#got him some new tea and wine and his favorite cookies
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nat1-charisma · 9 months ago
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Father's Day card we got for our AI-obsessed Dad today (names blurred for privacy).
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littleladymab · 7 months ago
👕 11 📩 11 đŸœïž 1, 2, 12 đŸŒ€ïž 2, 3, 8, 9, 18 đŸ€ 3, 11, 18, 19 💓 8, 11, 22 đŸŽČ 8, 15, 18 for Galahad!!!! ⚔
Answering these for Galahad aka Liam đŸ€—
((ask me questions about my OCs!)) (bonus points for my knights)
👕 11 - Is your character’s favorite color a color they wear often?
Not really, actually! He really likes green, but he tends towards a lot more neutral colors -- grays, browns/tans, etc. He'll use green as a pop of color on an outfit, but doesn't tend to wear many clothes that are green.
📩 11 - What might an acquaintance think is a good gift for your character?
He's a wine boy first and a scotch enjoyer second, so anything that's like a bottle of wine or some fun silly wine or scotch glasses would be good!
đŸœïž 1 - What flavor would your character say their personality is?
A like, coffee with a robust, slightly nutty roast and a soft caramel aftertaste
2 - Would your character prefer baking, cooking or mixing drinks?
He's never had a cocktail so don't trust him to mix drinks. I think cooking is good, because as much as he's an "exact by the book" recipe maker and baking is a Science, I think personally think baking still requires a flair for the dramatic that he doesn't have.
12 - Which mealtime is your character’s favorite?
He likes a supper, which by strict definition is a casual, late in the day meal that's usually lighter than dinner. He says this, it is because when he gets into his study binges, he will not remember to eat and then call some cheese and crackers and acceptable supper.
đŸŒ€ïž 2 - Has your character had a meaningful encounter with an animal?
'meaningful' is such a funny word, no he has not had an encounter with an animal that has changed him in some fundamental way
3 - What season would your character say they’re most similar to?
Oooh I think he would say spring! New and refreshing!
8 - What type of environment does your character like best?
After spending a summer in SoCal he's ready to go back to his home in Scotland thanks. As a general sort of environment, he likes it chilly with the hint of rain.
9 - Is your character good with animals?
He's not like, animal whisperer good with them, but he gets along well enough with them! He is a person that a cat will approach, which i guess is pretty high up on the "good with animals" rankings.
18 - How willing would your character be to nap outside?
Get him on some grass with some shade or a hat to cover his face and he'll gladly take a nap.
đŸ€ 3 - How comfortable would your character be singing and dancing in front of others?
Not if he has to do it solo, but he'll gladly do it if there were other people with him. If he's in a crowd, even better. Do NOT perceive him trying to be artistic he will get embarrassed and stop. (If you catch him singing in his kitchen NO YOU DON'T)
11 - Does your character have people they think would worry about them if they got injured?
OH ABSOLUTELY !!! gestures to all of the other knights, and also his parents. His boss would probably also be worried because "liam what are you doing that you are getting injured, but also i have friends in accident and injury law just let me know and i'll give them a call"
18 - What is your character’s favorite form of affection?
He's not great with physical affection, but he will absolutely listen to you rant about something and make you tea (or get you a stiffer drink if required).
19 - Does your character enjoy celebrating holidays?
It's not really one way or the other for him. They were a church on the holidays kind of family when he was younger, but I think these days he just enjoys other people's enjoyment of it.
💓 8 - What scents does your character find comforting?
There's a roast of coffee his dad makes that he can't find in the states and it's too expensive to import from France, so he uses his stock of it sparingly. Also, sugar cookies and the smell of used bookstores.
11 - Does your character have strong willpower?
Oh yes, generally it serves him well but sometimes it's a very stern reminder that he takes his role as Galahad very seriously.
22 - Does your character have a high pain tolerance?
It's decent! He's never really had to put it to the test beyond strained muscles until he met Bridgette and she put him through the ringer for combat training, but he's been lucky enough so far that he hasn't actually had to test it.
đŸŽČ 8 - Is your character more outdoorsy or indoorsy?
He likes to go on long walks or the occasional (gentle) hike, but he is by and large an indoorsy person. (Which makes it funnier that he's got Muscle Definition from sword fighting and everyone is SHOOK because he is quiet and nerdy Liam, who is a desk jockey paralegal. why does he look fit???)
15 - How good is your character at following through on projects?
He's SO GOOD at it but this also goes hand in hand with his willpower and just, determined to be competent and reliable.
18 - What is a topic your character wouldn’t want to talk about?
I think it depends on who was asking! He generally tries to be open about anything asked of him, and doesn't like shit talking people (he will let you do the shit talking and do the sympathetic nod and 'mmhm', but won't talk bad about people if he can help it). He also prefers not to talk about his sex life (or lack thereof) because well, that's not a polite topic can you please not worry about it why do you need to know??
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https-sen · 3 years ago
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A/n: I just had the sudden realisation that, i dont write for women 😹 which is weird because i find them attractive and hot (disappointed fruity sen noises 😔) so here's my first hc for both genders!
Genre: Fluff
Female Pairing(s): Hu Tao, Kokomi, Baal x gn!reader
Male Pairing(s): Zhongli, Bennett, Gorou x gn!reader
Warning(s): Cursing and Not Proofread!
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Hu tao
A picnic in a forest!
You'd share some snacks you made yourself with her (and she'd devour it without hesitation). You'd make flower crowns for each other and talk about her pranks. You laugh at her jokes as you both enjoy each others company. You both walk through the forest and spook a few travellers on the way gleefully giggling at their expression. Sitting by a tree and watch the sunset as you hold hands. This is a wonderful way to end your day with her, and hopefully more days can come <3
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A beach picnic!
As you both enjoy the calming breeze and the sunny day, you'd talk about all the places you went and all the different things you saw while you were away. She brought some handmade sandwiches, biscuits and juice so you both dont get hungry or thirsty. You'd both build a sand castle, collect shells and stroll along the shore. She tells you with a hopeful smile, "I hope I can come along with you one day my love. It sounds exciting!". And that's when you both start planning an adventure. Just the two of you <3
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A picnic in her plane of euthymia!
She planned a small picnic just for the two of you because she didnt know how to express her feelings. She tried her best to make the snacks you like but it was either burnt or raw. You told her it was alright and that her dazzling self was already enough for you. She bursts into a ball of flustered-ness after that because she felt touched. In the end, you both got Yei's help and managed to whip out a new batch of snacks together <3
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A picnic in a garden!
He's a classy man, everyone knows that. But he's a simple one too. All he cares about is the time he gets to spend with you. Nothing fancy, nothing expensive. Just drinking tea (or "oSmAnThUs WiNe") as you talk about the little things that happened throughout your day. He's actually very affectionate with physical touch, so expect him to lie his head on your lap or on your shoulder. And he loves it when you stroke his hair as you do so. He can't imagine a life without you, so he wants to savour every second he has <3
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A picnic in a flower feild!
Bennett is a very cheerful boy. He would try his best to make you the best picnic ever!! He tries to make it really fancy and over the top because you're the love of his life and his favorite person. But everything started going wrong because it was raining and the picnic blanket got wet. But that's alright! He still has the cookies he baked- Oh wait, he burnt them. When you arrived with an umbrella, you saw a droopy Benny sitting on he grass with a picnic basket beside him. You assured him it's alright and had an indoor picnic instead <3
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A picnic on a hill!
Childe is a very busy man so he hardly has time for you. He feels bad and he wants to hang around with you more. Just like the old times. That's why he brought you to a hill with a beautiful view and a picnic basket in hand to weasel out with you at 7 in the fucking morning. You both talked about anything and everything!! It's not any day you get to spend this much time with him so mihht as well make it last. You'd tell him jokes and make him laugh, see who can drink and eat faster than the other and choke after. Little things like these made today a great one. Hopefully, he can weasel his way out for you again <3
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stuff-from-the-void-matron · 4 years ago
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The Four Lords (+Duke) reaction to the adopted daughter!Reader 
💎The Duke💎
‱ The Duke is quite pleased with how well behaved you’re being during the visits to the four Lords. But in the few months he’s cared for you he’d noticed you were a rather well behaved child. More interested in playing with dolls or reading than getting in trouble. Which was a weight off his mind. He’d be panicked if you’d decided to run off while he was working.
‱ He’d dressed you in a darling little dress in your favorite color, perfect for the weather. And before he spoke with the Lords he’d given you one of the little dolls and some children’s books to keep you occupied. A bored child is a mischievous child after all. 
‱ The Duke kept an eye on you regardless of how well behaved you were though. He is confident in his abilities but he’s also very aware of the four Lord’s abilities and refuses to risk your safety by being overly confident in himself.
‱ Though he was happy to realize that none of the lords had given him any issues regarding his new charge. In fact you seem to have charmed your way into their hearts in one way or another. Though he can’t say he’s terribly surprised. You’re a wonderful little darling <3
đŸ· Lady Dimitrescu đŸ·
‱ She’s quite surprised by the sudden introduction of a child from the Duke. As far as she knew the Duke had no children, or a wife to give him such a child for that matter. Though she supposed it wasn’t impossible for him to have found himself a little wife and then ended up with a little one. She supposed stranger things had been known to happen.
‱ And she offered the same courtesy and hospitality to you that she did to the Duke. You were both guests of Castle Dimitrescu after all. It also helped that you were very polite and looked at her in such awe. But that wasn’t surprising, Alcina was aware that she was rather impressive. So it made sense for you to be in awe of her. 
‱ When it was time for her and the Duke to talk business she noticed you were sat in a chair in the corner behind the Duke playing quietly with a pretty doll. Secretly Alcina thought you were adorable, in your little dress and with the flower clip in your brushed and styled hair. So when she called for a maid to bring her and the Duke a glass of wine she also offhandedly told the maid to bring ‘the little one’, aka you, a cup of something sweet.
‱ On your way out the Duke thanked the Lord for her kindness, looking down at you and saying, “And what do we say?”. Making you turn to Alcina and the Dimitrescu daughters before dipping into a little curtsy and thanking them for letting you both visit. Lady Dimitrescu couldn’t hide the small smile the action caused, you were very adorable and it left her in a brighter mood. She just chuckled and replied that it was a pleasure having you and the Duke, and you were both welcome back again.
🎎 Donna Beneviento 🎎
‱ Donna is more surprised than Lady Dimitrescu had been. Though thanks to her veil there’s no way anyone would be able to tell. But Angie is excited, practically wiggling out of her seat at the introduction of a potential new playmate. Its been far too long since Angie got to play with anyone besides Donna and their other doll friends.
‱ Before any business talk could be started Angie excitedly asked the portly merchant if she could play with you. He glanced down at you and saw you didn’t look scared of the doll girl, just curious. So he said it was up to you. So Angie asked you if you wanted to play. You happily agreed, not having had anyone to play with in a long time. 
‱ While the Duke and Donna spoke together you, Angie, and a couple other animated porcelain dolls played together. You had a little tea party and Angie even let you brush her hair. You had a wonderful time and were even happier when Donna offered to make everyone some lemonade with cookies. The Duke said that sounded wonderful while they talked business. And all in all the evening was a delight for everyone.
‱ But all good things must come to an end and after a few hours it was time for you and the Duke to go. Angie was visibly upset, even getting a little bratty about her new playmate having to leave. The Duke however reassured both Angie and Donna that he would be happy to have him and you return for another visit if they wanted. Before he could even finish his offer Angie was all but squealing yes. So needless to say you were going to be visiting again~
🐟 Salvatore Moreau 🐟
‱ Moreau is shocked by the sudden appearance of a little girl and also incredibly nervous. But he’s always nervous around new people, the fact you’re a child just makes it worse somehow. He’s aware of his... less than pleasing appearance and he doesn’t want to scare a little girl. In fact he braces himself after catching sight of you, fully expecting you to scream or run or even cry.
‱ But to his surprise you do none of any of those. You don’t even wrinkle your nose in disgust. Instead you just stare up at him with wide curious eyes, which isn’t exactly pleasant for him either but he understands on a level that you’re just a child and merely curious. And honestly you staring in curiosity is far better than you bawling your eyes out..
‱ Once the introductions are out of the way Moreau is surprised to see you sitting at the Duke’s side, just reading a little fairytale book quietly while he and your father speak of business. And your distracted state gives Moreau the perfect opportunity to observe you. He hasn’t seen a child in... so long. He actually can’t recall the last time he’d seen a child. What with him isolating himself in the Reservoir and only being given adults to experiment on with the Cadou. Being around children hadn’t exactly been something he’d sought out. 
