#goth necromancer on goth necromancer violence ...
Character, book, and author names under the cut
Nico di Angelo- The Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan
Harrowhark Nonagesimus- The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir
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best-nun-tournament · 1 month
Round 1, Match 1
The Reverend Daughter Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) vs Rosette Christopher (Chrono Crusade)
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Harrow is a nun of the Ninth House. She's been described as a space goth necromancer fantasy sci-fi bone nun.
Rosette Christopher is an exorcist of the Order of Magdalene, a military order dedicated to fighting monsters.
The Reverend Daughter Harrowhark Nonagesimus
She’s great. She has so many fucking problems. She’s been running the goth space convent since she was 10. She’s puppeting her dead parents around. She doesn’t like tastes. She is extremely passionate about bones. She’s locked in a twisted bond of love and violence and devotion and sacrifice with her childhood best enemy. She lobotomized herself to preserve the best enemy’s soul. She’s been in love with the corpse of the Devil all her life. She goes around in bone jewelry and skull face paint. She’s a sad wet cat who was born in a cardboard box all alone, etc. She chopped another woman’s arm off and regrew a skeleton arm, in a sexual way. She has awkward little fireside chats with God where he makes millennia-old meme references at her and she does not drink the proffered tea. She saw God make a your mom joke and it “destroyed some cavern of her reverence”. She’s even gay. She’s everything.
Rosette Christopher
(without giving too many spoilers, READ CHRONO CRUSADE):
Rosette is an orphan who made a pact with a demon (Chrono) in order to save her little brother (kidnapped by the main antagonists), said demon is her and her brother's childhood friend and fighting partner. Said pact means she will have a short life span, but as long as she can save him, she doesn't care. She'll do everything for the people she loves. She was taken in by an demon exorcist organization and been trained since 12 to fight and is a skilled combatant.
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silent-words · 4 months
My Tavs | Part 3
Part 2 is here
You thought I only had 2 Tavs? With more than 800 hours in the game it could hardly be true! Today I'll tell you about my Dark Urge character. Also romancing Gale, as usual.
Kitani Kuoroa
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SPOILERS FOR DARK URGE AHEAD! Therefore everything else is under the cut.
I'll start with how I created this character. I played Gale origin run when an idea came to my head. What if, I thought, a necromancer wizard romanced Gale? At first I pictured and created her as Tav called Mirana. That's how she looked like:
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She already was a human necromancer wizard in her 30s, but I started an Honour run with her and failed to get past the owlbear.
Next time I created her I thought she should be a Dark Urge character, because necromancy fits the Chosen of the god of Murder (I'd already known this spoiler).
So I made Mirana anew in Tactician mode:
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But the game bugged. The short folk eerily changed their form in front of me, and some models didn't load at all. So I started everything anew.
That's how I came to play as Kitani (or Tani, as Gale calls her).
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My goth girl, with black lipstick, a beholder tattoo on her neck and murderous thoughts in her mind. She was born to a family of a fisherman, showing her talent for magic early on.
The only person the family managed to find as a wizard tutor was a drow necromancer Corinna. So Kitani spent her youth between studying necromancy and having dreams of murder.
When Bhaal revealed himself to his daughter, she cheerfully welcomed him. She started experimenting on corpses she and her "sister" left after their rituals. At one point an ambitious man appeared at the doorstep of the Bhaal temple. He immediately recognised Kitani as the more talented of the siblings. It was Enver Gortash, who talked Kitani into the plan to rule the world. Their romance started not long after. It was dangerous and passionate. (I even imagine they had a child at one point).
But both Gortash and Orin betrayed Kitani. The latter put the tadpole inside her "sister's" head and made sure Kitani wouldn't remember anything.
That's how the necromancer found herself on a burning nautiloid. She remembered two things – her name and her wizard mastery. She didn't even remember her child.
And the first day after she found herself on a ravaged beach she met the person who showed her how she can live without murder and violence. She met Gale. Every time she had a murderous thought she looked at her colleague and his warm smile. Of course they had evocation/necromancy quarrels, but they both liked it.
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Anyway, Kitani resisted the Urge till the end (all for her new love), defeated the brain and moved to Waterdeep with her fiancee and child. Gale gladly agreed to adopt Kitani's daughter from Gortash.
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beangods · 2 months
yeah for the ask meme, can i get a number 11, a number 19, a number 26 and a large 42 please
11. are you listening to music right now?
no sadly these days i'm really into vibing to Nothing
19. have you ever been to New York?
yes. i took a pizza tour of brooklyn with my dad in high school and saw a couple other parts of the city, including a small goth shop and the biggest book store i had ever been in up to that point. i will say the pies there are nothing special---you can get more authentic stuff in philly and more flavorful stuff in my local favorite hole in the wall. grimaldi's is fine but youre paying for ambiance.
26. idol(s)
don't have any because i dont think about celebrities often enough to consider them "role models." actually now that i think about it the only people i look up to are other tumblr bloggers who left the site in 2018.
