#good. i HOPE she's at home crying and humiliated with herself
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tromboneralert · 2 months ago
So first let me give yall some context. (With pseudonyms)
There's me, lowly phleb. The next step up is my supervisor Lindsay, then Maureen, then Charlotte.
Last year, Lindsay had a counterpart, Dominique, who shared the workload and honestly was fantastic at her job. They both were actually there to support their employees AND train newbies AND do their other job duties. One day, Dominique put in her 2 week notice, and got fired on the spot.
Since then, Lindsay has been doing the work of like 4 people all by herself. She literally had too fucking much on her plate. (Also gonna note here that these two alternated weekends because even though they weren't working they were still, well, working. So they never got a full day off.) So yeah, things did slip through the cracks.
A few months ago, Lindsay had a fkn panic attack at work, from all the fkn stress of her job. I remember when I heard I was like "Oh. Makes sense. I'm glad she's taking the time she needs."
And since Lindsay has been gone, all of her job duties have fallen to Maureen.
And Maureen........well...........if someone has a question or needs help she'll say "oh yeah let's schedule a time to work that out" and then......crickets....... I've told her that my offsite lab needs things, my patients need things. "Oh I'll talk to so-and-so about it and get back to you." Then crickets. Then I ask again. No response. And I communicate almost exclusively through email because I want the paper trail. And it's a good thing I do!
So like I said, Lindsay has been out of work for months now. And today, she sent out an email to EVERYONE in the lab (phlebs, techs, supervisors for each little department, EVERYONE) AAAAAND THE FUCKING PRESIDENT OF THE HOSPITAL.
This email with the subject line "Harrassment" includes every way that Lindsay was harrassed and bullied and put down by Maureen during her 3 years as a supervisor. She also included, by name, what Maureen has said about a bunch of people. The ones in the email are just the ones Lindsay could remember. Comments made by Maureen include, but are not limited to, just plain fucking mean comments, negativity, and a racist comment and a queerphobic comment. Maureen said about Charlotte (HER boss), "She says you laugh like SpongeBob and your burps are disturbing and disgusting you should be ashamed. She often sent me memes of SpongeBob laughing in our morning meetings. Also, in zoom meetings she puts snap chat filters on your face to be funny, the ball sack one was her favorite. (Very immature I know, I never would even think to use Snapchat in zoom)! She doesn’t think you should be director because you are horrible at it and she wishes [previous director] was still director. She says you don’t know anything in the lab on the non technical side and should know your operations instead of always asking us for help."
Also, about a black gal in the lab, "she calls you a curly headed poodle fuck. And your voice is annoying. You never know what you’re talking about and should just quit."
And about a queer guy, "Maureen saw you with a purse (I have many times and it did not bother me at all! They are actually really cute, I just can’t fit diapers and wipe in them along with snacks lol) but she wanted me to tell you that you can’t walk around with it, I told her you were on break that’s why, she said yeah well it looks weird and wanted me to tell you to not walk around with it I told her I cannot tell him that, he can have a purse if he wants to and she said yeah I guess it just looks really weird. (I think because she wanted me gone so bad she thought maybe discrimination was the answer because then she would have to fire me if I said something.. Maureen I give you credit for trying but maybe next time you should say something 😉) I’m sure more than half the lab would love to see you gone, along with people in other departments lmao."
Just to include a few :|
As well as wildly inappropriate behavior and comments. "She also was in her office showing [someone else] and I a dick pic of some guy she slept with"
And so all morning I'm like "oh shit oh shit oh shit Maureen is gonna get FIRED" and "I HOPE SHE GETS FIRED" and "If Maureen doesn’t leave, I hope everyone mentioned in that email walks out"
BUT!!!!!!! We just had a Teams meeting with Charlotte about the email. I really, wholeheartedly thought she wanted to know what else Maureen has done and said, for us to air our dirty laundry so to speak. NOPE. SHE REALLY FUCKING SAID "It was from a disgruntled former employee and doesn't reflect on anyone" and "a lot of mean things were said in that email so just know I'm here if you want to talk." HA SURE THING SPONGEBOB I'M SURE YOU'RE REALLY A SHOULDER TO CRY ON JESUS FUCKING CHRIST (part of me believes the front she's putting up; the other part of me thinks she's seething but trying to be professional because this had to be a slap in the face to her).
I don't work IN the hospital; I work in a different building, at an offsite outpatient lab service location. So I don't know what's been going on all day. Are people staging a walk out? Are people allowing it to be swept under the rug, as it appears Charlotte is doing? I have no idea. I have no way to find out. Sure, I could ask around, but then it just looks like I'm sniffing around for gossip. (Which isn't false, but my priority is justice against Maureen.)
I feel like I left out some potentially important details so don't be afraid to ask for clarification.
There is so much juicy juicy drama at work today...........I feel so alive I want to shout it from the rooftops
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terry-perry · 10 months ago
Just Business?
Pairing: Alastor x Carmine!Reader
Part 2 to this imagine
Technically Part 3 if you wish to include these headcanons
Requested by @lokis-imaginary-friend: If you’re not averse to it I had a thought while reading this….what if y/n overheard this conversation and feels as though she’s being treated as a transaction. Idk I could just see some angst coming from this for y/n followed by whatever fluff you come up with.
Additional tags: @martinys-world
Fluff will come in a later chapter (hopefully). Enjoy!
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You walked home with a spring in your step. You were happy to find the perfect set of pajamas for your boyfriend. Alastor didn't require much sleep, based on the nights you spent together and he'd spend most of them watching you, lurking among the swamp in his room, or tending to the hotel. Regardless, you knew he wanted to look his best even at more casual hours like bedtime. It was great then that you found the red silk pajamas that were perfect for him, especially since you found a matching robe that reminded you of his regular attire.
It'd been about six months since you'd been together and things were going well. Now that things were public too, you enjoyed your time more freely. The fact you two were going out interested many people, with gossip of it being all over the news. Thankfully, the paparazzi weren't stupid enough to film your dates. They must've heard the screams of that one photographer who was bold enough to sneak a photo of you on a picnic date by the Lake of Fire. Alastor was sure to broadcast his torment over a rendition of La Vie En Rose as a reminder not to intrude on your alone time.
You knew the kind of man/demon Alastor was before you became a couple. You heard the stories as well as his broadcasts. You were there during the sudden disappearances of various overlords and how it coincided with said broadcasts. No sane sinner would want to risk getting involved with someone like him. Due to how more curious than afraid of him you were and how touched and important you felt whenever Alastor threatened others who disrespected you, you had an inkling that your sanity wasn't all there. That was okay with you; you were already in Hell.
Your mother approved of him as did your sisters, which resulted in another reason you grew to love him. He enjoyed spending time with your family, too, judging from how he'd come to dinner, joke with Clara and Odette, and share light pleasantries with Carmilla. You could see they were really warming up to him and vice versa.
You might not have tamed the beast, but it certainly amazed you how much of him you got to have for yourself. It was almost too good to be true.
You were finally home after spending some time at the mall. You don't know why your mother needed you out of the house but you didn't question it. She was sometimes wary of those who did business with the family and would rather let herself handle things. If she was still talking with them, you'd do your best to sneak into your room.
Upon entering the manor, however, you heard your mother say some things that made your ears perk up:
"You won't do anything unless you know it'll benefit you. It's why you're with my daughter in the first place, right?"
Her daughter? Who exactly was she talking about, and to whom? Her voice was coming from the library it seemed. You did your best to creep over and stood outside to hear more. What came next was certainly a shock:
"Y/N is quite a lovely lady with a certain sweetness and intelligence that I find endearing. If she so happens to come from a powerful family, then who am I to not want to get closer to someone who can mean a lot to me?"
You felt sick to your stomach just then. What was that; did you hear that correctly? He made it sound like you were just a pet to him - a mere plaything with a purpose.
A humiliating desire to cry swept through you, along with a small hope that your mother would put him in his place. She wouldn't take someone using her daughter lightly.
"If I were you, I'd do the same, I suppose,"
Now that's what brought out the tears.
What the hell was going on?
"You'll continue to treat her well. You'll continue to meet her, talk with her, and if it gets to that point, marry her."
Breathing became difficult as this unexpected betrayal weighed on your broken heart. Was this all just a plan between Alastor and your mother? Was this all a big matchmaking con that would lead to good benefits for them?
"You're smart enough to know that you should treat this like any other transaction."
You never thought your mother would have the gall to sacrifice your happiness for business purposes. She was always the type to lay her life on the line for you and your sisters. She did just that during the last Extermination Day when facing a team of Exorcists. To hear that the woman you grew up admiring treated you like a piece of property was too much to handle.
Let's not forget about Alastor! You actually believed he cared about you. Were all those times you went out on lunch and dinner dates, spent time with each other's loved ones, and shared intimate dances just part of a ruse to get you to fall for him? The fact you were nothing but entertainment with benefits saddened and embarrassed you because what everyone said about him was right.
You were right; this was all just too good to be true.
You now were fueled with anger and decided to use it to confront the two traitors.
"A transaction?"
Upon hearing your voice, Carmilla and Alastor turned towards the doorway where you stood defiantly with the Carmine glare on your face. Your normally well-composed mother expressed more worry than you ever saw her with. Meanwhile, Alastor kept his large grin as usual, but you could tell he was shocked due to how big his eyes were, and it almost looked too painful for him to smile.
"Is that all I am to the two of you?" You asked, blinking back tears. "A business deal - just a prize to be won? Is that why you needed me out of the house Mom? To discuss my dowry?"
Carmilla's astonishment kept her from speaking. She wanted to explain that this was simply a way to assure you a good future if you continued things with Alastor and that no harm would come to you, but she was at a loss for words seeing how betrayed you looked.
"And you Alastor!" You rounded on him next. The man you loved for half a year but now don't even know what to make of him. He's practically a stranger now. "I knew you weren't a saint, but I didn't think you'd stoop so low as to only date me for my family. I can't believe you'd use me like that!"
"Y/N," he began, getting out of his seat to go towards you with more emotion than you ever saw him, even with his smile remaining. "Sweetheart, you misunderstand -"
"You saw me as nothing but a prize," you uttered quietly, backing away from him with your head down. "You already have connections to the throne, so it's best to protect it with your connection to the biggest collection of weapons in Hell, right?"
His silence spoke to you more than any clever words he could conjure up for you. His silence spoke the truth.
You didn't stay much longer, especially since neither could bother to give you a proper response. You ran out of the house, ignoring their pleas to stay. You needed to get away and reflect on everything.
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cherienymphe · 2 years ago
YES girl spill the ☕️ shatter them hearts I need to consume dark dark Peter!
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"She asleep?"
Peter looked up from the paperwork in front of him, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as he pushed the contents of it to the back of his mind.
"Yeah. She'll definitely sleep through the night again..."
He couldn't stop the small chuckle that escaped him at that, recalling how your eyes had drooped after your second orgasm of the night. You'd been a whimpering mess, sleep threatening to take you from him before he was able to come.
"Good. If this house wasn't so big, she would've woken Sarah up several times over with all that screaming she used to do," Steve sneered, and Peter closed the folder in front of him. "...and then you'd have no choice but to put her in the basement then."
"You want me to put her down there anytime she doesn't smile," Peter scoffed, standing and shaking his head. "She's not Peggy, you know. You can't tell me how to discipline my girl."
"You're too soft."
It was something Peter had heard before, many times, and not just from Steve.
"Didn't Peggy make a run for it the first two times you let her out of the house?"
He didn't even try to hide the smugness in his tone, and at Steve's sour look, Peter's smile grew.
"Y/N didn't even try...didn't even take another step away from me," he proudly reminded him, making his way to the bar and making a face at the selection. "So, knock my methods all you want, but give it another month, and she won't even want to leave me alone."
"Or she's biding her time."
Steve's tone was teasing, and Peter gave him a look because they both knew that wasn't true. You were a mess, not even knowing which way was up half the time, and Steve knew that you didn't even have the capacity to fake anything. It was something Peter liked about you, how open you were with what you were feeling at all times.
"...or I'm just that good and she won't get enough of me," Peter told him.
Steve sat down with his drink, taking a sip of the brown liquid.
"You already know what I'll always suggest."
How could Peter forget?
The first time Steve fucked Margaret out there for the whole household to see, Peter had hoped that when he finally chose his wife, he'd never have to resort to that. He wasn't knocking Steve's methods. They were effective, after all, but Peggy's love for Steve had bloomed from a place of fear.
Peter didn't want that.
He liked that you looked at him as some sort of shield from the strict blond, like some twisted savior. He could still remember the near breakdown you'd had when Steve had mentioned him going back to work. He'd never been harder in his entire life than he was while hearing you beg him to stay.
Not even when you'd been digging your nails into his back and drawing blood from his skin.
"I'm starting to think you just really want to see Y/N naked," Peter drawled, turning to look at the blond.
Steve didn't respond, a small teasing smile dancing along his lips, and even without that glint in Steve's blue eyes, Peter knew the answer to that accusation.