‱ But he found he didn’t mind you. You were polite and kind and he thought how you called him ‘Mr. Moreau’ was adorable. The Duke kept you close to him while visiting Moreau, not because he thought the fish man would hurt you, but because of how... unsanitary the Reservoir was. He didn’t want you touching any of the slime that was around the place. But he did allow Moreau to gift you little gold trinkets he said he found at the bottom of the lake. 
⚙ Karl Heisenberg ⚙
‱ Heisenberg is... put off by the presence of a child in his domain. He’s not exactly the most ‘child friendly’ person in a 20 mile radius. In fact, if you ask anyone they’d assume with his rough demeanor that he didn’t like kids. And he’d agree with them in a heartbeat too. And he’d site every shitty thing he could think of about kids with a scoff. 
‱ “They’re loud, they’re annoying, they piss and shit everywhere, and they can’t even fend for themselves on top of all that. They’re like untrained dogs that don’t even have the bonus of being good guards.”
‱ But what he doesn’t want anyone to know is... he loves kids. Seeing kids with their parents reminds him of a time in his life, one long before now, where he was actually happy. To him kids meant family. Something he’s desperately wanted, but known he couldn’t have with Miranda around. So seeing you made him feel happy and also very sad. Both of which he avoided confronting so he instead settled on irritation, his go-to.
‱ And when he demanded to know what this little ‘ankle biter’ was doing in his factory the Duke had just smiled and told him you were his daughter. That’d thrown the metal manipulator for a bit of a loop. But after snapping out of it Heisenberg told the Duke that his factory was the last place a KID needed to be running around and messing with shit. The Duke assured him you would be on your best behavior. Heisenberg begrudgingly let you stay, but only on the terms that you’d stay out of his way, not touch anything, and not leave the Duke’s sight. The Duke agreed easily.
‱ Heisenberg had two outward moods regarding you. Either he acted like he was annoyed with you or he acted like you weren’t even there. But he never actually spoke harshly to you. Even when you kept asking him questions about the stuff in his factory. After answering half a dozen questions he fired one back at you, asking why you had so many questions. You’d been surprised by his question but just giggled and said because his factory was cool. He’d acted like he didn’t care but after that when he’d come talk to the Duke he’d always bring you little metal figurines that you adored. Heisenberg found you to be a cute little punk, but he’d rather saw an arm off before admitting it.
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mouthfulloftoothpasterry · 3 years ago
Since we’re talking about Valentines day, I feel like marriage counselorry, blindrry and cottagecorerry would be the most romantic and sappy ones. Like 70srry would just make it filthy (😍) and witchrry wouldn’t really understand it
Like surprising her with a huge framed photo from the moment they kissed at the end of the ceremony in their wedding. Baking all day and making chocolate covered strawberries, a pink little cake with red hearts all over it
He would make a paint and wine night for them since she is an artist (duh lmfao) and buy her a new lingerie set (something like this)
After wine and panting he would make her favorite dinner before they hit the bed and cuddled while feeding each other the Chocolate covered strawberries he had made for her earlier
I feel like blindrry would be a pretty chill day
Starting it off with dropping the kids off and Anne’s before harry helped her name breakfast
They would take a bubble bath other with rose petals in the bath before they cuddled on the couch and put on some rom coms
They would go out to a fancy little restaurant that served one piece of steak for like 500 dollars, after that they would run to Taco Bell or something since they eat like one grape and a piece of meat
Then they would skip anything else romantic and go straight to the bed LMFAO
Cottage core harry it would be so soft :(
He kids would make little valentines for the animals and bake them cookies that they could eat :(
And they would do little gift exchanges like getting boxes of chocolate and stuffed animals for each other
They would have a big dinner before they all cuddled in harry and y/n’s bed and fell asleep there
Witchrry is such a romantic he’s adorable
He would wake her up with rose tea, some of his pancakes she loves so much
They would instantly make love after that because they both got love boners <3 LMFAO
They would do gift exchange with y/n getting him one of those huge chocolate boxes full of crystals
Harry would get her a large fuzzy red bear and a little lingerie dress that’s all mesh with little hearts around it to cover her precious bits with some stars and moons sprinkled in
Now for 70’s!harry
Jesus Christ don’t get me started
He would wake her up with one of her gifts- a new vibrator, kissing her awake while he held the toy to her. After waking her up with that he would finish her off then skip down the stairs all innocently to go make heart shaped French toast for everyone
Once the kids woke up it would be chaos
Honey would be running down the stairs and jumping into Harry’s arms with the cards she made at school and being like “happy Valentine’s Day daddy” and hand him the card she make all by herself while Lennon slapped his calf repeatedly until harry looked down
They parents would gush over the cards, little photo cut outs of the kids in the shape of hearts inside of the cards
They would tac them to the fridge then send the kids off to their soccer practice and fuck until they absolutely had to stop LMFAO
Once the kids were home they would start a fire and give the kids their gifts, honey a HUGE red and white dragon, Lennon something like a nerf gun LMFAO
They would cuddle on the couch and watch movies until the kids fell asleep and they tucked them in their beds and went off to their room
Y/n would give harry his gifts (a new plug, a huge chocolate box and a new ring)
Before harry gave her her gifts, a large stuffed animal like honey got, crotchless panties and a shit load of her favorite chocolate)
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bump1nthen1ght · 4 years ago
Pack Tactics (Werewolf x Reader)
Pairing: Fem!Reader/Male!Werewolf
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Established Couple, Angst with a happy ending
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2896 words
Summary: You are in a wonderful relationship with your sweet partner, Gray. But this far into the relationship, you’ve yet to tell him you have no intentions ever of having kids. You can’t help but wonder, how will your child-loving werewolf boyfriend will react?
Request: I live for very specific comfort! No pressure if this doesn’t inspire you or if you just don’t want to write it obvi.... but could I have a f!reader x m!werewolf where the reader is 100% sure she doesn’t want to have kids ever never ever in any capacity and is worried about how her werewolf bf is going to react, worried she’ll be dumped or something (ya know cause idk I feel like werewolves are built with a breeding kink and like into the whole having a lot of pups) there can be smut if you want!! I love me some dramatic angst comfort :)))))))
A/N: Sorry this took so long y’all, school and stuff has been kicking my ass. But writing this sweet little fic has been a nice reprieve from my work. Hope you enjoy!
“Alright, I’ll get the chicken, the asparagus, and the pasta. You’ve got the wine and the dessert?”
“Sure thing.”
The two of you nod, Gray stepping away from the grocery cart before you call out to him.
“And not one of those huge tubs of ice cream.”
Gray emits a dramatic whine, pouting.
“But the big one is 25 cents cheaper than those little pints. It’s practically free!”
You furrow your brow and pat him on the shoulder.
“Not if we don’t finish them, they aren’t. Now go.” Gray rolls his eyes, clutching his heart and throwing his head back. You playfully push him, walking away with the grocery cart and towards the deli section. You can see the top of Gray’s wild brown hair as he moves into the next aisle, his 6’5” form towering over all the little old ladies who usually crowd the store.
You’re browsing the chicken, trying to decide between 2 breasts or a full rotisserie, when a familiar sound reaches you.
“Oh! If it isn’t ____.” You forcibly paint a smile, fingers automatically clenched around the stellafoam package as you turn to see your next door neighbor Mrs. Star. Her teased, bleached blonde hair teeters on top of her head, bobbing back and forth with the clack of her neon blue heels. While you can respect the 60-year old for digging her feet in and refusing to update her wardrobe from the 80’s, her pension for gossip is a little less admirable. “Shocked to see you out and about, what with that big ol boyfriend of yours.” She says, blue eyeshadow crinkling into a wink and nudging you with your elbow. You wheeze a bit, quickly covering it with a laugh. “Back in our honeymoon phase, Richard and I barely left the bedroom. And he was half-way balding back then, not the babe-a-rama you got going over there.” Mrs. Star’s laugh reaches a pitch almost too high for your human ears to pick up, maybe even giving Gray 2 aisles over a headache.
“Well, y’know, gotta keep our energy up.” You wince, immediately berating yourself for that comment. Mrs. Star throws her hand up in a “oh, you” gesture, letting out another half-whistle half-screeching chuckle.
“Oh I do, honey, I do.” She sends you another dramatic wink, which you return with a shaky smile. The corner of your cart bumps into hers as you begin walking along the meat aisle, trying to forcibly end this interaction. But Mrs. Star pulls off an impressive turn with her cart and strolls alongside you. She does little to hide her wandering eyes, trying to piece together any juicy info from your groceries. “So, are you two trying for kids yet?”
The wheels squeal to a sudden stop, forcing you to choke on your saliva as the shopping cart’s handle digs into your stomach. You keep your gaze locked on the frozen steaks  and turkeys, already way past the chicken you meant to grab.
“Uhhh, no. We’re not really in the phase of our relationship yet.”
Mrs. Star clicks her tongue, pressing her hand to her chest in a show of embarrassment. “I’m sorry, dearie. Old habits you see, whenever a new couple moves in together I assume they’re halfway to the wedding already. You young kids like to take it slow, huh?”
You nod, hastily grabbing a package of buffalo wings, hoping for an excuse to escape this conversation.
Mrs. Star continues to walk by you, her cart blocking off any convenient means to leave unless you significantly pick up her speed. Her eyes glance over the sweats sat in a display in the center of the aisle, humming a small tune.
The end of the aisle is approaching, you’re almost home free! You ready your feet to book it with an excuse, but Mrs. Star clears her throat and begins to speak.
“Now dearie, I don’t mean to pry-”
What do you call these last 3 minutes, Star?
“But I’d at least pop on a ring on that finger soon. Someday someone’s going to snatch that boy up like a piece of meat, saying all the right things. Men got all those suspicions about over-the-hill pregnancies, his eyes might start wandering. That’s how my first divorce went, so I should know.”
You pull your cart to a stop, breathe catching as you look at Mrs. Star, shocked. You can handle some inappropriate questions, but to question your boyfriend’s loyalty and insulting your relationship is crossing another line. Your brows furrow with a simmering anger, your cheeks heating up as you're ready to let loose.
“Well, Mrs. Star, if you must know I have the most wonderful boyfriend on this side of the planet, and unlike your deadbeat first husband, he’s as loyal as they can be.” Mrs. Star looks at you, eyes widened and right hand halfway to grab a pack of oreos. You huff, pushing your cart away from hers and towards the cash register. Right before you leave her sight, you turn back to her with a simpering smirk. “Have a great day, Mrs. Star!”
Your heart is heaving with anger, prepping a rant to Gray about the horrible interaction you just had. On the other side of the store, you spot Gray, his curly hair all tussled, holding a large Rosé and a package of ice cream sandwiches. Just the sight of his back calms you a bit, excited for some delicious food and late-night cuddles. You jog a little towards him, but slow down when you see him crouch down, looking at something hidden from your sight.
You turn your shopping cart slightly, trying to peer behind his massive form, and freeze.
Gray’s sticking out his tongue, pushing up his nose, and making many more silly gestures to a baby in a stroller. The baby laughs, it’s chubby cheeks bright red as Gray blows another raspberry, thrashing its arms up and down with joy. The dad is laughing at Gray’s antics, leaning down and patting his kid on the head.
Gray promptly stands up, sending another big smile to the kid, before waving goodbye. The six-month-old waves back, uncoordinated and decidedly adorable. Gray laughs, turning away and walking towards you.
Your feet feel cemented to the floor, heart down in your stomach.
He’s a natural, you think, nausea building up in your throat.
Gray was the oldest of eight, not a large number for a werewolf family. You adored them, and they you, but Gray had a way of dealing with his youngest siblings. Whether it was letting them climb all over him like a jungle gym, or attending imaginary tea parties, Gray was a pro. He was the guy to cram himself into a tiny chair at the kids table, eating tiny cookies and cracking jokes. ‘Dad’ seemed to be stamped into his very being, the cuddly werewolf with a love of children. He’s any mother-in-law’s dream.
But all those sweet things turn sour when you think about what Mrs. Star said. Gray, moving on without you.
Gray’s eyes light up when he sees your cart, jogging over and holding up the bottle of wine like a prize.
