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Commercial Break warnings from the Kaiju No.8 anime simulcast. I badly needed the "Selfie" one.
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Alright, finally got my preliminary watch list for anime season Summer 2024 down. (You can find out what all the anime airing in Summer 2024 are over at AniCharts)
Carry Over: Spice and Wolf remake: Hell yeah, more Spice and Wolf!

The Fable: Decently strong so far so I'm def interested in more

Sengoku Youko: Hell yeah, more Sengoku Youko!

Oshi no Ko S2: I've already watched season 1 so I might as well watch season 2…

For Sure: My Deer Friend Nokotan: I must learn why humans are not deer…

Plus-Sized Elf: As a card carrying member of the elf ear licker association, I am required by law to watch this. (plus half my friends are fans of the manga)
Maybe: VTuber Legend: Imma be real, "corpo vtuber gets drunk and says some stuff she probably shouldn't but goes viral" is fairly standard stuff in the vtuber sphere

Mayonaka Punch: Youtuber anime. It's a P.A. Works original so it'll at least be decent. Like and subscribe.

Na-Nare Hana-Nare: Cheerleader anime. It's a P.A. Works original so it'll at least be decent. Hoping it ends up at least as gay as Anima Yell was.

Dahlia in Bloom: No idea how good this'll be but it's literally the only shoujo anime this season so I have to at least check it out.

A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring: Yeah sure, dad isekai. The sword dad isekai was pretty good so why not.

My Wife Has No Emotion: I know it's been like 2 decades but Chobits season 2 is looking way different /jk.

Dungeon People: Dungeon Keeper the anime sounds neat.
#anime#simulcast#anime summer 2024#spice and wolf#the fable#sengoku youko#oshi no ko#my deer friend nokotan#plus sized elf#vtuber legend#mayonaka punch#na nare hana nare#dahlia in bloom#A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring#my wife has no emotions#dungeon people
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Virtual Character Tourney - Bracket III - Round 13

Propaganda below (May contain spoilers!)
Vanellope propaganda:
Vanellope is the glitch that won't die and she has a lot of fun being that
Cast propaganda:
comes out as nonbinary through the power of STAGE MAGIC! which they love. VR visualizer, makes simulations for OPIA/FLOW agents.
#virtual character tourney#round 1#vanellope von schweetz#wreck it ralph#simulcast#reflection ttrpg#character polls
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SoundStage Stereo Simulcast
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In arrivo Witch Hat Atelier, Alya, Narenare, l'isekai con Dazai e le nuove stagioni di MF Ghost e After School Hanako-kun!

A luglio non solo inizierà la nuova stagione simulcast, ma ci sarà l'Anime Expo 2024 e questo vuol dire che Crunchyroll si deve portare già avanti, altrimenti non ce la farà ad annunciarci mille serie tutte assieme 😂
Ce ne hanno già anticipate un bel po', ma eccocene altre sei, niente male fra l'altro, in arrivo sempre nel corso dei prossimi mesi.

Una delle commedie romantiche forse più attese di quest'anno, non poteva di certo mancare fra le nuove proposta estive!
Come vi avevo già accennato in altre occasioni, la serie è tratta dall'omonima light novel firmata da Sunsunsun, che ha ovviamente ispirato anche una versione manga.
L'adattamento è targato Doga Kobo (Oshi no Ko, La medusa non sa nuotare nella notte) ed è diretto da Ryota Itoh (My Senpai Is Annoying, Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie).
Trama: Alya è una studentessa da poco arrivata che si gode la popolarità nel suo nuovo liceo, mostrando spesso un atteggiamento freddo mentre accumula ottimi voti. Ignora costantemente il suo compagno di classe nerd, Kuze Masachika, tranne quando si lascia scappare frasi sdolcinate riferite a lui in russo. Anche se lei non lo sa, Kuze capisce il russo malgrado non lo ammetta. Guardiamo dove li porterà questa bizzarra storia d'amore!
🔶🔸NARENARE -CHEER FOR YOU!- - In arrivo da luglio

Estate bella piena per P.A. Works (Buddy Daddies, Skip and Loafer), che non solo sta lavorando all'anime di Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin, ma ha in caldo per noi ben due commedie originali tutte al femminile: Mayonaka Punch e questa scritta e diretta da Kodai Kakimoto (Katana Maidens: Toji no Miko, BanG Dream!), con protagoniste delle cheerleader. I will be there!
Trama: Misora Kanata è una studentessa del primo anno del liceo Takanosaki e fa parte della sua squadra di cheerleader. Ha vinto un campionato nazionale alle medie, ma dopo un errore durante una gara non può più saltare. Diventa amica di Suzuha, Shion, Anna, Onka e Megumi e formano le PoMPoMs. La loro nuova squadra va ben oltre il cheerleading e raggiunge il cuore delle persone per cui le ragazze fanno il tifo. Potrebbero persino cambiare il mondo!

