#gosick packs
kazemariuz · 6 years
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— victorique de blois packs. *⊹˚⠀like/reblog if u save.
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vanchlo · 4 years
The Firsts / #2 “The First Time Bringing Him Home”
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*not my gif*
---> NEXT BLURB: I hope that I can put it out on October 19th, following the every other week rule, but I’m not sure with my busy schedule. Keep an eye out for updates on the series masterlist!
---> READ BLURB #1
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+ : a break in the story; a time jump.
italicized words : a flashback.
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WORD COUNT: 10.7k words (!!!)
SONG:  And I Love Her by The Beatles  (CLICK TO LISTEN)
                          * SNEAK PEEK, DUH BC ALWAYS *
“A tear collects at the corner of my eye, reminding me that at times like these, I expect to blink and it’ll all be gone. I wait for myself to wake up from the dream, and to have him ripped away from me, just like all of those other times he was. But it doesn’t, because how could my dreams beckon for me when my life was finally better than anything I could dream about?“
“She thinks that there’s one soul out there, just for her. One that will stay by her side forever and that someday, she’ll find it.”
- Kazuya Kujō, GOSICK -ゴシック-
“Are you kidding me?” 
Groaning, I drop my purse in the doorway where it falls with a thud, and my quick steps echo down the hallway. “Harry Edward, I swear to God,” I mutter under my breath, narrowing my eyes at his laughing figure at the other end, but the happy sound only grows further and further away. 
“What would you ever do without me?” I ask nobody aloud, coming to a stop in a patch of sunlight dancing through the tall window. Rounding his desk, I find his brown messenger bag that I still smile at every time, and begin to pack his stuff up.
Pulling open a drawer, I find his Macbook charger that I may or may not be stealing for the tenth or twelfth time. After the last of the unwrapped cord comes out, something pink flutters to the marbled floor. Huffing, I shove the charger into his bag and bend down to pick it up, smoothing down the end of my skirt against my bottom. The thought of standing back up comes to my mind, but as a hint of his recent Sage and Citrus candle trickles through the air, I stop at the words I see. 
“Huh,” I sigh, my lips curling into my cheek as the writing on the Post-It clears before my eyes. A certain somebody’s handwriting that I could recognize instantly, but my noggin takes a moment to rouse the reason for this very note. 
I hope your case went well today, Harry, and I’m sure it did because you’re so good at what you do. I just wanted to let you know that I really like working with you, and I’m so glad that I found this job, and more importantly, you. You’re one of my best friends, Harry, so thank you a lot for that. 
Your Becks xxx
The space between my eyebrows softens when the jigsaw pieces click inside my head, but then it’s followed by the smallest of tears in my chest when I notice that my name is smudged. The paper all over has smudge marks, and looks almost crinkled, as if somebody spilled something on it . . or shed tears onto it. 
“Oh, Harry. I hate to think what you did do without me,” I whisper, brushing my thumb over the note I wrote so many years ago, and yet, he still clung onto it. Standing back up, I clear my itchy throat and tuck the note back into the drawer where it sat in the little divider surrounded by coins and pink erasers. 
“Can I help you with sumthin’?” a voice teases from the doorway. I almost jump when I hear it, the sleek wooden drawer closing without a sound. 
“Yeah, you can stop making us late.” 
“What, we’re not gonna be late, Becks.” 
“We will if you don’t stop it with your Minnesota goodbyes,” I quip, draping the cloth strap over my shoulder and stepping forward. 
“Whatever tha hell that means,” he titters with knitted brows, that breathy laugh escaping his lips to grace the air. He closes the distance between us and I feel zings of electricity on my forehead where his lips touch. “Here, gimme. I was jus’ sayin’ me goodbyes t’ My’ t’ make sure we’re all set with bein’ gone t’morrow and Monday, and you as well.” 
“If you say so,” I exhale, letting him take the bag from me. Somehow, it only makes him all the more attractive, clutching onto it across his chest, clad in a teal and black paisley suit with a button up the color of raven feathers beneath. 
“C’mon, brat. Let’s get this show on tha road then,” he complains ever so annoyingly, making me roll my eyes. 
“Hey! Watch it, you’re on thin ice, bud!” I exclaim, whipping around to find him giggling after pinching my ass. 
“Oooo, ‘m so scared!” 
“Harry, hurry up already! I don’t want to hit rush hour traffic! What more do you need to bring? It’s only a three-four day trip,” I call up the staircase, my hands slapping against my thighs in impatience. 
“‘m comin’! Would ya chill yer tits, woman? My God,” Harry chuckles, appearing around the corner of the staircase a moment later. Shaking my head, I catch sight of the large box wrapped in floral paper. “Don’t smile now, Becks. Dontchu’ smile, babe.” 
Stifling a giggle, I turn around fast and thread my fingers through the cloth handle, “Dammit, Harry, what do you have in this bag? It weighs a ton.” 
“‘s yer birthday presents, bug.” 
“It is?” I ask excitedly after an intake of air. His steps stop in front of me, but I ignore him and push aside the fabric of the large reusable cloth bag. 
“They’re wrapped, silly. Hey, you were gonna cheat and take a peek, weren’t you?!” Harry exclaims. Looking up slowly, I press my lying lips into a line and shake my head. His own pair rise to pinch his cheeks and now, it’s his turn to shake his head. “Naughty, naughty, Becks. Hmm, maybe I should jus’ leave ‘em here and you can open ‘em when we get back on Monday. Fo’get ‘bout openin’ ‘em up t’morrow mornin’ on yer birthday.” 
“Harry, no!” I almost shout, but his stern look dissolves into a giggle. A spark ignites on my cheek when his thumb brushes along it, hooking his fingers into my hair. 
“Don’t worry, sweets. I can hardly wait t’ give ‘em t’ you, let alone anotha few days,” he winks, and I feel my shoulders relax when I breathe out. “Now, let’s go put this in tha boot, and get goin’. Yer dad’s expectin’ us soon,” he hums, bending forward to sponge a kiss under my eye. I can’t remember when he had started doing that, but I smile at the feeling of his warm lips on my birthmark. 
“Hey, what’d I say earlier?!” I argue a moment later, almost jumping into the air after he pinched my bum. 
“I don’t care. Yer gonna be tha one makin’ us late now, if ya don’t hurry that cute bum o’ yers along.” 
Giggling, I open his glossy, black front door to step onto the front stoop. Humming a tune, Harry helps me to get the heavy bag into the boot of his Rover, fitting it and his large box amongst his suitcase and my own. Things are shoved to the side, including his windshield scraper, a jumper or two, and his bag of workout clothes with his highlighter yellow Nikes spilling out. 
“Becks, I get t’ pick this time!” 
“No, you don’t. I don’t even remember who picked last time, but I got to your phone first. That’s the rule,” I return with a mischievous grin pointed towards him. Huffing, he adjusts himself in the driver’s seat before pulling the seat belt across his chest. 
“Pick sumthin’ good please, and would ya plug me phone in then?”
“Sure, and wait, what do you mean? I always pick good music!” I say, turning to look at him as he presses the button to start the car. 
“I love ‘Dancing Queen’ and ‘Bohemian Rhapsody,’ babe, but please, can we have sumthin’ different t’day? ‘s a three hour drive, I don’t wanna be listenin’ t’ those songs or bloody ‘Hannah Montana’ tha whole way.” 
“You’re no fun,” I groan, finding the words I had just said feeling heavy in my throat when I see his lock screen. A giggly picture of us from the other night fills it, the first time I’ve seen it. Smiling, I unlock it regrettably, and find his Music Library. 
“Alright, Ms. GPS, where am I goin’ exactly? ‘s been awhile since ‘ve been up this way, y’know,” Harry says, adjusting the air conditioner until it flows softly. 
“Thanks for driving,” I tell him first, squeezing his hand and watching his eyes scan over to me. They instantly fill with the smile that follows on his face. 
“Welcome, babe. Take all tha time ya need with gettin’ back t’ it. But, y’know, ya should start lookin’ fer a new car.” 
“I don’t wanna talk about this right now, Harry-,” I begin in an upset tone, scrolling through one of his playlists. 
“Ya, but I do. I don’t see why you won’t lemme help you pay-.” 
“Harry, I can afford it, I’ll be fine. The settlement money will be enough for a used one,” I disagree, settling on a Haim song just to have something to listen to already. 
I just hope it’ll help me tune out this impending argument. 
“Ya, a shitty used one, Becks. ‘m not gonna let you drive ‘round an unreliable car, I-.” 
“Well, I don’t remember needing to have your permission before I did something,” I retort, setting his phone down above the radio on the little mat, noticing his fingers darting around on the touch screen. 
“That’s not what I said, Becks, y’know that . . Ya don’t ever need me permission t’ do sumthin’, I can’t believe ya’d think that ‘bout me,” Harry sighs, stabbing at the screen one last time before backing away from his closed garage. 
Closing my eyes, I let my head fall against the window, regret pooling inside of me darkly. I try to swallow, but the words I want to say sit there, unsaid. 
“I don’t think that about you, Harry, I-.” 
“Then why fookin’ say that, Becks?” he spits back, harshly switching gears before zooming along as the directions are spoken to him. 
“Because I’m upset and people say things they don’t mean when they’re upset, and I’m tired of-.” 
“Doesn’t fricken ‘scuse what ya said, actin’ like ‘m controllin’ when ‘m not like that. You know ‘m not,” Harry grumbles under his breath, stopping suddenly in front of a changing stoplight. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Ya well, what have you said t’ me befo’, huh? ‘Sorry doesn’t always cut it,’ ‘cuz y’know, it doesn’t mean a whole lot when it gets overused all o’ tha time,” he continues, a bite in his voice. I soon taste blood in my mouth and release my tongue, unaware I was taking out my frustration on it, as well. 
“I don’t want your help buying a car, Harry, why can’t you just accept that already?” I almost explode, wishing I wasn’t, but the words were shoved up and away before I could stop them. 
His sigh is automatic and unavoidable, as is the click of his tongue, “‘Cuz we’ve argued ‘bout this how many times, and ya still won’t tell me why not.” 