“Hey!” He says, quickly sliding an arm around your waist and giving you a peck on the cheek. “I got your favorite, and those delicious mint-chocolate sandwiches.”
His happy voice and comforting touch help abate whatever it is your feeling, but the way Gray’s brow furrows tells you your  discomfort is present in your eyes. “Is everything okay?” His large hand comes up and rubs your shoulder. You give him a shaky smile, fighting away negative thoughts with a bat.
“Yeah, let’s go home.”
Wet fur presses up against your bare neck as you lazily stir the boiling water, Gray’s shifted muzzle now snug in the crook of your shoulder, the white flecks across his dark fur peeking into your periphery. Your free hand instinctively goes back to scratch between his ears, causing him to let out a satisfied huff, hot air blowing across your chest.
“That smells good baby.”
“It’s just salt and water Gray. The pasta’s barely al dente.”
Gray laughs, turning his head  slightly so he can press a small kiss onto your cheek.
“You could make even that taste delicious, ____”
You dramatically roll your eyes, pushing away his chin as he continues to peck and nip at your neck. After showering Gray always made sure to rub in some cherry-blossom leave-in conditioner into his fur. The artificial perfumes just lightly touch your senses, but the mental connection they have to Gray make them smell that much sweeter. You turn and give him a quick kiss on the lips, patting his shoulder once more.
“Do you mind setting the table? Maybe get started on those messy dishes?”
“No problem.” Gray mumbles, reluctantly pulling away from you and tugging up the towel that hangs loose on his hips. He barely needs to reach for your fancy plates on the top shelf, his chest muscles flexing and bicep taut. Even with his thick fur, you can see the bone of his clavicle which accentuates his long neck.
God, he’s so hot.
You think, smirking a bit as you continue stirring.
And all mine.
You hum, but the cheery mood you’re in quickly sours once you remember your conversation with Mrs. Star. That small seed of doubt seems to grow and leech from your chest.
2 years into this relationship and the two of you have only danced around the conversation of the future. You of course had agreed on living together, what your career paths looked like, even the potential of getting married in a couple years, but never kids. As two 20-somethings, you felt like you had all the time in the world.
But the thing was, you didn’t really need all the time in the world.
You didn't want kids. Even with your family or your neighbors needing that your opinion “might change some day,” you were confident in that decision. Not that you hated them, you just could never picture yourself being a mom. A fun aunt, maybe, but never a mom. It wasn’t even a point of contention in your own mind; The picture of you, your partner, and maybe a couple of pets thriving into your elders was bliss enough.
You sneak a glance to Gray, now clothed and back turned to you as he sets the table. He’s diligently folding the napkins into  fun shapes, a ritual he does every date night. From the hole in his jeans you can see his tail wagging, content as he hums to the low radio playing on the window sill.
A smile crawls onto your face, a small giggle escaping you as you watch Gray’s hips bob to the beat, silently mouthing the words. You snort as he does a dramatic little shoulder shift, Gray’s head whipping back towards the kitchen as you throw your hand over your mouth.
“What, don't you like my moves?” Gray says, shimmering his shoulders again, a large grin across his face.
“They could use some work, Kevin Bacon.” Gray clutches his chest, throwing his head back in mock pain.
“You wound me. After all these years, you would cut me so deep?”
“Sure would.” You turn back towards the simmering pasta, setting the wooden spoon on the rim and brushing your hands on your jeans. “Oof!” You squeak as you yanked away, Gray wrapping his arms around your waist, twirling you in a stumbling circle.
“And how ‘bout now, m’lady?” Gray simpers, eyebrow cocked. Your hands slap his chest as you laugh. He lets your feet back down on the floor, but keeps his arms locked around your waist. The two of you slow dance to the beat, and when the chorus hits, Gray gives his worst rendition possible. You bemoan and feign plugging your ears, but find yourself singing along anyway.
Everything about Gray is warm and bright, from his goofy grin to his excitable tail to his two left feet. He adds that pep of energy to your daily routine, pulling you out of an exhausting cycle for a quick jog to the beach or an episode of your favorite drama. Gray fills out all of those little spaces, makes them a little less gray.
Your head rests against his chest, feeling the fur through the fabric of his t-shirt as the two of you sway back and forth.
You want it to stay this way.
But that pestering weed squeezes your heart again, forcing images of Gray with a kid on his shoulders. Showing up to little-league football games with a big cooler and a “#1 dad” T-shirt. All those little moments, all without you.
You can’t fight the deep sigh, pressing your face even deeper into Gray.
Just let me have this. Just this moment, just for now.
“Ugh, I think my stomach is going to explode from excess-pasta.”
Gray huffs, laying his head on your lap as the two of you slump onto the couch. His tail wags lazily, flickering back and forth as his legs swing over the coach's side, his long torso bunched up as he curls into you. The fur of his head is soft as you twist your fingers into it. “But I gotta say, what a way to go out.”
You giggle, losing your thoughts in his soft fur. Gray lets out another deep breath, nuzzling his face into your hand. You brush over his cheek with your  thumb, admiring the cheekbone you feel just underneath.
But that burning question refuses to leave your mind, and you ask it without even thinking.
“Do you want kids, Gray?”
Gray’s eye’s stay closes, his posture relaxed as he sinks into your massaging fingers.
“Hmmm, maybe. Never really thought too much about it. Why?”
Your throat dries up, mind reeling. It wasn’t even a definitive yes, but your heart is still reeling. Your fingers pause and Gray's eyes open. He shifts his head when he sees the look on your face, concerned. “Babe?”
You nod, eyes still wide, trying to fight off the inklings of a panic attack. Gray pushes himself up on his elbows, paw quickly coming to caress your cheek. “Baby, is everything alright?”
You find the energy to breathe, and suck in deeply. Your heart begins to slow down as you look into Gray’s yellow wolf eyes. You dig your cheek into his large palm, smelling the perfume of his conditioner.
“Yes, sorry, I just-” You pause, taking another deep breath. “I ran into Mrs. Star in the grocery store, and-I’m sorry I’m overthinking things.” You mutter, patting yourself  on the cheek as to snap yourself out of your mood. Grays other hand rubs the back of your neck.
“It’s okay, baby, I’m here. Did she say something?”
“No-Well, yes. It’s silly, typical Star things. She just brought up how ‘ought to get started having kids, and it just-” You let out a shaky sigh, pulling away Gray’s hand with your own and looking him straight in the eye. “I don’t want to have kids, ever.”
In Gray’s eyes, you expect to
.something. Confusion, disappointment, maybe? But instead, all you see is relief. Gray rests his paw on your thigh, squeezing it.
“_____, is that what you’ve been worrying about?” You nod, throwing your eyes back down, but Gray tilts your chin towards him. “If you don’t want kids, we won’t have kids. Simple as that.”
Your eyes widen and you pull your face back.
“Seriously? But-what if-”
“____, I grew up with eight siblings. I’m going to have to deal with more nieces and nephews then I can count on my fingers and my toes, I think I can handle not having kids.”
A weight lifts off of your chest and you slump forward into Gray, pressing your forehead against his clavicles as you let out a long, relieved sigh. He laughs, patting your back and kissing the top of your head. “I’m sorry you had to deal with this all day, I didn’t even realize you were so upset.”
You slap his chest, letting out another frustrated sigh. With him? No, but yourself, and Mrs. Star, for stirring up nightmares for no damn good reason.
“It’s not your fault, it’s mine for being so paranoid.” You press your chin up, pouty lips admiring your boyfriend's face. “I’m sorry for freaking out. She really got me into my own head.”
“No apologies needed baby.” Gray says, giving you a small peck. You send him a cheesy smile, chasing after his lips with a couple of small kisses. A low rumble growls out from his chest as you nip at his jawline. Behind him, you hear his tail begin to hump on the floor.
“Hmm, does that mean you feel better?” You nod, pressing another kiss into his pulse point.
“Yes, thank you for letting me get that out.” Another kiss, now on his Adam’s apple.
“Welp,” Gray says, quickly adjusting himself. In another second, you yelp as he picks you up by your butt, legs quickly wrapping around his waist, “Let’s give Mrs. Star something to talk about, hmm?”
You throw your head back with a laugh, clinging tight to his chest as Gray blows a raspberry into your neck. “That good with you, my lady?”
You nod, giving him another kiss on the lips as he carries you off into the bedroom.
Yeah, you have it good.
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all-my-love-for-harry · 5 years ago
The first meeting.
summary: y/n and artemis met a handsome (to y/n) and intimidating (to artemis) man.
word count: 1.5k
a/n: hope you’re enjoying this ‘series’ as much as i am enjoying writing them! (also, i’m sorry if there’s any mistakes regarding y/n’s job. i’m not from the uk so i got the information from the internet)
you can find more of my shy little boy here
January, 2018.
If there was something Y/N enjoyed, was playdates. Ever since she got pregnant with she looked forward taking her little baby with their friends, have a conversation with other parents while they watch the kids interact. However Artemis’ number of playdates are limited, due to his struggle to make friends and talk with other kids.
But he did have one good friend, his name was Spike. The way the two boys became friends was still an unanswered question to Y/N, but she couldn’t have been happier when her little one had told her he had made a friend.
The Prendergast were a very chill, very fun family to spend time with, and it didn’t took long for Y/N to become close friends with Emi and Adam. They had started a little tradition to get together every other Friday night at each other’s places, and this particular Friday wasn’t Y/N’s turn to host the dinner.
The Y/L/N’s arrived on time, Artemis being excited to see his friend even though he just saw him at daycare earlier that day. He pulled from Y/N’s hand, making her walk faster.
“C’mon mummy!”
“Wait, we don’t want to drop the cookies we made!”
They made it to the doorway just before Emi pulled the door open and greeted them. “There you are, Spike was starting to wonder were his best friend was”
“Hi, we bought cookies” Y/N said as they stepped into the house, Artemis disappearing into the hallway as he ran towards the living room.
“You look tired, long week?”
“Sort of, collage students can take a tool on you” Y/N replied, sighing.
Y/N had recently taken a job as a collage teacher and while it has been a wonderful change in her family’s economy, it was indeed tiring and sometimes intimidating. But it allowed her to provide better for her little one, so she wasn’t going to complain.
“Well, tonight you can forget about work” Emi said, walking to the kitchen to place the cookies in the microwave to keep them warm. “Oh, I forgot to tell you but someone else is joining us for dinner”
“Oh?” Y/N raised her eyebrows. “Who?”
“His name’s Harry, you’ll love him. He recently came back to London and Adam invited him over”
“I want you to meet him, he’s a nice guy” Emi’s husband, Adam, came into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Y/N’s shoulders. “I bet Artemis will love him too”
“Yeah, right” she chuckled. “As if you didn’t know my son”
“Worth the try” he smirked.
As if it was a sign, the doorbell was heard inside of the house, indicating someone new had just arrived. Y/N walked over the living room to see what the kids were up to, and she found Silver, Spike’s older sister, teaching the two boys how to drink tea properly. She smiled at the sight as she took a seat on one of the couches.
She heard voices coming closer to where she was, but it wasn’t until she heard the stranger laugh that she turned over to see. A handsome man stood beside Adam, he had chocolate curls adorning the very top of his head, along with beautiful emerald eyes joined by little crinkles at the side as he smiled at Emi.
He was beautiful.
Y/N saw as the three adults approached her, Adam smirking at her reaction in a way of telling her I told you so.
“Y/N, this is Harry. Harry, this is our friend Y/N” Harry offered his hand for her to shake and she noticed the rings adorning his fingers.
“It’s nice to meet you, love. I’ve heard wonderful things about you” he said as the shook hands.
“Pleasure’s mine” she smiled. She was gonna talk again but a little body crashed into her legs from behind, clearly hiding. “This is Artemis. Say hi, baba”
The little boy said nothing as he pushed himself further into his mum’s legs, clearly feeling intimidated of seeing a very tall stranger standing in front of his mummy.
“Hi Artemis, I’m Harry” he offered the boy the most friendly smile he could provide but he still wasn’t responding.
“I’m sorry, he’s
 uh, very shy” Y/N blushed. “Darling, remember we’re polite to people” she said to her son.
Artemis let go of Y/N’s legs and took another peek to Harry, who was now crunched down to his level to make him feel more comfortable.
“Hello, Sir” he finally said, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink as he spoke.
Harry chuckled. “You can call me Harry, mate. I’m not that old”
Artemis nodded again. Silver and Spike came running to hug Harry, chanting Uncle Harry over and over again.
