Come Talk To Me About Egos!
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If you have any prompts you'd like me to write, let me know! ^^ This is my sideblog! 30 | bi/gray-ace You can call me Kas My AO3 is Kasanova0! Hit me up if you want a clingy, distant friend 👈😎👈
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
gotta-big-ego · 1 month ago
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*when Sean makes an appearance on tumblr after 4 years*
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gotta-big-ego · 1 month ago
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Had this image in my gallery for a while
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gotta-big-ego · 1 month ago
How do you feel about the original idea of William accidentally killing Damien instead of us?
I think the angst would’ve broken most of us in quarters, probably TWT Seeing art of this AU makes my heart clench for my poor boys (well it already does)
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AHAHAHA PAIN! THAT'S HOW IT MAKES ME FEEL. But okay I put some thought into it for these drawings so if you're interested in how I think it would go down, I put it all in the screenshot below (alt text available)!!
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So yeah!! I like this AU a lot!! There are some aspects I like better than what we ended up with-- William going insane for a life long friend rather than someone he met a day ago (even though I love that we made such an impression on him ;)), it could add a lot to Damien & Will's dynamic. I also like the seance idea I came up with! It'd be nice to give us some agency! And to try and save Damien too 👀 Also I think this version of Dark I came up with is so cool (đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ‘ˆđŸ») even though the effect would be like,, impossible irl
But there's way more that I think works better about the canon ending-- Celine's reckless pursuit of knowledge getting Damien killed is super fitting, especially since he seems to be the only loved one she has left, it helps explain how angry she is with Actor and the House (maybe that's why Dark is so unstable? I'm getting off track lol--) she's a righteous protector of someone who's already dead yk, whose death she caused. Also! In the canon version, we get to die! pretty fkn sick imo lol
thanks for asking!! I like to blabber!!!!
lmk if you want to join the taglist for when the Markiplier Ego Discord I'm making goes live or for any updates! I've been a little hesitant to work on it because my zone is at risk for power shut offs because of the cali wildfires (there's no fires near me so far) and if my power goes out while I'm working on it idk what that does ^^" but I'll try to update soon!
edit: added a cut and shuffled things around ;))
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gotta-big-ego · 2 months ago
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gotta-big-ego · 2 months ago
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He wants a bad guy huh?
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gotta-big-ego · 2 months ago
The only reason Dark is so serious all the time is to hide the fact that he is in fact, nothing but a simple himbo
Yo we all saw how he was practicing his lines while putting on eyeliner!
Simple himbo Dark didn't close the door and he got walked in on and it was awkward .
And putting his own bag on Actor's head when he sabotaged our date? Like dude only you would bring another bag?
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gotta-big-ego · 4 months ago
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Been working on commissions alot but heres my boy Yancy cause I feel like I haven't drawn him in forever :> + tanktop bc uhmmm i like men. (old art that inspired me to redraw him under the cut!!)
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I also have a shirtless version of the new one so ermmm if anyone wants to see it ill tack it onto a reblog ^_^...
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gotta-big-ego · 4 months ago
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gotta-big-ego · 4 months ago
warm up. skin study/practice
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gotta-big-ego · 4 months ago
Hey i really like youre artstyle and saw that your requests are open, so could you do host smilling or just being happy? I need to see my bean happy👉👈
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bROO why are all these eGOS SO FINEEEE đŸ˜©đŸ˜©
so I actually don't know like-- anything about Host! And knew even less before I drew this hehe but I always try to do a bit of "research" before I draw an ego I don't know about so I can hopefully do them justice :) because it seems like it's been awhile since we've seen Host I had a little fun adapting him to a more recent Mark era,, hopefully you like how it turned out!! the smile ended up a little small but idk I think he's cute kikikiki Host seems cool though!! Hot!! and kinda scary!! I mean,, does his narration work with like,, everything? like if I trip in his presence is he gonna announce it to everyone? shut up please and thank you sir,, OR can his power like,, hear my thoughts?? Terrifying!! ANYWAY Thanks again for requesting and hope it was worth the wait! đŸ„°
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gotta-big-ego · 4 months ago
Ink Month 2024 Day 23
Update - Bingle
Thank you @bookwormscififan for providing the amazing drawing for this angst!
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Google was never one to enjoy when he didn’t know something. When a fact of life was simply that and nothing more. There was an answer, but nothing beyond that. Explanations were the key to his understanding, yet some things just didn't have that.
One of the facts of life was that he and Bing updated. Their bodies and minds needed to adapt to the ever-changing realities of humanity and technology. That Google understood. That made sense to Google. Their bodies were the amalgamation of those two realities, so it made sense they would need to match. 
But what he didn’t understand was why they updated in different ways. 
Google updated often. Usually, they occurred overnight while he rested and charged. By the time he woke, everything was set in place. 
Bing, on the other hand, updated less often and took much longer for it to complete. He also constantly forgot to track when his updates would be, causing Google to walk into their shared workspace and question whether they were capable of having heart attacks or not. 
“Next time, I’m leaving you in there,” Google grunted as he laid Bing on his bed. “Maybe I’ll dump you in the corner. A sore back might be a good reminder to start taking better care of this.” He muttered his words as he yanked off Bing’s shoes and threw them across the room. “You’re lucky that I don’t want to hear your complaining.” Google removed Bing’s sunglasses and paused. 
Those who didn’t know how the androids worked would assume Bing was sleeping. With his peaceful and soft face, he looked like he was simply taking a nap, needing some extra rest after a long day of work. A face that caused a warm, almost flutter-like feeling in Google’s chest.
Emotions were also on Google’s list of things he didn’t fully understand. 
He knew the science behind how emotions sparked inside the brain, but his brain was quite literally wired differently. Emotions didn’t work the same way for them
right? What little Google did know wasn’t enough to answer all of his questions, and there wasn’t anyone he was comfortable enough with to ask those questions to. 
Google didn’t know why he felt like this when he was with Bing. Why his thoughts sometimes didn’t want to work fully, or why he smiled more with him around, or why he’d find himself staring at Bing’s hand and wondering how it would feel on his own. He didn’t understand, and he hated that he didn’t know why he was being like this. 
After setting the glasses on the bedside table, Google sat on the edge of the bed, keeping his eyes on Bing’s face. He reached over and brushed Bing’s bangs to the side, quickly pulling his hand back when that brought the warmth to his chest again. 
Was he becoming ill? Could they get sick? Google was more than sure that wasn’t possible, but what else would explain this feeling? The warmth, the fluttering, the strange desire-like craving to have more of that touch. 
What was wrong with him? 
“Bing?” Google spoke the name softly, not knowing why he did or what he expected. He just wanted to say it. 
He’d seen the others with their partners, laughing, touching, kissing.
That was the emotion he’d heard them use. 
Love, affection, adoration, care. 
So many of those emotions that Google thought weren’t possible for himself. That’s not how androids were supposed to be

