with anyway.”
Your pout makes his heart flutter. He’s stood over you now, gazing down at your crossed legs and pleading eyes. His thumb and forefinger hold your chin, turning your head to look at him better. “You don’t understand, hmm?”
You shake your head. “No, I don’t get it.”
“Stand up.”
There’s a flutter more of anticipation. You do as you’re told, then go a step further and run a light touch over his pelvis, skimming the hem of his trousers. His bigger hand grabs your wrist, “Who said you could touch?”
You know exactly where this is going now. His eyes rake over your body. “Get on the bed.”
You smirk to yourself as you walk away from him, leaving him in the kitchen. You pull your — his — top of and lie back on the bed, propped up on your elbows wearing only your underwear. He comes to the doorway.
“Touch yourself,” he instructs, watching with interest as you do so, one hand teasing your nipples while the other slips into your pants, slow movements finding a rhythm on your clit. You whimper, your own hands never enough since you’ve known his touch. You push your panties down so they’re around your knees, going back to your clit with the smug knowledge of his own arousal, watching you touch yourself and fill the air with breathy moans. Your body, desperate for more, starts to instinctively move, hips rutting into your hand where the pressure is not quite enough.
He waits until you’re on the verge of an orgasm, always understanding your every muscle spasm and moan, before he pulls your hand from your core. You whine his name, huffing at the denial.
His hands take your hips, manhandling you almost carelessly to turn you over, your front pressed into the mattress, hands finding a grip in the sheets. His trousers are long gone as he spreads his precum down his length, pressing abruptly into your soaked cunt. He does not ease into it, but starts to move fast and rough, pressing you down into the mattress as you moan beneath him, trying desperately to adjust to the sudden movement and the overwhelming feeling of him inside you, reaching every point it’s possible to reach. One of his hands is in your hair, the other holding your hips to pull you back onto his dick over and over.
He feels you start to clench around him, your orgasm building up as he pressed into every possible pleasure he could. There’s a moment of decision — he chooses to be cruel, letting himself climax and pulling out before you can, watching the way your pussy clenches around nothing, in need of some friction. He pulls you up so his mouth is at your ear, his voice soft. “Brats have to earn their pleasure, hmm? Gotta do more than this.”
You’d glare at him if his face was within your sights. All you can really feel or see is his hand on your hip, your bodies pressed together. “Tell me what I need to do,” you practically beg, “please.”
He hums against the skin of your neck, “Such a good girl for me, aren’t you?”
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mayhore · 2 months
Hit it and quit it
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HEYYYYYYY GUYS GALLSS AND BIMBO PALSS this is my first time writing so if you dont really like it please don’t be to disappointed 👾~ lady mayhem
Javier peña x Black!reader.
cw: Smutty shit and shit smut, little plot, Javi being Javi, (unprotected) p in v, oral f MINORS DNII!!!!!!!!!! The reader is a Afro Latina and the rest is history 🌸
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You and your bestie, Kayla, went to a bar that you had been to multiple times just to blow off steam….with sex. Tonight you were ready to fish some asshole out of the crowd and hopefully he’s decent in bed.
After settling in with a few drinks Kayla pointed out a guy staring at you as you scan him for any sign of marriage you hear Kayla snickering, “You are NOT falling for señior woofers over there I rebuke it.” You scoff “your boy toy is bite sized I’d rebuke him if I were you ” She just rolled her eyes and finished her drink “If your feeling him that much go talk to him.”
You stay quiet for a few seconds “Nah im gonna see if he feeling me first.” She groans mumbling something under her breath. “Okay babe I’ll see you tomorrow and if not I’m calling the police.” Kayla walks off to find her boyfriend you presume.
Kay leaves the guy comes over almost immediately reaching in his pocket to pull out his badge “Javier peña you’re under arrest for being so addictive.” You smile “Way too corny,” You snicker watching him sit next to you as you share your name.
“I’m complex you gotta work for me honey.”He his pinches his eyebrows together in amusement. “Ay, mi amor your killing me.” Teased resting his hands on your hips. “What you signed up for when you came over here baby” You reply swiftly.
Javier had taken you back to his house after you sent Kayla your location "just in case". You set your bag down letting him do what he needed before settling with him.
You were both sitting on his plush sofa, the dim light of the fireplace casting flickering shadows on your entwined hands. With a teasing grin, Javier leaned in close, his warm breath tickling your ear as he whispered, "I've been wanting to do this all night."
You shivered, feeling the tingle of anticipation racing down your spine. Javier's hand slid up your thigh, his fingers grazing the hem of your skirt. You bit your bottom lip, as his hand continued its journey, his touch sending shivers through your body. His fingers danced along your inner thigh, brushing against the fabric of your lace panties.
You couldn't help the moan that escaped your lips when Javier's thumb brushed against your swollen clit. He leaned in, capturing your mouth in a searing kiss. You parted your lips, allowing his tongue to explore the sweet recesses of your mouth.
Javier's hand lifted your skirt, exposing your wetness to the cool air. He pulled your panties to the side, slipping a finger into your slick warmth. You gasped, clutching at the fabric of his shirt, your body arching into his touch.
"You're so wet for me," Javier whispered huskily against your neck, his voice arousing you further. He removed your panties, discarding them on the floor. He positioned you so that you straddled his lap, your core pressed against his throbbing erection.
As you ground against him, Javier unbuttoned his trousers, freeing his hardness. He guided you down onto him, filling you completely. You both moaned, a mixture of pleasure and lust.
Javier's hands gripped your hips, guiding your movements as you began to ride him. The friction between your bodies built a crescendo of desire that threatened to consume you both.
You leaned in, your breasts brushing against his chest, as you whispered, "Don't stop." Javier's fingers dug into your flesh, driving you both toward the edge.
The room was filled with the sound of your passionate cries, your bodies moving in perfect unison. Javier's lips found your nipple, his teeth gently grazing the sensitive bud. You threw your head back, the pleasure overwhelming you.
You could feel the climax building within you, the tension coiling tighter and tighter. "Javier," you gasped, clinging to him. Your orgasm hit like a tidal wave, your body quivering on the precipice of release.
Feeling your body tighten around him, Javier couldn't hold back any longer. His hips bucked upward, driving himself deeper into you. He groaned your name, his release flooding your core.
The two of you collapsed together, your breaths heavy and labored as you came down from the high of your ecstasy. Javier's arms wrapped around you, holding you close as you both basked in the afterglow.
"That was…" you panted, searching for the right words.
Javier pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, a satisfied smile on his lips. "Unforgettable," he finished for you.
As the heat of the night faded, leaving you both spent and sated, you could only agree with Javier's assessment. The night you both gave in, became a memory etched in your minds, a testament to the passion that burned between you.
Sorry this was out so late I was in the mental hospital then the regular hospital. My life is amazing 😋 👍
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druidx · 2 months
I also managed to hold myself to doing the 3rd of the writing exercises from this post.
Tagging op of that post @davycoquette as requested :) & @aquadestinyswriting as per
Describe a character by turning out their pockets.
The goon patted her down. "Let's see what we've got here then, eh?" he said, smirking at how O'Toreguarde struggled against the two beefcakes holding her still. He drew her 8-shooter from the concealed holster, tossing it into the tray behind him. "Don't think you'll be needing this then. What else we got…" Feeling around her belt, he plucked off her badge and handcuffs. "Oh, these'll be handy. Just gotta make sure you don't have the key still on you, eh?" Reaching into her left trouser pocket, he pulled out a bundle of keys, a pocket knife, and a few hard candies. Popping one in his mouth, he grinned with crooked teeth. "Mint humbugs. My fave. Now, lessee here." From her right trouser pocket, he pulled a chapstick, a handful of rounds for the gun and a notebook. "No pen? Whaddyado, write with the chapstick?" The beefcakes behind her chuckled. Elo huffed. "Pencil's in the inside jacket pocket." "Along with your moolah, I see," The goon pulled out her horseshoe coin purse, followed by her warrant card. He flicked it open. "God! Were you sick that day or summit?" "Everyone looks shit in those pictures. It's the light," Elo shot back. "Yeah, sure," the goon said, pocketing the slim black wallet. "Hey!" Elo struggled forward again, only to be shoved back as the goon went digging back in her jacket. "And that is private," she added as he pulled out her date book. "All the more reason for me to hold onto it then," he said, shoving it into his back pocket. Elo growled in response. "What about in here? Just a hankie?" The goon plucked the pocket square from her breast pocket, running his finger along the lower edge. "If you're looking for the key to the cuffs, let me save you some time. I lost the bloody thing." "Somehow I doubt you've misplaced anything in your whole life. Like these liddle trinkets here." The goon thumbed the two chains around her neck, lifting the Dalliance signet ring and Thor's hammer from under her shirt. "Neither of those are the key," Elo told him coldly. The goon cocked an eyebrow. "Can't be too careful, eh?" he said, and yanked, snapping the chains. Elo growled again, as the jewellery also ended up in the tray. "You wanna save me time, eh, liddle girl? Where's the cuff key?" "I told you: I lost it." "And I told you," he breathed minty breath in her face, "I don't believe that for one stinkin' minute. Now, as I see it, you got a choice to make. Either you tell me where it is, or I have my boys strip you naked and we go through every inch of your clothes. What'll it be, little girl?" Elo pursed her lips and swallowed. "It's in the left back pocket. My left, not yours." "There, now. Wasn't so hard, was it?" the goon said, reaching around to fish it from her pocket. Elo glowered, thinking: at least he never checked for her backup knife. Or asked about the second key, hidden in the hem of her trousers…
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anglbrkr · 2 years
Making Rent [Orc/Male Reader]🔞
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Making Rent
Ive got chu ;)
Content Warning: Abuse of power, assault, dubcon, massive size difference bro, it will hurt, this dudes huge, amab genitalia, reader is so petite and shy, pretty straight to the point
this is longer than 1k, so, if you see typos
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you dont :)
2.8k words
[N] arrives at a dilapidated building in the slums of the city. Until he can reach the social heights he desires, he’ll have to stay here, the thought bringing a distasteful taste to his tongue. The human knocks on the door, the handle dwarfing his hand, which then is opened by a large, burly orc. His skin is an olive green, veins bulging on his arms, and his wild hair tied back. "Yes?" he growls.