After the greetings, the kids went back playing and Y/N went to sit back on the couch, knowing how her son always wanted her close whenever he was feeling shy.
“Did I scare him?” Harry came with two glasses of wine. He sat beside her once she took it, mumbling a thank you.
“You didn’t. He’s just not so good with strangers”
“Missing his dad perhaps?” he inquired.
“You can miss someone you’ve never met” she chuckled before taking a long sip of wine.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay, I’m joking. I mean, he hasn’t met that piece of shit indeed but its fine”
“If it matters, I bet he’s an idiot” he leaned down to her, as if he was telling her a secret. Y/N snorted. “Anyway, I still hope I didn’t scare him”
Y/N shook her head. “Usually he’s like this, especially with other men, he doesn’t know many”
Harry turned to look at Y/N’s son. He was no older than four, he guessed. He had blonde, curly hair and hazel eyes. Harry thought his facial features were all from his mum, and he was so damn adorable.
“You have a very adorable one, looks just like his mum” Harry said, smirking at her.
“I know, right? Worth every back pain I had during nine months”
The two talked a little longer and Harry moved closer to her as their glasses became emptier. Harry thought she was very beautiful and charming, just like Adam had described her before.
He learned Y/N was 25 and a professor at UCL and she teaches at the UCL Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. He also learned Artemis was indeed four years old and had a passion for my neighbor totoro even though he has never seen the movie before.
“He just really likes the character” Y/N would say.
It was refreshing to see someone so put together at 25, he would admit. Everything that came out of her mouth was interesting for him, as he wanted to learn as much as possible from her.
The entire group had dinner outside, enjoying the beautiful night with light conversations and some more wine. Harry tried to talk to Artemis, but he still refused to answer him something else aside from ‘no’, ‘yes’ and ‘thank you’ for the time Harry complimented his shirt.
Every time, Y/N would send him an apologetic smile but he dismissed it offering her one of his own. He’s met shy children before, but usually none of them would be so closed off to him. He was good with children, heck, he loved them. But the one time he actually needed his charms with them to work, mostly to impress the pretty woman who happened to be the mum of said child, of course they didn’t.
In the other hand, Y/N was not surprised by her son’s reactions and felt bad for Harry every time he would try to talk with Artemis. She knew he didn’t do it to be impolite or rude, he just genuinely got that nervous around strangers. He even yelled stranger danger one time when a man asked him his favorite ice cream flavor, that man was an employee serving them the ice cream.
At the end of the night, everyone said their goodbye’s and Y/N went out of the door with a half sleep four year old laying on her shoulder as she carried him to the car.
Emi pushed Harry’s shoulder, silently telling him to go help her. And that’s what he did.
“Thank you” she said when Harry opened the backseat door for her.
“You’re welcome” he smiled. He observed how Y/N put Artemis on his car seat and buckled his seatbelt across his little chest. He also opened the door for her as the gentleman he was. “I
 had a great time tonight”
“Me too. It was nice meeting you”
 we could go out some time?” he asked nervously. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to”
“I’d like that actually” They exchanged numbers quickly and Harry noticed how her lockscreen was a picture of Artemis in a Mickey Mouse costume.
“I’ll call you” he assured her.
“I’ll wait for your call” she smiled at him one more time before closing the door and starting her car and driving away.
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abookishdreamer · 3 years ago
Character Intro: Sophrosyne (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Rose by the others
Age- 34 (immortal)
Location- Mykonos, Olympius
Personality- She's level-headed, demure & soft-spoken, but she's not afraid of speaking up when it matters. Her personal relationships are very important to her. She appreciates things in a certain way & practices complete control in all aspects of her life. She's currently in a serious relationship.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. As the goddess of moderation, temperance, & restraint her other powers/abilities include wiping away "brain fog", alleviating headaches, hangovers & overdoses, sensing the gluttony in others, inducing willpower/resilience in others, telepathy (though she rarely uses this skill), having an innate sense of other people's desires and impulses, as well as absorbing mental energy from other deities.
Sophrosyne lives in the state of Mykonos in a hacienda style of estate. There's a few acres of land (as a ranch). She has a garden (with a gazebo) & a spacious backyard for hosting barbecues and outdoor get togethers. In New Olympus, she owns a brownstone in the Little Athens neighborhood.
She considers a yoga studio her second "abode." She follows a daily routine of pilates. She's also a big fan of Pasithea's yoga studio.
Sophrosyne wears her long straight hair out. Her go-to hair product is the Glory's Crown argan oil gloss.
Her go-to drink is an almond butter milkshake (also made with banana, pineapple, & chai). She also likes miguelitos, ginger ale, cucumber infused mineral water, lychee juice, iced tea, and she enjoys a glass of white wine every once in a while. Usuals from The Roasted Bean include a small iced skim milk latte as well as a large decaf coffee.
As a means of income, Sophrosyne models for/endorses White Lily Gallery, Persuasions (is a fan of the skinny jeans & leggings), Olive Visibly, and Luxuria. She's also a contributing writer for Hearthside and Vital Essence magazine. She's also a licensed field medic!
For a time, she used to help out Dionysus (god of wine) with his daily hangovers after his ability of being unaffected by them went dormant.
Sophrosyne is a devout follower of aikido martial arts and the bushido code of living life.
Her favorite snack are plantain chips.
In the pantheon, her best friend is Aletheia (goddess of truth). They both support each other and Sophrosyne was even the witness/maid-of-honor when Aletheia & Nomos (god of laws) got married. She even threw them a reception at her place- a barbeque in her backyard.
Sophrosyne is also friends with some of The Pleiades- Maia, Celaeno (Cece), Asterope (Aster), & Merope. Sophrosyne is also friends with Epione (goddess of soothing pain), Soteria (goddess of safety), Favian (god of philosophy), Gymnasia (goddess of exercise & gymnastics), Leto (Titaness of demurity & motherhood), Sophia (goddess of thought), Eunostos (goddess of the flour mill), Nymphe (goddess of self-care), Peitharchia (goddess of obedience & discipline), Astraeus (Titan god of dusk), Mesembria (Bria) (goddess of the afternoon), Promylaia, and Elpis (goddess of hope).
She loves getting the bocadillo sandwich along with a small plantain soup at The Bread Box.
Sophrosyne's not friends with Pistis (goddess of trust, reliability, & good faith), her best friend's younger sister.
Her favorite frozen treat is chocolate cookie crumble ice cream. Sophrosyne will get a medium sized cup at The Frozen Spoon.
A guilty pleasure for her is the chicken teriyaki bento box from The Ocean Roll.
Sophrosyne had one previous relationship- with Horkos (god of oaths) for well over 80 years before he broke up with her.
She soon came into contact with Harpocrates (god of silence & discretion)- seeing him for therapy before even developing an acquaintance. He was going through his own divorce when he abruptly dropped her as a client. He was honest with her- saying he dropped her due to his growing attraction towards her. After two weeks of thinking it over, Sophrosyne agreed to go out on a date with Harpocrates. It was over a month before she felt comfortable to give him a kiss. It took every drop of ichor in her body to not lose control & just react in a physical sexual way. They are both currently practicing celibacy. She hasn't met his children yet- Momus (god of mockery, satire, & ridicule) and Oizys (goddess of anxiety, misery, & depression).
In her free time, yoga is her main activity. She also likes spending quality time with her friends, reading, going to the spa, sewing, knitting, swimming, making decorative paper cranes, hiking, and cooking.
Some of her favorite dishes to make and eat are tamal de maicena (a dessert), chifrijo, pozol, & pastel de yuca.
"A peace of mind is the ultimate state of mind."
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shi-chimera · 4 years ago
Balan Wonderworld headcanons have been rattling around in my head for a while now so I'm just gonna plop them here. Enjoy, don't enjoy, whatever.
-The Balan Theater is MASSIVE and works much like the door in Howl's Moving Castle. Anyone can access it from a number of dilapidated old buildings if they know which ones to look for.
-The theater has at least two dozen rooms, a large restaurant style kitchen, a full bar, and a massive library with window seats, a day bed, and roughly five thousand books at any given time. The books change out at random because the library has a mind of its own.
-Other rooms include Balan and Lance's bedrooms (they live in the theater), Balan's office, and some guest rooms and lounge/living room type spaces. Some of the rooms have flippable floors and sliding walls to convert them into smaller or different rooms.
-The building also has a small rear courtyard with a single, ENORMOUS tree in it. There are also some small flowerbeds and in one corner by the building is a dumpster.
-The theater's porch lights indicate if an exterior door (i.e. an entrance) is active or not. If the lights are on, the doors are open!
-Balan feeds off positive emotions and energy. It's part of why he entertains people. Smiling people are happy and happy people keep him going.
-The most extra person you can find, and has a fixation with his appearance. The smallest stain or speck of dirt, loose thread, etc. and he LOSES HIS MIND. He WILL throw an absolute drama queen level spectacle. Everything he does is over the top.
-High energy, so much so that he tends to fidget, pace, or other wise be in constant motion to burn it all off. He's also ambidexterous, but favors his left so you're likely to see him writing paperwork or lifting things with his left hand more often.
-Is an excellent chef and will cook you the most delicious meal you've ever eaten.
-Balan enjoys tea (in a traditional cup and saucer, Earl Grey in particular), but enjoys it more with cookies. If you bring him tea, make yourself a cup too because he will insist you also have one. He will also probably share a cookie with you. Save yourself a headache and just take it. He considers anything he gives you a gift and if you decline or throw it away he will be very upset and assume you don't like him anymore. You can, however, throw away napkins and the like, of course.
-NEVER drops the smile if he can at all help it. He can and will be in emotional distress and you'd never know unless you knew what to look for. Subtle eye movements and shifts in his posture reveal his mood. Will drum his fingers in specific patterns to calm himself down depending on how he's feeling, though you'll almost never see them.
-He only takes off his hat around people he trusts wholely with every fiber of his being. Lance is one of the few. He's quite pretty underneath, with finely swirling gold patterns all over him similar to Lance and a golden heart shape on his forehead (also like Lance).
-He likes wine, especially red wine. He has a high alcohol tolerance. Can and WILL drink you under the table. He gets extra flirty when he's properly drunk, and if you can get him talking he'll definitely lose track of how much he's had. He can phase objects through one another, so you'll frequently see him fill his glass by tipping it against a bottle.
-Likes to play around with a vaudeville hook and will hook Lance out of the ether if they try to phase out of a conversation or if he expressly needs something from them.
-He's HUGE and all the furniture in the theater is sized for humans, and I do mean ALL OF IT, so his lanky ass looks ridiculous sitting on any kind of furniture. There is one exception to this and that is his bed.
-Speaking of, his room is huge and decked out in a red/white/gold/navy color scheme (hmm, I wonder why?). It has wall panels. He has a walk in closet filled to the brim and a large vanity with a mirror edged in lights. It's also MESSY. Piles of clothes, random objects, makeup all over the vanity. The bed is a 3/4 circle, and it wasn't his idea. Lance actually had it put in while Balan was distracted.
-Why did Lance get Balan a new bed? Well, Balan USED TO sleep in a human sized bed, and he sleeps like he's dead. As such, he can and did fall out of bed every night without fail, usually taking a nightstand or other large object out on the way down and not waking up at all. The crashing sounds kept waking Lance up and they had enough of that.
-Threw a hissyfit when Lance got him the new bed without permission. Sleeps splayed out in the "starfish" position, usually tangled up in the sheets like they came alive and tried to strangle him. One or more limbs will usually be hanging over the side, including his head. Doesn't fall out of the new bed NEARLY as often.
-If you fall asleep in the theater, expect to wake up in that bed. He will insist you sleep in comfort, and the bed is big enough for five people so you aren't inconveniencing him in any way by laying in it. He can sleep across from you on the other side, and will sleep still as a statue if you're there.
-Has little to no concept of gender as a whole. He has no biological gender and can be whatever he wants as he feels fit. Accepts any and all pronouns. As such, he doesn't assign gender stereotypes to ANYTHING (clothes, people, objects of any kind) and doesn't understand most human created gender related norms.
-Will frequently call people Darling. If he likes you, will sometimes call you Dear. I.e. "Lance, darling, why are you always like this? Just SMILE!" and "Look at that smile, dear girl! Positively RADIANT!"
