#google xray search
cubicalone · 1 year
X-Ray Search Like a Pro: 5 Tips to Navigate the Web with Precision
In the vast expanse of the internet, finding specific information quickly and efficiently can be a daunting task. Regular Google searches often inundate us with a flood of results, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact data we need. However, fear not! There’s a powerful tool at your disposal – Google X-ray Search. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of…
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retro-system · 1 month
i know quite literally nothing about electromagnetism, but a quick google search tells me that different wavelengths result in different effects, namely: radio, microwave, infared, visible light, ultraviolet, xrays and gamma rays. so i guess past sam's powers could've directly corrolated with that, like radio allows him to listen in on conversations anywhere, and xrays allow him to see through objects (particularly walls, but i also love the idea of him using it on max and going "ah, so that's where our spare change's been going for the past seven years" or, if the writers were really brave, "is that his...? well, it's as he put it: 'way more storage-efficient than keeping it on my finger'"). lotta interesting potential with him that i imagine this fanbase has tapped into plenty enough already.
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spearxwind · 11 months
I love your comic style so much! I'd love to see how you go about making them, especially all the textures and decals like the codes and image textures. Like the snake X-rays on the newest one, did you draw those or grab them from online? Overall I feel the comic style you've been using for the Hollowridge stuff compliments the story and characters so perfectly!
Hi hello! I keep a fair amount of textures on hand in my folders, the snake xrays specifically I yoinked from a google search though, I couldn't find any good ones on unsplash. Im not THAT good x) if something looks like a picture, it probably is
The barcode I did made a barcode generator online too so its not real but also it kind of is? it should match the letters under it
And thank you very much!! Ive been super enjoying the style and honestly its THE style ive seen this story in for so long, its really lovely to be able to do it justice now
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theanomily · 8 months
Anyway, ignoring that, I am once again creatively bankrupt. Therefore, earlier today, I decided which word of the NATO phonetic alphabet the characters are. Why? Wish I knew.
Alpha- Shelby (she basically won that event in book 2 and I feel like making her Yankee is too easy)
Bravo- Franz (he's the type of guy to say this word non-ironically)
Delta- Lucy (4th letter in the Greek alphabet and she was introduced in book 4. This is a stretch, and my geography is rusty at best, but isn't a delta when a river deposits it water into another? Like a change. And Lucy represented choice- arguably, the choice to change).
Echo- Nigel (sorry, nigel, but the word kind of embodies living in your father's shadow being your one of two fleshed out character traits)
Golf- the Professor (he's the type of dude to actually be interested in golf)
India- the Contessa (look, I know she wanted a continent, but this is the most I can give her)
Lima- Laura (Lima, after one quick google search, looks like a very pretty place. Laura is a very pretty person. Fight me)
Mike- the Colonel (listen. This guy needs a first name. The sharpness of Mike suits him better than Charlie, and I've already assigned Oscar)
November- Raven. ("It's dark, like my soul. It's cold, like my soul" vibes)
Oscar- Otto (we all know why)
Papa- Nathaniel (the only reason his specific character exists (rather than the Architect being some random dude) is to give Nero daddy issues)
Uniform- Wing (his collectedness)
Victor- Anastasia (I know she "loses" but her vibe is very much that of a winner)
Whiskey- Nero (this doesn't need explaining)
Xray- Zero (his mind-fuckery skills)
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ncsapporo · 1 year
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Good Omens S2E2 'Book club' (Xray trivia says Douglas and Neil would love the viewers to read these books) - do they signal where the story of S3 is going? All themes/plot summaries are taken from google (and are not my own interpretations), so may not be totally accurate however are here as food for thought. From L>R I Capture the Castle - Dodie Smith Set in WW2, story is told through the journals of the narrator. Coming-of-age story. Themes: love, poverty, propriety. No woman, No cry - Rita Marley Biography of Bob Marley's by his partner Rita. Themes: centres around the relationship between Bob and Rita. No woman no cry is often used to promote encouragement and recognise that life is worth living. The Crow Road - Iain Banks Mystery novel, 'Crow Road' is Scottish expression for death/afterlife. Themes: death, faith, morality, discovery (self/family). The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Mark Haddow Murder mystery, protagonist has ASD and finds people confusing. Themes: family, honesty, bravery. Catch-22 - Joseph Heller Set in WW2, American bombardier stranded on island and follows his attempts to survive. Themes: individual vs society, moral crisis (self interest vs altruism), morality, justice, personal integrity. Love in a Time of Cholera - Gabriel García Márquez Tale of 2 lovers who reunite after a lifetime apart. Follows the secret relationship - father of one person forces them to stop seeing the other. Themes: parallels between 'lovesick' and literal illness, love, morality, social norms vs personal fulfillment, perseverence/endurace.
