#got a long day ahead 🥲
haruchuiyo · 5 days
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how I feel knowing I got my welt fic ready to be posted anytime
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gejo333 · 3 months
Father Miguel x Mother Reader
Warning: Mentions of death. Might need tissues for this one🥲
I got a request for this from someone, but it’s taken me a while to get around to it. Sadly the ask disappeared so I don’t know who asked for it🥲.
I hope you enjoy this one-shot.🥰
Wc: 6.6k
The sky was a vibrant blue, and the sun was bright white as its heat beat down over Nueva York.
It was mid-morning on Saturday when your body felt ready to wake up. You took a deep breath as you sat up in bed. A smile graced your lips as you looked out the window from your brownstone. You looked down at your sleeping husband, arm draped over you. You leaned down and kissed his cheek, gently moving his arm from around you as you got out of bed.
A boost of energy you hadn't felt in a long time washed through you as you got up and dressed. You walked to the bedroom down the hall and gently opened the door. Your heart warmed when you saw the silly way your 8-year-old daughter was sleeping, snoring slightly, just like her father.
You then went to the kitchen, wanting to make a large breakfast for your husband and daughter's two bottomless pit stomachs.
When 30 minutes went by, you heard your husband waking up. You smiled when you felt arms wrapped around your middle and lips on your neck.
"Everything smells amazing, mi amor. How are you feeling today?" Miguel took a piece of bacon from the plate before you could smack his hand with the spatula. "I guess you have some energy today. I'm relieved to see it."
"Actually, I feel really great today. I haven't had this much energy in a while. We should do something fun today, like go to Coney Island. We can go on rides, play games, and go to the beach! And let's just let her eat whatever she wants today." You are suddenly turned around as your husband's hand caresses your cheek as you lean into his touch.
You looked up at him with a small smile, and he looked down at you with worry and fear in his eyes. "Y/n, maybe I should take you—" You placed your hands on his face to stop him from finishing his sentence, shaking your head. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes, and your breathing started to quicken. Fear started to fill the pit of your stomach.
"Honey, I don't want to. We've talked about this. Let's just have an amazing day together as a family. Please." You pleaded as you looked up at him with tearful eyes.
Miguel took a deep breath, tears threatening to leave his own eyes. His heart trying its best to stop it from shattering. He forced a smile to his face as he wrapped his arms around you, bringing you against him.
You wrap your arms around his neck, look up, and kiss his lips deeply, "Thank you."
Moments later, you heard your daughter wake up and walk into the kitchen in her cat PJs. You smiled lovingly at her as she yawned and rubbed sleep out of her eyes.
"Good morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep?"
You place a plate of waffles with a whipped cream smiley face, berries, bacon, and scrambled eggs on it.
You saw her brown eyes light up at the feast before her.
"Good morning! Yay! Waffles! Thanks, Mom." She hugs you tightly from her seat on the stool as you happily hug her back and kiss the top of her head.
"Of course." You smile as you make a plate for Miguel and you as you both sit across from your daughter.
As you eat, Gabi smiles as she sees her father give her mom a piece of his bacon and strawberries, which both her parents love to eat.
She looks at her mom, who gives her father a look only the two know before she kisses his cheek in thanks.
"Hey, Princesa, do you want to go to Coney Island today?" Miguel took the empty plates and put them in the sink.
"Really? Yes, yes, yes! I'll go get ready." Gabi quickly jumped from her chair and rushed to her room. "Don't forget to wear a bathing suit!" you yelled down the hall.
After getting ready and managing through traffic, you finally made it to Coney Island. Gabi excitedly runs ahead with you and Miguel, telling her to stay by your side since it was crowded and you wanted her to stay near you.
"Can we go on this one?" Gabi tugs on your hand as she points to the wooden roller coaster.
"Princesa, I'm not sure-"
"Of course we can!" You interrupt Miguel, who gives you a stern look. You take his hand and give it a love squeeze to reassure your very protective husband that you will be fine. Miguel sighs as he smiles.
"Alright. I'll hold your stuff while you two go on it."
You kissed your husband's cheek as he held the items. You and Gabi happily went on the roller coaster, skipping to the front because you bought fast passes.
As you get situated on the ride and it starts to move, you can see Gabi become nervous as she holds your hand and clings to you. But after that first drop, she became more brave, only needing to hold your hand.
After you left the ride, you made sure to purchase the photo taken while the two of you were on it.
"We look so silly!" Gabi giggled as she looked at the photo. You laugh with her as you see the startled look on both of your faces. You both returned to Miguel, who walked over to you when he saw you in the crowd.
"Dad, look!" Gabi shows Miguel the photo, bringing a wide smile to his face.
"So that's where I heard the screaming from." He chuckled.
"Ooo, let's go on this one next!" Gabi says as she pulls your hand again to move in the direction she wants to go.
After riding all the fun rides, you watched as Gabi and Miguel sat at the chairs with the water gun game. When the buzzer went off, they raced to see which stuffed bear attached to the machine would get to the top first. Of course, Miguel purposely messed up a few times to let Gabi win, as she jumped from her seat when the siren went off.
Gabi chose her prize: a medium-sized, bright blue stuffed animal, a cartoon cat.
"I'm going to name him Sky!" Gabi smiled as she hugged her stuffed animal. She then saw another game in which you use a mallet to try to hit the bell.
"Oh, Dad, can we win something for Mom?" Gabi said as she pointed to the other game.
"Of course we can." Miguel smiled as he winked at you, making you smile with tinted cheeks. Even after being married for 15 years, he still knew how to make you flustered. When it was his turn, he lifted the giant mallet and hit it as hard as he could. Even though his workout regime was a lot less than when he was in his 20s and 30s, his athletic build now, with a dad bod, still could make the bell ring.
After winning a prize, Miguel handed you a stuffed red rose pillow with a cute, happy face.
"Here you go, Hermosa." Miguel wrapped his arm around your shoulders as he victoriously kissed you. His prize for winning the game.
After playing every game possible and eating some carnival food in between, the three of you were now relaxing at the beach.
As you and Miguel watched Gabi play in the water, you leaned your body against him, feeling tired.
You forced your eyes open, the light stinging your eyes a bit, as you saw Gabi hold something up in the air that she had found in the water.
"Mom! Dad! Look what I found!" Gabi happily ran up to the two of you as she sat on the beach blanket, showing you two a beautiful clam that was still shut.
"Wow, princesa, that's a good find." Miguel smiled as he held.
"Can you open it? Maybe there's a pearl!" Gabi couldn't sit still as Miguel opened the clam with a kitchen knife brought for the picnic.
"Here you go."
"Thank you!" Gabi set it down on the blanket as she looked to see if there was a hidden treasure. "Look!" Gabi held up a beautiful white pearl before handing it to you to look closer.
"Oh, it's so beautiful, Gabi. Do you want me to make it a necklace?" Your smile widens when you see her face.
"Yes! Can you keep it safe for me, Mom?"
"Of course, sweetie." You put the pearl in your wallet so it wouldn't get misplaced. As soon as you get home, you will make her the necklace.
After spending a couple more hours at the beach, plus grabbing dinner at your favorite local pizzeria, it was time to head home.
You helped Gabi wash up after playing in the water and sand all day, and then she got into a new pair of pajamas. Then, all three of you got comfortable on the couch watching a movie.
As you were sitting there, you smiled as you heard Gabi's laughter from the movie, trying to imprint it in your mind while you made the necklace. You had taken a sterling silver chain from your jewelry box and made a hole towards the top of the pearl with a needle. You made sure to add stoppers so the pearl stayed in place.
You felt tired after the third movie credits rolled by. "OK, princesa, time for bed."
"Aw, OK." You stand up, take her hand, and walk her to bed. You chuckled when you heard her yawn.
You sit on her bed and help tuck her in for bed. As she sits up, you open your palm to see the necklace in your hand. "Here you go," you say.
"It's so beautiful! Thank you, Mama!" Gabi wrapped her arms around you and hugged you, to which you happily returned. A tear fell down your cheek, but you wiped it away quickly before she could see it.
"You'll grow into it as you age; that's why the chain is a bit longer now." You helped put the necklace on her.
You brush some of her hair back from her face as you take in every detail of her. "Sweetheart, you know I love you, right?"
"Yeah! I love you, too. Can you read me a story?" Gabi takes one of her books and hands it to you. You happily take it from her as you sit fully on the bed next to her, as she places her head on your lap.
After some reading, you notice she has fallen asleep. You carefully place her head on her pillow without waking her, kissing her cheek, "Good night, my baby girl." You look at her for a moment before you slowly walk out of her room. You turn around and look at her one last time.
As soon as her door was closed, you leaned against the door. Exhausted beyond compare, you lean your body on the wall, feeling like you'll collapse to the floor. Before you do, Miguel helps you by letting you lean on him. He was leading you to your shared bedroom; however, you stopped him and gave him a weak smile. "Can we sleep out on the terrace tonight? The sky is so beautiful."
Miguel smiled in agreement as he grabbed all the blankets, pillows, and comforters and brought them outside to the super-soft sofa bed. After making it comfortable, you and Miguel got cozy under the covers. He wrapped his arms around you as he pulled you against him.
"Thank you." You smile as you look up at him. Leaning your head forward, you place your lips on his. His fingers find their way into your hair as he deepens the kiss. You feel water drip on your cheeks. Once you pull away, you see tears fall down his face.
You gently wiped them away with a sad smile as he took your wrist and kissed it. His tear-stained eyes met your teary ones.
"I'm sorry."
"Please, Hermosa. Let me take you to the hospital so you can get treatment. Please."
"Miguel, we've talked about this. When we found out, my cancer came back, and my odds were not good even with treatment. I would have been barely able to get out of bed, sick and miserable, and still would have died. At least I could spend time with you and Gabi like normal. So that the last few months with me wasn't filled with memories of me being sick, but happy memories."
"But there was a small chance." Miguel barely said above a whisper as he began to shake a little, the reality of losing you coming to his mind.
"Miguel, look at me. The chance was less than 5%. Even the doctors were not hopeful. This past year has been an amazing one. And...And you and Gabi will have so many amazing years. Please, Miguel. Don't willow away when I'm gone. Promise me. You won't." You look up at him as your thumb caresses his cheek.
"I promise."
"OK. Now, let's end this fabulous day on a good note. Let this be...let this be a final good memory."
Miguel took your chin, lifting it as he kissed you deeply. Tears fell down your face as you wanted to remember the taste of his lips, the smell of his shampoo and cologne, and how beautifully they mixed together.
For the rest of the night, you talked about memories from the past twenty years—the five years you were college friends and dated and the fifteen years you were married, with eight of them being with your beautiful daughter. More tears were shed, and some laughs as well. You felt him one last time inside you before you ended up cuddling again, looking at the starry night.
Miguel had sworn he would not fall asleep, wanting every second left with you.
You smiled as you brushed some of his hair from his now sleeping face. Your eyes grow heavy as you fall asleep next to your husband.
You woke up to the early rise of the sun. You took a deep, shaky breath in the beauty of the various colors across the sky. Your gaze turned to your still-sleeping husband. If only you could see his beautiful brown eyes one last time. But you decided against waking him.
Your lips met his one last time as you whispered, " I love you, Miguel, in this life and in the next."
You looked to the sun one last time before a sudden wave of fatigue and peace you never felt before washed over you as your eyes closed, entering the eternal slumber.
An hour passed when Miguel's eyes opened. He looked at the sunrise before turning to look at you. The eerie stillness of your body made his heart skyrocket.
"Y/n?" He gently placed his hand on your face. His stomach dropped when he felt how cold your skin was. It was too cold.
"No...no, no.no, no!" Miguel sat up as he lifted your limp body and cradled you in his lap.
"It wasn't time yet. I wasn't ready. Please come back, mi amor. I'm not ready." His breathing couldn't be controlled as panic and pain filled his entire being.
He caressed your face as his forehead was on yours. Brown eyes staring into your closed ones. If only he could see your beautiful eyes one more time.
"Please, mi amor. Please come back to me." Tears fell uncontrollably down his face as he yelled out loud in pain.
Gabriella woke up late in the morning. She gently sat up in bed as she rubbed her eyes. Her lips turned into a pout, starting to feel grumpy as her mom usually came in to wake her up.
The house was eerily quiet except for her father's voice and Uncle's. She grabbed her stuffed animal she won yesterday and walked out of her room towards the sound of people talking.
When she entered the living room, she saw her father on the sofa, hands resting on his knees as his face was in his hands. He was crying. And next to him was her Uncle Gabe, who was consoling him.
"Dad? Why are you crying?"
Her father's head shot up as he looked at her with tearful red eyes. "Gabriella? What are you doing up?"
"Mama didn't come in to wake me."
Her words seemed to bring more pain to her father's face. "Gabriella come here."
She went to her father as he sat her on his lap. He wrapped her in his arms as he cried.
"Dad, what's wrong? Where's Mom?"
Miguel looked down at his daughter as he took in the features she had gotten from you.
"There is something that I need to tell you."
Gabi held her father's hand as she watched her mother's coffin get lowered into the ground. She looked up at her father, who had tears running down his face. This past week, since she found out about your passing, her father couldn't stop crying.
She couldn't stop crying, either. She missed you terribly—the way you held her, your smile, your voice, the way you comforted her when she was sad, like now. But now you weren't here to comfort her.
7 years later
"Gabriella! Come on! Get up! You're going to be late for school!"
Gabriella woke up startled as she heard her father yelling from the kitchen. She winced in pain as she got up too quickly. Grabbing her clothes to get dressed, she groaned out loud. She had stayed up too late last night.
After getting ready, she reached the kitchen, where her father passed her a plate with eggs and toast.
"Shoot. I'm going to be late for work. Are you going to be OK getting to school yourself?" Her father looked at his watch in panic as he quickly moved around the kitchen to find and grab his things. Gabriella's eyes went to the chain around her father's neck, dangling on it a wedding ring.
A painful ache covered her body as she looked at it. It was her mother's ring. Even though both she and her father have gotten the strength to keep on going after these seven years, it still feels like a fresh wound sometimes.
Sometimes, she would lie awake at night, tears streaming down her face as she looked at a picture of her and her mother together.
"I'll be home in time for dinner. Do you want me to pick up Ricky's Diner on my way home?" Miguel kissed the top of his daughter's head as she hugged him.
"Sounds good!" She said with her mouth full. Miguel chuckled as he looked at his daughter's silly face. Gabi smiled when she saw her father smiling. It's not that he hasn't smiled or laughed in a while; she just knew it was the only moment she knew her father briefly felt joy.
Before her father left, he stopped at the front door as he turned around, " Princesa, remember. Be home by dinner. N-"
"No later. I hear you loud and clear." Gabriella finished his sentence as she gave him an extra cheery smile.
Miguel chuckled, opening the door: "Don't be late. Love you."
"Love you too!"
After eating, she grabbed her bag and returned to her bedroom. She opened her window as she hopped out into the escape landing.
"Another day, another place to protect. Isn't that right, Mom?"  Gabriella smiled as she looked at the pearl necklace around her neck with an additional piece. She opened up a silver rose locket as her thumb grazed over a photo of her mother.
She pulled the dark purple and light pink mask over her face before she stretched out her arm web, shooting from her wrist as she shot off into the skyline.
After a long day at school, which included skipping early when she found out there had been a major robbery, Gabriella swung through the city, almost falling and bumping into a few places.
It had only been 6 months since she was bitten by the radioactive Spider when she visited her Father at Alchamex.