“Fine, because I don’t want to take your help- your money. I-It’s just how I was raised, I don’t know. It’d be so embarrassing, Harry . . ,” I trail off, my voice growing small and choked. 
“Oh, Becks,” Harry says in an exhale, lacing his hand with mine and pressing a kiss to it. “Ya don’t hafta be embarrassed, love . . I know that you’d pay me back, and however long it takes ‘s fine.” 
“Thanks, but . . I don’t know. I don’t like ‘talking money’ with you, no offense or anything. It’s just . . weird with you being my boss and signing my checks, like you say. You know how much I make, and I know you pay me a little more than an associate because you like me.” 
“‘m sorry I give you shit ‘bout tha check thing, but y’know that other part’s a bit o’ an understatement,” he wheezes, squeezing my hand in his. Breathing in, I move my head to look at him and watch his eyes turn to me and soften. “It ‘s. I liked you afta a few weeks o’ knowin’ you at tha firm, then I really liked you, and then I loved you.” 
“Harry,” I say with a sigh, looking away and finding our laced hands sitting on his thigh, right where he always places them. 
“What, ya aren’t gonna reciprocate me love?” he giggles, and I remain quiet. “‘s okay, love, ya don’t always hafta.” 
“I love you too, but-,” I start, but cut myself off, just in time. Or, so I think.
“But what?” he asks, his indicator making a ticking noise while he switches lanes. It takes me a few moments to notice the absence of the music. I think that he’s lowered the volume, but then, I gather that he’s turned it off altogether. “Becks, what’re you thinkin’ bout?”
“Bug? Yer scarin’ me, what’s tha matter?” he says, hurrying through his words. My lips are dry when I swipe my tongue over them, but the landscape outside my window is anything but that. It’s green in between the buildings and the hot sun shines high in the sky. 
“I feel like a burden to everybody . . the last few months . . ,” I admit in a small voice, focused on the sensation of him twirling a ring around my finger. An old one I had found in a drawer the other day, from my uni days with Skye. “What are you doing?” I ask hurriedly when I notice he pulls off the road onto the shoulder, and parks. 
“Becks,” Harry says firmly, pressing his thumb into my hand, but it doesn’t wake me up quite yet. “Rebecca Holte, listen to me. No, I need you t’ look at me too,” he continues, cupping the side of my face and pressing on it until I look into his eyes overwhelmed with something. “You are not a burden t’ anybody, let alone t’ me. I love you, Becks, mo’ than I thought I could ever love somebody. Hell, mo’ than ‘ve loved anyone. Yer never a burden t’ me, ‘ve told you this fer years, and I wish you’d believe it, love. I really don’t mind givin’ you lifts t’ work, and I know Skye doesn’t either. How else would I know that you secretly love Miley Cyrus’ music, or ya still jam t’ High School Musical or The Lion King? I love ridin’ t’ work and home with you ev’ry day, I honestly cherish gettin’ that extra time with you. Sure, ya drive me nuts sumtimes with yer odd music tastes, but I love you fer that. I love you for yer stubbornness, even with this bloody car issue, ‘cuz I dunno if we’d be t’getha if it weren’t fer yer stubbornness. I love you fer how good you are with yer money, tha effort you make fer those you love, like spendin’ tha weekend at yer Dad’s fer yer birthday with Robbie. I love you fer yer dedication t’ anythin’ and anybody that you love - throwing Asher a surprise birthday party tha other week, or organizing that baby shower fer Rose next week. Yer amazing, you blow me off me feet ev’ry day with sumthin’ new ya did. You could never be a burden t’ me, yer tha complete opposite, bug. You make tha world spin ‘round fer me, always done that, you have. Ya make me excited t’ get up in tha mornin’, t’ be a lawyer, hell . . t’ be a person, and mo’ importantly, yer boyfriend and best friend. I never wantcha t’ think yer a burden, ‘specially t’ me, ‘cuz that’s tha last thing you are t’ me. I love you mo’ than I could ever begin t’ tell you,” Harry divulges and not for the last time do I feel like The Grinch, because it feels as if my heart has grown another size, or two. 
His warm laugh dances across my head when I fall into his arms and pull him against me for once. 
“Dontchu’ cry on yer birthday weekend now, bug,” he jokes against my temple, his lips making a smacking noise against my flushed skin. 
My favorite song in the world fills my ears as his words from before drunken my mind with their never ending meanings. I never thought I could love somebody this much, either. Sorry, Skye. 
Sniffling, I brush my hand against my itchy nose and peer up. His greens brighter than the grass outside my window peer down at me, softer than can be. 
“I love you too, Harry, so much. I don’t know what more I can say after that,” I croon with happiness plastered across my face. “But, thank you.”
“Ya don’t hafta say anymo’, that’s mo’ than enough fer me, sweets,” he assures me, pressing his lips to mine. “‘m sorry ya didn’t get mo’ settlement money, ya would have if it was me who fought yer case.” 
“How many times do I have to tell you that it’s okay?” I giggle and he nods with those dimples on full display for me. He nibbles at his bottom lip, leaving short white imprints amongst the rosy color. I sometimes still amaze myself at getting to run my fingers through his hair whenever I want to, like now. The clean, citrus smell of his new shampoo wafts over me as he smiles down at me, making me think all of my dreams have come true. Almost all of them. 
“I know, bug, but it was disappointin’, tha settlement.”
“Your friend at Williams and Knox did great, Harry, and you couldn’t have argued it with your connection to me. Nobody at the firm could, seeing as how I work with them,” I explain to him, my thoughts brushing over the redundancy of it all. 
“‘ll tell ya what, I have an ol’ mate who works with cars, and I bet he could knock off a few grand fer me-.” 
“Harry!” I begin to protest, but it’s soon whisked away by the softness of his lips against mine. Our giggles tickle the others, and his hand is cold against my hip when he slides up my shirt. “I don’t want you to-,” I start again after he pulled away, but he dives back in for another kiss. Now, I don’t really care if we happen to be late. 
“Ya gonna stop arguin’?” he wheezes after ending the kiss, brushing the tip of his nose against mine. My lips part and he raises his eyebrows in response, making me nod moments later. “Good. Now, as I was sayin’, he owes me a favor so ‘ll see what I can do ‘bout gettin’ you a new car. Actually, I think a lease would be best fer you.” 
“But, Harry, new cars are too expensive and the insurance as well, and-.” 
“Hush,” he whispers against my lips, soon letting me taste his coconut chapstick for the third time in the last minute. Then again, time has seemingly gone out the window these last few minutes, and I couldn’t care if I tried. “I really do think ‘d be best. Ya, insurance would be higher, but then ya have a new car, guaranteein’ no problems, and if there are, tha dealer place fixes ‘em free o’ charge. Inna few years, ya can buy it, or trade it in and sign another lease.” 
“Okay, Mr. Convincing Lawyer, you do have a few good points,” I at last agree, watching his sixty-watt smile only grow brighter at my surrender. 
“Yer music t’ me ears, y’know that?” 
“Ditto,” I say, smiling up at him.
“Maybe if ya continue t’ be good  and give a li’l less lip at work, ya jus’ might get a raise when it comes t’ yer six month review next week,” he jests with a lift of an eyebrow, a shit-eating grin plastering his lips. “Reckon that’d help with tha car, bug.”
“Is that so, Mr. Styles?”
“Mmmhmm, it ‘s indeed, Ms. Holte,” Harry answers, but I ignore him and choose to get lost in his lips, and the baby curls on the back of his neck. 
A Paul McCartney song hums around us, the soft twang of acoustic guitar filling the holes as buildings pass on by. Yawning, I shuffle my feet in front of me and tip my head against the window. The song comes to a gentle end before a Bowie song follows, and I find my thigh warmed by his touch. I lose myself in the lyrics as his thumb leaves circles through my jeans first above my knee, then higher, and higher. Turning away from the window, I peek a look at him to find him biting at his nails while focused on the road. 
“Stop biting your nails,” I whisper, my hand falling onto his and dragging it back towards my knee. It’s difficult, but I hold back the grin begging at my lips when I watch him blink with emphasis. 
“Stop movin’ me hand. Y’know what, it took me tha last ten minutes t’ get that high,” he retorts without moving his eyes from the traffic in front of us. 
“Why are you trying to get so high, huh, Mr. Styles?”
“Yer not helpin’ things by callin’ me that. Y’know how I feel ‘bout you callin’ me it,” Harry sighs, his thumb falling from his lips, and he turns on his indicator. After switching lanes, he reaches into the middle compartment and offers me a stick of gum before shoving a piece into his mouth. 
“And how do you feel about me calling you that?”
“Stop,” he says, turning his head to look me straight in the eyes when a light has turned red. “Playin’ dumb, Becks.” 
I avoid his eyes with a giggle and peer out at the landscape where buildings soon become far and in between, knowing how it gets to him and in a good way. His tsking tickles my ears and I shove his hand away, sure I’ve only made matters worse. The next few songs tick Queen off the list, as well as The Stones, and Simon and Garfunkel before a Beatles song follows. 
“Penny Lane is in my ears, and in my eyes,” the radio sings back to us while Harry cruises at a steady 68 miles per hour. His distracted humming along eggs me on, and without a thought more, I slide my hand across the divider and onto his thigh. If he noticed, he didn’t say anything, and when I glance over, he’s blowing bubbles between singing along. “And in his pocket is a portrait of the Queen. He likes to keep his fire engine clean . . ,” he nods to the words, and smacks loudly on his gum. I take the chance and slowly lift my hand from the warmth of his leg, and find another spot a little higher up. 
“Yer cheatin’,” is all he says while sitting back further and adjusting his hand on the wheel. 
Huffing, I look away guiltily and try my darnedest to hide the smile blooming on my lips, “I am not.” 
“Yes, you are. Only slidin’, no liftin’, Ms. Holte. Start over, then.” 
“Fine,” I groan, replacing my hand to above his knee where I had begun in the first place. His chuckle irritates me, but when he picks up my hand to press a kiss to, I find it hard not to melt next to him. 