*I can't see the next book title!* Nineteen Eighty Four - George Orwell Dystopian fiction, protagonist is frustrated at the omnipresent 'eyes'/oppression of the ruling party. Protagonist keeps a diary and embarks on a forbidden relationship. Themes: totalitarianism, identitiy, reality, censorship, freedom. The Big Sleep - Raymond Chandler Story of a private investigator (PI) hired to investigate the incidents of blackmail against the clients daughter (by a bookseller). PI finds they have been pulled into a bigger story than initially anticipated. Themes: corruption, death as an escape, morality. The Bible Does this need a summary? The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald Story told by narrator in a series of flashbacks. Tells story of a millionaire and his pursuit of the woman he loves. Themes: tradgedy, corruption, greed, love. Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger Covers the expulsion of protagonist from his school and his search for truth in what he perceives as a 'phony' world. Told via flashback/through memory. Themes: innocence, death, resistence of maturation/growing up. A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket (pseudonym) Three siblings are rescued from a tradgedy befalling their family and live with a relative who conspires for their fortune. Themes: greed, grief, lonliness, found family, morality. Herzog - Saul Bellow Told (in large part) through letters written by the protagonist. Themes: ambiguity, personal journey, religion, death, love. There is a mention somewhere of it being linked to the concept of everything returning to the earth.
Go read the books suggested here to find out more and how these might relate to GO S3! (These themes were taken from various sites including cliffnotes, sparknotes, wikipedia, britannica, shmoop, bookbrowse etc).
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deepdentalclinics · 1 year
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Clear insights for optimal oral health! Consult us for a comprehensive 2D OPG Dental X-Ray, essential for assessing tooth eruption, impacted wisdom teeth, gum disease, implants, orthodontics, and jaw fractures. Best dental implants in Mohali. Give us a call or WhatsApp us at : 8437776663 House Number 543, Phase -1, Mohali , India ,Punjab region #deepdentalclinic #dental #xray #dentalxray #opg #wisdomtooth #dentalcare #dentalimplant #dentistry #dental #smile #teeth #cosmeticdentist #veneers #implants #teethwhitening #dentalcare #dentalclinic #oralsurgery #dentalhygienist #oralhealth
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doberbutts · 3 years
I can't sleep so you get to deal with me here.
When I brought Creed to his primary last Thursday, I reported additional tumors and also a significantly decreased ability to hold both urine and bowel movements. I was taking him out every couple hours, and being woken in the night to take him out, and he was STILL going on the floor as he raced outside to potty.
My primary suggested surgical removal of the tumors we could see on his skin, and a neuter. Why the neuter? Because he was an intact male and it would help with inappropriate marking in the house.
Mast cell is skin cancer. I asked for an ultrasound or an xray, as I suspected the reason he couldn't "hold it" was much more sinister considering he was a very clean dog and has not marked in the house since catching hell for it at 5 months. Knowing the initial tumor we removed was grade three, knowing that we were five months since surgery and with regrown tumors, knowing that everything I'd read online said that if the tumor grows back (which it did) average lifespan is 6 months from initial surgery, knowing that he was a 7.5 year old doberman with pedigree history of cancer and known cancerous cells within him, I highly doubted the elimination in the house had anything to do with behavioral/hormonal marking.
My primary turned me away, saying that if I wanted to go "that route" instead of the one they'd suggested, I'd need a specialist. Make no mistake, they do have both an ultrasound and an xray machine in their practice. Creed was filled with tumors a week later. It's hard to think that they wouldn't be able to see the true cause of his troubles if they had just tried it. But because I'd refused the surgery, saying that there's not much point in continually removing masses when we know it's high grade mast cell that is just going to regrow and continue spreading and who knows what's going on internally, they wanted nothing to do with it.
