#got7 reacions
mylifeinhopeworld · 6 years
Got7 Reaction to -You teasing them in front of others-
As you cuddled on the couch, you kissed his neck more frequently, going in for a peck every time any of the others wouldn’t pay attention to you two. You nipped at his sensitive skin and he turned to you, surprised. ‘‘Wh- what are you doing?’’ He whispered so the rest of the boys wouldn’t hear him. ‘‘Did you think I was going let you continue your little game without consequences? Wait until we’re alone...’’
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He tried to contain his smile, imagining how he was going to punish you for teasing him. He acted as if nothing was happening but he was secretly keeping track of how many times your hand brushed on his thigh. When you finally went home from the restaurant, you heard his low voice in your ear. ‘‘Come on, you know better than to tease me like that. I hope you’re not too tired because this is going to be a long night, you little brat.’’
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He got turned on by a lot of things you did, so when you decided to lightly bite his lower lip as you kissed, his eyes didn’t leave you for the rest of the night. He didn’t seem bothered by the presence of the others as he took every occasion to kiss you again. You quickly understood that he was dying to be somewhere else, somewhere he could show you how much he loved every part of you.
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Jinyoung doesn’t like to be teased, so when you decided that leaning toward him with your hand on his inner thigh while whispering ‘‘You look so hot today.’’ was a great idea, his reaction proved you wrong. He got up, not paying attention to Jaebum’s puzzled look. ‘‘(y/n) and me have to go. We’ll see you tomorrow’’ His voice resonated in your ears again as soon as you were far enough not to be heard from the rest of the members.
 ‘‘I already told you not to do these kinds of things in public!’’
‘’ But it’s just your frien-’’  
‘’ We’re going home. I’m going to teach you a good lesson this time.’’
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You pushed him back into the bathroom and closed the door before kissing him for the fourth time today. He was already having a hard time focusing on the practice and the others had became more annoyed at him the longer your not-so-secret make out sessions were getting. Your kisses trailed down the side of his neck and you left a small reddening spot on his exposed skin. He stopped you as he heard the leader call him from the practice room. When you got home, he brought you to his room. ‘‘Everyone saw you little gift earlier. You really couldn’t wait until the end of the day...I hope you’re happy because I’m all yours now.’’
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He really couldn’t believe you had the nerve to push him against the wall and kiss his neck earlier. He knew you were aware of the fact that he needed to record a solo track and parts of some other songs today and he didn’t like the fact that he now had to finish everything while thinking of you. He wanted to be with you, but he had work to do. The fact that you stayed at the studio and kept teasing him throughout the day annoyed him even more. As you walked past him, you heard him mutter under his breath. ‘‘After everyone leaves, I’ll make you hit the highest notes ever recorded in this studio’’
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He was very shy when you kissed him in front of others and got even more flustered when you softly bit his skin. He wasn’t very good at hiding his emotions so his cheeks turned bright pink and he looked around to make sure none of the boys saw what you did. He wasn’t concentrating on the discussion around you and very happily agreed when you mentioned being tired and needing to get back home. ‘‘Wow, you’re so mean... why do you always tease me when you know I can’t do anything about it? One day I’ll get you back and you’re going to know how it feels...’’
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multifandom-hoes · 8 years
Her Being Nerdy: GOT7
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He will literally be kidding you all the time. And I don’t mean to say as in joking- you’d be taken care of like a kid, because he’d think you’re precious like that.
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Would just quietly listen to what you have to say about the new movie that you saw, or a new science-fiction book that you read, letting you tell all of the UFO theories that you’ve collected over the days that you two haven’t seen each-other. He wouldn’t even mind if you’d bring it up in the middle of your conversation, since he was just happy that you got to talk about something that makes you happy.
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He’d ask you questions to know how you got into all that nerd-ish stuff, and why do you still like it. He’d be all in for finding out more and more about you.
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Would tell you that you’re a nerd but low-key fanboy over your cuteness when you’d start talking about your interest because you looked enchanting, being in your own little world.
