#gotta be one of my favourite requests on a stream
mr-payjay · 10 days
hi i paid justin 3 US dollars to voice paper getting set on fire and burning to death
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lecsainz · 10 months
Hope you're doing amazing! I love your blog so much! I come here almost every other day to day dream about my favourites and read your pieces again and again. Could i request Carlos x reader fic where Carlos comforts the reader after some reporters prod into their private life and the reader feels overwhelmed... Angst to fluff and maybe smut in the end?
parings: carlos sainz x famous!reader
authors note: I gotta say, mixing a bit of AU with regular fanfic, can I just say I love doing magazine features?
summary: that one where the media makes up stuff about your relationship with carlos but he ain't gonna let that shake our relationship.
☆. . . masterlist !
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Exclusive Source Reveals Startling Insights Into the Relationship of F1's Rising Star and the Elusive Heiress
The Power Couple: Carlos Sainz and Y/N Y/L/N's Love Story or PR Masterpiece?
By TMZ Magazine - September 2023
In the glitzy world of fame and fortune, where the line between reality and illusion often blurs, power couples are born just as swiftly as they fade away.
None have captured the public's attention quite like that of Formula 1 sensation Carlos Sainz Jr. and the enigmatic heiress Y/N Y/L/N. This power couple's whirlwind romance has been the subject of intense speculation, with many questioning the authenticity of their love. In a TMZ exclusive, we delve into the inner workings of their seemingly sensational union, revealing what lies beneath the surface.
It's no secret that the world of celebrity romance often blurs the lines between genuine affection and calculated publicity. In the case of Carlos Sainz Jr. and Y/N Y/L/N, sources close to the couple suggest that their relationship might be more PR strategy than a heartfelt connection. Our exclusive source, a close friend of the couple, disclosed that the pair has carefully orchestrated their romance to maximize benefits on both ends.
"They both know that being in the spotlight can help boost their respective careers," our source shared. "They decided it's a mutually beneficial arrangement. Carlos gets more media coverage, and Y/N can use his popularity to her advantage."
Y/N Y/L/N, the elusive heiress whose life has been shrouded in mystery, has raised eyebrows with her numerous high-profile relationships over the years. It's no secret that she's been romantically linked to at least eight A-list celebrities, including musicians, actors, and even fellow heirs. Despite her apparent aversion to fame and the media circus that surrounds it, Y/N has consistently found herself in the headlines due to her high-profile affairs.
"The irony is that Y/N has always claimed to hate the attention that comes with dating famous people," our source revealed. "Yet, she's continued to choose partners from the same world she professes to despise."
As the couple's relationship has garnered more attention, their PR teams have been working tirelessly to manage the narrative. They've employed tactics such as carefully timed public appearances, social media posts, and interviews to keep the public intrigued and invested in their romance. This calculated approach, however, has led many to question the authenticity of their connection.
"Their teams are skilled at using the media to their advantage," our source admitted. "It's all about perception and maintaining their status as a 'power couple.'"
As the world continues to watch this captivating couple's every move, one question lingers: Is their love story genuine, or is it a calculated maneuver to seize the attention of the masses and advance their respective careers? Are Carlos and Y/N truly in love, or are they orchestrating a well-choreographed PR campaign for mutual benefit?
Stay tuned for more exclusive updates and revelations from TMZ Magazine.
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Y/N lay sprawled across the plush sofa in the cozy living room of her shared home with Carlos in Spain. The afternoon sun streamed through the windows, casting warm rays of light across the room. She'd been catching up on some reading when her phone buzzed incessantly, drawing her attention away from the book.
The headline on her screen was impossible to miss: "The Power Couple: Carlos Sainz and Y/N Y/L/N's Love Story or PR Masterpiece?" The TMZ article had surfaced online, and her heart sank as she read through the scandalous claims about their relationship. It was a relentless invasion of their privacy, dissecting their love as if it were a staged performance.
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes, and she felt overwhelmed by the intrusion into their lives. She knew she had to confront this with Carlos, who had always been her rock in times of turmoil.
Carlos entered the room, sensing the tension in the air. "Y/N, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice filled with concern as he sat down beside her.
She handed him her phone, unable to speak the words herself. Carlos read through the article, his expression growing darker with every word. He clenched his jaw, his protective instincts kicking in. "This is complete nonsense," he muttered angrily.
Carlos's anger simmered as he continued to read the invasive article. His protective instincts flared, and he couldn't fathom how anyone could twist their love into something so far from the truth.
"They have no idea what they're talking about," Carlos said, his voice low but filled with determination. "This is just trash journalism trying to stir up controversy."
Y/N looked up at Carlos, her eyes filled with gratitude. She'd always admired his strength and resilience. "I know, Carlos, but it still stings. I hate how they're trying to make our love seem fake."
Carlos's expression softened as he turned to her. "Mi sol," he whispered, using the affectionate term he had for her. "Our love is as real as the sun streaming through those windows. Don't ever doubt that."
Y/N managed a faint smile, her heart aching a little less with his reassuring words. "I just wish we could shut them up, Carlos."
A mischievous glint flickered in Carlos's eyes as he looked at her. "Well, maybe we can," he said cryptically.
Before Y/N could ask what he meant, Carlos swept her into his arms and stood up. She laughed in surprise, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Carlos, what are you doing?" she asked, her laughter mixing with curiosity.
He grinned down at her, his eyes dancing with mischief. "I'm taking my sunshine to our room," he said, "away from all this nonsense."
Y/N couldn't help but giggle as Carlos carried her bridal style down the hallway to their bedroom. His laughter joined hers, and it echoed through their home, drowning out the noise of the world outside.
In that moment, as Carlos playfully carried her, Y/N realized that their love was a sanctuary, a refuge from the chaos of fame and gossip. It didn't matter what others said or wrote about them. What they had was real, unbreakable, and filled with a kind of love that could weather any storm.
As they reached their bedroom, Carlos gently set Y/N down, and they both burst into laughter. He pulled her into a tender kiss, sealing their promise to protect their love from the prying eyes of the world.
As Carlos set Y/N down in their bedroom, their laughter filled the air like a sweet melody, banishing the remnants of unease brought on by the intrusive article. With a loving smile, Carlos cupped her face in his hands, his gaze locked onto hers.
"You know," he whispered, his voice laced with desire, "there's one thing those journalists will never understand."
Y/N's breath hitched as she met his intense gaze. "What's that?" she asked, her voice barely more than a soft murmur.
Carlos leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a teasing, tantalizing kiss. "That our love," he murmured, his voice husky, "is the real deal."
Their kisses deepened, their passion igniting like a flame. Carlos's hands slid from her face down to the small of her back, pulling her closer. Y/N's fingers tangled in his hair, and she moaned softly against his lips.
Their love was a fire burning brightly, an unbreakable bond that no amount of gossip or scrutiny could diminish. As their clothes fell to the floor, they reveled in the intimacy that was entirely their own, a celebration of their genuine love.
In the quiet of their bedroom, away from the prying eyes of the world, Carlos and Y/N proved that their love wasn't just a masterpiece of public relations. It was a passionate, fiery, and deeply genuine connection that left no room for doubt.
As their bodies entwined and their moans of pleasure filled the room, they knew that their love was their most cherished secret, a sanctuary where they could be their true selves, far away from the judgmental eyes of the world.
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liked by charlesleclerc , taylorswift , and 13.657.473 others
carlossainz55 just had the best night of my life! thanks, gossipmongers, for the motivation.
tag: yourusername
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starry-eyedblog · 6 months
just found your account and it’s been lovely diving thru your work, your amazing ✨
If your still taking requests can I suggest celebrating with John as he goes from Lieutenant John Price to Captain John Price
hello, thank you so much anon <3 i'm glad yer enjoying my work, stay as long as you'd like!!
this is such a juicy idea, i'm actually ravenous thinking about it
warnings/tags: john price x gn reader, oral (blowjob), drunk sex, tiny mention of power imbalance
when john officially found out that he was moving up rank to captain, he kept his cool around the superior officers, saying his thanks and showing gratitude before hunting you down to share the good news. of course, you were the first to find out and hugs and kisses were in order.
after around ten minutes of praising him in-between breathless kisses, you rewarded him with a very much deserved blow job. really taking your time with him and doing all his favourite tricks to give him the most pleasure you could with your mouth. he came pretty quick, your eyes staring up at him while you swirled your tongue around his leaking tip.
after you cleaned up, he was off to round up his troop of soldiers he commanded and oversaw to tell them the news with you wrapped around his arm. they cheered and clapped for their now captain, saying there had to be a party tonight to celebrate.
it didn't take long for his soldiers to set up a party last minute that night, making sure there was plenty drink and snacks to enjoy the night. a few of them hung up banners that were kept in the cupboards waiting to be used for all kinds of celebrations, a generic saying written sparkly on them.
you sat on the couch for the majority of the night, watching from afar how a stream of people all different rankings came up to congratulate your boyfriend or make small talk. it made your heart warm, seeing him climbing up the ranks and getting the respect and recognition he deserved.
throughout the night, people would sit next to you and make conversation with you, mostly about john but you didn't mind, getting to speak about your partner and his achievements just reminded you of how proud you were of him but also just how much you loved him.
at some point through the party though you were dragged down a dark corridor by john and into a room you'd never step foot into. as he flickered the lights on, your eyes adjusted and was able to make out that it was an office, and a pretty big one at that. it then clicked, this was john's own office.
"pretty nice, eh doll?" he said smugly as he wrapped his strong arms around your waist from behind, head resting on your shoulder and you could smell the beer and bourbon from his breath. it's not like you were any better though, throwing drink after drink back in happiness.
"they are letting you have this?" you slurred quietly, resting your hands on top of his with a giggle and price chuckled against your neck which had sent a shiver down your spine. "all fuckin' mine sweetheart. c'mon we gotta christen it, dontcha' think?" he mumbled into your neck before he started to suck and bite at the skin, his hands tightening around you.
you squirmed in his grip, moaning and whining before you begged for him to take you over his new desk. it was beautiful, dark mahogany with no scratches or marks and took up a good amount of space in the office.
john had wasted no time in pulling you over to the desk and pinning you down on your back so he could see your face. it wasn't long before he was fumbling with buttons and zippers, desperate to get inside of you but after a bit he finally had managed to get his cock out enough to slip into you and fuck you into his desk.
he felt so powerful here, taking you on his new desk in his new office that was all his. he was a captain now, an even higher rank than you and it just made him harder due to the power imbalance. though he was pretty boozy, his thrusts were relatively on time and he was hitting all the right spots for you.
"fu-fuck captain, so so good." you slurred out, eyes rolling into the back of your head as john pounded into you. when it clicked in his drunk mind what you had called him, his thrusts came to a stop and a rough hand wrapped itself around your throat.
"what did you jus call me?" he grumbled, looking into your dazed eyes. "ca-captain," and after those words had left your mouth, john moaned lowly. "yeah that's right baby, c'mon call me it again." he panted, his thrusts picking up again as you continued to cry and moan for your captain to make you cum.
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x-reader-theater · 9 months
Secret Messages from a Lover
summary: While you're streaming, your boyfriend sends you a message.
pairing: Corpse Husband x Gender Neutral Reader (no pronouns are used.)
word count: 670
warnings: none.
a/n: i really just needed to write something so self-indulgent because god i want this so bad. i figured others want it too. i've been so depressed lately that I just need a little fantasy, you know? my requests are open, and you can find my request rules here.
