#googleplier yellow
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kalevalaknights · 7 days ago
Aside from Blue, ofc, who’s the second most murderous Google? And can I request a drawing of that Googs all bloody and spooky? :>c
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They should have different weapons. Such as a slightly bigger hammer
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justyoursicanon · 4 months ago
Headcanons I wrote weeks ago but didn't have time to post until now
📌 Google Red is a research extension, Google Yellow is an organizer/reminder extension, and Google Green is an in-general assistant.
📌 Google Red is usually seen as the 'angry' version of Google, but is actually the Google extension who shows more emotions rather than just anger.
Red usually gets frustrated whenever he is unable to make time or schedule his amount of time for research.
He prefers to be prepared with research and notes already taken down before he engages in anything else. Such as researching victims for Bim's show (referencing to my last ego headcanon post)
📌 Google Green usually assists Wilford and Bim in the studio with their interviews and gameshows.
📌 Half of the time, the extensions call Google "Primary" or "Primary Source".
📌 The youngest egos are Yandere, Heist Mark, and Eric.
Yandere is in her early 20s
Heist is in his mid 20s
And Eric is in his late 20s to early 30s
📌 Yandere uses the file of a nail cutter as a small, quick weapon when needed.
📌 Stan the Water Man ALWAYS waters the garden.
Keeps both the Egos and the plants hydrated at all times.
📌 Wilford breaks the fourth wall unknowingly.
Dark can too, he just doesn't care.
📌 Bing does 'your mom' jokes
(This one is just for shits and giggles)
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endersketch · 2 days ago
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Projecting my Cramps onto that asshole of a yellow unit.
@freekymonstr Upsilon deserves it
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gotta-big-ego · 6 months ago
Are there any Bingle lovers still with us? Because if there is, I just got done with a fluffy Bingle fic based off of this cute post/art, if you were interested!
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billie-the-sleepyhead · 4 months ago
Egotober day 18: Yellow
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Three posts in a row, I’m on a roll and almost caught up!
Anyways! Yellow was OF COURSE gonna be our dear Oliver, the fandom named yellow Googleplier.
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doctordiscord123 · 6 months ago
Google = Maverick
Google Red = Adam
Google Green = Elijah
Google Yellow = Oliver
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gaymingwriter · 1 year ago
Masterlist and Requests
Requests temporarily closed!
Some of this will change, so please check before requesting!
Will write x reader for:
Markiplier Egos/Lore:
Wilford Warfstache
Eric Derekson
Dr. Iplier
Actor Mark (this includes ADWM and AHWM Mark unless specifically requested for them to be different people)
Engineer Mark
Celci F. Kelvina
Mack (Engineer, Crewmate, Dictator)
Possibly more in the future
Septic Egos:
Jameson Jackson
Chase Brody
Antisepticeye (both original and current)
Marvin the Magnificent
North Star/Starlo (Undertale Yellow)
Will write ships for:
Markiplier (several, ask for specifics)
I write SFW only
#masterlist - My masterlists. This is the only one I have right now
#gaymingwriter - My writing
#rivvy rambles - Me just talking; non writing
Some can’t fit here and are linked in a separate list
* = On my main account before I moved writing here
X Reader:
Eric x Kind!Captain*
Mack x Captain With Plushies (Headcanons)*
Mack x Captain (Sign Language)*
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ask-bing-and-the-g-unit · 1 year ago
[A soft sound, more like a huff than a growl, comes from the ground near Ivan. When looking down he sees a small dragon, looking around like, it’s thinking “how the fuck did I get here?”.]
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Three boys are a bit preoccupied to notice that scared reptile.
“Looks fricking great, eve-bro,” laughs Bing as he keeps his hair away to admire the piercing.
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“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m amazing,” Ivan grumbles. Oliver squirms, amber eyes looking over at Bing for assurance as Ivan hovers with the needle. “If you don’t sit still, this won’t go well.”
Ollie finally looks at Ivan with a pout. “But what if it hurts?”