"I want to see her completely broken down and humiliated...yes. She needs to be put in her place, Peter. Reminded who is actually in charge," he told him, taking another sip. "...and what better way to do that than to strip her down and remind her of what and who she's made for?"
Peter rolled his eyes.
"She wants to behave like a brat? Then tame her like one. She wants to behave like an animal with no home training? Then train her like one," he slowly said. "She needs to understand that she no longer belongs to herself, but you, and the best way to get that through her head is to show her that you can and will do whatever you want with her and she'll have no choice but to take it and accept it."
Steve's lip curled over his teeth.
"No more tantrums, no more crying fits at the table. Just pure obedience."
"Or..." Peter slowly began, walking around the room. "I can make myself her only safe space, her only confidant, to the point where the mere thought of upsetting me will make her feel bad."
His dark eyes met familiar blue ones, and Steve smirked to himself, shaking his head.
"Her friends are dead, she's never seeing her mom again, and I am the only support she has," Peter reminded him. "Why would I scare her into obeying me when I could make it so that she thinks chooses that all on her own?"
He grabbed the rest of Steve's drink, and Steve merely gave him the stink eye for that.
"Come on, big bro. You know how that saying goes..."
Peter downed the rest of it, the corner of his lips curving upwards.
"You catch more flies with honey."
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elsweetheart · 2 years ago
hey lovey! i absolutely ADORE your writing and i just wanted to share the idea of a strong and intimidating reader getting positively TOPPED by abby and her pulling the kind of condescending tone and being like “aww not so big and scary when you’re all fucked dumb on my cock huh baby?”
my reader is usually a big cry baby wuss so i thought i’d spice things up and give this a go …..also i changed the prompt very slightly hope thts ok !!
and i shouldn’t cry, but i love it.
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🎀 mentions of injury, blood, reader gets attacked by clicker (and briefly by a raider at the start), brat!reader? kind of? another ldr song title fic name… no one is shocked
you had to have your guard up. you didn’t know any other way. having your guard up meant no one could take advantage of you — so damn being friendly. there was no way in hell that would happen again.
you’d been on your own for a long time now, and you’d learnt to adapt. maybe you weren’t the best with fighting, but no one would ever get close enough to pull a swing on you — because you were ruthless with a pistol. until you weren’t of course, some random raider skimming your thigh with his bullet just enough to make you bleed like crazy before you put a hole in his skull.
fuck, you would have died. at the time you’d rather die than what really happened. abby and her league of idiots as you liked to call them came to your rescue. you were bleeding out when they found you, barely coherent from the dangerous cocktail of adrenaline and blood loss and you had somehow lost it enough to let abby carry you back to camp. big, strong, abby. you were humiliated.
so you had to prove yourself. they’d convinced you to stay with them, safety in numbers and all — and you must have received a concussion somehow from your injury because you agreed. this wasn’t like you, but they’d come to learn that. you were taking every patrol shift, gunning down the infected whenever you go the chance to show your impeccable aim— and most importantly, being pretty much a raging bitch to anyone who tried to get close. it wasn’t charming, to say the least— and everyone gave up trying to befriend you as you quickly outcasted yourself and gained a reputation of being intimidating. everyone, but abby.
when you’d first seen abby, under your blood loss, dazed, near-death-experience haze— you had seen her as a beacon of hope through your bleary eyes. not because she was saving you, no. because seeing someone so toned and buff was living proof that there was enough food out there, and working facilities that she built her body with. they were living somewhere that had food, a gym— it seemed like a safe haven where you could kick back for a while. as soon as you came to, you of course had come to your senses and remembered that she carried you all the way ‘home’ like you were some damsel in distress.
abby was the only person who wouldn’t even bat an eyelid at your quick and irritable remarks. you’d only ever get so much as a chuckle, or a playful eyeroll followed by a ridiculous comment such as “ooh, this one bites.” she was undermining you, laughing at you. the anger within you, from having an attractive yet incredibly infuriating girl laugh at you was constantly bubbling to the surface. you felt you were constantly proving yourself to the only person who wasn’t intimidated, and it was growing increasingly difficult.
so you agreed to a patrol with her, infact — you became patrol partners. abby still towered over you, so you had to try extra hard to big yourself up enough to feel like her equal. she was effortlessly good at killing the infected, and she never seemed to struggle to hoist herself up on top of walls and hit her targets with her gun. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t impressed, but you’d never admit that.
you had proven yourself a fool twice now, when you’d wound up with a clicker on top of you — snapping it’s jaws at you, it’s foul breath so close to your face that if you weren’t fighting for your life you’d be gagging. they were usually a sack of bones, why was this clicker so heavy? holding it off with one arm, you struggled for your knife— but your hands were clammy and it was really wedged into your holster. it’s warm breath closed around your arm, and just as it was about to bite down — a shot rang out, the clickers fungus attachment exploding across you as it slumped to the side.
abby stood over you, wielding her pistol with a concerned look on your face.
“are you bit?” she practically exclaimed, analysing the shocked expression on your face. your eyes were glazed, having just looked death in the eye as you sat up. you checked yourself over, patting down your legs for any bites you may have missed. and then your midriff, and then your arms, and did you check your legs already? you pat them down again, staring into space— the sound of the bullet tearing through the clickers skull still ringing in your ear. that was by far the closest encounter you’d ever had, and you couldn’t believe your relief was owed to abby.
“are you bit?” she repeat after you met her with silence and you were quick this time to snap back.
“no i’m not bit!” you were sucking in jagged breaths, recovering as you stood back up, looking around in paranoia for more infected. then, your eyes fell on her and a surge of energy vibrated through you. “you wasted a bullet. i had my knife in my hand, you probably just attracted more fucking infected.” you barked, throwing your arm out angrily. abby stared at you for a moment before, and you couldn’t believe it, a smile crept onto her face. a smile that turned into a chuckle. she was laughing at you.
“your welcome.” she shook her head. “now let’s get the fuck out of here.” she nodded towards the exit, taking a few steps in that direction. she didn’t hear you following, so she turned around — probably to poke fun at you again. but you were stood, arms hugging yourself slightly as you looked around, eyes watery and wide like your brain was catching up to what had just happened. if abby wasn’t there, you would have died. again. that’s when she saw, for the first time — you looked frightened. the harshness was gone from your eyes as you stared ahead, in your own mind. abby knew she was on thin ice, but she stepped forward anyway and braved the plummet of cold water. “hey. you’re okay. you’re alive.” she spoke softly, the tone so gentle in fact that it brought you out your trance— eyes snapping to her. you looked sweet and dependent in that moment, but she’d wouldn’t dare ever tell you that. you were small but mighty, and even she believes that you could possibly stand a chance against her given enough anger.
you came out of it, clearing your throat and brushing the debris off your jeans. “let’s just go.” your guard was back up, just like that. the two of you walked back, with a quick lecture from you of course. “you don’t tell people what happened back there. do i make myself clear? if you do, i will know. and i won’t not fuck you the fuck up. okay?” you stared up at her, leaning on your hip. you know when a bunny rabbit gets angry, and they start thumping their back feet on the ground, button nose wriggling and claws digging stubbornly into grass? that’s exactly what abby saw when she stared down at you. she really didn’t want to smirk, she wanted to let you have this to make you feel better — but the upwards curve of her lip couldn’t help itself, and thankfully you ignored it.
“yes ma’am.”
abby couldn’t get that expression of yours out of her mind when she hit the showers. the one where you looked vulnerable, eyes wide and searching for her. you looked so… submissive. as she cleaned the dirt, grime and blood off her body that evening it became clear to her what you needed. she needed to force that bad attitude out of you, pronto — and she had just the tool.
don’t ask how she convinced you to even step foot in her room, she couldn’t tell you, maybe you’d made it easier than she thought you would have. maybe that’s how you got into the position you were in, legs pinned open by her own— a giant vibrating wand clutched in her hand as she sat pressed up behind you, holding the bulb straight to your clit. you didn’t even know your name anymore, all you knew was abby.
somewhere in the back of your mind, you’d wondered how she’d even acquired it. you’d heard rumours of a sex shop a couple of miles east, and a few days prior abby had asked you for the batteries from your reading lamp. you said no, so she must’ve found them elsewhere to power this beast of a sex toy. those thoughts melted away, with abby’s voice in your ear. you had no thoughts anymore, you were totally at her mercy once more.
embarrassment was a far away concept now, pants and underwear completely discarded from your bottom half — mewling against abby’s strong shoulder as she ground the vibrator into you. you were two orgasms down, drool pooled beneath your pouty bottom lip as she grasped your jaw with her free hand, keeping her hand squeezed there — reminding you who was in charge.
“aww. not so big n’scary now, are you? where’d all that attitude go, baby?” she mocked you, her voice gentle and sympathetic in the most condescending manner. you whined, hips jumping against the toy as she removed it from your clit to swirl around your inner thighs, spreading your embarrassing amount of slick everywhere. “this is just what you needed huh? to get fucked dumb. poor girl had such a stressful day didn’t she? needed that pretty pussy taken care of.” she was enjoying this, and you hated to say it but so were you. everything she was saying, was inherently correct. you had no fight left in you, and abby had let you drop your guard enough to be taken care of and it felt good. it was undeniable that you needed her.
“can’t — g—g’nna cum ‘gain. please.” you begged, hot tears on your cheeks which she rubbed into your warm cheeks once they reached your jaw where her hand was. she was rubbing the vibrating head up and down, nudging up beneath your clit at the perfect pressure and pace. you squeezed and gushed around nothing, awaiting her to grant you an orgasm.
“say thank you first. i made you my good girl, so maybe you should express some gratitude for once.” she sarked, voice caressing the shell of your ear making your spine tingle and toes curl.
“thank you abby. thank you! for everything! please!” you were crying now, and she had shushed you, placing kisses to your temple soothingly.
“take what you need baby, i’m right here.”
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sincerely-sofie · 8 months ago
Ruby anon here! I had a little Drabble come up and I wanted to share! I do apologize because this one isn’t really that good. I hope you enjoy it still.
Her steps are light and calculated, her paws only stepping on the most silent parts of the floor. A few feet pass, and she pauses, ears twitching for the quietest of sounds. She dare not whisper, she dare not move until a moment has passed. The natural quiet is here, much different from the sinister silence that would come if her siblings would wake, and she muted her sigh of relief. The routine is oxygen: another few steps, pause, listen, and repeat. If she loses it, if she makes a mistake and doesn’t inhale correctly, she’ll suffocate. She doesn’t know if her siblings would bother to save her if that had happened.
It’s the third pause when she is caught, sensing someone’s presence nearby. She curls into herself, trying to think of a form that could possibly trick them, or at least buy her time to run and hide. Maybe she can finally force her stomach not to roar in protest of her hunger — tell them she just wanted the bathroom — and it’ll just be a tap instead of being flung-
Gentle hands embrace her, but she can’t help but tremble. Her mind screams danger, over the minuscule voice of rationality that tells her that this is a safe touch. This one will bring her no harm, she knows this, but her mind screams. It bangs on the walls, desperately trying to tear it’s way out of a prison it swears is made of delusion and false hopes.
There’s a light, and then she sees Twig and Ark looking down at her with the most gentle of expressions.
“Do you think you can take a few deep breaths, Ruby?” Twig asks her, voice soft. “I’ll do them with you.”
Twig breathes slowly, and she tries to copy. The first few breaths demand to be shallow and protest with every conscious inhale and exhale she makes. The screams ebb away, fading with the distant traces of smoke that their fiery voice had caused. Now it’s just her, Twig, and Ark, who settles a cup next to her. She can tell by the smell — it’s tea. The fragrance makes her stomach rumble, and she almost shrinks back, only to hear Twig speak once more:
“It’s okay, it’s about time for breakfast anyways. How about you sit down with me while Ark prepares something for us to eat? You can finish your tea and-”
She’s not being thrown across the room. They’re not screaming, humiliating, or threatening her. Of course they aren’t. These two are Twig and Ark, and her siblings wouldn’t dare come back after the former’s attacks. They’ll never come for her again. She’s safe.
The dam breaks, fat tears and loud wails erupt as she tosses herself into Twig’s arms. The charmeleon catches her swiftly, wrapping her securely in a hug. Ark gently rubs her back and wipes her tears. It’s them. Not her siblings— never again.
“It’s over now?” Ruby manages to choke out through tears and the pressure in her throat, eyes lifting to finally see both her parents.
“Yes, Ruby,” Twig nods, “it’s over. You’ll never have to see them again.”
The trembling stops, her body relaxes, and the tears lessen as it sinks into her sleepy mind:
She’s safe. She is home.
Just woke up and now I’m crying because this is beautiful and so touching and has so many similarities to how my own mom walked me through my first panic attack 😭 EVERYONE LOOK AT THIS GEM FROM RUBY ANON. THEY SAY ITS REALLY NOT THAT GOOD AND WE NEED TO GET THEM TO SEE THE TRUTH OF HOW AMAZING IT IS.
