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orqheuss · 1 year ago
Snake Charmer
(Ominis Gaunt x F!Gorgon!Reader) Fluff? World building? Set up? Who knows tbh. It's a story.
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Ominis could hear her pulse quicken as she stilled. Everything else in the cramped space fell away, leaving just the two slytherin’s, each one with their own morose history that has been broadcasted for all the world to hear. Two peas in a pod— two sides to the same coin— two scales on the same snake. *** Why was everyone so interested in the new girl? Ominis Gaunt was about to find out.
Word count: 3.8k
AN: because I wanted to write a story about Ominis and a Gorgon falling in love
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Ominis was sure he was going mad. In fact, he was positive— some point between the end of his fourth year and the beginning of his fifth, he had gone absolutely batty. That was the only logical conclusion to the fact that he was hearing voices at all hours of the day. 
It started the day the new fifth year won in a duel against his best friend, Sebastian. The Defense Against the Dark Arts class was moving at the same pace it always did: introduction to the new spell, practice on a small object, practice on a larger, vaguely person shaped object, and then finally a duel between each pair of students to prove their mastery. This day, though, took a different turn than what the young blond was expecting. Ever since starting at Hogwarts, Sebastian Sallow was Ominis’ dueling partner; there was never any question about it. It became such a habit that no one dared approach the pair once Professor Hecat announced the beginnings of the school sanctioned battles— you would never see one Slytherin without the other. So, when Hecat decided to pair the new fifth year with his best friend, well, it could be seen quite plainly that Ominis was not happy about the matter. 
As the duelists took their positions across from each other, the blond haired boy leaned against the nearest wall, a distinct look of annoyance turning down the corners of his lips and narrowing his eyebrows into a straight line. Most people would consider the look on his face a pout— not that anyone would ever dare at mentioning this to the boy. Ominis Gaunt did not pout, and he certainly did not scoff under his breath at the sound of his friend joking around with the new girl. What a preposterous idea. He wasn’t jealous, don’t be absurd. 
Though, it was nice hearing Sebastian get knocked down a peg by someone who had never held a wand in her life up until that point. 
Once the class was over, all Ominis wanted to do was slump himself into the Undercroft and take a well deserved nap. His head was pounding, and the near constant whispers of his classmates about the new girl were driving him up the wall. He couldn’t help but make snarky remarks in his head, quietly laughing to himself at the ridiculous questions his classmates were mumbling.
“Why do you think she wears that head scarf? I wonder what’s under there.” 
Hair, probably. 
“Did you hear her accent? Where do you think she’s from? Certainly not around here!”
Ten points to Ravenclaw for stating the obvious.
“Did you see how she was looking at Sallow? She just got here and already thinks she can take the most attractive boy in our year. The nerve!” 
Sebastian has the emotional range of a teaspoon, but best of luck!
“How could you even tell where she was looking? I couldn’t see a thing through those glasses of hers! Why is she wearing shaders inside?” 
Bold style choice, but alright. Not that he could really judge, of course. 
“Do you think she’s blind like Gaunt? Great, another person I have to make sure I don’t trip over.” 
That statement got his attention. Could she be blind like him? He didn’t hear any echolocation charm on her wand, nor did he sense a seeing eye animal or a cane around her. A very small part of him warmed slightly at the idea that he wasn’t alone in his struggles anymore. He craned his head more to the side, trying to catch more of the gossip as everyone began to file out of the classroom.
“No, she can’t be blind. It looks like she can get around just fine on her own— no charm blinking on her wand or anything. Still quite weird, though.” 
Ominis’ shoulders sank minutely at the news, the warmth in his chest freezing over once again. He sighed to himself before pushing away from the wall, deciding to just let his body carry him to the Undercroft on autopilot while he stewed in his thoughts. Sebastian was off talking to the new girl, so he would likely not be joining him until well after his next round of Crossed Wands later that day. Normally he would join the boy, cheering him on from the sidelines with the rest of his fawning fangirl club, and he was about to turn in the direction of the clock tower when the brunette’s voice broke through the haze. 
“Suppose I could interest you in some unsanctioned fun?” 
Well, if his new best friend was going to be there, then he wouldn’t miss Ominis’ presence all that much.
Just as the blond had resigned himself to an afternoon of solitude, another voice came through the crowded musings of his classmates. 
“Gods, I’m starving.” 
A completely mundane statement, one that had likely been uttered by half of the class as they left, but something about the voice drew him in. It was low in tone, like they were trying to hide their voice instead of projecting it to their friends, and had a slight hiss to it just under the words like the person was speaking through a mouthful of fangs. Ominis paused in his steps just outside the doorway, his ear turned towards the classroom as he tried to find the voice again. All he found was silence and the tiny ticks of professor Hecat’s dark magic detectors. 
Shaking his head, he leaned away from the door and made his way down the stairs, his mind puzzling through what just happened. He must have been imagining it, he thought to himself. The voice hardly sounded human, let alone familiar. Must have just been a trick of his mind, he had slept terribly the night before so it was logical he was just tired. Rounding the corner towards his secret alcove, Ominis stepped through the clockwork door to the Undercroft and began to climb down the winding staircase, hopeful that a bit more sleep would do him good. 
Fortunately, he had a lovely nap on the chaise lounge he conjured. Rather unfortunately though, the voice persisted. Morning, noon, and night he heard that incessant hissing tone in his ears, each day getting louder and more bold with what it was saying. First it was small things, things that most people would think to themselves throughout a normal day. 
“Where’s the bathroom in this place?” “My head itches.” “What I would give to take a nap right about now.” 
Normal things. But then, the statements started to get a bit…odd. 
“There’s something under my scale!” “He was rude, I want to bite him.” “I can hear a mouse somewhere. Can I eat it? Please?”
While Ominis was tired of hearing the random, grating voice slither through his ears at a constant rate, he was happy to report that he no longer thought he was going mad. The voice belonged to a snake— that much he was sure of. But, where was the snake? Did it know he could hear it? How was it somehow always in his vicinity? 
That was the question that was currently keeping him up at night. 
Everything culminated one faithful day when he next had Defense Against the Dark Arts. Today was lecture, and much like the rest of his classmates, he bemoaned having to sit and listen to professor Hecat go on and on about some unknown entity or creature that he could never encounter for the rest of his days. It wasn’t that she wasn’t a good teacher, far from it! But, much like any professor in the castle, she was not immune to the dreaded monotonous lecture voice. 
Upon entering the classroom, the first thing Ominis heard was Hecat’s voice speaking in hushed tones to someone. He would never admit it outloud, but the boy was dreadfully nosy. Honing his ears in the direction of the whispering, he caught on to her tone first— caring, soft, gentle, words that normally wouldn’t be found within one hundred feet of the professor— then the tail end of her words. 
“—if you are uncomfortable with today’s lesson, please know that you can leave at any time.” 
An equally soft voice replied in turn, a hint of uncomfort lacing their words. “Thank you, professor. I appreciate the sentiment, but I will be fine. It is not the first time I have been a part of such a lecture.” 
Ominis stilled in his seat, the hairs on the back of his neck standing at attention when he recognized the voice. It was the new girl again. Merlin, it seemed she had everyone wrapped around her little finger, even the formidable Dinah Hecat! 
It wasn’t that he had a problem with the new fifth year, in fact she had been quite nice to him when they met in the common room, it was just that all the rumors surrounding her made her sound a bit big for her britches. First she beat Sebastian in a duel, something no one has done since he started going to Crossed Wands and honing his talent, then she invites him to Hogsmeade with her and suddenly a troll is hellbent on clobbering up the street? Not to mention all the other things Ominis had heard about: taking out Ashwinder camps in her spare time? Flying all over the sodding Scottish Highlands and getting into all kinds of trouble against the Ranrok Loyalists? Sneaking into the restricted section with Sebastian and earning him another bloody detention, because what, she batted her eyelashes at him and he folded like a cheap suit? Who was this girl, and why did trouble follow at her heels like a pack of hellhounds? No, Ominis didn’t have a problem with her, he was suspicious of her, and the fact that the voice started soon after she got here certainly didn’t help. 
The blond sat back in his seat, arms crossed across his chest and a befuddled look clouding his expression as the professor took her spot at the front of the room, tapping her wand on the rickety old chalkboard and writing out the subject of the lecture for today. 
“Today, class, we will be discussing Gorgons, another creature traditionally deemed mythological but in fact walks among us magic folk unseen. Though, they very rarely make the journey across the sea to our backyard.” 
Ominis’ eyebrows narrowed more in confusion as he thought about Hecat’s words to the new girl. Why would she be uncomfortable with this lesson? What secret was she hiding that was related to Gorgons of all things? He tuned back into the lesson, hoping to answer some of his questions. 
Professor Hecat paced around the room as she talked, taking strides up and down the lengths of desks and weaving through her collections of artifacts from her time as an Unspeakable. 
“Gorgons, or ‘gorgos,’ meaning ‘fierce, terrible and grim’ in Greek, are inherently female creatures with snakes for hair and the ability to turn anyone who meets their gaze into stone. Many of you are likely familiar with the myth of Medusa, the only mortal Gorgon that was callously slayed by the Greecian hero, Perseus. But, there are two other Gorgons known in history: Stheno, the mighty or strong, and Euryale, the Far Springer.” 
The room was bathed in silence as Hecat paused in her speech, giving the class time to take notes on the creatures. Ominis sat still, his mind awash with possibilities for why the new girl would need to be excused from this lesson. Her accent was Greek, that was for sure. Could she have a history with Gorgons? That wouldn’t make sense, though. Many students have had run-ins with the creatures discussed in DADA, but they were never offered to skip that lesson. So, why was the new girl so special? 
