#gosh this show is a riot
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pastlivesandpurplepuppets · 10 months ago
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"You don't lock a face like that up in a library."
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cryptotheism · 2 years ago
Lilly: Good morning New Babel, you're listening to Screw Loose, your favorite early-morning exo rig and rig maintenance rig show this side of the white river, I'm Lilly.
The Bear: And I'm the Bear, and you- are on the air. What can we help you with?
Caller: Hello! Hi! So, uh, first time caller. My name is Zuri. I run a barley and flesh farm about an hour south of Isin. I'm in the market for a new rig. My last rig kicked the bucket. But I have an, uh, odd request that I was hoping you two could help give me some guidance on.
The Bear: Welcome to the show doll, we'd be happy to help. But first, I gotta ask, what were you running before and what happened to it?
Lilly: Yeah! We gotta know what we're dealing with here.
Zuri [beginning to laugh]: So we had an Arcadia Y-400-
[both hosts erupt into laughter]
Lilly: And it broke!?
The Bear: Doll what in the hell did you do to this thing!?
Zuri: [laughing] Listen! Listen! It was my grandfathers! We had been replacing parts on this thing since before I was born! It was its time!
The Bear: Lilly, is she dodging the question?
Lilly: I think she's dodging the question, Bear.
The Bear: Okay okay, so what exactly did you do to destroy this extraordinary museum piece?
Zuri: [laughing] Oh gosh I don't want to say it now.
[The hosts erupt with encouragement]
Zuri: My sons will play this game, where I'll be out working in the field. You know, rigged up, focusing on tilling. They'll sneak up behind me with their rigs on, jump up, curl up into a little ball, and try to lock themselves to my back-jack in the cargo position...
[The hosts are howling with laughter]
Zuri: They're- They're damn good at it too! My oldest, Zair, can do it in on solid motion. Its like one moment I'm minding my own business, the next moment I have a whole kid in a 100 pound work rig locked to my back!
Lilly: What a riot! Oh this is just dangerous to put on the air.
The Bear: Ahem, to all the parents at home we apologize in advance, please don't sue us.
Zuri: So- So one day- One day my youngest tries it, but he doesn't twist around fast enough, and the aux battery on the left arm clips an exposed spinal neurohelix. Zap! Neuros are fried. My legs and arms lock straight like stilts! Now I'm swearing up a storm, you know- "You little rats!" But I'm hobbling like a circus performer trying to chase em down and they're just dying. Musta been the funniest damn thing they've ever seen.
[The hosts continue to laugh uproariously at this]
The Bear: Doll we gotta get to advice part of the show or the network is gonna give YOU a show.
Lilly: What a way to go! You hit an aux to the spinal braid? That's fried. Done. Kaput. You gotta scrap that thing.
Zuri: Yeah, we've already gutted it. Old girl is rusting in the barn for parts now. Zair is a whiz, so I'm hoping he can get some good use out of it.
The Bear: So we hear you're looking for a new rig?
Lilly: What's your price point love?
Zuri: We've got a good chunka cash built up. We're looking at something in the 600 to 700 washer range.
The Bear: That's pretty good for a work rig. You've got a lot of choices.
Lilly: I have a sneaking suspicion that this price point has something to do with your special request?
Zuri: So, my oldest, Zair. I recently learned that he's been uh. Well gosh now I'm embarrassed about this too!
The Bear: Doll c'mon don't hold out on us!
Lilly: You called, we can handle it!
Zuri: I learned that Zair had been using the Arcadia to race on the weekends. He and some of the local kids would run street races at night. He's been rigging a grapple harness to the waist-jack, and stripping it before I need the rig for monday morning.
[The hosts laugh at this, though not as hard]
Lilly: Ha! So what you're saying is you want the biggest, slowest, beached-whale rig you can get? Something just impossible to race?
The Bear: I'm thinking an HR&R Pauldron, Heavy Industrial. With that type of money you can get the new 900 series. Ask for the high-stability option-
Zuri: No no! No you don't understand! The damn kid keeps placing last because he's been racing in a junker! What I'm lookin' for is something I can use as a work rig for the days, that's easy to strip and good to race on the weekends. I want it safe, you hear me? I can't stop this kid from racing, so I might as well get something that'll keep his skull together.
[The hosts explode into laughter again]
Lilly: You! You're a good mom! What I wouldn't give for a mom like you!
The Bear: Ma'am, one day, when I grow up, I wanna be like you. I wanna be that typea mom.
Zuri: So, can you help me?
[The hosts can be heard stage whispering for a moment, followed by the sound of cracking knuckles.]
The Bear: Okay. You've got a lot of good options here. My friend here wants you to get a sport rig, but that's not gonna have the torque you need for farmwork: Here's what you're gonna do-
Lilly: Would to! Have you seen what the Roadrunner 600 can do? Six point neuro uplink! Eighty pneumatic helices per leg! Tell me that's not good enough to rig a plow!
The Bear: The dirt Lil! We need solid-body articulation! Using a pneumo-helix for farmwork is like pouring sand into clockwork!
Lilly: You replace the dermis with a synthetic sheathe! I get no respect around here!
The Bear: Zuri, doll, here's what you're gonna do: You're gonna go to your local Post Office outpost. You're gonna ask if they have any old courier shipping rigs. You want middlegrade. Ask specifically if they have an Albatross W-500, or if you're lucky, an LH-640. These are long-haul light-load shipment rigs. They're ugly, but they're sturdy as hell, built for carrying things long distances through rough terrain.
Lilly: The kicker here is that they're both light-combat certified. Built-in medical and shock response treatment. You'll need to replace the medical gel canisters every few months to make sure they're fresh... And if a certain someone wanted to maybe engage in a little bit of light illegal street racing...
The Bear: Well the Albatross line is built to be constantly refitted for different weathers and terrains. So someone, not saying who, might have a real easy time stripping the plating for speed. That sound good doll?
Zuri: That sounds perfect, thank you so much girls!
The Bear: Perfect! Thank you for the call, you'll have to tell us how it goes!
Lilly: Please love we beg you! Call again! Toodle-oo!
Zuri: Thank you again!
