#goodbye wilson in suits
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 7 months ago
Mob!Bucky having to call his lawyer!wife!reader from prison? And she’s really mad at him? Because she already told him how to not get caught on multiple occasions? And he doesn’t listen to her, even though she’s been manipulating the law for him for years?
So she pays for Sam and Steve’s bail but leaves him in there overnight (just one night) to prove a point?
Lesson Learned » Bucky Barnes (AU)
Pairings: Husband/Mob!Bucky Barnes x Wife/Lawyer!Reader
Summary: You leave Bucky in jail overnight to teach him a lesson.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, language, jail, manipulating the law, crying, kissing, pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creator @jasontoddsmommyissues
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Your phone started ringing as soon as you closed your car door. You put your purse and work bag in the passengers seat and looked at the caller ID. It’s the phone number for the local police station. You sighed before answering it.
“Hello?” You answered, leaning back in the driver’s seat.
“Hi, sweetheart.” Bucky smiles on the other side of the phone. “I need your help.” He tells you. “So does Steve and Sam.” He adds on.
“I’m on my way. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” You say before hanging up the phone.
You tossed your phone in the passenger’s seat and started your car, putting your seatbelt on as well. During the drive to the police station, multiple different scenarios of why Bucky got arrested went through your head. You always managed to bend the law so your mob boss husband can stay out of trouble. You know it’s wrong and risky to manipulate the law, but you do it out of love.
You pulled into the parking lot of the police station and shut your car off. Your briefly closed your eyes and took a deep breath before getting of the car and walked towards the entrance of the police station and went inside. You walked to the front desk, your heels echoing through the quiet building. The deputy behind the desk looked up from his phone and looked at you.
“Can I help you, ma’am?” The deputy asks.
“I’m here for my husband’s friends Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson.” You tell him.
“What about your husband?” He asks, knowing well who Bucky is.
“Keep him overnight and I’ll get him in the morning.” You tell him. “Tell him I love him and I’ll be back in the morning.” You say.
The deputy nodded and went to the holding cell where Bucky, Steve, and Sam are. He took the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the cell door.
“Rogers, Wilson, you guys are getting bailed out.” He says.
Steve and Sam stood up and walked out of the cell. Bucky followed suit, but the deputy stopped him.
“Your wife said to keep you overnight.” He said to Bucky.
“That’s funny.” Bucky laughs. “She wouldn’t do that to me.” He says.
“She told me to tell you that she loves you and she’ll be back in the morning for you.” He told him.
Bucky laughed at the deputy, thinking he was joking. Steve and Sam furrowed their eyebrows in confusion and exchanged looks. The deputy closed the cell door and locked it, walking away with Steve and Sam following behind him.
“Seriously?!” Bucky shouts.
Steve and Sam seen the pissed off look on your face when they walked in the lobby of the police station. They know that look. They’ve seen that look one too many times.
You gave the deputy a kind smile before opening the door, waiting for Steve and Sam to walk out. You followed behind them and the three of you got in the car without saying a word.
“How come you didn’t bail Bucky out like you normally do?” Sam asks curiously.
“I’m doing this to teach him a lesson.” You say, keeping your eyes on the road.
The car ride was silent the whole time. You took Sam home first. He said a quiet goodbye and got out of the car. Then you took Steve home.
“Y/N?” Steve speaks up.
“Don’t.” You say, almost clenching your teeth.
“At least hear Bucky out.” He says before getting out of the car.
You sighed and went home. You walked inside of yours and Bucky’s mansion. It’s quiet without Bucky. Too quiet. You went upstairs to yours and Bucky’s bedroom. You put your purse and work bag on the floor next to the dresser. You changed out of your work clothes and into pajamas -Bucky’s- t-shirt. You flopped on the bed and sighed loudly. After a moment, you got comfortable in bed and turned the TV on to take your mind off the fact that your husband is staying in jail overnight.
Meanwhile, Bucky was sitting on the bench in the cell. His head was leaning against the wall and his jaw was clenched, trying to think of why his wife would leave him in jail overnight. He always assumes that you’ll get him out of trouble, because you’re one of the best lawyers in Brooklyn, New York. What he does know is he’s beyond pissed and it’s going to be a long night for him.
The next morning, you woke up early and laid in bed for a moment. You already know that Bucky is going to be mad at you for leaving in jail overnight so you prepared yourself for that. You got out of bed and got dressed to get your husband out of jail.
You walked in the police station and went to the front desk, seeing the same deputy from last night.
“You know who I’m here for.” You tell him.
The deputy nodded and went to the holding cell Bucky is in. He unlocked the cell door and opened it.
“Your wife is here.” The deputy told him.
Bucky stood up and walked out of the cell to the lobby. When you seen him, he had bruised knuckles and a couple bruises on his face. That automatically tells you that Bucky, Steve, and Sam got into a fight and landed them in jail yesterday. Bucky walked out to the car and got in without saying a word. About halfway home, he finally says something.
“Oh yea, I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” Bucky says sarcastically.
You rolled your eyes at your husband’s sarcastic comment and continued the drive home. When you two got home, Bucky immediately went to the bathroom in yours and his bedroom to take a shower. Meanwhile, you decided to catch up on some work since you decided to take the day off to bail your husband out of jail and to talk to him. About 20 minutes later, Bucky walks in your home office clean and wearing comfortable clothes. To get your attention, he closed your laptop.
“How could you?” He asks.
“I did it for a reason, James.” You say, leaning back in your desk chair.
“It better be a damn good one.” He says.
“To teach you a lesson.” You say.
Bucky scoffs as he watches you stand up and walk out of your office. He follows closely behind you.
“What lesson?” He asks.
“You know what it is.” You say.
“Clearly I don’t. Mind telling me what it is?” He says.
You silently walked in the kitchen and opened the freezer, grabbing an ice pack. You turned around and grabbed Bucky’s hand, putting the ice pack on it.
“Ever since we met, I always managed to bend the law for you.” You leaned against the kitchen counter. “Every time you get arrested, I always come up with a lie and tell the cops it’s just a misunderstanding and you managed to get out scot free.” You say.
“Yea, I know that. What’s your point?” He asks.
“My point is, I’m risking my fucking job for you!” You yelled, catching Bucky off guard with your sudden change of voice. “Every time I bend the law for you, it scares me knowing that I can possibly get in trouble for it!” You say.
“Then why do you do it?” He asks.
“I do it cause I love you and I don’t want to go to jail for the rest of your life!” You yelled, your eyes began to water.
Bucky stood there, not knowing what to say. You walked away and went to yours and Bucky’s bedroom, closing the door behind you. You threw yourself on the bed and started crying in your pillow.
Meanwhile, Bucky still stood in the kitchen speechless. All this time, he thought you bent the law to help him, which is part of the reason. He didn’t know you were doing it out of love. He felt like an idiot all the times he got arrested and you bent the law for him to get out of jail. He put the ice pack back in the freezer and went upstairs to the bedroom.
“Darling?” Bucky knocked on the bedroom door a couple times. “Darling, please.” He pleads.
He put his hand on the door knob and turned it, expecting the door to be locked, but it wasn’t. It was unlocked. Bucky slowly opened the door to see you crying your eyes out on the bed. He closed the door behind him and approached the bed, laying down next to you.
“Baby, I’m sorry.” He apologizes softly, rubbing your back. “I’m sorry for being so stupid and getting arrested.” He says.
You sniffled and sat up. Bucky sat up next to you, reaching a hand forward to wipe your tears away. He caressed your cheek and leaned forward, kissing you passionately. He pulled his lips away from yours, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Last night when I took Steve home, he told me to hear you out.” You said. “What did he mean by that?” You asked.
Bucky took a deep breath before saying anything.
“When Steve, Sam, and I went to the bar last night…” Bucky starts. “There was this guy talking about you and I let him get to me.” He says.
“What do you mean he was talking about me? Was he talking bad about me?” You asked.
“No, just the opposite.” He answers. “He was saying how hot you are.” He explained. “The next thing I know, I punched him in the face. His friends jumped in, Steve and Sam fought them off.” He tells you. “They got arrested too.” He says.
You couldn’t help but smile when Bucky basically said that he defended your honor. You moved yourself onto his lap and hugged him.
“You didn’t have to do that.” You say.
“I had to. He was talking about my wife.” Bucky says.
“Thank you.” You say, kissing his lips softly.
“You don’t have to thank me, honey. I’d do it regardless.” He says.
You kissed his lips once more before Bucky maneuvered the two of you so you guys are laying down. You looked deep in his blue eyes while caressing his stubbly cheek.
“Can you at least try to be better and not get arrested every so often?” You asked.
“I’ll try my best, babe.” Bucky says softly.
“That goes for Steve and Sam too.” You say.
“They might listen better than me.” He says with a chuckle.
“I love you so much, baby.” You almost whispered, kissing him sweetly.
“I love you more, baby girl.” He whispers against your lips.
Bucky knows one thing… he sure as hell learned his lesson.
-Bucky’s Doll
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dr james wilson x fem reader (18+)
it’s rare you have a one night stand with a guy 15 years your senior. it’s even rarer to see him a few weeks later as your doctor…
smut ahead
you know you look hot. your hair is done and you’re wearing a brand new lipstick. you’re hoping the lipstick doesn’t last too long though, you’re freshly broken up with and in desperate need of someone’s lips against yours again, so your friends bring you out to the bar in an attempt to help you get over this breakup.
you’re two shots in when your base level of anxiety fades and you start to relax. you scout the bar for any potential suitors - mostly just older guys who will buy you a drink so you can stop taking shots of straight vodka to save money.
“the pair of guys by the bar seem promising!” is what your friend says as she points to the pair in suits. you hesitate to approach them, scared you’re about to interrupt a gay couple’s date.
your friend, 3 shots in, wraps her arms around the pair “see the girl beside me? she just got broken up with. isn’t that sooo sad for such a pretty girl like that?”
while you appreciate her attempts to get you a free drink, you want to run away out of embarrassment. you feel slightly comforted by the man beside you who’s face is also red and looks at you with a smirk and sympathetic eyes.
the comfort is swiftly ended by his friend, “now isn’t that just tragic!” he very sarcastically tells you.
“house. be nice.” his friend says. “i’m sorry about him, i’m james” he says with his hand out to shake. you feel butterflies in your stomach as your hands touch and you introduce yourself
“so what can i get you to drink to make up for him?”
you say a rum and coke, it’s the first drink you can think of since you’re a little flustered by the older guy who’s taken an interest in you.
“you sure she’s even legal to drink wilson?” house says as you’re handed the drink. you pull out your id. “i’m 25, but flattered”
before house can reply, wilson points at a card in your wallet. “mcgill?”
you pull out your old student card, “yeah! i did my undergrad there. i’m at princeton now for grad school.”
“no way! i got my undergraduate degree there too. may i ask what your thesis is on?”
the two of you exchange academic pasts as you slowly shift closer to each other. after another round you feel his arm around your waist, leaning into your ear to ask if you’d want to come back to his. you very gladly agree and end up in the back of a cab with him (after saying goodbye to the oh so charming and kind dr. house of course)
his hand slowly trails up your thigh until the cab reaches his place. the conversation in the cab is light but thick with tension. he opens the car door and holds your hand until you walk through his front door.