A sharp, insistent sound shook the blond from his thought spiral, causing him to wince at the volume suddenly ricochetting in his ears. A terrible hiss filled the room, slithering throughout the encompassing space and echoing off the tall, vaulted cathedral ceiling. It was haunting, eerie, constant, like the creak of the floor in an abandoned house or a busted pipe in the middle of the night when you’re the only one home. A shiver ran up Ominis’ spine at the sound, trying desperately to block it out while also listening to those around him to see if they heard it too. He heard no whisperings, but with a quick flick of his wand, sparking the wood to life, he could see the silhouette of his classmates looking around like they were trying to pinpoint where the sound was coming from. Ominis relaxed slightly, relieved that he wasn’t the only one hearing the incessant hissing. 
His relaxed posture only lasted for a moment as a voice suddenly cut through all the noise, low and dangerous like a rattlesnake's tail in the tall grass. It was similar to the snake he had been hearing, but different somehow— richer, more human sounding. Ominis’ heart stilled in his chest when he recognized the cadence, knowing it intimately from all the times he spoke it while living at home. Parseltongue. 
“Be quiet. Everything is fine, no one is going to hurt us.” 
At once, the hissing stopped, shrouding the room in a blanket of silence once again. Dread began to curl its way around Ominis’ chest at the understanding of what that meant— what that could mean for the future of Hogwarts in general. 
Someone in the room was a parselmouth like him, and he would bet all of his galleons on it being the new girl. 
But, what did she mean by “no one is going to hurt us?” Who was “us?”
The professor continued her lecture, drowning the never ending list of questions permeating in his mind that seemed to grow longer by the second. 
“Gorgons are the children of Phorcys, a primordial sea god, and Ceto, a sea goddess, who happen to be brother and sister.” 
A snicker came from the back of the classroom, followed by the voice of none other than Andrew Larson, the class’ resident moonmind. “Purebloods know all about that!” 
Hecat leveled him with a glare, not an ounce of amusement present in her tone as she spoke. “Must you make that joke whenever we talk about Greek history? I dare say it wasn’t funny the first handful of times you’ve said it, Mister Larson.” 
Ominis could almost see the embarrassment on Larson’s face when he stuttered his reply. “Um, n-no, professor. I j-just meant—”
“We all know what you meant.” She silenced him quickly, her smirk present in her voice. “Now, back to what I was saying. Phorcys and Ceto had a large family together, including the Graeae, the trio of elderly sisters that share an eye, Echidna, a being of half-human, half-snake, Ladon, a fearsome dragon who was tasked with guarding the golden apples of the Hesperides, and Scylla, a woman with dog-headed loins. Because of Ceto’s reputation for giving birth to terrors, each larger and more colorful than the last, she became known as the “mother of sea-monsters.” Ominis could feel Hecat’s eyes linger on him for a moment, her speech stilling slightly as she took in his deeply puzzled expression. “Of course, among those children were also the Gorgons.” 
The aging professor continued, her steps ebbing and flowing around the classroom like a steady stream. “According to myth, Medusa did not begin life as a Gorgon. She was Ceto’s only mortal born child— human as any other babe. Some even say she may have been of magical nature, like all of you in this very room.” 
The blond slytherin heard Hecat’s steps falter for a moment, the soft swish of her hand running along a desk off to his right. He craned his ears in the direction, his wand picking up the movement as he tried to discern the student that the former Unspeakable was paying special attention to. The silhouette of a girl filled his mindseye, her form slumping down slightly in her desk as she tugged lightly on the scarf wrapped around her head. Ominis’ frown stretched deeper across his face at the realization that the professor was checking on the new girl, again. What was so special about her? Why was everyone so enraptured by her presence? She didn’t seem all that remarkable when in the school building at least. She was just mysterious. He was mysterious at first, but the fascination with him soon dwindled as his peers realized he was the same as everyone else. 
So, the slytherin pondered, why was she still the talk of the halls? 
Why was Hecat teaching this lesson?
Why was it important for a group of pubescent teenagers to know about something that existed across the ocean from them?
Ominis had more questions than answers, and each one confounded him more and more by the second.
“Medusa was a devout follower of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, handicraft, and war. One night, while praying to her goddess, she captured the attention of Athena’s brother, Poseidon. He appeared to her, intent on taking what he believed should be ‘his.’” Hecat paused, her stony gaze sweeping across the classroom as if challenging anyone to so much as breathe too loud. “He took her there, in the temple, leaving her on the floor as she sobbed and prayed to her goddess for forgiveness.” 
Ominis could cut the tension coating the air of the room like a thick, viscous fog with a knife. No one dared make a sound, enraptured by the words of their wise mentor.
“Some myths say that Athena took pity on the girl and transformed her into something that no man could ever gaze on again. Some say she punished her for leading a man into her sacred temple and letting him defile it. No one knows the true story except those who were there, and the old gods have long since left our realm for their own paradise on Olympus.” 
The apprehension screaming in every magical mind surrounding the dearly loved, and feared, elder was palpable in the tiny class space. 
“Now, some of you may be wondering why I teach this lesson.” As if reading his mind, Ominis felt Hecat level him with a stare that burned hotter than even the most blistering fire poker. “The answer, of course, is that no one knows what happened to the child of Medusa and Poseidon.”
The young Gaunt felt all the air get sucked from his lungs as if a dementor escaped from Azkaban just to find him specifically. A child of a god and a witch? It was unheard of— it was disastrous. Their magic would be unstoppable; nothing in their world would ever match the power of a child brimming with that much otherworldly energy. Whether they used their powers for good or evil, or even some mix of the two, they would be legendary all the same. At that moment, a thought came to Ominis. Would they also be part Gorgon? If Medusa was transformed while with child, who's to say that the babe would not share the same affliction. 
As suddenly as a strike of lightning, or a downpour in April, Ominis Gaunt answered the question that had been on his mind since the start of term.
  The new girl was a Gorgon. 
How had he not realized before? The snakes that were always around when she was— how her head and eyes were always covered— how no one knew where she hailed from and had no hint other than the fact that her accent was vaguely Greecian? It was right in front of his blind eyes from the beginning; he was just too much of a jealous fool to see it. 
Just then the bell chimed across the campus, signaling the impending class change. Professor Hecat’s voice broke through the bustle of his peers standing and gathering their things in preparation for their trek to their next lesson. 
“We will continue our discussion on mythos and magic next week. Please remember to study for the upcoming OWLs! They are written and practical, so be sure to practice the physical spells as well as memorize the theory!” 
Ominis scrambled to gather his things, determined to catch the new girl before she disappeared into the crowd. Dodging around a loitering Sebastian— the brunette’s hand raised as if gearing to make some idiotic, yet somehow still brilliant, point— he all but sprinted into the congested hallway. His wand waved in front of him as he scanned each person he passed, his ears tuned to any noise that sounded vaguely serpentine in the hopes that her reptilian tresses would sound out as they always did this close to lunch time. Alas, they were as silent as a dead rodent in a viper pit. 
Just then, the young boy caught sight of the girl, her silhouette moving ferociously  among the masses as if she would rather be anywhere but there. Underneath all his confusion, morbid curiosity, and pulsating anger at how she has been endangering, and possibly enchanting, his best friend, Ominis felt a pang of pity. He didn’t blame her one bit for wanting to leave as quickly as possible— not at all. He knew all too well how it felt to have all eyes burning through his skin at every turn, even if no one else seemed to figure out her secret other than him. He couldn’t let her escape, though; he needed answers, he needed closure. Halting in his tracks, he racked his mind for what he could do to get her attention. She wouldn’t hear him call her name in the ruckus around them, nor could he keep up with her brusk pace. There was really only one option to choose, and as much as he hated to do it, snakes had an incredible sense of hearing, or rather, in their case, an excellent sense for vibrations. 
His voice flowed from his lips in a strong hiss, the air seeming to break just for the words to slither their way to their target like a bush adder in a pile of leaves. “I know what you are.” 
Ominis could hear her pulse quicken as she stilled. Everything else in the cramped space fell away, leaving just the two slytherin’s, each one with their own morose history that has been broadcasted for all the world to hear. Two peas in a pod— two sides to the same coin— two scales on the same snake. 
Her “pets” were startlingly silent as her hung head raised from its slumped position against her chest, her sigh heaving her shoulders into proper posture— a constrictor poised to strangle. 
The boy felt her words before he heard them— the air stilling around him like a world born anew. 
“I suppose it’s my turn to explain things, then.”
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Shes baaaaaacccckkkkkkk :)
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sunshine-and-moonshine · 1 year ago
Bad Snake Day
Requested: No
Summary: Gorgon!Reader’s snakes are shedding, Valeria helps.
A lowly mumbled “fuck” was what woke Valeria up from her light sleep, brown eyes snapping open, still on edge despite having lived with you in your cave for going on four months now. Old habits die hard she supposed, not that she was keen on getting rid of them. They kept her alive, but apparently now they only kept her awake, no matter how quiet you tried to be. Every shift of your feet on the hard stone floor, every hiss of your snakes, every bitten back whimper of pain, it all kept her alert and unable to return to her slumber.
It took several minutes of this to force her to get up, resisting the urge to glare at you as she stood, scratching as her belly with a loud yawn before looking towards you, watching you struggle to pick at the dried skin of your hair, your snakes hissing and crying out as you try to hold them still, a futile effort.