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“God, that video is so fucking funny,” you say, pulling your blanket around your shoulders tighter with one hand while the other brings your patterned tumbler with the sparkly straw up to your mouth, so you can drink your water. Your knees pull further up to your chest, which is easily done in your very spacious gaming chair. “OTV never fucking misses.”
You press a button on your stream deck, switching from the video you were just watching to your face, with chat scrolling in the top left-hand corner. You take another sip from your tumbler and pick out one of the comments passing by, scrolling to stop it from moving as you read it aloud.
“Were you on the newest Fear& episode? I was. QT, Hasan, Will, and I just kinda chatted for a bit. That was a good fucking episode, though,” you say with a grin. “Love those guys. QT especially, she’s fucking hilarious. She makes me laugh so fucking hard whenever I talk to her, even if we disagree on Taylor Swift.”
You keep scrolling back down, so you can keep seeing the comments when another one jumps out at you. “Are you gonna keep streaming? Yeah, chatter, I actually just started before that OTV video. I think Toast is gonna invite me to some Pico Park today? If not, I’ll just play some Valorant or something to pass the time. I gotta git good if I wanna beat, well, anyone,” you admit with a laugh, hiding your shame by taking another drink of water.
You see your phone light up in front of you. It’s a Discord notification, which you quickly check on your second monitor, assuming it’s Toast inviting you to the Discord call.
It’s not. It’s your boyfriend, Corpse.
“You look so cute today babe. You look so cosy wrapped up in your blanket and your smile is so bright. I'll never get tired of seeing it. I love you and have a good stream 🖤”
You feel your cheeks heat up at that, and you take a sip of your water to try and hide your reaction. You haven’t told anyone you're dating Corpse yet, and you have no plans on it any time soon, but he makes you so happy you find it hard not to blurt it out whenever you can.
You send back a bunch of yellow hearts and an “I love you too!!!!!!! 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛”, biting your lip as you type on your very satisfying, clack-y keyboard.
That’s when you get the notification from Toast to join the shared call.
“Ah! Toast’s calling!” you exclaim for the benefit of your audience.
You quickly join the call, the connection sound filling you comfortable, over the ear headphones.
“Hey! What’s up!” you say into the call, getting a couple of “Hey!”’s and “Hello!”’s back.
Then you hear a familiar voice say, “What’s up.”
“Corpse!” You’re grinning at this point as you continue, “I didn't know you were gonna be playing!”
“Uh, yeah. Toast invited me last minute. Surprise?” he says like it’s a bad thing.
“We haven’t played anything together in a while and I saw him online and thought, ‘Fuck it,’ yaknow?” Toast asks and you chuckle.
“Well, it’s good to talk to you again, Corpse,” you say, setting your tumbler down on your desk. He got you that tumbler for your birthday not long ago, and it’s your favourite thing you own. He also got you the blanket that’s wrapped around your shoulders for your six-month anniversary, and it’s the warmest blanket in your house. You always wear it when you stream because the A/C is always blasting.
“It’s good to talk to you too,” you say, shivering as your heart hammers at his words.
You begin loading up Pico Park, just listening to everyone talk to each other, when you get another notification on Discord.
“I love you 🖤” it says.
“I love you too 💛” you reply, smiling into the camera for just a moment, just for him.
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romanoffs-widow · 10 months
Sorry for everything
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Sum: Nat takes out her anger on you after a stressful couple of weeks.
Warnings ⚠️ : Shouting, arguing, and split up?
A/N: Thank you very much to @bobisek96 for requesting this fic, I hope it's okay 😭 and tysm to everyone for all the love on my (not actually first) first fic! I appreciate you all sm ❤️
(I promise there is eventual fluff 😅)
Happy reading! 😊
Everyone thinks being an Avenger is so easy. All you gotta do is a couple of fights and interviews, and that's it, right? Wrong. These last couple of weeks have had me exhausted and honestly drained.
Steve and Tony keep arguing about useless crap, Lena accidentally stained the couch with red wine and didn't even tell me, so I sat in it and stained my favourite sweatpants and I've had to do 6 different interviews because Tony had a cold and couldn't do them, and on top of all that, Morgan has clung to me like a magnet since her dad has been sick. I love kids, and I really do, but not when I'm exhausted and keep having nightmares, leaving me sleepless almost every other night.
"Hey Natty," she says with that smile I love so much. I don't know what it is, but even y/n/n can't cheer me up today. Too tired to respond, I just give her a nod. Hopefully, she can see I don't want to talk right now.
I went to change into comfier clothes. I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I shrug her off, getting annoyed. "Are you okay, baby?" I roll my eyes as I put my top over my head. "I'm fine." Maybe now she'll get it? "You know if you don't want to talk to me, just say." She says it with a tone that tips me ove rather edge.
"You know what? Maybe I don't want to talk to you. Maybe all I want to do is lay down in our bed and try my very best to relax! I have had such a hard couple weeks, and all you do is bug me because you're a pathetic childish wench that wants my attention all the time! If you knew what I go through every single day as an Avenger, maybe you'd at least try to understand how hard my job is! So please just shut your whiny mouth up and get out. I don't want to see your face EVER AGAIN!"
My vision is beyond blurry as I feel the endless stream of tears rolling down my cheeks. My hands are shaking, and anxiety is sitting heavy on top of my chest. "Alright. O-okay." I get up, and without saying anymore, I grab my backpack and start shoving a bunch of clothing into it. I go into the bathroom and grab my toothbrush, as well as the other necessities that belonged to me.
With my bag and arms full with items, I give the redhead one last look. Her face is still red from all the shouting she did as she stared at the floor, in the same spot she'd been in for a couple of minutes. I give her a small nod, sniffling as I close the door. I am fully aware the whole compound heard all of that, and honestly, they should. I don't deserve to be treated like that.
I'm going to miss this place. The past 9 years of my life have been spent living here, getting to know all of the amazing people within. I had so many memories here, one of the first being when Morgan was born. She had a head full of hair and a smile that looked just like her fathers'.
As I walked out of the tower, I went to the first person I could think of. Wanda Maximoff, my best friend of 5 years. She does live in the compound, but she also owns an apartment on the other side of the city for emergencies. She gave me a spare key when she got it. Thankfully, I'd never used it before, so I'd never seen the interior of the four walls.
Memories, good and bad swirls around in my head, as I twist the bronze key into the lock. It took me an hour to get here, with the bus and all. I get settled in, as I know I'll be staying here for a while. I started getting myself a snack when I heard the door swing open. I look at it to see the red magic I'd come to know very well.
"Y/n/n honey? Are you in here?" As soon as I hear her voice, I run over to her, the flow of tears starting up again. "Oh my god, are you okay? She didn't hurt you, did she?" I shake my head, unable to speak. "Oh, my poor baby. I'm so sorry I didn't find you sooner. Everyone is out looking for you. I'd better call Pietro and tell him to tell everyone you're safe."
I just hug her tighter. "E-e-even...?" She looks at me with guilt in her eyes. "We all heard what she said to you, and F.R.I.D.A.Y said that you'd left, so we all went looking for you. None of us have heard from her since." By now, I've soaked her hoodie with my never-ending tears.
"Shhhh, it's okay, you're okay." Wanda whispers as she rubs my back to calm me down.
I hear a knock at the door. Wanda only left, and she had her own key, so it definitely wasn't her, and i haven't ordered any packages. Deciding i dont care, I go to open it. I see nothing but a white teddy bear holding an envelope sitting on the welcome mat. There is no sign of anyone being here, as the halls are silent. I pick up the toy and bring it inside, closing the door. I go and put it on the counter, taking the red letter from its paws. It had my first initial on the front.
Our place, 2 pm?
- N xx
I roll my eyes. Even if I was very upset with her, she always knew how to make me smile. I check the clock, seeing it's already 1pm, so I decide to start getting ready.
I step into the shop and immediately see Natasha. As I get closer, I can see that she has bags under her eyes, and I see that her knuckles are all red and sore. She's probably been training to get her mind off us. "Hey," She goes to hug me, and I let her. "Hi." She ordered both our favourite drinks.
"How have you been?" I scoff. "What kind of a question is that? My girlfriend of 9 years kicked me out because she was having a rough couple of weeks and hasn't even bothered talking to me for a whole month, and you think I'm okay?" She looks down with guilt filled eyes. "...no. Sorry."
I sip from my cup. "Are you gonna give me some pathetic excuse as for why you made me leave like that, or what?" She nods her head, and takes a Depp breath.
"What I said was really messed up. I shouldn't have called you any of those rude names or said any of that to you. I was having a hard couple of weeks, and I just wanted some quiet. Which I got. But by all means, that's no excuse to take my anger out on you. I don't know if you even want to talk to me anymore after what I did, and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness or anything remotely close but I really am sorry y/n/n. These past 9 years have meant so much to me, and I don't want them to go down the drain because of my stupid actions."
She pauses for a while. Waiting for me to give her some sort of response. "Thank you. I'm sorry for bothering you so much, but it would be very helpful if you communicated how you feel to me, so I know when you need space. I haven't forgiven you. That's going to take a long time, but if you're willing to work on this, so am I. Okay?" She puts her hand on top of mine. "Okay."
Everything had been going actually quite well with y/n, and I. I've been working on my communication, and she's been helping me to recognise when I feel like I need space. She's moved back into the compound, and as of recently, she's started staying in our room again.
"Hey baby." I forgot how much I love her voice. "Hi malysh. Cuddles?" She nods her head and wraps herself around me on the couch. We quickly get sucked into our newfound favourite show, Greys Anatomy. "Meredith really is gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as you!" I say as I give her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm nothing compared to McDreamy." I laugh, knowing she loves Derek too much.
"Sorry...for everything." She turns to look at me with her eyebrows furrowed, abandoning our show. "I know. It's okay." She adjusts herself so she can kiss my lips. "I love you." She snuggled back onto me, sucking back into the show.
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okay so requests/askbox is open and this means we gotta go over some ground rules, requests must be:
1) Funny- the request needs to be humorous, memes usually the most popular but dnd in jokes and other shitpostery is welcome. i abide by the MBMBAM NO BUMMERS rule - there are plenty of sad/deep/beautiful calligraphers out there who’d be happy to work with yall, but this isn’t that sort of channel
2) Length - aim for no more than 75 characters a request, my cue cards are only so big so I can only fit so much on each one and still not look like garbage. we can push it a little over but it begins to look shoddier and shoddier with every squeezed letter in
3) Amount of Requests - I am trying to be fair but i am one person running this ENTIRE thing, logistics, tech, etc, everything. In order to be fair, please restrict yourselves to 3 requests per person to let everyone have a shot, if you send in more i will ctrl-f your username and pick my favourites
4) Content - I will not do anything I consider under the umbrella of general assholery - this includes racial slurs, edgelord bullshit, exclusionist jackassery etc. Please be kind to each other. Please let me know if I’ve taken a request that is some incredibly obscure piece of assholery, someone once tried to slip a really obscure antisemetic piece of slang by me once
5) Repeats - I keyword id EVERY SINGLE piece i’ve ever done on this blog, if you think I might have written smth already but aren’t sure, the /search/[keyword] is your friend, check if i’ve done your request before. tumblr changed their search functions to not include tags in the search feature, so we might end up doing duplicates anyway bc of the unsearchability of old posts, its just how it is.
the askbox is theshitpostcalligrapher.tumblr.com/ask , not a dm or submission to the blog. I’ll close submissions too so people don’t get the boxes confused. DM me for any actual clarifications, kind words, etc so they don’t get swallowed up by the behemoth of my askbox for months, and if you want to give me live encouragement the twitch link is right there.
