#gosh i spent so long writing and rewriting this trying to get it to sound Not Weird
onefey · 1 year
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happy pride month!! i wanted to make something pride-related for drawn to life, but whenever i try to explain my headcanons it always comes out sounding very.. clinical. so i disguised it as a worldbuilding exercise!
trans rights! 🦊
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andithiel · 4 years
Fic Writer Game
I was tagged by the always amazing @drarryruinedme7 and since I love talking about myself (eeeey) I jumped at the chance (albeit a little late).
AO3 name: andithiel
Fandoms: Harry Potter. That’s it.
Tropes: That I like? I love fake dating. Loooove fake dating. Never written it though but I want to. Also friends with benefits, forced proximity, enemies to lovers, uuuhh basically all the tropes! Gimme!
Number of fics: 46
Fic I spent the most time on: Actually probably my first posted Drarry, Lets’ go dip it low (then you bring it up slow) because I hadn’t written fic in over 10 years and my friend who said they’d beta had too much on their hands and I kept polishing and polishing and I think it took me a year to write those 3,7 k of Harry being a dancer and Draco losing his shit.
Fic I spent less time on: I’ve done a lot of drabbles so one of them, I think it’s Mornings because that one just came to me, inspired by an amazing picture by @potter-art
Longest fic: My recently posted Jeddy Love on hold is 18k (yeah I know it’s not long but I’m a minimalist I guess).
Shortest: Coming home (179 words), but I think there’s a lot of emotions in that anyway and that’s what I like about drabbles.
Most hits: Constellation Prize, an auror partners Drarry with pining Harry
Most kudos: That I wrote myself: Constellation Prize. But Beacon (soulmates trope) that I cowrote with @amelior8or and @kristinabrd has a tad bit more
Most comment threads: I’ll never be your chosen one which pleases me to no end because that fic is such a pivotal point in my writing, I really went out of my comfort zone and I honestly don’t think I’ve made it back ever since.
Most bookmarks: Constellation Prize
Total word count: 135 429 (Whoa)
Fic you want to rewrite or expand: I’ve been toying with the idea of rewriting the first fic I ever wrote which is a Dramione that I have on my old FFN account, because I think the story is solid and I put a lot of work in reseraching canon since it’s canon compliant set in 6th year. But I’m not sure if I should leave it alone. I have an outline for an expansion of Forbearance, but for some reason I can’t seem to start it, because other ideas take over and demand my attention.
Fave fic you wrote: Ooooh, right now I think I’ll have to say Find your own heaven that I wrote for Etalice’s birthday. I reread it the other day and was honestly a bit surprised at how good I found it. I mean it’s a bit weird because it’s an AU where Drarry are monks, but I like the tension in it, and for once I did research for a fic!
Share a bit of your wip or idea if you have anything planned: Oh gosh I have too many WIPs, but today I started a new prompt for Ides of Drarry where they train for a marathon and I think it’ll be super fun to write, but I only have a few hundred words yet. But since I’m evil, here’s a snippet from the WIP I call “Epistolary angst” (that’s not at all epistolary except for one letter in the beginning), that won’t be finished anytime soon because when I try to write it I get heart palpitations. It’s not polished or anything so apologies in advance:
It’s a warm day, the first rays of the spring sun warming the frozen grass, melting the ice and making the earth sing again. Flowers are budding and the birds are chirping like maniacs in the bushes. It’s as if nature wants to mock him with all this beauty, all these promises of a new beginning, when he has to end the best thing that ever happened to him.
He’s put it up for far too long, he should’ve done it weeks ago, right when he understood for certain that he would have to go through with this mission whether he wanted to or not. But he hasn’t been able to. Every time he tried, every time he’s cleared his throat to say the words, to tell Harry that it’s over, Harry has looked at him with that clear gaze, trust deep in them, and every time he has chickened out. But he’s at the end of his rope now, it must be done. To protect Harry.
Last night they made love for the last time. Draco tried his hardest to keep Harry from noticing the tears gathering at the corner of his eyes, his face buried deep in the crook of Harry’s neck, eyes squeezed shut to take in the feeling of Harry’s skin against his, Harry’s smell, the sounds he made, committing them to memory, knowing he would never have this again, because he needs to break Harry’s heart.
Tagging @etalice @scarshavestories @amelior8or @sassy-sassy3 @keyflight790 @malenkayacherepakha @fictional @motherofmercury and anyone else who wants to do this! And please tag me so I can see your answers!
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therollingstonys · 4 years
fic tag game!
found this on someone’s tumblr and thought it was fun so here we go!!
Ao3 name: adoctoraday, justanotherrollingstony, whiteironwolf
Fandoms: Avengers/MCU/marvel Netflix shows, Longmire, Star Wars, various others
Tropes: hurt/comfort, whump, mutual pining, enemies to friends to lovers, identity porn/mistaken identity, love confessions under torture/in the face of death...if it’s angsty I probably love it lmao
Number of fics: 46!
Number of WIP’s: six to eight lol someone please stop me from starting anything new
Fic I spent the most time on: “Letters From the Void Redux”
Fic I spent the least time on: “Sunrise” Just a happy sleepy little winteriron drabbles 🥰
Longest fic: “The Names of Our Shadows” which is my Longmire long fic I’ve been working on for a couple of years. I actually have one that’s longer, but it’s abandoned at this point, so I’m going with the one that will be finished soon and will end up being the longest at well over 150k+ words!
Shortest fic: “Sunrise” originally posted on tumblr, hence the shortness
Most hits: “Look to the Past to Find Your Future” I’m kind of amazed that this one got the traction it did?? Like...I get comments and kudos on it nearly every day and it’s so freakin heartwarming to see something I wrote get so much love!!
Most kudos: lol once again, “Look to the Past to Find Your Future”
Most comments: ”The Names of Our Shadows” which is really cool since it’s a rare pair!!
Most bookmarks: “Look to the Past to Find Your Future”
Total word count: 1,483,094
Favorite fic you’ve written: oh gosh...Letters From the Void Redux, How Long Will I Love You, Skin to Skin, City of Angels (But the Devil Gets His Due), and Restart My Broken Heart are my top 5 faves lol
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: The Letters verse is one I plan to continue updating and expanding, especially now that I’m finishing up a lot of my WIP’s!
Share a bit of WIP or story idea you’re working on: TW for cancer and self loathing. Not Ults, but Tony has cancer anyway.
“Sir, are you alright?”
At that, he really does laugh, sharp and bitter. There’s a moment of silence and then JARVIS speaks again, sounding apologetic and sad and Tony really needs to look at his code if he’s starting to express human emotion like that.
“I am sorry sir, you do not deserve such untimely news as this.”
Tony snorts and shakes his head, thinks back on his behavior of the past decade, of the sex and booze and willful ignorance, of the merchant of death, and no, he can’t agree with JARVIS because he really does deserve this.
“Put calls in to Johns Hopkins and that place in Switzerland that’s been doing immunotherapy.”
“Very good sir, shall I inform Miss Potts and Colonel Rhodes?”
Tony looks up sharply and shakes his head, “No, this is between us J. Get my lawyers and let them know I want to update my will.”
“Very well sir.”
Tony stares at the holographic projection until his vision goes blurry and he realizes he’s crying.
He slumps down against the wheel well of the roadster and sobs, an ache deep inside him throbbing with each shuddering breath he takes and he wonders if maybe it’s the monster inside him, trying to claw its way out of his guts.
He cries until he has nothing left and then stands and dusts off his pants.
He has work to do.
This one is incredibly personal; my mother passed away from cancer when I was 14 and I wound up having a strong genetic predisposition for breast cancer, so writing something like this is personal and cathartic.
Tagging; @riotfalling @stovetuna @firebrands @s-horne @iam93percentstardust
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koalitypop · 5 years
bts having a s/o who's afraid of failure
a/n: I wanted to try something a little different, also this reaction/scenario is quite angsty, but as you may have realised angst is just my style. This actually turned out way too long, but I hope you'll enjoy it.
▸ Kim Namjoon
- You were that type of person who had numerous plans through which you can achieve your dreams
- They all involved passing your most important exams with flying colours and getting into that university, one of the best when it comes to the field you wanted to specialise in 
- But at the very end nothing was the way you planned it
- The exams were extremely hard, but you still managed to pass them with pretty good grades
- Your motivational letter was also very good written, so there was no reason for them not to accept you
- Well, you thought
- The day when you received the letter was wonderful - you went on a coffee date with your boyfriend Namjoon, the weather was nice, you were both happy
- Namjoon and you were heading to your place, so that you can take your luggage and go to his place for a sleepover
- The letter was waiting for you on that perfect little day you had with your boyfriend
- You weren't accepted
- You couldn't believe what was written on that letter, all the nights spent studying, all the money your parents spent on the extra classes and courses, all those efforts went for nothing
- You failed 
- Your biggest fear has happened, your whole life was ruined
- “I-I... I am not accepted”
- Namjoon was so shook, he couldn’t say a single word
- “i failed. I am a failure. A failure. A failure..” 
- You couldn't stop saying that, falling to your knees
- Fortunately, Namjoon came to his senses before you actually fell
- “Y/N, Y/N, listen, babe, everything’s alright”
- But you knew, everything was gone, all your plans for the happy future were all gone and there was nobody who could do a single thing to change that
- All those kind words used in the letter sounded like insults to you, those people knew that you were a failure, but still tried to speak as you have just won the lottery
- There was no one to blame, it was all your fault that you weren’t accepted
- You should have studied harder and more, you knew how important those exams were
- You felt so stupid and worthless, useless for not being accepted, so lost in your emotions, you couldn't feel the tears drowning you even deeper in your already endless sadness
- “Darling, listen to me, listen, you may think that your life has ended, but everything’s alright, babe, things may not have gone the exact same way you planned them, but that doesn't mean a thing, okay, sweetheart.”
- Namjoon was holding you tight, whispering in your ear
- “The best things happen when we least expect them to, Y/N, please, believe me. Everything will be fine, Y/N, and if it isn't, Y/N, I’ll make it just perfect for you. Who knows, maybe through this so-called “failure” the destiny is trying to show you or move you towards something.”