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May not be that interested before meeting you, but after he does- he’ll be looking up all the nerd-ish stuff that you like for the sake of keeping a convo.
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He’d make fun of you, and try to hide his inner nerd.
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He’s like... Also a nerd? What chu on about?
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sunkissedjiaer · 6 years
Fling [2] / Jaebeom x Reader
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Pairing: Jaebeom x Reader
Genre: College au
Warnings: strong language, sexual content, angst, & fluff
Word Count: 2k
Summary: “You definitely will not see me again that’s why it’s called a one night stand.”
Previous Parts: 01,
You and Maria walked over to the table where Cameron was seated. The three of you shared warm grins as you and Maria sat yourselves down. 
“What took you guys so long?” Cameron asked
Maria eyed you and smirked “her boyfriend showed up”
You felt your eyes slowly roll into the back of your skull at the word ‘boyfriend’.
“You’re telling me Jaebeom showed up at the campus? How was it? What did you guys talk about?”
“he literally just came by to give me my ID” you scoffed “Although I’m thankful I didn’t have to buy a new one I’m just peeved at the fact that I had to look at his smug face.”
Maria laughed “he was a looker, I tell ya Cameron.. hotter in person compared to the magazines.”
Cameron fanned her face and opened her mouth slightly “hot damn, the Devil is probably jealous of Lim Jaebeom!”
You couldn’t help but laugh “Lim Jaebeom is the devil and you two are suppose to be on my side! not his..”
Maria and Cameron stared at each other for a moment. Slowly Maria situated herself and eyed you.
“we aren’t against you y/n. We just happen to see something that you don’t and the both of us don’t want to see it fly away because you’re scared.”
“Are you done?” you commented “I’m not missing out on anything. I can find a man whore anywhere, especially in this city. Jaebeom however is not something I want to get mixed with.”
The three of you fell silent, the tension weighing over the table. As the three of you sat silently, the voices in the restaurant began to whisper and chime with excitement. 
“he’s so handsome” a woman cooed
“look at him and those girls! so lucky they are” another woman commented.
Cameron looked up over yours and Maria’s head. Her eyes slightly grew wide but returned to normal size as she eyed you softly, a grin twitching on her lips.
“Don’t turn around” Cameron spoke.
You cocked your head to the side with an arched eyebrow “why?”
“hey there sweetheart” a voice chimed. A very familiar voice.
“fuck.” you breathed. 
Looking up you saw a smirking Jaebeom, two girls clinging to his hips. 
“well if it isn’t the devil himself” you smiled “what brings you here?”
“just a little lunch date”
“uh-huh. You have fun with that”
You turned back to Maria and Cameron but the two stayed silent and continued to stare through you. Rolling you eyes with a huff you looked back at Jaebeom who continued to stand there silently. 
“what?” you groaned
“I just wanted to invite you to a party that’s happening later tonight” 
“no thank you.”
“why so quick to deflect me?” Jaebeom chuckled “please just come, I’ll give you my number and everything”
Maria coughed and Jaebeom adverted his eyes to her. 
“she won’t let you give her your number but, I can give you hers”
You quickly whipped your head to Maria with thin lips and creased brows. 
Jaebeom grabbed his phone from his pocket and handed it to Maria. Gladly Maria took the phone and began to type in your number, with a soft smile Maria gave Jaebeom his phone back.
“I like you” Jaebeom said pointing to Maria and Maria pointed back playfully
“anyways” Jaebeom turned back to you “I’ll text you the details later, I really, really, hope to see you then”
Jaebeom and the two girls walked away silently leaving you, Maria, and Cameron alone.. finally. 
“lunch has been spoiled for me” you commented 
“oh shush” Cameron giggled “let’s order!”
You sat on your couch silently. Maria had plans for the night which meant you were sitting at home alone. As you scrolled through your phone a notification popped up grabbing your attention. 
You immediately knew it was Jaebeom. Sighing you clicked the notification and read over his message.