-For the LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE LOVE HIM. There is NEVER such a thing as too much affection as far as Balan is concerned. He will PINE for it. Hug him, lean on him, ask him to hold your hand or carry you around. Something, anything! He WANTS as much attention as possible and will come at you like he's more touch starved than Lance. He has ZERO concept of personal space. He will toss you in the air (he will also always catch you, calm down), hold your face, pat you on the head, flat out glomp you, the whole shebang. Unless you clearly state otherwise, he will be all over you ALL THE TIME.
-Rarely if ever gets TRULY upset, and if he does the cracks will start to show. He will pace and rapidly teleport when stressed out, and will sometimes summon doubles without realizing. The doubles can't talk, and mainly just act as stand-ins in shows.
-Always puts the visitors first and will cancel a show if he feels someone is in danger, emotional distress, etc.
-His eyes glow in the dark, and the pupils get narrower instead of smaller (kinda like a cat). His dreads are also prehensile (they can be moved at will) and he has a set of four back tendrils like Lance. He never shows them unless absolutely neccessary or for intimidation. They're curled up like little nubbins on his back, under his clothes. They're extremely sensitive and are actually feelers that let him read the energy in a room so he can react accordingly.
-He DOES have casual clothes, usually semiformal (button up shirts, suit vests, etc.) and will pull his dreads back out of his face when his hat is off.
-He enjoys witty banter, and will have a "banter battle" with anyone willing, Lance unwillingly included. Annoying Lance is actually one of his favorite pasttimes. He's kinda a lil shit sometimes.
-Is literally millenia old and has been hanging around doing this showbiz thing for ages, just in different ways. Picked up the theater thing when it was immensely popular around Shakespeare's time. He's actually older than Lance, and despite his largely immature attitude, he's actually more emotionally stable.
-Angsty lil cinnamon bun.
-Absolutely starved for affection of any kind (Balan doesn't count), and very lonely. Will immediately doubt you/deny/contradict you if you compliment them. Will squirm and make desperation "THEY'RE TOUCHING ME. WHAT DO I DO? I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. BALAN HALP." noises if you show them physical affection. Will also blush profousely.
-Plays the villain role in all the shows, and as a result almost no one likes or acknowledges them. As a whole they tend to be antisocial with very clear touch boundaries (Balan does NOT CARE). Very quiet and serious, and only speaks when absolutely necessary.
-Will NOT sugarcoat things (unless they like you, then expect sugarcoating of unimportant/trivial things). Less than stellar at the whole "emotional comfort" thing. If they like you, will hold you if you ask (especially if you're visibly upset).
-Feeds on negative emotions, meaning they have a more constant energy supply than Balan (though Balan is physically and power-wise stronger). Tends to be emotionally unstable and will get easily fed up/throw a small tantrum when they've had enough. Generally low energy and sleeps/naps often.
-Strictly They/Them pronouns. Also lacks a biological gender like Balan and can be anything they feel like being. Understands human created gender stereotypes and social norms.
-Prefers more feminine clothing. You're more likely to see casual clothes with Lance. They rarely care about other people's opinions on the matter. They prefer comfy, truly casual clothing made of soft cloth. Will always be wearing heels of some kind, though, and usually a scarf. Hair will be pulled back, typically in a messy bun or something similar.
-Does all the repairs and maintinence for the theater, including costume repair (especially if Balan's costume needs it, he will weep LOUDLY until Lance fixes the issue). Not uncommon to see them with their head in a ceiling fixing wiring, etc.
-Will absolutely melt if you stroke/run your fingers through their hair. They find it soothing, and if you pull them to you they'll fall asleep on your lap, against your shoulder, etc.
-Back tendrils are PAINFULLY sensitive, please don't touch without permission.
-Is a terrible cook in all things except desserts and sweets. They excell at all sugary treat making. Also an excellent bartender with a wide knowledge of cocktails.
-Absolute lightweight. Will get drunk off two shots, and is a weepy drunk. Tends to steer clear of drinking alcohol as a result. Enjoys Shirley Temple drinks, and can tie cherry stems into shapes with their tongue. Will cut you off if they think you've had enough booze.
-Impeccable and neat room filled with crystals, candles, incense, and lots of glow in the dark things. Their room has a purple and dark theme with small gold accents and is in general a small room with one window on the left side. Modestly sized canopy bed with plain bedding. Expect to never see this room unless they really adore you. They will know if you've so much as touched the doorknob and they WILL show up immediately to shoo you away.
-Tends to phase through the floor in a puddle of shadows, especially when trying to avoid a conversation. Will flail desperately if Balan pulls them back with his vaudeville hook.
-Lance is a light sleeper and any small sound will usually wake them up. Balan leaves them constantly sleep deprived. Sleeps curled up in a ball with their face snuggled into the comforter.
-If they find you asleep in the theater, they won't move you, but you're likely to wake up with pillows under your head and hips and a blanket tucked over you. They will also fall asleep anywhere and everywhere so if you're drowsy they'll steer you to the best napping spots (the daybed in the library is one of their favorites).
-Will throw stuff at Balan, watch your head.
-Has two sets of upper fangs, one right after the other and the second set is smaller than the first set, and one set of bottom fangs. Will rarely if ever smile, and is hesitant to be happy around you if they like you. NO ONE likes them, and if YOU like them you're the only one so they don't want to scare you off.
-They are remarkably gentle (despite being constantly cast as the villain), and tend to move more gracefully than Balan. Excellent at the Waltz and Tango, though they don't dance often.
-Eyes ALSO glow in the dark, and the pupils are slitted like a cat. They get huge and round if something catches Lance's attention.
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whump-town · 4 years ago
Crawl Home
I thought to myself Hannah why are you so mean to Hotch? Hmm, well, I’m a self-destructive little bastard and he’s a self-destructive big bastard so I just think it’s fun to project onto him. Then I considered -- shit, why not take it out on Emily too? So, I did. 
Going to college hadn’t been nearly as difficult as leaving her soul, every good part of Emily Prentiss, behind her in Virginia. But there the pieces of her could be protected and here, in Europe working for Clyde, she can’t be sure she can offer the human parts of her that condolence. Then again, leaving for college had been leaving her mother. Freedom, at the time, she hadn’t known to its full advantage. Leaving Virginia is leaving the only family she’s ever known. The safety of girl’s nights, Dave’s expensive taste in bourbon, and the knowledge that if she had nowhere she still had them. Aaron’s couch where Jack calls her his favorite aunt and Spencer’s library so extensive she’ll never reach the bottom.
Emily is safer there with them.
The case is grueling, ripping apart wounds she thought healed and scarred over. It’s enough to make her consider calling Hotch. She gets so close, finger hovering just over her screen until she remembers that it’s probably three in the morning over there and she’ll probably wake him up. Stealing from him what little sleep he can manage and so she doesn’t call him despite the promise she made him just a few months ago. Looking into the vulnerability he’d laid out between them, needing her to be something unlike him, someone not consumed by this damned job that will take everything.
She took his hand -- rough and damp with his anxiety -- and said the words she knew he wanted to hear. Knowing that stepping foot on that plane, leaving them, was giving the job everything. It’s falling into the trap that nearly killed him and she’d watched it happen and still, she couldn’t stop it from happening to her.
Instead, she texts Garcia for a picture of Sergio and sends Dave a picture of her lunch so he can pride her on actually taking the time to at least try and eat. The food sets a little easier when he sends her some corny-ass text with an emoji he doesn’t really understand. To top it all off, Derek sends her a selfie from the bullpen where he’s actively sitting on Spencer and pinning him still for the photo. It solidifies her, the boost she needed.
See? she asks her reflection, she didn’t need to call Hotch. No need to admit defeat just yet. (and when he sends her a picture of Jack wearing the sweater she got him with the added detail that Hotch is wearing his matching one, she cries in her bathtub and reminds herself this is for the best). So this is what her freshman year roommate met by homesick

“Clyde,” she announces, avoiding touching him as she slides past him. “After this case, I’m retiring. I’m going to go home and sleep for three days and then you expect my resignation. I’m going to go live in the Alps and hope a bear of some variation eats me after I freeze to death.” She says all this while she pours herself a cup of coffee. This is certainly a situation she’d mirrored with the likes of Hotch, Dave, Derek, and even Reid over the years. Where Clyde meets her with a raised eyebrow Hotch would have handed her his coffee and offered her a dimpled half-grin of agreeance. Dave would have taken her out for lunch. Derek would have hit her shoulder, stolen her coffee, and told her “toughen up, princess, it’s nearly Friday”.
Clyde takes a long pull from his own mug, drawing his eyebrows tight as the bitter, not properly steeped mess of his tea hits his tongue hotter than he anticipated. With a grimace he clicks his tongue, “you’ve got the vacation days.” He takes her by surprise, she wants him so desperately to be someone else. Reid’s bashful, not quite sure what he should say, face or Dave coming to sit on the edge of her desk until she caves and goes for lunch. But Clyde is Clyde is Clyde and he offers her a solution none of the others would have mentioned.
She does have time building up. Fall is rapidly approaching in Virginia and she could get home to see Henry and Jack before school. Spoil them with trinkets to show off to their friends. It’s her favorite season there and it would make great circumstances to steal one of Derek’s sweatshirts and escape with new recipes from Dave to try out. Enough time for so many girl’s nights -- her skin needs the reprieve and Garcia’s hand-picked face masks and JJ’s fantastic taste in wine. She needs to spend too many hours on Hotch’s office couch, listen to his deep baritone start to slur with Dave’s bourbon. To feel Dave’s crushing hug when they pour themselves into a cab and, like an idiot every time, the three of them bunch up in the backseat with her in the middle.
“I can see that look in your eye, Emily.” Clyde points right at her -- again, why does she expect him to be like them and just not profile her -- and he smiles with a shake of his head. “You’re going to go back to them, aren’t you?”
She takes her mug, solutes him with it, and walks away. Here, the rules aren’t the same. There is no Hotch standing over her shoulder, sending a glare in every direction, as the permanent reminder that there is a rule against inter-team profiling. But, that’s the catch. They’re not like her over here. Clyde has no secrets and she’s a field of undiscovered bodies in shallow graves. It doesn’t take a lot to go tripping over her bones.
As she sits herself down behind her desk, she spots the flicker of movement she’s learned to associate with her youngest agent and she knows exactly what the other woman is bringing. She finds herself sighing, feeling that bone-tired Hotch always looked (oh God, she hopes she doesn’t look like that). Why are there so many twisted fuckers in the world? She just wants to take a moment to enjoy her coffee.
“What is it?”
The poor woman coming into her office is taken aback but not entirely thrown off. “We found him.”
There goes her fucking coffee.
She’s going to hug Reid for as long as he lets her and she’s going bully him like he’s her baby brother until his face is red. When she sees Jennifer Jareau she’s going to force herself not to cry and she already knows Henry will be as tall as her by now. He just got glasses -- how do they grow up so fast? She’ll laugh, unabashed and loudly when Derek lifts her off her feet. Squeeze Garcia just as tight as Garcia squeezes her. Let Dave kiss her cheeks and press her face into his jacket when he pulls her in. She’ll snag a hug from Hotch when she knows they aren’t looking and quickly wipe her tear away when he whispers that he missed her.
“Be careful,” Clyde advises around a mouthful of cookie. “Don’t need any more paperwork than I already have.”
She rolls her eyes because it’s funny when he says it

“Prentiss!” The agents here don’t call her Emily. “Ok, ok, okay--” The shot comes suddenly, unexpectedly and it hits her and for a blinding moment, she feels nothing. Searing, like the brand Ian pressed into her skin and then consuming so quickly that all she feels is hot, intense pain all across her body. “Hold still.”
There’s a blonde woman leaning into her wound, failing despite her desperation to keep Emily’s blood inside her. She looks like JJ -- or maybe the sky is just dark enough and the beams at just the right angle or the blood is pumping so quickly from Emily’s body that her mind is starved. Maybe there isn’t a blonde woman, she’s a hallucination, but it doesn’t matter. Emily just wants to go home.
“Hey, hey!”
Derek. It sounds just like him, his voice and roughly the hand that shakes her shoulder grips at her flesh. She feels weightless, suspended by her hips as she falls backward. The haze of blood loss and shock shutting down her functions. Tears sting her eyes and she sees the people hovering over her -- the distinct lack of Reid’s nervous voice, the hand holding onto hers is neither JJ nor Derek’s -- and she knows she’s not going home.
“Stay with me, Prentiss.”
