#goro's lair
heavy-nfld · 3 months
InfectDead is here with their first single!
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Card 30 - Goro's Lair 'Mortal Kombat' 1995 Skybox Cards
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monakisu · 1 year
anon asked: Hello! I love everything about ur art your art style and the way you paint is just AUGH beautiful (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠)(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠), I'm wondering, do you have some Akeshu WIP that you never upload before?
thank you and YES i’ve got LOADS of unfinished akeshu i’ve been hoarding in my lair… might as well post them for wip wednesday (i thought today was still monday)
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the last two are for the “neverending dream” bad end! maruki tucks in akira for a lonely slumber. and then goro wakes him up, sleeping beauty style WAHOO
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symphonic-scream · 9 months
It's me the fool back again with another au this time it's
Actual Criminals Au for P5
Where. They're real criminals.
The metaverse isn't real, and all of them grew up with qualms about how some people get away with everything. And, eventually, they all get the push they need to stop being a bystander and become Phantom Thieves
They all live in the same building, and have a secret lair under it. They pose as normal people with jobs and lives and then at night they're plastering evidence of assaulters all over Shibuya, or leaking videos of insider trading or what's on someone's hardrive
Sometimes they do normal crime like stealing from the rich to fund their bigger operations. Just for fun
Okay let's go down the list
Akira works as a bartender in a fancy hotel bar, and goes home to his "wife", Haru, each night. That's how it appears, at least. As a fresh graduate from secondary school, he ended up coming together with some friends to expose a shitty pervert for who he was, and thus began their lives as the Phantom Thieves. Joker is the ringleader, and known publicly to always be listening from the shadows
Then there's Ryuji, a middle school phys Ed teacher, married to Makoto. It's perceived to be a functioning marriage. He was a founding Thief, and is their Rough'em'up guy. Between Skull and Queen, they get their answers when they want them
Ann is next, wed to Yusuke, working as a model. Mysteriously, the guest room at their place seems to always be occupied by former top athlete Shiho. Ann's love for her best friend was one of the main flames behind the beginning of the Thieves, and Panther is key at tricking their enemies into drinking a spiked drink or spilling secrets for a moment with the attractive blonde
Okay now, Yusuke, he came later. Yeah married to Ann blah blah. He's an artist, paints in a studio all day. His former mentor drove him to the brink, but luckily the Thieves found him there, and gave him the power to drag himself back to his feet. Fox is very feared, as his harsh words and quick moves remind his enemies of an old samurai
Makoto was once looking like she would be another young officer on the streets, doomed to being beat down by the system. Now, she owns a gym a block from where she lives with her husband Ryuji, and moonlights as the fast driving, hard hitting Thief Queen. The only thing that burns brighter than her rage at the failing society around her is her homosexuality.
Software engineer Futaba lives alone, and she likes it that way, supposedly. She's gotten her act together, again, supposedly, and is no longer hacking. Yeah right. After taking down the false shepherd Medjed, Oracle does the computer work for the Thieves, keeping them in the know during missions
The final standard member of the Thieves, Haru, didn't exist until recently. Well, under the name Haru. She used to live as the sole son of the CEO of Okumura Foods, and has found a life that suits her much better. As Haru, she runs a bakery just outside the entrance of her apartment building, and lives with her husband, Akira. As Noir, she's more than willing to show that actions have consequences, though she's often aware enough to keep her act to just frightening rather than deadly
Then it's the half members, Goro and Sumire. They're legally married. One is a top tier detective, the other teaches youth gymnastics. Crow and Violet appear maybe once every other month at most, filling the roles the teams those nights need
Okay so this is a Polythieves au, so the married couples above are mostly for cover. Below is a simplified web of the poly workings of the group
Akira -> Goro, Sumire, Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Shiho, Haru
Ryuji -> Akira, Ann, Yusuke, Haru
Ann -> Shiho, Akira, Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto, Haru
Yusuke -> Akira, Goro, Ryuji, Ann
Makoto -> Haru, Ann, Shiho
Futaba -> Sumire
Haru -> Makoto, Akira, Ryuji, Ann, Shiho
Goro -> Akira, Yusuke, Sumire
Sumire -> Akira, Futaba, Goro
I have lots more for this but this is just the like outline post. SEND ME ASKS IF YOU WANNA KNOW ANYTHINF OR HAVE QUESTIONS
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Shuake Spicy Fic Recs✨
Hi everyone! I’ve noticed a lot of amazing Shuake fic rec posts, but not a lot when it comes to the spicier variety 🔥 so I’m gonna link a few of my favorites! When it comes to Shuake, I like dynamics of all varieties and read a lot based on mood. So I’ll try to divide these as best as I can!