Of course, she hasn't told her father, as he would worry to high heaven that she has been putting herself in constant danger. The only person who does know is her Uncle Gabe, who had accidentally seen her stuck to the ceiling.
She was on her way home with an hour to spare before her father would get home with dinner.
The radio earpiece went off: "Send all available vehicles to Alchemex HQ. A large explosion occurred on the north side of the campus."
Gabriella's stomach dropped as her heart began to beat a mile a minute. She shot out a web towards a building, turning opposite from the house.
Her father worked on that side of Alchemex.
Under the mask, her eyes widened as she saw the massive ball of fire and smoke coming out of the building. She found a way in through a broken window.
She coughed as a gust of smoke blew towards her. Running through, she saved anyone who was stuck or unconscious.
"Help! Please help me!" Gabriella heard a woman's plea as she made her way over there. As she turned the corner, she saw a woman trapped under a fallen ceiling...and a man in a white lab coat trying to lift it off her.
"Da- I'm mean, sir, let me help you lift it."
Gabriella stood by her father as she easily lifted the rubble, thanks to her super strength.
After the rubble was removed, the woman thanked you and Miguel before running towards an exit.
Her father turned to her as his eyes widened.
"What are you doing here? You need to leave immediately. This place is dangerous." Her father grabbed her hand as he tried to lead her out of the burning building.
"What do you mean. There was an explosion." She stopped, making him stop with her. "There could be others in there. Sir, you need to get out safely. I'll be fine."
She removed his hand as she was about to go further into the burning building when she heard a crack above her. Before she could register it, the ceiling collapsed, and everything went black.
Her head was pounding as they opened. She coughed as she slowly got up from the ground. Her body ached everywhere. As her vision returned to focus, she saw the rubble she was supposed to be under.
Her eyes widened as she saw a body lying underneath. "No, no, no, no!" She lifts the fallen ceiling off of him. She checked his pulse and sighed in relief. It was slow. She needed to get him out of here.
She grabbed his arm and hauled his upper body on her back, making her way out of the building as quickly as possible.
She laid him on the ground when she was far away from the building. Her eyes scanned to see how much damage was made.
He then coughed. "S-sir, you'll be alright. I'll take you to the hospital." Gabriella felt a hand on her face as tears streamed down it.
"No need, Princesa. I won't make it in time."
Her eyes widened as she heard the name her father called her.
"Princesa? Sir, I don't know what you-"
"I know, Gabi. I've known for a while." Her father removed her mask, showing her face. He brushed her tears away with his thumb.
"You'll be fine, Dad. Promise me you'll be fine."
"You look so much like her. She would be so proud of you like I am." Gabriella held her father's hand against her cheek as tears streamed faster down her face.
"Please, Dad. I can't lose you too."
"You'll be fine. It might hurt for a while. But I know you'll do great things one day."
"No, please don't say that."
"It's OK, princesa. No matter what, I'll always be with you and love you even if you can't see me."
"I love you too."
1 year later
Gabriella sat on the damp grass as her tired eyes gazed at the marble slab before her.
Here lies Y/n O'Hara and her husband, Miguel O'Hara.
Around the carved stone were pink roses, her mother's favorite, as she placed a fresh bouquet in the vase.
Gabriella turned around, surprised, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Her gaze briefly moved towards the man who resembled her father.
"You can't run away like that, Gabi. I was worried sick about you. You've been here for hours in the rain. You'll catch a cold. I promise we can return to see them once you get some rest and food."
She sighed as she wiped away her tears. "Alright. Bye, mom...Dad."
Listening to him, she reluctantly stood up from the grass, wiping away mud from her legs.
"You promise?" Gabriella asked her Uncle, the one her parents named her after. Her Uncle smiled and nodded, placing a hand on her upper back to guide her out of the graveyard.
They arrived at her Uncle's apartment, her home for the past year.
After washing up, she sat on her bed, knees tucked against her, and stared aimlessly at the picture frame on her bedside. It was a picture of her parents on their wedding day.
She heard a knock on her door, followed by her Uncle walking in. "Hey there, Gabs, I have your dinner here. It would really be great if you ate some of it tonight." He set the plate on her desk before standing by the doorway.
"Is there anything you want to talk about? Getting things off your chest is better than holding them in."
Gabriella lay down away from her Uncle and whispered, "I'm OK. I think I just need to go to sleep. Good night."
Gabriel sighed, "OK. Good night." Before he closed her door, he walked to the sofa and sat down.
"I have no idea what to do, Miguel. What would you have done?"
When Gabriela finally woke up and got ready, it was midday. She forced herself out of her room to at least eat something since she hadn't eaten her dinner last night.
"Hey Gabi, how'd you sleep?" her Uncle said from the living room sofa as he sipped his coffee and watched the news.
"Alright. I'll try to get better. I promise." Gabriella took a bite of an apple.
"Hey, don't worry. You have gone through a lot for just a 16-year-old. The only thing I want is for you to be able to try to live as normal of a teenage life as possible." He smiled at her, to which she returned a small smile. "Speaking of not-normal, the news says there is a disturbance by the Brooklyn bridge."
"Shoot!" Gabriella rushed to put on her suit. Before she jumped out, her Uncle yelled, "Please come back home safe!"
"Will do!" She shot her web out as she headed towards the bridge.
When she arrived, she saw people and cars trying to escape the scene as the vulture was creating havoc. But when she got closer, she noticed it wasn't 'her' vulture, which was hard to register in her mind.
The new vulture threw a car off the bridge with people in it. Luckily, Gabi shot a few of her webs out to save the car. Taking all her strength, she pulled the car back on the bridge. A man and a woman rushed out, and the woman went to the back to get something. When the door was closed, she saw it was a little girl. The sight made her heartache.
"Thank you so much Spider-Rose." The man said.
"Of course. Now, please get to a safe distance."
The man then guided his family away as Gabriela went to deal with this weird vulture.
"Hey! Why are you ruining everyone's day today? And it's a bright blue sky and sunny, too." Gabi dangled from her web in front of the vulture, who was freaking out while flying.
"Are you made of clay? Like, what are you?"
"Where am I? What is this place?"
"It's Nueva York?" Gabriela laughed as she swung about and tried to stop the vulture. But he got out of her strings.
"Nueva York? It's New York."
"I think you must have hit your head or something, man. Maybe you should take a chill pill." Gabriela chuckled as she tried again to obtain him. She failed again as he slammed her against the wall.
"You're starting to annoy me."  He pushed her more against the wall, which started to hurt her head.
A weird warping noise appeared in the air, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw a weird orange portal open.
A woman in a white and pink suit flew towards her. And did she see a web-shoot from the woman's wrist?
Within seconds, the vulture was thrown off her, knocked out, and captured.
"I didn't think that would be over so quick. This guy is a pretty weak vulture."
Gabriela stared at the woman in awe. The woman noticed as she walked over and offered her hand, "Hi, I'm Gwen."
Gabriela shook her hand. "Gabriela, but everyone calls me Gabi. You're like me."
Gwen chuckled, "This is your first time meeting another Spider-person?"
"I didn't know there were others like me."
"Oh, there is an infinite amount! It's so cool! We have an HQ and everything, and we go on missions to help save the multiverse."
"The multiverse? I thought it was only a theory."
"I haven't seen a spider like you before. You should totally join us." Gwen said as she opened a portal.
"Really?!" Gabriela's eyes widened in excitement as she smiled underneath her mask.
"Sure! I don't see any reason why not? It's weird going through the portal for the first time. But you'll get the gist of it."
As Gwen said, going through the portal was nauseating, but the feeling disappeared as soon as she saw the beauty of Spider HQ.
Everywhere she looked, there were Spider-people. Knowing she wasn't alone brought tears to her eyes.
An older Spiderwoman in a black and red suit walked up to you and Gwen, not happy.
"Girl, You're in big trouble. Recruiting someone? You don't have the authority to do that." The woman scolded Gwen.
"H-how did... this just happen," Gwen asked, astonished that Jess already knew.
"it was Lyla. You're wanted at his office. Both of you. The name's Jess, by the way. It's nice to see another spider woman, even though it wasn't done through proper protocol." Jess glanced at Gwen, who had taken her mask off.
Gabriella decided to keep it on while trying to dry her tears.
"I know it wasn't done the right way. But she has amazing talent! She has to join! Plus, I know you will be on board once you see her skills!" Defended Gwen.
"Well, since you didn't follow protocol, it's not up to me to decide anymore."
Gabriela couldn't contain her excitement as they walked through HQ. She really hoped she could join, and she thought being here could help heal her pain.
They entered a large office filled with projects. Her eyes turned toward an orange glow. A series of computer screens hovered over a large desk where a very large man stood.
The lenses in Gabriella's mask widen when the man turns around.
She thought she was going to burst into tears. It was her father. But a younger version.
"Gwen." He said with a stern voice.
"I know I'm sorry. But my gut was telling me to bring her here."
"You know the rules. I expect you to follow them." The man who looked like her father walked closer.
He really did look like him. Except his eyes were red. He was definitely younger, maybe in his late 20s or early 30s. He was larger than her father, which was shocking as he was already a large man. It must have been from the Spider's DNA.
"She shouldn't be here." He looked towards her, her father staring at her like she was a stranger, which she had to remember that she was.
"Miguel, honey. They're just kids. And everyone makes mistakes. So give them a break."
Gabriella breath hitched when she heard your voice.
It was her mom. It was really you. She hadn't seen you in years. All she wanted to do was run into your arms, but she knew you weren't 'her.'
The woman walks over to Miguel, whose face turns to a loving smile as she wraps around her waist.
"Alright, mi amor. I will."
Gabriella smiled. They were married in this universe, too. Maybe they had a version of her back home that they adored and loved.
Gabriella's breath became uncontrollable as she couldn't handle seeing them anymore.
"I-I'm sorry." She rushes out of the room and goes somewhere where she can be alone to cry.
Little did she know that in you and Miguel's worlds, you had lost your Gabriella. Before joining Spider Society, you were a single mother from a one-night stand. It was your world's Miguel, but he was an asshole. So when you met Miguel at Spider HQ, you assumed he would be the same. Of course, you were very much mistaken as you got to know him. He was only sad after he had lost his version of Gabriella when the world collapsed. Your world collapsed, too, so you live full-time in Miguel's world with him. Of course, now married. But your Gabriella had died long before from an outbreak of a virus.
You gave Miguel a stern look, thinking he had upset the young Spider. But you, being the mother you used to be, ran after her.
Gabriella sat in a corner of the dining hall so that very few others could watch her cry. Maybe she shouldn't be here. Seeing her parents' faces and not being able to run up and hug them would be too much.
Gabriella's head shot up when she heard your voice. You sat right next to her and placed your hand on her back to console her.
"I'm sorry if my husband was rude. He means well but sometimes doesn't show it in the best way."
"No, it's OK. It wasn't that...I saw something that brought up some sensitive memories of my past."
"You know, sometimes it's good to talk things out instead of keeping them locked in. It always helped me," you smile at her.
Gabriella's heart ached from those words. Something her mother would say to her. "It's pretty weird..."
"Trust me. I've seen some pretty weird things." You chuckle, remembering the time you had a mission with the Spider T-Rex.
Gabriella exhaled a shaky breath as she took her mask and lifted it off her face. Her brown eyes took a long pause before looking at you. Your eyes were wide as your gut dropped, and your heart lifted as you placed a shaky hand on her cheek.
"Gabriella? I-I've never seen a version of you as a Spider. I-I've rarely seen another version of you at all. You're older than my Gabi." You pull her into a hug. Gabriella couldn't resist as she wrapped her arms around you, tears streaking down her face.
"I never thought I would see my daughter grown up. She was so young when she died."
You smiled as you looked at your 'daughter.' "
After all these years, I never thought I would see your smiling face again."
"I didn't think so either about you."
Her words made your brows furrow.
"Both my parents are dead. My mother died from a relapse of cancer when I was 8, and my father died last year from saving me from an explosion at his job." Gabriella bit her tongue as she tried her best to hold back her tears as that aching pain began to throb in her heart.
You held her in your arms longer than you realized as you heard large footsteps walking towards you before coming to a sudden halt. You looked up with a happy smile as you saw your husband's shocked face.
"Miguel, our baby girl, came back to us."
Miguel took a few steps forward, not believing who was before him. He fell to his knees before Gabriella, and she couldn't help but wrap her arms around him as she cried louder. Miguel wrapped his arms around her as he combed the back of her hair to calm her down. You go on your knees as you hug her, too, again.
Gabriella cried out loud, as did you and Miguel, not caring what scene they were causing. Miguel kissed the top of your head and Gabriella's as he smiled down at his family, once all broken but now brought together through the mysterious wonders of the multiverse.
"I've missed you both so much. I felt so alone without you."
You and Miguel exchanged a look as if you were communicating with your minds as you smiled at your daughter.
"I know we aren't your parents. But if you wanted, we would love to spend time with you." You wiped away her tears with your thumb.
"Does that mean I'm in?" Gabriella looked at you and Miguel with joy and excitement in her brown eyes.
" Of course." Miguel smiled at her.
" I know I'm not your daughter-"
"Gabi, no matter what universe you're from. You will always be our daughter."
Your words melted away Gabriella's walls and warmed her heart as tears threatened to spill again as she hugged you and Miguel.
A month later
"I can't believe in another universe you also tripped into the pond in Central Park on your guys' first date. That was always a funny story my mom would tell, embarrassing my father to high heavens." Gabriella laughed as she placed another dish on the dining room table.
Miguel chuckled as he finished plating the rest of the food from the pan. "What can I say? I was on a date with a beautiful woman and was a little nervous."
"A little? Really, honey? You're in front of family. You can admit you were a nervous wreck on our first date." You laughed, getting a playful glare from your husband in return.
"Ah, I remember my brother walking into our shared apartment drenched to the core after the date but still walking in through the door with a goofy grin." Gabriel laughed as he sat down next to his niece. Gabriella almost spit out her water by her Uncle's comment as she tried to hold in her laughter.
"Did that happen to you too?" She looked up at Miguel.
"Yeah, it did. I thought I had ruined the date, but when I got out, and Y/N kissed me and said she couldn't wait for our second date, I was over the moon happy." Miguel smiled as he looked at you, took your hand, and kissed your knuckles.
Gabriella smiled as she looked at her new family sitting around the table. She looked at her necklace, which now had a photo of her father on the other side of the locket. Gabriella's heart felt a warm sadness wash over her. She smiled to her self. She was finally healing.
As she looked up at the younger versions of her parents talking with happy smiles  across the table from her, she thought:
'Mom...Dad. Thank you for helping me find my way back to you.'
I hope you enjoyed this one-shot!💕
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altsvu · 9 months
Congrats on the followers!
🧞Barba + 53 from the smut prompt list (re: tattoo) please & thanks! 💜
tattoo ridden
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pairing: rafael barba x fem!reader
prompt used: “Is that a tattoo?” from the 100 smut prompt list!
wc: 700
summary: your first time having sex with rafael is a magical one, and when he notices a fairly interesting tattoo on your body, it’s almost like he went feral.
cw: dirty talk, smut (oral, teasing)
a/n: anything smutty with rafael is like the best, so thank you so much for sending this in lovely, i’m so sorry it took so long for me to write it! 🥲
law and order svu masterlist! ✯ taglist!
Rafael wasted no time getting intimate with you. It was literally out the car, out the clothes, and in the bed.
A year back, you and Rafael got together, but you wanted to take things slow, and he agreed.
But now, you felt ready.
It was another long day at the precinct, for you at least. It had gotten to the point where Liv even told you to go home. You liked to get ahead of things because you knew you would dread drowning in paperwork after the fact.