“What are you doing?” She finally asked you, quirking her brow when you jumped. You were usually overly aware of her presence, of her every move. If she was even beginning to wake up, you knew. It showed how absorbed in your task you were that you didn’t even notice her getting up. She firmly told herself that the small feeling nibbling away at her belly was not concern.
“My snakes are shedding.” You grumble out after a moment, wincing as you yank off a particularly stubborn patch of dry skin, the snake attached to it showing its protest by trying to nip at your hand, baring its fangs with a hiss.
“And you are, what? Hurting yourself like this for fun?” She asks, reaching her hand out to pet along the head of the snake, chuckling when it nuzzles into her palm, forked tongue flicking out to show its pleasure, big beady eyes blinking up at her pleadingly, as if asking her to help make it stop.
“I have to do it like this. If I don’t then it gets all itchy and inflamed.” You huff, glaring at your snakes when they all seem to flock to her touch, reaching out for comfort. “Or worse, they’ll get infected and die. And I don’t want to be stuck with a dead snake on my head.”
Valeria hums, slapping your hand away when you reach to continue your scratching and picking, shaking her head at you. “Stop. Don’t touch.” She says, pointing a finger at you when you give her a confused look, watching her pick up a large wooden bowl from the makeshift table before heading out of the cave, coming back in a few minutes later with it full of water. She must have gone to the waterfall, you thought as she grabbed a small and slightly coarse rag from your laundry pile before coming back to you, pushing you until you were facing the wall.
“What are you-?” You start to ask, flinching when she suddenly runs the now damp rag over the scales of one of your snakes, gentle but also firm as the dry skin flakes off onto the floor beneath you. Your snakes give small little hisses at her but overall don’t protest, letting her do as she pleased and just seeming content that they no longer had to put up with your rough scratching. The water was cool but not freezing, and it tingled through your snakes and into your scalp in a way that wasn’t all that unpleasant. It was relaxing, in fact, and your eyes slowly closed as she started to hum quietly under her breathe, occasionally lowering in sound or stopping completely when she reached a particularly stubborn patch of skin, scrubbing just the slightest bit harder of having you lean your head back to soak it in the bowl while she did some of the others. By the time she was done, you felt practically rejuvenated, your snakes bouncy and excited, each of them bumping heads or nuzzling against your cheek as Valeria dumped the water just outside of the cave entrance.
“Thank you.” You whisper, not surprised when all you got in return was a soft grunt. You hoped she stuck around for a lot longer, you enjoyed this human.
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monstersholygrail · 5 months ago
Stuck on the Edge
You knock on the door of your Gorgon bf’s home office. Wearing nothing but your night shirt. Meanwhile your bf was still in his clothes from the day. Another late night spent working. He had been working far too much lately. Leaving poor you all alone and needy for him.
Enough was enough. The tension was getting too much. You were painfully horny and you ached to feel his thick cock fill you up again. You’d quite literally do anything.
Gorgon bf glances up from a on-speaker phone call he’s on, his head of snakes perking up at the sight of you. They hiss loudly, practically begging for you. Your bf grins, jutting his chin out in a silent beckons.
You don’t hesitate for a second as you prance into his office, taking your rightful seat, firmly on his lap. Gorgon bf’s eyes widen but his snakes give him away as they hiss in satisfaction. Slithering down and curling around your arms, keeping you right on top of him.
His free hand pulls you closer before slipping under the shirt and caressing your thick thigh. His touch moving higher and higher with each brush of his hand. Your breath hitches, arousal building and threatening to gush all over his slacks.
You instinctively rock your hips, grinding down on his growing bulge. Your bf chokes, stuttering in the middle of his call, the friction sending fierce shocks down his spine. He sends you a playful little glare but one look at your begging pouting face has his resolve crumbling. He should’ve known what you were up to from the beginning. Always with the clever little games.
With a subtle nod from you, you squeak in excitement and quickly get to work undoing his slacks. You both sigh as his cock springs from its confines, his red pulsing tip already leaking with precum.
As you line yourself up, Gorgon bf quickly mutes his side of the call. Both of you releasing loud moans of pleasure a second later as your pussy eagerly sucks his length inside of you. Your bfs hips twitch, burying himself in as deep as he can go.
He groans again, head falling to rest on your shoulder while his snakes take advantage. Nipping at your throat and littering your skin with their marks.
“Hey Princess,” Gorgon bf whispers breathlessly, taking a second to compose himself. Then with a fleeting kiss to your forehead he unmutes the call.
You nuzzle into his chest as you adjust to his cock stretching out your fat cunt. Your body twitching and trembling as his length ignites your every nerve. But you need more. You need him.
Trying your best to be subtle you slowly start rocking your hips. Pretending as if you’re simply shifting around trying to get comfortable. You feel your bfs cock jerk inside of you and you can sense how hard he’s trying to remain composed. But fuck it feels too good. Even the smallest brush of his hard length brushing along your gummy walls.
You can feel him growing more tense the more you grind into him and you can feel his glare on the back of your head.
“If you don’t stop this you’re gonna have to be punished, baby,” he growls in your ear.
But you just can’t stop. You’re so pent up that the subtle friction is slowly getting you closer to the edge. Especially as you rub his tip right there along that spongy spot deep inside your dripping pussy.
Tiny moans are muffled Gorgon bfs chest and his snacks that won’t stop their frenzied hiss. All of them wanting you to cum just as much as you do. Growing bolder now that your bf clearly isn’t trying to stop you anymore. You rise up and bounce back down on his dick. Your head falls back with a cry of pleasure, so close to coming.
But the moment your eyes flutter open, meeting your bf’s, his frustrated gaze flashes green and your body freezes in temporary paralysis. You whimper quietly as you sit absolutely frozen and stuffed full of your bf’s cock. God, you could cry right now. Trapped on the edge of release with no way out but to wait for it to wear off.
The longer it lasts the more you feel yourself going insane. You can practically taste your release on the tip of your tongue as that’s frozen along with the rest of you right where it is. You feel yourself practically vibrating in your skin and if you could move you know you’d be shaking.
Your eyes scream at your bfs, begging for him to fuck you. But all he does is smirk as he looks you up and down, still chatting away about their latest project. You know this is your punishment. You know he won’t move until the spell wears off.
Eventually the call ends as you moan as your bf shifts forward to end the call before sagging against his chair. His smirk widens, knowing how bad he’s torturing you right now.
“Sorry, but bad girls don’t get my cock sweetheart,” he rasps, eyes burning with lust at the sight of you stuck with him inside of you.
He gives your ass a little condescending pat, knowing he’s more than won this round. He may have gotten the upper hand but you’ll get him next time. A dangerous look falls over his face as if he can read your mind.
“Don’t you worry, once the spell wears off Imma fuck this pussy raw,” he hisses, his snakes joining him. The sensation of shiver shoots down to your core and you swear you’ll get your sexual revenge.
His eyes don’t leave you for a moment, his predatory gaze chilling. The moment you swear you can start feeling your body again, Gorgon bf is swiping everything off his desk and slamming your body on top it.
A scream of pleasure is first to leave your lips once you can move your jaw again as your bf furiously pounds his cock inside you, his hips snapping so hard the desk screeches along the floor. You’re still mostly frozen, only able to get what he gives you and believe that he makes the most of it.
Forcing orgasm after orgasm out of you without being able to shake or twitch from the intensity of it. Which only adds to delicious pleasure that blasts its way through you again and again.
You have no clue how much time has passed until you can finally move again as its length changes every time he does this to you. As you as you can move your mind is already on your payback and you immediately clench down on his cock, practically suffocating him.
Gorgon bf jerks forward, his eyes growing wide in surprise. With your strong grip on him he can’t even thrust one more time before he’s blowing his heavy load inside of you. His body as frozen as yours was not that long ago as his orgasm rocks through him.
He collapses on top of you, panting heavily and nuzzling into your neck. His snacks hiss quietly, obviously as satisfied as he is. They slither down your neck and your chest, making sure you’re alright and that they hadn’t truly hurt you.
“Very well played,” Gorgon bf murmurs after several long beats of silence. You both erupt in breathless laughter.
“I can say the same of you, love.”
Both of you feeling all the tension of being a part melt away now that you’re here and finally together again.
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bunnis-monsters · 6 months ago
okay so i've thought of this for a bit AND HEAR ME OUT. gorgons. the ones with the snakes for hair, i think it'd be so cute if the snakes had their own affection for you! always so gleeful to see you around as well as their host. but it also makes me think that maybe their partner would have to be blind? dunno! i hand this information over to you ty :)
In a world where monster and human relationships have become more and more common, there have been new inventions to help human and non human partners mingle without damage to their little human mate.
One of these is sunglasses that allow you to look at your gorgon boyfriend without being turned to stone, and eventually they’re made into a contacts option as well!
You’re always getting little treats for his snakes. Frozen mice, quail eggs, frogs, just little animals and eggs for them to snack on.
They’re very fond of you, giving you little nuzzles and kisses when he’s making love to you.
They’re so protective of you too, hissing and wrapping around you if someone gets too close or talks to you rudely. Depending on how long he keeps his “hair” they could pretty much wrap around you completely.
They also have a habit of lapping at your pussy or shoving their way into your cunt while he’s eating you out. He loves you and lusts after you, and so do they! Feeling them wriggle around inside of you has you cumming like crazy!