42. favourite book(s)
you asked for a large so here is an exhaustive list:
kafka on the shore (murakami), futuristic violence and fancy suits (pargin), hold me closer necromancer (mcbride), the dispossessed (le guin), love drugged (klise), hero (moore), more than this (ness), un lun dun (miéville), the year's best fantasy and horror (16th annual edition, datlow ed.), fight club (palahniuk), a confusion of princes (nix), gregor the overlander (collins), holy shit: a history of swears (mohr), the velvet rage (downs), the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy (adams), flatterland (stewart), nightmare (coville), the entire discworld series, the entire spiderwick chronicles, everything diana wynne jones wrote, all fourteen how to train your dragon books, the entire sister's grimm series, most of louise rennison's work, several individual short stories i cannot find for the life of me, and whatever i'm currently reading unless i am moved to say how much i hate it. yes most of the list IS children's books by volume but 1) i was a child until relatively recently 2) children's authors (especially of the 90s/2000s) tend to be extremely prolific. i'm working my way through a massive tbr so this list will definitely be shuffled. here's a picture of my library at home and current TBR shelf, not counting a box of books that didn't fit on said shelf
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(that bigass gap in the flavia de luce series is because im trying to pawn them off to a younger cousin)
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officialleehadan · 4 years
Flying Leap
Hello darlings! Here we go, continuing our fun with Prompt Month!
Today's story was brought to you by Brandon. Thank you so much for all your support! I love seeing your comments!
Prompt: HGE - Mismatched
Brandon kept his back to the blackened metal wall, and did his best not to listen to the eerie silence that came from the door beside him. It was a small workroom that held both Xaenxa, and a very unfortunate necromancer.
The room was spelled for silence as Xaenxa asked her questions, but the wall against Brandon’s back vibrated with unheard screams.
Xaenxa was long past asking questions the nice way.
“Torture doesn’t get honest answers,” he told Thori, who was only a few steps away, watching the hallway in case their necromancer was discovered missing. “We don’t have time for lies.”
“She’s not torturing him,” Thori said quietly, and didn’t look at the locked door. “It’s a side effect of the spell she’s using. Believe me, you don’t lie with that kind of magic in your veins.”
“Do I want to know how you know that?”
“You really don’t.”
HGE - Mismatched
What do you get when you put a dragon, his mermaid, a dark elf, a half-dwarf, and a firebird into a zombie apocalypse?
A very frustrated human, who really isn’t sure how he ended up in this situation to begin with.
Too Fast to See
Hot Desert Night (Free on Patreon!)
Dial Emergency
Death Valley Sand
The Regency
Red Scales and Golden Hair
En Route
Silver-White Knife
A Question of Faith
Coven Court
Under Stone
New Arrivals
Battle Lines Drawn
Deep Defense
Pineapple Box
Oncoming Tide (Subscriber Only!)
Nothing Special
Fiery Negotiation
Pearls and Claws
Fire Brought Low (Subscriber Only!)
Long Distance Call (Subscriber Only!)
Cruelty’s Kindness
Switchblade Ward (Free on Patreon)
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grampstaxidermy · 3 years
Volturi incorrect quotes
(Aka adventures of the vampire genz support human,(Y/n) )
Caius, reluctantly after an argument: Fine!…You're right.
(Y/n): Wow, that's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
Aro, in a coven meeting: My policy is if you see something, say something.
(Y/n),trying their best: I saw a squirrel in a tree today!
Aro, with the tone of someone who is used to (Y/n): Outstanding.
Aro: This is what I’m talking about people.
Felix: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
(Y/n): That's why I carry two swords.
Felix, both scared and into it: Fair enough.
*Alec and (Y/n) skipping stones on lake*
Alec, smiling peacefully: It’s such a beautiful evening isn’t it?
(Y/n), whispering: Take that you fucking lake.
Demetri, standing in front of the corpse of readers creepy coworker: Am I in trouble?
(Y/n),looking down at Afton’s headless body: Take a guess.
Demetri: No?
(Y/n): You’d be correct.
(Y/n) and Demetri, standing in front of Afton's body in the gardens holding a shovel: We can explain.
Marcus, amused having witnessed the whole ordeal: Can you?
(Y/n): If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
Marcus: No need, carry on.
(Y/n): You're my best friend and the little sister I’ve always wanted, you know I would do anything for you.
Jane: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
(Y/n): Absolutely not.
Aro: You see little one, I am what most would call a reverse necromancer.
(Y/n),the drunk human Aro stumbled upon: Isn't that just killing people?
Aro: Ah, technicality.
Felix, stuck on babysitting guard duty: Okay, truth or dare?
(Y/n): Truth
Felix: How many hours have you slept this week?
(Y/n): ...Dare
Felix: Go to bed.
(Y/n), pouting: I don’t like this game.
Caius, tending to (Y/n)'s wounds: How would you rate your pain?
(Y/n),high on pain meds: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Jane: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why.
(Y/n),the goth receptionist who is absolutely thriving in the volturi: Only if you also don't ask why.
(Y/n): *Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls from their bag* Take your pick.
Jane, impressed: This one is fine.
(Y/n): Afton and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-
Afton: Sentences.
(Y/n): Don't interrupt me.
Demetri, Storming into the receptionists break room: Can you keep a secret?
(Y/n),not even looking up from their book as they sip their coffee: Do you know anything about my life?
Demetri: …..No I do not. Good point.
Aro: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.
(Y/n): Obviously. I can't flip this table by myself, it’s heavy.
(Y/n),trapped in a warehouse with Alec: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Alec: I think you mean cards.
(Y/n), pulling knives out of their sleeves: No, I do not.
Caius: You love me, right, (Y/n)?
(Y/n): Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
Aro: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.
(Y/n),in physical and mental pain: You need to stop, please.