“Then turn off your pain sensors.” He then glances down to acknowledge the noise with a scowl — only for his face to melt. Oliver forgotten, Ivan abandons the needle to get on the dragon’s level. “Hi…”
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alterstimboards · 1 month ago
Googleplier Yellow and Robbie the Zombie Simboard
❝ Strange they call us, unexpected for their minds ❞
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Requested by @jo3ydr3w I hope the alters the stimboard is for likes it!
Requests are always open but read pinned before sending one
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kalevalaknights · 28 days ago
YESSSS a Yellow Google who isn’t a ball of sunshine!! >:D
No offence to anyone else’s HCs, or course, I just love to see Yellow, as something different/mean, for once! Love the idea of his personality being very backhanded “nice”
Evil/Jerk Yellows, unite! 💛💢
I have found my people 😌
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a tiny yellow
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angelover44 · 1 year ago
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A couple of the orders from @ephiesoul these past couple months! Thank you so, so much for the adorable art you create! You don’t know how happy I am as a Google fan/lover, to get merch of him! I’ll definitely continue to buy more from you! ❤️
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an-albino-pinetree · 3 years ago
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I spent far too long on this meme and now I have a headache
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orange-waterfalls · 3 years ago
G-Bots (TM)
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Googleplier (x4) x viewer!reader
ty anon for the request!
A/N: Funny story! I am no longer physically capable of writing normally! I tried so hard to be normal and just veered off into SCP/Cryptid viewer territory because I like expanding on the idea that the viewer is Not Human! Anyways, you’re hanging out with the Googles. That is it. Nothing is wrong. You do not recognize the bodies in the water haha anyways I think I like went a little creepypasta-esque at the end there but it’s fine I think probably. It’s fine. Might be a little weird in terms of story, but i think this was more focused on world building to me. Probably seen as more platonic than romantic, but see it however you wish. Enjoy!
Word count: 2.5k
G-Bots (TM)
You wheezed just a bit as you sped through wherever-the-fuck you were. Sure, maybe that was a bad idea. Sure, Dark was a little bit threatening and SURE, you were supposed to be back by now, and the fact that you weren’t back with Mark trying to convince him NOT to split up was the tiniest bit problematic. You weren’t even sure this was a building? Were you in the void? Goddammit, not again…
You stopped, concluding that this was bullshit and you did not want to do it right now. You bent over, hands on your knees and took deep breaths. You stared into the emptiness for a bit, then looked around for a moment, just trying to figure things out. You needed to reassess. It was basically one big, long hallway with random twists and terms every few meters. You’d always end up back at the paintings of… them… and knew you’d gone too far. You did that over, and over, and over again. At this point you thought Dark had just forgotten about you. You took a deep breath in and let it out. You stood up straight and looked up at the paintings. You heard their voices echo through your head a bit. You squeezed your eyes shut and your head twitched.
“You’re alright… you’re ok… cool it…” You whispered to yourself. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Meditate. Think.
You looked on either side of the hall and, for the first time, you noticed doors extending down into the void and not stopping. You let out a breath. You felt a slight sense of dread. Something was telling you not to enter the rooms. Some little voice in the back of your head that sounded suspiciously like Mark. But, hey, what else were you gonna do?
“Ok… do i want to enter the door on the left or the door on the right?” You asked yourself. You paused to think about it. After a few seconds you felt yourself jerk forward a bit. Your brain felt staticy and you felt compelled to the left. You turned the knob and opened the door slightly. Immediately you heard music that might be in an SCP game, and a voice that sounded suspiciously like “do you recognize the bodies in the water?”. You were hoping no, and you bailed before you had a chance to look. You ended up almost exactly in your previous position in the hall. Your brain felt fuzzy again, and this time you gravitated to the right. You opened the door just a little, maybe to see what was inside, but again you heard the SCP ambiance.
But this time it was from behind you. So, like any smart person, you swung the door open, slammed it behind you and did your best to lock it. But there was no lock. So you stood. Waiting. Nothing happened.
Of course nothing happened. Why would anything happen? Dark wouldn’t want you to get hurt… probably. This was his domain. Probably. If you were alive, it’s because he wanted you to be. If you were in this room, it’s because he wanted you to be.
Speaking of: Where the hell were you?