Will they come here she wonders. If this is it, will they bring her home one last time? She doesn’t want to be buried in Europe. She wants Virginia and the fall and home. She wants to go home.
“Hey, hey--”
She feels the cold sting of a hand across her cheeks but her eyes have sunk. Home.
She just wanted to go home.
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imagine-organization-xiii · 4 years ago
Organization XIII - Gift Exchange with S/O
A suggestion from PhantomMuze on Discord, who also did the ones for Luxord, Saix, and Axel for me when I was stumped. Happy Holidays!
What They Give to S/O - Xemnas has this uncanny ability of getting whatever you actually want for Christmas without you having to tell him. New phone? He got it two weeks ago. A new kitchen appliance? He got a deal on Black Friday. You want a new bedroom set? He already has it ready to be delivered whenever you want.
What They Get from S/O - You always like to go fancy for Xemnas because he’s a sophisticated guy, so you like to spend time picking out a nice gift. A nice ring, a new watch, a new suit, etc.
What They Give to S/O - The two of you will usually do some kind of gag gifts for each other, so Xigbar sometimes falls back on something funny, like a bottle of lube and a toy from a sex shop, but sometimes he’ll get even more creative and buy a funny book, or he’ll wrap a Video Game Console Box but he’ll put like a pillow in the box instead of a video game console.
What They Get from S/O - You also like gag gifts, but you like the actual gift to be something he’d use. It might be a gift card or a nice shirt or something for his weapons, but you’ll wrap it in like fifty zip ties or put it in layers and layers of cling wrap and rubber bands.
What They Give to S/O - Just be happy that he even remembered that it was Christmas, okay - he may not give the best gifts but he has a lot of spirit. He TRIES. He’ll go out and get you a piece of nice jewelry or a new dress or something and even if it isn’t the best gift or what you wanted, you can’t blame him for trying so hard because he always looks so worried that you’ll hate it
What They Get from S/O - This crazy man is hard to shop for, but you can’t go wrong when it comes to home goods. No, really. You and Lexaeus have been doing your best to upgrade and decorate your bedroom and the sitting room down the hall from your bedroom, so you can place an order for a nice clock, a better sofa, or a nice TV to mount on the wall in your bedroom and he’ll be like hell yeah.
What They Give to S/O - One of the literal worst at buying Christmas presents, but he tries so you can’t really blame him. Clothes, stuff for your weapons, some of your favorite treats, usually stuff that is durable, reliable and things that you NEED. Doesn’t understand frivolous spending and would rather get you something that he knows you’re going to use.
What They Get from S/O - EQUIPMENT - Vexen will absolutely love you forever if you get him more lab equipment, if only because it’s stuff he could buy for himself but he can’t really justify the expenses, so he’s happy to have it without the strings attached.
What They Give to S/O - Lexaeus is arguably the most thoughtful. You can guarantee that his gift will probably be handmade or something so nice and thoughtful that it will bring you to tears. One year he learned how to carve wood and actually made you an antique music box that completely blew you away, but this year he actually made you a large scrapbook filled with pictures from the entire year.
What They Get from S/O - It seems kind of awful, but literally the best kind of gift for Lexaeus? Gift cards. Seriously. He loves gift cards. Gift cards to Lowe’s, to Crate and Barrel, to World Market or Best Buy? He loves that he can buy whatever he wants when it’s technically on someone else’s dime.
What They Give to S/O - you and Zexion are both coffee connoisseurs, so he’ll surprise you on Christmas with a giant bag full of different types of exotic coffee that the two of you can try together, as well as little scones, cookies, and snacks for you to have with the coffee.
What They Get from S/O - Rare. Books. You found a signed First Edition of The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway - it cost a pretty penny, but the look on his face when he opened it was so worth it.
What They Give to S/O - Gives his s/o stuff to help them organize their life - a mini whiteboard, a decorative calendar, a nice set of fancy stationary, but he’ll also get you some things that will help you relax! Scented candles, a cozy bathrobe, or some incense to burn.
What They Get from S/O - Saix is difficult to shop for, so alcohol is always a good way to go. Surprisingly, he also enjoys training gear - maybe a new set of boxing gloves or some hand wraps. If you’re really desperate, he’s also good with bath products, like some body wash.
What They Give to S/O - Another one who likes gag gifts, but he always makes sure to give you something he knows you’ll enjoy too. So you’ll be getting some Smart Ass Wipes but you’ll also be getting a warm snuggie and maybe a stuffed animal too.
What They Get from S/O - FOOD 100%. Axel loves getting food for Christmas - giant bags of chips, bottles of soda and juice, christmas cookies, mini-pies, brownies, fudge, etc. He will be the happiest person ever if he can just spend the whole day eating snacks.
What They Give to S/O - Has a habit of forgetting how many gifts that he buys for his significant other, because he’s one of those people who sees a small thing at the store and gets it for you, then he sees something else and gets that too, but that happens like every day for the entire month of December so you’ll get small cute gifts that he thinks you’ll like, but there will be a TON of them
What They Get from S/O - Something music-related - he always likes getting supplies, like blank sheet music or extra strings for his sitar, a new amp or other equipment, but you know what else he likes? Games. Board games or card games are so awesome to get for Demyx because he’s always up for playing them and they’re a good bonding experience.
What They Give to S/O - Luxord likes to treat you well, okay??? He’ll sometimes go overboard but it’s fine because his heart is in the right place. Get ready to open your present to see some Swarovski Crystal jewelry or some plane tickets to a faraway location so the two of you can have a romantic trip together.
What They Get from S/O - Another guy who likes practical things, so he’ll probably get some new clothes, a new set of razors, or maybe some alcohol. Food or tea are also good ways to go with Luxord
What They Give to S/O - He goes all out when it comes to Christmas gifts because he is That Bitch. He gets creative and likes to get unique gifts - it’s never anything you would think about asking for, but you always love it anyway - a unique statue from somewhere far away, a rare cross-breed of flower he created and named after you, 
What They Get from S/O - You’d think flowers, obviously, but that would be too easy for you, so you might get him a bouquet or something, but Marluxia ALSO likes gifts of alcohol. Fancy bottle of wine or liquor paired with fancy crackers, chocolate, cheese, and meats in a big gift basket.
What They Give to S/O - Larxene knows you so well, she doesn’t even need to ask you for some ideas of what you want for Christmas. She knows you’ve been stressed this year, so she planned a trip for the two of you to another world and plans on surprising you on Christmas morning.
What They Get from S/O - Larxene is very much a person who likes to go out and do things, so you might get her an appointment at a spa for a facial and a mani-pedi, maybe a couple’s massage and a nice dinner at one of her favorite restaurants.
What They Give to S/O - He will either beg you for ideas or he’ll try and get one of the other org members probably (Xion) to help him. He’ll end up getting you something you really want but it’ll take a lot of effort. He might get you a nice piece of jewelry, a few items of clothing, or even a voucher for something that the two of you can do together.
What They Get from S/O - I feel like Roxas would like something homemade, but instead of crafts and whatnot, you can pile him with homemade cookies and candy and fudge and brownies and he’d be good to go.
What They Give to S/O - Xion made a little craft for her s/o, probably something like a cool bracelet or one of those jars of colored sand, something that they can cherish for a while.
What They Get from S/O - Xion gets stuffed animals! She LOVES stuffed animals and all things warm and comforting, so she might also get some fun blankets and fluffy Christmas pajamas.
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normal-person-wannabe · 4 years ago
Talk less, smile more (LMM/Reader)
Chapter 2
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Hey friends, i finally found the time to write this second chapter. Hope you like it. Oh, and if you want to be added in the taglist for the following chapter you only have to ask. See you soon. Stay safe. Word count: 1093 tw: swearing, mentions of sex
Your apartment's door slammed shut and you flew down the stairs like you were being chased by that one old uncle -who's not your real uncle- that every Christmas asks you if you're still single and makes unpleasant remarks about how if he were younger he'd "show you" how beautiful you are.
But risking a couple of broken bones was worth it: you did not want to be slapped by your sister, although you must admit, she knows how to make you fall into line and save yourself -and others- from your horrible time management skills. Sometimes she can scare the crap out of you, even though you know she does it for your own good.
You walk through your building gate at 6:55, thank goodness. No sign of that yellow tuna can of hers that somehow manages to resemble a vehicle. You start playing the game that you always play when you are waiting for someone: "guess the story of this bystander's life".
Like, look at that guy over there. He has a briefcase in his left hand and his phone in the right. He's walking slowly, his head lowered as if he was eaten up by guilt or shame.
Oh, he must've fucked up real hard. It could be a work thing.
Or -wait- maybe it's something more interesting, like he lost a lot of money at a casino in Vegas, perhaps even cheated on his wife with the dealer, or-
Stop, just stop. Your brain is going too fast. You're not a 3-year-old on Adderall, you're an adult, responsible, and -Oh my God!!
What if he has murdered someone and now he's regretting it!
Nope, not ok y/n, not okay. You'll behave yourself, because you're not nervous, you're not afraid that this "thing" you have with him will go south just before it really has started and you will end up hurt and shattered into tiny little pieces because you believed in it, and you poured your soul into it only to be disappointed by the harsh reality: you are not worthy of love. You're chaos. You have no chill whatsoever. For you, it's all or nothing, and-
6.58. That's weird, she's not at least three minutes early. You were starting to worry when there it was, her yellow little tuna can.
«What the hell...» you muttered, causing a puff of condensed air to pirouette out of your mouth. Three pairs of hands waved frantically at you from within the vehicle.
«Oh no, the whole gang is here...»
«Change of plans» Your sister screamed as she got out of the car «Come in for a hug, sweetheart, I missed you!»
«I missed you too,» you replied in a whisper, almost choked by the tightness of her embrace.
«Hop in, hun,» She said «we -and by we I mean me, you, Kate, and Liz- have plenty to talk about»
«We sure do» you sighed. The prospect of three women interrogating you like they were the freaking FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit was not a good one. You'd rather spend a peaceful evening alone with your sister and a plate of linguine allo scoglio but there's no going back now.
   «Are you ready to order, mie care signore?» the waiter asked, with a big smile and a slight wink.
«Yes, we are,» your sister answered in a cheerful tone «And how are your wife and baby, Andrea? I hear he's got his mother’s beautiful green eyes.»
«Oh, he's a very well-behaved baby, if you don't take into account the part in which he doesn't let me and my wife sleep more than an hour a night. But anyway, what can I get started for you lot this evening?»
«For me a pizza caprise?» Liz replied hastily. Liz had to be always the first one to do anything, which is why she had "mommy issues" and written all over her face.
«Capreese? Sorry, I’ve not yet figured out how to pronounce it»
«It's actually Caprese, which means from Capri, ma’am. That’s also where my mother was born.» he said, with a glimpse of pride in his eyes.
«Oh, that makes sense. So a pizza Caprese and a medium brown ale.» said Liz
«A pizza Caprese and a medium brown ale for the lady» he repeated while scribbling on his notepad.
«I'll take the seafood linguine and a white wine of your choice. I trust your judgment» intervened Kate in an almost less than a whisper. She's the cutie and the shy one of the group. And the one men usually prefer since she has the face and the voice of a Cherub come straight from heaven.
«I’ll take the ravioli burro e salvia. And can we have a jug of water so we can share it?» my sister added. «Oh and bring also a hot hot tea, 'cause she has to spill some!»
It was a "wink wink nudge nudge" situation. You felt their eyes on you and their laughter, but your mind was oh-so elsewhere.
«And for you, Antonio's favorite, who’s always daydreaming and never pays attention to me? The usual?»
Kate gave you a first nudge in between your ribs, but you were far, far away, back to when your heart was beating so fast you thought it might just give up, and his cock was filling you up so completely you forgot that a world existed outside of the heaving mess you were. You'll never forget those moments of beatitude, nor the raspy groans and luscious whispers that into your ears and onto your skin felt like velvet and honey. Kate gave you another nudge, this time so hard your head bolted upwards. You looked like you were caught with your hands in a cookie jar. Your cheeks were a bright red. And you were insanely hot. And a tad bit wet.
«Hey, yes, sorry, I was... yes I’ll take the pizza fantasia, so Antonio can surprise me.»
You always ordered that, and Antonio even said to you that you’re his inspiration for new pizza flavors. He also bought a little notebook with your name on it, in which to keep track of all the pizzas he made, so as not to make you the same pizza twice. He’s been so kind to you you couldn't not invite him to your graduation. He looked even more proud of you than your actual parents were that day. You loved the man.