Felix, after some guy said something awful about the twins: Violence isn't the answer.
(Y/n): You’re right.
Felix: *sighs in relief*
(Y/n),cracking their knuckles: Violence is the question.
Felix: What?
(Y/n), bolting away: AND THE ANSWER IS YES!
Felix, running after them: (Y/N) NO-
Witch!(Y/n),keeping Caius captive at their house: Hey, it's your turn to wash dishes.
(Y/n): 'Kay, but before that, wash the dishes, also use soap this time?
Afton: Three words, say them and I’m yours.
(Y/n): Go Fuck Yourself.
Felix: I trust (Y/n).
Demetri: You think they know what they're doing?
Felix: I wouldn't go that far.
(Y/n),having been standing beside them the whole time: Fuck you guys.
Jane, in a high voice, holding Barbie: Hey ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
(Y/n), in a deep voice, holding ken: Nonsense, Barbie. You’re staying home and having my kids.
Felix: What the actual fuck are you guys doing?
Jane: Playing systemic oppression.
(Y/n), walking into the throne room holding a python: Guys I found a snake, what do I name him?
Caius, absolutely horrified while Aro is laughing hysterically: You WHAT–
Marcus: William Snakepeare.
Felix: Hey, (Y/n)! Tell the twins about the birds and the bees.
(Y/n),An idiot: They're disappearing at an alarming rate.
Some new guard: I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on.
(Y/n): It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Felix isn’t.
Heidi: (Y/n) and I are having Twins.
Jane and Alec: That's gre-
(Y/n), slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you two, sign here.
Demetri: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death?
(Y/n),the goth receptionist: How am I supposed to know?
Felix: You say, as if we don’t all use you as a source of knowledge of the occult.
(Y/n): *sighs*
(Y/n): You wouldn't be trapped.
Alec: Truth or dare?
(Y/n): Dare
Alec: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room.
(Y/n): Hey Afton?
Afton, blushing: Yeah?
(Y/n): Could you move? I’m trying to get to Heidi.
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Halp! I read Crooked Kingdom and Spinning Silver in the same week. Is there any point in reading any other book ever again?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!!! (Genuinely open to recommendations.) I am bereft at having finished them, and wondering how soon is too soon to reread Spinning Silver...
lmao god that’s a mood. I mean those are very much my two of my favorites, but of course I have recommendations.
Spinning Silver has a “mirror” novel called Uprooted that explores Naomi Novik’s polish roots and fairytale; it’s a twist on the classic girl gets sacrificed to be locked in a tower by a “dragon” but with wizards and a sick wood.
As for the grishaverse, I don’t know if you’ve already read the grisha trilogy or the Nikolai duology, but I certainly recommend King of Scars at the very least. Nina’s in it and Nikolai and Zoya are two of the best grisha trilogy characters (along with Genya, Tolya, and Tamar who are all also here). I haven’t about to read Rule of Wolves but I haven’t yet. Now the grisha trilogy is disappointing in general, but especially in comparison to Crooked Kingdom, Bardugo’s best novel, in my opinion. However, it’s also not quite as bad as everyone says. The worldbuilding established here is pretty cool, the politics in seige and storm are really fun, and there are really cool characters in it, even if the main protagonist… well. Alina’s not actually a boring or awful of a protagonist, or at least she has the opportunity not to be. She’s incredibly selfish to the point of moral ambiguity, and she’s terribly funny and combative. However, and this is my main issue with these books, she is very much punished by the narrative anytime she seeks agency or power or really does anything interesting, which leaves us with our magical girl chosen one just sort of passively shoved around the board.
Bardugo also wrote Ninth house, which I highly recommend. It’s an adult novel, so the violence -and there is a lot of it- tends to be described and gory and there’s a lot of talk about drug abuse so keep that in mind (plus the main character being abused and her best friend being killed/raped/drugged) so keep that in mind. The main protagonist is really interesting, and features Bardugo’s usual moral greyness. She’s angry, she can see ghosts, she’s traumatised, she has a terrible secret, and she does all of her fighting for abused women. The book has a lot of commentary on classism and elitism, as one should expect from a book about an impoverished women attending an ivy league with dangerous, poorly run, magical societies in it. The worldbuilding is a treat, but expect a lot of ghosts and a lot of rituals.
If you’re looking for more fantasy novels with fairytale vibes/retellings and strong female characters, that’s one of my favorite genres, so I have a few. I’m terribly fond of A Creature of Moonlight, which features a moving wood, a dragon’s daughter, royal court politics, and an uberindependent protagonist. The Cruel Prince is the only faerie book that counts along with the rest of Holly Black’s works, and if you’re looking for more enemies to lovers, you are in luck. The main reasons to read this book, though, is the political intrigue and the murder happy main character. The Once and Future Witches is a take on the suffragette period and witch fairytales. It’s not necessarily my favourite nor do I think it has the makings to be anyone’s favorite, really, but I do recommend it if only for the fairytale retellings and historical elements. Howl’s Moving Castle is an absolute delight, with lots of fun, bickering, main characters, and a very fairytale take on the magic system. I need to read Deathless so bad, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. I hear only great things about the retelling of the Russian fairytale, though, so I’ll go ahead and recommend it.