La storica (s)fortuna di Osamu Dazai nel non riuscire mai a togliersi veramente la vita in pace è diventata talmente meme da arrivare fino in territorio isekai, grazie al nuovo manga di Hiroshi Noda e Takahiro Wakamatsu, i creatori di Love After World Domination e de La Sirena Cannibale.
La commedia è fatta in casa Atelier Pontdarc (Uncle From Another World, Ganbare Douki-chan) e ha come regista Shigeki Kawai (Uncle From Another World).
Trama: Trascinato in avventure in un altro mondo con aiutanti carine e con dei superpoteri, penserai che Osamu abbia fatto tombola. Per niente! Direttamente da un epoca precedente i pixel, il tetro autore di inizio 20° secolo vorrebbe solo un posto tranquillo per poter incontrare il suo creatore, non per accumulare XP. Sadicamente, la sua poetica dipartita è costantemente ritardata da atti di eroismo involontari. Gettati nella esilarante e tragica vita dell'eroe più riluttante!
🔶🔸AFTER SCHOOL HANAKO-KUN (Stagione 2) - In arrivo da ottobre

Torna anche la miniserie spinoff di Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun, che su sulla piattaforma trovate anche con il titolo localizzato Hanako-kun: il doposcuola dell'Accademia Kamome.
Quello che non è ancora tradotto, purtroppo, è la serie principale, realizzata sempre da Lerche (Asobi Asobase, Given), che è anch'essa stata rinnovata per una seconda stagione, attualmente senza una finestra di debutto precisa, però.
Sia il manga originale, che la side story in chiave comica dello scolastico sovrannaturale firmato da Iro Aida, sono editi in Italia da J-Pop Manga.
Trama: Lo spirito Hanako-kun e la sua assistente umana, l'alunna del primo anno Nene Yashiro, mantiene l'equilibrio tra le forze sovrannaturali e gli studenti dell'accademia Kamome. Quando non lottano per mantenere l'equilibrio tra il mondo degli spiriti e quello dei vivi, come passeranno il loro tempo? Unisciti a Hanako-kun e Nene mentre vivono le loro avventure del doposcuola!
🔶🔸MF GHOST (Stagione 2) - In arrivo nel corso del 2024

Seconda stagione all'orizzonte anche per la serie sul racing basata sul nuovo manga di Shuuichi Shigeno, il mitico autore di Initial D.
I primi 12 episodi diretti da Tomohito Naka (Initial D Legend 2: Racer, Initial D Legend 3: Dream), presso lo studio Felix Film (Aharen-san wa Hakarenai, Otherside Picnic), sono già tutti disponibili sottotitolati in italiano.
Trama: Il Giappone inizia a utilizzare le macchine elettriche auto-pilotate e rende obsolete le macchine a combustibili fossili, nel 202X. Le più veloci automobili trovano nuova vita con il MFG, un circuito di corse automobilistiche tenuto su piste giapponesi. Gareggiano i piloti di tutto il mondo nel tentativo di vincere il titolo. Kanata Rivington torna in Giappone dal Regno Uniti per gareggiare nel MFG e per trovare suo padre. Riuscirà a vincere il titolo e a trovare le risposte che cerca? Premi sull'acceleratore e corri oltre ogni limite!
🔶🔸WITCH HAT ATELIER - In arrivo 🔜