After searching for somewhere to get us in for an ultrasound for a week, Creed decided for me, and we went to the ER vet where the ultrasound immediately confirmed my suspicions. He was riddled with tumors and they were pressing on his organs and causing all sorts of bad things to happen inside of him. Last week my primary said they saw no reason to euthanize him at this stage and that his prognosis should be pretty good if I would just sign off on surgery and neuter.
I'm glad I trusted my gut. With the arrhythmias he had he would likely have died on the table, and even if he survived surgery removing the skin tumors and his testicles would have done nothing to stop the tumors inside of him from continuing to destroy him, and he would have died anyway likely in even more pain and with more complications being fresh off of surgery. They wanted to operate on a dog who was, let's be serious, a week away from dying without checking first to see if opening him up would even be worth it.
I do have vets I like, though the ones I liked at this particular practice left during the pandemic. I do have vets I trust. But it's hard to swallow "trust vets" and "vets know more than you" discussions when things like this happen. The specialists at the ER vet agreed with my initial assessment and gave him the ultrasound I'd asked for without question. They voiced disapproval of the primary doctor just suggesting surgical removal of the surface tumors and a neuter "to see if it helps" without first checking for internal tumors- an idea I got from researching mast cell cancer in dogs myself on my own time. They found it disingenuous to tell me his chances were good with skin tumor removal without making sure nothing sinister was happening on the inside, especially with known high grade mast cell cancer which is known for attacking organs and lymph nodes in the late stages of the disease.
This is not the first time I've had to outright tell a vet no, I have done my own research on this, and you are not following best practice procedure. And I hate that I have to effectively be one of "those customers" in order to advocate for my dog.
I don't distrust their doctorate degrees. I just have a hard time trusting that they're 100% right in all their recommendations just because they have more schooling than me when I, a layperson, can see they're not following correct procedure in a 5 minute Google search.
I'm not going back to that primary. The last reason I wanted to stay just moved back to Ireland. And the remaining doctor there has lost my trust in a major way.
I'm not saying Creed's death was preventable. He had cancer, it was inevitable. But I think following the route they wanted me to take would have sped up that already very fast process significantly, and I'm glad I opted for the second opinion rather than signing off on a pointless procedure that would have only caused him more pain in the end if he survived it at all.
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2021 Teen Wolf ReWatch - S1E1
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My Take from the episode Including: Info-Dump, and Questions & Concerns
Wolf Moon: the Wolf Moon is the Full Moon in January and is said to be named for the wolves that would howl outside of the village as a result of mid-winter food scarcity. The first episode centers around the first day/week back to school in Spring Semester of 2011 (January). Fun Fact: In this episode the full Moon occurs on Friday...the actual 2011 Wolf Moon occurred on Wednesday, January 19th.
Beacon Hills Preserve: No Entry After Dark: (Preserve - to keep safe from injury, harm, or destruction.) Similar to state parks in that they protect natural landscapes, but the emphasis is more on plants and animals, or specific geological features. They generally have fewer facilities and less development than state parks. Nature preserves can be operated by federal/state/local governments, private trusts, or even funded through public donations. Private nature preserves also exist, with land excluded from private land trusts and maintained at the sole cost of the proprietor. Fun Fact: I checked, and it’s not, but that font really does look like the Jurassic Park font, and honestly...equally filled with tragedy and dumb decisions. 
Beacon Hills High School est. 1941
Wolves in the West Coast/California: “The last wild wolf was documented in California in 1924, when it was shot in Lassen County. The last breeding wolves in Washington were eliminated in the 1930s, and in Oregon the last wolf was killed for a bounty in 1947. Today the West Coast is a region crucial to wolf recovery.”
“Kafka’s Metamorphosis”: Written on the whiteboard by the English teacher. “The Metamorphosis tells the story of salesman Gregor Samsa, who wakes one morning to find himself inexplicably transformed into a huge insect (ungeheures Ungeziefer, literally "monstrous vermin") and subsequently struggles to adjust to this new condition.”
Lacrosse: BHHS won the State Championship for the past three years.
Inquiry-It: The Google-like website that Stiles uses to look up werewolves. If you watch closely, his research montage is cyclical. When he first enters “Lycaon” Stiles is already in the search results for “Silver Bullet”. So his search terms in order are: “Silver Bullet, Lycoan, Wolfsbane, Silver Bullet.”