«Sure, he'll be pleased you came back, he was starting to worry you would go to that new place across the street»
«Oh, I could never. He's like family to me. To us. You all are.»
«Thanks, ma'am, I'll be back in a sec with your complimentary antipasti della casa,  and your drinks.» You thanked him and smiled sheepishly. You knew what was coming next and you braced yourself for the pack of wolves in front of you that now has shifted its focus from the waiter to you, ready to jump right at you and bite your ass. 
«So» They all exclaimed almost in unison.
«So» You replied, biting your bottom lip.
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tefanfics · 4 years ago
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Chapter 60
The light outside the windows was bright. The sun hit the white snow on the ground, causing the perfect sparkle. I sat comfortably on the sofa with a hot cup of tea nestled in my hands while Alexander sat in his play pin, surrounded by toys. The television was on but mostly for background noise. I was having a hard time paying attention to anything but my sweet boy, though occasionally I stole glances at the Christmas tree.
The tree was huge- bigger than anyone I had ever owned and it was real, which was also new to me. The smell of pine filled the living room and kitchen constantly and I had no complaints.
I leaned further back into the couch, taking a deep breath as I shut my eyes for just a moment. This year had gone so fast. Alexander had been born in May and I was having a hard time believing that almost seven months had passed already.
My eyes shot open as my phone began to ring. I smiled as I saw the picture on the screen, answering the FaceTime call immediately.
“Hello, handsome,” I answered.
“Hey, babe,” Taron greeted. He offered a grin of his own. “How’s my lovely wife?”
“Exhausted but good.” My eyes shifted from the screen, checking on Alexander.
“Did you sleep at all last night?” Taron questioned. He tried to hide the concern but there was no use. I recognized it immediately.
“Couple hours,” I said sheepishly. “I napped when Alex did though.”
Taron sighed. “You need sleep, Rose. I know it’s a struggle sometimes but you need it.”
At Taron’s words, Alexander began to babble. He turned himself around, reaching for me. I sat the phone down and stood up, pulling Alexander from the pin and putting him on my lap. I held up the phone again and both boys smiled.
“There he is!” Taron exclaimed. “Are you taking care of your mummy?” Alexander squealed, revealing a few teeth. The two went back and forth though I began to zone out.
“Babe. Babe? Rose?”
“Huh?” I blinked furiously and focused on my phone. “Sorry. Just sort of
Taron frowned. “It’s okay. Promise me you’ll try and sleep tonight.”
I nodded in agreement. “Okay.” Alexander began to squirm so I put him back in his play pin, focusing on him rather than my phone. “Three more sleeps, right?”
Taron stayed quiet. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him shifting in his seat.
 Only three more sleeps until Christmas Eve. You’ll be home on Christmas Eve, right?” I asked as I looked at him again. The look on his face said everything. “Babe, it’s his first Christmas
 You can’t miss it.”
“I want to be there. I want to celebrate Christmas with you both,” he started. “One of the director’s assistants said they had my ticket and today I found out it had been double-booked. I’ve been looking all day to try and find a flight that will put me home Christmas Eve but every airline is booked.” He sighed, rubbing his eyes as he shook his head. “I know I can be home on the 26th, first thing in the morning!”
“That’s the day after Christmas, T.”
“I know
 I’m so sorry. I’m trying to find another way, I promise you I am.”
My shoulders dropped, my heart sank and I looked away as I gave a little nod. “We’ll figure it out I guess,” I sighed. “I’m gonna get off here. Get us some dinner, maybe go to bed early
“Babe, it’s 4 in the afternoon.”
I tried to hide my disappointment but we both knew better. “Alex didn’t have his afternoon bottle so he’s probably hungry.” I was lying. I was hurt and sad but I didn’t want to make Taron feel worse about the situation.  “I’ll talk to you later. I love you.”
“I promise I won’t miss Alexander’s first Christmas, Rose. I love you too,” Taron answered, though there was confusion in his voice.
I ended the call before either of us could say anything else. I knew it wasn’t his fault but it didn’t make me any less upset.
I tossed the phone down on the couch and went to grab Alexander a bottle. I warmed it up, chewing on my lower lip as I tried to ward off my thoughts. After testing the warmth of the milk, I grabbed Alexander and pulled him to my lap again. I cuddled him close as he ate. He truly looked like Taron, especially when he smiled.
The rest of the night went smoothly. Alexander went down easy for the night and I opted for a bubble bath before I tried to sleep. I poured myself a glass of wine before running the bath water. As the tub filled, I checked my phone and read the few messages from Taron.
I’m so sorry for earlier. I’m trying to figure out how to fix this. I won’t let either of you down, I promise.
Give our boy a kiss from me. I wish I were there so I could run you a bath. I hope you can relax and get some sleep. Love you xx
I smiled softly and snapped a photo of the tub, bubbles growing as the water rose. I sent it to him, followed by a short message.
Great minds. I love you too.
Maybe I should’ve responded to the Christmas problem but I wasn’t sure what else I could say. So instead I undressed and lowered myself into the tub. I turned on Christmas music on my phone and sipped on my wine, humming along as I shut my eyes. My favorite Christmas song started to play- Please Come Home for Christmas by the Eagles. Normally I got excited to hear the song. This time
 Not so much. All I could think of was Taron and the possibility that he wouldn’t be here for Alexander’s first Christmas.
I shoved the thought aside for the rest of the night and the next couple of days. It was Christmas Eve and I was doing everything that I could to keep myself and Alexander happy. He wasn’t quite old enough to understand everything but truth be told, it was more for me than him. We made cookies- well I made cookies and he ate the frosting before I had a chance to put any on the cookies. We built a gingerbread house, where Alexander ate the gingerbread man. I kept up my parents’ tradition of one gift on Christmas Eve, which were always new pajamas. I dressed our son in his Santa Claus covered pajamas and made our way to the living room.
The tree was plugged in, the multicolored lights shining brightly and showing off all the ornaments and presents sitting proudly under the tree. I sat Alexander on the ground as I grabbed all the throw pillows and sat them on the ground in front of the sofa before grabbing the copy of The Night Before Christmas. I flipped off the lights, leaving the dim lights under the cabinets in the kitchen on and lowered myself down to sit in front of the sofa. I leaned back against the pillows and pulled Alexander closer to me.
“Hi, sweet boy,” I cooed, kissing him on the top of the head. “You ready for your first time hearing this classic?” Alexander let out a little squeal, clapping his hands together. I grinned and began the story. “Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring. Not even a mouse
I carried on, accepting Tux at my other side and giving him scratches under his chin. Alexander barely made it through the whole story before falling asleep at my side. I laid down more, carefully cradling Alexander. I managed to pull the blanket off the sofa and over our laps as I held my boy.
I turned on Christmas music, letting it play softly as I laid there and took in the beauty of the Christmas tree. The longer I laid there, the more reluctant I was to move. I didn’t want to wake Alexander and I was growing tired myself. Finally I let myself begin to doze off.
I stirred, hearing something in the house. I checked around for Tux but he was nowhere to be seen. I assumed whatever the noise was had come from him before moving Alexander on to my chest. He stayed asleep the whole time, his pacifier in his mouth. I smoothed his hair and shut my eyes again, keeping my arms around him. I knew I needed to put Alexander in his crib but I wanted to take in as many cuddles with him as I could.
Sleep was threatening to take over again. I did my best to fight it off by focusing on everything around me. The tree, the music, the decorations in the room, Alexander snoozing
 The feeling was magical but I was missing Taron more than anything. I let out a gentle sigh at the reminder that I had no clue when he’d be home. I kissed Alexander on the head again, reminding myself that I would still give him the best Christmas I could.
I heard a noise again, turning my head toward the direction of the entry way. I furrowed my brows, waiting patiently for Tux to appear on one of his late night run throughs of the house. I gave him a minute but he never came so I turned my attention back to the tree. I yawned, wondering if it was time to put Alexander and myself to bed.
“There he is!” A gentle voice came from the opening of the living room.
My head turned quickly, landing on the figure standing there. I slapped a hand to my mouth and did my best to stay quiet.
Taron shrugged off his coat and hurried to the spot beside me on the ground. He pulled the blanket over his lap and slid his arm under my neck and shoulders. He placed a kiss on my cheek and put a careful hand on Alexander’s back. He raised his phone, checking the time. “11:59, still Christmas Eve.” He smiled proudly at me.
A wave of relief ran through me. My shoulders relaxed and the breath it seemed like I was holding finally went free. “You made it,” I said quietly.
“With time to spare. Did you know that a train ride from Barcelona to London is about 12 hours?” He asked.
I shook my head, letting out a soft chuckle. “You rode a train for 12 hours?”
“I promised I wouldn’t miss his first Christmas,” Taron said, kissing my temple again and snuggling in close. The time on his phone ticked over to midnight, leaving Taron to look at me again. “Merry Christmas, baby.”
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cinna-wanroll · 5 years ago
Satine & Clones Headcannons
1. Satine makes a point of learning every single clone’s name that she crosses paths with, in order to support their individuality. She absolutely refuses to address them as a group and takes time to talk to the clones she sees more often. For this reason, she keeps a notebook filled with every clone she meets and what their interests are, so the next time she sees them she can spark up an interesting conversation/debate with them.
2. Satine once defended some clones against the holonews when questions were getting out of hand. 
‘As clones, how do you feel about the continued production of your brothers?’
‘Can you feel pain?’
‘When you lose a brother, do you feel anything or do you just let it go?’
And when they all have different things to say, the media twists their words into one message and won’t understand that they all have different point of views.
They ask the reporter to call them by name so it’s easier for her to say and for the audience to differentiate, but she makes a point of reading their numbers.
Satine swoops in and yells at the newscasters for being inappropriate and invasive, and shames them for not having the courtesy to treat the clones like people.
From that moment on the boys decide that Satine is an honorary member of both the 212th and the 501st, and call her ori'vod, or ‘big sister’ in Mando’a. 
3. She never knew how to play sabacc before Obi-Wan asked her to ‘watch the boys while Anakin and I are out for a while’ (he just wanted an excuse for her to hang out with the clones and for her to be around when he got back later). When the clones found out she’d never learned the game, they instantly set to work, and the entire evening was spent in laughter and matches, and a final tournament (as Satine is an extraordinarily fast learner.) She worked her way up the ranks, all the way to Rex- the standing champion. Obi-Wan returns towards the end of the match, getting maybe a little more close than needed to look over her shoulder at her cards, but no one pays much mind. By some genius stroke of luck, she beats Rex in a landslide and everyone cheers while Rex just throws his head in his hands and pretends to be forever shamed. 
They end the night with Satine teaching them some new Mandalorian game, and that’s how they start the tradition that every time one of them teaches the other something new, they have to teach something in return.
4. They always have a stock of her favorite spicy tea blend, her favorite wine, and her favorite brew, that way if she ever catches a break from senate meetings for a bit they can have a good time.
Obi-Wan will sometimes come in later and smile knowing she was there because it smells like lilies and some nice, sweet beverage. He doesn’t always get to see her, but it’s enough to know she was around, and to feel traces of her presence. 
Sometimes the boys will tell him funny tales of her visits, relay a message she wanted to give him, or snicker at some inside joke that Satine had told them about their general.
5. Similarly, Satine will bake them the best batch of sweet-sand cookies, and sometimes bring cocoa during the winter months on Coruscant. Everyone enjoys the evenings when she’s there during the holidays, and they always make a big bonfire in the middle of the barracks while it snows outside, and Obi-Wan curls up with her in a big chair while they pass around war stories. Satine always has the best ones, whether she’s telling ancient an Mando’a tale or an embarrassing story of a young Obi-Wan. 
6. Satine will bring little gifts she’s picked up during her travels for some of the clones when she comes to visit. Usually the gifts will be some small, personal thing she spotted that she thought one of the boys might like (its why she brings her notebook with her everywhere she goes). 
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mouthfulloftoothpasterry · 3 years ago
witch h: witch h notice that y/n has been stressed out recently so all he wants to do is comfort her and maybe he teaches her a new spell. (i'm behind on witch h so let's hope i didn't fuck this up)
Tbh I’m behind on witchrry too and I literally wrote it I’m so sorry it took so long for me to respond
He would definitely pick up bad vibes with her aura, checking it and tying to match there’s but he couldn’t get the shitty colors away from her.