- But this so-called failure was everything you wanted in your life
▸ Kim Seokjin
- Most of the kids make some stupid promises when they are young
- You were no exception, having promised your parents to buy them a huge hause with a garden somewhere in the mountains
- The only difference was that, as not so many people, you actually tried your best to make this dream of your parents come true
- You saved every single quarter you had just to buy this house
- After spending so much time trying to make all the money for it, this house became your own dream too in some kind of way
- Your boyfriend Jin was amazed by your devotion, finding it even slightly obsessive and unhealthy
- But he wasn't surprised at all, as he knew how hardworking and afraid of failure you were 
- Years have passed till you actually had enough money and bought the dream house
- It was lovely - a house in a rather calm area with many spacious rooms, including a garden with many flowers and a few trees - your parents’ dream 
- You spent so much time decorating the house and making it perfect, they had to love it, you thought 
- Jin and you flew to your country to meet your parents and show them the house
- You were immensely nervous 
- Jin tried so hard to calm you down or just distract you from the thoughts of your parents hating the house you have worked so hard on
- The day has come and you and Jin were driving to the house with your parents driving just after your car
- The closer you were to the house, the more nervous you grew
- When you reached the house and you showed it to your parents, at first glance they seemed to like it a lot
- Then they came into the house and the nightmare began
- “Ah, the hall is quite small, isn’t it!”; “Why is the sofa made of leather?”; “Gosh, this kitchen is so strange arranged”
- Your parents’ comments on the house continued on as they found something wrong wrong in everything in the house
- “Do you really think that we would like it?” said your father
-  This question shattered you, making you feel as you are going to faint any time soon 
- “Give us a minute or two, we will be coming right up!” Jin explained taking you to the garden
- On the way to the garden you couldn't stop looking around the house -  you had made everything so that your parents can live there happily, just the way they had always wanted
- All the time, the money, the efforts - everything was for nothing
- You had failed your parents
- “Babe, listen to me, okay. Everything's alright, okay? We didn't like our house that much when we saw it for the first time, but nowadays we love it. Everything that you have bought is beautiful and convenient and they will understand it as soon as they try it out. All those things they said, they didn't mean a single word, Y/N! Please, calm down, babe, you shouldn't worry about this, you have done the best that you can do!”
- You couldn't breathe, couldn't move, you were just looking at the front door to the house, you couldn't even start crying
- You had tried your best, as Jin said, but clearly your best wasn't enough
- “Y/N, everything is just fine, babe, if they don't like it that much they can change it or rearrange it by themselves. You have spent so much money and efforts into it, there aren't many children who do such kind of things for their parents. You have already done more than enough, babe. I am here, love, don't worry about anything.” 
▸ Min Yoongi
- You were a great writer and a poet, having been writing since you were just 6 years old 
- Unfortunately, you were always doubting your talent 
- Also taking your enormous fear of failure into consideration, it was no surprise how hardworking you were
- Sometimes even your workaholic boyfriend, Yoongi, had to make you get up from your cabinet and sleep for a couple of hours
- You were rewriting the last chapters of your book, which had to be ready in a week
- The success of this book was invaluable for you, so you have been working on it everyday, the whole day, for a couple of months now 
- You were happy with the way most of it was written, but every time you read the last chapter you felt incredibly bad, thinking that this chapter was shitty, boring and disappointing 
- You have been writing day and night, trying to keep the idea of the chapter, but just change the way it was written 
- You couldn't do anything about it, no matter what you change, it always ended up bad 
- You were starting to think that it will never work and your book was doomed a failure 
- You started to sob, falling into a hole of sadness, losing any hope that this book will ever be published 
- “Hey, what’s wrong?” your sleepy boyfriend came into your cabinet
- You felt even worse, as you have woken up your exhausted boyfriend to deal with your inability to write properly
- “I can't write it, Yoongi, I just can't” you completely bursted out, crying harder
- “Sh-sh, Y/N, let me see-let me see..” he whispered 
- He started reading the chapter, petting your head 
- “Now even he has seen how bad I am at writing, I am a failure to him too..” you thought, biting your lip to blood
- “Y/N, it’s really good! Especially that part when the three main characters are throwing stones in the river, the conversation is very naturally written.” 
- “That’s the end of the chapter, Yoongi, why would anybody read a chapter, which is boring at the very beginning. It’s over, this book is garbage. I can't even write a proper piece obviously, what about a book..” you were literally shaking in his arms 
- Yoongi sighed, trying to lift your tired
- “Y/N, stop pushing yourself, there is no need to do so, the chapter is perfect! Listen, let’s go to bed, you need to sleep. Maybe in the morning you won't be so irritated and you will be able to understand how beautifully written this chapter, and actually the whole book, is.”
- “No, no, can't you see I have so much to work on, the chapter and I have to reread the book again and...” 
- “Yes, my one, but you can do that tomorrow. You'll be fresh and productive.” 
- “I already don’t have the enough time about this m-mess, I c-can't afford loosing more” you were choking on your words, not being able to breathe 
- “If it is that bad, I will help, just come and sleep tonight, Y/N! I am here, love, I will stay by your side, everything will get better.” 
▸ Jung Hoseok
- You worked in a multinational multimillion company and you were working on a project which had to lead you to a new position
- The project was huge and there were many challenges, but you and your team managed to go through everything 
- Tomorrow you had to present your project to a very important client 
- You had already spent 2 days working on your presentation, but you decided that you have to pull an all-nighter, just to make sure that everything is alright and you wouldn't make a mistake tomorrow 
- It was around 1 am when your boyfriend, Hoseok, came in your shared bedroom, just to see you working again 
- “Hey, baby, are you finishing?” Hoseok put his hands on your shoulders, massaging them gently 
- “No, I’ll be working all night, you know, I have to be ready for the presentation tomorrow.” you said quickly, going through your notes 
- Your boyfriend wasn't surprised, he knew how afraid of failure you were
- That fear made you even more hardworking 
- But he also knew that you need to sleep, especially tonight, having a very big day tomorrow 
- “Babe, you have to sleep, you need to be fresh for the big day.” Hoseok murmured, taking your hands in his 
- “I can't, i have to grow through everything again, I have to be perfect tomorrow!” you whined, pulling out your hands to continue with your work
- “Sweetheart, you have gone through it at least a hundred times already, come on, let’s sleep..” 
- “Hoseok, are you listening to me? This is not only my project, this is a team project and I can't afford to fail all my co-workers. They have worked so hard on this project and I can't afford to be lazy and fail them, because if I go to sleep, that is exactly what will happen” you weren't shouting, but your boyfriend could sense that you were really stressed and nervous, your whole body was shaking, but you just went on wit your work 
- Your boyfriend knew how persistent you were, so he was ready to spend an hour arguing with you, but he had to make you sleep 
- “Y/N, if you don't go to bed and sleep even for a few hours, tomorrow, while you are presenting, you would be all sleepy and grumpy. Is that what you want?” Hoseok’s eyebrows were playing on his forehead, he tried his best to make a serious or even kinda angry face
- “I can cover the need to sleep.” you mumbled 
- “Okay, why don't you sleep for a few hours, for example I can wake you up at 5 am and you can continue with your work. I will help.” he saw how acquiescent you were becoming, so he continued with a more gentle tone
“ I have to be at work by 9:30. I won't have enough time to go through everything and get ready and take the bus and, and..” 
- You were whining and looking so cute that Hoseok could keep his hands to himself. 
- He hugged you tightly and kissed your cheek 
- “I told you I will help, I promise. Just please get to bed, lovely. I will be by your side, always.” 
- Hoseok made you lay down and snuggled closer 
- “Okay, but promise me you will wake me up at 5 am sharp.” 
- “Okay, baby, okay” - Hoseok murmured, smiling slightly. 
▸ Park Jimin
- You were a girl with big dreams with not so many but loyal and supportive friends 
- Well you thought 
- Since high school your biggest friend was Y/F/N
- You had amazing memories together and cherished every single one of them 
- She knew pretty much everything about you, your weak spots and your biggest desires in life
- She always supported you and was always there for you 
- So when you started to argue with her for the simplest things you thought that it will be just another though period in your friendship 
- Unfortunately, things went on 
- And if in the beginning everything was about you being late with 5-10 minutes or you forgetting something she has said a month ago, now it was all about how this whole friendship was about you or how you don't cherish her as a friend enough 
- You were feeling awful but tried to keep your hopes up 
- One day you and Y/F/N were at a cafe and you were generally talking 
- Your best friend was talking passionately about some cute new colleague 
- When she finally finished her talk about that boy she asked you how you were doing 
- You saw that she had a good day so you lied and told her that you're fine 
- Of course, she knew you and made you tell her what was wrong 
- You told her that it was the arguments and the fights that made you feel anxious and stressed, but what followed was something you have never expected from your dearest friend
- She laughed at you as those arguments and the problems, even the thoughts which were eating you alive, were just a joke
- “You know that it is something normal in a friendship and you're not a person with an easy character with all your problems, your high hopes and your stupid big dreams.” 
- You were left shook 
- “I know I have to support you and I truly do, but some of the things you do, well actually most of them, are genuinely stupid” 
- You left the cafe nearly crying
- Your friendship, years of memories were just fake support and love 
- It was nearly midnight and you were in your bed, overthinking everything which has happened to you the last years and breaking down every ten minutes
- You started thinking if all of this was your fault, it was you who caused the end of this friendship 
- Maybe you really was making such dumb things, maybe you both were having arguments because of your stupid behaviour 
- Your boyfriend, Jimin, had called you numerous times, but all you did was text him that you can't talk at the moment, but more than 10 hours ago 
- You didn't think that he will come to your place, so when you heard someone unlocking the front door you were terrified - You thought that this will be the perfect ending of this horrible day 
- You lost your biggest friend in your life, you had obviously also lost lots of years and now you were about to get robbed or maybe even killed 
- Your most logical decision was to get in the bathroom and hide there 
- You got in the bath tub and began deciding on your next move 
- The person was coming to your bedroom, which made you feel even more panicked, so you started sobbing again 
- That person was already in your bedroom 
- “Y/N, babygirl?” 
