#goodbye garfield
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kenobion · 3 months ago
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Andrew Garfield on the Graham Norton Show
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benzgarfield · 1 month ago
BenzGarfield in Cambodia February 15, 2025
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jet-set-go-go · 5 months ago
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Fave characters! I’ve been experimenting with shapes more, i like how this one turned out
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sincericida · 1 year ago
I, in addition to watching the Golden Globe's with the complete absence of Andrew Garfield in it, still come across this Netflix post:
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Me too, at Andrew Garfield's door to convince him to comeback to "Frankenstein" movie:
Netflix, telling me:
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Me too:
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That's it.
*end of my outburst*
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debutniverse · 6 months ago
My favourite interactions I had on cohost
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crybabycinna · 2 years ago
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I’m so sad this is over like I’m seriously crying I’m not joking this was so much fun and I loved reading it so much I really wish this would continue like Wayne family adventures it isn’t fair 😭 let my black girls shine damn! Can’t have shit! I loved seeing Damian and Duke bonding and beast boy and Raven! Like ugh this was great and deserves more love and praise idc
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humblefryingpan · 8 months ago
Part 3 of my DC/Danganronpa crossover!
(Part 1 , Last , Next , Masterlist)
If this is the first one you've seen - I'm making a crossover of DC comics and Danganronpa by assigning the characters a vigilante that I think suits them
The Teen Titans/Outlaws using sdr2 characters
Robin - Hajime Hinata
I'm using the second robin instead of the first because Hajime fits better with these characters! I explained Hajime being Jason in part 1 if you missed that
Starfire - Chiaki Nanami
- mostly just seen as a love interest to one of the robins/protags
- not great at social ques
- I kinda needed her to be star because the other outlaws in this are Nagito and Hajime so no one else would've felt right
Raven - Sonia Nevermind
- A (occasionally evil) princess being the daughter of an overlord felt right to me
- Both occult fans
- Dating an extreme animal lover
Beast Boy - Gundham Tanaka
- Animal Boy
- This is the only thing that feels right for either of them
- Dating occult-y princess
- Often speaks in a way used for comic relief
Cyborg - Kazuichi Souda
- mechanics, very skilled with robotics
- often shipped with animal boy (at least in ttg and the og tt cartoon)
Arsenal - Nagito Komaeda
Not really a teen titan (usually) but I didn't see the point in making another part for the outlaws bc they're all here already
- Mildly explosive at times (Nagito with the bomb and unless I'm misremembering Roy also had explosive arrows?)
- Pretty okay with murder, surprising his friends
- I'm not sure how to explain this one but it feels so right to me
Edit: Kid Flash - ?
So he's Robin 1's best friend but does makoto really have one? Kyoko's already Oracle and Byakuya rlly doesn't fit KF
Aoi is a really fast swimmer and her and KF are pretty upbeat characters so maybe her? Lmk what you think because I have no idea
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bug-kid-benny · 2 years ago
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ilove 3d paint
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starleska · 2 years ago
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Mad Mod getting punted by dino-Beast Boy absolutely kills me 😂😂😂
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meteorherd · 2 years ago
as a known garfield enjoyer i need to say i think my BIGGEST pet peeve is when people show off literally ANY vintage garfield thing and say its from 1978 because all of the 80s merch say copyright 1978 on it like that is 80S GARFIELD!!!!
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SO very clearly 80s garfield. he’s Just anthropomorphized enough to be hybrid bipedal/on all fours but not entirely bipedal and less oval-faced like the 90s.
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^^^^ THIS is 1978 garfield, very VERY different and theres rarely any 78 merch of garfield anyways because the 80s is really when they started to make a million different collectibles because thats when garfields design became more Marketable and mascotlike, and they havent stopped since. controversial but i do think all girls are beautiful and 78 garf included
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danganronpa-atn · 2 years ago
Hajime, typing on a computer and reading it as he's typing: Dear, Santa. I am writing to you as a character reference for myfriend, Hiyoko Saionji. Please do not judge her solely on her negative deeds. She really is kind and loving, with a heart of gold. I have never known another girl so selfless and noble. I ask that you keep these things in mind when considering her Christmas list. Sincerely yours, Hajime Hinata. Hajime: There, NOW may I have my car keys back? Hiyoko: First, hit "send."