What are my credentials, you may ask? I'm just a simple gal who likes to read and write :3
If You Want Something Deceptively Wholesome - The Joy of Asking for It by Stealth_Noodle (One-shot, 6k words)
A post-canon, established relationship fic that is simply a wild ride through and through, ending with a lovely little domestic scene that warms the heart <3 I love this author's writing style and how they make everything so engaging!
If You Want a Good Top!Goro Fic - Advantageous Positioning by coleslawed (One-shot, 7k words)
Starts off with a really captivating cold open, has a fun mini-character study of Akiren, and has a good, assertive Akechi! I remember really loving how this author could write such compelling prose.
If You Want a Good Top!Persona 5 Protagonist Fic - We'd Feed Well the Land and Worry the Sheep by cookietosser (Multichapter, 34k words)
This is an older fic, but still so good. If you want a confident, doting Akiren, this is the fic for you! It's set during Sae's Palace arc where the two start to bond through nap dates, things escalate quickly, and Akechi has a bit of a crisis about it, lol. Aside from the smut, this is also just a great fic overall and a true classic for me!
If You Want a Great Switcheroo - change places! by bangandawhimper (One-shot, 6k words)
I guess if I'm preferential to any dynamic, I love switching, and this one has that in spades. An unspecified AU fic where Akechi tries bottoming for once, much to his (initial) irritation. There were some moments in this fic where I genuinely laughed out loud.
If You Want Something Actually Hilarious - spin cycle by androgenius (One-shot, 6k words)
Again, another fic where I genuinely laughed out loud several times while reading. Akechi and Akiren are neighbors, and a lot of hilarious shenanigans regarding a washing machine ensue (and not in the way you'd think, you heathens!). The writing style makes it an absolute joy to read.
If You Want a Good Amount of Plot - Bullet with Butterfly Wings by CloudMenaceBird (Multichapter, 127k words)
If you want a good plot to go with some incredible smut, this is one of my favorites. It's just an amazing post-canon shuake fic where Akechi wakes up in the Velvet Room and manages to find Akiren again after the events of Royal's final Palace.
If You Want the Oddly Specific Category of “Two People Who Have No Idea What They’re Doing but Pretend to be Experienced Anyways” - what matters most is how you bring joy to life by futuresoon (One-shot, 8k words)
This is simply a classic, through and through. Pretty much everything by futuresoon is, but this is my personal favorite of theirs. I have nothing to say other than this is probably my favorite characterization of Akechi, and that all the subtleties in this work are *chef's kiss*
If You Want WHOLESOME WHOLESOME WHOLESOME - Fools Rush In by Atalan (One-shot, 35k words)
I actually read this work recently, and being. Simply. FLOORED by how good this fic is, and how much it establishes in a one-shot. Essentially, Akiren and Akechi speedrun their entire confidant on the day they first meet at the TV Station, and it has a delicious way of writing that "instant connection" vibe. And it's incredibly wholesome. That is all.
If You Want a New Fav - Good For You by Chaoticconstellation (Multi-chapter, 14k words)
This came out just recently, and it is a new favorite of mine! A wholesome fic where Akiren and Akechi agree to try an experiment to see if physical touch improves Akechi's mood. It features a very touch-starved Akechi Goro who needs (and gets) a hug.
If You Want a Classic - To Catch a Tiger Cub, One Must First Enter the Tiger’s Lair by AyuOakhay (Multi-chapter, 77k words)
This is my personal favorite Shuake fic ever! I don't know what draws me to it - maybe it's because it has a little bit of everything I like! And despite what the tags may suggest, it does have some surprisingly sweet moments. It also inspired my current work!