This particular night, however, was a different story for Rafael. He wanted to surprise you. It was you and his’s 1 year anniversary and he wanted to make the day special as can be.
You didn’t forget about your anniversary, you had gotten him a gift, you just didn’t have the time to go drop it off at his office.
So there you were sitting at your desk filling out paperwork when a very familiar figure appeared in your sight. You quickly found out that it was Rafael.
“Rafa.” You smiled, getting up from your desk.
“Hi baby.” Rafael smiled back, pulling you into a hug. “Happy anniversary.”
“Happy anniversary.”
Rafael planted kisses on your lips. You then went back to your desk, and Rafael followed suit, pulling up a chair to sit next to you.
“Paperwork again?”
You nodded. “You know how I am Rafa.”
“I’m staying here until you finish. I wanna take you home tonight.” Rafael said, reaching over to stroke your thigh.
You smirked, knowing what he meant.
“Duly noted, Counselor.”
Rafael finally got you home. Beforehand, you gave him your gift, which was a watch he’d been eyeing for months. He was ecstatic when he opened the box. After, he pulled out his gift, which was a matching gold necklace and bracelet set. He took the liberty of putting them on you.
Out the car.
Out the clothes.
In the bed.
“I know we talked about it, but are you sure about this? About everything?”
“Yes, Rafa.” You responded, helping him out of his suit. The only suit you wanted him in was his birthday suit.
“Okay.” He smiled.
With that, the two of you wasted no more time getting in the bed and each other naked. Clearly the second step was ignored.
Rafael loved your body and he wanted to admire it all night long. When he touched your naked body for the first time ever, you felt chills running throughout your body and you didn’t want him to stop. His hands felt so nice against your skin. In this moment, his hands were creeping up to your boobs and something special resided in that region.
Your infamous side boob tattoo.
To be quite honest, it was a simple flower, but it was your favorite tattoo.
Rafael’s hand reached it and the chills stopped for a moment.
“Is that a tattoo?”
The room light was on, so Rafael was able to take a peek under the covers to look at it.
“It’s beautiful.” He whispered, starting to suck on your nipples. He kissed all around the area, as well as the tattoo, and that made you so much more aroused.
He was good with his mouth. So when he finished with your boobs and went to your pussy without a warning, you knew you were going to fold instantly. He made you feel good, and that’s all that mattered in this moment. His lips touched your clit and he sucked on it softly to get you started. He started using his tongue in all the right places, and pushed a finger inside. His intentions were to get you to come for him.
“Rafa” escaped your lips numerous times while he was doing this.
“I love when you say my name like that, Y/N. It’s so hot.” Rafael mumbled against your thighs. He got up and leveled with you, and pushed his fingers inside you again, all while he planted kisses on your lips and chest.
The next thing you knew, he was inside you, and it felt amazing. He felt amazing.
It was a good thing the two of you waited.
taglist: @storiesofsvu @averyhotchner @ssaic-jareau @detective-giggles @lapaquerette @itsjustmyfantasyroom
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thatsdemko · 2 years
the other man - c.leclerc & l.norris
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the right man (part two)
requested: n
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: teasing + angst (if you squint) + mentions of cheating + mentions previously established relationships + mentions of hookups & flings + a small hinted mention of Daniel (if you squint) 🥲
a/n: will there be a part two? I don’t know! it depends on what the reaction to this fic will be 😅 that will determine what I do with this. inspired by this photo from today
exactly three summers ago charles leclerc was all that ever consumed your mind. you woke up thinking about him and went to bed thinking about him. he had you wrapped around his finger and he had the slightest idea of it.
all summer long you were flirtatious until the last night before your departure to the states. that’s when he made the move and gave you the night you could never forget. he worshiped you like you wanted, he held you like you’ve never been held before, and he gave you the satisfaction you always wanted him from.
but that was three summers ago. back when he was just beginning to date Charlotte, and you were leaving to a whole other country. you both were on such opposite ends of life, it wasn’t meant to be. but now? you’re back home in Monaco, and life is all so similar to the past. you’re back home, but somebody else occupied your mind. Lando Norris.
Lando knew how to make you feel like the most important person. his dedication and attention to detail was beyond what you could’ve imagined, but it was his way of showing you he cared. because truth be told, he loved you. and you were his whole world.
it’s now training days ahead of the Bahrain Grand Prix. the Monégasque man who once occupied space in your brain, was no longer a thought. it was now taken by lando, but a part of you was just now beginning to think about him, you knew you’d have to see him. the chances weren’t small unfortunately, they were huge.
lando’s fingers are intertwined with yours while you both enter the paddock. he’s excited to show you off, the last time he did so it backfired in his face, but this time he’s sure it’s going to last. you’ve been dating for more than 6 months, he’s sure this one will stick.
“good morning!” lando is greeting everyone, cheerful from ear to ear as fans, team members, drivers, and crew are responding back with their morning cheers. he’s not only ecstatic to show you off, but he’s got anxious adrenaline pumping through him to get back on the grid. he missed competitive racing.
“lando!” the familiar cheer perks up your ears, you both turn your heads in the direction you hear it from and there comes the Ferrari driver, in a red polo and ray-ban sunglasses, catching up to you both. you can feel your breath slow watching his hand claps onto your boyfriends shoulder, “how are you, mate?”
“happy to be back, you?” lando’s hand squeezes yours tighter, he notices you fall silent beside him. he’s been made aware of your three summers ago one nightstand, but as long as you swore you were past Charles, he’s got nothing to worry about.
“me too, and you’ve got a new teammate—plus girlfriend I see.” Charles points to you, your heart nearly stops when he makes eye contact with you.
squeezing lando’s hand harder, the Brit pulls his eyes away from his friend to you. he doesn’t need to look any further into you to know you’re anxious. he presses a kiss to your temple that’s reassuring, you’re almost to the mclaren hospitality and this conversation would be over.
“well I’ve been told you know her, this is y/n.” lando and you stop in front of the mclaren hospitality. Charles tilts his sunglasses towards the bridge of his nose to get a better look at you, he barely recognizes you from three summers ago, but the faint nervous smile on your lips is what ha remembers most.
“ah yes, nice to see you.” he extends his hand, and you gladly shake it. it felt odd, how many years ago he was riding around in the backseat of your car with the music blasting, and now he pretends like you were just merely a speck in his life.
“yeah, good luck out there.” your voice is faint as it leaves your lips. you’re not sure he catches what you say, but he’s walking away now and you both are heading to join Oscar and other crew members inside.
“weird.” lando whispers, he whips open the door, making sure to hold it for you to make your way inside. you wait for him, extending your hand for his in which he gladly accepts.
you’re unsure what’s weird to him, because sure the interaction was far from normal, but what did he want Charles to say? did he want him to outright say you both slept together? you couldn’t imagine how lando would’ve reacted to that.
“what’s weird?” you ask slipping into an empty chair removing a pair of sunglasses from off your head setting them on to the table in between of you both.
“that he just doesn’t recognize you. if I had slept with you, I’d remember.” he allows a little chuckle to escape, before shutting his mouth entirely.
“it was three summers ago, lando. he’s been with Charlotte, I’m sure I’m easy to forget.”
and like that, he drops it.
you’re not sure what’s gotten into you, maybe it’s the two glasses of red wine, but you found yourself knocking on the Ferrari motorhome. a part of you hopes he’s not there, but there’s still some hope seeping through your heart.
you tried your best to forget this morning. the sunglasses tilted down his nose, eyes searching you for some sort of sign that recalls you to him. it’s all agonizing for you.
you knock once more after no reply for another few seconds and the door slowly opens barely a third, but just enough to reveal who’s eyes were staring back stop you.
he drops his shoulders, exhaling a loud sigh, and opens the door further to allow you inside. you push your body past his plopping down on the couch watching him lock the door behind him.
“so I’m just dead to you? like I don’t even exist anymore?” you huffed, arms crossing over your chest, his eyes lower as he moves across the motorhome.
“mon amour, don’t act like that.” his voice is cold, sending chills down your spine, you’ve never seen him this way before. his demeanor is different than the one he showcases to the world.
you drop your arms to the side, eyes focusing on the ground unable to look him directly in the eyes, feeling defeated, “you just didn’t seem to care.”
“you’re with lando now. I can’t care.” he drops down beside you, his hand grazing your knee. he won’t lie, it shocked him to see you with lando, it had been so long since he’d seen you, but he didn’t expect you to fall in the arms of another formula 1 driver.
“so you did care?”
“why does it matter if I care?” his cold finger tips gently touch your chin making you pick your head up from your stare at the floor. his eyes are soft, and you begin to pick up his new features like the little hairs on his chin and upper lip, the collection of rings on his fingers, and tussled brown hair. he looks handsome despite his lazy look.
“mon ange, you need to leave.” he pulls his fingers away, stopping all of his filthy thoughts to get the best of him. he wants to slam your body against the wall and make you regret dating lando, he wants to remind you he’s the best you’ll ever have.
“what if I don’t want to?” you lick your lips, allowing your finger nails to rake up and down his bicep, you can tell he wants that. he’s pulling away, but every part of him screams to stay put.
“what would lando say?” he’s trying to pull away, but his body is gravitating to close the gap between you both, his thigh is pressed against yours. finger nails still trailing up and down his arm.
“fuck lando, I want you.” you go to move your lips onto his, but he’s pulling away despite every thought in his mind. he has to because he knows if he starts he won’t be able to stop. he wants to, and you know that, but he can’t hurt lando and that’s the only sane thought running through his mind.
“I think you need to leave.” he whispers, unable to look you in the eyes. it’s not what he wants, but it’s what’s needed to be done. you both know that, and if it wasn’t for the wine in your system you would’ve never came here in the first place.
“fine, I’ll see you around.” you stand up from the couch stopping in front of him before heading out the motorhome door, “don’t say you didn’t want this because I know you did, but that’s your fault.”
and just like that, you’re out the door making sure to slam it behind you. his heart aches, allowing his face to fall, his back to slam against the wall dropping to his knees.
what did he just do?
click here to read part 2
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shakespearean-dream · 3 months
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TW!!! — blood, scarring and mild body horror ahead 🥲
benny’s turn!
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before i start i wanna clarify i hesitated a bit on posting this because lovely mutual @vor-leser just posted his benny interpretation (go look at it and follow him btw), and idk if we like mind melded or smth but our human benny’s are super similar LOL. i damn near scrapped the whole thing out of fear someone would get mad at me but i Would Not be able to start over and get this done ever so this is as good as we’re gonna get. 😭 my apologies niko love u /p
this has been like a full 7 days in the making 😭😭 the art block that i felt coming on while doing ellen and ted hit me like an optimus prime sized semi truck this week along with a depressive episode so i definitely appreciate that happening and i am not upset about it at all! /s i’m totally good so don’t worry or anything /gen, mental health is just weird and i also wanted to explain the gap in my posts 😔
i do not know how to feel about this drawing if i’m so fr with you; i’m proud of myself for AM-ified benny cause i think i got the slowly rotting from the inside out primal freak energy down pretty good, but on the other hand this feels kinda empty?? i usually have a lot more commentary squished in here but i think my brain’s a little fried 🤦‍♂️ i love drawing me some beautiful buff men though so drawing normal ben was familiar territory. however his wack ass haircut i gave him is his punishment for being a PRICK!!! go sit in the corner and think about ur actions benjamin.
like ted n the rest of the sillies i’m not straying too far from canon with his personality, he’s an ass and a murderer and a hella smart dickhead who desperately needs to be punished by the universe (thank you for that one AM). hot take i did not like his “redemption arc” in his game scenario and i don’t think with how he was throughout the entirety of his life (and also throughout the game, main example his inner dialogue) he would actually go out of his way to help the kid because he means it??? n prove he changed to the guys he killed cause he means it??? i dunno maybe AM torturing him made him have a main character “omg i’ve been in the wrong this whole time!!1” moment like the game suggests i’m just not buying it 💀 i’m sure it’s just cause bennys scenario couldn’t be too long and they couldn’t fully flesh him out which i won’t fault the game makers for. i’m a steven universe fan, i know what time constrictions can do to a plot and redemption arc 😭 looking at you white diamond…
his wife n kids are up top and they’re kinda neat to me— i was considering the hc that part of the reason manya (his canon wife) left him is because she realized she was a lesbian which would be funny as fuck considering benny’s also One Of Them Queers 😭. i think during the brief times he was home and able to parent his daughters they got really scared and tired of him, one because he’s just a very threatening powerful and overbearing man, but also because i feel like he would’ve been on their ASS about everything. grades, extracurriculars, friends, wardrobe, this guy was micromanaging his family to an annoying extreme (ofc because of his perfectionist complex). he probably loved manya and the kids in his own weird way, but it was more contractual to him than any real personal relationship. maybe he inherited that from his own parents?? i doubt he ever talked to them after he moved out.
that’s about the end of my thoughts on this fucker. 🥲 funny storyyyy i just remembered i have laundry to finish so im gonna go do that, lord help me. thank you for reading all this if you did!!!!! we’re over halfway through so who do yall want next? wanna save AM or nimdok for last? i’ll see u guys later :]]]
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visualtaehyun · 3 months
I know a couple of days ago you posted about the GMMTV round table talk, and I recently came across a clip from it that someone else had subbed in case you're interested.
It's the portion of the interview (around 8 minutes long) where they talk about GMMTV's journey towards producing BL/QL series as well as examples of shows that brought up social issues (including the thought process behind creating the iconic scene from Not Me).
I thought I'd send an ask because I think you might have mentioned that you were looking for a more full-on translation that could be more easily discussed/shared? Hope this is it :)
Hiya anon ✨
Thank you so much! I'll make sure to add it to the post, too :)
embedded for ease of use:
The OP of this video, Iris, shares translations related to OffGun and SIZZY so if anyone's interested, here's her carrd!
I'm gonna go ahead and use your ask as an opportunity to shoutout fan translators and share a few more translated snippets of the discussion I found on twt :)
Here's a portion wherein Khun X talks about Cherry Magic, translated by TayNew translator Maileen:
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And here's MilkLove translators sapphoria -
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...and jayesocool, with several translations: one about the girls' thoughts when they got the roles as OngsaSun, and another about Love saying she doesn't distinguish between GL, BL and het romance.
I've either reached the embed limit on this post or he's limited how people can share his posts off-site which is understandable considering how translators' hard work routinely gets stolen and reposted without credit 🥲
Please give these and other fan translators some love 🙏 and respect the time and effort they put into translating, subbing, typesetting etc. I know firsthand how time-consuming it is...
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samijey · 3 months
If one were new to watching NXT and wanted to catch up with all the trickunov promos and matches... where does one start
Oooo you came to the right place, you know she got the full encyclopedia for those two 😩 but heads up, it's LONG
Carmelo is obviously gonna be all over this thing because this storyline was a three-way feud for a long time and Trick's relationships with him and Ilja paralleled each other for a long time.
Sidenote that I'm only pointing out the stuff relevant to the Trickunov relationship and the characters interacting with it, but there was a lot of fun "ship-friendly" stuff going on in NXT at this time that you can keep an eye out for in case you happen to enjoy it and want to follow it too - some examples are the Axiom/Nathan partnership (my beloved comic book bfs and the only duo that's still together today 🥲), the Lyra/Tatum toxic yuri saga, the creation of the Wolf Dogs, Tiffany vs Fallon etc.