[The caller hangs up, the show transitions into a commercial break]
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katyawooga · 2 months ago
oh my gosh anon this is so cute!!! :3
men and minors DNI pretty pleaseee
also let's pretend the meeting at the vander statue didn't end in attacks from noxus for the purpose of this ask 😊 i started writing this when act 2 came out so imagine this is in between act 2 and 3
to absolutely no one's knowledge, sevika was a superfan of yours. zaun had very few 'celebrities' of sorts, but you, a breakout singer that used to be a girl-for-hire at margot's, had made a name for yourself.
you regularly held gigs around the undercity, most frequently on the roof of the chembarons' little lair at the very peaks of the underground. ever since silco shoved off, you've been able to spot his number two in the front row at nearly all of your shows.
the riots going on recently because of the colourful spectacle topside had temporarily paused your gigs, but that didn't stop you from supporting zaun and doing pop-ups to raise morale. sevika herself somehow got your contact and convinced you to come to a rally near the vander statue. you were excited to be apart of something so directly involved with jinx and protesting. you wore jinx-er attire and even brought flares for the audience.
"come onnn, shoot faster!"
you had also gotten jinx herself on stage with you. she happened to be a big fan of yours and one of the reasons sevika reached out for this gig. you sang jinx's favourite song together with the crowd bumping. her presence made the attendance a lot bigger and the atmosphere a whole lot more exciting.
"just a little bit of energy, yeah!"
you spotted sevika in her usual front row spot, admiring your act and jinx for finally getting out of her lair. sevika was holding the hand of a small blue-haired girl jumping around like a maniac watching jinx. it was a sweet sight, especially since they were both mouthing along the words of the song and sevika dancing a little with the girl hanging off her mechanical arm.
"i wanna try somethin' fun right now!"
the crowd set off their flares of blue and the scene was clouded with aqua while you and jinx continued to sing and entertain.
"i guess some people call it anarchy!"
after your numbers were over, you thanked the crowd, thanked jinx, and thanked sevika for planning it all and giving her credit where it was due. she was a little bashful but it made her all the more authentic to you.
"this was really fun!" you approached sevika once she had pawned off the small girl to jinx, the two of them giggling together. "i'd love to show more spots like this. i've never seen zaun so pumped up."
"you were great. you and jinx really hit it off on stage, the people loved you two."
it was your first real conversation with the left hand of zaun and it was a little silly how starstruck you were. she was a bigger fan of yours and you were the actual pop star here.
"i saw that you loved us too," you poked a little fun with her. "knowing all the lyrics, dancing along..."
she, of all people, got flustered and scoffed, waving off your words. she had a good time watching your act, just like she always did, but someone actually noticing it for once kind of embarrassed her.
"well, if ever you wanna see a little shimmy from me again, don't hesitate to reach out for a gig. with how much jinx, the kid, and i love your act, zaun'll be in the clouds with how high you've lifted our spirits."
parting ways with sevika and waving goodbye to jinx and (seemingly) her younger sister, you couldn't help but feel giddy. the most revered and loyal person in zaun was a fan of yours, she wanted to keep spotting your act, and now you had jinx as a wingwoman on stage. you never thought life could get any better as a little singer from the underground.
i'm sooooo sorry this took me so long But i am back to getting requests and asks written since i'm on break now :) feel free to send some!
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bloopitynoot · 24 days ago
Reading TGCF: Chapter 34
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For those who don't know, I am reading TGCF for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag Bloopitynoot reads TGCF. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read BUT if you followed along with my SVSSS read, the rules and vibe are the same.
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Late chapter addition, but I needed to do a quiet activity to decompress after the day it has been. (I swear my life is not normally so shambolic, it's just one of the two busiest times of the year at work).
Charlie update: we got his bloodwork back today! No very terrible no good cat diseases (he does not have leukemia or HIV) but his liver levels are still absolutely terrible (understandable since there was a month between this bloodwork and his original bloodwork untreated).
So all systems going the same as before; two weeks antibiotics and then we run the tests again.
Hopefully there is improvement in a couple weeks.
As for Tea: today I went with my trusty oolong.
let's go chapter 34:
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As fucked up as this entire situation is, I do stand with Yong'An for that riot. completely justified in my opinion. When your king isn't doing shit to help you and villainizes you for being poor and living in a drought zone, yeah, eat the rich. p91
I really do hate though that the people of Yong'An have become a self-fulfilling prophecy. They showed up for help, people started blaming them for things (that they likely did not do) and in the end they really ended up living that reality out of desperation. :( 92
Oh gosh. If Xie Lian descending causes his first banishment, I can see why. His reaction to this situation is rough. p94
Xie Lian does bring up an excellent point to his dad, if there wasn't capacity for them to take in these refugees, why not escort them elsewhere or help settle them somewhere else. p95
The daddy issues. p95
This is so complicated. The daughter of the wealthy family being kidnapped being the fuel for the rhetoric that all Yong'An people must be killed. It's really giving archduke Ferdinand energy. p99
It's like watching a trainwreck in slow motion
Seeing Xie Lian make the poorest of choices is so rough. Literally everyone is trying to get him to see sense. That sometimes bad things just happen and there is nothing we can do.
Do I think the situation was unavoidable; yes and no. The drought couldn't be stopped but the way in which surrounding towns and allies reacted was super fucked. That could have helped so many people but damn, it unfolded was messy.
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lanternouslobster · 3 months ago
Different post from usual but here are my thoughts on whether these guys would make a good finalist in a potential season 3
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Explanations under the cut!! Warning, it’s. pretty long
Saving Damien for last bc I need to work myself up to tackle. that
Axel - Strong play for a finalist. I know a lot of people were rooting for her in s2, and I don't blame them. She's got the strength and determination that a lot of past finalists (Bowie, Priya, Julia) have had, and after the first two seasons she'll be able to work from her mistakes and use them to her benefit. Better balance of physical and social game, y'know?
Emma - NOBODY UNDERSTANDS HER LIKE I DO 💔💔 She would make SUCH a great protagonist & winner for s3. Why? Because she's practically a blank slate in terms of character growth. She got done dirty in s1 and barely got to do anything in s2. She has so much room to grow really well as a character (SEPARATE FROM CHASE) in ways that not many other characters have remaining capability for. Like, what're they gonna do with Priya after such heavy focus on her in both seasons? What'll they do with Julia? With Bowie or Wayne? Emma has the most potential for amazing writing if the writers actually take her seriously this time around. She's bright but vengeful. Friendly but blinded by emotion. She has the same sort of balance of positive attributes and flaws that made Priya such a compelling character in s1, and she could be something beautiful if done right.
