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f-15-h · 11 months ago
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Black shadow earth mode I guess
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Just to clarify a himbo has to be a feminist, anti-racist and an ally right? Those are qualifications?
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downs1de-has-moved · 9 months ago
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@himbovillains: "Hand it over. I know you have it." (from Wilson)
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Who’s barging into his office uninvited, on his time of leisure?  Why, it is no other than boy wonder oncologist, James Wilson, demanding that he return something of importance to him.
After years of having things “borrowed”, he’ll have to be more specific.
Reclining in his office chair with his feet propped up on the desk, House barely looks up from the news magazine he’s pretending to read.
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"Have what? I don’t know what you’re talking about."
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bleakfated · 1 year ago
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@himbovillains asked: ❝ you look too good for a pickup line, so let's cut to the chase — wanna fuck? ❞ from the cringy lines meme !!
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❝ you know you're lucky you're so easy on the eyes if that's what you're going with. ❞ despite her counter, there's obvious signs that she is at the very least amused by his words. the uptick of the corner of her lips, the heat rising to her cheeks, she would hide them if she could to really sell the feigned annoyance. truth was, dean had a pull on her since the night they had met... despite him checking many boxes in the signs of a heartbreaker list. that was evidenced enough by the fact she actually has a dress on, something she was hardly ever keen on wearing -- even when she was a young girl. ❝ i thought we were going out. afraid you can't behave yourself like a good boy for a couple of hours? ❞
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billietherock · 9 months ago
The Demon Lord of Indiscriminate Ultra-violence- Wrath.
This is Wrath. He seems shy and quiet most of the time, preferring the company of creatures and animals to his own people.
However, pissing him off is not a good idea since once his anger starts it’s almost impossible to stop.
When enraged, he destroys with almost no thought. Razing villages and cities to the ground. (You see, it’s fancy cause I used Raze with a “Z”.)
He’s a straight Ally, although he doesn’t currently have any romantic interest in anyone.
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infamousrake · 10 months ago
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❛⠀ is that so?⠀ ❜⠀ lounging back on his chair, simon quirks a brow at her in challenge, arms lazily crossed over his chest. his duchess had been explaining, in great detail, her plans for the season; several of which included his willing and cooperative presence in places he hoped he would never step foot in again, his status as a happily married man saving him from hearing the smythe-smith quartet ever again.⠀ ❛⠀ i detect a flaw in your plans, my dear.⠀ ❜⠀
@himbovillains ⸺ sc
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bcbliophile · 8 months ago
☎ for modern colin !
NAME: Colin 🍰
RINGTONE: Something in the orange
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED:  Be back in a week !
LAST TEXT SENT: Meeting with the publisher went good, they signed me on for all five books !
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dutybcund · 9 months ago
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" you, sister, are looking intolerably smug... " there is a note of irritation in his voice, but it cannot overwhelm the amusement he clearly feels as he settles into the chair across from her. the journey to clyvedon had not been especially arduous - certainly not compared to the other travels he and kate had taken of late. but it had been long overdue. even now, perhaps, he would not admit how much he had missed her since her marriage. but it made the reunion more than welcome...
well, at lest until she had fixed him with such a superior look. " go on, then. say what is on your mind - you always do... " he suspects he is in for some iteration of 'i told you so' - which, in all honesty, is likely warranted...
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@himbovillains --> starter call.
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maramcna · 10 months ago
@himbovillains sc
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"It doesn't make a lot of sense, but… can I even say something like this? I missed you."
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crosaidi · 1 year ago
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015. the wine cellar of a large mansion . ( for felix pls xo ) @himbovillains ⇢ setting prompts
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This  entire  place  bleeds  a  lifestyle  that  he’s  not  so  much  unfamiliar  with,  but  one  that  he  certainly  has  some opinions  on.  He’s  often  critical  of  those  who  live  in  such  means,  but  this  place  has  been  abandoned  for  a  time  and  is  showing  it  well.
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"  —— this  bloody  bottle’s  shaped  like  a  ——  "  And  his  brows  crinkle  and  he  holds  it  up,  eyeing  it  this  way  and  that.  The  glass  is  sculpted,  to  be  sure  —— in  the  shape  of  the  head  of  some  kind  of  animal,  the  neck  of  the  bottle  the  creature’s  snout,  the  cork  clenched  between  its  teeth.  It’s  not  particularly  finely  crafted,  but  it’s  not  poorly  done,  either;  perhaps  the  work  of  an  apprentice.  He's dubious. "  —— a  dog  maybe?  "
He  huffs  a  breath,  impatient,  but  passes  it  over  for  inspection,  and  wanders  off  through  the  racks,  prodding  about  here  and  there.  It’s  chilly  in  here,  the  room  still  well-stocked  and  well-preserved.  There’s  a  wealth  of  alcohol  in  here.  "  Shit.  I’m  surprised  all  this  is  still  down  here.  "
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vntagetee · 1 year ago
﹙  starter. ﹚chase / holden﹙ @himbovillains ﹚
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HEELS  CLICKING  ON  the  concrete  steps,  chase  moved  through  the  double  doors  of  fbi  headquarters  and  signed  in  at  the  front  desk.  a  bundle  of  nerves  were  still  sitting  in  the  pit  of  her  stomach.  it  was  the  first  time  she’d  been  asked  to  consult  with  the  fbi  after  the  release  of  her  best-selling  book  about  serial  killers.  the  prospect  of  being  involved  with  bigger  cases  was  exciting,  but  also  daunting.  women  in  the  industry  were  few  and  far  between  and  she  didn’t  exactly  fit  that  mold.  briefcase  in  hand,  chase  searched  the  large  office  for  a  man’s  name,  but  couldn’t  find  it,  so  she  knocked  on  the  door  with  a  name  she  did  recognize.  “agent  ford?  dr.  chase  meridian.”