- That voice, you knew it.. Could it be.. 
- “Jimin?” 
- “Baby, where are you?” 
- You felt as a huge weight has fallen from your shoulders which led to another breakdown 
- “B-bathroom” 
- “Gosh, babygirl, what has happened?” Jimin came in the bathroom, getting into the bathtub to hold you immediately 
- “I don’t know, I r-really don't k-know..”
- “Hey, hey, sweetheart, breathe, baby, calm down. Tell me, what has happened?” Jimin was worried, so worried he was about to cry too 
- “I was with Y/F/N and we were talking about o-our arguments and then.. then she told me that she finds p-retty much everything I-I do stupid. All my d-dreams, my hopes, the memories we had... It’s all fake.” 
- You were crying so hard, harder than any time Jimin has seen you to cry, it made him feel like someone was tearing his heart away from his body
- Jimin felt so bad, he couldn't say anything, he just held you even tighter and closer, kissing your forehead 
- “All, Y/N, babygirl...” 
- “And the worst is that I am starting to believe that she has a point. Aren't my dreams bigger than an ordinary girl’s ones should be. I am always exaggerating and embarrassing myself, maybe she has grown tired of me and my stupidity. Maybe I am the reason why this whole friendship failed.” 
- Jimin has also gone through many failed friendships, but never through such an important one, so he couldn't imagine how hard it is for you
- He knew as well how important this friendship was for you and how afraid of failure you were, he knew that you would beat yourself up for “failing” a friendship, which was obviously bound to end.
- He wanted to give Y/F/N a piece of his mind too, but he knew you needed his support more than anything right now 
- “Y/N, I want you to know that none of this bullsh*t is true. You're the kindest, most beautiful, smart and hardworking person I know and there is no way all those things could be true. I will help you out, baby, don't worry I will make all of this get better.” 
▸ Kim Taehyung
- You had always wanted to create your own business, so when you graduated from university you began running your plans
- After some months your business plan has become reality and you were a businesswoman 
- At first everything was going quite well and you believed that your company would become a multimillion one one day 
- But then something happened 
- You sales decreased and some of your employees decided to leave
- The money became a problem 
- You were having a really hard time with everything and everyone could see it 
- Of course, your boyfriend, Taehyung, offered you a certain amount of money, which would help you balance and continue working normally, but you wanted to deal with the problems of your company on your own 
- And there was your flash of light 
- A big company wanted to buy a huge amount of your products, but they wanted it to be all customary designed, with different qualities and properties
- You kept the whole project under your control 
- The presentation went really well and you decided that you had a chance
- The boss of the company told you that they will call you in a few days 
- You were genuinely happy, thinking that they will for sure buy your products and your company will succeed again 
- But then the next morning your PR agent called you early in the morning 
- It wasn't great news 
- The company which was going to buy your products had a meeting with a different one, who created similar products to yours 
- The boss didn't confirm that they will buy their products, but that meeting wasn't confirming that they will buy yours either 
- All the happiness you felt after the presentation now turned into anxiety and despair 
- You called Taehyung, literally begging him to come to your office 
- When he came he was met with a very sad view 
- You were holding your head in your hands, murmuring to yourself
- “Oh, God, what is going to happen now, what am I gonna do?” 
- “Y/N? Baby, are you okay?” 
- You lifted up your head, your eyes were teary, you were on the verge of crying 
- “That company.. They have met another company like mine.. I-it isn't confirmed, but they might not work with me..” 
- That was the point when you completely fell apart 
- Just thinking about something was one thing, but saying it out loud was whole different thing 
- it sounded real, the loss of your biggest dream might happen and you couldn't believe it 
- “I failed. I failed myself, I failed my biggest dream, I failed my life, I failed all those people who work for me, I-I failed everything” 
- Taehyung came closer to you and got your head in his hands 
- “Y/N, listen to me carefully. Nothing has been confirmed, so there is still no reason to cry. If they don't buy your product, I will find a way to help you out. You heard me, Y/N, I will help you and your company will continue working. I won't let your dream flop, Y/N! Now get yourself together, Y/N, you can't let your employees see you like that.”
- “Taehyung” you whined, your head falling on the desk again 
- Tae realised that such kind of motivational speeches won't help, so he decided to change the tone to a more gentle one
- “Shh, love, shh, everything will get better, I promise. Just calm down, baby, calm down. I will help you out, my love, I will always do.” 
▸ Jeon Jungkook
- You and your boyfriend, Jungkook, have been together for 2 years 
- It has been 2 fantastic years of your relationship 
- You have never had a lot of fights and just got along really well 
- You felt like Jungkook was the one 
- Then some strange thoughts appeared in your mind 
- Jungkook was such an amazing boyfriend, but did you deserve him? 
- Would you be able to give him everything he asks for and needs 
- He has always taken care of you, always considered how would you feel about pretty much everything he does, always been here when you needed him
-  You started to overthink everything in your relationship and came to the conclusion that you were the good and beautiful girlfriend a man like Jungkook needed 
- When you started to imagine yourself next to him you felt bad, as you were embarrassing him 
- All those stupid thing that you have said must have made him feel so ashamed of you 
- You wanted to end this relationship, but you were to afraid to do so 
 - Maybe it wasn't that bad 
- Maybe you could change and make both of you happy again 
- So you started to talk less 
- You though you were clingy, so you cut down the affection to a minimum 
- You spend more time on your appearance to look good for your boyfriend 
- You didn't eat a lot so that you won't gain any weight, but cooked a lot for him and from time to time went to the studio and brought some food for his members too 
- It took Jungkook some time, but after a few weeks he realised that something in you was changing 
- He was afraid to confront you, so he gave you some time, hoping that everything will become normal once again 
- The more time you spend becoming the perfect girlfriend, the more things that needed changing you found 
- So instead of getting better, everything got worse 
- You were looking gorgeous, but when Jungkook looked closer he was able to see the dark circles under your eyes from not sleeping because of stress and anxiety
- When at home, Jungkook was spoiled rotten, every single wish he expressed out loud 
- Even the members realised that something was going on and told Jungkook that he had to confront you, so that everything gets better 
- It was around 8 pm, Jungkook came home to you making a cake for him and his members
- You were also listening to an audiobook about he had talked about not a long time ago 
- “Y/N, where are you?” 
- “Kitchen!” you put your hair and your clothes in order, getting ready to meet your boyfriend
- “Hey, baby, what were you doing?” Jungkook kissed you 
- “Nothing special, you? How was practice today, how are the boys doing?” of course, you wanted to talk about him, not about you 
- “Just like every day, babygirl. And what are you making?” Jungkook put his head on your shoulder, looking at what you were making 
- “That mint cake I did two weeks ago, but I am going to add some strawberries.” 
- “Why are you doing it again?” 
- “Why, don't you like it? Was it bad? It must have been the mint, not everybody likes mint and-” you were starting to panic, your brain was empty and your limbs were numb
- “No, no, baby, I meant that you were working so hard, you are practically making a six-course meal for me and the members every day.” Jungkook was holding your hands, trying to calm you down
- “Ooh, okay..”
- You truly didn't understand
- Was the fact that you were taking care of him and his friends something bad?
- “Y/N, I know that you re trying to be the perfect girlfriend. But there is no need to exhaust yourself or try to be something you are not. I love you for you. I love the simplest thing you do, your flaws and the best parts of you. So there is no need to worry.” Jungkook lowered himself, trying to look at your teary eyes 
- “But, I-I am not, I am just t-trying to help you o-out..” you were whining, still not being able to understand what’s happening 
- “Y/N, are you listening to me? You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, there is no need to change anything. Don't you understand, babygirl, I am going to stick by your side, so there is no need to change yourself for me. I don't deserve none of the things that you do for me on a daily basis, what about you spoiling me rotten. Don't worry, baby girl, we will be together forever, I can promise you that.” 
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diegoh4rgreeves · 5 years
Story Summary: Diego comes home from a night out seeking a mission. He comes home to the boiler room of the gym and he wakes reader up for some kisses and cuddles which evolves to making love. He proposes to her afterwards. Special comical appearance by Klaus at the end.
Pairing: Diego Hargreeves x Female Reader
Chapter: 1/1
Word Count: 3,174 words
Warning: Fluff, rape mention, smut, swearing
A/N: Hi! Here is a fairly lengthy one. I spent 3 days rewriting this and the ideas behind it. Usually I flesh things out before writing. This was a story I thought I had set and I found out the hard way that I should stick with my usual method of writing. I am proud of this one anyway. I hope you all love it as much as I do!
I am sleeping on the bed in one corner of his home, which is a boiler room at a gym. “It’s not much, but it’s home,” he’s told me. His home has dusty brick red walls. It’s big enough to have an area for a kitchen and a bedroom. I’ve joked that he can tell people it’s a studio apartment.
He – my vigilante boyfriend, and Number 2 of The Umbrella Academy, Diego, just got back from work. He is shirtless and wearing boxers on his way to bed. I was asleep until he budged me awake. He wakes me when he gets home every morning. It relieves me to see him come home safe and sound.
I let out a groan, to wake up for him. “What time is it? We need to get windows, Diego.”
“I know I know,” he says with the remembrance of me suggesting this before. “I’m on it. I’ve just gotten busy.” He checks his watch. “It’s about 7.”
“In the morning?” I sit up on the bed and rub my eyes.
He nods as he takes off his watch and tosses it on the floor.
I let out one last groan before shifting myself to the side of the bed near the wall so that he can lie down next to me. He used to have a single bed. After our first year of dating, he bought a twin size one.
He smiles and takes the spot. “Hey,” he utters. “Are you awake yet? I wanna give you a kiss.”
“Yeah, yeah,” I let out what I hope is one last yawn. “I’m awake.” I lean into him in my tired state and insist on being awake for him. We peck each other’s lips. “How was your night?” I ask. “Are you okay? Did you get caught by the cops again?”