Nichelle - A lot of similar reasoning as Axel. She came into the first season with great social game, but her physical game became her downfall. She built up her physical game for the second season, but (in a sense) a lapse in her mental game got her out. Now she's ready for the third season with all three categories honed to be winner material. If she doesn't make it far, I'm sure most of the fandom will riot
Chase - NOBODY UNDERSTANDS HIM LIKE I DO 💔💔 Gosh, he's awful, he's egotistical, he's utter garbage, and he's absolutely perfect villain material. Just think, a villain who's absolutely horrible to people yet holds no actual malice nor awareness of his own actions. It would be so different from every deliberate, calculating villain we've had throughout the seasons. It would take really careful writing, but with a good balance of showing him getting better at the game from the past seasons + still keeping the appeal to his character (comedic-focused narcissist with no self-awareness), he would work really well. I have more to say on him but this post is gonna be long enough as is
Lauren - Not much to say on her, since it's probably obvious. She vowed to take revenge on the cast, and being the main villain of s3 would work well with that. Also, being a finalist would provide the time and opportunity for her to develop more depth in character.
MK - Honestly I'm not as into the idea of her as a villain as the other two, but she could work really well in the role, especially if Julia gets out early and she has to work on her own/gain new allies. It would be neat to see her be forced to adapt to the situation, especially since her tactic of "lying low" wouldn't work too well after the cheating stunt she pulled in s2. Yeah I don't have much to say on her, I probably should've made a slightly lower tier just for her but I'm too lazy to change it now
Zee & Ripper - The category name says it all. I could see either of them in there as a Wayne sort of situation where they're the clear outlier between two serious competitors, but I wouldn't want either of them to win like Wayne did. Maybe Ripper could be developed to be a more serious competitor worthy of winning? But Zee certainly couldn't.
Raj: Listen. Bowie's been a finalist. Wayne's won. I know he's a separate character from both of them, but he's still so heavily connected to them that having him in the next final 3 would feel like a repeat of sorts. It just wouldn't be as fulfilling as other options.
Millie: This is probably bias but honestly,,, wouldn't mind Millie being in final 3 again, especially if she gets second/wins this time around. She was a beautifully written character in season 1, and I would love to see how she would do in another full-season run as separate from Priya. I wanna see her form new bonds, use new strategies, and show she's a far better competitor than she was the past two seasons. But I don't want her to be perfect. I want her to still be deeply flawed, because it's her flaws that make her writing amazing. I want her to take on a role as an imperfect leader of sorts, for her to make her own decisions and form her own method of competing outside of what Priya's taught her. I also wanna see her explored more since she already has great depth of character that could be expanded on
Bowie, Caleb, Julia, Priya, Wayne - Self-explanatory. Keep them out of the s3 finale
Damien - H'oh boy. I have some really complicated feelings about how he would do as a finalist. Subjectively, I love him and want him to win. But objectively, it almost feels... too late? Season 2 wasted the idea of him getting an arc of building up his confidence, which was the most fitting arc for him to undergo. Not only did he lose with his dignity shattered, but he also never made any solid relationships the whole show. The arc of him gaining confidence was reduced to nothing and ended in a wholly unsatisfying way. But still, what is there to do now with him in s3? Is he gonna retain his character growth? If that's the case, how is he gonna grow now? Or will he have lost all his confidence after his embarrassing loss and need to regain it? I'm not sure if I would want to watch a rehash of that. I feel like options for giving him a fulfilling & satisfying plotline in s3 are limited. He's built to be a support character, and while I love the idea of him breaking out of that, I'm still not too sure on the how. Maybe he could aim to not only be more confident, but to also take full control of his own game and be proactive in relationships instead of just supporting people? But he's too forgiving. Too loyal. I don't know if he'd have it in him.
Anyways that's all,,, I'm open to others' opinions on this!!
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synchodai · 8 months ago
hello! loved your meta on inheritance and i have a question for you. haven’t even started this as a proper fic yet, mostly playing around in hypotheticals, so stick with me here! but i’ve been sketching out an au where rhaenyra transitions - both out of a personal non-binary inclination and in the hopes it will ease her acceptance as heir. other details include marrying alicent & daemon sperm donation but the actual QUESTION i had, lol, was: assuming prince rhaenyra is the accepted heir in this scenario, and he has two daughters, the elder of whom is not suited to/desiring the throne (probably helaena) and the younger of whom (probably my version of visenya?) is…. how would you, like. advise them as a family to move forward with that? what could they do to support both of their daughters, esp w regard to like… things viserys failed to do for rhaenyra?
and also, who would people suggest instead of their daughters to rule?
please feel free to ask follow ups i have described this so hastily and so late at night lol
Oh gosh, succession with trans heirs/monarchs is very interesting to speculate on. But judging by the details here, I'm gonna answer this based on these following scenarios:
SCENARIO #1: No one knows that Rhaenyra is trans. They have lived their life fully as a man and the fact that they don't have a cock is not known to anyone but their immediate family. Their secret is never uncovered.
This is the sneaky scenario, where all established rules of male-preferred primogeniture would be followed as normal save for the minor issue that the crown prince secretly doesn't have a cock. If the secret is never uncovered it the fic, there are several straightforward ways to have Visenya, the younger daughter, be heir over Helaena, the eldest.
Make Helaena a septa or silent sister: This is the most obvious choice and least disruptive to the monarchy's stabilty. Septas and silent sisters take vows of celibacy and take no titles, so this would be the female equivalent of making a son take the black/be a kingsguard/become a maester.
Banishment: Other methods of disinheritance would be to banish Helaena (she'd have to be accused of a crime worthy of it) or having Helaena herself run away (what Aegon II wanted to do in the show).
Witenagamot: This is what Jaehaerys I did and is basically the most fraught and complicated option because it's the monarch ceding power to their vassals. Viserys's mistake was expecting his vassals to just let him bend the law without any concessions on his end. Compare that to Jaehaerys who gave the power of choosing his heir to a council that had a pool of claimants to choose from. Any law only works if a society agree to follow and enforce it, so if you want to upturn an established law (like primogeniture in this case), you'll need the backing of many powerful people to go along with it lest you be branded a tyrant. However, beware the unintended consequences of giving more power to your vassals — it may start getting into their heads to collectivize, rebel, and/or usurp the current reigning monarch.
Tyranny: A monarch can always enforce their will through violence and subjugation. If someone questions Visenya's ascension, then simply punish them to make them shut up. This isn't recommended though, since it leads to riots, rebellions, coups, and just overall instability. (Oh, and it's kinda evil too.)
Murder: It's an option.
SCENARIO #2: Everyone knows Rhaenyra does not have a cock but are mostly okay with it.