He would have her talk to him while they share a bath together, rose petals, lavender, all kinds of fancy oils for aromatherapy.
He would give her a glass of wine he made himself to have her loosen up and by the time the bath ran cold she would be crying.
Of course since he was a clingy little witch he never let his soulmate go home. He would force her (not really since she was also extremely attached to the witch) to stay the night, letting her dry off them giving her one of his nice silky robes while he ducked out of the room and made them some tea and a little snack of his favorite cookies.
By the time he got back she would already be dead asleep with only his robe on, covers tucked all around her, pulled from the side of the bed and around her head.
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pinkhairedlily · 4 years ago
Grab It Before It Passes
Chapter 10 of  The Spring He Came Back | 10 of 12
What was she thinking? She was late to work because she slept in. And why did she sleep in? Because she and Hitsugaya talked until morning. Nice sabotaging your business, Hinamori. She arrived in front of her shop, breathless from her fast cycling, and she was greeted by a small line of her constant customers. When the morning storm died down, she started to prepare reserved bouquets despite feeling lightheaded. It was already lunch time when she finished all her orders and walk-ins.
The bell on the door rang again, and she stood up from the counter to meet her next customer. Maybe I’ll skip lunch today.
“Don’t skip lunch today.” Hitsugaya was yawning as he entered the shop. Hinamori was thankful he got rid of the glasses and kept his old hairstyle. He waved her closer and indicated the bento in his hands. “Sorry for keeping you up until morning.”
If there were other customers right now, I’m pretty sure his words will be taken out of context. Well, we were kind of intimate last night. Hinamori soothed the forming ache on her temples. He rushed to her side and cupped her face anxiously. “Are you okay Momo?”
“Oh, am I interrupting something?” a supplier came in at that inopportune moment, a crate of azaleas in their hands.
Before Hinamori could go to them, Hitsugaya bridged the distance in quick strides and took the crate. “No, is this all? Hinamori has a headache so please let me get this.”
“Ah, Dr. Hitsugaya.” The supplier recognized him and instantly became awed at meeting one of Soul Society’s prodigies. “Of course, of course. Uh, wait, Hinamori, you’re still set for farm visit?”
Trying to control her blush, Hinamori smiled at her supplier. “Yes. I’ll see you at 4. Thank you.” She followed them to the door and placed a lunch break sign. “Please don’t do that again when I’m at work.”
“I’m sorry. I acted on instinct.” Hitsugaya placed the bento boxes on a nearby table and the aroma escaping from the box ushered her closer.
It didn’t occur to her that she should dwell on his statement. She was hungry, and she needed caffeine. She devoured her food and answered Hitsugaya’s questions on flowers in between bites. “Aren’t you eating?” she asked while she took a large bite from a tempura.
“I also woke up late so I just went straight to my lunch meeting at the academy. Too bad I wasn’t able to buy you tea on the way here.” He stifled a yawn again.
Hinamori finished the last of her meal, and set aside the box. She checked the counter once more before she gestured him to stand and follow her. “Let’s drop by quickly at my favorite cafĂ©.”
“Black tea with an extra shot of black tea for Momo,” the owner, Yuki, called out. “And uh, iced americano for Hitsu-“
A visibly irked Hitsugaya took both cups from his hand. “Thank you. Now, Momo can we go?”
“Hey Yuki. Thanks again. You always have my back on tiring days.” Hinamori flashed him an apologetic smile which he shrugged off. He has a knowing gleam in his eyes, and he was obviously trying to send a message.
“What do you mean? You’re my favorite customer. Come again tomorrow?”
“You bet. I gotta go. It’s a busy day.” Hinamori was slowly getting annoyed by Hitsugaya’s impatient tapping on the counter. She didn’t know what set him off, but they rushed off from the cafĂ©. “What’s wrong with you, Shirou?”
He walked along with her until they reached the flower shop. “I gotta go for another set of meetings. What time do you close?”
“I have to go by four. Now, please tell me what irritated you in that cafĂ© because I needed my favorite drink and you’re making my headache worse.”
“He knows your favorite brew.” And with that, he shuffled away like his feet was on fire.
And now she too was pissed and exasperated by his childish behavior. Very Hitsugaya of him. “He is a barista. Isn’t he supposed to know what my preferred brew is?”
She was mounting her bicycle when he came around. Surprisingly, he bought a bicycle of his own. “Sorry Shirou. I need to go to the flower farm.”
“Can I go with you? I’m also done with the meetings for today.” Recalling that he was not able to reserve a hotel and would most likely go back with her to the compound, she finally agreed.
They arrived at her supplier’s flower farm after a 30-minute ride. Hitsugaya seemed to give her space as he stayed behind with the welcoming staff and answered their questions about his life abroad. She went with her supplier and surveyed the next batch of flowers she would pick for the next batch of delivery. The Peruvian lilies were not ripe for picking as it was still very early in the spring as well as the dahlias. She eventually settled on tulips, gardenias, and daisies.
“Hinamori, can you check on my peonies and gerbera? We have a bad outbreak of thrips this time.”
“No problem. I’ll look around a little bit more.” It was a good thing she bought her sampling kit. She constructed a makeshift laboratory in her room a year after she became a florist where she studied common plant pests. She would provide her personal concoctions from natural ingredients to deter continued onset. Inorganic pesticides have more lasting side-effects on the flowers’ blooming time which would inevitably affect her sales.
“I hope you don’t take this the wrong way.” They were shifting their feet nervously on the ground. “But are you and the professor together?”
Hinamori squatted down to the level of the flowers, checking the underside of the leaves for signs of the culprit. “No, we’re just friends.”
“He’s a really in-demand person with his recent re-appearance here in town, but he finds time for you.”
She proceeded to the next plot. There was a lot from her naked eye. “Maybe he’s just good at scheduling his tasks and it so happened that he’s relatively free today.” It was bad but not unmanageable.
“I heard he turned down speeches in museums and luncheons. Town gossip.”
Could they have been gossiping about their past? If he gets associated again with her and it backfires, what would she do? “It’s gossip so it’s not reliable either.”
The supplier was trying their best to get their point across. “I’m saying, he really looks out for you. It couldn’t be any more obvious, and it would do you good if you allow yourself to accept it.” Contented with what they said, the supplier retreated from her space and returned to the staff house.
She had a bad habit of repressing these discussions when she was occupied with something else, and would only recall them just as she was falling asleep. She pushed it at the back of her mind until she wrapped up with sampling. Finally done, she saw Hitsugaya in the middle of the azalea field. She quickly made a flower crown from the discarded flowers and went to him.
Quietly sneaking behind him, she successfully landed the crown of yellow, orange, and red daisies on his immaculate silver hair. She chuckled at the bright contrast. “Pretty boy.”
“Come here then.” He grabbed her hand and slid a bracelet of white azaleas on her wrist. He also added a small circle of twine with a lone flower on her ring finger. “Pretty girl.”
It couldn’t be any more obvious. Again, she pushed this memory at the back of her mind.
She was losing sleep for two days in a row. Baba accidentally destroyed the heater in Hinamori’s room, and in Hitsugaya’s room so they huddled together in her room. Baba was quite happy with the arrangement, but Hinamori was not. Not when her futon was beside Hitsugaya instead of Baba being in the middle. It also didn’t help that he would always turn in his sleep and reach out for her hand. She would be there lying, her hand warm in his, his sleeping face in front of hers, and her heart beating out of control.
Trying to have some semblance of normality in her life, she stopped seeing him for lunch, making up excuses that she was busy with accounting and meeting suppliers. But he dropped her off those two mornings, earning interested glances from her customers and showed up a few minutes before she closed shop. Hitsugaya showed up again, bringing cookies this time and her favorite brew in ice. He was spending an awful lot of time in her favorite cafĂ©. “Yuki makes the best americano and the best oat cookies,” he said as he munched on one.
“Thanks, I need a sugar rush.” Hinamori was tired, she didn’t think much of it when she leaned in and took a bite directly from a cookie still in his hand. As any other moments recently, it was also the exact time when Rukia, Renji, and Rangiku entered the shop.
“Looks like you didn’t need our help at all, Professor,” Rangiku jeered.
And like any other moments recently, both of them would burst into intense redness. The 3Rs bought cakes for sharing and some wine. Rukia and Renji were full-time faculty in the academy and were officially together. They were set to be wed this year, but the two were still finalizing how they would break the news of wedding bells to Byakuya. Rangiku, on the other hand, became a freelance educator for the poor and disadvantaged in nearby towns. She was also recognized as an affiliate professor of the academy. Her work allowed her to reconnect again with her childhood friend, Gin. Hinamori was yet to meet the guy, but she guessed they were probably in the dating stage already. They were lucky – to have found friendship and love and have these requited.
Stop thinking about IT, Momo, she told herself.
“Hey, Momo, you’re up for a beach trip?” Renji asked. “It’s your day-off tomorrow, right?”
“I really can’t. I have to take care of Baba.” She hoped to sit out this one because these rumbling emotions were becoming too much for her to bear in silence.
“This one’s on you, Hitsugaya. Good luck.” Their friends snickered on the bet that he can persuade Hinamori to go.
For some reason, she cannot say no to him. Nor Baba. Her grandmother was left in care of two of the best medical staff and a neighbor who will send text messages to Hinamori and Hitsugaya every hour. Since she traveled an hour by train and was already here, she might as well enjoy it.
It somehow escaped her mind that she couldn’t swim so she stayed on the beach, perfectly fine in a summer dress and a slice of watermelon to cool off the heat. When she saw Hitsugaya running headfirst towards the water with his abs on full display, she almost choked on her fruit.
He really grew up. He’s not shorter than me anymore, and he has muscles. Why does he have abs? Hinamori was at the end of her wits, and the watermelon was not helping cool her down. She retreated to their space and laid down under the shade of the large umbrella. Maybe I should sleep my time away.
After a few minutes, she heard him calling her name. Acting asleep, she actively ignored him. “Momo, are you okay?” His figure loomed before her, the abs directly in her view. She fluttered her eyes open and gave the most annoyed look she could at the dripping Hitsugaya. “Sunblock please, Momo?”
“I’m trying to sleep here!” She huffed indignantly and pulled out her reef-safe sunblock, squeezed out a rather large amount and slapped it on his cheeks.
“You weren’t sleeping. You were pretending.”
“Shut up, I’m applying some protection on your face. Also you’re an idiot because why would you run to the waters first?” She held his chin on her hands and gently lathered the rest of the sunblock on his face. “Okay, you’re good to go.”
“I can stay for a few seconds. Doesn’t this take a minute to set?” His eyes were never left her face. What was this atmosphere?!
“Go get a room,” Rangiku shouted from the water. “I’m getting lonely in here.”
“Don’t get the wrong idea!” Hitsugaya shouted back to Rangiku. “Sorry about that Momo. I’ll leave you alone.”
What did just happen? Is this what they call flirting? Hinamori was truly exasperated so she set out on a walk by the beach. After a few minutes, Rukia joined her pace. Like her, Rukia didn’t know how to swim.
“It’s pretty confusing, huh?” was her first statement.
“Why is everyone talking as if they have the same topic in mind and I’m out of the loop. Am I missing something here?”
“Momo, you’re dissociating again.” She patted her back and smelled in the breeze. “It’s all out in the open and you just have to step forward and grab it.”
“Can you all stop talking in abstract?” Hinamori pleaded, tired from discerning and reading between the lines.
“From someone who noticed it only later in life, notice it now. We’ve seen it coming, but it’s different if you finally realize it. Grab it now before it passes.”
It was a fairly normal beach trip with lots of card games and a watermelon eating contest between Hitsugaya and Renji. By landslide, the watermelon master Hitsugaya Toushirou won. They ended the trip with sparklers, and Rangiku said they have to make a wish before they ran out. In her mind, she only wished for one thing. It was the one thing she should have said aloud when they were kids and when he left ten years ago. On the trip back home, they sat beside each other.
“What did you wish for?” Hitsugaya asked. His cheeks were flushed red from the sun.
She looked at him straight in the eye and said her wish aloud. “For you to stay.”
It has become a habit, him reaching out to touch her hand and her allowing his fingers to wound through hers. “You’re trembling.”
“Don’t go.”
He kept their wound hands inside his jacket’s pocket in an effort to keep her warm, mistaking her confrontation with her feelings with the remnants of winter. “Thank you, Momo.”
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