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taters169 · 1 year ago
Tin Drabbles
The first few days living with this new human were weird. Michael had been allowed to eat as much as he'd wanted, sleep as much as he'd liked and generally been left to his own devices. He hadn't ventured much further than the kitchen table other than a few trips to the bathroom where again he'd been left alone to bathe in private without a strict time limit. Definitely weird. Bit by bit Michael started to feel slightly less tense, and with every passing day when he wasn't hurt or humiliated he started to hope that maybe that part of his life was really over.
It had been so long since he'd felt safe. His mother had died when he was very young and her couldn't remember much about her, just a little tune she would hum to herself when she was sewing. It had just been him and his dad since then and he'd been taken out to start learning how to borrow when he was 10. He'd never been as good at it as his dad but he was keen to learn and eager to help. Then his dad died when he was 15, he'd had a nasty cut from a nail and got really sick. Michael had even borrowed some medicine from the humans cupboard but it must not have been the right kind because after a few days his dad was gone.
All alone in the world Michael had carried on as best he could, the human in his house was an old lady who lived alone but when she died a new human moved in. Michael knew he would have nightmares about that man until the day he died. It was just meant to be a quick trip along the kitchen counter in the middle of the night, he'd taken a couple of grapes from the fruit bowl and was on his way back home when the lights suddenly switched on and he was seen.
Michael shuddered wanting to push away the memories of that horrible man.
Vince didn't seem like that at all, he seemed to actually want to be friends. Michael just wanted to know for certain so he decided to test his limits
"Vince?" Said Michael one evening as they finished their dinner
"Yeah bud?" Vince replied
"Um, I was wondering if it would be ok for me to sleep somewhere else tonight?" Michael asked nervously
"Yeah of course you can! You don't need my permission for stuff you know you can do as you like! Where were you thinking of?"
"I'd like to try in the walls" said Michael
"In... the walls?" Asked Vince confused
"Um that's where Borrowers usually live, in the gaps in the walls or under the floor boards." Answered Michael nervously
"Oh OK, is that so you can stay hidden?"
"Yes. It's meant to be somewhere humans can't reach"
"Ok so do we just knock a hole into the plaster?"
Michael chuckled at the human being willing to wreck his home to help him "no I'm sure I can find a gap somewhere, there's usually space under the sink where the pipes come in"
Michael was right there was a tight gap where he could squeeze in around the pipes under the kitchen sink. Vince had provided him with a new hook and string as well as a pin to use as a weapon if needed. He'd thought being back in the walls would give him that sense of safety he'd been missing for so long. He'd always been safe in the walls but now the darkness wasn't comforting. The tight space felt like it was closing in around him Michael closed his eyes and tried to breathe through his oncoming panic attack but with his eyes shut he could see the face of his captor laughing as he was closed into the tin. He couldn't breathe he had to get out.
A moment later he was back under the sink thankful for the light where Vince hadn't closed the cupboard door yet. He fell to his hands and knees sobbing and crying to get his breathing back under control
Vince noticed Michael back sooner than he'd expected but when he saw how upset the little man was he dropped to his knees to get a better look
"Michael! What happened are you OK? Are you hurt?"
Michael just shook his head not trusting himself to speak yet
"Can I pick you up?" Asked Vince
Michael gave a small nod and was gently scooped up into Vince's hand. Holding him to his chest Vince gently rubbed his thumb down the little man's back like he had done that first day. Michael gripped onto the huge shirt in front of him and sobbed.
Eventually the crying quieted and stopped but Vince kept gently stroking down his back.
"Sorry" sniffed Michael quietly rubbing his face and trying to pull himself together
"Don't be daft, nothing to apologise for. Are you OK?"
Michael sighed deeply "no, not really"
"You can try again later if you like?"
"Urgh! I hate this!" Exclaimed Michael. "Small dark spaces are meant to be safe, to feel safe. But all I could think of is being trapped in that tin again, thinking I was about to die. How is it that I'm free of him and still not free of him? It's not fair" Michael began to cry softly again.
"Give it time, give yourself a break. You said you were stuck with that guy for years right? Well it's barely been a week of course you're still gonna struggle. I'm positive it will get easier with time" Vince lifted Michael so he was at eye level and gently brushed a tear from the tiny man's cheek. "You know the offer still stands to beat the shit out of that guy, you just tell me where he lives and I'll go tear him a new arsehole"
Michael chuckled softly and hugged the giant thumb, "We moved 3 or 4 times when I was with him I wouldn't know where to start. I don't even know his name, he always insisted on 'master' or 'sir'. "
"What do you want to do about sleeping then? Do you want to try something else?" Asked Vince
"I dont know what else to try, I've always either lived in the walls or in a cage" replied Michael sadly
"Ok so we need somewhere that's your space, that you can get to easily but not feel trapped or in the dark" Vince said as he began wandering around his flat still holding Michael in his hands "what about the bookcase? I could empty out the bottom shelf?"
"Um yeah that could work" said Michael "as long as its not too much bother"
"No bother at all! Here look" Vince placed Michael on the floor by the bookcase and started removing books from the shelf. When the shelf was about half empty he arranged the books in stacks on the floor in front so that the empty space behind was partially hidden. He fetched the blanket that Michael had been using as a makeshift bed and put it on the empty shelf
"How's that?" Asked Vince
Michael stepped into the space, it was small enough to be cosy without feeling trapped, covered enough to feel private without being too dark
"Its perfect" said Michael with a smile
"We can definitely work on it, set up something more permanent for you. I'm off work tomorrow I'm sure we can get at least the bones of a house up for you. Oh wait a sec I've got an idea" Vince suddenly stood up making Michael back up nervously. The giant returned a moment later with a small pen torch. He clicked it on to show Michael how it worked then placed it on the blanket
"This way if something spooks you, you can switch on the light. Or you can leave it on all night if you like" said Vince
"Thank you" said Michael, genuinely touched by the gesture. He could feel tears threatening to fall again. Blinking them back he walked towards the giant's hand resting his smaller one on top of Vince's finger. "Thank you for everything" he said smiling up at the kind giant
Vince smiled back and gently brushed his thumb over the tiny hand
"Happy to help, you deserve to feel safe Michael. Anything I can do to help that just let me know"
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Maid for Diapers - Available now!
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When Lilly Riesling enters Ms. Daisy's home to perform her maid services, she discovers the AB/DL world for the first time. But when Ms. Daisy catches her snooping, she's going to have to experience diaper discipline herself.
The next book in The Padded Princess Playroom series is finally here! Take a sneak peek, and read the full story on Kindle!
Muffled voices outside of the nursery’s door weren’t enough to wake me. Even if they were, I wouldn’t have had enough time to hide the evidence from Miss Daisy.
            The homeowner opened the door, and I started to wake up as I heard their ongoing conversation continue.
            “I must have missed her on the way out,” Miss Daisy said, her voice growing louder as the door creaked open. “I didn’t even here her leave! I can’t believe she left without her tip…”
            Groggily, I began to realize that I wasn’t alone anymore. There wasn’t enough time to think of an escape plan, or to craft an excuse for why I was in Miss Daisy’s crib.
            I’m toast…
            I looked around the room, trying to find another exit – but the only way out was going to be through the door they were entering.
            First, Miss Daisy’s guest entered the room. She seemed preoccupied with something else as she walked through the door, tugging another arm with her.
            “C’mon Naomi, let’s get you into a clean diaper,” the guest said. “It’s been a few days already – you should know that you’re not allowed to fight me on diaper changes…”
            I remained still in the crib, hoping that she wouldn’t notice me. The changing table was on the other side of the room, so maybe, just maybe… I’d have a chance of escaping.
            The lady tugged, and stumbling into the room behind her was the only thing stranger than the adult baby nursery that I had found myself in – a real-life adult baby.
            Naomi toddled behind the other woman, dressed in some of the brightest colors I had ever seen on a person. Her bright purple shortalls contrasted sharply with her bright yellow top, but did good to match the yellow socks with ruffles around the ankles that stepped towards the changing table.
            Effortless, Naomi was lifted off her feet and laid on her back on the changing table. Quickly, the woman fastened Naomi’s hands above her head, and then did the same to her feet before drawing the chest strap over her lap. Naomi wasn’t going to be getting away from this one, but she didn’t seem to mind too much as she stared at the ceiling with her pacifier in her mouth.
            I couldn’t believe it, I was going to see the changing table in action. I felt a chill run down my spine as I thought about being in her position, so effortlessly forced into bondage to have their diaper changed.
            I could have squealed at the humiliating prospect, but I bit my tongue and managed to stay quiet as Miss Daisy entered the room, closing the nursery door behind her, and pushing a button to lock them all inside.
            Crap! I’m going to have to sneak out of here after they leave now…
            “That’s a good girl, Naomi,” the caregiver said as she pulled down the little’s pants, revealing a thick diaper around her waist. “I swear, Daisy, this little one fought me so hard during her first diaper change! She really didn’t want to be restrained, the poor little was crying the entire time.”
            Naomi’s face flushed with blood. As much as I wanted to get out of there, I couldn’t take my attention off her.
            “Well, I’m sure that she knows by now it’s in her best interest to be restrained,” Miss Daisy said. “Good girls do as nanny tells them, right Naomi? We don’t need you touching yourself during diaper changes, that’s an icky habit that we need to kick right?”
            Naomi nodded, still sucking on her pacifier as she lay there embarrassed by the two dominant women.
            “Oh, you haven’t had the chance to see it yet, but you’re going to love this Daisy,” the nameless caregiver said as she started to pull off the sticky tabs from Naomi’s soaked diaper. “Just look at this cute pink tushy!”
            After the four tapes were ripped off and folded back, the front of the diaper was pulled down, and Naomi’s legs were lifted up in the air to reveal a rosy pair of cheeks.
            “Ohhhhhh, that sure looks like a sore bottom!” Miss Daisy said enthusiastically, walking over to the changing table.
            Naomi started to whine as her bottom was put on display, fidgeting fruitlessly as Miss Daisy took control.
            “Ah, ah, ah…” Miss Daisy said.
            Miss Daisy raised her hand, and struck Naomi’s bottom several times.
            Two hard strokes on each side echoed through the room. I couldn’t help but wince as I watched Miss Daisy spank Naomi just enough times to make tears start to well up in the girl’s eyes.
            “No squirming, and no fussing, Naomi,” Miss Daisy said. “Little girls need to remain still for diaper changes, or they’ll be spanked until they learn to stay still.”
            Naomi started to cry through her pacifier. She must have been startled by the spanking, or maybe the leftover sting was just too much to handle on top of the fresh strokes on her bottom.
            “She’s doing just fine,” Miss Daisy said as she began to clean the little’s bottom with a baby wipe through her soft sobs. “These things take time, and I’m certain Naomi will be as well-behaved as a little can possibly be once she gets used to her new lifestyle.”
            The other woman nodded pleasantly, but no words seemed to be able to calm Naomi following her short-notice spanking. However, Miss Daisy kenw exactly what would help in this situation as well.
            “Leanne, would you mind grabbing a stuffed animal from the crib for Naomi from the crib,” Miss Daisy said while she continued to changer the little’s diaper.
            THE CRIB? I’M IN THE CRIB!
            It was officially too late, I waited too long for my moment, and I had seen too much of this strange universe.
            Leanne turned around, and with perfect poise she walked towards the crib. With her head held high, she hadn’t noticed me just yet… but with no way out she was going to soon.
            My heart raced as she walked toward me. What would I say? Could I even explain myself out of this one? I was going to have to think fast in order to make my way out of this one.
            Leanne reached the crib, looked down with her arm outstretched, and immediately noticed that the mattress wasn’t just covered in stuffed animals.         
            “Oh!” Leanne said, a bit startled.
Here we go…
“Uh… um… hello?” I said back.
What happens next? If you know Ms. Daisy, I think you could probably guess that Lilly is in for a long day of Diaper Discipline at The Padded Princess Playroom. Check out the whole story, free with Kindle Unlimited or purchasable on Amazon!
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voraciousvore · 1 year ago
Boarding School for Giants (1/25)
Author's Note: I decided to share one of my stories on here. Admittedly, it's not my best work, and I've improved a lot since I wrote it, but it remains one of my most popular (and is a shorter and tamer story). Hope you guys enjoy! :)
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------Chapter 1------
I was angry at the world. And I had good reason to be. My dad had left a long time ago, when I was a small child—just walked out one day for cigarettes and never came back. He left behind a gaping hole in my soul that would never be filled. My mother, too, suffered from that same void: She filled it with alcohol, or at least tried to, as much as a bottomless pit can be filled. Occasionally she could pull herself together enough, for my sake, to get a low-paying job to support us and keep us fed. Inevitably, though, she would slip back into old habits, and be consumed by the bottle again. 
I was the poster child for teenage angst. I wore black nail polish and black lipstick and heavy eyeshadow with mascara. I dyed my dark hair with streaks of color and cut it in crazy, edgy styles. I had ear piercings and a nose piercing and even a badass tattoo of the grim reaper with a skull on my upper thigh that I got with a fake ID (don’t tell my mom). As for my clothing, I usually went for a goth or punk aesthetic: lacy black corsets with short skirts and tights, ripped-up skinny jeans, big black boots, messy crop tops with spaghetti straps. Anything black with buckles or spikes was my jam. I liked black because my heart was black. 