Lycaon (of Arcadia): “was a king of Arcadia who, in the most popular version of the myth, tested Zeus' omniscience by serving him the roasted flesh of Lycaon's own son Nyctimus, in order to see whether Zeus was truly all-knowing. In return for these gruesome deeds, Zeus transformed Lycaon into a wolf and killed his offspring; Nyctimus was restored to life.”
History of Lycanthropy (Book): “The change can be caused by anger or anything that raises your pulse.”
Stile’s Jeep: California Plate QGM387
Questions & Concerns: 
Why did Stiles climb on the roof? Is he just being a dramatic bitch? I don’t even think Melissa is home for him to be sneaking around, because surely the both of them screaming like girls would have alerted her right?
How did Stiles even get on the roof? How is he hanging upside down from it? How did he not break his neck jumping down???
Does the Sheriff have a landline? Does that mean then, that Stiles has access to another phone in the house through which he can listen to the call? And the Sheriff expects him NOT to listen in?
Uh-oh fandom, it’s Scott in the woods with the red hoodie. 
Did...Did cellphones not have flashlights yet in 2011??? Surely we had the app for that by then? (Christ, I graduated High School in 2011, kill me)
Scott absolutely should have lost his phone in the fall he takes when he spots Laura...
I’m not saying that Victoria Argent nearly creamed Scott before he even turned...I’m just saying he was nearly hit by a red SUV that didn’t pull over to help him, and at the end of the episode, Chris Argent is driving a red SUV...just saying...
I wonder if the Argents were in San Francisco for any particular reason? (and for longer than they normally stay in one place, by Allison’s account.)
Note: Stiles already knows that the Full Moon is on Friday even though he has yet to do any research on werewolves. I wonder if he keeps up with the moon phases due to the common believe amongst law enforcement/emergency responders/ER staff that people act out more on full moons?
How much of Scott and Stiles’ conversation did Derek overhear? I mean by all accounts he absolutely could have heard the discussion of enhanced senses and infections. Did he immediately suspect or know that Scott had been bitten at this point? And did he just happen upon Scott’s inhaler or did he look for it?
Stiles says that the “fiber analysis came back from the lab in LA” Its at least been generally agreed that Beacon Hills is near-ish to San Francisco? Of course the show started out being filmed in Atlanta Georgia before moving to...Los Angeles, California. I don’t really know where I’m going with this...
Someone please god tell Stiles that a Jacket/Button-up/Tie is not proper house party attire. Save my poor socially graceless son.
Christ on a Cracker Chris Argent is a DILF. 
Chris says “Take him” which I take to mean “capture”? Like as in, not kill on sight? Was he going to attempt to determine if Scott was actually responsible before killing him?
Did Stiles drive around all night looking for Scott? It’s daylight, so surely if Scott had his phone to call him he would have been there sooner. (He hasn’t even loosened that damn tie.)
Also does Chris recognize Scott at the end of the episode??? Or is that just normal dad-mode leering? 
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cubicalone · 1 year
How I Use LinkedIn XRay Search Effectively
LinkedIn X-Ray search is a powerful tool that allows me to find potential candidates with specific skills and qualifications on the LinkedIn platform. Here’s how I effectively utilize LinkedIn X-Ray search to enhance my recruitment efforts. Defining Search Criteria: Before starting the search for the best candidates, I carefully and thoroughly outline the important requirements. This includes…
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
where does the penis bone go? I'm aware it's default is retracted but like,,, where
It’s not technically retracted, the penis itself - bone and all - is inside of the prepuce until it’s like, required. So its like there, chillin on the underside of the dog or whatever, below the pelvis. 
I 100% understand why you didn’t want to google that. If you want to see it without weird google searches or scaring content, look up ‘canine lateral pelvis xray’ on images and fish around a bit until you find a male.
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spearxwind · 2 years
Hey do you guys want to see something hilarious. In king of the monsters when they get to Ghidorah they show this screen: 
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Which I of course recognized immediately. It’s the second result in the “eel xray” google search:
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barrendome · 5 years
the 2b2t survival guide
are you planning to play on 2b2t? have you been playing but can’t seem to get out of spawn? or have you been waiting 12 hours in queue to no avail?
in that case, have i got some stuff for you! heres a handy guide about how to actually play, and some tips to help along the way!
step one: preparing
you can just hop right in and go, but it is smart to know a bit beforehand.
know what you're getting into. the server has no rules to it, so you just have to expect a fuckton of disgusting shit, slurs, etc. just kinda accept that, and ignore it.