Gulping, [N] cranes his head to properly meet the eyes of the orc man, gripping the hem of his tunic. "H-Hello, sir, I am [N]. I-I'm looking for shelter, a place to stay for a while..."
The orc perks up slightly at his words and gestures to him inside. The inside of the building is not much better than the outside, with dirty walls and a grimy floor. The human feels the orc clasp the small of his waist, sending a shot of dread to the pit of his stomach. "A small thing like you don't need much space, hm?" He asks, his voice jovial, but his wandering hand has perverted intent that causes [N] to freeze.
"Forgive me, sir, I didn't mean to-", [N] stutters, but the orc's only response is to give a loud, cackling laugh.
"Cute lil thing," he laughs, his large hand going lower, rough fingers kneading his clothed arse. The human grits his teeth, but doesn't struggle against the orc's advances. If he causes a scene, he'll probably kick his ass, but if [N] plays along, he’d be able to escape. The human’s cheeks heat up as he continues his antics, eyes fluttering just the slightest when the orc squeezes harder. "Be a good boy for me, and I might let you stay a whole," he grins, leaning in close to [N]’s ear.
The human swallows, gritting his teeth.
"My name's Mobrukk, nice to meet ya, pretty boy," Mobrukk grins, his breath reeking of malt liquor. [N] nods, ignoring Mobrukk’s gaze and his actions to his best ability. Mobrukk's groping at the human’s behind becomes more intense, and [N], whose head reaches the orc’s chest, doesn’t have to look far to see the orc’s arousal press against his trousers. "I'll bet ya don't even know how to use that lovely body ya got, ya frisky little cucco," Mobrukk says, a mischievous glint in his eye. A soft breath escapes [N]’s lips, feeling Mobrukk’s hand curve under his behind to his crotch, his fingers slowly rubbing the human’s member through his pants. [N] winces but tries to remain strong. "Now I can help ya with that, ya realize that?" Mobrukk teases, before giving [N] another squeeze, this time harder.
The human winces and a low groan escapes his throat, his eyes fluttering shut. He bites his plump lower lip, unconsciously moving his hips to Mobrukk’s perverted touches, his eyes fluttering open as he becomes lost in the sensations, his cock twitching from the stimulation.
"I can give you a place to stay, pretty thing, don't even have to give me your gold," the orc whispers huskily, "pretty lil’ humans like you shouldn't have to lift a finger, eh," he continues, his touch becoming more passionate, "ya feel me, boy?" Mobrukk whispers roughly into [N]'s ear, the human biting back a moan himself, his cock throbbing beneath the fabric. "You're so hard... it must be all my fault." Mobrukk chuckles, pulling away slightly, leaving [N] panting. The human's heart is beating like a dragonfly's wings. The smell of the orc's musk fills [N]'s nose, making the human's mind foggy, his breathing ragged. "What do you say? Do we make an arrangement or what?" Mobrukk asks, grinning widely gulping loudly, nodding, unable to think straight. "I just need you to sit on my cock every now and then, yea," he continues, his other hand gripping [N]'s jaw tightly, forcing the human to look up at him. "Just gotta keep yer mouth shut about it, right, pretty boy?" The orc smirks, pushing [N] towards a door, slamming it open to reveal an office. "If ya want a roof over your head, ya just follow orders, alright?"
[N] feels himself being pushed against a table, wincing as his back harshly presses against the wood. Mobrukk's thick fingers tug at his pants, ripping them off easily. The human gasps, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his shaft straining to break free of its prison. Mobrukk grabs onto [N]'s erection, squeezing tight, causing the human to gasp. "Mmm, ain't ya a hot one, huh?" The orc mumbles, running his thumb across the tip of [N]'s engorged cock and teasing him.
[N] whimpers, clutching the edge of the desk, his knees weak. The human wants to beg, and plead for mercy but knows there isn't any coming from Mobrukk. The sight of the orc's large hand dwarfing his cock sends waves of pleasure coursing throughout [N]'s body, his legs trembling. He feels Mobrukk's warm breath on the side of his neck as he leans closer, pressing his lips to his cheek, whispering lewd things into his ear. "Ya know, I could take care of ya real well, pretty boy..." Mobrukk purrs, nibbling at the human's earlobe, his hands stroking [N]'s thighs. "I could stretch that arse of yours wide open, fill ya with up..." The human shudders, his cock twitching, wanting desperately to burst, dripping precum down his thigh.
Mobrukk kisses [N], his tongue slipping between his lips. [N] moans lowly, his toes curling as Mobrukk slips his hand around [N]'s cock, jerking him off roughly. The taste of Mobrukk's tongue against his own makes the human buck uncontrollably, his balls tightening. His hips thrust forward, meeting Mobrukk's hand, his dick throbbing within the orc's grip. The human whines, moaning deeply as Mobrukk begins sucking his nipple gently through his tunic. "Ah... no, please.." [N] begs quietly, whimpering, his legs shaking. Mobrukks' tongue swirls around his sensitive nipples before darting back to his ear, licking the lobe seductively. The human lets out a muffled cry, shuddering, his whole body taut.
"That's it, pretty boy," Mobrukk whispers, watching the human desperately buck into his hand, "cum for me..." The orc's hand pumps faster, eliciting a louder moan from [N]. The human bucks wildly, crying out, his entire body tensed. With a final, powerful thrust, [N] explodes, spurting ropes of cum, his body arching off the surface, and a high-pitched keening escaping his throat.
His body shakes as his orgasm subsides, his shoulders drooping heavily. He lays limp on the table, panting and sweating profusely. The human watches dazedly as Mobrukk licks his fingertips clean, smacking his lips. "Well now that's some fine fucking," the orc grunts happily, standing up to stretch, "now come here, sweetheart..." [N] blinks blearily, trying to process everything. It takes a few seconds for him to realize the orc was talking to him.
Slowly, he rises to his feet, swaying unsteadily. The human glances nervously at Mobrukk, who smiles at him reassuringly, but there’s an edge. [N] walks hesitantly toward the orc, taking hold of his wrist.
"Don't worry, pretty boy, I won't hurt you too badly," Mobrukk murmurs soothingly, kissing [N] on the forehead. [N] shivers lightly at the kiss, but remains silent, allowing himself to be led upstairs. "Yer gonna ride me, nice and good on a proper bed," Mobrukk explains, guiding [N] into a bedroom, and shutting the door behind him. [N] stares blankly at the room, unsure of what to expect.
There's a huge four-poster bed with a canopy hanging above it, and plush pillows are strewn haphazardly across the mattress. "This my finest room, pretty boy, and it could be all yers if ya play by my rules," Mobrukk informs him, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Now, strip," He commands, gesturing towards his clothing. [N] quickly pulls his shirt over his head and drops it beside him, staring awkwardly at Mobrukk, watching the orc reveal himself, there’s no denying that muscle makes up most of his physique.. The human's eyes flicker towards Mobrukk's cock, thicker than his forearm, longer too, and so heavy that even when erect it has trouble standing up, flopping limply against his stomach.
"Alrighty, now hop up on my lap, pretty boy," Mobrukk instructs, patting his thigh. [N] moves carefully, stepping gingerly onto the bed, careful not to fall. Mobrukk's cock twitches the closer he gets, veins protruding from its length, the human gulping audibly. He swears it has a noticeable musk, the scent filling [N]'s nostrils and sending chills down his spine.
"Now put that arse of yours on display for me, hm?" Mobrukk grins, grabbing [N]'s waist and lifting him effortlessly into his arms. The human squeaks softly as he is lifted higher and placed atop his lap, his bare skin pressed against the orc's hairy torso. [N]'s legs wrap around the orc's muscular waist, his arms wrapping themselves around Mobrukk's broad shoulders, clinging tightly to him. "Ooh yeah, pretty boy likes being taken like this, doesn't he?" Mobrukk growls, leaning forwards, capturing [N]s' lips with his own, their tongues intertwining hungrily.
[N] moans softly, his body melting under the orcs touch. Their tongues dance together, slithering against each other sensually.The human whimpers deep in his throat, his hips beginning to rock slowly, rubbing his cock against Mobrukk's stomach. His breathing quickens as the heat between his legs increases, his cock swelling. The human breaks off from the kiss, gasping for air, looking up at Mobrukk shyly
"P-promise to be gentle...?" [N] pleads timidly, his voice quivering. Mobrukk chuckles, reaching down with both hands and cupping [N]'s cheeks, giving the human a tender peck on the lips before letting go. It's the last gentle touch the human feels before being flipped onto his stomach, his ass propped up in the air, exposed and vulnerable. Mobrukk smirks, sliding a hand underneath him, tracing the line of [N]'s spine.
"Don't worry, I'll treat ya real good, baby..." Mobrukk promises, planting a firm smack on [N]'s rump, eagerly spreading his cheeks.
A loud groan escapes the human's lips, his body writhing beneath Mobrukk's touch, begging for attention. "Please...!" [N] whimpers, his back arching involuntarily as Mobrukk rubs the tip of his cock along [N]'s anus, teasing him mercilessly. The human bites his lip hard enough to draw blood, feeling himself growing hotter and harder by the second. Mobrukk laughs darkly, spreading [N]'s ass further apart, revealing the ring of flesh hidden inside, the human's hole gaping obscenely.
"Look at ya, you were so shy before, must've been real pent up," Mobrukk teases. He presses the tip of his cock against [N]'s puckered asshole, making the human let out an agonized whine, his hips bucking helplessly against Mobrukk's grip. "Begging and pleading for me to fuck that tight little arsehole..." Mobrukk slides his cock along the rim of [N]'s opening, teasing him mercilessly, his cock throbbing with desire. He pushes forward just slightly, forcing his way past the tight ring of muscle, only a fraction of his cock entering the human's body. [N]'s mouth falls open, his eyes crossing as the searing pain radiates through his entire lower half.
"Oh Gods..." [N] moans pitifully, biting his lip. His body reacts harshly, unable to stay still under Mobrukk's grasp, but the orc holds fast to him easily, pinning him to the bed. Mobrukk eases his hips forward, pushing another inch or two into the human, stretching his insides painfully. The human whimpers, tears springing to his eyes as Mobrukk continues to force himself deeper into him, every thrust driving home the reality of how much bigger and stronger than [N] he truly is. The human knows he's tearing inside, his mind screaming out in protest as the orc stretches his body wide open.