Revenge stories are also a favourite of mine, so if you want more of those, my main recommendations are The Count of Monte Cristo and Vicious. The Count of Monte Cristo features our antihero being wrongfully imprisoned due to the machinations of three people. After escaping and getting rich beyond his wildest imagination, Edmound seeks to utterly ruin all three of them, destroying a lot of innocent lives in the process, rethinking the ethics of his revenge plan a lot, and a lot of claiming he’s sold his soul to become Providence. The main drawback is that the novel deals handedly in Orientalism( though I have a lot to say about why discussion of Orientalism is important to understanding Edmound’s character and why he is percieved the way he is by the other characters) and that it features an enslaved woman falling in love with her captor, who is also our protagonist. So yeah, grain of salt. It was written in 1844. Vicious tells us the backstory and the mainstory side by side throughout the novel, featuring two ex-best friends who experimented with killing themselves in order to gain superhero powers. When one of them lands the other one in prison and devotes his time to killing other ExtraOrdinaries, what our superheroes/more-like-supervillains-usually are called, because he likes to play god, our protagonist, the imprisoned friend, escapes for a revenge quest. Along the way he forms an incredibly clunky, adorable found family. I love this novel so much.
If you’re looking for more historical fantasy, I have some recommendations here as well. Diviners is an occult murder mystery set in the 1920s, that really really spends time putting you in the 1920s. It features a fun ensemble cast that grows with each installation, though the main main character of the first book does take a while to grow on you and there’s a boring ass love triangle. Read it for the 1920s and the ensemble cast that really takes off in the second book. The Poppy War is based on the Second Sino-Japanese War with a very enthralling magic system, and a main character who takes moral greyness to whole new heights. It has a laundry list of trigger warnings you need to read before you pick up the book, but the two most important things to understand before getting into it is that there’s a section based on the Rape of Nanjing, which does not pull its punches and the first book ends with our protagonist committing magical genocide on an entire country. In general, this book absolutely refuses to pull its punches and that’s my number one reason for recommending it. London Calling is an exploration of fatherhood with themes on family and catholicism that features time traveling to the London blitz. It’s barely fantasy, and it’s again not a favorite nor will it become yours, but it’s very moving.
Also, this is more of a general recommendation, but I highly recommend Gideon the Ninth. “Necromancer Lesbians explore a haunted gothic castle in space.” What more do you need to hear? Our main character is a snarky butch swordswoman in the first book and the second book is her goth depressed over-achiever enemy turned sort of girlfriend turned mind pal. The fun villain behavior is off the chart, the worldbuilding is immaculate (there’s an in-universe essay in the back that finishes with someone’s snarky graffiti), and it’s funny as hell. The book is about necromancers so the gory descriptions of dead bodies is very much not for the faint of heart. Keep that in mind.
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Memes! Part t h r e e
@awkward-snake-girl / @blind-mutant
Red: Does violence have to be the last resort. Can't it be like third
Samuel: You call it a "heinous violation of legal and ethical rules" I call it "creative problem-solving"
Rhys: You call yourself evil but you can't even stand up without getting dizzy
Rhys, talking about Sal: Stop messaging my bf bud
Mahogany: our boyfriend
Mattie: Do you have a self care routine?
Pascal: "Keep going bitch!" Said to myself in different accents
Morde, with Abby balls deep in him: Demons are usually depicated as red to indicate that they are heavily seasoned with paprika and chili pepper, like a chorizo
Finn: If I am sensitive. Why I gotta stop being sensitive? Why can't you just be a little nicer?
Pascal: Feeling cute today. Might commit acts of hubris.
Mattie: Why don't you plant some lavender and when it blooms you can squeeze a leaf or two between your fingers and the smell will calm you down. How about you do that. Bitch.
Rick: Well I don't want to be silly anymore. I want to engage in hoaxes and schemes now
Pascal: Any other unsettling promotions you'd like to share with the class?
Red: Could you be any more annoying
Rhys: Easily
Sal: Sorry for saying that you're "such an idiot" I'm actually "in love with you"
Iris: It's not the most ethical move in the world, but in a pinch you can hand off a cursed object to basically any baby
Ava: Witches in old fairy tales had the idea. Living alone, unmarried, in the middle of the woods, and if a hero stumbled across their cottage theyre like "maybe I'll give you a magical token to help you out. Maybe I'll fuck up your entire life. Depends."
Dae: I am not going to unleash my bitterness on you because I am trying to become a better person. Have a nice day
Rhys: what were you originally going to say bitch omg
Lace: Why did my last two braincells have to be a sad one and a stupid one
Finn: You should have never doxxed the rabbit community
Sal: I'm glad we only live once cuz I cannot do this shit again
Rhys: As your goth husband I will adorn you with cursed artifacts and then die mysteriously leaving you to be the most feared widow/er in the village
Edith: Some of you are simply not cut out to be the resident mean gay person. And that's okay, because I am. And I will be mean. And gay
Samuel: God complex this, victim complex that...I have an underground complex, it's where I perform my evil and fucked up experiments
Skaar, living by the sword: Haha! Fuck yeah! Yes!
Skaar, dying by the sword: well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.
Mahogany: I don't think my boyfriend, the 12 foot Halloween skeleton from Home Depot, would be too pleased to hear about this
Mattie: check in on your nemesis! Make sure they're doing poorly in these times!
Hulk: The hardest I've ever laughed was when I saw my dad cry. It was my moment of realization that I'm better than him.