For all the Trickunov canon thus far, we're starting in February of 2023 with their very first on-screen interaction - below is a list of pretty much all the moments that directly or indirectly impacted their rivalry:
February 07 - Carmelo (w/Trick) vs JD McDonagh
February 14 - Ilja backstage interview + in ring promo w/ Trick + Trick and Melo backstage segment
February 21 - Ilja vs Trick I + locker room segment w/ Trick, Melo and Tyler
Then they both get caught up in other stuff for a bit so you can skip ahead to:
July 11 - opening segment + Ilja vs Bron (much better than the one we just had on raw AND it had important stakes) + main event tag match w/ Judgment Day
July 18 - opening segment + backstage segment with Schism
The Great American Bash 2023 - Carmelo vs Ilja I
July 25 - Melo, Trick and Ilja vs Schism + post-match backstage angle + backstage segment with Trick and Melo + main event segment.
August 01 - Backstage segment w/ Trick and Melo + Ilja promo package (this one is easy to miss - it plays at the very end of the episode, after the main event match)
August 08 - In-ring promo between Trick and Ilja
Heatwave 2023 - Ilja vs Trick II
August 15 - nothing too relevant in this episode but I like the backstage segment between Melo and Wes for how it hints at Melo becoming a heel + Trick makes a silly dragon pun after his match with Gulak + there's a short hype package for their match that plays before Tyler vs Joe;
August 29 - Ilja in-ring promo (where he starts by singing Trick's praises and ends up getting bullied by Meta-Four lmfao)
September 05th - Ilja vs Oro post-match segment w/ Wes and Melo + backstage segment w/ Trick and Ilja
September 12 - Ilja vs Wes Lee + backstage segment between Trick and Melo
September 19 - Ilja backstage interview + Trick & Dom backstage interaction + Melo vs Dom (w/ Ilja on commentary) + Melo parking lot interview
No Mercy - Carmelo vs Ilja II
September 26 - Trick vs Gacy post-match interview + Backstage segment w/ Trick and Melo + Fatal Four-way match + Melo and Ilja contract signing
October 03 - In-ring segment between Ilja, Trick and Melo + Trick vs Dom
October 10 - this is the famous crossover episode extravaganza but watch the opening segment + Ilja vs Dom (w/ LA Knight as the ref lmfao) because it's messy fun and Trick makes an appearance. The Trick & Melo segment with John Cena is also important foreshadowing
October 17 - Carmelo in-ring promo feat. multiple "guests" + Trick's backstage attack + main event match
Halloween Havoc (Night 2) - Ilja vs Melo III
You can skip a bit again while Ilja deals with Corbin and Melo continues to act shady but please watch Ilja vs Nathan from the 28 November episode - it's short but it's great and it displays how volatile Ilja was during his feud with Baron Corbin - it's even on YT in full here. Then watch Deadline for the Men's Iron Survivor match and the brief post-match angle after Ilja vs Corbin (I'm not a fan of this match but the promo package is very good in giving Ilja some more depth, so check that out too)
December 12 - Two opening segments + medical room promo + main event segment
December 19 - Backstage segment between Trick and Melo + Ilja in-ring promo + backstage segment between Trick and Ilja + another one with Trick and Melo + Ilja vs Ridge Holland post-match angle (tw for like REALLY good selling - a lot of people thought it was legit when it leaked from audiences at the tapping)
December 26 - Backstage segment between Melo and Trick + Contract signing segment between Trick and Ilja (plays after the main event match)
January 02 - New Year's Evil is just extra story development with a few fun cameos - watch Kelly's backstage report after the opening match + the segment between Melo, Trick and a surprise Grayson Waller + another segment later between Melo and Trick + Trick vs Grayson (feat. another great cameo)
January 09 - Backstage Melo & Trick segment (also PLEASE watch the Fallon and Tiffany segments even if you're not following their story, they are GOLD)
January 16 - Opening match (optional) + Melo, Trick and Ilja backstage segment + another Trick and Melo one later on discussing Vengeance Day
January 23 - Ilja backstage interview + Trick and Melo backstage segment + Trick vs Briggs w/ Ilja on commentary + Trick and Melo backstage after the match
January 30 - Melo and Trick backstage segment + main event promo between Trick and Ilja
Vengeance Day - Ilja vs Trick III
Feb 06 - Opening segment + Ilja in-ring segment + Melo's in-ring promo + Ilja vs Dijak
Feb 13 - Not much here, just Melo defeating Gacy in a match and mouthing off at the camera to taunt Ilja
Feb 20 - Melo promo + Ilja promo
Feb 27 - Ilja & Melo in-ring promo + Ilja & Ava backstage + Melo promo + main event segment (Ilja was so unserious here and I live for it. also lots of Paxlyra on this one)
Not much happens between Roadblock and Stand & Deliver (April 06) - watch the post-main event promo from Trick on March 19 and the final confrontation between him and Melo on the April 02 main event segment. The Ilja vs Tony feud isn't mandatory viewing but the segments are fun and so was their PLE match. Trick vs Melo sadly wasn't that great, so you can choose to just watch their actual final match later on instead
Road Block - Melo vs Tony
April 09 - Main event segment between Ilja and Trick
Here you'll notice WWE started WILDLY rushing things due to the upcoming Draft (because ofc they'd fumble near the finish line).
I believe the final Trickunov match was originally supposed to be at Heatwave - marking exactly 1 year since the match that, in-storyline (and irl) started Trick's rise to stardom. This is based on the abrupt shift in storyline flow and the original Heatwave marketing, which prominently featured them both, as well as Lyra and Carmelo (it has since been updated to remove the three who got drafted).
So what ended up happening was the last match was booked for Spring Breakin' instead so Ilja could be called up immediately after. The same thing happened to Lyra and her story with Tatum and I'll be forever bitter about it. Back to viewing:
April 16 - Trick vs Melo (the "real" end to their feud + Ilja shows up at the end too)
Spring Breakin' April 23 - Ilja vs Trick IV
Bonus: backstage footage of Spring Breakin' included in this video package that honestly feels so in-character that I'm simply choosing to consider it kayfabe-compliant lmfao + Ilja's draft to RAW feat. a very funny reaction from Trick and the post-draft interview where you can see Trick in the background listening in and smiling + reacting and laughing when Ilja says sharing a roster with Gunther is "destiny" and I thought it was cute?
And that's it!... for now 🙏
Extra bonus moments post- Spring Breakin':
Trick thanks Ilja
Meta-Four make fun of their relationship
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theforgottenmcrmy · 2 years
Storms (Ser Harwin Strong x Reader)
᯽ Part 1 of this story, “Safety”, can be read HERE.᯽
᯽ Part 2 of this story, “Captivated”, can be read HERE.᯽
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Pairing: Ser Harwin Strong x Tyrell! Female Reader
Warnings: GOT typical sexism, canon divergence, violence, references to a sick parent, death of minor characters.
Word Count: 7,800 ish.
Summary: A royal wedding should be a joyous occasion for the realm- but there’s something ominous in the air. Dark clouds linger over the royal family, and the rest of Westeros. Even you may not be able to make it through what lies ahead unscathed... Fortunately, you’ve found someone who you know you can count on to always be by your side.
A/N: Y’all... I’m still shooketh over here.🥲🖤 I really appreciate all the support so very much. I’ll keep writing for this as long as I have ideas and as long as there’s a want for it. If anyone is interested, I highly recommend listening to The Green Dress score while reading the second half- it’s what I did while writing it. The score is just *chef’s kiss* and sets the tone for the whole feast so well. I hope you all enjoy, and please feel free to let me know what you think!
PS, before you come after me because of the little time jump, I politely ask that you keep reading... I didn’t skip over *the scene*, I promise!😂
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The winds of change had come to blow through Westeros.
Princess Rhaenyra’s tour of the Seven Kingdoms in search of a future King Consort had abruptly come to an end. Though the death of one of the suitors during Lord Boremond’s host at Storm’s End would have put a tainted mark on the remainder of her tours to come, the Princess had declared the tour over herself shortly thereafter… Despite the two months of traveling that remained.
Prince Daemon had finally returned from his war in the Stepstones, and presented King Viserys with the crown he had been bestowed upon him following his victory. The two Targaryen brothers reunited in a touching scene witnessed by most of the Court. He was welcomed at Court once more… until one day, he wasn’t.
Following an incident that you did not know the entire truth of, though you wouldn’t have spoken of it if you did know, the King had exiled him again. You could tell Princess Rhaenyra grieved the absence of her uncle once more, but then Ser Criston Cole had been suddenly much more attentive to her…
King Viserys had dismissed Lord Otto Hightower from his duties as Hand of the King, an event that had not only generated a large amount of whispers among the Reach, but among the other kingdoms as well. The King had appointed Lord Lyonel Strong in his stead.
Following Princess Rhaenyra’s denouncement of the tour, King Viserys had arranged the marriage for her with Ser Laenor Velaryon. Like a few others at Court, you had heard rumors of her cousin’s… preferences, and were worried, though it was not your place to offer up your opinion on. Eventually, she noticed your reservations, and had subtly, but full-heartedly, assured you that she and Ser Laenor had reached an arrangement. Besides, King Viserys’ mind was made up, and Princess Rhaenyra did not try to change it. Despite your initial hesitation, you shared the opinion of King Viserys- the match was a good one. Uniting the two branches of the Targaryen House and healing old wounds could only bode well for the dynasty.
From then on, you threw yourself into your work even more, supporting Princess Rhaenyra in any way you could with the royal wedding preparations. It kept you very busy, but you were grateful for something else to focus on.
After many weeks of planning and preparation, the week of the royal wedding celebration had finally arrived.
You and Princess Rhaenyra stood on a balcony amongst the far end of the palace gardens, looking over Blackwater Bay in the distance. Though Ser Criston Cole may have accompanied you previously, he had not chosen to this time. He’d been standoffish lately, and regarded Princess Rhaenyra with much more formality than you were used to seeing him display. Something had happened between them, you deduced… but, much like the circumstances that led to the sudden exile of Prince Daemon, you knew better than to ask unless the Princess spoke of it first.
Both of you watched in comfortable silence as ships, almost all of them bearing the Velaryon coat of arms, sailed toward King’s Landing. The vessels spanned as far back and across the water as your eyes could see. The fleet appeared to be moving slowly- but you knew that to be a fallacy. In what would be no time at all, the Princess’ betrothed, his family, most of their household, and various bannermen and members of the guard would make land.
An odd whistling noise ran out from the sky. You tilted your head upwards, as did Princess Rhaenyra, and three large, majestic beasts broke through the clouds up above. The three dragons and their riders flew downwards, their wings skimming the water between ships before flying up ahead.
Princess Rhaenyra pointed to one, then another, and finally, the third. “There’s Seasmoke… Meleys… and of course, Vhagar.”
More whistling could be heard as the dragons flew over the castle, rustling the trees and shrubbery around you with the wind. They descended from the sky before finally disappearing from view- presumably landing in the periphery of the Dragon Pit.
Dragons were fascinating creatures, but they were still terrifying. Unlike many others throughout the Seven Kingdoms, you were glad not to have been born a Targaryen… No one had ever heard of someone being burned or eaten alive by roses.
You would have been content to stay there and watch the incoming ships sail into the bay with the Princess until the sun set, but you knew you both had duties to attend to elsewhere. You looked over at her with an apologetic look.
“We should return to your chambers soon, Your Grace. The earlier you are dressed and ready, the better.”
It went without saying that Princess Rhaenyra being late to the welcome feast would simply be unacceptable.
“We will, shortly,” she promised distractedly, her focus having returned to the bay.
You felt sympathy for her. You had a feeling that, would it have been possible, Princess Rhaenyra would have had heirs for her line whilst forgoing marriage altogether. Alas, not even the Targaryens were that magical, and a King Consort would be needed for some things.
“Princess Rhaenyra… Lady Y/N.”
The pair of you turned around to face the third party who had joined you.
“Ser Harwin!” Princess Rhaenyra gleamed, before looking at you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “To what do we owe the pleasure, My Lord?”
Ser Harwin smiled patiently. “A messenger informed me that you had requested my presence, Your Grace.”
“Did I?” Princess Rhaenyra feigned, looking at you with mock confusion. “Well, I simply cannot recall why I may have done that… My sincerest apologies, Ser Harwin.”
“No apologies needed, Your Grace,” Ser Harwin assured her cordially.
His eyes drifted calmly over to you. In a flash, you caught a wink he sent in your direction, causing your eyes to fall to the dirt path beneath you.
“Well,” Princess Rhaenyra said then, taking a few steps away from the balcony and back into gardens. “You are absolutely correct, Lady Y/N- I should return to my chambers and get ready for the feast at once.”
“Would you like me to go with you, Your Princess?” you asked her, though you already knew her answer.
Princess Rhaenyra came to a stop beside Ser Harwin and vaguely waved you off over her shoulder. “No, no, no. Take your time. The girls will assist me until you arrive.”
Ser Harwin looked amused.
“As you wish, Your Grace,” you called to her, smirking.
“Princess,” Ser Harwin nodded her respectfully as she proceeded to walk away and head back towards the Red Keep.
Such had been a little “game” of hers as of late. The Princess seemed to take far too much amusement out of summoning the knight nicknamed Breakbones, finding a convenient reason to excuse herself, and leaving the two of you alone. Though her game had the potential to create quite the scandal for the pair of you, should you be spotted together in a compromising scene without any escort, you knew without a doubt that Princess Rhaenyra meant no harm. In fact, you were rather grateful for her meddling ways.
Once the Princess was out of earshot, Ser Harwin took a step forward, closing the distance between you. He nodded to you in greeting, but when he spoke this time, his tone was far more tender than it had been just a few moments before.
“My Love.”
You tilted your head upwards to look at him better. The mere sight of him caused you to smile so widely that it felt as though your face might go numb from the joy you were trying to contain. “Dearest.”
Of all the changes that had been occurring in Westeros, none had bore more of an impact on or immersed as much as your newfound courtship with Ser Harwin Strong.
“You look breathtaking today, as usual.”
Your cheeks burned. “Thank you, My Lord.”
You still weren’t used to Ser Harwin’s praises, but part of you hoped you never would be. The fluttering you felt in your stomach upon hearing the sweet words reminded you just how much you cared for the man in front of you.
You attempted to joke, “If you think of me as beautiful now, you should see me in the gown I am to wear to the feast.”
Ser Harwin happily took the bait. “I assure you, I have been counting down the hours until my eyes are blessed with the sight.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from smiling any wider. You took a moment to glance around you, ensuring that the two of you were alone. Once you were confident that you would not be heard, or overseen, you took another step closer towards the man that held your heart, extending your hands outwards to him as you did so.
Ser Harwin took his hands in your own hands with practiced ease. His hands were calloused from years of training and fighting, but you wouldn’t have changed that. The feel of your intertwined hands was grounding… and you needed to be grounded whenever you spoke with him lately, as his words tended to leave you bogged in an enamored daze.
His eyes, which looked upon you with nothing but the utmost care, tended to cloud your mind terribly, too.
“You look particularly happy today,” you noted, an unspoken question lingering in your tone.
“Seeing My Lady does tend to uplift my spirits,” Ser Harwin admitted playfully, his thumbs running lightly over the back of your hands.
You gave him an equally playful stern look. “My Lord,” you chided, laughing once. “You are a charmer, I will grant you that… But you know that is not what I meant.”
Ser Harwin gently raised one of your hands to his lips, placing a gentle kiss upon it. The action would normally have caused you to nearly swoon, but you pushed onwards, desperate for an answer to your question.
“Harwin,” you plead, lowering your voice as you addressed him informally, in the hope that it might cause him to focus. It worked- something shifted within his eyes, and suddenly, he looked more alert, more attentive.