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notesonfilm1 · 4 months ago
POFCRIT Podcast 2024: James Thompson on Under The Silver Lake (David Robert Mitchell, 2018)
James Thompson on UNDER THE SILVER LAKE: Unpacking the mysteries of this dream-like neo-noir, the podcast takes a look at the film’s many potential meanings and messages, as well as its wide array of influences and homages from classical Hollywood. From subliminal messages in the media, to mythical murderers, to secret underground bunkers or to cults of the ultra-rich, this episode explores all…
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fictionadventurer · 2 years ago
I have to talk about Chester Arthur. His story makes me go crazy. A mediocre president from the 1880s who's completely forgotten today has one of the best redemption stories I've ever heard and I need to make people understand just how cool his story is.
So, like, he starts out as this idealist, okay? He's the son of an abolitionist minister and becomes famous as a New York lawyer who defends the North's version of Rosa Parks whose story desegregates New York City's trolley system.
Then he starts getting pulled into politics and becomes one of the grimiest pieces of the political machine. He wants money, power, prestige, and he gets it. He becomes the right-hand man of Roscoe Conkling, the most feared political boss in the nation, a guy who will throw his weight around and do the most ruthless things imaginable to keep his friends in power and destroy his enemies.
Because Arthur's this guy's top lackey, he gets to be Controller of the Port of New York--the best-paying political appointment in the country, because that port brings in, like, 70% of the federal government's funds in tariffs. He gets a huge salary plus a percentage of all the fines they levy on lawbreakers, and because he's not afraid to make up infractions to fine people over, he is absolutely raking in the dough. Making the rough equivalent of $1.3 million a year--absolutely insane amounts of money for a government position. He's spending ridiculous sums on clothes, buying huge amounts of alcohol and cigars to share with people as part of his job recruiting supporters to the party, going out nearly every night to wine and dine people as part of his work in the political machine. He's living the high life. Even when President Hayes pulls him from his position on suspicions of fraud, he's still living a great life of wealth, power, and prestige.
Then in 1880, his beloved wife dies. While he's out of town working for a political campaign. And he can't get back in time to say goodbye before she dies. Because he's a guy who has big emotions, it absolutely tears him up inside, especially because Nell resented how much his political work kept him away from home. He has huge regrets, but he just moves in with Roscoe Conkling and keeps working for the political machine.
And then he gets a chance to be vice president. The Republican Party has nominated James Garfield, a dark horse candidate who wants to reform the spoils system that has given Conking his power and gave Arthur his position as Port Controller. Conkling is pissed, and he controls New York, and since the party's not going to win the election without New York, they think that appointing Conkling's top lackey as vice-president will pacify him.
They're wrong--Conkling orders Arthur to refuse--but Arthur thinks this sounds like a great opportunity. The only political position he's ever held is Port Controller--a job he wasn't elected to and that he was pulled from in disgrace. Vice President is way more than he could ever have hoped for. It's a position with a lot of political pull and zero actual responsibilities. He'll get to spend four years living in up in Washington high society. It's the perfect job! Of course he accepts, and Conkling comes around when he figures out that he can use this to his advantage.
When Garfield becomes president, Arthur does everything he can to undermine him. He uses every dirty political trick he can think of to block everything that Garfield wants to do. He refuses to let the Senate elect a president pro tempore so he can stay there and influence every bill that comes through. He all but openly boasts of buying votes in the election. He's so much Conkling's lackey that he may as well be the henchman of a cartoon supervillain. On Conkling's orders, he drags one of Garfield's Cabinet members out of bed in the middle of the night--while the guy is ill--to drag him to Conkling's house so he can be forced to resign. He's just absolutely a thorn in the president's side, a henchman doing everything he can to maintain the corrupt spoils system.
Then in July 1881, when Arthur's in New York helping Conkling's campaign, the president gets shot. By a guy who shouts, "Now Arthur will be president!" just after he fires the gun. Arthur has just spent the past four months fighting the president tooth and nail. Everyone thinks he's behind the assassination. There are lynch mobs looking to take out him and Conkling. The papers are tearing him apart.
Arthur is absolutely distraught. He rushes to Washington to speak with the president and assure him of his innocence, but the doctors won't let him in the room. He gets choked up when talking to the First Lady. Reporters find him weeping in his house in Washington. Once again, death has torn his world apart and he's not getting a chance to make amends.