Dulcis in fundo, annunciato anche il simulcast dell’attesissimo adattamento animato di Atelier of Witch Hat, il nuovo manga fantasy firmato da Kamome Shirahama (Enidewi - Eniale & Dewiela), che possiamo trovare sui nostri scaffali assieme allo spinoff culinario Kitchen of Witch Hat, grazie a Panini Comics.
Ancora non si sa nulla sul progetto, ma se trattato con tutti i crismi del caso, potrebbe rivelarsi un must watch al pari di Frieren - Oltre la Fine del Viaggio e Dungeon Food. Il 4 luglio si terrà un panel con il probabile reveal della serie. Da tenere assolutamente d'occhio.
Trama: In un mondo in cui chiunque dà per scontati prodigi come la magia e i draghi, Coco è una ragazza con un sogno davvero semplice: vuole diventare una strega. Ma tutti sanno che maghi si nasce, non si diventa, e Coco non ha ricevuto in dono tali poteri. Rassegnata a una vita priva d magia, Coco sta per rinunciare al suo sogno di diventare una strega…finché non incontra Qifrey, un misterioso mago girovago. Dopo aver visto di nascosto Qifrey eseguire una magia, in un modo che non aveva mai visto prima, Coco comprende che le verità che tutti “sanno” potrebbero non essere tanto certe, e scopre che i suoi sogni legati alla magia potrebbero non essere tanto lontani quanto li vedeva…
Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì!
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
#crunchyroll#anime#streaming#simulcast#crunchyroll italia#annunci#atelier of witch hat#witch hat atelier#alya sometimes hides her feelings in russian#roshidere#mf ghost#no longer allowed in another world#nanare hananare#narenare#after school hanako kun#hanako kun#toilet-bound hanako-kun#isekai shikkaku
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Was thinking again about the sort of music I used to listen to and damn me-five-years-ago had some banging taste in music:
This in particular is really interesting to compare with how my aesthetic tastes evolved; while the music I listen to has shifted away from this, the actual content lines up much more with my media interests now than my interests then (though that's more obvious when looking at my other blog lol).
Musically this is the sort of song where I like the pre-chorus significantly more than the other parts (which happens surprisingly often), I especially like the change between its first appearance and its second – “The counter's set to number nine / I'm feeling so alive / and yet there is one thought that just keeps on / repeating in my mind��� then later “The counter's started ticking down / ‘You've really changed’ they frown / and yet there's still that thought that just keeps on / repeating even now” – maintaining the assonance with a different vowel works well. The rest of the song is still good though.
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FLASH REPORT: An Epic Conclusion of 'Wakfu' Season 4 finale unveils the last 3 new episodes on both French streaming platforms, including PH's first Internet Simulcast [#K5NewsFMExclusive]
ROUBAIX, FRANCE -- Recently in the early morning in Paris, the final three (3) new episodes of 'Wakfu' were aired last Friday on March 15th, 2024 at 12mn (France local time). These episodes presented an enthralling mix of excitement and drama, captivating audiences with their compelling storyline. The seamless continuation of the epic journey of the show's main characters, such as Yugo the Eliatrope, Amalia Sheran Sharm, Tristepin de Percedal, Evangelyne, Ruel Stroud, and many others, kept fans eagerly anticipating each new developments of the show.
An exclusive finale airing as Dumaguete very own 'OneNETtv Channel' premiered the last episodes to be broadcasted online Thursday night in the United States of America (U.S.A.) at 7pm Eastern / 6pm Central / 7am in Dumaguete and Manila (Friday), coinciding with the back-to-back weekly releases of 'Okoo' and Ankama Launcher at the same time slot. The series concluded with its final episode airing early in the weekend for streaming in France.
In the 11th episode "Ensemble", presents the group with a set of new challenges as they come together to overcome obstacles in Sadida Kingdom. The highlight of the episode gets an intense battle sequence where the group must utilize their abilities and unity to vanquish a formidable foe. While the 12th episode titled "Armand", the focus shifts to a new character named 'Nora' who brings a sense of mystery and intrigue to the story. Her daugther's backstory (Ms. Armand Sheran Sharm) reveals to shed light on their motivations and struggles. The said episode ends on a devastated cliffhanger, following after the epic battle, leaving viewers in France eager to see what will happen next.
And on the series finale via Episode #13 titled "Consecration", which is the final episode of the 4th Season, is packed with severely intense action and emotional moments. The main characters are forced to make difficult choices as they confront their Necro's enemies and face their destinies. Yet, peace will never return to the 'World of 12' until the invasion of the Wakfu eaters has been thwarted. The finale delivers a satisfying conclusion to the season, tying up loose ends and leaving the audience with a sense of closure in a marriage scene.
DWFH-FM 97.7mhz's "K5 News FM: Dumaguete" can reveal the exclusive story that 'Yugo the Eliatrope' is now a full-grown man, and is legal to get married with 'Amalia Sheran Sharm' immediately after this tragic war with 'Necros' at the end of Episode #13. Kissing scene after the bottom teleporation in 'Sadida Kingdom' may be considered as a canon couple, under a shipping name 'YuMalia'.
Throughout its extensive run for 4 seasons, these three (3) episodes of 'Wakfu' have taken fans like you in an unforgettable journey filled with excitement and heartfelt moments. The growth and development of these fictional main characters have been expertly portrayed, leaving a lasting impact to showcase audience around the globe. This French animated series has managed to captivate viewers worldwide, thanks to its exceptional blend of fantasy and adventure, making it an absolute must-watch for the targeted demographic.
It is worth to note that after the final 4th season happened in the series finale, it will soon be potentially moved into a weekly French webtoon comics later in the late-April to mid-year of 2024.
Comic dubs from the international fan-parody made voice actors and actresses is optional, if they can secure for international licensing in the future.
FULL DISCLOSURE: The now-growned Yugo Sharm the Eliatrope and Amalia Sheran Sharm are both part ways as Ankama News correspondents for OneNETnews until 2026 and/or 2029. The canon couple of 'YuMalia' will be retired for news gathering on us, several years after the animation taping of the final 4th Season of Wakfu. Mabuhay ang bag-ong kasal ug madamo po salamat, mga ka-Bandera!
SCREENGRAB COURTESY: Ankama Animations & Okoo via France 4 LIVE VIDEO
-- OneNETnews Team
#flash report#entertainment news#roubaix#france#wakfu#season 4#saison 4#the final season#series finale#webtoon#YuMalia#shipping#married#simulcast#exclusive#first and exclusive#K5 News FM#fyp#OneNETnews
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PETER , @simulcast liked for a starter
everything hangs in a precarious balance— the operation, the exhibition displays… neal and peter. his turn is quick, sudden, and he steps right in peter’s face as he spins. voice hushed, pissed, “i had this under control.”
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I’ll be live on Tumblr Live this evening at 6pm and simulcasting to YouTube
We will be just chillin and playing a game or two and I would love to hang with you so stop on by
If you enjoy my content check me out on other streaming services and social medias across the web at the link