“Please tell me,” you asked of him, “Has there been any news?”
The news which you sought was that of your impending betrothal.
Much had happened in both of your personal lives since Derron Tyrell’s visit to King’s Landing some time ago. Ser Harwin Strong’s letter that he’d written to your father had compelled your brother to travel to discuss the matter with him, and his father, Lord Lyonel, in person. Upon his arrival, your brother’s first inquiry in the matter was as to whether a betrothal to Ser Harwin was something you truly desired.
The Strongs were a noble family, and Harrenhal was the largest castle in all of Westeros, despite the ghastly tales. It was also worth mentioning that Harwin was now son to the newly appointed Hand of the King. But you were the only daughter of Lord Larris Tyrell, Defender of the Marshes, Lord Paramount of the Reach, Warden of the South… and all those other titles. You were from the Great House of the Reach, and Ser Harwin, while the oldest son and heir, was of a smaller noble house from the Riverlands. Not to mention that the Hand of the King was not a position that guaranteed any permanency.
Your father and brother had long since decided that they would choose a suitor for you, but they had also made no promises about denying you a suitor who they deemed as unworthy. They both wanted reassurance that this marriage would bring you true happiness, and not one arranged merely because Ser Harwin Strong had been the first to make an offer. After all, there were more advantageous matches for you that could be made… and there had been a mention of a certain Lannister or two.
You attempted to tell your brother about how your attachment to Ser Harwin, and his to you, had developed. You hoped it might explain why Ser Harwin had been compelled to write such a letter.
“Am I to understand this is a love match, then?” your brother had asked then, hopefully.
It most certainly was.
You could still recall the scene in your mind…
Your heart pounded in your chest. You had sent word through a personal messenger, one whom the Princess used frequently for her own devices when subtlety and discretion was of the utmost importance.
Ser Harwin must have gotten your message, as he was already waiting for you out in the castle gardens, in the exact secluded spot where you had requested to meet with him.
“Lady Y/N… I heard the Red Keep welcomed a visitor from the Reach today,” he jested, visibly nervous once more, just as he had been when you had spoken with him last. “Perhaps they are an acquaintance of yours?”
You wordlessly withdrew the letter, which you had clutched tightly in your fist, and presented it to him. “This letter… This letter that you wrote to my father. What does this mean?”
“Have you read it?” he asked, eyeing the parchment with an emotion you couldn’t quite place.
“Please,” you begged. “I have spent the better part of my memory believing that you were taken with and about to be betrothed to another. My heart simply cannot take any more jests or delays at its expense… Speak plainly, My Lord. What does this letter mean?”
Upon the seriousness of your tone, which was a far cry from your usual playful banter and jovial attitudes the two of you had exchanged, Ser Harwin fell quiet, and his nerves immediately dissipated. You heard his jaw close, and for a moment, as he looked down at you with gravity in his eyes and upon his face, you feared he might not speak at all.
When he did, he spoke in a very calm voice.
“I can make my intentions very plain to you, My Lady,” he vowed. “If you will grant me permission to do so.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion, and you were slightly off put by his choice of phrasing. “Of course, but-”
Ser Harwin silenced you by leaning down and capturing your lips with his own.
You froze, unsure of how to react to the foreign gesture. Before your brain or heart could fight for control of your next move, Ser Harwin withdrew from you, leaving you stunned, and, to your mild embarrassment, gawking up at him.
“You have captivated me, and stolen my heart right out from my chest. I know I have wronged you by not admitting this truth to you first, as I had intended. As punishment, know that my heart is yours to do with as you see fit… Though I would dare to beg you for mercy, Y/N. If you feel the same for me as I do for you, I ask that you grant me an honor which I most likely do not deserve, but will strive everyday for the rest of my life to be worthy of… I ask that you pledge yourself to me, and become my wife.”
How could the truth have been right in front of your eyes for so long, and yet you had mistaken it for something else entirely?! It was a folly you would not soon let yourself live down, that much was for certain.
“And, should you not feel the same,” Ser Harwin continued, noting your silence, “and I have now wronged you in more ways than one, you need only say so. I shall leave you at once, and without a word. We shall never speak of this aga-”
With a newfound sense of courage you did not know you possessed, you stood up on your toes, and kissed the man you loved right back.
It was Ser Harwin’s turn to be silenced.
There was no telling how long the pair of you stayed out that night, tucked away from the rest of the Red Keep and all of King’s Landing, just enjoying being in the presence of each other. But there was one more moment you recall definitively.
“I love you.”
“And I love you.”
“Also, my answer is yes.”
“I… hoped as much, My Lady.”
You almost let out a wistful sigh. The memory of that night was still clearly visible in your mind’s eye, just as clear as Harwin was now, standing before you.
Had you both been commoners, you would have already been wed. Ser Harwin had admitted as much, and you agreed. But as both of your families were of the nobility, the two of you were forced to wait as your fathers negotiated the finer details of the exchange instead.
After your brother had learned the truth of your feelings, and after having a private conversation with Ser Harwin shortly after, Derron met with Lord Lyonel to begin the discussions. But, as your father was to be made privy to every detail, the negotiations had not been complete by the time your brother was due to return to Highgarden.
Lord Lyonel Strong had presented your brother with the details of his most recent offer, and shortly after, you returned to Highgarden with your brother to see your father. You were glad to visit him, and to learn that his health had improved from what you had last heard and feared. Your father was happy to see you too- not only as a faithful and dutiful servant to Princess Rhaenyra, but also as a woman who was soon to be wed to her love, an honorable knight who was more than capable of providing for and protecting her.
Your father reviewed the offer made by Lord Lyonel, and wrote his own counteroffer. You presented it to Lord Lyonel upon your return to King’s Landing, and the waiting began. Since then, for a long few weeks, ravens flew from King’s Landing to Highgarden and back, many, many times, as the negotiations continued.
The issue of your dowry proved to be a significant hurdle. At first, Your father couldn’t help but be a little suspicious of the Strongs’ motives with the proposed alliance. Throughout all the Seven Kingdoms, the Tyrells were second in wealth only to the Lannisters. You knew that acquiring wealth was the last thing on Ser Harwin’s mind when confessed his feelings to you, and he’d said as much several times since. But eventually, a dowry amount was settled upon that was found to be acceptable for both families. There was an additional stipulation- all of the funds were to go towards repairs to Harrenhal and its surrounding grounds. The hope was that doing so would make the castle safer for you and your husband… and eventually, your children.
Since then, the negotiation points had been of little concern to either of you: where the wedding would take place, who would pay for what parts of the celebration, where you would spend parts of the year, and what surname your children would have. It was all trifling. Both you and Ser Harwin just wanted the negotiations to conclude, and the sooner, the better.
“Unfortunately, I have no news for you today, My Lady,” he informed you, his thumbs still tracing lightly over the backs of your hands. His gaze lifted from your intertwined hands, and he looked deeply into your eyes. “But my father assures me that they are close to reaching a final agreement.”
You didn’t have the heart to point out to him that he had already been telling you that for quite some time. “Let us hope.”
Ser Harwin looked about your surroundings briefly, confirming that you were still alone. In consolation to your disappointment, he leant downwards, and placed a soft kiss upon your forehead.
Despite your frustrations, and his own, it could always be said that Harwin never hesitated to do whatever he could to reassure you that the match between you was one worth waiting for.
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“You look beautiful, Your Grace.”
Princess Rhaenyra turned her head over her shoulder and smiled at you as you entered her chambers. Two ladies- who happened to be none other than Ser Harwin’s younger sisters- attended to her. One smoothed out the skirts of her dress while the other was putting some adornments in her silver hair.
After their father had been appointed Hand of the King, the two girls had only recently been chosen by the Princess to serve as her junior ladies in waiting. They were a few years younger than you and the Princess, but old enough to have some scrutiny and tact about them, and they were eager to please. Both were already dressed and prepared for the welcome feast.
You looked over the Princess’ appearance with mock scrutiny, but ultimately smiled. “The two of you did such an excellent job… I fear I shall no longer be of service soon.”
Princess Rhaenyra rolled her eyes playfully. “Come now, Lady Y/N- how ever would I get on without you?” One of the girls presented her with a hand mirror. The Princess looked over her appearance for a moment before giving a small nod. “This will do. Thank you very much, My Ladies.”
The girls smiled, giddy with her praise.
“You two should head on over to the throne room,” Princess Rhaenyra dismissed them. “I’ll have Lady Y/N attend to whatever is left.”
The girls nodded in understanding, curtsied, and promptly left the Princess’ chambers.
Princess Rhaenyra picked up the small mirror again, and apprised her appearance once more. You caught a glimpse of her face in the reflection from your place a few feet away, and it was with a twinge of sadness that you realized how downtrodden she looked.
“Are you well, Your Grace?” you asked her quietly, subtly offering her an opportunity to speak about whatever was on her mind.
Unfortunately, the Princess did not wish to speak of whatever was troubling her. She put the mirror down and turned to face you. “Yes, all is well,” she answered, though her tone still left you questioning the sincerity of her words. She smiled at you teasingly, and inquired, “Is everything alright with you, Lady Y/N?”
You pursed your lips, fighting off a smile.
“Has there been any news?” the Princess asked, eargerly and expectantly.
Though you still were in her service, Princess Rhaenyra had become a true friend and confidant of yours. She was knowledgeable of the negotiations stalling your marriage to Ser Harwin, and was sympathetic for you.
“Not yet,” you answered, unable to disguise the disappointment in your voice.
“I am sorry to hear that… But the night is still young,” Princess Rhaenyra noted optimistically. “I bet that by the end of the week, another betrothal announcement shall be made.”
You certainly hoped so, but didn’t want to get your hopes up.
“You should get ready for the feast,” she said then, giving you something else to focus on. “The seamstress put the finishing touches I asked for upon your dress, and left it over there.”
You walked over to the bed, where Princess Rhaenyra had gestured to. Your eyes immediately spotted the gown in question. The Princess had requested that all her ladies wore similar gowns, all of the same color, for the welcome feast. Your gown was a little bit more… revealing, than what the Strong ladies had been given, but it was more suitable for each of your ages that way.
“The color matches the jewels in your hair,” you observed with a smile.
Princess Rhaenyra returned the smile, pleased that you found the gown as gorgeous as she did.
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The welcome feast had begun.
The esteemed guests from all across Westeros who had traveled to King’s Landing for the festivities were announced one by one, before paying their respects to the King and Princess.
The Queen had yet to arrive.
You were the only representative of House Tyrell to attend, and conveyed your apologies to King Viserys on your family’s behalf. Your father had taken ill once more- another factor that had played a role in the pace at which the marriage negotiations were taking place- and your brother Derron had no choice but to stay in Highgarden to help him manage affairs.
Since you were alone, you had no one immediately obvious with which to sit for the meal. Your betrothal to Ser Harwin was not yet official, so you had been assigned a seat beside the Hightowers and other noble families of other houses from the Reach. You knew most of them well enough to be able to carry out polite conversation, to accept well wishes for your father, and to inquire as to the state of their own houses and health.
But you couldn’t help it as your eyes drifted forlornly down towards the opposite end of the table, where Ser Harwin was seated with the majority of his family. You caught his eye every now and then, and when you did, the two of you played an unspoken game to see which would be the first to break and look away.
House Velaryon was the last to enter the throne room, and the attention of everyone else in the room was commanded by the sight. As House Velaryon strode over to the high table, which was positioned just in front of the Iron Throne, thunderous applause rang out. Though Lord Coryls had been no stranger to the Court during King Viserys’ reign, his wife, the Princess Rhaenys, and their children were not so often seen. Everyone was eager to lay eyes upon the future King Consort, Ser Laenor, and his sister, Lady Laena.
The princess rose from her seat to greet her betrothed, and shortly thereafter, the Velaryons and the rest of their household were seated. Everyone else in the room followed suit, save the King, who looked over the crowd. You looked over towards King Viserys and waited for his speech to begin.
But suddenly, the King’s cheerful face fell, and muffled whisperings around you filled your ears. You followed the King’s appalled look over to the entryway, where none other than Prince Daemon was making his way into the throne room. Ser Harrold did not bother to announce him- he was probably as shocked as most everyone else in the room.
The whispers did not cease as Daemon approached the high table calmly, acting as though he had not been exiled by the King, again, not too long ago.
You looked over at Rhaenyra and tried to gauge her reaction to the uninvited guest. If she had known about her uncle’s impending return for the wedding, she had not told you of it- though you honestly could not say whether she would have. The pair of you had a special bond, but the bond between her and Prince Daemon would always be stronger.
Thankfully, the Princess looked just as surprised to see her uncle as everyone else, though she was much better at concealing her facial reaction than the King. Once Daemon was before the high table, you thought King Viserys might call for his head right then and there. But instead, after a moment of thought, he beckoned for a chair to be brought out for him. Prince Daemon was seated beside the Hand, Lord Lyonel, and the room began to settle from the interruption.
King Viserys smiled once more, though it was more strained than genuine, and began his welcoming speech. Unfortunately, he was not able to get very far into it, before it was disrupted once more.
All eyes in the room once again turned towards the entryway. Unlike with the previous tardy guest, no whispers erupted this time. Instead, the room was overcome with a bone-chilling silence.
Queen Alicent had finally arrived. But what was more shocking than her blatant disrespect of King Viserys was the outfit she had chosen instead.
She wore a bright, emerald green gown.
Those seated rose respectfully as she made her way over to the high table. Despite those who you were seated with- other members of House Hightower being seated just a few seats down from you- your eyes involuntarily narrowed as the Queen passed you. Just what point was she trying to get across with her choice of garment?
You’d never seen the sight with your own eyes before, only having read about it in books and having heard it in tales from your father. But you knew, very well, what color the beacon in Oldtown glowed when the Hightowers called their banners to war.
Once the Queen was seated, the King was finally able to finish his speech, and dinner was served. You still snuck glances at Ser Harwin as often as you dared, though the looks you gave him now were probably laced with little else but concern.
Once the meal was over, you were grateful for the dancing to begin, for it gave you a perfect excuse to stand and socialize with other guests whom you were not immediately seated by. Princess Rhaenyra and Ser Laenor were the first to take the floor, as was the tradition, but once the dance was complete, the other guests slowly but surely joined in the fun.
You rose from your seat and walked over towards the end of the table, joining the group of nobles who had gathered there to observe those already on the dancefloor.
“Lady Y/N.”
You turned, and were pleasantly surprised to find Lord Lyonel Strong standing beside you.
“My Lord,” you greeted him with a smile.
“Are you enjoying the feast so far, My Lady?” he inquired then.
The question was innocent enough, but difficult to answer truthfully. Your eyes darted over to Queen Alicent, and then Prince Daemon, who were both still seated. Well aware of the fact that you could be overheard, you simply answered, “This feast will be remembered for quite some time to come, I am sure.”
“I do not disagree,” Lord Lyonel said knowingly, having noted whom you had glanced at. Lord Lyonel, on the surface, gave the air of an uncomplicated man. But you were beginning to suspect that there was more to him than one might assume. A lord from a small noble house in the Riverlands didn’t become appointed Hand of the King by mere chance.
“Lady Y/N,” he said then, in a much quieter tone that grabbed your attention immediately, as was its purpose. “I do want to thank you for your patience as this business with Highgarden is negotiated.”
Lord Lyonel’s statement was decently vague, but you knew immediately what he was referring to. “Thank you, My Lord. I understand that such matters are necessary, though I would deny that it has not begun to feel tedious at times.”