Jaebeom: Hey there sweetheart the party starts at eight and it’s being held at my home, a place you know well;)
You: Jaebeom sorry to burst your bubble of ego and happiness but I’m not going
Jaebeom: well.. why’s that? other plans? got a boyfriend?
You: first of all, because I said so. Second of all, no and no. 
You: I just don’t feel well and a party will not help me feel better. Have a good night though. 
Shutting your phone off you tossed it to the side. Sighing softly you laid your head on the arm rest of the couch and stared out the window at the sunset. Soft pinks seeped into deep purples and dark reds creating an image of warmth and beauty. 
You felt your eyes begin to slowly shut, with every other blink they became heavier and heavier. Eventually you didn’t bother to keep them open and let sleep take you over.
Soft knocks at the door slowly brought you out of your slumber. Groaning you sat yourself up off the couch, as you stood yourself up you stretched and yawned.
You looked through the peep-hole and felt yourself screaming on the inside. Swinging the door open you stared at the boy, a grin on his face, a frown on yours.
“what are you doing here?” you sighed 
Raising his hands up you looked at the bags Jaebeom held. “You said you weren’t feeling well so I messaged Maria for your guys’ address and brought over some food, medicine, and tea.”
You were shocked to the core. Completely surprised at the random act of kindness but knowing Jaebeom he probably wanted something from you. 
“what are your motives?” you questioned 
“to hang out with you” he grinned 
“no, seriously.”
“seriously, I just want to hang out with you. I don’t go this far for just anyone.”
“okay well I don’t trust you. We slept together once and now you want to hang out at my house? this is fishy and you know it.”
Rolling his eyes with a grin Jaebeom stared down at you softly “believe me or don’t but I think you should give me a chance-”
“a chance for what?” you asked sharply
“to prove myself worthy. I want to be your friend y/n.. seriously, no false motives.”
“let’s say we become friends, what happens after that? you gonna try and get in my pants again?”
“I can’t lie. I dream about sleeping with you again, dream of kissing your soft lips and running my hands through your silky hair. I want so badly to hear your sweet moans in my ear and to be able to make you say my name like you did that night, it was like music to my ears if I’m being completely honest.”
You stood more shook to the core than before. Your eyes stayed glued to his chocolate brown ones, emotions swirled around in them, glittering softly. 
“you’re funny” you laughed “whatever come in”
Jaebeom walked into the apartment and set the bags down onto the coffee table sitting across from the couch.
“no sleeping with me tonight. strictly hanging out. as friends.” you commented
Jaebeom looked over to you as he grabbed things out of the bags “yeah, yeah baby steps I got it angel.”
“and no pet names” you breathed “it’s weird.”
Jaebeom stood up straight and smirked “that’s odd”
“what is?” you asked with an arched brow 
“in bed you loved when I called you daddy’s gi-”
You quickly placed your hands over Jaebeom’s mouth and stared at him “that’s enough!”
You quickly realized that you were touching him and removed your hands. The two of you shared awkward grins but you quickly brushed it off.
“okay movie time!” you chirped
Jaebeom’s POV:
There was an ache in my neck that caused me to groan. Slowly I opened my eyes and was hit with a wave of confusion.. this isn’t my condo.. There was a wave of warmth coming from next to me which caused more confusion. 
Tilting my head down I was shocked. For once in my life I was the one caught off guard. 
“y/n...?” I whispered
She wiggled slightly but it wasn’t away from me but closer. Her head lay on my chest and one of her arms was stretched across my lap, not exactly the most comfortable looking position. 
I so badly wanted to hold her tightly which was something I wasn’t use to. I know that sleeping with her was suppose to be a one time thing, seeing her in general was something I planned on keeping to a minimum but there was something different about her compared to most. 
Unlike others she didn’t throw herself at me nor did she want to get into my pants. It happened naturally and I hope things can continue to happen naturally. 
“y/n..” I whispered again.
Moving my arm from her hip I shook her shoulders slightly which only caused her to groan and wiggle once more.
Guess I’ll have to move you myself.