And there you have it! I have more I can think of and other oddly specific categories, so I may do a Part 2 one day! 💚
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bigprettygothgf · 1 year
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liu kang arrested at goros lair for wearing an ugly costume
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twilightknight17 · 9 months
Today on P5T, we finish the DLC, get cranky at logistics, mentally subtract one from Akira’s assumed god-murder total, and I start gathering up everyone for a roadtrip to go lay on the floor of the Atlus Headquarters until they think about their writing choices.
Before we head off to the finale, we chat a little more about Luca and Guernica, as well as why Goro was investigating the graffiti in the first place. Apparently the police asked for his help to look into it because they were getting frustrated at their own lack of progress. It must suck for them, to not be able to find Guernica or the Phantom Thieves. XD Doesn’t explain how he knew about the Arsène mural in a back alley, tho. People in Yongen seem too chill to call the cops over that sort of thing.
I don’t actually remember what it was that he said, but I was given a dialogue option to agree with him, and when I took it…
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Careful, Goro. You almost sound like your real self, there. ^_^
He also makes a comment about how, even if he didn’t want to help Luca, Akira would have made him anyway.
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I wanted to be a little shit, but I opted for asking him to show off instead.
Now that the mural is complete, it’s actually really beautiful. The three pieces recombined, and dissolved into light, which was absorbed into Luca. We also learn Guernica’s real name, and Luca prepares to open a hole directly into the villains’ lair.
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Meanwhile, in the lair itself, Jerri is still being a huge bitch, and also apparently hates art.
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She’s trying her best to delete every memory of Luca from Guernica’s heart, so by the time we get there, things are very dire. The world took the thing Guernica loved most, and now she’s been fully warped into wanting to destroy the whole world as retribution.
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We fight Guernica to a standstill, and Luca finally, finally gets through to her. Jerri tries to throw a fit, but Sumi is not letting anyone interrupt this moment between sisters.
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Luca returns the light of Guernica’s first mural and restores her to normal, and then fades out, her task accomplished. That just leaves Guernica herself, who is pissed at Jerri.
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And Jerri is doing herself no favors in response.
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Goro… really shouldn’t know that the gods are real at this point, but he’s excused because it’s pretty badass to just flat-out say it to her face like that. XDDD
Jerri is not a god, Jerri is a minion at best, but she still transforms for one last final boss battle that makes it pretty obvious who her master is.
...I’m losing it a little over the fact that she’s still just named “Jerri”, though.
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The paint mechanics shift again, this time introducing black paint that we’re not allowed to walk on at all. The whole battlefield is covered at the start, but as Jerri summons enemies, and Guernica backs us up with her paint gun to create a path, the boss is eventually within reach. After a certain amount of her health is depleted, she resets the battlefield to a new configuration and new black paint, and we go again.
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Third battlefield is the charm, and despite Jerri’s claims that she’s in control, Guernica understands now that this is her world, and she’s the one with the power.
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I’m not sure what I was expecting. Maybe something a little more dramatic, considering the full capabilities of imagination, but this works too! One last rainbow-painted battlefield where no one has any cover at all. Shoutout to Goro and World’s End for chewing through a ton of her hp. And so Jerri falls, and her giant mock-god form dissolves back to the bird.
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Jerri vanishes, and dear god, are we really not getting any more than that regarding her identity?
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...thanks for confirming, Sumi.
Guernica talks a little more about how she’s can feel Luca in her heart, and that she’ll always be with her. It makes Sumi tear up, but she’s not sure why it’s affecting her so much. How close was she to breaking through Maruki’s bullshit? Man, if we’d just kept this conversation going for a couple more minutes, we might have done it.
Akira gets a dialogue option to tell Guernica that he’s a fan of hers now, and she’s thrilled. Everyone promises to see each other again one day, and Guernica sends them back to the real world.
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...she’s so pretty.
I have to wonder if this is a similar situation to Toshiro. Her eyes aren’t shadow-gold, so I’m assuming this is the real deal. In which case, she’s very chill about being in another world. I’m thinking this place is closest to a Stronghold. Something to protect the core of her heart. And Luca was part of that protection, when she couldn’t protect herself.
We get a brief confirmation that Jerri was in fact working for Salmael, and he’s sending her back to the void because no, Jerri, killing all of humanity is not the kind of tranquility he’s going for. We never actually see him or any of his dialogue, but this is definitely his weird clockwork kingdom.