Arthur goes to New York while the president is getting medical treatment, and he refuses to come to Washington and take charge because he doesn't dare to give the impression that he's looking to take over. No one wants Arthur to be president and he doesn't want to be president, and the possibility that this corrupt political lackey is about to ascend to the highest office in the land is absolutely terrifying to everyone.
Then in August, when it's becoming clear that the president is unlikely to recover, he gets a letter. From a 31-year-old invalid from New York named Julia Sand. A woman from a very politically-minded family who has been following Arthur's career for years. And she writes him this astounding letter that takes him to task for his corrupt, conniving ways, and the obsession with worldly power and prestige that has brought him wealth and fame at the cost of his own soul--and she tells him that he can do better. In the midst of a nationwide press that's tearing him apart, this one woman writes to tell him that she believes he has the capacity to be a good president and a good man if he changes his ways.
And then he does. After Garfield dies, people come to Arthur's house and find servants who tell them that Arthur is in his room weeping like a child (I told you he had big emotions), but he takes the oath of office and ascends to the presidency. And he becomes a completely different man. His first speech as president mentions that one of his top priorities is reforming the spoils system so that people will be appointed based on merit rather than getting appointed as political favors with each change in the administration. Even though this system made him president. When Conkling comes to Arthur's office telling him to appoint his people to important government positions, Arthur calls his demands outrageous, throws him out, and keeps Garfield's appointees in the positions. "He's not Chet Arthur anymore," one of his former political friends laments. "He's the president."
He loses all his former political friends. He's never trusted by the other side. Yet he sticks to his guns and continues to support spoils system reform. He prosecutes a postal service corruption case that everyone thought he would drop. He's the one who signs into law the first civil service reform bill, even though presidents have been trying to do this for more than ten years, and he's the person who's gained all his power through the spoils system. He immediately takes action to enforce this bill when he could have just dropped it. He becomes a champion of this issue even though it's the last thing anyone would have expected of him.
He oversees naval reform. He oversees a renovation of the White House. He still prefers the social duties of the presidency, but he's respectable in a way that no one expected. Possibly because Julia Sand keeps sending him letters of encouragement and advice over the next two years. But also because he's dying.
Not long after ascending to the presidency, he learns he's suffering from a terminal kidney disease. And he tells no one. He keeps going about his daily life, fulfilling his duties as president, and keeps his health problems hidden. Once again, death is upending his life, and this time it's his own death. He's lived a life he's ashamed of, and he doesn't have much time left to change. He enters the presidency as an example of the absolute worst of the political system, and leaves it as a respectable man.
He makes a token effort to seek re-election, but because of his health problems, he doesn't mind at all when someone else gets the nomination. He dies a couple of years after leaving office. The day before his death, he orders most of his papers burned, because he's ashamed of his old life--but among the things that are saved are the letters from Julia Sand, the woman who encouraged him to change his ways.
This is an astounding story full of so many twists and turns and dramatic moments. A man who falls from idealism into the worst kind of corruption and then claws his way back up to decency because of a series of devastating personal losses and unexpected opportunities to do more than he could have ever hoped to do. I just go crazy thinking about it and I need you all to understand just how amazing this story is.
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nofeelingisfinall · 2 years ago
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love is sunlight.
[andrew garfield about emma stone || the song of achilles, madeline miller || sunset, jungho lee || sunlight, hozier || rainer maria rilke || sisters, holly warburton || bloodsport, yves oalde || six of crows, leigh bardugo || kissing god goodbye, june jordan || unkown || david viscott || making amands - panel 3, holly warburton || carry on, rainbow rowell || the miniaturist, jessie burton]
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inf3ct3dd · 1 year ago
streamer!ellie headcanons
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warnings: yo no se
content : streamer!ellie headcanons 🔥🔥
authors note : the streets r calling and they’re telling me to write streamer ellie hcs….
- def started off as a faceless streamer. she wasn’t really comfortable on camera, and she just thought it would be way easier. you can only see her shoulders-down leaving her (deliciosu. scrumptious. yummy) arms in the cameras view.
- her twitch user is “creeperewman” cuz shes like…discreetly hiding her initials and referencing the best minecraft parody ever 😕!!!