Mobrukk's thick member reaches the end of [N]'s tunnel, resting firmly against the base of his pelvis, leaving the rest of his shaft buried inside the human, unable to move without pulling free.
"All in while raw, didn't even need to lube you up," Mobrukk grunts, rolling his hips, rocking his cock back and forth inside the human, coating his inner walls in a slick layer of precum. [N] whimpers loudly, his body trembling, sweat dripping from his brow. He can feel Mobrukk's warm breath on his neck, the orc's hand stroking his hair lovingly. "I bet ya never felt anything this big before huh?" Mobrukk growls lewdly, slapping [N]'s butt roughly. The human cries out sharply, clutching at the sheets, his muscles tense. "You're mine now, lil' slut, got no choice but to take it like a man..." Mobrukk pants, continuing to slide his dick in and out of [N], the human whimpering continuously, his entire body shaking uncontrollably.
"Mnf..." [N]'s eyes droop, his eyelids flickering rapidly. His fingers dig into the orc’s shoulders, nails scraping harshly against his skin, and his toes curling. A low hum fills his ears, his heart beating frantically, his whole body burning with pain. "Oh gods, oh gods..." The human's voice cracks, his chest rising and falling in short shallow breaths as he struggles to keep control. Every time Mobrukk forces himself deeper into him, [N] a silent scream threatens to escape him, his lungs straining to pull oxygen into his starved body.
"So sensitive," Mobrukk growls lowly, gripping [N]'s hip tightly, hissing as he drove himself balls deep inside the human, eliciting a high-pitched scream from the smaller male. "C'mon pretty boy, cum for me, make yourself useful," Mobrukk taunts, pounding away relentlessly at [N]'s abused arsehole. [N] lets out a pathetic moan, shuddering violently as Mobrukk's cock plunders his bowels, again and again, drool spilling from the corners of his slack jaw.
"N-no please, stop," [N] begs weakly, tears streaming down his face, “‘S too much... too rough..." His words are drowned out by Mobrukk's harsh grunts, the orc slamming his cock into [N] repeatedly, the sound echoing throughout the room. [N] purses his lips, trying desperately to maintain some semblance of composure despite the intense pleasure coursing through his body, but moans eventually spill from his mouth. "’S too big, too big…" he dumbly whispers, moaning incoherently. Laying limply on the orc’s lap, he can’t bring himself to meet the thrusts, drool falling freely from his mouth. Without warning, he feels Mobrukk’s cock press against something every other thrusts, eliciting a breathless whimper, clenching around the length each time this area was pressed against. milking it dry.
"That it?" Mobrukk snarls lustfully, thrusting one final time, burying himself balls deep within the human." No more crying? You want me ta finish yeh here then?" He taunts, squeezing the human's hips as he ruts into him. The head of his cock aims directly where his prostate lies, eliciting a guttural groan from the human, his muscles spasming erratically as Mobrukk fucks him senseless.
"Oh gods! Right there, right there..." He croons in response to the small sounds coming from the human's throat. The orc grips the human's waist tighter, grunting as he drives his cock in and out, hitting his prostate on every stroke, setting off waves of pleasure that radiate throughout the human's body. Each thrust sends shockwaves of ecstasy shooting through the human's frame, causing his already sore body to convulse wildly, until finally, all resistance is lost, and his orgasm overtakes him. His entire body shakes and shudders, his mouth gaping open wordlessly, his tongue lolling from his mouth. His vision blurs, everything going black before returning in a white haze. All sense leaves him, his world nothing more than the searing hot pleasure that repeatedly thrust into his guts, pressing intimately against a bundle of nerves that send jolt after jolt racing through his body, bathing his brain in euphoric warmth.
His climax lasts for several seconds, but feels like hours, his mind becoming fuzzy and distant until finally, mercifully, it passes, his body relaxing as the tension leaves his muscles, his breathing returning to normal. He lays limp atop Morbrukk, allowing the orc to rut into him to chase his own pleasure, the sounds of his thighs hitting his arse echoing in his ears. After a few minutes, Mobrukk begins to slow down, pulling his cock almost entirely out of [N] before plunging back in, grunting heavily. He ruts into the human as he orgasms, his hot, thick seed pooling deep within [N]'s guts.
"Gods..." [N] mewls, panting lightly, his legs hanging limply over the edge of the mattress, his eyes closed. The human's back arches reflexively when Mobrukk pulls out, his hole clenching tightly around Mobrukk's spent cock, milking the orc dry. Mobrukk pulls out completely, collapsing on the bed with the human on top of him, panting. Mobrukk wraps one arm around [N] possessively, holding him close.
"Look at ya," Mobrukk murmurs quietly, brushing a lock of [N]'s hair behind his ear, "all soft for me," The human snuggles closer to Mobrukk, burying his head into the orc's neck, nuzzling affectionately. His arse is sore, leaking thick globs of the orc's seed, but the thought makes him smile happily. He doesn't care about that right now; all he cares about is being held in orc’s arms.
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percervall · 1 year
you're the sweetest thing (I ever did see)
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Pairing: Darwin Núñez x fem!reader Words: 1764 Warnings: flirting, kissing, making out A/N: This started as @kostasstsimikass and I exchanging fic ideas based on the new kit photoshoot and it snowballed from there in my Google docs. Oops.
In which Darwin needs a little push to finally talk to the pretty stylist
Following the photographer’s instructions was not just hard because of the language this time around. Darwin had to keep asking Luis to repeat them in Spanish and even that barely registered whenever he saw the swaying of her ponytail behind the photographer. 
“Are you even listening?” Luis asked him when he noticed Darwin looking away for the hundredth time in the span of a minute. 
“Hmm?” Darwin replied, tearing his eyes away from the pretty stylist currently knelt on the floor as she hemmed Harvey’s trousers. 
“Guess that’s a no,” the Colombian chuckled. 
“Sorry,” Darwin mumbled, feeling his cheeks heat up in shame at getting caught staring. Luis clapped him on the shoulder with a grin.
“No worries, mate. She’s cute, you should ask her out.” 
Darwin’s response died on his lips as the photographer called for their attention once more. 
She couldn’t help but look over in the direction of the monitor or the set as the photographer gave his directions. The corners of her mouth tugged up involuntarily at the sound of laughter as butterflies flitted around in her stomach when she peeked past the photographer and saw Darwin’s body shake with laughter. 
“He’s single, you know,” a voice came from behind her, startling her so much she dropped the hanger she was fidgeting with. 
“Fucking hell, Trent..” she muttered, bending down to pick it back up, “You really gotta stop sneaking up on people,” she added with a glare. Trent just smirked and shrugged. 
“Just sayin’,” he replied. 
“Don’t know what you’re on about,” she mumbled, cheeks burning at the fact that she’d been caught checking out one of his teammates. The chuckle he gave her in reply only made her feel more embarrassed. 
“I’m gonna… go and do my job,” she managed to utter as she walked back to the rack holding all the outfits for today’s shoot, silently willing for the floor to open and swallow her whole. 
“We gotta get them together. How has she not seen the way he looks at her?” Andy commented as he came standing next to his teammate.  
“I know, they’ve been making eyes at each other since the summer,” Trent said as he stuffed his hands in the pockets of his coat. Both defenders were quiet for a moment as they watched the Liverpool striker and the stylist continue sneaking glances at one another.
“I have an idea that might just work,” Andy said, face lit up with mischief. Trent’s face broke out in a matching grin as Andy shared his plan in hushed tones.
“Do I even wanna know what youse two are up to?” Jordan asked as he walked past them, an eyebrow raised in suspicion. 
“Nothing to worry about Hendo,” Andy replied, sharing a look with Trent who nodded in agreement. The Liverpool captain sighed, shaking his head as he watched the two defenders walk away.  
She was busy putting all the accessories used in the shoot back in their cases when she heard the unmistakable voice of Andy outside of the storage room. 
“Come on lad, your mother raised you better than that. She’s been doing the heavy lifting all day.” 
Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion as she turned around, seeing Andy and Trent push Darwin forward with a box of the new kit in his arms before shutting the door behind him. 
“What-.. Robbo!” Darwin said as he stumbled. She was quick to grab hold of the box in an attempt to steady him, fingers brushing against his. A spark of something made her pull her hands back as if burnt, looking up at him as he dropped the box. She saw something like shock flash across his eyes and for a brief moment she wondered whether he had felt it too. He quickly broke eye contact, bending down to lift the box back up and placing it on the table to her right.
“Sorry. My friends are silly,” Darwin said, carefully forming his lips around the syllables. She couldn’t help but chuckle.
“It’s okay. Thank you for helping,” she replied. 
Darwin nodded and walked back to the door, his heart in his throat. He couldn’t deny the very obvious spark he’d felt when their hands had brushed. Had she felt it too? She must’ve, right? He shook his head, trying to make sense of the jumbled mess of thoughts and feelings, reaching for the doorknob and fully expecting the door to open. Darwin tried again, but to no avail; the door remained closed. It was then that a realisation dawned on him.
“Hijo de puta,” he muttered under his breath, banging on the door, “Robbo! Open please!” 
“Ah sorry mate! Lost the key, we’re trying to find it. Just sit tight and uh, maybe get to know each other,” Andy shouted back. Darwin gave the door one more angry hit with his fist, resting his forehead against it. He felt her hand on his shoulder, her touch unsure but wanting to offer some consolation. Darwin turned around and looked at her, watched her words die on her lips. He couldn’t stop looking at her lips, remembering the way they would tug up into a smile. Her tongue darted out to wet the bottom one and he could swear the ground underneath his feet shifted. 
“You-..” she started, clearing her throat, “you’ve got an eyelash-.. Here, let me.” Her touch was so gentle as she brushed a finger over his cheekbone, Darwin was afraid to move. He had to refrain himself from leaning into it.
“Make a wish,” she whispered, holding out her finger. Darwin couldn’t help the quirk of the corner of his mouth as he closed his eyes before blowing the eyelash off her finger. 
“What did you wish for?” she asked, looking up at him with a twinkle in her eyes. He chuckled and shook his head.