My behavior mirrored my outer appearance. I played the role of the bad kid pretty well. I always talked back to my teachers and acted up in class. I smoked weed in the girl’s bathroom during lunch and cigarettes behind the school. My grades weren’t terrible, because I wasn’t a complete moron, but I certainly didn’t try very hard. I snuck out of the house on weekends late at night to attend wild parties, although I refused to drink alcohol because I didn’t want to be like my mother. I made out with bad boys, whom I knew all too well would use me and break my heart and leave me just like my daddy did. 
The relationship I had with my mom, admittedly, wasn’t the best. She worked odd hours, so she wasn’t around much anyways. Sometimes she would bring home men that might stay for a little while, but none of them could replace my dad. She couldn’t handle my unruliness and didn’t know how to discipline me or give me boundaries. We would get into shouting matches with each other a lot, where we yelled past each other more than listening to each other. I knew all her weaknesses, and would intentionally say hurtful things to make her cry. I told her she was a terrible mother and she was the reason Dad left and nobody would ever love her again. I would regret my words later, but the rage and sadness I felt inside me was hard to control. 
Today was the day where the tension finally snapped, and everything came crashing down. I had been having an unusually crummy day, and I was in a bad mood. I flunked my chemistry test—not that I really cared, but it still made me feel stupid. The other girls in my class were teasing me and telling me I was an idiot, and I didn’t like that. I was walking through the hallway to my next class when Billy the Bully, as I called him, spotted me and zeroed in on his prey like a bloodhound. I had spurned his advances once, finding him to be a contemptible wretch, and ever since he had made it his mission to belittle and humiliate me as much as possible. Since I had rejected him, he insisted I was an ugly lesbian. I was not in the mood for his bullshit today. He pushed me hard into a locker, laughed, and strolled off. 
The coals burning inside me ignited. Billy the Bully was going down. I chased after him and punched him hard in the back of the head, knocking him to the ground, and kicked him in the ribs a couple of times for good measure. That’d teach him to mess with me. Unfortunately for me, I hadn’t noticed the principal walking down the hall, who was now gaping at me, appalled. It didn’t matter that Billy always harassed me, and that he had initiated the confrontation. The principal had only seen my violence. Despite fights breaking out all the time in the schoolyard, our school had a “zero tolerance” policy on the books for violent actions. Not to mention, I was sure they were more than happy to find an excuse to get rid of a troublesome rebel like me. I was swiftly expelled. 
Needless to say, when my mom came home from work and learned what happened from the school, she blew up at me. As usual, we yelled past each other until we were both out of breath and red in the face. I stormed out of the house and took a walk to cool down, smoking a cigarette as I went. To be honest, even though I felt justified in what I had done, I regretted putting my mom through more stress.  She was always failing me, but I figured she still loved me and cared about me. I was disappointing her with my bad behavior. I felt like such a failure. 
Reflecting on my actions didn’t change the consequences, however. I had been kicked out of school, and now we would need to transfer me to a new school. I wasn’t sure how to feel, whether I should be nervous or optimistic. Maybe I needed a fresh start. My old school sucked anyways, and was lousy with bullies and haters. I hated school. Why did I have to go in the first place? I couldn’t think of any other high schools that were close by in our area. 
When I returned home, my mom was making phone calls, trying to place me in a new school. Her eyes were red and puffy as she massaged her temple with her fingers. I tiptoed past her, slunk over to my room, and threw myself on my bed. I slapped on a pair of old headphones and blasted some death metal into my ears to drown out my thoughts. Somehow, the sound of wild demonic screaming and electric guitars always helped to calm down the boiling hatred inside me. I started to drift off to sleep. 
“EREN!” my mom screamed my name, startling me awake over the sound of my music. I took off my headphones, irritated. 
“WHAT?!” I shouted back with a disgruntled scowl. 
“Pack your things,” my mother demanded. “None of the schools nearby are willing to take you in, and I can’t deal with you anymore. You’re going to boarding school to learn some discipline.” 
“Boarding school? Are you freaking kidding me right now?” I balked. I was incredulous. Mom was trying to get rid of me. I flipped the script on her and acidly retorted, “Well, fine then! I didn’t want to be around you anymore either!” I rolled over in my bed and refused to look at her, facing the wall instead in defiance. She paused for a moment, as if wanting to say something, then sighed and exited the room, closing the door gently behind her.  
I huffed and sulked for a while. Boarding school. Unbelievable. Scoffing to myself, I began to gather up my things, tossing clothes, school supplies, and some other miscellaneous articles carelessly into my backpack and a duffel bag. I didn’t have a whole lot to bring. We were poor, so it’s not like I had a ton of luxury items in my possession to pack. I prepared for bed and flopped down on my mattress, deep in thought. I wondered what boarding school was like. Maybe it would be better to get away from it all, to be far away from everything that was tormenting me. My mom wouldn’t be around to hassle me at least. How bad could it be? 
The next morning, I dragged myself out of bed and threw on some clean clothes. I hadn’t slept well, since I had been haunted by my nagging thoughts most of the night. I ate a bowl of cereal and drank some orange juice for breakfast, then decided I ought to at least make myself look nice if it was going to be my first day at a new school. I hauled myself to the bathroom and washed, did my make-up, brushed my teeth, and styled my hair with some hair gel. Much better. 
I grabbed my bags and placed them in the trunk of our beater of a car. Rather than sit in the front seat alongside my mother, I opted to sit in the back instead, sprawling my legs out along the back seat. My mom pursed her lips in disapproval but didn’t say anything. She hopped into the front seat, and after a couple of tries the starter kicked in and the old car coughed to life. The car crawled out of the driveway and stumbled off, leaving a nasty brown puff of smog in its wake. 
We drove for a while in silence. I played on my phone and occasionally looked out the window at the bland scenery passing by. We lived in a rural area, surrounded by farmland, so there wasn’t much to see other than fields of corn and wheat, grain silos and barns, and fenced-off land for cows or horses. It was a serene and pastoral paradise, but I had lived with these things my whole life so I wasn’t very impressed. The density of the buildings gradually increased as we entered more populated areas. 
After a couple of hours, I started to get restless. “Where are we going? How far away is this place?” I questioned, finally breaking the silence. 
“About that...” my mother said. She trailed off and failed to finish her sentence, as if she were afraid to tell me. 
“Well?” I asked, a note of irritation in my voice. 
She sighed. “I guess it’s better if I tell you now, so you don’t freak out when we get there. We’re almost at the drop-off point anyways.” 
“Freak out?” I was becoming increasingly baffled. “Why would I freak out? What’s going on here?” I raised my voice as I spoke. 
“This isn’t an ordinary boarding school.” She paused dramatically, letting the words sink in. “I needed to find a place we could afford, and a place that could handle your misbehaving and keep you in check. This school is planning to become an integration school, and they’re looking for students like you to join, so they offered me a substantial subsidy to sign you up.” 
“Students... like me?” I was lost. “Why would they want a troublemaker like me? What do you mean by an ‘integration school?’ What is that?” 
Before she could answer, our car was engulfed in shadow. I peered out the window and my jaw dropped to the floor. We were driving toward a massive wall, constructed of great stone bricks of an impossible size. The wall must have been hundreds of feet tall, and blocked out the sun as we approached. The surrounding buildings and trees looked like little models and toys by comparison. We pulled up to the wall and parked in a vacant lot. My mom, rather than explaining what was going on, got out of the car and removed my bags from the trunk. I stayed in my seat, refusing to budge. I was very confused, and even a little intimidated. 
My mother opened the passenger door and looked at me expectantly. “Come on. Get out.” I just stared back at her. Nothing had been explained. I didn’t want to go. I was getting an uneasy, sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. 
She crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently. Realizing I wasn’t going to win this fight, I begrudgingly got out of the car and followed her to a normal-sized door that was embedded in the enormous wall. She opened the door and we walked into a short, gloomy passageway that tunneled through the thick wall to the other side. As we walked through the darkness, I cleared my throat and tried one last time to finesse some information out of her. 
“Mom... please. Tell me what this is,” I pleaded. I couldn’t stop my voice from cracking slightly. Genuine fear was starting to trickle into my chest. The whole situation was very strange and surreal. 
We reached the door at the end of the tunnel. Sunlight bled through the cracks around the door, framing it with bright light in the musty darkness. My mom placed her hand on the door handle and exhaled slowly. She gazed over at me sadly. Her face was pinched up, as if she were trying to hold back strong emotions. 
“On the other side of this huge wall... is the giant side of town. You’re going to a boarding school for giants.” 
2nd Chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/voraciousvore/731600807530823680/boarding-school-for-giants-225?source=share
Table of Contents:
Ch. 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25
Writing Masterpost
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basketofvoilets · 2 years ago
my comedic car wreck and hospital visit in chronological order (so i don’t forget)
1. i’m driving home from work (alone, thankfully) and i REALLY have to poop
2. suddenly i get t-boned right on my door, the car goes flying across the highway until i got control of the wheel (tip: put your car in park as soon as you can. that’s the first thing my mom taught me when i learned how to drive)
3. the airbag hit the left side of my head with such ferocity that it brought me out of my shocked state and back into reality. thankfully i got the worst of the impact & i was the only one “injured” (i use air quotes bc i have minor injuries, just keep reading)
4. i got the car stopped and at this point i am FACING oncoming traffic and i’m NOSE TO NOSE with the cars behind me. i am certain they will forever be haunted by the look of panic on my face. literally the first thing i did was call my mom and i am violently trembling but somehow i didn’t cry at any point
5. ppl started getting out of their cars to help me and the 3 other cars (southern hospitality) and some kind stranger had to coax me out of the passenger side of my car like a scared animal
6. luckily my mom was in town so she was like 10 minutes away. so i called my gf like heyyyyyyy i’m alive! as soon as i checked my phone my friends were texting me asking if i was okay bc they SAW me standing next to my beloved crashed car. HUMILIATING!!!!
7. i started talking to the passenger of the car that started the accident & he was like going around making sure everyone was okay (he was very nice)
8. when my mom showed up i almost fell to my knees. i literally have the best mom. the first responders show up and the firemen move my car out of the middle of the road bc there was no way in hell i was getting back in there.
9. all the cars get moved to a parking lot nearby and somehow i find myself hugging the lady who hit my car (she was also very nice and had a very cute toddler)
10. guys. i fucking love my car. she is the most perfect little car in the world and i’m so sad. i hope she is repairable💔the tow truck shows up and im like….. but :(((
11. we talk to police n stuff & we leave so i can go home to change and POOP before we go to the hospital
12. i get home, hug and kiss my gf, and poop
13. i get to the e.r with my mom and we get called back almost instantly & girl. that little hospital bed was comfy. they start asking me questions & i could tell they were entertained by my dry delivery of the previous events.
14. they give me muscle relaxers and ibuprofen, and the muscle relaxers IMMEDIATELY kick in bc i’m a lightweight
15. a nurse with a really cool traditional tattoo sleeve takes me back for x rays in a wheelchair and i was embarrassed bc i can walk and i felt like i was being dramatic despite it being hospital protocol
16. the nurse was really cool and he seemed to think my lightly sedated state was entertaining. the funny thing abt this guy is that he saw the car wreck while he was going to work and he was like well i’ll see y’all later. i told him i was the one standing on the side of the road like an idiot
17. they discharge me & say i sprained my neck & have a bruise on my head. bitch i got thrown across a highway and all i got was a sprained neck???? incredible
18. my mom and i went to waffle house and i embarrassed myself so bad trying to order bc i just could not. make words happen. at all. i ate more in one sitting than i do in a week and it was so fucking delicious that i don’t even feel guilty
19. so basically i’m fine but i was warned that the next few days i’ll feel like HELL. good thing i just bought vodka. i’m so glad everyone else is okay💕💕 but i am so sad about my car :(( and i hope the girl that hit me can forgive herself :( i stand by the fact that toyota corollas are the best cars. drive safe y’all
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justnerdy15 · 16 days ago
FlashFictionFriday 2.14.25
wc: 1000 prompt: @flashfictionfridayofficial paper promises notes: a little under the weather today so apologies if there's a lot of mistakes. Attached to HOTN but like the darkest timeline.
It’s a special kind of torture to be a prisoner in your own home. Three weeks of pacing around her room, oscillating between a furious rage and overwhelming despair, flinching away from the taunting burn of the wards when she gets too close to the door and windows. Two weeks of seeing no one but her parents who can barely look her in the eye while giving shallow promises. Just until he leaves New York, Evangeline. Just until this bond breaks, Evangeline. Just until the gossip dies down, Evangeline.
But she knows the truth. Just until Safta forgives her.
Which is probably never at this point.
She’s so sick of crying. It’s a miracle that she hasn’t withered away with all these spilled tears or made herself sick from her panicked heaving. They must have silenced her room — a part of her hopes at least, less she embarrass herself again over her complete loss of composure. Though, a small part of her relishes the idea that they are subjected to it as much as she is. Let them know what they’re doing to her.