- bought the most random shitty mic and webcam and started streaming 🔥🔥 she never got rid of either of them its part of her odd loser charm
“‘fartmaster69:it’s probably cuz your camera’ it’s probably bc of YOUR CAMERA!!! theres nothing wrong w my camera bro 😞”
“don’t listen to them…ur perfect 🤫 IM NOT TALKING TO U GUYS IM TALKING TO MY CAMERA”
- only had a few viewers the first couple times she streamed, and it was some random 10 yr old who kept spamming “yassss” in the chat and some dude who said she was shit at minecraft 😞 he was LYING
- started off doing minecraft speed runs (or trying to) and got like way good over time
- she randomly started getting more and more viewers, because people kept posting abt her and calling her fine on tiktok , making edits of her hands and her voice 😭😭 (real)
- as she got more and more viewers, she started branching out more with the games she’d play. def loves shooter games like cod and pubg, but she’d also play like indie horror games like faith (omg markiplier fans would know)
- she has a orange cat she named garfield (cuz…of course she does) and he’s always sitting on her lap during her streams or messing w her setup 💔💔
- def put stickers all over her headset and showed them off all proud on stream
- designed her own cute banners and stuff for streams 😞!!!
- def had a subreddit/disc server with her viewers where she’d let them give her game recs or make memes of her
- ppl saw her guitar in the back of her streams and BEGGED HER to play it and she had her own lil concert stream !!! she was so freaking nervous and messed up a bunch the first like minute or two but like after that she was in the ZONE
“‘ewswife: i wish i was that guitar’ oh!! you guys are so…kind!!!”
- when she INSANELY hit 1k, she did a face reveal and she hit 10k the same day 😦 the amount of edits that ppl made was actually insane. ESP ONES MAKING FUN OF DREAMS FACE REVEALLLL
- started doing much more random shit on stream after she got more famous. she LOVES cooking on stream, and she’d start reacting to random shit ppl sent her on the subreddit
- she cut her hair on stream once, and everyone in the chat kept spamming “yo bob…is fye” for like 5 minutes 😪
- “you’re at work watching me? i hope you get fired. i mean. i hope you don’t get fired 😞”
- she gets so many thirst comments and like…is terrible at responding to them
“‘ewleftbicep: you look so vulnerable today’ WHAT”
- she has her own apartment cuz of her awesome streaming money 🔥🔥🔥 soundproofed walls too cuz she’s. loud.
- one day, you were walking on campus to a class. you had your headphones on, listening to your main playlist on shuffle, when you got stopped by someone. you pulled your headphones off your ears and gave the man in front of you a confused look. you looked down to his hands, holding a tiny mic, and another dude holding a camera.
“what song are you listening to?” he held the microphone towards you, awaiting your response.
you quickly responded “uhm, last goodbye, by jeff buckley.” and stood there awkwardly, pushing a piece of hair out of your face.
the man quickly thanked you and you walked away, slightly suprised.
- after a couple hours, the video had blown up and the comments were filled with people complimenting you.
pickleluna: jeff buckley girl is so fine
minyonlala: 3rd girl is so bad
and unknown to you, someone else found you on their fyp.
creeperewman: guys what is the 3rd girls @. im literally BEGGING BRO PLEASEEE
- ewsgirlf: random tiktok girl stole my wife 💔
- elliewilliamsidechick: guys im literally the 3rd girl 😂😂😂
- it didn’t take long for your phone to be blown up with people sending you the video, tagging you in funny comments, and finding your instagram. you watched the video, and saw ellie was the top comment. you checked her profile, and saw how FINE she was, and immediately responded
- y/nmainn: guys 😳😳😳 what if i was the third girl 😳😳
- ellie checked her phone and saw thousands of people tagging your comment, and she wasted zero time following you on tiktok. and your instagram. its not stalking if its in your bio, right?
- you two immediately hit it off, and ellie loved the fact that you had absolutely no idea who she was. to you, she was just some hot girl. not some famous streamer you were obsessed with.
- she didn’t even realize you two went to the same school until she saw you in her astrophysics class one day, and she almost had a heart attack when you waved at her and walked over to sit next to her.
“what a coincidence.”
- she took you out on your first date to a planetarium, and not even a week after, asked you to be her girlfriend.
- she definitely teaches you how to play her favorite games. but she gets wayyyy defensive when you beat her.
“im just letting you win.”
“beginners luck.”
but shes SO COCKY when she beats you
“hey, don’t be so hard on yourself after this. not your fault im a professional!”