Lord Lyonel gave you a sympathetic smile. “Perhaps you are right. Even so, I will be glad once everything has been settled. I must admit, I was, and still am, pleased by the proposition. I think all parties involved stand to benefit greatly… specifically, my son. I am grateful that House Tyrell has considered him to be a worthy business partner.”
He approved of the match; that the subtext of his cordial words. But even more so, Lord Lyonel was pleased that the match contributed greatly to the happiness of his son.
“There is more to Ser Harwin than his nickname,” you said decisively. “I believe Lord Tyrell and my brother simply needed some guidance in order to see that.”
Lord Lyonel nodded courteously.
As if he had known he was the topic of your very conversation, Ser Harwin made his way through the onlookers. He came to a stop before the two of you, and nodded to Lord Lyonel in greeting. “Father.”
Then he turned to you. He looked remarkable, dressed in finer clothes than what he typically donned, and a significant section of his hair had been pulled up and tied back, revealing the handsome features of his face. You were so lost in the sight of him, you almost didn’t register that he had spoken to you.
“Lady Y/N,” he greeted, giving you a charming smile. Said smile was offered to many, but it never was accompanied with the twinkle in his eyes that shone now. That had become exclusively reserved for you, a thought that both made you feel humble and filled you with pride. “I think it to be an insult that you have not been asked to dance thus far. Could you find it in your heart to grant me the honor?”
You looked towards his outstretched hand, and attempted to minimize the love-sick expression you undoubtedly wore. “It would be my pleasure, Ser Harwin.”
With one last glance at Lord Lyonel, you took Ser Harwin’s hand and allowed him to escort you to the dance floor.
You seldom had the opportunity to spend such time with Ser Harwin in public, and you reveled in every minute of it. The incredible ease you felt with him, whether it was while dancing, talking, or simply being in the presence of each other, was one that had yet to be matched.
As the pair of you went on about the dance, turning and spinning and stepping about as the song dictated, you conversed quietly.
“You truly are a vision tonight,” Ser Harwin complemented, causing your cheeks to burn both with mild embarrassment and in pain from your amused smile. “Better than I even dared to dream of.”
“Thank you, My Lord. … But now, I wonder- do you dream of me often, Ser Harwin?” you jested, taking his hand and twirling once.
Once you had turned around, you nearly came face to face with his broad chest; the two of you were suddenly much closer than before.
“Since you asked,” Ser Harwin said, leaning down so as to speak directly into your ear, “There are few nights that you do not haunt my dreams, My Lady.”
Before anyone could notice the inappropriate distance between yourselves, you each took a step back, and continued the dance smoothly.
You were taken aback, but pleasantly so. “Haunt?” you echoed. “Am I a ghost, plaguing you with nightmares?”
“I assure you,” he said, suavely stepping beside and turning to you in time with the music, “Not all ghosts are bad. Nor could any sight of you gracing my mind whilst I am asleep ever be considered a nightmare.”
Before you could think of something charming or witty to respond with, you noticed someone making their way onto the dance floor. It was with dread that they were headed directly towards you.
“I fear our time together is about to be cut short,” Ser Harwin announced, also making note of it.
You forced a smile as you greeted the interrupter of your lovely moment. “Lord Loreon.”
Loreon Lannister merely nodded cooly to Ser Harwin in his own way of greeting. The gesture made you want to give him a verbal lashing for his impoliteness, but since you were surrounded by others, and it was not yet socially acceptable for you and Ser Harwin to show any sort of attachment to the other, you were limited.
Ser Harwin knew just as much, too. He politely refused to acknowledge the disrespect, and greeted the other man anyways. “My Lord.”
“Might I cut in?”
Ser Harwin had no choice but to allow Lord Loreon to do so, and he knew that. The little weasel.
“I hope you enjoy the rest of the feast, Lady Y/N,” Ser Harwin said to you.
“And I you, My Lord.”
You watched with mild sadness as your love wandered off the dance floor before disappearing amongst the crowd of nobles watching on the outskirts.
A new song began, and you forced your feet to move, engaging in a dance once more.
Lord Loeron, though a few years your junior, had grown into a man since you had last seen him. However, he was still a young one at that, and you had your suspicions that the passing years made him no more wise. The boy- young man- had always lacked some tact. You’d hoped his father, Lord Jason Lannister, had instilled some sense in him, as Loreon was his only son and heir. But from what Princess Rhaenyra had shared with you regarding Lord Lannister’s own behavior and choice comments as of late, you severely doubted it.
“You’ve grown since I last saw you, My Lord.”
“Perhaps,” Lord Loreon granted. “Though I am afraid that I am nowhere near the size of Breakbones.”
You frowned in displeasure at his insinuating comment.
Your courtship with Ser Harwin while your fathers worked out the details of your marriage was not exactly a secret. But, other than Lord Jason on the occasion, Lannisters had been sparse at Court as of late… You concluded that the walls must have had ears. You only hoped that they did not have eyes as well.
“I am surprised by your choice of gown, Lady Y/N- I thought you might wear green, as it is a color of your House.”
And also the color with which Queen Alicent had chosen to draw a metaphorical line in the struggle for power.
You answered, “Princess Rhaenyra deemed it fit that all her ladies should wear gowns of Targaryen red tonight.”
“A wise decision by the Princess,” Lord Loreon declared. “I’m sure you look just as lovely in gold, as it is the other of your House’s colors... Though, perhaps a gown of red and gold would suit you best?”
You paused briefly, before forcing yourself to continue the steps. You feigned, “I’m afraid I do not understand what you mean, My Lord.”
“No, I suppose you do not. Perhaps my father shall arrange to meet with yours, and they can sort it out for the two of us. We would not dare spend any longer than necessary on negotiations. We know how much a marriage to the daughter of Lord Tyrell is worth, just as I am sure you know how valuable the marriage to the son of Lord Lannister is.”
You let out a small sigh, your patience for pleasantries completely diminished by his goading words. “If that is your way of proposing marriage, My Lord, it seems there is still vast room for improvement to be had in ways of your eloquence and common sense.”
Lord Loreon narrowed his eyes at you, but did not cease his dancing. In a threateningly low tone, he demanded, “You dare insult me?”
As suspected, time had not made him more wise. Lord Loreon’s pride was wounded just as easily as it always had been.
“It is I that has been insulted, My Lord. Asking for my hand so crudely, and during the wedding feast for the future Queen, no less?” you countered swiftly. “I think my father would be most displeased with House Lannister if he heard of this, not to mention the King.”
Lord Loreon finally stopped partaking in the dance. He looked very cross. He opened his mouth to retort, but was cut off by several loud, piercing screams.
Immediately, the dance floor descended into a state of chaos. Initially, you were shoved backwards, as some sort of altercation took place in the middle of the dance floor. You could not see the individuals throwing fists, but you heard the sickening thuds of their punches landing mercilessly upon the other, despite the commotion of the crowd.
You looked back over towards Lord Loreon, only to discover that he had taken the moment of distraction to abandon you. However, you had expected no less of him.
Suddenly, the tune of the crowd changed. Encouraging shouts as the brawlers went after one another turned into horrified screaming. Guards flooded the room and attempted to make their way towards the middle of the crowd.
As the crowd shifted with the movement, you were unceremoniously shoved backwards and down onto the ground. The legs of others nearby as they shuffled backwards and out of the way were encroaching upon you rapidly.
Despite your position, you heard Princess Rhaenyra cry out, “Laenor!”
A horrible thought struck you. The Princess had been on the dance floor as well- you had seen her not but a few moments before. Was she still entangled somewhere in all of this mess? You had to help her.
You tucked your chin, and used the chair you had fallen up against as leverage to hoist yourself up and off the ground. Your eyes searched the crowd, and you felt dismayed when the Princess was not immediately in sight. “Princess?!”
Before you could decide on your next move of action, someone promptly picked you up, and threw you over their shoulder.
In the midst of everything going on, you were unable to get a good look at your sudden captor. You shouted protests and fought back, kicking and punching the man who had decided to take advantage of the situation as he proceeded to push his way through the crowd and away from the dance floor.
“Y/N,” a very familiar voice huffed, before gently placing you back on your own two feet.
It was Ser Harwin.
He hadn’t been your captor, no- but rather, your savior.
You watched in a stunned silence as Ser Harwin quickly looked you over with concern, putting his hands on your shoulders to get your attention. “Are you alright?” he demanded, gently but urgently. “Are you hurt?”
“No, no,” you replied quickly. “I’m fine.”
He’d placed you near the high table, where his father, and the rest of the royal family, even Queen Alicent, looked onwards towards the fight that the guards were still attempting to break up.
“Where’s Rhaenyra?” you heard the King ask, his increasing worry audibly evident.
“The Princess!” you said, suddenly recalling what you had set out to do before Ser Harwin had whisked you away- find Princess Rhaenyra, and make sure she was alright. You looked up at him pleadingly, before gesturing over from whence you both had just come. The Princess was still nowhere to be seen. “I heard her, right over there!”
Ser Harwin looked from where you had gestured and up towards his father. Lord Lyonel, also looking concerned, nodded over to the chaos as a silent go-ahead.
Ser Harwin fought his way back into and through the crowd, and you watched with bated breath as he did so. As much as you were concerned for the Princess’ safety as the seconds passed, so were you worried for him, as he quite literally punched and pushed his way through the half rioting and half panicking crowd.
Some ways away, he bent down and disappeared beneath your line of sight. Just as quickly, he stood once more, with Princess Rhaenyra over the top of his shoulder, as he had done to you. He couldn’t make his way back through the crowd quick enough.
Ser Harwin deposited Princess Rhaenyra down on the ground beside you, and you fussed over her immediately.
“Your Grace!” you exclaimed worriedly. “Are you hurt?”
Thankfully, Princess Rhaenyra looked more upset than physically injured. “I’m fine, I’m fine… What in Seven Hells is going on?!”
“Rhaenyra!” Her father beckoned her over to him, and she did not hesitate to heed him. With one last glance at you, she thanked Ser Harwin before joining the King.
The shouting silenced abruptly, drawing your attention back to the fight.
The crowd parted down the middle, revealing a gruesome scene. Ser Criston Cole was laying fatal blows upon another man, who laid practically motionless beneath him. You could not recognize the man from here, but you recognized the colors he wore as someone who was likely to have attended the feast with House Velaryon. The crowd stepped back further still, forced to do so by the guards who had finally managed to intervene. Then, the room went still.
Ser Criston, bloodied, and with a look upon his face that had been numbed with pure rage, halted his blows.
The man beneath him was dead.
Like wildfire, the crowd dispersed, fleeing the throne room. Nothing good would come of this- at the very least, the feast would not be able to continue. A member of the Kingsguard had just punched a man to death!
“Go, you two,” you heard the light but commanding voice of Lord Lyonel from behind you. To Harwin, he added, “See to it that Larys and your sisters make haste as well.”
You looked over at Rhaenyra, who was watching the results of the madness unfold with a sombered look on her face. But you had no time to decide whether or not to try and console her, for Ser Harwin had already begun to guide you out of the throne room. As instructed, he corralled his brother and sisters and made certain that they headed towards the exit too.
“Don’t,” he told you quietly as you passed the dead man’s body, evidently having read your mind. “I wouldn’t look.”
You were thankful that Ser Harwin had strategically placed himself between you and the body as you walked by, for it had been your gut reaction to do just that. You gripped his arm as he escorted you that much tighter, thankful to have been spared from seeing such a ghastly sight.
As you passed under the threshold, the anguished sobs of Ser Laenor echoed off the walls behind you.
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That evening, in a private ceremony witnessed by only the families of those involved, Princess Rhaenyra of House Targaryen and Ser Laenor of House Velaryon were wed. The remaining festivities that had been planned for the rest of the week were canceled. King Viserys decided that, given the events of the welcome feast, the sooner the two were wed, the better.
Despite the sense of gloominess that hung over the Red Keeps in the days to follow, personal good news had presented itself to you the very next morning. A raven had arrived, from Highgarden, no less. Negotiations were complete.
Your betrothal to Ser Harwin Strong was, finally, to be official.
At the end of the week, Princess Rhaenyra and her new husband Prince Consort left King’s Landing for a small post-wedding sailing trip.
Your betrothal was officially announced the following day. You were ecstatic- for now, you no longer had to hide or deny your attachment to the strongest knight in all the Seven Kingdoms. Instead, you could celebrate it. And you would, too- with any luck, the two of you would be wed in less than a few fortnights, a few moons at the most.
The day after the announcement brought another raven from Highgarden. But this time, the news was not the cause of any celebration.
Your father, Lord Tyrell, had succumbed to sickness. 
Perhaps the Maesters had been wrong in their diagnosis of the ailment and ineffective with their treatment… Perhaps your father knew what was inevitable, but had held on just long enough to see to it that you would be looked after once he was gone.
The winds of change had come to blow through Westeros. With the winds, came storms.
But with Harwin by your side, you knew that you would be able to weather them all.
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᯽ Part 4 of this story, From This Day, Part 1/2, can be read HERE. ᯽
A/N: Thank you so much for reading!🖤 I have (at least) one more part tentatively planned for this, but after started writing this, I came up with another idea... So, how do we feel about seeing the wedding?👀 Cuz I was gonna do another little time jump to the next part, but now I’m not so sure... Let me know what you think!
ALSO... does anyone else wanna talk about last night’s episode?! Because I have so many thoughts... ugh. It was so great. I cannot.
***The masterlist for this story can be found HERE.***
***Information about the taglist for this fic can be found HERE.***
Taglist: @whitetigerlover17 @littlebirdgot @te5s3ract  @nerdboylover @piper570 @ephemeralninon @linkpk88  @kaygilles @hippzella @wicked-hg @thatgaytevinter @nowheredreamer @ateliefloresdaprimavera  @saintspector @thebigbadbatswife @blazinglioness @itevilhag @chlo-feigh @bettybrainrot  @liadamerondjarin @fuckmylifedudee @hippzella @my-dark-prince @sweetestrose569 @kaygilles @lol-im-done @im-married-to-chris-evans​ @chetpuff @venus2eros @wicked-hg @mamamooqa  @prettymingwoo @bxdbxtxh15 @ateliefloresdaprimavera @brbaabs @novazoldyck @hoyaharper @shanzeyxsyed  @microwaveallthedemons @piper570   @fireghost-x @lakamaa12 @holb32 @thesheelfsworld  @inkareds @fuckoffthanos @mortallyspookyglitter  @akinatrix @bingewatche​ @guerraandpaes @nonniecannie @mousse-au-citron @autumnleaves1991-reads @thesithdiaries @potatingpotato-reads @perpetual-exhaustion21  @sinful-wxrld @marvelcriminalhoe2​ @redpool​ @blazinglioness​ @re-enjoy​ @itevilhag​ @jfcreading​ @prettywhencry1234​ @dankpunks​ @justonemore-fic @yonduismarrypoppins @luckyplums1 @logiclies @avoirlu @iunknownveritgo @theflowerpot @anoymousbye @strawbbyjamb @landofdreamsworld @green-beanie @queenofterrasen418 @michovisk @psychwardsiren @green-lxght @smptxx @electric-bloo @acciowolfstar1 @good-night-starlight @never-not-eating @minetticawonderland @idkjj04
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 11 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 89... You have been warned...! 👌
OH MY GOSH, WHAT A GREAT CHAPTER!! 😆 (And a funny one as well!! 😂)
This chapter has probably become a new favorite of mine, so let's talk about it...!! 😄
Today's chapter follows one of my favorite characters in the series...