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So what you’re telling me, Atlus, is that there were two active gods in Tokyo in November. Plus Azathoth already actively screwing with Maruki’s head. PLUS Enlil’s cinema and all that nonsense that the Thieves don’t remember. November was an absolute fucking mess. It’s a wonder the whole city didn’t just poof out of existence from the strain.
My actual point here is that I’m trying to wrap my brain around how Salmael and Yaldabaoth are going to coexist ruling over humanity. I guess absolute control can mesh with self-preservation instincts, but it’s funnier to imagine God Wars. XD
Anyway, I wonder how long we’ve been gone this ti–
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I want you all to understand that I blurted “NO” out loud.
This is CHEATING, Atlus, you damn cowards, you set this story in November and refuse to commit to the consequences of that. I loved this DLC, I loved the story and the music and the character interactions, but this last two minutes was just… complete disappointment. At least the games that involve the Abyss of Time are justified in no one remembering anything.
The graffiti Goro came to investigate is gone, so he decides to just leave. You came all the way here to Yongen and aren’t going to stick around for longer than two minutes (from your perspective)?
And what time is it? It was afternoon before, as far as I could tell, but Guernica’s done a whole new piece, and the news claims it appeared “overnight”. Is this a weird memory retcon thing on a massive scale, or have we been gone all night and just don’t notice that we’re missing like 12 hours? Morgana’s watching the news report when Akira gets back to Leblanc, but he doesn’t comment on Akira being gone, just implies that they’re running late need to leave, before Sojiro gets upset. So like… late for school? Is it the next morning???? Atlus I’m begging for just a crumb of a sense of time anywhere in this game.
It’s cool art, though. :)
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The credits are cool, with little floating paint blobs, and afterwards, we get a brief scene of Toshiro watching the news. His father notes that he seems too interested in the graffiti, and he brushes it off as ‘petty vandalism’… before immediately going back to watching the news intently.
And that is the ending of the DLC! Now I can go get those last few personas for my compendium, and run NG+ merciless mode–
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……….are you KIDDING ME, ATLUS.
Fine. Time to call down World’s End to just murder everything. Goro’s gonna be my strongest teammate forever.
It also unlocked challenge maps, with specific character and skill presets for each one. I tried the first one, and not only is it difficult, but all of a sudden, friendly fire is active for AOE spells, so that is bizarre. We’ll see if I can figure those out another day.
For now, time to go not think about how I’d change that ending. :P
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
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Shang tsung island redesign idea. Look it can be spooky without it being unlivable. Like shang tsung isn't a man to live in squander. Fr. Nrs what tf were you thinking? Even if nobody's lived there in a while. It's kinda mystical. So I'd imagine it to ya know be pretty even if its "overgrown" with nature.
Like its a fucking tropical paradise.
Like come on!
So shangs island should always be beautiful even the more "questionable" parts of his island. Goros lair should ve more expansive and fitting for a shokan prince.
His throne room should be big and lavish. Reds n golds. Dragon motifs. Serpentine carvings. Etc.
His island main keep and main palace where he lives should be the center of the island. And the designated "kombat zones/arenas" should be various places,but should look like actual tournament style arenas. The main big one should be in his throne room. Where a tournament starts and then ends.
Any prison or dungeon areas are accessible only to shang tsung and his loyalists/cult members.
Shrines are seen throughout the island. Some small. And the main temple is located on a smaller island offshore of the main island. His island from aerial view looks like a yin yang symbol,i hc shang is a taoist. It makes sense. Balance,life n death,pain and healing,suffering and then enlightenment. The neverr ending cycle of things, That whole thing.
His island should change slightly every so often as some kind of euclidean horor or force. As it is a pocket in between realms and a neutral point. Thats why it was chosen for mortal kombat tournaments. However the main palace never changes,anything within the living quarters,and his personal courtyard should never change. As it is a symbol to him he is eternal,that and shang doesn't wanna waste magic resources.
Shangs bedroom,is lavish af. Hella lavish.