“aw, maybe one day you’ll be as good as me”
- definitely helps you build your own pc.
- loves watching you play things like animal crossing or stardew valley, always lays on your shoulder while you’re on the couch.
“why are you being so mean to gaston :((“
“because hes UGLY and he has an ugly house and he’s ruining my village.”
“wowww you’re bullying a little bunny man because he doesn’t fit your aesthetic 😒 so mean”
- if you like more aggressive games like cod, she loves listening to you talk shit while you play and always makes fun of people with you. (she thinks its hot when you’re mean to people)
- her chat absolutely loves you, and every time you stream together its a continuous stream of “me and who” and “when is it my turn 😪”
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da-extroverted-introvert · 2 months ago
Are we even friends? (tasm!Peter Parker x reader)
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Fandom: The Amazing Spider-Man, Marvel
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Word count: 2.66k
Warnings: angst, death mention, grief
So I had a burst of inspiration and wrote this. I haven't seen the Andrew Garfield Spiderman movies in a hot minute so things may not be entirely accurate but please just roll with it. Working on a part 2 already, hope you enjoy. Please leave feedback!
Dividers by @lavendergalactic
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You sit in the car and take a few deep breaths. You clutch the bouquet of flowers in your hand, trying to will yourself to step foot out of the car. Even after three months, this is hard to do. It’s like the first time all over again. The grief hits you just as hard as the day of the funeral.
Despite the gnawing feeling deep in your gut, you bring yourself to unbuckle your seat belt and walk out of the car.
You walk through the long, long aisle of headstones and grave markers. A bunch of people long gone who you’ll never know. It breaks your heart to know that to other people visiting loved ones, Gwen Stacy is just another headstone. Another person nobody will know again.
You finally make it up to Gwen’s grave. You kneel down and gently set down the bouquet. You stay kneeling there, just staring at your best friend’s name.
You take a deep breath before you start speaking.
“Hey. It’s me again.”
You pause for a moment, almost as if you’re expecting a response, even though there hasn’t been a single response throughout the many times you’ve been here.
“My grades are doing really good now. Applied for a few scholarships, and I actually think I might get into an Ivy League.”
You smile gently, knowing Gwen would be so proud of you. Whenever you doubted yourself, she would always encourage you. You remember the countless nights of her helping you with homework, telling you how much you’ve improved. She even said she was positive you’d get into the same school, becoming roommates and actually living together. Like sisters.
“Everyone in school misses you. They still talk about how amazing you were. How smart and how nice.”
Just yesterday you were walking down the hall past Gwen’s locker. There’s still plenty of pictures and decorations commemorating her. It gives you hope that Gwen will not be forgotten for a long time.
But you also think about the looks you get when you walk by. The sad, pitiful looks. You hate those looks. You also think some of those odd expressions are looks of confusion, as it was so weird to see you without Gwen Stacy right in front of you. You’ve always been Gwen Stacy’s best friend. People don’t know how to react seeing you without her.
“Uhmm…Peter misses you.”
You always choke up a bit at this part.
“We all do, of course, but especially Peter. I try to visit him every day. He doesn’t really talk to me though.”
Not that he talked to you too much before Gwen died, but you still felt like mentioning it.
“He just kind of sits in his room all the time. He hasn’t been in school much.”
The few times he has shown up in school, he just kind of ignores everyone. He must be getting tired of those pitiful looks in the hallways too.
“I’ve tried looking out for him. Like…like you would’ve wanted.”
God, you hate this. You really hate this.
“He just won’t let me in. I know he’s not going out as Spider-Man anymore, but he’s just not doing anything. He just sits in his room all the time. Not talking to anyone. Not even May.”
If he isn’t even talking to May, why would he talk to you?
You take a deep breath and finally stand up fully, your legs aching from kneeling on the hard ground for too long.
“I’m actually headed to his place now. I know he probably won’t talk to me, but I’ll still try. For you.”
You try to keep the tears back.
“Even if he doesn’t talk to me, May still lets me hang out. You know she makes the best food.”
You stare at her name again, not wanting to say goodbye again. But you know you have to.
“Anyway, that’s all. Thought I’d keep you updated. I’ll visit same time next week.”
You can almost hear her say goodbye to you. But you know it’s in your head. So you finally turn around and go back to your car, preparing for yet another uneventful visit to the Parker residence.