Throughout the next few songs featuring Jagger, Backstreet Boys, and McFly, I don’t get very far. I hardly beat my record when he picks up my hand and places it back at the starting point. 
“Harry!” I exclaim in annoyance, turning to face him. His dimpled cheeks round out with a pink smile. “No fair, I almost won!” 
“Ya, and ya were gettin’ a li’l too close t’ me junk, y’know.” 
“That’s the point of the game, silly!” I argue but it only collapses into a laugh that he reluctantly echoes. “We don’t actually . . touch each other, you know that.” 
“What’re you talkin’ ‘bout? You did jus’ tha other day!” 
“Stop it!” I whine, crossing my arms over my chest and facing the window once more with hot cheeks. With my face smushed into a line, I find only a few bits of relief when my forehead meets the cool glass of the window, wishing I hadn’t heard those words. “Don’t,” I mutter when he pries at my stubborn arms that coax me back together. 
“Babe, I was jus’ jokin’ with you. It was only an accident, ya don’t still hafta feel bad ‘bout that, Becks,” Harry insists, but the harmless giggle feels anything but that when it interrupts the new Busted song. 
“I would if you’d stop bringing it up! You know that I’m never going to hear the end of it from Skye, and now, you too!” 
“Bug, it was funny. We all agreed it was, ‘s nuthin’ t’ be ashamed of still, I promise you.” 
“Oh, hush,” I say through gritted teeth, shaking off his hand only to hear his depressed sigh. 
His voice grows low, and somehow, I let his hand remain when it graces the round of my knee, “I didn’t mind y’know, ‘s rather flatterin’ actually-.” 
“Would you shut up about it, please? I touched your crotch the other day, I know because I was there, and it was in front of Skye. I almost died from embarrassment when it happened, and if you don’t stop bringing it up, I actually will die from embarrassment and it’ll be all of your fault.” 
“Becks, chill out, babe,” he titters, the emphasis held in his hand that tries to rub the worries away, but I remain pouting. “Stop it with tha poutin’, love, ‘s not lost on me. It was an accident that ‘m sorry I keep givin’ ya grief fer. I like our li’l game, and I know ‘s harmless. Maybe one o’ these times ‘ll make it up t’ you and let ya win.” 
“Stop talking already, you know I hate it when you let me win.” 
“Young lady, ya better stop it with tha whining, cuz yer stuck with me for tha next three-four days, and ya best bet ‘m stealin’ all o’ tha covers,” he gripes, and I at last look at him with my body too. 
“Harry Edward, you will not!” 
“I will too, ‘specially if ya keep on poutin’ ‘bout that thing, ‘s not worth it,” he insists, pulling free one of my hands to lace with his one, and smatter the skin of with kisses. “I jus’ hope ya like what ya felt, but ya should know, ‘s mo’ impressive when ‘s hard.” 
“Harry, would you stop it?!” I shout, yanking my hand away from him and shrinking against the window with a shiver. “You’re gross.” 
“What, like ya haven’t thought ‘bout me dick befo’?” he wheezes with that breathy laugh I’m trying not to love right this moment. Sighing, I close my eyes and try to focus on the song, but it’s becoming too difficult as his words spring a leak in my mind. 
This little ‘game’ of ours had started shy of a few weeks ago, and I can’t even remember why really. One of us had started laying our hands on the other’s thigh and as a joke one night, I think after some drinks, I got a little handsy and tried to see how far I could slide my hand without him noticing. It’s become a competition ever since and harmlessly, given the fact that a few steamy makeout sessions as of late hadn’t progressed to anything besides that. Running across some old photos the other night with Skye when backing up my phone made me realize again just how lucky I’ve gotten with him. The man I never thought I’d be able to love, and here I am, embarrassed because my boyfriend is talking about his dick that may or may not occupy my thoughts at times.
God, if I could tell Past Becky that sometime in the near future sh-we may get to see Harry naked, she wouldn’t believe me, or the fact I probably get to sleep beside him the next few nights with him wearing nothing but shorts. I can’t decide which outweighs the other, the excitement, or the fear of the f- that kind of future. 
“No,” I whine, continuing to comb through the contents, despite the fact that I already know that it’s not there. 
“Yer bedroom ‘s cute, y’know. Look at all these posters, I love ‘em. Bloody hell, ‘s that a Scooby Doo stuffie? Powerpuff Girls too?” he giggles from across the hallway, and I hear things being moved around. “Becks?”
“I know I packed it, what the heck?”
“What’s tha matter?” Harry coos, coming up from behind me and circling his arms around my waist. 
“I forgot to pack a razor.” 
Apparently, he finds that very funny, because within seconds he’s laughing, “Why ya frettin’ over a razor, bug? We’re only here three nights.” 
“Because . . I didn’t want my legs to be prickly when we sleep together,” I reveal softly, and that sweet sound of his returns, soon muffled against my hair. 
“I honestly don’t care if yer legs are hairy t’night, or t’morrow, or tha night afta that. I never have, love. But, if it really matters t’ ya, ya can borrow me razor. Lemme find it.” Facing him, I watch as he picks up his small, black toiletries bag and plucks a silver handled razor from it. “Here.” 
“Uh, no thanks. Forget I asked,” I rush, occupying myself by grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste from the bag to set on the counter beside his gray one. 
“What, why ya look scared, Becks? Ya never used a safety razor befo’ or summat?”
“No,” I reveal slowly, untwisting the cap of the white tube, and squeezing a dollop of the blue gel onto my toothbrush. 
“‘s really not that bad, I promise you. I like it better, doesn’t gimme razor burn and goofy bumps, or ingrown hairs as much.” 
“I’m fine, no thanks,” I mumble with the toothbrush in my mouth as I move it around, scrubbing my teeth. 
“Becks, c’mon. Really, ‘s not that bad. Hey, why dontchu’ help me shave t’night, and that way you’ll learn how t’ use it. Reckon ‘s easier t’ use on yer legs, not havin’ all tha contours o’ yer face and jaw t’ nick.” 
“Really?” I ask, placing a hand against the cool countertop, and facing him. “Wait, but I like your stubble and it was just coming back after you had shaved.” 
“I leave the upper lip area and chin, but tha cheeks get patchy, so I shave those. I guess yer gonna hafta put up with tha stache again.” 
“That’s okay, you know I like it. You’d really trust me to shave your face?” I respond, turning on the sink and filling a cup with water. 
He nods, and with an eager smile, fishes out the large tube of shaving gel from his bag. 
“What if I cut you?” I almost whine moments later, with the heavy handle in my hands. 
“Babe, ya won’t, and if ya do, I won’t be mad. Rememba, like I showed you - forty-five degree angle, short strokes, and tha lightest pressure. Rinse every few strokes under tha tap. You’ll be fine,” Harry insists with the emphasis placed in his rising eyebrows. “Promise you that I trust you.” 
“Okay, I’ll try it a few times, but that’s it. If I don’t like it, I don’t want to continue. I don’t want to hurt you, Harry.” 
“Ya won’t, bug. This ‘s how ya learn, anyways. Now, c’mon, give it a go,” he coos, pulling me closer to him by his hands pressed to my hips. 
Exhaling, I lift my hand and leave a gap of air in between the safety razor and his cheek covered in the white foam. Tilting it like he had said to do, I wait for him to open his mouth to pull the skin taut. I go with the grain and pull the razor along with short strokes, listening to his encouragements as his cheeks slowly reappears before my eyes. 
“God, you look like a baby like this. I’ve always wondered what you looked like as a teenager, I want to see more pictures.” 
“Noted, ‘ll hafta have me mum bring some over next time,” he replies  and I nod, being careful when his face slopes with his cheekbones, but I save the jawline for him to do. 
Goodness, Becky, you’re shaving your boyfriend’s face. Sometimes, I still catch myself when I call him that, Harry.
“Bloody hell, ‘s yer dad good at cribbage. I thought I had that last game 'til tha end there,” Harry chortles from across the hallway. Nodding to myself, I flick off the bathroom light, and stop in the doorway to find him snuggled under the covers of my childhood bed. Talk about a sight for sore eyes. 
“I told you that I learned from the best,” I reply, closing my door softly and then getting the light. Dashing across the room, I almost jump onto my bed. 
“Come warm me up, bug, ‘m freezin’ with that fan on,” Harry says, his teeth chattering, but I wonder if it’s only for the comical effect. “And then, God, what he said when we brought our suitcases in.” 
“What’d he say again?” I ask, burying myself underneath the plain, gray comforter, and draping the rainbow colored quilt on top. 
“How could ya forget, Becks?” he chuckles from beside me, the sound surrounding me when I place my head on his chest. His laughs continue and grow deeper over the next several seconds whilst I get comfortable under the blankets and his arms find their way around me. “Hey, Dad, where should Harry sleep? Have him sleep with you in yer old bed, I’m not getting any younger y’know, I want some grandkids soon, and Robbie isn’t looking too promisin’.” 
“I can’t believe he said that either, I could have died from embarrassment right then and there,” I comment, my laugh joining his to echo around the room. His chest and belly shake and then squeeze beneath me as I nuzzle my head into the middle of his chest.
Little old me had nearly all of her dreams granted after I kissed this fellow, including getting to feel his toned body any time I want to, or lay my head between his solid pecs. Christ Almighty. 
“Once again, ev’rybody, but us, thinks we’re havin’ sex,” Harry says, his laugh seemingly not going anywhere. My cheeks warm at his words and I wish that I could bury my head deeper into him, but I only feel the lukewarm metal of his cross necklace against my cheek. 
“Hey, that’s not too bad of a deal. We didn’t have to do anything, and people think we are.” 
“You have a silly mind, li’l one. I mean, I don’t care what people think, but I wish our parents would stop askin’ fer grandchildren, seein’ as we’ve only been t’getha four months,” Harry giggles, and I nod, remembering my dad missing vague and going straight to obvious when he said he was traditionally named after his father. His elbow into my side didn’t help his case, either. 
Suddenly, a disturbing thought whisks my laugh away and I don’t find the joke very funny, anymore. 