“If I say, the wish won’t come true, no?” His reply earned him a chuckle in return as she shrugged. The movement caused a strand of hair to fall onto her face. Before he knew what was happening, Darwin brushed it behind her ear, fingers lingering as they came to rest on her jaw.
“Muy linda,” he whispered, more to himself really. 
“Tú también,” she replied, voice soft and hushed. Darwin was pretty sure his heart skipped a beat at her reply. He hadn’t meant for the compliment to come out, let alone for her to hear it. But her replying in Spanish, in the language he longed to hear most days, just to be reminded of home, made his heart soar. She wrapped a tentative hand around his wrist, his hand still against her cheek. He could see her eyes darting back and forth between his eyes and his mouth and felt like he was being pulled closer towards her, like a bee would be pulled to the  prettiest of flowers. He saw her eyes flutter closed as their faces were mere inches apart, lips parting, and his breath caught in his throat. 
“Can-... May I?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper, his forehead resting against hers. Her eyes remained closed, teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she nodded. Darwin gently lifted her face with the knuckle of his forefinger before brushing his lips against hers. The contact was only brief and faint, but it felt like someone had lit sparklers inside his soul. She made the tiniest whimpering noise when he pulled back, sending his heart into overdrive. Her fingers fisted the material of his jersey as she pulled herself closer to him, chasing his lips. It made Darwin stumble backwards every so slightly, now leaning against the door. Their lips found each other once more and an urgency seemed to take hold of her. The kiss was no longer chaste; it was a slow burning fire, an admission of a shared longing that preceded today. Darwin moved a hand from her face to around her waist, pulling her body flush against his. Her hips rolled against his and it nearly brought him to his knees as her perfume surrounded him, the mix of fruit and something so uniquely her instantly reminded him of summer. 
Darwin tentatively licked against the seam of her lips, a quiet moan escaping him at the sound she made when she parted her lips to let him in. Breaking the kiss, Darwin moved his hands down to the backs of her thighs, picking her up without any hesitation before spinning them around so her back now rested against the door. She sighed into the kiss when their mouths found each other again, her legs hooked around his hips. The kiss took on a slow urgency, the both of them needing to be closer still. Darwin couldn’t help but smile against her skin as his lips moved to her neck, hearing her gasp as he pressed a delicate kiss right below her jaw. 
“Darwin-...” she sighed, not finishing her thought but instead letting out the tiniest moan as he gently sucked on a spot behind her ear. The sound went straight to his groin.
“I’d love to discover all the noises you make, hermosa, but there are too many people outside,” he murmured, face still half-hidden against her neck. He heard how her breathing stuttered at his admission, couldn’t help the smirk at her gasp when his hands found their way under her jumper, just above the waistband of her jeans, as his fingers traced slow patterns across her skin. She directed his mouth back to hers, kissing him with a hunger that told him all he needed to know –that she felt the same way. 
Darwin was quick to realise someone was about to open the door when he heard the key in the lock. He carefully lowered her, but held her against him as he kissed her again. The sound of wolf whistles and hollering finally broke them apart. Darwin looked down at her, saw her bite her lips once more before she reached up to kiss his cheek.
“Come find me after the shoot,” she whispered in his ear before turning around to leave the closet. Darwin felt the corner of his mouth tug up in a smile as he watched her go. His teammates cajoled and teased him, but he didn’t care. Most of their words went straight over his head anyway, but he knew they were teasing him. At least now he had motivation to remain focussed on the photographer: the quicker the shoot went, the quicker he’d get to see her again. 
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The end of season exhaustion combined with end of year teacher exhaustion turned writing this into a marathon, not a sprint. This fic would not have seen the light of day without @kostasstsimikass and @emilielfc -girls I love you more than I can put into words. Thank you for always feeding the brain rot
Please let me know what you think, whether it's just an assortment of emojis or a keyboard smash: I treasure both equally
Wrote this as part of a kisses challenge I’m taking part in this year. Feel free to send in a request or suggestions!
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beedreamscape · 6 months
Zerxus gets caught in morbid conversations.
~ 2.1k words. This takes place pre loquaerryn marriage (yes, they're my measure of time, sue me).
CW for conversation of death and grief.
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Zerxus awakes as he feels a stir on the bed. Zerxus calls it instinct, Evandrin calls it a bad habit.
There's an orange glow permeating the darkness and soft grunts from muscles stretching in the air.
He turns to see Evandrin's sitting on the side of the bed with his back to him, still in his sleeping shirt and underwear. Beside where the lampshade sits, on the clock, Zerxus can see it's still a quarter to four.
Zerxus lifts his head from the pillow. "Is there scouting duty today?"
Evandrin turns, face and hair still tousled from sleep. "Morning, darling, go back to sleep, sorry for waking you."
"I would still say good night." Zerxus pulls on the hem of his shirt lazily. "I thought scouting wasn't for another three weeks."
"And you're right, this is something else." Evandrin gets up against his husband's pull and starts putting his trousers on. "One of my soldiers just died, young Hector, and he has no family here in Avalir so I need to sign his death certificate."
"Isn't a cleric that does that?"
He rubs his eye. "Sorry. It's not the certificate, it's a lease for the Conversion."
Zexus sits up. "What conversion?"
Some realization comes Evandrin's eyes before softening. "Oh, I never told you, did I? I don't think you had the chance to see it either... It's how we get rid of bodies in Avalir. Haven't you noticed we have no cemeteries here?"
"Not really. You don't just bury people?"
Evandrin doesn't bother taking his sleeping shirt off, shoving the hem into his pants before taking a dress coat from the rack.
"No, there wouldn't be enough land to bury every dead. And if you consider the funeral rites of the elves who care to perform them, there wouldn't be a need for them anyway. Not to mention they live way too long."
"And what is this conversion?"
"They convert whatever's left of ether inside your body into usable energy. Also from the combustion of it. That's where the name comes from. It feeds the city like a corpse would feed the earth... except way faster and cleaner."
"Sounds very... functional."
"I know." He sits on the bed again and holds Zerxus' hand. "But you can always let someone know if you want it to have it done to your body or not, poor Hector didn't have time or who to tell that so he goes straight into conversion."
With his free hand, Zerxus brushes Evandrin's long hair into better shape. "You can let Tempus eat me before when the time comes."
"Thanks, dear. What if he doesn't find you tasty enough?"
"Tell him to pick me up and drop me in the ocean." He makes the gestures with his hand. "From really high so everyone can see the impact and the sea creatures may eat what's left."
"I'll have it arranged when the time comes. It's more creative than my wish for a pyre on the ocean. It's kinda how my mother chose to go, burnt in a pyre with dragon fire."
"You had a dragon at her funeral?"
He nods. "It was actually a wyvern and it was a trained but it served its purpose. Dad was placed in a burial cave since he had a bit of dwarvish blood, it was what my grandma wanted."
He brings Evandrin's hand to his lips for a kiss. "Thanks for sharing. I wish I could go with you."
"You wouldn't see anything interesting if you did. It all happens in closed chambers bellow city level."
"I don't want to see anything I just didn't want you to go by yourself."
"Don't worry, I've been through my people dying on me before, it's just sad he went so young." He opens a smile and ruffles Zerxus' hair. "Get back to sleep, my lil' paladin."
"I think I'll go check on our tiny little fighter."
"You go do that, just don't scare him this time."
He starts getting up from the bed. "I said it wasn't on purpose."
"I know, but you gotta understand that a six-foot-tall man standing ominously in the dark is terrifying for a little boy."
"I'll turn on the lamp this time."
"Good." He gives Zerxus a little peck. "I won't be long."
"Please don't let them turn you into city juice as well."
He can hear Evandrin's laugh in the corridor. "I won't make any promises."
"Since when has Avalir done this Conversion thing? For the dead?"
He wasn't really interested in getting into this subject, much less with her, he assumes neither is she, but he rarely got the chance to sit down with Laerryn, let alone just the two of them, so he wouldn't get another chance to satiate his curiosity and it's been days since it started plaguing his mind.
A new Marquesian-themed restaurant had opened and they were the only two in their friend group who curiously shared a true appreciation for its foreign cuisine.
She doesn't refrain from shoving a forkful of sillgoat loin chop into her mouth before speaking. "Oh... I guess since the beginning, I'm not sure if we were the ones to come up with it or some other flying city."
"Can't you just disintegrate the body? One spell and poof, it's gone."
"We could but what a waste of precious ether that'd be. You see a single corpse doesn't hold much ether, but when you amount to several deaths a year then it means something. It's not even one and a half percent of the total energy stored in the city but when every drop counts, it's something."
He looks down at his plate, empty with stains of dark red sauce on the perimeter. He always finishes eating first no matter who he's eating with, a mixture of anxiety and hunger only a man his size has. He catches himself staring at her glass of white wine.
"Feels very utilitarian."
"You just haven't been in Avalir long enough. We are a flying city, every handful of resources counts, there are people," she points at herself, "that work to manage that. On top of managing who manages it."
"I know, but it's people we're talking about. Their bodies."
"What do you think I'm talking about? They're just bodies, I've seen them rot before. People are here, living, doing shit. The only person buried in Avalir is our most special boy, Imyr, in his very special mausoleum, which I consider such a waste. Don't tell Patia I said that."
"Why a waste?"
"The older wizards, I'm talking elves, gnomes, dwarves, the big boys, store immense amounts of ether within them. Sorcerers? You could turn the lucky bastards into massive bombs with the right calculations."
"Suddenly I'm more inclined towards it."
She gives him a playful kick under the table.
"But that's necromancers and transmutators playground, minutia and too many physiological factors to take in. I prefer working with big numbers and machines. Despite that, it's a respectable representation of wizards and artificers working together."
"Is that how you want to be taken care of?"
"I think so. However, I would like to be stored into something like a necklace or a sword until someday the yielder has to use me to kill some legendary enemy before floating back into the leylines. But honestly, I'll take what I can get, I'll be dead anyway."
He stares at her chew in amusement, still puzzled at how the woman before him and his husband are the best of friends. "Avalirians have strange death rituals."
"You need to meet the Aeorians then, heard rumors of them preserving the bodies for a really long time."
"For what?"
"How am I supposed to know? Probably something nefarious. As I said, rumours, I'm sure you'll get more from Loquatius or Patia than me."