#gaming#streaming#streamer#music#first person shooter#milsim#animals#edm#movies#music production#metal#metal music#rock music#pop music#alternative music#tumblr streaming#tumblr live#simulcast#obs studio#simulator pilot#fa18#f35#f22
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this winter anime season is so lit 😩😩 i havent felt like this since 2021 and 2022. Anime is so back
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" yuh-you good , rich ? " he's quick to hide his almost cringe at the words , sounding awkwardly young coming from his mouth . playing the grownup , but not nearly as good at it as you were when you were eleven . derry left them all shaken to the core . fingers putter briefly against the table , against his slightly too bitter cup of coffee , before his gaze seeks out richie's own . " . . . i caught the tail-end of your show last night . " / @simulcast
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A few of those images again, but as gifs. There's a bit of digital distortion as well because pretty. Placed below the fold. Didn't want to accidentally trigger someone's epilepsy.
Commercial Break warnings from the Kaiju No.8 anime simulcast. I badly needed the "Selfie" one.
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Alright, finally finished all the anime I was keeping up with for the Summer 2024 Anime season that isn't continuing into the Fall season (Oshi no Ko S2 technically has 1 more episode but my opinion on it isn't going to change at this point).
I was originally thinking this would be a pretty slow season, but I ended up with way more shows that I was obsessed with then I was expecting. My only complaint was it seemed like the majority of shows I was keeping up with this season just got ignored a lot of the general anime community.
Like that's not necessarily a bad thing, but it definitely felt weird being one of only a handful of people actually hyping up a bunch of the shows that I felt were the best this season had to offer.
A-Tier (Shows that I became obsessed with and were the highlight of my week)
VTuber Legend: Easily the best and most unhinged yuri this season. Will be the gold standard that all future VTuber anime projects will have to be compared to.
Mayonaka Punch: Vampire x Cancelled Youtber yuri. An absolute romp every single week right up to the end. Another strong addition to P.A. Works' collection.
Dungeon People: Another strong contender for the "how would a fantasy dungeon actually work?" sub-genre that's starting to form. Only instead of an ecosystem, it's a work place this time. Also has some strong max level wizard x high level rogue yuri.
B-Tier (Good shows that I can definitely recommend giving a try)
The Fable: A pretty solid yakuza/hitman crime drama/comedy. Definitely much more emphasis on the drama then the comedy but it was consistently good drama.
My Deer Friend Nokotan: Deer girl doing deer things the anime. Humor could be extremely hit-or-miss and it veered more into being weird for the sake of being weird a lot of the time. That's not really a bad thing exactly (I've definitely enjoyed my fair share of "lolrandom" anime over the years), but the swerves were starting to get a bit tiresome by the end.
Oshi no Ko S2: Yup, that was Oshi no Ko. I don't honestly have much to say about it tbh. I enjoyed it enough that I kept watching it every week and would be down for a third season, but I also barely remember half of what happened this season.
C-Tier (shows I liked but were very flawed)