And when he fucks into you, they latch onto your nipples or try their best to get inside of your mouth~
NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @peachesdabunny @murder-hobo @leiselotte @misswonderfrojustice @dij-ology @i8kaeya @lollboogurl @h3110-dar1in9 @keikokashi @aliceattheart @mssmil3y @spicyspicyliving @namjoons-t1ddies @izarosf1833 @healanette @lem-hhn @spufflepuff @honey-crypt @karljra @zyettemoon1800 @exodiam @vexillum-moeru @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @binnieonabike @enchantedsylveon @mysticranger575 @readeryn68 @danielle143 @kittenlover614 @filthybunny420 @annavittoria-mm @makimamybelovedwife @blubearxy @omglovelylaila @toocollectionchaos-universe-blog @fruk-you-usuk-fans @wil10wthetree @hammerhead96-blog @slightlyusedfloormat
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juneberrie · 11 months ago
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requested || monster high masterlist
───featuring: frankie stein, cleo de nile, draculaura, clawd wolf, clawdeen wolf, deuce gorgon, heath burns, jackson jekyll, holt hyde, lagoona blue
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would look over and be like 😟
pokes ur arm like "are u asleep?"
and then she realizes you are asleep and she laughs quietly
would probably write ur notes for you??? or like she'd move ur pen/pencil so there aren't random scribbles on your paper
"did u sleep well 😊" when u wake up
tbh she probably wouldn't notice for a good while
she'd go to ask you a question
and there you are with your head down, obviously asleep
she'd be like "oh 😒" and then just ask you her question later
if anyone near you is like making a ton of noise she'd glare at them and tell them to shut the fuck up
"oh!" when she realizes
she'd like giggle bc she thinks ur so cutie
and she'd probably just leave u be for a while until a few minutes until class ends and she'd be like "if u want i can ask frankie if you can borrow her notes" bc lets be honest she probably doesn't take notes
would probably let you use his jacket as a pillow or a blanket or something
don't expect him to let you copy his notes (he doesn't take any)
would try to explain what the teacher was yapping about but he's rlly bad at explaining so it sounds like "so this and ummm i think that and probably this too.... i think he said something about this?"
would tap u bc she noticed ur head down and she's like "are u okay"
"oh they're asleep!"
if the teacher asks why ur head is down she'd be like "they have a headache" or smth
will let u copy her notes
glares at anyone breathing slightly too loud
"shut up can't u see theyre trying to sleep?? yeah thats what i thought"
okay so this bitch is kinda stupid
and he sees u asleep right
so he like pulls out an extra pair of sunglasses from his bag
and he sits you up and puts the glasses on you
bro is so proud of himself!!!
its so obvious you're asleep and then u get woken up bc the teacher is like "wtf"
he'd be like "y/n! y/n!" and then realize ur asleep
and then very loudly go "OHHHHHHH YOU'RE ASLEEP"
so you probably get woken up tbh
he'd be like " 😨 sorry 😜"
either that or he'd notice and very loudly shush people
bro is in shock
how??? are you sleeping???? in class?????
he'd be really nervous for you
cause he doesn't want you to get in trouble for sleeping in class
when u wake up he tells you to get more sleep at night or something
straight up would NOT care
bro was listening to his music and he like looks over and sees u asleep and he's like "okay!"
he'd probably draw on ur hand tbh or like ur paper
when u wake up he's like "omg hey" and would give u one of his airpods as yall walk to class
she'd let you sleep
she wouldn't really notice but when she does she's like "awww" and moves ur notebook out of the way so she can write notes for u <3
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melodrangea · 1 year ago
Nicknames Soul Eaters Boys call their S/O
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Soul “Eater” Evans
he says this extremely sarcastically, especially during training
“C’mon sweetheart, is that all you got? I saw you lift twice as much yesterday.”
often uses it in a more formal setting or when he’s trying to tease
“What’s the matter doll? Cat got your tongue?”
He’s a little menace but he’s our menace <3
most common out of the three
you name DOES NOT exist to this man
no name, no nickname, nothing
“Babe can I borrow your notes. Babe where do you wanna go later? BABE”
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Black Star
n/n or another variation of you name
doesn’t really use pet names much (sorry babes)
why words words on pet names? he’s way too blunt and if he’s feeling something he’ll just say it, not waste time on fancy words or pet names
(that’s what he tells himself being fr he’s not creative enough as much as I love him)
mostly used around friends (this dumbass thinks he’s being smug)
“hey babe wasn’t going out yesterday awesome? I mean since we’re so inlove and everything.”
the little shit would make your relationship EVERYONE ELSE’S problem (no one is safe 😭)
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Death the Kid
this pretentious hipster
is fairly consistent with the pet names he uses but darling is his favorite
“Darling can you please pass me that book there?”
“Are you alright darling?”
my dear
uses this one without realizing it most of the time
will be chilling in the library studying and will half-consciously call for you
“are you almost done?”
“just a few minutes more my dear, then we can go”
you chuckled, “what did you call me”
“what do you mean, what did I call you?”
Kid is a romantic at heart, very classy as well
he would stare into your eyes and call you love
“my love you have no clue how much I love you.”
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Crona Gorgon
you would call him honey bunny as a joke and he loved it so he started calling you honey
would always have the cutest blush in his face when he said it too
“o-oh thank you honey :)” (cutie patootie 💋)
would definitely take him a while to start calling this, but when he does 🤌💋
“are you alright if we stay a little longer dear? It’s been a while since we’ve seen the others”
being fr this poor soul would be TERRIFIED to call you something other than your name or a variation for A WHILE
his brains running six times the speed 🏃🏼
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Professor Stein
this sadistic mf
i pray for anyone dating this man
but we can be delulu for a few
would absolutely call you dove or some other kind of bird
reminds him of how he protects you like your a delicate bird (and he likes experimenting on birds if yk what i mean 😏)
ngl he only calls you angel when he’s horny asf in a good mood
“hey angel, can you come here for a bit?”
only time your safe if when he calls you honey
mostly calls you this when you’re having a bad day
this is a warning, this man will accidentally hurt your feelings 24/7
“You doing alright there honey? You want to talk about it?”
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Kilik Rung
fuck not being allowed to have favorites I LOVE THIS BITCH
only fully green flag in the show i stg (except Marie ofc)
he will call you every single pet name he can come up with, but love bug is his favorite
neither of you know how it started but you’re not complaining
“You’re too sweet for me lovebug” <33
ya see what i did there? ofc he combines his two favorite things: you and those damn candy bars
“This class is so boring, right sweets?”
will calls you sweets often to express thanks kinda like a “thanks toots”
getting more into that
he thinks he’s funny (and he is)
will say this very ironically and usually infront of friends to make everyone laugh
the only slightly annoying quality abt Kilik is his inability to take anything other than combat seriously
“hey toots, how’s it goin’?”
but you cannot tell me this man is not from New Orleans or some other adjacent
and the hon with the southern-ish accent
being so fr he will call you hon all the time and it will fluster tf out of you (he’s smug abt it, just a little 🤏
“You look nice, who are you all dressed up for hun?”
woo hoo first post!
anyways hope y’all are doing great
any comments, questions, requests or concerns feel free to DM me!
-Melodrangea <3
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psychostxr · 6 months ago
𝐝𝐞𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐧 | kiss me better
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PAIRING. deuce gorgon x gn/fem! reader
WARNINGS. mentions of bruises
NOTES. i'm alive! sorry for being absent, i got a job at a library and it's been taking up all my time so i haven't really written anything since febuary. but please enjoy this peace offering despite it being short
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"Oh my ghoul," you whisper, taking in the sight of your poor boyfriend as he sits on the bench outside the school nurse's office.
You knew Deuce would take some hits during the Skultimate Roller Maze game, but nothing could prepare you for what you saw. Deep purple bruises stain his cheek and nose. A sling and cast cradle his left arm, and his signature shades are cracked, threatening to shatter and turn everyone around him to stone.
"Deuce!" you call, rushing toward him.
He looks up to see you and quickly tries to stand up from the bench. You wrap your arms around him as gently as you can, careful not to press against any of his injuries. Deuce winces slightly but pulls you closer with his right arm. You pull back just enough to cup his unbruised cheek, your thumb brushing against his skin.
"What happened?" you ask, "The camera in the maze suddenly stopped working, and then we couldn't see anything."
Deuce sighs, his breath shaky. You can see the pain etched in his eyes, even behind the broken glasses.
"It was Gary from Granite City High," he begins, his voice low. "He sneaked up behind me and stole my glasses. I turned the camera bat Rocco was holding into stone. Rocco threw the stoned bat at Gil and knocked him over. Then Gary shoved me. I slammed into Gil, and you know the rest."
Deuce gestures weakly to his battered body. You feel a surge of anger rise within, but you try to push it down. It's not fair that Granite City High got away with winning this season's Skultimate Roller Maze despite cheating and injuring your school's entire team. But there was no evidence to prove they cheated. They made sure of it when they destroyed the camera.
"What about Gil?" you question, distracting yourself from your anger. "How's he doing?"
Deuce motions to the nurse's office. "He's getting checked now. Lagoona's with him."
"I'm so sorry, Deuce." You lean your head against him, rubbing your hand up and down his chest. "What they did wasn't fair. You didn't deserve any of that."
Deuce kisses the top of your head. "It's not your fault, babe. You don't need to be sorry."
"I know…" you sigh, pulling away to look up at him. "I just wish I could do something to make it better."
"Well," Deuce says, his lips curling into a smirk. "There is something that might help. Think you can kiss me better?"
You grin. "That I can do."
Deuce gently tugs you closer by the waist, and you giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck. Standing on your tiptoes, you gently kiss his forehead, lingering just long enough to let him feel the affection behind it.