“Why aren’t you laughin’, hmm? Here, then - it was funny when he hinted he wants a grandson named afta him. Our parents really are obvious, aren’t they?” Harry chirps, and I nod silently, only now noticing the callused tips of his fingers dancing along my arm. “‘m sorry, I overplayed tha joke, didn’t I? ‘s not too funny afta a few goes, ‘s it?”
“No, you’re fine,” I say, but the thoughts kicking up dust in my head don’t feel very fine. No, they don’t make me feel ‘fine’ at all. 
Why is it that she always has to ruin everything, ever since I was little? Even now, with her well out of my life, she’s still there despite the fact she’s not . . here. 
“What ‘s it, Becks? Did I say sumthin’ wrong, love?”
“No, it’s not you, Harry. I don’t know, just overthinking things,” I reveal, letting my hand rest on the curve of his bicep, wishing I could see his tattoos in the dark to trace them. I know that that wouldn’t make them go away, though. 
“Wanna talk ‘bout it, or jus’ go t’ bed?”
“I dunno,” I almost laugh, wishing this was ironic and that it was still funny. But, it’s not. “It’s hard to think about being a mum and mine not being there for it. I know that’s how I’d want it to be, though. It’s just . . hard, knowing how much other mums rely on that and enjoy getting to share the experience with theirs.”
“Oh, love, ‘m so sorry. I didn’t mean it like that,” he pipes up, resting his head against mine, and I welcome the closeness. 
“I know you didn’t, it was just my thoughts stirring up ‘what if’s.” 
“Hey, ‘m sure when ya get t’ know me mum betta and Gemma, that me mum would be happy t’ step in fer that role, and me sister too. I already know with Gem that me mum would be all over my babies, and she’s a wonderful grandmother. I only wish she lived closer, but she’s always joked if I had kids, that that’s what would take her t’ move t’ London,” he says into my hair, and I nod into his smooth skin, my cheek tickled by his chest hair. 
“Gemma must have been annoyed with that,” I titter and he agrees. 
“‘ve thought ‘bout it too, y’know. Me dad‘s ‘round fer Harper and Ollie, but I dunno if ‘d ever want him ‘round my kids. He fooked up things with me, so why would I let him do tha same with me kids? I don’t want them wonderin’ why their granddad doesn’t come t’ their birthday party this time but did tha last, or t’ see us have a row . . It makes me sad, but y’know, ‘m glad we can relate t’ each other on this stuff, whatta load o’ rubbish it all ‘s.” 
“Me too, Harry,” I breathe, tracing the shape of his necklace as his heartbeat thuds in my ear. “I can’t ever see things changing with my mum, but maybe it could with your dad someday . . It’s a good thing we’re not having kids anytime soon, huh?”
“Ya, reckon so, but ‘m already thirty, Becks. Time’s a tickin’ fer me in that father department,” he shares gently, and I wish I could see his eyes and lose myself in them, and maybe drag him along for the ride too. It’s all that I can think of to get rid of the sour remnants of this conversation, one that’s all of my fault. 
“Oh, hush. My dad was thirty-four when he had Robbie and I, so you’ll be fine.” 
“Ya, but I dunno, rather sure ‘d want kids soon afta gettin’ married,” he hums happily, a longing for the future in his voice. Boy, is it contagious. “Prolly within tha year.”
“Okay, would you chill it with the future talk? As you just said, it’s only been four months, Harry,” I laugh, nervously. A similar sound rumbles through his chest as he hugs me in his arms, smattering kisses along my head. 
“Well, maybe four months will turn into forever one day, ya never know, bug,” he says with a lilt in his voice, teasing dripping from it. “C’mon, ya don’t know yet whether or not ya wanna be my Mrs. Styles one day?”
“I can tell what your answer to that question is,” my answer comes out in between apprehensive laughs, my cheeks surely scarlet against his skin. 
“I never reveal me secrets, Becks,” he whispers, as if I don’t know it by now. “So, will ya marry me one day?”
“I’ll have to think about it . . ask again in a few months, weirdo.” 
The streams of sunlight tease at my eyes while a sensation tickles my neck. Groaning, I shuffle my legs under the covers but they don’t get very far, knocking against another hairy pair. 
“Wake up,” somebody coos softly into my ear, followed by a stream of gentle kisses down my face. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to pull the covers higher, but they don’t budge. “Becks,” they say, dragging out the sound of my name as they rub circles into my stomach. 
I lay there for a little while longer, dipping in and out of sleep, amongst the sound of my name and indiscernible humming. The next time I open them, the sun is beating through the window and the standing fan whirs along. A pair of arms is secure around my waist, and although used to it, I feel somebody’s prickly stubble against my cheek. I smile into the soft kisses pressed along my face and then a last one to my nose. “Wake up, Boops, ‘s yer birthday. ‘s my baby Becks’ birthday t’day,” Harry croons and I feel his cheeks rounding out from a smile against mine. 
“Mmmmm, my twenty-seventh birthday,” I reply, stifling a yawn. They reply with an ‘mmmhmm’ before they hide their face in my neck. “And I get to spend it all with you,” I hum, my thoughts waking me quickly. It’s black and white from my birthday last year, pining away for him as he loved somebody else and ignoring his presents. 
No matter how hard I could try, I wouldn’t be able to remember how long it’s been since I’ve had a birthday as good as this one already is, and undoubtedly will be. 
“‘m so glad I get t’, bug, ‘s ‘bout time,” he yawns from behind me, stirring under the covers. I whine when his leg moves away from mine and takes its warmth with him. “I didn’t imagine ‘d be wakin’ you up in yer childhood bed, but here we are,” he giggles. “Tha first o’ many birthdays spent t’getha, babe.” 
“Yeah,” I reply distractedly, propelled back to this day last year and how robbed I felt of a day that was supposed to be all about me and being happy. That was the last thing I was, it seemed, and it’s like a different life to think about that while Harry kisses the hollow below my ear. My boyfriend, who kicks off a blanket with a groan, a laugh rising from my lips as he complains about being hot.
“‘ve taken off all tha clothes I can and ‘m still bloody boilin.’ God, Becks, could ya be any mo’ o’ a heater, love?” he sighs and I only reply with a loud laugh that grows when his hands roam my body to tickle me. I find his sleepy face painted with a smile when I turn around to face his naked upper half, and it makes me wonder how he could ever be any more perfect than he already is. “What? ‘m sweatin’ over here,” he wheezes, carding a hand through his mess of curls while his eyes shine back at me. 
“Nothing, I just . . “
“You jus’ what, love?” he murmurs, threading his fingers into my hair and stroking it away from my face. 
“I just, really love you,” I confess, watching the contentment blossom on his face to almost embarrassment. 
“I love you too, Rebecca Ann,” Harry beams with that contagious smile again, dipping forward to peck me. “More.” 
“No, I do!” I protest, fingering his gold cross necklace that’s warm in my fingers. “I love you most! There!” 
“Okay, okay,” he titters, batting a hand at me before pulling me into his chest. “‘ll let you have it, but only cuz ‘s yer birthday, my love,” he coos, surrounding me with his arms and covering my head in kisses. 
I silently roll my eyes but I know he hears my huff, “Don’t be a pout on yer birthday, jus’ be happy ‘m lettin’ you get yer way with e’rythin’,” he remarks, muffled against my cheek where his warm breath wafts over me. 
“Everything, you say?” I tease, and his intake of air eggs me on. 
“Oh, what d’ya want now?”
“Hey, it’s my birthday. I get whatever I want on my birthday, isn’t that what I told you on yours?”
“I don’t rememba those exact words, but yes, my girl can have whatever her heart desires on her birthday,” Harry responds softly, his eyelashes leaving butterfly kisses against me. “What ‘s that li’l brain o’ yers cookin’ up now, huh?”
A laugh peeks out from my lips and he groans in response as I ready my proposal, sure he’s falling back asleep in my arms. 
“A baby,” I divulge, and begin to count the seconds after the words have met the air. 1 . . 2 . . 3. 
“‘Scuse me?” Harry exclaims, pulling away from me and looking at me with a wild pair of eyes. I find it so hard to hold it back when his green eyes widen further, accompanied by a sudden pallor to his face. “Rebecca Ann-,” he begins adamantly, but the moment the chuckle pours from my lips, he stops. “Woman, I swear- Jesus Christ, ya really are gonna gimme a heart attack one o’ these days.” 
“The look on your face, Harry! I wish you could’ve seen it,” I giggle profusely, only fed by the crimson appearance of his cheeks as he shakes his head. 
“You li’l smart ass, you,” he tuts, swiftly flipping onto his back and pulling me on top of him. “Y’know, ya kinda hafta be havin’ sex in order t’ have a baby, love, sumthin’ that doesn’t quite exist fer us yet,” Harry remarks with the cutest double chin from below me. I adjust myself lying on top of him so I’m not crushing his lungs, or well, his baby making junk. 
“Not yet, anyways,” I murmur with a smirk, enjoying the squirming he does at my words. He giggles and covers his face with both of his arms, exposing as well as hiding some of his tattoos. 
Propping my chin on my hand, my elbow finds a place on the mattress as my finger finds its way to his chest. I trace the numbers in my handwriting above his heart, so entirely grateful for this year and mostly all that it’s brought along with it. 
“Maybe one day I’ll have a baby with you.” 
I hear his wheezy laugh and the happy sigh, because they live inside of me too. His greens are stuck on me from between his peeking hands when I look over and my smile brightens. 
“If we’re havin’ kids, ‘s gonna be mo’ than one, ‘ll tell ya that right now, missy.” 
Somehow, my lips spread even wider, “How many then, Mr. Styles?” I pose aloud with a raise of my eyebrows at him. 
“Harry!” I exclaim and he giggles from behind his hands that his eyes peek out from. At last, he drops them and peers across at me, making me believe in the cuteness that is triple chins. “Five children? Five mouths to feed, lunches to pack, activities to put them in, bedrooms, pairs of shoes, car seats, bums to change, new school clothes and well, new everything every year, and five babies for me to push out of my crotch?”