In this scenario, Rhaenyra would be seen by most of the people in Westeros as a cross-dressing woman. There would be a loud portion of the population who are scandalized by this, but by itself, it's not necessarily a dealbreaker to them inheriting the throne. However, Alicent would never be acknowledged as queen because same-sex marriage does not exist in Westeros. Any children she has with Daemon will be considered bastards and not part of Rhaenyra's issue.
SCENARIO #3: Rhaenyra's being trans is never discovered but Helaena and Visenya being Daemon's biological children is.
In this case, both Helaena and Visenya will be removed from the line of succession for being bastard-born. However, Rhaenyra (or whoever is the monarch) can legitimize them, making them Daemon's children. This still wouldn't make them Rhaenyra's heirs as it would put them behind Daemon in the line of succession.
I'm assuming your fic is going with scenario #1, so I put the most detail there. If you were to ask me what Rhaenyra could do to avoid the mistake Viserys made, I would simply advise them to make Helaena septa (like her great-grandaunt Maegelle Targaryen). Once she becomes initiated as septa, she can return to the Red Keep if she wants to, since septas are not cloistered and are often part of highborn families' household. The only things Helaena loses (other than her claim to the Iron Throne) is the chance to get married, bear children, and own land. If for some reason Helaena doesn't want to be septa, that's only when I would go for the other more convoluted options.
Hope this answers your question! Good luck with your fic~
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sofasoap · 1 year ago
Christmas love
Summary: it's Christmas time. You and Gaz are expecting a baby, and your husband think this will be a great time to gather everyone for an early Christmas gathering, also for you to meet the ladies of 141 for first time.
Pairing: Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x Reader
Part of the Miss Sunshine Universe.
Warning: mature rating. Talk of pregnancy.
Note: a very self-indulgent fic that has absolutely no plot to it. And a presents to my lovely moots. 😘
The OCs belongs to:
Myléne 'Petra' Scholten de Ridder, @eenochian
Olga 'Zhar' Samiolova, @nrdmssgs
Christine 'Riot' Vega, @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot
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You clutch the plate of freshly baked chocolate biscuit in your hand as you stare up at the three women standing in front of you in awe.
“Christmas gathering?”
“I thought it might be a good idea to get everyone together before the baby comes.” Kyle said as he assembled the baby cot. “I talked to your mum and dad. They are happy to host the early Christmas party at their farm before everyone breaks off. Ah there. Done.” Gaz dusts his hand as he finishes putting the last screw in, and holds out his hand to help you stand up, pulling you into his embrace.
“And there are new people I want you to meet as well. Our lovely new Dutch Medic, she’s quite excited to meet you since I told her about the baby news.” he kisses you in the temple as both of you look around, surveying the newly set up nursery. “And Nikolai has been bugging me about wanting to bring his new partner along. He's eager to show her off.”
Your eyes brighten up. “Is Simon bringing his new girlfriend too?” you asked excitedly.
Ever since your Ma heard “the poor man has no family left to celebrate the holiday with” she made sure Johnny always brought Simon back to the farm to join in on all the family holidays.
First time he arrives at the farm, Simon grumbles about how he wants to be alone for holidays,but as soon as your Ma greets him, his demeanour changes immediately.
“Ah, you must be Simon that my two little bampot kids talked about so much!! Welcome home!! ” she exclaimed, pulling Simon down to give him a big welcoming hug.
“”Ma!!”” Johnny and you groaned at the affectionate name calling from your own mother but stopped when the two of you saw Simon returning the hug, with tears streaming down his face, with Ma giving Simon a soft pat on his back.
“Sounds like it. Soap and I were pressuring him to introduce her to the family. Your Mum said she needs to approve his future daughter in law.” Gaz laughed.
So here you are, not quite sure how to start the conversation with the three elite soldiers, while the others have scattered off to mingle after all the initial greetings and quick catch up.
“Um….. Chocolate biscuits? Freshly out of the oven?” you offered timidly.
Petra.. Or she introduced herself as Mylène, took a step forward and grabbed a piece of biscuit off the plate.
“ Oh gosh …you don’t know how much I’ve been craving for these biscuits since Soap shared some with us last time..” She moaned as she took a big bite of it. “Oh these are even better, fresh....come on girls, grab one!”
Christine, who’s been very quiet, her eyes lit up and hesitantly reached for one. Her eyes fluttered close as she sighed.
“Good right? I told you.”
“I thought you were exaggerating. Olga. Come on. Try some.” Christine picked up another two, passed one more towards Olga. She hummed as a small smile appeared on her face, nibbling on the biscuit without saying a word.
You let out a small sigh, you were glad they liked the biscuits. You would be lying if you say you weren’t intimidated by three of them. You heard so much story about these amazing women from Kyle leading up to the party, with all the achievements on and off fields, you felt so… ordinary compared to them.
“Um, Coffee? Tea? Simon brewed the tea… so it should be good.” You offered, trying hard to come up with topics to break the ice. You huffled as you moved around the kitchen table trying to serve them the drinks with difficulty with your very pregnant stomach. The ladies all stood up immediately to help.
“Oh thank you.. sorry, it’s getting harder and harder for me to move around as this little pea pod grows..” you puffed out as you sat down on the chair that Olga had pulled out, insisted you to sit down while they help themselves with the refreshments.
“Oh talk about baby… Since Gaz mentioned the two of you were expecting, we all brought some gifts for you and the baby. ” Mylène clapped her hand, and waved to the other ladies to bring in the gifts from the living room.
Your eyes widen at the amount of gifts the ladies started to pile onto the table.
“That… this…” you gaped.
“All for your new family. Come on, open it up!” Mylène urged as she pointed towards the bags and boxes.
You reach for the four different colour bags first, all filled to the brim with different assortments clothes.
“ Each of the bags are clothe from age zero to two years old.” Mylène explained.
“Till two years old?!” you gasped as you took a peek into each of them. “That’s… that’s too much!”
“Nonsense. I know how fast the baby grows and the amount of clothes and stuff they go through. If you need any more things, don’t hesitate to contact me. Gaz got my number.” She reaches forward to give you a hug, reassuring you.
“And if you need anyone to babysit or a bodyguard for the baby, I can lend you my brother. Emiel will make sure no harm come to your baby if he were to look after them with his scary look.” She offered her brother’s service proudly.
“Uh, thank you??” You thanked her for her offer, trying to imagine the tall assassin with a baby carrier as you reached for the next lot of presents.
You open the second parcel, presents from Olga and Nikolai, and a very intricate Matryoshka doll and……helicopter and aeroplane plushie?