He chuckles. “No, Y/N, I did not get caught by the cops again. Even if I did, that’s not a big deal. I’m fine. You worry too much.”
“I don’t want you to get arrested again,” I press.
He sighs. “They believe me about Patch now, okay? That was a long time ago.”
I nod. Eudora Patch was the name of Diego’s ex girlfriend and she was a cop. She died when she was working on a case against the usual police procedure and got shot by a hitman. Diego’s never said anymore details to me after that. “I’m sorry if that’s a bad reminder.”
He shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it. It was a long time ago.”
“Do you still miss her?” I ask, despite this question putting a pang in my heart.
He shrugs. “I mean, she was also my friend, you know? So yeah, I do miss her.” He looks back at me. “But I’m in love with you. Like… in love with you.” He smiles softly. “It’s ridiculous! I thank myself everyday for moving on.”
The concerned frown on my face formed into a thankful smile. I remember how good he’s been to me in the past 3 years. “I love you so much.” I lean in and press his lips with mine. His lips are cold after being out all night in this early Fall weather.
“I love you so much too,” he says in between a kiss.
I smile and shift some of the blanket over to him.
He scoffs. “Blanket hog.” He takes some of the blanket and covers his legs and thighs.
I roll my eyes as I smile over his playful personality.
He keeps his smile towards me and kisses me again. “So, how was your day, huh?” He pecks and pecks my lips. “Or your yesterday, rather.”
“Diego…” I muffle. I can’t help but to giggle. “I can’t…” Another peck. Then he moves his lips from the left side of my cheek to my neck. “I can’t tell you about my day mid make-out session.”
He lifts his head up and smirks. “Well, tell me later then.”
“Then why did you ask how my day was!?” I laugh again. “You’re such a dork!”
“A dork who really missed you,” he takes himself off my neck and moves on to kissing me all over my cheeks.
I blush over this and continue laughing. “Why do you have to be so cute? It makes me so mad that I can’t actually be mad at you!”
He looks over at me with a puzzled look. “You’re weird.”
“Says you!”
“You’re also very pwetty,” he says in what sounds like an impersonation of a little boy.
“Hey, no fair! I think you’re ridiculously handsome myself.”
He takes himself off my cheeks. He is staring at me and gives me that same toothy smile. “Why are you so sweet?”
“Sweet? I thought I made fun of you too much.”
He shrugs. “Well I mean… that’s just banter. Other than that, you’ve been so good to me. You made me see that life has great people in it.”
“You did save me from a sexual predator 3 years ago.” I gulp after saying that. My stomach is in knots after bringing up my sexual trauma.
“Yeah, and you seem so grateful for it,” he says. “Normally people don’t notice me after I save them. You actually stopped me at Griddy’s Doughnuts because you thought you recognised the voice of someone who saved you.”
“I remember every moment of that night sadly…” I say quietly. “At least I did just shortly after it. Now I try to repress some details.”
He takes a moment before telling me that I am so strong and seem to be getting stronger everyday.
I hesitate before thanking him. “You are the best details of that night though.”
He takes a moment to look at me before giving me what seems to be the millionth kiss from him tonight.
I let go and snap back to banter mode. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a frickn nerd?”
“Ha ha…” he quips. “Not everyone can be a princess like you.”
“Whatever, nerd.” I smile at him and then eye his torso up and down.
He beams up. “Are you checkin’ this nerd out?” He pats his stomach. “This nerd’s temple of a body?”
I scoff. “…Maybe.”
He smiles mischievously. “So, tell me about your day.”
“It was going well until my boyfriend started teasing me!”
He chuckles.
I smile along with his chuckle.
“Did you miss me?” he asks.
I roll my eyes. “You really want me to say it?”
He gives another toothy smile. “It’s always nice to hear, so yes.”
“Fine. I missed you. I came over to the academy yesterday just to ask Klaus if you were there.”
He beams up. “Really? You did that?”
“Yes,” I admit. “Klaus was really weird about it by the way. He panicked and said something like, ‘Why? What have you heard?’ I guess that’s why I asked if any cops approached you again…”
He grins. “You’re so cute.” He gives me multiple kisses all over my cheeks again, which make me giggle along with my blushing. “You missed me. You really missed me!” He chuckles.
“I am curious why Klaus panicked though…” I pull myself away from Diego. “Is there something you wanna tell me?”
His smile drops. “You know Klaus. He’s always high.”
“He’s pretty articulate in what he says still,” I persist.
“Y/N, look, I’m fine! Everything’s fine. I promise you that, okay?”
I keep a stern face. “Okay… If you’re lying to me though, Diego Hargreeves, I swear I’ll… I’ll…”
“You’ll what?”
“Cry,” I joke.
He laughs. He leans in and gives me a soft kiss on the lips. His lips are warm now. I kiss him back and hold his bare chest with one hand. I rub it up and down and sigh a moan. He begs for entrance as he slides his tongue into my mouth. I open my mouth. He massages my tongue with his. I twirl his tongue with mine, and he twirls along with me. He pulls me in closer, causing me to get my hand off his chest and to put ours together. Then he grabs both sides of my waist and lifts me up to straddle his lap.
We heavily breath as we kiss passionately. He plays with the hem of the shirt I’m currently wearing, which is his baggy white t-shirt. “Wearing my clothes again, huh?” He says with a deep breath and tosses the shirt across the room. Before I can answer him, he puts his lips back with mine. He keeps his hands on my waist and crawls them up to my breasts, which he fondles both of with his hands. “I noticed your nipples when we were talking.”
“Oh yeah?” I respond.
Instead of making a conversation out of it, he leans down to where my breasts are and puts the tip of his tongue on my left breast. He looks up at me with a deep look. I let out a moan. I love attention on my breasts. I used to be so insecure about them. Now Diego reassures me that he loves them. He used to only say he loves them. Now he also proves it by getting to them first thing before sex. He keeps his look at me and massages my right breast with his hand. He also tickles my nipples with his index finger and his thumb. “Your breasts are perfect.” He reassures me.
He pecks my hot lips before he flips me on the bed and hovers over me. He goes down to remove the grey sweatpants I also borrowed from him. I lift my thighs up to assist him. He strips the sweatpants off and bunches it with his hands before tossing them across the room. He leans back down and looks at me deeply as he gets a feel of my wet vagina. “You’re wet.”
I nod. “Is that too much?”
“No, not at all,” he smirks. “It’s just enough.” He looks at it once more before hungrily going down on me and licking the wettest parts of me. He uses his thumb to flick my clit. He slides two fingers in unexpectedly which causes me to yelp. He lifts his face off me and shushes me. “Be a good girl and don’t wake the boxers coming in soon.”
“I can’t help it, Diego,” I moan. “It feels so good!”
I look down at him to see if he can respond as he licks up and down me. He is so focused on me that I am turned on even more.
He lifts himself off my private. He looks deeply at me again and slowly pulls down his boxers which reveal his erect cock. “I’ve never been so hard in my life,” he says.
“You say that every time,” I quip.
“Yeah, because you get sexier and sexier.” He lets out a sigh.
I blush. Gosh, he’s cute even when he’s being sexy!
He’s so into what he’s doing to me that he pays no mind to my bashfulness. He tosses his boxers across the room. He stares down at me again and gives himself a couple of strokes. “Mmm,” he reacts. “How are you this beautiful? You have the body of a goddess.”
I giggle. “Diego, stop! You’re too cute and sexy.”
“Hey, no, I’m complimenting you. You’re a goddess amongst men and I am so lucky to have you.” He signals for me to get out a condom from underneath his pillow. I follow suit and hand it to him. He unwraps it and slides it on himself.
He gives me a look before teasing my clit with the tip of his dick. He also slides it up and down my clit. I moan out his name. “Stop. I’m going to come if you do that. I want you inside of me first.”
He smiles with satisfaction and cups a hand to his ear. “You want me to what first?”
“Get inside of me,” I shamelessly repeat myself.
“Please,” I beg.
He smirks and inserts himself to me, very slowly. He’s so big that this is torturous. He pumps himself in and out as he’s on top. He tickles one of my nipples again with his index finger and his thumb. I can’t hold myself back from moaning anymore. I had to chase my high.
He lets out a groan and tilts his head back. He calls out my name and I call out his. This is provoking the both of us as he pumps harder and faster, and I hump back just as aggressively. I let out a groan myself, and he holds my waist for support.
“Y/N,” he says. “I’m so close. I’m so close, Y/N. Please. I’m trying to tease it.”
I moan before letting him know that I am also close. “Just play with my clit. Play with my clit. Please!” I grab my breasts and watch him watch me play with them. He flicks my clit with his index and middle fingers and continues watching me play with my breasts. I give him a seductive look as I do this. I take the liberty of licking one of them as well.
“Fuck…” he whispers as his face starts to fall and his mouth is hanging. “You’re so sexy. I love you. I wanna make love to you everyday!”
I giggle and moan with satisfaction over this. Seeing him lose control is making me clench up. He points out how tight I’ve been the whole time. Finally, he pulls out and oozes his semen into my mouth which I gladly swallow as I suck his dick. In that same moment I’m swallowing his semen, I get this relief on my private and moan loudly which finishes him. He lets out a groan and a sigh.
He lies down on the bed next to me and I shift over to give him more space. I lift my head up and he puts his arm around my neck. We take a moment to regulate our breathing.
We look at each other in bewilderment. “Wow!” he smirks.
“Yeah!” I agree. “…Wow. Wow is right!”
“I knew that this was gonna be good. I j-just…” He sighs. “Y/N, I-I- I d-d-don’t know how el-el-else to do this, so b-bear w-with m-me.” He gets himself off the bed and walks over to the side of the room where he picks a small velvet black box out of his desk drawer on the other side of the room. He’s stuttering. He stutters when he’s nervous…
I gasp when he walks back over and kneels by the bed, facing me. “Diego…” I clutch my chest and sit up and look down at him.