That really gets him going and soon, a deep chuckle rumbles through his chest and from his lips, but I really couldn’t be complaining. It sparks one from mine too, and only makes me think of what it would be like to do this with him every morning. One day, with a swaddled baby lying to the side, or on his chest. What have I started now? 
“Yes, five . . Five kids t’ cuddle, make memories with, take on adventures, introduce Harry Potter t’, bake and cook with, watch grow and do great things, have mosey into our bed at night, maybe teach guitar or piano t’ one or two, teach ‘em so many things, and I hope they all have yer eyes and yer laugh . . Can you imagine all that love, Becks?” Harry says, dreaming aloud with an effervescent look in his eye that I’ve only seen a few times before. “Hey, don’t you do that on yer birthday,” he tuts, but I’ve already started and go to sniffle into the crook of his neck. “Did I say sumthin’ wrong? ‘m sorry if ‘s too soon and-.” 
“No, you said everything . . right,” I whisper against his neck, the absence of words letting me feel how it moves with every tick of his pulse. Gulping, I wait for him to answer, but I get it when he begins to hum our song amidst running races up and down my back with his hand. 
“Maybe one day- Wait, no. Not ‘maybe,’ hopefully one day,” Harry coos as I stare into the darkness, but this time I’m not afraid or fleeing. I could never feel anything but safe in his arms, and I know our children would too. “Mmmm, ‘m lovin’ tha cuddlin’, but holy shit, am I warm!” he continues, our skin sticking together as he separates from me between our laughs.
After a few trips to the bathroom between us, Harry plops onto the bed and pulls me onto his lap. His lips sponge kisses along my cheek and his arms surround me, almost swallowing me with their span. 
“Well, are ya jus’ gonna stare at ‘em or go and open ‘em, bug?” he coos, the hairs on the back of my neck lifting at his words tickling my neck. Turning my head, my excited eyes connect with his, and he nods. “Go already,” he says, kissing me before I leave his arms. 
“Which one first?” I ask, crossing the bedroom to kneel in front of the line of gifts set before my dresser and our suitcases. 
“Whichever yer li’l heart desires,” he answers. I grab one of the smaller ones and look over to him. “Savin’ tha biggest one fer last, I see.” He folds his hands together, his long arms already turning golden this early in the summer, and so are his legs that his arms drape across. 
Giggling, I stand up and make a few trips to bring the presents to the bed. 
“Openin’ ‘em up here, are we?” Harry asks with dumbfounded astonishment gracing his tired features. 
“Mmmhmm,” is all I say as I settle onto his lap again, and relax when he wraps me up inside of his embrace. Tipping my head to rest on his shoulder, I stare down at the pink and purple flowers that branch across the crisp wrapping paper, and suddenly, it’s like for the second time. 
I’m not going to let it happen again. No, not sitting on the floor with his presents before me, and him so far away, if only a few steps. His chest rises and falls with rhythmic breaths and I remain there, moving my ear until I hear the song his heart plays, needing this to feel all the more real. A tear collects at the corner of my eye, reminding me that at times like these, I expect to blink and it’ll all be gone. I wait for myself to wake up from the dream, and to have him ripped away from me, just like all of those other times he was. 
But it doesn’t. 
I blink and the tear falls, and his lips rest in my hair, waiting for me. His large hand leaves waves and blossoms against my back, and hopes and promises. I make them too, just as silently against him. I promise myself that I’ll never give up on him, and although he doesn’t know, I promise that to him too. 
“Open it up, bug, what’re you waitin’ fer? ‘m dyin’ with anticipation here!” 
Smiling, I lift my head and don’t waste any time finding his lips with my own, just because I can. He moans a sound against mine and holds onto me, and I know that he would never let me go, either.
No, not again. 
“What was that fer?” he breathes half a minute later, staring deep into me. 
“Just ‘cause,” I respond and he only smiles back at me, but then he tips his head to meet mine, resting his forehead on mine. He winks and brushes his nose against mine a few times in a different kind of kiss. 
“I hope I get anotha one o’ those afta ya open yer presents.” 
“We’ll have to see about that, Mr. Styles,” I grin and he amplifies it with a snort, bumping his shoulder against mine to remind me of the present I hold, and his affable impatience.
Wrapping paper still litters the floor, so do purple bows, and Amazon boxes. The shadows of our mingled laughs pepper the air as his hair falls through my fingers, and his slow breaths are whispers against my skin. I let my head fall and my hair dance across his skin before my lips do, ever so gently. 
“Sweet dreams, love,” I barely whisper, careful to leave the bed without waking him. At the last second, I turn back and pull the comforter and quilt up his thighs covered in gray shorts, and past his bare shoulders. He’ll need it with his personal heater gone from his side, I think. 
Tip toeing across the room, I take careful steps around the pile of presents still sat by our suitcases. The elation and disbelief comes over me in another wave when I see them one by one, starting with the lilac colored Kitchenaid mixer. 
“Ya need it fer yer bakin’, love. I know tha kneadin’ part o’ recipes ‘s a bore, and yer handheld one was almost shot. We both know that. Maybe ‘m tellin’ you t’ bake fer me mo,’ I dunno,” he had laughed after my jaw had fallen to my chest, and his faced turned a proud crimson. 
“We’re already halfway in, might as well make sure we have tha whole boxset fer when we wanna rewatch it,” Harry told me after I had opened the large box with the five Friends’ faces on it, assuring me that it was just as much a present for him as it was for me. He had kept making it known that that was the theme, so I would stop complaining about him spoiling me too much. 
“I can’t take any credit fer that one, which ‘m quite sorry ‘bout, but mum wanted t’ knit ya sumthin’. Told her ya loved blankets, and here we are. Reckon I might have ya keep it at mine so I can steal it too,” runs through my head as I once again rub the chenille type yarn between my fingers at the end of the bed where the knit blanket lies. With a proud grin, I grab two corners and drape it over the sleeping man in my childhood, twin-sized bed, a dated McFly poster hanging over his head. 
“This one’s jus’ as much fer me as it ‘s fer you, too,” he kept saying, then for Paul McCartney’s second show at the O2, and then for another pair of tickets to his daughter Stella’s fashion show in just a few weeks.
The same phrase, give or take a few words, flowed from his lips when the bag of candles graced my hands. He explained that we nick so many candles from each other’s offices that it was only natural that he bought me some, seeing as how he’d be stealing some here soon, especially the Tobacco Vanilla, Whiskey Cedar, Sage and Lemon, and the highly coveted Cinnamon Roll one.
The cribbage board was just a bonus, him claiming that he could finally bring his office one home and keep mine at work for us to play on. 
What he couldn’t claim his rightful ownership to as well was the card full of unintelligible scribbles from Harper and Ollie, that thank the Gods, Gemma helped them write. The tears in my eyes since the first present grew and grew, and didn’t waver at the message of how Harper wanted to have a sleepover at Harry’s soon with me - nail painting, baking cookies, and all.
But, when I met his eyes with my sad, puppy dog pair, he melted right then and there.
“Harry, this is too much. I can’t accept all of this,” I had told him and he shook his head, lifting my own with his thumb to look in his eyes.
“Please, Becks. I-I hate t’ say it, but I have too much money than I know what t’ do with, and ‘ve been so excited to give you all of these. Don’t worry ‘bout tha money. Alright, my love?”
I gave in, and with the kisses he smothered me with, there was no way in hell I could say no to that face.
He stirs underneath the covers behind me, and so do my thoughts, but with a huff, Harry returns to snoring softly. I carefully open my suitcase and fish out my last clean outfit, and without a sound, walk across the hall and into the shower. 
I thought I had made out like a bandit, but when I slip back into my room in search of Post-Its and a pen, I find that somebody else is awake. 
“Where are you goin’, Becks?” they rasp, pulling themselves up to sit and the covers pool on his lap. Rubbing at his eyes, Harry cards a hand through his tousled curls, quickly yawning. 
“Oh, just to run an errand quick. Go back to bed, I won’t be gone long.” 
“Mmmm,” he groans, knuckling at his left eye. “Can’t it wait ‘til we leave this afternoon, bug? Y’know I can’t sleep without you, I get too cold, and miss havin’ you in me arms.” 
“No, it can’t. I’m sorry . . You’ll fall right back asleep, Harry, I promise,” I shush him, stepping forward and pressing on his shoulder, but he doesn’t fall back in any of the ways that I’d hoped. 
“I’ll come with, then. We can grab some pastries from that bakery you love fer brekky with yer dad.” 
“It’s okay, I will if you want. Please, Harry, go back to sleep. You were up late, you must have a headache from all of those drinks with Robbie. I dunno why you pair had to have a shots competition,” I insist, and my distraction makes a raspy laugh fall from his mouth. 
“I like yer brotha, y’know, he’s a funny git,” he drawls, rubbing his hands down his face once before pulling back the covers. “Can I come? ‘ll be mo’ awake after I have a shower.” 
“I dunno,” I nervously laugh, tucking a wet lock of hair behind my ear. Huffing, I smooth down the floral skirt of my dress and sit on the edge of my bed. Thoughts whizz around in my head, flying to that destination and the next, but this one isn’t sure where to go. 
“If ya really don’t want me t’, ‘s okay. ‘m sorry t’ pressure ya, babe.” 
“It’s okay, Harry. I’d like you to come, but . . I dunno,” I reveal, toying with the ring and starting at the corner of my eye, I watch his hands still my pair that wring each other. 
“Don’t hafta tell me if ya don’t wanna, I trust you y’know.” 
Nodding, I wonder how I had ever gotten so damn lucky with this one. A split second giggle tickles at my lips, and then the toying turns into twirling, and then, telling. 
“She would’ve been eighty-five today, I think,” the whisper fights to make itself known, and I can’t meet his eyes, but I think I hear it in his breathing when he connects the dots. The spinning of the ring, and the tracing of the flower, frozen in time. “I bring her flowers every year, just wildflowers I find on the side of the road. I’ve wanted to bring a cupcake and sing before blowing it out, but it seemed odd to eat it sitting there, when she can’t,” I continue, the frog jumping into my throat at the end there. 