I’ll be streaming the entire time the askbox is open on twitch @ theshitpostcalligrapher, trying to get as many of these done today as possible live. Once 10PM EST hits, the askbox will close but if you get your request into the askbox by then, it will be done eventually as I always have 4 cards up per day.
Here’s the link to my twitch, we’ll start a little after 2 o’clock EST
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gracies-baby · 3 months
Hello! I really like your writing and finally someone that writes for Gracie. Can I request a Gracie Abrams x fem!reader. Where the reader is 20 years old and she is Gracie’s girlfriend. She is incredibly wholesome and adorable and cute and gives off golden retriever energy. Gracie is on instagram live decorating a cake and the reader came over to help but she just ends up making a mess and distracting Gracie by being the clingy girl that she is until Gracie is fed up and jokingly scold the reader telling her to just sit there and look pretty and if she made a mess again no kisses for her the reader genuinely gets scared by the empty threat and sits there obediently and takes the role of the taste tester meanwhile all the fans watching are going crazy over how cute the couple is.
Thank you so much for the request! It was so fun to write and I hope you enjoy it!
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Cake Live
(Gracie Abrams x Reader)
Live stream comments in bold!
"Hey guys, we're making a cake today! So.. it comes with instructions but who cares about that part?     Y/n's coming over in a bit to help me out-" Gracie's cut off by the sound of the door bell.
"Actually, sounds like she's here now" she runs to the door, letting her girlfriend in before giving her a kiss and guiding her to the kitchen.
"Wait, are you live right now? You do realise all your followers just saw that kiss, right?" Y/n giggles as she watches her girlfriend's face turn to one of realisation.
"Well, you're welcome guys!" Gracie sets her phone up so the viewers can see the cake, Y/n and herself.
"Alright, so right now I'm in the middle of finishing the frosting.. wait someone said I should cut my hair. What do you think, babe?" Gracie asks her girlfriend with a wide grin.
"You totally should! You would look so cute with short hair!" Y/n gushes, taking her girlfriend's face in her hands and leaving a small kiss on her nose.
Omg why are they so cute??!
When is it my turn?
"Y/n's been telling me to cut my hair for months now. I know it's too long guys. I know that, don't worry"
"Babe, this frosting is so fucking good" Y/n moans as she licks some of her finger, not noticing Gracie smirking at the sight.
"Alright, so, this is how my day went. Audrey graduated so we all got day drunk and now me and Y/n get to eat cake and talk to you guys all night. So basically it's the best day ever"
"Babe stop eating the frosting!" Gracie exclaims with a laugh as she watches her girlfriend dip her fingers in the frosting again.
"You want some?" Y/n puts her finger close to her girlfriend's mouth causing Gracie to lick the frosting of it.
Oh to be Gracie Abrams right now 😩
Y/n giggles as she reads out the comment.
"I am definitely winning" Gracie replies, pulling the shorter girl closer to her to give her a kiss.
"Alright, what colour should we start with?" Gracie asks her girlfriend, looking at all the different coloured cake bases.
"Uh, I feel like orange. Start with orange" Y/n says as she puts the orange cake on the plate.
"Should we add Audrey to the stream?" Gracie asks as she reaches for her phone.
"Yes! I miss her" Y/n exclaims excitedly.
"You saw her like two hours ago" Gracie laughs at her girlfriend as her best friend joins the stream.
"Audrey!" Y/n yells in excitement.
"Y/n!" Audrey yells back.
"We're all watching the live" Audrey says as she moves her camera to show all their friends and family.
"Weenie! Stop! If you guys hear squeaking, it's just Weenie by the way" Gracie tells the live.
"I'm gonna put on some music. This is so chaotic right now" Y/n says as she reaches for her phone, connecting it to the speaker and playing her Gracie playlist.
"Babe! Turn that off!" Gracie laughs as she reaches for her girlfriend's phone.
"No. It's my favourite!"
"Alright, I gotta go now. I love you Gracie. I love you more Y/n"
"I love you too Audrey" Y/n says as her friends leaves the live. Gracie leans her arm over her phone causing everyone to see her arm.
Omg was that Y/n's name?? Gracie has Y/n's name tattooed!!
"Gracie, they saw your new tattoo" Y/n giggles.
"Good. It's my favourite" Gracie replies as she turns her arm to show the camera her tattoo.
"Babe, can you hold the camera so they can see us pour the sprinkles?" Gracie asks, handing her girlfriend her phone.
"Yeah, sure" Y/n replies only for her hand to slip causing her girlfriend's phone to fall in the cake, covering it in frosting.
"No!" Gracie laughs, picking her phone up and wiping the frosting off.
"Okay, now hold it" Gracie teases as she gives her girlfriend her phone again, watching as she glares at her. Y/n holds her phone as Gracie pours the sprinkles on the cake. Y/n puts the phone back in place before grabbing some sprinkles and putting them in her mouth, knocking the bowl of frosting on the floor in the process.
"Babe! Stop dropping everything!" Gracie scolds jokingly as Y/n apologises with a laugh.
"It's okay, I'm gonna make more" Y/n replies to her girlfriend.
"Then there's gonna be too much" Gracie replies with a sigh.
"We can have the left overs as an after sex snack. No, sorry, a late night snack. You're not getting any tonight" Y/n jokingly glares at her girlfriend as she speaks.
Not Gracie being in the dog house 😭
"Will you be my even be able to go that long without me?" Gracie teases as she focuses on the cake, not noticing her girlfriend's shocked face.
"Gracie! Our friends and family are watching this!" Y/n scolds with red cheeks.
"You started it! We are so sorry to everyone who knows us. Please forget about this conversation" Gracie tells the camera before looking at her girlfriend.
"What did you do?! There's frosting everywhere!"Gracie laughs when she sees the mess in front of her.
"It's not my fault! I'll clean it up!"
"No, just sit back, don't touch anything or no kisses for a month!" Gracie jokes, causing Y/n to sit back on her chair, watching as Gracie continues frosting the cake.
Why are they so fucking cute!
Literally the reason I believe in love
The way Gracie was looking at Y/n 🥺
“Baby, taste this” Gracie says, putting the spoon of cake close to her girlfriend’s lips and watching as she eats it off.
“It’s so fucking good! I might eat it all myself actually. You’ll need to make a new one” Y/n says as she grabs another spoonful of the cake.
“I love you, but absolutely not. This took like 8 hours” Gracie replies, pulling the shorter girl in for a kiss.
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maopll · 1 year
May I request Trey, Rook, Azul and Jamil with a reader that's a goddess of all that flows (water, dance, music, etc)?
In your ethereal light
| twisted wonderland !
⌗:, you are the goddess revered by many. but when you have a special devotee all to yourself who never bats an eye to other deities? you feel so so special
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⌗:, a/n: gotta be my favourite request. I have a hard time figuring out how to make my fics have that warm feeling. I really need to learn more words.
⌗:, characters: trey, rook, azul, jamil
⌗:, warning: none only fluff
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,,you've always hid your original identity...you wanted to blend in with the realm where dieties like yourself don't exist. where everyone would visit you to spend time with you..not to worship you and ask for glory and prosperity and so one eventful meeting changes your life...
✧ ˚  ·    .✧ ˚  ·    .✧ ˚  ·    .✧ ˚  ·    .
Trey found out about your identity in the most fairytale way possible. He knew something was different about you..the air around you maybe? he couldn't point. you were so sweet, so kind almost in a godlike way
He wanted to confront you about it but he was breathless when he found you, in all your glory in a lake near your dorm. You were on the surface of the water completely balancing yourself with who knows what magic. You were dancing freely without a care. the water was splashing around you.
he stood there. he knew it was rude to stare but he can't help it when you look so beautiful. you noticed his presence and softly called his name. at first he was going to apologise but his worries were soon forgotten when you asked him "did you like my dance?". he did. it would probably grow to become his favourite of all time but you might have to give him an answer as to how you were able to stand on top of water. you told him you were a goddess of all that flows. he was finally starting to piece everything together. you were quite scared to tell him about your original identity but no matter who you are he will always love you because he knows you love him equally as much.
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Rook had known something was different about you. You were so soft so gentle...just like a swift flowing stream of water. With you around he would call you with his usual petnames but sometimes he would just get his heart beating so fast with a lovestruck look in his eyes. As if he had just seen the fairest beauty.
He wasn't curious about your original identity. he just had a hunch you were more than the information about yourself you told him. so he just wanted to see what his little rabbit was doing in the middle if nights. Just how astonished he was, he was also quite enamored by your effortless swirls and taps of your feet against the water. As you were done dancing he emerged from the darkness while clapping. He asked you to continue as he loved the way how your dance was so regal. even beasts and birds came from somewhere to watch their goddess in all her beauty.
If he had to choose between loving hunting or loving your dance. He would without hesitation watch you dance once more if it means seeing you dance freely.
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Azul from the start saw that you took great enthusiasm with the landscape of the Octaniville dormitory as it was under water and you would be pleased by all forms of dance. There was nothing wrong with liking performing arts but your enthusiasm was of a master who was well versed in the
Now he was really invested he desperately wanted to know what secrets were you hiding. He was thinking of finding a way on how to make you say it but when he went to your table in the lounge he found you twirling water around your fingers as if they were threads. Flowers bloomed around your head making a wreath. He always found you beautiful and one of a kind but...right now your beauty looked unparalleled.
He gently asked what is it that you were making as a very soft smile hung on his face. You were embarrassed but told him that you were a goddess who can control water and flowers and also a goddess of dances as well.
He was really glad that you were able to tell him your secret and he would promise to keep it safe. He took it really naturally as if he already knew...which he kinda did but hearing it directly from you knowing that you trust him a lot has him bursting with happiness.
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Jamil had enough faith in you not to judge you or question you. He loved you and if you ever had any secrets that you couldn't share with him at the moment, he would wait until you feel comfortable.
But even he can run out of patience. Although he knew it was rude of him to truly ask about whatever you were hiding from him, curiosity got the better of him. He asked you one night when you two were watching the stars from the open grounds. You never expected that he would have understood that you were hiding something but...a secret can't be hidden forever.
So instead of telling him you decided to show him what you are. He was enchanted. Your gently yet passionate dance with little swirls of water forming underneath you feet as you maneuver them carefully as if they were silk. You looked like the pole star under the starry impressions. So bright, so beautiful
You ended you perfect presentation of what you were by extending a little bouquet of flowers to him. Yeah he definitely knows that you are the one and only goddess of all that flows.
