#goopse rants
goopse · 6 months
I assure thee, every boop I get, I'm booping right back
Send 4? Sending 4 right back at ya
Send 1? Might send 2, maybe even more
No one will be safe from the boops
Not even you.
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goopse · 11 months
Some people say what if the phobias you have now are how you died in a past life.
But, what if the things you like doing, are how you died in a past life? Like, listening to music, drawing, or even writing.
I know it's kinda dark sounding, but think about it.
Listening to music? Might've died in a car accident and was listening to the radio, or died at a party.
Drawing? Might've died from lead paint.
Writing? Lead.
It's dark, but an interesting thought.
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goopse · 1 year
Here me out, ok?
Somebody's Watching Me and Someone I Used To Know is the same scenario but from the stalker's perspective and the victim's perspective.
Much like Let The Bodies Hit The Floor and It's Raining Men.
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goopse · 1 year
I don't think I've ever mentioned this but I fucking hate using a Mac computer.
Like, it feels weird. Like I'm using an oversized iPhone. I'm not sorry about this. I'll stick to a Windows, man.
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goopse · 1 month
Meet Giggles! A clown I've created. I'm gonna try to fish up some OC art and post some.
[Bit of info under photo]
Tumblr media
★ A part of a circus, but not often there
★ Has the same outfit but in different patterns, literally
★ No one knows exactly where she came from, just sort of showed up and decided to make it everyone's problem
★ Probably has a trophy room
★ Doesn't exactly need sleep, but will sleep
★ Speaking of sleep, she tends to sleep in strange places or positions, much like a cat. Often looks ungodly uncomfortable, but is comfortable
[First(?) OC post! I plan to post Zephrix soon, also what'dya think of the tag? Ngl, I'm digging it]
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