"I think I've had enough of the subject for now."
She cleans her mouth with a napkin. "I don't personally like talking about death either. Maybe it's an elf thing... but I've had to learn to deal with it since I've befriended so many humans and... other short-living folks."
He never got truly offended by 'human' but something in the way she says it never sat comfortably inside his skull, yet he lets it slip with her. "Who else?"
She thinks for a moment and he can't interpret what passes behind her eyes. "Everyone except Patia."
"Even Van?"
She nods, takes a sip of her wine. "Half-elves don't live a quarter of full elves, some can but most don't. When I think of loss, it's the only time I grow any respect for necromancers, I too have a hard time letting things go."
"I used to think I was very detached from everything, until I got a family. Maybe it'll happen to you as well," he says with a hint of humor.
"I have a family, believe it or not."
"But they're in Cathmoíra. Always seven years away from you."
"Yes... But I do have a version of it here in Avalir, a very busy one that lives in different houses."
He smiles. "We'd kill each otherwise."
She laughs loudly, it always gives him a pang of accomplishment wherever he manages to get it out of her.
"For sure we would. Though I would cut you some slack because of the lil ginger."
"Loquatius would be the first to go."
She takes the last sip with a smile. "Probably, yes."
"First Knight."
The voice is whispery, tiny and soft and as Zerxus turns to its source so is the half-elf woman who owns it. With the cold weather, she's covered by a hooded cape. On her chest, the clasp that closes the cape is a familiar mask.
He had been walking through the city checking for any suspicious behavior and has done it for at least a week since their temporary bridge with Zemnia.
"Hello, miss, how can I help you?"
She keeps her stare fixed on his feet. "Thanks, but I require no assistance. I'm Ivorah Orlan from the Conversion Nucleus."
"Are you a cleric?"
She looks surprised by the question but notices his eyes glancing at her chest. "Yes, cleric of the Matron of Ravens."
He just nods.
"I'm sorry for being forward but there's something I'd like to ask. It's about your late husband."
Zerxus feels a bubbling sickness in his throat, he also feels starved - very few even mention his existence. "Proceed."
"As I said I'm the responsible cleric for the Conversion Nucleus and I was a friend of the First Knight Evandrin. In conversations we had, he had mentioned that when his death came he'd like me to be his sepulchral ritualist, but I never got the chance."
"He didn't want to be Converted."
"I'm aware. He wanted to be burned in a pyre and sent into the Lucidian. But we had that discussion and I never... his body was already dealt with before I had the chance and I feel like I broke a promise," she finishes with a quavering voice.
The memory of the time comes blurry to him, everything around it comes as a big horrifying blur. Loquatius and Patia had dealt with most of the funeral rites, he dealt with Elias, and Nydas dealt with him. Part of the ring had been broken and through fire and violence forced back into shape.
He turns the sickness into a solid mass, a boulder that keeps him from breaking every other hour.
"And you're not the only one." He steels himself. "The nature of his disease, we... we had to let go of many luxuries of honour."
"It still puzzles me what took such a young and strong man..."
"Puzzles me as well."
"Wish I had a chance to..." She closes her eyes, breathes deeply. "At least he was given an honourable funeral march."
"It was the Septarion's making."
She nods with her head down. "I'm sorry bothering you, First Knight."
He places a hand on her shoulder. "Thank you. For caring. Perhaps your Matron has him in her company and I envy her for it."
She lifts her eyes at once, then he sees them for what they are - terrible dark circles, perfect eclipses. "I've sought her insight about it... she doesn't have him in her sights."
"What does that mean?"
Her intensity deflates. "I don't know. I like to believe he went to an even higher place of honour for a soul as pure and valiant as his."
He tries smiling but feels tears sting in his eyes, the boulder starting to melt like a stray iceberg. "So do I."
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starsbegantofall · 1 year
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All of the clothes mending I finished this 3 day weekend, except for the bottom right pants, I actually did two of them, light pink and bright fuschia. Did any of these mending tasks take more than 5 to 10 minutes to do? No. Not at all. Then why did it take me so long to do them? The mental illness.
For some reason my washing machine or dryer (or dry cleaner) eats up buttons, but I managed to rescue the buttons and finally replaced them on 5 pieces of clothing. I also repaired a ripped pocket seam on some homemade flannel pajama pants. As for the pink trousers, these are to be worn with ao dai (traditional Vietnamese clothing) but I was apparently much skinnier 6 or so years ago when I first got these tailored. I thought I would never be able to wear them again but I noticed the front waistband was sewn with a large seam allowance tacked down on the interior center, and if I let out the seam allowance to its fullest, it would just fit my waist exactly. I ripped the front seam out and resewed the seam with like 1/4 inch seam allowance and now I can wear these trousers without compression. They don't match my new teal ao dai (also had to upsize to an XL instead of M lol) that well, but don't look too bad especially since the front is hidden under the dress, so I consider this a win. Especially if I want new pants, I would have to sew my own pants with invisible zipper, and that's beyond my skill level. I technically have to hem my ao dai since I won't be wearing the tallest shoes in the world with them but I think I need someone to measure the hem for me, so that's gotta wait.
The last mending I have to do is replacing lost rhinestones on a jacket and blouse but I would have to shop around for rhinestones. Pro tip, handwash anything with rhinestones because they will fall out no matter how delicate cycle you use. And an older Liz Lisa dress with the elastic cracking at the sleeves but I dunno if I want to handsew or machine sew the chiffon yet.
Below is before shot of the overfull mending basket, with the ao dai draped over top, plus some finished mending I did earlier this year including: a Pokemon fluffy headband for washing your face with the elastic disintegrated, a velvet cloth for protecting my violin with the batting inside disintegrated and replaced with fluffy flannel, zipper replacement for my Liz Lisa dress, and sewing up a ripped seam on my leopard print pillowcase.
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And for a little bonus photo, four scrunchies I made from some print fabric scraps, yes with my fake nails on, some scraps too small to make anything but tiny doll clothes out of, but the scale would be weird. Not sure I want to keep making them though because as my previous mending photos indicate, the elastic will eventually wear out (probably in like 5 or 10 years but still... that's annoying). What do you think? Yay or nay?
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Hard To Kill
Napoleon complex pt2
Once more, the mercenaries that were being paid to blow each other up are at it again on 2fort. Engineer has had many things on his mind and the stress was getting to him. Is he really in love with the enemy? Or Is he just thinking too much of it. BLU spy called him handsome the other day… did he really mean it? 
Yes. He did. And he was also pondering this in his own team’s spawn room. 
— “ This is going to be… difficult. “ 
— “ What’s difficult spy, Scrumpy for ya troubles? “
Demoman piped up, taking a swig of scrumpy.
— “ I cannot deal with sentries today. Could you take care of RED engineer for the day? “
— “ Sure mate, I’ll bring my best! “
Spy walked the bottom floor of RED base, cloaked. It hurt for him to do this. But anything to never look the enemy engineer in the eye again. Why did it hurt? Why did it hurt so much for him to have to kill the enemy? He was quite rudely shaken out of his thoughts and his cloak as the enemy pyro set him ablaze again. He had no other option, if he kept burning he would surely die. So, he ran as fast as he could to the place he dreaded most in that moment. The sewers. 
Lo and behold, as always and without fail, the RED engineer has built a sentry and a dispenser deep in the sewers. Spy quickly extinguished himself, thankfully not attracting the attention of the Texan.
Speaking of attention, he seemed to be quite preoccupied. Spy just watched as engineer built up a level 3 sentry, his worry replaced by the butterflies in his stomach. 
— “ Oh, I could watch you work all day, Dell Conagher. “
He spoke to himself, just a bit too loud.
— “ Spyin on me now? “
Engineer spoke, trying to keep his cool  himself as the spy panickedly disguised himself as his RED counterpart. Now that he was safe to walk into the sentry’s range, he replied.
— “ That is my job, no? “
— “ Your job is also to kill me, but I don’t see you doing that, now do I. “
— “ If I truly wanted to kill you, you wouldn’t see me do it anyway. “
— “ Fair point, spy. “
Engineer wrangled his sentry gun, taking a rubber band and tying it around the button as to keep it that way.
— “ You’re free to undisguise, spook. “
— “ is it not your job to kill me aswell? “
— “ And I could at any moment. “
— “ So why not? Why not kill your worst enemy on the battlefield? Why not get me back for all the buildings I’ve sapped? “
— “ Uhm.. “
Engineer was at a loss for that. But he wanted to break up the tension somehow. Placing 2 boxes, they both started unfolding into lawn chairs as engie brought over a box of beer.
— “ Sit down, croissant boy. Have a beer. “
Just as the spy was about to sit down, he saw a familiar face down the tunnel. And with lightning reflexes, disguised as the RED scout before sitting down in the lawn chair. (For the sake of this fic, teammates can’t see through spy’s disguise either.)
— “That’s a demoman, gotta dip hardhat! “
— “ Sp- Scout wait-! “
Engineer stood up from his lawn chair, shotgun firing as Spy escaped the crossfire of pipe bombs and bullets, opting to stand back. But he couldn’t move from his spot. It felt like he had to do something to help the engineer. But there was nothing to do. He simply undisguised, watching as bombs destroyed the buildings the RED engineer had worked so hard on. And just when the Scotsman was about to finish off the bloodied engineer, he ran back to the scene. 
— “ Ah, Demoman! How convenient. Do you mind if I finish off our little toymaker here? “
— “ Aye, no problem pal. Destroying his buildings was the fun part anyway. watching you kill ‘em will do! “
He stared at the vulnerable, weak man in front of him. A pool of dark red formed beneath the defeated Engineer as he desperately tried to claw his way back to his shotgun.
As they both locked eyes, even through the goggles, he found that they were clouded with pain as he gripped at the hem of spy’s trousers, reaching for the shotgun behind him. But all he could do was look down sympathetically. After all, a fuck-up like saving the enemy could result in losing his job. As Engineer desperately clung to Spy’s leg, Demoman chimed in.
— “ HAH— he looks pathetic, clinging to ya like a wee child! “
— “ Yes, it’s like we just smashed a toddler’s favorite toys! … Hey engineer! “
with an almost tortured expression as tears well up in his eyes, 
engineer looked up at spy…
— “ Maybe this will calm you down. “
…to be met with a bullet to the forehead.