Ava: Knifehack
Ava: Just stab the problem
Sal: What is wrong with you
Rhys: I will try to be brief (1/456)
Mimi: One of the only downsides of actions is consequences. But it's a big downside.
Samuel: I've done nothing wrong. Except for all the atrocities. Besides that I'm innocent.
Jen: After a thorough medical assessment, the doctors have described me as "a lot. Just like a lot to deal with."
Lace: Necomancer that doesn't know they're a necromancer and thinks they're just a really good emt
Pascal: Y'all ever want a pretty girl to just...boss you around a little bit
Rhys: sorry I'm bisexual and easily distracted
Mordecai: Whenever I say "we" I am referring to both myself and the mental illness
Mattie: Date a girl who is a home and an adventure all at once
Rick: Date a girl who doubles as a haunted house
Pascal: wlw what is your wisdom
Mimi: World hard and cold...tiddy warm and soft
Edith: girl hot
Mattie: Watch Naurto
Sal: No I'm not flirting I was only bothering my gay friends in a homoerotic way
Mattie: You can be positive and break a bottle over someone's head though. Multiplicity of identity
Edith: I wish men would stop having opinions about women. Honest to gog shut the hell up
Wulf: tell your girl she's hot or I will
Mattie @ Samson: I'm gonna be honest I hate you and so do my friends
Rhys: I am dying to see you topless
Dae: Then die
Sal: Money isn't real so don't worry about paying for stuff. Just take things for free. Nobody can stop you
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My Love of the Southern Gothic Horror Genre
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I’ve always been drawn to the Southern Gothic Horror Genre, with anything from Flannery O’Connor’s Short Stories, to William Faulkner’s Sanctuary, and Anne Rice’s Vampire Lestat Series. It’s a genre I want to dabble with for my next story idea, but am concerned that I won’t nail it right, as I am not from the South, let alone from the U.S. For those of you who do not know, Southern Gothic is a sub-genre of Gothic fiction in American literature that takes place in the American South, and includes deeply flawed, disturbing or eccentric characters who may be involved in hoodoo, decayed or derelict settings, grotesque situations, and other sinister events relating to or stemming from poverty, alienation, crime or violence. Southern Gothic writing is thus an extension of Gothic fiction, which originated in England in the 18th Century, and includes novels such as Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto (1794), and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818). These novels all contained elements of horror, death and romance, often revolving around events that appear to be supernatural, but which ultimately have a natural explanation. Furthermore, the word ‘gothic’ can be taken as an historical reference to the Goths, the people responsible for the first known example of Germanic language during the 4th to the 6th Centuries AD. It denotes the Dark Ages, and the brutality, horror, and decadence associated with this period. It also refers to Medieval architecture; location is very much a character in itself in these novels, which often take place in castles, manors, and monasteries. 
The popularity of Gothic fiction could also be seen across Europe: Germany’s Schauerroman (shudder novels) were much darker than their English counterparts, and stories such as Carl Friedrich Kahlert’s (writing as Ludwig Flammenberg) The Necromancer; or, The Tale of the Black Forest (1794) and Carl Grosse’s Der Genius (1796) contained a greater focus on necromancy and secret societies. European Gothic fiction was used by authors to delve deeply into their history, allowing its audience to experience the thrilling terrors of the dark past, which was naturally echoed in the American Southern Gothic tradition.
Elements of a Gothic treatment of the South were apparent as early as the 19th Century, in the grotesques of Henry Clay Lewis and the de-idealised visions of Mark Twain. However, the genre came together only in the 20th Century, when dark romanticism, Southern humour, and the new literary naturalism merged into a new and powerful form of social critique. The thematic material was the result of the culture existing in the South following the collapse of the Confederacy, which left a vacuum in both values and religion that became filled with poverty due to defeat in the Civil war and reconstruction, racism, excessive violence, and the theological divide that separated the country over the issue of slavery.
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The Southern Gothic style employs macabre, ironic events to examine the values of the American South, thus, it uses the Gothic tools not just for the sake of suspense, but also to explore social issues and reveal the cultural character of the American South, with the Gothic elements often taking place in a magic realist context rather than a strictly fantastical one.
Warped rural communities replaced the sinister plantations of an earlier age, and in the works of leading figures such as William Faulkner, Carson McCullers and Flannery O’Connor, the representation of the South blossomed into an absurdist critique of modernity as a whole.There are many characteristics in Southern Gothic Literature that relate back to its parent genre of American Gothic and even to European Gothic. However, the setting of these works is distinctly Southern. Some of these characteristics are exploring madness, decay and despair, continuing pressures of the past upon the present, particularly with the lost ideals of a dispossessed Southern aristocracy and continued racial hostilities.
Southern Gothic particularly focuses on the South's history of slavery, racism, fear of the outside world, violence, a "fixation with the grotesque, and a tension between realistic and supernatural elements".Similar to the elements of the Gothic castle, Southern Gothic gives us the decay of the plantation in the post-Civil War South. Villains who disguise themselves as innocents or victims are often found in Southern Gothic Literature, especially stories by Flannery O'Connor, such as Good Country People and The Life You Save May Be Your Own, giving us a blurred line between victim and villain. Southern Gothic literature set out to expose the myth of old antebellum South, and its narrative of an idyllic past hidden by social, familial, and racial denials and suppressions
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The term "Southern Gothic" was originally used as pejorative and dismissive.  Ellen Glasgow used the term in this way when she referred to the writings of Erskine Caldwell and William Faulkner. She included the authors in what she called the "Southern Gothic School" in 1935, stating that their work was filled with "aimless violence" and "fantastic nightmares." This is a sentiment that has been expressed less and less, as it’s seminal authors, such as Flannery O’Connor, become lauded as being some of the most important icons in American literary history.