Hasn’t she paid for her mistakes? Was it not enough to force Anthony from his beloved city? To have her humiliation and shame exposed to everyone? To have her admit to her family that she was, in truth, not ashamed at all? To have her locked away in her room like a child?
The words have tumbled out of mouth so much they don’t even feel like words anymore: she didn’t mean for any of this happen; she was just trying to do the right thing.
God, like any of it even matters.
All the curtains are drawn shut. The thick curtains block the world outside; the light, the dark — it’s all the same. It’s infuriating to look out these windows, to see people coming in and out of the house like it was just a normal day, moving through their day-to-day while she’s stuck in here.
She’s pacing, now going up the length of her bed, when there is a knock at the door. She whips around, nearly stumbling over her own feet, but Evangeline can’t help but perk up. Mom and Dad don’t knock.
“Yes?” she tries to say, her voice thick and rough. She clears her throat and tries again. “Yes?”
The door is gently pushed open, slow and cautious. Good. In one of her tempers, she had thrown a book at Mom, a sudden rage overtaking her when Mom had to — what was the word she used? right — reason with her. It hadn’t hit her, hell it didn’t even land near her, but there was a sick satisfaction at the alarm that flashed across her face.
Let it be a reminder: she’s still a huntress. She doesn’t cower; she fights.
Maybe this bond is affecting her more than she thought.
It turns out she’s right — it’s not Mom’s or Dad’s face that peaks around the corner of the door.
A surprised breath escapes her and she straightens up, taking a step forward. “Khalil?” she asks as he steps into the room.
He flinches, even though he tries to hide it with a weak smile, she’s upset him. She doesn’t understand why.
“Don’t you mean Greenie?” he replies, fiddling with something in his hands. A book. “Still your trainee, right?”
He doesn’t look well. His usually warm brown skin is now dull with a wicked bruise coming on his right cheek. His eyes, the same ones she claimed could let him get away with murder, are tired and red. They look at her with open concern, anxious, the way he does when he’s looking for her to guidance or reassurance.
It makes something inside her loosen. “Of course you are,” Evangeline says, offering some imitation of a smile. She lets her eyes drift back down to his hands. “What are you doing here?”
Khalil closes the door behind him. “Your mom,” he explains, tapping his thumb against the spine of the book. “I told her I had something for you and she thought it would be nice if I came up to give it to you.”
He holds out the book. When she takes it, she reads the worn cover: Letters of John Keats.
“It’s used. I hope you don’t mind,” he says, looking at her. He laces his hands together and gives a shrug. “I like reading other people’s notes and stuff. I thought you would too.”
“Are you okay?” Evangeline asks, putting the book on her bed.
“As I can be.”
She can’t help but frown. “Has something happened? Besides this, I mean.”
When he shakes his head, she doesn’t feel any relief. “No — Nothing — I mean,” he stumbles over his words, before he blurts out. “I just really miss you.”
Before she can even say anything, he’s right in front of her, bringing her into a hug.
For a second, she’s frozen, arms awkwardly raised at her sides. She sighs, an irritating burn in her eyes, and wraps her arms around his shoulders. “I miss you too,” she says quietly, enjoying the moment. “But you should go, before they come check on you.”
“Promise me you’ll read the book,” he says, pulling away.
“Not like I’ll have anything better to do,” she tries to joke.
“Promise me.”
"I promise," she says, feeling an odd weight to the words. His eyes search her face for a moment, like he's looking for something specific, before he nods and steps back towards the door. "Stay safe.”
There’s a shimmer, the ward reactivating as he closes the door, and Evangeline takes the book as she sits on the edge of her bed.
She didn’t really take him as a Keats fan.
Sighing, she shifts around until she’s settled with her back against the headboard and takes a second to simply skip through the pages, hoping something catches her eye.
She spots a flash of green ink underlining several lines. Her eyes rove over the letter until she nearly chokes on her breath.
I have been, I cannot tell why, in capital spirits this last hour. What reason? When I have to take my candle and retire to a lonely room, without the thought as I fall asleep, of seeing you tomorrow morning? or the next day, or the next—it takes on the appearance of impossibility and eternity—I will say a month—I will say I will see you in a month at most, though no one but yourself should see me;
Foolish hope starts to flicker in her chest. It’s stupid to even think but —
Evangeline flips to the very front of the book, ignoring the other flashes of green, and nearly begins to cry once again.
There in lower right corner, embossed into the soft paper, are the initials A.D.
0 notes
frizzle-tales · 8 months ago
Jiyeon was wary; studying Taehyung’s face as he walked into the room. She kept staring at him until he reached right in front of her, and beckoned her up. She did as she was told, her legs feeling wobbly as she stood. Before anything else could be said, his lips brushed against hers, and for once, Jiyeon found herself… not minding it. Perhaps it was the pure exhaustion, or the reassurance that he must still like her, that he didn’t have her here to get rid of her…
When he pulled away, Jiyeon took a shaky breath— the room was spinning, but she wasn’t sure if it was because of the kiss or because of how she was feeling.
“Yes…” Jiyeon answered, not sure if that’s what he wanted to hear or not, uncertain of his motive behind the questions. “I missed you.”
At the other kiss, Jiyeon kissed him back, closing her eyes, the dreadful feeling melting away to the background as finally, she felt safe again, everything was okay again…
Or so she thought.
‘If only I could’ve missed you too.’
“Huh?” It felt like he had grabbed the biggest hammer in the world and pounced it down on her heart, stomping on it before kicking it away.
He… didn’t miss her?
‘If only you could learn to behave yourself.’
Namjoon’s earlier words came to mind, and she looked back at Namjoon before looking back at Taehyung. Her lips parted, wanting to tell him;
When he ordered me food, he deliberately ordered me tuna, I am allergic to that!
Namjoon dragged me out of the house and I didn’t see you! I panicked!
I threw the soup because he tried to kill me!
But she couldn’t, instead she was brought closer to her bully and Taehyung implied that instead of him, Namjoon should be the one punishing her, and Jiyeon assumed the absolute worst. The most gruesome scenes shot through her mind; her being wheeled to the gory room she witnessed while Taehyung stands back; him forcing her to eat tuna and have an episode as the two watched on as they mocked her, or…
“Taehyung please…” She whimpered softly, making her voice smaller in the hopes that Namjoon wouldn’t hear her plead.
It all happened so fast, one moment he scolded her, and the next she was struck in the face, the impact causing her stumble back, the reality of the situation sunk in and tears rolled down her face, and she softly sobbed.
She wanted to leave. She was scared.
But it wasn’t done yet.
Jiyeon fell on her knees, and the girl sobbed, her hands on her thighs as she looked down at the floor. Her cheek was burning, she was exhausted, her body tense from all the stress she had been put through in such a short time, and now the humiliation of being in front of these two men towering over her was becoming too much.
“You are crying like a little girl, how immature,” Namjoon mocked. “I think Taehyung has been too nice to you, cause I swear you’re thinking that you can just do anything.. Isn’t that so?” He stepped forward. “Hurry up, you are wasting both of our time with your nonsense and childish antics.”
“So…rry…” She forced out, at which Namjoon shook his head.
“That won’t do, you know what Taehyung, I don’t think miss Jiyeon wants to go home, I think she’d rather stay here for another night, so I can spend some more time disciplining her and teaching her how to behave, what do you think?” He tilted his head, of course he wouldn’t keep the girl for another day, but she didn’t know that. “I don’t know if I’d return her in a good state, I think some bones might need to be broken in the process… I have seen so many girls like you, Jiyeon, they don’t change with a gentle slap here and there, they need a bit more.. enforcement.”
No, no, Taehyung wouldn’t allow that, would he? But when she looked at the other, he didn’t seem against the idea, and she realized that she had to do whatever they asked of her for a chance to get out of here.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
“Bow down to show you’re really sorry.”
She didn’t want to, she really didn’t, but there was no telling what would be done to her if she didn’t comply, so she lowered her head down to the floor. “I’m sorry, I’m really really sorry…” She closed her eyes, hoping it would ease the feeling of humiliation, even if it was just a little.
“And thank you for taking care of me.”
Was that it? The room was silent for a few seconds before Namjoon spoke again.
“Clean the mess you’ve made, when this whole room is sparkling clean, you can leave.” Namjoon concluded, momentarily leaving the room to then return with a bucket with soapy water and a cloth. 
Jiyeon cleaned the floor, tears burning in her eyes as she avoided the gaze of the two men, and when she was done, she sat on her knees again, afraid to do anything else.
“I’m satisfied.” Namjoon looked over at his close friend. “You must be exhausted, I won’t keep you two any longer, if there is anything I can do for you, do let me know.”
Only at Taehyung’s OK, did the girl get up, staying by his side as they headed out of the nightmare she was stuck in for days.
“Can I… have something to eat?” Jiyeon asked, fidgeting with her sleeve, but to much dismay, Taehyung rejected her request, and instead guided her upstairs.
Straight to bed it was.
But part of her didn’t mind, she was barely able to stand and being in the comfortable bed again after so long felt like a treat.
Jiyeon got freshened up before she laid down in the bed, and Taehyung soon followed. For a moment, she glanced down at his hand, her hand slowly gravitating towards it before she decided to try her luck, holding onto his hand gently, before she closed her eyes, pure exhaustion causing her to fall asleep right away.
Jiyeon slept pretty well for the most part of the night, only stirring when it was morning, she became more erratic, shifting in bed.
“You are right, Namjoon. I think Jiyeon should stay here for longer, until she properly learned her lesson. I’ll leave it to you then.”
“No! No! Please!” Jiyeon got up from the floor and ran after him, only for the door to be slammed right into her face. “No, no, please, Taehyung, don’t leave me here! I will listen! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” But her pleas were ignored.
Namjoon’s hand shot from behind her, gripping her hair and dragging her away from the door. What followed was torture, simply torture, and no matter how hard she screamed and begged for Taehyung… he never came back.
Namjoon only stopped when the girl stopped moving, and he stepped back.
“What a shame.” He shrugged. “Guys, take her to the organ room, it would be a waste to let them go to waste, wouldn’t it?”
And then, Taehyung returned, when it was too late.
“My apologies, it seemed that no matter how hard I beat her, she just wouldn’t be good, and she passed away, don’t worries, I made sure that she was still of use.”
“No, you did me a favor.” Taehyung smiled. “Her behavior has been troubling me for a long time, and I decided to court another woman, and we really got along.”
“Oh? Who is the lucky lady?”
Taehyung looked back, beckoning the woman over. “Honey?”
Sohee stepped over to him, wrapping his arms around him and giving him a peck on the lips, resting her head against his shoulder. “I’m sorry about your loss, but I didn’t think she was right for you from day one…”
Jiyeon jolted awake, sitting up straight as she panted, gripping onto the sheets as she looked around her. She was in the bedroom, all by herself. Where was Taehyung? She kicked the blankets off and stood, rushing over to the door but was pulled back by the chain that was wrapped around her ankle.
Right… Things were back to normal again.
A faint voice caught her attention. One of a female.
Sohee? No, Sohee’s voice could be heard from miles away, high pitched, screeching, and sickeningly sweet… There was someone else. And she could also hear Taehyung’s voice.
The conversation seem to have ended and Taehyung’s footsteps neared the bedroom door and it opened, and she stood there like a deer caught in headlights. Jiyeon looked down on the floor, picking at her sleeve. “Good morning…” She then greeted, her mind still occupied by trying to trace the unknown voice to the right person. She looked back up again, she couldn’t move further, so when Taehyung inched closer to her she cautiously wrapped her arms around him. Would he push her away? Lash out at her? Be alright with it?
“How did you sleep?” She asked, hesritating whether she should ask about the unknown guest lingering in their home, but deciding to feign it as innocent curiosity instead of not minding her business. “Do we have a guest?” Jiyeon instead decided to ask, and after his answer, she nodded, letting go of him.
After Taehyung freed her off her ankle cuff, she got ready to start the day before going downstairs, spotting his grandmother in the living room, glancing out of the living window.
“Good morning, ma’am.” Jiyeon greeted with a light bow. “How have you been? I’m going to prepare breakfast, is there anything you dislike?” Jiyeon asked as she set the table, and at her response, she nodded and headed to the kitchen, starting on breakfast.
Crickets chirped with the moon still high in the sky. A gentle breeze blew through the fields, rustling grass and bushes.
Lights that were once illuminating the road ahead flipped off, keeping the car hidden amongst the darkness.
Rocks crunched under Taehyung’s weight as he crept towards the farmhouse. It seemed quiet, not an awake soul in sight.
Which is exactly what he wanted.
The door knob twisted with ease, forcing Taehyung to hold back a scoff.
Did they really have to make this that easy?
If only Jiyeon could’ve behaved herself, chosen to be a good girl, then this simply wouldn’t be happening.
She’s making him do this. She’s forcing his hand.
Some lessons are a hard one to learn, and she’s already had so many easier lessons.