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And he's been reflecting on the events of the previous arc, disappointed that he couldn't stop Twilight... Officer Scarface tells Yuri to stop sulking over it because at least he was able to injure Twilight, so now the SSS is looking for anyone with bullet wounds in their right arms (which means that Twilight has to be EXTRA CAREFUL not to slip up in anyway... 😩)
As Yuri and Officer Scarface are just going about their day, Chole (happy to see her again 😆) is about to interrogate a man with a gun shot wound in his right arm... And, um...:
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But Scarface tells Yuri to just go ahead and assist Chole with the interrogation, which goes as you'd expect from Yuri when he does his job... 😅
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Anyway, after interrogating that guy, Yuri and Chole go to investigate the address that Yuri scared out of him... And on their way there, find out that Chole and Yuri WENT TO SCHOOL TOGETHER!! 😆
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If doesn't full more fire for Chloroform (the Yuri x Chole ship name that saw from @tare-anime 😁) to be even more of a thing, then I don't know what will...!! 👌😌
As they drive to their destination, Yuri can sense Yor (and by sense, I mean smell 😅) walking by and immediately ducks down. Chole questions why he did that since they aren't even wearing their uniforms and could've just told Yor that they were dating...!! 😏 But Yuri declined that idea because he still wants to do whatever he can to help Yor like what she did for him... And then, Chole says something that I agree with:
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I don't know when or how, but I hope that Yuri will one day leave the SSS (like how I hope that Yor and Loid leave their jobs or just retire someday) and hopefully find happiness...! 😊
Moving on from that, they find the place that they were looking for and Yuri rushes in guns a blazing and does some questionable fighting techniques in the process...:
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Yuri, I-- H-How did you do that...? 👏😂
After using his Street Fighter-esque Yor Fu, one of the guys there tries to sneak attack Yuri, but then...
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And then she...
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...And gives him some advice...!!
I loved what Chole says to Yuri about how he could die on the job and what that would do to Yor it that ever happened (and that exact thought was most likely what was going through Twilight's head during Mission 83... 🥲) Chole is most definitely a keeper and a real one...!! 👌😤
Lastly, after a long day Yuri is training at his place when Yor comes to visit and brings him some food...!! 🤗 As Yuri scarfs down the food Yor brought, he thinks to himself about what Chole said:
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But before the chapter ends, Yor tells him that Loid is the one that made the food that she brought over, Yuri spits it out and starts thinking of other ways to get rid of Loid!! 🤣
And that was Mission 89, I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!! 😆 I'm glad that we got another Yuri focused chapter after all this time (Mission 41 being the first Yuri lead chapter) and got to see more of Chole!! 😁 Yuri never fails to make me laugh and this chapter was no exception (heck, even Scarface had me laughing at beginning of this chapter!! 🤣)
As usual, I'm excited for the next chapter and wonder what's gonna happen next...!! 😄 But if I had to pick one thing that I'm looking forward to see in future, it'll have to be seeing my little weird dude finally growing as a person...!! 😊 (And grow to like Loid, eventually...!! 😌)
That's pretty much all I gotta say about this chapter, so until the next Mission... Take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! SEE YA!! 👋😄
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valiantroeagleangel · 10 months
Lover boy.
Will Ramos x female reader.
A fluffy drabble with a clingy Will.
Tag list: @circle-with-me @malice-ov-mercy @darkhallcorner @loeytuan98 @witchyweeb34 (oh and since it seems that I have a problem with the tag list, could you tell me guys if it's working for you please 🥲)
From the following request from one adorable anon.
"Anyways, Will has this super adorable needy puppy energy that has me melting, and no one can convince me otherwise. So I was thinking: post tour Will, being eXtrA needy, needing cuddles and being touched 24/7, demands kisses and hugs all the time…you can make it just fluffy sweet or you can add smut too, whatever your beautiful heart and mind desires."
Decided to keep this one fluffy because it cannot hurt, let's just soothe our hearts.
I'm sorry it is quite short but just felt like writing some fluffy drabble even if I am emotionally constipated as a person. And don't have much time for myself lately so I just try to write every time I can, which is not often. I hope you'll like it nonetheless.
Don't worry you'll have some needy Will smut on the next one. 🫡
Love you.
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Three months was a long time. You did not expect it to feel that unpleasant but now that you were standing in front of the arrival terminal at the airport even the seconds that passed seemed unbearable. Everything slowed down, you kept checking your phone hoping for a sign of life from Will but nothing came. The screen on the wall was displaying all the landings and his plane was discharged. He could be here at any moment but the more people passed in front of you the more your heart raced at the absence of signs from his little curly-haired head.
Anxious, you started to roam into the small room to calm your nerves down. You did not hear about any kind of accident, he was surely fine, maybe stuck at customs. Yeah, he was probably fine but your mind could not calm down until you saw a short figure burst into your direction, Will rushing to you the second he noticed you.
Not expecting him after all this wait you awkwardly opened your arms, Will settling himself between them as he hugged you tightly, lifting you in a quick motion.
-God, I missed you. He squeezed you even harder, his head losing itself in the crook of your neck.
You hugged him back, taking time to appreciate his scent that you missed so much, murmuring a quick "Me too" as you let go in his embrace.
Eventually, after some point, you tried to let go of him, the rest of the band just behind him. Still, he did not separate himself from you, his arms still strongly surrounding your waist as he hugged you from behind, swinging you from left to right, his head resting on your shoulder.
-Will, you'll have to let go of me if you want to go home one day.
You joked, half-joked actually, and you heard Austin make fun of you in the back.
-Yeah, do you guys plan to make out in the middle of the hall or can we go?
Will groaned when you started to shift in his arms, unhappily freeing you so he could go grab his bag and follow your steps.
Still, he followed you closely everywhere, his hand on your lower back as you all tried to somehow carry the bags to the car. The rest of the guys were a few steps ahead, letting you have some intimacy as they knew that Will could just bark at them for cock blocking him. Well, they weren't cock blocking anything since you guys were definitely not going to have sex now but in Will's head it was in a way.
His lips tried to kiss your temple while you walked through the airport, which was incredibly difficult but it did not make him back up. He was maybe short but he had a strong will, desperately looking for some contact with you.
You proposed to drive the guys home but they all declined, telling you that they could deal with that themselves. Giving some kind of pressing look to Will as they silently told you that he wouldn’t let it go.
So eventually each one of them got back to their house mysteriously.
Will seemed to have calmed down a bit in the car, his hand rested on your knee as you drove his tired figure back home.
But once you got to the front door of your house Will immediately attached himself back to you, lifting you off your feet as he slammed the door open, immediately throwing you on the couch with him, his head dipping again in your neck.
You sighed gently, brushing your fingers through his tangled hair. Will humming against your skin.
-Alright lover boy, are you going to let me breathe or not?
-Fuck no, I'll suffocate you.
You chuckled and he hugged you harder, his lips looking for your urgently.
The rest of the evening went the same way. Will's weight was heavy on you as his head rested on your stomach, both of you lying down. You, focusing on one of your books and Will, focusing mindlessly on his phone. He kept glaring at you every other minute, hoping for a move from you but you only continued to read, enjoying the peaceful evening as his body was heating yours. It was much better than all these lonely and cold nights you spent lately.
Getting impatient, Will moved his head to fully look at your face, his pointy chin stabbing your stomach.
-Looooove. He called dramatically to finally earn a look from you.
You smiled at him, one of your hands leaving your book to stroke his hair again, knowing how much he liked it.
-Yes? Your voice was as soft as the look you were giving him, waiting for him to continue his speech.
-Come on is the book really that great? You've been on it for hours!
You looked back to the paper between your hands, considering his sentence for a few seconds.
-Yes. Just to tease him a little you ignored his presence again, your eyes focusing on the pages in front of you as your hand abandoned his hair.
You heard him groan and it made you hide your chuckle. He was really so easy to get.
So just for a bit, you continued to read, totally ignoring Will's protests on your stomach. Well, at least you tried. But with the time he got slightly more pressing. The hands he had under your body came to grab your waist, passing through your shirt as he lifted it a little, his lips peppering kisses on your belly's skin.
Pulling you under him he finally made you look away from your book, receiving an arched brow as you were now at the same height, his face just above yours.
-Come on what is this? He pushed your book down, looking at the title. This sucks, why are you reading it?
You bit the inside of your cheek, trying to conceal another smile.
-It does not suck. It's a great book, you should read some sometimes you know.
-Yeah right, I'm sure you'll be pleased when I'll ignore you for some kind of... He paused, frowning at the cover. What is it? Faerie porn again?
This time you couldn't refrain your laughter at his visibly confused and upset expression.
-It is not porn! You tried to defend yourself but it was too late, Will had made up his mind.
-It better not be because I'll be really offended. He pouted his face leaning to yours in hope for a kiss.
You only pecked at his lips, deciding that you had not played with him enough for tonight. You had missed this so much that you could treat yourself a little.
-Let me finish this chapter, alright?
He groaned at you again but settled down for a bit, his head now resting on your chest, making you raise your arms to be able to read something.
But when you thought he had given up he started to call you every few minutes. "Have you finished?", "And now?", "Still not done?", "Come on the chapter is a hundred pages or what?".
You sighed, gently hitting the top of his head with the hardcover.
-It would be faster if you just shut up.
His eyes widened and he stood up, surprising you.
-Fuck it. You're not reading this anymore.
Ripping the book from your hands he threw it on the floor in the second, making it hit the ground in a loud muffled sound.
-Nooo my page!
-Don't care, you should have been faster.
At these words he threw himself back on you, his hands finding your waist again. Lowering your gaze you stared at him while he leaned on, kissing you gently.
-You had three months to read, now the book can go to hell. I don't care.
He continued his motions, his lips lowering themselves to kiss your jaw and then your neck. Quickly your hands found their way back to his hair, as usual.
-It had kittens you know. You tilted your head back, letting him have more access to your skin.
-I don't care. He grunted in the crook of the neck and you tugged his hair.
You smiled, tucking your lower lips between your teeth.
-Who are you and what have you done to my man?
You felt him smirk as he sucked softly on your skin.
-I love you more than I love cats you know.
-Yeah sometimes I doubt that...
You both laughed and his lips came to yours again, engaging a deeper kiss than before, a smirk still plastered on his face now that he had your attention all for himself.
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barmadumet · 8 months
My dad’s surgery is behind us 🙌 We got kicked out of the hospital until tomorrow. He probably won’t be awake until then anyway. Long recovery ahead, but the triple bypass was a success!
After 5 days of megacon craziness (and getting news of the heart attack in the middle of it) then running to my parents’ house the next state over as soon as I got home, I can finally kick back this evening. Hello, tumblr 😃
It was one week ago, almost to the minute, when @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart and I met face to face. I had jokingly asked her to bring the snow with her when she came, and she did! Look at this! It really is snow from Denmark! We are full-on spring weather here now, but I can’t wait to decorate with these gorgeous handmade ornaments next winter… But the Vader key ring is year round 😍 I love him! Thanks so much 💕
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I have also received this adorable little collection of obikin loot all designed and created by @pararararablof 🙏 ❤️ Thank you! You are so talented, and all of these things are so CUTE! It was a pleasure to meet again… I have a feeling it won’t be the last time lol. The cons call us! 🥰
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I also brought home some new pins:
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AND this amazing art that almost brought me to tears…
Me to the artist: “You don’t understand, sir; I have these ships tattooed on my body! 😭”
Artist: “Really?? Where?” 😆
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BEYOND THAT, I brought home some amazing memories 🥰 I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: meeting the boys is SECOND to meeting fandom friends 🥲 You guys give me life, and I hope to meet more of you in person in time 😘
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Angst hour because I made myself cry with this one 🥲 Also, this is not Moon hate or anything like that. Moon is just a convenient vessel for the means of this plot.
So best friend!Reader who has known Eli and Demetri since forever and she's shy, chubby, deemed an outcast for those reasons and more. She fits in great with the nerds and such. She fell for Eli a long time ago, but when he Eli flips the script and becomes Hawk, he's super confident and cool, and Reader admires him even more for it. She falls harder.
One day he comes up and asks her for advice on what kind of date to plan if he wants to ask our a girl. He tells her all of these ideas and she tells him hers, it's cute and she's super giggly. He likes her ideas and says he's going to plan the "moat perfect date ever" thanks to her.
Her heart gets a little ahead of her head and she think he's going to ask her out. She gushes to Demetri about it, super excited. He's happy for her, being the only person she's ever shared her deep, personal feelings with.
When the day comes that Hawk has planned to go through with the plan, Reader gets a little dressed up. It's nothing fancy, but it's a level above what she'd usually wear. She feels so confident and happy, but that all changes when she gets to school.
Hawk approaches her, a little nervous, but she tells him he can do anything. "You're the Hawk after all, right?"
She giggles and he smiles. He's got the boost of confidence he needs. "Thanks, Reader. I always know I can count on you. You're a really great friend."
Before Reader can respond, his whole demeanor changes. He stands a little straighter and puffs out his chest. She feels a little warmth rush to her cheeks, but it quickly turns to embarrassment.
"There she is," he says and nods to someone behind her.
She turns and sees Moon, the prettiest girl in school. Undeniably so. She has the perfect smile and laugh and radiance.
Reader feels her heart break a little. Her smile falters, but she pulls it back into place as she is faced with her best friend again.
"I'm gonna go over there and talk to her. Wish me luck," he says and she nods. She mumbles a small 'good luck' as he pats her arm and walks by. Before he completely crosses the hall, he turns and flashes her a smile. "You look great today, by the way. Totally badass."
She smiles back, but he doesn't see how plastic and fake it is because he's quick to turn forward again.
Reader slips away before she has to see him ask out another girl as tears prick her eyes. She ends up in the bathroom and cries, cries so hard she pukes and has to go home sick.
Later that day, Hawk and Demetri are hanging out when Hawk shares the good news.
"I have a date this Friday!" he says triumphantly. He's so genuinely proud of where he's managed to get himself, from shy and low rate loser to confident and tough. "It's gonna be totally awesome!"
Demetri speaks before he thinks. "That's great. Now I don't have to listen to Reader go on and on about it. She's been so excited about it all week."
He says it in a jokey manner, never bothered by Reader's feelings when she needs to let them out. He's her confidant after all.
But Hawk stops and looks at him, smiles all gone as he stares in confusion. "What did you just say?"
Demetri realizes almost immediately that he's screwed up. He tries to back track, poorly. "What do you mean?"
"Reader, you said she was excited," Hawk restates. "Why would she be excited? You said it like she's the one I'm going out with"
"Um, well... she kind of thought you were going to ask her out."
"I asked out Moon. I asked Reader to help me plan the date, ya know to get a girl's perspective and stuff. Why would I ask her for her if I were asking her out?"
"She thought it was one of those things where you were trying to get ideas of what her 'perfect first date' would be like... but now I see how skewed that thinking is..."
"Oh shit."
Hawk puts his head in his hands as he remembers Reader and her new little outfit, the smile on her face when he saw her that morning and the way her voice got small and shy when she wished him luck on asking out Moon. It all made sense, but he didn't want it to.
"Are you telling me that this whole time she's been telling me all these date ideas that she's been expecting me to ask her out?"
"And you didn't tell me?"
"I thought she knew what she was talking about. I thought that you two were a for sure thing. I didn't know Moon was a part of the equation."
"Have you talked to her?"
Both boys reach for their phones. Demetri's is full of text after text from Reader while Hawk's is empty.
As Demetri scrolls through the paragraphs of "I'm so stupid for thinking he could like me," he frowns. Reader had never been the most confident. Bullies tore her down left and right until she was just a meek fat girl with low self esteem. The one time she let herself feel good about herself was because someone she cared for was making her happy, and then he'd unintentionally crushed it.