Of course, the genre also exists in film and television, with movies such as The Gift, and TV series like American Gothic and Season One of True Detective, the latter being one of the greatest TV shows of the last 10 years. The first series of True Detective, in addition to its Southern Gothic setting and characters, incorporates many of the core aspects of Gothic fiction, as well as drawing on the work of specific American horror authors, notably Lovecraft, Chambers and Ambrose Bierce. The setting is truly breathtaking and depressing in it’s dilapidation, and it’s clearly poverty-laden surroundings, as well as it’s troubled but fascinating key characters. Every time I watch the series, I imagine what it might have looked like if it was in the form of a written novel instead of a television series.
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But I digress. As much as I love this genre, my personal experience of the American South is restricted to visiting Florida on holiday for three weeks when I was 10, so I think that I might steer clear of writing the next great American Gothic horror novel for the moment. Instead, I might focus on a writing project centring around European Gothic horror, as I lived in Norway for 6-and-a-half years. Norway, with its bitterly cold autumns and winters, and sweeping fjords and mountains creating great chasms between communities seems like an ideal setting for writing a good Gothic novel. I am even privy to the fact that Norway is home to an infamous, long-since abandoned mental asylum, which housed the criminally insane and where lobotomies and mysterious, unsolved deaths involving patients were commonplace. So, this will be the setting for my next novel, and my American-style Gothic horror story will have to wait. Stay tuned.
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hungerpunch · 5 years
i’m just driving by to scream about gideon the ninth, which i just finished. general screaming below the cut w/ spoilers marked
oKAY SO FIRST OF ALL! like oh my god. this book was so fucking good. this was the best fantasy/sci fi book i’ve read in a long time. this was the first time in so long that i STAYED UP TIL WEE HOURS OF THE MORNING, GIDDY, to keep reading a book, oh my god. 
gideon the ninth slaked my blackened, lustful heart's trembling thirst for violence and sarcasm and repressed feelings but absolutely none of it is done via the conventional vehicle of angry boys/men and so feels delightfully subversive as well. this is a love letter to goth kids. this is a love letter to those of us deeply spellbound by the macabre, the occult. this is a love letter to queer women. i have rarely felt so seen, so catered to, so cut open! 
the gore and the banter is so artfully balanced, so wild is the great, long, foul prose juxtaposed against witty rejoinders and cuss words, that the secret heart of the beast sneaks up on you. this book is very nearly every single trope i love woven in a masterful tapestry: slow burn, enemies to friends, i mean, a whole plethora of them!
****spoilers for more specific things below!****
I JUST FELL IN LOVE WITH GIDEON. I REALLY DID, within like 15 fucking pages. and then i read a book that was essentially EVERYONE falling in love with gideon and gideon falling in love with harrow and vice versa. 
god, i was feeling so FED, so SUSTAINED, by the relationships this book was weaving, by its deaths and its tragedies and its MYSTERY, and the way it plowed on and kept building building building, and my god, it had my nazgul heart keening over into hell. i JUST....... I DIDN’T SEE THE ENDING COMING, NOT REALLY
it’s not that i can’t believe that gideon died, it’s that gideon died and stayed dead. i was hinging all my hopes and prayers on resurrection from the emperor. but it never came, and for how FULL and SATIATED i felt the entire book, i ended it with a hollow heart. i felt wrongfooted and .... just sad. which is entirely par the course when the anti-hero protagonist of the book, the main fucking character, dies. i just didn’t expect it. i wanted her and harrow to become the gothic power couple of the myriad. i have a LOT of feelings about their ENTIRE evolution. i feel like it was such a brilliant and devoted, real and raw growth that the author captured. it felt intimate and AWFUL. it felt divine. i almost lost my MIND during the pool scene, when gideon put her mouth to harrow’s nose, when they went back to their house’s quarters and gideon moved to the end of harrow’s bed. i thought, surely, SURELY, surely, i will get what i want. even if it’s just one kiss. one kiss at the end of the world, at the end of their bloody war. one real kiss. one declaration of love, spoken plainly. but i guess, really, it wouldn’t have suited them. not yet. and then gideon died a fucking true cavalier’s death for her necromancer, for a woman she started the book hating the guts of. she gave her life to create a lycator (and don’t even get me started on all the layered nuances btwn gideon sacrificing herself willingly to an unwilling harrow, naberius dying unwillingly for a willing ianthe, and the cav who died willingly for the willing cytherea) and then she stayed dead. and i’m surprised and i feel terribly desolate about it.
i know two more books are coming and that the next will focus on harrow serving the emperor but .... i feel sort of sadly confident that gideon won’t come back. if she does at all, it’ll be like, voice in harrow’s head. and i don’t know if i want to keep reading this universe with no gideon in it. for as fulfilling as this journey was, how incredible this writing was, i feel very sullen at the prospect of continuing the journey without gideon’s loud mouth and sunglasses and her burning, brilliant, undying love of her sword and of fighting. :’( i mean don’t get me wrong, when it comes out, I’M BUYING IT CAUSE I GOT TO KNOW, but. sigh.