“can i offer you anything? another drink? water?”
you cut him off with a short kiss on the lips. both of you flustered, you look at each other for a second before he grabs you by the waist and kisses you again. the kisses shift from gentle to desperate, with him pressing you against the wall. his hands begin to travel across your body. his fingers tease at the bottom of your shirt. “may i?” he asks before pulling your shirt off and placing his hand over your bra. you move your legs strategically so you can feel him getting hard against you.
you begin unbuttoning his shirt, tossing it to the ground before he lifts you into his bedroom. wilson tosses you gently onto the bed, hovering over you as he removes your pants. he slowly rubs his fingers over your panties as you let out a soft moan. he takes them off and returns to kissing you. as his fingers begin to tease between your thighs he lets out a heavy breath as you feel his lips shift into a smile against yours.
“you’re this wet for me?”
your heart nearly skips a beat and you’re so flustered all you can manage to say is “mhm”
you palm him gently, earning a small noise out of him. “as much as i enjoyed our conversation tonight, i’d be lying if i said i wasn’t thinking about doing this all night. you’re so beautiful underneath me like this.” he says while circling your clit with his fingers
“the feeling’s mutual dr. wilson” you reply, but are very quickly cut off by him kissing you, this time roughly and passionately. you pull down his boxers and he wastes no time taking them off and throwing them aside. he swiftly grabs a condom before entering you slowly, after hours of flirting at the bar you’re both pretty desperate to feel eachother.
“you feel so fucking good” says wilson. after a few minutes he flips you on top of him. grabbing your hips with one hand and rubbing your clit with the other. you only ride him for another minute before you feel yourself about to finish. in almost unison your grips on each other get tighter and your moans fill the room as you both finish.
you fall on top of his chest and he moves the hair out of your face, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead. you can’t help but look him and admire how hot he looks with his messy hair and heavy breaths. after a few minutes of cuddling, he gets up to grab pjs, kissing you on the cheek before leaving the bed. you take a quick trip to the bathroom to freshen up. when you come back he’s in an undershirt and pajama pants, motioning to the very nearly folded shirt and pair of boxers he picked for you.
you smile putting on the shirt. “thought you might want the mcgill sweater tonight. feels fitting.” wilson says
you guys fall asleep intertwined, until you’re awakened the next morning by a beeping pager.
he gently taps you until your eyes open. “sorry. this is urgent, i need to see a patient.” you very begrudgingly get out of bed and start getting ready. once you reach the kitchen you see that he’s already taken out two mugs. “coffee?” he asks.
as you finish your cup he hands you a piece of paper with his phone number, saying “i’m sorry i have to leave for work, but i had a lot of fun last night. you’re really beautiful.” you could feel his nervousness in that last part.
you two kiss goodbye at his door before parting ways.
wilson follows up on the page from house, assuming he’s needed for an urgent consult, but instead sees house up in his office watching soaps. “house, what’s so urgent that you’ve made me arrive an entire hour earlier than i’m scheduled for?”
“just wanted to see how your night went.”
it’s been two weeks since your night with dr. wilson. getting over your ex has been incredibly easy since now the only person you’re able to think about is james. but he hasn’t returned your call and you know it’s time to start forgetting him and pick someone more age appropriate.
your thesis deadlines are coming up and the stress is destroying your body. passing out in the library wasn’t exactly unlikely considering your lack of sleep and your almost scary caffeine consumption. but out of caution you’re taken to princeton-plainsboro. while you physically feel like shit, you’re secretly excited at the chance of seeing dr. wilson again.
after the initial bloodwork and ecg you’re quite bored sitting in your hospital bed trying to ride out the headache and nausea you’re feeling. you think of the ethics of telling the nurse you have a history of cancer in your family so they’ll call wilson, but you decide to just suck it up and leave a message on his phone with your hospital room number.
with no wilson in sight you fall asleep for a few hours, but are awoken with a light tap on your shoulder. you groggily look up to see wilson holding a sandwich and some tea.
“i checked your chart, you probably just collapsed due to exhaustion, nothing serious thankfully. you should be able to go home in a few hours once the IV rehydrates you a bit.”
you smile but before you can reply he continues speaking. his drunk confidence is gone and you can see him getting a bit anxious as he takes a seat on your hospital bed.
“i’m sorry i never called back. i brought you lunch as an apology, and to hold you over until i can take you out to a proper dinner. if you want to of course”
you grab him by his tie and gently pull him down for a kiss, “i’d like that” you reply, feeling the heat coming from his face. if it took you passing out to score a second date, the least you could do is fluster him a bit at work.
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bengals-barnesbabe · 7 months ago
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Date Night
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Black!Nurse Reader
Warnings: mdni, mentions of sex, jokes about age.
Main Masterlist
WC: 1.3k
Being at the Avengers Compound on your day off used to be weird. Avengers are cool and all, and you’re very appreciative for the chance to be considered ‘part of the team’ even if you only worked in the Medbay. No one wants to hang around their place of work when they don’t need to be. Then you started seeing a certain blue-eyed brunette super soldier.
So here you are walking through the main hallways to the the gym and passing a good amount of agents and techs enjoying their breaks. Then you hear your name being called. You look up from your phone and see Aaliyah, a friend of yours that works in the special equipment department (aka Avengers Weapons Only). You walk up to the cafe where her and some other work mates like to frequent.
“Hey Liyah, I didn’t know you were working today.”
She brings you in for a side hug. “I know, I’m not supposed to be, but Mr. Wilson just had to call me on my day off about fixing redwing.” Her cool demeanor shudders as the Falcon’s name coasts out of her lips.
You smirk. “I think he would prefer if you just called him Sam or your boyfriend. Your pick.”
She covers her face and shakes her head. “How about we talk about why you’re here on your day off? The Medbay is about 6 floors up and on the other side of campus.”
“Hey, I’m completely fine with saying I’m here for my man.” 
The light cockiness in your voice paints a mischievous grin on her lips. “Oh speaking of your boyfriend, does Barnes know how to use a pc- no a toaster- nope a smartphone?”
“Oh fuck off, is that what yall actually think?” You scoff as a people 10ft away from you shake their heads. “No fucking way, you can’t be serious!”
“Girl half of these people have never even seen him in person and they work in the same building he lives in.” Kyla, another nurse, says from the end of the table.
You roll your eyes and look at Aaliyah. “For real?” She nods her head.
“You know he wasn’t frozen for 70 years straight right? He couldn’t be a spy if he didn’t know how to blend in.” 
“How does he work a phone with the metal arm though?” She asks as someone comes up behind her.
“He has a flip phone, gotta remember he’s an old man.” Sam chuckles as she jolts out of her skin.
“You asshole! I told you to wait downstairs.” He shrugs and throws an arm around her. 
“You said you’d be back by 2:30, now I’m a punctual man baby. I waited a whole 5 minutes before tracking you down.” She buries her face in his chest to hide how he flustered her with the pet name. So cute.
“You should be going too, the old man has not stopped talking about you since we got here. I swear I’m gonna ask for a new mission partner.” You smile then hug them goodbye.
The walk from the break center/ cafeteria to the weapons testing arena and gym is a 5 minute straight shot. It also where you’d more times than not find your boyfriend. In the miniscule chance that he isn’t, you could probably find him in a conference room, with Captain Rogers outside lapping civilians or his suite. The kitchen exactly because those soldiers can eat. 
But the second those sliding doors open to his personal gun range, you see him just like you knew you would. He sat on a stool at a table with his muscular back adorned in a form fitting black henley and black jeans that emphasized his ridiculously thick thighs. His neck length brown hair is tied up in an adorable blue silk scrunchie as he dissembles his favorite rifle to clean it. You lean against the door frame just admiring the man’s beauty for a while more. He most definitely knows your behind him thanks to his enhances senses and experience as a spy, but that would not stop you from-
“Enjoying the view pretty girl?” Exactly, he gets it.
You smile and walk up to him, “absolutely.” You hum hugging his back and tracing your short almond acrylics across his abdomen.
A strong warm hand covers yours as he chuckles, a deep almost gravely laugh that electrifies every cell in your body. “I’ll be done in a couple minutes, then we can go.” 
You watch from over his shoulder the way his hands work in tandem to polish each nook and cranny of the gun. His vibraninum fingers curling around the body of it cause a shiver down your spine as you think about the nights you spend withering in his bed thanks to them. You shake those thoughts away and lay your head on his shoulder.
He brings one of your hands up and places his soft lips to your knuckles. “Fuck you smell so good. I knew you were coming before you hit the door.” He groans extending the kiss to your wrist before placing your hand back on his stomach.
“It’s your favorite, and you haven’t even seen the whole outfit yet.” 
He lets out another one of those heavenly chuckles. “Aw baby, did you get all dressed up for me?” The gun clicks shut and you feel yourself spinning around to face him.
“You like?” He takes your hand and you beam as he spins your once more. 
Since you were just going to a drive in movie, you paired a simple black top with your his favorite pair of dark gray baggy jeans that hug your waist and accentuate your ass just the way he likes. You couldn’t go wrong with some gold jewelry that shines beautifully on your brown skin. The whole look complimented itself.
Your 4c hair on the other hand didn’t want to cooperate this morning, the week old braid out was at its wits end and desperately needs all the mousse and gel washed out of it. So you did what you had to, found a giant hair tie, slicked your edges back and finger coiled a few strands in the front to give the look back some of it’s life. 
He nods biting his lip and looking you up and down. “You look just how you smell: decadent, like one of those death by chocolate cakes you love. And like you want to spend the rest of this weekend in my bed naked.” He smirks.
You hook your arms around his neck, step into the spot between his strong legs. “Well Mr. Barnes, we can’t have that. You promised me dinner and movie and the look’s not complete yet.” 
He raises a brow and dips his face to yours. “Oh yea,” he says huskily. “What could possibly be missing? You already have the body glitter.” The takes an imaginary bite out of your glazed arm. You nod at the leather jacket hanging on the hook by the door and he grins instantly.
“Go walkin’ around in that and everyone will know you’re mine.” He growls, his crystal blues deepening in hue flickering from your eyes to your lips.
“Maybe that’s exactly what I want.” You whisper against his lips tilting your head to connect them to yours.
His soft lips melted into yours perfectly, your hands pull on the hair tie locking away his silky locks and gently pull at them. He groans languidly licking into your mouth and swiftly lifting you into his lap, his hands holding firmly on your ass. Just like that it feels like the first time. Your heart beating heavily against your chest while you learn each other mouths. Tugging at his roots a bit more you nip his bottom lip and smile.
“You love playing with fire love.” 
You cheekily chuckle pulling back, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
He squeezes your cheeks then playfully smacks one inciting a gasp from you. “A dangerous, dangerous game that could cost you your night.”
“Aw but my favorite movie is playing.” Your fake pout morphs itself into a smirk. “Or maybe I wanted to makeout with my hot Brooklyn boyfriend in public without anyone knowing.” He bites his lip as you look at him with siren eyes.
“And people wonder why I can’t stop talking about you, my girl is a damn minx. Fuck it, lets go.” He sighs as you jump off his lap and grab his leather jacket.
While he’s securely putting away his rifle, you look over at him and smirk putting on the jacket. “Thanks daddy.”