“Y/N, w-when we f-first met, I-I-I thought that I was j-just s-saving a l-life. W-when we crossed paths ag-g-gain that same y-year… I thought a m-m-miracle happened. I s-started b-believing in a-angels.” He stops himself as tears well into his eyes. “I p-promised I w-wasn’t going to get ch-cheesy.”
Tears start welling up in my eyes as well. “Keep going. Just picture the word in your head like your mom tells you to!”
He keeps his smile and teary eyes at me. “I… yeah, I s-started b-b-believing in a-a-angels, b-b-because you are o-one. You made me see the beauty of l-life. You made me realise that there are good people in this w-world. I saved your life, and then you saved m-m-mine. Y/N… will you marry me?”
“Oh Diego…” I sobbed. “Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes!” I leaned over to give him probably the sloppiest kiss I’ve ever given anyone. My tears of joy made me lose control. I cannot stress enough to him how happy and surprised I am over this.
I hear him let out a blubber as he attempts kissing me back.
Diego and I spend the rest of the morning taking a nap. We plan on telling his siblings and his mom about the engagement tonight at the academy.
Suddenly, someone comes in through the door. This wakes us both up.
Before I can register reality again, I hear Diego groan his brother’s name. “Klaus.” He rubs one of his eyes. “What are you doing here? Y/N and I already told you that we’ll see you tonight.”
“Oh, I know, big brother!” he grins. “I just wanted to congratulate you two beforehand.” I see him smirking at our uncovered bodies on the bed.
I immediately pull up the blanket to place on both Diego and I.
Klaus giggles. “I get it! You want your moment. I just wanted to also let Y/N know that was why I was acting so weird when she came over last night.”
I look at Diego and beam up with a smile. “Klaus was acting weird because you told him that you were going to propose to me?”
Diego shamefully smirks and confirms this with a, “Yep.”
“Oh my God, Diego!” I hug him. “Awww! You’re a softie. You shared with your brother about proposing to me.”
“He was rather excited!” Klaus chimes in. “I thought you’d like to see how sensitive my brother is after all. You two are going to be really happy, I can see it. Also, he said that you complained about this place having no windows.” He eyes the room in disgust. “I can’t blame you! How do you put up with it? He somehow built a house for you two…and maybe for the little ones as well, hmm.” He raises his eyebrows.
“Klaus!” Diego snaps. “Get out of here and go lick a 9-volt battery to grow some pubes. You’ve got some growing up to do!”
“Oh no, I’m not falling for that one again! I may be high but—”
“Klaus!” Diego clenched his jaw.
“Alright alright, I’m going I’m going,” Klaus looks over at me and shakes his head over a shared laugh at Diego. He turns to the door. He mutters something along the lines of, ‘Sheesh! Mr. Sensitive right here.’
The heavy door slams shut. He’s gone.
I gaze at Diego.
He looks at me and rolls his eyes. “Now you think I’m too soft...”
“No, I think you’re soft just enough. I’m so happy we’re getting out of the boiler room! And you built a house!? For us?” I exclaim.
Diego smiles. “I thought that you would love that, babe.” He kisses me softly. “I’m still gonna come here when I’m on a mission though. You have to let me have that.”
I roll my eyes and smile. “Fine. Whatever. I just have to see this house!”
“You got it,” he takes my hand and kisses the top of it.
“Also, I have to say… Klaus isn’t wrong. We are going to be so happy together.”
He gives me a genuine smile. “Yeah, that’s one thing I’ll agree with Klaus on.” He leans over and places his lips on mine. We give each other lazy sleepy kisses before falling back asleep.
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wckdquirk · 6 years
Telling Him You’re Pregnant
A/N: I WANNA TURN THIS INTO A SERIES!! Like the next one would be how he is during the pregnancy and so on!! my heart is so swole for these boys <3. Also, my last two brain cells were struggling so hard to edit this ksdskdh so i apologize for any mistakes lmfao
Also also, this is set many years after UA, where you’re married to them and they’re all pro heroes. ENJOY!!
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Bakugou Katsuki:
“Okay, okay. You got this. You can do this. just go up to him and say it. ‘Hey Katsuki, we’re having a baby.’ That’s it. He won’t be mad. PLEASE DON’T BE MAD.” You walked in frantic circles around your apartment. Katuski would be home any minute now and you would have to break the news to him. You prayed he wouldn’t be mad.
You heard the front door slam shut. “Babe, you home?” Katsuki echoed.
“I’m in here!” You responded. You inhaled deeply and hid the positive pregnancy test behind your back. Everything’s going to be just fine. “Hey Katsu, how was work? Kick anyones ass today?”
“Tch. I wish. It was a slow day today, just a simple run in with a low level thug. Boring if you ask me.” He groaned as he moved to stand in front of you.
“Well.. that’s good. Um, considering I have something pretty exciting to share with you.. well at least I hope it’s exciting.” You nervously twiddled your fingers and couldn’t dare to look him in the eye.
“Well then spit it out.”
Seconds of silence passed until you reached behind you and gripped the pregnancy test. Fuck it. “I’m pregnant.” You blurted out as you handed him the stick of plastic.
You looked at him and awaited his reaction. A long pause of silence ensued as he stared open mouthed at the test lying in his hand. He blinked a couple times to confirm it read positive. A word hadn’t come out of his mouth yet.
“Oh my god. You’re mad aren’t you? Katsuki please don’t be mad, I was so scared to tell you I didn’t know what i was going to d-“
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” Your heart dropped. “I’M SO FUCKING HAPPY! WE’RE HAVING A BABY? OH MY GOD WE’RE HAVING A FUCKING BABY. I’M GONNA BE A DAD! Oh my god I’m going to be a dad...” He stopped and crashed his lips onto yours as his hands gripped the sides of your face. You could practically feel his heart pounding in his chest. “I love you. I love you so much.”
“So.. you’re not mad?” You sheepishly asked, almost embarrassed for expecting an anger fueled reaction from him.
“How the fuck could I be mad? I’m having a child, with the love of my damn life. Shit couldn’t be better. I can’t fucking believe it.” Katsuki sat on the bed behing you and stared at the test with a smile on his face, he didn’t know what else to say. For once in his life he was almost speechless. Almost.
“HEY SHITTY HAIR I’M GONNA BE A DAD!” You whipped around to see Katsuki yelling into his phone.
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Kaminari Denki:
Ohhh fuck. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. You paced around the restroom waiting for the pregnancy test to tell you your answer. Well, actually, you had already gotten your answer, seven other pregnancy tests stated that you were indeed, very pregnant. You couldn’t believe them though, your eyes must’ve deceived you. You rubbed your eyes as you looked at the most recent test, staring into the tiny screen. Still Positive. How were you going to tell Denki?
After a couple minutes of freaking out you decided that just straight up going to him and telling him would be the best course of action. You two had talked a couple times about starting a family, but the thought of it actually happening scared the shit out of you.
You shoved all eight tests into your pockets. For extra confirmation. You told yourself.
You rounded the corner to the kitchen where Denki was fidgeting with the new toaster oven, trying to get it to work. You couldn’t help but smile. What a cutie. Wait, no. Focus. “Denki? Babe?” You called as you leaned over the counter top.
“Hey baby, don’t mind me this... tch stupid freaking toaster oven won’t work.” He spoke in fragmented sentences as he banged on top of the appliance. Like that would do anything.
“Yeah well actually, I have something kinda sorta really important to tell you. And it kinda needs your undivided attention.” You were starting to get antsy.
“Just oneeee more minute, princess. You’ll have my attention after this...” A tiny electric bolt was shot at the oven, “...Piece of garbage finally starts working. Why does this always happen every time? These stupid things neve-“
“I’m pregnant.”
BZZZZZ. Denki fell to the ground in shock..literally.. he electrocuted himself.
“OH FUCK. DENKI? Are you okay? Holy fuck this would happen with my luck.” You whisper shouted as you raced around the counter to put your hands on his face. You couldn’t help but laugh at the blank idiotic expression Denki gave you. “But did you hear that, you dummy? You’re going to be a dad!” You happily spoke, trying to salvage this mess of a situation.
He paused for a moment, and you thought he actually understood what was happening. Instead, he gave you a thumbs up and yelled “YEE!” before knocking out.
An hour passed until Denki woke up, and you stood right by his side until he did. “Good morning you ding dong.“ You smiled.
He made eye contact with you for a few seconds, and you thought he was still in his idiotic state. “I’M GOING TO BE A DAD!?” Nope. Definitely aware. He flew off the couch and picked you up in his arms “I’M GOING TO BE A DAD!” He placed you back down and kissed your lips, making the hairs on the back of your neck raise from the slight electricity buzzing throughout him. He pressed your foreheads together, “I love you so much, honey. Also... sorry for going past my wattage limit and freaking out earlier. When I heard what you said.. I just couldn’t believe it. Basically what I’m trying to say is, sorry...” He put his hand to his mouth, stifling his laughter. “...Sorry for being a BUZZKILL! Get it? Because electricity sometimes makes a buzzing sound!”
You couldn’t help but face palm as Denki died from laughter behind you. ‘This is the father of my child ladies and gentleman...’ You sighed to yourself in sweet joy. ‘And I love him.’
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Midoriya Izuku:
“Perfect.” You whispered in content as you fastened the bow on the gift box. The box contained the secret of yours and Izuku’s future; you were pregnant. You had waited a couple of days after first finding out just to be sure everything was certain, and now you were ready to tell him the news. You knew he’d be ecstatic, and he’d make a great dad too, but you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of doubt in your core. There was always a chance that maybe he wouldn’t be as happy as you thought. You inhaled deeply. No. You knew in your heart that he would be over the moon happy about this.
You felt the butterflies dance crazily in your stomach as you set the box down on your shared bed. He would be home any second now.
“Sweetheart? I’m home!” Izuku’s voice called out from the front door. This is it.
“I’m in the bedroom, honey!” You answered.
Izuku walked happily through the door and towards you, and placed a sweet kiss onto your forehead before wrapping you in a light embrace. You could tell he had a good day, and you were hoping this would make it better.