Then, you move to his non-bruised cheek, leaving a soft kiss there. You kiss every part of his face that isn't bruised, and when Deuce thinks you're finally going to kiss him properly, your lips teasingly brush over his to continue kissing his face.
Deuce chuckles softly. "Stop teasing."
You pause, locking eyes with Deuce through his shades. Then, you lean in and kiss him passionately, letting all your love and care flow into that moment. Deuce's grip on your waist tightens slightly, pulling you closer as he kisses you back. When you finally break the kiss, your foreheads rest together.
Deuce lets out a content sigh. "You always know how to make things better."
"I'll always be here for you, Deuce. No matter what."
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© psychostxr — all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, translate, or claim any of my works as your own.
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naffeclipse · 2 months ago
O' Medusa
Gorgon!Eclipse x Reader
The wrath of the divine hunts for your blood and flesh. You flee into the darkness, carrying a bitter wound. A goddess blesses you with a gift and a protector, and a minor deity guides you to your new refuge: a long abandoned temple with a mysterious figure dwelling inside. Your prayers are answered by a chorus of snakes.
Word Count: ~10,900 Warnings: Blood, violence, injury, fear, anxiety, and nightmares
A/N: Hi, hello! I'm so very eager to introduce my new fic! I love the inherent tragedy of lots of Greek Mythology and while this is heavily inspired by the culture/period, it will not be entirely one-to-one with actual Greek Mythology lore. I play around with established FNAF characters and insert them into the story as I see fit. Very few will use their actual names so I apologize if that's disconcerting. However, I hope you have fun figuring out who is who!
The subject matter within this fic will contain darker themes, and I am warning you now to consider the tags carefully before reading.
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scarlethexelove · 5 months ago
Blinds Eye
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𝔓𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤: 𝔊𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔬𝔫!𝔑𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔞 ℜ𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔣𝔣 𝔵 𝔅𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔡!ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔡 ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 1810
𝔚𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: 𝔖𝔪𝔲𝔱, 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔤𝔥 𝔯𝔦𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤, ℌ𝔞𝔦𝔯 𝔭𝔲𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤, 𝔉𝔩𝔲𝔣𝔣, 𝔐𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔲𝔠𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔤 ℑ 𝔤𝔲𝔢𝔰𝔰, 𝔑𝔬𝔱 𝔪𝔲𝔠𝔥 𝔱𝔬 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 ℑ 𝔤𝔲𝔢𝔰𝔰.
𝔄/𝔫: 𝔚𝔢𝔩𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔢𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔡 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔦��. 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔣𝔲𝔫. ℑ'𝔪 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔟𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔟𝔲𝔱 ℑ 𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔡 𝔪𝔶 𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔬 𝔦𝔱 𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔠𝔢. ℑ 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔨 𝔦𝔱'𝔰 𝔭𝔯𝔢𝔱𝔱𝔶 𝔠𝔲𝔱𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔰𝔪𝔲𝔱. 𝔘𝔥𝔥𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔟𝔬𝔱𝔥 𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔰𝔬 𝔠𝔲𝔱𝔢.
Drops of water can be heard throughout the cave. A constant drip that never seems to stop. Nat turns when she hears footsteps entering her cave, her home. Hissing starts as she prepares from someone who may want to end her but she’s been around long enough, it’s hard to kill someone who can turn everyone to stone. 
“Nat?” You call out as your hands glide along the side of the walls. It’s the only way that you can make sure that you are going the right way. Nat instantly relaxes but rushes over to you. “Moya Lyubov, what are you doing here? You could have been hurt.” She holds your hips and you can hear the soft hisses of her hair which makes you smile. She helps you as always, placing your hands on her face as you feel small licks on your fingertips. “I had news that I just couldn’t wait to tell you.” You let your fingers drag across her features.
Nat is the most beautiful woman you have ever met. In a world that hates and fears her you see the soft and caring side of a woman who just wants to be loved. Though it’s hard to find someone who could stay around due to the fact that she could turn anyone to stone with just one look into their eyes. That was until you came along. Soon to be queen of the realm, but with a catch. You are completely blind. 
One day you had gotten lost in the woods. Stumbling into a cave and finding something or rather someone you didn’t expect. You were covered in mud and dirt, scratches and bruises littered your body. When you felt the walls of the cave you finally let yourself collapse and cry. How were you to get home? You were all alone in one of the most dangerous forests in the area. All you wanted to do was to get away from the pressure just a little bit. This is where Nat found you. You had wandered into her home. You didn’t fear the woman that approached you as she dared to turn you to stone, but was shocked when you looked up to her. Your eyes having a milky color to them. As they met hers you didn’t turn, you didn’t even flinch at the sight of her. That is until it dawned on her that you were in fact blind. 
A friendship blossomed from there, soon turning into one of love. You were looking for an escape and she was looking for companionship. As the time passed you always came to meet her on the same days. She would meet you part of the way so that she could protect you. Your love grew until you could never imagine your life without Nat. And that is why you are here, why you had to see her. You’re about to be crowned Queen and she is the only one that you want by your side. 
“Sit.” Nat leads you to the lonely couch in the cave. “What was so important that you ventured out here alone. I don’t know what I would do if you got hurt.” You give her a smile. She always worries for you but you also always worry that someone is going to hurt her and that is why you had to do something about it. 
You clear your throat as you prepare to explain, gathering all your words. “I want you to be my Queen.” Nat’s face morphed into shock. “Y/n I don’t think that is possible.” You shake your head. “It is. I will be crowned Queen soon and I want you by my side.” You pull a necklace out of your bag. “I searched everywhere in the kingdom to find an enchantress that would enchant this necklace so that you could go out. You wouldn’t have to fear turning someone to stone.” You search for her hands to take in yours, which she helped with. “You can have a life without fear. It would not change your appearance. You will always be the woman I fell in love with.” 
Nat ponders your words. How could a kingdom that so adamantly wants to kill her accept her as a Queen? She has harmed so many there is no way. “Your people would never accept me.” She takes one of her hands from yours and cups your cheek. You instinctively nuzzle into her hand. “I have done so much wrong in this world I do not deserve a place of power… I don’t deserve you.” A tear escapes her eye, a small snake licking the tear as it falls. 
“Natty none of that was your fault. I want to show the kingdom the woman I love. I want you by my side forever and always. If you so wish I can have the enchantress change the spell. I would give anything to have you as mine.” You plead. It’s not normal as a Queen to plead so desperately for something but she lets you be vulnerable with her. She doesn’t see you as the future queen she sees you for you and that is all you could ever wish for. 
The cave is silent other than the sounds of droplets. Nat takes her time as she mulls over everything. This is her chance to have everything she could have wished for. But she is scared. Scared that she won’t be accepted. Scared that those who oppose would hurt you. She would do anything to protect you. But she realizes that despite her fears you are the one for her. You went through the trouble to bring her something that allows her to leave. Allows her to live a life. 
Nat doesn’t let words speak to her decision. She pulls you into her lap to your surprise and kisses you deeply. The kiss is full of love and desire. You moan into her mouth as she devours you whole. When air becomes a necessity she pulls back leaning her head against yours. “Yes.” She pants. Your breaths mingling in the air between you two. “I will be your Queen, but I do not want to hide myself.” 
You smile and nod. “I would never want to hide your beauty from the world, my love.” You let your lips connect again as the love thickens the air. Nat swipes her tongue over your bottom lip as she asks for entrance. There is nothing in you that would ever deny her. You let your lips part as she pushes forward. As she explores your mouth you can feel as arousal pulls inside of you. Nat can feel as your wetness starts to coat her thigh. She swallows a needy whine as it escapes you.
“Aww so needy for me already my Queen.” Which only makes you nod. Nat moves her hands to your hips. Your dress flowing around your waist. She pulls you closer letting your pussy drag across her thigh. “No panties? Such a dirty little slut that likes to be used by me.” Your head falls back as the friction shoots a wave of pleasure through you. She does it again watching as your breath quickens and your chest heaves slightly. Admire as your breast almost spilling over the top. 
Your head snaps back up as she slowly starts to drag you back and forth against her thigh. “M-mm Natty.” She smirks hearing you whimper. As she helps glide you across her thigh and  picks up the pace. Your wetness spreads all over her thigh. Her eyes never leave you, admiring how such a Queen surrenders to her touch. 
“Come on detka. I can’t wait to see you make a mess all over my leg.” You move your hips with Nat’s movements. You feel her flex her thigh muscles under you. You let yourself fall forward into the crook of her neck. But she doesn’t let you stay there for long. One of her hands moving up your back. She lets her fingers lace through your hair and pulls you back up. You head being pulled back far as you let out a loud moan. “I want to see you sweet girl.” Nat leans forward connecting her lips to your neck. She sucks dark reddish purple marks on your skin. In the past you had never let her claim you like this, but soon she will be your Queen. “Who do you belong to?” 
You gasp and try to form words. She tugs at your hair, a burning sensation spreading through your scalp. “Yo-Yours. I-I’m yours Natty. Al-Always yours.” Nat is mumbling praises against your skin as she continues to mark your neck and chest. Everyone will see and know that their Queen belongs to someone and that it is her. You’re already so close to the edge so desperate to cum. The knot is close to snapping. Your hips jerk erratically against her thigh. Nat pulls back, taking a good look at you. She knows you’re close. She gives another tug to your hair. “Ah-Ahhh.” 
“I can tell you’re close my Queen. Do you want to make a mess? Want to cover my thigh in your sticky cum?” You nod frantically not knowing how much longer that you can hold on. She flexes her thigh again adding more pressure. “Cum for me my Queen.” She demands of you. That is all it takes for you to follow over the edge. 