His eyes go wide as you walk out the door giggling.
Gotta love date night.
AN: I was missing the character that brought me back to my passion, so this was really for me but yall can enjoy it too xox
as always likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated
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catdiarie · 24 days ago
☥  ˖ִ ࣪ 🦇 airplane. ⠀p. parker & w. wilson . . .
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( ♱ ) … what not to do: spider-manning while sick. what peter does: exactly that.
777 。。masterlist
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When Peter passes his third McDonalds while chasing a rogue pickpocket, he thinks the universe really has it out for him. It’s almost three am and he hasn’t eaten since, what, seven pm? Six-thirty? Whatever, it’s been a long time. And Peter is hungry. Fast food isn’t the best fuel, but it would be something. Even a small fry would be enough to curb his hunger until he could find something a bit healthier.
It doesn’t take long to web up the man who stole someone’s wallet and return it to them, but by the time he’s done he’s so hungry he thinks he might throw up if he swings. Problem: he has no money on hand. People love to give free things to Spider-man, especially food, but it’s always made him feel bad. For a second though, he genuinely contemplates the idea as he bounces between his feet.
“Hey, Spidey! Need a hand?”
Peter could pass out from happiness.
“Hey, ‘Pool.” Peter grins as he turns to face him. “Got any food?”
“Nah, but I got money and a McDonalds down the street,” Wade says as he skips towards Peter. His suit is sparkling clean; he must have just come out. Why, exactly, Wade roams the streets randomly and doesn’t kill anyone or seem to be on any job is beyond Peter. But it often brings him to Peter, so really, he doesn’t care enough to find out.
They eat in the restaurant, something they don’t often do, but Peter is too hungry to care even about the possibility of his mask falling off or some rowdy kid yanking on it. The burger he’s scarfing down is far more important. Wade noisily eats an ice cream laden with candy.
In the fifteen minutes it takes them to be done eating, they chat easily. Wade asks about his Stark Internship, and lets Peter ramble on about ���crazy science stuff that makes no sense, but makes my Spider happy.” In return, Peter asks about Wade’s favorite shows: Golden Girls, My Little Pony, the occasional Hello Kitty episode. He gets numerous lore dumps, and decides he likes Fluttershy best.
Peter manages to get down a double cheeseburger, thirteen nuggets, a medium fry, and a water. He leans back against the booth with a pleased sigh, grinning as Wade tries to shove more fries into his already-full mouth.
“Thanks for the food, Wade,” Peter says. “Better get back onto the streets though. Idiots won’t web themselves up, unfortunately.”
Wade swallows, the noise comically loud, and says, “Of course, Spidey! Mind if I tag along?”
“That’s a terrible idea.” Peter stands up and stretches his arms above his head, back popping. “But as long as you bring more fries, I guess you can come.”
“Oh, you guess,” Wade mutters as he snatches up their last, untouched large fry. “At least you’re allowing it. Can’t get everything you want.”
“Find someone your own age to hang out with,” Peter snarks as they leave, the bell on the door dinging above them.
“I’ll have you know that I have some very nice friends! But I can’t let my favorite Spider get hurt, IronDick would kill me.”
“He wouldn’t kill you,” Peter responds. “I wouldn’t let him. Maybe just some light maiming.”
Deadpool splits off within an hour, looking incredibly morose as he goes. He makes Peter swear to eat a vegetable, and be in bed by ten tomorrow, taking the night off. The sentiment is nice, and Peter tells him goodbye genuinely, but he doesn’t need Wade fussing over him as well. He’s already got half a dozen calls from Tony telling him to wrap up patrol and head home.
It’s six am, sun breaking the horizon, when Peter calls it quits. Not exactly what Tony or even Wade might have had in mind, but New York never sleeps and its crimes had run rampant over the dark hours. Peter is glad to be done, at least, as he limps through the sliding doors into Stark Industries.
After Wade left, Peter had swung around the city until he’d found some crooks, got shot at, violently slammed into a building twice, and experienced general pain and unrest. Peter threw up once already in a shady alley next to a rusted dumpster, and now every bit of his body feels so weak that he isn’t sure he can make it to Mr. Stark’s lab.
His theory is proven correct as he approaches the elevator, says hello to Bruce as the doors slide open, and promptly collapses.
Not exactly his finest moment.
When Peter comes to, it’s in a bed somewhere in Mr. Stark’s penthouse. Peter would try to get up and maybe find someone, but the bed is soft and blankets fluffy, the TV playing something that looks half-interesting.
No more than five minutes have passed when Deadpool comes into the room, loudly declaring “Spidey, I know I told you to get some rest but I didn’t mean like this!”
Peter cracks a grin and pushes himself up to sit against the pillow. “Sorry. Just wanted to be extra thorough. What, uh, what are you doing here?”
“I convinced ole’ IronDick to let me in. Said I had some nice things for you. He was all ‘Deadpool, Peter has everything he needs here’ so I went, ‘Nuh-uh.’ So, I brought you some hoodies, soup, and this!” Rather proudly, Wade holds up a small Deadpool plush figure. It’s stupid and a little egotistical, but Peter finds himself laughing. The laughs quickly break out into thick coughs, Peter hacking up phlegm into the bedside trash.
“Thanks,” Peter says eventually, settling back onto the bed, voice scratchy. “I really appreciate it.”
“Though some people—” Wade raises his voice, angling towards the door “—don’t think this is necessary, I argue that taking proper care of your Spider is always what makes or breaks a good person.”
“You know you can call me Peter, right?” Peter asks, smiling slightly. It’s amusing, the way Wade veers around his identity, even after he’s known it for so long.
Wade gasps dramatically, racing over to cover Peter’s ears. “Don’t say that. People can hear you!”
Peter swats Wade away, his arms limp as uncooked noodles. He hasn’t realized before now just how drained and empty he feels. Nothing exactly hurts, but his entire body is weak and achy if he moves too much. His mind, on the other hand, is completely fine and raring to go. Peter already knows it’s going to make resting that much harder.
“I don’t want you lifting a finger, Spidey,” Wade says. “Mainly because you look like you can’t hold a spoon, but also because I love spoiling my friends!”
“Your murder-money help you buy a lot of shiny things?” Peter jokes.
“Rude! I don’t only buy shiny things, I buy other stuff too. Like groceries! And this!” Wade tosses the plush onto the bed, where it lands in Peter’s lap. It’s then that he can see how the stitches are a little uneven, the eyes sewn crookedly. Handmade, Peter thinks. The idea that Wade might have made the little plush himself just to cheer Peter up warms him from the inside out.
Wade heats up the soup, putting it into a glass bowl printed with Spider-man adjacent designs—where did he even get that?—and insists on spoon-feeding it all to Peter.
“Not. A. Finger,” Wade repeats, waving the spoon around. Droplets of soup fly through the air. “Oops. Anyways. You’ve wayyyy overworked your muscles, though getting beat up probably didn’t help. And no spoon means no glass bowls.”
Eventually, Peter relents. The soup, classic chicken and noodle, is just on this side of salty. The carrots are tiny cubes instead of slices, adding just enough flavor but not too much for Peter to dislike it.
Overall, it’s…nice. Wade is gentle, if not teasing, going “open for the airplaaaaane” every few bites as though Peter is a toddler. The soup is warm and comforting, and by the time Peter takes the last mouthful, Wade scraping excess drops from his chin, he feels sleepy and full.
“Get some rest, Petey,” Wade says as he places the dishes on the bedside table. “Need our Spider back to full strength.”
Peter falls asleep warm and bundled up, feeling safe and secure in a way that he hasn’t in a long while. It’s a nice change. One he thinks he could get used to.
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housethemd · 1 year ago
One Life For Another
(What if Amber had been the one to survive the bus crash instead of House? Snapshots of Wilson’s life after House. Wilson/Amber, eventual House/Wilson. Just read and you’ll understand.)
“Where’s House?”
Amber asks, shortly after her eyes open. Wilson smooths back her hair, thinking she’s just confused, concussed.
“Shh, you were in a bus crash. You’ve been unconscious for nearly 24 hours. You’re going to be okay though.” He reassures her, kissing her forehead.
“Where’s House?” She repeats.
That’s how they find out House was in that crash too. He’d forgotten his wallet at the bar, so he’d been taken to Princeton General as a John Doe. That’s why Wilson only got the call about Amber.
When Wilson gets there, House only has a few hours left. The damage is too extensive. He’d need multiple organ transplants to save him, and he qualifies for none of them because of his addiction. Conceptually, Wilson knows that House would be unlikely to survive regardless.
Amber checks herself out of PPTH AMA, refusing not to be at her boyfriend's side. House is in and out of consciousness, the high doses of Morphine he’s being given make him drowsy.
It’s 3am when House wakes up for the last time. He’s surprisingly lucid, and Wilson knows what that means. He’s seen it time and time again in his patients. It’s like the universe grants them one last chance to say their goodbyes, to make their peace.
“Always knew I’d go first.” House’s voice is rough and quiet. Wilson has to lean in close to hear him.
“Me too, I didn’t think it would be quite so soon though.” Wilson laughs through his tears.
“On the contrary, I think I’ve lived longer than I was supposed to.” House says.
Wilson knows he’s talking about the infarction. He always knew House felt he should have died then, but Wilson always tried to reassure him that it obviously wasn’t his time, and besides, misanthropic bastards are supposed to live forever, aren’t they?
“Oh Greg.” Wilson is starting to shake as he fights the urge to break down.
“S’okay Jimmy.” He soothes.
“Cut throat bitch.” He addresses Amber now.
“Yeah House?” She’s wiping her own tears away, watching someone die is always hard, especially when it’s someone your loved one loves so much.
“Take care of Jimmy for me, okay?”
She finds she can only nod.
They all know it’s time. No one wants to say it, but they all know.
“I love you, Greg.” Wilson says, squeezing House’s hand and leaning close.
“Love you too, Jimmy. You’ve been the bestest friend a fucked up guy like could have asked for.”
Wilson can’t respond through the sobs. House’s eyes are glassy and unfocused. Wilson leans his face on House’s shoulder. His friend is dying.
“See ya, boy wonder.” The words are drawn out and slow, as House says them with his last breaths.
The monitors alarm as House flatlines. Amber rubs circles on Wilson’s back as he sobs loudly into his dead best friend's shoulder.
Wilson gives the eulogy at House’s funeral. It's an open casket. House’s parents had his body dressed in a dark gray suit with a white shirt and a black tie. Wilson hates that they put House in a tie. House always hated ties. They should have put him in a blue shirt, not a white one. He always looked best in blue, it brought out his eyes. Not that you can see his eyes now.
He talks about how House was a healer, how many lives he’d saved that no one else could. How he cared about people, but only when no one was looking. How much he’ll miss, how much he misses him.
He sobs quietly as they lower the casket into the ground. He doesn’t want to make a scene, but if he’s leaning heavily on Foreman, no one says anything about it. Amber never lets go of his hand.
Blythe comes up to him and thanks him, “For being such a good friend to Greg.” He thanks her, tells her that her son was a very special man. He doesn’t know how to tell her that for everything he did for House, House did just as much for him.
A year goes by.