Surprisingly,his bathrooms and kitchen is more modernish. Compared to everything else. Hey look,he's not the kind of man to not keep up with the times somewhat. Like he's old but come on man. Shang is a master of making people at ease before showing his truest self,what that is is up to how close you are and how trusting your relationship is
I could go on. But y'all get the idea.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 1 year
The funny thing about Sheeva being a prison guard in MK9 is that her line to Sonya in Jax's chapter is "If you had not dishonoured yourself by attempting escape, we would not be here in this sewer."
And I want you to picture this scene in Goro's lair:
Sheeva: I'm heading on break, make sure the prisoner stays in her cell.
Guard: K.
*Ten minutes later*
Sheeva comes back with Outworld takeout: Okay, I'm back-
Two guards holding back Sonya, three more nursing broken bones.
Sheeva, wishing her drink was alcohol: I need a raise.
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bluehairedspidey · 1 year
Please tell me about Johnny Cage's sex diary! (This is @bisexualjohnnycage !) ^_^)
@bisexualjohnnycage hell yeah!!! i posted a good chunk of the ideas i had already on this post but i'll try and put some of my other ideas here lol (just as a warning this may get a little raunchy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
alright so im just gonna put my notes for what ideas i have for the male characters in the rosters for mk9, mkx, and mk11 :)
I don't have many ideas for Baraka yet, but this will probably be one of the more rough/violent chapters with some biting/bleeding/cutting likely involved (consensual tho, Johnny doesn't mind >:3 )
Bo' Rai Cho & Raiden
Definitely leaning towards Johnny having a threesome with these two, I'm thinking sometime between MK9 and MKX
Johnny's gonna see Raiden with his hair down for the first time and his brain is gonna short-circuit for a minute because Gay
I want Johnny to call Raiden "Rai-doll" at least once
I want Johnny to hook up with Cyrax before he gets cyberized so it's going to have to happen at the first tournament in MK9. Honestly I may have to change how long the tournament is in this fic because I feel like it's so short in the actual game that Johnny won't have enough time to be a manwhore lmao
In MK9 Cyrax was specifically assigned by the Lin Kuei to kill Johnny in the tournament, but chose to spare him at the last second, so that'll be a fun thing to consider. Does Johnny try to hook up with Cyrax because he can't stop thinking about him after their fight? Or did they sleep together before their fight and Cyrax decided not to kill him because the dick was that good? Either way, hilarious
Erron Black & Kabal
Johnny having a threesome with these two in order to try and set them up together yeehaw
Can Johnny resist the urge to make a "save a horse ride a cowboy" joke? No he cannot
Not sure if I'll be able to fit it in, but I may try to include Erron asking for/offering weapon training as a way of flirting with men because in MK11 he has these two intros that I think about a lot:
Erron Black: Come for shooting lessons? Sub-Zero: Are you offering, Erron Black? Erron Black: Only to the quick and the brave.
Erron Black: Don't s'pose you'd teach me that rope spear. Scorpion: And divulge Shirai Ryu secrets? Erron Black: I could make you share, Scorpion.
Kabal comes in like 30 seconds but his refractory period is super fast too so its okay <3
Fujin & Nightwolf?