Izuku’s eyes shifted to the gift box sitting on top of the bed. “What’s this princess? Oh no, did I forget an important day? Oh my gosh I am so sorry princess I didn’t even rea-“
“No, no Izuku don’t worry. You didn’t forget anything.” He sighed in relief. “I just wanted to get you something special, open the box!” Your hands were almost shaking in excitement.
He carefully untied the bow and opened the lid, and pulled out a green piece of small clothing. A baby onesie; with the words ‘Number One Hero’ printed on it in block lettering. Izuku held up the item and scanned over it in confusion. You could tell his mind was working a mile a minute trying to figure out why you decided to give this to him.
“Princess.. w-what are you trying to tell me? Are you p-pregnant?” He stuttered.
You could only nod in response as tears threatened to spill from your eyes.
“I don’t know what to say.” He pulled you into a tight embrace and cried tears of complete joy into your shoulder. “I love you so so much, sweetheart. This is amazing.”
“I love you too, Izuku. You’re going to be such a great father, I know it.” You sighed in sweet relief and connected your lips to his. This feeling of bliss, joy, and relief were almost too overwhelming. You were already overflowing with love for your baby and for your husband.
Izuku pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the baby onesie. “Baby what are you doing?” You asked.
“Oh, I’m sending this to All Might. I want him to be one of the first to know.” He blushed.
“You’re such a dork you know that?” You teased as you placed a kiss to his temple. You knew at that moment in your heart, that there was no one else in the world you’d want to start a little family with.
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Todoroki Shouto:
You licked the envelope and pressed the ends shut. You just spent the better part of an hour writing and rewriting the letter you planned to give Shouto when he returned home from work. It seemed like no matter how many times you rewrote the letter, it never seemed like a good enough way to tell him. But letters are personal, and you knew Shouto appreciated personal gifts such as these. Especially since this gift contained the secret of another gift; your unborn child. You felt your heart beat faster at the thought of having a baby, you already were so in love with them. And you knew Shouto would feel the same way too.
You placed the sealed envelope on the dining room table and scribbled the words ‘OPEN’ on it. It was the first thing Shouto would see when he walked in, there was no way he could miss it.
You heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway and quickly hid in the hallway. You figured you would wait behind him while he read the letter, so when he turned around, he would see a positive pregnancy test in your hand.
The door creaked open and you could see Shouto walk in quietly, looking around for any sign of you. Instead, he saw a crisp white envelope waiting for him on the table. He followed the instructions and opened it with caution. His eyes began to scan the page:
“Dear Todoroki Shouto,
Ever since we first met at UA I knew you would always be in my life, for better and for worse. I knew since we first met that I was completely enamored with you. We we constantly butting heads in class and we both got on each others nerves, but deep down inside you and I both knew that we felt something more for each other than just a friendly rivalry. I still remember when you first told me you loved me; we were sitting in your dorm room while music hummed softly in the background. My head was on your chest while you fiddled with strands of my hair, you placed your finger under my chin, and tilted my head up to look at your eyes. And then you said it, you said those three words that still bring my heart so much joy, you said you loved me. Now years later and we’re married and I get to spend every night and every morning with you. It was always just you and me, no real responsibilities other than to keep each other safe from harm. Well... until now. We now have someone else we’ll need to take care of, and love, and protect. I wouldn’t want to share this experience with anyone other than you, my love.
Now, put the letter down and turn around, you dork.”
You stood there, tears flowing softly from your glazed eyes. He was also already crying as his eyes scanned over you, the letter, and the pregnancy test in your hands. “Are y-you being serious right now? You’re not joking?” He fumbled over his words as his mouth hung open.
You shook your head and tears flowed more freely now. In what seemed like a split second, he had you in a crushing embrace, holding you tight to his body. “I love you so much. I’m so happy.” You felt his tears soak through your shirt. “I promise to be the best father and husband I can ever be, I swear to you I will do everything I can to keep you happy.” He sniffled before looking up at you and molding your lips to his. His lips were salty yet soft, and you could almost feel the love radiating off of him. He pressed his forehead against yours and you both stood there for awhile, locked in a silent embrace.
That night, you two stood up thinking of baby names and what the nursery would look like. You couldn’t help but smile at the enthusiasm Shouto showed towards your incoming baby. He even kissed your tummy a couple of times. As you lied your head on his chest, you couldn’t help but remember the time in UA exactly like this, where he said he loved you. Now years later you were in the same position, only now expecting a child. As you drifted off into the sweet bliss of sleep you heard Shouto whisper one last thing.
“I love you two so much more than you could imagine.”
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pellaaearien · 6 years
For the meme: 1, 4, and 15!
1 - favourite fic you wrote this year
Hmm... I think it’s a tie between The Devil You Know and The Sound of Pulling Heaven Down. I’m just a big fan of In Other Words... White Days is up there too, but it probably won’t be published until the new year.
4 - total number of words you wrote this year
Oh gosh. I haven’t been keeping track. My Ao3 word count for the year is 186084. White Days, which I’ve been working on for most of the year, is currently sitting at 80367 words, so that takes us to 266451. Adding in various unpublished incidental writing gets us to 310084 as of today. And the year’s not over yet! (I also didn’t count things like my long form essay posts re: season 3 and my rewrite posts).
15 - something you learned this year
Fic related? Hm. I suppose I learned just HOW BAD season 3 is (as a person who has spent most of the year working from the script and trying to craft a cohesive narrative while filling in the plot holes that go unnoticed because it’s a TV show). Seriously, it’s like I couldn’t write more than a scene before running into another snag that then had to be worked through. Less facetiously, I think my plotting has really gotten better, especially regarding having multiple plot threads active at one time. 
Thanks for asking!!!
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sharkbaitsekki · 7 years
Cin, do you have any tips on writing? Specificaly about how to finish? I've been working on this project for years but it seems like I always stuck at the same part over and over again. I always notice the flaws, plot holes, and all of those things that I can't ignore. Like I have to do something about them before I finish the whole thing, because gosh, rewriting +80k words is hell. Thank you in advance. I'm sorry for troubling you. Your writing really inspires me.
Sorry for taking so long to answer, I’ve been thinking about this for a while!
Okay, so there’s a few things I can tell you from my point of view, as someone who is also a huge perfectionist and who cringes every time someone comments on an old fic and says it’s the best thing they’ve ever read. 
Don’t re-read when you’re done writing: At some point, I became so exhausted with editing and rewriting that I was becoming stressed and uninterested with fanfiction writing. That led me to take an indefinite hiatus, and I only got unhappier because I’d just lost my biggest hobby. When I came back to fanfic writing, I stopped re-reading and “beta”ing myself after finishing a chapter. I wrote as much as I could and posted, and if I had to re-read my work before posting, it was because I’d forgotten what happened and needed a refresher. Not because I wanted to edit stuff. 
Low-key re-read after posting: Applicable if you’re posting chapter-by-chapter rather than a whole work at once. Once you post, even before you get the first hit, go back to re-read your chapter, or at least, skim over it. It’ll help you see the finished product and decide if the mistakes you caught are worth fixing right now or not. A spelling error is fine. I spot spelling errors after my first re-read and I never fix them unless they affect comprehension of the text. Minor details are fine, too. But let’s say you realize in retrospect that you have a huge logistic error, you can fix it before anyone else catches it. Posting before re-reading helps you control the urge to nitpick because it’s kind of a tedious process to go back to the editing screen (especially if you’re on FFN lmaooo). 
Re-read and edit after a few days: I say a few days as a general rule, but I only ever re-read and edited the first 5-6 chapters of CML three years after they were posted. At that point, you’ve forgotten then tiny details, so you can take a look at your work with a fresh eye and actually overhaul it as needed. I firmly believe that overhauling your work shouldn’t even be an option, as the first draft is always the final one for me. However, I understand that a lot of people like to make several drafts before their final version. It really depends what your writing style is. 
Make a list of things to rework: List off the stuff you feel you need to rework. Ask yourself; am I being a nitpick? Are these actual plot holes or details too big to ignore? Are these things aspects of the fic that I can’t control because I’m not far off in writing it yet? Answer all these questions, and write down your answers. Visualize what you feel about your listed items. And then, don’t fix them. It might be hard, but don’t go back and retouch them, even if you’ve identified them. Keep moving on, and you’ll always have that list and your identified solutions for when you actually do go back and edit your work. But don’t do that until a few days later, at least. 
Get a second opinion: I like posting chapter-by-chapter because receiving feedback from fellow fans of the series is so important to me. Feedback, ranging from “I love it!” to “I think you could fix this” to “This fic isn’t for me” is extremely helpful because it helps me be adequately critical of my work. Praise helps soothe my self-consciousness and criticism helps me better myself. Summary-type feedback helps me get a new glance at the way my work is interpreted, and theory-type feedback helps me get inspired for chapters to come, and serves as a sort of suggestion box for things I can include in my next chapters. If you’re not getting feedback from fellow fans, then maybe get someone who can read/beta your work? I know that showing people a work in progress can be intimidating, and downright uncomfortable, but if you want to stop being nitpicky over your own writing, you absolutely need a second opinion. Publishing companies have editors for a reason. Scientific journals do the same thing, and it’s called the “peer-review” system. All types of writing rely on outsider feedback to help improve, and you shouldn’t consider yourself exempt from that rule. I don’t like betas, but I sure as hell couldn’t function without fan feedback to my writing. 
Don’t rewrite: Sounds vague, huh? The only part of your ask that actually makes me agitated is the idea of “rewriting 80k+ words”. For someone who writes 30k chapters, rewriting 80k sounds like actual hell. Spare yourself. Love yourself, my dude, don’t rewrite. Rewriting entire chapters is like enabling yourself in an unhealthy loop of “I’m not good enough and therefore should always start from scratch”. Editing is absolutely necessary, but rewriting? Rewriting is a tool, not a method. If a passage makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, rewriting is necessary. But rewriting should not be your go-to method of editing your work. 