Amber encourages James to talk about House. She knows how important that relationship was to him, and she never wants him to feel as though she’s forgotten. She doesn’t want him to think she expects him to forget.
They buy a house in the suburbs. It has three bedrooms, a large backyard, and a massive living room. It’s perfect for housing a baby grand piano. Despite the fact neither of them can play it, James keeps it.
He kept all of House’s instruments, they were all incredibly important to House and James couldn’t bear to see them go; there was so little that was truly important to House. But while the guitars get put away in cases and stored, James wants the piano displayed. After the movers had left, James just stared at it for a while. Eventually he said,
“He used to play for me when I’d ask. He was quite talented. It was… nice.” Before he went back to unpacking boxes.
Three months after they move into their home, they go out for a night on the town and James gets down on one knee. She says yes, but also says she won’t change her name. No way will she be the fourth Mrs. Wilson.
That night she wakes at 3:30am to an empty bed and the occasional sound of piano keys. She pulls on the shirt James discarded when they tumbled into bed before she creeps just far enough down the stairs to be able to hear him without being seen.
“I missed you a lot today. I asked Amber to marry me. She said yes, but she’s keeping her name. Thinks ‘Mrs. Wilson’ is cursed or something. I know you’d agree with her.”
There is the sound of piano keys being played randomly.
“It won’t be the same. Getting married without you there. I know it’s silly, I’ve done this three times before, but it’s a big day and I wish I could have my best friend by my side.”
Amber creeps back up the stairs. She’s happy James talks to House. She knows his therapist suggested it, and she’s glad to see he’s listening.
Their wedding is small. They end up not doing wedding parties because James can’t bring himself to have anyone but House as his best man. Amber doesn’t mind. At the reception they light a candle “for those who couldn’t be with us” but it’s really just for House.
Eighteen months after their wedding Wilson is standing in one of the PPTH delivery rooms.
“It’s a boy!” The doctor doing the delivery announces.
As Amber dozes that night, Wilson cradles the small bundle that is his son. He looks down at him with awe. The birth certificate sits next to him on the side table, signed by both him and Amber. It reads:
Michael Gregory Wilson-Volkais
He’d been worried about asking Amber to name their son after House. But she’d only smiled at him, and said she thought Gregory made a lovely middle name.
“Dad, who’s that with you in all the pictures?”
Michael is ten, and they are flipping through a photo album Amber just completed. She insisted they include pictures from before they met, because she was in her mid thirties and he was in his early 40’s when they met, meaning they both had a hell of a lot of life before each other.
“That’s your Uncle Greg.” Wilson answers, as they all stare down at a collage of images of himself and Greg.
“But I thought you only had two brothers, Uncle David and Uncle Danny.” Michael says, confused.
“Greg wasn’t my brother. We met at a medical conference when I was 28, and after that he was my best friend.”
“If he’s your best friend, why haven’t I ever met him?” Michael questions.
Wilson lets out a deep sigh, putting his arm around his son.
“Because he died, Buddy. Before you were born.”
“Oh.” Michael hangs his head, clearly feeling bad. The boy was cursed with his father’s empathy.
“It’s okay. It’s nice to talk about him. Did you know you’re named after him? Your middle name ‘Gregory’ is after your Uncle Greg. Gregory was his full first name.” Wilson tells him.
Michael thinks that’s pretty cool, and they move on to other pictures in the album. That night however, Wilson sits down with a glass of scotch and the album. He sips his drink and reminisces about the moment each picture captures, and all ones that weren’t captured on film.
At sixty-five Wilson lies in a hospital bed. His wife of twenty-three years is on one side of him, and his twenty-one year old son is on the other. Dying of cancer isn’t how he pictured his life ending, but having family around him makes it somewhat bearable, or maybe that’s the morphine.
He hates to leave his son so early, but that’s the danger of having kids later in life he supposes. Michael is only in his last year of his undergraduate degree - premed. He wants to be an oncologist like his old man. Wilson wonders if watching him die of cancer will change his mind.
He’s said his goodbyes, and slowly light and sound fades away. Strangely, or maybe not, his last thought is not of his wife or son, but of Greg House.
See you soon, old friend.
“Wasn’t expecting to see you for another twenty years at least.”
He recognizes that voice. As he slowly opens his eyes he realizes he recognizes his surroundings too. It’s a forest in upstate New York. He and House used to go backpacking here. They’d spend weekends camped out, cooking everything over their campfire and sleeping side by side in sleeping bags in a two person tent.
He finds the source of the voice seated on a tree stump, and there he is.
“House.” Is the only word he manages.
“In the flesh. Well not really, but you know what I mean.” House smiles and laughs.
He looks like he did the night they met, dark hair and unshaven face. Jeans and a band t-shirt under a leather jacket. Wilson looks down at himself and realizes he’s similarly dressed, his own jeans and McGil sweatshirt. He touches his face and realizes he’s also back to the age he was that night.
“I missed you.” He tells House. It’s true. He didn’t realize how much until right now.
“Come on Jimmy, walk with me.”
House takes him down a narrow path that leads them to a small lake. Wilson remembers it from their camping trips. The only difference is now there is a small cottage next to it.
“So, what have you been up to?” House asks. Like they aren’t dead, like this isn’t some strange afterlife they find themselves occupying.
“Not much. Married Amber. Had a son. Named him Michael Gregory, after you.”
They stare at each other for a moment before bursting out into stomach aching laughter. After they finally stop they wrap their arms around each other in a tight hug. They never hugged much when they were alive, but now it feels right.
“What got you?” House asks softly in his ear.
“Cancer.” Wilson tells him.
“Wow. That’s… ironic.” House says as they pull away.
“Yeah. Yeah it is.”
They make their way into the cottage. House will give him a tour of it, and when the sun begins to set in their version of heaven they’ll lay down together in one bed without question.
In life they never seemed to get things right, and then their time together was cut short.
In death they’ll get it right.
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darkeunology · 9 months ago
♡ Final Goodbyes ♡
Word Count: 1228
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, injury
Summary: When a building collapses on you during a mission with Sam, you feel like you have one chance left to tell him how you feel.
Not Requested
Rewritten from an old account
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Fury had given you and Sam yet another job together, this becoming a regular occurrence as of late. The two of you were often given smaller jobs and undercover jobs together due to how well the two of you worked together. Ever since the fight in the airport - once the team had actually started working with each other again, you and Sam were paired up more often, Tony claiming that he’d passed on how well the two of you fought together, working like an actual team, both knowing exactly what the other was going to do in a fight. 
You were best friends, you had been almost from the moment Sam was introduced to you, both of you and Bucky becoming an almost inseparable unit together - never spending much time away from each other in the compound, all looking out for each other in missions. Fighting with both of them felt so natural to you, your movements flowing with each other, yours and Sam’s slightly more than Bucky’s.
There had been reports on an abandoned building about a drug gang Shield were trying to track down - Fury never telling you guys the exact details about why they were hunting down a simple drugs gang - but you and Sam were sent in as an indiscreet unit, hoping you’d be able to surprise whoever was in the building. The rest of the team weren’t far behind, hiding in a vehicle around the corner from the building, listening to your comms, ensuring the two of you were safe - ready to run in the second they needed to. 
After a small talk outside the building about your strategy, making sure you were both on the same page, you entered the building, guns drawn, staying side by side with each other as you eliminated most of the targets - under Fury’s orders; their boss was confirmed to not be in here, Fury didn’t need any of these guys alive anymore, so your orders were to kill anyone you saw you perceived as a ‘threat’.
Neither of you knew quite how it happened, but you’d managed to get split up from each other after some of the gang members had tried to fight you both. Both of you had a plan for if you’d gotten split up during this mission, both needing to meet on the bottom floor near the main entrance. Sam’s voice came over the comms, making you change your route to the nearest entrance to you, 
“The buildings about to go down, they set off bombs on the top floor. Y/N, get out of the building, do you copy?” Sam spoke, breathless slightly as he spoke, already out of the building, the team meeting him out on the street, all waiting for you to get out,
“Copy. Making my way out no-” You were so close to the exit, only a few feet away as the building shook around you, your comms cutting off as the building fell around you. 
“Y/N!” Sam shouted, watching the building fall, “Please tell me you got out…” he spoke into comms again, praying to whatever God was above that you were okay and were going to answer him. 
“Fury, the building fell on Y/N. We have no contact, starting search and rescue for them.” Tony spoke into his comms, all the team running towards the building to try and find you. 
Painfully you opened your eyes, your suit managing to protect you somewhat from the building collapse, making it so you didn’t die instantly from the impact. Panic ran through you as your lungs burned for a breath, a painful, broken groan spilling past your lips, being heard on the comms of the team outside. You heard your name being shouted, unable to tell if it was through your comms or not, you spoke, hoping your comms were still working, “I-I can’t breathe.” A whisper was all you could get out, a slab of concrete pushing down on your back. 
“Y/N!” Sam spoke through the mic, a minute sense of relief coursing through his veins as he heard your voice - you were alive… But for how long? “Where are you, sweetheart?” 
“I was near the West exit when the building came down.” you spoke, remembering how close you were to being out. Tears spilled from your eyes, another slab of concrete pining your leg to the floor, pain being all you could feel, sharp, stabbing pain throughout every single part of your body - you couldn’t hold on, you were going to die down here, you were going to die without ever telling Sam how you felt. “Sam. I need to tell you something.” you whispered. 
“Go ahead.” he spoke, still digging with the rest of the team, now all near where the West exit used to be, all of them determined to find you before you stopped being able to speak - whilst you were speaking, it meant you were still alive. 
“I love you.” 
Sam chuckled, “I love you too, sweetheart.” he replied, his heart aching slightly as he knew you didn’t mean it in quite the way he wanted you to mean it in. 
Another groan slipped past your lips as you chuckled, this one being more painful than the last, your life slowly trying to slip away from you, “No, Sam.” you stopped, a sharp pain stopping you, your leg felt like it was on fire, another groan of pain - every one being increasingly painful for Sam to hear. “I’m madly in love with you. I have been for years. It’s always been you Sam, ever since I met you, you’re all I’ve ever wanted. I couldn’t die here without telling you that.” 
Sam paused his digging, his heart beating out of his chest, he chuckled brokenly as he started to cry, “I love you too, sweetheart. In the exact same way. So you stay alive for me so I can finally take you on a date.” 
“I don’t think I can Sam… I’m sorry.” your voice got quieter, almost interceptable as your eyes closed, your body giving up just as the team pulled the last pieces of concrete off you. 
A weight in your hand was all you could focus on as your consciousness came back to you. Unbeknownst to you, it was Sam’s hand, he’d been sitting with you from the moment you’d come out of surgery.
He woke up from his very unpeaceful sleep by the feeling of you squeezing his hand, a groan spilling past your lips, a sound that Sam could from now on only associate with you dying, “Y/N?” he spoke, his voice breaking as you opened your eyes to him, “Hey, sweetheart.” he spoke, endearment in his voice, he leant forwards, placing a gentle kiss against your forehead, tears spilling onto your skin. 