Slowly I removed y/n from my chest and stood up. It felt wrong leaving here, leaving her. I couldn’t just leave her on the couch without anything to cover up with, that’d be rude. 
Slowly I wrapped my arms around her bridal style and brought her close to my chest. Lighter than a feather is how I would describe holding her. 
Carefully I weaved my way through the halls until I figured out which room was hers. Entering into the room I looked around in awe. I hadn’t really thought of what her room would look like but this definitely fits her. 
I walked over to the bed and slowly laid her down, grabbing the covers I pulled them over her and tucked her in but instead of leaving immediately I found myself staring at her which seems creepy I know but she was beautiful in this natural state. 
I mean, she was always beautiful.
Shaking my head I exited her room and walked into the kitchen. I looked and looked for a peace of paper to write a note on and ended up using a napkin. 
Smiling I placed the napkin on the coffee table near the bags and hoped she’d see it and if not I’d just text her anyway. 
“okay then” I breathed “till next time”
I felt myself hesitate as I went to close the door. I’ll be back, one day, when she wants me here, I’ll be back.
You woke up suddenly, looking around you slowly became confused. You were in your room when you clearly remember being in the living room.
“Jaebeom!” you yelled.
Throwing the blankets off you rushed into the living room to see that you were alone, Maria and Jaebeom gone. Scratching your neck you walked to the coffee table and saw a napkin with writing on it.
Good Morning sweetness, I woke up around midnight and decided to head home but of course I moved you to your bed before leaving. Also we did indeed cuddle, don’t fret that’s all we did, for now.. anyways I’ll be texting you later after I get out of work (I hope you don’t cuddle with all your guy friends)
You felt yourself laugh at the note you went to toss it in the trash but something told you not to do it. Holding the note you eyed it and rubbed your thumbs over it. Shaking your head you walked into your room and opened a desk drawer, eyeing the note you placed it in the drawer and shut it.
Looking at the time you realized you had classes later tonight. You gathered up your things for a shower and entered into the bathroom. 
Slowly you started to undress yourself when you heard a ding from your phone. Grabbing it you saw a text from Jaebeom and grinned.
Jaebeom: are you busy tonight?
You: why you gonna try and cuddle with me again? which by the way I DO NOT do that with everyone, I didn’t even mean to do it with you.
Jaebeom: whatever, it happened, what’s done is done. By the way, you are a damn heater, loved it though! but answer my question please
You: I have classes tonight that’s it why?
Jaebeom: I’m taking you on a date!
You: no dates
Jaebeom: sorry.. a friend date ahah
You: where?
Jaebeom: It’s a surprise of course
A surprise friend date with Jaebeom? Things were escalating quickly but for some reason, you didn’t mind... maybe.. he actually wasn’t too bad.
[to be continued]
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suhoerections · 6 years
Full Masterlist
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A better version :)
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⇻ EXO 
They get their own because they’re special
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⇻ DAY6 
⇻ Reactions
⤷  trainee s/o debuts in a co-ed group
⇻ Headcanons
⤷ making out with Day6
⇻ Scenarios
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⇻ Reactions
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⇻ Scenarios
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⇻ Reacions
⇻ Headcanons
⤷  Yeo One as a boyfriend
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⇻ Reacions
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⇻ Reacions
⇻ Headcanons
⤷  cuddles with triple h
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⇻ Reacions
⇻ Headcanons
⇻ Scenarios
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⇻ Reacions
⇻ Headcanons
⤷  making out with shinee
⤷  key as a boyfriend
⇻ Scenarios
➼  clingy kibum 
⤷  key x reader 
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⇻ Reacions
⇻ Headcanons
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⇻ Reacions
⇻ Headcanons
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⇻ Reacions
⇻ Headcanons
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⇻ GOT7
⇻ Reacions
⇻ Headcanons
⇻ Scenarios
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⇻ Reacions