Push forward!!!: Don’t allow yourself to dwell over what you’ve already written, and just keep writing. Consider your entire story a first draft, and don’t edit it. Just write, keep pushing forward, even if you are conscious that huge problems exist within it. Don’t censor yourself through early editing because that’s only a recipe to make you frustrated with your own writing and to keep you in a writer’s block forever. You never know what type of creative ideas you’re erasing by stopping yourself before you’ve even finished. Push forward, push forward, push forward, always. Writing is something you do with your brain, but also with your heart. Trust yourself; if you’ve written something to get this far, then surely, it must be good enough for now. 
Tl;dr: Don’t edit until you’re done. Get an outsider’s point of view on your work. Don’t re-read your work. Type until your fingers are about to fall off before you stop to go back. 
This comes from someone who’s been writing since the teeny-weeny age of 12, and who’s gone through all the steps to becoming a writer who can be proud of her own work. I’ve gone from absolute word-diarrhea-type stories to convoluted stories with plot twists I can hardly imagine myself. I’ve gone through the feeling of being on top of the world, to being ready to quit, to being frustrated with my inability to write. I’ve been accompanied through my entire process by fans of the series I adore and readers of my works, and I’ve been nurtured by their feedback and their support. Like I said earlier, writing is something done with your brain, but mostly with your heart. Creativity is not something you should keep on a leash. If you want to finish your stories, try to turn your brain off for a while and just write, write, write like your heart is about to explode unless you put your feelings on paper. I know I’ve spent too much time listening to my self-conscious brain to ever try to hold my heart back ever again. 
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amberseger · 7 years
Final Project
How has each course contributed to your personal and professional development as an instructional designer?
Let me start out by saying, I have absolutely no regrets about choosing to go through this program. I have thoroughly enjoyed every class I’ve taken and found them to be incredibly insightful and useful. I feel like I have grown immensely personally and professionally. This branch of cognitive science resonates with me on a deeply profound level. 
I’ve always been interested in how and why we interact with each other, products, and information. I’m a graphic designer by education and trade and my career has lead me down the path of higher information design and instruction. I love explaining concepts and training people how to perform tasks. I’m always eager to show people how to accomplish something if they do not know how to execute the intended outcome. This program has satisfied that intrinsic drive.  
I loved that the Mastery: Personal Development and Leadership class was first. Instead of throwing you into the program headfirst. It was a great way to lay the foundation of my journey. I enjoyed making goals and researching about the masters in my field. Learning about the traits and paths that can lead to being a master changed my perspective on how and what I can achieve. 
The timing of the Strategies for Learner Engagement and Visual and Visual and Verbal Communication in Instructional Design class occurred lined up perfectly with a presentation I gave for a work conference. I was able to utilize a lot of what I learned in that class and apply it to the content of my presentation about better information design. 
Corporate Training and Motivational Development and Instructional Design and Evaluation were classes that really made me think about my writing and processes. Learning how and what motivates people will be greatly beneficial as I start to innovate the projects I create at work. The learning theories and models of instructional design will help me develop and evaluate the types of designs I want to create and implement at my job. 
These four classes: Digital Media and Learning Applications, Music and Audio for Instructional Design, Filmmaking Principles for Instructional Design, and Game Strategies and Motivation, were super fun for me. I got to use a lot of my current skills as a graphic designer to leverage my projects. I got used to hearing my voice and watching myself on screen in these classes. That is hugely beneficial for my personal development. I used to be a very self conscious about how I sound and look. Now I feel very confident in my ability to perform. I was very happy to learn about audio design and filmmaking. I can also use what I learned outside of my actual career and into my hobby that is sort of turning into a side career. I record podcasts and stream games and now I can better use those tools.
Learning Management Systems and Organization was a class that I felt I didn’t really benefit from strongly. I was the only one in the class and I didn’t get a lot of interaction. I feel like if I had at least another student it would have been more engaging. I understand the basic concept of an LMS but didn’t really get to fully test it out. I honestly thought that this last and final class would utilize all the assets I created in the Media Asset Creation class and put them into an LMS. 
Overall, I’ve enjoyed everything. Looking back, I have so many projects I can easily upload and put on to my portfolio and Behance. As fun, interesting, and fulfilling this program has been, I am so glad I’ve come to the end of the journey. The past year has been the most stressful and tiring year I have had in a long time. I’m so glad I persevered and have come out incredibly successful.  
How well were you able to utilize the concepts and techniques you learned from the program (theories, systems design, interface styling, and the creation of multimedia content) as you designed, developed, and implemented your Final Project? 
Well I’m not sure what the Final Project was exactly. As I said previously, I thought I would have taken assets I made in the last class and to create and design a course in an LMS. It would have been complete with tests and discussion board prompts much like the ones we have on FSO. All I had to do for this class was make portfolios using pre-built templates and interfaces. I did try to write an engaging About Me section so it would give a sense of personality. 
Other than that, all of my projects I uploaded were created using techniques and theories I learned through out the class. The number one theory that I have retained is the cognitive load theory. That one to me is the most important out of everything, because if a learner experiences mental overload they tend to give up or become distracted. Everything I design going forward will be all about reducing cognitive load. I want to strive for clarity, order, and consistency. 
Describe your most outstanding personal triumph in each course.
Mastery: Personal Development and Leadership 
I was really happy with the visual design and layout of the timeline we created for this class. I also loved learning about Robert Gagne and all that he did for the field of instructional design. The paper I wrote about him was very good. 
Strategies for Learner Engagement
I learned how to make interactive PDFs! I took a basic Lynda.com tutorial about making an infographic and was able to visually redesign it to make it more in line with how I would create it from scratch while still maintaining the overall theme of the infographic. I did a lot of research and writing about WWI artists and pushed myself to write in a more engaging storytelling style. I was very proud of that project and it is in my portfolio. 
Visual and Verbal Communication in Instructional Design
I learned how to use Keynote! I had never used it before. I also had time and was able to make the graphics more in line with my style of design. I remember recording my first bit of narration for the class and when I listened to other student’s narration I felt very unskilled at engaging writing. I am a technical writer and copy editor and I writing engaging copy is not my strong suit. The other students’ work really pushed me in that area and I was happier with the final outcome. I put this project in my portfolio.
Corporate Training and Motivational Development
During this class I was dealing with a major project at work that was beyond stressful. Like, no sleep and work 60-70 hours a week kind of project. It was personally very difficult to continue on with school. I remained strong and somehow pushed through. This was my first time ever making a video presentation and writing a script. It was also the first time I really used iMovie to create video with overlaid imagery. I put that video in my portfolio. 
Instructional Design and Evaluation
This class was awesome! I really enjoyed working with the professor of this class. After several iterations, I made a great series of posters that describe learning theories and behaviors. I was very happy with the visual design of the posters. I even printed them out to have as a quick reference. I added those to my portfolio. 
Digital Media and Learning Applications
In referring to my Mastery Journal, this class was very heavy on theories and concepts. I remember writing a lot about learning objects and the different types that exist. I can’t quite think of something I did that was outstanding in this class. Being able to understand and grasp some of these terms was a challenge. I feel like I could go back and take this class again and still learn something new. 
Music and Audio for Instructional Design
Oh my gosh! I loved this class. I absolutely loved both projects for this class. However, the one where we took a fairytale and narrated it and added music and sound effects was my favorite. I was able to condense and rewrite some parts of an old fairytale, record myself using a good microphone while in a good audio set up, do voices for characters, edit the audio, add music, and sound effects. It was so cool and it sounded so good! I want to add it to my portfolio and I will later when I get a new computer. 
Filmmaking Principles for Instructional Design
This was another great class. I was still struggling with writing engaging narration but my second attempt on a small project was much better and I began to feel confident. The second project I felt like I excelled at and was very happy with the instructional video I created. It had great shots and great narration. 
Game Strategies and Motivation
I learned a lot in this class and made some great presentations. However, my personal triumph was my ability to give great feedback to a student, who I felt was not grasping a lot of the concepts we were learning. They seemed to struggle immensely with the projects we were assigned and I spent a lot of time on writing very constructive feedback. This in turn really helped solidify what I was learning. 
Learning Management Systems and Organization
Unfortunately, because of the lack of students in the class (I was the only one) I didn’t feel like I truly got the full experience of this class. However, I have never experienced the back end of an LMS. It was cool to see how that looks and functions. 
Media Asset Creation
The fact that I even finished this class was a major triumph for me. I was in the process of moving and selling my house. Thankfully I had spring break during this time. It probably saved me from missing a project and it was the project I put in my portfolio. I made a very engaging instructional video about balancing carbs, fats, and protein. I had a lot of fun with it and I think it shows in the final product. 
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tveckling · 7 years
a l l t h e a s k s
You’re too much omggggg. Lucky you that I’m just not feeling like doing anything today, because otherwise I’d have ignored this ask :P Actual answers under cut because.... there are... many of them... and some are long.
1. Tell us about your WIP!I’m gonna take my favorite original WIP, because I can.One of the galaxies’ best assassins accepts a new job which proves to be way different than she had expected. Her partner moves between exasperated and amused. I imagine this story will be around 50 pages total, so it’s not a big thing. For now my goal is just to actually finish an original project pffft. (Lesbian main couple, pansexual man is second main chara)
2. Where is your favorite place to write?I have two favorite places. One is in my bedroom, where I can just do anything I please. The other is outside when it’s warm on some nice grassy spot, where I can just plug in my earphones in my ears and enjoy everything. I am so waiting for it to get warm enough for thaaaaaaaat!
3. What is your favorite/least favorite part about writing?Favorite: Coming up with ideas and characters and dialogue and sentences and everything. And seeing people’s reactions afterwards huhuhuLeast favorite: Writing the damn thing pffft. But tbh, the thing I have the most problem with re writing is descriptions, because I am so bad at it.