— “ You’re free to leave now, demoman. I’ll smoke a cigarette in light of this victory. “
And so, the moment demo turned the corner, he knelt down into the mess of bloody metal, lifting up the lifeless body of his ‘enemy’. He pulled his goggles up over the wound he had inflicted, closing Engineer’s eyes as a few tears slipped from his own. 
— “ Why does it have to be this way, mon amour “ 
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fict1onallyobsessed · 2 years
Begging you to do a rhea x fem!reader smut somehow including her outfit from tonight's raw (August 1st) because oh my god
Storerooms and Their Locks
Rhea Ripley x Reader
oh my god indeed
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She was more worked up than ever. Walking both and out of the arena had made her adrenaline rush only increase more. It was all so insane. Her much more revealing clothing lately have attracted loads of attention, hence why every single time she entered the ring almost every single person there started screaming her name. She was attractive, and she knew it, so she used it.
But the only person she really wanted to see right now was you. Even walking out of the ring, waving to everyone as she posed for the cameras, she only wanted to see you. In fact she didn’t want to, she needed to. She’d pumped so much adrenaline tonight she found it hard to contain herself, especially with only you on her mind.
It took her no longer than 2 minutes to find a you and drag you somewhere backstage, some room that had a half decent lock she could use to her advantage.
Her lips cut you off, a delicate yet confident kiss turned into a messy one. Her skin was sweaty from her match, but you didn’t care, her lips spoke about her mood without saying a word. Your hands wrapped around her shoulders pulling her even closer, if that was even possible. With the way she was going, pressing your front against hers, your back brushing against a wall, you knew what she wanted, and why.
“What if someone walks in?” You breathed against her lips, cupping her jaw so you could push her face away when you needed to breathe. She just smirked and told you she locked the door;
“Only thing you need to do,” she began, pulling at the hem of your shirt as a sign she was about to take it off. “Is be quiet, can you do that?”
Nodding, you let her push up your shirt just as she began kissing your neck, one of her hands ran down your stomach, teasing you when she reached the hem of your jeans.
“Please.” You begged, trying to push your hips enough to persuade her to do something to you. Anything. You needed to feel her in you already, breathing heavily across your neck, especially since the black shirt she wore just made her look so good. Plus the straps on her bra looked very pullable, so you grabbed them and pulled her close enough to kiss you again. “Please, Rhea. I need you.”
She smirked against your mouth, hand finally slipping into your jeans, teasing your clit though the material of your underwear. Whining gently into her ear, you threw your head back against the wall you were leaning on and bit your lips trying to suppress your whimpers.
“I said be quiet.” Her other hand pressed against your mouth, muffling any sounds that escaped you. The crowd screaming outside of the door scared both of you, but it just meant another match began. “Attagirl.”
While she was working your clit, you hands attempted to undo the button to her own trousers. It was kind of difficult, but you got it done enough to slip you own hand into her pants feeling how wet she’d gotten from simply teasing you. Smirking against her lips riled her up even more, she knew exactly what you where thinking but before he could do anything to you, you pushed two fingers straight into her.
“So wet for me.” You whispered against her lips, letting her bite your bottom lip to suppress her moans. She worked your clothes clit while you thrusted your fingers in and out of her, both of you gasping into the others mouth with heavy breaths of pure neediness. “Please, I’m gonna cum.”
She shook her head, her breathing becoming small whines as her hips bucked to your rhythm. Despite the fact she could see stars, she continued rubbing your clit just the way you liked it, just right. “You gotta wait for me.”
You whined, mouth open against hers as tears welded in your eyes. Trying to hold onto an orgasm was pure euphoric torture, especially since she was still relentlessly pressing into your sensitive bud as you worked your fingers into her.
“Harder, please.” She begged, and who were you not to comply? You did exactly what you wanted her to, thrusting your fingers even harder, even deeper into her. “Oh fuck-”
She was so close and your legs began to shake with the incoming climax you could feel approaching so quickly.
“God, you look so hot in that.” You pulled at the straps of her bra, maybe for sort of your own stability too, since you could feel your legs give up on you by the second. You pressed her forehead against yours, gasping into each other’s mouths as you both reached your peaks, your moans just turning the other more on. “Fuck that feels so good.”
“Fuck.” She whispered, opening her mouth wider in a silent scream as you pushed her over the edge, you followed a second later, leg muscles spasming as your orgasm washed over you. “That’s it, baby.”
By the end you were both breathless, staring tiredly into each others eyes as the sudden realisation of the situation dawned upon you. You giggled just as she did, putting her forehead against yours as she tried to control her breathing. Her skin was sweaty, the black shirt sticking to her back but she didn’t seem to care. Nor did you to be honest, you just looked at the way she looked at you, pure love and freedom.
You pulled out of her, bringing your fingers to your mouth to wipe them clean before she smirked down at you. She did the same, yet hers weren’t as drenched as yours where thanks to your underwear.
“I love you so much, you know.” She laughed, zipping your jeans back up before kissing you. She fixed her trousers and smiled against your lips when she left you push against her again.
“I love you too, I mean, Who else would you fuck in some storage room.” You smiled, kissing her once more before trying to stand up by yourself.
“Let’s go back to that hotel room, huh?” She caught your waist when you stumbled a bit, cheeks reddening slightly in embarrassment.
“I like that idea.”
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elysianslove · 3 years
please use this ask to elaborate on mattsun’s dick <33
AH YES THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING gotta do this before i start fasting lmfao.  this ended up being sadder than i thought, but it just ends up being kinda sweet and sorta hot. also this was way longer than i intended. post in reference.  
warnings; big dick mattsun, throwing up, pain kink (?), painful sex, insecurities, consensual taping  
okay remember when i mentioned the insecurity thing? let’s dive deeper into that; third years and mattsun are at some sleepover thing. it’s a little before graduation, and they don’t when they’ll see each other next, so they’re trying to make most of the time that’s left. the conversation progresses to sex, as it naturally does, and each of them admits some horrifying or embarrassing sex story. 
iwaizumi had sex with a girl who was extremely kinky and asked him to slap her, but— they don’t call him ace for no reason. 
oikawa lost his virginity to this girl and she started her period halfway through, but he was really young and didn’t realize that was something that could just happen? it wasn’t that he was immature about it. it was more that he fainted. 
hanamaki found out he was allergic to flavored condoms when he lost his virginity, and it was not fun. 
but then it was mattsun’s turn, and they’re all waiting for his embarrassing sex story, till he hits them with, “i’ve never had sex though,” and each and every one of their eyes bulge out of their heads. it’s the last thing they’d been expecting from him, from cool, suave, charming mattsun, but he continues to swear by it. and when they demand the reason — surely you’ve gotten the chance to before? — he admits it to them: “apparently my dick is too big.” and it’s comical to say out loud, because he’s only gotten with a handful of girls, barely any for it to be firm hypothesis. he thinks he’ll one day meet someone that doesn’t think it’s too big, it won’t fit, um i can give you a handjob, if that’s okay? 
all that evidently leads to a dick comparison, because how big can it really be? and once mattsun sees his best friends’ eyes widen at his hardened dick, it sinks in. shit, he really is big, isn’t he? 
“holy shit, mattsun,” makki says, and he’s bashful as he stares at his best friend’s dick. “how would that fit inside anyone?” and mattsun’s already growing soft, tucking his dick back in his pants and moving to wash his hands after kicking makki rightfully in the chest. 
college comes around, and he passes by a thousand girls crying about how the boy from last night’s dick was so small, ugh i wish i had an 8 inch, and the things i’d do to have my guts rearranged. he sees a little light in this tunnel of endless blue balling, and meets a girl, takes her back to his dorm with his lips biting at her neck and her hands fumbling with his belt. as soon as he falls onto the bed, as soon as she straddles him, naked, and moves to slip off his trousers, anxiety meets him halfway again, and he holds in a breath as she pulls at the hem of his pants and takes his boxers with her.
the gasp his half hardening cock pulls out of her is confusing. he can’t tell what to make out of it, but she spits on her palm and grips his hefty cock in her small palm, unable to have her fingertips meet. her eyes are wide, but she seems determined, even tilts her hips forward, but she resorts to, “can i just suck you off?” 
and mattsun thinks alright, that’s an upgrade. 
when she ends up throwing up because she underestimates his size and overestimates herself, mattsun offers her his bathroom to clean up, and grabs her a bottle of water as she leaves. 
he ends up losing his virginity to some masochist, and it’s not very memorable or anything he’d ever imagined it be. it sits high on his list of regrets: he cums way too early, and hurts the masochist too much for it to be enjoyable in any way. but he texts the old third year groupchat and types in “i lost my virginity 😎” and receives the praise he had expected. 
for months to come, he fucks his fist every other night to amateur porn and watches as some camgirls’ cunts swallow inches and inches of plastic cock. he hooks up with some girls only to have them sit on his face and kitten lick at the head of his cock. some swallow a little bit of his cock, some fondle at his balls, but none ever let him fuck them. oikawa sends him links for sex toys, and mattsun feels as pathetic as ever, but he buys a fleshlight anyways and finds purchase in how tight it feels around his cock, how wet and slippery it is, how it properly milks him dry. makki meets him during a break and offers to suck his dick for him, but mattsun flips him off and kicks at his stomach again. 
it’s during his third year that he meets you. 
you’re sweet and charming, , and you have pretty hair, and he likes your style, and you laugh at his stupid jokes. you call him handsome, and you call him pretty, and you compliment his hair when it’s at its curliest. you send him the weirdest memes and tell him it reminds you of him, and you pick him up at obscure times because you’re craving nuggets or ice cream or ramen or licorice. he asks you to be his girlfriend and when you say yes, he blushes so forcefully that he has to scrunch up his face to try and hide it. he lets you meet his friends through a screen, and he buys you matching rings because he enjoys the subtlety of it all, and he orders donuts to be sent to your place  during your exam week. 
being with you is a dream, so much that when he hovers above you, kissing at your lips like he always does and sucking at your neck the way you love, and you murmur that you want him, want all of him, his hands fumble and shake. he tries to hide it, but his breath is shakier and his chest is flushed, his eyes a little hazy. you’re so gentle with him, and he hadn’t known he needed it until you’re straddling him and slowly smoothing your hands down his chest, palming him through his too tight briefs, squeezing softly. 