Your body shakes as your orgasm rips through you. “Natty!” You cry out. Nat can’t help but pull your head back further, your whole scalp on fire now. But it feels so good. She is focused on the feeling of your juices leaking out your desperate hole. The way your breasts jiggle as your hips jerk. Your chest flushes, covered in her marks. You look so beautiful like this. She will never get used to seeing you like this. A powerful future Queen powerless to her. 
As you begin to come down from your high Nat slows your hips down until you have completely stopped. Your body slumps into hers as you pant, your head on her chest. She rakes her fingers through your hair soothing your scalp. You hum in delight feeling closer than ever. You let your eyes close thinking about your future with her. What the world has in store for you, the future Queen. 
Once you are finally calmed down you pull back. You gently raise your hand and Nat leads your hand to her cheek. “Let's go home, my love.” You pull the necklace back out and fiddle with the clasp. Nat clasps hers around yours and takes it from you. She is able to hook it around her neck as some snakes help guide her way. 
“To a new beginning my Queen.”
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altkys · 24 days ago
=͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝙉𝙤𝙬 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜... 𝙏𝙤𝙭𝙞𝙘 𝙗𝙮 𝘽𝙧��𝙩𝙣𝙚𝙮 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 [ 𝘼𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙤𝙨 ]
Multiple characters at once, woo. I might do a part 2 with 6reeze. I'll add what monsters for each person in the tags but try and guess which one for each. Anyways, here's what type of mythical creature the genshin zaddies would fall in love with because we deserve to be the monster they romance ♥♥ Let me know if I should do a smut/nsfw version
Notes: monarch of yapping over here, had no ideas for Zhongli and he ended up being the longest (that’s kind of just passive aggressive comments about how much he yaps though, can you tell I fucking hate him?) Sorry for not doing you justice Kaeya, you were first up and I was getting used to this. Someone please tell me if I this is nsfw or sfw
Warnings include: blood, blood drinking, cannibalism, biting/marking, murder, drinking, drugging, messing with human corpses, implied attempted murder + mentions of skinny dipping, alcohol, manipulation
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❝ Too high, can't come down Losing my head, spinnin' 'round and 'round Do you feel me now? ❞
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♥ 𝙆𝙖𝙚𝙮𝙖 𝘼𝙡𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙝 - 𝙎𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙣
He's a charmer, one who uses flowery words and a bit of subtle, harmless manipulation that might utilise a few white lies. So of course, his significant other must be someone who can match his energy, right? Perhaps even give him a run for his money?
Kaeya finds himself drawn to a siren. You. Your kind isn't as depicted – instead of an entire fish tail, it's a few fins along your feet and webbed hands, with gills along your neck. Your skin is translucent, and glowing blue-purple veins can be seen if he squints. Additionally, you don't eat humans – thankfully.
He's persistent when getting to know you, almost desperately curious to. Though you don’t seem to reciprocate the feeling when he ice-bridges across your ocean cavern and freezes your fins– in his defence, you were the one singing first, it's only fair he defends himself. It’s alright, he promises to not bother you again.
Not a week later, he's back, with another claim of investigating the area under the orders of the Favonius Acting GrandMaster, and a small pouch of rare berries a water-dweller could never try. He snickers as you stare at the swinging brown sack hung on his belt. “See something you like?”
“I’ve no need for a human’s inadequate services.” You give him a tight smile, hiding the way your stomach growls at the smell of sugary berries drifting towards you in the salty sea’s breeze, but before you can let the thought linger, you find the blue gaze of the pirate captain again, an annoying smirk plastered on his face.
“Oh, this? They’re my snacks.” Kaeya drawls, turning to you fully as he took the pouch and swinging it in front of your face. “What, did you crave to try some? Well, I am a gracious knight, so I’ll share—”
You happily swim away with the snatched bag, ignoring his frozen figure.
Secretly, under the guise of ignoring you for stealing, Kaeya watches your delighted expression at something so foreign. It’s a uniquely cute side of someone so manipulative. 
He’s there to visit the next day. And two days after that. Then four days after that. 
Diluc was perplexed at the lack of a significant annoyance in his bar and Rosaria misses her drinking buddy. Jean and Lisa share whispered confusion at how Kaeya is suddenly proactive, volunteering for missions and investigations. Albedo gently consoles Klee as he and Sucrose rejoice over the lack of flirting in their lab. 
Swapping ‘persuasion’ tactics whenever he visits your underwater cave. You share a few verses (in spoken poetry, so as to not charm him), and he tells stories of how he sidestepped work to visit you. You’re dangerous. He, of anyone, knows just how powerful words can be. It’s a terrifyingly enthralling poison.
When it’s high tide, you’ll go on walks by the beach, letting the waves wash over you so you don’t dry out. If he’s feeling playful, he’ll show off a few ice tricks and bridge his way across the water as you swim beside him. He’s gone swimming with you once. Fortunately, a cryo vision can protect his body heat, but the wet clothes after – especially his fur accessory – isn’t worth the effort.
Maybe the next time he swims, he’ll go without clothes. He hopes you’ll reciprocate the gesture.
When he visits, he’ll show you a bit of something from Mond. You don’t care for human knicknacks, not one for voluntary pollution, so he brings you snacks. A few rare berries imported from all over Teyvat, his own specialty dish of Fruity Skewers – and his very favourite, a few bottles of dandelion wine and sparkling, white wine as you both try to replicate his sacred Death After Noon.
“You again.” You say, staring at the basket of wine he had brought with him. Kaeya's eye roves over your laying figure in the sand, staring up at him with unimpressed eyes, yet curious of the basket’s contents. “What’d you bring?”
“Not even a hello, love?” He coos, kneeling down in the sand beside you. “It’s not very nice, y’know.” 
You sigh and bring yourself up, tugging him down by the collar with a playful grin as you leave claw marks in his shirt. “Hello, Kaeya.”
He doesn’t fight you, allowing himself to fall into the sand beside you. He’s used to your antics by now, though it doesn’t make them any less of a headache to deal with. Not that he minds.
“You look nice on the sand,” he mutters, his arms resting on either side of your body as he hovered on top of you, touch gentle yet firm. “Very lovely.”
"Really?" You coo, sharp nails tracing over his lips as you arch your back into him until your chests touch.
He swallows harshly and lets a wolfish smirk stretch his lips. "Yeah, rea- Hey!"
You giggle as you dive back into the waves and appear behind him, snatching the basket as he tackles you into the sand once more, grin buried in your bare stomach. 
It's terrifying to be wrapped around your finger, and even moreso: he didn’t even care.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♥ 𝘿𝙞𝙡𝙪𝙘 𝙍𝙖𝙜𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙧
The tavern was always open, and with Charles' increasingly old age, Diluc had been working more than ever. Mondstadt's Darknight Hero was out of business.
And yet, mysteriously, Mondstadt remained untouched during its night. The unknown reason weighed heavy of the bartender's mind – he didn't trust the Knights of Favonius. So what was it?
The answer came in his tavern that same nice, though he doesn't realise. No one was there despite the relatively early evening, all too concerned with their duties of preparing for Windblume. Perhaps Diluc could finally go home that night...
You squashed that hope as you stopped at the bartop, tapping a nail against the wood as you stare up at him with pupils too thin and too deep to be natural.
“Good evening.” You drawl, cutting off his greeting. A smile plays at your lips as you rock your digit on the counter. “I do hope I’m not disturbing you tonight.”
"Not at all," Diluc replies coolly, setting down the glass he'd been polishing with a towel. He's tall, staring down at you as you lean on the counter. "How can I assist you this evening?"
“A glass of wine.” You order, but the way your eyes roved him hungrily tells him a different story. Despite his poker face, he can’t help but hold your stare, the presence you hold is too powerful not to. "Red."
He isn’t blind to the hunger in your gaze. It's unsettling, but despite himself, he finds himself intrigued by your presence and the allure you possess.
With movements smooth and practiced, he reaches for a bottle of wine. He grabs a glass and a bottle of Dawn Winery's finest. The liquid swirls inside. "Of course."
"Anything else?" He asks. You answer no. He inquires as to why you drink alone, only once, in a tavern far from the city's entrance.
"Because of hunger." You respond.
Your voice is more quiet, more smooth. Hypnotising. Like the wine you hold in the glass. It makes him sleepy, he's always been a lightweight – though Diluc doesn't know as to why, because you're the one drinking wine.
"Why are you at a bar, and not a restaurant?" He manages to make his mouth move. You straighten up, your figure ominous and looming - not because of physicality. His vision is darker now, and fire isn't lighting anything up.
"Why would I need to be, when my meal is right here?"
Diluc wakes and he's weak and in his bedroom. There's a very obvious stinging in his neck, and Adelinde delivers a letter that claims Charles is calling out of work yet again. It's less than a week to Windblume, and people's spirits are high. He's not so cold as to dampen them.
He slaps on a bandage and tugs his collar high. But a certain nun notices and the Cavalry Captain teases the possibility of a new lover. Diluc ignores them both, but at the end of his shift, a bottle of prune juice is opened with a peacock eye playfully carved into the cork.
You're there suddenly, nodding approvingly at his choice of drink, at his hard work as a food source, but your blood bag is smart and a claymore is pressed to your neck. The truth behind Mondstadt's safety comes to life and Diluc hesitates for just a second and with a short apology, you're gone.
Then you're everywhere. In his tavern sharing drinks and swapping stories, his vineyards on walks that consist of carefully avoiding the sun and hiding under his leather coat, his bedroom and his dreams. Each meet-up, Diluc ends up looking forward to the next. Enjoying them even.