“Hey” you croaked, your voice incredibly hoarse, 
“Don’t try to talk too much, okay? Your vocal cords and lungs were damaged in the accident.” Sam explained, watching as you nodded your head, 
Against his wishes, you spoke one last time, “So, about that date?” you asked, a small smile painted on your face, 
“I’ll take you out to dinner the minute you’re out of here.” Sam smiled widely, leaning down to place a gentle kiss against your lips, both of you savouring the kiss you’d both been desperate to share for years.
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edgessunflower · 1 year ago
Can i get a fic using this idea of helping your lover zip up their dress, or helping each other undress. And with any WWF star of your choosing please.
Feather light
Pairing: Jeff Hardy x Fem reader
Description: Jeff admires you while helping zip up your dress for a party
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Jeff fixes his suit for the dinner party the two of you were invited to along with many other wrestlers not noticing you secretly eyeing him as you strip out of your loose clothing and step in the lavender dress you had. You get your dress zipper halfway when you couldn't get the rest zipped trying to lean your arm over your shoulder to reach it but still couldn't reach to finish zipping leading to a quiet groan as jeff notices walking to you as you were gonna turn and ask him to help you, you put your earrings in shivering slightly when you feel a touch against your back looking out of the corner of your eye to see jeff running his knuckles against your back gently and feather light almost not feeling the touch had it not been his knuckle brush against your skin smiling sweetly as he goes up then back down before pressing a kiss on your shoulder as you spray a small amount of perfume on your neck and wrists while he slowly zips the rest of your dress up before you notice him trying to pull his hair neatly back out of his face but couldn't leading you to first run your fingers through his hair, brush it with a comb, slowly putting hair gel on your hands then pulling all of his hair back and putting it in a nice braid making him chuckle. The two of you meet up outside with his brother Matt and matt's girlfriend Lita before heading in sharing hugs with a few of your friends before sitting down sharing drinks, laughs, and jokes together in between bites of dinner and occasional smoke breaks for a few of your friends enjoying the night with the trio along with Edge, Trish Stratus, Christian, Torrie Wilson, Eddie Guerrero, Chyna, and Test sharing four hours with dinner before sharing a few more jokes and a final smoke break before saying all your goodbyes heading home helping brush his hair after unbraiding the loose braid you did earlier and before you could try to unzip your dress after taking off your shoes jeff is behind you zipping all of the dress down quickly repeating the feather light touch from earlier making you melt before the two of you shower and watch movies in bed until both of you were asleep under the covers.
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captainzenith · 3 months ago
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Sol Rogers - Captain Zenith
->Child of Steve Rogers in their universe
->Trained by their universe's Sam Wilson
->Strong sense of justice like their father
-> Had been kidnapped and was in cryogenic suspension when Endgame occurred, they didn't get to say goodbye to their father
Stellar Shield
->Their shield is infused with cosmic energy, reabsorbing and redirecting energy attacks is possible. Temporary barriers can be put up as well.
Super-soldier strength and enhanced senses
->Similar to their father they have the super soldier enhancement. Though theirs was from HYDRA, during their kidnapped time. Their senses are also enhanced which is both... a good and bad thing.
Quantum Leap
-> They can teleport short distances to avoid a narrowly dangerous situation. However, it does take quite the amount of energy.
Their Suit
-> Similar to their father's, it's a light and durable material while still being protective. Theirs, unlike their father's, it more futuristic and has a slight glow to it. It's made of deep blues and purples, resembling space. Their logo isn't so much America themed, it leans towards space and unity, as they have a further goal of peace and unity with those in space as well. Unlike their father again, their helmet is retractable with an AI HUD and their utility belt holds much more technologically advanced gear.
Their Shield
-> They have their father's shield, passed on when their uncle Sam passed in a tragedy. They had their own shield, and sometimes they use it, but not much anymore.
->Their own shield has a star in the center and fades into a constellation-type design. They often carry it, but they use their father's shield.
-> They love their Uncle Bucky a ton, and they stayed with him after their dad died.
-> They’re allergic to cats, but loves Alpine (in their universe anyway)
-> They blame themselves for their dad leaving and their Uncle Sam dying, so they hold that guilt constantly.
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eddie-redmayne-italian-blog · 11 months ago
Eddie Redmayne Says 'Willkommen' to Broadway in First Production Photos from Cabaret Revival (Exclusive)
'The Good Nurse' actor is starring as the Emcee alongside Gayle Rankin as the musical's leading lady Sally Bowles
By Sabienna Bowman Published on April 15, 2024 02:30PM EDT
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Eddie Redmayne is ready to put on a show in the first photos from Broadway's Cabaret revival!
In PEOPLE's exclusive first look at the famed John Kander and Fred Ebb musical's return to the Great White Way,The Good Nurse actor, 42, suits up at as Kit Kat Klub's mercurial Emcee. With his jaunty green party hat, oversized brown cravat and black gloves, Redmayne is both intriguing and imposing as the fascinating character.
In another snap of the Emcee in action, Redmayne leaps into the air as several members of the cast dance around him during the show's iconic opening number, "Willkommen."
See Eddie Redmayne and Gayle Rankin in First Rehearsal Photos for Broadway's Cabaret Revival (Exclusive)
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Additional photos from the show shine the spotlight on House of the Dragon actress Gayle Rankin in the role of the vivacious nightclub singer Sally Bowles. In one compelling photo, she seems poised to take the stage with a microphone in hand as she's surrounded by ensemble members during the song, "Mein Herr."
Another picture finds Rankin in a ruffly white dress while holding a prop cigarette as she performs the song "Don’t Tell Mama."
The Cabaret revival is being directed by Rebecca Frecknall, who helmed the West End version, which also starred Redmayne. Previews began April 1 at the August Wilson Theatre in New York City, with the show set to officially open on April 21.
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Cabaret has long been a success both on the stage and screen. Based on John Van Druten’s 1951 play I Am a Camera, which in turn was adapted from the 1939 novel Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood, Cabaret first hit Broadway in 1966. It was later turned into the 1972 film of the same name starring Oscar-winner Liza Minnelli.
The musical tells the story of Sally, an ambitious English singer who starts up a relationship with American writer Clifford Bradshaw as he observes the eccentric characters who populate the Kit Kat Klub in Berlin. Set between World War I and World War II, the growing unrest beyond the club's doors is ever-present as the artists within express themselves through song.
It features a score by Kander & Ebb made up of a string of songs that have become musical theatre mainstays, like “Willkommen,” “Don't Tell Mamma,” “Mein Herr,” “Two Ladies,” “Tomorrow Belongs to Me,” “Money,” “Maybe This Time” and, of course, “Cabaret.”
Jennifer Lopez Visits the Kit Kat Club for Broadway Revival of Cabaret (Exclusive)
Redmayne, who also produces the Broadway revival, has long said that Cabaret “properly ignited” his love for theater, while playing the Emcee in a student production of the musical over 25 years ago.
In an October 2023 statement, he shared, "It now feels completely thrilling and a little surreal to be a part of Rebecca's truly unique vision of Masteroff, Kander, and Ebb's brilliance as it arrives on Broadway, where the piece has such a history."
In addition to Redmayne and Rankin, the rest of the principle cast is rounded out by Ato Blankson-Wood (Clifford), Steven Skybell (Herr) and Tony winner Bebe Neuwirth (Fräulein), as well as Natascia Diaz (Fraulein Kost and Fritzie); and Henry Gottfried (Ernst Ludwig).
The cast also includes, Gabi Campo (Frenchie), Ayla Ciccone-Burton (Helga), Colin Cunliffe (Hans), Loren Lester (Herman/Max), David Merino (Lulu), Julian Ramos (Bobby), MiMi Scardulla (Texas), Paige Smallwood as Rosie, and Marty Lauter (Victor) — also known as Marcia Marcia Marcia of RuPaul's Drag Race fame.
Tickets for Cabaret are on sale now.
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shadowworldwanderers · 6 months ago
Jack Wilson-Patterson
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Name: Jack Wilson-Patterson Nickname: Jack Attack, Jay Love Interest: Bindi Wilson-Patterson, Ezra Matheson Appearance: Short 'bed head' style brown hair, soft blue eyes, pale skin. Jack wears a lot of simple sweaters and jeans, occasionally a suit when he has to, or a tank top in summer. Height: 6'4 History: Jack remembers very little of when his life changed. He remembers being a normal man, a normal boy, but somewhere along the way something happened to make him prey for Hunters. He knows nothing of his powers but often seems to escape Hunters quite by accident. He stumbled into a relationship with Bindi after he found her healing from what should have been fatal wounds. She had surprised him with both her fight and her kindness. When she comes back to tell him about Ezra, he expects it to be goodbye... until she tells him she wants him to meet Ezra. Is it really so simple to be loved?
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forlornmelody · 2 years ago
Bury A Friend: Chapter 1 --Thinking About The Things That Are Deadly
Rating: Explicit (Smut, violence.)
Fandom: DC Comics
Ship: Jason Todd/Rose Wilson. Rose Wilson/Roy Harper. Eventual Roy/Rose/Jason
Summary:  Falling in love with her intended target's best friend is bad enough. But then Rose starts crushing on Roy Harper himself.
Note: This is a sequel to Three Robins Rose Has Kissed And the One Who Kissed back. I highly recommend you go read it before this one.
They come without warning. Not that they really need to warn Rose. She sees them coming the night before, mid-makeout session with Jason when the vision hits her. “Sorry dude, not in the mood tonight.” Leaving Jason on the bed, she stumbles over to the shower. “You uh, can find Roy if you want. I don’t mind.” 
“Rose? You okay?” His cheeks still flush from her attention earlier, his voice slightly strained. Jason’s eyebrows crease as he studies her. He’s so worried he almost looks pissed off. 
Is she ever okay? “I’m fine.” Rose almost kicks Jason out of his own room for the night, but then she realizes she might not ever get to hear his heartbeat again. “We can cuddle later.” Jason opens his mouth to call her on her bluff, but he thinks better of it. 
“Enjoy your shower,” he says sullenly as the door shuts behind him. 
Rose scrubs her skin raw as if she can wash the tension away. But it does nothing for her. Neither does the jill off. Fuck. Why tomorrow? 
It’s one of those airy cafes, with the hanging plants, white tablecloths, and the wine bottle already on the table. Rose would find it extremely romantic if it weren’t for the finality of all of it. She did consider breaking up with Jason first. Maybe it would soften the blow of losing her? But then she saw a vision of him losing her back-to-back. She can’t do that to him. She can’t even bring herself to break his heart once. But there’s no avoiding it, is there? 
Rose made her bed. Now she has to lie in it. 
The moment comes after the waiter takes their order. Rose doesn’t even read the menu. Just spends the fleeting seconds memorizing everything in Jason’s face–his blue eyes that sometimes seem green, the scar on his left temple, his sardonic grin–the way he purses his lips as he gives his order.
“Oh, uh. I’ll have what he’s having.”
“I gotta use the restroom, okay?” Rose leans in for a kiss, and Jason tilts his head toward hers with a smile, only to grin wider when she steals a kiss from his lips instead of his cheek. 
“See you soon,” he murmurs, brushing his nose against hers and squeezing her elbow. 
Rose wills her eye to stay dry as she hurries away as casually as she can muster. “Goodbye,” she whispers to herself. 
She gets just past the restroom door when the bag slips over her head. “Original, aren’t you?”