when your hands reach for his briefs, his own snap to your wrist, and he dares to beg, “please stay,” and you kiss him in response. your breath hitches at the sight of him, and your hand shakes when you spit on it and grip at his cock, but despite your initial hesitance you don’t falter. 
you stroke tentatively at his cock, squeezing him tightly, and fall closer to him, hovering your lips by his as you ask of him, “stretch me— stretch me for you.” 
there’s only one word to describe everything mattsun had been feeling in that moment, and it’s overwhelmed, but it’s somehow in the most positive way. he sits up straight, keeping you on his lap. his fingers find your dripping cunt and he pushes one, two, three, four fingers inside of you. he makes you cum twice, fingers curled and rapidly thrusting into you, other hand occupied with your sloppy clit and mouth latched onto your nipple. you praise him and thank him and cry for him and writhe in his hold as he pleasures you, and when you’re breathless and limp in his arms, he waits for the ball to drop, for you to give into your anxiety and hesitance. 
except you don’t. 
you lift yourself up on trembling knees, hands settled on and gripping his shoulders, and with teary eyes, you say, no, you beg, “make it fit.” 
he has stars in his eyes as he grips his cock tightly with one hand, the other holding you to him by your waist. it’s slow, it’s painfully slow, but mattsun has never treasured time as much as in that moment. he takes in everything, from the way your body tenses at the first intrusion when his tip presses against your hole, to the small gasps and moans as you take more and more of him in, at the sweat that beads at your temple and that rolls between your breasts. he marvels at the heave of your chest and the roll of your tummy as you curve in yourself, and he revels in the press of your lips to his, in the pull your arms looping around his neck and pressing his chest flush to yours. 
he does cum too early, but you don’t chastise him. you only continue to ride his soft cock, his cum messily dribbling out, and he ignores the sting from his sensitivity in favor of rubbing at your clit, sending you over the edge eventually. 
he texts the old third years groupchat that night again, with you sleeping soundly by his side, comfortable beneath his blankets, “why didn’t you guys tell me sex was this good? fake friends,” and sends a picture of him shirtless, sweaty, and with a post-sex flush to his cheeks and messy curls, with the middle finger. 
maybe you shouldn’t have let him have a taste of you, because he fucks you in bed the next morning, sleep still settled deep in your bones, and then he fucks you in the shower, and then he eats you out splayed out on his dinner table. he videotapes you sucking him off, with your permission, and watches it when you’re too far out of reach. he sends you pictures after a shower, gripping his cock through the briefs he’d quickly slipped in, hair wet and curly and matted to his forehead, skin damp and glistening. and when you react so positively, he blushes, to his dismay. you meet his friends and they joke about how you’re still alive, but you brush them off and tell them you’ve never felt more satisfied. 
with every single time he watches his cock sink into your warm, tight, sloppy cunt, and every time he watches you swallow around him, and every time he makes you cry and leaves you braindead, leaves you mindless and begging for more, his confidence grows. so much until he learns to be cocky about it, so much that when he barely preps you and pushes into you, he shivers at the way you whine and tense up, at the way you flinch and lightly thrash. because you’re a good girl, aren’t you? always take my cock so well, don’t you? nobody but you, nobody like you. 
and it’s true; it’s nobody but you for him. in every single way.
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hello what the fuck am i doing. i did not think this was gonna escalate like this hfskjfns but anyways, big dick mattsun for the win <3 
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
for sleepover….ofc gotta ask something for my beloved bunny and mobius: but what about the first time he asks her to ride his face? 👀🥵
got a couple requests for mo and bunny tonight and this.... This is Interesting
(for those who don't know, bunny is my kinda-ofc from my mobius fic loop!)
Here's the thing: it started as a joke.
You asked Mo to send you a selfie after he went to this fancy barber he'd raved to you about before, and when the notification popped up you were honestly afraid that you were about to see him fully clean shaven (and you were not emotionally ready for that).
Instead, thankfully, he'd only had his beard shaved (he'd grown stubbly over a long vacation with you) and his hair trimmed, and you could tell he wasn't sure if he was supposed to smile in the photo or not. What do you think? the caption asked.
is this seat taken, sir? you texted back with a snort to yourself at your own joke.
?? he sent back.
it's a joke... you replied, like I'm gonna sit on your face?
Oh LOL he replied back after a moment sorry I'm old
you're not old and don't be sorry, you answered. you look good, that's the point.
Thank you 🐰
Ever since you taught him how to use emojis, he was getting pretty creative.
When you saw him in-person for the first time after that, it was a good thing that it was in his apartment alone because he was suddenly all over you, like he couldn't keep his hands off of you-- you finally called him out when he randomly hugged you from behind, nuzzling into your neck while you were trying to focus on the work in front of you.
"Mo, we agreed that I'd only come over as long as we could both be productive," you giggled.
"Well, that was before I saw how good you looked in this little dress," he cooed, running his fingers over the hem and letting them brush against your thighs as well, "is this new?"
"No, you must've seen this a thousand times," you rolled your eyes. "Tell me what's really going on!"
"Fine," he relented, stepping back and turning you around to face him. "I've just been thinking about something you said before."
"That being...?"
"You made a joke, about... uh," he paused, and you weren't sure you'd seen him this shy since you two first got involved however long ago. "You made a joke about sitting on my face?"
"Oh," you remembered, and then a smirk curled on your face. "Ohh..."
"Yeah," he nodded nervously, "I honestly haven't stopped thinking about that since you said it, and... I just thought it would be... I think maybe--"
You shut him up with a sudden kiss, pulling back to give him a smile. "Mo?"
"Yeah?" he nodded, still a bit disoriented from the kiss it seemed.
"Take me to the bedroom, please."
And that he did, laying back on the bed and guiding you to carefully straddle his face as he grinned up at you and started to slide his hands up your legs and under your dress. "You look good like this," he decided. "Seems like you look good no matter how I'm lookin' at you."
"Quit sweet-talking and get that mouth to work," you playfully demanded, though any dominance you might have commanded was lost when you felt his teeth graze over your clit through your panties. "Oh, fuck..." you whispered.
"What was that?" he taunted. "I thought you said something. It couldn't have been that you were trying to tell me what to do, right?"
"N-no, Daddy," you whimpered.
"Good, I didn't think so," he winked, slipping a finger under your panties to pull them aside and diving in.
He didn't tease you anymore after that; you could tell he'd been thinking about this for a while like he said, because he went at it with no patience whatsoever. He held your thighs tight when you tried to rock your hips, shutting his eyes hard while he focused intently on tasting every part of you.
Your eyes, however, rolled back in your head when he pushed his tongue inside you. He curled it against your spot and you thought you could melt right there.
Is it too lewd to talk about the mustache? Fuck it, I'm gonna talk about the mustache: you can feel it. And it's good. It's really fucking good, because when it rubs against your clit, it's not nearly as sharp or pokey as you'd expect; just the perfect amount of roughness that makes your legs shake around his head.
"Fuck, I'm gonna come," you blurted out as you gripped the headboard in front of you, and you noticed his eyes pop open in shock as he looked up at you, as if to say what you were already thinking: already?!
Of course, you should've known that coming would be no incentive for him to stop, he only sucked at you harder until you were writhing and bucking so hard that you were sure he'd have to give up-- still, your strength was no match for his and he held you down just enough to keep you from getting too far away while he assaulted you with pleasure.
"I can't, I can't, I can't," you sobbed as you felt a third orgasm building up-- he'd made you come more than that before, but something about this was different; his tongue on your clit was so intense that it was like your threshold got so much lower.
He stopped only for a moment to speak breathlessly against you: "One more, you can gimme one more, bunny," he promised. Honestly, just that little break helped you hold it together as the sensation built up past the point of no return.
At first you leaned back just to balance yourself, but when you felt your hand bump up against his erection through his trousers, you couldn't help but rub it mindlessly, almost soothed somehow by the shape and warmth of it. You realised how worked up he must be, and you were looking forward to returning the favor once he finally let you go, but then two things happened at once: with a shudder, you came while you rocked against his face; and with a moan almost lost inside you, he came in his pants.
And you both just stared at each other for a second, before you started to grin.
"Fuck, that was hot," you hummed, and he smiled too as he released his grip on your hips and let you collapse on the bed beside him.
"I didn't mean to come that fast," he admitted, after wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Neither did I," you chuckled. "I should've known I wouldn't be productive here."
"You came three times and then made me come in less than a minute, sounds pretty productive to me," he shrugged.
"I hope your trousers aren't ruined," you smirked.
"Not permanently," he laughed.
"I might have to figure out how to make you do that at work, and leave you figure out how to hide it from everyone at the office," you purred, sliding closer to him on the comforter and resting your head on his chest.
"Hmm," he nodded thoughtfully, "and if you tried I might have to spank that pretty ass raw, leave you to figure out how to sit in your chair without everyone noticing that it hurts."
You bit your lip as you imagined that.
"Honestly, a regular spanking wouldn't be enough," he realised. "Good thing the uniform comes with a belt..."
And that was good enough incentive to make you behave... for now.
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t-o-m-hollands · 3 years
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Summary: You travel to meet Tom who is away filming. Since he is sharing a house with Harrison who is expected back at any second you have to make a decision; be quick - or quiet?
Pairing: Tom x female reader
Word count: 2,3 k
Warnings: Extended warnings under read more - but this is smut and strictly +18. 
Notes: This is sort of set in the same universe as The Bet just a few months later - BUT you do not have to have read that story to read this one, since there is literally zero plot in this. PWP, like truly. There isn’t even a hint of plot. A liiittle bit corny/fluffy. Also, they are both idiots, like I cannot stress this enough, they are both so dumb. 
Also I am once again staying up too late to write smut while tipsy. It is what it is. 
Extended warnings: Unprotected sex in established relationship. Little bit of stripping from Tom. Some teasing. Talk about bondage but no actual bondage in this. Spanking. Hand around throat; though no choking. Derogatory language.
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You fall through the door and into each other’s arms and it would have been romantic if he had managed to catch you as you lounge at him and remain standing on his feet. As it is, you both tumble over and fall to the ground.