get a hacked client. sure, you can play on vanilla, but doing that will make your life harder. the best client to use is impact, but if you really need to you can download wurst instead.
make a plan. although this is optional, its smart to do. you can just wing it if you wanna, but it’s helpful to have a goal for what you wanna do in the server.
step two: queue
queue is basically inevitable, but there are a few things you can do to make the wait less painful!
decide if you want priority. priority queue is a godsend, it takes 30 min at MOST to join the server! but on the other hand, its 20 dollars per month. if you’re planning on playing for a long time and dedicating lots of time to playing? get priority. if you just wanna check the server out? don’t worry about buying it.
join when nobody else would. the best times i’ve found are near 1-3am, or on a weekday in early mornings. you’ll still have to wait hours, but not as long as you would otherwise.
pray for a server restart. when it restarts, turn on auto-reconnect (if you have that) or just keep on trying to connect. you’ll get onto the server extremely quick if you’re able to join right after a restart.
do something else. multitasking is the best way to wait. leave queue running in the background and check on it whenever you can, but fill your time with other stuff. i usually draw or watch videos when waiting!
step three: common sense
you gotta use normal common sense, but also server-unique common sense.
remember: there are no rules. people are going to kill you. people are going to grief you. people are going to say gross shit. the worst kinds of people are here on the server, you have to accept that.
what you build is gonna go. no matter how nice it looks, how far out it is, how tiny it is, whatever. its how 2b2t works. when you build, you have to remember that its going to get destroyed one day.
you aren’t safe. no matter how far away you are, or how nice that one person is. don’t get lulled into feeling secure, stay on edge. better safe than sorry.
enderchests are your friend. you’re definitely gonna die, several times, so keep any important things in your enderchest. for more space, put everything into shulker boxes and store the boxes in your enderchest. this is why silk touch pickaxes are something you’ll need: because your enderchest is the only safe place for your items.
signs are the best communication. carry a sign with you, and read all the signs you find. its not important, but its fun to read what people write, and its nice to make your own mark on the world with just a simple sign.
don’t trust anyone. or at least, be cautious of everyone. if you run into someone, expect deaths, and be cautious even if they give you stuff.
you aren’t special. oh, so you watched a bunch of fit videos and know everything about the server? no you don’t, shut up. you’re gonna spam things in chat and grief a bunch of builds to become a notable player? you’re gonna become a minor annoyance, shut up. you read this guide and now know how to become the best 2b2t player ever? my guide is shit, shut up.
everyone hates new players. don’t openly say you’re new. just stick to yourself for the first while of joining.
step four: chat
so you’ve joined, and you connect to see.. the constant spam of chat.
hide the chat. go into settings, and turn chat off. usually chat isn’t worth looking at, except for warning about server restarts. if you wanna keep chat on, just turn down the opacity.
use /ignore. theres bots constantly flooding the chat, so if you wanna keep chat on, spend time quickly ignoring all the bots.
don’t ask for help. you do not wanna let everybody know you’re new, and if you don’t get ignored, people will send gross shit or fake help instead.
if you have a question, ask google. like the point above, asking for help isn’t a good option. search stuff up on google or the 2b2t subreddit before asking chat. and try not to ask obvious questions either.
don’t get into arguments. don’t rile people up or argue, its kinda risky, and again some bad shit will get sent your way. its really not worth it. if you get angry at some gross shit people are saying, just /ignore them, because fighting them will make you just a laughing stock.
step five: escaping spawn
i know what you’re thinking, “tumblr user barrendome! stop rambling and just tell me how to actually PLAY now!”, and yeah yeah, okay, i will.
turn your hacks on. what i’d suggest is turning on storage esp, player esp/tracers, search (search for blocks like melons, crops, wood, etc), and things like that. also keep xray and freecam ready, and make sure you set keybinds for those.
collect, store, die, repeat. i never did this, but my boyfriend did, and it worked incredibly well. he would collect as many resources as he could, store them in an enderchest whenever he saw one, and then either die of hunger or something else. he’d repeat this process until he had enough stuff in his enderchest to get him out of spawn.
save your hunger bar. try not to run, and try not to jump. its hard, but its important. most deaths are from hunger in the first while of playing, so just try not to get hungry. for this exact reason, the main thing you’re looking for is food.
don’t go into the nether right away. spawn nether is impossible to get out of, so travel on the overworld for about 2000 blocks, and then its safe(ish) to go into the nether.