His words are absent, but they’re the least bit of that and so is my surprise when my head meets his shoulder, and his fingers trickle through my hair. 
“You don’t have to come with, if you don’t want to,” I pipe up, grabbing hold of the smooth chain around his neck. The swallows beckon for me, and I trace their wings slowly, wondering how silky they’d feel if they were alive on his chest. 
“I’d like t’ come with, if that’s okay with you.”
“Yeah, it’s more than okay,” I respond, my thumb and finger holding onto the cross when my arms go around his neck, and he lifts me onto his lap. 
“I wish I coulda met her, yer Grandma Ann . . but bringin’ flowers t’ her grave sounds rather special too. Yer tha sweetest, Becks, y’know that?” 
“So do I, she would’ve loved you,” I say, watching the tear glide down the slope of his back, and past the golden hairs lit by the sunrise behind the curtains. 
“Does yer dad go with you?”
“Sometimes, maybe he will today.” 
“‘d like that,” Harry coos, drawing the letters of my name, one by one, along my spine. I only know that because he’d told me last night when I couldn’t fall asleep, and he was happily buzzed.
I think that’s why I couldn’t, because how could my dreams beckon for me when my life was finally better than anything I could dream about?
“Ya mean it, tha best ever? In tha whole, entire history o’ birthdays, ever and ever?” they titter and its feeling against my cheek brings one forth onto my lips. 
“You’re so silly, but yes. I had an amazing birthday, Harry. One to remember.” 
“Good, bug. ‘m glad t’ hear. Only tha best fer me favourite girl,” he coos, dragging his nose along my cheek. 
“Maybe next year for my birthday you can grow your hair out again for my birthday present.” 
“Oh, really? That’s whatcha want? Hmm, I was thinkin’ o’ givin’ you a baby fer yer twenty-eighth,” he giggles, the rich smell of coffee hinting on his breath. Now, it’s my turn to giggle and I share it into his neck, our chests bumping when he pulls me closer. I steal a kiss from his swallow and nuzzle in deeper as he drapes the blanket his mum knitted for me over us, sinking further into his sofa. 
“Stop it with the baby talk, marriage comes first, dumbo.” 
“Fine then, ‘ll getchu a ring fer yer birthday,” he continues and I hide my reddening cheeks in the place between his shoulder and neck. Monica laughs at something on the TV behind us, but my focus darts to the melodic kisses he sponges along my neck, and his nose nudging at my shirt. 
“Shush it, I’m not going anywhere,” I insist, revealing my scarlet cheeks to his smiling eyes. 
“Better not, I dunno what ‘d do if ya did.” 
“It’s a good thing neither of us have to worry about that, huh?” I return, tapping my finger on his nose. He nods and brushes his thumb under my eye where he often traces the imperfection that lives there. 
“‘m lookin’ forward t’ mo’ weekends at yer Dad’s. It was loads o’ fun gettin’ t’ see where ya grew up, tha house ya grew up in, yer old schools, tha park at tha pond, and bloody hell, that night out back by tha bonfire,” he says, words falling into a sound of happiness. “I can’t remember tha last time I had so much Tequila. Fook, can that brotha o’ yers drink, and yer dad too. And that pizza yer dad made, ugh, ‘m gonna need anotha one o’ those soon. I miss playin’ board games so much like that, I see where ya get tha love o’ it from. I ‘specially loved playin’ on yer family piano with you, reckon we might make a good pair if we practice some mo’.” 
Giggling, I agree with him as my fingers mingle with his necklace, “Yeah, it was a birthday to remember, that’s for sure.” 
“Reckon so, and I couldn’t be gladder to hear that, bug. Remember last year’s wasn’t tha best, you’ve said. I hope they only get betta and betta, my love,” Harry croons, and I nod, sure that they will. 
It all seems to be a hill that I get to climb by his side, but it’s the least bit tiring, and all the more exhilarating with every step that I take. 
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newsintheshell · 4 years
Crunchryoll, altre serie si aggiungono al palinsesto simulcast invernale
Il catalogo 2021 della piattaforma si fa sempre più ricco.
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Annunciati da Crunchyroll altri sette anime per il già corposissimo palinsesto invernale 2021 della piattaforma, che fra novità e serie in corso ne ha veramente per tutti i gusti. Come sempre i titoli verranno distribuiti in streaming in contemporanea con la trasmissione giapponese, quindi in lingua originale con sottotitoli in italiano; gli abbonati premium potranno vedere da subito le puntate, che però dopo un settimana saranno accessibili a tutti gratuitamente.
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Terza stagione della simpatica serie di corti tratta dall’omonimo manga 4-koma di Masaki Andou.
Dopo essere cresciuto a Tokyo, lo studente Jin Kaito si trasferisce a Nagoya dove incontra Yatogame Monaka, una studentessa che mette in mostra il proprio accento di Nagoya. Con il suo aspetto da gatta e il suo verace dialetto, Yatogame non gli si avvicina neppure minimamente. Questa commedia locale ha aumentato la notorietà di Nagoya grazie all'adorabile Yatogame-chan!
L’adattamento della commedia scolastica è diretto da Hisayoshi Hirasawa (Miss Bernard said., Netsuzou Trap -NTR-) presso lo studio Saetta (Jingai-san no Yome), in collaborazione con Creators in Pack (Miss Bernard said, Love is Like a Cocktail).  
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Versione televisiva dei tre film ideati da MAGES per il franchise a tema surf lanciato di recente da Love&Art’s (la stessa compagnia dietro a Meiji Tokyo Renka e B-PROJECT).
"Siamo liberi solo quando cavalchiamo queste onde!” 
Masaki è nato e cresciuto nella costa Oarai della prefettura di Ibaraki in cui delle enormi onde s'infrangono sul litorale ogni giorno dell'anno. Un giorno incontra per caso il principesco studente Sho e scopre lo sport definitivo in cui si affronta il mondo con solo una tavola sotto i tuoi piedi: il surf. Questo è solo l'inizio della storia infinita che parla di alcuni ragazzi che hanno scoperto il fascino del surf.
L’anime è diretto da Takaharu Ozaki (Girls’ Last Tour, Goblin Slayer) presso lo studio Asahi Production. La sceneggiatura è curata da Kazuyuki Fudeyasu (Girls’ Last Tour, Black Clover), mentre il design dei personaggi è stato concepito da Yomi Sarachi (La storia della Arcana Famiglia, Lostorage incited WIXOSS) e poi adattato per l’animazione da Tomoko Iwasa (Hakumei to Mikochi).
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Originale serie tv di Shin-Ei Animation (Null Peta, Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san), animata in computer grafica con l’ausilio di Project Singularity, una tecnologia utilizzata di solito dai VTuber per le loro live performance, permettendo di registrare voce e movimenti del cast in tempo reale.
Idolls!: Go for Hoi Hoi Hall! È la storia appassionata, ma rilassante, lunga 10 giorni sulle prove affrontate da delle idol che s'impegnano per riempire una sala concerti di 100 persone!
L’anime è diretto da Shouta Nakano e sceneggiato da Takeshi Miyamoto (The 8th son? Are you kidding me?). Il design dei personaggi è stato concepito dal mangaka Keiji Watarai (Kamogawa Horumo, O/A) e poi adattato per i modelli 3D da Shouji Kubota.
BUNGO STRAY DOGS WAN! - Dal 12 gennaio
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Serie animata basata sull’omonimo comedy manga di Neco Kanai, spin-off del popolare fumetto scritto da Kafka Asagiri e disegnato da Sango Harukawa, edito in Italia da Planet Manga.
Bungo Stray Dogs Wan: una storia d'azione epica ambientata nella vivace e fittizia città di Yokohama i cui venti del porto infuriano come i "possessori di poteri" ereditati dai giganti della letteratura.
La serie è realizzato da Bones (Kekkai Sensen, Mob Psycho 100) in collaborazione con Nomad (Dropkick On My Devil!) e vede il debutto alla regia di Satonobu Kikuchi (direttore d’episodio in Vinland Saga e Great Pretender). La sceneggiatura è curata da Kazuyuki Fudeyasu (Recovery of an MMO Junkie, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime), mentre il character design è ad opera di Hiromi Daimi.
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Serie di corti animati da Fanworks (Aggretsuko), con protagonista ABCiee, la mascotte della rete televisiva Asahi Broadcasting Corporation.
ABCiee è un po' maldestro e stravagante, ma è tanto spocchioso da sognare un lavoro da sogno in una rete televisiva! È una commedia sul lavoro piena di ogni tipo di bravata! "Non avrei mai immaginato che fosse così difficile lavorare nella televisione!". Malgrado debba affrontare le regole nascoste della TV, colleghi peculiari e ospiti famosi con caratteri strani, ABCiee cerca di essere positivo. Lavoro, amore, famiglia e tutto il resto! Spero apprezzerete guardare ABCiee mentre si fa strada nel mondo dell'intrattenimento televisivo.
WIXOSS DIVA(A)LIVE - Dall’8 gennaio
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Nuova serie animata del franchise WIXOSS, nato nel 2014 con l’omonimo gioco di carte collezionabili, che con questa nuova incarnazione vedrà un cambio di setting, spostando il gioco nel mondo virtuale conosciuto come Wixossland, all’interno del quale le giocatrici hanno la possibilità di diventare loro stesse le LRIG del proprio deck. Il formato di gioco più popolare è quello del Diva Battle, una modalità a squadre da tre Selector - a tema idol, dj o band - nella quale ci si affronta per vedere chi accumula più fan.
Gli scontri più famosi sono le DIVA BATTLES in cui varie squadre di tre persone gareggiano per scoprire chi sia in grado di accaparrarsi più Selector e più fan. Una DIVA, la leggendaria Eternal Girl, ha incantato tutti con l'impareggiabile forza delle sue canzoni e delle sue esibizioni. La matricola del liceo, Asu Hirana, l'ha sempre considerata la sua fonte d'ispirazione sin dalla sua tenera età e ora ha fatto irruzione nel mondo delle DIVA BATTLES per inseguire il suo sogno di diventare una delle migliori DIVA!