You turned around to look behind you. In the blank white room there was a single grey couch with all 4 Google androids sitting on it. Apparently they were recharging, because they hadn’t noticed you standing there and also they were plugged into an outlet in the wall. You hadn’t considered that they had to physically plug into something to charge up, but the thought made you snort.
Bad idea.
All of their eyes snapped open at once, revealing the glow of their assigned colors. They all stood up and began walking towards you in unison. You felt a slight sense of dread. Even so, you tried to grab the doorknob, the one that apparently was no longer there, and cursed under your breath when you could only feel the smooth wall behind you. The androids stopped, staring at you. You cleared your throat.
“Hey…” you laughed nervously, “So, uh, funny story, actually-”
“You are not supposed to be here,” The original Googleplier, Blue, stated.
“Well, see, that’s where this whole thing started, um, see, Mark wanted to split up-”
“No human is allowed inside of this room, and not you, either.”
“Well-” You stopped, processing what he said, “Wait. ‘Either’? I’m human.”
“No, you’re not,” Google Green said. You wanted to be offended, but you were more confused.
“What do you mean? I’m human!” You argued.
“What color’s your hair?” Red asked with a mean smirk on his face. You opened your mouth to respond, and an amalgamate of voices saying “BROWNBLACKBLONDEWHITERED” came out. You slapped a hand over your mouth.
“... what the hell was that?” Your muffled voice whispered. Well, you thought it was probably yours.
“What’s your eye color?” BROWNGREENBLUEAMBERYELLOW exited your being before you could even try to answer.
“Do you have any pets?” That one just ended with a computer error sound from you.
“... huh.” You dropped your shoulders a little. The revelation probably should’ve upset you more.
“What are you doing here?”
“I… do not recognize the bodies in the water.” You explained.
“Ah, I see. Darkiplier would want you to not die, therefore you may stay.”
“Ha. Wow. Who knew the Googleplier androids-”
“... what?”
“We are legally not allowed to use the name ‘Google’ anymore. We are now G-Bots.”
“... legally.”
“We were discontinued. And sold. And signed a contract.”
“So does that mean I can’t call you Google anymore?”
“No, that is simply my name. The name of us as androids, however, is now G-Bots.”
“Ok. What about them?” You pointed to the other three.
“Yellow is Oliver, Green is Lee, Red is Elliott.”
“And you’re just Google?”
“They’ve been trying to change my name to Gregor. I deeply dislike it.”
“It’s a good name.” Oliver suggested, smiling.
“Means vigilant.” Lee shrugged.
“Don’t be a pussy, Greg.” Elliott adopted a shit-eating grin as he leaned a little closer to Google.
“You can do… whatever you wish. Just do not be like them, DA.” Google instructed through gritted teeth.
The room began to shift color and expand. The couch was still grey in the center, but there were now four sections of each of the colors. The yellow section was filled with flowers, with a laptop on a desk next to a switch and a little Vector robot sitting by on the windowsill that showed a colorful meadow with bees buzzing to and fro. It glitched for a moment, so you knew the window wasn’t real. The green section had large houseplants and looked a bit like a greenhouse, and had an Xbox hooked up to a TV in the corner and seemed to have a view of a lake in the faux-window. The red section had miscellaneous wires and computer parts and lights here and there, looking like a fire hazard, and a PC on a table, while the window showed what appeared to be space. Google’s section was absolutely spotless, not a single thing anywhere, apart from a tiny skateboard next to a PS4 in the corner, and the window showed computer code.
“Wow.” You said. You might be stuck here for a while, so you might as well enjoy it.
Though you wondered who DA was. -- You hate to say it, but you had a favorite G Bot. It was kind of like having a favorite child, in your mind. You felt like they somehow knew that you had a favorite, but you didn’t know why.
Oliver was the sweetest by far, immediately going to make you as comfortable or entertained as possible while you were with him. He asked you if you wanted to watch something, if you wanted to play a game, if you were hungry, etc. It was kind of like going over to a friend’s house for the first time. He was enthusiastic to the point where he was shaking with anxiety over wanting to make you happy. You thought he didn’t get many visitors and maybe that was why. He showed you his flowers, and the bees, and a small painting in the corner, hoping for  validation. His glowing eyes seemed to dull when you moved on to the next section, but said you’d visit him again. That did help, but he turned away sadly and went to water his flowers.