Two sets of hands haul her into a van and slide the door closed. Rose considers putting up a fight, but what would be the point? She can’t put this off any longer. The van squeals, rocks, and lurches forward and screeches to a halt–Rose tracks the twists and turns, out of habit more than anything. 
They haul her out of the van, and into a cold, musty building. Older. Probably would fail an asbestos test by the smell of things. The floor scrapes with chipped paint on concrete. Older and abandoned. These goons–whoever they are–shove Rose into a cold chair that creaks with her weight. Finally, they cuff her wrists and release their hold on her. And then they yank the bag off of her head. 
Rose hisses at the bright light. 
“Wilson.” There’s a steel table in front of her, and on the other side is a silhouette in a tailored suit. 
“Sure you got the right one? My dad’s kind of an assho–”
They shove her face first into the table. Her nose cracks, and blood pools from her nose onto the steel. It would be kind of pretty if it weren’t for the searing pain in her skull. 
“You had one objective: Eliminate Roy Harper–Code Name: Arsenal.” The lady clicks her tongue. “Instead, we find you involved with his partner, Jason Todd–Code name Red Hood.”
Those nerds really need to be more discreet. Fuck. She’s never going to see them again. Is she? They grab Rose by her hair, yanking her up to face a woman with platinum blonde curls framing her immaculate face. “You have three days. Do not disappoint me again.” The bag goes back over her head.
Rose has never really considered killing herself. She’s died enough times to know that death is really overrated. If anything, Rose tries to avoid dying. Which makes this really unfair. 
Oh sure, Rose can think of a dozen different ways to kill Roy Harper as he cooks them french toast. “You gonna help me with this or are you just gonna stare at my ass all morning?” Roy says without even turning to look. There’s a reason Rose’s employer sent her after him. Despite all his cute-but-dumb energy–Roy Harper is a lot smarter than he lets on. 
“It’s a nice ass,” Rose flirts back without missing a beat. 
That makes Roy turn. “Oh? I thought you preferred Jason’s.” The sun catches his mussed hair in a fiery glow and turns his green eyes amber. 
Rose rolls her eyes. “Everyone likes Jason for his thighs, dumbass.”
“I’m sitting right here, guys.”
Rose drops her glass of orange juice, and Roy snickers as he catches it. “Jealous, Jay Bird?”
“Hardly,” Jason catches his eyes in a way that flips Rose’s stomach. Focus. 
Rose can already see the kitchen burning down, so she joins Roy, turning down the heat before the bacon grease catches fire. Cooking is one thing she learned from her mother, though their breakfasts looked a whole lot different than this. She wonders what her mother would say about her shacking up with the Outlaws.
Too much like your father, Xia. Find yourself a nice boy. Or girl. I don’t care. Just as long as they bring out the best in you.
Lillian Worth would definitely not think of this as Rose’s best. Sorry, mom.
As for her father?
Whatever, Rose. Just don’t get knocked up. Or knocked out.
Slade Wilson was one to talk. Didn’t he have a custody battle with Bruce Wayne at one point? Don’t worry, Dad. I’m not gonna live long enough to make you a grandad. 
Either way, Rose loses. If she doesn’t kill Roy, she dies. If she does? She kills Jason’s best friend. Her best friend. 
Though, if Rose is to be honest with herself, he might be more than Jason’s best friend. More than her best friend.
The following night, she’s sandwiched between them on the couch, not paying attention to the movie Jason picked out. And Rose is pretty sure Roy isn’t either. He’s fallen asleep, his head pressed against her shoulder like it’s a fucking pillow. It would be pretty easy to whip out her knife and open him up ear to ear. But his breath stirs the skin on her collarbone-sending goosebumps and then some all over her body and between her legs. 
As soon as the credits roll, Rose presses Jason against his own door, tearing at his clothes, pulling at his lips with her teeth. She needs him closer; she needs him closer now. 
“Not that I’m complaining…but you okay?” Jason manages to take Rose by the arms, holding her at arm’s length. His blue eyes search hers.
“Movie really got me going.” She leans forward, trying to catch his lips again. 
“Blood and guts really turn you on, huh?” 
“Oh yeah. Why do you think I carry a sword?”
Jason doesn’t buy it. He knows Rose too well by now. But he also sees the desperation in her eyes–the fire searing through her skin. “Please, Jay. I need you.” She needs Roy out of her head.
“Kay, but we’re talking about this after.”
“Mmhm.” Rose pulls him close again, fully intending to put their mouths to other uses. 
Jason turns them, so she’s pressed against the door. He trails kisses down her neck, and Rose bites her lip, thinking about how Roy’s lips would feel on her skin. She winds her fingers into his hair, trying not to think about tangling them in red curls. He peels her hands away from his head, pressing them back against the door so he can undo the buttons on her shirt and kiss down her bare collarbone in peace. 
Rose hears Roy’s footsteps down the hall, biting her lip as she imagines him walking toward Jason’s room and overhearing them. The thought sends warm shivers down her spine–making every one of Jason’s kisses spark down her abdomen. His lips linger on her hip, and Rose swallows a moan, imagining Roy pausing by the door and blushing as red as his hair. Jason bites her skin, drawing her attention back to him, and she catches the knowing look in his eyes. But does he really know what she’s thinking?
The thought makes her blush, and her heart pound. Part of Rose wants Jason to find out. For him to get angry-to have him take her harder, make her his. That’s when Jason’s tongue finds her clit. “Oh fuck.”
“Mm?” Jason asks, but already knows the answer. Or thinks he does. 
God, she really should stop this line of thought, but the fantasy has already taken hold. Roy on the other side of the door, listening to her moans and whimpers. His own breath getting ragged like hers, pressing his ear to the door as his hands quickly undo his belt. Rose gasps as Jason’s tongue traces her labia. Her mind imagines Roy grunting and slipping his hand beneath the waistband of his jeans and his boxers, palming his hardening erection. She holds onto the doorknob for dear life, her knees trembling. 
Jason pats her thighs soothingly, taking her thighs over his shoulders. His fingers slip inside her easily, pumping her in and out. Roy, in her daydream, is sliding to the floor as he pumps himself just on the other side of the door. Rose bites her lip to keep from saying Roy’s name as she trembles around Jason’s fingers.
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noahsbookhoard · 5 months ago
📚May 2024 Book Review (Part 2/3📚
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The september weather is not being kind to me right now so let's travel to Greece and Nigeria! And solve a murder too, why not.
Le Meurtre de Roger Ackroyd (The Murder of Roger Ackroyd) by Agatha Christie
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Roger Ackroyd is murdered just a day after Mrs Ferras, the woman he was planning to marry, was found dead from an overdose. One year earlier this was Mr Ferras who was found dead. Illness? Murder? This was unclear at the time, but the two deaths at 24 hours interval piqued Hercule Poirot's curiosity. Did Mrs Ferras really commit suicide? And who killed Roger Ackroyd?
My first Poirot and as of writing this, my favorite! (Granted I only read three so far but still.) Maybe it was a mistake to start with one with such a particular ending, maybe not. I fell from my chair at the revelation, I really saw nothing coming and it was thrilling.
I can't say too much because spoilling a murder mystery is not nice but I especially loved how this one had the answer staring us in the face this whole time and if you missed the one (1) clue or failed to understand it, the murderer would pass you by until Poirot unmasked them. Brilliant work but I understand why people were mad about it.
Poirot is unsufferable but that's why I love him so much, he has a flare for drama that suits the genre, you can almost feel him wink at you through the pages (and Agatha Christie through him as well, she would enjoy watching the read pull their hair trying to solve it and always ending up two steps behind her detective)
Surely one of the best, I can't recommend it enough. It is one of the earliest Hercule Poirot novel but still works really perfectly well today.
The Illiad by Homer (translated by Emily Wilson)
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Ten years after the beginning of the Trojan War the city is still under siege and the Greeks, away from home. Homer recounts the final months of the war, Achilles' anger at Agamemnon, the emboldening of the Trojan army, the death of Patroclus and Achilles' revenge on Hector.
This is my first reading of The Illiad, although I have heard the story of the Trojan War multiple times in different forms, my favorite being The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. It was tume to give the original a go! I had a lot of choice as for as translation goes, both in French and English but I was curious about Wilson's translation. Also I was adamant that I wanted it as an audiobook, to have a closer experience to what it would have been to listen to an epic in Homer's time and Audra McDonald does a pretty good job in my opinion!
I loved all the events that never make the cut in retelling or abridged version of the epic, the details of the conversations, the battles, even the Catalogue of the Ships that I was dreading was interesting and soothing during a long train ride.
And it was nice to finally hear some of the most well known moment of the Greek mythology in one of the most ancient form: the wealth of details and dialogues makes it so much more vivid and intense.
Having studied Ancient Greece a little, especially the perception of otherness in Greek culture was really enlightening to put some context on the events. Even so, after thousands of years, it is just as entertaining and touching. Hector saying goodbye to Andromaque and taking his helmet off so it wouldn't scare Astyanax will never stop being endearing to me.
The characters are still relatable at times, Achilles' anger, his grief. Hector's love for his family and telling off of his brother. The words have travelled times and find us exactly the same today, there is some poetry in this.
A long journey, but a really satisfying one. I have The Odyssey audiobook at the ready, waiting for a podcast or another to go on hiatus so that I have a listening slot available!
Akata Witch (The Nsibidi Script #1) by Nnedi Okorafor
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Sunny is albinos and Nigerian, born in America before her family moved back to Nigeria. Her difference always left her a little lost, until she met Chichi, Orlu and Sasha and discovered the Leopard people, where her difference makes her magic even stronger. But the foir friends will have to face a hard apprenticeship and a dangerous enemy: Black Hat Otokoto, a children serial killer.
This one wasn't my pick: I joined a book club back in May and every month each member suggest a book, we deaw one randomly and read it together. I love the concept, it's super fun, it invites people to try books they wouldn't have read otherwise.
It is a middle grade/early young adult novel, very Harry Potter like (very very much like it, some elements are a bit too close to pass as accidents) so I was definitely not the target audience and might have been a bit too old to appreciate it. This is a young girl discovering her magic abilities that had been hidden from her and with her friends she will have to defeat a menacing man that uses dark powers. That's really cliché as far as plot goes and I wasn't very invested because I could see it coming from a mile away.
The characters were archetypes and did not make a lasting impression on me. Among the children there's the clever boy, Orlu, the bitchy girl Chichi, and the American boy Sasha. I found them very two-dimensional, dialogues often felt flat and their actions were really predictable, not to mention how the group dynamic looks earily like Harry Ron and Hermione. The adults are worse: they are fully aware of the threat of Black Hat Otokoto and won't do anything except send four kids do the job for them. I found them very cold, not to say cruel at times. Physical punishment is expected and treated as normal, which I was really uncomfortable with.
However the setting is really interesting: I really enjoyed discovering the Nigerian culture through daily life and adventures of Sunny. It made me want more of this universe and its magic.
So even though this book was not for me and I won't be reading the rest of the series I am really curious about Nnedi Okorafor's work. I browsed a little and the author also have some adult books too, including some Nebula and Hugo award nominees. I'll probably try it at some point.