4. Do you have any writing habits/rituals?Not really, no. Does having specific music on count? If not, then nope.
5. Top five formative books?Godddddd. Uuuuh. Gosh. Five books I can think of, not in matter of favorite/most formative/w/e:1. Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman2. Magic’s Pawn by Mercedes Lackey (#1 of The Last Herald Mage trilogy)3. The Snow Queen’s Shadow by Jim C. Hines (#4 of the Princess series)4. Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire (#1 of the October Daye series)5. The Empire of Darknessby Christian Jacq (#1 of The Queen of Freedom trilogy).......... yeah, so I mostly read series, w/e.....
6. Favorite character you’ve written?For fanfiction I of course love Mercutio the most. For original works hmm.. shit, that’s tough question. Either Ashe from my relic story or Saraph or Thana from my assassins story. I honestly can’t decide.
8. Do you have any writing buddies or critique partners?Well, I have friends who read what I write and tries their best to give feedback? But that’s it.
9. Favorite/least favorite tropes?... this is an awful question that I can’t answer, because there’s too many of both. I honestly can’t choose.
10. Pick an author (or writing friend) to co-write a book withI actually tried co-writing a book once upon a time, so I can say that I really don’t want to do it again. I just have this issue with ‘no you’re not doing it exactly how I want ittttt’ and well. No.
11. What are you planning to work on next?*laughs hollowly* I have so many thingsssss....
12. Which story of yours do you like best? why?My two fic WIPs Strange Bedfellows and Wild Salt Air are two of my favorites. They both have tropes I adore, plenty of angst, and developing relationships - and it’s like the two stories where I am actually writing developing relationships from start to finish. Other than them I really really like the dtw prompt fic 249. Off with the head and A scratch, because I really really love whump without comfort? :D give me all the angst huhuhu
14. What does it take for you to be ready to write a book? (i.e. do you research? outline? make a playlist or pinterest board? wing it?)It’s actually something I’m trying out. I mostly have some sort of plot in my head for every story I write, but for each longer story I have so far different ways of writing it. For Strange Bedfellows I have a document planning out each chapter and the major events in each. For Wild Salt Air I have nothing, just the vague idea in my head. For this other unwritten fic I have a doc with each chapter fully detailed, just waiting to be written and filled out. For yet another fic I have basically done a mini fic with everything that happens, and it only has to be properly written. I always do the research whenever I get to it. Haven’t made a playlist for any fic or story so far, and have absolutely no interest in a pinterest board or anything like it.
15. How do you deal with self-doubt when writing?I become super clingy and have to be calmed down by friends. And this unfortunately happens a lot.... sorry ;A;
16. Cover love/dream covers?Sounds good I guess? Idk...
17. What things (scenes/topics/character types) are you most comfortable writing?I really really REALLY love writing emotions. Strong emotions of every kind, except maybe happiness. Happy/positive emotions aren’t as funny hehe~ And angst. Let me write all the angst, so I can bathe in all my readers’ tears.
18. Tell us about that one book you’ll never let anyone readUh a book I like that someone else has written? Idk dude, I don’t have one of those? A book/story that I have come up with? Godddddd, there are so many... and there is a reason that I will not tell anyone about them *definite stop*
20. Any advice for young writers/advice you wish someone would have given you early on?1. Using names are fine. More than fine, even. Use one or two epithets per person at absolute max. Names, just like ‘said’ are basically invisible for readers, even if you as a writer feel your eyes twitching over how often you use names. It’s just you, I promise. Use. Names. 2. Write as much as you can, even if what you write sucks. Know how to make sure your writing stops sucking? By writing more. The more you write, the better you get. Simple as that. If need be you can always rewrite those sucky stories later if the ideas are good *looks at several old-as-balls stories that seriously needs rewriting* 3. Sometimes it actually is okay to Tell instead of Showing. Mostly it’s better to Show instead of Tell, but sometimes the other way is perfectly good too or even better. Ignore those who say you must never ever use it.
21. What aspect of your writing are you most proud of?Emotions, again. I feel I am quite skilled at writing a character’s emotions and thoughts. My dialogue and humor has also approved in the last couple years, I feel.
22. Tell us about the books on your “to write” listNo way. There are just... so many...
23. Most anticipated upcoming books?Uh, don’t really know any?
25. What’s your worldbuilding process like?I like to start with the characters, and then I start building a world that fits them. I really like doing those world building worksheet thingies.
26. What’s the most research you’ve ever put into a book?Oh god... I think the longest I have spent on a story so far is like 12-14 hours combined. And I still haven’t actually written that story *headdesk*
27. Every writer's least favorite question - where does your inspiration come from? Do you do certain things to make yourself more inspired? Is it easy for you to come up with story ideas?For original stories I have always just had a desire for a specific scene, then I come up with the characters involved in that scene, then I come up with the stories those characters exist in. I love, love, love writing prompts, though. It’s pretty common for me to use a prompt in the first step aforementioned, then as I develop the characters and the world the inhabit I tend to sort of forget the original prompt. So it all works out well enough I think.
28. How do you stay focused on your own work and how do you deal with comparison?God, the only way for me to keep focused on one particular work is by having other people be interested in it. Otherwise I will completely lose my motivation to write it and start with other things instead. My mind never stops coming up with stories, after all.
30. Do you like to read books similar to your project while you’re drafting or do you stick to non-fiction/un-similar works? I strongly prefer staying away from anything that might influence my writing while I am writing it. This is the biggest reason why I only read friends’ fics nowadays.....
31. Top five favorite books in your genre?Those five favorite books from question 5 counts for this too, I guess.
32. On average how much do you write in a day? do you have trouble staying focused/getting the word count in?It varies so so so much. One time I wrote 6,000 words in a day. Another day I struggled writing 50. When I have prompts to write fics for I write around 1,000 words per day I guess?
33. What’s your revision/rewriting process like?Copy-pasting the text into a program with a proofreading software, then after reading it through I’ll poke a friend with better grasp of grammar to go through it, basically.
34. Unpopular writing thoughts/opinions?Idk dude, don’t really have any I think.
35. Post the last sentence you wroteThese, too, went unanswered, with only the occasionally shushing. Pffft, so thrilling isn’t it.
36. Post a snippetFrom the assassins story:“You're here with a job you want us to take." Thana’s voice was matter of fact, as though she already knew the answer. Her interruption was enough to bring Saraph's attention back to her. There was a tilt to her lips that told Saraph he wasn't the only one annoyed by the unknown man. "If you are here to try to offer us a job, just after we finished our last one, then you know us." Saraph had dropped all traces of warmth from his voice, and he threw another quick glance at Thana. "If you know us that well then you know that there is a system to contact us with your offer; there is no part in that system that gives permission to interrupt us completely unannounced. That is an action that would most likely end in someone's death." His eyes spoke loudly about whose death he was referring to, and his absolute stillness was somehow far more threatening than when he had been moving around.The woman on the suited man's left side glared darkly at Saraph, but her partner bared his teeth with a growl and grabbed the gun at his hip. Before he had managed to get it into the air Thana turned sharp eyes on him; a moment later the gun fell to the ground, the man's hand falling with it. The man's shout made every person in the restaurant determinedly look away; they didn't know what was going on, but they were all sure it didn't have anything to do with them."If any of you makes a threatening move against me or my companion again I will not spare you," Thana said, slowly shifting her gaze to the now red-faced woman who was grinding her teeth.
37. Do you ever write long handed or do you prefer to type everything?My hand tends to hurt when I write, so I suuuuuuper prefer typing on something, whether computer or tablet or whatever.
38. How do you nail voice in your books?That’s something I wonder about too *cries*
39. Do you spend a lot of time analyzing and studying the work of authors you admire?Not really, no. I tend to get too sucked up into the stories. I am also not really that good at analyzing stories/characters... unless I try to write fanfiction with them, that is.
40. Do you look up to any of your writer buddies?Yes, I definitely do.
41. Are there any books you feel have shaped you as a writer?Again, the The Sandman comic series written by Neil Gaiman. They have had an incredible influence on me.
42. How many drafts do you usually write before you feel satisfied?I am never satisfied pffft
43. How do you deal with rejection?I kinda slink down deeper into my depression for a couple days and just watch shit or do other brainless things until I feel better.
44. Why (and when) did you decide to become a writer?This is differently worded question 24. So, copying that answer: I was the type of small child who was completely obsessed with stories, long before I could actually read. Then when I learned to read I, uh, advanced pretty quickly let’sputitlikethat apparently a 9-year old reading Very Mature books with graphic descriptions of killing and gory situations isn’t that appreciated by teachers. Especially not when this 9yo happily tells her friends all about these gory details at lunch….. oops? So uh idk. It’s always been a part of me? I’ve always been reading and coming up with stories, and then I started writing, and just. Idk dude. Forever, I guess.
45. First or third person?Third, although first can be pretty nice to write too.
46. Past or present tense?Slight preference for past tense, but just slight.
47. Single or dual/multi POV?Single. I am pretty sure I sometimes fail with it, however, ugh...
48. Do you prefer to write skimpy drafts and flesh them out later, or write too much and cut it back?Flesh out later, because it hurts to cut out parts of my story. It’s like cutting out parts of my own body, you knooooow
50. Do you share your rough drafts or do you wait until everything is all polished?I happily share everything. I need validation and encouragement to continue writing, after all.
51. Are you a secretive writer or do you talk with your friends about your books?I talk too much sometimes, I’m afraid pfffft. I want to share everything. Except in some cases where I like to have some things be spoilers, so I can better enjoy their reactions.
52. Who do you write for?I’d love to say ‘myself’ but it’s really for others who enjoy the same things as myself. If there wasn’t any others I’d just keep it all in my head, after all.
53. What is the first line of your WIP?The assassins story again: All around the planet huge sandstorms raged, but within the walls of New Vien the citizens went about their business without a worry of the outside world.
54. Favorite first line/opening you’ve written?After much indecisiveness we have:First line - from Heart Masochist: They were young once, all of them.And because I thought the question was about last lines too - from A Scratch: When their uncle's men finally found them Mercutio had stopped shaking, but Valentine couldn't stop crying.
55. How do you manage your time/make time for writing? (do you set aside time to write every day or do you only write when you have a lot of free time?)I basically write whenever I feel like it, whether I actually have time for it or not pfffft.
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