⤷  having a shy s/o
⇻ Headcanons
⤷  aftercare with monsta x
⤷  making out with monsta x
⤷  cuddling with monsta x
⇻ Scenarios
➼  Drunken Regret
⤷ Changkyun x reader (gender neutral)
➼  Mine [mature] 
⤷  Wonho x reader 
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⇻ Reacions
⤷ having a wet dream next to them [mature]
⇻ Headcanons
⤷  making out with the rose
⇻ Scenarios
➼  sweet seduction [sorta mature]
⤷  sam x reader
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⇻ Reacions
⇻ Headcanons
⤷ cuddles with vixx
⇻ Scenarios
➼ Touch and Towels [mature-ish]
⤷  Leo x reader
➼ Beautiful [mature-ish]
⤷ Hyuk x reader
➼ House of Chains [mature]
⤷  Hakyeon x reader, Hakyeon gets what he wants and right now, under the dinner table, he wants you
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⇻ Reacions
⇻ Headcanons
➼  Sex With Namjoon
⇻ Scenarios
➼  Just One Day  
⤷ Yoongi x reader (gender neutral)
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⇻ Headcanons
⇻ Scenarios
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nerduhlicious · 5 years
Kpop Writing Blog
Hey y’all! I just started a new side-blog for my kpop writing, which will include stories, scenarios, imagines, fake snaps, gif reactions, etc. I write for BTS, EXO, Got7, Astro, Monsta X, and OneUs right now, and I hope to add more groups soon. I’m currently taking requests so if you’re interested, you can find me at xoxo-got-bangtan 
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things i relate GOT7 with
Mark: finally laying down after a long day, inside jokes, petting dogs on the street, helping friends out with their problems, hand holding, the smell of mint, movie marathon dates, penny boarding down the road, faded pastels
Jaebum: finishing something you put a lot of effort into, peaceful silences, waking up early on your own, stretching tired muscles, petting a cat's stomach, taking pride in your work, finding music from an old artist, late night drives
Jackson: laughing over nothing, opening doors for other people, smiling at strangers, back hugs, energetic bursts, passing a test you studied hard for, big but sweet dogs, to feel loved, the glow you get from working out
Junior: the feeling of a fluffy blanket, a home cooked meal, dressing up for no special occasion, the feeling of making your parents proud, reading in peace, that pretty foam art on lattes, coffee dates
Youngjae: sunflowers, having watermelon in the morning, lemonade stands, going swimming on a hot day, getting cotton candy at the fair, the smell of lavender, going for a bike ride, watching the sunrise at a lakefront
Bambam: talking to friends you haven't seen in a while like you saw each other yesterday, long hugs, brand new clothes, making everybody in the room laugh, making somebody sad smile, goofing around with your best friend, a hot summer day
Yugyeom: dancing like nobody's watching, neon signs, arcade games, running in an open field, spinning hugs, innocent love, beating a video game, roller coasters, watching a horror movie with friends, getting to sleep in, rewatching your favorite childhood movie, feeling forever young
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multifandom-hoes · 7 years
First Time With Them: GOT7 YUGYEOM
/ BamBam // Jackson // JB // YuGyeom // YoungJae // JinYoung // Mark /
/ BTS // SF9 // PENTAGON // KHH // WINNER // B.A.P // BtoB // KActor /
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The list goes on;
Yuggie is naturally shy around girls;
     So opening himself up like that for you;
          Is like a horribly big deal;
               It’s even bigger to him than it is to you;
Besides, he’d be uncertain about his ability to actually pleasure you;
     That would be his biggest insecurity tbh;
Like, he’d be so concerned over it that he might act a bit rough;
     But that’s only cause he was concentrating on his own mind;
          Completely forgetting you;
You’d have to give him a good slap to get him back to his normal self;
Then he’d chastise himself over the fact that he was too worried about minor things;
When he’d finally get to see your bare body, he’d be awestruck;
          Like with mouth wide open and stuff;
I think that his main priority would be to pleasure you, not the both of you or himself only;
So expect a lot of soft kisses;
Him going down on you;
Asking whether you liked this or that;
Besides, he’s like 111% sub;
     I’m sorry;
          Not really tho;
He’d be all over you at the beck of your call;
But that’s because he loved you that much.
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