Maybe too much when you tackle him onto his sheets, filled with a hunger that isn't satiated by mere blood anymore. It's a date you find yourselves on a little too often.
"I do believe the last time your Moon City had this celebration, we didn't know each other." You chuckle as Diluc leads you through the crowd, holding an umbrella over you with a carefulness unrivalled by even the most paranoid man.
"Windblume." Diluc nods. He's polite, not the most welcoming, and certainly not enthusiastic, but its a silent sort of fondness and comfortability that would be awkwardness in anyone else's company.
You're led into a pretty dance you've done one time too many. It's somehow more enjoyable with a handsome redhead by your side, who knew?
Its fast and upbeat, but none of the clapping outside meets your ears as you spin him, or when he holds you close, or when your faces are one centimetre too close together and neither of you know when you move, but Diluc's newest romance venture is confirmed in the form of a long, not-so-chaste kiss.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♥ 𝘾𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙚 - 𝙂𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙠𝙪𝙧𝙤
Childe was known by the Fatui as an unexpectedly nice harbinger. One of the youngest in history to reach the rank. But it's common to brush over the trail of blood and bodies it took to reach that point, and even moreso how the fighter enjoys it.
When you first meet, Childe is beaten up and bloody. He's staring up at you, surrounded with the bodies of a couple dozen victims. Some deserved, some not. It's neither of your jobs to judge. Kill and clean up.
You're huge, easily over 10 metres. All bones and chattering teeth that has his ears ringing and his form cloaked in shadow. It excites him, gives him a surge of adrenaline that clears his vision just slightly enough to overcome your attempt on his life and swipe at you with duo-wielded hydro daggers.
It's all he can do to not be skewered. The giant sweeping forearm is fast, hitting his stomach and knocking the wind out of him, and now, in his moment of vulnerability, he's at your mercy.
He tries to make his way onto his knees to get up, but his body won't listen. Each movement he makes is painful; every breath he takes short and sharp at your looming figure. Every bit of energy leaves his body just from standing.
But Childe falls, obviously, trips over the bodies blocking his way – for once in front rather than behind – and falls into very soft, very human arms.
You're not a giant skeleton. Not completely anyways. Just a normal human with an arrow lodged into your skull and blood drenching the left side of your clothes. But you're cold, lifeless despite the very clearly conscious movements of moving him to lie down, and the bone-puppet you control is too busy cleaning up his mess to eat him.
“Dear soldier,” you say, voice echoing with a hollow lack of life. “I’ll see you at your next battle.”
You're there every time. It's a good motivator to not fight until passing out forever, just so he can see you. This hauntingly breathtaking shadow of death that follows him to his dreams. Something he gladly welcomes.
It's a different scenario every time, sometimes he'll kill you. Others, you'll kill him. The latter has him waking up, excited in more than a few ways.
With every hundred kills, Childe learns something new. Your puppet is made of skeletons of people who died in war or of starvation. You feed on humans – at 2 AM exactly. And most importantly, Celestia hate you. Forces you to survive on the scraps of a battlefield. So you seek him out often, as does he when he wants to get stronger.
Sometimes, he'll torch the bodies with his delusion and shape it up real nice, drain the blood for you to drink and not your puppet as he kneels by your side and begs for a fight. Those dates are memories he's fond of.
“Hey, it’s you again.” Childe greets as a familiar shadow falls over him and jogs over. He’s gotten remarkably good at avoiding the bodies as he stops just before you; short enough to talk, long enough to shoot. “Took you long enough.”
You don’t respond, rarely do except for the few sentences every impromptu meet up, but he doesn’t mind. Doesn’t even bat an eye as your skeleton puppet moves to devour the bodies behind him and suddenly paints the land in a sea of blood.
“Ne, let’s fight.” He proposes, eyes sparkling as he lines up his aim to shoot. 
“You’ll die. And then I’ll starve.” You shoot him down as he tries to shoot you down. Not a sweat is broken — not that you can, you are undead after all — as you dodge and block and catch the arrows he sends, ignoring the hearts carved into the spine.
“That’s ok!” He insists with a pout, giving up and throwing the arrows instead. The bow is tossed aside as he uses his strength, good enough to blow a hole through your stomach. You gather the leaking brown blood and draw numbers on different limbs as a gory game of darts as your body heals. An arrow bursts your skull just as you finish. “We can fight in Celestia!”
Childe skips over with a soft, dangerously adoring smile and catches your body before it can fall limp as he observes the fascinating way your brain regenerates. He licks at a bit of blood leaking, enjoying the stale, iron taste. “I’ll find you in every life until one of us dies for good.”
Your apathetic expression is slowly weaved as the undead cells regenerate, but your nose isn’t even fully formed as your lips move to whisper a raspy, “that sounds like a promise.”
“Oh, it is, comrade. It is.” 
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♥ 𝙕𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙡𝙞
As the geo archon, as... immature as he was in his youth, Zhongli had some degree of resistance to the element. Paired with his shield and form as a sovereign dragon, geo wasn't exactly a weak point. Or any element, at that.
You're a small merchant, wheeling around a cart around the outskirts of Liyue with products straight from your garden. It's safe to say Zhongli is immediately interested in your house-made Osmanthus wine and small garden statues. It's a stone he vaguely remembers from his shameful younger years, but was too ignorant to learn.
Ever the gentleman and enjoyer of talk, Zhongli strikes up conversation as he samples your wine.
It's good. Really good. And he lets you know in quite the unnecessary, long winded way as he inquires as to the cloth wrapped around your head. Apparently it's a custom from Sumeru, perhaps times have changed, but he's curious as he takes sample after sample until the entire bottle is gone.
“… I apologise.” He coughs into his fist, a rare shade of pink fogging his ears. How embarrassing, he hasn’t had such a lack of self control in a few dozen centuries. “It was merely too—”
“Good?” You jump in before he can monologue again, a stella customer service smile plastered on. “I thank you for your lengthy verbal support, Mr Zhongli, truly. You’re too kind.”
“I merely state the truth.” He chuckled, gloved hands slowly patting himself down. “Not to worry, I will pay for the bott-…”
He falls silent when he realised each pocket he had check is empty, and hitches his twitching smile back on. It's then he realises why bad habits should not go unchecked, for making a bad impression is something he wants far too little for a stranger. “Ahaha. I do apologise.”
A part of him wilts inside as you stare, unimpressed.
“… I travel around Qingxu Pool tomorrow.” You say slowly, holding out a hand for him to shake. He does, and meets your intense gaze as you add, “I shall see you there?”
“You shall.” He says happily. Perhaps he should ask the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour director for a loan in order to buy another few bottles. “Then I will meet you then.”
It takes a while to notice, but somehow, someway, he's meeting with you everyday. You don't mind – why would you, when such an esteemed, good looking gentleman is enamoured with you. But it's a while before Zhongli takes notice of the curse you've striked him with.
Not that he minds. A mere wave of his hand is enough to stop the foreign stone slowly encasing his body, creeping up from his fingertips to everywhere else. But he doesn't confront you, nor does he condemn your actions. The want to be closer, for whatever reason, drives him to remain ignorant.
You often tour your gardens – walking through the osmanthus trees as you explain the origin stories behind the statues, unaware he knows that you're perplexed as to why he isn't frozen among them. Tea olive flowers are plucked every few seconds and woven into the cloth covering your head, and when you sit and enjoy a cup of wine, Zhongli shifts ever so slightly closer every time.
“I believe your wine tastes better each time I visit,” Zhongli smiles, taking a break from his sermon to compliment you as you pour another glass.
"Are you sure it's not just your taste for me?" you jest, swirling your chalice as you chuckle. “Perhaps it's the company, Mr Zhongli.”
“Perhaps,” he agrees easily. Always does in your presence as you rest your head on his shoulder. “Though I do wish you’d address me more casually. It’s a bit formal for friends, don’t you think?”
You tilt your head, your expression curious and slightly teasing. A bit too smug for someone playing clueless. "Friends, you say," you muse. "Is that all I've been thus far, though?"
His grip on the wine glass tightens. Perhaps it was just him, but the osmanthus flowers seemed to smell a lot more enticing on you. Or perhaps it was something else. He can't quite say. All he knows is that you're getting him entranced, as though a drug. He’s always been weak to you, and you know it. You know how much he wants to grab you — ravish you for days on end. The only thing stopping him; your relentless teases.
“It’s rather hot out here,” You say as you stand, unravelling the hair scarf. And suddenly a dozen snakes are staring at him. “Let’s relax inside, Mr Zhongli. And if you prefer I call you by a different name… I’m sure you can convince me somehow. I am a very practical learner.”
... ah.
Big thanks to the following for suggestions and support:
@cinnamol, @aroundsometimes, @eggsnbackn, @lilbabypanda-blog2 @aetherandlight and that one anon who submitted a suggestion privately!!
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isuckatwritingsobenice · 2 years ago
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Deuce was always fine everyone was just always focused on clawd and draculara to notice how good HE was, not just good with Cleo, he was genuinely a good guy
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illubean · 8 months ago
Could you do Death The Kid with a S/O that has heterochromia?