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best-nun-tournament · 11 days
Round 3, Match 1
The Reverend Daughter Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) vs Mercedes von Martritz (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
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Harrow is a nun of the Ninth House. She's been described as a space goth necromancer fantasy sci-fi bone nun.
Mercedes von Martritz is a nun of the Church of Saint Seiros at Garreg Mach Monastery.
The Reverend Daughter Harrowhark Nonagesimus
She’s great. She has so many fucking problems. She’s been running the goth space convent since she was 10. She’s puppeting her dead parents around. She doesn’t like tastes. She is extremely passionate about bones. She’s locked in a twisted bond of love and violence and devotion and sacrifice with her childhood best enemy. She lobotomized herself to preserve the best enemy’s soul. She’s been in love with the corpse of the Devil all her life. She goes around in bone jewelry and skull face paint. She’s a sad wet cat who was born in a cardboard box all alone, etc. She chopped another woman’s arm off and regrew a skeleton arm, in a sexual way. She has awkward little fireside chats with God where he makes millennia-old meme references at her and she does not drink the proffered tea. She saw God make a your mom joke and it “destroyed some cavern of her reverence”. She’s even gay. She’s everything.
Mercedes von Martritz
Mercedes was born to the fallen House Martritz and bore a minor Crest of Lamine, a special type of blood that gave it's bearer enhanced abilities. Her father died shortly afterwards and Mercedes' mother remarried into House Bartels, giving birth to Emile von Bartels, who also had a minor Crest of Lamine. Mercie's stepfather was uncaring and only married for his new wife's crest which led to said wife's departure from House Bartels. She ran away with only her eldest child to the Kingdom, where Mercedes would really start her own life as a student of Fhirdiad's Royal School of Sorcery. There, she befriended Annette Fantine Dominic and both girls would later attend Garreg Mach Monastery together. Mercedes is a kind soul with a soft voice and the ability to speak her mind. She's the eldest student attending the Officer's Accademy and takes it upon herself to be a shoulder of support for her classmates, no matter their origin. When the timeskip hits, Mercie returns in a nun's garb and expresses reinforced belief in the Church, even in the route where you fight against the Archbishop. I find her extremely fascinating due to her sub-plot with her brother, Emile. Mercedes held deep regret for leaving her brother behind in House Bartels despite not knowing that he had chosen to stay behind to protect her and her mother. Emile later returns as The Death Knight, a general under the Flame Emperor's command and his story with his sister changes depending on the player's route. Should the player oppose the Flame Emperor, Emile and Mercie can reunite briefly, with The Death Knight granting Mercedes a relic that can only be operated by their Crest before dying in her arms in a later battle, happy to be with his family once again. In the event that the player does side with the Flame Emperor, The Death Knight becomes playable alongside his sister, revealing thatthe years spent in House Bartels changed him, giving rise to two distinct personalities: Jeritza von Hyrm and The Death Knight. Jeritza had been a teacher at Garreg Mach, serving as a spy to the Flame Emperor while The Death Knight quelled his bloodlust under the Flame Emperor's orders. In this route, Mercedes reaches out to both Jeritza and The Death Knight as their elder sister and the exchanges they have are some of my favorites in Fire Emblem history. Also Mercie is bisexual and both M!player and F!player can marry her in the end, regardless of route. Love her for that
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dc-x-readers · 7 years
The Necromancer (Raven x Reader)
Request: Could you please do a Raven x reader fic where the reader is also has magic and bonds with Raven?
This is my second Halloween Installment for Spooktober!
TW: Death, zombies, mentions of violence and Grave Robbing
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When you were small you always had a difficult time making friends, you were never really sure why, except for the fact that none of your peers ever understood you. You couldn’t understand why, you thought you were like every other child, but your parents knew you weren’t.
It was until the day you turned ten years old did you finally learn why you couldn’t really bond with your classmates. You were different then they were, you had something they could never have. You had magical powers.
When your mother told you this, that you had magic powers you were excited. You thought is meant you could shoot rainbows from your hands and create sparkles. That was the type of magic that your mind comprehended. You never thought that you power could be so gruesome, you never thought you could bring people back from the dead.
You learned the hard way that you weren’t really bringing people back, you were bring corpses to the surface of the planet and controlling their movement. They were not the people you had known before.
You learned this in a cemetery one night when you were thirteen. You and the one friend you had been able to make, a small goth boy named Rex who believed that he could communicate with spirits, were wandering around an old graveyard after the cover of night. Neither of you expected the grave robbers to be unearthing a fresh grave of a rich socialite.
“Shit! The kids saw us!” One of the grave robbers shouted, and the other pulled a gun from his waistband. He pointed the gun at you, and cold fear shot down your spine. You squeezed your eyes shut, letting out a terrified scream.
The gun went off, the shot rang in your ears. You screamed again, this time louder, but you weren’t in pain. You heard a thud, as something- or someone- hit the floor.
“Y/N!” Rex shouted, he shook you hard. “Y/N!”
You peaked your eyes open to see Rex, and behind him a member of the living dead, the person’s jaw was rotted off, and his clothes were tattered. Maggots squirmed from it’s eye sockets. You proceed to vomit.
The creature stepped closer to you, it’s arm out stretched towards you and your heart began to beat faster. Rex was loving this.
You didn’t know what to do, so you turned and ran, screaming bloody murder. As soon as you left the cemetery grounds the creature crumpled into a head becoming like a rag doll. You wanted to sob, because you knew that you had been the one to raise the dead to your bidding.