La serie è diretta da Masato Matsune (Chaos Dragon, Chronos Ruler) presso gli studi J.C. Staff (Danmachi, Food Wars). La sceneggiatura è curata da Tsuyoshi Tamai (Hangyakusei Million Arthur, Strike Witches), mentre i character design è ad opera di Yoshinari Saitou (Hangyakusei Million Arthur,Venus Project: Climax). La colonna sonora torna invece ad essere composta da Maiko Iuchi (Lostorage Incited WIXOSS, Selector Infected WIXOSS).
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Serie animata a tema idol, ispirata al videogioco per dispositivi mobili di Liber Entertainment Inc.
La storia segue gli studenti dell’istituto Étoile Vio, un campus fondato dall’organizzazione El Dol con l’obiettivo di formare e promuovere giovani appassionati, trasformandoli in veri e propri idol.
L’anime è diretto da Hitoshi Nanba (Golden Kamuy, Gosick) presso lo studio Lay-duce (Fate/Grand Order: First Order, magi: Adventure of Sinbad). La sceneggiatura sta venendo supervisionata da Yoshimi Narita (Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Datta, Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu), mentre il design dei personaggi è a cura di Mina Ōsawa (Given, School Babysitters).
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Autore: SilenziO)))  - Twitter @s1lenzi0​
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ari-the-gooose · 7 years
Suggestions animes from Ari
Mystery _________ Gosick- especially if enjoys Sherlock Holmes with some more adventure.
Dangaronpa- mature audiences. Also very scary at points but pretty darn fun to figure out the mystery. Also I freakin love the character design
Comedy ___________ Baka and Test- it does have its mature points so be careful of that. It is very funny with action, romance and more comedy!
Himouto! Umaru-chan- with no actual plot or point it just follows the fun life of a very lazy high school girl.
The daily life of high school boys- this one has no romance, action, it’s just pure comedy
Ouran High School Host Club- this is a very popular anime with a bunch of rich guys trying to figure out how the middle class lives.
The Royal Tutor- this could fall under all three sections but I mainly liked it for the comedy.
Action and Fantasy _____________________ Sailor moon- my very first anime, super cute and fun but also can get kinda dark at points. Highly recommend as a classic for people looking to get into anime
Sword Art Online- a very popular anime, it has action, adventure and romance with a fantasy theme.
Soul Eater- this is a more dark take on fantasy with death as a person and lots of monsters.
Assassination Classroom- this is not really as much fantasy as action besides the fact that the teacher is an octopus.
Nanbaka- also quite comical and sparkly but can become dark and action packed in 5 seconds.
My Hero Academia- love how any character at any point appeals to any audience. Still quite recent and a good time to watch. Really good for first time watchers.
Seven Deadly Sins- kinda complex but beautiful show with a fun and intense plot. Did make me throw my tablet cause of a plot twist so have fun with that too.
Higurashi When They Cry- super mental messed up horror. Not jumpscares but stuff that will be just creepy and stay with you. Mature audiences only please.
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lunaeri · 7 years
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Personal challenge no. 2: biggest contrast
I love both gothic and sweet styles of Lolita fashion really much! Gothic Lolita is just so cool and always reminds me of the illustrations and anime of Gosick, for me Victorique is such an admirable character and so much inspiration for my own style. I own some old school gothic pieces, they are so special, like cotton laces, combination of black and white and so many ribbons! 
I choose these two coords for the challenge, since the dresses are both from Baby the stars shine bright, the first one features really old items (the cutsew is possibly from 2005 but I could not find it on Lolibrary, the dress is called Cul de Paris JSK, released in 2005), the other is really new (from the lucky pack 2017); the first is an good example for old school gothic Lolita, the second full of sweetness; the first is printless and the second one has a cute print with flowers, rabbits, gems, laces and ribbons. Also in accessories of both coordinates you can see the contrast very well I think. 
I would be really interested if sombody else took part at the challenge, pls let me know if any of you felt like doing this :) 
Coord 1 
JSK, cutsew, parasol, usakumya mini-min, brooches: Baby, the stars shine bright
headdress: tantuan (taobao)
shoes: Metamorphose temps de fille
Coord 2
JSK, socks: Baby, the stars shine bright
lacy brooch, headbow: Angelic pretty
blouse: v-castle (taobao)
other brooches: sanrio, Kira Imai, pottering cat
shoes: queen bee
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theouterhavenprod · 8 years
FUNimation is Bringing GOSICK Anime to Blu-Ray
FUNimation is Bringing GOSICK Anime to Blu-Ray
FUNimation announced that it had acquired the license to the mystery anime GOSICK and with that, would be bringing the series to DVD and Blu-Ray along with an English dub. FUNimation is slated to release the first half of the series (12 episodes) on a DVD/Blu-Ray Combo Pack on May 30. The original anime license belonged to Bandai Entertainment.  Bandai licensed GOSICKin July of 2011, but…
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newsintheshell · 4 years
Crunchyroll, ecco gli anime in arrivo questo autunno sulla piattaforma
Il catalogo sta per arricchirsi di nuove serie, produzioni originali e ova!
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Annunciate da Crunchyroll, fra conferme e novità, le serie tv (e gli OVA) che faranno presto parte del palinsesto simulcast autunnale della piattaforma e che potremo seguire dall’Italia, in streaming con sottotitoli in italiano, in contemporanea con l’uscita in Giappone.
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Serie spin-off sequel di “Inuyasha” che riporta sulle tv giapponesi l’affascinante mondo, a cavallo fra due epoche, creato da di Rumiko Takahashi (Ranma ½,  MAO, Lamù, Maison Ikkoku, RINNE), raccontando una nuova storia originale con protagoniste le figlie di Inuyasha e di Sesshomaru.
Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon segue la storia delle figlie di Sesshomaru e Inuyasha mentre intraprendono un viaggio attraverso il tempo. Ambientato nell'epoca feudale giapponese, le gemelle per metà demone, Towa e Setsuna, sono state divise da un incendio nella foresta. Towa, mentre cercava disperatamente la sorella minore, si avventura in un tunnel misterioso che la trasporta nel Giappone contemporaneo dove viene trovata e allevata dal fratello di Kagome Higurashi, Sota, e la sua famiglia. Dieci anni dopo si riapre il tunnel che connette le due ere, permettendo a Towa di riabbracciarsi con Setsuna, ormai una cacciatrice di demoni che lavora per Kohaku. Ma Towa rimane scioccata nello scoprire che Setsuna sembra aver perso ogni ricordo della sua sorella maggiore. Una volta incontrata Moroha, la figlia di Inuyasha e Kagome, le tre giovani ragazze viaggiano attraverso le due ere in un avventura volta a riottenere il passato perduto.
Il progetto è diretto da Teruo Satou (Aikatsu Stars!) presso gli studi Sunrise e vede tornare alla sceneggiatura Katsuyuki Sumisawa, che si era già occupato della scrittura della serie originale e dei film. Il design dei personaggi è concepito dalla stessa Rumiko Takahashi e poi adattato da Yoshihito Hishinuma (Yakitate!! Japan, City Hunter: Private Eyes), mentre la colonna sonora è di nuovo firmata da Kaoru Wada (Inuyasha, Kyashan Sins, Samura 7).
JUJUTSU KAISEN - 2 ottobre
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Serie animata tratta dal popolare horror shonen manga “Jujutsu Kaisen” (Sorcery Fight) di Gege Akutami, edito in Italia da Planet Manga.
Un ragazzo combatte… per “la giusta morte”. Avversità, rammarico, vergogna: i sentimenti negativi che gli umani provano diventano Maledizioni che si annidano nelle vite di tutti i giorni. Le Maledizioni dilagano in tutto il mondo e sono in grado di condurre la gente verso un fato incredibilmente avverso e persino incontro alla morte. Le Maledizioni possono, inoltre, essere esorcizzate solo da un'altra Maledizione. Itadori Yuji è un ragazzo dall'incredibile possanza fisica, malgrado viva una vita comune da liceale. Per salvare un amico attaccato da una Maledizione, un giorno, ingoia il dito dello Spettro Bifronte, accogliendo così la Maledizione nella sua stessa anima. Condivide da allora il suo corpo con lo Spettro Bifronte. Sotto la guida del più potente degli stregoni, Gojo Satoru, Itadori è ammesso alla Tokyo Metropolitan Technical High School of Sorcery, un'organizzazione che combatte le Maledizioni… e inizia così il racconto eroico di un ragazzo che diviene una Maledizione per esorcizzare le Maledizioni, vita da cui non potrà mai tornare indietro.
L’adattamento è diretto da Sunghoo Park (Garo: Vanishing Line, The God of High School) presso lo studio MAPPA (Dorohedoro, Kakegurui, Banana Fish) e vede alla sceneggiatura Hiroshi Seko (Dorohedoro, Vinland Saga). Il character design è ad opera di Tadashi Hiramatsu (Kiseiju - L'ospite indesiderato, Yuri!!! on Ice), mentre la colonna sonora è composta da Hiroaki Tsutsumi (Dr. Stone), Yoshimasa Terui (sigla di testa di Land of Lustrous) e Arisa Okehazama (The God of High School).
NOBLESSE - 7 ottobre
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Serie animata basata sull’omonimo manhwa di Jeho Son e Kwangsu Lee (sul sito di WEBTOON potete leggerlo anche in italiano grazie ad una traduzione fanmade).
Raizel si risveglia dopo un letargo durato 820 anni. Detiene il titolo speciale di Noblesse, un Nobile dal sangue puro e protettore di tutti i suoi pari. Per proteggere Raizel, il suo servitore Frankenstein lo iscrive al liceo Ye Ran in cui impara i ritmi della vita quotidiana degli umani, grazie ai suoi compagni di classe. Comunque un'organizzazione segreta, the Union, progetta di conquistare il mondo, inviando umani modificati invade sempre di più la vita di Raizel, costringendolo a utilizzare il suo immane potere per proteggere chi gli sta accanto… Dopo 820 anni di intrighi, i segreti riguardanti il suo torpore sono stati finalmente rivelati, ha così inizio il ruolo di guardiano di Raizel come Noblesse!