Plus-Sized Elf: If you're looking for an ecchi about bbw fantasy race ladies moving around with their tits frequently out, this is the anime for you. The only thing that really held it back for me was the half length episodes.
Quality Assurance in Another World: Video game QA testers getting isekaied. A neat concept and had some fun ideas but the pacing was just bizarre and frequently left arcs feeling unfinished before moving on to the next ones.
(S)pecial-Tier (For series that I've already read the source material. Can be either positive (+) or negative (-).)
Sengoku Youko (+) (continuing into next season): While the quality has been more up and down compared to season 1, it's still been a solid adaptation so far.

Spice and Wolf S1 (+): Another excellent adaptation of Spice and Wolf. We'll have wait until next season to start getting into more books not covered by the first anime, but I am happy we finally got book 3 in anime form.
(D)ropped/DNF/Do not Recommend Tier (only counting anime I've watched 6+ episodes of)
#vtuber legend#mayonaka punch#dungeon people#the fable#my deer friend nokotan#oshi no ko#plus sized elf#quality assurance in another world#sengoku youko#spice and wolf#simulcast#anime#anime season review
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Virtual Character Tourney Preliminaries!
While I get everything seeded, 5 preliminaries will take place, getting us the last 5 participants we need! Each contains 2 characters under the same IPs, with all fighting to secure spots representing them. Those preliminaries will all take place at 9/4/2023 (the laborest of days) starting at 10 EST, and will last a week.
As for the participants, they are...
Kaito vs. V Flower (Vocaloid)
Tentomon vs. Wizardmon (Digimon)
Eris vs. Enlil (Wolf 359)
Simulcast vs. Rhadamanthys (Reflection TTRPG)
So before we begin proper, let's get everything sorted out! Let's go!
#virtual character tourney#preliminaries#kaito#v flower#vocaloid#sayer#speaker#sayer podcast#tentomon#wizardmon#digimon#eris#enlil#wolf 359#simulcast#rhadamanthys#reflection ttrpg#character polls
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@simulcast / sam: talking to yourself again?
diane smiles smartly, sarcastically (ha. ha.), despite a betraying bloom of mirth. "alternative to whom?"
settling a hand on her hip, she quips over barroom discourse (i.e., the existentialism that's to be found in yet another cartoon du jour), "times are dire, sam. and in such circumstances," a finger point, "one must invent their own points of interest."
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Siete pronti al finale della quinta stagione di DANMACHI? Stanno finalmente per arrivare gli ultimi quattro episodi!
Già da oggi trovate online su ANiME GENERATION le puntate 12 e 13, mentre la numero 14 e 15 arriveranno, rispettivamente, mercoledì 26 febbraio e mercoledì 5 marzo, sempre alle ore 14:00.
#danmachi#familia myth#anime generation#prime video#streaming#sub ita#simulcast#serie tv#anime#è sbagliato cercare di incontrare ragazze in un dungeon?#dungeon ni deai wo motomeru no wa machigatteiru darou ka#action#adventure#fantasy#light novel#manga#jpop manga#yamato video#is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?#houjou no megami hen
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