I'm considering having Johnny hook up with these two together as well, but I don't really have much thought of for them yet cuz I haven't watched their part of the story in MK11 yet
I do know that Johnny will probably be surprised by how easily he's able to convince Fujin to sleep with him. Fujin canonically is both a fan of Johnny and "enjoys a good time" so I think he would be down lol
Goro effortlessly manhandling Johnny. Just holding him completely off the ground by all fours while fucking his face and/or ass <3
With Johnny trying to hook up with the more evil characters that I can see using Johnny to get off but not necessarily caring as much about his pleasure/comfort/safety I'm just imagining him being like "Okay gotta make sure I get myself prepped for anal Before I go because I Do wanna get fucked in the ass but the chances of them actually caring if I'm ready for it are Not High." Like he's rolling up to Goro's lair with his largest butt plug already In
Johnny Cage
Obviously going to take place with Past!Johnny and Future!Johnny in MK11. I'm probably going to have it revolve around the scene where Future!Johnny takes Past!Johnny aside to scold him, and then somehow either instead of fighting or after fighting they'll end up having sex lmao
Okay so for most of these ships I'm planning on having the chapter I write be about the first (if not only) time Johnny has sex with them. However, I may or may not end up doing that with Kenshi because I've been really into the idea of Johnny and Kenshi actually being in a long term relationship (and getting married to each other after Johnny gets divorced) beginning prior to MKX. So I may end up writing an instance of them having sex while they're already in an established relationship rather than their first time together. Who knows tho! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Kung Lao
Johnny and Kung Lao's sexual awakening! They're going to meet and hook up on the first night of the tournament in MK9. At this point Johnny's never slept with another guy before and Kung Lao's never slept with anyone before so it will be a learning experience for the both of them >;3
Liu Kang, Kitana, Jade, Kotal Kahn, & Reptile
My Outworld + Liu Kang Polycule! I have like three scenarios I'm considering for this one right now. In the first two the polycule is already together and in the third one they're not
First scenario: Johnny wants to hook up with Liu, but since he loves Kitana/he and Kitana are already in a relationship Johnny invites her too and makes it a threesome. Kotal finds out about this as well as the fact that Johnny has made "Sleep With Every Man Possible" into his own personal life goal and invites Johnny over. Johnny thinks “hell yeah” and goes over to hook up with Kotal, only to find that Kotal also invited Liu, Kitana, Jade, and Reptile. Johnny ofc is not at all bothered by this, the more the merrier >:3
Second scenario: Johnny is talking to Liu about the polycule's relationship dynamic (basically like a chain, Liu-Kitana-Jade-Kotal-Reptile). Johnny asks if all five of them have ever had sex together. Liu says they have not. Johnny asks if they'd like to, and if he can be invited >:3
Third scenario: Liu tells Johnny which members of the not-yet-together polycule have feelings for whom and why they allegedly can't be together ("I love Kitana but she loves Jade who is in a relationship with Kotal and also Reptile is there") and Johnny is like "Hm. Interesting. >:3" and starts plotting to be matchmaker again
Also like with Lao I headcanon Liu as not having slept with anyone prior to MK9, however I haven't decided for sure whether or not he and Kitana will have had sex by the time stuff happens with Johnny
Okay Vivi I have to admit I'm probably gonna be SUPER influenced by the Rain/Johnny fic you posted recently because I absolutely loved it!!! Rain is DEFINITELY into being praised. Johnny just needs to give him even the smallest amount of positive attention and he'll be set >:3
Scorpion & Sub-Zero
Honestly I really don't have any ideas for these two yet except that they're definitely going to be together. Like obviously lol
And then there's a bunch of characters that I literally have no ideas for yet but might try to come up with something for in the future! Including but not limited to: Ermac, Geras, Jax, Kano, Kollector, Noob Saibot, Quan Chi, Sektor, Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, Shinnok, Smoke, Stryker, Ferra/Torr, Tremor, Triborg, etc
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andronicmusicblog · 11 months
Mortal Kombat 1: A Soundtrack that Captures the Brutal Essence of the Game
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The realm of video game music boasts numerous iconic soundtracks, but few have achieved the legendary status of Mortal Kombat 1's score. Composed by Wilbert Roget, this groundbreaking work perfectly encapsulates the game's intensity, brutality, and dark atmosphere, becoming an integral part of the Mortal Kombat experience.
A seasoned musician and producer, Wilbert Roget approached the Mortal Kombat project with a unique blend of musical expertise and a deep understanding of the game's world. His mission was to create a score that not only complemented the gameplay but also enhanced the overall atmosphere, immersing players in the violent realm of Mortal Kombat.
A Musical Tapestry that Evokes Tension and Excitement
Roget's masterful score is a fusion of genres, drawing inspiration from electronic music, industrial sounds, and even classical influences. The main theme, "A New Era," sets the stage for the game's intense battles, with its pulsating techno beats and driving synths. Tracks like "The Pit" and "Goro's Lair" instill a sense of foreboding and unease, utilizing haunting melodies and ominous soundscapes.
The score's diversity extends to its instrumentation. Roget employed a wide range of instruments, including traditional orchestral pieces, synthesizers, and even percussion instruments like garbage cans and metal sheets. This eclectic mix of sounds further enhances the game's unique atmosphere.