After that day you left. You mother and father weren’t surprised, they sent you money occasionally and notes saying you are always welcome back home, but you couldn’t. You didn’t like staying in once place, because the dead seemed to awaken after you being there for only a brief time.
When you were fifteen you joined the Teen Titans. Batman had founded you and dropped you into the team’s lap only saying you would be an asset. He did not go into details about your powers, nor did he mention the black tabby cat which half of it;s face rotten away, but you didn’t have the heart to send back to the depths of the dead. You liked the Titans. Everyone was kind to you, because they were all different, in some way.
But you liked Raven the most.
She was like you, tortured with a macabre soul and powers that dabbled in the dark.
“What are you doing?” Raven asked one morning, while you were writing a postcard to your parents with one hand, and petting you undead cat, Skelly, with the other.
“Just writing. My parents worry, ya’ know. My mom wants to know if I eat enough! I mean I fight supervillains everyday and risk my life, but she wants to know if I’m eating my broccoli. Mom’s for ya’.” You rambled, finishing up your writings.
“You have parents?” Raven asked, her monotone voice displaying more confusion than you thought it should.
“Doesn’t everyone?” You asked tilting your head to the side to examine the gray skinned girl before you.
“I meant. You could be living with your parents, but you don’t.” Raven corrected herself.
It took a moment for you to respond, because you knew of the team you were the lucky one. Your home life is relatively good, besides your father’s tendency to bring you dead neighbours up from the ground as a joke, and you mother using real zombies as Halloween decorations to scare kids, you parents love, and want you. Most of your team can’t say that. You heart dropped, you felt bad for saying anything about your mom and dad. Skelly nudged you side as if noticing how upset you were.
“It’s hard at home for me.” You supplied after the extended silence, you had assumed that Raven had wanted the answer, but she looked shocked by your words.
Slowly, as if not to frighten you, Raven made her way over to you and sat down next to you. Skelly curled closer to you, the dead tend to shrink away from the living.
“Is it because of your powers?” Raven asked.
You looked up in shock, you had yet to use your gift of raising the dead in front of your team, both afraid of their reaction as well as not liking to disrupt the dead’s slumber unless necessary. The fact that Raven even knew you had any type was strange to you.
“H-how did you know about them?” You stuttered, petting Skelly a little more forcefully.
“I didn’t. I mean, I just assumed after Batman dropped you off here. You're not exactly a master fighter, so you must have a different reason to be on the team.” Raven reasoned, you nodded along.
The two of you lapsed in silence again, both sitting on the ground not looking at each other. You knew this was Raven trying to be nice, Raven has a hard time with her social skills.
“Well, yeah. It is because of my powers.” You said softly. It was true. Your parents used their powers for entertainment, they manipulated the dead carcasses of other people for their amusement. You could never do that, all the dead you raised had a reason, or were accidental, even poor Skelly was arisen because she didn’t get a chance at life the first time, so you made sure you gave her a good life for her second chance.
“I get it. I mean, at home, Azarath, everyone's magic is white and pure, and good. I never fit in their my powers made me an outcast in my own family. The people who I grew up with were afraid of me- for something I couldn’t control! It was hard, and I still feel like the Outcast of Azarath, even though it's all gone. I never would have fit in there.” Raven sighed, she leaned back a tiny bit, and any image of her you could see in the corner of your eye was gone, but you think you saw a flash of tears in her eyes.
You had to say something, anything, to make the normally quiet hero from crying. You opened you mouth to tell her that she isn’t an outcast now, but the words were stuck in your throat. Before you could even process, your mind was deciding on a different speech.”
“The only difference between me and my parents is that I don’t use my powers for fun.” You sneered, thinking about all of the ‘pranks’ your parents had played on little kids every Halloween. “I respect my powers. You do too, I can tell.”
“Yeah.” Raven sighed.
The two of you lapsed into another silence.
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best-nun-tournament · 27 days
Round 2, Match 1
The Reverend Daughter Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) vs Sister Margarete of Krimml (Pentiment)
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Harrow is a nun of the Ninth House. She's been described as a space goth necromancer fantasy sci-fi bone nun.
Sister Margarete is a Benedictine nun at Kiersau Abbey, and works as an assistant herbalist.
The Reverend Daughter Harrowhark Nonagesimus
She’s great. She has so many fucking problems. She’s been running the goth space convent since she was 10. She’s puppeting her dead parents around. She doesn’t like tastes. She is extremely passionate about bones. She’s locked in a twisted bond of love and violence and devotion and sacrifice with her childhood best enemy. She lobotomized herself to preserve the best enemy’s soul. She’s been in love with the corpse of the Devil all her life. She goes around in bone jewelry and skull face paint. She’s a sad wet cat who was born in a cardboard box all alone, etc. She chopped another woman’s arm off and regrew a skeleton arm, in a sexual way. She has awkward little fireside chats with God where he makes millennia-old meme references at her and she does not drink the proffered tea. She saw God make a your mom joke and it “destroyed some cavern of her reverence”. She’s even gay. She’s everything.
Sister Margarete of Krimml
No propaganda submitted.
Poll Runner's Note: While Sister Margarete lost her eyesight after a failed cataract surgery, she's quite perceptive. She's able to recognise Andreas purely from the smell of paint and linseed oil.
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