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You knock on the door, preparing to put on a happy face in front of May. She’s such a sweet lady, you don’t want her to worry too much about you. She already has to worry about Peter, and you don’t want to put any extra stress on her shoulders.
Sure enough, May answers the front door with her signature sweet smile.
“Hey there, sweetie! Come on in, I just put on a pot of coffee, you must be freezing out here.”
She ushers you in and you revel in the warm atmosphere of the home.
“Thanks, May. I appreciate it.”
She dismisses your statement with a wave.
“Think nothing of it, hun.”
You sit down at the coffee table while May gets the coffee ready. While she does, you look around the home, which you’ve done countless times at this point.
Your favorite thing to look at is the picture on the wall of Peter. He must’ve been young, maybe sixth grade. In the picture, he’s at a science fair, holding up a nice red ribbon with “1st Place” written on it. May and Ben are standing proudly behind him as he smiles brightly at the camera. It makes you smile, seeing him so happy. But you also get sad, wishing he had some of that childlike joy back in his life.
May brings comes back in the room with two cups of coffee in her hand.
“Here you go, should warm you right up.”
You accept the cup with a smile, embracing the warm feeling on your hands. The warmth spreads when you take a sip. The coffee is nothing special, just as generic as any cup of coffee, but knowing that May made it for you and how happy she was to see you makes it taste better.
“Peter’s in his room if you want to say hi.”
She didn’t need to tell you where he was. You knew.
“Okay, I’ll go see him.”
You take a final sip of coffee and walk to Peter’s room.
You contemplate knocking on his door. You know if you knock that he probably won’t answer you, but if you just walk in, he still won’t talk to you. So, knowing the answer will be the same either way, you just walk in.
It looks like Peter hasn’t moved an inch since your last visit. He’s just laying on his bed, covered in blankets, head turned away from you. You know he’s awake though, you can tell by the way his body slightly tensed at the door opening.
“Hey, Pete.”
You speak gently, almost like you were afraid to scare him off. You close the door as softly as you can behind you.
“Missed you at school. I had the teachers give me your assignments so I can give them to you.”
No response. As usual.
You don’t know how to speak to him. You never really did. Neither of you really spoke to each other before he started dating Gwen, and when they did start dating, there was only small interactions between you. But still, you liked those small interactions. They were nice. Made you feel like you were sort of friends. But now that Gwen is gone, you don’t know where you stand.
Even so, you still try. You know that’s what Gwen would want. She wouldn’t want the love of her life wasting away like this.
“Have you eaten at all today?”
No answer.
“I know you’re, like, superhuman and all, but even so, you need to have some food in your body.”
You lick your lips and sigh, getting a little bit frustrated. It’s the same thing every day. You talk, he lays there, then you go home. You don’t feel like your presence is helping him that much, but if you don’t make an effort, you know you’ll feel guilty.
“How about some pizza? I can order one and it’ll be delivered in no time.”
As expected, no response. God, this boy is so infuriating sometimes.
“I know you hear me. Your spidey-senses kind of force you to.”
It’s still weird that Peter’s Spider-Man. You only found out about his secret by accident. You just walked into Gwen’s room, without knocking of course, as best friends do, and there you saw a surprised Gwen and Peter in his suit, mask in hand. That was a few weeks before the accident.
“Come on, Peter. You need to eat something. We can’t have you wasting away in here.”
“Why do you care?”
Even though his voice is raspy and not at all loud, you still flinch. That’s the most you’ve gotten out of him in three months.
“I, uh, what do you mean? Of course I care.”
His voice is a little louder this time.
“Because, we’re friends, Peter. I care about you.”
He sits up in his bed and faces you. You can finally get a good look at him. His once bright eyes, full of joy and mischief are dull and bloodshot.
“Since when? I mean, we barely talk.”
You don’t really know what to say, because it is true, you never talked with Peter as much as you would’ve liked to, but you still kind of thought those small interactions amounted to a friendship.
Just as you try to speak again, he talks some more.
“We both know the only reason we ever hung out was because of Gwen. And she’s not here now. So, please, just…”
He moves his arms around, trying to get his frustration across.
“Leave me alone.”
When he says this, he looks dead into your eyes, which are slowly but surely filling up with tears. You try not to let them fall.
You’ve been wishing for Peter to say something to you for months now, and now that it’s happened, you just want to curl into a ball on the ground.