A Soundtrack that Transcends the Game's Boundaries
The impact of the Mortal Kombat 1 score extends far beyond the game itself. Its catchy tunes, memorable melodies, and brutal atmosphere have made it one of the most iconic video game soundtracks of all time. The score has been praised for its originality, its ability to capture the essence of the game, and its enduring appeal.
The soundtrack's influence can be felt in various forms of media, from remixes and covers to its use in trailers, commercials, and even other video games. It has become a cultural touchstone, recognized by fans and music enthusiasts alike.
A Legacy of Innovation and Influence
Wilbert Roget's score for Mortal Kombat 1 stands as a testament to his musical talent and his understanding of the power of sound in storytelling. His work set a new standard for video game music, inspiring countless composers and leaving an indelible mark on the industry.
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sakuravulpes · 11 months
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✎ ( sponsor ღ Hallow Manor ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ {.Moon.Phase.} Slit Throat V2 ★⸝⸝ REKT_Utility Arms FP
★⸝⸝ Cute or Die! - 0L HUNT ITEM # 1 { Hunt Prize } ★⸝⸝ PM - Death is not the end 2 { Hunt Prize }
ღ Silly Llama Productions presents Hallow Manor 2023 You can also check all the important links listed below. The event runs from October 13th - November 1st!
By Moon Phase, Slit Throat is the perfect spooky add-on. It comes with BOM tattoo layers, slit cut base and blood dripping and splatter, to make it more realistic unrigged mesh cut out throat is included and also an alpha to make it look awesome. I'm also wearing the REKT Utility Arms. In 5 colors and 3 different prays included, it looks amazing, the arms are animated and the movement is so natural I'm very impressed with this item!
Hunt Prizes are the best! Another Death is not the end pose by Pink Moon, you will find a super amazing set of poses for all your Halloween needs, 10 unisex poses included with mirror versions. By Cute or Die, I'm wearing the Hunt Item #1, it's a pair of black garters for Legacy, Maitreya and reborn, and the best part is you can get them for 0L at the hunt!
✤ sɪʟʟʏ ʟʟᴀᴍᴀ sᴏ̨ᴜᴀᴅ ᴅɪsᴄᴏʀᴅ ✤ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀ's ɢᴜɪᴅᴇ ✤ sʜᴏᴘᴘɪɴɢ ɢᴀʟʟᴇʀʏ ✤ ᴘᴀʀᴛɪᴄɪᴘᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴅᴇsɪɢɴᴇʀs
✤ ʟᴀɴᴅᴍᴀʀᴋ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ Okinawa Panic of Pumpkin ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ -RabbitHouse-ZIPPER LINE BOOTS(FatPack) ★⸝⸝ Lixi - Seifuku Asuka Blood Set - FATPACK ★⸝⸝ serotonin. yeule lip ★⸝⸝ {S0NG} Catt V2 Eyes
ღ Okinawa Panic of Pumpkin event brings us a ton of amazing and spooky items made by talented creators. I'm wearing the Zipper Line boots and they look stunning, with a super original style they're rigged for Legacy and Maitreya only, and the fatpack comes with a hud to mix and match everything. I'm also wearing the Lixi beautiful Asuka Seifuku rigged for Legacy, Maitreya and Reborn, normal and bloody versions available, and fatpack comes with hud!
Yeule lipstick by Serotonin comes with an applier for Lelutka only, 11 tones included and it looks precious. S0NG's eyes are always super cute, and the Catt V2 look increidible. Appliers for Catwa, Genus, Lelutka EvoX, Mesh and Omega and also BOM included. You can see a closer look in the comments and blog.
✤ ʟᴀɴᴅᴍᴀʀᴋ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
Ahri ღ
✎ ( outfit & hair ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ finger bandaids UPDATE 1.0 // . i i c i n g . ★⸝⸝ zhu. Kissed mesh nails (stiletto) ★⸝⸝ VCO ~SOO HAIR BANGS SET ★⸝⸝ VCO ~ ARINA Hair
✎ ( extras ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ voodoo. Void Eyeshadow Set - lel EVOX ★⸝⸝ Malina - Eyes blood / Nosebleed / Lelutka EVO X / BOM ★⸝⸝ [BOOPY] Mary Mouth Blood ★⸝⸝ moonwaii . anime cuteness ★⸝⸝ BLUSH - Jisoo Skin. Mansa~ ★⸝⸝ LeLUTKA Prim Head 3.1 ★⸝⸝ [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Perky Edition [+] Petite (1.6)
✎ ( backdrop ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ Goros Lair Mortal Backdrop - The Bearded Guy
✎ ( my blog ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
✤ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴏx's ᴅᴇɴ
0 notes
serpentorslair · 1 year
0 notes
isolaradiale · 1 year
Lost in Space #51
Howdy, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of May!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least two in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for May, have two in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of May).