“Nik insisted on getting those.”Olga sighed. “ Saying something about.. The baby should know how her Dad and her Russian uncle’s friendship was strengthened.”
“It’s very important for them to know the story!!” Nikolai shouted from the other side of the room. Olga just rolled her eyes. You chuckled as you put it aside. “Thank you for your beautiful gifts. I was actually thinking what to put on the shelves in the nursery, these will be very fitting. Thank you. Oh! There's another little box..”as soon as you open the wooden box, a little ballerina pops up with a lullaby playing.
It’s a custom made musical box, you realised.
“Nikolai had it specially made for your little one. He originally wanted some rendition of heavy metal band music, I had to intervene and choose something more appropriate.” Olga covered her face with all the wild ideas her husband coming up with, embarrassed.
“Thank heaven you did. I think the lullaby might settle the baby down more than.. “ you laughed as you closed the lid again and leaned forward to give Olga a hug.
Finally you turned towards the blonde lady. Christine hands you two big square parcels, and wrangles her hand as you open up the wrapping paper.
You pulled out a few knitted baby clothes, hand knitted, simple but made with care. And a few warm knitted blankets too.
“You made these?” You inspect each of the clothes and design, noticing each of the onsies pairs with a blanket. A SET!. “Oh these teddy bear patterns on the blanket and the onsies.. ah! The sunflower pattern on these ones… and Stars… so cute!” You cooed.
Christine nodded her head hesitantly, “Soap mention you were going to spend the first few months after birth with the baby in Scotland, Considering how long the winter goes on for up here,I thought might be a good idea … “ she trailed off. Your smile widened and pulled her in for a hug, “ it’s a very thoughtful gift… Thank you. And to all of you as well.” You turned towards the other two, thanking them again.
“Soap couldn’t shut up about how much he is looking forward to his future niece and how much he is going to spoil her, while that husband of yours, every spare moment he’s got, he’s writing down plans for the nursery, ideas for future outings, and way of organising routines to give YOU the optimal resting time.” Mylène chuckled.
“Simon has been giving out ideas of how the team can help with babysitting duties to give you two new parents a bit of breather.” Christine added. “I don’t think he likes to admit it, but he really cares about you as a little sister.” She smiled.
“ You should see Nik.. he is already pressing me to design some sort of self defence lessons for the baby. “Olga shakes her head, exasperated at her husband’s antics.
“Three of us agree, we felt like we know you already, from all the stories we hear from the boys, the love they have for you, how well you treat them, you deserve all the kindness in the world.” Petra said.
You blinked your eyes few times, trying not to tear up from the touching words and gestures. You were still in awe how generous the ladies are with all their gifts, and you never met them before. “I just want you all to know… all of you are always welcome here, anytime. The men are always like an extended family to us, and in term, all of you are welcome to the family too. “
And after this, it became a tradition for everyone to gather at the MacTavish farm at least once a year.
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destinygoldenstar · 11 months ago
I got to Episode 6 so far
I’ll make a post on full thoughts when I finish
It’s wild to me cause I’ve never seen Ninjago be trending this much since Sons of Garmadon in 2018. So I had to question “What in the name of FSM caused THIS much riot”?!
It’s good so far. Obviously it is.
The fear sequence REALLY took me for a loop in craziness.
And Bonzle… I didn’t think she was gonna play a major role at all, but the casual way she revealed her identity… Me and my GF literally paused and went “I’m sorry, WHAT?!”
I also find a lot of relatability with Arin so much, especially nowadays. And right now, I think this arc is being handled very well. I think Arin is one of those characters that speaks to adults more than kids. Ironic. Him not understanding social cues, his insecurity about being inferior to everyone around him even when they encourage you it’s just mistakes and it doesn’t help your case at all especially when everyone seems to have their thing figured out when you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing and why you’re even here-
Gosh I hate that dragon teacher. He reminds me a lot of the worst teachers I’ve had growing up. But I think I’m supposed to hate him.
Also, they are HEAVILY building up to Sora and Riyu learning Spinjitsu. They’re gonna learn it at the end, aren’t they? ARINS GONNA BE SO CRUSHED.
So yeah, it’s good. And we know now why it’s called Dragons Rising.
Is it better than season one?
SO FAR, eh…?
I do have some problems right now. I think Dragons Rising’s weakest aspect is it’s villains, compared to one’s in the main show that interact with the main characters quite a bit, these ones kinda just have a handful of confrontations and then do their own scheming thing and let the armies do the work. It’s kinda less threatening for them as a result.
And even then, those armies went after the lost family once, the ninja once when they went to cloud kingdom, and that’s it.
Except for Cinder shattering Wyldfyre’s bones, that’s insane. I’m surprised that doesn’t happen more often in this show.
It’s kinda off to me that we haven’t seen what went down in Cole’s little journey before he’s suddenly back. And I’m not a fan with putting the mech disks in this with no explanation on how they got them unless you’ve seen the shorts.
I also am hoping Lloyd’s little PTSD, or… foresight traumatic stress disorder, FTSD I guess, isn’t resolved yet.
I need to get my full thoughts once the whole season is done. I always kinda have to do that.
But RIGHT NOW, I still question the hype a bit. Yeah it’s good, but… wow, WHAT happens in these last four episodes that could’ve POSSIBLY caused this much insanity across the community?
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sevi007 · 11 months ago
Continued the main quest today (oh yeah we‘re deep in spoiler territory now) and man what a ride
The combo Clive, Joshua and Gav is kind of hilarious. There is Clive snd Joshua who keep switching the role of the Most Reckless Brother(TM) in the span of minutes - we went from Joshua hitting Clive in the face for shouldering it all alone to Joshua running of into enemy territory - you guess it - alone right after. And Gav being there like „I missed something didn’t I“.
I certainly liked this bit here while fighting off waves of Akashic:
Clive: „Here they come!“
Gav: „And come, and come and come…“
Gav is hilarious and I want more unsolicited commentary from him
Meanwhile, Uncle Byron is a riot again. He is trying SO HARD and he is definitely brave, but he is also a dork. Promising Clive an army he does not have, nearly getting torn apart by Akashic, and all the while he and his okd friend Havel jeep arguing like an old couple. I was laughing while worried for his life!
I didn‘t quite expect Dion to show up here of all places but I‘m happy anyway.
(Also he is ABSOLUTELY sending Terence away now to keep him out of the fray isn‘t he. He has already been tricked by Ultima into killing a loved one and destroying his home, he will not risk it again)
But to the real important thing - the Odin fight.