Not wanting to be in the room with him any longer, you turn around and face the door. You put your hand on the doorknob but before you twist it, you turn your head towards Peter.
“I know you never really thought of me as a friend, Peter. A part of me always knew you just putting up with me for Gwen’s sake. But I always respected you, Pete. You were kind, funny, cool. Never mean.”
A couple of tears drops fall despite yourself.
“I remember when there was that Homecoming dance. You and Gwen were going together but I didn’t have a date. I was fine staying home, but you felt bad and invited me to come with you guys. You didn’t have to, nobody was forcing you, you just offered. Gwen didn’t even have to ask you to, you just did it.”
You wipe your cheek for a moment, still trying to keep eye contact with the boy in front of you.
“It was small things like that that made me like you. You’re such a good person Peter. I mean, you’re fucking Spider-Man, of course you’re a good person.”
You take one final big breath.
“So, you may not consider me a friend, Peter Parker, but you are mine. You are my friend. And I don’t have many of those, so, I’ve got to look after you.”
You finally twist the doorknob and open the door.
“It’s what Gwen would’ve wanted.”
With that final sentiment, you walk out of his room and speed past May, who is clearly worried about the tears on your face, eager to leave this house and go home to cry.
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You spend the rest of your night watching movies in your room. You’re laying on your bed in your pajamas, bowl of popcorn in your lap. You glance at the opposite side of the bed. The side Gwen would sit as she laughed at the movies with you.
You try to focus on the movie, trying not to think about Gwen so much, and also trying not to think about your fight with Peter.
Was it even a fight? Neither of you yelled, but he did make you cry. He said some hurtful things. Things that were partially true. But you still didn’t want to see him. Seeing him hurt you a lot. All you can think about was the way he looked at you, with annoyance, frustration, anger. You felt bad for him, you know he’s grieving too, but he just made your blood boil and your eyes well up with tears.
Despite this, you know you’ll still visit him tomorrow. Because Gwen would want you to. Because that’s what friends do.
You hear a knock on your bedroom door.
“Come in!”
Instead of your mom or dad like you expected, none other than Peter Parker walks through your door.
He’s actually dressed in New clothes, as opposed to the weeks old clothes you saw him wear earlier. His eyes look like they’re filled with guilt.
You’re not used to seeing Peter Parker in your room. He only showed up a few times when he crashed yours and Gwen’s movie nights.
Peter looks at the ground nervously, hand reaching to scratch the back of his head.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I have been an absolute jerk to you and you don’t deserve that.”
You nod slowly, processing his words.
“You’re grieving. I get it. It’s okay.”
He quickly shakes his head.
“No, no, it’s not okay. I know I’m grieving, but you are too. I’ve just been shutting you out when all you want to do is help. It’s not right.”
You have no words. You certainly weren’t expecting this, but maybe you should have. It is Peter, after all. He’s a superhero. Always trying to make things right.
“You have always been nice to me, and you never gave up on me, even when I completely shutting you out. I haven’t been a good friend to you, and I want that to change.”
Hearing him actual say that he wants to be your friend warms your heart more than it should.
You give him a slight smile.
“You can start being a good friend and have a movie night with me?”
At first, Peter looks shocked that you’re willing to just forgive him so quickly. But then the expression on his face soon turns jovial as you shoot over on the bed, allowing him to sit next to you.
You smile as you press play on the movie you were watching. You can feel Peter’s eyes on the side of your face, but you ignore it until you know he’s watching the movie. Both of you just sit and watch, hands leisurely grabbing popcorn from the bowl between you. It almost feels normal, natural.
It actually feels like you have a friend again. Not that he can ever replace Gwen. And you know you could never replace Gwen in Peter’s eyes either. But both of you are filling the space that Gwen’s death left. It makes things easier for the both of you. It’s nice knowing that you have each other during this difficult time.
After a while, when all is calm between you and Peter and the movie is almost over, you turn to look over at Peter.
“You know, I visited Gwen’s grave today. I visit every week. You could come with me if you want.”
Peter is still for a moment, eyes locked on the screen in front of you. You wish you didn’t bring it up, knowing that Peter is just now starting to talk about Gwen’s death, and now you may have pushed too far too fast.
But then he looks over at you, a sad but gentle smile on his face.
“Yeah. I think that’d be nice.”
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