But he knew he could feel anger. He could feel anger and annoyance and sorrow and joy and
and everything else

Was he broken? Were his updates not working? Happening too fast and often that they were overworking his system and causing errors within his very being? 
Or was he in love?
Was he just a love-struck fool who would never know what it felt like to have that feeling returned?
Google should get up. He should leave the room and return to work. Forget about all of these confusing thoughts and go back to how things have been and should remain. The last thing everyone needed was him malfunctioning to see his contradictory troubles and have him set aside and examined for even more flaws. 
But he just wanted to lay down. 
He didn’t want to feel alone anymore. 
The only living being in the place that could somewhat understand him was Bing. 
Without him, he had nothing. 
Maybe it wasn’t love.
Maybe he really was defective and found himself clinging to someone who would never have those emotions because he was properly working how he should.
Google just wanted to lie down. 
He just wanted to be held.
The few hugs he had ever experienced left him in a happier space. How he wished to go back and try to make those moments last longer, to feel more of those embraces, to allow himself more of the delusion that he could possibly be loved. 
He was just so tired. 
Bing would be out for the next forty-eight hours. Google would practically be alone the whole time since the others didn’t visit too often, only seeking him when he was needed. They weren’t being unkind. They had their own lives to attend to. 
Google tried to hug himself, thinking maybe that would get these thoughts to go away but it only made that feeling worse. It wasn’t the same. His own arms didn’t spark that part of his brain that allowed comfort. 
He swallowed and looked at Bing again. Seeing how he hadn’t moved an inch and his arms were wide open. As if asking for a hug.
He shouldn’t. 
But it sounded so good. 
Google kicked his shoes off, getting up only long enough to ensure that the door to the room was locked. He returned to the bed and crawled on it, going over Bing’s body, and now knelt beside him. 
Google gently prodded at Bing’s side with his hand, watching, waiting, checking that he was actually unconscious, and when there was no reaction, he knew he was in the clear. 
“Just for a moment,” Google spoke to Bing regardless, slowly lowering himself and placing the side of his head on Bing’s chest. He was so stiff, fearful, and worried either Bing would wake and see him or someone would walk in. 
But nothing happened. 
Google waited several more moments before allowing his body to slowly relax more. To fully lay down and use Bing as a pillow for his head. 
This was strange, wasn’t it? 
To be this desperate? 
Yet Google didn’t care as he finally got that comfort he had been seeking. He wanted-no-needed more. He just wanted to rest, to stop overthinking and stressing over everything they were all involved in. 
Bing would understand
he would, right? 
Bing ran to others for hugs all the time. 
He’d understand. 
Google reached behind him and picked up Bing’s arm, guiding it to rest across his waist in a loose hold. 
It was almost believable. That Bing cared for him and would embrace him in his sleep. Maybe even say those words. To confirm that he had those feelings. That care, that adoration

That love. 
But those were just dreams Google kept having played on repeat like a constant reminder of what he couldn’t have. 
Right now, he could have this. 
Right now, he could curl up a little, close his eyes, and believe the comfort was being given to him and wasn’t a game of pretend. 
Google just wanted some sleep. 
He didn’t want to be alone anymore. 
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gotta-big-ego · 4 months ago
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Henrik in a plague doctor fit! The rest are also getting costumes :D
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gotta-big-ego · 4 months ago
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The lineup is: Vamp Jackie, Ghost face Chase, and Captain JJ. They're so beautiful uwuwuwu
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gotta-big-ego · 4 months ago
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Today we pour one out for our friend and comrade @smiledog15578, who got fucking enemies-to-lovers-ed with Mr. Plier by tumblr itself
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gotta-big-ego · 4 months ago
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these are my mutuals. they know who they are
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gotta-big-ego · 5 months ago
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Edging the sleep
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gotta-big-ego · 5 months ago
markiplier is acting his markipussy out of this show
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