Man, this was good. I like that there is a bit of everything- Barnabas semi-primed and relatively calm, then full on Odin transformation, then back to semi-primed but also losing it slowly. His insane cackling was bone-chilling, truly well done!
I think it’s very interesting how different the acquisition of different Eikons can be. Let‘s see: Cid and Jill gave theirs willingly as a gift. Joshua too, if you consider that his blessing counts. Benedikta and Hugo were almost accidental, not sure if Clive meant to. And Barnabas really forced it on Clive. There‘s something deep about that, I can‘t really put it into words well.
Hey since we defeated a king, does that mean WE are king now? Perfect. Joshua can become the duke of Rosaria, Dion the Emperor and we rule Waloed. Yaaaay
(That’s not gonna happen is it)
Btw I can see why Odin is unlocked so late in the game - these Zantetsuken abilities are so op, gosh
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nerdyenby · 11 months ago
DRS2 reactions (spoilers)
Ep 1
Ras at the shadow dojo???????? Who woulda thunk
New intro?!?!!!?!! Idk why I wasn’t expecting that, actually
The public including Pix with the missing ninja my beloved
Gosh, big Riyu will take some getting used to
Wait… is that a curious george reference??
I don’t know if I’ve heard someone outright say something isn’t good for their friend’s mental health in a cartoon before, it’s really refreshing
Casual Frohicky and Sora/Arin interactions my beloved <3
Omg Kai explaining Shang to Zane is such season one vibes
Lloyd having open and honest conversations with his students about both his and their wellbeing is so important to me
Ok, hear me out: au where baby Wu didn’t age back at an enhanced rate and gets lost at somepoint and Arin is teenage Wu
Dang it, Cinder’s kinda funny
Ep 2
I legit started happy stimming so hard at that opening shot, I’m really invested in Euphrasia’s story already and nothing’s even happened yet lol
Percival out here making the gen z solarpunk dream a reality!!!!
Lloyd calling it what it is — a panic attack — soothes something in me
Sora did really bad graffiti of cats when she was young, that’s adorable and kinda tells you everything you need to know about her
MY GIRL!!!!!!!
Euphrasia using a cane!!!! Hell yeah mobility aids!!!! (Even though it’ll probably be gone in two episodes lol)
I kid you not, I was 100% expecting Suetonius to say “resurrect… the Great Devourer” lmao
I love that the gang is (mostly) all together, but it’s a bit too many characters for a conversation, I get why they like to split them into groups
Nya grounding Lloyd :(( /pos
Kai boasting about a fight that he won a decade ago when Cinder probably doesn’t even know Ash is endlessly amusing to me
Ras is so dramatic I can’t really take him seriously
Damn, they’re letting characters get hurt, it’s kinda refreshing but it’s scary
Ep 3
Wait I didn’t see Euphrasia get captured :((
WHAT THE HELL?!???? /vpos
Strength, motion, energy, and life?!??!!??
Kai comforting Wyldfyre <333
We know this takes place after the mech shorts, so why hasn’t anyone mentioned Cole? He was also seen in public, so why did that conspiracy guy say he’s still missing?
Why do they keep leaving Zane behind?? He’s in his housewife era fr
Kai making sure Wyldfyre’s taken care of :((
This show is so unserious, I love it
I wasn’t feeling people calling Kai Wyldfyre’s dad after season one but…
No… Sora took Arin’s thing from him… she didn’t mean to, but he feels like he’s not special anymore :(
I’m going to pretend that was a believable amount of parts to make a mech that big
Kai getting moments with Arin and Sora my beloved
Kai’s “hey kid, nice of you to drop by” is giving the same energy as when Lloyd and Arin first met during the merge
These nightmare sequences are going so hard
Nya being the first one to realize it isn’t real when her nightmare is reality, I’m screaming
Riyu comforting Wyldfyre <333
Nya best sister award when
Ep 4
My boys!!!!!
THE found family of all time
Seeing Kai and Nya fight so smoothly together is so special after how much they and Lloyd were tripping over each other when they first reunited
Autistic Arin real and true
I love Bonzle so much
Geo is such a lil bastard actually /pos, makes more sense why he and Cole are a thing, knowing Cole’s taste in men
Cole will never stop being overpowered, it seems, he deserves it tbh
Censorship pog /hj
“Not funny, Wyldfyre” “Not joking, Sora” the sheer cousin vibes in this interaction are too much to handle
Lloyd PLEASE just mention being 1/4 dragon, it will almost certainly get Egalt on board, I am begging
Glacier reunion!!!!!!!
Ep 5
I wanted a more emotional reunion, but they’ve probably seen each other off screen (or I’m just forgetting a scene from the shorts)
Zane, why are you still carrying that doll like it’s your child??
Bonzle my beloved, she’s says that so deadpan I don’t actually have any questions
Wyldfyre my beloved
I would die for Bonzle
Cole and Geo holding hands 😭😭😭😭😭
Is Egalt the motion source dragon?? Probably not tbh but I’d believe it
Man’s spitting facts, flatearthers are going to lose their shit
“Little fire man” IM DYING OH MY GOD
Wait when does this take place? My first instinct is while the ninja were in the Never Realm but idk if we’ll actually find out
“Friends can become like family?” “Definitely” IM SOBBING ON THE FLOOR
Letting Arin be angry is so important
Cole shutting down Bonzle’s suicidal thoughts without hesitation “no, you are loved and needed. We will find a way to protect you” <333
The physical affection in DR is so dear to me
Human sacrifices???? In MY lego show?????
Ep 6
Wyldfyre struggling with her body’s limits is really relatable as a young disabled person
Plot twist: where the other ninja are right now is Mysterium and they have that tua meme of two cars passing each other moment
Damn, that exchange hit hard as a former gifted kid. Sometimes having someone believe in you hurts. You’re not just letting yourself down, but them, too
Nya just fucking bodyslamming Kai, Egalt didn’t know what he was getting into pitting the world’s most competitive siblings against each other
“The Finders are like my family” *looks at Zane* “My other family” screaming, crying, sobbing on the floor
Oh no
Wait yeah, why are they thirsty if Zane can just make ice for them to chew on? At least Cole and Jiro, idk if Bonzle needs water
The nonbinary pirate!!!