Only one meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
Only one drabble of 500+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: If you are removed during two consecutive activity checks, you will not be allowed to re-apply as that character for one calendar month.
Additionally, anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large.
Please send in your reapplications from the account of the character that was removed.
Donald Duck (CONDO 407) (broken link)
Wild Gyess (CONDO 403) (broken link)
Anne Boonchuy (TOWNHOUSE 207)
Toph Beifong (TOWNHOUSE 208)
The Nightmare Knight (APARTMENT 304)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (HOUSE 110)
Donald Duck (CONDO 407) (broken link)
Flynn Rider (HOUSE 118)
Beast III/L (Kama/Mara) (APARTMENT 306)
Caster (Arturia Caster) (Winter’s Memory (Sky-Strewn Isles))
Lancer (Ereshkigal) (TOWNHOUSE 213)
Reines El-Melloi Archisorte (Southern Clocktower (The Mistwood))
Rider of Red (Achilles) (HOUSE 103)
Ritsuka Fujimaru (M) (CONDO 425)
Shirou Emiya (Emiya Residence (Cotes))
Felix Hugo Fraldarius (TOWNHOUSE 209)
Flayn (CONDO 419)
Kronya (APARTMENT 312)
Sylvain José Gautier (APARTMENT 311)
Ayato Kamisato (TOWNHOUSE 205)
Cyno (CONDO 427)
Haochen (APARTMENT 306)
Kaedehara Kazuha (TOWNHOUSE 206)
Yelan (TOWNHOUSE 209)
Yoimiya (TOWNHOUSE 217)
Zhongli (TOWNHOUSE 220)
Belial (CONDO 406)
Chai (APARTMENT 319)
Strelitzia and Chirithy (TOWNHOUSE 212)
Jinx (APARTMENT 311)
Shadow Link (Four Swords Adventures) (Link’s Treehouse (Mistwood))
Keigo Takami (Hawks) (HOUSE 110)
Margaret Moonlight (TOWNHOUSE 211)
My Melody  (Hansol’s Hanok (Cotes))
Anda Teika (Lord El-Melloi II’s House of Misfits (Archimedes))
Samael (TOWNHOUSE 224)
Zhang San (Tang Sanzang) (CONDO 415)
Wild Gyess (broken link) (CONDO 403)
Gilbert Nightray (CONDO 410)
Lacie Baskerville (HOUSE 113)
Goro Akechi (TOWNHOUSE 215)
Mew (Respite (City of Glass))
Mewtwo (Respite (City of Glass))
Sonia (TOWNHOUSE 219)
Wheatley (Wheatley’s Lair (Golden))
Carmen (CONDO 427)
Heathcliff Blanchett (APARTMENT 302)
Blake Belladonna (TOWNHOUSE 224)
Pyrrha Nikos (HOUSE 101)
Qrow Branwen (HOUSE 105)
Raven Branwen (TOWNHOUSE 205)
Entrapta (TOWNHOUSE 221)
Whisper the Wolf (TOWNHOUSE 201)
Spongebob Squarepants (TOWNHOUSE 222)
Yor Forger (HOUSE 109)
Ashton Anchors (Ashton's Home (Cotes))
Regal Bryant (TOWNHOUSE 223)
0 notes
madscientist008 · 1 year
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As the warriors venture into the dark mages' lair, they encounter Goro, who had survived his battle with Kai and now serves the dark mages. Goro proves to be a formidable opponent, and the warriors struggle to defeat him.
Kana arrives to assist the warriors and uses her magic to weaken Goro. With the help of the last blade, Ryo lands the final blow on Goro, but not before sustaining serious injuries.
1 note · View note
tampire · 2 years
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Goro VS Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat 4 Gold
188 notes · View notes