He slipped inside, wandering through the main floor. It’s exactly what he imagined the place to be like; dated wallpaper glued onto the walls, tacky decor, pictures strung up everywhere.
Carefully, not to make a sound, he slipped the knife out from his pocket, creeping up the stairs. At the end of the hallway, a dim warm light shined through a crack in door.
What the hell was either of them doing awake? At this time, nonetheless.
It wouldn’t change anything. Merely just be a complication.
“Oh, Sungho.” A weak woman’s voice cut through the silence of the house. “Why did this have to happen to her?”
Taehyung clung to the nearest wall. As he got closer, he make out a sniffle. “Could we have done something better, could we have stopped this from happening?”
“Yeobo, don’t do that. Don’t blame yourself, she never would’ve wanted that.”
At the edge of the doorway, Taehyung peered in, keeping himself just out of sight.
Perched at the edge of her bed, a photograph gripped in her hands, sat Jiyeon’s grandmother. Beside her, her husband, wrapping her in a tight embrace.
“She never deserved this. None of it, her whole life.” The last shred of Yeonhee’s composure snapped, sobs wracking from her chest. “She deserved so much better.”
“I know.” Jiyeon’s grandfather replied, gently rocking his wife. “I know.” His own wave of tears pricked his eyes. “We’ll get justice for her. The mayor promised us, he promised. They’ll put the killer behind bars.”
“When? It’s been so long. Anyone refuses to answer any of our calls anymore.”
The killer looked in front of them while the elderly couple continued to speak. The light from their laps illuminated just enough off the hallway for him to see; the wall scattered with her.
Baby photos. Old art projects. High school diploma. Last, pictures of all of them together. Smiling, happy.
“You should sleep, Yeonhee.” Sungho sighed, the sound of what he assumed to be the picture frame being set down followed. “We can only do our best for her, if we take care of ourselves.”
Taehyung peaked back in, catching just in time the tender kiss the husband planted on his wife’s head before laying her down.
“He’s still out there.”
“I know.” Sungho replied, pulling the blankets over her. “They’ll find him.” Although, his tone too sounded defeated, broken. As if he was saying it out loud, to keep the last glimmer of hope alive.
Taehyung looked down at the knife in his hand before back at the couple, something stubborn now growing in him.
The light went out, engulfing him in darkness. Silence.
There was just something. He couldn’t do it.
He needed to simply tweak just how he was going to teach her a burning lesson.
For as long as he’d known him, Namjoon had always been a trusted friend. Never steered him wrong. Never any ulterior motives. Never wanted to use him for anything other than a bond.
But this time, he found it so fucking difficult to let up control. Let his sweet little prisoner be at the mercy at someone else.
Although, that was only a small section of his thoughts.
Taehyung crossed his arms, leaning against the wall as he watched the pair — watched Jiyeon. Her honey brown eyes filled with tears, ever so slightly widened with fear. The small tremble to her hand as she cleaned up the mess she created.
She needed this.
When she was done, the killer pushed himself from the wall, stalking up to her. His hand reached down, lifting her chin. “Do you understand what you did you do wrong?”
He waited for her to repeat back to him, tell him everything she did wrong to deserve this treatment, really make she understood.
“Good girl.” When he was satisfied, he gave her a quick praise before holding his hand out to her. “Come, let’s go home.”
“Can I.. have something to eat?” The girls voice was nervous, scared to overstep any bounds.
“No.” Taehyung simply responded. With a hand pressed against the small of her back, he lead her upstairs, straight to their bedroom.
While they headed to bed, his gaze passed by the velvet sofa. For a moment, he pondered if she should sleep in her old bed for the night, if she deserved to be rewarded with his proximity so soon.
However, he quickly decided against it. His soon fiancé to be already got her punishment.
Even if she didn’t quiet know it yet.
Besides, he couldn’t hold back from wanting her near him. She possessed every last one of this thoughts. They tortured him, not getting to hear the sound of her voice, just have her near him.
Taehyung followed suit, slipping into bed. His muscles immediately eased into the mattress, a heavy breath releasing from his lungs.
Beds back at the station felt like slabs of concrete compared to his own.
His eyes closed. Silence encompassed the room apart from their breathing. Everything felt serene. Exactly how it was suppose to be.
Then, a delicate touch ghosted across his palm, before fingers intertwined with his. Taehyung turned his head, eyes studying the girl’s face.
After a moment, her features eventually relaxed, and she was out like a light.
“You have no idea what you’ve done to me.” Taehyung whispered after he brought her closer, wrapping an arm tightly around her.
It felt right. Perfect.
This is exactly where they were meant to be. Together, just like this.
“Good morning.” Taehyung greeted back, pleasantly surprised the girl had gotten herself up.
What’s this?
A pair of arms then wrapped around him, gently giving him an embrace. The last thing he expected to start his day with.
Not that he was necessarily complaining.
Instead, a sense of pride filled his chest. Perhaps that was really what Jiyeon needed to truly shape her behaviour; showing her what life would be like if he didn’t anything to do with her.
And why wouldn’t he reward such good behaviour?
Both arms returned her embrace.
“How did you sleep?”
“Fine.” More than fine, having her back by his side. But she didn’t need to know that, did she? It would only go to her head, cause problems for him later if she knew the influence she had on him.
“Do we have a guest?”
“We do.” Taehyung mused at her curiosity, his eyes following her every move as she pulled away. “A very dear one.”
Before the girl could step too far away, an arm snaked back around her waist, pulling her in again. “Don’t forget my morning kiss, Jiyeonnie.” Finally, he allowed himself to grin before stealing her lips.
The first proper kiss being back home.
Where both of them belong.
After a few seconds, he forced himself to pull away before freeing her ankle cuff. “Be on your best behaviour.” With that, he allowed her to get ready for the day.
“Good morning.” Hayoung replied, not tearing her gaze away from the window. Still poise, polite, but there was something about her tone. Colder than the last few times they met.
“I’ve been better.” Her answers were short, like she was restraining herself. Holding back from something. “Pepper, no pepper.” Finally, Hayoung tore herself away from the sight outside the glass, grabbing her almost empty teacup.
The elderly woman followed Jiyeon into the kitchen, setting her cup down with a click. “.. Are we just going to act like you haven’t done anything?”
It was quite blunt, but for once she didn’t care. No matter how sweet or polite the girl acted, she wasn’t going to brush aside what she had done to her family — to her grandson.
“Do you have any idea what you caused? Do you have any idea at all what you could’ve done with your childish antics?”
The confused — or perhaps it was shameful — expression on Jiyeon’s face only agitated her more.
“Are you truly that selfish? That you only think or care about yourself?”
Like a fly on the wall, Taehyung leaned against the kitchen counter, simply watching the interaction play out as he sipped on his own cup of coffee.
Hayoung grew closer, anger building in her chest.
This girl, she could’ve destroyed so much. Hurt her family, stole away her grandson. All for that? Her silly old life?
Leaving no time for the girl to react, her hand came up, impacting with the same cheek as yesterday. Darkening the already red spot still left behind.
“You could’ve taken away his whole life, jeopardized his career. Everything my family spent 8 decades building.” She continued to scold the girl now. “Don’t make me mistake thinking you are good enough for my grandson.”
Once that was finally dealt with, a 100lbs weight felt like it was lifted. A small smile formed back on Hayoung’s lips. There was no more angry tremble to her hand. “I’d like another cup, please. Jasmine, if you still have some left.”
Now, Taehyung set down his own cup, crossing the kitchen towards his sweetheart. “You’re lucky I don’t do anything to you myself for the stunts that you’ve pulled.” He whispered into her ear. “Go on. Groceries are in the fridge, in the brown bag.”
After Hayoung’s tea was prepared, breakfast was finally starting to get ready.
The bag was emptied onto the counter, some eggs, and a jar of jam inside, along with a few others items.
“Oh my, Taehyung.” Hayoung spoke up, noticing the handmade logo on 2 of the items. “You got these just in the knick of time.” When he grandson hummed in response, she kept going. “It was already on the news this morning. How awful, all of their crops were torched last night. The fire spread so far, it started to burn their home before emergency services arrived.” The elderly woman tsked. “Police are suspecting a jealous neighbour. Poor family, losing so much because of 1 foolish person.”
“Because of 1 foolish person.” Taehyung hummed, repeating his grandmother.
“Thank you, dear.” Hayoung then took her leave, heading back to the living room. Tea in hand.
“It really is disheartening, isn’t it, Jiyeonnie?”
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dolcesuono · 1 year ago
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@himbovillains said: ‘i never heard you cry before.’ — from anthony 😈
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" and you still have not, " she snapped, quickly turning her back. there was no reason he should see the redness in her eyes, nor the telltale stains on her cheeks. already he had seen too much of her - far more than any other lover had done... she could see it, the fatal mistake she'd made in this sordid affair of theirs. she had risked too much, ventured too far beyond the boundaries she'd spent years rigidly enforcing. but it was clear now: their doomed association was drawing to its inevitable end. there was no future to be had for them. of course, she had always known that, but it had taken this foolishness tonight to finally drive the matter home for good.
she would never do this again. shed tears in her dressing room like a silly child, bitterly disappointed by the absence of one she'd almost allowed herself to - to love... there was no reason he should have attended tonight's opening. he had not promised to do so and she knew well that a hundred other matters had more legitimate claims on his attention. but her heart had allowed her to hope. to throw reason aside and expect him anyway. it served her right to be so humiliated now. to be a heartsick fool, licking her wounds alone.
she hated him for making her feel so weak. but no more than she hated herself.
and so, when he at last appeared at her door, it did not bring the pleasure she might have expected an hour ago. she did not want to see him. he was dangerous. and the sight of him already threatened to weaken her resolve. no - he ought to have stayed away...
when she turned back to face him at last, her expression was tight with a false smile. the tears were gone and if any evidence of them remained, she refused to acknowledge it. " i'm tired, that is all, " she said, waving a hand absently. " you need not have made the journey from mayfair. the performance is over - there is nothing else here for you, my lord. "
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fillinforlater · 2 years ago
Male Reader x Huh Yunjin (ft. Chaewon)
Length: 2420 words
Tags: con-non-con kink, change in pov, piss kink, water sports, public sex, choking, gagging, a kinky robbery, humiliation, crying, name calling, missionary, messy make-out, all the bodily fluids, roleplay, dacryphilia maybe, misattribution-of-arousal-kink!Yunjin
TW: cnc kink, water sports (pee), (role)playing with fear
Inspiration: ffs, I have no clue why my brain comes up with these. Maybe I'm just insane? Or stupid? Or too horny for my own good?
(A/N: yeah, I think I will have to take a break after this. Something very different will come up next, but I still need time to write it lol, so please be patient. For those that love these kinks, you're welcome, I won't write them (especially water sports) often.)
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"What are you thinking about right now?"
Chaewon’s quiet, tender whisper is calming like a cool breeze in blazing summer heat. It takes you out of your short trance, which you spent gazing at the ring on her finger. You look into her concerned eyes, then towards her blonde friend at the bar. A heavy sigh leaves your lips as you set down the untouched cocktail.
"You know I like the idea," you start your rant, hoping it removes the uncertainty burdening your heart, "and I know you're completely fine with it. But the more I look at her—I just don't know if she knows what she really wants. You get me?"
"I think I do. Hmm,” Chaewon ponders for a second, caressing your palm, "Look, how about we ask her right now."
She turns around and with a wave of her hand she gets her friend's attention. The young woman quickly walks over, a bright, beautiful smile on her features. She stops next to your wife and straightens her postures when she looks at you. Before she can greet you, Chaewon whispers a long message into her ear. It makes her face sweaty and redder with each word.
"So," Chaewon loudly announces at the end of her explanation,"what are you thinking, Yunjin."
Yunjin locks eyes with you. Her hands fidget, her upper body tenses up and her breath responds to her increased heartbeat. You can almost see the small muscle in her chest throb. She hesitates, even with Chaewon's reassuring smile and strokes on her back. Before you can speak up however, Yunjin's firm answer catches you by surprise:
"I still want it. I don't know what else to say, but I really want this and I don't care about the dangers."
"Alright," you respond blankly, though slightly in awe of Yunjin's clarity, "I appreciate your trust."
It's way past midnight when Yunjin leaves the area around the well-lit HYBE building to walk home. Dark, narrow corridors in between cold, lifeless concrete buildings are her choice, as she is eager to get to her flat quickly. Yunjin will always sacrifice a bit of lighting for effective short cuts. With her cell phone as a flashlight in one hand, her Louis Vuitton bag in the other, she confidently finds her way in this now well-known maze.
At night, she doesn't have to be extra careful about someone noticing her or the song she hums. An unreleased track, self-composed, with lyrics that have meaning to her and the other bandmates. At night, Yunjin is free to sing those words and feel a bit of burden fall from her shoulders.
A gentle breeze makes her blonde hair sway off of her shoulder and the loose jacket flies along with it. Yunjin has to stop in her tracks to adjust the leather garment. It's this time of the year where it's warm enough at night that you don't really need any extra clothes. However, each cold wind reminds Yunjin that it's good to have something on her. She can't allow herself to get sick.