Cole CANNOT escape the performing arts fr fr
Ep 7
Bonzle is giving transgender
That is the most Jay and Cole thing I’ve ever heard it, it’s so in character it almost feels out of character
Arin and Sora going through the exact same thing and trying and failing to not take it out on each other :( it’s ok tho, the real ones are the ones you can be snippy with and love regardless
Wyldfyre referring to the ninja as “Kai’s friends” honey, they’re your friends too, I promise
Anyone who calls Wyldfyre dumb can fuck off, she’s so perceptive and intelligent and is really good at connecting others when she truly wants to
Bonzle’s mom <33333
Bonzle’s smile when her mom compliments her name <3333
Who you calling stolen equipment bitch?????
Lil Kai and Nya!!!!!!
Nya’s so proud of him!!!!! I could cry
Kai being the first to achieve it because fire is an element under motion’s domain methinks
Oh you bigoted son of a bitch
Zane why are you considering it????? Honey
What the fuck did you do to Jiro??!?!!!
Ep 8
There’s literally a nindroid agent right there????
The og musical cue playing when Jay comes back <3
Jay on his Euphrasia arc, this is highkey breaking my heart though
I’m counting this as a fakeout death and you can’t stop me
Are you kidding me???!!!? How many times is Jay going to be one room away from the ninja
Lloyd SHUT UP /aff
“And cursed!!” She says cheerfully, this lady is an icon
The subtitles keep calling Cole Kai, what is this, season one??
Ep 9
Aww, baby Ras (trying desperately to not care about him)
Oh ok, he’s making my job easier
Poor Wyldfyre :(
I love this trio so much, their banter is so good
Lloyd honey, fighting it is making it worse
Nya holding him through his panic attack :((
I was expecting Cole to deny that it was him, the earth is going through it
The disco toaster!!!!!
Heck yeah Riyu!!!
I love them so much it’s not even funny
“What’s your elemental power, imperviousness to sarcasm?” She just called him autistic in 13 languages (I’m autistic, dw guys)
“First time driving?” “Believe it or not, no” Bonzle and Arin my beloved
I’m a touch disappointed Wyldfyre’s perfectly fine now as someone with chronic pain, but I’m glad it was handled as well as it was and it’s a really important lesson for younger audiences that pushing your body while it’s in pain only makes it worse
The silent exchange of Cole suggesting Zane takes the parrot potion is endlessly funny but also sad considering it’s probably the closest well get to talking about the Falcon
Cole turning into a puppy who cheered?!???
“At least you’re adorable” “I’m always adorable” get a room /aff
Tournament of elements flashbacks
The workplace gossip omg, Cinder really out here beefing with a 16 year old
Don’t you even fucking dare
Ep 10
Arin mistaking Lloyd and Nya for his parents hurts :(
Oh no… I mean, it was obviously coming but it’s still very bad
Let Euphrasia do stuff 2024
Wyldfyre jumping in front of Kai and protecting him
The basketball practice coming in handy lol
The fight cinematography in DR is fucking superb
KAI D: (he’ll be fine, I believe)
I was prepared for Rontu and Egalt to stay dead, the breath I let out when the stone cracked was unparalleled
Are we legit not getting Kai back????
Cole and Lloyd hug!!!!!
Oh no… that lie is going to hurt when it comes out
Kai and Bonzle!!!!
Not like Master Wu says, like Lloyd says ;-; /pos
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firstartemis · 3 months ago
Arcane Season 2 Act III Spoilers/Thoughts:
What the hell???? She- she- WHAT?!? I cried 6 times during act III AND THEN the ending- with… omg I’m so sad. I understand Isha gave her yet ANOTHER breakdown except this time with Ecko’s help it was to save everyone, but… Oh my gosh that was awful.
Okay, okay… So, I’m assuming that the crow was Mel’s brother. It just made sense. Also the fact that the person holding the hammer when Jayce got it from them, was JAYCE, wow that’s crazy. And the fact that the Arcane was Victor who had realized his faults and kept trying and trying and we were watching the universe that finally succeeded. Okay, but here’s the thing. If that universe was the one that “worked”, what the heck happened to the universe that Ecko went to with no hex tech? Does that mean it failed? Also the ending ending, you see through the eyes of someone (I assume), and it’s the Jinx hallucinations. Ik that riot games x Netflix are going to make more seasons and/or another show with other characters and may incorporate old characters (from season 1, 2) which means Jinx could come back. Along with that, what characters from LoL would they add? I don’t know the game well and have never played it but I believe there is a character called Lux (I think) and from what I remember they would be a cool character to add in- from what I understand Jinx and her have a cool dynamic.
Also, I’m trying my best to convince myself that Jinx isn’t dead. In the other universe, Vi died while protecting her family. Powder must have dropped the rune like before, and then ran to Milo and Clagger. Vi stood at the door (like before) for a moment, but she didn’t turn around as quickly, or she did but was going to fight Jayce and Cait who were on the other side of the door instead of running like they did in the “actual” universe.
This is way too much for my brain…
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indieyuugure · 2 years ago
Hi there!
I just found your page and binged your Parallel comic- Safe to say I'm absolutely in LOVE with it!
Dude you nail the characters better than I've ever seen anyone do- HECK to the YEAH!! This is everything I've ever wanted from these shows and more than I thought I'd want like-abugaeuWGBUEWGHUGBA YES!
I was just wondering if you ever listen to any music when you draw? If so what kind?
I’m so glad you like it! I always want to make sure that everyone is completely in character! I’ve also sort of made it my mission to make it sort of a “If there were no flaws, no plot holes, no retcons, no canon inconsistencies, no half written characters, nothing wrong at all, this is what it would be like, because this is how it should be” So I’m very glad I’m achieving my goal! :]
Oh gosh music. I listen to so much freaking music while I’m drawing. I’m ADHD, so I have to have music or I absolutely can not focus at all.
Generally I like listening to hard rock, and I guess electronic? I have two main playlists that I listen to for drawing ROTP comic pages, one is titled “Ninja Turtles” on Apple Music that I made composed of every TMNT song I could find including the video game soundtracks. The other is on YouTube that has all the songs I couldn’t get on Apple Music, (mostly because they’re not American) titled 「ミュタントタトルズ」 because that’s the Japanese name for TMNT.
I think probably my most listened to songs when drawing ROTP are The TMNT 2012 theme song, Last Moment (by Spyair), Shinobi(by GReeeeN), In the Back Room (by syudou), Start a Riot(From SM: ITSV), Sewer Surfin’ (from Turtles in Time), Invincible(by Skillet), a bunch of Nine Inch Nails songs, a few Three Days Grace songs and Re:Re (covered by NateWantsToBattle).
I’m sure there’s tons more, but I don’t want this list to be miles long.
Generally my current favorite band is Nine Inch Nails :]
Good question!