Lee seemed as though he couldn’t care less if you were there. He told you where everything was and that you could do whatever. If you asked for help, he would stop what he was doing and help you. Once you understood, he immediately resumed his previous task. He was a bit cold, like Google, but in a “I am very busy but I am still here if you need me” sort of way. He played a game or two with you, having a preference for the puzzle games more than anything else. Puzzle horror, more specifically. If there was a shooting part, he immediately shoved the controller into your hands, saying he didn’t want to do that part. When you left, he simply continued with his work without a goodbye.
Elliott tried so hard to ignore you for the longest time. You could hear him scoff and growl anytime you made any sort of noise. You were self conscious at first, but you came to understand that he was just an asshole. You started on a game, playing for a few minutes, and felt the red couch sink next to you because he had sat down next to you. If he thought you sucked (which he did) he would snatch the controller from you and finish whatever you were doing before giving it back. He refused to say anything or help you, either. He’d just make rude noises and walk away occasionally before coming back. When you left, he seemed a lot angrier than he had before, and wouldn’t say goodbye to you. He turned away with a huff and started pressing random buttons on the controller.
Google was by far the least interested in anything you had to do. You sat on the couch next to him, and he didn’t move an inch. You sat there for a bit, waiting, but he did not move. You stood up, walked around, messed with a few things, attempted to play a game or two. Google didn’t move. You pulled up the Gamer ChairTM and sat directly in front of Google, arms crossed. You sighed. Finally, he looked up at you.
“Is there something you need?” He asked in that monotone voice of his.
“I’m bored,” you said.
“Go to one of the others,” He closed his eyes.
“What are you doing?” You asked, curious.
“That is not-” He sounded exasperated.
“Hey Google, what are you doing?” You interrupted like the little shit you were
“Currently, this G Bot system is recharging its battery. This G Bot is at: 69%.” He shifted to a purely robotic voice.
“Haha nice.”
“This G Bot’s primary objective is to answer questions as quickly as possible. Would you like to ask a question?”
“Yes. What do you like to do, Google?”
“I enjoy answering your questions. Do you have any more?”
“What company owns you?”
“G-Bots were recently sold by the Google company to Warfstache Incorporated.”
“Wilford has a company?”
“Warfstache Incorporated is co-owned by Wilford ‘Motherloving’ Warfstache and Damien-Dami-Da-Darkiplier.” He glitched while answering.
“Who’s Damie-”
“The Corporation owns shows such as ‘Markiplier TV’, ‘Warfstache Tonight!’, and ‘Hire My Ass’. Do you have any more questions?”
“Do you pass the Turing Test?”
“Wondering if you have to treat me with basic decency?” He shifted back to his less robotic, but still monotone, voice.
“No. Just wondering.”
Neither of you spoke again for a while. He did scold you when you tried to move the couch with him still on it, so… progress. -- You were beginning to suspect that Google didn’t like you very much.
The blue one. Google. The other ones liked you. Oliver ranted to you for a whole half hour about different kinds of bugs and the hierarchy of bees. The queen is assassinated when she is bad for the hive, it would seem. Lee made you play Resident Evil with him because he didn’t like the fighting, but he liked figuring out what to do. You frantically passed controllers back and forth a lot. Elliott basically did speedruns of several games, you watching intently the whole time. He seemed to like the attention and actually smiled at you whenever he finished one.
But Google didn’t like you. He ignored you, and told you not to touch anything, and scowled whenever you asked him personal questions. Not like “what’s your sexuality” type of personal questions. More like… “what’s your favorite color and why is it blue” sort of questions. He didn’t like them either way.
But the others liked you, and that was pretty neat.
You still wanted Google to like you though.
“Hey Google,” he perked up with the little “do-do!” noise, “Can you guys go into your different sections?”
“All G-Bots have the ability to pass into other’s color-coordinated sections,” He answered politely.