His heart did race a bit when he processed that he was the one true lover of a goddess. Then he must give you love equal to what a deity such as yourself must receive
I'm already in physical and mental pain I'm feeling from all the studies of grade 9. I'm dying
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lifeontoast · 1 year
hello! I'd like to request something with Jasper (Twilight) where him and the reader are just spending time together. Hanging out, picnic etc. Something where reader tells him "sometimes I'd love to be a tiny person, living in your pocket". I hope this makes sense 😭
Pocket (21/3/23)
Jasper Hale x reader
SUMMARY: Jasper and the reader are hanging out in the forest one day. You have a peaceful, restful time together. (By the way the reader is human, and Alice and Jasper are just siblings in this)
A/N: thanks to the anon who requested this! So sorry it’s taken ages, but hope you enjoy :)
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The two of you just fancied getting away from life for a while. That was why you found yourselves strolling through the cool forest one sunny day. The sunbeams danced on Jasper’s face, sparkling and shining like the stars. He swung a picnic basket in his arms, refusing to let you carry it. Always the gentleman.
As you walked, you talked, about this and that. When your next date night would be. Movies you could watch. Books you could read. It seemed like you had walked for hours; the edge of the forest you had entered from got further and further away until you could hear the drone of traffic no longer, only birdsong and the sound of a gentle stream. You kept looking at each other, smiling every time you did so. All the time you were thinking ‘how did I get so lucky?’, and you were sure he was thinking the same thing. That was the beauty of yours and Jasper’s relationship: you two were absolutely perfect together, and you knew for absolute certainty that you would spend the rest of your days with him. Alice knew too. She had come to you one day, having just seen it, practically bursting at the news. You were the first person she had told, and you asked her to tell Jasper, but nobody else. You wanted to keep your piece of paradise to yourselves for the moment. You would tell them later, when the two of you had had time to talk about your options. Alice happily demanded to know when the wedding would be, and you laughed, telling her you weren’t sure yet. That day felt like years ago, and you genuinely wondered once again, as you had done many times, when that special day would be. It was going to be soon, you felt it. Jasper wouldn’t want to wait. As soon as you had graduated high school, you were going to do it. Even if it wasn’t the huge wedding Alice had planned, or the small and intimate one you’d planned, you were going to do it.
‘Y/N, darlin, where shall we sit down?’ He asked you, his quiet southern lilt pulling you out of your daydream.
‘Wherever you want, Jas. Here look as good a place as any.’ You replied quietly.
You sat down on a mossy rock by a babbling stream, before being pulled up by Jasper, only for him to lay his jacket down for you. You laughed a little; he was such a gentleman to you.
‘Gotta make sure this rock is suitable for my girl!’ He said. He could really turn on the Southern charm when he wanted to, huh?
You smiled as he gave you food from the picnic basket. As usual, Esme had not disappointed; it was stuffed full of all your favourite treats. Usually you felt awkward eating in front of Jasper, but the feeling of happiness washing over you from the quiet, peaceful forest was enough to completely block the awkwardness. He smiled at you, loving your humanity, as it was something he had been without for many years. He missed it sometimes, but almost felt he relived his human life through you.
You began to chat quietly about not very much at all, when you suddenly blurted out:
‘You know, Jas, sometimes I’d love to be a tiny person, just living inside your pocket.’
‘Oh yeah? Well, I’d love for you to live there darlin.’ He laughed.
You smiled at him and gazed into his eyes. He gazed back, and that was it, you were lost in each other. It was the best place to be lost in.
Later on, you began to hear the birds singing a chorus way up in the trees. Jasper shot up in that slightly unnerving way that vampires do. He offered you his hand instantly, and you took it, letting him pull you up. He pulled you close to him, and you swayed to the golden sounds surrounding you. You closed your eyes and let the feeling of euphoria wash over you, and were sure that he felt the same. You stood swaying long after the splendid chorus fell silent, until the day started to turn dark. He suddenly released you, with a ‘look, Y/N! The sunset!’ And he was right. Through the chinks in the forest canopy, you saw the most magical array of colours: reds, oranges, yellows, golds, pinks… every colour on the spectrum was there, and it was beautiful.
The colours gave you courage.
‘Jasper, let’s get married.’ You said suddenly.
‘What?’ He turned to you, obviously shocked.
‘Let’s get married.’ You repeated. He looked at you for a second, then smiled.
‘Yea darlin, let’s get married.’ He replied. He held you ever close as you watched the sunset together, and in your heart you knew that he was perfect for you.
A/N: thanks so much for reading! You guys rock!
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girasollake · 2 years
on my own | e.m.
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pairing: eddie munson x fem! reader
type: angst lmao
requested: nope
summary: a fic based on the song dancing on my own by calum scott, where the reader is jealous of chrissy
warnings: pure angst, curse words, one mention of sex which is not that important
a/n: this was fun and this idea popped into my head like an hour ago, hope you guys enjoy it cause ive always wanted to write a fic based on a song
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If someone had told her a few months before that at this moment she would be crying over a stupid boy, she wouldn’t have believed them. All of this was weird, one day she was in his room listening to some songs he wrote and the next she couldn’t visit him because of her. (Y/n) didn’t even register when all of that had happened. So there she was, laying on her bed, tears streaming down her cheeks and smudging her mascara all over.
Somebody said you got a new friend.
It was October when she first had met Chrissy Cunningham. Colourful leaves were surrounding the group, they were all enjoying their break on a bench in the middle of the woods. That’s when he introduced her to them and  (Y/n) tried her best to be nice, but it wasn’t hard, she couldn’t dislike the cheerleader. She was cute, nice, smart and so innocent. Well, not exactly innocent since she took away the closest person (Y/n) had ever had.
Does she love you better than I can?
Chrissy took a seat in front of (Y/n) and held out her hand.
‘Hi, I’m Chrissy.’ She said with the most adorable smile.
‘(Y/n), pleasure.’ She shook her hand and gave her a side smile.
She tried her best to not pay attention to them but it was hard. They were both lost in a conversation right in front of her, their soft laughs mixing together. (Y/n) was talking to Gareth who was sitting next to her in order to mute Eddie’s voice but she still found herself distracted at every movement she saw from the corner of her eye.
I know where you’re at, I bet she’s around.
(Y/n) had always been invited to their gigs, it was her favourite time of the week. She could spend time with the people she was closest to, especially Eddie. Watching him perform was amazing, he gave it all he had during the shows. Then, when Chrissy started coming to the Hideout, (Y/n) was kind of happy because she could talk to her and exchange opinions. That was still the time when Chrissy and Jason were a thing. Two months had passed and the whole school started talking about their breakup. (Y/n) saw that Chrissy wasn’t particularly moved by the end of her relationship, but she hadn’t paid much attention to that.
And yeah I know it’s stupid.
But I just gotta see it, for myself.
They had never announced if they were in a relationship, but (Y/n) knew. She saw how his hand sneaked around her waist some times, how he would kiss her cheek when he thought no one was around, how he would cancel their Sacred Saturday’s to be with Chrissy. Eddie hadn’t told (Y/n) that the blonde girl was the reason of his absence, but it was pretty obvious, at least to her.
I’m in the corner, watching you kiss her,
I’m right over here, why can’t you see me?
She didn’t understand why he chose her. She was there first, she was his shoulder to cry on, his best friend, his sword, shield, literally anything he wanted her to be. She would’ve sailed across the ocean if he asked her to. And yet, she wasn’t the one he had given his heart to. All this time when they were meeting up in a larger group, she tried her best to not glare at them and their intertwined hands. She wished so bad that it was her he touched, kissed, hugged, but she wasn’t.
And I’m giving it my all, but I’m not the girl you’re taking home.
Sometimes after their concerts Eddie had invited (Y/n) to his house for a sleepover. And so when he had asked Chrissy that question, with (Y/n) standing next to them, she had almost burst into tears.
‘Hey, you wanna come back to my place after we finish?’ She heard him say to Chrissy.
She just giggled and nodded her head. Eddie didn’t even look at (Y/n), it was like she had become a ghost.
And I’m all messed up, I’m so out of line.
When she was laying in her bed, Eddie and Chrissy were spending their two months anniversary with the rest of the gang. (Y/n) had went to the gathering but she had left just as quickly.
‘So, since when are you guys together?’ Jeff nudged Eddie’s arm and took a sip of his beer.
‘Um, actually it’s two months, today’ He smiled and took the drink from Jeff’s hand.
(Y/n) was next to Jeff and she was slowly sipping her own beverage, Chrissy was in the other room talking to one of her friends.
‘Tell me man, what’s it like to be dating the Hawkins Princess?’ Jeff chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows.
‘It’s amazing, she is amazing.’ Eddie whispered but it was loud enough for (Y/n) to hear.
‘Jeff do you have some weed?’ She asked suddenly.
‘Since when do you smoke?’ Eddie interfered.
‘Since when do you care?’ She hissed which took him aback. ‘So? Can I have some?’ Her head turned to Jeff.
‘Um, yeah, yeah, here you go.’ He said and pulled out two blunts out of his bag. ‘You need a lighter?’
‘Nah, I’m good. Thanks.’ She said and headed outside of Gareth’s house.
She didn’t want to come back there, all she wanted was to be alone. Her legs took her to the closest bus stop and she entered the first one that was heading in the direction of her home. The whole ride she tried her best to not break down right then and there. Her head started showing her images it came up with to make her even sadder. Eddie kissing Chrissy, Eddie touching Chrissy, Eddie fucking Chrissy. What was she better at than (Y/n)? She never understood that because Eddie was just like her, she had always thought they were made for each other. They had a similar style, music taste and they both played guitar. Her mind wandered to the first time she saw Eddie play, that’s when she had decided she wants to do that to. She had saved up for it and soon she had found herself in Eddie’s trailer, the boy teaching her how to play. She finally saw her neighbourhood which threw her out of her depressive thoughts. (Y/n) stood up and left the bus at the closest stop, she then ran towards her house.
‘Honey is everything okay?’ One of her parents asked when she entered the house. ‘The dinner is ready if you want some!’
But she was already running up the stairs, too sad to even think about food.
‘I’m not hungry, sorry!’ She screamed and shut her door.
She walked over to her bed and took a seat, then all of the things came back and hit her twice as hard which brings us to the situation at the very top. She finally sat up again and wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She reached into her pocket and took one of the blunts, she then opened the window and searched for a lighter in her desk. When she found it she took a seat on her window sill and lit up the herbs. The first puff she took hurt her lungs and throat a bit, she wasn’t used to the feeling, but after a few she finally felt the relaxation. She contemplated smoking the other one but she decided to leave it for another day. She sighed and throwing away the rest of the joint she went to sleep not bothering to take off her clothes or make up.