“Tom, for god’s sake!”
“Oh hush! At least you landed softly on my chest! I took the hard hit!”
“Babe, there’s nothing soft about your chest and we both know it”. 
But by this point his lips have been removed from yours for too long and so instead of arguing he pulls you in for a kiss, deep and raw and hungry, his hands in your hair pulling you closer towards himself; closer, closer and closer still. Your hair is loose and your lips are bitten and wet from his kisses and his jeans feel uncomfortable tight over the crotch. Your so fucking beautiful and for a moment he thinks about just fucking you right here and now; on the hard  wooden floor of the hallway, surrounded by a mess sneakers, umbrellas and Wellington boots. He’d fuck you quick and hard and fueled up on lust Or perhaps make it to the dining room table and bend you over that; your beautiful ass in the air and his fist in your hair. Or maybe up against the hall, your legs wrapped around his waist as he fucks into you.
But the threat of Harrison returning any moment feels very real indeed, even as you’re on top of him, rubbing yourself against him like a cat in heat. Groaning at what he has to do he lays his hands on the sides of your hips, making you stop your grinding. Pushing you upward you soon take the hint and stand up, pulling you with him and honestly, he was going to lead you into the bedroom - honestly, he was. But you look at him and bite your swollen lip, still wet from kisses and suddenly you’re pushed up against the wall, your lips back where they should always be; on him. 
He’s hard as a rock; has been since he picked you up at the airport. On the drive back to the house the studio has rented for him and Haz while they’re filming your hand never left his lap, just kept stroking and stroking his dick. You had offered to give him a blowjob and honestly, he’d lie if he said he wasn’t considering it. But just the thought of your mouth around his dick after months spent apart has him seeing stars. He would never have been able to concentrate on the road if that happened. That and the fact that he had been able to think about nothing else than coming inside your warm cunt for weeks now.
“We gotta be quiet babe, Haz will be back soon” he says, in between urgent kisses, his hand over your breast; playing with your nipple through the fabric. “Think you can be quick?”
“Honey, I didn’t travel for eight hours to be quick.”
“Fine, then you’ll have to be quiet” and before  you have time to respond he takes hold of your thighs and he lifts you up in the air. You fall forward, bending over his shoulder, and he slaps your ass as he walks over to the bedroom. Somewhere on the way you drop your ballerina flats but he keeps walking. You half-laugh, half-protes the entire way there, kicking your legs and ordering him to put you down. When he reaches the bed he does and you fall down on it; landing with your back against the soft mattress. 
Your gorgeous legs are spread and so much skin visible in your short jeans shorts; his white dress shirt that you have burrowed tucked into the hem. You bite your lip again and look up at him through your lashes, knowing very well the effect it has on him. 
Well, two can play that game.
Looking you right in the eye he brings his hands to the hem of his shirt and slowly lifts it, revealing the muscles underneath. Pulling it over his head he throws it on the clean ground; having taken the time yesterday to clean up the mess of the house before your visit. He kicks off his shoes and then, smiling wickedly at your wide eyes, he places his hands on his belt, slowly unfastening it.
You reach out to touch him but he reprimands you. “Nah-ah, don’t think so darling. Take off your shirt.”
To his endless surprise; you do what you're told. Unbuttoning your shirt and discarding it on the floor you smile up at him. You aren’t wearing a bra. 
“You traveled all the way here like that?” He asks in disbelief; and now it is he who wants to reach out his hands and touch you. 
“I don’t like the thought of them seeing my bra in those scanner things at the airport” you shrug. 
“So…” and he rubs his forehead, not knowing what else to do with himself “so you decided it was better to just not wear anything?”
You shrug again, unfaced. “Look, I’m not saying my logic makes sense but-”
“Seems a stretch to call it logic then, doesn’t it?”
“Tom” you whine, “I love you, but just remove your fucking pants and shove your dick in me already!”
And so he moves his hands to the zipper of his jeans, where a bulge is clear to see. Still smiling he slowly drags it down before shoving his trousers over his hips, letting them fall to the ground. Stepping out of them he kicks them to the side; leaving him just in his boxers which he swiftly removes as well. 
Standing in front of you, completely naked, as you stare at his body with fervent hunger and blazing need makes him feel almost invincible. 
“Take off your shorts” he orders and it surprises him how low and lustful his voice sounds, even to his own ears.
Again you do as he says and he stares at you as you slowly reveal more of the beautiful skin of your body. He wonders if you feel as adored when he looks at you as he does when you look at him. He hopes you do. 
You remove your underwear as well, laying back against the bed to shimmy out of them. He takes a step forward, grabs hold of your ankles as you dangle them in the air. Placing himself in between them he takes one of your uplifted legs and he kisses the soft inside of your calf. 
“Gonna tie these up one day” he says and kisses your skin again. “Tie them up and tease you for hours. Really take my time and drag it out until you’re shaking and breathless and so desperate to come all you can say is ‘please, Tom’”.
He hears how your breath picks up, and can practically sense you growing wetter. Your eyes are glossy with want already. 
Reaching down to your core he slips a finger in you with ease. He snickers. “I’ve barerly even touched you and you’re already this wet?”
Since you can’t deny it you buck your hips up for more instead. He bends down and kisses the tender skin above your ribs with an open mouth. It’s soft and sweet and in sharp contrast from the finger moving inside you; that is all rough and quick movements. 
Moving up he places his wet mouth around one of your nipples and you writhe underneath him, your legs hugging onto his waist. Sucking on the sensitive flesh, gently nippling down on it, he then blows cold air on the wet spot and you moan, bucking up against his hand; that is still moving in and out of you. 
“More” you demand in another moan, and you lift your hips up, holding yourself up by your legs around his waist, pressing yourself against him 
“This is why you should be tied up,” he says, biting your nipple again. You moan and continue to push yourself against him. 
He leans back, grabs a hold of your hips, and twists you until you fall over on your stomach. He spanks your ass, hard; one time, two times, three times, four times. Two on each side. It only has you writhing all the more underneath him. 
He squeezes the soft flesh of your ass in his hands and groans. Moving his hands over your lower back, pressing his palms in almost as if massaging you. Your body is tense, but he knows your body well, knows its because of anticipation for what’s to come. Slowly he removes his big hands from your back, instead slowly dragging his short-nailed finger up over your spine. He watches in fascination as you shower beneath him. 
While he was away filming he had bought a guitar. Had practised the instrument for hours trying to make it play him the perfect sound. But as he drags his finger up your spine again and you whimper he knows that your body is the only instrument he wants to perfect.
“Ready?” He asks.
“Yes” you say, a little breathlessly. 
And again his palm connects with your skin, the sound of skin slapping against skin loud in the empty house. Again and again and again he does it. You squirm beneath him, gasping and moaning and clasping at the sheets; pushing back against his palm, eager for more. He spanks you until your skin feels warm, so he moves his hand in soothing circles over the tender place as you breathe out a sigh. 
“Come here” he says, and his voice is gruff and tender with need for you. Pulling you up towards him until you back is pressed against his chest, your legs widely spread so your thighs are outlining his and your glistening wet cunt is pressed against his dick. 
Playing with the tip of his cock, teasing it against your entrance he whispers rasperly in your ear, “think you can be quiet?”
You look over your shoulder, meeting his eyes, and nod eagerly. 
“You sure?” he asks, continuing to tease you. “You see, Haz could come back any second now and we wouldn’t want him to hear you, would we?”
You shake your head, and god, you really must want this because you waste no time arguing with him. So he decides to reward you and slips himself into you; pulls your body even closer to yours. 
You bite your lip to hold back the moan but it slips through your lips anyway. 
He moves a hand up to your throat, places his Rolex clad wrist around it, and the other hand around your waist; guiding you up and down over his cock, as if you were bouncing in his lap. Your breasts move up and down with the movement and honestly he wishes he had more arms so that he could touch you everywhere at once. 
When another moan falls from your lips he shushes you gently in your ear, “ now, now” he warns. 
He lifts you higher up and higher up by each movement, before pressing you down harder and deeper against him 
And then you both hear it. A car driving up the driveway. 
Haz is home. 
He slams you down against him again and the ecstatic sound that leaves you is positively animalistic. He reaches for your panties, discarded on the side of the bed. Balling them up he moves it to your mouth and obligingly you open it. He shoves them in before tenderly kissing the side of your lips. Your eyes are tight shut in concentration, trying with all your might not to make a sound as you hear footsteps walking by outside. 
“Remember, quiet now” he warns, mouth pressed against your ear. 
Yet you make a deep, wanton moan and he fuck up into you even harder, grinds your hips against his until your eyes roll back in pleasure. 
“Think you like this darling” he whispers again against your ear. “Think you like the thought of maybe getting caught. Think you like knowing that this is what I’ll think of for those months we spend apart and I gotta take care of myself.” 
He pushes you up and forward, until you’re on your hands and knees for him and with one swift movement he’s inside you agains; the angle so perfect it has him seeing stars. 
“Almost made me come before I was ready there” he says and spanks your ass, though not as hard as last time. 
You're slick and wet and he can see it running down your thigh and he wants to groan in pleasure but outside he’s pretty sure Harrison is talking to the neighbor, looking for his keys. 
He pulls you up closer to him and slams into you until you're clenching around him, your skin so hot against his thighs it feels like they are on fire. He knows you love this position and its clear in your tense, arched body.
He leans down and to out of breath now to whisper he says in a hushed voice, “he’ll be inside the house soon, you gonna be quiet? Or is Haz about to find out just how slutty you are?”
Your answer is yet another moan, muffled against your panties. 
So he fucks into you; hard and fast and deep and it’s like the pleasure is everywhere; clouding his eyes from seeing clearly and stopping his lungs from breathing freely. Your toes are curled and your back is arched and it all feels so overwhelmingly and blissfully intense; so fragile and vivid and frantic it’s like neither of your body quite knows what to do with all the pleasure. Like you are both about to combust from it. 
His arms and legs are shaking with the effort and he feels sweat running down his back. But then you shake as well and he feels you convulse around him and god - it’s heaven.
It takes a while before you both return to reality. He removes your underwear from your mouth and gently kisses your lips; pulling you in close against him.
“Love you” he says and kisses the tip of your nose. “Thank you for visiting.”
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