L’adattamento realizzato presso Production I.G (Haikyu! L’asso del volley, Psycho-Pass 3) è diretto da Yasutaka Yamamoto (Hinomaru Sumo, In verità io sono…) e sceneggiato da Sayaka Harada (STARMYU, Code:Realize -Guardian of Rebirth-), mentre il design dei personaggi e il comparto animazioni sono curati da Akiharu Ishii (The Prince of Tennis II, Blood+).
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Serie animata tratta dal manga “Tonikaku Kawaii” (Fly Me to the Moon) di Kenjirou Hata, l’autore di “Hayate no Gotoku”.
La commedia matrimoniale di Kenjiro Hata, l'autore di Hayate the Combat Butler, è stata finalmente adattata in un anime! Nasa Yuzaki s'innamora a prima vista della misteriosa Tsukasa. Quando Nasa confessa con sincerità i suoi sentimenti, lei gli risponde "uscirò con te, ma solo se ci sposiamo". La deliziosa vita da sposini di Nasa e Tsukasa sta per iniziare, impreziosita da tutto il loro amore!
La commedia romantica è diretta da Hiroshi Ikehata (Akiba’s Trip: The Animation, Seton Academy: Welcome to the Pack) presso lo studio Seven Arcs (Arte, Dog Days) e la sceneggiatura è curata da Kazuho Hyodo (Akiba’s Trip: The Animation, ReLIFE). Il design dei personaggi è ad opera di Masakatsu Sasaki (Saki, BokuBen), mentre le musiche sono composte da Endou. (Akiba’s Trip: The Animation).  
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Terza stagione di “Golden Kamuy”, l’anime tratto dal manga di Satoru Noda, edito in Italia da J-POP con il nome “Golden Kamui”.
Questa storia si svolge nell'Hokkaido settentrionale, durante un periodo particolarmente turbolento della tarda epoca Meiji. Un veterano delle campagne di Russia, soprannominato "Sugimoto l'Immortale", ha bisogno di denaro. Molto denaro... Sugimoto pensava di approfittare della febbre dell'oro che ha investito l'Hokkaido, e invece si troverà trascinato fra bottini rubati, prigionieri in fuga ed eserciti dissidenti, accompagnato da Asirpa, una giovane Ainu tanto scaltra quanto determinata.
L'anime è diretto ancora una volta da Hitoshi Nanba (Fate/Grand Order: First Order, Gosick) presso Geno Studio (Kokkoku, Genocidal Organ).
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Serie animata basata sul manga scolastico sportivo di Ryudai Ishizaka.
Konomi Kasahara ha vinto un sacco di tornei di puzzle game alle medie, ma una volta alle superiori scopre una nova passione: l’arrampicata! Affascinata da questo sport, decide di unirsi alla squadra femminile della scuola.
L’adattamento è diretto da Tetsuro Amino (Broken Blade, Macross 7, Shiki) presso lo studio Blade, con l’assistenza di Tomohiro Matsukawa. La sceneggiatura è curata da Touko Machida (Harukana Receive, Runway de Waratte), il character design è ad opera di Yoshihiro Watanabe (Haganai, Sora no Otoshimono) e Motohiro Taniguchi, mentre le musiche sono composte da Tsubasa Ito (The Price of Smiles, Princess Connect! Re:Dive).
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Commedia slice of life tratta dal manga “Inu to Neko Docchi mo Katteru to Mainichi Tanoshii” di Hidekichi Matsumoto, l’autrice di “Sabage-bu!”. 
Un infaticabile cane troppo carino e un gatto dal musetto spaventoso, ma adorabile. Vivere con loro rende ogni giorno più divertente. I giorni del loro padrone sono pieni di risate e di sentimento. Se un amante dei gatti? Dei cani? Di entrambi? Questo anime è un regalo per tutti coloro che adorano sia i cani che i gatti talmente tanto da non saper decidere.
L’anime è diretto e sceneggiato da Seiji Kishi (Asobi Asobase, Tsuki ga Kirei) presso Team TillDawn, mentre il character design è a cura di Kazuaki Morita (Assassination Classroom, Tsuki ga Kirei).
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Seconda stagione della serie del franchise “IDOLiSH7″, che oltre ad un rhytm game comprende anche manga, album e dei video musicali.
Un gruppo di aspiranti idol si riunisce alla Takanashi Productions e viene affidato loro il destino della compagnia. I sette ragazzi che si sono appena incontrati hanno personalità davvero diverse. Ognuno di loro ha comunque un diverso fascino e ha un potenziale ancora non espresso, come idol. Formano un gruppo e muovono i primi passi insieme come “IDOLiSH7”. Le loro splendide coreografie dal vivo iniziano a conquistare i cuori della gente. Nel mondo luminoso, ma talvolta duro, degli idol mirano al top coi loro cuori pieni di sogni!
L’anime torna ad essere diretto da Makoto Bessho (Star Blazers 2199: Odyssey of the Celestial Ark) presso lo studio TROYCA (Bloom Into You, Lord El-Melloi II Case Files: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note).
ONYX EQUINOX - 21 novembre
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Nuova serie storico-fantasy ideata da Sofia Alexander come Crunchyroll Original. 
Onyx Equinox parla di un ragazzo azteco chiamato Izel che viene salvato dalla morte dagli dei ed è scelto per agire come "campione dell'umanità", obbligato ad abbandonare la sua apatia verso i suoi pari e a dare prova del potenziale umano in un viaggio che lo condurrà attraverso la Mesoamerica antica.
Essendo una produzione occidentale la serie sarà doppiata in inglese.
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OVA diviso in due episodi basato sul videogioco “Toji no Miko: Kizamishi Issen no Tomoshibi”.
Questa primavera, le migliori Toji di ognuna delle cinque scuole sparse nel Paese, si riuniranno per l'abituale torneo. Qui useranno le loro abilità e combatteranno per conquistare il podio. Anche se sono molte le Toji che si sono allenate e preparate per il torneo, c'è una ragazza che è più determinata delle altre a migliorare la sua abilità di scherma. Cosa si cela dietro la sua Okatana?
Il progetto è stato realizzato presso lo studio Project No.9 (CHOYOYU!: High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even in Another World!, Didn’t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!) e vede al lavoro uno staff diverso da quello della serie televisiva del 2018. La regia è affidata a Tomohiro Kamitani, la sceneggiatura è curata da Aoi Akashiro (Katana Maidens: Mini Toji, Classroom of the Elite), mentre il character design è ad opera di Daisuke Niitsuma.
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Ultimo della serie di cinque episodi speciali allegati con la versione manga di “That time I got reincarnated as a slime” (edita in Italia da Star Comics con il titolo Vita da slime), la popolare light novel isekai/fantasy di Fuse.
Limur, ora professore della Freedom Academy del regno di Ingrassia, si trova coinvolto negli allenamenti all'aperto insieme alla sua classe. Questo allenamento è un evento a cadenza annuale ed è una gara in cui gli studenti di ogni classe fanno la guardia agli insegnanti durante il viaggio verso la città. Limur è stato assegnato alla Classe A, mentre i suoi studenti della Classe S scortano la giovane maestra Tiss. Ogni studente non vede l'ora di mostrare i risultati del loro allenamento quotidiano, ma tutto va in malora quando sono attaccati da alcuni ladri. È la seconda parte del nuovo episodio creato dall'autore originale Fuse, solo per questa edizione OAD!
BURN THE WITCH - 2 ottobre
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Lungometraggio animato da Studio Colorido (Pokémon: Ali del Crepuscolo, Penguin Highway, Miyo - Un amore felino), tratto dall’omonimo manga fantasy di Tite Kubo, l’autore di “Bleach”, che per il passaggio in streaming sarà diviso in tre episodi. 
Il 72% delle morti a Londra dipendono da sempre dai draghi, creature fantastiche invisibili alla maggioranza delle persone. Anche se non è risaputo, alcune persone affrontano questi draghi. Solo gli abitanti della Londra Inversa, che vivono nella parte “al contrario” della città, possono vedere i draghi. Anche tra loro, solo pochi sono sufficientemente forti come streghe e stregoni per entrare in contatto con loro. Le protagoniste della storia sono le due streghe Noel Niihashi e Ninny Spangcole. Sono agenti incaricati della difesa dalla Wing Bind (WB), un organizzazione atta alla conservazione e alla gestione dei draghi. La loro missione è proteggere e gestire i draghi per il bene di tutti.
L’adattamento è diretto da Tatsurou Kawano (direttore d’animazione in Psycho-Pass 2, Gatchaman Crowds) con l’assistenza di Yuuji Shimizu (direttore d’animazione in Gatchaman Crowds Insight). La sceneggiatura è curata da Chika Suzumura (Yozakura Quartet ~Hana no Uta~), mentre il character design è ad opera di Natsuki Yamada. I draghi sono invece disegnati da Keisuke Okura e le musiche sono composte da Keiji Inai (DanMachi, The Royal Tutor).
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DIGIMON ADVENTURE: - Domenica alle 04:30
Un'avventura nuova di zecca con il classico cast dei bambini prescelti!
MAJOR SECOND SEASON 2 - Sabato alle 13:00
Un ragazzo insegue il suo sogno di diventare il miglior ricevitore della scuola!
ONE PIECE - Sabato alle 4:00
Cappello di Paglia e la sua ciurma continuano la loro avventura nell'immenso e isolato Paese di Wano!
BLACK CLOVER - Martedì alle 12:25
I Cavalieri Magici iniziano un duro addestramento per prepararsi alla guerra contro il Regno di Spade.
Continuano le avventure di Boruto per diventare il ninja definitivo insieme alla Squadra 7 e a tutti i tuoi ninja preferiti nel Villaggio!
SHADOWVERSE - Martedì alle 12:00
Un ragazzo combatte nel gioco di carte basato su "Shadowverse", un mobile-game per smartphone!
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Autore: SilenziO))) (@s1lenzi0)
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