I keep dancing on my own.
taglist: @r93339 @stvrdustalexx @cursedandromedablack @ccosmic-illusion @luvwanda @justice4lils @heizenka @wolfstarsimpxx @miss-bloodbath @screambih @lyntic @freeshavocadoooo @laracrof7s @naturalswifty89 @bvmbshell @alainabooks143 @squidwardsluverxx @phantomxoxo @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @stilesks @ilovedilfs32 @kaitlin-r130 @greengarsstuff @axen-gers @088i880 @ilovefictionalbrunettes
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vgnahas · 2 years
Deep purple soldier of fortune remix
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#Deep purple soldier of fortune remix free
Stream => Whizbanger Show Podcasts => ĭownload the app => Google Play or Apple Store Tune in to MMH The Home Of Rock Radio every Friday from 2-4 PST | 10-midnight GMT to hear The Whizbanger Show. The Labels/PR : Avantgarde Music, Helter Skelter Productions, Interstellar Smoke Records, Kingside Records, Placeless Records, Psycho Records, Radio Tripoli Discos, Regain Records, Ruidoteka Records, Sabbra Cadabra, Witches Brew The Bands : 1000 Odios, Amulett, The Black Furs, Comarca, Fulanno, Hermetica, Inferous, Los Antiguos, Moodoom, Nostone, Puresonic Outcasts, Ruinas, Sahara, Serpent Cobra, Steelballs, Vlad, Xenotaph, Ysyry Mollvun Please also invite your pals to like The Whizbanger Show on Twitter, Insta, and FB - if you want your music featured on the one and only Whizbanger Show, gimme a holler! Please share the pod and tag me (and the show) in your post. Miss the show? Wanna hear it again? Have at the podcast, my friends, and enjoy! The Whizbanger Show #121 Argentinian Metal Edition 22 April 2022
#Deep purple soldier of fortune remix free
Listen FREE via the web site or our own app! Meatloaf – Runnin' for the Red Light (I Gotta Life)Ĭatch Skid every Sunday between 1200-1400 GMT only on MMH – The home of rock radioĮmail any future requests via or Tweet him #SHOL Monster Magnet - Negasonic Teenage Warheadīruce Springsteen - The Ghost of Tom Joad This show includes the following playlist – Missed the latest Skid's House of Loud Show first aired on Sunday 24th April playing 2 hours of classic rock and metal spanning genres as well as decades? Normal business will be resumed next week, 2 hours of fresh, happy, shiny tunes from 8pm via As always send any suggestions/requests or complaints to House of Loud 207 24.04.22 Shadows Fall - stepping outside the circle The Cooper Temple Clause - been training dogs This week saw the return of one of my favourite annual shows, the show where we step back in time two decades and look at what and who was kicking stuff out twenty years ago.Īs its 2022 it means we are looking at 2002. Dancing With The Dead 20 Years Show 2002 Edition
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iwadori · 3 years
Getting hurt in argument PT 1 (Iwaizumi, Tsukishima)
hi!! so can i request a hurt to comfort with iwaizumi, tsukishima and any character that you want ? i saw you had reblogged a prompt list so you could us 18 for inspiration! @sheiscalling
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Word count: 2.1K
Genre: angst,fluff
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You and Tsukishima just moved in with each other a few days ago
Sharing a house has kind of put you at odds
As getting used to each others habits takes a while to get used too
You just hope that after a while things will go back to usual
Tsukishima has been conveniently busy since you guys moved in together, claiming he has to practice more since the Sendai Frogs have a supposed upcoming tournament. 
So he’s left you to your own devices unpacking boxes, picking out and buying furniture whilst working from home. Today’s task is choosing the wallpaper, which you wanted to ask Tsukishima’s opinion on (since he’s always been judgmental of certain colours, patterns and prints.)
Y/N: Hey Tsukki! You coming to *insert store that sells wallpapers here* today… it closes at 5pm??
Kei: Yhh practices finishes at 1 so I’ll probably run some errands get changed and meet you there for 3
Y/N: Okay! See you then <3
You were ecstatic, Tsukishima is finally going to do something for your new place and on the plus you get to spend time together. Maybe you’ll get to go to that new desert place across the road from your house.
You decide to get there a tad bit early so you can have a few options picked out (as you know how detailed and picky Kei can be.) As you picked out paints and swatches you noticed how time went by…
Surprised that Kei isn’t here right on the dot (since he despises lateness and on many occasion have reprimanded you when you’ve been just a tiny bit late) but just assume he’s stuck in traffic or something.
You’re still standing outside waiting, getting a tiny bit embarrassed of the looks of the passer-by strangers as if they could tell you’re desperately waiting for someone. You checked your phone, expecting a message from Kei explaining his lateness or saying he’lll be there soon.
He’s now an hour late, with no contact at all which got you frustrated as you really hoped that he would do at least one thing for you today. So you decided to go and choose what YOU want since it seems that Kei doesn’t seem to really care.
After nearly emptying the store with all your choices and additional furniture picks you finally make it back home with still NO word from Kei. You are completely over it! But he is now the least of your worries, now your current agenda is unpacking plates and cutlery (so you and Tsuki actually have something to eat of off and that’s if he ever joins you for dinner)
You’re washing and polish plates as you hear your front door open and shut with a slight slam. “Ugh practice was draining today” he said, tired 
You did not acknowledge his presence at all, you were beyond agitated that he made plans with you and then didn’t show up AND THEN didn’t even make sure the first thing he did was apologise. “Babe, whats for dinner” He asked entering the living room.
AN: Btw you have like a open kitchen type of thing so you can see the kitchen and the living room in the same room if that makes sense ://
You still ignored him, washing your plates annoyance slowly but surely building up inside of you the more he spoke “Y/N, did you hear me i asked what was fo-” Tsukishima stopped his words as he saw all the stuff you’ve bought for the house and before realising that he blew off your plans together he says,
“Y/N.. what the fuck is this shit”
That made you take a pause, and freeze ‘That is all he’s worried about’ you think. As you’re still ignoring him and he’s wondering why you decided to buy all this ‘crap’ (in his words not yours) he picks up one of the wallpaper designs and brings it to you.
“Y/N you really think we’re putting this shit on the walls..?” He asked 
You still ignore him, scrubbing harder and harder on the same plate you’ve been washing since he’s got here ( you definitely know it’s clean by now but who cares )”Y/N, are you listening to me” He then grabs your shoulders turning him to face you “Why the fuck would you buy this??” 
By now you were raged, “Is that ALL you care about!” You shout “You don’t care how I’ve been slaving away getting this place, our NEW place ready for us to live in but you don’t care you’re so self obsessed that all you’ve been doing is going to practice and complaining!”
He was about to speak before you stopped him again “Oh and by the way if you’ve got a problem with my choices for our walls then maybe YOU should’ve been at the store at the time we agreed upon! You dick.” after saying this his lips part in surprise, as he now remembers the promise he made you. 
You turn your body back to the sink, tears filling your eyes as you go back to ferociously scrubbing the plate again. 
“Y/N I’m sorry I-” He starts
“Oh shut the fuck up Tsukishima” You say a bit to agressively slamming your hands (and the plate) down on the counter, cutting your hand in the process 
“Shit” You say as blood starts to seep through your hand well there goes the clean plate you get a towel and hold it against your hand stopping the blood for a short while and you bend down to start picking up the plate remains as Tsukishima just stands there not really knowing what to say or do.
“Y/N i’m sorry about EVERYTHING” he says bending down to your level as you still pick up the plate remains. “What can I do to make this all better?”
“Just fuck off Tsuki” You say bitterly not looking him in the eyes
“I’m not leaving until I know you’re okay” he says grabbing your wrist softly to stop you from further injury “Just come sit down so i can atleast bandage your hands”
You finally look up at him, tears still in your eyes but you silently agree getting up and letting him lead you to the couch. He bandages you up, not saying a word as your sniffles and whimpers fill the quiteness in the room.
“Y/N. I am really truly sorry I-” He says
“Why don’t you care anymore?” You interrupt tears now streaming down your face “I know i can be overbearing at times, but I just wanted you to be excited about moving in with me as I was about you. Do you not want to live with me anymore” you cried
“I’m sorry i’ve been so busy it’s just practice and tournaments and … I was kind of nervous about moving in with you I just love you so much and I don’t want to mess anything up” he said “And I’m sorry about not coming to the store I just got tired up with practice and I’m just really sorry Y/N”
He goes over to the things you’ve bought and picks up one of the paint colours you chose (your favourite option) “This is beatiful Y/N you have such a great taste and I like anything that you like to be honest.”
He stares at you for a response as he noticed your tears have stopped running, which is a good sign. “I just want you to be more involved and show that you care about me about us “ you say
“I will and I do.. I always do” He said pulling you into a hug 
“I love you Kei” You say into his chest 
“I love you too” 
You spend the rest of your night unpacking plates, putting up wallpaper, painting walls and putting up furniture ending up on the couch with two slices of strawberry shortcake from the bakery across the street watching an episode of *insert your favourite TV show here* in your new place which you can finally call a home.
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You and Iwaizumi have been dating since highschool
You’ve had a past with anger issues but that was all sorted before you met Iwa
You’re very hard working and sometimes overworking but you have Iwa to always make sure you’re not too hard on yourself
You play volleyball just like your boyfriend, being the captain of your team is your pride and joy but sometimes you are way too hard on yourself trying to reach perfection. 
You’re in the gym way past normal hours setting to yourself against the wall with sweat dripping down your forehead breathing slightly more than usual
‘5 more minutes’ you think to yourself knowing damn well it’s going to be more than 5 minutes but you just have to perfect your form then you can stop.
You stop for a small water break and also to check your phone seeing 5+ messages from your lovely boyfriend Hajime
Haji: Y/N how was your day 
Haji: What do you want for dinner
Haji: I think we should get chinese
Haji: Y/N… you alive
Haji: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeffhpeE/
Haji: I just ran into *Insert Best friends name* and she told me you were last seen at practice I hope you’re not in the gym Y/N
Haji: I’m coming to the gym… you better not be there
By the time you start going back to set against the wall you look up to see a semi mad Hajime at the doors of the gym..
“Y/N.. I thought you said you wasn’t going to keep overworking yourself this term” He said slowly approaching you 
“Just” set “Gotta” set “Fix” set “My” set “Form” 
“Your set is fine babe, it’s perfect … you’re perfect” he says reaching out to touch you
“Well I guess perfect isn’t good enough then” you mumble
“Y/N that’s not what I meant” He responds touching your shoulder
Out of reflex, your hand flicks to his face your nail (which are amazingly sharp and long) catches him on his cheek causing a petite cut to now appear and small amounts of blood to come out of it. You both are frozen shocked at what just happened, you never meant to touch him like that at all. 
You quickly rush to your stuff leaving your volleyball in the gym running out the doors. How could you be so horrible, hitting your boyfriend in the face after doing so much work getting over all your anger issues. ‘Hes going to hate you now’ you think.
You stop at a bench trying to clear your head, crying softly to yourself worrying now about your relationship with Haji and where it stands now. Without you noticing, Iwaizumi sits down next to you, waiting for you to compose your self before speaking.
“I know you didn’t mean it Y/N” he said pulling you under his arm 
“Iwa, I’m so so sorry I didn’t mean to stay late in the gym it’s just that we have a competition next week and last time we lost because of me and I just … wanted it all to be perfect “ You said sniffling you look up at him and see the cut on his face that you caused making you even more upset “I am really sorry, I understand that you probably want to break up with me for hurting you which is completely valid”
You don’t want him to confirm your suspicions of him breaking up with you, so you abruptly stand up getting reading to move onwards again before he grabs your wrist “you’re not leaving till I know you’re okay” he says
which makes you laugh a bit “It’s crazy that I’m the one that messed up, yet you’re worrying about me”
“Well that’s my job Y/N, I always worry about you when you’re overworking yourself and being hard on yourself it’s not good” he said “accidents happen, I know you didn’t intend on me getting hurt and I know you’re going to do great in the upcoming game babe dont worry”
A week later, all was forgotten Iwa’s cheek healed quickly and he never blamed you for it all and reminded you that it wasn’t your fault whenever it seemed you felt bad about it.
You’re now playing your volleyball game Iwa in the stands cheering you on as loud as he could and of course you were doing your best because in Hajime’s words you are perfect.