20000 blocks is the safer zone, but its still spawn territory. outside of 50000 blocks is when id consider making a base if you really need to, but try to go much farther if you can. 
step six: just outside of spawn
so you’re out of the major spawn area... now what?
find food, farm food. get as much food as you can, thats the most important thing to do at this moment. make sure you have as much food as you could need, and store some in your enderchest.
make a temporary base. you can make a small house, a hole, or even just a dirt hut. just make sure you have a place to store all your extra stuff, and a place to stay for now. (sidenote, don’t put a nether portal right beside your house.)
find a bed. later on, beds aren’t a big deal, but at first they definitely are. try to find or make a bed, and set your spawn somewhere. i’d suggest hiding the bed somewhere near your temporary base, but don’t make it visible.
get geared up. use your xray and get some diamonds, look through dungeons for enchanted books, make yourself tools, etc. its best to get what you need now that you’re out of spawn.
go fishing. you can get food, enchanted books, xp, etc. going fishing is actually super useful. the autofish hack is your friend right now. but don’t go afk when fishing, you can get kicked for it.
remember the nether highway myth. if you have almost nothing, and are travelling on the nether highways, there’s a good chance a high-level player could stumble upon you, take pity, and give you stuff. remember not to trust anyone right away, they could still end up killing you. but there is still a chance that being on the highways could get you everything youd ever need. again, though, make sure to put everything in your enderchest!
step seven: planning and playing.
im ready! ..what do i do now?
make a goal if you haven’t already. if you wanna be a nomad? plan where you’re gonna wander. if you’re gonna make a huge base? plan where to build it and go out there. if you’re gonna go visit monuments? figure out which ones and their coordinates, and start walking. gonna join a group? figure out which one would be safe and fun to join, and try to get in.
get as far from spawn as possible. unless you wanna stay near spawn, try and get 100,000 blocks away or further. and if you really wanna keep a base intact, don’t stay near any of the major highways.
have fun! as rough this server can be to play on, theres a lot of cool stuff you can find, and its important to find joy in the chaos.
and that’s all for now!
i may have forgotten things, so feel free to send me anything i missed! but i hope that everything i was able to write down will be enough to help anybody that wants to join 2b2t.org, the oldest anarchy server on minecraft!
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cancerbiophd · 5 years
Hi Julia! I'm just starting my PhD, and my supervisor gives me a lot of freedom and independence. While I appreciate that, I'm not sure where to start tackling my project. I've done a lot of reading, but I'm having trouble designing good experiments. Do you have any suggestions?
Hi anon!
I have a post here outlining one possible path to take when designing your thesis project–however, it does involve communicating with the PI almost every step of the way. I do think that PI involvement is pretty crucial for the development of a PhD student, so if there’s a way for you to have weekly one-on-one meetings with your PI, I think you’ll find that would be really beneficial. 
In the meantime, let’s talk about experimental design. It’s a very important skill we learn during grad school, and one of those skills that separates someone with a PhD and someone without. It’s part of the “Ph” part of the degree, after all! So if you’re not getting the mentoring necessary to learn how to properly design experiments, then that’s a huge foundation of your PhD that’s missing. If your program (or any related programs) has a class on experimental design, it would be worth taking (I took two different experimental design courses, on top of regular guidance from my PI, and years later I’m still learning so much about the nuances of experimental design). Regardless, as a minimum requirement for a PhD mentor, your PI should be teaching you proper experimental design and results interpretation. Otherwise they’re just a warm money-pumping-lab-having body for the next 4+ years and that’s not what you, a PhD student, are here for, or deserve.
However, I do understand the reality that is busy PIs and large labs. If your PI is really hard to get a hold of, you can try finding other mentors to help guide you, such as: other senior members in the lab (like the lab manager, research specialists, post-docs, even other grad students), your committee members, the PI next door even. I get advice from as many people as I can, because sometimes even if my PI is available, she may not have the best expertise in certain situations. 
As a supplement, I would also recommend finding online resources on experimental design. A quick google search of “experimental design in biology” lead me to this awesome video from Khan Academy that covers experimental design at its simplest. 