Hawk is sitting beside him, drafting up a similarly long text to Reader about how sorry he about the whole misunderstanding. But Demetri stops him with a "I don't think that's going to help."
And all Hawk can do is sit there, knowing whatever he says won't be enough, and all he can ask himself is what has he done?
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meiiuka · 1 year
can i request shuichi with a fem s/o who's an idol so they have to keep their relationship lowkey like that
that’s so cute!
shuichi saihara dating you as his idol s/o:
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category: headcanons, fluff
note: I GOT CARRIED AWAY AND WROTE A LOT i hope you don’t mind! it reads like a short story
• under the management of your company, you were advised to not publicize your personal relationships (especially not romantic)
• so when you started dating shuichi, things got a little hectic. you knew you had to keep it low-key but it was hard, so you had to get creative
• it was almost as if you were in a long distance relationship with the way most of your time spent together was on the phone afterhours 🥲
• there were only certain times where you could see each other and those times had to be planned far ahead in advance
• amidst the busy schedule of shooting a music video, you’d been finding it difficult to spend time with him lately but finally, you could
• shuichi drove to pick you up in a hidden area where you had snuck out of the hotel room you were staying at
• his black hat concealed the upper half of his face, but you could still see his eyes sparkling with excitement as he leaned against his car waiting for you
• thankfully shuichi’s detective experience served to be useful during these secret meetups. he could know all the ins and outs of an area if he did his research (and he did!)
• as you settled into the car, his heartwarming smile couldn’t be contained any longer. “we can talk more once we’re on the road,” he said, trying to suppress his joy at seeing you again
• when the doors closed and the tinted windows hid the two of you, he sighed. “i’ve been counting down the days to be with you again, my star”
• “you probably went through hell and back to get here,” you laughed as he gave you a weak smile. “am i really worth the effort?”
• “what?! of course you are! i’d do this a hundred times over if it meant i could see you for just a second…” he said as his cheeks flushed
• the car came to a stop as the city lights illuminated his face. you couldn’t help but admire how mysterious he looked in his dark clothes at this hour
• his breath shook before he spoke again but he managed to ask you a question. “before we part ways tonight, could i… uh… maybe kiss you?”
• he buried his face in his hands, feeling ridiculous after what he just said. him? kiss an idol??? to him, it didn’t add up, how could you love him?
• you held his face gently with one hand and tilted your head, leaning in to plant a soft, reassuring kiss on his lips. his face was hot under your fingertips
• “how was that, shu? does that answer your question?”
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fuck-customers · 1 year
[LONG POST...sorry. 🥲]
This is a fuck management post.
I was a manager at a HUGE, multi-level, well-known retail store that was closing stores all around the US & currently only has 3 stores left in 2023 (thank fuck; they don't deserve to exist with their employee policies 🖕🏻 iykyk).
I had to open the store at 5am, so I had to get behind the wheel around 4:20ishAM coz of big city traffic, etc.
Around 4:35-4:40AM-ish (I think; maybe not, but I'm p sure), just to illustrate how close I was, I was coming up to the light which was the left turn across a bunch of lanes to get onto a side road that was parallel to the road to the highway. This side road had a right turn *immediately* into the plaza to the store. I was literally *RIGHT. THERE.* I COULD SEE THE STORE FROM THE LIGHT!
...And I got into an accident.
A bad one. I totaled my car. Like, half of my car looked like a compressed slinky toy. I had to be pulled out of my window. Ironically, the other car only had one, tiny scratch of my cars paint on it. Lmao. 💀
A police car was right across the road & saw, so they popped over & called it in.
I called my manager from the ambulance. The EMTs said the other person was fine, but could go to the hospital if they felt like it for reassurance. She chose not to. I was relieved, coz I had been worried about her & she refused to speak to me when I asked her if she was okay several times... 🥲 They told me I had to go to the hospital & put a c-spine collar on me just in case (nothing serious; just a precaution).
So it's now 4:55-5AM-ish & I panic-call my boss while I am in the ambulance on the way to the hospital coz I was the only one opening the store & it should be opened & cashiers should already have their tills & such right about now!
I tell her I got into an accident at said light & my car is totaled & I'm in an ambulance on the way to [x] hospital.
She pauses for what felt like an hour, but was probs only a few seconds, then says in the most annoyed tone, "Soooo... are you not gonna be able to open the store, then?"
I was kinda shook. I have been in the position of needing to fill shifts when people call out. I know it's stressful. Espec in tight spots like this where one person is doing a lot & others jobs depend on that person doing those things & you have to replace the person doing those things. I GET IT. But there wasn't even stress in her voice; just annoyance.
Me: "No... No, I'm going to the hospital. I'm sorry."
Her, more annoyed: "And you're not coming in after getting checked?"
Me, trying to hide my disbelief: "...no. I'm sorry."
I heard her sigh in even MORE annoyance & make the "ugh" noise away from the phone. Then she paused for a bit before taking a deep breath & saying, "Okay." & quickly hanging up before I could say anything back.
Let's jump ahead a tiny bit.
It was christmas season. At this chain, you were allowed 3 absences per year, doctors notes included. Even if you had doctors notes past those three, it didn't matter. 3 was the limit. Then you're fired. I mean, it's unofficial. But everyone knows & you are explicitly told & drilled on that on your first day that 3 is the limit, regardless of dr's notes or medical conditions or whatever you're going through. And since I was in Florida, an "at will" state, they do not have to tell you why they're firing you. And if they don't specify, you can't take them to court over anything unreasonable or not in the contract you signed.
Regarding my own 3 absences, my first was taken by me being sick with bronchitis. My 2nd was forced on me. I still had a bronchial cough, but was not contagious thanks to meds, the one sick day & consecutive days scheduled off. The manager above me still told me I needed to go home because it would "scare customers". (This was MANY years before covid, mind you.) My third absence was this car crash.
I figured as soon as they saw pics of the car crash, they would understand. I literally had no choice. They were human beings & could make exceptions for more extreme circumstances. The ER dr gave me a note, personalized with a brief explanation of my injuries & that I would have been unable to be at work or perform my tasks with the injuries I had so my manager would understand, since they never took me seriously.
Surprisingly, they didn't fire me. I was shocked. But what I didn't take into account was the fact it was leading into December. I have worked MANY retail jobs & if you have, too, you know leading up to Christmas for retail is... hell. All hands on deck. Idky I didn't think about that. Ig I was just so relieved to have my job still.
I got through Christmas & worked as hard as I could, trying to make up for the car crash incident.
But then New Years came.
I worked my ENTIRE shift on New Years without anything being abnormal... only to go put my till up in the back to be counted an hour before close, coz I wasn't closing manager, & I got stopped before walking out of the back room by one of the managers above me. They told me to follow them to HR. I immediately thought I was in trouble with HR & someone had filed a complaint about something, but I couldn't think for the life of me anything I could have done over the ENTIRE TIME I had worked there.
There were 3 of them in there. 2 of the upper management (one that worked the floor near me that I knew well & another that worked in another department that I didn't know too well) & HR. I didn't know HR at all (only met her maybe twice), but those 2 managers had tormented me the entire time I had worked there.
They told me to sit down. And they fired me in the most humiliating way possible with no hesitation. Granted, I had had a TON of retail jobs & animal-related jobs (ie: grooming) prior to this & this was my first time (and last, so far) ever being fired so I didn't (and still don't) really know what is "normal" for bosses to say to me when I'm fired, so maybe this was a normal firing for someone like me, but in that one experience, it FELT absolutely humiliating.
They said something at the end when I was walking out the door, half-trying to mock-make me feel better & half outwardly mocking my intelligence, saying, "Don't worry! I'm sure you'll go on to do....... well, you'll go on!" And they all laughed. (He was about to say "great things" & made his retracting those two words VERY purposeful & evident.) As I turned back around to continue leaving, they said something a little hushed, while looking towards me, as I stepped fully out the door. As I started to turn into the corridor, they all three BURST out laughing VERY loudly, as if at a club with loud music. Then they started talking amongst themselves. About me. I was down the hall, so I couldn't hear what they were saying... just my name & laughter. Over & over between unintelligible words until their voices receded entirely as I grabbed my bag & ran to my car, not saying goodbye to anyone.
Mind you, in regards to them making the mocking "you'll go on!" comment, I'm actually a medical student. I'm *book* smart; I'm not *common sense* smart. I say this ...gently... coz it wasn't my first choice & I only did it after over a few months of being there & really realizing this was happening after being stopped every few sentences & asked "what?/what does that mean?" or "are you making words up again?/you made that word up! [laughs]". But I did have to actively "dumb down" my vocab, so to speak, (idk a better way to put that ugh sorry. That sounds so gross) when I went to work because my coworkers never understood the normal way I talk with my normal words, except 2 of them, so they probably thought that was how I normally spoke, too. They were all VERY common sense "smart" & I am VERY common sense, er, "dumb" lol... So we definitely were different types of intelligent. I think all of that combined made them think I wasn't ANY type of intelligent & they belittled me *a lot* for that, since a lot of retail is common sense related. There are SO many different types of intelligence & it was painful to just be stuck in one box every single day & belittled & tormented for not being *that* type of intelligent while being surrounded by everyone who is exactly that.
But lo & behold, getting fired was actually the biggest blessing ever, as that was the most toxic environment I have EVER worked in (all of this just scrapes the surface; this place even drove me to an unaliving attempt once & I would be SHOCKED if I were the only one who was a victim of company policies and the way they were enforced in this way). On top of that, the store was one of many that were in another wave of mass closures across the US shortly after I left. It also allowed me to finally see that I was in an abusive situation with my ex-fiance & get the strength to leave him. So it was one of those really great things disguised as a bad thing lol. Me being with my ex explained why I was putting up with what I was putting up with at work, as I normally have a very loud, dominant personality & I *never* let people walk all over me or say shit without my voice being heard. ESPEC not shit like THEY were saying. I was the exact opposite person when I lived with my ex... so it makes sense that I wasn't myself at work, either, & didn't stand up for myself like normal.
But regardless...!
Fuck that one manager on the phone for being annoyed at me that I couldn't open the store bc I had to go to the hospital after a completely accidental car crash.
FUCK *ALL* the managers at that store, which doesn't exist anymore, for tormenting & belittling me the ENTIRE time I was there.
Fuck the company itself for the ridiculous amount of unrealistic policies they hold their employees to, including 3 sick days a year with no dr notes allowed.
BLESS tf outta the cashiers, coz they were the best ever & put up with such intense rules & bs from the company itself, not even mentioning management above me. Cashiers were the real heros of this store & company in general. 💙
But also? Fuck me for putting up with everything I did put up with. 🥲 Lol.
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Having a DAY 😅🥲 Got in my car to go treat myself to a coffee and my Nica Pierce Playlist automatically connected. Instant tears…
I’m fine, this is fine 😂 I guess I just needed a Nica hug 🥺🥰
But from this, a Headcanon was born!
The Miles Behind- BarclayPierce!
Sometimes Nica wishes she could drive. She yearns to be able to get in the car and just go, chasing the highway horizon, music playing in the background as the time otherwise passes in silence, letting her head clear.
In the solitude and safety of the empty car, she thinks she’d find a sort of meditation, an inner peace. Nica would finally be moving forward, toward something, the repetitive motions of maneuvering the vehicle shutting down the anxious, restless parts of her brain.
While she’s endlessly fond of and grateful for her family, a small part of her longs for the peace of driving on her own, just for a while.
Andy first noticed this when they drove out to Chicago. He’d been worried the long drive would take a toll, something he’d feared was proven correct the quieter Nica became. But when he’d offered, she brushed off his offers of a stop, her piercing, beautiful eyes focused on the road ahead. He noticed her shoulders didn’t hold the same tension they would on bad days, and she hadn’t realized it but she was softly humming along to the radio, her face calm and lost in thought. By the time the sun had set, the road in front of them only visible by car and moon light, she had fallen asleep peacefully beside him.
After that, Andy made it a point to take her on the occasional long ride. Sometimes he’d use a trip or a weekend getaway as an excuse, and other times he’d simply grab his keys and ask “Wanna come?” Or “Let’s get lost.”
On those rides, they didn’t need to say anything. Occasionally one of them would softly share what was on their mind, offering some of the more vulnerable secrets they kept safely hidden. From time to time they would sing along to the music, exchanging smiles and laughter. But mostly they looked ahead, his hand over hers, still as they let the world pass by.
Nica sometimes wishes she could drive by herself, but if that’s not possible, she would gladly sit in the passenger seat with Andy beside her, just the two of them.
Putting the miles behind them. Together.
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ad-hawkeye · 7 months
(not the past anon/s but i made this whole analysis on artem's summer splash card + compared it to wings of exhilaration and i wanted to share hehe this got really long and i hope it makes sense 😭)
SPOILERS AHEAD‼️‼️‼️ they're pretty minor bc i won't be spoiling the overall plots of the cards but,, still spoilers 😭
when i think of fanservice in terms of artem cards, the cards that come to mind are his summer splash card and "wings of exhilaration" but i will always pick the latter over the former any day under any circumstance‼️ they both center on the theme of possessiveness but while wings acknowledges it as smth that is natural in a relationship, summer splash makes it feel like it's a requirement
artem is def a lot more comfortable relationship-wise in wings but there's clearly still some uncertainty 🥹 after not seeing each other for a week he gets super clingy and pretty much does everything he can so he can have rosa all to himself for a while. he lets her choose between having dinner in the hotel room or at the hotel restaurant but rosa sees right through him, noticing that he's hoping she'll pick the former, so she does but it was of her own accord.
at the end, he's surprised she noticed this and reveals that it was bc he knew that a lot of racers would also be dining at the restaurant and he didn't want anyone to share his or her attention but he still wanted to give her the freedom of choice, hence him still giving her the option to dine out. he also adds that he's not sure whether he's had this possessiveness from the start and it only manifested now and he didn't want rosa to "accomodate" his wants BUT rosa immediately assures him that possessiveness is normal in relationships and that even she feels toward him too!!
wings is supposed be released before summer splash so i'm pretty sure what the writers wanted to do with summer splash is show artem in his most confident and comfortable stage in the relationship as a continuation of wings but they forgot to stay true to his actual personality 😭 at the end when the two of them were lighting the sparklers, rosa was reminiscing about what her high school classmates would do with the sparklers and artem straight up tells her that he doesn't want her to remember them when she sees sparklers and think of ONLY him instead?? and imo it just doesn't seem like smth artem would say 😭
i imagine he'd be sentimental and say "while i missed out on experiencing playing with sparklers as a kid, this experience with you alone makes up for all of it" 🥲 and even if they rlly wanted to keep his original quote, there are so many other ways to reword it so artem isn't basically saying he wants to override her memories until they're all of him (i refuse to acknowledge summer splash as canon and made up my own plot for it LMFAO)
all i can say is that artem in wings of exhilaration was written with the character in mind but artem in summer splash was written for the plot‼️
this is literally the most clear and concise explanation of these cards ever. and how each one handles a similar topic, but differently?? wow, okay yeah i can. definitely see where this card went very very wrong.
the funny thing is i have never liked possessiveness or jealousy plots in otomes/dating sims because more often than not it's treated exactly how you said it was in the summer splash card. it's. the. WOORRRST and it's even more awful here because of how ooc it is.
AND YOU KNOW WHAT?! yeah! the wings card does seem in character and handles the topic like. so normally. !!?? when this stuff is handled well it's so much better and anyways this is required reading for this blog thank you for my life anon this was utterly fantastic, well written, and concise!!!!!!!!!!
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