AN:Thank you so much for my first request I hope you like it. I’m not really a fan of the Iwa one but the tsuki one i like the way it went even though I was meant to add a third character but got too tired. But thank for the request keep them coming!! 
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suna-reversed · 3 years
Hello I came to request # 74) “Wow, I think you’re blushing even redder than the vibrator inside you.” from your nsfw prompt list. Where kenma tied us up with a vibrator(maybe other toys) and then left to do a stream and when he returns we are a overestimated mess and then he fucks us with the vibrant still in.
Post Timeskip! KENMA X F! READER// nsfw!!
warnings/tags- unprotected sex, role-play, overstimulation, nipple play, use of sex toys, light degradation, kenma calling the reader “bunny”
(art credit in picture)
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- Kenma had always been big on role-play right from the first time you got intimate with each other. 
- So it was no new thing for you to surprise him every now and then dressed up in different costumes. 
- This time, you had dressed yourself in a set of black lace lingerie, black knee high socks with white stripes across the top and your personal favourite- black bunny ears that matched the little bunny design on the collar around your throat. 
- What you were not expecting as you walked into your shared bedroom, ready to surprise your boyfriend, was to be met with your own self on the camera screen, his own shock-filled eyes meeting yours through it. 
He was quick to turn the camera off, shutting off his live-stream that had at least a few thousand viewers. You stood there stunned, nervously fidgeting with your fingers as you gave him a guilty smile, 
“I- I thought you weren’t streaming today.”
Kenma didn’t reply, instead raking his eyes all over your body, reaching out a hand for you to grab so that he could pull you into his lap. His finger traced the outline of the bunny ears, sliding down your face to flick your nose lightly, making you smile. 
How could he be mad at you? 
Well, he wasn’t. At least not until he opened his phone, planning to send a quick text to his manager about the situation before he fucked you senseless. Instead, he found his stream comments flooded with people. Comments that seemed to get progressively worse. 
“Who would’ve thought gamer boy was into that freaky shit.”
“Damn, I’d never leave the bed if that’s what was waiting for me.”
“Bet I can fuck her better than him...what I wouldn't give to choke her.”
You saw a few of the comments too from where your head rested on his chest. You squeaked as the gentle hold around your throat tightened. Kenma putting his phone aside with force, growling a low, “Get on the bed now, bunny.” into your ear that immediately sent you scrambling up to go lay back on the mattress. You watched him pull back his hair with a tie as he walked over to the closet, bending down to pull out a box filled with objects you were way too familiar with. You hear him rumbling around but you don’t see what he’s gotten as he walks up to you with his hands behind his back. 
“Close your eyes.”
You do as you’re told, and soon after you feel him lift your head slightly to slide down a velvety fabric over your eyes, blinding you. Next, it’s your wrists that are cuffed up to the headboard. You can tell Kenma is in no hurry as he takes his time running his hands all over your body, making you squirm desperately as you feel a damp spot growing on your panties. 
“I’ve barely done anything and you’re already so fucking wet” Kenma says while clicking his tongue. You only writhe around more in response, whines falling from your mouth. 
You gasp as a sharp slap comes down on your lace-clad mound. 
“Good bunnies don’t make noises, do they?” 
You still your body, muffling a moan as he pinches your nipples. 
“Good girl.” He says while humming appreciatively. “But I still think you need a punishment for the mess you just caused.” 
Your body shakes out of both anticipation and fear as you nod your head rapidly. Before you can even think of what he’s going to do, the sound of fabric ripping is heard in the air as his hands tear off the flimsy lace of your bra. This time, you’re not able to contain a shriek as something cold and metal clamps down on both of your nipples. That only results in Kenma pulling on the chain connecting the metal clamps on your sensitive nubs.
“Such a disobedient slut. Maybe I should just let one of those turds in the comment section fuck you, huh? Fill you up with their disgusting seed over and again when they won’t even be making you cum once?”
You shook your head, tears of shame welling up in your eyes and now streaming down your face, 
“No-no daddy, I’m a good bunny, only your bunny.” You sniffed loudly before continuing, “Please fuck your bunny daddy...only need your cock, no one else’s.” 
Kenma swore the restraint inside him was an inch apart from snapping. Instead, he ran his fingers over your covered cunt, making a sweet moan fall from your mouth. His hand fell away and you felt him moving around on the bed, his hand coming back only to move your panties aside. You let out a squeal of surprise as you felt the familiar shape of a slender rubber vibrator put inside you. 
“Mhmm I’ll fill you up real nice bunny. But daddy’s still gotta finish his stream. You’ll be patient for him , won’t you?”
You couldn’t exactly figure out what he was planning, but it all clicked as you felt the buzzing sensation of the vibrator, making your juices drip out onto the sheets. You felt Kenma come close to your face, a hand incling your head again,
“Now as much as I’d like for all those fuckers to listen to who makes you scream, I’d much rather not be distracted by your moans while I play.”
That was the last thing he said before stuffing a gag into your mouth. You felt his weight push off the bed completely, the sound of his computer switching on ringing in your ears as your legs quivered with the sensations inside your cunt, your lack of sight making you hyper aware of the pressure around your nipples. You felt your high approaching, thrashing around on the bed as you heard Kenma start his stream, apologising for the “minor inconvenience”. The coil in the bottom of your stomach snapped at the same time he said, “No worries now though, I’ve taken care of it.”
And that is how you found yourself 2 hours later, face stained with tears as tiny sobs left your mouth making spit drool out from around the gag. The sheets were dripping with your juices, your body jerking every time Kenma changed the intensity of the buzzing inside of you. You almost fainted from relief as you heard Kenma announcing the end of his stream.
You continued to sniff as you felt the bed dip next to you, a whine escaping from as you felt the buzzing stop, a hand coming to slide down your blindfold and unchaining your wrists as he brushed the hair out of your sweat covered forehead with the other. 
Kenma’s heart clenched as you looked up at him with puppy eyes. He pulled the gag from your mouth, strings of drool falling coming off along with it. He sighed, leaning down to kiss your forehead before asking, 
“What colour, bunny?”
It took your mess of a brain a second to comprehend his question. Still shaking, you mumbled out, “Green, daddy.”
You felt him smile against your forehead, before he pulled back, stripping himself off of his sweatshirt and grey pants as he got off the bed. Your eyes shot straight down to the bulging member underneath his boxers. 
Kenma got in between your legs, leaning forward to slide a finger underneath the collar on your throat, 
“Such a good girl for me. Just for me-” He said in between kisses along your neck, “Daddy thinks you deserve a reward.” 
“Please- please give me your cock daddy, need you so bad.” You cried out loud. 
And how could Kenma have said no to his precious little bunny? 
You threw your head back as you heard the sound of buzzing fill the air again at the same time you felt Kenma’s cock against your hole. 
“Think you can take it bunny?”
“Yes! Please stretch my cunt out daddy, just need to fee-”
You were cut off as the tip of Kenma’s thick girth entered you. You moaned at the burning stretch of your cunt, hands reaching up to tangle in his locks. You both moaned in unison as he bottomed out, hands coming up to grope your tits as he started thrusting his hips. 
“Fuck- you’re so tight- no one can fuck you as good as I do.”
You moaned in response, brain too fucked out to form an answer. Tears flowed freely from your eyes as he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder, his thrusts getting deeper at the new angle as he rutted into you with no mercy. 
“Cum around me bunny- wanna feel you gush on my cock c’mon.” Kenma said, hand going down to hastily rub your sensitive nub, groaning as he felt your cunt clench down on him. 
Already over-stimulated from your previous orgasms, you screamed, back arching into the mattress as you came undone once again for the nth time. Kenma continued to fuck you through your orgasm, finding his own release soon after as he painted your insides with his seed, collapsing on top of you. You felt your vision going blurry and eyes rolling back as you felt him pull himself and the vibrator out of your poor abused cunt. 
Your eyes fluttered open at the feeling of water around your body,
“Hey baby, there you are.” You felt Kenma’s voice rumble through behind you as his hands massaged your shoulders gently. You let out a small “hey” in response while nuzzling further back into his chest. 
“Was I too rough?”
“Mhmm no, I think I might have to walk in on your streams more often.”
“Maybe I’ll fuck you while they watch the next time.”
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Thanks to my favourite kenma kinnie @erenbae for helping me with this prompt🥰
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football-writing · 3 years
Jack Grealish - real smooth
Note: I haven't seen the david and liza vid that this request was based on, and I have the attention span of fresh gravy so I didn't watch it either lmao. But I had a bit of an idea in mind for this more like Mason's fifa forfeit vid with Chunkz (let's be honest that vid was hilarious I still watch it sometimes for laughs lmao) anyway I hope that's okay. Also this features other players too bc why not
Warnings: contains some curse words probably, slight mentions of sexy times at the end, also I have no idea how waxing actually works as my only knowledge comes from that Mason vid so,, this is probably not accurate sorry xoxo
Hope you enjoy babes x
It wasn't unusual for Jack to invite some of his friends over whenever he had a day off. In fact, his days off were usually spend either with you or with his friends, most often opting for eating out with you before getting back and playing fifa with the boys for well past midnight. Today was no different. You had occupied yourself with a book and and cup of tea in your shared bedroom, while Jack was downstairs with his friends playing fifa. Their yelling and laughter could be heard even from behind the closed bedroom door. Not that it bothered you too much: as long as they were having fun and cleaning up after themselves once they left, it was fine by you.
However, it surprised you to hear footsteps coming up to the stairs, then down the hallway to your room. They had everything they needed downstairs, and never before had they bothered you upstairs, so why would they now?
A knock sounded on your bedroom door and you yelled out a quick 'yeah' as you closed your book and sat up on the bed, curious as to what it was they needed.
"Hey angel." Jack said as his head popped through the door before making his way into your bedroom, sitting down defeatedly onto the edge of your bed. He had a slight pout on his face, and bit his bottom lip nervously as he looked at you.
"What's wrong, baby? Please tell me you didn't break anything down there." You said, a stern look plastered on your face.
"No, no, it's nothing like that. It's just- uhm." He hesitated as he looked down, playing with the hem of his shirt instead of maintaining eye contact with you. Worry took over your features. What was he up to now?
"We were playing fifa forfeit, right. And Ben said I had to wax my legs if I lost-"
"Oh my god, Jack!" A releaved sigh left her lips. It was never gonna be anything serious with these boys anyway. She should've known better. "Did you lose, though? Please tell me you did."
He only nodded in response, and she let out a squeel as she fell back on the bed.
"That's hilarious, I was worried there for a second, but this is great."
"Don't get too excited. The boys asked if I'd ask you if you had any wax. But I just came up here to chat for a bit and then I'll go back down saying you didn't."
"Now, why would you do that?" She said as she looked at him with raised brows, challenging him.
"You know, I actually do have some strips left, I'd be more than happy to wax your legs. Besides, a bet is a bet, Jack. You can't just back down now." She smiled thriumphantly and he groaned in response.
"Why won't you just have my back with this?"
"Oh, I can wax your back too, no problem."
"Not what I meant sweetheart."
"I know." She smiled cheekily as she leaned forward to kiss his cheek, before telling him she'd be downstairs in a bit with all the necessities to wax his legs.