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underwhelmingalchemist · 1 year ago
WIP Fic Tag/Ask Game
Tagged by @unlifeira ! Thanks :3
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Okay, well, I have A LOT, so I'm putting them under a cut
Not tagging anyone because I don't know too many other fic writers, let alone 58 other fic writers, so if you want to do this, consider yourself tagged.
Let's go!
5 Attempts to Ask on a Date
A Million Ways to Say Goodbye
Achilles Come Down
Almost Hallmark
Angel AU Thingy
Angel Demon AU
Avengers Sleepover
Blackbonnet Angst Fic - Title TBD
Bucky and Sam and Alpine
Bucky Birthday Fic
Bucky Makes Cookies
Bucky Teaches Steve to Kiss
Bucky Teasing Sam Smut Fic
City of Ghosts
Dean Winchester Knew He Liked Women
Enby Bucky - I'm Leaving for New York
Fixing My Immortal
Howard Stark as a Father
I Need You to Teach Me How to Kiss - Stucky
In Full Color
In Your Pages
It's a Sex Pollen Fic
It's Been a Short, Short Line
Lips Like Licorice, Tongue Like Candy
New Year's Eve Smut - Stony
Not Even God
Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice
Sam Wilson Birthday Fic
SamBucky Christmas Fic 2022
SamBucky First Date
SamBucky Soulmates (Possibly)
Sam's Nightmares
Steve Birthday 2021
Steve had Always Hated the Cold - Stucky
Steve Rogers Birthday Fic
Steve's Letter to Bucky
Stony Birthday Smut
Stony Pole Dancing
Stony PTSD
Stony Smut Fic - Trauma and Suit Sex
Stuckony - Physical Touch
Stuckony Fanfic
Stucky - Nightmares and Trauma
Stucky Christmas Fic
Stucky Fic - WIP - Cuddling Together
Tony Gets a Cat - Winteriron
Werewolf AU
Werewolf Stucky
Words of Affirmation - Stucky
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newmusickarl · 1 year ago
5-9’s Album of the Month Podcast – Episode 8 Out Now, Episode 9 coming soon!
The September review episode of the 5-9 Album of the Month Podcast is fast approaching and as ever I will take a seat alongside 5-9 Editor Andrew Belt and Check This Out’s Kiley Larsen to review five high profile album releases from the past month in music, and ultimately name one as our Album of the Month at the end of the discussion.
For the next blockbuster episode, the five albums we will be discussing are:
Eat The Worm by Jonathan Wilson
The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We by Mitski
Strange Disciple by Nation of Language (poll winner, thanks for voting!)
This New Noise (Live) by Public Service Broadcasting
Everything Is Alive by Slowdive
If you want to listen to the August episode or any previous episodes on Spotify simply click the link below, but also be sure to follow 5-9 Blog on Instagram and Twitter for more news and polls relating to the podcast, along with other great content like film reviews, sports articles and more.
Listen to the August 2023 episode here
Album & EP Recommendations
Laugh Track by The National
Anticipation can be a funny thing. When asked on the January episode of our podcast earlier this year what were some of my most anticipated records for the upcoming 12 months, a new album from The National was one of my picks. As one of my favourite bands, I couldn’t wait for the next instalment in their catalogue and by the time April and The First Two Pages of Frankenstein came around, my hype-o-meter had hit fever pitch. Sadly what I found, left me massively disappointed.
Whilst some fans took to the record immediately, for me Frankenstein was (and still is after numerous plays) the sound of a band seemingly out of ideas and just going through the motions. What’s more, frontman Matt Berninger’s lyrics sound forced, clunky and even clichéd at times. The rich, multi-layered instrumentation we’ve come to know and love with The National seems non-existent too, as the Dessner brothers fail to deliver much of note. Bryan Devendorf is also given a backseat in place of an uninspired drum machine, whilst Phoebe Bridgers’ advertised guest spots are nothing more than backing vocals. Of course, there are still moments like Once Upon A Poolside, Eucalyptus and Alien that show glimmers of The National at their best, but overall these moments are too few and far between.
So when it was announced last week that The National were releasing their second album of 2023 titled Laugh Track, my expectations were hopeful but a bit more modest. The good news was the singles from this tenth studio album were a bit more promising, with Bon Iver collaboration Weird Goodbyes (one of my favourite songs of 2022) and the mini-epic Space Invader clear of anything we had been given on Frankenstein. It turned out to be a good indicator for the rest of the record as Laugh Track has turned out to be The National album I was hoping for at the start of 2023.
For me the contrasting contents is evident from the front covers of the two albums alone. Where Frankenstein is dull pink and monochromatic, Laugh Track is vivid and full of colour - which for me represents the huge difference in sound between the two. Bryan Devendorf has more of a presence whilst the Dessner brothers are stringing together interesting musical arrangements again. Matt’s lyrics suit the flow of the tracks better too, with some lines punching you in the gut like we know he can. But above everything else, a few of the songs here can stand shoulder to shoulder with The National’s very best.
Weird Goodbyes and Space Invader I already mentioned but outside of those two this album is littered with stellar moments. Alphabet City I wasn’t sure about initially, but it seems at home here as the album’s opener. Recent single Deep End (Paul’s In Pieces) has a great driving riff whilst Turn Off the House wouldn’t sound out of place on Trouble Will Find Me. Phoebe Bridgers also has more to do on the brilliant title track, with the line “So turn on the laugh track, everyone knows you’re a wreck” showcasing Matt Berninger at his self-deprecating best. The piano-led Hornets is another stand-out in the back half before Crumble, the country-inspired collaboration with American singer-songwriter Roseanne Cash, also hits home.
The album is fantastic up until that point, but it is the colossal closing track Smoke Detector that sends the record into another stratosphere for me. Clocking in at just shy of eight minutes, it is like Sleep Well Beast cut The System Only Dreams In Total Darkness cranked up to 11. It sees Matt Berninger poetically rant over the top of an ominous riff as it begins to surge, the volume of his vocals steadily escalating along with it. Anchored around a heartfelt refrain of “You don’t know how much I love you, do you?”, it eventually explodes into a thrilling final couple of minutes led by the Dessner brothers’ climatic duelling guitars.
Whilst I appreciate some will still prefer Frankenstein and others may even be left lukewarm by this album as well, for me this is The National I know and love. Several songs here I immediately put alongside my favourites in their catalogue and overall it is just a beautifully arranged record from beginning to end. Whilst it certainly won’t trouble the likes of Boxer, High Violet or Trouble Will Find Me in any album ranking, it is great to know that The National haven’t lost their touch just yet.
Listen here
Lost In Love by Zivi
Another highlight of the last few weeks, Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter Zivi recently released his hypnotically hazy and guitar-driven debut album - Lost In Love. Released on the seemingly infallible Mama Mañana Records, Zivi’s debut transports you to the desert-dusted sights and sounds of Southwestern America, where mesmerising laidback grooves meet tales of romance and life on the road.
Working with an exceptional array of talented musicians, Zivi brings together an eclectic mix of guitar textures that evoke different feelings and memories at every turn, jumping from the upbeat, timeless rhythms of Move Along to the bluesier riffs of Disappear and Midnight Train. The album then reaches it’s peak around the midway point, with the melancholic strums and enchanting electric koto chimes of Come On bringing the wow factor, before the strutting chords of single Faded take over. On masterful centrepiece Need U Tonight, Zivi then sings of “letting down our guards”, with his passionate vocals taking centre stage amidst a spellbinding arrangement of toe-tapping drums, melodic guitars and some beautiful harmonies with female vocalist, Phoebe Wilson.
That song feels like the emotional heart of the record and after that Zivi steers the listener into the realms of 70s-inspired soft rock for the final stretch. Way Out vividly captures the feeling of breaking free being described in the lyrics, with those words resonating through a sonic eruption of whirring organs and spiralling guitars. The riffs are similarly bold on Solidarity and Passenger, before White Ocean offers up an enthrallingly soulful finale, with the wave crashes wonderfully painted through sounds of church organs and echoey saxophones.
With an excellent team of musicians by his side, an unshakeable trust in his own songwriting and the time, care and effort taken to perfect these songs, Zivi has crafted a truly memorable debut that ranks amongst the year’s best first-time outings. So, if you need some warm, comforting sounds to counteract the incoming colder weather - look no further.
Listen here
Watch Zivi's brilliant live performance at Meow Wolf here
Black Rainbows by Corinne Bailey Rae
I’ll admit, beyond her overplayed and overly twee breakout hit Put Your Records On, before this month I couldn’t name you another Corinne Bailey Rae track. With that being the case, I went into this fourth album from the British singer-songwriter with little expectation, other than a recommendation and some extremely positive reviews. As a result, I was blown away by the absolute tour de force with which I was presented.
Across the album’s ten tracks, Corinne effortlessly jumps from genre to genre whilst sharing her thoughts on subjects such as slavery, spirituality, freedom, hope and survival. Whilst these radical style switches can be jarring at times, it also makes for an absolute thrill ride with not a single dull moment to be found. In just the opening three songs alone, Corinne flies between the rip-roaring A Spell, A Prayer, the experimental jazz of the title track before landing at the stomping rock riffs of Erasure.
It’s then in the middle section where the best songs can be found, with Corinne’s soulful cries of “I wanted to know you” gracefully gliding across the stirring arrangement on album highlight, Red Horse. She then immediately does a complete 180, firing into the full throttle garage rock of New York Transit Queen, a song that wouldn’t sound out of place on the recent Hives record. Near 9-minute epic Put It Down is then the entire album in a nutshell, starting out as a magical slice of smooth R&B before transitioning into a pulsating buzz of electronica.
Black Rainbows is an album that on the surface sounds like it should be a hot mess, an “everything including the kitchen sink” collection of sounds and styles that would’ve quickly misfired in anyone else’s hands. Full credit to Corinne Bailey Rae though, as she keeps the project anchored and makes the dramatic transitions seem like the most natural thing in the world. An incredible record that you simply must hear.
Listen here
Softscars by yeule
If after Corinne you want more genre-hopping brilliance, then look no further than the third studio album from Singaporean musician, Yeule. A concept album which sees each track represent an old wound from Yeule’s past, it’s an exhilarating, near flawless ride through the cross-section where dream-pop, shoegaze and alt-rock all collide. Brilliant from start to finish, it’s particularly worth your time for the likes of x w x, sulky baby, ghosts, inferno and aphex twin flame.
Listen here
Lost In A Rush Of Emptiness by Bleach Lab
If you’re after something a bit more traditional in sound however, then I recommend the utterly stunning debut from London-based quartet Bleach Lab. Bringing together elements of shoegaze and melodic indie rock, gorgeous flourishes of strings and the softly spoken vocals of frontwoman Jenna Kyle, it’s an album that will leave you completely entranced from the get-go. Particularly worth diving into the majestic opening trio of All Night, Indigo and Counting Empties, along with the astonishing 7-minute closer, Life Gets Better.
Listen here
With All Due Disrespect EP by Bellah Mae
And then on the EPs front, rising popstar Bellah Mae landed on my radar earlier this year through her charismatic performance at Nottingham’s Splendour festival. An absolute pro at post-breakup takedowns, her debut pulls together all her catchy, often hilarious singles to date into one fun blast of a shortplayer. Whether it’s the sarcastic brush-off of Boyfriend of the Year, the sweeping balladry of On Purpose (For My Future Daughter) or the meme-tastic roast of her ex found on Date Your Dad, Bellah’s charm and unique way with words will have you smiling in no time.