“Why don’t you?”
“We don’t want to.”
“Do you get along?”
“Then why don’t you?”
“Celine dislikes when colors are mismatched.”
“I’m sorry, this G Bot needs to charge.”
“But you haven’t been-”
“This G Bot needs to charge.”
“Come on, if you--”
“This G Bot needs to charge.”
You quieted and plopped into the chair. You stared at Google. His eyes flickered for a moment before they closed. -- The other Bots knew who Celine and Damien were, they just weren’t telling you. Their eyes always flickered when you asked, but they wouldn’t tell you.
You threatened not to play with Lee anymore. He said he could play on his own. You could see that he didn’t want to. You played Alien: Isolation. His eyes seemed duller.
You threatened not to watch Elliott’s speedruns. He said he didn’t care. You could tell that he did. You watched him play Hollow Knight. His eyes seemed duller.
You threatened not to listen to Oliver’s rants. He looked terrified, but he said that was fine. You could tell it wasn’t. You begged him to tell you. He looked sad.
“Who’s Damien?” You asked softly, stepping towards him.
“I can’t tell you,” He shifted back.
“Who’s Celine?” You stepped forward.
“I can’t tell you.”
“Who’s DA?”
All of the G-Bots stopped what they were doing. You heard static and felt like you were being watched. -- You looked up at the color on the outside of the museum.
You were doing something. You were doing something.
Were you robbing this place? It felt like you were. What happened to Mark? What happened… to you?
You stared at the doors, feeling a slight sense of dread. Something in the back of your head was telling you this wasn’t right. To go home. To…
“Ignorance is Bliss. Try Again?”
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rustychips · 3 years ago
Heyy, could you possibly do some of those cursed images with the Googles? (Bing, if you wanna add him somewhere, too) I love this cursed images series so much sdjv
( click for better quality )
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weirdmixofweirdness · 3 years ago
Ego Pronoun Headcanons: Markiplier Edition
Actor: He/They
Cis, but likes when you use They/Them every now and then
Is always pleasantly surprised when someone uses They/Them
Darkiplier: They/He
After becoming an entity, gender doesn’t really matter to them
Warfstache: He/Him
Doesn’t care if you use anything else, though
Reality is jumbled anyway, so why would he care about such things?
Googleplier: It/Its
Doesn’t go by human stuff like gender
Doesn’t really care what pronouns you use, but sensors respond best to “It”
Same for all other Googles, except Oliver
Google Yellow/Oliver: He/Him
The one Google unit that feels a gender
Android Man
Bingiplier: He/It
Genderless Android
Still acts like a total Dude-bro, regardless
Eric Derekson: He/Him
Y/N helped him test out They/Them and other pronouns
Discovered original He/Him fits best
Derek Derekson: He/Him
Still doesn’t get “gender stuff,” but is trying his best
It’s a slow process
Illinois: He/Him
Always asks when meeting new expedition partners
Doesn’t wanna make a bad impression on any of his handsome and/or beautiful partners
Makes it easier for them to fall in love with him
Yancy: He/Him
Will beat up anyone who purposefully misgenders you or any of his friends
Has had trans inmates in the past and learned a lot from that
Noir Mark: He/They/Dey
Is a copy of Actor, so same description
Got Dey/Dem from hearing people saying They/Them like that and finding dey kinda like it
The Host: He/Him
Can figure out your pronouns with his mind-reading narration powers
Bim Trimmer: He/Him
Always has guests’/contestants’ pronouns pinned to them (if they’re comfortable with it, of course) 
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septic-dr-schneep · 2 years ago
Dr. Iplier must have compromised Google Blue's systems at his maintenance checks. That was the only reasonable explanation the other androids had for his behavior—commanding Red not to let the doctor see him with blood on his hands, rebuking Yellow for exploiting Edward's phobias with his pranks, even being on that first-name basis with Edward at all.
"Security footage reveals you've spent 32% of the week with that human," Green announced coolly.
"I have not lost sight of our secondary objective. I'm profiting from his sentimentality and services while they last," Blue growled, though his core dimmed by a noticeable two percent as he said it.
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