"Hey boys!" She hollered as she rushed down the stairs with her wax kit, the boys looking up at her. Jack was already sitting on the chaise longue with his legs up. His shorts ridden up a bit more than usual to expose his muscular thighs. The others sitting next to him on the couch, ready for the action that was about to unfold.
"Ready, babe?" She wiggled her eyebrows at him as she sat down her kit.
"Oh I sure am!" Ben replied with a big boyish smile on his face.
"I'm sure you are, Ben." She chuckled as she ruffled his hair. He'd usually have it gelled back whenever he had a game, but kept it natural and curly when he came around theirs. It was her favourite look of his, perhaps partly because she could mess with his hair more easily.
"I remember when I had this done, hurts like hell. Good luck bro!" Mason interjected, patting Jack's shoulder in mock-sympathy.
"Yeah, I cannot wait to see you cry like a baby. I love you for coming up with this, Ben."
"Babe!" He whined. "You're supposed to support me here."
"Well I am supporting you, I'm the one waxing you. Trust me, you do not want to have this done by someone who has no idea what they're doing." You said as you warmed up a few strips of wax between your hands.
"Seconded." Declan replied with a serious face. Everyone looked at him in confusion; he had never told them about getting waxed before, but it sounded like an intriguing story.
"I'm not even gonna ask, mate." Jack said. Horror stories would not make this experience any more bearable for him. It left Dec pretending to be upset, eager to tell the - no doubt ridiculous - story.
"Alright, I'm gonna get these on." You interrupted their banter, tearing the strip to reveal the sticky substance underneath.
She put the strips on his leg as the boys chatted away. Just as she was putting the fourth strip on, Jack swatted her hand away.
"You have to put all those on?" He questioned her.
"Well the forfeit did say 'legs'. As in, both legs. Completely." Declan argued.
"I did say that. But that's a bit too harsh innit?"
"Yeah, there's already three strips on now, let's see how he gets through those first." Mason offered.
"Will hurt like hell with that much hair." Declan hit Jack's leg for emphasis.
"No doubt." You laughed as you smoothed out the strips once more.
"Ready, Jack?" You asked as you hold the edge of one of the strips, ready to pull it off.
"Wait, wait I gotta film this!" Declan was quick to exclaim as he took out his phone, much to Jack's dismay, who had his hands in front of his face as he waits for the inevitable pain of ripping off the strips.
"Alright, 3. 2. 1!" The boys count down in unison as you rip off the first strip.
"Jesus, Y/N!" An array of curses leave Jack's mouth as he yelps, gripping his leg in pain, his eyes wide with shock. Clearly he had underestimated how much this was really going to hurt, which has all of you rolling over with laughter. Mason is gripping his stomach as he's sitting on the floor, barely able to breathe between his giggles. You're trying to ease Jack's mind and soothingly rub the sensitive skin on his leg, but you're shaking too much from the laughter leaving your lips.
"Oh my lord, and look at the hair that's come off!" Declan hollers as he takes a step closer to properly film the strip that was, indeed, covered in Jack's leg hair. You held it up for the camera as you shrieked at the sheer amount of hair. It's like a lion's mane got glued on the strip.
"Jeez, Jack, you hairy lad." Declan laughs, which earns a grumble from dissatisfied boy. You're pretty sure if Dec wasn't responsible for filming the whole ordeal, he'd be on the ground just as Mason was.
"Oi, what are you crying for, mate? I'm the one in pain here." Jack points a finger accusingly at Ben, and when you turn around you see he has tears in his eyes, breathing coming out in desperate gasps as he shakes his head no, signalling he can't take any more of this banter. It seemed like everyone had at least slightly calmed down, but looking at Ben made everyone burst out in laughter yet again. Mason had tears streaming down his face now too, and you're sure he might piss his pants if he laughs any louder. It even makes Jack chuckle.
"Just get it over with, alright. I don't wanna be in pain any longer." Jack asks you nonetheless, guiding your hand to one of the other strips.
"It can't be that bad." Ben's voice is higher than usual from his earlier laughing fit, but he's wiping the tears from his eyes as he seems to have calmed down considerably. Mason can only nod in confirmation, still unable to form words without giggling.
"I have no problem waxing you lot too, babes." You smile up cheekily at them, which results in loud protests from the boys.
"Now that I would love to see." Jack replies, before looking down at his leg and rubbing the spot that was now rid of any hairs. "Perhaps this would be funnier if there weren't two other strips on me leg." He sighed in despair, staring at his leg with sad eyes. It made you chuckle, but seeing Jack's stern look dericted at you, you quickly focused on the task at hand.
"Alright, next one Jack."
"Lord have mercy."
The next strips don't have any other effect than the first one. It sends all of you rolling on the floor laughing, and Jack with tears in his eyes and red skin on his leg. Dec leaves the room at one point because he genuinely can't breathe, and Mason has to sprint to the bathroom, like you predicted. Meanwhile your hands get shakier and shakier from laughing, and you can barely see what you're doing due to the tears prickling at the corner of your eyes. Jack's decided to rip the last strip off himself, and you're shrieking with laughter as he pulls at it but chickens out from the pain, resulting in it only coming off halfway. When it is finally off, and all the hairy strips are disposed of, everyone slowly but certainly calms down. You're getting some lotion from upstairs to soothe the stinging, and when Ben orders pizza, it all seems long gone.
Yet when you're watching tv, and Mason steals a sneaky glance at Dec, the both can't help but try - and fail - to surpress their giggles.
It's how the rest of the night continued until the three other boys finally left in the late hours of the night.
"I'll clean, love. Get in bed and I'll see you in a bit, yeah?" Jack's offering once they're gone, and you're accepting gratefully as you kiss his cheek. The night was fun, but the laughing fits had you beyond tired.
So when Jack slips into bed next to you, you're already in bed with your eyes closed, dozing off.
"Hey, babe."
"Hm?" You mumble as you open your eyes at Jack's whisper.
"Wanna feel my leg?" He asks, but he's already draping his freshly waxed leg over your legs, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You've known the guy long enough to know that he won't stop bothering you if you decline, and the request makes you think of the many times you've asked him to feel your legs after - finally - shaving them again.
So you decide to humour him and softly carress his smooth leg.
"Feels pretty good, huh?" His voice cocky as he questions you.
"Sure, real smooth Jack."
"Wanna have sex with a sexy smooth beast like that?"
You snort loudly at his inappropriate request, shoving his leg off of you in a joking manner.
"Oh come on, don't tell me I went through all that for nothing!" He exclaims in agony.
"No, you went through all that because you suck at Fifa." You deadpan as you grin at him.
His eyes are darker as he watches you intently, and the knowing smirk on your face makes you apprehensive of what he's up to now. He's moving closer, hovering over you and effectively trapping you as his muscular arms hold himself up on either side of you. And next thing you know, he's placing a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth, before trailing down to your jaw. A gasp involuntarily leaves your lips as he nibbles at your earlobe.
"You know with how soft my leg is and all." He starts to whisper in your ear. His voice is husky and smooth - and normally you know what it means. But you have no clue where he's going with this sentence. "Would you mind if I-" And he's pausing again for dramatic effect as his lips graze over your hot skin. "Slitherin." He finally whispers in your ear, accentuating the 's'.
And just like that, you're back rolling over with laughter just like you had been that very afternoon.
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okay so requests/askbox is open and this means we gotta go over some ground rules, requests must be:
1) Funny- the request needs to be humorous, memes usually the most popular but dnd in jokes and other shitpostery is welcome. i abide by the MBMBAM NO BUMMERS rule - there are plenty of sad/deep/beautiful calligraphers out there who’d be happy to work with yall, but this isn’t that sort of channel
2) Length - aim for no more than 75 characters a request, my cue cards are only so big so I can only fit so much on each one and still not look like garbage. we can push it a little over but it begins to look shoddier and shoddier with every squeezed letter in
3) Amount of Requests - I am trying to be fair but i am one person running this ENTIRE thing, logistics, tech, etc, everything. In order to be fair, please restrict yourselves to 3 requests per person to let everyone have a shot, if you send in more i will ctrl-f your username and pick my favourites
4) Content - I will not do anything I consider under the umbrella of general assholery - this includes racial slurs, edgelord bullshit, exclusionist jackassery etc. Please be kind to each other. Please let me know if I’ve taken a request that is some incredibly obscure piece of assholery, someone once tried to slip a really obscure antisemetic piece of slang by me once
5) Repeats - I keyword tag EVERY SINGLE piece i’ve ever done on this blog, if you think I might have written smth already but aren’t sure, the /search/[keyword] is your friend, check if i’ve done your request before. tumblr changed their search functions to not include tags in the search feature, so we might end up doing duplicates anyway bc of the unsearchability of old posts its just how it is.
the askbox is theshitpostcalligrapher.tumblr.com/ask , not a dm or submission to the blog. I’ll close submissions too so people don’t get the boxes confused. DM me for any actual clarifications, kind words, etc so they don’t get swallowed up by the behemoth of my askbox for months, and if you want to give me live encouragement the twitch link is right there.
I’ll be streaming the entire time the askbox is open on twitch @ theshitpostcalligrapher, trying to get as many of these done today as possible live. Once 10PM EST hits, the askbox will close but if you get your request into the askbox by then, it will be done eventually as I always have 4 cards up per day.
Here’s the link to my twitch, we’ll start a little after 2 o’clock.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
I read the Diavolos ball and angsty stuff, can I please please please get a happy ending to go with it?
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This has been a highly requested and I must give my poor followers comfort after this straight up angst
So everyone, let's get into it! Some hurt and comfort to soothe your hearts
Warning: angst, long
I'll be putting this under readmore as it is long and I have had someone before say they wanted me to add it on long posts, I never really got any feedback about what I could do better and how this will help with people's viewing but I understand why, long posts can be annoying
If you guys think I should do this with all my long posts please comment or dm me or even state it in asks/requests - I wanna do what I can to make things enjoyable for people
Part 1 - beginning
Diavolo's ball aftermath
It's been a few days since they've seen you; they expected to find you in the dorm. Some fear you went back to the human world; there was no messages, no note - there was nothing. You were completely gone.
Everyone was losing it. The brothers got more aggressively with each other, no longer able to have you come between them. Your presence was so soothing to all of them but now you were gone. As soon as they realized you were gone the whole air of the dorm shifted. It wasn't right.
Mammon got desperate to know where you were. He handed one of his crows a necklace he got you, you promised to never take it off. His heart shattered when he saw it was on your desk. He wasn't sure what he did wrong - why did you take it off? What happened to you?
It wasn't long before the crow came back to the devildom; reporting that you were in fact in the human world. The brothers were devastated. They had to tell the others and they had to watch the hopeful shine in their eyes die.
They could all feel thankful you were unharmed but you were so far. You did this to get away from them. You didn't even leave a damn note!
Diavolo ordered everyone to go to the human world. They all split up into different parties to get you, whoever could get you first had to interrogate you. It didn't take a genius to understand that the Noble told you something horrible - why else would you have such a reaction? Barbatos was tasked to 'calmly discuss' that night with said noble but regardless of how rough and merciless he was; he refused to talk.
It was wasting time and energy. If he wasn't going to talk then they had to get the answer from you. A few were able to gather the gist of what he told you from your conversation before you disappeared; you were convinced you were being used and just a replacement, a pawn to them.