Now here’s a quick and dirty 4-step crash-course on experimental design (from my experience in doing biology research):
1) Start with a testable and feasible research question:
This is based off a hypothesis/prediction you make, which in turn is based off the knowledge gaps in your research area
It can be as simple (one experiment) or as complex (aka the focus of your entire dissertation) as you want it to be
It should be testable: you actually have a way to figure out the answer
And also feasible: given your time, ethics, and resources (eg. equipment available, funding, people who can help you)
This is something that reading the literature, or talking to your PI, can help with. 
(Divide up your research question into sub-questions if necessary)
“Yes” and “No” research questions are totally ok. Sometimes it’s as simple as “does my cell line constitutively express this receptor, yes or no?” or “does Treatment X induce my cell to secrete Protein Z, yes or no?”
2) Come up with a method to answer the question:
I like to first go into “fantasy” mode. Like, what would the perfect assay be to answer this? I pretend it’s the year 3050 and whatever I think of we can do. For example: “ah if only i had xray vision and the ability to tell apart a human tumor cell from mouse bone marrow and can see just how many of these tumor cells end up in the bone with my naked eye!” Thinking like this first lets you get to the bottom of “what do we need to solve this problem?” 
Ok, time to go back to the present. We can’t see tumor cells through bone with the naked eye, but what do we have that allows us to do so indirectly? How can I tell the difference between a human cell and a mouse cell, and also quantify that? 
Another part of the design process where reading the literature and/or talking to your PI and other researchers would help with, especially if you don’t know what you don’t know. 
Like if I have no idea that something like intracellular fluorescent labeling and flow cytometry existed to solve my question at hand, I couldn’t even use that in my experiment
Determining the method you will use is sometimes the most time-consuming part imo. If it’s something you or the lab haven’t done before, you’ll need to do a lot of research into the methods (what’s the best reagent? concentration of reagent? do we have access to equipment necessary? do i need specific controls? what’s the specificity and sensitivity of this assay? are there background issues i have to contend with (eg. autofluorescence))? It may take a few tries with optimization before getting the method down for your purposes. And as you can see, it can be super involved, so getting advice and help from your PI or another expert would be really helpful (and time saving!)
3) Design the experiment on paper with the proper variables, controls, and replicates:
I like to pretend I’m solving a murder mystery and I have to convince the jury that Suspect A, with weapon C, is the one who dun it. How do I go about designing an experiment that will eliminate all possible suspects and murder weapons (and thus convince the jury)? 
Sometimes it helps to draw a predicted results graph of your experiment; seeing it in its “final” form may help you realize some controls or treatment combos may be missing. 
Once you’ve designed the experiment, go over it with your PI (or another expert), to make sure it’s sound.
The number of replicates (technical vs biological) you may need will depend on statistical analyses, like power analyses and what kind of statistical experimental design (eg. one-tailed vs two-tailed) you’ve decided beforehand. If this all sounds new, then that’s something you’ll need expert advice on (like from your PI), or take a class in (like biostats), or do lots and lots of independent research (perhaps the most time-consuming and mistake-prone choice). At a minimum though, we always need at least 3 values to perform any stats (so if you’re just running something up the flagpole, n=3 is a quick and dirty thing to do first). 
4) Predict the outcomes of each of your variables and controls and do some thought exercises
Ask yourself if these predicted results will answer your question
If it only answers part of your question, what else do you need?
If it doesn’t really answer your question, what should be changed? 
What if the opposite of what you predicted happens? What would that mean? 
If all this seems super overwhelming, then I think it’s a sign to seek out specific help on experimental design, like your PI or a class. Again, it’s part of your PhD training, but it’s not something you need to, or should, learn all by your lonesome self. 
Good luck with your training and research! I hope you find a good path forward. 
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deepdentalclinics · 1 year
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littleconan · 8 years
Actually sat down and finally went through IG tags that I think my Mogar AU art would pop up in. Found about 9 pics that were uncredited and abt 3 of those 9 were just reposts of one pic. .....😒
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asmr · 6 years
when i first joined this site like in 2011 i ended up running a black & white horror blog (no irl gore just like screenshots from horror movies etc) and i was like. 14? at the time and this wack dude who was like mid 20s named modi was super big in the community at the time and long story short he got called out by his ex girlfriend for being a manipulative asshole who like scammed her out of $2k or smth like that and faked cancer using a lung cancer xray that was the second image on google image search results and then he hopped blogs every two seconds to evade blocks/people knowing his url and that was my first experience with any tumblr community.
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