It's also the time of the year where almost every night sky is littered with dazzling stars that dance on their designated spot, billions of miles away. It's a spectacle, each and every single one of them, so similar yet so different. The human eye cannot escape from this beauty, and Yunjin is no different. She stands there, star struck, the white lights dancing on her irises like it’s the parquet of a musical. Yunjin hums the melody to their performance. 
The bushes behind her rustle once. A dark figure shots out from behind them like a lightning bolt. Yunjin gasps and quickly looks behind her shoulder to see a black ski mask right in her face. Her ensuing scream is muted by a cloth forced into her mouth. She tries to escape, but the person is just too fast. Yunjin is grabbed at the top of her dress and forcefully shoved into a nearby wall.
“Money?” the figure asks in a cold, rough tone. Yunjin tenses up when she feels freezing metal run up her exposed thigh. Her eyes tremble in fear, even more so her legs. She is only held upright by the man's hand and his leg trapping her in between dead concrete and death personified. 
The man tears on Yunjin’s dress and groans angrily. Yunjin is too scared to test his patience, so she shakes her head. Her lips lose all their moisture to the cloth in her mouth, but maybe it’s just traveling to her eyes, to her sweat glands and down low.  
“Not even in that bag? Not even at home?” the man continues to ask. He guides the metal object further up, right to Yunjin’s core. A few swipes on her bundle of nerves make the young woman burst out into tears. It’s certainly not a knife that he is holding. The death bringing object right on her most private part makes her flinch, head shaking rapidly. 
The man grabs her face roughly. It’s like a slap he stopped as soon as he felt her skin. It reassures that the cloth won’t fall out of her mouth. The man groans once again. With small kicks against her shoes he forces Yunjin’s feet further apart. He then leans in right next to her ear.
“I know that you know what this is,” he whispers and presses his gun against Yunjin’s pussy, she wails, “and if you don’t tell me where the fuck I can get my money—tell me, or else.”
The flow of Yunjin’s tears is like an endless waterfall. Her hands are pleaing, begging, showing that she has nothing. No possession at hand, no money, maybe the bag is worth something, but the man does not seem interested in that. He wraps one hand around her gentle, fragile throat and slowly pulls out the gun from underneath her dress. She can look right into the barrel. There is a bullet waiting at the back, her name on it. 
This is it. Everything inside her is building up to this moment. Her body reacts the only way it can, the only way it knows how to, the only way she wants to. Instead of the bullet hitting her, the man shoves his knee in between her legs and pushes up. Yunjin screams against the gag, her fingers dig into her attackers back as she starts to pee violently. The clear stream immediately soaks her thin white panties, then runs down her pale, goosebump covered legs and begins to soak her shoes and his pants. The dark spot seems invisible on his dark pants, but he definitely feels and hears Yunjin’s eruption. 
“Bitch, what the—how dare you!” 
The man pulls out his knee and closely watches as the last sprays of Yunjin’s pee cover the dry asphalt below. He doesn’t even notice the gag falling out of Yunjin’s mouth as she makes no attempts to scream for help. She feels like all her dignity is stripped from her and sobs uncontrollably. Snot and salt water with small hints of make-up mess up her beautiful face, but she doesn’t cover it up. She still holds on to the back of this cruel stranger.
“Bitch, you are crazy.”
“Pl-please d-don’t ki-kill me.”
“Shut up,” he snarls and presses his gun against her panties again, “slowly take them off, or else..”
Yunjin’s throat is dry. Her sobs begin to sound like croaks as she leans down and grabs the wet lingerie. In the most embarrassing performance of her lifetime, she drags down her panties, feeling her own clear, barely gold liquid on her skin. She steps out with one leg, then the other, and both times the man kneads her thighs for a short time. Another breeze flies through her hair, but this time she only notices it because of the freezing touch on her wet core.
“Wring it out. With one hand, right onto the street.”
Yunjin closes her eyes as she closes her fist around her panties. They worked like a sponge and now all of her piss shoots out of the gaps in her hand. She is mortified by how the warm liquid feels on her hand. 
“Fuck, you’re insane,” the man says with awe and amusement and grabs Yunjin’s hair. He yanks her across the street, into the bushes where he came from. Behind them is a small patch of grass, where Yunjin is forced to lay down and spread her legs. She whimpers ‘no, no’ repeatedly, but the threat of the gun is right there, in his hand. Now it’s next to her head as he opens his zipper. 
“Pl-please don’t,” she whispers and her fist forms tighter. It draws even more pee from her panties.
“What’s your name?” the man coldly responds, fishing out his hard cock. 
“Do you want to die, Yunjin.”
“No, please, no!”
“Then shut up—and do it again.”
Yunjin has no idea what he meant by this last statement. However, when he shoves his entire, surprisingly large cock inside her hot cunt, she doesn’t even remember it anymore. To pee in front of a stranger was pure horror, but this takes it to another level. If it weren’t for his hand on her mouth, not even the fear of death would have stopped her from screaming at this feeling. Pain, pain that feels great, fantastic, orgasmic even. Yunjin’s head begins to spin and her eyes roll into the back of her head.
“Hng, fuck,” the man groans and leans down to Yunjin’s face, “Yunjin, you’re fucking pretty. Great to have met you.”
A sinister laugh as he begins to bite the skin on her cheek and then on her shoulder. It’s not enough to leave marks, but definitely enough for Yunjin to feel something other than the cock hammering her pussy. It’s enormous size and width stretch her out more than any of her toys did before. Her flailing legs begin to go numb.
Suddenly, the man pushes his lip-sealing fingers into her mouth. He plays with her tongue, while hitting just the right spot inside her over and over. As she yelps, Yunjin comes to a shocking realization. The water on her face is not just tears, but also drools from the heavy pounding. Her mind becomes blank every now and then. It feels insane, better than anything she tried before. Something is building up in her lower regions and this filthy criminal gets her filthy pussy closer to another release. 
“Do it again, Yunjin,” he huffs into her face while retrieving his fingers from her mouth again— “I know you’re a kinky slut. Do it, or else.” —and wraps them around her delicate throat. Simultaneously, he begins to make out with her drooling mouth and press down on her throat. Yunjin screams into his mouth. Her body has given up. It’s completely resigned to him, but her mind is tormented by the inevitable. 
He hits the right spot, and her bladder is still so full. No, she can’t let it happen. She’d rather die and drown in her own spit and snot. It’s so humiliating, so bad, but at the same, her dopamine level has never been this high, it’s good. It will happen, it will happen, he just needs to tip her over, please tip me over.
“Or else. Now.”
The moment he stops fucking her tight cunt, Yunjin starts to piss again. A violent, clear stream erupts from her and she waters the grass and bushes around her like a gardening hose. Her hips buckle up, but she doesn’t feel his manhood anymore. She opens her teary eyes and sees the man's cockhead above her abdomen, unloading his warm, sticky semen all over the dress. 
Gooey white and runny light-yellow still shoot out of their bodies, but the two are entangled in a sloppy kiss with no care for the mess they are making on each other and the grass below. This might be someone’s property and they will surely notice. Not that Yunjin really cares, as her tongue is thoroughly sucked on and her limbs feel numb from the pleasure filled violation.
Suddenly, he reaches for the pee-soaked panties in her firm grasp. He guides her pale legs together and forces the undergarment up to her still twitching pussy. Yunjin gasps at the sensation of stained, wet clothing forced upon her. She loves how he continues to rub his thumb on her now covered clit and stares at her face, stupid from his attack. 
“Kinky slut. Now fuck off. No cleaning until your home. Or else.”
Quiet. Not a single sound. You’re able to close the door behind you without it creaking. Your wife will probably be asleep by now, but you want to make sure it stays that way. Carefully remove your shoes and sneak over the smooth tiles into the living room. Absolute silence. She is not here. Search in the kitchen, just a light humming of the refrigerator. There is no sound a human would make, until you reach the stairs. 
Wet squelching and soft moans. They get louder with every step you take upwards. You decide to leave the mask on and move faster, still careful to not stir up attention. The sounds of self-satisfaction come from the playroom. Take a look inside and there she is.
Chaewon sits on the couch, panties around her ankles. Three of her fingers slowly move in and out of her pussy as she rubs her clit in circles. She throws her head back against the rest and the moonlight gives you a perfect view of her pleasure ridden face and closed eyes. The squelching gets louder and in between moans, Chaewon forms a clear sentence.
“Yes, fuck her like that. Don’t stop, don’t stop—”
Three quick steps and you’re right in front of the half-naked Chaewon. She pulls her fingers out in shock but you replace the emptiness of her hole with yours immediately after. Chaewon gasps as you lean closer to her and pump slowly.
“My wife is a kinky bitch.”
“Sh-shut up.”
“No, you shut up. Keep imagining it. 
How I fuck your friend as she cries and screams. The way her body trembles while you look from the bushes. The way my cock pierces her pussy until she starts to pee all over herself.”
“Fuck!” Chaewon screams out and her body begins to shake.
“You like that? Then cum for me, Chaewon. 
Or else.”
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anarcoqueer1994 · 2 years ago
Was having bad
gender dysphoria
so I took it out on my comfort characters. Steddie fluff and gender affirmation <3
It's not that Steve necessarily wanted to be a woman all the time. He liked his masculine face, and hairy chest and the hard lines that made up his body. But sometimes he wanted to be seen as feminine, soft, pretty. She wanted to wear delicate little dresses, move gentler, speak softer. She wanted to be called baby girl and princess.
He sometimes felt like a huge contradiction, wanting to be masculine and feminine at the same time, wading between genders. He wants Eddie to call him his good boy, as well as his baby girl. She just wanted to be seen as completely him. Sometimes that him is a her or a they. Steve didn’t have the word for it but knew he wasn't completely a guy.
But he was afraid to tell anyone really. He just came out to the group as bi after they and Eddie started dating. And their friends were all so supportive. But this was scarier because he barely knew how to describe it herself. But she wants to be more open, maybe starting with Eddie.
Steve decided maybe a little date night was the best idea. Invite Eddie over for a home cooked meal, showing him his more feminine side. So that's what she did.
Before Eddie came over Steve needed to get ready. He had picked up a few items from a mall a couple towns over, careful to play it off like he was shopping for his girlfriend. Maybe more than he would like to admit it but he pick out clothes that reminded him of this one picture of Madonna from a magazine he saw last summer. She was in a white lacy, corset dress with a flowing skirt. It had matching arm warmers and a belt that said "Boy Toy", and of course a ton of layered necklaces and big teased hair.
Likewise, his dress was almost identical minus the heart decals on the tulle, white arm warmers, and a few pretty necklaces. He even found the iconic belt, and a pair of matching white pumps. He hopes it all fits, as she could not try on anything in store on out of fear of people finding out. He also picked up some makeup.
When Steve gets home, he gets to work. Eddie would be there in a few hours. He had to be perfect. Steve wanted to shave, thought it would help him feel more feminine, which is what he wanted at the moment. Immediately things start going wrong.
He knicks up his legs shaving, not even attempting his chest. He felt even less femenine with the tiny cuts on his legs. He hated to admit it but she likes the chest hair. Suddenly he felt an overwhelming sense of fraud. Maybe he couldn't be feminine? Do baby girls have broad shoulders and a hairy chest?
She tries to move past it, but the rest of the process doesn't go better. The panties weren't quite the right size to hold him in, the arm warmers didn't quite look as dainty and pretty as they did on Madonna's slender arms. The hair band looked silly in his hair, the necklaces lay over his exposed chest hair, and dress is tight on his broad shoulders. When she puts on the eye shadow and soft pink lip gloss, she doesn't feel pretty at all. Just feels like a fraud. The final straw is when's Steve twists his ankle trying to walk in the pumps.
She looses it, dropping to the ground by her bed, burying her face in her knees. She doesn't know why she can't stop crying. All she wants to do is throw all this shit out and pretend it never happened.
She is so caught up in his own sadness, that Steve doesn't hear the front door opening, Eddie knowing he can let himself in. He goes upstairs looking for Steve. Steve doesn’t notice as Eddie gets to the doorway. Eddie is confused why Steve is sitting in a dress crying on the floor, but more importantly he is so worried about him.
He walks over, dropping to his knees next to Steve. "Baby, what's going on?" Eddie’s voice is soft.
Steve freezes realizing Eddie is here already. He refuses to take her head out of their knees, feeling humiliated. He just whimpers "Can you just go please?"
Eddie gently puts his hand on Steve’s shoulder. "No can do, sweetheart. Can't leave my baby like this."
Steve tilts his head up, tear filled eyes meeting Eddie’s. Makeup smudges from crying. "Eds, please. Just forget you ever saw this, it was dumb."
"Stevie, I promise you, whatever is going on is not dumb. Now won't you tell me what's wrong?" Eddie is soft, hand resting on Steve’s shoulder, careful to give them space though.