Listen here
Also worth checking out: Magic 3 by Nas, End by Explosions In The Sky, STONE by Baroness, Cellophane by Holy Holy, Heaven and Gold by Cleo Sol
Tracks of the Week
ONE MORE TIME by Blink-182
Get the tissues ready, pop-punk legends Blink-182 are back.
Whilst it may not be a big deal to everyone, for 90s kids like me who grew up with Blink-182’s music, seeing the original line-up of Tom, Mark and Travis reconcile and get back together for a new album brings nothing but joy. Well, maybe not nothing but joy - I’d be lying if I said this song didn’t leave me deeply moved. As memories and callbacks to their heyday are made during the song’s music video, the comeback single itself is an honest love letter from the trio to one another and a touching ode to their brotherly bond.
Watch the music video here
Another Life by Spector
Continuing the build to the release of their fourth album in late November, titled Here Come The Early Nights, indie heroes Spector have served up the second taste of their forthcoming project. Sonically it is the type of upbeat anthem we have come to expect from Spector but lyrically it is slightly different to the norm, as typically witty and guarded frontman Fred Macpherson shows a rare glimpse of vulnerability as he ponders on a lost love.
Listen here
Looking For Loving by Nimmo & Satellite
Summer may sadly be coming to an end, but there’s always time for one last dance banger – especially from the ever-brilliant Nimmo. Still yet to deliver a bad song throughout their career, this energetic collaboration with Satellite features plenty of heart and an instantly catchy chorus.
Listen here
Gemini by Bathe Alone
A shoutout to Twitter friend Joe for putting this new single from Atlanta-based multi-instrumentalist Bailey Crone, AKA Bathe Alone, onto my radar. Filled with lush, dreamy sonics and Crone’s own whispery vocals, it’s an intoxicating song in which to fully lose yourself.
Listen here
Love My Way by Share
And finally this week, New Music Weekly favourite Nile Marr has recently teamed up with musician Kaylen Alan Krebsbach to form new band - Share. It’s an instantly intriguing combination of talents and their first single, a blissful cover of the Psychedelic Furs’ classic Love My Way, is now out in the world. An excellent, faithful cover that leaves me waiting to hear more from the duo.
Listen here
Also worth checking out: Black Heaven by Creeper, Into Your Room by Holly Humberstone, Big Pharma by Sleaford Mods, When The Rain Comes by Sugababes, All the Time In The World by Sunship Balloon
REMINDER: If you use Apple Music, you can also keep up-to-date with all my favourite 2023 tracks through my Best of 2023 playlist. Constantly updated throughout the year with songs I enjoy, it is then finalised into a Top 100 Songs of the Year in December.
Add the playlist to your library here
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dungeonofthedragon · 2 years ago
Pocket Quest 2023 was an amazing experience, and I learned a lot. I've discovered some awesome titles from fellow creators along the way! This one in particular captivated me the moment I saw it:
It's a solo rpg. It's powerful and emotional. It has a narrative arc and closure.
It's only 50c.
I played the game for myself this morning and followed the prompts, and had such a fun time. My playthrough (a short story, really!) is below the cut for those of you who want to get a feel for the vibes.
You are an astronaut. You are already dead. How did you die, and what are you doing out here?
You'll have to play it yourself to find out!
I died on Sunday. I didn’t have time to register. One minute I was alive, the next I was dead. Dead, but not gone. This is an important distinction.
Because I’m definitely not gone. I’m here. I’m a ghost.
I think?
My consciousness lingers anyway. Maybe I have to wait until the Earth is vanquished. Maybe someone out there is taunting me. Who knows?
All I can do is think, and so I do. I think about my brother receiving the news. It was just the two of us looking out for each other in the end. Now it’s just him. I wish I could be there to comfort him.
Could I be?
I urge my consciousness to turn away, move back towards the planet. It does not. Can not.
Seems it’s purgatory for me then. Gotta watch this happen.
I picture my brother in tears. I imagine him looking at the picture of our family all together. Our sister, long gone. Our mother, who might as well be. Our father, who vanished without a trace.
A family history of abandonment. Separating us symbolised more than just freedom in the end. It was the start of a wider separation. I still have the scars where our hips once joined: where he kept the flesh, and I was saved through biomechanics.
Well, my body does anyway.
Not that I can see it through that suit. What a cold way to go.
Maybe the flashing lights have something to do with it. I’m not sure. I was feeling fine. I wish I’d agreed to stay behind. We’d fought about it. Our conversation got heated at the end. Don’t think we even said goodbye.
I regret that.
I didn’t stay behind then. But I have to now. The raiders are coming and it’s just me left. A solar system is fair game for these people. A planet will be no challenge at all. If they can get the defence grid up in time, it might at least give Earth the chance to evacuate.
Evacuating the Earth. I never thought the day would come.
I focus on the console, the system of knobs and buttons so familiar yet frustratingly out of reach.
A light winks on. I have comms. Did I do that?
I try to speak. I can’t. My body is cold and my vocal cords frozen in their final death groan. The light stays on though. I have some influence here even now.
It takes everything in me. My body is no part of me now but whatever part of me can feel aches.
There is a flutter of movement. Someone joins me in the shuttle, floating through the reinforced hull as though there is nothing there.
“Who are you?” I ask.
I have a voice now.
The figure is barely there, a haze just visible under those ever-blinking lights. They stand beside me and lean against my shoulder. I feel a sensation of warmth.
I can feel now.
“Many souls are lost in space,” the figure says. “My name is Hannigan. My body is sleeping back on Earth. My spirit can travel here to find those lost souls. I tell you, you have a lot of free time when your work and sleep takes place at the same time.”
There is a throaty chuckle.
“I have an important message for Earth,” I say. “I can’t leave.”
“There’s always an important message, friend. You matter too. Talk with me for a few minutes and then I’ll take your message. First: who are you?”
“Matthew,” I say. “I have a twin brother. His name is Alec.”
“Where is Alec now?” “Back on Earth. I’m all he has left.”
“He will heal,” Hannigan reassures me.
I see them a little clearer now: long wavy hair, a pronounced nose and high cheekbones. I look down and see my own hands. I can speak. I can feel. And now, I can see myself.
Hannigan takes my hands. I catch the shadow of a smile cross their (her?) features.
“Life isn’t fair,” she says. “There’s always someone left behind, whichever way you look at it.”
“I don’t want him to be alone,” I say. “He’s had a bad few years. He doesn’t need this.” “Unfortunately the world doesn’t care how much we already have to deal with. No matter what the devout say. But I can visit Alec, Matthew. I will pass on whatever final message you have for him.”
Hannigan squeezes my hands. It all comes out at once- our upbringing, our separation, our family problems. Our current address. Hannigan listens and nods, and replies in kind. She tells me about her girlfriend and her cats. As we share our stories we see each other a little clearer.
“Tell him I love him,” I finish. “More than anything in the world. I miss him so much.”
“I’ll do that,” she promises. “Was there anything else?” “Uh, yes. A message for the government. Any one will do.”
I tell her about the raiders, their miles-long ships and their alien weaponry. She holds my hands the whole time. After a while I realise I can no longer feel her. I try to speak, and I can’t. I can still see her for now.
“Rest easy, Matthew,” she says softly. “I’ll take care of your brother. We will defend the Earth. You have done all you need.”
She fades out of existence. As does the ship, until it’s just those blinking lights. They too are gone. I am gone. I am nothing.
The Earth and my brother will be safe.
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savpumpkinhead · 1 year ago
IM SO MENTALLY ILL. im gonna put some watching notes on here HEHE
- i loooove this nick he is soo <3 bro CANNOT drive that boat i adore him. im iffy ab this tom. his actor is kinda growing on me tho. i LOVE this george wilson even tho i have seen him for less than a minute, im in love in this jordan, and this myrtle is an ICON. also gatsby was there for like a second and u only see him in shadows but he looks absolutely gorgeous im so excited
- nick looks like he absolutely adores daisy in their first scene together its so cute. dare i say they are the cousins ever
- nick said his unaffected scorn line and i SCREAMED. dare i say i almost forgot how GAY he was until that. oh my god
- im already noticing so much symbolism HEHE like myrtle wanting a puppy is just a small thing in the book but in the movie we see a bunch of wealthy women with puppys and i think that adds so much.
- im in love with this nick. OMG ALSO HIII HES WEARING A SWEATER <33 hes soo gay. u little bumbling mess of a man. what if i was insane and said harry melling nick carraway. please . dream casting actually
- ohhh my god costumes i am EATING THEM UP. people always forget collar bars BUT THEY HAVE COLLAR BARS. they all look amazing
- i love jay with blue eyes and nick with green/hazel <3 im a green eye gatsby brown eye nick truther but he looks so nice here i cant even be bothered to be sad ab it
- OH MY GOD. “our business relationship” “any favors that i do for you dont need any payment” HELLO ???
- i adore the way nick is always observing. idek if that was on purpose acting wise but hes always looking and watching and its so accurate to the book and character i love it
- nick again with his adoration for daisy they r so cute :)
- omg owl glasses guy !! hey dude ur such an icon !! oof that shirt scene was insane nick is such a cutie. “its been a very long time since ive been able to look at you” OH MY GOD. ohmy god banger line. also the music in this scene is so cute. ALL THE MIRROR SYMBOLISM <3
- “a lot of these newly rich people are just bootleggers, did you know that?” “Not gatsby!” okay nick ur so gay for him wtf. also insane ab all of nicks outfits i love his sweaters and cardigans
- “cant repeat the past? of course you can” line was so good. i adore the lighting they used.
- UGH JAYS PINK SUIT. nick and jordan sitting there traumatized is insane jesus. TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY. Oh my god. guys im just a little guy and its my birthday
- my boy george. man is so doomed by the narrative i love him. WHY DO PEOPLE NEVER GIVE HIM BLONDE HAIR HES SO SUPPOSED TO BE BLONDE LIKE GATSBY. his acting is so amazing in this also he kinda looks like edward norton
- this movie has a lot more book accurate scenes than 2013 it sso good. i am eating it up. i also just dont enjoy baz luthermans directing style but thays a personal thing dont even get me started idk
- “do you have a cigarette” “only one” “we’ll share” OH ???
- i just realized if nicks eyes were green i could make some comment about how they r the same color as the light on daisys dock and how ghats kinda gay cause gatsby and the light and blah blah
- actually idk ab that book accurate thing - its so interesting to see how directors / writers pick and choose what parts from the book to keep and what not too and then what new dialogue too add, and then what that changed through each adaptation
- “how bout a swim?” PLEASE NICK !! the time when being gay would have saved lives
- “THEIR A ROTTEN CROWD” always gets me. goddamn. AND THE LITTLE WAVE.
- oh thank god in heaven they kept in his diary. its so important to his character. and nicks line about retreating into their money. my heart
- NICKS ENDING MONOLOGUE OH MY GOD ??? its so gorgeous.
i love this adaptation so bad guys
FINALLY getting around to watching gatsby 1974 >:)
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