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doctordonovan · 1 year ago
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❝ you look like you've got something to say. ❞ | holden
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scientist's silence isn't a tense thing, isn't something that begs  &&   pleads to be broken.  outside of her lectures, outside of the moments where brunette decides to be, she is easy to overlook. she likes it that way - or at least appears to - content with fading out of mind and out of sight until there's a reason for her to break it. yet she reads through findings with careful precision, eyes too quick in scanning paper for most to comfortably believe that she's truly reading at all. 
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❝ I always have lots to say, @himbovillains. ❞ there's subtle humour to it, signature dryness in tone, though she pauses again to scribble something in the margins of paper. ❝ haven't you noticed my constantly chattering personality? ❞ one thing brunette has never been described as, too quiet for most people's comforts. ❝ or do you mean you think I have something relevant to share? ❞
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bleakfated · 1 year ago
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@himbovillains asked: 014, a kitchen during a black out, surrounded by candles. set the scene meme !!
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❝ power company says its gonna be another god damn four hours, at least. leave it to rufus to not have a cheap generator for this place. ❞ the surly old man attitude was in part brought on by the fact that he didn't have his own home to go back to. calling his now dead, long-estranged friend's cabin home while he collected copies of all of his occult books had left little to be happy about. now, he and dean were surrounded by said books and enough candles to fuel a firefighter's worst nightmares in an attempt to get information about taking down the leviathan. bobby's eyes aren't what they used to be, especially with small fonts by the candlelight... and they still have jack squat about what they could use to make dick roman tick.
at least they had a landline, one that he'd rigged to take his cellphone calls as that had died hours ago. he pulled a cold beer out of the fridge on his way back to the small kitchen table, exasperation wearing both his patience and motivation thin. one glance at the book as he cracks open his new beer and he's resolved. he'll light up one of the burners and fix something to eat. ❝ when's the last time you ate, dean? think i've still got a can of chili. chef's specialty. ❞
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sarishim · 1 year ago
It's no reason to freak out like a jerk and try to kill all of humanity. ( from dean !! )
“well, yeah. obviously.” throwing his hands up somewhat dramatically, he scoffed. “i know that now.” g-d damn, remind him to never tell dean of gabriel’s own mood swings; this one? entailing when he destroyed sodom and gomorrah; marking the few good people on their foreheads. it was strange to remember. he hadn’t actually changed as much as he thought he did. “can you blame me, though? — i mean.. okay. would you nuke las vegas if it was full of .. i don’t know, vampires or something? like that’s it. just monsters, less than 50 actual people there, and you’re able to get them out.”
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dolcesuono · 1 year ago
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@firstbcrn / @himbovillains said: don’t you recognize me ?
she stiffened. it had been bad enough to see him. to hear his voice was even worse. how many years had passed since the cold, angry goodbye? two? three? ... no. there was little point in pretending she'd lost count. the date was seared into her mind along with the way the room had looked, the waistcoat he'd been wearing, the way the room smelled of a too-smokey fire... the time apart had done little to dull the memory or to lessen the sting. but how could it have? when the consequences of their little entanglement slept soundly back in her apartment across town?
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when she turned to him at last, there was a frozen smile on her lips - so far from the warm, genuine one he had once been able to coax from her. " recognize you? of course, my lord! you are not an easy man to forget... " she said it lightly, as if the truth beneath those words was not as agonizing as the look in his dark eyes. they were eyes she still saw daily, after all. " i thought you had vanished from society altogether... " the comment was not totally fair. indeed, it was she who had suddenly found herself... induced to accept a season contract in milan in the immediate aftermath of their affair. she would have accepted anything that took her so far from london. when she returned, though, she had been surprised - and secretly pained - not to cross his path. even it it had been for the best.
" you must tell me everything you've been up to... " there was no warmth in her eyes. but she was determined that he would not see any deeper into her heart. never again.
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bcbliophile · 11 months ago
@himbovillains Pre-season one Polin.
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This was her last Christmas she would be allowed to run off to Aubrey Hall with Eloise, next year she would hopefully be married and while Eloise viewed that as a death sentence, she was more hopeful that maybe someone would finally see her. . . Then again that someone was currently picking at the serving trey of mini quiches like a vulture so who knew. . .In all honesty she would likely get married off for money or put on the shelf by her Mama before he was ever interested in marriage.
"Should you really be eating all of those? Supper starts soon" she teased, dressed in a dark green for once instead of a horrid yellow for Christmas Eve. She stood at the small table with him, holding her glass of cider to warm her hands, having made the mistake of admiring the snow covered grounds in the middle of a snowball fight between siblings, she was all but tackled to safety by what she could only describe is a war general that possessed Daphne's body. Her gift to Colin sat under the tree and she was excited to give it to him.
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