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loisfreakinglane · 5 months ago
What are your top 10 tv shows of 2024 so far? (new or new to you)
the big one........ SUITS. i watched this show for the very first time this year, out of sheer desperation to watch something with my father that is not a police procedural- and i fell in love with this stupid fun show. i'm obsessed. i've watched it three times. the characters, the relationships, the plots...... I'M IN LOVE WITH IT ALL. except lily. fuck lily.
nobody wants this: i am literally finishing this AS I TYPE THESE WORDS! AND IT IS SOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN. LOVE IT SO MUCH. ROMANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the decameron: loooove funny ahistorical period comedies. such a fun fun time
the acolyte- my first star wars love in many many years. i want to roll around in it. i want to scream over its loss.
x-men 97: way to capture all my nerdy love!!!!!! AND BABY JUBILEEEEEE
shogun: legit the best historical epic i have ever seen????? jesus christ. still obsessed with the way they turned translation into its own like........ aspect of storytelling. how characters choose to translate, what they do and don't say, adding so much to the narrative.
mary and george- HOW did more ppl not watch this. it was such a good historical drama. and so gay. with so many bitchy bitches bitching at each other. LOVED IT.
pokemon concierge!!!! THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHARMING LIL SLICE OF TV EVER! and it gave my perfect angel baby psyduck such a spotlight!!!!!!!!
HONORARY MENTIONS TO: wild cards, my lady jane, avatar tla netflix (I DON'T CARE I HAD FUN), a murder at the end of the world, the brothers sun, and the artful dodger!
technically started at the very end of december 2023 but still wanna mention: monarch legacy of monsters, october faction, culprits
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angryanimebitches · 5 months ago
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idiot-txt · 1 year ago
percy jackson final ep thoughts!!
ok that ares fight was mid. bro just stands there while the wave comes at him??
annabeth giving percy her camp necklace for good luck ohmygoodness theyre just so cute
the way percy doesnt give a fucccck hes gonna say whats on his mind
"the sea does not like to be restrained" 🥵🥵🥵 idk that line just lit me up for a min
GOSH luke's scheming and manipulating was just. wow.
honestly it took me till this episode to notice his scar and at first i thought luke was just cryin out of one eye so
THAT SCENE JUST LOOKED SO COOL with the betrayal on percys face and the light from the fireworks shining thru the forest as they fought
right before the tv show aired i was lookin at some luke opinions and they were about how his characterization at the beginning and end of the series was so inconsistent with how at the end he was a hero when in the beginning he planned and attempted to murder percy in cold blood just for ruining his plans without even trying to recruit him first...... well im glad that this is changed and he doesnt try to murder a 12 year old
i just do not get what they did with gabe. in the book they wrote such a fuckin power move with sally killin her and percys mutual abuser and usin his corpse for money and now hes not an abuser just a jackass, and hes dead but its a genuine accident. like. why even kill him off instead of them just divorcing???
i know i ended with criticism but thats just cause its the last thing of the season to happen. overall i really liked it, nearly cried this ep during percy and lukes conversation especially when annabeth showed up. if they dont make a second season i will riot.
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sweetscarlettangel · 7 months ago
HotD Season 2 Episode 8 Live Thoughts
I liked the montage at the beginning after the recap
Essos (Tyrosh?)
Honestly, they're smart for wanting the Stepstones — they should have fortified them and used them post the Velaryon war
Tyland just wants to go home
Go girl!
Something will happen between them
King’s Landing
And the beginnings of Aegon's and Orwyle's bond
Honestly, Aegon seems to have more of a political mind than Aemond
So Larys' plan wasn’t Dragonstone originally?
If Sunfyre's dead then will Aegon claim another dragon? Is he actually alive but they don’t know it? Or will they simply change Rhaenyra's fate?
The Vale
And there goes Rhaena
Not a very good babysitter
So they have Hugh be more reasonable than Ulf
Jace is so done with them and things are barely starting 
"The third brother" say your brother's name!
Helaena is no warrior, but Dreamfyre was an angry and vicious dragon
Corlys naming his ship for Rhaenys!
Daemon finally seems happy and not in the middle of a nightmare
At a minimum, Daemon should’ve imprisoned Ser Alfred. It's treason what he’s suggesting and they both know it
And Ser Simon will tell the others
King’s Landing
Yeah, the riots will start because of Aemond
She's so innocent
Alicent planning to escape?
What happened to Aemond? Honestly, the inconsistency of the characterizations is one of the show's biggest weaknesses 
Gwayne & Cristin coming to a head
And now they’re having deep conversations?
Tyland isn’t having a good time
Why are they fighting in the mud?
Baela being Jace's voice of reason
I like how she’s been given a bigger role this season
The Vale
Rhaena better find the dragon fast
Ok why is he singing?
Will they ever get his name right?
The Gullet is coming (probably in S3's premiere)
She got his name right!
Did not expect that…thought she'd want an affair or something
Awkward dinner
Already showing the differences between Addam and Hugh & Ulf
The stills from this scene!
Hugh should try to get them to smuggle his wife away
Gerardys! Love him, an un-utilized king
I’m disliking Alys more and more
Don’t understand why Helaena was in the visions
Thought the Dany in the visions would be with the 3 dragons grown
Saw another comment this and I totally agree: Daemon should’ve seen Jon while he was being named King and thought it was an older Jace
King's Landing
Oh no… foreshadowing Helaena's death
Caraxes welcoming Syrax? Or angry Caraxes?
Syrax: I’m not meant for this Rhaenyra! Take me back to our island where I can be pampered!
Daemyra meeting after 6 weeks apart
And now Daemon believes in dreams and prophecies
I love Ser Simon (will probably use him in one of my stories)
No one can deny Daemon is a leader
Will Corlys and Alyn ever have a cordial relationship? Who knows!
And there's a bit of the Alyn from F&B
The Vale
We should’ve had a scene where the caretakers and guards of the kids realize Rhaena is gone
Mysaria is laying it on a bit thick… the manipulation is becoming clearer 
Gosh this feels like lovers reuniting
So Alicent had an existential crisis in the woods and ended up with Rhaenyra 
The parallels to the Sept
Why didn’t she tell Helaena do they could pack gold and valuables, grab Jaehaera and go
The situation makes no sense… why would Alicent try to make peace after years believing Rhaenyra as queen would mean her children dead? After Daemon ordered her grandson's murder? And why would she even accept having Aegon killed, confirming her fears?
Again, the parallels - young Rhaenyra wanted to go away with Alicent and now older Alicent wants it
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