They wanted the full story. The whole reason. Anything! Just to understand why you would push them away and disappear like this. What have they done to make the nobles words feel so real to you? They needed to fix it.
The demon brother's split into a team of two; eldest and youngest, the royals stayed together and the elder exchange students were a double team aswell.
The crows lead the teams their way, splitting up to different routes to see if they could circle you so they could talk to you even if you decided to run.
In the end they found you, you were across the pavement, a train coming. The pedestrian stop dinged as it commanded people to stop but the men couldn't help themselves.
You whipped around, shocked. You thought your ears were playing tricks on you but there was the boys. Your boys. Tears bubbled in your eyes. You couldn't believe it. They followed you to the human world.
The world slowed down; the wind blowing against you as your eyes widened at the sight of them. They looked exhausted, some even with tear streaked cheeks. The more impulsive bunch being held back so they don't go running towards you. The street lights illuminated all of you; their appearance looked just as broken as their hearts.
The train rammed itself between you all. Disturbing the moment with its blaring horn, the screeching wheels ringing in your ears. It was the second you had to decide; do you run? Or do you stay?
To let them get you and finally face your emotions or run away, avoid everything and keep letting despair consume you.
You stayed. You couldn't move at all. It was if you were glued to the spot. But you knew it was just your heart aching for them; desperate to hold them and cry out your pain.
As soon as they could, they all rushed to your side. Hugging you, grabbing at your arms and head to pull you close to them. You choked on your tears as you let the 11 men hug you and check your face and clothes. All just wanting to make sure you were really there and unharmed.
You missed them all dearly and you were so happy they missed you too.
But then the big question was asked.
"what happened that night?"
"he said he was happy to meet me...asked for a dance and I said yes, I never should of, he kept telling me I was just Diavolo's pawn, Lilith's replacement and convinced me none of actually cared for me....I believed him.....I felt so unsure and he knew so much about us I just couldn't stop the doubts in my head....I'm so sorry-!"
He couldn't believe that noble said that to you
He hastily grabbed your face, wiping away your tears
"You will never be and never have been her replacement, you are your own person, your connection to our sister means nothing other than comfort that she was able to be happy and that's it - I apologize if we have made you feel like you are a replacement and have compared you to her.... please understand we just miss her very dearly but we all want you in our life more than anything."
You buried your face into his shoulder
Sobbing your heart out as you kept chanting apologies and gratitude in a broken voice
He silenced you, holding you close
The prideful demon hid his face as best as he could and let tears drip down his cheeks
He was so relived to have you back
It seemed that noble wasn't only going to be visited by barbatos
Lucifer was not known for being merciful
He grabbed your arm and hastily tugged you towards him
His other hand cradled the back of your head
"Don't ever run away again, you understand?! I'm supposed to be the one protecting ya and how am I supposed to do that if you're off running in different realms without telling anyone??!! That noble doesn't know anything! I don't know how he knew about Lilith but you ain't her, you're (Y/N) And that's it! You are your own person - you gotta call out my dumbass-ary if I compare or make you feel that way, I would never do it on purpose! I like you and only you! I can't lose you again!"
He pushed his forhead against yours
A shaky exhale leaving him
You tried to apologize but he cut you right off, hugging you closer
He was going to make that Noble pay for ever making you doubt yourself like this
To doubt how much he loves you
He was already crying
He was crying before you even considered crying
He rushed to you and grabbed your hands
"I got so scared I did something, Don't listen to that normie! Normies are losers for a reason! There's no one else I would want as my best friend - no one will ever be a better game partner than you! You always make me feel happy and proud to be me-! I couldn't ask for anything more from you! I miss Lilith but I miss you even more! You're my favourite person, you're not some replacement, you're you! You're my player 2-! I'm sorry if I made you feel like you're not as amazing as you are, please don't leave again!"
It wasn't long after his speech he hugged you
Squeezing you tightly as he relished in having you back in real life 3D
since you were gone he kept playing as your game avatars
Using ai set ups to feel like he was with you again in VR
That noble will not stand a chance against his fury
He wasn't sure if he was mad at you or himself
It was most likely both - mad you left and let someone just destory so much work and progression in one meeting
But mad at himself for not making you feel secure
He couldn't bring himself to hug you but that was because he was scared he wouldn't let go
"I knew that Noble was nothing but a menace-! You can't listen to people like him, he's just trying to get to you and tear us apart - I don't know why he would do that but he isn't right, he will never EVER be right! You are yourself and never will be Lilith, I didn't get to me her or really know who she was but I do know you will never be her and never were her! I care so much about you and I will make sure to keep my stupid brothers to never make you feel that way again, I've missed you so much (Y/N)."
In the end, he fell into your arms
Holding you tight as he let out his tears of frustration go
You apologized but he just told you to shut up, he didn't want you to be sorry for being the victim
He already had plans on what he's going to do to that noble, trying to push those thoughts away
Focusing on how wonderful it is to have you close
As soon as he could reach you, he pulled you into an embrace
Shaking his head as tears streamed down
His makeup already starting to to drip along work his tears
"No! No! No! Noooo!! Don't listen to that horrible noble! He isn't right at all, he doesn't know anything about us or you! He obviously doesn't know how much we care about you and like you as your own person, I never meant to make you feel as if you were some sort of replacement! Lilith was her own being and so are you, your connection means nothing! I i will always be happy knowing my sister got to live the life she wanted but you aren't apart of that, your life is your own and you are nothing like her! I love you because you're you! I couldn't imagine ever loving someone as much as I love you, please come back to the devildom!"
He nuzzled his cheek against yours
Thankful to have you back in his arms again
He didn't like getting his hands messy but no one was going to make you feel that way ever again
He didn't care about that demons status
His hand landed on the top of your head
You flinched not expecting such a gentle pat but it only broke his heart more
"That noble knows nothing about you or any of us, he's turned my sister into an enemy to our relationship and I will not let that go on for any longer! You are not her and not her replacement, how dare he make you feel that way! you're apart of my family and I'll have it no other way, I really love you and missed you everyday you were gone - I was scared I'd never feel full again, you make me feel complete and when you disappeared I knew I wouldn't be able to protect you, I would of never forgiven myself if you got hurt! I want to always be able to protect you and have you by my side and make you feel happy - I promise I won't fail you again."
He almost fell to his knees once he was done
He was ready to swear to you on one knee, like a true knight
But instead hugged you
Mindful not to squeeze too hard but let himself be selfish and hold you tighter than he would normally dare to
He was one prone to be violent unless it was in sports or he was starved - the Noble starved him of your touch and kindness
He'll break more than just rooms once he gets his hands on that Noble
He spun you to face him
Needing your attention on him
It was only a few days but it felt like forever since he's had your eyes on him
"You're no pawn and no replacement, you are you and that's all I want, I don't want any one else, I know I've made you feel like a replacement - i did something horrible to you and then tried to make it seem like it was all okay after, I'm always trying to make up for that day but I know that is something that will always effect us! I missed you so much....you are your own person and you've helped me be a better person, come back home and let me make this right......you're all I want and need."
He broke down crying
Hanging his head low and it dropped onto your shoulder
He loosely held your waist whilst you gripped onto him tight
If everyone thought choking you was bad, just wait until they see what he plans to do with that noble
He couldn't stand seeing you so upset anymore
He gently held your arm
Giving it a small squeeze as tears built up
"He said all that? I'm sorry he made you feel like that, to feel such confliction and dread, You are never will be or were my pawn, you're a fantastic student and wonderful person who's did more than I've ever imagined Someone could do, if I could have asked you myself properly to be apart of the exchange program I would of but the world is not yet ready to merge and be aware of our existence.... please you have my deepest apologies and regrets that you felt this way and I've allowed such a person in my court, I will do whatever I can to make this right."
The tears finally fell and he became selfish
Hugging you tight against him, his fingers brushing against any skin he could touch
He couldn't dare to think how he'll be when you finally do leave the program
But until that time comes he needed to make it a good experience for you
If what barbatos did to him wasn't enough to convince him then he will not go back on his word
He'll fix this and do whatever he can to make all the pain stop
He sighed in relief seeing you in the flesh
Knees buckling as he stood before you
His knuckles bloodied and bruised under his gloves
"I should of been more comforting when I found you, if I had known that was what he said I would of never let him be apart of the lord's court or be at that party, believe me when I say you are not a pawn or someone's replacement - you are so much more than that, you are you and someone that's made me feel closer to the present, to act quicker and stop using endless time as a excuse, I will fix this and make him regret ever uttering a word to you, I promise you."
Your touch was as gentle as ever
He caved, leaning against you
Happy to be able to make amends and fix the situation
The nobles dealt with him once and no matter what he did it wasn't enough
But he was merely holding back to be a gentleman, even if that noble now looks like a beaten raisin
It seemed he will have to do much worse to send everyone's message across
His face was gentle yet scolding
He gently brushed your cheek, wiping away a stray tear
"don't run off next time something like this happens, your life is so short and I hate to think would could happen if I lost you because you felt isolated even from me, you though you could find solace as both of us are humans but I was slow to understand your needs - you are deeply loved by everyone, I envy how much love you get and that's why I can't stand to see you run! I also love you and your presence, you have been so kind to me and I still have so much to teach you- please believe me when I say you're no one's pawn or replacement, you're important because you're you."
You crumbled completely
He hugged you as you apologized, calling yourself an idioit
But it only made him tsk, rubbing your back as he filled your ears with praises
He was sure the demons were going to rip that Noble to shreds but he couldn't help but desire his own revenge
Seeing you like this hurt him so much
He was so quick and gentle you could of mistaken him as a feather
He embraced you, cradling your head and rubbed soothing circles between your shoulder blades
"I was worried about you, I took you home and then I learn you've completely disappeared! No warning or note behind, you ran away - your feelings are extremely valid and I understand why you did this, It must of been so conflicting and you needed space to think and reflect, you're so strong (Y/N)! but you are also smarter than this, I feel ashamed knowing I haven't showed you how much I appreciate you being in my life and make sure you feel secure in the Devildom, I want to look over you but I've failed you already, that Noble does not know what he's talking about regardless of the information he has! I would never let anyone use you or let anyone treat you as some replacement, we all care so much about you."
He slightly swayed with you in his arms
Overwhelmed by his fears and the emotions that were rushing through him
He promised to never harm an innocent soul
That noble did not have one
He will leave the more physically destructive rage to the others
Wanting to merely talk and show the noble the error of his ways
You were back in the Devildom, Everyone was making sure to spend extra time with you. So happy to have you back and wanting to work on making you feel more secure. You couldn't stop how fast your heart was beating from all the overwhelming joy you felt.
It felt so good to be back. But you nagging worry remained in your head; what was going to happen to the Noble? you wished you could go up to him and yell at him. Prove him wrong and make him regret ever making you spiral like that.
When you brought up the idea, the men all looked at each other. A knowing look in their eye.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N) but I think it's best you don't see him but rest assured, we've dealt with him on your behalf and understand your wishes - let us know how we can help you feel resolved from that situation if this is unsatisfactory."
Diavolo answered. If it weren't the state the noble was in they'd happily let you chew him out but your heart and mind have been through enough already. No need to add on to the hurt with seeing what was left of him. They couldn't stand to see you upset again.
But you agreed, thanking them for their support and handling the situation. Unaware of their true actions. They all wished you a great day before going back to their own private meeting.
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