Steve sniffles, "I'm what's wrong, Eddie." another tear falls down his face. "I like being a guy, I do. But I...sometimes want to wear dresses, and be looked at like a girl, and just be beautiful. I want you to see me as both and neither, and I can't even explain. And I just look like some fraud in this dress, not pretty like Nancy or Robin. So I am not doing this right. My body is all wrong for it. And apparently I can't even be your boyfriend right, because I'm not good at always being a boy." Steve is shaking, tears falling freely.
Without a second thought, Eddie throws his arms around Steve, pulling them close. He whispers "Shh baby, shhh. It's alright." He runs his fingers through Steve’s hair, tracing little circle on his back with his other hand. After a while Steve’s breathing returns to normal, tears drying up.
They break apart, with Eddie standing up. Offering his hand to Steve. "Let’s see this dress, Stevie."
Steve shakes his head. "It's fine. I promise. We can pretend this never happened. "
Eddie knows Steve doesn't want that, can tell Steve really wants this, and all Eddie wants is to love and support Steve. He looks down, still offering his hand. "Come on, baby girl, won't you please show me, darling."
Steve feels this instant surge of euphoria, hearing Eddie call her baby girl. A blush covers her face, but silently taking Eddie’s hand, letting Eddie pull them up.
Steve nervously plays with the hem of one of the white lace arm warmers, refusing to meet Eddie’s eyes, terrified Eddie will see how pathetic he actually was, that he looked stupid dressed like this. The white dress and hair bow conflicting with his hairy chest and broad shoulders. The makeup didn't look right on his strong face.
But Eddie’s face is glowing, smiling like and idiot at Steve. "You look gorgeous, princess. "
Steve looks up, meeting his eyes. "I do?"
"Absolutely. You are so fucking hot however you feel, or dress like. And this pretty little dress makes your little waist look so dainty. You look so tiny baby." Eddie’s voice is low. He steps closer wrapping his arms around Steve's waste. "Can I kiss you sweetheart? Are you going to be my good girl?"
Steve nods, whispering "Yes, Eddie. Please let me be your good girl. Kiss me, please." He whines. Steve feels like he his heart may rip out of his chest and fly around the room, so full and light. He wanted to be able to float between genders and Eddie makes them feel like they can do that.
Eddie crashes their lips together, smiling as he tastes the strawberry lip gloss. He can feel Steve melting against his lips. When he pulls away, they are both nothing but smiles: Steve feeling seen and Eddie head over heals for every part of Steve.
He whispers "Baby girl, there is only one problem with this outfit."
Steve stiffens in his arms. "What is it?" Nerves taking over.
"You are just so so fucking beautiful, I will only be able to focus on ways to get you out of it." He smiles before pulling Steve back in for another needy kiss.
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madhatterbri · 3 years ago
Something More | B.Z.
Tumblr media
(Shout out to the creator of the gif)
"Blaise, I love you," a raven-haired woman confessed and stared into his brown eyes. They were both in his bed. Their bodies covered by a thin sheet. His handsome tan face twisted in confusion. He thought everything was going so well and now she had to ruin it. Love wasn't real. There was no such thing as love. His mother made sure to teach him that. His mother only cared about money and having someone to warm her bed at night. Their chimney constantly had men flooing in and out. His mother wasn't exactly a one-man kind of gal. "Blaise?"
"I don't love you," he confessed not showing an ounce of concern for her feelings. She gasped and sat up wrapping the sheet around her.
"What?" She asked her voice cracking. Her face red from humiliation.
"Why are you doing this?" He asked impatiently. "It was sex. It was always sex and now you have to ruin it by catching feelings. My own parents don't love me. Why would you?"
A tear slid down her cheek.
"How can you say that to me? You are all I think about and I always want to make you happy,"
"Then get another hobby,"
Evie Flint sat at her desk at the Ministry of Magic. She was done. Done with trying to convince Blaise Zabini to see that they were perfect for each other. The woman was foolish to think after she nearly lost her life at the Battle of Hogwarts that he would change. Lately, Evie was throwing herself into work to forget about him. She would come early and leave late. The pattern seemed to be working. She was crying less at home and thriving at her job. Her boss started to take notice of her achievements. Maybe she only needed to be humiliated to be the perfect worker.
Pansy Parkinson came rushing into her office and closed the door behind her. She seemed in a rush to find her.
"Good morning to you as well, Parkinson," she sighed reading over the documents once more. The wizarding world was still trying to figure out the witches and wizards to punish for their crimes.
"Why have you been avoiding me?" Pansy asked with her arms crossed. She sat down on the chairs across from Evie's desk.
"Please, get comfortable,"
"Answer the question, Flint. Where have you been?"
"Working, which you should be doing," she rolled her eyes at the annoying woman. Pansy huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.
"What happened between you and Blaise?"
"He wanted me for sex. I wanted him for love," she answered hoping she wouldn't continue to pry. Unfortunately, the complete opposite happened.
"What? Is that what he told you?"
"Yeah, so I am sorry that I didn't want to play pretend that we are all still friends,"
"He hasn't been going out either. Now it all makes sense,"
"Yeah, he has a new victim. Please leave? I have things to do," she asked her friend. Pansy rolled her eyes and stood up from her chair.
"This isn't over, Flint," she vowed before leaving.
Evie rolled her eyes and continued on with her work. She decided to leave at normal time today. Pansy caused her to overthink and now she was left with a headache. The woman gathered all of her belongings and left. No special events happened on the way home. She unlocked her door and walked inside. She placed all her things in their proper place and walked towards her room. She stopped upon seeing someone sitting on her bed. A tall, skinny tan man with black hair sat down staring away from the door. Blaise.
"What do you think you are doing here?" She asked walking towards him. She stood next to him with her arms crossed. Blaise slowly turned and looked at her. Evie never saw his current state. His eyes were bloodshot. She wasn't sure if it was a mixture of crying and drinking. His clothes were disheveled. This was not the Blaise she had grown up with. The hatred she held for him quickly subsided. She sat next to him and wrapped his arms around him. Blaise rested his head against her shoulder. She placed a hand on his head and rubbed it slowly. He allowed her to rub his back. He slowly closed his eyes allowing the only person that ever loved him to show him. He placed his hand on her arm not wanting to ever let go.
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plush-rabbit · 3 years ago
Poly!Yandere! Big Three in a Relationship
Request: Maybe poly!yandere! Big Three x reader? Maybe sfw and nsfw hcs? 👉👈
A/N: I really like the big three. I think they’re really interesting characters and i hope we get more of them
Being in a relationship with the Big Three would be anyone’s dream. They’re all attractive, high-ranking heroes, and seem to get along great with each other. It’s the dream to be in their relationship. They’re fawned over and most people would gladly trade places with you. To date the Big Three is truly something to be proud of. They might be obsessive, but that only adds to their charm. Who can blame them? When you’re heroes, you make enough enemies eventually. They only want to protect you and if that means using their connections and resources to figure where you are and with you, then it might be a bit extensive, but it’s only because they care for you so much.
While polyamorous relationships aren't unusual in hero society, it is still a bit of a rarity- especially when they seem perfect like the Big Three. You have the childhood best friends, the beauty queen, and then you, the sweet, little naïve partner who is coddled and cared for. You’re the talk of the news- magazines, headlines, interviews and whatever else there could be, it’s about you and your relationship. While you would have preferred to be kept on the sidelines- the less that know, the better- they can’t help but be thrilled. Now people will know who you belong to without having to say a word. It’s a nice relationship, where they each hold a different part of power over you, keeping you nice and submissive, letting you fall onto their lap as they tell you that you can’t go anywhere now. You can’t start a new life when everyone knows who you are and who you are dating.
Tamaki still holds a bit of his more introverted nature, and when he isn’t out protecting society, he’s at home with you. He has you in his strong grip, sitting beside him as he bulks up for his next day on the job. He loves to touch you, to have you on his lap as his face is buried in your chest, his nails pressing into your skin, dragging down when you try to move away from him. When Tamai is in charge of you, he hardly ever lets you go out. He much rather have you to himself, where no one can witness you nor him. There really is no escape in the home that you share. He knows all the hiding places, and has made sure- along with Mirio- to place cameras where he thinks that you would hide. If you ever seem to entertain the idea of leaving, he’d fall into such a depressive state that the rest of the household would be angry towards you and you can’t have that.
Nejire is sweet. She holds a bit of motherly tendencies, cooking for you, bathing you, and even dressing you up as if you were her little doll. She loves to keep you in such a cute state, to make sure that you look the best that you can be- after all, you are dating the Big Three. Her curious nature makes it perfect- she’s so calming to talk to that you often forget just how powerful she is, just how much control she has over you. All your worries and insecurities are questioned, counter-attacked, and in turn, when he brushes just a bit too harshly on your hair, she reminds you that you can’t really break-up with them if you wanted to. It wouldn’t work out. You don’t have friends. You’ve cut off your family. Who would ever take you in? Especially if they learned just how heartbroken they were if it were your fault.
Mirio is the one who treats you with the most care, he hardly ever gets angry at you. He really is like the sun- bright and all consuming. If you’ve ever gotten into a spat with another, he’s always the first to help you mend things. He’ll do anything to make you smile and will gift you whatever you need in order for that. In turn, all that he asks for is that you stay around him for the longest. Just latch onto him and let him worry about everything that has to do with the household. If you need to go out, he’s sure that Nejire can make time and in turn, he’ll let you take his card- seeing as you don’t have one. He’s so happy, so cheerful, that when he does get angry, it’s terrifying. Tamaki was right. There really is nowhere to hide in the home, because he always seems to find you. His grip is firm, digging and bruising your skin as he tells you to never disobey and run off again. Once done, he flips the switch and he’s wiping your tears and telling you another joke as he pulls you to his arms.
While having a train or a foursome isn’t all that uncommon, they also like to take turns. Tamaki will fill you with his quirk, tentacles inside of you as his cock is buried deep inside of your aching hole. In the sidelines, Nejire will have her hand wrapped around Mirio, and you’re sure if there weren’t tears in your eyes, you’d see her spirals flickering in and out. Mirio’s fingers will be buried knuckle deep as they watch Tamaki rail you. Nejire will have her tongue lap at your sex, her quirk in effect, your body tense and on pins and needles as she keep you close to her, suckling on your sweet arousal. Mirio and Tamaki will have their hands on each other’s cocks, Tamaki’s face red as he watches you orgasm while Mirio pumps his cock, even if semen has spilled. Mirio will be relentless, pushing your face into the mattress, his hands gripping and teasing at your pebbled nipples. Nejire will be perched above on Tamaki's cock, both trying to watch as Mirio fucks you senseless.
If you did fail to listen to either of them, then they’re less than kind to you. They’ll spread your legs, tease at your waiting hole and press soft kisses against your slit, as they tie your ankles and wrists. A vibrator is pushed inside of you, your body shaking and teased at by either their mouths or hands. They edge you until you’re crying. Tears streaming down your face and wetting the bed sheet under you, your hands in tight fists as you beg and cry to not misbehave again. You have to promise to do better. To smile more and hold their hand, to listen when they say that they’re tired from work. You have to be a good little house pet, and know them. They care for you of course, but it’s hard to believe that when they keep rejecting your orgasm just to see you cry.
They all really just like to see your face contort into something less than innocent. They want to see you cry, to see you shake and beg for them to slow down or to give you a break, but they won’t. You have to please three different people who all have amazing stamina and at the end of it, you’re left overstimulated. Your body shakes throughout the night and any type of touch is jolts of electricity shot through you. And even then, when you’re crying and gripping onto scarred skin, your pleas of rest are shushed with a kiss as you’re lowered onto a cock to sit on. If it isn’t cockwarming, then you're meant to kiss at Nejire’s cunt until she lets you up, but there’s also a part of her that just wants to please you. She’ll kiss at your sex and suckle on your arousal until you’re patting at the top of her head to let you rest, that’s it all too much.
This is more of Nejire’s thing, but she loves to have you suck on her breasts. It’s one of the few times she isn’t trying to fight for your attention or get jealous at how the others make you cream all over their cocks. She gets to have you for herself. To feel your mouth latch onto her nipple and tease the hard bud with the tip of your tongue. It’s the few times you ever get to have her so nurturing. To pet your hair and have her other hand teasing with your sex. All you have to do is suckle on her breast, to hollow your cheeks and beg for her to make you orgasm while her fingers are deep inside of you massaging at your gummy walls that clench around her. It’s one of the few times that she’ll ever be sweet during sex- petting your hair, allowing you to cream, and rest. All you have to do is nurse on her and thank her.
In the earlier parts of the relationship, you still wanted your freedom, you wanted to go out and live a life separate from them, but they were able to snuff that flame out. Even now, you hold onto your stubbornness and they can’t help but coo at how silly you’ve gotten. They'll wrap a collar around your neck and force you to walk around on your hands as you don puppy ears with a tail placed inside of you. You aren’t allowed to walk on all fours, or speak and if you want something, you’ll have to nudge at a leg and point at what you want. It’s humiliating but you can see just how much it arouses them- the tent in their pants, the hands that pull on your nipples, the way the toy is moved around inside of you. You’ll learn our place soon enough and when you have, they’ll treat you to something nice as a reward.
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