DTK with a Heterochromia!S/o
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Characters: Death the Kid Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
sry this is so short i could not think of anything else to save my life
Warnings: none
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ok despite kid being a cray cray OCD symmetry neat freak he doesn't really feel a certain way about your eyes
i actually cannot think of a time where he's been upset over the asymmetrical appearance of a human individual (other than Liz and Patty but again it was them as a pair not individuals)
he understands that you can't help the way that you were born just like how he can't control his 'stupid' asymmetrical hair (your stripes are cute bae pls)
after a while he actually starts to appreciate the contrasting colors
it's just another thing that makes you different from everyone else, something unique :)
if anyone gives you shit for your eyes he will verbally berate them
no one talks bad about his s/o and gets away with it >:(
he is showering you with praise and telling you how perfect you are
he would throw himself at your feet and kiss the ground you walk on if you asked him to
and in order to get you to realize how much he likes you he will grab you by the face and shake you silly
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multifandomsimagine · 2 years ago
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Imagine you and Cleo clothes shopping for Deuce
Walking along the length of the rack, your fingers brushed through the shirts as you tried to find one that caught your eye. When one seemed promising, you pulled it out slightly, trying to get a better look at the design. Most of the shirts ended up put back on the rack as you shook your head in disapproval once you saw the whole thing. With a sigh, you moved onto a new rack and started the cycle of rejection once more.
“Oh?” You mused aloud, pulling out a rich green Furberry cotton shirt. Giving it a once over, you took note of the small embroidered emblem at the center of the shirt. Approving at the design, you raised a hand to the sleeve and felt the fabric, admiring the soft texture underneath your fingertips. “It’s nice.” One approval down.
“Cleo! Deuce!” Taking the shirt and grabbing another two in the same style but a different color, you walked to the end of the row as you looked for your partners through the store.
Spotting a hand waving in the air, you smiled as you heard Deuce call out to you. “We’re over here, babe.”
Walking over to the waving hand, you spotted your boyfriend’s green snake-hawk first before the sound of Cleo’s golden bangles clinking together reached your ear. The two were in the pants section of the store, Cleo bent down slightly as she glanced over the pants while Deuce stood beside her, his arms full of clothes.
When you reached your partners, you held up the shirts you found for the two to see. “Cleo, look at these shirts I found.”
Straightening up, Cleo’s eyes move away from the pants and over to you. “Oh my Ra,” A smile breaks out on her face as she makes her way to you. She takes the green shirt from your hand to get a closer look, nodding as she approves of the front before turning over to look at the back. “This shirt is absolutely fangtastic! And I found the perfect pants to go with it!”
She motions for Deuce to come closer and looks through the pile of clothes in his grasps before pulling out the one she was looking for. “Put those clothes down for a bit, Deuce-y.” The gorgon does as he’s told, dropping the pile onto the table beside him. Giving the shirt and pants to Deuce, she says, “Hold them against yourself. We need to see how they look like on you.”
Standing beside Cleo, the two of you take a few steps back as Deuce holds up the shirt and pants to his body. ”It looks so creeperific together!” Cleo says, giving both of your boyfriend a once-over.
“If we rolled up the sleeves up to his elbow, it would look even better.”
Cleo’s eyes brighten at your suggestion, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Spooktacular taste!” Moving over to Deuce, she does the same to him before taking your hand and beginning to lead the way. “Come on, Deuce. We have to get you to the dressing room so you could try the clothes out. Maybe we can find some shoes to tie the outfit together,” She muses, tapping a finger to her chin.
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What if Salamander witch tries to stay hidden from Gorgon sisters but gets captured by the DWMA. And of course gets shocked by recognizing the school nurse there.
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First Captured by the DWMA | Yandere Gorgon Sisters
Kofi | Gorgon Sisters Masterlist
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Of course with so many enemies making movements to resurrect the Kishin
The school's definitely on edge
Absolutely taking into custody the unknown witch that happens to be particularly non-violent
No kills, constantly being pursued by other witches, and mad souls you’re the perfect candidate to be brought into the care of DWMA
And along with your typical track record 
You arrive banged up, mildly injured 
The students who brought you in escort you to their handy nurse
“Great so here we’ll get you all treated and in tip top shape.”
“Thanks, Maka I really apprec–”
“ Hello there! I was told I needed to treat a special patient today. Come let me take a look at you.”
It’s a nightmare that Maka doesn’t pick up on your horror leaving you to your sister, who’s barely done much of anything but twisting her hair differently to be disguised
“Come sit.”
Finding no other option, you do as she says leading you through the usual steps of a doctor’s check up
Of course constantly slipping in words only your sister would sneer
“Now if you’ll open up for me and say ‘ahh.’”
“Very good. I can see the crybaby tonsils of a naughty salamander.”
“Aaa-ck what?!”
“Next part look into this eye-glass for me!”
It gets worse as she ‘examines’ your injuries, forcing you to lay in the bed as she stares above you
“Hm over here, another light bruise.”
She quickly presses much harder than she needed to
“Hm so fragile and soft a salamander wouldn’t be able to take too much of this.”
From the distance you hear footsteps coming and you can’t help but relax a little bit
That would prove to be a mistake
She clutches your face tight, squeezing your cheeks so you can’t really speak as she smiles widely at you
“Blow this for me and you’ll never run from me again!”
Enough of a warning you hide from the new person entering the room, pulling the blanket over you
If your sister was scary chasing you down, you hate to get in the way of her plans
“Stein, so happy you had time. My new patient is especially injured. I wouldn’t mind having a few extra hands to help.”
“Fine but only if I get to put a few screws in their head.”
The shaking figure underneath the blanket doesn’t stop
In fact it was happening before he even made the joke
“You should know that’s his idea of a joke. No need to be afraid. So stop shaking.”
The shaking stops but the frantic breathing does not
Stein can’t help but watch the nurse pat at the form in the bed
So caring, he could never do something like that
But as he settles into the wheely chair he can’t help but think the action is almost familiar 
Probably wouldn’t hurt to see the nurse work in action, especially with a witch involved
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freakyfrye · 7 months ago
˚₊‧꒰ა 𝕸𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝕳𝔦𝔤𝔥 𝕸.𝕷𝔦𝔰𝔱 ໒꒱ ‧₊
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 𝐊𝐞𝐲𝐬: 𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐭¡𝐜𝐚 💦 | 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 🃏| 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 🪼| 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ☘️ | 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭🍦| 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 💉 | 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 2 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 🎻 | 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 🔌 | 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 🧸
𝙑𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚. 𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙢𝙖𝙮 𝙄 𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪?
𐚁ᥫ᭡. 𝔎𝔦𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔫 𝔙𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔢
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♡ 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 ♡
♡ 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 ♡
♡ 𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰/𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔰 ♡
♡ 𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔱𝔰 ♡
♡ 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 ♡
♡ 𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔩𝔢𝔰 ♡
𝘿𝙪𝙙𝙚. 𝘿𝙪𝙙𝙚. 𝘿𝙪𝙙𝙚. 𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙚. 𐚁ᥫ᭡. 𝔇𝔢𝔲𝔠𝔢 𝔊𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔞𝔫
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♡ 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 ♡
♡ 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 ♡
♡ 𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰/𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔰 ♡
♡ 𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔱𝔰 ♡
♡ 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 ♡
♡ 𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔩𝔢𝔰 ♡
𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩’𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙖 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝 𝙞𝙣 𝙬𝙤𝙡𝙛 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚!
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𝙃𝙚𝙝𝙚…𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙣 𐚁ᥫ᭡. 𝔑𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫 ℜ𝔬𝔱
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main group will be added soon, will include genderbent versions. artwork is not mine, taken off of Pinterest.
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juneberrie · 11 months ago
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requested || monster high masterlist
───featuring: frankie stein, cleo de nile, draculaura, clawd wolf, clawdeen wolf, deuce gorgon, heath burns, jackson jekyll, holt hyde, lagoona blue
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she's 15 days old
she's also kind of ditzy
its okay!! you guys can figure things out together
and by together i mean that 99% of the time she's gonna ask clawdeen
sometimes she gets kind of annoyed but its like an eye roll and explain kind of annoyed
a long sigh and she's like "okay so"
she loves you though!!
if anyone else tries to get annoyed by your ditziness she's going to [get someone else to] beat them up
another ditzy girl!!!
she's such a sweetheart she'll be like "oh no its okay!! i think its..."
she'll try to explain but then get fed up and ask frankie, who asks clawdeen
he's kind of like deuce and clawdeen
he's pretty chill about it but he'll get really protective on occasion
type of guy to always have an arm around you or something like that ESPECIALLY if you're somewhere crowded
kind of bad at explaining things but he'd try his best before he gives up and asks clawdeen
oh she adores you
her best friends are also kind of ditzy so she's used to it
ask her to explain anything and she probably has a preprepared explanation bc 9 times out of 10 drac or frankie have already asked
will absolutely tear anyone to pieces if they make any negative comments about you
she does NOT hold back in arguments its so funny
he's totally chill about it
he's not a genius but he's not heath levels of stupid
he's definitely the smartest one in his friend group
if you ask him to explain something he'd be like "oh yeah that, um i think it's [xyz]"
def the kind of guy to defend you (let's be real all of the ghouls are but him esp)
y'all are two peas in a pod
well. you're ditzy and he's.... heath (read: stupid)
you could ask him what color the sky is and he'd say "purple" so confidently
actually don't even bother asking him anything tbh
if you did ask he'd be like "hold on <3 CLAWD." and asks him
he's not ditzy but he's ridiculously awkward so he kind of knows how you feel
i genuinely can't think of anything else for him im so sorry
does not care 🙏
he'd probably be like "i dont get it either lmao"
would google it though or ask someone who [he thinks] knows
he's basically like heath (except he doesn't set himself on fire every 3 minutes)
she's perf for you
if you ask her anything she'd be like "oh its alright, love, its..."
she's such a sweetheart
if anyone tried to make fun of you she's immediately like "hey no we're not gonna do that" and chews them out <3
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